#customisable tap functions
techdriveplay · 3 months
Sony Unveils INZONE Buds – Truly Wireless Gaming Earbuds
Sony has released INZONE Buds – new truly wireless gaming earbuds packed with Sony’s renowned audio technology designed to help you win. INZONE Buds offer both PC and console gamers an immersive gaming experience thanks to personalised sound, unrivalled 12 hours of battery life and low latency.  Accompanying this innovation is the INZONE H5 wireless headset, which offers up to an astonishing 28…
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shiningliive · 2 months
Live Emotion Tap Spaces
A too long post on the Live Emotion preview clip only having two touch icons:
I've seen mixed reponses. Some people are happy to see a more accesible layout that is less likely to cause hand and wrist damage from long/frequent play sessions, and some are dissapointed and fearful that it might be too slow or too basic.
I'd take an educated guess that what we're seeing in this clip is an 'easy' difficulty, with higher levels hopefully having at least a faster speed. When comparing this clip to the easy difficulty of Shining Romance on SL, both are nearly identical with 11-12 taps within 8-9 seconds.
It's hard to say how I feel about it so far without seeing more footage. Personally, I think at least 4 would be ideal but I can't say until more footage is revealed. It's certainly possible there are more tap spaces in higher difficulties, or the higher speed and potentially more gesture options would make up for it.
Here are some other rhythm games with similar amounts of touch spaces. I've tried to link higher diffulty levels to show the potential:
Love Live All Stars - Very similar layout to Live Emotion with two tap icons, however there are also some notes that have to be swiped in the direction indicated which I think could be implemented in higher difficulties in LE. Also has a mode with less distracting bg visuals (that is customisable with unlockable backgrounds) which I am also currently hoping to be a toggle in LE.
Aikatsu - This I believe is a two player mode that is being played solo, but it does show another example of a 2 touch icon UI. I think it's also played with a controller, but its easy to imagine the arrows as directional sliding gestures as well. Aikatsu has a slightly younger demographic, so it makes sense if the beatmaps skew a bit simpler.
Idolish 7 and I-Chu - Both with four tap icons.
Then of course you have games like Bpro and SIF that have a similar high amount of tap icons to Shining Live. There are also some with similar functionality but different look, like Show By Rock, D4DJ, Project Sekai, and Hypmic.
And for more varied rhythm gameplay styles, but to highlight the potential of different gesture types, you have:
King of Prism - Tapping and making certain swipe gestures as they skate through hoops. This and some others linked also have segments where you trace shapes on the screen at certain parts of a song, or whena gauge fills up.
Te to Te Connect - Arcade game with beatmaps that encourage copying the movements on screen. These sort of swiping and tracing shape movements are especially interesting to me but I dont know if we'd see something like that in LE.
Muse Dash - A different style of rhythm game to what we've seen so far from LE, but there may be something in there to inspire you.
Fit Boxing - Again very different and doesnt really translate to touch screen, but while holding a joycon the player does different types of punches and movements corresponding to the icons.
Osu - A classic, with its icons taking up the screen in various patterns rather than staying in set positions, this is also something I dont expect to see in LE, but is a fun gameplay style. Osu also has a large spinning wheel that shows up occasionally for a short period of time, and has to be spun in circles very quickly.
All that to say, who knows what we're in for. I would prefer a few more touch icons, but even if harder difficulties still only have 2 I think its possible to get a fun and difficult game out of it if theyre fast enough, and have various tap gestures to keep it intersting and engaging (tap, hold, spin, multi-tap, swipe up/down/left/right etc).
Lets wait and see what the next game reveals showcase.
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sandinthepipes · 4 months
Hello fellow dyslexic/adhd/others who would like to enjoy fanfics through their ears, I just spent the entire day testing android apps to find one that doesn’t suck as much.
TL;DR - these two T2S, Audify
I feel like I need to share this because 90% the apps don’t even allow a web page as a source, let alone get past the log in page, and I cant be the only one who doesn’t want to download every single fic.
“Oh, but doesn’t android have a built-in text-to-speech function in the accessibility settings?” I hear you ask. Yes, but it sucks ass very badly. Firstly it only reads in the system language, so it doesn’t really work. Second, you need to highlight all that you want it to read, and seeing that I read a minimum of 15k words in a sitting, I’m not gonna do that.
Also I’m broke, I imagine you are too, but even if I wasn’t I’m not paying for this, if I did I wouldn’t even be supporting a human being, so no.
I’ll immediately break your trust with the first point, but it’s what I’ve been doing until now, and now that I know what the android mobile experience is like, I feel the need to include this. The best solution I’ve had so far (which works wonders, let me tell you) is letting Siri read them on the iPad. It’s only doable when I’m at home and it’s still an apple product, so that’s why I began the research. However the positive points are INCREDIBLE so I’m going to ads it to the list because I said so.
First of all it’s built-in and SO EASY to access, you literally just swipe with two fingers and it stars to read. It reads the punctuation, you might think that’s a given and so did I, but no. A question sounds like a question, an exclamation point does why its supposed to do, short sentences sound what they’re supposed to sound like. In apparently all the apps ever created, you won’t find any of it, just flat, monotone voices with flat little pauses. Overall excellent experience 10/10.
Cons: it’s on apple, I consider apple the same as Disney, I would love to not give them more money so that they can make the market increasingly worse. Every now and then a system update will fuck with the tts function and it will be unusable for a while. Sometimes it doesn’t like the text format on some fics. It’s not portable.
Now that we got that out of the way let us get to the meet.
Speechify - it sucks bad. At least the free version, but seen as it costs almost 10€ a month I’m not even going to consider the premium version. Fuck that. You can’t increase the speed, and as somebody who hasn’t watched a single YouTube video on normal speed since they added the function I can’t do that, too slow, I forgot what we were talking about once we get to the end of the sentence. Also you can only use those weird very robotic voices, and they’re not even that many. Don’t recommend. I felt like I had to include it since it was one of the few who allowed browser navigation and well, it’s speechify. Also you can’t t have saved more than 3 “files” per time. Doesn’t have sleep mode.
Audify - works exactly the same as T2S, but it saves the history and has a bit more customisation for how it reads and what it reads (which you don’t really need for ao3, but if you wanted to read, say, Wikipedia with all the notes and stuff, now you know). Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: the double tap to start reading works slightly better than T2S on websites with weird formatting. But unlike T2S you can only have one tab open
T2S - cute. It works. Again, no emotions, but it reads what it has to, nice voice selections, easy to use. The premium version adds literally nothing, they’re a good app, what they have, they give. Also you can customise the interface colour if you want. Has the sleep mode. - EDIT: this app allows you to have multiple tabs open at the same time, unlike Audify.
That’s all folks. Now go and be free of your reading impediment, or be free in your multitasking, or whatever you want to do. I’m done, I’ve given my datas to all kinds of shady apps, I need to go do damage control
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genshinarchives · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : Shortly after being transported to another reality, you clash with a god who goes by the name Enkidu. You later learn that you have been thrown into a warring era in which the gods of Teyvat are fighting each other to claim a divine seat in Celestia.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 : Al-Haitham, Kaveh; hints of Cyno x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, adventure, isekai
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Year 2052.
The gaming industry has flourished in the past years, and VRMMO-RPG took over the market. VRMMO-RPG is abbreviated from Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, an online game that allows the player to enter a virtual world and experience it as though it were real life. On the pinnacle of VRMMO-RPG is Camelot Chronicles, a game that is popular for its unusually high player freedom which enables the player to customise their character however they want, and they could also create their very own unique NPCs. The latter requires a hefty sum of in-game currency and materials, so you were only able to create one NPC for yourself.
His name is Enki, a doppelganger capable of copying the appearances and abilities of the people he interacts with. Although your character is of the same heteromorphic race, most of your points were spent on levelling your magic skills so you're only able to retain your humanoid form. In your party, Enki functions as the vanguard and so was given high physical and magic resistance, but this is adjustable when he takes on the form of someone else. His primary purpose is to aggro the enemies while you attack at a distance as a mage; outside of the battlefield, he's your loyal attendant who caters to your every whim.
As you stretched your arms over your head, you expelled a deep sigh before closing your notebook. You've just finished taking notes of the reading material your teacher had assigned you this week, and decided to play Camelot Chronicles for the rest of the night since it'll be the weekend tomorrow. Humming a random tune, you put on the specialised VR headset that's needed to play VRMMO-RPG and logged into the game.
You were immediately greeted by the sight of Enki standing next to you in Arondight Forest, the surrounding pine trees and uneven topography conjuring up the feeling one might get when venturing through a coniferous forest. You've been farming Jagged Fangs for the new craftable weapon that's coming in the next update, as Enki needed a new spear; you wanted to make him stronger so you could explore Galahad Ruins, a new area that was recently released. Extending a hand in his direction, you gently waved it from top to bottom.
"Follow," you said. The in-game command was immediately processed by him, prompting him to trail closely behind as you led the way. You traversed Arondight Forest in search for the bird-like mobs you'd usually farm for Jagged Fangs, only to notice their unusual absence. The lack of mobs in the area was already concerning enough, making you wonder if there was some sort of lag that's causing a delay in their spawn time.
Just as you're about to teleport to the nearest save point, your console froze.
"What's going on...?" you mumbled, tapping the air where your console had frozen in place. You then tried to close it by force which didn't work, and when you shifted your attention to your surroundings, you saw distortions in the environment. As incessant buzzing filled your ears, glitch patterns appeared around you before vanishing abruptly, and this repeated until the scenery shattered like glass.
You stared in awe. Things that you've never seen before were reflected in the shattered pieces. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that those things - those people - were moving, which drew you in. One scene showed an armed group of humans uniting under the leadership of a young boy holding a lyre; another showed a multi-headed sea serpent being rained on by gargantuan spears of stone; another showed a brutal war between a gigantic white snake and a woman with long violet hair wielding a spear.
A hand clasped your elbow suddenly, startling you. You were then spun around to meet the crimson eyes of Enki, your creation. Your jaw went slack when you realised that he had somehow become sentient amidst this strange glitch.
"E-Enki?!" you squeaked.
"Master, it seems like we've gotten ourselves in a dangerous situation," he said, "Stay close to me so that I can protect you. We don't know what's going to happen next."
Quickly recovering from your surprise, you told him, "I believe the server had crashed. My console froze and I don't think I can contact the admins at all." To prove your point, you tried using the call function only for unpleasant crackling sounds to echo in your ear.
Suddenly, the ground beneath your feet cracked. With panic overtaking your mind, you clung to Enki for dear life whilst he held onto you firmly.
"The ground is about to break!" he exclaimed. As if on cue, the cracks swiftly webbed out and an ear-splitting crash resounded through the area.
The next thing you knew, you were falling.
"... aster... ake... up..."
You let out a groan and knitted your eyebrows together.
"Mas... Please..."
Is someone calling for you?
"Master, please wake up!"
Eyelids flying open, you quickly sat up with an audible gasp. Your eyes immediately burned from the sudden brightness overhead, forcing you to close them again as you raised an arm to shield them. Seeing your discomfort, Enki moved himself in front of you, casting a protective shadow over your form.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"I'm alright," you replied, "Just a little disorientated." Lowering your arm back to your side, you slowly lifted your eyelids and scanned your new surroundings curiously. "Where exactly are we?"
Standing up, Enki then looked around briefly. "It appears that we've been transported to a desert by mysterious means. I'm afraid I don't know any more than that."
You pushed yourself to your feet whilst brushing the sand off your clothes. This doesn't look like any of the deserts in Camelot Chronicles, and as you rummaged through your brain for any coherent explanation to the situation you've found yourselves in, you suddenly remembered the moving images you had seen during the glitch. The young boy with the lyre reminded you of Venti, who's a popular character in an old fantasy ARPG; the woman fighting against the serpent-like monster also resembled the Raiden Shogun, another iconic figure from the same game.
What was the name of the game?
You knew that Camelot Chronicles took inspiration from it after you watched an online interview with the game developers. You had done a little research on the game it took inspiration from out of curiosity and was impressed by the unique gameplay and rich lore.
"Jen... Jenshin...?" you mumbled.
That didn't sound right.
Your attention then shifted to Enki, who appeared to be waiting for your orders patiently. You noted that up close, he's quite good-looking; his sharp red eyes complimented his long ivory hair that's tied in a half-ponytail. Without a second thought, you held his wrist and was surprised to feel a pulse. You cupped his face and gently caressed his cheeks, your jaw going slack in disbelief; not only did he become sentient, he looks and feels real! He has a pulse like most living creatures do, and he smells pretty nice as well... While you were busy admiring Enki, you failed to notice his flustered look.
"Wh-what is it, master?" he asked with a slight stutter.
Before you could answer him, a loud explosion sounded at a distance. Startled, you both turned in the direction you had heard it come from, and your eyes widened when you caught sight of a sandstorm heading straight towards you. As it neared you and Enki, you noticed a shadow barely concealed behind the sandy veil.
"A hostile object is beelining towards us from 12 o'clock!" Enki exclaimed, summoning his spear. You instinctively slammed your hands on the ground, spawning a glowing glyph beneath you and Enki. "Making contact in 3... 2... 1!" On cue, silver chains shot up from the glyph and overlapped each other to form a makeshift shield in front of you. Something crashed into the chains at high speed, the impact causing the sand near its point to spew towards you like a tidal wave. Gusts of wind whipped around the two of you, and once the chaos has settled, the chains dissipated at your command to reveal another human standing before you.
Your gaze immediately settled on the bull horns protruding from the sides of his head. The mysterious man smiled, but you could sense the underlying malice in that supposedly friendly gesture.
"How brave of you to step outside of your god's domain," he said, "Which god do you follow? Gugalanna? Rukkhadevata?" He arched an eyebrow when he perceived your puzzled expression. "Is it neither of those two? Then perhaps you're one of those desertfolk whose god I've slain." He then threw his head back with a loud laugh, as if the words he had uttered carried no weight at all. "He was truly a weak god. For someone who's revered as the God of Heroes to fall so easily... How pathetic!"
"Who are you?" you asked with a frown. Although you didn't know who this God of Heroes is, his arrogant attitude still got on your nerves.
He ceased his laughter to answer your question, "Enkidu. You picked a wrong time to go adventuring, humans."
Enki couldn't accept the rude way in which Enkidu had spoken to you and immediately became aggressive. "Where are your manners? Do not speak to my master in that tone, and kneel when you greet her!"
Enkidu was unfazed.
"Oh... So that woman is a god as well?" he mused, grinning, "I suppose that makes us enemies!"
"Watch out!" Enki said, swiftly moving in front of you to deflect the light projectiles Enkidu had fired from his palms. Before you could fully process what was happening, your attendant had engaged in a ferocious combat with Enkidu. Sparks flew like steel birds of prey as their weapons clashed, their feet manoeuvring around each other's like elaborate pieces of footwork.
Gods. This world has gods, and the gods are fighting each other for some reason. You wondered if you got thrust into another reality during an era that's being devastated by countless power struggles - because if that's the case, you're the unluckiest person on the planet right now.
"Whatever," you mumbled, raising a hand with your open palm facing the sky. You'll worry about the war ravaging this world later; helping Enki take down Enkidu is your top priority, and fortunately, you possess the very weapon that's meant to combat god-like beings. "My soul has united with the stars. I command the celestials of the sky! Where the heavens shine, there am I! Thou wait at the gates of hell! Come forth, divine restraint! Shirshirdingira!"
A large golden portal expanded above Enkidu. Its sudden appearance made him falter as he looked up, and Enki took this chance to swiftly run him through with his spear. Enkidu bellowed as his chest exploded with pain, and the sight of a gigantic spearhead attached to a silver chain emerging from the portal prompted Enki to drive him into the ground before leaping out of your attack's range. As Enkidu lied on his sandy grave, you dropped the chain on him, quickly cutting his life short.
"That's... it...?" you said, blinking. That seemed far too easy; his bravado earlier gave you the impression that it would take more to kill him. When the chain dissolved into golden particles that were swept away by the passing wind, crimson webs were seen on the sand.
Enkidu is dead.
You killed someone.
But why do you not feel anything?
You stared at your hands.
Could it be because your character's race has merged with you when you came to this new world, it made you indifferent towards the things that humans would normally react strongly to?
"Y-you must be..."
You were pulled out of your thoughts when a new voice filled the silence, and you looked to your right to see a man crawling out from behind a rock. His expression was a mixture of fear and wonder as he regarded you with wide eyes, and the next thing you knew, he had prostrated himself before you, his forehead touching the sand.
"What are you-" you began, but were cut off by him.
"You must be the new god Celestia sent down! You're the one who will become the new God of Heroes!"
When Enki stepped forward to punish him for interrupting you, you barred his path by raising your arm in front of him.
"I don't think I follow. What is this world exactly?" you asked.
"You have descended to the world of Teyvat, O Exalted One," the man answered.
"And your name?"
"I am Ushar, a humble desertfolk from the sands of Sumeru. I work as a soldier for the city the God of Heroes had built."
"Raise your head," you ordered, and Ushar complied. He had clear crystal blue eyes, dark brown hair and a tanned complexion... You can't help but notice how much he resembles Dehya, a Pyro character from Sumeru.
Your pupils dilated when realisation dawned on you.
Celestia. Sumeru.
You finally remembered the name of the game.
Those are places in the world of Genshin Impact.
But how can that be? How can Genshin Impact be your new reality when it's been 30 years since the game was released?
"Then right now... It must be in the middle of the Archon War," you murmured.
"That's correct. Every day, the gods of Sumeru are at war with each other," Ushar said, having overheard you, "The God of Heroes whom we follow... was slain by Enkidu, the one you had defeated. Which means that you must be the god he spoke of before he passed! The god who will avenge him, and take his place to guide us! Please hear your servant's plea, and be our new God of Heroes!"
You were hesitant to accept his request. You didn't know if the deceased God of Heroes was fighting to protect his people or to claim one of the seven divine seats in Celestia. You had enough knowledge of Genshin Impact's lore to survive with just Enki by your side, and you were well-aware that if you participated in the Archon War, battling the future Dendro Archon - Greater Lord Rukkhadevata - will be inevitable. At the same time however, you needed more information, more than what the game has already revealed about Teyvat's history.
"... I want something in exchange," you finally said, "If you can give it to me, I will protect you and your people as your new god."
Ushar bowed deeply in gratitude. "Whatever it is that you wish for, will be yours."
You knelt down to his level. "I want information about this world."
The picrew below is Enki.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @flowwerpot​ / @myevergarden​ / @hey-comrade-hold-stil​ / @genshin-idiot /
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webagencyworks · 8 days
Why Utilising a Professional Web Design Agency in Nottingham is Your Best Choice
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Are you considering designing your own website or hiring a professional web design agency in Nottingham? It’s a question that many individuals and businesses grapple with when they embark on the journey of establishing their online presence. While the DIY route might seem appealing at first glance, opting for a professional web design agency can offer numerous benefits that outweigh the initial allure of saving costs or exerting creative control. Let’s explore why entrusting your website to a professional agency is the superior choice, especially in Nottingham’s competitive digital landscape.
Expertise and Experience: Professional web design agencies in Nottingham boast teams of skilled designers, developers, and marketers who collectively bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. They stay abreast of the latest industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements, ensuring that your website is not just visually appealing but also functional, user-friendly, and optimised for search engines. By tapping into their knowledge base, you can rest assured that your website will be crafted with precision and finesse, catering to your specific goals and target audience.
Customisation and Personalisation: While DIY website builders offer templates and generic designs, they often fall short when it comes to customisation and personalisation. A professional web design agency takes the time to understand your unique brand identity, values, and objectives, tailoring every aspect of your website to reflect your vision and resonate with your audience. From bespoke layouts and colour schemes to interactive features and intuitive navigation, they prioritise creating a memorable online experience that sets you apart from the competition and leaves a lasting impression on visitors.
Time and Efficiency: Designing a website from scratch or navigating complex DIY platforms can be a time-consuming and daunting task, especially if you lack the requisite skills and resources. By engaging a professional web design agency in Nottingham, you free yourself from the burden of grappling with technical intricacies and troubleshooting issues along the way. Their streamlined processes, project management expertise, and collaborative approach ensure that your website is developed and launched within the stipulated timeframe, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business with peace of mind.
Scalability and Support: Your website is not a static entity but rather a dynamic tool that should evolve and grow alongside your business. A professional web design agency Nottingham understands this fundamental principle and equips your website with scalability and flexibility to accommodate future expansion, updates, and enhancements. Moreover, they provide ongoing support, maintenance, and optimisation services to ensure that your website remains responsive, secure, and relevant in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Whether you need to integrate new features, troubleshoot technical issues, or enhance your online presence, they are committed to being your trusted partner every step of the way.
In conclusion, while the temptation to design your own website may be enticing, entrusting this crucial task to a professional web design agency in Nottingham offers unparalleled advantages in terms of expertise, customisation, efficiency, and support. By harnessing their collective skills and resources, you can elevate your online presence, strengthen your brand identity, and achieve tangible results that drive business growth and success. So why settle for mediocrity when you can stand out from the crowd with a website that reflects the true essence of your brand? Choose wisely, choose a professional web design agency, and embark on a journey towards digital excellence today.
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govindhtech · 12 days
How to Customize Chrome Menu Bar on iPhone Today
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Google Chrome Menu Bar
Recently, Google Chrome for iPhone received an update that included the eagerly anticipated feature of customisable menus! With control over the menu bar and carousel, users can now customise their browsing experience with this upgrade. Let’s explore what this entails and how you can use these recently added capabilities.
The Significance of Personalisation
The Chrome menu bar, which can be accessed by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner, offers easy access to the most important browsing features. Before, the menu showed a rotating carousel of options that Chrome determined to be “frequently used.” Users who prefer to have specialised tools readily available and have established workflows may find this disruptive.
This is addressed by the new customisation options, which provide you greater flexibility over the Chrome menu bar. Now you can:
Disable Smart Sort
Turn off Smart Sort to bid adieu to the constantly shifting carousel! By maintaining your most-used features in the order you choose, this option helps you develop muscle memory and improves the efficiency of your browsing.
Customise the Carousel
If there are features you don’t use frequently, you may now remove them completely from the carousel. This keeps the most pertinent items close to hand and declutters the menu.
Organise the Action List
Beneath the carousel on the menu is an action list. With this update, you can order these activities in a different order to make the ones you use most often the priority.
A Comprehensive Guide to Customising the Chrome Menu
Open the Chrome App
Utilise your iPhone to launch the Google Chrome application.
Access the Menu
Press the three vertical dots situated in the upper right corner of the screen to access the menu. The overflow menu will then appear.
Locate the Customisation Option
There are other options available in the overflow menu. After just a little amount of scrolling, you’ll see a new option called “Customise Menu.”
Comparing the Pre-Update and Post-Update: What’s New?
This menu item, which prioritised Chrome’s options, was known as “Show Frequently Used Items First” before to this update. This option has been renamed with the update to make it more obvious that you may customise the menu with it.
Customise Your Menu
Pressing the “Customise Menu” button reveals additional customisation choices.
Turn off Smart Sort:
This allows you to turn off the “Smart Sort Menu Bar.” If you disable this, the action list order and the carousel items you have selected will stay in place.
Customise the Carousel
You can turn on and off any carousel component, with the exception of Settings and Site Information, which are necessary features. To add or remove a feature from the carousel, just tap the toggle next to it.
Rearrange the Action List
The carousel is accompanied by an action list. You can rearrange the action icons in this screen by tapping, holding, and dragging them in the desired order.
Advantages of a Tailored Menu
You may design a browsing experience that exactly fits your workflow and preferences by customising the Chrome menu bar. There are various advantages to this:
Enhanced Efficiency
Time is saved and navigating through multiple menus to find specific tasks is reduced when the most frequently used features are easily accessible from the menu.
Better User Experience
Browsing is made more fun and intuitive with a menu that is devoid of clutter and contains only the most relevant items.
Decreased Anger
Say goodbye to riding a jumbled carousel! You can customise the menu arrangement to your preference and stay away from the hassle of frequently changing selections.
Tailoring the Menu Bar
Chrome extensions offer functionality that may appear to be an extension of the Chrome menu bar, even though you cannot directly add or delete options from the Chrome menu bar itself. These extensions have the ability to add new menu items or buttons with extra functionality.
Menu Bar on Chrome
For those who appreciate customisation and a seamless surfing experience, Chrome for iPhone’s menu customisation feature is a great addition. You can now modify the carousel, reorganise the action list, and turn off smart sorting in your Chrome menu bar to make it exactly what you want. Thus, be sure to upgrade your Chrome app, experiment with the customisation settings, and design a web browsing experience that will enable you to browse the web effectively and effortlessly.
Extra Words of Wisdom
The upgrade may be released in stages. on the upcoming days, look for updates on the App Store if you haven’t gotten it yet.
This is a Chrome for iPhone update. Whether the iPad version will have comparable customisation capabilities is still up in the air.
With any luck, this in-depth guide will enable you to fully utilise the new Chrome menu bar customisation options and take pleasure in an increasingly customised iPhone browsing experience.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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senatorpoolsaus · 15 days
Book Pool Renovation in Sydney: Get Customised Services for Designer Pool!
People who need top-notch customised services for pool renovation in Sydney should book specialised renovation in comprehensive concrete pool renovators including repainting, tiling, interior replacements, lighting upgrades, and paving work. 
Their expertise ensures that their custom pool designs not only look new but also meet their unique design preferences. These experts have some years of experience and can deliver exceptional results that enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of the pool. 
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Reasons to Select Regional Pool Renovation Specialists:
Well-established regional pool renovation services take responsibility for delivering higher customer satisfaction and value the investment of their clients. 
Therefore, they conduct a thorough discussion on the current pool condition and desired outcomes before starting any renovation, to ensure complete satisfaction.
Secondly, regional specialists usually make reputations with years of experience, handling various types of pool renovations. They have extensive experience in landscaping, designing, tiling, interior replacements, and lighting upgrades. This can ensure delivering high-quality and innovative solutions tailored to each client's unique needs.
Next, local pool renovation specialists offer a wide range of services, including repairs, resurfacing, and custom designs. Whether it is a neglected pool needing a makeover or a newly acquired property requiring updates, these experts provide all-encompassing solutions. 
This means that homeowners can rely on a single trusted provider for all of their pool restoration needs, streamlining the process and maintaining consistency in quality.
Regional specialists excel in providing custom pool designs that enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the space. They work closely with clients to design the pool and surrounding landscape, offering personalized plans and 3D models for better visualization. This attention to detail ensures that the final design aligns perfectly with the homeowner's vision.
Hiring local specialists means tapping into their extensive understanding of regional climate conditions, legislation, and aesthetic preferences. They are immediately available for on-site consultations and continuous support, adding a personal touch that larger, non-local businesses may lack. 
Their proximity also enables speedier reaction times and more flexible scheduling, resulting in a seamless remodelling process. 
Therefore, builders and homeowners in Sydney and its surroundings should hire regional pool refurbishment specialists, to enjoy a smooth, personalised, and high-quality pool transformation that adds long-term value and enjoyment to their properties.
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bodyhealthproduct · 1 month
A Game-Changer for Coffee Lovers: My Review of the [Product Name]
I used to consider myself a bit of a coffee aficionado. I meticulously planned my morning routine around brewing the perfect cup, experimenting with different beans, grinds, and brewing methods. While I enjoyed the process, it often felt time-consuming and occasionally frustrating, especially on busy mornings.
Enter the [Product Name]. This innovative coffee machine has completely revolutionised my coffee experience. Here's why I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who appreciates a delicious cup of coffee without the fuss.
Effortless Brewing: Convenience at its Finest
The [Product Name] boasts a remarkably user-friendly design. From setting up to brewing, the entire process is intuitive and requires minimal effort. The machine features clear instructions and simple controls, making it accessible even to those new to automatic coffee machines.
What truly impressed me is the speed and efficiency. With the touch of a button, I can have a steaming cup of coffee ready in a matter of minutes, perfect for those rushed mornings. The [Product Name] eliminates the need for manual grinding or measuring, streamlining the entire brewing process.
Uncompromising Flavour: Quality You Can Taste
Despite its convenience, the [Product Name] doesn't compromise on flavour. The machine consistently delivers a rich and satisfying cup of coffee, regardless of the type of beans I use. The brewing technology ensures optimal extraction, drawing out the full flavour profile of the beans.
I particularly appreciate the adjustable settings that allow me to customise the strength and intensity of my coffee. Whether I'm craving a bold espresso or a smooth, lighter brew, the [Product Name] caters to my preferences perfectly.
A Design that Complements Your Kitchen
Beyond its functionality, the [Product Name] boasts a sleek and stylish design that complements any kitchen aesthetic. Its compact size makes it ideal for even the most space-conscious countertops, and the clean lines and modern finish exude a touch of sophistication.
The machine is also remarkably easy to clean and maintain, further adding to its user-friendliness.
A Coffee Lover's Essential
In conclusion, the [Product Name] has become an indispensable part of my daily routine. It delivers exceptional coffee with minimal effort, making it a true game-changer for coffee enthusiasts like myself. If you're looking for a convenient, high-quality coffee machine that doesn't compromise on taste, I highly recommend giving the [Product Name] a try.sharemore_vert
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prashantkhetal · 1 month
All-In-One Digital Planners Bundle : Boost Productivity Across All Facets Of Life
Introduction: In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying organized and maintaining productivity can be challenging. Traditional planners are useful, but they lack the adaptability and efficiency required for managing various aspects of modern life seamlessly. Enter the All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle – a revolutionary solution designed to bring order to your chaos while boosting your efficiency. Whether you’re a student, professional, or entrepreneur, this digital planner bundle is tailored to meet all your organizational needs.
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The All-in-one digital planner has been carefully designed to maximize productivity, aid in achieving all the goals that you set for yourself, and ultimately in helping you find balance in your life. This particularly dated planner has a creative yet functional design that is backed by a very extensive and smooth network of hyperlinks and buttons to make sure that the user experience is front and centre. You have a wide range of variations that you can choose to make a planner that fits you and your organisational skills. The planner builder process is extremely easy and you can build your customised planner in less than 5 minutes!
Digital planners provide a great way to get high-quality and customized planners to help you in structuring and organizing your life, both at home and professionally and it does so at a very inexpensive price. It also allows you to supercharge apps such as Goodnotes or Notability, leading to a much better experience.
What is the All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle?
The All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle is a comprehensive collection of digital planning tools that includes calendars, to-do lists, note-taking templates, budget trackers, and more, all consolidated into one versatile package. Compatible with a range of devices such as tablets, smartphones, and computers, these planners are designed to sync across all platforms, ensuring that your data is accessible anywhere, anytime. Detailed Overview of the All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle
The All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle is meticulously crafted to cater to the modern individual’s diverse needs. This comprehensive suite includes a variety of tools and templates that integrate seamlessly across your digital devices.
Core Components Include:
Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Planners: Organize your schedule with flexibility; plan your day with precision or get a bird’s-eye view of your month.
Project Management Boards: Utilize Kanban boards and Gantt charts to manage projects and track progress efficiently.
Financial Management Sheets: Budget planners, expense trackers, and investment logs are integrated to handle your personal and business finances.
Health and Wellness Trackers: Keep tabs on fitness goals, meal plans, and mental health days.
Educational Tools: Specially designed templates for students that include syllabus trackers, assignment deadlines, and study planners.
Customizable Templates: Every template is fully customizable, allowing users to tailor their planner to their lifestyle and preferences.
Key Features That Enhance Usability:
Sync Capabilities: Automatically syncs data across all devices, ensuring that your plans are always up-to-date, whether accessed from your phone, tablet, or computer.
Interactive Elements: Tap, swipe, and click through your planner with interactive tabs and hyperlinks for effortless navigation.
Cloud Storage Integration: Safely store your plans in the cloud; access them anytime and backup data to avoid any loss.
Encryption and Security: Advanced encryption secures your information, making it safe to store sensitive data such as financial details.
Benefits of the All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle
Streamlined Organization: Centralize your planning tools in one location, reducing clutter and enhancing efficiency.
Boosted Productivity: Reduce the time spent planning and increase the time available for action with tools designed for high efficiency.
Scalability: Whether you’re managing personal tasks or coordinating team projects, the bundle scales to meet your needs.
Eco-friendly: Embrace sustainability with a paperless solution that decreases your carbon footprint.
Economic Savings: Invest in one comprehensive solution rather than purchasing multiple apps and tools.
Impact on Sales and Market Appeal
The All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle is ideally positioned to capitalize on the growing trend towards digital integration in personal and professional spaces. Its comprehensive feature set and versatility make it appealing to a broad audience, increasing its marketability and potential sales. By emphasizing these aspects and leveraging targeted marketing strategies, businesses can attract and retain customers seeking efficient, innovative solutions.
Expanded Product Description for All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle
Versatile Functionality: The All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle is meticulously designed to adapt to various user needs, making it ideal for individuals across different professions and lifestyles. Each component of the bundle addresses specific areas:
Professional Use: Features task prioritization, meeting notes, client management, and automation of appointments syncing across devices.
Personal Management: Includes meal planning, daily habit tracking, personal goal setting, and budgeting tools that cater to individual wellness and financial health.
Academic Application: Offers academic calendars, lecture trackers, assignment deadlines, and group project coordination tools to support student success.
User-Centric Design: Emphasizing ease of use, the bundle’s interface is intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate and customize their planners. With drag-and-drop functionality, users can personalize layouts and access a wide range of widgets and add-ons, enhancing their planning experience.
Tech-Savvy Integration: The bundle seamlessly integrates with existing tools and software, including but not limited to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneNote, and various calendar apps, providing a cohesive and uninterrupted planning environment.
Advanced Features for Enhanced Engagement:
Smart Reminders: Set location-based and activity-based reminders that help you keep track of your tasks effortlessly.
Analytics Dashboard: Gain insights into your productivity patterns with visual analytics that help you understand and optimize how you spend your time.
Offline Access: Access your digital planner even without an internet connection, ensuring you never miss an update
The All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle is more than just a tool; it’s a complete system designed to elevate your organizational skills and productivity. By embracing this digital solution, individuals and businesses alike can enjoy a streamlined approach to managing daily tasks and long-term goals. Get your bundle today and transform the way you plan and execute your days!
With its robust features and user-friendly design, the All-in-One Digital Planners Bundle is positioned as a leader in the digital planning market. By implementing a strategic SEO and content marketing plan, the product can achieve higher visibility, attract more traffic, and convert visitors into loyal customers.
For Any Inquiry please Visit Link Here : https://lnkd.in/ew6mGhcz
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leacholsen38 · 1 month
Ai Strategy Consulting Transform Your Corporation With Ai
Regular monitoring helps establish areas for improvement and enables data-driven decisions to optimize AI performance. Given these potential benefits, embracing AI content strategy consulting just isn't solely helpful; it’s essential in your business’s continued growth and success. Therefore, we encourage all companies to tap into this subject and take benefit of the alternatives it presents. As we transfer in path of a future pushed by technological developments, the rise of AI in content strategy consulting is nothing in want of phenomenal. The potential to leverage AI for creating, optimising, and personalising content material is changing the method in which we method conventional content material methods. From predicting audience preferences to creating real-time customisations to content, the position of AI is remodeling at a swift pace within the ecosystem of content material strategy. They work closely with clients, senior executives, and cross-functional groups, requiring the ability to build relationships, influence stakeholders, and navigate complex organizational dynamics. Consultants should be adept at lively listening, clear articulation of ideas, and persuasive presentation expertise. Visa’s AI consulting launch arrives shortly after rival MasterCard unveiled its own AI practice. The new AI providing might be located within the company’s funds consulting division Visa Consulting & Analytics (VCA) – which has offerings in strategy, implementation, digital, portfolio optimization, and threat. VCA has a team of over 1,000 consultants, data scientists and product specialists in 75 places of work on six continents. Their position is important in transitioning from monolithic architectures to service-based solutions, supporting particular person and collaborative projects throughout multiple repositories. By incorporating all out there info into RAG, looking for and understanding project nuances becomes less complicated, streamlining data transfer and boosting staff effectivity. Mani served as a board of Director in The KEF company, a multi million dollar personal funding firm in Dubai International Financial center (DIFC). At KEF firm Mani abroad the Healthcare funding portfolio and as a key strategist in managing the healthcare investments. Dr. Mani served as the SVP Corporate Development and Investments and Head of Healthcare at Beyond Limits, An Artificial Intelligence Engineering Company based in Southern California. artificial intelligence consulting The significance of AI in content material strategy cannot be overstated, because it brings sophistication to our methodological toolkit. By analyzing vast datasets and extracting pertinent consumer insights, we ensure that our content strategies hit the mark every time, delivering not just content, however an experience that aligns with person expectations and preferences. The world has witnessed a seismic shift in the way businesses engage with consumers on-line, and on the heart of this transformation is Artificial Intelligence. AI has become an integral part of our daily operations at TLG Marketing, guiding our strategies to be extra adaptive, clever, and results-focused. Our dedication to embedding AI into business strategy springs from our understanding of its potential to remodel an unlimited array of operations, from analytics and data processing to personalised content supply and past. He involves SEW from DCT Solutions Inc., which he co-founded and ran its ETRM (Energy trading and threat management) and Digital solutions apply, serving Energy & Utility companies across the globe. Prior to that, he held several leadership positions at American Electric Power and PNM Resources supporting their commodity commerce flooring. Raj has deep experience across multiple commodities including Power, Natural Gas, Emissions, Oil and Refined products, and well-versed with all facets of Utility operations. Tony Williams, VP of Mobile Workforce Solutions at SEW has over 25 years of expertise working in the electric and fuel utility. Tony brings a diverse set of abilities and experiences to his function together with utility strategy growth, training and improvement and business process enchancment. He has efficiently helped utilities achieve efficiencies and improve core operations throughout his career.
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lnt-suffin · 2 months
Significance of Lathe Machine and Tile Cutter at Work
Lathe machines and tile cutters are important in various industries and are widely used in materials shaping and offering precision cuts. From manufacturing components in industries to laying tiles in construction projects, these machines offer efficiency, accuracy, and versatility. 
Let’s understand the role of lathe machines and tile cutters in industrial and construction works, along with their functionalities and uses and their contributions to productivity and efficiency.
Lathe Machines
A lathe machine is a highly functional tool meant for shape forming, cutting and drilling different materials such as metal, wood and plastics. Its importance lies in the production of cylindrical items with high accuracy and consistency. There are different types of lathe machines, such as engine lathes, CNC and turret lathes, which are used for different and complex workpieces and the different operations to be performed.
The lathe machine operates by rotating the workpiece against the cutting tool, allowing for precise machine operations such as turning, facing and threading. 
These machines are capable of producing intricate features and shapes with high accuracy and unique features, particularly in the manufacturing of aerospace, automotive, and medical devices.
In the metalworking industries, lathe machines fabricate shafts, gears, bushings, and other important pieces.
Woodturning lathes are employed in woodworking shops to craft furniture, decorative items, and architectural elements.
CNC lathes are the tools that allow automated machining and, therefore, enable the mass production of complex parts. Precision in this process is maintained, and human intervention is minimal.
Impact on Productivity
Lathe machines enhance not only productivity but also reduce the amount of manual labour and cycle times, which, in the end, leads to faster production cycles for manufacturing operations.
Their tolerance helps them create high-quality products, prevent scraps, and work with the greatest efficiency, thus producing the best products.
Advancements in Technology
For gradual development in technology, lathe machines are equipped with special features, which include CNC, live tooling and multi-axis.
CNC lathes, which are embedded with computer control systems, allow you to precisely program the machining activities to create intricate shapes and complicated designs.
Live tooling provides machining operations like milling, drilling, and tapping, and thus, the time spent on the setup process decreases and efficiency increases as a result of the live tooling.
Multipurpose lathes are required for an increased variety of functions. Such machines allow the machining of two or more surfaces at the same time, which makes the production of complicated components quicker, more efficient and reduces time.
Tile Cutters
Tile cutters are the tools used for cutting ceramic, porcelain, and other materials with precision and a high level of comfort. The heavy tools and equipment are vital in construction jobs, assisting teams in laying floor tiles in homes, commercial buildings, and factories.
Tile cutters are fitted with different kinds of mechanisms like manual scoring and snapping, rotary cutting, and wet sawing in order to cut various tiles of different sizes and thicknesses with the best precision.
They include cut grooves and measurement marks and are designed to prevent uneven grout lines and misalignment when laid.
Tile cutters are universal tools in building projects that form the building blocks for tiles to fit into the corners, edges, and around with all the necessary fit requirements.
From bathroom remodelling to major flooring installations, tile cutters are invaluable solutions that enable finishing touches and creative customisation of the tile layout. Basically, they improve the final look and the effectiveness of tiling.
Impact on Productivity
The tile cutters reduce the installation time required for the project by making this task speedy, and one can easily accomplish this without any specific skill set or training.
Their efficiency in handling different tile materials and shapes reduces  mistakes that lead to time wastage and costs to the contractors and homeowners.
Technological Innovations
Nowadays, modern tile cutters are integrated with the best available technologies to achieve accurate cuts with fast speed and safety.
Electric tile cutters installed with diamond-coated blades and water-cooling technology serve to cut hard tile materials at great speed without breakage or chipping.
By using laser-guided tile cutters, you can design ideal lines for cutting, which avoids the error of the manual cutting process.
The lathe machine and the tile cutter are indispensable tools in the industry and construction setups because of their accuracy, adaptability, and efficiency. Although lathe machines have a long history in the field of machining, they include shaping metals (steel or iron), plastics, and wood. Tile cutters, on the other hand, are a more recent invention in the construction family, and they are used in construction and remodelling jobs that require the cutting of ceramic and porcelain tiles. 
The future of machine work will inevitably witness the development of lathe machines and tile cutters in terms of material reshaping and processing. Innovation and efficiency in the industrial and construction sectors continue to increase with the continuous transformation of machine tools. 
So, if businesses want to purchase or sell such machines, they must go for an integrated platform like LnTSufin to buy and sell such industrial tools.
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iplaykora04 · 2 months
Upgrade your Wrist with a Smartwatch:
Are you bored of using an old-fashioned analog watch? Those days are gone when watches were meant to serve the purpose of displaying time. Today our wrist has a new tech companion, which not only just displays time but also transforms the way we manage our well-being.  With the advancement of technologies, smartwatches have become very popular in Ghana, because of their convenience and outstanding features of controlling your smartphone within a few seconds. 
If you are living a modern lifestyle, you must have tech gadgets such as smartphones, smart TVs, and earbuds. But that same old-style analog watch, then you might look forward to replacing your old watch with a new tech smartwatch. To Buy smart watch in Ghana, you must know about the features that a smartphone can offer. 
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Things a Smartwatch can offer you:
The instant connectivity for calls, texts, and notifications saves your time.
The effortless style and premium material quality enhance your lifestyle and give you a feeling of luxury.
 The advantage to never missing a call or message again with instant notifications on your wrist, managing your music, and notifications.
With the use of a smartwatch, one can take a fitness routine to the next level and can also explore how to use features like heart rate monitoring, activity tracking, and guided workouts on your smartwatch.
 It has the feature to customise notifications, prioritise important messages, and even reply directly from your wrist.
Introducing the Konnect Smartwatch by iPlayKora  
The revolutionary smartwatch is designed to ideally integrate into your life and push you to reach your full potential. The unique style and the advanced tech features have made them the best option to buy smart watche in Ghana. 
To avoid checking your phone again and again, use your smartwatch right on your wrist. The convenient tech partner on your wrist offers features designed to simplify your life, improve your health, and keep you connected. With the help of Konnect, one can easily access their favorite apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp through the smartwatch in just a few seconds. 
Konnect is equipped with a 1.8-inch large touchscreen display and can be paired with a smartphone within seconds. A light-weight and convenient gadget with a wide range of functionalities which is way better than the traditional analog watches. Konnect by iPlayKora is the right product you are looking for with so many advanced functionalities.  
Access to incoming calls, messages, app notifications, smart reminders, and important news.
One tap AI voice assistant.
Bluetooth calling.
1.8-inch display.
IP67 waterproof.
118 sports mode.
SpO2 monitoring. 
Conclusion: IPlayKora has become a household name in Ghana because of its unique and best-quality products that not only help in your daily activities but also enhance your look with its stylish design, which makes it the best option to buy smart watch in Ghana.
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designagencyy · 2 months
Why Choose a Full-Service Web Design Agency for Branding Solutions?
 In today's digital age, establishing a strong online presence is vital for businesses to thrive. A well-designed website not only serves as a virtual storefront but also acts as a powerful tool for branding and marketing. As such, selecting the right web design agency Christchurch to craft your digital identity is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. 
While there are countless options available, opting for a full-service web design agency can offer numerous benefits that can significantly impact your brand's success.
Comprehensive Expertise
When you enlist the services of a full-service web design agency Christchurch, you're tapping into a wealth of expertise across various disciplines. 
From graphic design and user experience (UX) optimisation to content creation and search engine optimisation (SEO), these agencies boast a diverse team of professionals capable of handling every aspect of your website's development. 
This comprehensive approach ensures that every element of your site aligns seamlessly with your branding strategy, resulting in a cohesive and impactful online presence.
Streamlined Communication
Collaborating with multiple vendors for different aspects of your website's design and development can quickly become a logistical nightmare. 
However, by choosing a full-service web design agency, you benefit from streamlined communication and project management. With all relevant stakeholders under one roof, communication barriers are minimised, allowing for smoother coordination and faster turnaround times. 
This cohesive workflow ensures that your branding solutions are implemented efficiently and effectively.
Customised Solutions
No two businesses are exactly alike, and your website should reflect the unique qualities that set your brand apart. Full-service web design agencies understand the importance of customisation and tailor their services to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client. 
Whether you're looking to revamp your existing website or create a brand-new digital platform from scratch, these agencies work closely with you to develop customised solutions that resonate with your target audience and encapsulate your brand's identity.
Holistic Approach to Branding
Your website serves as the digital face of your brand, making it essential to ensure that it accurately represents your brand identity and values. 
Full-service web design agencies take a holistic approach to branding, considering not only the visual aspects of your site but also its functionality, user experience, and messaging. 
By aligning these elements cohesively, they create a compelling online presence that not only captures the attention of visitors but also fosters trust and loyalty in your brand.
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Scalability and Flexibility
As your business grows and evolves, so too should your website. Full-service web design agencies understand the importance of scalability and build websites that can adapt to your changing needs over time. 
Whether you're expanding your product offerings, targeting new demographics, or integrating advanced features, these agencies ensure that your website remains agile and responsive to your evolving business objectives. 
This scalability and flexibility future-proof your online presence, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing digital landscape.
Continuous Support and Maintenance
Launching your website is just the beginning of your online journey. To ensure its continued success, ongoing support and maintenance are essential. 
Full-service web design agencies provide comprehensive support services, including website hosting, security updates, and performance optimisation. 
This continuous support ensures that your website remains secure, responsive, and fully functional, allowing you to focus on growing your business while leaving the technical details to the experts.
Measurable Results
In the world of digital marketing, data is king. Full-service web design agencies employ advanced analytics tools to track and measure the performance of your website continually. 
By analysing key metrics such as traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, they gain valuable insights into user behaviour and preferences. 
This data-driven approach enables them to refine and optimise your website continuously, ensuring that it delivers tangible results and drives meaningful outcomes for your business.
In conclusion, opting for a full-service web design agency for your branding solutions offers numerous advantages that can elevate your brand's online presence and drive business growth. 
From comprehensive expertise and streamlined communication to customised solutions and measurable results, these agencies provide the tools and resources you need to succeed in today's digital landscape. 
By partnering with a trusted web design agency Christchurch, you can unlock the full potential of your brand and establish a compelling online presence that resonates with your target audience.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
AI EbookPal Review – Create & Sell Stunning Ebooks in Just One Minute
Welcome to my AI EbookPal Review, This is a real user-based AI EbookPal review where I will focus on the features, upgrades, demo, pricing and bonus, how AI EbookPal can help you, and my opinion. The first-to-market AI app instantly turns any URL, blog, Website or keyword into fully functional ebooks and flipbooks without writing a single word in under 60 seconds, making us $578.5 without doing anything.
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> Click Here to Get AI EbookPal + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
AI EbookPal Review: What Is AI EbookPal?
AI EbookPal is a cloud-based software powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that streamlines ebook creation. It allows you to effortlessly convert existing online content, like websites, blogs, or articles, into professional-looking ebooks in just minutes.
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AI EbookPal Review: Overview
Creator: Creator: Kundan Choudhary
Product: AI EbookPal
Date Of Launch: 2024-Mar-14
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
Official Website: Click Here
Product Type: Software (Online)
Support: Effective Response
Discount : Get The Best Discount Right Now!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Required Skill: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
AI EbookPal Review: Features
Brand New, First To Market AI Technology Instantly Create Eye Catchy eBooks & FlipBooks In Under 60 Seconds
Convert Any Existing Url,Blog and Website Into Attention Grabbing eBooks, Reports Etc In Literally No Time
Tap Into Millions Of Buyers Scattered Globally Using Built In Traffic Syndicator
Create & Sell Stunning eBooks & FlipBooks In Multiple Languages On Red Hot Topics Globally In 3 Clicks
Tap Into The HUGE $28 Billion eBook Industry With Zero Grunt Work At Your End
Smartly Create Info Packed eBooks, Reports, Presentations Etc In 80 HOT Categories Without Spending A Fortune
Get 10X More Eyeballs For Your eBooks Creating Stunning eCovers From Right Inside The Dashboard
Stop Paying HUGE Monthly Commissions To Third Party Marketplace Today
Kick Out Expensive & Money Sucking Third Party eBook Creation Platforms Forever
Drive Tons Of Traffic To Your eBooks Instantly Without Spending A Penny On Paid Ads
Create Multiple Passive Income Streams For A Low, One-Time Fee
Stop Wasting Valuable Traffic, Leads & Profits To Expensive Third Party Platforms
More Than 48 REAL Beta Testers Made Money Using The Same Technology
Easy To Use Software With Step By Step Video Training
Limited Time Commercial License Included To Provide High In Demand Services To Hungry Clients
Launch Special Deal ONLY- Get Fast-action Bonuses Worth $16,458
Iron Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Included
> Click Here to Get AI EbookPal + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
AI EbookPal Review: How Does It Work?
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AI EbookPal Review: Can Do For You
Create Stunning Ebooks Without Writing A Single Word
Create Stunning FlipBook Without Writing A Single Word
Tap Into The HUGE UNTAPPED $ 28 Billion eBook Industry
Create Fully Functional eBooks, Flipbooks etc For Any Offer In Any Niche In 3 Clicks
Sell Stunning Beatiful Ebooks & FlipBooks For Top Dollar
DFY Pre-built Ebook Templates Included
Turn Any PDF, Text, Image Into Stunning eBooks Like A Pro
Create Attention Grabbing Info Products In Major Languages
Create Eye Catchy 3D Covers For Your eBooks & Get Limitless Audience Attention
Get 10X More Eyeballs To Your eBooks Creating Stunning eCovers From Right Inside The Dashboard
Customise Your eBooks- Add Name, Description, Images Etc
Kick Out Expensive & Money Sucking Third Party eBook Creation Platforms Forever
Stop Paying HUGE Monthly Commissions To Third Party Marketplace Today
Choose Smartly From A Built In Library Of Attention Grabbing Images, Videos Etc To Attract Maximum Audience
Share Your eBooks, Flipbooks Globally & Drive Hordes Of Red Hot Buyer Traffic
Instantly Create & Sell Attention Grabbing eBooks That Grab 10X More Eyeballs In Just 3 Quick Clicks
Save Thousands Of Dollars On Expensive Monthly Subscriptions
No Writing A Single Word Or Designing Anything Yourself
Nothing To Download, Install Or Customise Limited Time
Easy To Use Software With Step By Step Video Training
Stop Wasting Valuable Traffic, Leads & Profits To Expensive Third Party Platforms
Create Multiple Passive Income Streams For A One-Time Fee
Limited Time Commercial License Included To Provide High In Demand Services To Hungry Clients
No Domain & Hosting Required
No Technical Skills Required
24*7 Premium Support To Solve All Your Issues On-Time
Commercial Licence Included
AI EbookPal Review: Verify User Feedback
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AI EbookPal Review: Who Should Use It?
Digital Product Sellers
Website Owners
Social Media Marketers
Affiliate Marketers
E-com Store Owners
Video Marketers
Small Business Owners
Bloggers & Vlogger
AI EbookPal Review: OTO’S And Pricing
Front End Price: AI EbookPal ($17)
OTO 1: AI EbookPal Premium Edition ($37)
OTO 2: AI EbookPal Max Edition ($67)
OTO 3: AI EbookPal Store Edition ($37)
OTO 4: AI EbookPal DFY Edition ($97)
OTO 5: AI EbookPal AudioBook Edition ($37)
OTO 6: AI EbookPal Traffic Edition ($37)
OTO 7: AI EbookPal Agency Edition ($97)
OTO 8: AI EbookPal Reseller ($97)
OTO 9: AI EbookPal Whitelabel ($297)
> Click Here to Get AI EbookPal + My $15000 Special Bonus Bundle to Boost Up Your Earnings More Traffic, Leads & Commissions >>
AI EbookPal Review: My Special Bonus Bundle
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And before ending my honest AI EbookPal Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
AI EbookPal Review: Pros and Cons
Effortless Creation: Convert online content into ebooks with minimal effort, no writing or design skills required.
Time-Saving: Automate the ebook creation process, saving hours compared to manual methods.
Cost-Effective: Eliminate the need for freelance writers and designers, creating ebooks on a budget.
Content Curation: Gather relevant information from various online sources to supplement your ebook.
Multiple Formats: Export ebooks in EPUB, PDF, and MOBI for compatibility with most devices.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
AI EbookPal Review: Free Bonuses
AI EbookPal Comes Loaded With Exclusive Bonuses Total Valued $16,458
Bonus #1: Product Creation Blueprint (Valued $197)
Bonus #2: Site Speed Secret (Valued $197)
Bonus #3: 100k Dollar Traffic Blueprint (Valued $197)
Bonus #4: 100k Adsense Blueprint (Valued $197)
Bonus #5: 20 Profitable Online Business Ideas (Valued $197)
Bonus #6: YouTube Ads Secrets (Valued $197)
Bonus #7: List Building Kickstart (Valued $197)
Bonus #8: High Paying Clients (Valued $197)
Bonus #9: 10 Ways to Create The Perfect Online Video (Valued $197)
Bonus #10: Free Commercial License Upgrade (Valued $197)
AI EbookPal Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try AI EbookPal Today With 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
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Frequently Asked Questions FAQ’s
Q. Is it easy to get started with AI eBook Pal?
Yes, all you got to do is just follow 3 simple steps that we’ve mentioned above, and get ready to kick out monthly sucking third party eBook creation platforms forever.
Q. Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
AI EbookPal was created keeping newbies in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills.
Q. Do you provide a money back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Q. Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH- AI EbookPal comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
Q. How are you different from available tools in the market?
This tool is packed with industry-leading features that have never been offered before. Also, if you’re on this page with us, which simply means you have checked out a majority of the available tools and looking for a complete solution. You’ll not get these features ever at such a low price, so be rest assured with your purchase.
Q. Does your software work easily on Mac and Windows?
Definitely, AI EbookPal is 100% cloud based. You can use it on any Mac or Windows operating machine.
Q. Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any query, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
AI EbookPal Review: My Recommendation
AI EbookPal is a powerful tool for quickly creating ebooks from existing online content. It shines for those who prioritize speed and ease of use, especially content creators and businesses repurposing materials. However, if you require complete control over content, originality is paramount, or you desire extensive design customization, exploring alternative methods might be better. Ultimately, weigh the pros and cons against your specific needs to determine if AI EbookPal is the right fit for your ebook creation journey.
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Check Out My Previous Reviews: AInfluencer Review, ProfitSoci Review, Ai MentorPro Review, Gamma App Review, SendBuddy AI Review, ReelRampage AI Review, AI CartoonBook Review.
Thank for reading my AI EbookPal Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Review Disclaimer:
This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of AI EbookPal. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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niladri123 · 3 months
AI EbookPal Review – Create Stunning Ebooks, FlipBooks, and Info Products Like Pro!
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Welcome to my AI EbookPal Review! This is an AI App That Lets You Create Stunning Ebooks, FlipBooks and Info Products Like Pro Without Writing a Single Word In 60 Seconds!
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>> Read the full review here!
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foxnangelseo · 3 months
Investment Opportunities in India's Booming Paints & Coatings Industry
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The Indian paints and coatings industry is poised for remarkable growth in the coming years, presenting lucrative investment opportunities in India for businesses and entrepreneurs. According to Akzo Nobel India, a leading player in the segment, the industry's size is estimated to reach Rs 1 lakh crore in the next five years, a significant increase from the present Rs 62,000 crore. This growth projection is driven by various factors, including the softening of raw material prices, increased competition, and robust demand from both the architectural and industrial segments. In this blog, we will explore the investment prospects within India's vibrant paints and coatings industry, highlighting the potential for substantial returns and long-term success.
Softening of Raw Material Prices: 
The paints and coatings industry witnessed a favorable trend in FY23 as raw material prices softened from their previous highs. With raw materials accounting for approximately 55-60% of input costs, this price correction, especially in crude oil and other essential components, has significantly improved profit margins for the industry. This development enhances the attractiveness of investment in the sector, as companies can achieve higher profitability.
Increased Competition and Market Expansion: 
Several new players have entered the paints and coatings segment in recent times, actively investing in infrastructure, technology, and marketing to establish their presence and capture market share. This heightened competition has led existing players to strengthen their capabilities and differentiate themselves to maintain their market position. As a result, there is a surge in investment activity within the industry, creating opportunities for both new and established players.
Growing Demand in Architectural and Industrial Segments: 
The paints and coatings industry is divided into two primary segments: architectural and industrial. The architectural segment, which accounts for around 69% of paint consumption on a volume basis, caters to residential, commercial, and institutional construction, as well as repainting and renovation projects. The industrial segment, comprising the remaining 31%, is witnessing a growing share due to robust growth in the industrial sector and strong fundamentals in consumer durables, automobiles, and allied industries. Industrial coatings find applications in various sectors, including automotive, infrastructure, machinery and equipment, functional and domestic appliances, and packaging. The expanding demand in both segments presents significant investment potential.
Market Entry for New Players: 
The entry of several new players into the paints and coatings industry opens doors for investment opportunities in India. By investing in infrastructure, technology, and marketing, entrepreneurs can establish a foothold in the market and compete with established manufacturers. By offering innovative products, customised solutions, and competitive pricing, new entrants can capture market share and drive growth.
Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions: 
Established players in the paints and coatings industry can explore strategic partnerships and acquisitions to expand their market reach and diversify their product portfolios. By collaborating with or acquiring emerging companies, established manufacturers can tap into their unique capabilities, technologies, or customer segments. Such strategic moves enable companies to strengthen their market position and unlock new growth opportunities.
Geographic Expansion: 
India's paints and coatings industry offers vast geographic potential. As the country experiences rapid urbanisation and infrastructural development, investment in expanding distribution networks and manufacturing facilities across different regions can provide a competitive edge. Companies can leverage the demand from tier 2 and tier 3 cities, where there is a significant untapped market. Investing in regional expansion can ensure market penetration and establish a strong presence in emerging markets.
The Indian paints and coatings industry presents a promising investment landscape with its projected growth and favourable market dynamics. As the industry's size is estimated to reach Rs 1 lakh crore in the next five years, there are ample opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs to capitalise on this expansion. Factors such as softening raw material prices, increased competition, and growing demand from the architectural and industrial segments contribute to the industry's attractiveness. By strategically investing in market entry, partnerships, R&D, and geographic expansion, investors can position themselves for success in this thriving industry. As the industry's prospects are intricately connected to the overall growth of India's economy, investing in the paints and coatings sector aligns with the nation's progress and offers the potential for substantial returns in the long run.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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