#cut/unused content
inposterumcumgaudio · 3 months
Poedit Cut/Unused Content: Cub Reporter
I can't remember if I was looking for more context into Arthur's "two week vacation" or if I was just in the neighborhood because all my homies love Gemma Olsen (and also Buster and Gordo), but in either event, I went through and dug up a buncha "Cub Reporter" stuff.
"Cub Reporter" is fairly significant in the plot and so obviously underwent a lot of revisions. The lines don't all follow in order, some entries seem to have actually been removed, and the quest originally also seemed to cover "Start Spreading the News" so I'm just gonna dump the whole thing and highlight the stuff I think is interesting.
It starts with Mrs. Oliphant.
000 Curiouser and Curiouser.
001 Arthur! Arthur Hastings!
003 You're the one who was taking all that Joy towards the end.
004 Oddest thing. I had one. He just went on holiday.
007 Where did you go? When you disappeared for two weeks? Did you ever put it together?
009 Arthur, nothing I'd love better than to give you a new press pass. But I have to know that you're ... managing better.
010 Look... there's all sorts of silly rumours coming out of the tunnels. Gas leaks, water main breaks, maintenance workers at the pub instead of their posts. If that was all true, Wellington Wells would be about to fall apart.
011 If you could go down there and let me know ... I'm sure it's all fine down there ... let me know it's all okay ... then you've got your old job back.
013 Yes, of course. That would be brilliant. But first, the tunnels. Show me you're as good as you used to be. Then I'll send you to Uskglass with a press pass. Agreed?
014c My old office! That was fun, being a reporter.
014d I used to have an Adulator, didn't I! Kept me from getting in trouble with crowds!
014e If I could get my old job back, I'd get my Adulator back. That could come in handy!
014f Who's going to let me upstairs?
014f Receptionist is out for coffee. Typical. How am I supposed to get upstairs, then?
014g Huh. I bet if I got the coffee machine working, they'd all head off to the kitchen for a nice cup of joe.
014h We just have to have faith, that's all. She'll come back with the coffee. We just have to pray she will.
014i I can't stand tea! I must have coffee!
014j If someone would just have a bloody wedding, then I could get a cup of coffee!
014k A lady just can't go without coffee these days, it's unthinkable!
014l If I don't get some coffee soon, I'm going to shoot somebody.
014m I've a sneaking suspicion that they want some coffee.
014n Excuse me, the door upstairs is locked...
014o Pardon me, do you think someone could let me upstairs?
014p Unless it's the Second Coming, I can't be bothered!
014q Not now, I'm running just to keep up!
014r Just like my sisters, always pester pester pester!
014s Let's see if I can get Mrs. Oliphant to give me my old job back. And my old press pass.
015 Arthur! I thought you'd gone ... well, you're here, so I suppose you're all right after all!
015a How rude! Can't you see I'm working!
016 Old place hasn't changed at all, has it?
016a If you don't stop pestering me, I'll murder someone! I swear I will!
017 Where did you go? When you disappeared for two weeks? Did you ever remember?
018 I must have had too lovely a time. Hah hah.
019 I was hoping you could use a reporter.
020 I'm afraid I've got a half dozen of them. Bloody useless, the lot of them. I've got six pieces on my desk, all about the new flavour of Joy. Can you imagine, it's coconut.
021 Didn't Dr. Verloc make that announcement ... some time ago?
022 Oh, I wish I had a spare press pass for you.
023 Gemma wanted to do a piece on him. I hope she hasn't fallen in a hole somewhere. I haven't seen her in days.
024 It's bloody frustrating, too. There's all sorts of ... silly rumours about the tunnels under Wellington Wells. Gas leaks, water main breaks, maintenance workers at the pub instead of their posts. If that were all true, Wellington Wells would be about to fall apart. I asked her to do a story about it.
024a It's bloody frustrating, too. There's all sorts of silly rumours about gas leaks and whatnot down in the tunnels. As if Wellington Wells was about to fall apart. So I asked her to write a story about the tunnel workers and how they keep themselves entertained. You know, with the art, and the singing.
025 Oh. Well. I'm sure she'll turn up, and everything will be peachy.
026 I'm sure it will. Lovely to see you, Arthur! Drop by any time.
027 Gemma was a real reporter. Always digging up interesting stuff, from what I can remember. I wonder why she hasn't come back? Maybe I should poke around her desk?
028 Hmmmm. Where does she keep her notes?
028a It's in some sort of code. Huh. I don't think that's Gemma's handwriting.
028b How do I read it?
028c If I read it top to bottom then right to left… “Verloc's looking for a permanent solution.” Oh, that's not ominous at all. Solution to what?”
028d That's Gemma!
028e Should I try to rescue her? No, it's too dangerous!
028f Where are they taking her?
028g Why did they take her? She sounds quite sane!
028h Did she know too much? About what?
028i Looks like I've got another reason to go to Haworth Labs. And a really good reason not to get caught there.
028j Toxic fog...?
028k Electrocutions...
028l Cyanide?
028m If I finish Gemma's investigations, Mrs. Oliphant would have to give me back my old job. And then I'd have a press pass.
029 Maybe I should see what's become of old Gemma.
030 Sorry, Arthur! Terribly busy right now!
030a I probably shouldn't bother her until I've got the goods on Gemma's investigation.
Did you know there's a character limit per "block" of bulleted points? 4096! The more you know.
031 Terribly busy, what is it?
032 Gemma's been taken away. I saw two doctors shove her into a Popper.
033 Oh my goodness. Why?
034 She was digging into the tunnels. That didn't come out right. I followed up. The whole underground is sort of falling apart.
035 Oh my.
036 That's why you sent her, wasn't it? Not to write about the Tunnel Rats.
037 I certainly couldn't print a story like that, could I?
038 The Joy's gone bad. And Dr. Verloc knows. But he's telling them not to worry, he's got some sort of permanent solution.
039 That doesn't sound ominous at all.
040 That's sort of exactly what I thought...
041 If I had a press pass, I could get into Haworth Labs.
042 After what happened to Gemma? Dr. Verloc -- he's sort of his own law there.
043 I have some ... personal business there.
044 If I'm ... not here when you get back. If you've found something out ... see if you can't publish it. Those numpties out there know how to put the ink on the page, but the only articles they ever read are their own.
045 You're getting out? How?
046 Oh, I wouldn't even know how to get out. But you never know when I might stop printing lies. And they won't like that.
047 Maybe I should drop in on Gemma at home. If she's really vanished, then maybe I can get my old job back.
047 My god, it's all boarded up! What happened?
048 That's coming from Gemma's house! That's a bit awkward.
049 I'm not getting in that way.
050 Just here to read the meter!
051 I guess someone noticed she's not been around and decided to rob the place.
052 I better turn that alarm off. I'm going to need time to figure out what happened to Gemma.
054 Shit.
058 If the alarm's upstairs, I'm going to have to get past Mr. Shouty here.
059 Who the fuck are you?
060 I live here.
061 Love what you've done with the place.
062 What the fuck?
063 Fucking ears are playing tricks.
064 Who's there?
065 Fucking ghosts?
066 My ears should recover in a few days.
074 Christ. More of them. You used to have to wait to see a doctor!
075 Gemma! I would never have pictured it! ... I'm not sure I actually want to, come to think of it.
076 Should we just take everything?
077 I don't think Dr. V would like that. The constabulary might notice.
078 I don't see anything talking about Dr. V here. Where's her study?
079 I thought vampires had to be invited in.
080 Downer!
081 That ought to buy me some time.
082 Open up in there!
083 Who are you?
084 Come out! We're friends of Gemma!
085 She needs our help!
086 Will you look at that! You've been a busy girl, haven't you, Gemma.
087 I think I've found everything. Doesn't look like she found all the answers yet.
088 I guess I'd better go see what's going on in this Motilene Regulation Unit. Maybe the answer is there.
089 And my old Adulator, if you've still got it.
090 Great. I've got all my press stuff back. That ought to be handy. You can show up all sorts of places regular people shouldn't go.
091 I'll have to break in somehow.
091a Maybe I can find some answers inside, if I can get in somehow.
092 Someone's ransacked the place. I hope Mrs. Oliphant got away.
093 You mustn't go around publishing the truth. What will people think?
094 Is that ... some sort of secret door? How do I open it?
094a Odd bit of wall. Doesn't look like the rest.
095 Doesn't look like it takes a key. I wonder if she got Dr. Faraday to make one of those clever puzzles for her. They were chums back in school.
096 So this is where she published the Unpleasant Issue.
To summarize:
Arthur apparently was taking a LOT of Joy before he disappeared, such that Mrs. Oliphant noticed and originally she would be reluctant to reinstate him because of this. She doesn't seem to consider this a concern in the final cut so this detail might be genuinely cut rather than disused.
There seems to have been a bit of a switch between Arthur giving warning signs and his having left the paper with no warning at all. No warning at all seems to be the one decided on.
Orrrr it might have been that his two week holiday and the end of his career as a reporter are not exactly the same event.
Does the Adulator work on more than one NPC at a time? I don't know, I know what I'm doing so I never have to use it.
"Should I try to save Gemma? Ehhh, nah."
Arthur's line about having two reasons to go to Haworth Labs kinda implies that Gemma was originally taken there rather than Wellington Health as she is in the game. Or at least that he assumes that's where she would be taken.
My boy Buster had more lines for yelling at Gordo and you apparently could have snuck past him in an older iteration of the quest, but he could also hear you.
Margaret's cat puzzle office might have been designed by Dr. Faraday, with whom she was old school friends. Loooove that for them. Also, noting now that she calls her staff a bunch of "numpties" in Faraday's fashion.
In the final cut, Margaret did not actually succeed in printing the Unpleasant Issue since it's not mentioned and her secret room has not been discovered, but she must have done so in an earlier draft of the quest.
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spooky-month-archive · 2 months
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Every unused version of the crash scene (the rest are under the cut)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Taking a snooze.
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basslinegrave · 3 months
ending the competent vs incompetent stone debate by saying he turns "incompetent" being around robotnik because it makes him nervous because he is so in love it makes him stupid
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thefalloutwiki · 7 months
Fallout 3: Nuka Cocktail
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Were you previously aware that Fallout 3 has an unused asset for a Nuka Cocktail?
The craftable Nuka-Grenade still has many references that refer to it as the Nuka Cocktail internally.
You can check out the page for the Nuka Cocktail here:
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rallamajoop · 6 months
Unused Assets from Resident Evil Village
Okay, let's talk RE8's cut content some more.
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Every key item and treasure you can pick up in RE8 comes with a small icon (to be shown when you pick it during gameplay), a larger icon (to be shown in the items menu), and a 3D model (that you can examine and rotate). And the game files still contain a number of unused assets in those tiny icons, and even more unused assets in the larger icons. Still more were surely deleted before the game was released (id numbers do not go up sequentially), but here's some of the more interesting ones that were left.
Miranda's research books on the Four Lords
Obviously, these books can still be found and read in the game, but can't be added to your inventory, so why would they have icons at all? Presumably, at some point in development, these were intended to be items Ethan would collect in each lord's individual domain.
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Stranger still, the icon versions appear without the family crests decorating their covers, which are separate objects instead. Perhaps originally, you'd have to find the crests separately, and use them as keys to open the books? Or perhaps you'd have to remove those crests from the cover on picking up the book, to use as keys elsewhere ‒ maybe even as keys that you'd need to use to extract the rose flasks, which each feature crests of about the same size.
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Even stranger still, for the four books, only three crests appear in the icons ‒ Heisenberg's is missing. All these objects appear both in the small-and-medium icon files, so this seems pretty deliberate. Perhaps the horse relief you create using the molding machine originally played the same role for Heisenberg? Or ‒ if I'm right about the crests being used to unlock the Rose flasks ‒ perhaps Heisenberg's was never attached to his book, because he deliberately leaves the completed flask for Ethan to find in the Stronghold?
The Goat Crest
This one I've talked about already ‒ originally, there were to be three crests needed to open the gate to Dimitrescu's castle, rather than the surviving two, the third (on the left) being the goat's head.
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A few miscellaneous oddities
Some of the more random unused assets include Moreau's movie poster for 'Ice Castles', which I've talked about elsewhere, an odd-looking bunch of flowers, and what appears to be a hair clip. Possibly all treasure items, possible keys to some puzzle ‒ maybe the hair clip could even be unfolded and used to pick a lock or something?
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There area a few unused key-shaped assets in the files, though most look like unfinished placeholder. But this one, a key covered in cog-shaped designs, looks a lot more finished. Maybe it was an early design for a key used in Heisenberg's domain?
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Much stranger is this weird brick-shaped asset, featuring what look like unfinished-polygon-sides and a bizarre image that looks like a man's face entrapped in mould. It could well have been another puzzle item, presumably meant to be slotted into a missing square in some larger feature ‒ but it's a weird-looking thing even by RE standards.
Disassembled Dolls
You remember the Madalina doll you pick up two pieces and assemble? Well, evidently there was originally another one, which came in three pieces.
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And because those pieces could be assembled in various orders, we've got three different extra icons of it in partial/complete assembled state (the same is true for Dimitrescu's necklace, which needs two extra stones added to it for completeness).
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Harp Carvings
Another interesting one ‒ two harp-shaped-carving decorations, one in gold, and one in stone and apparently broken. I'm guessing these were key items like the angel masks, which would have to be attached to or removed from some statue. Maybe the stone one could be used to replace the gold one, which could be sold as a treasure?
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Assets from Resident Evil 7
These two are both assets that originally appeared in RE7 ‒ the lighter only in the Daughters DLC (appears closed, but note the identical texturing at the bottom), though the syringe was used both for the serum used to cure Mia and/or Zoe, and (with the contents recoloured to green) the E-necrotoxin eventually used to defeat Eveline.
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A lighter is such a generic survival horror element that it barely warrants comment ‒ maybe it was needed for some of the fire-related puzzles in some earlier draft. But the syringe is more interesting, especially as it's one of a minority of unused assets that also appears in the mini-icons, suggesting it may have made it even closer to the finished game.
The syringe appears near the end of the list of required-key-items, suggesting it may have shown up at the end of the game. Was it, like in RE7, supposed to contain a necrotoxin that would have been used to help defeat Miranda? Was the original reason that Miranda suddenly cries "What? My powers are leaving me!" because someone had got her with the needle? Even if that would have explained a minor plothole, I'm kind of glad they left it out: we didn't need to defeat Miranda the exact same way as Eveline in RE7.
Treasure Photos
Finally the unused assets include one extra treasure photo (left below) ‒ another blue bird similar to the one that gives you 'juicy game' from the photo that remains (on the right). Oddly, the extra photo shows the same location where you find the remaining photo of the bird in game. Maybe finding the bird was originally a two-step process, with one photo leading you to the location of the second? Or maybe you needed two lots of 'juicy game' earlier in development? Maybe there was just not enough meat in that tiny little bluebird without a second being needed, IDK ('juicy game', my foot).
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Surprisingly, all four photos come with descriptive text in other files, and it differs from the text that's actually in the game. The unused versions are written in first person rather than third, to sound more like some villager's report: "I saw a strange bird by the graveyard. Never seen anything like it before" rather than, "A photo of a bird as blue as the sky. Where was it taken?"
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"The phantom golden fish! Saw it down in the creek!" "I saw a strange bird by the graveyard. Never seen anything like it before." "I saw a strange bird when I left the outhouse, but the moment I got close, it vanished like a specter." "It was sunset in the fields when I saw it, a pig as white as snow! A bad omen…"
Interestingly, the game files also include a whole lot of unused dialogue for the Duke that suggests he was originally meant to sell information in addition to his other supplies, upgrades and food ‒ "You won't come across this information just anywhere," "A little bird whispered this to me," and "Not to presume, but some advice if I may." It's possible that at some point Ethan had to buy information on treasure locations from the Duke, rather than him giving them to you for free ‒ but it's very possible that these treasure photos, too, at some point had to be bought from the Duke, and the text associated differed to play more into the 'buying information' idea. Pure speculation here, but it would all add up!
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goob-comics · 1 year
So, I’m not sure if anyone else has found this but…
While going through DELTARUNE chapter 1’s script to change some dialogue for a silly mod I was doing for fun, I found this little bit of text that goes completely unused that would’ve had Kris and Susie casting a spell TOGETHER called DUAL-BUSTER
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You can check the script for yourself, it’s in there. My honest prediction is that it’ll maybe be used in a future chapter where Kris and Susie are alone by themselves, and try casting a spell together. God that’d be really cool!!!!!!!!
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an-archaic-archivist · 3 months
Vanny gif collection part 2 (mostly unused animations)
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Part 1
Part 3
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awobbles · 4 months
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I didn’t know Tumblr was a Pokemon type-
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inposterumcumgaudio · 3 months
Poedit Cut/Unused Content: JF_Experiments
Dohoho! Look what I found.
Clap (Possibly Vanessa Tinker-Bell?)
001 Come here! Come here! It's not true, what they said!
002 You have to believe me! I'll die if you don't believe me!
003 What? Why are you in there?
004 You have to clap your hands! If you all clap your hands, I'll live. Otherwise I'll die!
005 Right…
006 Clap your hands! don't let me die!
JF_Experiments (Harry Haworth and Harry Plantagent)
001 Maybe I ought to have just clapped my hands.
002 You ought to be careful in there. Not everyone who goes in comes out.
003 Thanks. I'll be careful.
004 I know you will. Just look at your forehead. Your reflective lobe is well developed.
005 Thanks … I think.
006 He doesn't understand, in there. It's the only way to fix it. We change the shape of people's heads! You have to tell him!
007 How would you…?
009 Why won't anybody look at my data?
010 The permanent solution is just going to lobotomize everybody.
011 I think you might be right about that.
012 You must release me! I am your true King!
013 Just look at my family tree! I am the Plantagenet heir!
014 This is Clive's doing, isn't it? Thinks he's in line because his great-grandmum-times-ten fucked King Chuck! Rotten Jacobite bar sinister!
015 You have to let me out. England needs its King. England needs me.
016 The King awakes! The King awakes! The King awakes!
017 Don't laugh, Arthur. Don't laugh. Heh.
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halopedia · 10 months
Check out the newest Canon Fodder by @ur-haruspis Halopedians! Giving lore to many of Digsites finds in the cutting room floor!
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Yes even the slugmen get discussed!
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Side note: Be sure to check out the Halo: Outcasts previews that are linked in article! We swear they are fantastic reads that will get you pumped for the book releasing August 8!
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thefalloutwiki · 6 months
Fallout 3: Bloody Sketch found in Dunwich Building
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Pictured: An unused drawing in Fallout 3 called “Bloody Sketch found in Dunwich Building.”
It depicts an entity encircling the the Obelisk found in the Virulent Underchambers of the Dunwich Building.
You can read more about Ug-Qualtoth, the subject of the drawing, here:
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rallamajoop · 10 months
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Moreau's secret romantic movie fixation
Most of what you’ll find online searching for cut content from RE8 really isn’t ‘cut content’ so much as ‘rejected ideas that never made it past the concept stage.’ Early plans like having Ada Wong swanning around the village in a plague mask or that Miranda would be a foreign researcher probably never got near the finished game. You can find tons of rejected early concepts like this in the extra concept art that comes with the RE7 DLC pack (or online, for all those who’d rather not shell out that much extra money for a few extra gallery files).
But there is at least one detail from that early concept art that I’m confident did make it almost all the way into the finished game, and it’s that little tidbit about Moreau’s love of sappy romantic movies.
The biggest single piece of evidence I can cite you for this is that you can still find an unused asset for a film poster that was meant to appear in Moreau’s room.
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This was to be a collectable treasure item, like Dimitrescu’s lipstick and wine glass. There’s even a description for it ("Poster for an old movie Moreau liked. It's too damaged to read.") which feels pretty significant. There are plenty of other unused treasure item assets in that same folder (I’ll probably get to posting about them later), but the film poster is the only one I could find a description for – complete with translations into all the many different languages supported by the game. I’m guessing that means this one got really close to the final cut.
But the best part? If you look closely at that poster, you might just be able to make out the title. And if you google that title, it turns out this little game asset is based on a real poster for a real movie.
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(Yes, that tagline really does read, "When Tragedy Struck, Love Came to the Rescue.")
I haven’t seen Ice Castles myself, but if the Wikipedia summary is to be believed, it’s a 1978 American romantic drama about a young figure skater who loses (most of) her sight in a tragic accident. With the help of her boyfriend, she eventually comes to accept that, because she can still see just well enough to make out the bounds of the rink, she can still work past her disability to realise her dreams. I don’t need to spell out why a film like Ice Castles might particularly appeal to someone like Moreau, do I? Poor guy.
The poster isn’t the only reason I’m convinced secret-romantic-Moreau made it almost to production. Let’s go back to that concept picture again, where Moreau is eating cheese while watching old romantic movies on his TV screen.
Well, the movie may not have made it in, but TV did. So did the cheese.
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More importantly, consider the scene where Ethan sneaks up behind Moreau to find the Rose flask unattended. Moreau himself is looking away, apparently focused on his TV screen, though it shows only static. And then he vomits dramatically, and utters the words “Oh Mother Miranda, if it’s for you, I’d do anything.”
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I mean, it’s obvious what was meant to be going on here, right? Moreau’s watching a film as Ethan walks in, and sighing at some torridly romantic scene. There’s probably just been some hero or heroine earnestly utter some similar dialog like, “Oh [insert name here], I’d do anything for you!” All the pieces are there except the film itself!
(Do we need to take a moment here to acknowledge the, er, Oedipal implications of Moreau comparing his devotion to Miranda to a presumably-romantic scene? Because... well, it can be easy to overstate that sort of thing, but I don't think it's a stretch to suggest Moreau really would do anything for Mother Miranda.)
So why didn’t the movie make the cut? Why are we left with Moreau watching only static from his poster-less room?
I can only speculate, but a few possible answers come to mind. Maybe the team worried that making Moreau a closet romantic would render their revolting fish-man a little too sympathetic, or a little too comical. Maybe they had trouble finding a film clip that worked for that scene without leaving Ethan awkwardly watching a movie over Moreau’s shoulder for longer than really worked. Maybe test audiences were so distracted by the film going on the background that they missed what was going on in the foreground with the Rose jar. Maybe there were licensing issues around including that Ice Castles poster, or whatever film footage they wanted to show (which I feel obligated to point out may have been some other film altogether). These kinds of snags get in the way of productions all the time. C’est la vie.
The scene still works without the movie playing. But it’s hard to miss what was supposed to be going on.
Still, while I’m talking Moreau, and Moreau’s TV, have a little bonus speculation about Moreau’s relationship with the guy who presumably installed that TV for him: Heisenberg.
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It seems to be pretty popular out there in RE8-fanon land to cast Heisenberg as actually-very-fond of Donna, or the Dimitrescu daughters, etc etc – and that irks me a bit, because I’ve yet to see any take on it that feels in-character for anyone involved. Even putting aside Donna’s own issues and the whole Dimitrescu connection, Heisenberg’s seething contempt for the rest of his ‘family’ is not exactly ambiguous. But even with all that said, there are few intriguing hints that good ol’ Karl might just have the teeniest little soft spot for his ‘moronic freak’ of a brother, Moreau.
The big one is that tidbit from Moreau’s diary that I already touched on in my post on the four lords, where Heisenberg apparently comforts him about his place in the family:
Mother Miranda gave me a Rose jar. No one likes me which is why I thought they would leave me out again. But Heisenberg said that was why we each get a Rose. The ceremony cannot happen without us all there.
Now, you can debate how ‘comforting’ this would have come out in practice. Knowing Heisenberg, whatever he said may have been more of a sneering dig at Moreau's intelligence than real reassurance – but even so, just reminding Moreau that he's an essential part of the plan pretty could qualify as an uncharacteristically kind gesture (and perhaps only more so if Heisenberg knew even then that it was a comforting lie).
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When I say Heisenberg ‘presumably’ installed Moreau’s TV, I do mean presumably. At the end of the day, there’s a TV screen in Moreau’s quarters that Heisenberg can hijack to spy on or talk to Ethan for the same reason there’s one in some back room behind a stronghold full of lycans: the plot requires it to be there, and it’s easier to use the same asset twice. But it’s no fun sticking to rigidly Doylist analysis, so what could be the story behind it? Have some possibilities:
Moreau got hold of the TV himself, but Heisenberg snuck in at some point and modified it so he can use it to spy on his ‘brother’, without Moreau’s knowledge.
Heisenberg installed or repaired the TV for Moreau under the guise of letting him watch films on it, but secretly also uses it as a monitoring device.
Moreau is fully aware the TV can be used for remote communication and chats to Heisenberg through it regularly. Given that his film obsession didn’t make it into the finished game, maybe that’s all he thinks it does. Maybe he was even just talking to Heisenberg before Ethan walks in.
Though that first option is a workable interpretation, you could also question what Heisenberg imagined he’d ever see Moreau doing that was worth spying on. Our other obvious options are that Moreau thinks Heisenberg installed that TV for the primary purpose of enabling his 900th rewatch of The Shape of Water (oh come on, you know he loves that film), or that it’s so they can talk without leaving home. Heisenberg’s still a creep for rigging it to spy on him, but there’s another surprisingly thoughtful gesture buried in there somewhere.  
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There’s one last barely-qualifying little detail that intrigues me, and that’s that both Moreau and Heisenberg seem to have similar ideas about Miranda’s plans for Ethan. Heisenberg states outright that he believes Miranda is testing Ethan, to see if he’s worthy of joining her family. And Moreau bemoans that ‘It’s not fair, I should be with her, not you!’
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Neither Dimitrescu or Angie echo any similar ideas, and nor does anything Miranda actually says to Ethan suggest Heisenberg has the right idea (like so much in this mad fairy tale, the vibes are much stronger than the internal consistency). But if Moreau has the same idea as Heisenberg, despite being so generally clueless about the Rose jars and Miranda’s intent, it’s natural to suppose it’s Heisenberg he got it from. So we’ve got another possible hint that Heisenberg’s closer to Moreau than his other siblings.  
To be clear, none of this means Heisenberg has ever been nice to Moreau. He dismisses Moreau as a moronic freak, and seems unbothered by Moreau’s death. Moreau’s diary makes clear that no-one in the family is nice to him, or generally ‘includes him’ in things (though it’s hard to imagine they much include each other either). Even hinting to Moreau about Miranda’s plans could well have been a means to goad him into conflict with Ethan. I doubt Heisenberg would have had much interest in sitting down to watch Moreau’s favourite movies with him either.
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But it’s not hard to imagine Heisenberg basically viewing Moreau something of an annoying, stupid, snot-nosed little brother – pitiable, but not too pathetic to inspire the odd gem of real sympathy or uncharacteristic kindness. Heisenberg’s obviously spent years telling himself that only the strong survive, that those ignorant villagers deserve their lot, that he can’t afford weakness, but it’s tempting to think that maybe giving Moreau that TV wasn’t a completely cynical gesture. After all, doesn’t every Frankenstein-wannabe need an Igor?
To finish, have some more extracted assets of Moreau-related pics from Miranda's laboratory. I just love the style and detail that went into these.
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maximumspider · 7 months
[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] : Unused Zappy Power-Up
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"Turtle graphics for the Zappy power-up. The player was meant to receive a laser gun and be able to fire lasers at enemies. It would have been interesting to have a projectile weapon in this game, but the possibility for that is gone now."
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"Change memory address 62045 to 01 to set Player 1's weapon to the laser gun. It seems that the coding for this weapon was never finished; it doesn't actually fire a projectile, and the laser gun emits no sound effects. A frame of the Turtles drop-kicking with the laser gun in hand is in the graphics ROM, but it's not implemented."
Source: The Cutting Room Floor - Original TCRF Research
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cut-content-contest · 11 months
trade theme
A song with two channels, each meant to be played on one of two linked systems while trading Pokemon. It's a shame it was scrapped; it's a nice song once you hear it as it was meant to be played.
tcrf link: https://tcrf.net/Pok%C3%A9mon_Red_and_Blue#Unused_Song
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Mew, in Pokemon Red / Blue and those games only, (I think) Mew was hidden in the code as a little secret. It was supposed to be unobtainable, but there's a glitch you can do to obtain Mew. In the other games, Mew is there. The other games do not count for this.
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sasquach-scratches · 18 days
Dumb bitch just realized the...Underworld? area at the end of The Black Parade is a reference to one of Zdzislaw Beksinski's paintings so yeah I guess a lot of the Themes and references go over my head thanks to not being cultured enough lol
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