#cruella x isaac
darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
1, 8, 19, 22?
Thanks! I'm just worried about this because I'm so rusty when it comes to the OUAT fandom but let's see.
1. the character everyone gets wrong
You know what? I'm gonna come out and say it - Facilier. The sheer amount of people I saw hemming and hawing about whether or not he was good for Regina because "he's a villain" and "has some hidden agenda" is absolutely appalling. Like, wtf do you mean is he good for her? He's literally the best! He is the only person on the show that's consistently put Regina over himself and his own wants. Like, I know he didn't have a lot of time to mess up but honestly, I don't think that even the writers understood him. He was giving off such strong Rumplestiltskin 2.0 vibes, which is the reason why I think the fandom had this reaction to him, and the writers really kind of went that way when he was even killed by Wish Rumple for wanting the dagger. It was a total waste of a perfectly good, intriguing character, not to mention husband material. Facilier deserved better treatment by everyone. Shadow Queen also deserved better!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oh, god, I have no idea what's common.
Oh... Oh, fuck, now I wish I hadn't thought about this but...
People hating on season 7, usually without even having seen it. I think season 7 is my favorite season. There were plot lines that were unnecessary or got derailed or just didn't go anywhere but there was so much fresh stuff in there as well.
Usually, people don't even want to give it a chance because most of the og cast isn't even in there and I understand that because I hate big changes in my shows as well but the truth is that the writers had no idea what to do with the og cast since around the end of season 3 and they were clearly unwilling to spin a different angle to these characters and they were bringing in a new set of characters every half season. It only made sense to get more new characters and let them stay for a longer time.
Really, Henry, Ella and Lucy are precious, Wish Killian and Alice are one of the best parent-child relationships on the show, Alice and Robin are perfect and I think that Lady Tremaine and Gothel are some of the most ruthless villains of the show. There's a lot of raw emotion and fun twists and even if it doesn't end up being people's favorite, I think they should at least give it a chance.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I'm kinda mad that I was into the Cruella x Isaac clusterfuck of a relationship (if it can even be called that). On the one hand, they are not compatible at all. But on the other hand, he is so much of a slimy worm that he somehow manages to match her in horribleness and villainy; he's just on the other side of the spectrum, the pathetic wet cat side. There were clearly feelings. Extremely fucked up feelings. It really is like you're preparing to watch a car crash in slow motion but then you end up being ran over by the car instead, which is a perfect description for them. And that leads me to the fact, that her signature car was actually his first? Oh... oh, I hate the writers for this. Now I'm sold and there's no getting out.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess the tension between Regina x Rumple. Now this is kind of the opposite of question #8 in that the majority of the fandom is correct that s6 Golden Queen was a mistake and, frankly, kind of disgusting and I am saying this as someone whose first ship from the show was Golden Queen. Season 6 absolutely ruined everything that I enjoyed about the ship in favor of what? Them having sex? With zero of the actual appeal of their relationship being involved? And they still could have done something good with that! The fact is that Rumple was treating the queen like a puppet for his plans and that's exactly what she was! That's why he created her. But they should have added more about her being more of a mirror reflection of his. I don't want to write a whole analysis of their dynamic here because I was actually saving that for a meta post (as soon as I find the time to work on it) but the truth is that Regina learned all of her weapons, all of her villainy from him. Even her mannerisms. And now that the little remaining good inside her is gone and there's no conscience to hold her back, she could be even more like Rumple. But at the same time, she's a broken reflection of the situation with Baelfire, who was trying to help Rumple only to be abandoned. And Regina discarded the Evil Queen like trash. Also, another good angle here because Regina practically decided that everything she learned from Rumple was useless. They could have shown him be at least a little attached to the queen on merit of that.
But the thing is that the tension between Rumple and Regina comes from her good parts, the ones that remained with Regina after the split. And that tension has been there all along. He had to take every last thing from her in order to force her to cast the Curse, no matter how bitter and evil he'd managed to make her over the years. He had to crush her hope completely until the only thing that could rekindle it was casting the Curse. Which is the exact same situation that he's in - the Curse is his only hope to find his son. And even after that, Regina is still doing better than he is! And he knows that! The best example of that is his line in 2x09 when he says "One day maybe they'll even invite you to dinner". Because she did what he couldn't - put her own feelings aside to do what is best for her child. There is a tiny bit of goodness inside her persisting no matter what he's doing and that is driving him insane because it is a constant source of problems for him. It took him years - decades - to make her cast the Curse, her trust in Henry really slapped him in the face with his failures where his own son was concerned, her interference in getting revenge on Zelena for killing his son, her sacrifice for Henry undoing his happy ending in 4x22, her splitting herself eventually leading to even more issues between him and Belle. And on the other hand, Regina's attachment to him has gotten her in so many problems but, ultimately, his mistakes and schemes are what got her Henry - the biggest happiness in her life (and he almost killed Henry several times but that's the point exactly). Still, after all of that, they both gravitate towards each other and there's this kind of understanding between them because in certain ways they're similar, but there's also resentment because of the ways in which they're different. It makes for an extremely compelling dynamic and people are so quick to brush it off.
make me choose violence with these asks
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vasfasan · 9 months
what i said about different ouat romantic canon and non-canon ships in a random tiktok in 2021
GoldenQueen - Regina x Rumple
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Authella (?) - Isaac x Cruella
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SwanQueen - Emma x Regina
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SleepingWarrior - Mulan x Aurora
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CaptainCharming - Hook x David
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GoldenHeart - Rumple x Cora
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Drova - Dreamy x Nova
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WoodenSwan (wth even is that shipname tho) - August x Emma
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intothewickedwood · 1 year
Ruby or Mulan, Maleficent or Cruella, Dragon Queen or Outlaw Queen, Shadow Queen or Regina x Kathryn?
Gaaah! Thank you for the questions! These are challenging, for sure!
Ruby. But it's close! The werewolf thing wins it for me, and also because she was in Season One. I have a lot of Season 1 feelings. And also her friendship with Snow! And "Red-Handed" being one of my favorite episodes. She's a great and tragic character who does her best to help others no matter what she's going through herself.
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I do love Mulan a lot, though. I may be in love with both Red and Mulan. Oops! I just wish we'd gotten more of Mulan. I loved her dynamics with every character she interacted with. She's such a badass. Mulan x Aurora x Phillip is one of my favorite ships in the show, and I also wouldn't have said no to Mulan and Ruby ending up together. Mulan deserved better.
Cruella. I agree with you about having a lot of room to explore with Maleficent, as she could have done with a bit more development in the show. I'd have at least loved to have seen more of her relationship with Lily. She was an adorable mom in the one episode we got to see them interact. But Cruella makes me laugh out loud. She has some of the best lines. "Sympathy for the De Vil" is one of my favorite, most unique episodes. She just wants to murder people! Let her have her happy ending, Isaac! xD. I don't know, she's just so fun, but I do still really enjoy Maleficent. I wish they'd explained what the heck happened with her and Aurora's parents. I like to believe she was in love with Briar Rose, and it went terribly wrong.
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Definitely Dragon Queen. I've just been having a discussion on a different website about how Robin Hood was possibly evil the whole time. Looking at the evidence, his words don't match up with his actions. If he wants to steal from the rich, why date Regina? His code says he can't divorce his wife, but he'll… let her die instead? In the book, there is a page which shows that when he met Marian, he planned to kidnap her for ransom, yet he tells Will that he tried to steal her horse, didn't because she was poor, and from that day forward, he chose to steal only from the rich and give to the poor. Yet, in "Heart of Gold," we see that he only decides to steal from the rich and give to the poor long after he and Marian are a couple. Not to mention he shot at Regina without hesitation when looking for the Wicked Witch and, knowing at the time that the Wicked Witch had bright red hair, hid in the bushes and aimed his arrow at the back of a clearly dark-haired Regina's head for a good while before making his presence known. It's just a theory, but I do wonder if he had a plot for revenge against her all along, at least at first. I think that would have made him a much more interesting character. Otherwise, I struggle to make sense of why Regina, post formation of the Evil Queen, would want to be with someone like him. She kinda had to change her personality during their interactions just to make it make a little sense. It's just not for me. But power to those who like it, and I may adopt the revenge plot theory as headcanon, which might make me more invested in them.
Dragon Queen, on the other hand, has to be canon, right? I mean, the intensity of the moments when their noses almost touch. I think they should have kissed. There is so much blatant subtext there, and it's so wonderfully gay. Okay, so Regina rode home on a dragon. Okay, girl, I see you. "Are you a bad girl, Regina?" "The worst." I mean, come on! Everything that comes out of their mouths when they interact just screams "we are exes who can't stop flirting with each other." I love it! I wish it was more explicit!
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Okay, this last one is really freaking hard. I do love both almost equally, but I've been thinking a lot about Regina x Kathryn lately and their potential, and I just wanna go back to season 1 and make them fall in love. I want the angst post-season 1. I need it! I honestly would have been ecstatic if Regina had ended up with either of them. And it's totally cool that she ended up single at the end. That was a nice way to demonstrate that happy endings/beginnings don't have to involve romantic love. But goddamn, I wish Facilier didn't die. I know love triangles aren't popular, but heck, if they'd brought Facilier in earlier and had a Kathryn/Regina/Facilier love triangle, I would have been very happy. Idk, I love both pairings, but the Kathryn x Regina friends-to-lovers gets me. And we could have gotten so much more Kathryn. *Cries forever*.
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dinneratgrannys · 5 years
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Once Upon a Time rewatch: 4x19, Sympathy for the De Vil “A person obsessed with vengeance is easy to manipulate.”
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dragon430 · 4 years
Commission and Request Sheet
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Buddy Daddies: Kazuki Kurusu & Rei Suwa
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Angel, Rupert Giles & Spike
Bungo Stray Dogs: Atsushi Nakajima, Chūya Nakahara, Doppo Kunikida, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Gin Akutagawa, Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, Kenji Miyazawa, Kyōka Izumi, Michizō Tachihara, Ōgai Mori, Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Sakunosuke Oda, Tatsuhiko Shibusawa & Yukichi Fukuzawa
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Camp Camp: Daniel, David & Max
Carmen Sandiego (2019): Carmen Sandiego, Chase Devineaux, Graham/Gray (Crackle), Player & Sheena (Tigress)
Castlevania: Alucard, Dracula, Hector, Isaac, Lenore, Striga & Trevor Belmont
Chaos Walking: Todd Hewitt
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina: Ambrose Spellman, Caliban, Lucifer Morningstar, Mambo Marie LeFleur/Baron Samedi, Prudence Blackwood, Robin Goodfellow & Sabrina Spellman
Cobra Kai: Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz, Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, Robert "Robby" Keene & Tory Nichols
Coco: Miguel Rivera
Constantine (TV Series): John Constantine & Papa Midnite
Coraline: Coraline Jones & Wybie Lovat
Creepypasta: BEN Drowned, Eyeless Jack, Homicidal Liu, Jane The Killer, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Offenderman, Slenderman, Splendorman, Ticci-Toby & Trenderman
Criminal Minds: Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Luke Alvez, Matthew "Matt" Simmons, Mick Rawson, Penelope Garcia, Spencer "Spence" Reid & William "Will" LaMontagne, Jr
Cruella: Artie, Estella Miller/Cruella De Vi & Jasper Badun
Cursed: Arthur, Dof, Gawain, Merlin, Nimue & The Weeping Monk
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Dance With Devils: Mage Nanashiro & Shiki Natsumezaka
Danganronpa: Celestia “Celeste” Ludenberg, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Ibuki Mioda, Kazuichi Soda, Kiyotaka “Taka” Ishimaru, Mondo Owada, Monokuma, Nekomaru Nidai & Sakura Ogami
Danny Phantom: Dan, Danny Fenton, Ember McLain & Skulker
DC: Alec Holland (Swamp Thing), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Chato Santana (El Diablo), Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman), Conner Kent/Kon-El (Superboy), Damian Wayne (Robin), Diana Prince (Wonderwoman), Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Floyd Lawton (Deadshot), Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy), Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn), Jason Todd (Robin & Red Hood), Joker, John Constantine, Kate Kane (Batwoman), Koriand'r (Starfire), Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy), Rachel Roth (Raven), Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin & Nightwing), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Tim Drake (Robin & Red Robin), Victor “Vic” Stone (Cyborg), Waylon Jones (Killer Croc) & Zatanna Zatara (Zatanna)
DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow: Astra Logue, Charlie, Damien Darhk, John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Nate Heywood, Nora Darhk, Ray Palmer, Sara Lance & Zari Tarazi
Deadman Wonderland: Azuma Genkaku, Ganta Igarashi, Karako Koshio, Kiyomasa Senji & Toto Sakigami
Death Note: L Lawliet, Light Yagami, Mello, Rem & Ryuk
Death Parade: Decim & Ginti
Demon Slayer: Aizetsu, Akaza, Genya Shinazugawa, Giyu Tomioka, Gyutaro, Hinatsuru, Inosuke Hashibira, Kanao Tsuyuri, Karaku, Kyogai, Kyojuro Rengoku, Makio, Mitsuri Kanroji, Muzan Kibutsuji, Nezuko Kamado, Obanai Iguro, Rui, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Sekido, Suma, Tamayo, Tanjiro Kamado, Tengen Uzui, Urogi, Yushiro & Zohakuten
Descendants: Carlos, Evie, Hades, Harry Hook, Jay, Mal & Uma
Devils Line: Johannes Kleeman/Hans Lee, Megumi Ishimaru, Naoya Ushio, Takashi Sawazaki, Tamaki Anzai & Yuuki Anzai
Doctor Who: 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor & River Song
Dota: Dragon’s Blood: Asar, Auroth, Bram, Carl the Invoker, Davion, Fymryn, Lina/Slayer, Luna, Nico Hieronimo, Slyrak & Terrorblade
Dream Daddy: Craig Cahn, Damien Bloodmarch, Joseph Christiansen, Lucien Bloodmarch & Robert Small
Durarara: Anri Sonohara, Aoba Kuronuma, Celty Sturluson, Izaya Orihara, Kyohei Kadota, Masaomi Kida, Mikado Ryuugamine, Mikage Sharaku, Shinra Kishitani & Shizuo Heiwajima
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Edward Scissorhands: Edward
Elemental: Ember Lumen & Wade Ripple
Encanto: Bruno Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal & Mirabel Madrigal
Enola Holmes: Enola Holmes & Sherlock Holmes
Epic: Nod & Queen Tara
Eragon: Arya Dröttning, Durza, Eragon Bromsson & Murtagh Morzansson
Ergo Proxy: Ergo Proxy/Vincent Law, Iggy & Re-L Mayer
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Fairy Tail: Acnologia, Ajeel Raml, Aquarius, Bacchus Groh, Bickslow, Capricorn, Cobra/Erik, Doranbolt/Mest Gryder, Elfman Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Flare Corona, Gajeel Redfox, Gildarts Clive, Gray Fullbuster, Jackal, Jellal Fernandes, Jellal Fernandes/Mystogan, Larcade Dragneel, Laxus Dreyar, Loke (Leo), Lyon Vastia, Macbeth/Midnight, Mard Geer Tartaros, Minerva Orland, Natsu Dragneel, Orga Nanagear, Panther Lily, Racer/Sawyer, Rogue Cheney, Scorpio, Shô, Silver Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe, Taurus, Vidaldus Taka, Wall Eehto, Warrod Sequen, Yuri Dreyar, Zancrow & Zeref Dragneel
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Credence Barebone, Gellert Grindelwald, Jacob Kowalski, Newt Scamander, Queenie Goldstein & Theseus Scamander
Far Cry: Vaas Montenegro
Flower And The Beast: Crown Prince Muyeong
FNAF: Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Eclipse, Freddy Fazbear, Glamrock Chica, Glamrock Freddy, Mangle, Montgomery “Monty” Gator, Moon, Roxxanne Wolf, Sun & William Afton (Burntrap, Purple Guy & Springtrap)
Free!: Haruka Nanase, Makoto Tachibana, Momotaro Mikoshiba, Nagisa Hazuki, Rei Ryugazaki, Rin Matsuoka, Seijuro Mikoshiba & Sousuke Yamazaki
Frozen: Elsa & Kristoff Bjorgman
Fruits Basket (2019): Akito Sohma, Arisa Uotani, Ayame Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Kakeru Manabe, Kyo Sohma, Megumi Hanajima, Momiji Sohma, Saki Hanajima, Shigure Sohma, Tohru Honda & Yuki Sohma
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Alphonse Elric, Barry the Chopper, Edward Elric, Envy, Greed/Greedling, Ling Yao, Miles, Olivier Mira Armstrong, Pride, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Scar & Solf J. Kimblee
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Game Of Thrones: Arya Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Ellaria Sand, Khal Drogo, Joffrey Baratheon, Jon Snow, Margaery Tyrell, Obara Sand, Oberyn Martell, Robb Stark, Sandor Clegane, Sansa Stark, Tormund Gaintsbane, Tyrion Lannister & Viserys Targaryen
Generator Rex: Rex Salazar
Gintama: Gintoki Sakata & Hedoro
Good Omens: Aziraphale & Crowley
Gotham: 514A, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Kean, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Butch Gilzean, Eduardo Dorrance (Bane), Edward Nygma (Riddler), Ivy Pepper (Poison Ivy), James "Jim" Gordon, Jeremiah Valeska, Jerome Valeska, Jervis Tetch (The Mad Hatter), Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow), Lee Thompkins, Maria "Fish" Mooney, Oswald Cobblepot (Penguin), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Tabitha Galavan & Victor Zsasz
Gravity Falls: Bill Cipher, Dipper Pines & Gideon Gleeful
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Haikyuu: Asahi Azumane, Daichi Sawamura, Hajime Iwaizumi, Keiji Akaashi, Keishin Ukai, Kenma Kozume, Kentarō Kyōtani, Kōshi Sugawara, Kōtarō Bokuto, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Shōyō Hinata, Takanobu Aone, Tetsurō Kuroo, Tobio Kageyama, Tōru Oikawa, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yūji Terushima & Yu Nishinoya
Hannibal (TV Series): Hannibal Lecter
Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Sirius Black
Hazbin Hotel: Adam, Alastor, Angel Dust, Carmine, Cherry Bomb, Husk, Lucifer, Rosie, Sir Pentious, Valentino, Velvet, Vox & Zestial
Helluva Boss: Andrealphus, Bee-lzebub, Blitzo, Fizzarolli, Loona, Millie, Moxxie, Octavia, Robofizz, Stolas & Striker
Hercules: Hades & Hercules
Hetalia:  Alfred F. Jones (America), AlIen F. Jones (2P America), Antonio Carriedo (Spain), Arthur Kirkland (England), Francis Bonnefoy (France), Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia), Ivan Braginsky (Russia), James Mathieu Williams (2P Canada), Lovino Vargas (South Italy/Romano), Ludwig (Germany) & Oliver Kirkland (2P England)
Hobbit (+ Lord Of The Rings): Aragorn II Elessar, Bard, Elrond, Éomer, Fíli, Kíli, Legolas, Smaug, Thorin II Oakenshield & Thranduil 
Homestuck: Cronus Ampora, Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Disciple, Dolorosa, Dualscar, Eridan Ampora, Gamzee Makara, Grand Highblood, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas, Kurloz Makara, Mindfang, Mituna Captor, Porrim Maryam, Psionic, Rufioh Nitram, Signless, Sollux Captor, Summoner & Tavros Nitram
House Of The Dragon: Aegon Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Criston Cole, Daemon Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Jacaerys Velaryon & Rhaenyra Targaryen
How To Train Your Dragon: Dagur The Deranged, Eret, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Valka
Hunchback Of Notre Dame: Esmeralda
Hunter X Hunter: Alluka Zoldyck, Cheetu, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Gon Freecss, Hagya/Leol, Hisoka Morow, Illumi Zoldyck, Kalluto Zoldyck, Killua Zoldyck, Kite, Knuckle Bine, Kurapika, Leorio Paradinight, Menthuthuyoupi “Youpi”, Meruem, Morel Mackernasey, Neferpitou “Pitou”, Phinks Magcub, Razor, Shalnark, Shoot McMahon, Silva Zoldyck, Uvogin, Welfin & Yunju
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I Failed To Oust The Villain: Reinhart
I Love Yoo: Dieter Becker-Wulff, Hansuke Shishido, Kousuke Hirahara, Shin-Ae Yoo, Soushi Toyoshima & Yeong-Gi Hirahara
Interview With A Murderer: Cicero, Jerome & Kister
Inuyasha (+ Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon): Bankotsu, Byakuya, Hisui, Hiten, Inuyasha, Jakotsu, Kagura, Kirinmaru, Kōga, Kohaku, Meidomaru, Miroku, Moroha, Naraku, Riku, Sango, Sesshōmaru, Setsuna, Shishinki, Sōta Higurashi, Towa Higurashi & Zero
Invader Zim: Dib, Gaz, Professor Membrane & Zim
Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon: Ais Wallenstein, Allen Fromel, Ares, Bell Cranel, Bete Loga, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hestia, Liliruca “Lili” Arde, Loki, Ryuu Lion, Sanjouno Haruhime, Welf Crozzo & Yamato Mikoto
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Julie And The Phantoms: Alex Mercer, Caleb Covington, Luke Patterson, Reginald "Reggie" Peters & Willie
Jujutsu Kaisen: Aoi Todo, Kento Nanami, Mahito, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Panda, Ryomen Sukuna, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Toge Inumaki & Yuji Itadori
Jurassic World: Owen Grady & Zach Mitchell
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K: Kuroh Yatogami, Mikoto Suoh & Misaki Yata
Kaijudo: Alakshmi Verma, Raiden “Ray” Pierce-Okamoto & Tatsurion the Unchained
Kakegurui: Ibara Obami, Kirari Momobami, Kawaru Natari/Sumika Warakubami, Midari Ikishima, Miroslava Honebami, Ririka Momobami, Ryota Suzui & Yumeko Jabami
Kamigami No Asobi: Anubis Ma'at, Apollon Agana Belea, Balder Hringhorni, Dionysus Thrysos, Hades Aidoneus, Loki Laevatein, Takeru Totsuka, Thor Megingyoruzu, Thoth Caduceus & Tsukito Totsuka
Kamisama Kiss: Akura-Ou, Jiro, Kurama, Mizuki, Otohiko, Suirou & Tomoe
Killing Stalking: Oh Sangwoo & Yoon Bum
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeast: Bad Billions, Good Billions, Hugo Oak/Scarlemagne, Kipo Oak, Lio Oak, Molly Yarnchopper, Wolf & Yumyan Hammerpaw
Kiss Him Not Me: Asuma Mutsumi, Hayato Shinomiya, Kae Serinuma, Kazuma Mutsumi, Nozomu Nanashima, Shima Nishina, Takurō Serinuma & Yūsuke Igarashi
Komi Can’t Communicate: Chika Netsuno, Hitohito Tadano, Onemine Nene, Shouko Komi & Shousuke Komi
Knives Out: Hugh Ransom Drysdale & Megan “Meg” Thrombey
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Legend Of Korra: Aang, Amon (Noatak), Asami Sato, Bolin, Huan Beifong, Iroh II, Kai, Katara, Korra, Kuvira, Lin Beifong, Mako, Sokka, Tahno, Toph Beifong & Zuko
Lilo & Stitch: David Kawena, Nani Pelekai & Stitch
Lion King (Animated And Live Action Versions): Kiara, Kovu, Scar, Simba & Vitani
Love And Monsters: Joel Dawson
Love, Death + Robots: Decker, Liang, Snow, Sobieski, Sonnie/Khanivore & Yan
Luca: Alberto Scorfano, Luca Paguro & Massimo Marcovaldo
Lucifer: Amenadiel, Aurora “Rory” Morningstar, Dan Espinoza, Ella Lopez, Lucifer Morningstar & Mazikeen
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Magi: Aladdin, Alibaba Saluja, Cassim, Drakon, Hakuryuu Ren, Hinahoho, Ja'far, Judar, Kouen Ren, Kouha Ren, Lo'lo', Masrur, Morgiana, Muu Alexius, Myron Alexius, Mystras Leoxses, Sharrkan Amun-Ra, Sinbad, Spartos Leoxses, Sphintus Carmen, Yamraiha & Yunan
Maid-Sama: Aoi Hyōdō, Misaki Ayuzawa, Sōtarō Kanō & Takumi Usui
Maleficent Movies: Borra, Diaval & Maleficent
Mario: Bowser, Donkey Kong, Mario & Luigi
Marvel: Alexander "Alex" Summers (Havok), Alexei Shostakov (Red Guardian), Azazel, Ben Grimm (The Thing), Brock Rumlow (Crossbones), Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Charles Xavier (Professor X), Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Curtis "Curt" Connors (Lizard), Drax, Druig, Erik Killmonger, Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), Flint Marko (Sandman), Frank Castle (Punisher), Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Helmut Zemo (Baron Zemo), Henry “Hank” McCoy (Beast), Ikaris, Jack Russell (Werewolf By Night), James “Bucky” Barnes (Winter Soldier), James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine), Jean Grey (Phoenix), Jessica Jones, Jonathan "John" Walker (U.S. Agent), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Loki Laufeyson, Makkari, Marie D'Ancanto (Rogue), Matt Murdock (Daredevil), M’Baku, Miles Morales (Spider-Man), Namor, Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Okoye, Ororo Munroe (Storm), Otto Octavius (Doctor Octopus), Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Peter Quill (Star-Lord), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Piotr Rasputin (Colossus), Quentin Beck (Mysterio), Raven Darkhölme (Mystique), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Robert “Bobby” Drake (Iceman), Samuel “Sam” Wilson (Falcon/Captain America), Scott Lang (Ant-Man), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Sersi, Shang-Chi Xu, Shuri, Sprite, Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Sylvie Laufeydottir, T'Challa (Black Panther), Theena, Thor Odinson, Tony Stark (Iron Man), Ultron, Valkyrie, Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom), Vision, Wade Wilson (Deadpool), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Warren Worthington III (Angel), Wilson Fisk (Kingpin), Xialing Xu, Yelena Belova & Zebediah Kilgrave
Maximum Ride: Ari Batchelder, Fang, Iggy & Max
Max Steel: Maxwell “Max” McGrath (Max Steel) & Ven-Ghan 
Megamind: Megamind
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien Agreste (Chat Blanc, Chat Noir & Cat Walker), Alya Césaire (Lady WiFi, Rena Furtive, Rena Rouge & Scarabella), Barbara Keynes (Knightowl), Fei Wu (Ladydragon), Félix Graham de Vanily (Flairmidable), Juleka Couffaine (Purple Tigress & Reflekta), Kagami Tsurugi (Lies, Oni-Chan, Riposte & Ryuko), Lê Chiến Kim (Dark Cupid & King Monkey), Luka Couffaine (Silencer, Truth & Viperion), Marc Anciel (Reverser & Rooster Bold), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Ladybug & Lady Noire), Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Caprikid & Evillustrator), Olympia Hill (Majestia), Plagg, Sass, Tikki, Trixx & Zoe Lee (Soul Crusher & Vesperia)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-Kun: Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu, Masayuki Hori, Mikoto “Mikorin” Mikoshiba, Umetarou Nozaki & Yuu Kashima
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Nanbaka: Hajime Sugoroku, Jyugo, Kenshirou Yozakura, Kiji Mitsuba, Liang, Musashi, Rock & Samon Gokuu
Naruto: Deidara, Gaara, Hidan, Itachi Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Kakuzu, Kankurō, Kiba Inuzuka, Kisame Hoshigaki, Kurama, Naruto Uzumaki, Neji Hyūga, Orochimaru, Sai, Sasori, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara & Zabuza Momochi
Nimona: Ballister Boldheart & Nimona
Noblesse: Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Claudia Tradio, Dorant, Edian Drosia, Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia, Frankenstein, Gradeus, Han Shinwoo, Juraki, Karias Blerster, Kei Ru, M-21, M-24, Muzaka, Rael Kertia, Ragar Kertia, Rajak Kertia, Regis K. Landegre, Seira J. Loyard, Takeo, Tao, The Previous Lord & Urokai Agvain
No Game No Life: Sora & Shiro
Noragami: Bishamonten, Yato & Yukine
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Obey Me: Asmodeus, Barbatos, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Leviathan, Lucifer, Luke, Mammon, Satan & Simeon
Once Upon A Time: Aladdin, Alice, Anastasia (Red Queen/White Queen), August Booth (Pinocchio), Baron Samdi (Dr. Facilier), Cruella Feinberg (Cruella De Vil), Cyrus, David Nolan (Prince Charming), Drew (Prince Naveen), Elsa, Emma Swan, Felix, Gaston, Gideon, Graham Humbert (The Huntsman), Hades, Henry Mills, Hercules, Jabberwocky, Jacinda Vidrio (Cinderella), Jafar, Jefferson (Mad Hatter), Killian Jones (Captain Hook), King Arthur, Lancelot, Leroy (Grumpy), Lord Macintosh, Maleficent, Margot (Robin Hood), Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White), Merida, Merlin, Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin), Mr. Hyde, Mulan, Neal Cassidy (Baelfire), Peter Pan, Regina Mills (Evil Queen), Robin of Locksley (Robin Hood), Ruby (Red Ridding Hood), Sabine (Tiana), Ursula, Will Scarlet (Knave Of Hearts) & Zelena (Wicked Witch)
One Piece: Absalom, Arlong, Bartolomeo, Black Leg Sanji, Boa Hancock, Bon Clay, Brook, Buggy, Charlotte Katakuri, Crocodile, Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote “Corazon” Rosinante, Dracule Mihawk, Edward “Whitebeard” Newgate, Eustass "Captain" Kid, Franky, Fukaboshi, Hordy, Killer, Koza, Monkey D. Dragon, Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Paulie, Pell, Perona, Portgas D. Ace, Rob Lucci, Roronoa Zoro, Sabo, Shanks, Silvers Rayleigh, Smoker, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Usopp & Wyper
One Piece Live Action: Black Leg Sanji, Buggy, Dracule Mihawk, Monkey D. Garp, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro & Shanks
One Punch Man: Bad (Metal Bat), Garou, Genos (Demon Cyborg), Saitama (Caped Baldy) & Zombieman
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Benio "Benibara" Amakusa, Haruhi Fujioka, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Kyoya Ootori, Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka, Ritsu Kasanoda, Ryouji “Ranka” Fujioka, Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, Tamaki Suoh & Umehito Nekozawa
Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown/ Momonga & Demiurge
Overwatch: Ashe, Genji, Hanzo, Junker Queen, Junkrat, McCree, Mercy, Moira, Ramattra, Reaper, Soldier, Sombra, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya & Zenyatta
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Parasyte: Shinichi Izumi
Peaky Blinders: John Shelby, Michael Gray & Thomas Shelby
Percy Jackson (+ The Heroes of Olympus): Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson & William “Will” Solace
Peter Pan (Animated Version): Peter Pan
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow & Will Turner
Pokémon: Alain, Allister, Arven, Ash Ketchum, Atticus, Bea, Bede, Eri, Gary Oak, Gladion, Goh, Green, Grimsley, Guzma, Hop, Ilima, James, Jesse, Kabu, Kiawe, Leon, Marnie, Milo, N, Piers, Plumeria, Professor Kukui, Professor Sycamore, Raihan, Red, Rika & Spark
Poppy Playtime: Catnap & Dogday
Princess And The Frog: Charlotte, Dr. Facilier, Prince Naveen & Tiana
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Raya And The Last Dragon: Namaari & Raya
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg & Rosemary “Rose” Winters
Rise Of The Guardians: E. Aster Bunnymund, Jack Frost, Pitch Black & Toothiana
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:  Casey Jones, Cassandra Jones, Donatello “Donnie”, Leonardo “Leo”, Michelangelo “Mikey” & Raphael “Raph”
Riverdale: Archie Andrews, Cheryl Blossom, FP Jones, Hiram Lodge, Jughead Jones, Toni Topaz & Veronica Lodge
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Say “I Love You”: Kai Takemura, Mei Tachibana & Yamato Kurosawa
Secret Saturdays: Doyle, Vincent Vladislav “V.V” Argost & Zak Saturday
Seraph Of The End: Crowley Eusford, Ferid Bathory, Gekkouin, Guren Ichinose, Krul Tepes, Mikaela Hyakuya, Seishirō Hīragi, Shihō Kimizuki, Shinya Hīragi, Shinoa Hīragi, Yoichi Saotome & Yūichirō Hyakuya
Servamp: Hyde (Lawless/Greed), Jeje (Doubt-Doubt/Envy), Kuro (Sleepy Ash/Sloth), Licht Jekylland Todoroki, Mahiru Shirota, Mikuni Alicein, Misono Alicein, Sakuya Watanuki, Snow Lily (All Of Love/Lust), Tetsu Sendagaya & Tsubaki
She-Ra (2018): Adora, Catra, Double Trouble, Hordak, Horde Prime, Scorpia & Wrong Hordak
Sherlock: James “Jim” Moriarty & Sherlock Holmes
Sing: Big Daddy/Marcus, Johnny & Nooshy
SK8 The Infinity: Ainosuke Shindo (Adam), Hiromi Higa (Shadow), Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Cherry Blossom), Kojiro Nanjo (Joe), Langa Hasegawa (Snow), Miya Chinen & Reki Kyan
Skeleton Knight From Another World: Arc, Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiyome & Goemon
Slugterra: Dr. Thaddius Blakk, El Diablos Nacho, Eli Shane & Thaddius “Tad” D. Blakk
Sons Of Anarchy: Alexander “Tig” Trager, David Hale, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Happy Lowman, Harry “Opie” Winston, Jackson “Jax” Teller, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Nero Padilla & Venus Van Dam
Soul Eater: Asura, Black Star, Crona (+Ragnarok), Death The Kid, Franken Stein, Free, Giriko, Lord Death, Medusa, Mifune, Soul Evans & Tsubaki
Spider-Man Spider-Verse Movies: Earth 42 Miles Morales (Prowler), Gwendolyn “Gwen” Stacy (Spider-Woman), Hobart "Hobie" Brown (Spider-Punk), Jonathan Ohnn (The Spot), Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099), Miles Morales (Spider-Man), Noir, Pavitr Prabhakar (Spider-Man) & Peter B. Parker (Spider-Man)
Spider-Man Video Games: Miles Morales (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Split (+ Glass): Kevin (+ Personalities)
Spy x Family: Anya Forger, Damian Desmond, Loid Forger (Twilight), Yor Briar & Yuri Briar
Star Trek (2009): James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh/John Harrison, Leonard “Bones” McCoy & Spock
Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil: Eclipsa, Marco Diaz, Star Butterfly, Toffee & Tom Lucitor
Star Wars: Kylo Ren
Steins;Gate: Kagari Shiina, Kurisu Makise, Luka Urushibara, Maho Hiyajo, Rintaro “Okarin” Okabe, Suzuha Amane & Yugo Tennouji
Steven Universe: Amethyst, Bismuth, Blue Diamond, Garnet, Jasper, Lapis, Lars Barriga, Pearl, Steven Universe, White Diamond & Yellow Diamond
Strange Magic: Bog King & Marianne
Stranger Things: Alexei, Billy Hargrove, Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven/Jane "El" Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Max Mayfield & Steve Harrington
Sugar Apple Fairy Tail: Ann Halford, Catt, Hugh Mercury, Keith Powell & Shall Fen Shall
Supergirl: Alex Danvers, Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman), Indigo, James “Jimmy” Olsen (Guardian), J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter), Kara Danvers/Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), Lena Luthor, Leslie Willis (Livewire), Maxwell “Max” Lord, Mon-El, Samantha “Sam” Arias (Reign), Siobhan Smythe (Silver Banshee) & Winn Schott 
Supernatural: Abaddon, Benny, Castiel, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Death, Gabriel, Jack, Lucifer, Rowena & Sam Winchester 
Swamp Thing: Alec Holland (Swamp Thing) & Daniel Cassidy (Blue Devil)
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Tangled: Flynn Rider & Rapunzel
Tarzan (Animated And Live Action Versions): Tarzan
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 Version): April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Chris Bradford (Dog Pound & Rahzar), Donatello “Donnie”, Karai, Leatherhead, Leonardo “Leo”, Michelangelo “Mikey”, Raphael “Raph”, Saki Oroku/Shredder, Shinigami, Slash/Spike, Tiger Claw & Yoshi Hamato/Splinter
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 Version): April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Donatello “Donnie”, Leonardo “Leo”, Michelangelo “Mikey” & Raphael “Raph”
Teen Titans (2003): Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy), Garth (Aqualad), Jinx, Komand'r (Blackfire), Koriand'r (Starfire), Rachel Roth (Raven), Red X, Richard "Dick" Grayson (Robin), Roy Harper (Speedy), Tara Markov (Terra), Victor “Vic” Stone (Cyborg) & Wallace "Wally" West (Kid Flash)
Teen Wolf: Aiden, Brett Talbot, Derek Hale, Deucalion, Ethan, Halwyn, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Jordan Parrish, Liam Dunbar, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Peter Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski & Theo Raeken
The Addams Family (1991 Version): Gomez Addams & Morticia Addams
The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Alice Swayne, Cartaphilus/Joseph, Chise Hatori, Elias Ainsworth, Lindel, Mikhail Renfred, Oberon, Ruth, Silver Lady & Titania 
The Arcana: Asra Alnazar, Julian Devorak, Lucio, Muriel, Nadia Satrinava, Portia Devorak & Valerius
The Boys: Annie January (Starlight), Ben (Soldier Boy), Frenchie, Hughie Campbell, John (Homelander), Kimiko Miyashiro, Margaret Shaw (Queen Maeve), Marvin Milk & William “Billy” Butcher
The Case Study Of Vanitas: Astolfo Granatum, August Ruthven, Chloé d'Apchier, Dante, Dominique De Sade, Jeanne, Jean-Jacques, Johann, Loki Oriflamme, Louis De Sade, Luca Oriflamme, Noé Archiviste, Olivier, Roland Fortis & Vanitas
The Devil Is A Part-Timer: Hanzo Urushihara (Lucifer), Sadao Maou (Satan) & Shiro Ashiya
The Dragon Prince: Aaravos, Amaya, Callum, Rayla, Runaan & Soren
The Fantasie Of A Stepmother: Elias von Neuschwanstein, Jeremy von Neuschwanstein & Norra von Nürnberger
The Fast And The Furious: Dante Reyes
The Flash: Barry Allen (The Flash), Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost), Felicity Smoak, Leonard Snart (Captain Cold), Mick Rory (Heat Wave) & Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
The Imperfects: Alex Sarkov, Juan Ruiz & Tilda Weber
The Little Mermaid: Ariel & Ursula
The Maid And The Vampire: Areum Yoon & Millard Travis
The Mandalorian: Cara Dune & Din Djarin
The Maze Runner: Gally, Minho, Newt & Thomas
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Barrel, Jack Skellington, Lock, Oogie Boogie & Shock  
The Order: Hamish Duke, Jack Morton, Lilith Bathory, Randall Carpio & Vera Stone
The Owl House: Amity Blight, Darius, Edalyn “Eda” Clawthorne, Edric Blight, Hunter, King, Lilith Clawthorne, Luz Noceda, Raine Whispers, The Collector, Vee, Warden Wrath & Willow Park
The Sea Beast: Jacob Holland
The Seven Deadly Sins: Arthur, Ban, Derieri, Escanor, Estarossa/Mael, Galand, Gilthunder, Gloxinia, Gowther (Doll), Griamore, Helbram, Hendrickson, Howzer, King, Meliodas, Merlin & Zeldris
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Drake Stone
The Umbrella Academy: Ben Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Fei Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves & Vanya/Viktor Hargreeves 
The Witcher (TV Show): Cahir, Cirilla “Ciri” Riannon, Geralt, Julian “Jaskier” Pankratz, Lambert & Nivellen
The Witcher: Nightmare Of The Wolf: Filavandrel aén Fidháil, Luka & Vesemir
Thundercats (2011): Cheetara, Lion-O & Tygra
Tiger & Bunny: Antonio Lopez (Rock Bison), Barnaby Brooks Jr., Ivan Karelin (Origami Cyclone), Jake Martinez, Karina Lyle (Blue Rose), Keith Goodman (Sky High), Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Wild Tiger), Nathan Seymour (Fire Emblem) & Pao-Lin Huang (Dragon Kid)
Titans: Clifford "Cliff" Steele (Robotman), Conner Kent (Superboy), Donna Troy (Wonder Girl), Garfield “Gar” Logan (Beast Boy), Garth (Aqualad), Jason Todd (Robin), Jericho Wilson, Komand'r (Blackfire), Koriand'r (Starfire), Lawrence "Larry" Trainor (Negative Man), Rachel Roth (Raven), Richard “Dick” Grayson (Nightwing), Rita Farr, Rose Wilson (Ravager) & Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)
Tokyo Ghoul: Ayato Kirishima, Ginshi Shirazu, Hideyoshi “Hide” Nagachika, Juuzou Suzuya, Kazuichi Banjou, Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki, Kishou Arima, Koutarou Amon, Kuki Urie, Naki, Nishiki Nishio, Renji Yomo, Seidou Takizawa, Shuu Tsukiyama, Taishi Fura, Tatara, Touka Kirishima & Uta
Toradora: Ryuuji Takasu & Taiga Aisaka
Total Drama Island (All season except Total DramaRama): Alejandro, DJ, Duncan, Gwen, Leshawna, Mike (+ Personalities) & Scott
Transformers Movies (+ Bumblebee): Bumblebee, Cade Yeager, Cheetor, Mirage & Optimus Prime
Twisted Wonderland: Ace Trappola, Ashton Vargas, Azul Ashengrotto, Cater Diamond, Che'nya, Deuce Spade, Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel, Epel Felmier, Floyd Leech, Idia Shroud, Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Jamil Viper, Kalim Al-Asim, Leona Kingscholar, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia, Ortho Shroud, Riddle Rosehearts, Rook Hunt, Ruggie Bucchi, Sam, Sebek Zigvolt, Silver, Trey Clover & Vil Schoenheit
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Ultimate Spider-Man: Adrian Toomes (Vulture), Amadeus Cho (Iron Spider), Ava Ayala (White Tiger), Ben Reilly (Scarlet Spider), Blade, Bone Spider, Carnage, Clint Barton (Hawkeye), Curtis "Curt" Connors (Lizard), Danny Rand (Iron Fist), Flash Thompson (Agent Venom), Flint Marko (Sandman), Ghost Spider, Harry Osborn (Patrioteer & Venom), Jack Russell (Werewolf By Night), Kraven, Luke Cage (Power Man), Mary Jane “M.J” Watson (Spider-Woman), Miles Morales (Kid Arachnid), Norman Osborn (Green Goblin & Iron Patriot), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Sam Alexander (Nova), Scorpion, Scott Lang (Ant-Man), Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange), Steve Rogers (Captain America), Tandy Bowen (Dagger), Thor, Tony Masters (Taskmaster), Tony Stark (Ironman), Triton, Tyrone "Ty" Johnson (Cloak), Venom & Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Uncharted: Braddock, Nathan Drake & Victor “Sully” Sullivan 
Underfell: Asriel/Flowey, Gaster, Grillby, Mettaton, Papyrus, Sans & Undyne
Underswap: Gaster, Mettaton, Napstablook & Papyrus
Undertale: Asriel/Flowey, Blooky, Grillby, Mettaton, Papyrus, Sans & Undyne
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Venom: Carnage, Cletus Kasady, Eddie Brock, Frances Barrison (Shriek) & Venom
Victorious: Beck Oliver & Jade West
Vikings: Astrid, Björn Lothbrok, Floki Vilgerðarson, Hvitserk Lothbrok, Ivar Lothbrok, Lagertha, Ragnar Lothbrok, Rollo Sigurdsson & Ubbe Lothbrok
Villianous: Black Hat, Dr. Flug, Dr. Slug & White Hat
Voltron: Antok, Hunk, James, Keith, Kolivan, Kuro (Clone Shiro), Lance, Lotor, Rax, Shiro, Thace, Throk & Zarkon
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Wednesday: Ajax Petropolus, Bianca Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams & Xavier Thorpe
Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun: Alice Asmodeus, Alikred, Ameri Azazel, Atori, Baal, Balam Shichiro, Coco Orobas, Goemon Gaap, Ichiro Androalphus, Iruma Suzuki, Ix Elizabetta, Jazz Andro, Kalego Naberius, Kerori Crocell, Lied Shax, Maemaro, Niro Androalphus, Opera, Sabro Sabnock,  Schneider Allocer & Shiida
Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Jessica Rabbit
Wolfblood: Rhydian Morris
Wolf’s Rain: Blue, Hige, Kiba, Toboe & Tsume
Wolfwalkers: Mebh Óg MacTíre, Moll MacTíre, Robyn Goodfellowe & William “Bill” Goodfellowe
Wolverine And The X-Men: Anna Marie (Rogue), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Emma Frost, Henry "Hank" McCoy (Beast), James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine), Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Lorna Dane (Polaris), Neena Thurman (Domino), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Raven Darkhölme (Mystique), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) & Warren Worthington III (Angel)
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X-Men Evolution: Anna Marie (Rogue), Henry "Hank" McCoy (Beast), James “Logan” Howlett (Wolverine), Jean Grey, Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler), Lance Alvers (Avalanche), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Raven Darkhölme (Mystique), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Scott Summers (Cyclops), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) & Warren Worthington III (Angel)
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Yona Of The Dawn: Ao, Hak, Jae-Ha, Kan Tae-Jun, Kija, Lee Geun-Tae, Shin-Ah, Soo-Won, Yoon, Yona & Zeno
Young Justice: Artemis Crock (Artemis & Tigress), Bartholomew "Bart" Allen (Impulse & Kid Flash), Brion Markov (Geo-Force), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Cameron Mahkent (Icicle Jr), Cassandra Savage, Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman), Conner Kent/Kon-El (Superboy), Crystal Frost (Killer Frost), Eric Needham (Black Spider), Etrigan, Forager, Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy), Garth (Tempest), Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle), Jason Todd (Robin), Kaldur'ahm (Aqualad & Aquaman), Klarion Bleak (Witch Boy), La'gaan (Lagoon Boy), Leslie Willis (Livewire), Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy), Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin & Nightwing), Roy Harper (Arsenal), Tara Markov (Terra), Tim Drake (Robin), Victor “Vic” Stone (Cyborg), Violet Harper (Halo), Wallace "Wally" West (Kid Flash), Will Harper (Red Arrow) & Zatanna Zatara (Zatanna)
Your Boyfriend: Don & Peter
Yuri On Ice: Jean-Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky & Yuuri Katsuki
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Zootopia: Nick Wilde
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💥 What I WILL write for:
Emotions/Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Comfort, Crime, Dark!, Drama, Fantasy, Fluff, Horror, Hurt, Mystery, NSFW, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller & Western
Reader or Relationship Preferences: Different Species Reader or Relationship, Female Reader, Gender Neutral Reader, Harem Relationship, LGBTQ+ Reader or Relationship, Male Reader, Poly Relationship, Reader with Disability or that gets one & Reader with Mental “Illness”
Themes: AUs (I’ll write for every AU except the ones listed in the “What I will Not write for” section), Body Swap, Crossovers, Genderbends/Genderswaps, Songfics & Species Swap/Change
💥 What I will NOT write for:
Reader or Relationship Preferences: Harmful Yandere Character or Relationship
Themes: Abusive Relationship (unless it’s talking about a past one), Crack Fic, Dub-Con, Incest, Non-Con, Slavery & Underage
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Commission Prices:
Payments are only taken through Paypal and in USD currency
💥For Editing:
For simple editing: $5 per hour For medium level editing: $10 per hour For detailed editing: $15 per hour
💥For X-Readers/OC Inserts:
One Shots: Between 1,000 - 3,000 words = 1 cent per word Between 3,500 - 5,000 words = 1.5 cent per word Over 5,000 words =  1.7 cent per word
Series:  For each chapter between 1,000 - 3,000 words = 1 cent per word For each chapter between 3,500 - 5,000 words =  1.5 cent per word For each chapter over 5,000 words =  1.7 cent per word
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Needed Information:
💥For X-Readers/OC Inserts:
What gender the Reader/OC is
What species the Reader/OC is
What age, book, movie, season, version, etc. the character and Reader/OC is/is from
Any Emotion/Genre, Reader or Relationship Preferences, or Themes you want from the “What I Will write for” section
Any prompt/story details you want
Reader/OC’s personality
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🔥 Anything that you don’t fill in from the “Needed Information” part will be filled in by me. So, if you want something specific be sure to put everything you want.
🔥 You can request other characters or fandoms, but the ones listed above are the ones that I will definitely write for. Though if you request a character or fandom I don’t know I will most likely ask you to wait and I’ll try to watch or read from it to see if I can get the character(s) down well enough to write for them.
🔥This list is constantly being updated the more Books, Movies, and Shows I read/watch. And when I remember more things to add to the “What I Will write for” and the “What I will Not write for” sections I will.
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scentedflowersong · 3 years
12 Days of Swan-Mills Saga X-Mas - Day 7
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love Swan-Mills Saga gave to me…
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Welcome, dear friends, to the seventh of our twelve holiday meetings, during which we recall some of the best bits of the five Swan-Mills saga stories by the marvellous @swanqueeneverafter​ (thank you for the artworks used here).
The seventh day belongs to the ghastly gang - the villains of The Story of Us.
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!WARNING! Spoilers ahead !WARNING! 
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Status: dead, killed by Emma (TSOU), after ressurection killed by Queen Annis’ champion (TO&FQ) Notable dark deeds: enchanting Guinevere and the whole kingdom into obedience, killing king Fergus, binding Merlin to Excalibur (with Zelena’s help) Evil Rank: 7/10 - literally an evil bastard (*sighs* Pendragons)
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Status: dead, killed by Rumplestiltskin Notable dark deeds: creating the Dark Curse, kidnapping children and raising them as her slaves in the Dark World, kidnapping and brainwashing Gideon, casting the Dark Curse (with Gothel and Facilier) in search of the ultimate power Evil Rank: 9/10 - Blue was a bitch to her, but torturing children (especially her own grandson?) can’t be excused
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Status: alive Notable dark deeds: never bloody heping anyone!, not telling Snow and Charming the truth about the wardrobe, baishing Fiona to the Dark World, never helping Rumplestiltskin (and thus causing 90% of evil the Stiltsking family is responsible for), bullying other fairies, prevennting Nova and Grumpy to be together, powerful as hell yet never using her powers Evil Rank: 11/10 - shady bitch
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: killing numerous people (namely his own father and David’s father), trading Bealfire for (ultimately) useless information about Rumplestiltskin, repeatedly choosing revenge over love/family, teaming up wih Cora, locking Snow and Emma in Rumplestiltskin’s cell, shooting Belle and causing her to lose her memories, working with Tamara and Spencer Evil Rank: 9/10 - yo ho ho, the pirate’s life for me
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Status: dead, killed by Snow White (redeemed/moved on) Notable dark deeds: killing queen Eve, taking Zelena in to heal Regina only to throw her out afterwards, killing Daniel, “selling” Regina to king Leopold, almost being responsible for Regina taking the infertility poition, turning Anastasia into the Red Queen, killing countless people Evil Rank: 10/10 - the queen without a heart
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Status: dead, killed by Emma Notable dark deeds: killing her own mother and her husbands, using her animal-controlling skills for evil, kidnapping Henry, probably one of the few actually born evil Evil Rank: 7/10 - if she doesn’t scare you, no evil things will?
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Status: dead, utimately killed by Emma (WDMC) Notable dark deeds (in TSOU): trying to bring the Dark Ones to our world, teaming up with Black Fairy and Gothel to cast the Dark Curse, posing as Hook and maintaining an abusive relationship with Emma during the curse (the aftermath of which - Emma’s PTSD was already mentioned) Evil Rank: 10/10 - NOPE
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Status: dead, killed by Emma (WDMC) Notable dark deeds (in TSOU): kidnapping Alice and keeping her in the tower, putting the curse of poisoned heart on Alice and Will, teaming up with Facilier and Black Fairy to cast the Dark Curse, making Robyn grow up fast, posing as Robin Hood and being intimate with Zelena during the curse (like, alright, that was sort of a call from karma to Zelena, but still), Evil Rank: 10/10 - try being more like Poison Ivy, sis
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Status: dead, killed by Zelena Notable dark deeds: trying to overthow Zeus, bringing the Underworld to Storybrooke, trapping Storybrooke’s inhabitants in an underground prison, killing Robin Hood Evil Rank: 6/10 - nothing much for the king of Underworld
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Status: alive Notable dark deeds: abusing his powers as the Author (leading for example to sending newborn Lily into the world without magic), writing the “Heroes & Villains” storybook Evil Rank: 6/10 - not evil, just a prick, bonus points for disabling Cruella’s powers for murder
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Status: dead/turned into a wooden staff Notable dark deeds: mindcontrolling the sultan, trying to get Jasmine to marry him, breaking Aladdin’s spirit and convincing him he’s not a Saviour, shrinking Agrabah into a ring Evil Rank: 6/10 - not bad, but we’ve seen worse
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: putting Briar Rose and then Aurora under the sleeping curse, turning Prince Phillip into the Yaoguai, helping Regina finding her “inner spark” (mastering dark magic), helping Rumplestiltskin getting the Author out of the book by kidnapping Pinocchio (with Regina) Evil Rank: 6/10 - not really the mistress of all evil, eh?
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Status: dead, killed by Morgana (TO&FQ) Notable dark deeds: toying with everyone and never doing anything useful, being resposible for the creation of the Dark One Evil Rank: 6/10 - he’s not evil, just immensely useless, which is eve worse when he’s the “most powerful man”, right?
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Status: dead Notable dark deeds: becoming the first Dark One, using Facilier to return to our world and trying to kill most of the ‘heroes’ Evil Rank: 6/10 - victim of Merlin’s selfishness, but extra bad points for working with Facilier
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Status: dead, killed by Rumplestiltskin Notable dark deeds: abandoning Rumplestiltskin for eternal youth, kidnapping children in his search for Henry, kidnapping the Darling family and keeping Wendy captive, pursuing Henry into giving up his heart, switching bodies with Henry, killing Felix and casting the Dark Curse Evil Rank: 8/10 - the head of the Stiltskins, no wonder they all turned out bad
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: becoming the Dark One, abandoning Baelfire, responsible for all of the Mills girls turning dark (to some degree), creating the Evil Queen and convincing Regina to cast the Dark Curse, killing countless people, marking Regina for the Wraith, teaming up with the Snow Queen, making deals with Hades, helping Isaac write the “Heroes & Villans” storybook, repeatedly choosing power over love/family, killing both of his parents Evil Rank: 10/10 - Rumple’s fingers are all over the story, rarely in a good way
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Status: dead, killed by Rumplestiltskin Notable dark deeds: torturing Regina (with Spencer), shooting Neal, kidnapping Henry and taking him to Neverland Evil Rank: 4/10 - just a bitch who didn’t know she was Pan’s pawn
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: using Violet to break Henry’s heart, killing Arthur, trapping Merlin inside the tree once more, ripping out Merida’s heart and using her as a poppet, speeding up Zelena’s pregnancy, trying to use Zelena as a vessel for darkness Evil Rank: 5/10 - look, half of the things she did as the Dark One were ultimately for the better
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: casting the Dark Curse, killing countless people, putting Snow under the sleeping curse, killing her father, manipulating the Genie/Sidney into killing Leopold, framing Snow for Leopold’s murder, hiring Hook to kill Cora, ripping the Huntsman’s heart out and using him as a poppet, killing Owen’s father, killing Graham, teaming up with Cora, teaming up with Hades (after the Split), trapping Regina and Emma in the mirror (after the Split), putting the sleeping curse on Snow and David’s shared heart (after the Split), creating the Wish Realm and sending Emma there (after the Split) Evil Rank: 10/10 - it’s the EVIL Queen for a reason (”yea, she’s a mass murderer BUT you can aknowledge someone’s dark deeds AND still love them uncoditionally” - Emma Swan-Mills, probably)
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Status: dead, sacrificed herself to stop the curse of the Shattered Sight Notable dark deeds: casting the curse of the Shattered Sight, killing her sister (by accident), freezing Arendelle Evil Rank: 3/10 - Inngrid was more of a victim than a true villain
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: terrorising Oz, putting Dorothy under the sleeping curse sending Walsh after Emma, killing Neal, kidnapping baby Neal, opening the time portal, killing Marian and posing as her (+ tricking Robin Hood into leaving Storybrooke with her and even using the guise to have a child with him), teaming up with Arthur and binding Merlin to Excalibur, interrupting Emma’s proposal Evil Rank: 8/10 - gloriously wicked, could’ve done worse atricities though
Please, feel free to let me know what you think of the ranking, the picks, the misdeeds listed (the lists are not definitive), or anything else :)
Stay tuned for more…  
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this-seems-familiar · 4 years
now presenting...
various once upon a time characters and ship tags as songs i’ve heard on the lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to station! :D guess who had a lot of free time during work today.
this is by no means a comprehensive list but did get v e r y long, so i’m going to stick it under the cut. chances are even if your fave is Obscure, there’s an 80% chance they’re on here. although i will admit to running out of steam when it came to the ships--if a character or ship you dig isn’t on here, you can request a song in my inbox if you’d like. <3 and let me know if the links don’t work!
the characters are in complete random order with no rhyme or reason, but the songs are purposeful; headphones are recommended but not required. i hope y’all find this inspiring at least a tiny bit! enjoy~
david nolan/prince charming - j’san x epektase, ‘ghost in my mind’
killian jones/captain hook - dryhope, ‘contrasts’
neal cassidy/baelfire - casiio, ‘back home’
zelena/the wicked witch - ajmw, ‘hometown’
mary margaret blanchard/snow white - no spirit x mell-o x sitting duck , ‘la rochelle’
emma swan - mila coolness, ‘ibis’
belle french - mell-o x ambulo, ‘solace’
henry mills - pandrezz, ‘crystal lake’ ft. epektase
regina mills/the evil queen - iamalex x dillon witherow, ‘lazy morning’
rumplestiltskin/mr. gold - chiccote’s beats, ‘away’
ingrid/the snow queen - g. mills - ‘icicles’ ft. chris mazuera & tender spring
ariel - iamalex x dillan witherow, ‘coral’
elsa - chris mazuera & tender spring, ‘winter’s kiss’
mulan - less people, ‘gyoza’
anna - eisu x softy, ‘snowflakes’
august booth/pinocchio - team astro, ‘helpless’
tinkerbell - dontcry & nokiaa, ‘since’
alice jones/tilly - mondo loops, ‘starside groove’
the blue fairy/mother superior - project aer x wys, ‘after sunset’
ursula - mila coolness, ‘surf’
archie hopper/jiminy cricket - amies x cxlt, ‘things will work out’
sidney glass/the magic mirror - enra, ‘consequences’
grumpy/leroy - tysu x spencer hunt, ‘letting go’
eric - dontcry & nokiaa, ‘tides’
cora mills/the queen of hearts - sitting duck x hoffy beats, ‘slow mornings’
ruby lucas/red riding hood - brillion x chief, ‘moon theme’
malcolm/peter pan - dlj, ‘the docks’
robin hood - brillion, ‘when the sun goes down’
merlin - jordy chandra, ‘late night call’
aladdin - softy, ‘before the rain comes’
jefferson/the mad hatter - xander, ‘missing you’
graham humbert/the huntsman - xander, ‘morning time’
philip - no one’s perfect x kanisan, ‘pendulum’
isaac heller - yasumu, ‘untold stories’
aurora/sleeping beauty - lilac, ‘hyacinth’
ashley boyd/cinderella - purrple cat, ‘caramellow’
granny lucas - oatmello, ‘essenced’
albert spencer/george - team astro, ‘love lockdown’
the dwarfs mining co. - chiccote’s beats, ‘before’
greg mendell/owen flynn - tabal, ‘no return’
cruella de vil - cabal x blumen, ‘crystal land’
dr. whale/victor frankenstein - casiio, ’wondering’
kristoff - monma, ‘winter days’
maleficent - ajmw, ‘way back when’
henry mills i - snug, ‘warm meadows’
marco/geppetto - hm surf, ‘single phial’
ruth - laffey, ‘umbrella’
lancelot - laffey, ‘campfire’
will scarlet - sebastian kamae x aylior, ‘dontyouknow’
anton the giant - g. mills, ‘sublimation’ ft. arbour
daniel - softy, ‘autumn morning’
the apprentice - mila coolness, ‘heron’
violet - oatmello, ‘good night’ with late era
lily - imagiro, ‘wool gloves’
morraine - eugenio izzi, ‘get lost in the mind’s ocean’
dorothy gale - kupla, ‘valentine’
the blind witch/miss ginger - chiccote’s beats, ‘finding’
paige/grace - mila coolness, ‘balance’
kathryn nolan/abigail - g. mills x hm surf, ‘mmmm’
william smee - no spirit x mondo loops, ‘washed ashore’
sister astrid/nova - yasumu, ‘midnight thoughts’
ava zimmer/gretel - laffey, ‘moonlight’
leopold - less people, ‘persist’
billy/gus - glimlip x yasper, ‘floating away’
milah - snug, ‘balcony nights’ ft. spencer hunt
midas - chiccote’s beats, ‘back’
michael tillman/the woodcutter - spencer hunt, ‘moonlight’
walsh/the wizard - mondo loops, ‘drive to midnight’
eloise gardener/mother gothel - towerz, ‘fateful slumber’
liam jones - dryhope, ‘quetzal’
rapunzel - chris mazreua x brillion, ‘juniper’
fiona/the black fairy - kupla, ‘twilight’
jafar - no spirit, ‘glowing lights’
the jabberwocky - mondo loops, ‘winter shells’ ft. kanisan
jacinda vidrio/ella mills - yasumu, ‘questions’
lucy mills - kupla, ‘sleepy little one’
margot west/robin mills - snug, ‘night coffee’ ft. mondo loops
king arthur - brillion, ‘crescent’
guinevere - mila coolness, ‘silent river’
merida - iamalex x dillan witherow, ‘nightwalk’ ft. azula
dr. jekyll/mr. hyde - g. mills, ‘rest your head’/fatb, ‘aurora boreale’ ft. mell-o
ivy belfry/drizella tremaine - chiccote’s beats, ‘illusion’
nicholas zimmer/hansel - chris mazuera, ‘obscurity’
hades - dryhope, ‘down river’
sabine/tiana - chris mazuera, ‘counting’ with g. mills
drew/naveen -hoogway, ‘skyline’ ft. dlj
felix - kupla, ‘roots’
walt d./the author - jhove, ‘if you only knew’
elliott mcgrath/jane hawkins - less people, ‘everything’s a symptom’ _____________
red whale (dr. whale x ruby lucas) - aso, ’espresso’
rumbelle (mr. gold x belle french) - yasumu, ‘waking up’
sleeping captain (aurora x killian jones) - monma x cocabona, ‘garnet’
snowcules (hercules x snow white) - dlj, ‘blackout’
beauty queen (regina mills x belle french) - tabal, ‘inside space’
captain charming (killian jones x david nolan) - pandrezz, ‘cuddlin’
aladasmine (aladdin x jasmine) - kupla, ‘soft to touch’
believe or leave (mr. gold x jefferson x dr. whale) - hoogway, ‘everything (you are)’
brave warrior (merida x mulan) - wys, ‘snowman’
charming whale (david nolan x dr. whale) - sebastian kamae x aylior, ‘outlet’
bellefire (belle french x neal cassidy) - eisu, ‘sheets’
captain charming hood (david nolan x killian jones x robin hood) - yasper x glimlip, ‘infused’
dragon queen (maleficent x regina mills) - tenno, ‘luna’
firewood (august booth x neal cassidy) - sebastian kamae x intoku, ‘lucid’
blue hook (the blue fairy x killian jones) - tysu x spencer hunt, ‘blue moon’
outlaw queen (regina mills x robin hood) - a[way], ‘warm nights’
captain swan (emma swan x killian jones) - hm surf, ‘mud master’
snowing (mary margaret blanchard x david nolan) - brillion, ‘kiptime’ with hm surf
golden queen (mr. gold x regina mills) - team astro, ‘empty shelves’
white whale (mary margaret blanchard x dr. whale) - laffey, ‘nighttime’
red cricket (archie hopper x ruby lucas) - dr. dundiff x allem iversom, ‘pale moon’
swan queen (emma swan x regina mills) - no spirit, ‘memories we made’
curious archer (alice jone x robin mills) - flovry x tender spring, ‘becoming’
swanfire (emma swan x neal cassidy) - pandrezz, ‘when she cries’
wicked hell (zelena x hades) - elior x eaup, ‘ships’
seeing stars (archie hopper x elliott mcgrath) - euginio izzi, ‘the fairie’s city’
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 287
May 2021 Solicits
Comics Reviews:
Young Hellboy 1 by Mike Mignola, Thomas Sniegoski, Craig Rousseau, Dave Stewart
Avatar: Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy by Faith Erin Hicks, Peter Wartman, Adele Matera
Marvel Action: Origins 1 by Chris Eliopoulos, Lanna Souvanny
Aria: Heavenly Creatures by Brian Holguin, Jay Anacleto, Brian Haberlin, Drew Posada, Raymund Lee
Immortal Hulk: Flatline by Declan Shalvey
King in Black: Planet of the Symbiotes 2 by Marc Bernardin, Kyle Hotz, Rachelle Rosenberg, Geoffrey Thorne, Jan Bazaldua
X-Men Legends 1 by Fabian Nicieza, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, Guru eFX
Snow Angels 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
GI Joe Castle Fall by Paul Allor, Chris Evenhuis, Brittany Peer
Black Cotton 1 by Patrick Foreman, Brian Hawkins, Marco Perugini
Black Friday 1 by Jon Clark, Travis Williamson
Mapmaker 1 by Francesca Carita, Ben Slabak
By the Horns 1 by Markisan Naso, Jason Muhr
White Ash Presents: Glarien 1 by Charlie Stickney, Conor Hughes, Romina Moranelli, Yishan Li, Fin Cramb
Recount 1 and 2 by Jonathan Hedrick, Gabriel Ibarra Nunez
Hollow Heart 1 by Paul Allor, Paul Tucker
Savage 1 by Max Bemis, Nathan Stockman, Triona Farrell
Shadow Doctor 1 by Peter Calloway, Georges Jeanty, Juancho!
Father of All Things by Sebastian Girner, Baldemar Rivas
Not Forgotten Anthology by Jeff Leeds, Omar Morales, Joel Cotejar, Marco Maccagni, Paula Goulart
Forever Home GN by Jenna Ayoub
Girl Haven OGN by Lilah Sturges, Meaghan Carter, Joamette Gil
Additional Reviews: WandaVision ep7, Drowned Earth, Class Action Park, Cecil Hotel documentary, Surviving Joe Exotic documentary
News: DC buy-out madness, War of the Bounty Hunters (Star Wars crossover), Superman '78 and Batman '89 comics announced, Infinity Train renewal, Wednesday Addams: Teen Detective from Tim Burton, Constantine reboot from HBO Max, Die ending with #20, Spawnverse expansion, Supergirl cast for Flash movie, Netflix Marvel shows back to Marvel Studios, ATLA reboot catastrophe, DC teases, Falcon/Winter Soldier casting rumors, Department of Truth optioned as TV series, Palmiotti/Conner take over Red Sonja
Trailers: Cruella, Mortal Kombat, Invincible
Comics Countdown:
Girl Haven by Lilah Sturges, Meaghan Carter, Joamette Gil
Barbalien: Red Planet 4 by Jeff Lemire, Tate Brombal, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Jordie Bellaire
Snow Angels 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Batman/Catwoman 3 by Tom King, Clay Mann, Tomeu Morey
Stillwater 6 by Chip Zdarsky, Ramon K Perez, Mike Spicer
Thor 12 by Donny Cates, Nic Klein, Matt Wilson
TMNT: The Last Ronin 2 by Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Tom Waltz, Esau, Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop, Samuel Plata, Luis Antonio Delgado
Haha 2 by W. Maxwell Prince, Zoe Thorogood, Chris O'Halloran
Once and Future 16 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain
Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons 4 by Jody Houser, Jim Zub, Diego Galindo, Msassyk
Check out this episode!
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courtorderedcake · 5 years
Hallow : ch x - CSSNS 2019
“The Goblin King was prepared to host the Darkness, stealing Fae women away to their corrupted lands underneath the ground as concubines. The Darkness chose another in his stead, but not before this selected vessel enacted a devastating attack in its vengeance, revealing its hatred & rage. The battle was a lesson the old kings had forgotten; never underestimate an opponent.
Many more lives were lost as they razed over any who dared defy The Goblin King’s will. Only the pure love of our rulers united in matrimony, breaking the Vorpal Dagger, sealed the darkness and the Goblin menace away. The light flourished under their fair rule, and the queen bore a child as pure as moon beams, swan feathers, and starlight. They lived happily ever after, and shall be written in history as Heroes for All Time.” This is the history Princess Emma memorizes from the day she is born, paraded about and presented only with the highest protection. The palace is a cage she wishes to escape, desperately. Not careful what wishes she made, Emma discovers history is written by the victors - The Dark One has an entirely different version of the events that took place.
Read on AO3 here.
Rated E for explicit themes, Mature situations, and Fae fuckery. Written for @cssns​ 
Ch 10 / ?? - In which something lurks underneath the surface
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Killian rowed them ashore, where they were greeted by Lilly and a small group of curious onlookers. A tall man with a shock of dark red hair and dark skin watched them with an expression of amusement on his face that made Emma bristle at first, but as he watched them, she sensed a great sense of actual levity in the man's genuine smile. Another stood stoic, having the same facial features as the first man, though they were not softened by laugh lines or any sort of emotion. He had a lighter skin tone, and his olive green colored hair cut in a blunted angular style complete with thick fringe blowing in the sandy breeze. 
 "Welcome, finally. I forget how slow it is when you are unable to fly," Lilly greeted. The Dragon princess approached, hooking her elbow with Emma's which made her flinch, as she tried to swallow the look of surprise. "While I'm not sorry for earlier, I do believe that you will be my friend and forget our meeting’s misunderstandings."
 "I - Yes, that could be a possibility," Emma said, her smile unconvincing. 
 "To be clear, you were the one with all of the misunderstandings, and your culture’s proclivity of lying for comfort is the problem I speak of. Even now you are tense, and your annoyance with me smells like…" Lilly sniffed, grinning at Emma's face pinching into frustration. "Apple blossoms."
 "Well I never -" Emma tried to pull away, but Lilly held fast, giggling. The red haired dragon laughed as well, and Killian smirked as Emma looked at him with clear disdain.
 "Lilly, who are your compatriots? Will the king and queen be receiving us?" Killian asked, and the woman blinked, smacking a hand to her forehead with a groan. 
 "Fiore above, I am an idiot." Gesturing with her thumb she pointed at the red headed dragon. "This is my parents’ advisor, and my potential betrothed, Mushu."
 "Hello, and welcome to our personal piece of nothingness." His voice was a deep bellow, but full of humor. He put a hand on the olive haired man's shoulder, who did not break the icy stare he had focused on Emma. "My clutch mate, Haku. Our Harvest Festival begins, you must come." Waving his hand in a come hither motion, Lilly followed, practically dragging Emma into the courtyard where decorations were being placed on tall poles, and harvest vegetables littered available space. Cut branches and twine were tied to make a canopy that dripped fire colored leaves onto them as they walked. 
 "My parents will receive you tonight at the Harvest Festival. They are currently making the Kitsune leaders aware of your arrival."
 Haku did not take his steely eyes off of Emma, and she noted it with unease. 
 The other inhabitants of the island seemed sparse, and almost serf like, bowing and averting their eyes when Lilly passed as the Dragon princess showed Emma around. There seemed to be very few dragons actually on the island; the few Lilly pointed out either in their dragon form or ordering about the other Fae that lived there. Emma could not sense what type of Fae the others were, but their magic was different than any she had encountered in the United Realms or as she had made her way here in the Old World. It seemed to pull from the very air itself as opposed to the Dragon's quite literally 'rooted' earth mastery. 
 Lilly pointed out a cave that belonged to her brother, Elliot, who loved gems and was an expert on stones of all kinds, and introduced them to Tzalu and Tiamat, both gorgeous and raven haired dragons. They were aloof, but disdainfully polite, as they talked briefly about their skills in cooking for the village. They tended to a blacksmith and the kitchen with ease, fire breathing and ease of handle scorching earth, pleating and folding newly made metals in shapes like that of the paper animals they favored. Tiamat demonstrated with a small silver crane, folding a thick sheet of silver heated to the color of the golden leaves gracing their trees. While Emma was still tense and prickly by the end of the introductions, Lilly and she were openly bickering now, with Mushu adding flame to the fire. Emma seemed to be warming up to the other princess after all. 
 "So," Emma said, apple in her hand as they sat in the island's orchard. "I'm done with your cryptic nonsense. What the hell happened to make the Dragons end up here, and what does it have to do with my Mom and Regina of all people?" 
 Lilly groaned, flopping back, but the other two dragons tensed. For the first time in their meeting, Haku looked away from Emma to Lilly, a glint of something in his eyes. 
 "Alright, alright," Lilly grunted, stretching her arms and sitting back up. "Fine. You win. I'll tell you."
 Emma breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."
 "Yeah well, don't thank me yet," Lilly grumbled. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, then began to speak. 
"In the old days, we Dragons still weren't exactly plentiful, and we were especially not as plentiful as Fae. We take centuries to lay one egg, usually all at one time as a group thing like flocks of birds, and that's pretty much it for us offspring wise, mostly because gestation for the damn egg - which is giant by the way - has to be as a dragon past a certain point. Then, you have to nest around the egg, also as a dragon, and keep it at the proper temperature and make sure the angle it is laying is correct - "
 "I don't think they need a lesson on how we breed and raise our young," Mushu interrupted, shaking his head.
 "Alright well, anyway. It's an annoying process for everyone involved. We're rare, okay? So a war breaks out between all of you, and we decline to fight along with another rarity - the Kitsune. I'm sure you saw them around. We share this place with them."
 Killian looked up in surprise. 
 "Kitsune?" Emma asked, and looked at Killian for answers. He nodded, clearing his throat. Even with her knowledge of the many types of Fae and magical creatures, she had not been aware of the Kitsune surviving, or if they had been more than myth.
 "Fox spirits. Cousins of the Anisapi, but far more elemental and Fae than animal. Powerful, dangerous, and wily creatures. I don't even know what their gifts are magic wise, I've only heard rumors," Killian answered quietly. 
 "Yeah, well, they're not all that special," Lilly grumbled, rolling her eyes. "They're more Fae then elemental, mostly using spells of fog, mist, and smoke. Parlor tricks, sleight of hand, and making their illusions are all they're good for, besides their fancy talking like you and your people." Lilly directed a pointed look at Emma, who was scraping off dirt from her shift. Emma blushed, but said nothing. 
 "The war was looming, but when you live as long as we do, or as long as my parents and their parents, and my aunts and uncles have, taking sides in fleeting disputes isn't important. So we didn't, at least at first. Then the Goblins poisoned us with nightshade. Only a clutch of eggs and my parents survived, and only because of three things: Regina Mills, me, and the Dark One.
 "The Dark One was told to poison the Dragons and he did, but he poisoned the water supply with just enough to kill slowly, which gave the adults time. The Fae say it was due to him craving suffering, we believe it was a small mercy."
 Killian said nothing, his face impassive. 
 "My parents were trying to have me, and were otherwise occupied. It was painful, but the Mills' clan and the Equi clan who were sworn to us came at our call, easing the burden with their potions and magic. They were both renowned healing families who we traded our scales and whatever ingredients they needed to; sort of a symbiotic relationship, like those birds who clean the teeth of predators. That's where Regina comes in to the picture, she's of the Mills' clan. 
 "The Elder Dragon called a meeting, and while the Goblin menace was a terror, the Fae that had allowed us to die for their war and their consequences were named foe too. We would fight for ourselves, and my parents swore themselves to battle until they were bones bleaching in the sun. 
 "Except they lied. My mother's closest confidante and handmaid from the Mills clan happened to be the aforementioned Regina, who discovering that my mother was pregnant with me. Regina begged in secret for another way, and she hated your mother more than anything for stripping her family of titles and lands when she gained her house, but no one would listen. They were too sick and angry, too hungry for revenge. The Elder Dragon called on the Kitsune, our family intertwined by similarities and our indigenous lands, and their leaders Cruella and Isaac, came here happily to join us. Cruella hated your mother too, and believed she deserved more than her station. She had tried to climb in social standing, but could never reach far enough for her standards. 
 "Regina tried to convince my mother, the Kitsune, and the clans not to fight but they put on their armor despite her pleas. There was a battle at the cliffs near the Baelfire Barony, after the naval massacre by the hand of the Dark One. Daniel, Regina's betrothed, was killed in the battle by a Goblin horde. Many others died too, my father narrowly escaping death. After that, Regina begged for those left to disappear from a world where no one wanted them. My Mom refused, as did Cruella."
 "Regina went to Queen Snow, and swore herself to her in exchange for giving up this island's location, our nesting grounds. Together, Snow and Regina created a barrier that keeps us exiled here against our wishes."
 Emma laid her head in her hands, and Killian watched as her fingers massaged her temples. "I had no idea. No idea about so much of this, so much of what happened. I feel like I am running blind - do I apologize to your mother? I didn't do this, and it's been so long, maybe I can help break through -" she gritted out. 
 "Why would you possibly do that?" Haku hissed at her, his voice cold and clipped. "There is no gain for you. You all left us here as a warning. It was successful, the world has moved on. Releasing us to a world of mortals when we are so few is simply a slower slaughter."
 Emma looked at Killian, the anger in her eyes burning behind threatening tears. To her surprise, he licked his lips and began to speak. 
 "Things are changing again. The world is never going to return to where it was, but the Fae still left are wanting change," Killian said evenly, and her lips curved up into a small smile. "Princess Emma wants change, which is why she freed Ursula, brought Pann to justice, and it's why she refuses the Goblin Prince in his proposal -" 
 Haku snorted, rising to his feet. "Things haven't changed at all then. You Fae still cry that the world is changing while you ignore your own history, choosing what is recorded and what will be remembered by those alive to tell. You deserve your fall from the sun, the wax on your wings scalding. Some Dark One you are. I did not expect a doting sycophant who would recite sonnets for his royal tart." In a blur of white and green, the Dragon ripped through the canopy, apples falling and bouncing off of them as he rose. 
 "Ah. The oldest of the clutch speaks," Lilly sighed. "That was harsh even by our standards, but that's Haku for you."
 "So, uh, how about we show you that library?" Mushu said with a clap, the tension thick as another apple rolled off of Emma's head. She looked directly at Killian who wore a look of grim resolve, the thought of creating any sort of alliance dimming by the moment. 
 As they started walking out of the orchard, Killian intertwined his fingers with her own, giving them a squeeze. Emma looked up at him surprised, and he bent to whisper. 
 "We'll win them over yet, Swan. It will be alright." 
 He squeezed again, then moved to talk to Mushu who was leading them and talking about the library’s many treasures. Lilly fell back, taking his place. 
 "You guys are cute," Lilly whispered with a laugh. "And he's much better looking than our legends describe. I expected the maw of a crocodile and for him to trail blood from his wet clothes, his eyes as dark as charcoal."
 Emma blanched, looking at Lilly with confusion. "No, he's not - I mean the Darkness doesn't have control, or full control really, of him without the Vorpal Dagger. He doesn't - he didn't enjoy doing those things, Lilly. He's not a monster, he doesn't relish in blood." She paused, casting a sideways glance towards Killian. "And, we are barely allies. Our friendship, if you can call it that, is very new."
 "Wow," Lilly giggled, hand covering her mouth. "You are so stupid."
 "Excuse me?" Emma rounded on Lilly, her eyebrows both raised while she smiled with all her teeth, angry while full of disbelief at her bluntness. "I am not -" 
 "No, that's not what I mean. You are intelligent with books and whatever else, but you are so dense. I can literally smell the pining on you. It's gross, frankly." Lilly made a gagging motion. 
 "If you are always glib and blunt, you don't have to use 'frankly' before you speak." Emma sniffed, sending Lilly further into giggles. 
 "I'm desperate for courtly intrigue, Princess. Tell me, have you wrote him love letters you instead burned? Have you pressed a piece of clothing of his to your face, just to feel closer? Have you kissed him and then both pretended it didn't happen?" 
 Emma's cheeks went blindingly hot, and she began to walk quicker, looking down at her dirty slippers. Lilly grabbed her elbow, holding her back, grinning like a she demon. 
 "You did, you sly fox! I can smell it, you kissed him! Tell me everything -"
 "There is nothing to tell. I was drunk. We had just cheated death, and I had a potion in my system that made me silly and drunk. An accident," Emma hissed lowly. A large ornate building was quickly coming into view. 
 "But you both sleep together, and you cling to him like a little duckling, right in his shadow. Or cygnet in your case."
 "How did you know tha -" Emma snapped. There was no way anyone could have spied on them, or have seen without them knowing how they rested together. Even Killian wasn't aware of how she laid awake in between fits of restlessness and nightmares, watching his peaceful sleep or listening to him remembering his lost love. The Darkness occasionally pushed through, and Emma had found gently tracing his tensed muscles would soothe it away. He had never woken up to see her, but if he did, she planned to play it off as a strange dream. 
 "I can smell you both all over each other, and I know that the two of you have never actually done anything serious. You both are too clumsy around each other, and the idea of a kiss between you two sent you into a nosedive." Lilly shrugged. 
 "Please, stop smelling me," Emma managed to grit out as she massaged her temples, unable to form any other reply. Lilly let out a laugh, arm linked in her own again as the library loomed before them. 
 "You know, I don't think you're going to believe me, at least for now," Lilly whispered into her ear as Mushu and Killian stepped inside the large doors. "But now I definitely know that you and I are going to be great friends."
 Lilly laughed at Emma's grimace all the way through the doors. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 The library was like nothing he had ever seen. The college at the Naval Academy for the Fae had an expansive collection of books, and from Emma's descriptions of the palace library, it seemed that the several floors of books in front of them may even rival that. Killian glanced at Emma, her face was still slightly pink - no doubt from Lilly teasing her - but her verdant green eyes were wide as her lips parted in awe. 
 "This is our library, and collection of rare books. Or, as you Fae so kindly called it in the past, our 'hoard'," Mushu said with a flourished hand. "You are free to read at your leisure, Dark One."
 With a slight bow, Mushu excused himself. Lilly smiled impishly and whispered something into Emma's ear before bounding off herself, Emma sighing with deep relief when the Dragons were both gone. 
 "Well," Killian stated, and Emma groaned as she laid her body over a desk with a thunk. 
 "This, this is a lot," Emma replied, muffled by the table. After a moment, she gathered herself and stood, truly taking in the splendor of the place. "This place is stunning, wow. There are so many books. Are those inlaid with jewels or -" 
 Killian looked up, from running his fingers down the spine of a book. "I know, it's wonderful. I could live here, just reading everything." He shot a glance down the stairs to the atrium where she stood. 
 "I thought you always had to keep moving on, unable to sit still?" Emma teased, but he could not help but answer seriously, the ornate details on every binding, the amount of unknown informatiom lost to time and war, and the full amount of the potential knowledge the books contained too much to dismiss with anything but awe. 
 "This is perfection." Running a finger along another binding, he practically purred in satisfaction. "This place or somewhere similar, the ocean, and air. This sort of library, a fireplace, a good reading chair, and every night spent sipping a buttered rum while watching the stars, seeking new truths from the pages. That is all I need, for eternity." Emma hummed, turning the page of a huge tome laid out on another table. After a moment she chuckled lightly. 
 "So, a boat full of books, but on land." Emma stated bluntly. 
 "When you put it like that, sure love," he answered, with her same sarcasm. 
 She stepped closer, looking up to where he stood. "I might visit someplace like that. I like rustic."
 "Rustic eh? Not up to snuff for the magnanimous and beauteous princess?" 
 Emma shrugged. "It depends on how good the rum is." She replied sarcastically. "Read your books, I am getting fitted for some sort of Dragon style outfit because I'm currently 'unacceptable' per Lilly and her mother. I'll see you at dinner?" 
 "Aye." He nodded, pulling a book from the shelf. 
 "Don't forget, Elliot is some rock expert, or stones, gems - go see him with the locket. He's in that cave a bit back on the path," she called as she left, turning to give him a wave and a genuine smile. After watching her steeling herself all day, it was surprising that she would waste it on him, but familiarity seemed to win out more often than not as time went on. It was the only thing that the princess had left to hang on to, and that was important in the chaos that threatened her. If he was going to play protector and avoid Nil and Gold's clutches, keeping her in the best state of mind was a preventative measure in his view. 
 Piling more books onto a desk, he opened to read anything he could about the history of the Darkness. He found bits about disasters or tragedies that sounded like the Darkness or a Dark One's doing: castles falling in the dead of night as a sorceress laid siege, a curse whisking away an entire treasury and depositing it in a thieves den, a plague that ate away at cattle and crops unless the farmers surrendered to a new lord cloaked in shadow, all ending in the same way - a weapon controlling them was found, and either destroyed by a great amount of light magic, was used to mollify the creature, or was used to kill them. The weapon was specific in its making. 
  The Fiendish Darkness can be bound to an object, usually a hammer, sword, or dagger for ceremony. Regardless of the form, it must be smelted silver stolen from the ferryman for the dead, steel bent by liquid flame that ripples the very metal, diamonds cursed by avarice, and children's teeth, lost by plucking. 
 In an ancient grimoire of a Warlock, Killian found reference to summoning the Darkness into the world, chills racing up his spine as he remembered that night, the storm beating down on him. 
  When summoning, the loudest call for vengeance will be acknowledged and served a deal to ask for entry. These deals vary, and will be unique to the darkest desires of revenge that attracted the Darkness initially. Once a vessel is chosen, the Dagger will bind the Darkness and its host together until they are killed by the binding weapon.
 He had been full of rage that night, vengeance and trying to kill the Goblin King the only thing on his mind as he raced upwards and cut down any foe in his path. His own anger must have been more enticing than the King's, and his malleability or naivety had an allure that it couldn't pass up. There were times, long periods of sitting in that cell in the dark as it crawled through his mind that he wondered what it would be like if he hadn't slipped, hadn't lost precious time getting to his intended victim, if he would have died instead of living out the life of a slave to the book's described evil. 
 By the time he had found the small journal inlaid with onyx and silver, it was well into late afternoon. At first Killian thought the handwritten book was a waste of time, the scribbled words barely decipherable and the drawn charts or graphs not anything he could understand. He flipped through the pages, exasperated, until a drawing caught his eye: a rudimentary form of the Dagger next to various other examples of what must have been binding objects, and a passage on the page next to it. 
  There may be ways to force the Darkness into another host, but the attempts I have tried ended in failure. The Darkness seems to be affected most by light magic, and love, specifically True Love. In the case of the first queen of the Fae, Titania, her True Love for her cursed child, Puck, drove the Darkness away for some time. In retaliation, Puck killed Titania to prevent her from stunting the Darkness again, claiming the throne for himself until he was killed with the cursed object by the unnamed vessel who succeeded him. Centuries later, Eisolfe the Wise broke said object and light magic built the grand forests for years. 
  I have tried True Love’s Kiss on my darling Nimue, but she not only resisted, but made clear of her underlying intentions regarding our romance. This True Love was one sided, to my deepest regret. I have used a great amount of magic to seal her into the blade that controlled her, and broken it to assure that the Darkness in it has gone back to where it belongs. Nimue will rest, my love for her freeing her from the tethering - so, it was not all a waste. My heart breaks, and I cannot stand to stay in the shelter of Camelot any longer. I have accepted a request from the sisters of King Triton: henceforth I, Merlin, will be teaching the sisters of the sea esoteric magics. 
  I regret only that I could not study the Darkness further, at King Arthur and the King of the Goblin's bidding, but we part as amicably as one can in these times. No one currently knows if another Dark One exists, or remains.  
 Killian felt like he had been crushed, his lungs unable to take in air. Merlin. The pages after the passage were mostly spells and potions involving sea creatures and earth elemental magic, Merlin learning about his new world and teaching it to his students. When Killian turned the page to see a drawing of a nude mermaid, he shut the journal with force, not wanting to see anymore of what appeared to be a rendering of Ursula. Closing his eyes and trying to erase the image, he stood and stretched. Maybe that was enough reading for the day. 
 Walking down the path, he missed the cave initially, the barely trodden path to it overgrown. The cave's mouth was large and wide, the slope down steep as he slid and pebbles tumbled by his feet. 
 There seemed to be nothing, a great mossy wall and not much more. He wondered if he had missed the dragon. 
 It echoed around the cave, until silence fell again. Killian went to turn back to the mouth of the cave, when a gust of air hit his back. He whipped around and watched the mossy wall shift, a pair of bright yellow eyes regarded him with curiosity. 
 "Lilly said you might come," the Dragon, Elliot, said. The mossy fur that covered him completely fell in front of his face, and he shook his head slightly. "I'm Elliot. Don't like to look like you Fae or Humans or Kitsune. I don't like being small. I don’t like not being able to hide."
 "No judgement here, mate." Killian shrugged, the Dragon's voice sounding much younger than Lilly's, as if he was a scribe or squire of a boy. "I, er, I came to ask you about this stone in the back of this locket."
 He held the locket in his outstretched palm, and Elliot approached with trepidation. He was huge, far bigger than Killian had initially thought. What he had initially perceived as wall was Elliot's body; it spread further into the cave as the Dragon moved. Killian focused on the locket instead, the Dragon's claws clicking on the stone floor. The Iron of Nil's attack had bent the silver, indented it slightly, the metal bending to release a small feather, and locks of hair inside along with the dull, perfectly smooth, milky colored oval of amber that had first caught his attention. The Dragon eyed it with a sudden hunger. 
 "You have an Emberamber? Those are incredibly rare, if their clarity is -" With his face inches away from Killian’s palm, Elliot squinted. He made an indignant noise, frustrated. "That one's clarity is shot. Someone's used it almost completely up. Oh well, I hope they used it for something worthwhile."
  "What are you talking about?" Killian questioned, confused. The Dragon rolled his eyes. 
 "So that is an Emberamber. They're used as, like, gem containers for magic or elements and what not. The Remel kind are really rare. They can hold memories and emotions, so that you can see them. You just need a fire and it'll make smoke; it's neat if you want to remember something, unload memories, or record history in real time. Since we're probably the last Dragons, it'd be nice to have one, but yours is all full. See?" Elliot extended a talon, pointing to the milky white swirls in the caramel colored stone. "An unused one looks like topaz or regular amber that you find bugs and things stuck in; you can see almost all the way through it." 
 "So this, this is full of memories?" 
 "I dunno," Elliot shrugged his massive shoulders. "You gotta throw it in a fire. This one's teeny, old, and really used up though, so it'll probably break after a few uses." 
 "How do I use it? Can I use it now?" Killian asked, pulling the stone carefully from the back of the locket. When it came free, he was surprised to see the etching on the back, a scratched etching of his name. 
  'For Killian'  
 "No. Use it out there. There’s a fire pit near where the pine trees start down the hill. I don't want to smell your smoke." Elliot sniffed, the air sending Killian’s hair askew. "I have sensitive nostrils."
 "Right. Well, I'll be off then. Thank you for your time." Killian gave a small bow, and Elliot grunted. 
 "Come back if you find something worth my attention," the Dragon grumbled, slumping down and shaking the entire cave as he blended back into the darkness. 
 Killian rushed down the path, finding the fire pit easily in a small grove of pine trees. It was easy enough to conjure flame, and a pile of logs lay nearby for use. Throwing them in the pit, he stoked a steady blaze, and threw in the emberamber. 
 At first, nothing happened and Killian felt his rage at being tricked start to heat like the fire before him, until in the shimmering smoke of the fire, Milah appeared as if he was watching her through a looking glass. She was faded slightly, as if the color had been pulled from the image and replaced with shades of gray, but her eyes were the same brown, and she looked at him as if she was seeing him - 
 "Killian," Milah began, seated gently before him with her hands folded on her satin gown, and he choked out a noise. "I don't know if you will ever see this, or if we will ever meet again. I was given this stone today by a gentle medicine woman. She helped me… She makes me my…" Milah trailed off, swallowing hard. "That's not important right now, actually. I'll - I'll come back to Agakktha later. It's been six months, and so much has changed. I heard what you've done, what you did to the fleet, and Rumple is livid about your capture. I guess a new king and queen have been crowned, and that you are… You are gone. No one knows where you are, and although I prayed for you to one day find me, well my heart? I don't any longer."
 "I know that isn't what you want me to say, or what you want to hear, but darling I - I know you wouldn't even care, but I can't face myself right now, let alone you."
 "The Goblin King, he is - Well, he is frankly a coward, and the worst kind of coward at that. He runs from battle, he cowers, he seeks strength without stop, he pushes others to the front to save his hide - And he hates that I will never stop reminding him of that. I am some puzzling prize that he hoards like the Goblin he is, seeking my favor. At first I resisted and fought, but I have had moments of weakness too."
 "You would tell me that it is not my fault, you would know what to say because you always do and always have, but nothing can absolve me of my shame when I tell you of my aching need to forget you in any way I could. I fell into spirits, luxe wines made from fruit that only grows in the absence of light. My misery was replaced along with my grief, anger, and common sense."
 "I made a terrible mistake, my love. I can say that while I was not forced into this situation on my own, my free will here is most definitely limited. What I wanted was companionship in this darkness, in this loneliness. What I got in its stead was…"
 "Agakktha makes me my beauty regimen, and two other traditional draughts the king's wife must drink. One for the beginning of the month, and one for the end. The first helps keep me healthy, and keep my body in good condition." Her face soured, her mouth in a tight line. "The second is a test to see if an heir is to be expected. I… Killian I'm… I'm - I can't do this." 
 She disappeared, appearing again in a different dress, her hair braided in a much more complex style. Where she had previously looked gaunt, here she had put on a healthy amount of weight, a glow surrounding her. She looked happier, her hands folded on top of her --- Killian froze, letting the realization wash over him. 
 "Rumple thinks my heartache is because the child isn't yours." Milah rubbed her swollen stomach, gently stroking where it moved and shifted shape. "At first, that was true, but time has been a gentle mistress. No, now I don't mourn for our possible children, or mourn this one. My heart aches because with each move, and kick, I love him more. It's a him, Killian. I'm having a son, and I am so happy. I miss you, I miss you so much and I will always love you, but how do I even explain this love? It's all encompassing. I love him with every part of me, and I haven't even seen him." Milah smiled, happiness alight on her features. She looked down for a moment, still tracing patterns on the silk over her belly. Her face fell, and she looked up back into the gem’s view. "The amount of tradition here is ridiculous, and I thought the Fae court was bad. At least while our society is gendered, we raise our children in families. To think I complained on more than one occasion about how strict it was for you and I to be chaperoned. Because of the law, Rumple will name him. That is not only a royal duty, but that of the male's duty."
 Milah gave a disgusted eye roll, continuing. "He's chosen the name Nil, but I will forever call my baby boy Baelfire after my father, and our house. Maybe one day a child of House Baelfire and a Lordling of the Blackwater will play together. The thought brings me peace."
 She appeared again, tiredness unable to cover her happiness at the babe wiggling in her arms. Bird feathers covered a good portion of one chubby arm, but his shock of dark brown curls and one brilliant brown iris matched her own exactly. 
 "Isn't he perfect? Rumple won't hold him, and the longing for you today has been unbearable after so much time without thinking about us. Is that horrible to say? Probably. I find myself so absorbed in other things that were once used as distraction and exhaustion from Baelfire, that giving thought to you as we were has fallen to the wayside. Time is not the only corrupter as they say. More often I wonder about your descent into madness and the Darkness, if you think about me, or if you will in your stubbornness never take another chance at love. Please, consider it. You would make a spectacular father, and have so much love to give another. I beg you, consider it, for my sake. Be happy. That is what I imagined for us, and what I try to imagine in any way possible now.” 
 Her next appearance was with the babe, now a toddler jumping in the background with snorted laughs. Milah caught him, tickling him while they both grinned identical grins, unable to stop their giggles. 
 "Baelfire my sweet, say hello."
 "Good job baby! You're so smart. I love you so much, Baelfire." 
 Milah paced in her next appearance, sitting down to face him with a sheen of sweat on her face, hair gone gray and a gray pallor in her skin. She adjusted herself in the seat with a slight wince. 
 "Killian, I know you will look for me until the end of time if you still live as my own and not what it is they whisper you've become - but I need you to know that I am happy, that I found peace in knowing that my son can be better… These old laws that only benefit the few, the fervent sycophants that think they might be rewarded if they believe enough in strong blood; this abuse of women of all species but especially Goblin women who are made to be the lowest status as a birth gift - I was terrified of bearing a girl, for no matter how monstrous, how can a mother bear the cruelty of having a child they wanted ripped from them for another to raise, all because of this fanaticism? I have begged for women to keep their children longer before they are taken to their gendered groups - How could I watch my daughter growing up to be taught to be quiet, stay out of the way, follow orders, and that her worth is that of nothing?" Milah coughed, hacking as she reached for a handkerchief. Bringing it to her mouth, she coughed for minutes more. When she was done, her face was clammy, and her breathing was shallow. She pulled herself up, laying a red and bluish-tan stained handkerchief aside. "There is no strong blood, there are only strong beings, strong mothers and fathers, children, and familiar ties that weave us all together. I will not let my Baelfire be afraid in the time I have left." He felt his heart drop, looking at her tired face.
 "I have Lichen Lung. Do not blame yourself for this, Killian. I caught this as a child, playing in the bog by the House Baelfire's old estuary. It was always going to claim me, and they've made me very comfortable. I've lived far longer than I would have up there, or if we had... I've lived well here within reason. The fungus loves this damp and dark, and the Healers here specialize in fungal infection. They have the best remedies for this disease, and have eased so much of my pain. I wish I could assure you that as you live on it's alright to be without me." She stroked a finger over the heart tattoo that rested on her shoulder, a clear view of it beating under her pale skin as she turned. 
 "I want you to. I want you to be happy, to find joy in sunsets, to swim in the ocean without me, knowing that our life was worth everything. Every second that I was with you makes me more determined to stay alive, to raise Baelfire to be like you. I want you to love, Killian, to consider another person capable of forgiving you, of absolving you of the thoughts you've built up, of guilt and shame. I want you to consider loving them, of being open to the idea that maybe in our lives there is room for more than one love of a lifetime. I want you to have a family again, so you can know just how much that is true. I want you to let me go, but know I'm close, and wishing you a wonderful life."
 She appeared again, rail thin and gaunt, propped up in a bed. A teenage Goblin boy, very clearly a young Nil, sat at her side."I don't think I'll last the day, my heart."
 "Mother, it's alright." He held her hands, folding them gently on her lap. "Let me read to you, just relax."
 "How did I end up with such a wonderful son?" Milah sighed. "You were at the part about the Heart of all the Realms, the stories?" 
 "Yes. So, the Doctor and his wife theorized that there were realms they could open with magic, and that there could be infinite numbers of them. They may even be merged or created with powerful enough magicks, and be held in stasis against each other, meaning that they would have their own linear sequence of time. It was all hypothetical until they made one on accident. They experimented more, and found that different planes could be reached via portals or use of magic. These were used to create the first realms, that soon came to be known as the United Realms. They were the largest, most stable, laden with resources, and easiest to create travel through of the realms being found. This discovery gained the Doctor a title and great renown. The Whitehart family still stands to date as the only and last house created before the war. 
 The Whitehart family attempted dividing the portals by population, believing that eventually each species could be individually placed in one of the infinite realms. Space no longer became an issue, warring factions eased their battles to journey to a new world made for them. 
 It was great news until rumors drifted of realms no longer being reachable. Just like the stars in the sky are always remaking themselves, realms are too; new ones being born and dying in constant motion. Black holes are the eater of stars, and The Devourer is the thing that eats realms. It lives at war with the light in the middle of every realm, all time and space, each trying to keep balance. Knowing this, the Whitehart family stopped their work, leaving only the United Realms in their wake. This was a major catalyst in the war that led to the eventual banishment of the Goblins after the Vorpal Dagger's destruction. The Whitehart family name and their solemn family creed to keep the light alive lives on with the new Queen, even after her parent's murders and the attempt on her life by the Goblin King. From commoner, to being the utmost highest position of the land, the Whitehart family name is not lost under the N'lan banners with Snow Margueryte in the crown."
 "I hope that one day you meet her. I know what your father tells you, but life could be different for you. You could live above, you could change things if you just showed her the iniative. Imagine freedom, of choice - That's sounds like a grand adventure, Baelfire." Milah whispered, reaching up to tousle Nil's hair weakly. "You must go on a grand adventure some day, sweet boy of mine."
 Nil scoffed, looking at her with a strained smile. "Mother, you know that's impossible. We're trapped down here, for one, but the last time the Fae let us live outside of this accursed realm the result was the utter destruction of everything we created. Secondly, the Queen isn't well known for her forgiveness - and father was steps away from killing the her as she slept under that curse. You know why Father chose you, and why if I'm ever to marry, I owe it to our ancestors to - "
 "You don't have to follow the laws writ by vengeance's call. You don't have to follow in your father's footsteps, you can choose a partner that you love -" 
 "Mother. After what was done to us, my people demand penance. It's why the Elves, Pixies, and Anisapi still send tithes of women at our behest, defying their own King and Queen. Even they know that what was done to us and what their beloved Monarchy tries to keep hidden will not win them favor when we return." Nil pinched the bridge of his nose, and Milah sniffled quietly. "Don't cry, mother. Please. We've been through this, you said that you understood."
 "I understand why you think that you have to, but I promise you that love is worth far more than vengeance ever will be. You will wake up to a crying bride, a cold bed, and children that don't understand why their parents hate each other. I want more for you, Baelfire. I beg you to please - "
 "You truly hate father?" Nil asked, quietly. 
 "I do not love him, but the hate I had has grown dull over the years. I had love with another, so I know what it is to feel it. What your father has given me, even after your blessed birth, has never been love. I love you. You will know love, and you must never forget it."
 "Love isn't worth anything when your people lie dead at your feet." A voice hissed from the darkness beyond the emberamber's view of Milah and Nil. "Come, Nil. You have lessons. Maybe your mother can join you for your history recitation, as she forgets her people's responsibility in the making of our laws."
 "Get out of my bed chamber." Milah hissed, closing her eyes. Nil stood, kissing her on the forehead, and left with his father. 
 The view changed. Now alone, it was dark in her chamber as she faced him, straining to speak. 
 "I must confess to you my greatest secret, and let you know that it is not a regret. I have loved another, my son, and felt something for his Father on rare occasions. This led me to do what I had to do, and you must understand, you must try to understand. You are imprisoned, or were; if you ever do see this or it is transcribed for you: the decision was mine, Rumple's, and King David's. Oh, Killian. Life is a bitter root to chew when there is nothing else. David offered the women here - the women stolen - our freedom in exchange for letting the Goblins free again. 
 I was so very pregnant, and the women voted, we voted to stay. There was no longer a life we could live away from our children, our families, or we would simply could not survive put back somewhere. The threat of the Goblin reckoning was also too great; we were nothing but a bargaining chip to create more war - Rumple's face when he heard our no vote was a snarling hateful thing. Seeing that, I know the decision made was the right one. David agreed - they were having a child too - and Queen Snow kissed me on both cheeks, but Rumple would not let me say goodbye to you. I left knowing that you were somewhere below my feet, waiting, and I had burned that bridge for the sake of my child and the realms."
 "Please, forgive me. I fear that Rumple's patience has been stretched too thin. I fear that he is the one who made me much more ill, just for spite. I fear that my son who watches me die as this spreads through my heart and lungs will never know freedom or love or light when I am gone."
 "Please be an example of what I take from this world with me; please love someone just as much as you loved me. Don't let the Darkness in you win, don't let it eclipse you and everything you are. You are always and forever will be, my Killian Jones. Please don't let that be taken too. I love you, I love you, I will forever love you."
 The fire dimmed low, the smoke trickling back into the jewel. There were hot tears on his face, the stone burning his palm with its own intense heat as he pulled it from the fire, squeezing it tightly. Stumbling to get up, he slumped by a pine tree, letting the force of his sadness take him. 
 Walking for what felt like hours, he finally arrived back in the village. Emma approached him with two bowls of something that steamed, her face falling to concern when she came closer. She was dressed in a simple blue dress, similar to the fashion the common human folk had worn in their villages when he lived at the Blackwater. He ducked back into the shadows, but she pursued until he realized that it was futile, letting her catch up just outside of the village. Under the falling leaves they sat for a few minutes, before Emma turned to study his profile. After a moment, she asked a question. 
 "Are you hurt?" 
 Killian swallowed hard. "Not exactly. No."
 "Come here," she whispered quietly, and for once he did, falling into her and laying there against her chest as she lowered them to the ground. She soothed gently and slowly, running her hands over his shaking shoulders.
 Once he had calmed down, they sat in amicable silence eating their potatoes and meat, Emma giving him a large chunk of bread. She also produced a wine skein and a large chunk of cheese, both eating for what felt like the first time in ages. 
 Emma broke the silence, both of them simply basking in the decadence that was hot food after having none for so long. 
 "I don't need to know anything about what happened, but whatever it was..." She paused and stroked hair out of his face as he laid his head against her thigh. They had become so much closer since the situation with Ursula, trust in each other hard won, personal space a non-issue when living in close proximity on the ship as it drifted. "I am sorry that it hurt you."
 "Broke my heart, actually. What little of it that remains.” 
 Emma gave a low hum, sitting in silence as she continued to comb fingers through his hair. The calm the Darkness had fallen into since Emma and his close cohabitation finally broke, woken by his despair at Milah's revelations, the edge of its tumultuous presence creeping back into his world. 
 "You know," Emma began slowly, murmuring. "Your heart… If it's broken, it means that it can be fixed. That it still works. That regardless of everything, there's pieces of you that the Darkness cannot corrupt or destroy."
 Pulling away from her with a jolt, the Darkness seething under his flesh, his eyes flashed a warning. Emma pulled back slightly, fear in her eyes at his reaction - he'd acted like a skittish creature, an animal prone to bite, not Emma's ally. And they were allies, were they not? Even, possibly - 
  No, she's not your friend, she's just another in a long line of masters that holds your leash. You are no wild animal, just a pet. You trusting her is pathetic, you disgusting, lowly, cretin. She doesn't see you as more than a tool, and you let her talk to you about your heart as if you still have one. You have a piece of coal; there's nothing left for you to feel with. You have no emotions except hate, fear, melancholy so deep - 
 Emma's hand met his cheek, trembling while she looked at him with defiance. 
 "Killian. Come back to me?" Carefully, and slowly, she wrapped her arms around him in a gentle embrace. At first every muscle of his tensed, the Darkness letting out yowls and screeching sounds, but they faded as his tension did. His arms wrapped around her delicately and Emma beamed when she pulled away slightly. 
 "You shouldn't do that, Swan," Killian whispered.
 "Shouldn't do what?" 
 Killian cleared his throat, scratching at his ear slightly. "Listen, I don't want to - If I can't control it, or I lose sight and lash out, you could get hurt and I -" 
  You're pathetic, you absolute worm. Look at you, cowering from the strength of your power like a child. Do you remember how small you are? Your mother died and your father left you. You killed your brother in cold blood, and all those men in ships that you burned and cracked. Don't you want to remember all that blood in the water, and the smell? 
 "Killian. You don't have to listen to it. It's wrong. Whatever it's saying, it's wrong -" 
 "Shut up, just shut up!"
  Careful you good for nothing louse, don't want to hurt your pretty princess because you can't handle the truth of what you did, what you are. Remember what happened the last time you chose not to listen? We sunk to the ocean floor with Nil's iron through our chest, and before that, Elsa died because of you, because of this princess, and I warned you, didn't I? 
 "Open your eyes and look at me. Please. Please, you have to look at me, Killian don't let it -" 
  Yes, look at her. Proof of you being weak. You should have given her to Nil, but you tried to be noble . You aren't noble, you aren't good; no matter what this wench says, no matter what Milah did. 
 "Stop!" Emma's fingers wrapped around his mangled hand, but the noise would not stop, uncontrolled and like a cornered animal. The cackling pressed against the back of his eyes, both temples throbbing. Emma's voice was a low thrum cutting through a shrieking whine. "Please just stop, you're hurting him, stop -" 
  Oh, listen to her, pitying you for what you are! What you chose . Isn't it funny how your revenge has destroyed everything you ever cared about? Surely you aren't stupid enough to care about your worried little Swan?
 The Darkness had laid still, a snare in a bramble, waiting for Killian to relax and to think he had a chance to control it. This was a warning; it controlled him and he was its puppet, not the other way around. The sludge-like vines wrapped tighter, roots digging deeper as it cackled without relent. 
 There was a flicker, and the tiniest bit of sunshine touched him. Light pushed, separating the gnarled thicket even as it fought back against Emma's concerned plea. 
 "Killian, come back to me. Listen to my voice."
 Everything built to a point of no return as Killian’s hand gripped Emma's too tightly. 
  You're scared you will hurt her, I can feel it. Yes, we will. We will hurt her, especially if she is a threat. Damn the shard and its protections. I'll eat away at them with ease. All barrier spells can be broken or corrupted, and this is just one more. I'll delight in both of your surprise when I can wrap your fingers around her neck, the Darkness knows no bounds but the dagger, I'll make you rip her apart piece by piece. Oh yes, I will weaken that silly protective charm, just you wait Dearie. I'll make you crush her heart as it beats in your hands. I'll show you how good it feels to feel the dust run through your fingertips. 
 The cackling stopped abruptly, and Emma's hand was yanked away from his as she sprawled backwards. The Darkness hit her with blunt force, the thud of her body hitting the ground followed by the whoosh of air leaving her in a moan. 
  I can hurt her easily, even now. You may have kept me at bay on that ship of yours, but now I am stronger than you. Your emotions make you weak. It won't be long until I can wound her, or break her just like I do to you. I can break her fingers one by one while she asks you 'why' - 
 "No!" Focusing with every bit of his concentration, Killian pushed the Darkness away, willed himself to hold it back. 
 Silence slowly returned to the confines of Killian’s mind, limbs falling out of their forced paralysis. Sliding over beside Emma, he frantically checked her pulse in fear, finding it fast under his fingers. Relief coursed through him. Emma's eyes fluttered open, meeting his as she flinched away from him in fear, staring at him in confusion for a moment before relaxing. 
 "I didn't mean to, Emma, I'm so sorry. I couldn't -" 
 "It's OK. You hit me good, but I blocked most of it. The tumble was what really knocked the wind out of me. We'll have to practice again in a softer space, I think." 
 "Practice again?" Killian scrubbed at his face, scoffing. "Absolutely not. No. It's not okay at all. I hurt you. Bloody hell I -" 
 "Is it like that all the time? I think I could almost hear it, that voice… it's so scared of you leaving it. It's like a wild animal. I think you can control it if we practice. It caught me off guard, but a throw isn't going to leave anything but a big bruise."
 "No. I can't ask that of you, and it is getting stronger the closer the clock ticks down to Nil…" Trailing off, Emma raised her chin in defiance, standing up with his help. "No, Emma this was too close -" 
 Stepping forward, Emma took Killian’s hand in hers, massaging his palm. "You can't kill me and I can't kill you. I promise you that thing is trying to rattle you. I'm fine.
 "I'm sorry that I couldn't control it, Emma. I swear I'll try harder -" 
 "Don't try. Just…" Emma chewed her lip, and took another tentative step closer. "You are now among the closest friends I've ever had, so I don't ask of you to try. Just don't hurt me. Don't let it be an option anymore. Don’t give in, especially if you believe it's getting stronger. We have to beat this. You can beat this; I know you can." 
 "Close friend? When did you decide that?" Killian smiled slightly, amused by the idea as the chimes rang out. Emma laughed, and rolled her eyes, standing and brushing off her dress. 
 "The second to last barrel of rum on the Jolly."
 "You must have terrible companions."
 "Shut up." Emma blushed. "I just trust you a lot more since you told me you were really going to be my ally, that's all. I can see you changing, trying to be better."
 "Then…" He looked for words instead of at her, a hand raking through his hair. "Thank you."
 "Whatever, you're welcome. Save me a dance tonight; Lilly says they have a wonderful fiddle player." She clapped a hand to her forehead. "Oh no, I told Lilly I'd change into some outfit - I'll be back, go on without me!" Before he could protest, she had run off towards a cave built into the cliffside that faced the ocean. 
 Killian wandered by himself to the square. It seemed that the entire village had gathered and were surrounded by twinkling lights, pumpkins, bushels of apples, barrels of what looked like some type of ale, cauldrons of mulled wine stirring themselves in the darkening sky, and a band setting up on the small stage. 
 He saw a short statured man with a receding hairline approach the stage nervously, fiddling with his bow tie, his gaze flicking around until they met Killian’s. He grinned, and Killian felt his neck hair stand, his body alert to a potential threat from some arcane magic. A hand touched his arm and he grabbed the person's arm roughly, realizing it was just Emma a second later. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 "Ow! Killian!" Emma hissed, rubbing where his fingers had dug in. He seemed distracted, looking over her for something or someone before truly taking her in. When he finally saw her, Emma watched his eyes widen while his hands began to fidget. She did the little spin Lilly had suggested, the flowing garment spinning around her.
 "Do you like it? Lilly says it's from last year, but that no one should notice. I've worn dresses with lace before, of course, but never anything this sheer or gauzy. It feels like I'm only wearing the night sky!" 
 To her surprise, Killian didn't say anything; he didn't tease, or give her a witty quip. He simply stared at her and the navy fabric that was covered in the lacy sheer stars. The dress was backless and deeply cut, but the silver and dark blue that bordered on black caught the candle light, adding gold and a true navy color into its flowing movement. It was much easier and lighter to move around in than the stiff, heavily layered gowns that her mother favored. 
 When Killian was silent for another moment, Emma rolled her eyes. "You're not funny you know. If you're going to act like you -" 
 "You look..." He breathed out in interruption, pausing to shake himself free of whatever his mind was doing, much to Emma's annoyance. "You look…" 
 "Nice?" Emma finished for him, hopefully. He swallowed, and she watched his neck bob, before he nodded dumbly. 
 "Yes, you look… you look good. Better than Pann's club and you… you look nice." He nodded and Emma burst out laughing. 
 "You've been drinking without me then, huh? No wonder you were so spacy. Lilly says there's some announcement and they do a ceremony, then the party begins. I'll meet you drink for drink then."
 He nodded weakly, and Emma shook her head. 
 A man she hadn't seen before took the stage, with Lilly and her parents shuffling behind him. He stepped up on a raised platform to a carved podium. 
 "Hello, and welcome to another Harvest," he spoke over the crowd. Everyone clapped politely, or so she initially thought until she saw Haku standing in the shadows glaring at the stage. He looked even more furious if it was possible. "I am Isaac, the Kitsune leader for our new guests, and Isaac the best apple cider maker to the rest of you." 
 Whistles and cheers cam from the crowd along with laughter at his titleage, and he held out his hands for quiet. "As always, we will be announcing the Harvest Maiden tonight, letting their will be done and come tomorrow, she will be prepared for her fall slumber. This year, we had a volunteer again, so lots will not be chosen. This year our beautiful Harvest Maiden is…"
 Isaac paused for dramatic effect, while a younger, dark haired woman led by a gaunt woman with a shocking black and white hairstyle was leading her onto the stage. 
 "Chihiro!" Isaac finished, and Emma watched as Haku swiped at his face, then slunk into the woods without a word. 
 The young woman stepped up on the raised platform Isaac stood on, taking a place at his side. She wore a simple white gown, Isaac producing a crown of greenery from the podium. Chihiro bowed again holding the crown on her head with a hand, looking around when she rose back up slowly. Her eyes seemed sad, but when they flickered back to her feet after searching, her face fell completely to a quiet wistfulness. 
 "The Harvest Festival Maiden will lead us in our dancing, choose their prince, and their fool, lead us in our feasting, and in the burning of our bad spirits. Tomorrow she will be pampered, spend time with her loved ones, and then be cleansed for her sleep."
 The village cheered, and Isaac led Chihiro down from the platform, Lilly and her parents shuffling after them. 
 Emma turned to look at Killian, as he watched the village bowing to the girl when she stood in the center of the dance floor. Chihiro looked around again, looking for someone in the throng of the crowd before whispering to Isaac. He chuckled lightly. 
 "Our Maiden asks to break tradition, and to wait to announce her prince and her fool until after dancing and after the feast," he said with a grin. The crowd gasped, but he raised his hands to quiet them again. "While traditions are important, this is our Harvest Maiden! Who am I to deny such a request? Let us dance! Let us drink! Let us feast and be merry, the ceremony remains!" Isaac ended with a flourish, clapping his hands. In robes and gloves of black topped with white masks, servants brought out steaming trays of food, tankards and goblets being passed around as they were filled them with drink. Emma hadn't seen the servant class before, their shapeless uniforms and masked faces catching her off guard, but she had barely any time to think about them when the fiddle had begun, Lilly spinning her into a dance. 
 Emma had danced many group dances in the palace; the court was fond of them as icebreakers to allow the mingling of houses. This was not such a dance. Emma was spun and twirled rapidly, catching on to the footwork after several missteps. The women were lifted and placed to the side, their feet in a similar movement to the Elven jig, her stops for drink punctuated by Lilly pulling her back in as soon as she had gulped down what she could. Cold ale and honey mead washed away the heat of the apple whiskey and mulled wine, the dance becoming easier as the feast and the loosening of alcohol in her limbs began. She had lost track of Killian in the crowd, but he sat next to her as they broke bread, her body pleasantly humming while Mushu and Lilly told animated stories of growing up together. The stew of potatoes from earlier was plenty filling, leaving Emma picking at her plate as she listened intently. 
 Drink however slid easily past her lips as the Kitsune and Dragons taught them their traditions. Several drinking games were led by the Harvest Maiden with her giving a hand signal or yelling a word, everyone drinking quickly to avoid being forced to drink something called 'The Horned Flaming Dervish', a shot served in a thimble that made the King of the Dragons’ face go red when he was caught. The crowd roared with laughter as he had tears slip past his eyes, steam coming from his nostrils. 
 "You dare to target your King?" he rasped after, laughing. "I will repay you all by making sure my suffering has much company!" 
 Emma found herself unwilling to be among them. Killian seemed to sense this, and they both clued each other in when taking their long sips. 
 Dancing began once more, but the dance was different; partners switching less often after eating a full meal and having far too much to drink. The pairings she had were lost in a blur, until a familiar hand held her own, with the other one resting on her hip. 
 "You have a bad habit of not pacing yourself, princess," Killian whispered, and she laughed lightly. 
 "No," she replied, sighing. "I have a bad habit of not knowing how strong these drinks are. I'm doing much better with pacing, thank you."
 "True. You're able to stand, and even dance this time." He spun her gently, and she stumbled, his eyebrow quirking up. "Maybe I spoke too soon -" 
 "That was a rock, don't discount me over a rock!" 
 Killian smiled and she let him sway her as the next partner approached. To her great surprise, he turned and blocked the Kitsune from taking her elbow, taking the next dance himself, then the next several after. They talked about anything and everything as the music changed, while she let herself come down to the beginning of a drunken buzz. Killian probably felt similarly if her guess was correct, but he didn't betray anything to any of the islanders. Emma would not have known herself if they weren't as comfortable with one another; other then his willingness to be close to her and the way his shoulders lost their tension, he seemed as astute as ever. Emma couldn't find words to describe how much she appreciated that, her mind clearing in its fuzziness as she laid her head against his chest. 
 "Thank you," Emma sighed. "I didn't realize just how dizzy I was. How are you holding up? Are you still fighting with -?" 
 "No. I'm not. It's been quiet. I owe you a thanks for that, so we can call it even. You were right when you said we make a good team." His voice was low, and she tilted her head up to look at him, the way he looked down at her strange. His fingers traced the star patterns on her hip, as Emma realized she was right in guessing he must be tipsy or close to it after all. She let herself get caught up in how nice it was to be this soft with someone, unguarded, no longer questioning the amount of drink at festivities or his loyalty when it could be like this. 
 As if hearing her thoughts, he whispered in her ear, his breath warm as the night air grew chillier. "If you feel alright now, I thought I might go back and get a bit of cider with rum in it. It seems to be the best of all the choices by far." 
 A flash of white caught her eye, crossing behind Killian and into the woods. Chihiro was slinking through the shadows, disappearing into the forest with a look of anger that drew curiosity and suspicion from Emma. 
 "Not this second. I'm still not quite - Excuse me, I'll be right back." Emma said, pulling away and heading after the Maiden. Killian let her go, his fingers lingering on her wrist slightly, as if he was waking from sleep. 
 “Come now Swan. Afraid you’ll find me even more irresistible after a few libations?” he teased. She balked, rolling her eyes. 
 "Not on your life, don't kid yourself," Emma laughed while pulling away from his grip entirely. Killian didn't follow, but instead turned the opposite way slowly, like he was debating whether to go with her. Emma rolled her eyes when she saw him return to the line for his drink. Following Chihiro, Emma carefully paced herself and tiptoed through the brush. Was this a secret part of the festival? The Maiden's stealthy rendezvous? 
 Coming to a small clearing, Emma hid in a thicket watching in silence, Chihiro pacing a ways in front of her. Haku appeared from the darkness on the other side of the clearing, and Chihiro turned to him with clear upset. 
 "I asked you to come," Chihiro said softly. Haku shrugged almost imperceptibly. 
 "And I said I would not," he replied coolly. 
 A breeze blew, their hair and clothes fluttering. 
 "But… I asked you to be there, and you -" Chihiro's face fell, and Emma heard her sniffle. 
 Haku exploded, yelling at her in a fit of anger. "I won't watch you celebrate this. I won't dance with you to honor your life, when all of us know - when I know -" 
 "This was my choice, I'm stronger than the others. We could leave this place and never look back. We could find where we came from and return there!" Chihiro cried, reaching for him. 
 Haku regarded her with more fury. "How am I supposed to do that? I won't. I love you, and I put in our names to be refused so we could have a life. You destroyed our chances for any of that by doing this!"
 "I did it for the same reasons! I love you so much, and I know that Cruella is counting on me. She would never let me leave my path to be with you!" Chihiro cried openly, heavy tears hitting the forest floor. "I have to come back to you, don't you think I know that? I will break this stupid prison. I just wanted to dance with you, why couldn't you at least do that for me?" 
 Haku rushed towards her, kissing her and holding her tightly for a few moments, before pulling away. 
 "I can't dance with you. I - I'm sorry, Chihiro. I can't participate in any of that, any of this stupid festival. I can't." Haku kissed her hand, and through Chihiro's begging and tears, fled into the night. 
 She stood, watching where he had pushed into the woods for a long while, until with a snap of her fingers, Chihiro cleaned herself up. A fake, smiling facade went over her crying tears in a glamor, her foot falls quiet in the brush as Emma tried to process what she had seen. 
 Pulling her stiff limbs up and walking back, Emma saw Chihiro head to the stage, pointing out two Kitsune to play her prince and her fool. After a dance with the prince that was awkward and stilted, the fool was sat on the stage. Chihiro had chosen a young woman to play the fool, and she painted the fool's face, until she vaguely resembled Haku, before dumping the entirety of three tankards over their head. The crowd cheered, and the fool laughed while sputtering. 
 Isaac took to the stage again with Chihiro in tow, well into the night as festivities wound down. Killian and Mushu had stepped away talking about books, while Lilly hung off of Emma shamelessly drunk and grinning. She pointed to the stage while nuzzling into Emma's neck. 
 "There's Cruella. I'm surprised she hasn't said anything to you. She's been watching you all night." Lilly pointed to the woman now on Isaac's arm, her hair a mess of black and white and nails painted bright red. A bright red pendant on a red choker circled her thin neck, shining even in the dim light. Emma hadn't noticed the woman at all the entire festival, let alone the woman watching her. 
 She was very hard to miss, tall and gaunt to Isaac's short and soft features, his hand on her waist tight as it bunched the slinky black material of her dress. For someone so conspicuous, Emma had barely seen this leader at all. 
 "Lilly, I don't think -" Emma started, but Lilly shushed her loudly as Isaac began to speak. 
 "We raise our hopes that Chihiro is successful in using her spirit to break the barrier." Lilly whooped and the village cheered. Isaac raised his hands, and the strange group of people she had seen earlied stood, all dressed in a dark black robes. They all bore the same black veil over their hair, similar to pictures she had seen of the mortal clergy, and a long white mask. Emma idly wondered how they dictated a servant class, but dismissed it as cultural or religious. "And as we do every year, we remember our past. We thank the husks for their perpetual servitude and the blessing of those who care for them." 
 The husks bowed all at once, taking off their masks as they came up. Emma squinted, taking a few subtle steps forward in the crowd, looking hard at the husks. There was something off about them with their masks off, their glassy and blank stares and inexpressive faces windowed in the black fabric lending to their drab outfits. Their eye color was gray, and Emma realized it covered their entire iris. They had no pupils, only the stone colored dot sitting in the white, unmoving and devoid of any kind of cognizant reactions. 
 They shuffled away, a few attendants pushing them when they seemed to lose focus. What were they? Who were they? 
 Her mouth suddenly dry, Emma tried to get away from Lilly and find Killian, but Lilly held fast. Cruella now gazed out at the crowd, her long crimson nails digging into Chihiro's shoulder. 
 "It is now time for the women and men to separate for spirits and sweets. Fairer sex, follow the Maiden - Men, follow your Prince! We will convene in the morning for the rites, but until then…" Cruella bowed deeply, her voice a wild timbre, "Happy Harvest!" 
 Before Emma could protest, Lilly dragged her towards a white tent, the inside full of sweets and cakes, and tea pots on every table. Rolled cigarettes in different colors lay on silver or crystal platters, their fragrances mingling in the breeze. Emma let Lilly pull her to a table, Cruella and Maleficent joining them with Chihiro in their grip. Chihiro smiled politely, but Emma could see the thin barely distinguishable line of a glamor resting over her jawline. It was likely she was still crying, or at the very least, her face was still wet with kohl lines staining her cheeks. 
 "Enjoying yourself, Princess Emma?" Maleficent purred, lighting a cigarette daintily. Her expression was light and blasé, but her eyes were steely, Lilly retreating in on herself as she poured tea for the table. 
 Emma nodded politely, for the first time seeing Cruella grin at her with a hunter's gaze, her eyebrows arched and teeth sharp. Taking a red rolled cigarette, Cruella placed it in a long filter extension, puffing on it with force. Her exhale was a great green cloud, Emma hiding her coughing under the guise of a slurp of her tea. 
 "You know, this could be your next good deed easily, don't you think?" Cruella hissed, another green cloud snaking its way over to Emma. Chihiro made a small noise, admonishing Cruella, but Maleficent nodded gravely. "If your mother and Regina," Cruella spat Regina's name like a curse, "Hadn't marooned us here and forgotten about us, we wouldn't have to do these silly rituals at all. It's truly fortuitous you are here, and you could step in to fix your family's grievous error. But you don't care about that, do you, Princess Emma?" 
 "I - I didn't even know until -" Emma stammered. The green smoke swirled around her, framing her in an oval before dissappating. Emma tried not to cough again, the smell of the pine stronger than gin and a heavy handed helping of chili pepper emanated from the fumes. 
 "Of course you didn't. You just destroyed Pann, freed Ursula, shagged the Dark One -" Maleficent drawled, stirring her tea idly. Lilly sunk in her seat while Chihiro began adding sugar cube after sugar cube to her cup without stopping. 
 "I am not shagging - I have absolutely no relationship with Killian outside of our alliance and I don't know how I could help here. I didn't know about any of this. I didn't know your history with my family at all -" 
 Cruella's eyes flashed, and she stood with a jolt. Smoke poured from her dress, as if it was breathing. "You don't know how you can help us? Oh, how rich. Why don't you royals put some of your oh so powerful magic to work where it counts! This should be nothing for you - "
 "I will do anything in my power to help if I can, but I don't know the extent of this magic. I barely know the history - "
 "So you let another bear its consequences?" Maleficent asked, seemingly bored. "Typical. Haku was right about you."
 "No! No, I wouldn't, I want to help -" 
 "Good, if you want to help, you can take Chihiro's place," Cruella said, licking her red lips. Smoke twisted around her head, like great reaching hands. "We'll adjust the ritual and you will fill in; everything will be fine. Simple even!" 
 "No, I want to see what these rites are, and consult with Killian -" 
 "Lilly," Maleficent snapped icily, pointing her tea spoon at her daughter. "Tell your friend how important this is, and how much it would mean to us."
 Lilly sputtered, stammering. "Uh, well, Emma it would be - we would - considering, you know, everything, you really should - I mean it's safe, mostly." Maleficent and Cruella's eyes both sharpened, and Lilly laughed nervously. "I mean it is safe, and someone would be there watching you at all hours - watch the rites tomorrow and do it, do it for our friendship and as a sign that you truly want our alliance." Lilly finished, and gave Emma's hand a squeeze. Maleficent smiled, reaching over and petting her daughter's hair. 
 "Well said, Lilly. I would be much more inclined to ally with someone who shows the crown has changed its ways, so I believe it's agreed - you will take Chihiro's place tomorrow morning - " 
 "Leave her be. I'm fine with my choice," Chihiro said quietly. Her cup was full to the brim of sugar, only the stain of tea in a few places to indicate it had even been there. She smoothed it with her teaspoon into a swirling pattern that Emma had seen in a few of the sand filled gardens they seemed to favor. 
 "It shouldn't have to be a choice. The Fae princess has already agreed!" Cruella growled. Emma looked down at her cup and saucer, her own tea almost completely gone. Chihiro stood and excused herself, the icy silence that followed her absence only broken by Lilly loudly crunching apple tarts while Maleficent and Cruella glared knives at Emma. Before long, the voices of the men grew loud, and Cruella and Maleficent were ushered outside by their partners. 
 "There is a way we all win, Princess." Cruella smiled, one thin stream of smoke curling from her mouth as she put out the butt in Chihiro's tea cup. Maleficent glowered at the ashy cup but kept her obvious irritation to herself. "Maybe tomorrow you'll decide to be a better person than any of the people who you call family. Take her place." The two leaders stormed away, and Lilly finally exhaled a long breath. 
 "That was awful," Lilly moaned, banging her head on the table with a thud. 
 Emma pinched her roughly, gaining a yelp. "Yeah, imagine being the person who that vehemence was actually directed at . And that creepy smoke thing, what was that about?"
 "That smoke thing is just something Kitsune do. They like to change forms, make glamors, trick others with their appearances. You should see what they can do with mist." Lilly shrugged. 
 "Yeah, well… Super unsettling." Emma shivered. Being deceived by a Kitsune was not something she particularly wanted to experience. 
 "Hmph, I mean, they're right in a way. You should take her place, and we'll make you really really comfortable. And you'd win our trust! Plus, Chihiro wouldn't turn into… Er…" Lilly shook her head, correcting herself. "She wouldn't have to go through the rite and could go be free to do what she wants."
 "It's no wonder Haku hates me. I saw them fighting, and he seems to really -" Lilly shushed her, dragging Emma outside. 
 "Don't talk about them in the open like that," Lilly whispered. "Dragons… We're not supposed to be with Kitsune. We're forbidden to, well, you know. The thing you are totally not doing with the Dark One."
 "Oh. Oh!" Emma's eyes widened. "We aren't though. Killian and I are not a thing, and I wish you would stop -" Lilly waved her words aside, scoffing. 
 "Sure, sure, whatever. You just danced with him all evening and he looked like he wanted to kiss the daylights out of you. It's nothing, totally nothing; strictly you both being absolutely oblivious when I can literally smell it on both of you - I'm on a tangent. Where was I? Oh, yes. More importantly in relationships - My brother thinks that is why Chihiro was chosen, because they are 'interspecies courting'. He's mad for a great many reasons, and I can't fault him." Lilly sighed, her breath a cloud in the cool air. "As your friend, I think you should replace Chihiro. That seems to be the best for all of us." 
 Lilly smiled, but it failed to come through as earnest. Emma hummed and toed a pebble in the ground. 
 "I'll think about it tomorrow. You can explain these rites to me, and I'll talk to Killian, examine the risks - we can go from there. Sound good?" Emma smiled at Lilly, but the Dragon princess looked even more pensive, almost sad. With a burst of energy, she turned to Emma, eyes stormy. 
 "You should leave. Take Killian, take your ship, slip away into the night and away from this place. Just go and never look back." Lilly stared at her, her words low, and her hands gripping Emma's tightly as she seemed to search Emma's face. Emma heard the truth there, the fear lying just underneath, but as soon as she sensed it, Lilly was laughing. 
 "Lilly, are you alright?" Emma asked pulling her hands away, Lilly's laughter bringing a smile to her own face despite herself. 
 "Oh, oh Fiore!" Lilly was almost doubled over with laughter. "You should have seen your face. Oh, I would have paid to have it sketched, you were so freaked out!" Her wheezing laughs made Emma sigh and laugh with her, eyes rolling at her ridiculous prank. 
 Taking a leaf from Lilly's book, Emma punched the Dragon in the shoulder. 
 "Hey - Ow!" 
 "You are an idiot." Emma laughed, and Lilly grinned. "It's a good thing that we're friends, or I'd have hit you in your smug face," Emma sniffed, and Lilly roared with laughter. 
 Suddenly, she stopped, seemingly struck by a thought. "Wait - you said we were friends? Truly, you agree that this is mutual?" Lilly asked, with quiet excitement. 
 "I did. Yeah." Emma smiled. She hooked her elbow in Lilly's, laying her head on her shoulder. "We're an odd mix, a 'strange bedfellows' sort of friendship as they say these days. But," Emma raised a finger, "I like it. You're different, but you’re real. You're genuine. The only friends I've had both at home and in my time here that have actually been my friends, have been like this. I need it. I need real in a sea of all this fakery and lying. So… Thank you." 
 Lilly looked at her feet, and Emma saw a small shadow of something pass over her face, but then she was being hugged by Lilly with force. 
 "You're my first friend. I guess that makes you my best friend," Lilly whispered. She pulled away, sniffing slightly. 
 "Well. Then it is an honor." Emma smiled, smoothing Lilly's hair. 
 "Don't tell anyone I cried, or I'll roast you."
 Emma scoffed. "I wouldn't dream of it. At least not until I have your clutchmates to protect me." 
 "I take back the best friend thing."
 "You can't, verbal contract. It's binding. Tough luck." 
 Bursting into giggles, they parted ways to head to their respective chambers. 
 *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
 Killian met Emma on his way back from the gentlemen’s meeting, his head still buzzing from the Darkness, the cigar, and the several glasses of brandy toasting in his honor. In truth he had been buzzing all evening since Emma had helped to push the Darkness away, even without alcohol in his system. There was something else, something warmer than the feeling of the liquor in his stomach, the stars a bit brighter and the air a bit thicker. His mouth felt dry, and he felt as if his lips were too dry. In fact, his entire body for once felt starved of touch. Part of him felt like a fool stumbling over questions, while another felt genius for keeping the princess close, maintaining decorum, and protecting the alliance while still protecting her. When Emma took his hand in her own, it was an instantaneous relief like water for thirst. She lead them into the cave they were staying in, and he initially was worried they would be sleeping on rough slabs of rock. 
 Instead, to his pleasant surprise, they were roomed in a small tented space inside the cavern, the Dragon’s lavish style clear from sumptuous pillows filled with feather down on a raised platform, silken sheets and soft furs, and a scented oil lamp that could be adjusted. A carved pool that trickled with hot water lay behind a curtain, the water never running cold and allowing for a soak. Several varieties of oils, soaps, and other sundries lay on a ledge that made up the back of the pool, and towels lay near a dressing room where several outfits hung. He quickly washed himself and dressed, but Emma took longer, taking advantage of the soaps and hot water provided.
 Emma stepped out from behind the curtain in a simple shift, looking up from braiding her wet hair, and pointing to the raised platform. She almost glowed, and the steam mixed with her soaps smelled divine. He had to be drunk, maybe too many toasts or too many cordials were had, his mind swimming in how beautiful she looked. 
 "I made you a bed, next to mine. If you need to move I can just -" she started, gesturing toward the large headboard that took up the back of the room. The size of it made it clear it was a dragon's bed, and he was sure if he checked in what had been his offered suite, he would find his own. Killian took a long couple of strides, hugging her tightly, and she fussed against him, pushing him off. 
 "Enough of that, what the hell - you're going to mess up my braid you menace. You're so weird, come on, where is your decorum, sir?" She flicked water at him with a laugh, but he did not relent. "You need sleep and I don't want to deal with you tomorrow being stressed and brooding. They have toasted chicory, and I would prefer to share a cup with you in better spirits than today."
 "Bringing out the big guns, like decorum, hm? I must be more of a threat than I thought to her majesty to tempt me with hot beverages. You are too good to a wretch like me." He groaned, and she smacked him playfully until he let go. 
 "Yeah, I am, so don't push your luck. Gods, this has all been a disaster. A complete, unmitigated, fuck up." She laughed, pushing herself into the mess of blankets and pillows. 
 "I'd agree, but this bed makes up for it, and it's a burden I'm willing to bear while you speak political alliances." He laughed, and Emma snorted. 
 "You can't spell terrible without 'T' - and oh, was that tea terrible. You're lucky I survived, and that is not an exaggeration."
 "I cannot say I fared worse. The cigars were fine, and the brandy was excellent. The cordials were even better. The Dragon King can put away drinks too, unlike that Kitsune leader. I don't trust that man, he seems… weasel like. He does make a good cider though, so he's only on the short list for potential enemy." Her laughter at his words, sent him into chuckling easily as he put out the lamp. Killian laid in the bed beside her, tension escaping as they made themselves comfortable. It was easy in the softness provided, no hard floor, small bunk, deck, itchy straw, or rocks against the spine they'd grown accustomed to. 
 After a moment of basking in the softness while making obnoxious noises of bliss, Emma turned slightly, looking at him over her shoulder. 
 "Hey, Killian?" 
 "After all this, regardless of what happens… You know that I still want you to be my friend, and I will defend you as long as we are."
 "Sometimes reality is not that simple." Killian sighed, playing with the end of her braid. "I'd like that, but I don't want you believing that we will have any obligation to each other once you are returned and the Goblin menace is dispatched. I'm not exactly going to be welcomed back into the court, let alone be allowed near the crown princess. Most likely, you may get me a pardon or at least a few days headstart to escape, but regardless, I wouldn't stay or be caught anywhere near the court. I'll disappear to wherever I desire, and you will go back to your princess regimen - If we even survive." 
 Emma was quiet for several minutes, to the point where he almost thought she had fallen asleep. 
 "Well, if we survive, your heart's desire then. Friends or not, pardon or not, you disappearing or not," she said firmly, giving a nod. He laughed slightly before moving slightly, both adjusting into their sleeping positions. 
 "Yours too, princess."
In the morning, Killian stretched as the princess snored. Glancing at her, he rose quietly trying his best not to disturb. Emma curled in her sleep, an arm outstretched to where he had been a moment before. She didn't wake, exhaustion easy to understand as her fingers flexed slightly and her breathing steadied. Throwing on a clean set of trousers and a linen shirt, he headed out of the cave and into the light of day. 
 There were only a few souls out, the black clad, habit-like hooded, masked 'husks' cleaning the aftermath of the festival. Another set stirred porridge in a large pot while their partner served it with a ladle, their methodical rhythm almost mechanical. He stood in line, grabbing two bowls, only a few Kitsune in front of him. 
 "Good morning." He greeted the masked workers, but they did not respond, only plopped porridge into his offered bowls. "... Have a good day?" he said tentatively, but they gave no indication of understanding. He shuddered and returned to the cave after grabbing a pot of toasted chicory he balanced carefully. 
 Emma sat up at his return, her hair a wild mess as he handed her a bowl and poured the hot liquid into mugs. 
 "Looks like you got a good sleep, hm princess?" he asked, humor lacing his voice. He felt good, a feeling of lightness blooming in him. 
 "Shut up. Lemma eaf." She mumbled, shoveling porridge into her mouth. Swallowing, she turned to him. "I'm supposed to go with Lilly all day today and observe these rites that they perform. I know we didn't discuss it last night, but the Dragon Queen and Cruella, the non-cider Kitsune leader, were awfully persistent that I take Chihiro's place in whatever they're doing -" 
 "Have you talked about what the process entails? If there's risks involved or one of their rituals is dangerous, we can't just agree."
 "Well that's what I wanted to talk about, they want me to watch, but they are so forceful -" 
 "Emmmmmmmmmmm-ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Lilly screeched from the mouth of the cave, the echo like nails on a chalkboard. 
 Emma winced, throwing blankets aside to leap out of bed, slipping on a robe like gown that tied around her waist. With a flick of her wrist, her hair was styled. She looked at him as if waiting for approval. 
 "Well?" she asked, gesturing to herself. "Do I look alright? Not too hungover, or -" 
 He chuckled, her nervousness somewhat endearing. "You look fine Swan. You don't have to be this worried, it's probably just some tea ceremony or the ilk. I mean after last night, Mushu said that everything gets very quiet while they wait." 
 "It doesn't sound like a tea service, they said they have someone -"
 "EMMMMMMMMMMM! AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lilly roared, and Killian swore under his breath as rocks fell from the ceiling. Emma cringed visibly, her shoulders rising. 
 "I'll explain later." Throwing on her shoes, she offered a quick wave to him. "I'll see you later, around lunchtime maybe - Meet me at the library? Knowing you, that's where you'll be anyway." 
 "Most likely, yes. There or talking to Mushu at his residence, but the library first and foremost." Killian nodded. 
 "Okay. Plan on lunch then." Emma smiled, and turned, running towards the entrance. "Coming Lilly!" 
 He shook his head, laughing slightly to himself. After the festival the night before there was a sense of giddiness that he couldn't shake. Finishing his breakfast in silence, he returned his bowls to a mask clad attendant in the washing house as he made his way towards the library. The four masked Kitsune did not regard him, only continued their monotonous labor to an unseen beat. He initially tried counting the husks, but found it was trickier than he initially anticipated. They all looked identical, blurred together, and seemed to move in shifts. Killian found himself wondering just how many husks were on the island and how they had been designated. A plague maybe? With the strange veil it could be a religion of some sort. Either would explain the masks. The feeling of something sitting right below the surface that he could not shake resonated in him, their hollow actions mimicking their given name. Unable to shake off the feeling of arcane sorcery and the low buzz of elemental magic the dragons drew upon, he fled for the library with no intention of stopping. 
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sieben9 · 6 years
“sympathy for the de vil” impressions
{Quick request to anyone reading: I'm watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I'd be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
Yeah, I see what you did there, title. Go stand in the corner and think about what you did.
OK, alright. First things first: Farewell, Cruella, you beautiful disaster. You shall be missed. I guess in your very own, very special way, you were just too good for this world.
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Frankly, I wouldn't mind having her around indefinitely. Just... hanging out in the background, drinking too much gin and snarking at everything and everyone that happens to be passing.
As for the rest of the episode... well, let me go into weird metaphor territory, because I don't do that nearly often enough. Sometimes I feel about certain characters like you do about a generally well-behaved pet. Nice to have around, very rewarding relationship, and they rarely make trouble... until they get possessed by some kind of hunger-demon, open the door to the kitchen, upend the baking ingredients and eat all the eggs. And you can't even really be mad, because you kind of have to admire the criminal energy that went into the operation, so you just sigh and grab the dustpan?
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::sighs and grabs the dustpan::
Going back to Cruella for a moment... I really liked her backstory. There were some issues with it, too, which I'm going into in a moment, but this was definitely a tale you look at and go "yup, this is the kind of person who would want make a fur coat out of puppies". The problem I had with it at first was that it seems to conflict with the whole "evil isn't born, it's made" theme that the show has been following for so long, but I like to think that Cruella's chilling little "why not splash in" speech addressed that. She knows that what she does is evil. She just doesn't care, because it's also fun.
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most of the time at least
Also, aside from character details, this backstory also gave me a pretty good bit of worldbuilding--namely how the different "realms" work on a broader scale. Cruella lives in an approximation of our world's 1920s, but she doesn't actually know what year it is. It will always be the 1920s, no matter how much time passes, just as the Enchanted Forest will always be the anachronistic-but-slightly-medieval-oriented fairytale mess it is now. ...yes, I am a complete nerd for worldbuilding. Why do you ask?
Apart from that, I also wonder if we're going to see the Author's "Start of Darkness", as it were. Because at this point, it seems like he was already using his powers to influence stories rather than just record them. Meaning the diamond necklace and all that. Not the much more self-defensy "no killing people" thing.
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though i will say that everyone should thank their lucky stars cruella is not a more inventive person. "don't take lives" still leaves room for quite a lot of damage...
Honestly, the whole Author-involvement was a bit of a puzzler. This could have worked very well as a "these two people dragged each other down" story, or maybe even as a sympathetic backstory for either, but Isaac being here was just... odd. Not bad, just weird. I will say, though, the flashbacks were definitely the most sympathetic this guy was throughout the episode.
This also gave a good look at the Author's powers in action with no need for subterfuge. Seems like he can really influence the stories he writes in just about any way he wants. (As a writer, I say unto thee: unrealistic! ...but that's neither here nor there) And this brings me to another thing, which is... look, I'm actually a fan of shorter seasons for serialised shows. I don't think 22 episodes is a reasonable arc length for anything short of X-Files myth arcs. But I really don't think the half-season format is working for OUaT. Things like Cruella's relationship needed significantly more build-up to really "hit" when the full reveal came. As it is, I was interested, but not really invested that much.
Anyway. Present day plot! Yes, there was one.
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someone knock this woman out because she's obviously not going to get some sleep by herself...
Yeah. Uh... Emma killed someone. Though, quite honestly: no judgment. She couldn't know that Cruella couldn't take a life, and if someone had a gun to the head of a child in my care... yeah. Obviously, it's still a "dark" deed according to the established rules of the show, so that's going to be... interesting. The episode ends quite abruptly, so I guess we don't know if her heart has been darkened, but, uhm, I'd say that face speaks for itself. Also I sound like a broken record, but get some sleep, woman.
And then... ::sigh:: then there's that other thing.
Regina, why. I mean, I know why. I can perfectly follow the logical chain of events that led you to this monumentally stupid decision, but I still feel like I have to ask.
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She wanted to help you! She was happy to see you, she trusted you, and she wanted to help with whatever Rumple had done to you. Why in the name of all that is good didn't you just tell her?
Again, I know why. I'm just frustrated.
And that scene at the well? Dear god, that was painful. Because for a moment, I could forget that Regina must have done something to Belle. I could just enjoy the moment, and get teary-eyed about that "chipped teacup" comment and just ignore that this was going to be another August-moment.
And then...
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Why. I mean, yes, he threatened the man you love. I'm not surprised you're trying to get a little revenge, because that's how you work. But this was still cruel. To both of them, really, even if Belle won't remember.
And as for Rumple’s confession... well, that puts a new and horrifying spin on his “heart troubles”, doesn’t it? Though the implication is that he wouldn’t die--at least not while there’s magic around. So what’s the alternative? No, don’t tell me, I’d prefer to horrify myself with speculation...
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So, now that they both have knives at each other's throats, it looks like Regina is going to go to New York to find Robin. That's... definitely not going to be a horrible conversation. Nope.
Also, again. Emma is going off the deep end. Someone throw a rope after her so she can climb out again.
Rumbelle-y addendum: Also, did you see the speed with which he backed down when Regina moved to squeeze Belle’s heart? Guh. And that despite all the negative consequences it could have for him to let Regina do as she wishes here. I think at this point it’s clear that Belle is the only thing that’s still important to Rumple, even if they aren’t together anymore. (Also was it just me or did Belle’s “I may have given up on us too soon” sound way too genuine to have been made up by Regina? The text doesn’t say either way, but I like to think that those were things she was already thinking; the situation just made her say them when she wouldn’t have otherwise.)
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did I mention “starved for content”?
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once-upon-a-ouat · 6 years
Top 20 Fucked Up Relationships on Once Upon a Time
For a positive, hope-filled family show Once Upon a Time has a lot of fucked up relationships (both platonic and romantic). Here’s a list of the top 20 screwed up relationships in my opinion:
20. Ruby x Peter
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This is only here because she ate him even though it’s not her fault but it’s pretty fucked up and gave Ruby PTSD so... I think it counts.
19. Regina & Ariel
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Okay, this was horrible, Regina. The reason why it’s not higher on the list is because eventually Regina gave Ariel her voice back and she was reunited with Eric.
18. Hook & Ursula
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This was kinda tied with the previous one but I think this is a bit worse than what Regina did to Ariel because Ursula was actually trying to help him. On the other hand Ursula only lost her singing voice while Ariel couldn’t talk and that separated her from her true love so feel free to swap these two.
17. Cruella x Isaac
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That one took a sharp turn... or several. I never liked Isaac but I feel sorry for the guy. Got played like that. He caused enough damage in return though so... these two might have been a match made in hell.
16. Cora x Rumplestiltskin
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Those two are pretty horrible on their own but together... Maybe it’s a good thing it didn’t work out.
15. Merlin x Nimue
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It was cute until it wasn’t. The way they used his heart to cast the Curse was pretty fucked up if not from a romantic point of view then at least from a logical point of view.
14. Arthur x Guinevere
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Because that’s how you show your love. By using magic to make the person you love stay with you.
13. Neal x Tamara
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Neal might not have been the best guy but he didn’t deserve that. And for the record I’ve never liked her.
12. Milah x Rumplestiltskin
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This one is like a roller coaster. At first you feel sorry for Rumple, then you sympathize with Milah until you remember that both of them screwed up as parents. So basically they ruined not only each other’s lives but also their son’s. Great job, you guys!
11. Ruby & Anita
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Because good parents do make their children kill their best friends. Not to mention that she was nowhere to be found during pretty much the entirety of Ruby’s life. And of course in the end Ruby was the one to suffer.
10. Cora & Regina
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Another flawless example of parenting. Forcing your ambitions on your children always works out great in the end. Honestly, I don’t know how it can become worse. Oh, wait.
09. Cora & Zelena
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Yup, even better. Just abandon your helpless daughter in the woods. And then separate her from her sister. Again. Parenting 101.
08. Regina x Graham
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I still think this is the worst thing Regina has ever done. Although she seemed a bit upset when she crushed his heart so I can’t help but think that she developed some sort of feelings for him which of course does not excuse her actions.
07. Gothel x Hook
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Basically same as the above (she did want him to join her) but with a bonus - there was a baby involved but I’ll get to that in a while.
06. Zelena x Robin
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In my opinion this is the worst. Zelena had no feelings towards Robin whatsoever and did it only to hurt her sister. Although she did love her daughter at least.
05. Rapunzel & Drizella
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Because killing your daughter to save your other daughter is what every mother would do. At least she realized she was wrong in the end. Which leads us to the next relationship.
04. Rumplestiltskin & Fiona
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Severing your child’s destiny to keep your powers and then trying to separate him from the woman he loves. Great move, Fiona!
03. Rumplestiltskin & Malcolm
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At least Fiona did what she did out of love. That’s not the case here. Honestly, what chance of being a good parent did Rumple have with parents like that (still doesn’t excuse what he did)?
02. Cruella & Madeline
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This one spiraled right out of control. Cruella gets bonus points for killing both of her parents (although Rumple did the same).
01. Gothel & Alice
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Having a child just so that it could take your place in your prison is not bad enough. You also have to separate said child from the parent that actually loved her. Gothel just won Mom of the Year.
P.S. I have no idea what happened to the quality of the gifs.
P.S.2 So tumblr is an ass and some of the gifs don’t start. I don’t know what to do anymore.
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efnewsservice · 7 years
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Cruella and Isaac 4.18 Sympathy for De Vil (x)
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ouatcruelladevil · 9 years
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Unfortunately the writers didn’t think that Isaac’s love was strong enough to save  Cruella from the darkness. :/ #OriginalEdit #Authella #OTP
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tcdouat · 9 years
There should be Authella fics.
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efnewsservice · 7 years
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Cruella and Isaac 4.18 Sympathy for De Vil (x)
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efnewsservice · 7 years
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Cruella and Isaac 4.18 Sympathy for De Vil (x)
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