#curran walters x reade
hiiiiiii, i have a request for a Curran imagine! something cute/funny like him doing one of his insta lives with his Aussie gf just hanging out at his place being cute and answering fan questions about them or the show NO RUSH OR ANYTHING IF THIS IS CRAP IGNORE ME!!
A/N: So, I’d gladly do this request for you. I love stories like this. And I am so sorry this took so long to write, but I finally finished it and I do hope you enjoy.
Also, this request isn’t crap, no request is, and I love that you sent it. Thank you! ♥️
Might be typos!
Pairing: Curran Walters x Fem!Reader
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Today was a particularly slow day for the two of us. Not as boring, as days prior, but was still slow enough to have us mutter the God forsaken phrase: ‘I’m bored.’
So, instead of wallowing in self-deprivation, and empty chip bags, I had a better idea.
I decided to on going live on Insta with Curran.
I made myself look rather snazzy, and jogged down the stairs, calling out to Curran.
“Curran? Curran?” I called out and you could just barely her a faint ‘yeah,’ from the other side of the house.
“Hey, do you want go live on Insta?” I ask, as I entered the room he was in, only to see him sat in front the piano. “Sure, but what for?”
“No other reason, then to cure my boredom.”
He then lets out a slight laugh, “You’re always bored, why not go for a run?”
“Tried that. Took two steps and my knees were ready to buckle right up underneath me.” I replied and leaned up against the piano. “And come on, answer fan’s questions is way better than going for a run.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s do it.” He pulls out his phone and positions it in front the piano, and starts the live.
Not long after the fans comments and questions come rolling in.
I smile and tried to read the boatload of comments as that came in, but start pilling on top of each other; one on top of the other.
“Slow down, guys. I can’t read that fast!” I exclaimed with a laugh, and Curran watched in amazement.
“Hey! Look at the one.
‘How long have you guys been together?’
“For almost a year and half now.” I replied with a smile.
“Yeah, a year and a half of my life wasted.” Curran jokingly replied, and I gasped.
“That was so mean.” I replied and he was quick to hug me and apologize.
“Ooo, how about this one?”
‘Will there be more Jason Todd in Titans?’
“Well… I can’t tell you guys but maybe there will? Maybe there won’t?” He shrugged not wanting to give much away.
“It’s a secret okay guys? You’ll just have to wait and see!”
‘Can the both of you play the piano?’
“Yes, actually we can. Watch this.” I started to play the first couple notes of a song, and Curran stood behind me before reaching over to play the next couples notes along with me.
It all came together beautifully and it was so nice, I glanced up at the phone to see a bunch of the comments guessing what the song was.
I nudged Curran’s shoulder with my own and told him look at the phone, he flashed a smile before we stopped playing.
I clapped and rested my head on his shoulder, he instinctively wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. My heart was pounding in my chest, but how could it not?
He was my everything, even with how long we’ve been together, every little thing he did would always get my heart racing.
We continued to read, answer and chat with everyone that had joined the live. It was getting a little late so we had to call it.
Curran and I both ended the live before sighing and smiling at each other. “I think we should do that more often, it’s fun chatting and connecting with fans.”
He nods in agreement, “It is, they’re very sweet. I love how supportive they are of us.”
This was my turn to nod in agreement, “They definitely are. Where do you think you’d be, if you didn’t have them?”
“I’m not sure. Acting was always something I’ve wanted to do in life. And if I didn’t get this big of a reaction from people, then I think I’d be devastated.” He admitted.
“Well, I’d still love you. Actor or not. You’re still the love of my life.” I said and he smiled kissing the top of my head.
“Thank you, (Y/N). That means a lot. What would I do without you?”
“I don’t know, but I’m not going to think about that. I like where we are, right now.” I replied, and he laughed.
“Good, because I like it too.”
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grandhotelabyss · 8 months
Thoughts on the recent Jacobin piece on Joyce? Their classic “Is X actually a socialist/socialism?" argument. I think that Ellmann, through Pound, conclusively showed that while Joyce may have been an ambient socialist in his youth, he lived and died an apolitical bourgeois, but card on the table, though, I find Jacobin's cultural section to be dogshit. Overall thoughts on Jacobin, also?
Thanks, just read it—I thought it was bad, portentous, the kind of thing Joyce would righteously have made fun of. Like this:
“When he was with us,” Joyce’s school friend William Fallon once remarked, “he sometimes appeared to be peering into the future.” One thinks of the famous portrait of the young Joyce taken by his friend C. P. Curran in 1904, the year he set Ulysses, where he stands adjacent to a Dublin greenhouse, hands in his pockets, his legs wide apart, staring fixedly into the camera as though peering through it, beyond it. Quoting Walter Benjamin’s dictum that “it has always been one of the primary tasks of art to create a demand whose hour of full satisfaction has not yet come,” Gibbons adds that it is “through form that art addresses unresolved pasts, and gestures towards the future, beyond the horizons of things as they are.”
Meanwhile, Walter Benjamin to one side, here's Joyce's own explanation of his dreamy gaze in the photo:
In 1904 Curran was living at his parents' house just off the North Circular Road, near the Christian Brothers school on North Richmond Street. In the garden of that house that he took a famous photograph of Joyce standing with his hands in his pants pockets, a yachting cap on his head. Asked what he was thinking when Curran posed him, Joyce replied, "I was wondering would he lend me five shillings."
Then again, if I recall Jeffries's Grand Hotel Abyss properly, this blog's own namesake, Benjamin was a sponger, too, so the conjunction of the saturnine with the aquarian modernist may not be inapt.
Anyway, Gibbons is right to point to modernist form, but Joyce's form foreruns global capitalism, not global socialism, in this at odds with his populist earthiness. I think I best explained this tragic conflict within the corpus of the comic author in my essay on Ellmann's Joyce and my essay on Ulysses itself. (These essays are elaborate ways of agreeing with your "apolitical bourgeois" line.)
If Angela Nagle among others is right about the fate of Ireland today—that it's become a tax haven for the global corporations, its cultural patrimony replaced with their HR departments, a model colony of the 21st century—then Joyce's modernist form looks like a different kind of revolution than the one Jacobin has in mind.
What do I think of Jacobin? I think it's basically irrelevant. That particular style of Millennial socialism, flourishing from Occupy to Bernie to Chapo, feels like a vanished fashion, largely because too inattentive to the paradoxes above. The esoteric politics of Marxism is that, in their guise as the working class's tribunes, its expert-class exponents collaborate with big capital to exterminate the lower middle class, of which class Joyce was the 20th century's premier member. And the socialists revealed this in a way we will never be able to unsee in their agreement with scientistic totalitarianism during the pandemic. Geoff Shullenberger recently and rightly reflected, even if I wish I could get the part of my brain that comprehends these sentences drilled out,
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Shullenberger is not coincidentally an editor at Compact, the currently more relevant socialist organ, because and not in spite of its (tempered) cultural conservatism, which better suits the mood of the moment. I'd rather read Compact's book critic Valerie Stivers on Joyce's Catholicism than anyone at Jacobin on Joyce's socialism.
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lutbys · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: After an unplanned surprise the previous year, Jason gets a little something that reminds him of you.
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“Does it still hurt?”
Your legs tangled itself around his, your head following the rhythm of his chest as your ears filled itself with the pounding of his heart.
“Not as much as a week ago. Its healing fine.”
Your fingers mindlessly traced his chest, inwardly smiling as you watch the goosebumps trail in the same direction your finger went.
Without thinking, you started to trace the tattoo, going from the stems to the small, delicate petals of the flower-
“baby’s breath? Yeah, you know they’re my favourite.”
“Okay but would you say they were there at the top of your list of favourite flowers? Like the top, top? How about, maybe tulips?”
“Of course!” your eyebrows knitted in confusion as you watched him trip over his words and discreetly fiddle with the hem of his shirt. “Jason. What did you do?”
Your mind instantly diverted back to a year ago, your first anniversary. The day hadn’t gone the way you wanted to, far from it and having the thought of going back home to your love and snuggling your worries away sounded perfect.
What you didn’t consider was the state of your home being bombarded with bouquets upon bouquets of tulips, so much so that the door resisted her to go in.
“Jason! What did you do!?” you hollered from the front door, shoving your way in between pastel petals.
The boy was bamboozled by your early appearance as he too, struggled among the mess, “W-what? You’re not meant to be back for another 2 hours.”
It was almost too dramatic the way you collapsed on the floor, tears following suit. The day had been too overwhelming. Later, you found yourself in bed your pupils following every movement Jason made as he cleared the house of broken stems and tissue paper.
“I might’ve done something. It’s not much really, it’s not like last year I swear.”
“What. Is. It. Jason.”
Slowly, he took off his shirt, revealing not only his upper body but a small patch of cling film that glistened on his left peck. As you neared, you could make out the faint lines that etched into said flower.
“I know, it was a reckless decision. I shouldn’t have done it-“
“I-I love it.”
“You do?”
Your fingers found their way around his neck, enveloping him into your embrace, “I thought, since you like them so much, every time I look at it, I’d think of you.”
you listened as Jason’s steady breath started to quiver, his muscles twitching at your touch,
“You will be the death of me baby,”
 - BONUS -
“What do you mean?”
“Dicks got everyone training harder now that he’s gone all emo. I won’t be back until late tonight. Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, I guess. Or I could just meet you at the tower?”
“Are you sure? I don’t like you walking alone in this area.”
“I’ll be fine Jason. Out of all the people I know, you should be aware that I can take care of myself, plus-“
Your hands trailed up his abdomen, stopping just above his heart. The exact spot your tattoo is etched. Your eyes stayed on his as your finger started tracing the tattoo again.
You watched as his eyes flutter, pushing himself closer so that the tip of your lips were touching, close enough that your breaths mingled.
“I’ve got other plans on how tonight will go.”
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Project 8 - Power x Waste
This weeks project re-imagines the city and poses the question, what if Walter Burley Griffin’s incinerator series found its way to Melbourne in the early 1930s. Scattered across Melbourne, incinerators have been found amongst built suburbs. Today, they sit idle waiting to be saved by heritage boards, torn down, restored or re-purposed. On Curran Street in North Melbourne, Griffin’s incinerator has been established not in his usual sandstone, concrete and Mayan style, but rather in a typical North Melbourne weatherboard terrace house. The only identifiable feature of the incinerator, is restored copper stack that protrudes itself into the sky. Hiding the building in plain sight. The building is now heritage listed yet it is still occupied. Locals around the neighbourhood and along the street wonder down and disappear into the front door. Primary school icon, Healthy Harold has taken over the site and converted the building into a public gym. All the power generated from the equipment is converted into electricity and injected back into the grid. It isn’t much electricity, but it soon changes the dynamic of the local area.
People are frequently using the facilities, changing their lifestyles and soon, their output waste is reduced down to half filling their bins on collection day. However, not everyone uses the interior of the weatherboard house. People riding down the road, stop by once the notice the large collection of books on the outside of the house. People gather on the benches, talking, discussing and exchanging books and dvds. People have the opportunity to not throw away their books, dvds, clothes and goods, but to place these items onto the shelves and exchange something you want for something you have outgrown, read, or no longer have the need for. Soon, the experiment of the gym on Curran Street spreads, and Walter’s incinerators across Melbourne are being converted to do the same. What once was an icon of destruction, is now being portrayed as a re-born icon of renewal. The building may not appear to be much, or appear to be doing much on the surface level, however, its impact and change stems far deeper into the lifestyles and lives of those who come into contact with the incinerator.
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Supergirl (December 2019)
Holy crimson skies of death! Part One of the Arrow-verse crossover “Crisis on Infinite Earths” destroyed Earth-38 and sent Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen to an early grave after he stayed behind to avert the anti-matter wave from killing billions more people. Even The Monitor didn’t foresee it happening! While all the superheroes assembled to try and prevent Earth-38’s destruction, the episode still managed to include quite a few familiar faces from across the DC multiverse. Here are all the cameos from the Supergirl portion of “Crisis,” so let’s get to it.
Alexander Knox Sees Red Skies On Earth-89 Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman was confirmed in “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” even if the moment was short-lived. Robert Wuhl’s Alexander Knox, a Gotham Globe reporter, appeared in a brief scene at the beginning of the episode. In the scene, Alexander is seen reading the Gotham City Gazette with the headline “Batman Captures Joker!” As soon as the red skies emerge, Alexander notices the Bat signal. “I hope you’re watching, Big Guy,” says Alexander. Unfortunately, even if Batman was around to see the red skies, it was already too late and Earth-89’s fate was sealed.
Dick Grayson Walks Ace On Earth-66 While Burt Ward had already been confirmed to appear in “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” it wasn’t expected for his cameo to be nestled in the opening montage of Part One. The scene in question detailed the multiverse’s birth (and upcoming death) while flashing to different Earths across the multiverse.
One of the Earths was Earth-66, which showed Burt Ward’s Dick Grayson from the 1966 Batman TV series walking Ace, the beloved Bat-hound. Ward played Batman’s trusty sidekick, Dick Grayson/Robin, in the Batman series. Ward’s version of Dick is clearly no longer the Boy Wonder, but it was good to see him again before Earth-66’s unfortunate demise.
DC Universe’s Titans Appear On Earth-9 Arrow-verse executive producer Marc Guggenheim tried his best to bring together a plethora of characters from across DC’s shows and movies, and even asked Nicolas Cage to appear! Even though fans knew to expect the unexpected when it came to cameos, it was still surprising to see Jason Todd’s Robin (Walter Curran) and Hawk (Alan Ritchson) from DC Universe's Titans, which just wrapped its second season and finally transformed Dick Grayson into Nightwing. It was only a quick shot of the two of them, but it does confirm that the Titans exist somewhere in the DC multiverse. Too bad Alan Ritchson couldn’t return as Smallville’s Aquaman, though!
Earth-X’s The Ray Makes A Comeback! The crossover “Crisis on Earth-X,” which saw Nazis crash Barry Allen and Iris West’s wedding on Earth-1, introduced a freedom fighter named The Ray. Originally from Earth-1, The Ray helped the Arrow-verse heroes defeat Earth-X’s Nazis. He’s briefly seen flying across the skies, presumably while protecting his earth from those who wish to destroy it. However, the cameo is brief as he and Earth-X vanish in the anti-matter wave.
Source: Cinema Blend
The baton has officially been passed.
In hour 1 of the CW’s “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover, which aired on Supergirl Sunday night, Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) and his daughter Mia (Katherine McNamara) joined the rest of the Arrowverse’s heroes on Earth-38 to fight the Anti-Monitor’s shadow army. Before wading into battle, though, Oliver gifted Mia her very own Green Arrow super-suit.
Katherine McNamara opened up about how much this exchange meant to be both Mia and her personally when she dropped by EW’s after-show Crisis Aftermath, which was hosted by Kevin Smith and aired on the CW following Supergirl.
“That was one of my favorite moments to shoot definitely just because Stephen and I have spent most of the season together and getting to watch him work and being a part of this story and this being my first crossover,” said McNamara. “That was such a big moment for both characters and I think we both felt that.”
Shortly after this, though, Oliver is mortally injured battling the shadow army, and the Monitor returns him to the Team Arrow bunker, where he dies surrounded by Mia, the Flash (Grant Gustin), Sara (Caity Lotz), and the other heroes. McNamara felt a very weird mix of emotions when they shot that scene.
“That was a historic moment in many ways for me personally. It was my first day on set with everyone in the suits. It was my first day wearing my suit on set, so I was so excited,” she said. “Then I get to set and I realize, ‘Oh I have to cry over my dying father. Let me reframe my entire headspace.'” She continued, “It was so wonderful, and Stephen killed it. Everybody really came together because Stephen, in a sense, was the beginning of this entire universe.”
With Oliver’s death, the Green Arrow mantle is now firmly in Mia’s hands. But, as Smith wonders, does Mia actually want this responsibility?
“That’s been the toughest kind of struggle for Mia throughout her entire process of being involved in this,” said McNamara, who will be the new Green Arrow if The CW orders the in-development spin-off Green Arrow and the Canaries, which will have a backdoor pilot in Arrow‘s final season. “She was raised in a world in which vigilantes were villainized and she’s come full circle with that having met her father and kind of gotten a look into the difficult choices he’s had to make. Now, she’s been through and worked through all of these issues and has a wonderful relationship with her father. She doesn’t want the responsibility because she doesn’t want to lose him. She knows she can take it on. She knows she’s ready for it. But she’s finally filled the one missing piece of her life and doesn’t want to lose that. That’s kind of the tragedy. Yes, there always needs to be one Green Arrow, but there’s only one Green Arrow. So she knows that’s coming to an end and it’s difficult.”
Crossover executive producer Marc Guggenheim added that legacy is a big theme in “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” “It’s not just the passing of the torch from Oliver to Mia,” he said. “There’s a lot of passing the torch and keeping the flame alive.”
Guggenheim also revealed a very intriguing detail about the Arrow hour of the crossover, which doesn’t air until January. “We open with the mother of all flashbacks and we basically do the secret origin of the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor,” said Guggenheim. “Actually that whole sequence, the first draft, was written by [Crisis on Infinite Earths comic writer] Marv Wolfman.” He added, “We give you an explanation for the [Monitor’s] outfit.”
Source: Entertainment Weekly
The Arrowverse's biggest crossover ever takes place over all five superhero series on The CW, starting with Supergirl. Crisis has been building since last year's Elseworlds crossover, which introduced the cosmic being known as The Monitor (LaMonica Garrett), who began 'testing' the many worlds of the Multiverse to see if they were strong enough to survive the cataclysm to come. Crisis has accelerated throughout the current seasons of Supergirl, The Flash, Batwoman, and Arrow but now the end is here.
With the anti-matter wave sent by Crisis' big bad, the Anti-Monitor, threatening the Multiverse, Harbinger (Audrey Anderson) gathered Green Arrow (Stephen Amell), Mia Smoak (Katherine McNamara), Superman (Tyler Hoechlin), Lois Lane (Elizabeth Tulloch), Sara Lance (Caity Lotz), Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), Batwoman (Ruby Rose), and The Flash (Grant Gustin) to Earth-38, the home of Supergirl (Melissa Benoist). The heroes had to defend Kara Zor-El's world from the anti-matter wave using a Quantum Tower constructed by the Monitor and repel an attack by a horde of Shadow Demons. However, despite their best efforts to evacuate the planet with the help of Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath), they couldn't save Supergirl's world.
Crisis Part 1 delivered on the promise that the crossover's stakes are life and death on a Multiversal scale. Literally billions died in the first chapter of the epic and this, shockingly, included one of the Arrowverse's founders and greatest heroes. Here's the body count of Crisis Part 1, which is just the start of the cataclysm that will reshape the Arrowverse:
* Alura (Erica Durance), the mother of Supergirl. Alura was introduced in Supergirl season 1, when she was played by Laura Benanti but Smallville's Erica Durance took over the role in season 3. Helped Superman and Lois launch their infant son Jonathan on a rocket before the antimatter wave struck, in a moment poignantly echoing Kal-El's origin story, so Jon Kent survived, though he landed in Earth-16's Star City in the year 2046 and had to be saved by Lois, Brainiac (Jesse Rath), and Sara Lance. Of course, Durance will return as Smallville's version of Lois Lane later in Crisis.
* Everyone on Argo City, the last surviving city of Krypton. Unfortunately, Argo had no starships to evacuate besides the spacecraft Alura saved for baby Jon so the people of Argo were all wiped out by the antimatter wave. Luckily, Harbinger teleported Superman and Lois to Earth-38 at the last minute.
* Earth-38 was destroyed, including 3-billion people who couldn't evacuate the planet in time. Despite the superheroes' efforts to defend the planet, they couldn't stop the antimatter wave from wiping out Supergirl's adopted world. While a wave of spaceships supplied by Brainiac and many of the aliens who took refuge on the planet was able to evacuate 4-billion lives to Earth-1 (thanks to a dimensional portal built by Lena Luthor), they couldn't save everyone. The Monitor said 7.53-billion people lived on Earth-38 so over 3 1/2-billion people died when the planet was destroyed.
* Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) gave up his life to help the evacuation of Earth-38 after the Monitor had teleported the rest of the superheroes to Earth-1. Out of arrows, Green Arrow took on the army of Shadow Demons by himself and was fatally injured before the Monitor rescued him. Oliver had long expected to die during Crisis and he spent all of Arrow season 8 preparing for the inevitable. On his deathbed, Oliver confessed to Barry Allen and Kara Danvers that he made a deal with the Monitor to spare their lives in exchange for his during Crisis - but the Monitor revealed that this wasn't the death he foresaw for Oliver, which casts serious doubt on how the Arrowverse's heroes can defend the Multiverse in Crisis On Infinite Earths.
Source: Screen Rant
In the beginning there was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life.. With the multi-verse. Every existence multiplied by possibility. And spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell. And rose again across reality's expanse. Life. A precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until finally, the age of heroes was born. Chaos. The constant enemy of life, kept at by champions across the multiverse. Joining forces to fight on behalf of all creation. They found each other just in time because now, the entire multi—verse is about to come under attack. There is a malevolent force at work, one driven by a singular goal. The destruction of all there is. I have planned, there are those who say I have schemed, but the time for preparation has passed.
Source: TVMaze
(images via YouTube)
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bojasonwalker · 4 years
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Home » TV » Batwoman: Javicia Leslie Gets By with a Little Help from Her Friend
Batwoman: Javicia Leslie Gets By with a Little Help from Her Friend
Posted on October 21, 2020 | by Ray Flook | Comments
After a bit of a bumpy ride that found its Vancouver-based production shut down along with a number of others due to delays in COVID testing results, production is back underway on the second season of The CW's Batwoman. What that means is that fans are that much closer to seeing what new lead Javicia Leslie (aka Ryan Wilder) is going to look like in her new dark knight costume (rumored to be appearing in the third episode). So far, we've gotten on-set updates from Leslie as well as from Camrus Johnson (Luke Fox) and Nicole Kang (Mary Hamilton) and we've learned who will be joining them this season: Shivani Ghai (Dominion, The Catch), Leah Gibson (Jessica Jones), Nathan Owens (Devious Maids), and Alex Morf (Gotham).
A first look at Javicia Leslie as Batwoman (Image: The CW)
Here's hoping the newbies waste no time becoming part of the show family because as we can see from the following Instagram post from Leslie, the new team is already growing close. I mean, it takes a real friend like Kang to get someone through those rough Benadryl days…
Last month, Leslie discussed what she was doing during her pre-season time to prepare for the role. "I've just been taking this little bit of time we have left, exercising, getting back in shape, getting my adrenaline and my momentum back up, enjoying time with family and friends while I can before work starts," she says. "It's been a good season, a season of rebuilding and reconnecting with  myself." Leslie plans on using that good vibe to tackle a role that she has the opportunity to truly make her own- and could possibly call home for some time to come."There's not many actors that get this opportunity to play in a world that you can continue to develop and expand on for a decade," Leslie explains. "This is a great beginning to what I'm sure will be a very long journey."
Javicia Leslie as Ryan Wilder aka Batwoman (Image WBTV).
With no one in her life to keep her on track, Ryan Wilder spent years as a drug-runner, dodging the GCPD and masking her pain with bad habits. Today Ryan lives in her van with her plant. A girl who would steal milk for an alley cat and could also kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical all-American hero. Executive Producers include Greg Berlanti, Caroline Dries, Geoff Johns, and Sarah Schecter. Filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, the series is produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.
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About Ray Flook
Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought on board as staff in 2017.
Posted in Arrow, Batwoman, Black Lightning, CW, Preview, streaming, TV | Tagged alice, batwoman, bleeding cool, cable, Camrus Johnson, comic books, Comics, dc, dc comics, gotham, Javicia Leslie, Nicole Kang, preview, season 2, streaming, television, the cw, tv
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lutbys · 4 years
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Wow, just. Wow.
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lutbys · 4 years
Hello! Can I have a Jason Todd/ Reader where the reader is shy and kind and takes Jason to meet her mum and dad for the first time please? And Jason is really nervous because he wants them to like him. Thank you!
a/n: I’m so sorry this took so long! I had exams and a whole lot of assignments to catch up on. Plus, I have re-written this just about 3-4 times because I JUST COULDNT GET IT RIGHT. But here it is! Long (very long) and awaited (very awaited).
First Impressions
Jason Todd x reader
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You could see Jason’s hands shake in his pockets. Even though it was the coldest day of the year, you knew that wasn’t the case.
“I think I’d be okay. I hope. God, I don’t know what to do if your parents don’t like me.” A single bead of sweat trickled on his temple, his eyes frantic.
“Its okay Jason, they’re nice people I’m sure you’ll warm up to them just fine” you took out one of his hands and clasped them in yours, squeezing in reassurance. “Just remember, if you’re ever uncomfortable, the safe word is bottle.”
That cheered him up a little, his smile widening and his cheeks tinted red. “And remember, don’t go full Amy.”
“Full Amy?” he asked, amused.
“Amy? Amy Santiago?” you rolled your eyes at his cluelessness. “The show we were watching last night, Brooklyn Nine-Nine! Shows how much you weren’t paying attention.” He watched you sulk but the scene made him less anxious, for that he silently thanked you.
You turned the key on the door and pushed it open.
The warm smell of Sunday roast greeted you both, the lingering scent of gravy inviting you in. The first thing you see when you first get in is the bright yellow walls that contrasted against all the furniture in the living room. it was the result of a spur of a moment decision made by your parents the day you moved out, you haven’t been able to see the results until now.
“I feel like I’m in a scene of mamma mia.” You whispered to yourself, taking in the sight of the burgundy red couches clashing with the yellow.
“Definitely a sight to see eh kid? Your mother thought it was the best colour, saying some bull cocky about our hearts being too young to live in bland colors. You know your mother.” Your father groaned, his eyes peeling away from the game, immediately landing them on Jason. “You must be the boy.”
“Living and breathing sir.” Jason grinned as he firmly shook your father's hands, confidence oozing out of him as if he wasn’t a nervous wreck 5 minutes ago. “Y/m/n should be out soon, she’s dealing with a potato problem.” You both nodded, “I shall go help her then, I know how clumsy she could get.” You excused yourself out of the living room, stepping foot into your childhood kitchen.
The first thing your mother did after greeting you was pass the cooking over so she could go meet your boyfriend who, from the looks of it, was enjoying himself. The presence of your cheerful mother releasing the tension built between him and your father. 
“Do you think it's going okay so far?”
You both finally had some time together after your mother had engulfed Jason’s presence with her friendly banter, leaving no space for the two of you to put a sentence in. 
It was after dinner and you had volunteered to finish off the last touches of the pie your mother made, a staple when you had roast. That was when Jason thought it was the best time for him to excuse himself.
“They really like you Jason. You don’t need to worry so much.” You said before hearing your mother call out for Jason for the tenth time that night, absolutely adoring the boy. He placed a small peck on your cheek before heading back out to the common room.
“I never thought my little girl would land a gentleman like you, she was awfully shy you know? Never talked to anyone other than us and that one gothic friend she had at school. Didn’t like her one bit.” That was the first thing you heard as you exited the kitchen, hot pie in hand. 
“Mom! That is so embarrassing! And she wasn’t so bad, I think?” you thought back to the reckless activities you did with your dear old friend. After high school you both completely lost contact, making you feel like all the things you did was just a fever dream. “She was! She tried to get you drunk you know? And in my own household!” you giggled at the memory of your mother's horrified face when she caught you both with a bottle of beer in the bathroom.
You set the pie down on the coffee table between the stacked plates and cream. “Well, I’m glad she talked to me. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.” He grinned cheekily when he saw you blush at his corniness. 
“Y/n, you never told me how you both met, oh do tell!” 
You went on as the memories flooded back to the night, your oblivious self not thinking that this tall stranger would be the reason your heart beats faster when he is around, or the reason you have a will to live.
For the rest of the night, the four of you huddled and talked, savoring each other’s presence. It was the first to many, that’s for sure.
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lutbys · 4 years
Jason Todd x reader
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She had a bad day and just needed something to make her feel better. Maybe a tight hug, or a couple words of encouragement.
The papers she held a couple hours ago was now shredded in the dustbin back in the office, the thought of her hard work, the work she had been working on till dead in the night, was now in pieces. Literally.
She observed her surroundings, a neon lit diner was spotted right across the street, the exterior is covered with aesthetic neon signs of ‘welcome’, ‘open 24 hours’ and a large logo of the diner’s name that stood proudly on top of the mossy yet, neat roof. Her nimble feet lead him through the door and into the booth right at the corner where she had a full view of the busy roads.
The peace and quiet vibe made her feel a little calmer, listening discreetly to the clatter of plates and the soft 80’s music playing in the background. Her reality was miles away with her phone switched off and laptop tucked neatly into the bag, it was just her and her erratic thoughts.
She thought back when she was little, when her mother would always take them to the park next to their tiny yet very cosy house, it was almost a daily routine for them to fly kites or play hide and seek and then when the sun has settled. They would have small sandwiches or tarts on funky designed blankets that she always couldn’t resist buying from the thrift shops. There were also moments where she had time for herself and would cycle around the neighbourhood, greeting neighbours who were also out to catch a breath of the fresh air.
Life was easy back then, her schedule was freer, the only stress she had was what kind of toy she would buy if her aunt stopped by the old toy store near the colourful fruit stalls.
Now, the thought of going back to work made the girl dread to live, the thought of coming home to nothing made her depressed and the thought of celebrating Christmas by herself was terrifying.
The chime of the bell made her stop her train of thoughts as she peeked at the figure standing in front of the glass door, shaking off the snow on his winter jacket with his slender hands. She gasped silently, knowing off the top of her head who it was but she didn’t dare to shout out his name.
Instead, she decided to look down and fiddle with her candy cane like straw and observe her strawberry milkshake as if it was a piece of unknown specimen.
“Strawberry? I didn’t think you would like such mundane flavours.” A deep voice chuckled, looming over the small booth. She jumped a little in her seat.
She looked up, not like she didn’t want to, slowly taking in the expensive shoes he walked in proudly to the long wool jacket and finally to the face she hadn’t seen for so long.
“Jason. Jason Todd?”
And in that short minute, she knew that the something better she needed was right in front of her. Standing in all his glory, the cocky face and everything, was her miracle.
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