#dad vestra
askhubertvonvestra · 1 year
Kid Hubert: Father said we're not to cry.
Adult Hubert: That's because Father is incapable of human emotion. You are 10. Cry if you feel like it.
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randomnameless · 8 months
Hi, I was talking with some friends, and wanted some help double checking some 3H shenanigans and figured you'd be the best to ask. Do you know when in the game Ionius's whole wives situation got mentioned and what he did that got all the nobles to depose him? I remember something about concubines, but don't know where exactly in the game it was talked about to check and cite. Thank you very much if you're able to help!
I hope I can help then!
In Hubert and Hanneman's C support, it's more or less explained, by Hanneman that Ionius wanted to concentrate power on himself :
In your father's defense, the emperor was attempting to take power from the Seven Houses. The emperor's reform was an attempt to concentrate power in the hands of the throne.
While Hubert presents it the other way :
He conspired with the ministers to usurp power from the emperor. And Lady Edelgard...
But both he and Hanneman later agree, in their B support, that Hubert is aware he is not very objective.
The Jp version gives a bit more insight on Hanneman's explanations, that were removed from the localised version for... well, I suppose, some reasons I still can't understand?
当時の陛下は、“七貴族”と呼ばれる 大貴族や外戚の特権を徐々に廃止し…
There's a mention of the consort kin, that is absent in the localised version.
This translation translated it as :
At that time, His Majesty was gradually abolishing the privileges of the consort kin and the ones referred to as “The Seven Aristocrats” – the great noble [families]
Ionius was thus trying to centralise power on himself, remove privileges and powers of the 7 and the consort kin.
Now, unlike some other settings, Ionius having consorts isn't that developped in Fodlan, so we don't have any clues, in canon, about what those privileges are. We can only surmise things here'n'there based on rl, I guess, as long as it doesn't contradict canon.
So, what could have been those consort kin privileges?
Let's take the Arundel example.
Anselma is wooed by Ionius, bears him a daughter, but doesn't become his official/legal/legitimate wife. She becomes his consort wife.
What is she going to do? She cannot marry someone else, Papa Arundel "lost" his daughter and cannot secure a good wedding for her (as is apparently the fate of Adrestian noblewomen?) because she's already one of Ionius's consort. Hell, given how their daughter isn't the next in line for the Imperial succession, Anselma's role is very shaky -
In Fates, we have the background concubine wars, where the goal was to have their kid become the heir (iirc?) so they would have a place by the King's side, or at least not be demoted as "extras" when the kid from another mother will become, well, king.
In Fodlan, from this line, we know the "kin" of the Imperial consorts had some "privileges" - a sort of crass way to say the Emperor gives them "stuff" so they will shut up if he "wooes" a daughter, relegates her as a baby maker and doesn't marry her, thus her "market value" drops and the resulting child is only an extra?
From the Libary, it's confirmed that :
House Arundel Formerly a minor noble house of the Empire. As head of the house, when Volkhard's younger sister became betrothed to Emperor Ionius IX, Volkhard was granted the title of Lord Arundel. Having worked closely with House Aegir, House Arundel is seen as one of the chief instigators of the Insurrection of the Seven.
House Arundel became "important" when Anselma was wooed by Ionius and became his wife (consort wife though!).
So when Ionius wants to remove the consort kin privileges, aka giving some importance to the families of the women he "wooes", Arundel isn't super happy and spearheads the insurrection.
Now, why was that system created? Was it a way to prevent the Emperor from, say, having their cake and eating it, aka, seducing women, giving them kids and then throwing them (both?) away without strings attached? Or to make sure consort wife #7 will have a role somewhere, and her family will get a "compensation" for her loss?
Or worse, the "consort kin" privileges maybe also applied to the children of the consorts - they would have a lower rank compared to the children of the legitimate wife - but still be worth something?
The Adrestian Imperial family is sadly under utilised, so we don't a thing about what was the status of the consorts or their children (they just poof away in the game events, we never hear anything about Ionius's surviving consorts or his legitimate wife!) - but we know there used to be some sort of compensation (super dowry?) Ionius/the Emperor had to give to families of the women he screwed -
And from what the JP version of Hubert and Hanneman's support says, Ionius wanted to get rid of that.
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givemeallyourpenny · 4 months
In their paired ending Constance and Jeritza settled down in Nuvelle and we’d in their rosegarden
In their paired ending Petra and Hubert settle down in Nuvelle, do you think they also wed in the rose garden?
I like to think that all of the black eagles wed in the rose garden, in fact they all had their weddings at the same time!
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kumeko · 5 months
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A/N: For the Solitary Solace zine! The hard part of being a multishipper is wanting to write all the ships and not having the time to do so, so I cheat like this and smush them all together. XD Lots of ship teasing and 1 uncle teasing because I can't not put in Alois and his dad jokes
The only good days were cloudy days. Actually, no, as far as Bernadetta was concerned, the only good days were rainy days. No one forced her to go out on rainy days and she could hide in her room for as long as she wanted. The second-best days were the cloudy ones, when people didn’t like to linger outside, when they just looked at their feet and were fine with ignoring good ol’ Bernie as she went about her business.
That was probably the only reason she agreed to garden with Edelgard. Well, that and her Venus flytrap needed repotting.
Somehow, a simple task was starting to look like a workout. Bernadetta wiped her sweat, streaking soil across her forehead.
“Why is the dirt so heavy?” she grumbled, glaring at the bag of potting soil at her feet. Just who had thought it’d be a good idea to put all those bags in the far corner of the greenhouse, away from the tables?
“Need a hand?” Edelgard asked, looking up from her neat row of tomatoes. They all looked perfectly aligned. Bernadetta sometimes wondered if either she or Hubert were human, but she hadn’t figured out the answer to that yet.
“Yes—No, I’m good,” she quickly corrected herself, grabbing the potting soil bag again and ineffectively dragging it away. Considering how much of a stickler Edelgard was for practicality, she probably wouldn’t appreciate Bernadetta wasting resources on a plant that they couldn’t even eat. Maybe she’d toss the plant on the ground.
Or maybe she’d feed Bernadetta to it. There was a play with a plot like that, right?
“It’s clearly too heavy for you.” Edelgard stuck her trowel in the dirt before getting up. It was funny how normal she looked, dressed down in white buttoned-up shirt and black tights. She looked like any other student and not the Emperor. Grabbing the other end of the bag, she hoisted it up. “Here.”
Bernadetta cried out, almost falling over in surprise. “D-don’t scare me like that.”
Edelgard regarded her coolly. “I thought we already went over this? If you can’t handle your allies approaching you, how are you to deal with our enemies?”
“That’s…” She bit her lip. Honestly, if she just got to stay in her room, she wouldn’t have to worry about any of that. Other people could fight the war, she could live with any victor. Before Bernadetta could reply, Edelgard already started pulling the bag and guiding them to the potting area.
“Sometimes you worry me,” Edelgard sighed, though she didn’t sound angry or even disappointed. Just concerned. It was an odd sound.
Bernadetta didn’t know what to make of it. “Sorry.”
Edelgard waved it off. “It’s fine. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. That’s why we work on them and improve.”
“Is that why you’re here?” Bernadetta blurted out before she could stop herself. Unfortunately, she was holding a heavy bag and couldn’t cover her mouth or crouch and hide. Turning red, she hastily explained, “Gardening, I mean. Not that you’re a bad gardener but—”
“It’s fine, I get it.” Edelgard chuckled. “This isn’t the place you’d expect to find an Emperor, right? But that’s part of the new world we’re creating. Anyone can be anywhere, do anything. Even emperors and gardening.”
“And the vegetables?” Bernadetta asked, still expecting the bolt of lightning.
“Well, they’re practical plants and we have to eat. Even more—is that your old flytrap?” She paused, raising a brow.
Dropping her side of the bag, Bernadetta ran to her plant and hunched over it protectively. “Ahh, I’m sorry—please don’t destroy it—or me, don’t destroy me either, oh I should have known better than to—”
Edelgard stumbled backward slightly at the unexpected release. Regaining her balance, she owlishly blinked as Bernadetta prattled on. “What?”
Bernadetta moaned. Of course, she wouldn’t agree. “I knew it, it was too much to ask for, make the execution quick, oh I just can’t bear to watch—”
“No, that’s not—” Edelgard sighed, setting down the bag entirely. Slowly, like approaching a wounded animal, she stepped closer. “Why would I toss your plant?”
“Then you’ll toss me?” she gasped.
“No, I won’t do either.” There was a touch of impatience in her voice, but Edelgard kept her tone neutral. “Is this the same one from five years ago? It’s a lot bigger now.”
“You won’t?” Hesitantly, Bernadetta straightened, though she kept the plant close.
“I won’t,” Edelgard repeated flatly.
“Oh, good.” Bernadetta sighed with relief. “It has gotten really big—you’re not going to feed me to it, are you?”
Edelgard only sighed.
Bernadetta had never been afraid of ghosts and things in the dark. The dark was her friend, one of the few places where no one bothered her. She had many fond memories of walking through her school’s halls in the middle of the night.
Unfortunately, all of that was before the monastery got partially destroyed. The buildings were full of holes and burn marks, small gaps and collapsed hallways. Small rats ran in hidden tunnels and the whole building felt like a graveyard. Actually, it sorta was a graveyard, and that was partially her fault, if there were any angry spirits, they were definitely out to get her.
Like she didn’t have enough things trying to kill her as it was.
A pebble skittered across the floor and Bernadetta instinctively grabbed Hubert’s arm, pulling him close. “W-What was that?”
To his credit, Hubert didn’t so much as stiffen at the sudden contact, used to this from their many patrols together. Lifting their lamp, he moved the pool of light left and right before shaking his head. “Your own foot, most likely.”
“Oh.” Embarrassed, she pulled away. Not too far; the next one could be an actual attack, after all. As scary as Hubert was, he could scare away any ghost with just a glare. Though…he wasn’t that bad. Bernadetta glanced at the flower patch on his sleeve and smiled. No, he was actually quite kind.
“I am surprised that scared you,” he added, amused, before continuing their patrol.
“It’s dark,” Bernadetta protested, sticking right next to them as they checked the empty halls. “And it’s scary and we have the army, right? Can’t they patrol? At least at night, when there’s,” she dropped her voice to a hushed whisper, “ghosts and stuff.”
“Ghosts?” Hubert raised a brow, glancing at her. “I didn’t think you were afraid of ghosts.”
“I’m not usually, but…we kinda…you know.” Bernadetta gestured around them nervously. “And if anyone wanted revenge…well…now’s a good time.”
Hubert replied wryly, “I doubt that will happen.”
“You don’t believe in ghosts?” she asked, not entirely surprised. Between him and Edelgard, they had the market cornered on bravery and fearlessness. If only she could bottle up their strength and use it on herself.
“Not particularly. Even if there were…” Hubert trailed off, looking at her now. “Well, it’s the living that scares me more.”
Bernadetta lowered her eyes and leaned on him. “That’s…a good point.” It wasn’t a ghost, after all, who’d lock her in her room, threatening her. It wasn’t a ghost who attacked her when she went out. No, those were her father, bandits, enemies, people, all of whom were all too solid and all too real. “Yeah, they’re a lot scarier.”
“See? Nothing to be afraid of,” Hubert added gently.
In the distance, she heard another pebble roll across the floor. A ghost wouldn’t do that. A ghost couldn’t do that.
No, a person could, and the monastery was full of people. People armed to the teeth with swords, daggers, and magic. Clinging to Hubert again, she wailed, “That just made things worse!”
Ferdinand’s tea was just like the man himself. Bernadetta inhaled the soft rose scent before taking a sip of the gentle, sweet tea. It was strange to think that for months, she’d been terrified of him. It was even stranger to think that they might have been engaged, once upon a time.
In another world, maybe they would have had tea like this on a regular basis and not just when they had a break from their wartime duties. Then again, in another life they might not have even become friends, and Bernadetta doubted she’d feel this comfy with someone she didn’t know. Well, ‘comfy’ in the sense that she didn’t mind their little tea breaks in the courtyard.
“Do you like it?” Ferdinand asked, his eyes bright as he watched her across the table.
“It’s good,” Bernadetta mumbled, never sure how to handle herself when he stared at her like that. She wasn’t used to the attention, and Ferdinand always gave his full attention to whoever he was with. It was like being in a spotlight. Oddly enough, she didn’t entirely hate it.
Pleased, Ferdinand smiled and took a sip himself. “I thought you would quite like the rose blend. It is mixed with some Queen of the Night, a flower that made me think of you.”
He was making fun of her. Bernadetta didn’t know how, didn’t know why, but at her core she was certain that it was true. She’d catch him in the act one day and—well, she wasn’t sure what she’d do, but she’d catch him one day. Picking up her needle, she returned to her sewing and shrugged noncommittally. “You really like flower teas?”
“There are few things better than their delicate flavours.” Setting down his cup, Ferdinand clasped his hands and rested his chin on his knuckles. “Another doll?”
Feeling embarrassed, Bernadetta nodded and lifted the partially completed doll up. It wasn’t much to look at, she knew, just barely in the shape of a person let alone a fairy. “Dorothea asked for one. I don’t know why.”
“Despite your doubts, you put in a lot of skill and love into your creations. Anyone would be honoured to have one.” Ferdinand hummed thoughtfully before asking, “Could I have one?”
“You?” Owlishly, she stared at him. “You want one?”
“Is it really that surprising?” He raised a brow before cocking his head. “Is that a no?”
“Well, I…” Flustered, she nodded. It had been one thing when Dorothea asked; she could pass that off as an accident. Two people wanting her creations? Well, that was preparation for some cruel joke—she just hadn’t figured out what yet. “What do you want?”
Ferdinand stroked his chin, eyeing her for a moment before smiling broadly. “Could you make one of yourself? That way you are always by my side.”
Bernadetta almost dropped her needle. There it was! The trap! “You don’t have to tease me about it!”
The library had always been a quiet, empty place. That much hadn’t changed even now. There were less students, sure, and a few missing steps on the central staircase that hadn’t quite been fixed yet, but the room was otherwise intact and exactly the same. Bernadetta always found peace whenever she entered the cozy room. Even her footsteps sounded muted when she shuffled through the shelves, picking a book to curl up and read.
She wasn’t the only one who thought so. As usual, she found Linhardt at her favourite nook, his head buried deep in his research topic of the day. Bernadetta wasn’t sure when she’d started to expect him here, when he started appearing whenever she needed some alone time. Together alone he had said, but she hadn’t taken him seriously.
Who’d really be interested in her company, especially like this?
Linhardt glanced up from his paper, eyes not so much looking at her but through her as his mind still pulled at his problems. “No paints today?”
“Just a book this time.” Bernadetta leaned against the wall as she settled into the nook, her knees bent before her as she rested the book on them. Having anticipated her, Linhardt had left the sunny side to her. With the two of them nestled in, it was a cozy space. Their feet almost touched. “Research?”
“Something like that.” Linhardt flipped the page and once more he was gone, buried deep in theories that were far above her understanding.
That was more than fine with her. She liked the quiet, the soft flip of a page, their lips soundlessly repeating quotes as they read. Bernadetta had always liked the alone part, but these days she was finding the together part wasn’t so bad.
It was incredibly hard to pull out Felix’s smiles. Just like her, they liked hiding inside, only escaping when no one was looking. Ingrid and Sylvain had a far easier time with it than Bernadetta, but she could be stubborn when she wanted to be. After all, it wasn’t like other people just let her stay inside. No, that took dedication.
Dedication she was now pouring into finding Felix’s smile. She’d tried sweets, books, and even paintings. Occasionally, she managed to coax out a small half-grin, but nothing consistent. Nothing permanent. Well, that changed today.
Bernadetta pulled the sheathed dagger out of her pocket and felt a swell of pride. Felix would love this. It was pretty (though, he wasn’t really one for pretty things), it was practical (well, maybe not practical practical, it was more of a decorative piece), and it was for a blade (not the sword he was partial to, but a dagger was still a weapon, right?).
The longer Bernadetta stared at her gift, the less confident she felt. This was a terrible idea. A stupid one. He was going to laugh.
Bernadetta picked up a rock, rolling it between her fingers as she considered that. Well, laughter was kinda a smile, right? Maybe not the one she intended, but close enough.
“Bernadetta?” Felix raised a brow as he stepped out of the training grounds, a towel hanging around his neck. He rubbed the sweat on his forehead as he approached her. “Are you going to practice that move of yours?”
“That move?” Bernadetta frowned, her brow knitting until she realized what he meant. Immediately, she stepped back and shook her head furiously. “I can’t control that! I can’t even repeat it! If I could do something that easily, I wouldn’t have to be terrified.”
“Alright, alright, I got it.” Felix rolled his eyes. “Why are you here?”
“Oh, that.” Bernadetta gripped her sheath tightly. Should she give it? Goddess, this was humiliating. What if she’d guessed so wrong he actually stopped talking to her? “I…”
“Is that a sheath?” It was too late. He spotted the gift before she could muster the courage.
Hanging her head, she held the dagger out. “Yeah, it’s for you.”
He didn’t say anything for a long bit, his expression neutral as he turned it over. After pulling the dagger free from the sheath, Felix ran a finger along the edge before sheathing and pocketing it. Okay.”
“Okay?” Bernadetta blinked when he didn’t react further. Where was her smile? Hell, he hadn’t even frowned! Was it possible to hate something so much he couldn’t show his feelings? “You hated it didn’t you? I knew I should have gotten you something different, now you’re going to hate me and—”
“It’s fine.” Felix interrupted, tapping on her other hand. “I’ll take the rock too.”
She glanced down at the rock. It was an ordinary, black stone, something she hadn’t even thought twice about before picking up. “You want this too?”
“It’s a good slate.” His lips tugged up slightly as Felix took the rock, rolling it between his fingers with an approving hum. “Good to sharpen the dagger I’ll put in the sheathe.”
It was a smile, but the smile was for her rock. Bernadetta stared at his back, not sure if she should feel triumphant or pathetic.
“Hey, Bernie!”
Bernadetta yelped at the knock on her door, despite expecting and preparing for it. She cowered in her chair, taking a deep breath as she tried to calm down. “Y-yes? Please don’t kill me.”
Opening the door, Sylvain poked his head inside with a puzzled grin. “Why would I kill you, Bernie?” He laughed, stepping in. “I mean, first of all, I wouldn’t be able to read your amazing story.”
“Is that the only reason you keep me alive?” Bernadetta wailed, unable to believe her ears.
Sylvain laughed again, his eyes crinkling just so as he shook his head. “I was just teasing. We’re friends, right? Why would I kill a friend?”
Bernadetta shrank into her seat. He was worse than she’d thought. Society was only barely restraining him. “You’d kill me if we weren’t friends?”
“You slay me, Bernie. We go through this every week, and you still ask that?” He rolled his eyes, but his smile didn’t drop. Casually, Sylvain ambled up next to her, peeking at her desk. Noticing a thick stack of paper, he eagerly picked it up. “Is this the next chapter?”
She resisted the urge to grab the bundle and toss it out a window. It was fine. It was fine. This was the reason he was here, the thing she had readied herself for all week. Her chapter was reaching its audience of one. “Y-yes.”
“Ohhhh.” Excited, Sylvain plopped on her bed and read the chapter title. “Escaping the chasm—oh, so she finally finds a way out?”
“Yes…” Bernadetta shifted anxiously in her seat as he started to read. Goddess, this was embarrassing. Even if he genuinely wanted to read her book—he’d been coming back once a month for the chapters, so she had to reluctantly admit Sylvain was telling the truth—there was no way he’d keep liking it. Her latest chapter might disappoint him. He might get bored.
A dozen more thoughts ran through her head and she jumped off her seat. “On second thought, read it outside.”
Before he could protest, she grabbed his arm, yanking him off her bed and through her door.  He didn’t fight, just sighing as he stepped outside. “Alright, alright, I get it. But, hey, I managed to make it through seven pages this time!” Sylvain glanced over his shoulder, winking. “One day, you’re not going to kick me out. In fact, you’ll be pulling me in.”
Face red, Bernadetta squeaked, “Is that a threat?”
Bernadetta had been in many strange situations since she’d joined the academy—her teacher was a goddess, their world was at war, she had friends—but none of those negated the oddness of sitting in a small, cramped room across from the bulky giant Raphael. It didn’t help that his fat fingers were trying to stitch a small doll. Or, well, his attempt at a doll.
“Hey, Bernie.” Raphael looked up suddenly, his eyes crinkling as he smiled as bright as the sun.
“W-What?” Bernadetta started; it was automatic at this point. Even though she knew by now he was a gentle giant, more of a moose than a bear, the sight of him still made her heart beat as fast as a rabbit. Besides, she’d read somewhere that even the nice, kind deer ate birds.
If she couldn’t trust a herbivore, why would she trust Raphael?
Well, aside from the fact that they were allies in war, and he had saved her life a few times, and they were kinda friends and—
“Thanks!” His voice cut through her thoughts. Raphael held up the blob he had been patiently stitching for the past hour. “My sister’s gonna love this.”
“She is?” She squinted at the ragdoll in his hands. At least, she assumed it was a ragdoll—Bernadetta wasn’t sure if Raphael was just really bad with needlework, or if he was purposely trying to create some sort of tentacle monster. Maybe his sister had weird tastes. “What is it?”
“A princess!” Raphael’s grin grew broader as he held up his creation proudly.
“IT IS?” Bernadetta didn’t know if there was a definition of princess that somehow matched the multi-coloured jelly-fish like creature in his hands. People used to call her creations cursed, but clearly they’d never seen anything like this. There were no eyes, not even button ones, on the doll yet, but she could feel it staring at her.
“Yeah, it’s cute, right?” Raphael didn’t mind her shouts. “You’re a great teacher.”
Bernadetta flushed and ducked her head, embarrassed. She’d never helped someone before, not like this, not with her entirely useless hobby. And he was calling her a great teacher? Even though every one of their sessions started with her hiding in the corner? With the way Raphael acted, she couldn’t tell if he had been hurt by her reactions or didn’t mind, but there was no way she deserved any of this praise.
“It was nothing,” she mumbled, pleased despite it all.
“Definitely not nothing.” Raphael sat straighter as a thought hit him. “I know! I’ll make you a doll too!”
Her jaw dropped. Maybe he really had been hurt when she flinched away. That was the only reason he was going to curse her with one of those monsters. “I won’t be able to sleep then!”
“Knock, knock!” Alois called out as he rapped on her dorm door.
Bernadetta yelped, body tense as she almost dived under her bed. But it was only Alois—funny, sweet Alois at her door—and she relaxed automatically as she let him in. “Oh, it’s you.”
“That’s not how it’s supposed to go!” Alois guffawed as he entered and slapped her on the back. “You’re supposed to go, ‘Who’s there?’!”
Bernadetta giggled. There really was something comforting about his goofy jokes and silly expression. Her uncle had been exactly the same when he’d been alive. It was probably the reason her parents never liked him. “Who’s there?”
Grinning, he replied, “Candice!”
Bernadetta raised a brow. “Candice who?”
“Candice open the door, or am I stuck out here?” Alois laughed at his own joke. After a moment, he glanced at the door and deflated slightly. “Though, I guess it doesn’t really work if I’m already in the room now, does it?”
“No, it really doesn’t.” She shook her head, though she smiled all the same.
“Well, anyways, I’m heading to town and wondered if you wanted to come?” As usual, he recovered from his own mishaps quick enough. Alois was as resilient as a dandelion. She wished she had half of his strength. “You’re cooped up in here enough as it is. I thought you could use a breath of fresh air.”
“Of course!” If there was one person whose company she’d never reject, it was his. It was fun going out with him. Maybe she’d do it more often if others were—
Bernadetta paused at the thought. Going out more often?
Actually, now that she thought about it, she’d been going out a lot lately. Almost every day in fact. She glanced at her room. When was the last time she’d actually just stayed inside all day?
“Bernie?” Alois raised a brow. “If you don’t want to—”
“No, no, it’s fine.” She hooked her arm through his and nodded. “Let’s go out.”
Maybe it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, actually, to go outside.
Even if today was sunny.
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ramyeonguksu · 8 months
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Here's my preview for my SFW page art for @hubertlovezine! What's Hubert doing with his family painting?
Purchase the zine to find out!
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trispriart · 10 months
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more doodles that I thought I posted but didn't ft crowe being the most dramatic individual in The World
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sebastianfantastic · 1 year
I talked so much about Ferdibert + a baby with my best FE friend that I eventaully had to start writing a Ferdibert having a baby long fic...
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sylvainjosegaytier · 2 years
why are people in this fandom so committed to defending the world’s most shit-tier dads
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bodyguardbracket · 8 months
Round 2: Hubert Von Vestra (Fire Emblem Three Houses) vs Gareth (Galavant)
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[Propaganda Under Cut]
Hubert Von Vestra:
The Evil Advisor trope if said evil advisor actually wanted desperately to change the world for the better and protect his found family but was also still a sneaky greasy gremlin of a man.
Born in to a noble family that was meant to guard the royal family from birth. They took him to meet the not at all in line for the throne middle child young princess he would be guarding when both him and said princess were tiny kids.
Long story short, his dad did a traitor, but Hubert had formed a bond with the lil princess and they were already like siblings to each other. When she gets kidnapped for eventual malicious reasons, this sad gangly pre-teen dark mage boy tries to go after her, and fights off the troops his dad sends after him for days before being dragged back home. Eventually Edelgard comes back after a few years. ALL her siblings were killed by said malicious plot/human experiments. She is the only one who lived through the experiments they did on her. She is now the only one in line for the throne. She is DEEPLY traumatized. The kidnappers are still trying to use her as a puppet.
All either the two of them have is each other. *crying emoji x100* From then on their mission statement is be gay and overthrow the church. Your honor, I love them.
Eventually they do (Or not and it's really fucking angsty and sad either way) overthrow both said book burning shit church, and the enemies of said church that had a longstanding war in the shadows going on that was fucking all of the rest of the world up. On the way Edelgard falls in love with another woman who's heart was experimented on in order to give her super powers (The player character), and Hubert falls for his polar opposite/narrative foil; the chipper, sunshiney prime minister's son. (They also both commit some patricide together. Woo patricide. Voice actors sing beautiful rendition of Wicked's "For Good" song. I'm not crying. You're crying.)
Spymaster, poison connoisseur, haver of a very silly evil laugh and mannerisms. He and his aforementioned narrative foil look like they stepped out of Interview with the Vampire. Copious queer as hell found family. What's not to love?
Gareth: Gareth was assigned as Richard’s bodyguard since they were ten years old and is Richard’s only friend and when Richard bungles the conditions of a duel against his older brother Kingsley (Richard decides to represent himself and Kingsley chooses Gareth to represent him), Gareth sneaks Richard out of the castle and puts him on a boat with the only other man he’d believe to be able to keep him safe (the titular Galavant) and threatens to kill him if one hair on his head is harmed. Gareth does the “say you hate the dog to make it leave trick” to get Richard on the boat but Richard knows that it means that Gareth cares about him. As the ship sails away Gareth quietly says a line from the lullaby their nurse would sing them as children. When Gareth gets back to the castle he kills Kingsley and does his best to keep the woman who orchestrated the whole thing at bay.
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cantfuckbracket · 1 year
Can't Fuck Bracket - Group Stage. Group 16: The Classic Incel Genre (RPG Characters)
Hubert von Vestra (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) versus Anduin Wrynn (World of Warcraft) versus Gilear Faeth (Dimension 20: Fantasy High)
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[ID: The unfuckable pride flag overlaid with the "no bitches" meme. Over it are pictures of the contestants. They are all animated white men. Hubert is giving a stinky eye; Anduin has a head that is small compared to his body and is low poly; Gilear is a middle aged man who's balding and has a stubble and pointy ears. Over them are sparkles and a heart with a butt, and in between them are peach emojis crossed out with the word "vs" in them. End ID]
Hubert von Vestra: "This man has no idea what "acting sexy" looks like. No matter what he tries, he will always just look stiff and awkward. And you know he'll spend the whole evening just thinking about how much paperwork he has to finish tomorrow."
Anduin Wrynn: "dude was a child for most of the game. when he finally became an adult (after about 14 real world years) his werewolf dad immediately started telling him to get laid. he did not do this. he then died. hes also been confirmed straight by a writer who got annoyed that people were shipping him with another male character. literally utterly maidenless."
Gilear Faeth: "Pathetic and smells like old yogurt. Idc that he’s canonically hung and gets bitches this man has the constitution of wet toilet paper"
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pentacass · 1 year
“Engine’s hot, get on quick!”
“Gotcha.” Vestra darted out from the shadow of a cargo container, sinking her mauve blade through a Sith hunter’s chest. Kicking the body off her lightsaber, she sent a Force blast that hurled three Imperial agents back, heads cracking against dull grey hangar walls. “Lana, let’s go!”
With a single swing of her dark orange blade, Lana severed the necks of their last two Imperial pursuers. Yellow eyes met brown, and they sprinted up the starship’s boarding ramp, which started to seal behind them when they entered the airlock.
“Are you alright?” Lana asked, and Vestra replied with a squeeze on her gloved hand, before leading the way towards the cockpit. The ship shook and tilted beneath their feet, as they sped away from the spaceport and its failed ambush.
They reached the cockpit as the ship broke through the atmosphere, and slid into hyperspace. Vestra relaxed, but her mother leapt up from the pilot’s seat, spinning around and bringing her pistol to bear in one smooth motion.
As her father mirrored the action, Vestra threw herself in front of Lana, hands raised in alarm. “Stop, stop! She’s with me!”
Ava’s eyes narrowed, lips parting in a snarl. “You brought a Sith on my ship?”
“She’s with me! Lower your weapons, please.”
“Explain, Vestra,” Cenric spoke, much calmer than his wife - but Vestra wasn’t fooled. He could pull the trigger without a single twitch in his placid expression.
“She’s here to help, I swear. I got your distress signal, and she offered to come as backup.”
“Why,” Ava intoned. Her finger looked much too comfortable on her blaster’s trigger.
“Because we’re…friends?” Vestra’s voice grew smaller as she spoke, and nearly disappeared on the last word. She cast an uncertain glance at Lana - who looked unhelpfully amused.
Ah, fuck it. Mom’s already pissed. Might as well piss her off all at once. 
“We’re dating, alright?” Vestra nearly laughed at the bewilderment breaking through her father’s stoic mask. But she did not, because the mistrust in Ava’s glare turned downright murderous. She hastened to add, “I’ll explain it later. For now, I would like both of you to lower your weapons. Please. She’s trustworthy.”
“No Sith exists who is trustworthy.”
“Mom,” Vestra groaned. “You’re embarrassing me.”
Ava’s finger remained on the trigger, but Cenric walked over, setting a hand on her wrist. He lowered his blaster, sharing a look with his wife, who allowed him to push her hand down - albeit with obvious reluctance.
“We have no choice but to trust your word, for now. But,” Cenric added, when Vestra opened her mouth. “I would like to perform a security check first.”
“It’s quite alright, Ves. I understand the caution.” Lana’s amusement was now audible in her voice, though she bowed politely. “I am Lana Beniko. It is…a pleasure, to finally meet you both.”
Ava’s lips tightened into an even thinner line, while Cenric pulled on an easy smile, offering his hand to Lana. “Cenric Lenshe. If you’ll just follow me, Lord Beniko.”
“Just Lana, please.”
“Lana, then. Come along.” He beckoned Lana to follow as he walked out of the cockpit, hand resting on the blaster holstered at his thigh.
Vestra didn't watch them leave, eyes fixed warily on her mother - whose glare rivalled a knife's wicked edge. When silence reigned, she broke it tentatively, “I know how it looks. But I swear-”
“Have I not told you what is in our blood?”
Vestra sighed, keen to avoid yet another lecture about their bloodline. “Mom, Kallig’s long dead and gone. Our blood’s our own, it doesn’t dictate who we are.”
“It is too easy to fall. You should’ve learnt that as a Jedi. You have seen how the Sith can be.”
“Yes, yes. Sith bad, Sith dangerous, Sith ugly. Blah blah,” Vestra said, feeling her mother’s hard stare shave off a few years of her life. “But Lana’s not like that. She’s not ugly. She’s not bad, either.” She lapsed into silence, then added, “Well, not all bad anyway. Not all the time.”
“You are rationalising.”
She heaved another sigh. “Look, can you give her a chance? Just sit down, talk to her, get to know her. Please?” Vestra tried her puppy eyes - but it bounced right off Ava, where it would’ve shot straight into Cenric’s heart. “I really, really like her. I love her.”
“You could’ve found a better person to love.”
That snapped Vestra from her nonchalant facade like a blunt, verbal slap. “Didn’t you fall in love with an Imperial spy?”
Her riposte found its mark; Ava’s eyes widened a fraction at the reminder, and her lips curled. Though not in an entirely displeased manner.
“Former Imperial. Your father is different.”
“So is Lana.”
“That remains to be seen.” Ava held her steady gaze a moment longer, before turning back to the pilot’s console in defeat. “If she makes one wrong move, I’ll blast her out the airlock.”
“You’ll have to blast me out too.”
“So be it.”
Vestra clicked her tongue, a smile curving her lips in relief. “Love you too, mom.”
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slippy-socks · 10 months
hubert von vestra really said “it’s not a phase, dad” and murdered his dad to prove it
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randomnameless · 11 months
In the Goddess Tower’s convo, Supreme Leader says this about Ionius :
As the Empire demands many heirs, he also had numerous other lovers.
I won’t talk about Ionius’s active sexual life, but it’s very interesting to see this angle of “the Empire demands many heirs”.
Compare this to Lambert who only had one son - bar reigniting dilfcourse because obviously Ionius fucked way more than Lambert - I found it weird but it’s never mentionned in the game (iirc) that Lambert was kind of “neglectful” to only get one son, when all royal successions would at least count on at least 2 to make sure there would be no succession crisis if Dimitri dies randomly (or not so randomly).
And yet, in Supreme Leader’s support here, this angle was tackled to depict Ionius, who had to have a lot of heirs, had to sleep with many lovers (why, Adrestians women can only pop one kid and then they’re done? Is that the “justification” Supreme Leader received when she asked why her dad had 25 lovers?) and it’s only because he had to have many heirs that he took so many lovers, but he really loved Anselma and only her.
In the end, my mother settled for becoming one of his many consorts. But I choose to believe there was genuine love between them
Or this is the story she wants to believe, even if she confesses it’s a bit “silly”.
(but this has to be compared to Lambert, again, who only got one child, had no lovers and while he married Anselma, he could never fig her because Cornelia was cockblocking him - why Lambert had no children after Dimitri? Is it because he really missed his first wife, and only when he found Anselma he wanted to “marry again” but Cornelia prevented more Blaiddyds from being born?)
Bar Supreme Leader trying to rationalise the situation between her parents, it makes me wonder about her invisible siblings - the lore forgot to take into account - and her, if this is something of a tradition for Emperors, her invisible cousins, aunts, uncles and all the clique!
Also, maybe this tradition started after Lycaon’s death - sure Willy had other kids and all, but given how sour he was after Lycaon’s death, even if those other heirs were placeholders, it’s a good thing they existed because the former Emperor refused to re-take the throne and fucked away...
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mousegard · 10 months
since i'm back from my vacation, getting back into my writing groove, and about to finish up the next chapter of my crossover fic, i figured i'd better make a big effortpost to promote it!
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Aria of the Black Eagle is a very loose "retelling" of Symphogear G that goes off the rails before it even begins when Edelgard von Hresvelg, Emperor of Adrestia, inexplicably appears in the middle of Tokyo with the ability to fluently speak every human language, rising pop star Maria Cadenzavna Eve suddenly finds herself in the possession of a mysterious magical stone, and Adrestia's top sniper, Bernadetta von Varley, becomes the captive of a certain trio of monsters eager to prove themselves to the mysterious Illuminati.
Also, tall, dark, and arguably handsome Adrestian marquis Hubert von Vestra's life takes an unexpected turn after being bitten by a radioactive Hibiki Tachibana an accidental head-on collision with a J-pop powered magical girl at terminal velocity.
Continuing my longstanding tradition of An Eagle Among Lions' notoriously massive novella-sized chapters and shameless Edelgard fan pandering, Aria of the Black Eagle is a big, meaty longfic you can, should, and must really sink your teeth into, especially if you want to know the answers to burning questions like "how many characters in this anime are Just Like Edelgard?" or "Where does Tsubasa Kazanari's dad fall on the sliding scale of Bad Fire Emblem Dads?" or "what sort of songs would Hubert sing if he were a song-powered magical girl?"
Thank you for reading!
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fieldsofvarley · 10 months
‘passes judgment on his father, marquis vestra’ what a beautiful way to say he murked his dad. almost makes me want to shed a tear. angelic
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fantasyinvader · 5 months
I think I've solved something that snowballed into solving a few things.
Lysithea recognizes the outfits of TWSITD due to the experiments on her and her siblings. These were supposed to be Imperial overseers after House Hymr tried to defect to the Alliance. I was thinking though, we do know one imperial battalion that dresses in those outfits. House Vestra's Sorcery Engineers. An engineer being someone who is involved with inventing, designing or maintaining something, in this case sorcery. House Vestra are known for being secretive yet not having any lands to their name. Lysithea's experiments happened 13 years before the start of the game, four before the Insurrection of the Seven happened, but also the same year Hubert became Edelgard's vassal which is weird because Edelgard was the ninth=born child of Ionius.
I think the clues point towards not Hubert being a secret Slither, but rather his dad. It mean a few things.
1) His role in the Insurrection would be more clear. He was on team Ionius until the Insurrection was in Enbarr, where he switched sides and opened the palace to the opposition. Up until then, he was okay with Ionius abolishing houses and consolidating power, saying it was his family's duty to serve the emperor only to betray him at the final hour. 2) Hubert's anger at his father for the experiments Edelgard underwent. It's not that he betrayed his duties, it's because it was his family's people that did the experiments on Edelgard. 3) Hubert's support with Hanneman is recontextualized. It's not that Hubert doesn't want to hear how good his dad was out of guilt and a desire to avoid looking at the truth. The truth was the father Hubert had admired was a piece of shit, could even tie into him abandoning his former desire to be a pegasus knight to protect Edelgard. 4) This would also give Hubert an avenue to find TWSITD to work with them. It's part of the plan, a plan Hubert wants to derail for Edelgard's sake.
But I think this would also mean that Edelgard wasn't a case of luck of the draw when it came to her surviving the experiments. She was chosen for Hubert the same year TWSITD managed to give someone two Crests despite her claim to the throne being pretty low. They picked Edelgard, then we know by the following year Cornelia in the Kingdom had her hands on Hapi, experimenting on her to control monsters. Hopes even connects Hapi, Lysitha and Edelgared in their shared paralogue.
Cornelia was the one who offered sanctuary to Anselma when she left the Imperial court, introducing Anselma to Lambert, keeping Lambert and Anselma separated after they married, in addition to making it so that Anselma never knew Edelgard was in the Kingdom until Thales replaced Arundel and took her back for the experiments. TWSITD then orchestrated the Tragedy of Duscur, throwing the Kingdom into chaos for Edelgard's benefit in the war they were planning. If it had been any other kid who survived the experiments, experiments they had already done in the past, then the Tragedy would not have worked as Anselma's part was based on a desire to reunite with her daughter. Not to mention, Thales replacing Edelgard's uncle Arundel to take her back to the experiments and who then became regent after Ionius was rendered incapable of ruling.
So Edelgard not going insane through the experiments, getting the second Crest and surviving, becoming heir to the throne while Thales becomes regent after already replacing her uncle while at the same time priming Anselma to betray Lambert and throw the Kingdom into chaos (weakening Loog's descentant as payback for making peace with the Church perhaps?), then using Ionius as a puppet to indoctrinate Edelgard against the Church while sending in her vassal, Hubert, to push her into working with TWSITD despite his father betraying Ionius to the Insurrection (with Edelgard not as trusting to the other kids of the Insurrection when she retakes Enbarr in Hopes).
Really…Edelgard was being played all her life. Hell, maybe the whole history of House Vestra has been covertly pushing the decline of the empire while supposedly working for the emperor?
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