#couldnt care less about a company
just-gay-thoughts · 9 months
Pro tip: okay so idk if I've mentioned this but first of all please join a more proffesional club, something related to your major whether it's just for community building or actual work. They tend to bring in companies periodically to tall about their work and available positions. Thats not the tip, the tip is to ask questions when they get to them.
This has two benefits, 1) they give out swag typically to the people who ask questions, I've gotten multiple insulated water bottles, pens, cups, notebooks, chapstick, and post it notes this way. The good shit (waterbottles and notebooks) go first so ask that question early and save money. Added bonus of getting to go undercover as someone associated with [company name]
2) great practice in asking questions in a perspective job setting. At some point you'll likely be going to career fairs and talking to people, and getting some low key practice asking questions about a company before hand will make it easier later in an already overwhelming environment.
Good questions can include things about the function of the company, how internships work, ect.
Today I simply asked if they looked for computer science majors because they were focusing on engineer majors, I didn't actually care about the answer, but with how many companies use computer science and computer/software engineering semi interchangeably it's a good question to feel comfy asking.
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abyssmalice · 27 days
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Bee-toni-po anger levels are rising...
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chiisana-lion · 10 months
feeling absolutely pathetic for no reason again this thursday afternoon 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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realbacchus · 1 year
Hmmmmm. I think me job is fucked
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rayraelleaizawa · 3 months
They say something hurtfull in an argument
TW: sad, slight angst, fighting
Characters: Shanks, Beckmann, Mihawk
Side note: a bit ooc cause they'd never say something like that but we live for angst
Part 2: Making up after an argument
"Why do you always have to be drunk?" i asked him as he woke up with yet another hangover. Being together with Shanks is amazing, he loves you, he gives you everything you could wish for and more, but there is one thing you hate about his beheaviour: the constant drinking.
"Because we are pirates, we have to party" Shanks answered with a grin before he groans due to his headache.
"This drinking will kill you one time, do you know that? It's also a huge downturn in bed when i want to kiss you and all i can smell is alcohol on your breath." You kept on complaining, tired of this. "Alcohol damages your body so much, do you want to die so much earlier or what?" you snapped at him.
"Maybe I need something to make me feel better about your constant bickering." Shanks said with a growl, the grin disappearing.
You halted in your tracks. A look of hurt crossed your face as you shut your mouth close. Sadness welled up inside you at the thought, that you were also a reason why he kept on having this extremly unhealthy habit.
"I'm sorry then" you said quietly and walked out of your shared quarters, now probably only his quarters, cause you werent sure if you want to go back there and sleep next to him.
You were just worried about him, why didnt you notice that you were annoying him with that? You never said anything, helped him out of all his problems that he caused by himself with his childish demeanour, you only scolded him when he hurt himself. He never hurts others, he only lets himself get hurt. And that frustrated you beyond believe.
Didnt he know how much you cared for him? Did he even care? Are you even enough to make him start to look out for himself?
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hid yourself in an empty room on the ship. You tried so much to accept his drinking habbits, you didnt even ask him to stop, just to not be drunk 6 and a half days of the week, and that every week.
You burried your face in your knees and cried. Where you that insufferable that he hurts his own body just to be able to endure your company? If you left, then he wouldnt do this to himself anymore, right?
Benn Beckman
"Really? Another one?"
You say annoyed as you watch your boyfriend light up another cigarette.
"Yes. Another one."
He plainly answers. You guys had this discussion before. You wanted him to smoke less, he said he'd try to but the amount doesnt get any less.
"Benn this really damages your lungs. Cant you please try to smoke less?"
You asked again, and he sighed annoyed.
"They help me relax."
You started to get annoyed by his short answers.
"You could relax with other stuff. You could take a bath, or i could massage you, or we could just spend time together."
You suggested as he sighed out audibly annoyed.
"And you think after all the work and stress I have the whole day I want to spend it around a person which constantly nags on me and where i cant let my mind settle even a bit?"
He snapped, looking at you angrily. You looked at him with an unmoving face before you adverted your eyes. You didnt want to show him that his words hurt.
"I'm sorry, I didnt know you couldnt let your guard down around me."
You said defeated, turning around and slowly walking away. You could hear him say your name quietly but you didnt want to turn around. You just walked under deck and into your cabin. You sat down on your desk and started working, tears running down your face as you felt a coldness within you.
Does he not trust me enough? I didnt know that I am a stress factor for him.
Dark thoughts pleagued your mind as you tried to just work through your feelings. You tried to not be even more of a burden. Tears ran down your face, some of them hitting the desk and some hitting the papers with the lists and research about the treasures your crew had gotten lately.
Benn works so hard, and I never made him feel better. I just added to his stress. He'd be better off alone, right?
Dracule Mihawk
"Could you please tell me when you plan on leaving?"
You said to Mihawk as he came back after two months without telling you that he'll be gone.
"Why? I have my own free will if i remember correctly."
"Because I worry about you when you just suddenly disappear! It isnt that hard to just leave a note or something when you cant tell me in the face that you have to leave."
You were angry at him. What did he think? He was your boyfriend so why couldnt he just tell you when he left for weeks?
He puts down his hat and went to get some vine but you stopped him. Him not even looking at you makes you feel like you're unimportant to him, that this whole matter is of no interest to him.
"Do you really care so little about my feelings? Or am I just a nuissance to you right now that you cant even stop walking when I talk with you."
He then looked at you, annoyance but also a sign of being unbothered on his face.
"You're acting like a child. If I leave again and dont come back you'll at least know why now."
He said that so matter of factly that you were stunned about his coldness. He moved around you to the kitchen to grab some vine, and you just stood there.
Did he really just say that I am the reason why he doesnt want to come home anymore?
You shook your head slightly, recalling his words again and trying not to be hurt by them. As you hear his steps starting to come back, you hurried out of the room and into your shared bedroom. Tears streamed down your face as you tried to make it make sense.
When did he start hating to come back to you? What exactly was so annoying about you? Why didnt he just tell you that he didnt like your behaviour anymore? Does he even like you anymore?
All those thoughts were running through your head as you packed the little clothes and stuff you owned. You didnt touch a thing that he bought for you. If he wanted to leave and not come back, then you will make it easier for him and leave on your own. That's what he wants, isnt it?
After you finished packing you quietly stepped out of his castle and made your way into the woods. Tears were still streaming down your face, but you ignored them. This was for the best, right?
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Old Hazbin Hotel was cringe, but in a charming and cute way. New Hazbin is just cringe, in a "not even "so-bad-its-good" way, its just bad" cringe.
The Hazbin pilot was cringe, due to the cleary inexperience from the producers to make a proyect like this and it had a few problems. But, it gave me the vibes of "first big proyect made by a group of friends of enthusiastic young adults, who you can tell they all had fun making it and expect the proyect to get bigger and keep working together on it". Similar to that feeling of when you see a drawing on deviantart made by a 10yo that isnt perfect (like it has anatomy errors, weird coloring, etc) but you can tell that the kid put a lot of love in their drawing and they have the potential to be better in the future, and that was makes it so charming.
Meanwhile, the new Hazbin is just annoying and hard to enjoy cringe, gaves me the vibes of "pretentious yet souless proyect made by a rich childish asshole that never grew up past the age of 14 and is more obsessed with "proving the haters wrong" than actually making a good show. There is not a single drop of love or care that doesnt come from the Director's fantasies of being famous for it. Everyone in the production couldnt give less of a shit about it they are just there for a quick buck and in a few years they will talk about how they were treated like shit during the production of this show". It reminds me of Santa's INC, that unfunny pretentious show that was a "criticism of misogyny and white privilege" or something like that but its delivered in the most childish way posibly. The creator of the show was salty that people didnt like the show so he ended up saying that everyone who criticised it was a white supremasist on Twitter. Pretty sure Vivzie will do something like that when Hazbon comes out and people are honest with its criticism, seeing she basically did the same with HB, but with HH this will definetely destroy her reputation.
I seriously think we are on the bad timeline and there is another one where Hazin was never picked up by any company and it stayed indie, being directed by someone who isnt Vivzie.
Vivzie trying to comprehend why people liked the pilot and Hunicast more than the final product she ditched it all to make:
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mj1343 · 2 years
Watched Hbomberguy's Oof video and Defunctlands Disney Channel theme video back to back. Been a fan of Defunctland for a while but never really consumed Hbomberguy. I just
The duality of H's video ending with a talk about the small artist not being appreciated for their work, and often only being appreciated for their one big popular thing, for history passing by if not recorded, for the quote "And it honestly on a spiritual level fills me with immense grief thinking about the things i care about dying unrecognized for what they did and being forgotten" in a quest originally to uncover the truth of one sound and turning into an exposition on one mans insane antics and stealing credit from the little man
And Defunctland's video ending with a breakdown, one artist alone talking about being underappreciated and not seen as a true artist because they put their work in a video game instead of a movie or a youtube video instead of a netfix documentary, one artist feeling immense regret that he was just moments too late to interview a man dying unrecognized for what he did and was widely forgotten until the video came to light and unburied it from under hundreds of pounds of corporate nonsense, that he couldnt know what the little man put in but he could help his legacy survive as more than the one big popular thing he did
Life is finite and without having hour and a half long+ videos, and more commonly deep dives and studies uncovering the truth, history can be skewed to remain anonymous or warped by pathological greedy liars because it is "just one jingle" and "just one sound" again and again until its all of a companies jingles having to have been written by SOMEONE, but no one knows who, or all of these sound effects had to been have made by SOMEONE, but someone else has a bigger mouth and wallet
Two incredible videos coming out at the same time having similar themes. They only compliment eachother more, but they could both easily stand on their own. Defunctland's storytelling and editing is incredible as always, and although i have much less knowledge about him, Hbomberguy's video is hilarious and incredibly interesting, and both are so well researched. Good content is good
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lady-severus-snape · 2 days
My brain is on fire with headcanons/prompts/plot bunnies.
🌠after getting Potter the memories he needed, Severus let himself slip away into the abyss. Finally, he could rest.
🌠Lily appearing in his minds eye. "Severus, I'm so sorry for being a shit friend. It's OK, let go of the past. You couldn't have known it was me that the prophecy spoke of." "But Lily-" "No, Severus Snape, you have done more than enough. Gave more than should have been asked. I want you to LIVE. Fall in love and be loved in return. Go. All will be well, I pinky promise" Severus ends up back in his body.
🌠magic sweeps him away and deposits him in another area. He comes to, people yelling and screaming out instructions, machines are beeping. He blacks out from the pain.
🌠you start your shift at the hospital, there is a new patient added to your rounds. You get the report from the day shift CNA.
🌠he is handsome despite looking like he had been through hell and back. Something took quite a chunk from his neck. Though you wasn't aware of a snake big enough that would deal that kind of damage, nevermind venomous....around these parts anyways.
🌠every night you started with him, Mr. Silver streak and ending. While cleaning and changing him, you noticed a wide singular streak of silver hair leading from his temple into his blue black hair.
🌠Severus felt like was floating, the pain a dull throb. He shouldn't be feeling pain if he was dead, right? It was weird, he could sense someone near him, the darkness brightened a little each time.
🌠there was something about Mr. Silver streak that kept you coming back to see him often during your rounds. And you would spend your break visiting, reading or singing a tune or another. Talking to him about your day and what is planned for him.
🌠severus felt himself lighten, he didn't know how much time has passed but he felt lighter and less burdened in his heart. One day, he heard the sweetest voice. He couldnt see where it was coming from or even answer.
🌠Severus realized it was on a schedule. He would hear their voice in intervals. They would talk to him, read, and even sing. He could feel them touching him, no hesitation, no disgust, soft, firm, gentle. They were bathing him. Severus blushed when he realized the feel their hands in his hair. Oh how he wished to see them.
🌠 Mr. Silver streak was responding well to therapy. His neck was recovering beautifully. It would scar tremendously and he would perhaps have difficulty speaking. You start to tell him tidbits of the world. The date, time, what new book was out or about this song that you were listening on repeat because it scratched your brain itchies the right way.
🌠About 6 months into your care, as your washing his hair he opens his eyes. You are so happy and excited. "Hello there sir" by the gods his eyes were dark like onxy. They shown with intelligence and something else as he glanced at you. "You are in Community Hospital. I'm (y/n), your CNA for night shift".
🌠Severus was absolutely breathless at the beauty he saw before him. He finally had a face to the voice that kept him company in the black void. Their chocolate eyes, so deep and warm. The curls of their hair framing their face. Was it as soft as it looked? Glowy sun kissed skin. The accent registed as American. He tried to speak but his throat was dry and lips chapped.
🌠you gently shush him "hey, don't strain and don't move too much. You've got a nasty tear into your throat. Might be awhile before you can speak." Severus sagged into the hospital bed, that's right. Nagini chewed into his throat at Voldemorts order. His eyes scanned the room he was in, white sterile walls faced him with boxes that made beeping noises. A muggle hospital.
🌠From there on, y/n was the ONLY one that Severus would allow to provide personal care. The others made his skin crawl and it wasn't a good of job anyways. The doctors were amazed at how quickly he woke from the coma. They didn't think he would come back.
🌠As time passed he got stronger, his voice slowly returned though it would forever have a rasp and lack volume. His favorite CNA held many conversations and discussions over the course of their shift. "Hi Sev! Ready to get changed? I got a new book to share with you" y/n greeted.
🌠When he was able to walk again, the first thing he did was hug y/n fully, the way he had wanted to when his eyes first landed them. He had fallen in love with y/n. When the dreaded day came for his discharge he waited until he saw you to leave.
🌠you were so happy when you heard the news that Severus was finally able to go home after being your patient for a whole year. You cried happy tears for him. "Severus! I'm so glad you get to walk out of here."
🌠you gave him your number and address so he could call, write, visit. He is so cute when he admits to not having a telephone but promised to write once he got settled. You two become the best of friends, calling each other....you always called him right after your shift ended and talked until you got home ok.
🌠Severus decided to stay in the US after going to the gringots branch there. Thankfully he had locked down his vaults and all his priceless possessions had been sequestered away.
🌠He started a new life, no masters, no potter brat, no teaching dunderheads. Pure bliss and relaxation and working on potions to his heart content. He was in the middle of bottling up an order when the phone rang. Looking up at the time, it was to early for y/n to call. Dread pooled into his stomach. Answering the phone his eyes hardened. Y/n was crying on the other end distraught. Quickly he asked where they were.
🌠Severus packs everything away and gets a taxi (he was still leary about apparition, his magic was still wonky after the whole thing). Arriving to the parking lot where he knew y/n always parked, he spots them crouched by the car, muffling their cries. Not only were they covered in questionable fluids, but through coaxing, they tell him that they are being sued for 'medical malpractice/neglict)
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these are my thoughts on interview with the vampire S2E2
This first part will mostly be about Louis and Armand,
Louis and Armand are still as cute as always. They are such an old married couple and Daniel's so sassy that it just makes them so good to watch. Armond sitting on Louis's lap is so adorable, they're babies. Noooo, it was just an angle, he's not sitting on his lap. The way Armand is describing Louis when they first met, I can't with these two (14:00). And their faces as their describing that night. Most of the time, I'm only sort of looking at the screen but for that whole scene, I have been pausing for once and re-watching it because I cant miss any of it. I just love them so much and they are so perfect together, they love each other so much, it's literally love at first sight. Normally, i don't really like that trope, but seeing them once they've been together so long, i think i quite like it in this circumstance.(48:30), they just keep getting better, the way he called Louse mon amour is so cute and then telling him to just call him armand, i'm going to have stayed up all night because im keep thinking of them and re watching the scenes. it's been an hour and a half of watching and I'm still only 48 minutes in. I just found out the last 10 minutes of the episode is just the BTS, I'm kind of sad that I have to wait for the next episode but I'm not sure if this would be readable if I kept going.
That's the end of just talking about them, the rest is the actual episode in order,
For some reason, I had just assumed that vampires couldnt smoke, I'm not sure why and it's not like there would be much of a logical explanation. I think it's a little confusing with so many different sets of rules but it's like religion, there are a lot of ways to interpret everything and the tales are all spoken.
I know that something happened to Claudia, I'm not sure what but from what I've heard, Armand and the missing pages may have had something to do with it, I think it would have been quite funny to see her interact with Daniel, I think that she would have ended up killing Daniel before the first interview was even finished.
It's sweet how he kept some many photos of all of those guys who he probably had some sort of relationship with and then armand basically admit to killing them, it's the funniest thing yet.
Honestly, if a group of vampires ran a theater company that did horror shows, no one would think twice about it or if a vampire went on social medias and told everyone they were a vampire, everyone would just assume they were faking. The way they are telling all of this is a lot better than the movie, I felt like they went a little fast and definitely missed a few things that would have made the whole movie make a good bit more sense, i've watched the movie twice now and still don't understand all of what's happening because of how much they had to cut out. Though I think it would have been possible to only do one season, I think it really benefits from having a lot more time instead of being rushed like most movies that were originally books. (17:30)
The fake fake vampire guy, Santiago I believe, and Armond definitely had something going on.(19:17) I really like the community that the vampires had, they don't care what people think the same way so many of us do. Armand also looks like he knows that he's perfect and above everyone, modern him still does but it's a bit less. He also looks like a whore, while @certainunkownlove2 and I were talking about this episode, we decided that the only way he had gotten rich was from being a whore. To quote her, “bro’s a hoe”
I haven't ever done much research into what old theater used to be like but the shadows and what not that they used were cool. If it's not something that they actually did, then it added an extra layer to the vampires in france and if it was something that was actually used, its cool that they did research in to something small like that (again, i haven't read the book so i'm not sure if that would have been the screen writers or Anne Rice)
When i watched the movies, i tried to figure out why they killed the girl on screen but with the show i finally understand and will no longer be kept up thinking about it, instead i'm going to spend my nights thinking about Louis and Armand. Something that i just noticed is that some of the audience has white face paint on, it think its funny that the non vampire audience members play so much in to the vampire thing, though i've never been, the atmosphere is what i'd imagine a Rocky Horror Picture Show show would be like.(24:15)
LOUSE’S FACE (27:55), I'm sure someone has made a meme of it already. Andl Claudia having the exact opposite reaction, it really shows their differences and view on some things, as well as their morals, Armand seems to have some of those same morals as Claudia. 
(29:56) Armand should change his business cards to say “maison de putain des vampires” (i'm not sure about the grammar because i had to use google translate but from the tiny bits of french i know, they are all real words) which translate to “the vampire whore house”
(33:25) same daniel. I love his commentary. And just everything about him in this scene. Another quote form @certainunkownlove2, “he’s sassy as fuck”.
(36:01) Cluadia has really grown up, mentally of course, she isn't as kill everyone as she was during most of the first season, she has definitely changed as a character.
(40:08) It's almost odd to see that Louis and Lestat loved each other at one point, and that at least a little, Lestat still means something to louis through the first two episodes of this season, even though it's no longer love exactly.
(41:55) he finally pushed too far. I do like the character backstory, showing more of who Daniel is
Old French music is one of my favorite things to listen to when I'm not doing anything, it often times sounds so happy but not in an upbeat way which is nice at times, i have no idea what their singing about though
As i was editing this, I realized that I had spelled Armand as almond almost every time and i managed to spell Louis with every combination of letters and somehow not have used either of their names, except for once, in S2E1, I'm not sure how seeing how Louis is the main character. Also Daniel, although that was mostly in the first half
the next few may be a little late because of finals
Thank you for reading.
links to the rest of these posts:
S2E1 S2E3 S2E4
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uwuowotf2waslife · 9 months
I saw the baby headcannon and I was wondering what gender of baby the mercs would have if they give off girl/boy dad vibes etc. etc.
Oh well ..
Although Scout gives soccer dad vibes, secretly he wishes for a girl because he is done swimming in testosterone all of his life ( mofo grew up with seven brothers, after PE house smelled like a gas station bathroom )
Soldier is a firm believer of gender is a construct made from toilet companies to sell more toilets so yea, he doesnt give a hoot.
Pyro on the other hand , they couldnt care less but little girls princess clothes speak to them in a way that no matter the gender, the bebe is wearing princess costumes to walmart because reasons.
Demo would like a boy the same way your dog loves to swim in mud and pigshit after a bath, it feels natural. He aint a macho man but he things girly activities dont include bombings and swordfights ( he knows jack about the female biology)
Heavy knows how to take care of bebes , especially girls (big brother starterpack) but on the other hand hed like a som because he thinks his genes would create a Zhanna.2 and he cant live with another soldier-tier brother in law.
Engie would like a baby boy because he is a ranch dad and he thinks a girl might not fair well in the presence of horse caca and heavy machinery, but he doesnt mind that much.
Medic would prefer a boy because he thinks he is a bit too old to go through the hussle of girl-rearing. Wont really push it but hell smile wider than a fratboy eating his first edible if his partner has a boy. (Jokes on him itll be twin girls, girl power).
Sniper is a loner by heart so he doesnt care that much about gender, just he prays his kid(s) never throw parties in the house. He can deal with play dates and playground parties but he will have a aneurysm if he has to deal with snotty packs of kids in his house.
Spy will say that he wants a boy because he only produces Cassanovas and thats not lady-like but in truth, he much would rather have a well behaved, elegant daughter than a punk son (you know who)
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sidesteppostinghours · 3 months
The Puppets
(picrew used to make this)
this is a masterpost on my main steps puppets and their relationships with them! all of their info under the cut.
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Hark - Caine Lynzal
hark is caines refuge. hes the one they turn to when they need to take a break from their telepathy for a while, or when they need to feel real again. harks snarky, flirty, and sharp. for all his bravado, he gets the job done well. whether or not that makes him more frustrating or less is up to you. he has an eerie sense of intuition, so its difficult to catch him off guard with anything. he has a cordial working relationship with dr mortum, but jake has his eye on him. as for ranger relationships, ortega flirts with him regularly, though chen is never quite so pleased to see him. he truly doesnt know why– a bruise at the back of the head is a much more agreeable outcome than a bullet in the gut, no? its strange to watch him, really. hark and caine are almost(?) different people; where caine prefers to stick to the shadows, hark revels in attention. caine rarely shows emotions, but hark uses them like a weapon. ortega doesnt have a clue that theyre connected. high puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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Argentine - Cyrus Becker
argentine is a tool. nothing more, nothing less. shes a useful asset to help cyrus gather information anonymously, but hes not going to sit here and pretend he cares for her any more than what she can do for him. she goes to meet with hollow ground instead of cyrus, and was stuck being treated in the hospital before dr mortum went to break her out (cyrus had no idea she was getting kidnapped, he was busy regene revealing to ortega while it was happening). she started out flirting with the good doctor in an attempt to manipulate him, but quickly came to realize she enjoyed his company more as a friend. the guilt of lying to him chewed on cyrus until he finally revealed who was behind the mask. dr mortum requested some time, but hasnt cut the chord completely yet. she flirts with jake, and spies on ortega under the guise of being his close friend. low puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices jogging.
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Ace- Cecilia Rider
ace lives lavishly. shes an excuse for cecilia to flaunt her wealth and have her own fun. it allows her to let loose in ways she cant normally indulge in. cecilia also hates being ace. every second she can avoid it, she does. it isnt her, even though they may think and act the same way. the prospect of hiding under the mask ace provides gives her hives. shes no coward, shes willing to face the consequences of her own actions, and she refuses to live her life in somebody elses body. ace is friends with dr mortum and ortega, though shes revealed to mortum. however, she has a strong tension with jake because of her tendency to get into fights whenever hes around. oops. high puppet individuality, low puppet comfort. practices boxing.
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Eden - Cynthia Garcia
eden is not cynthia. shes soft spoken and mostly reserved, but professional and polite. Technically speaking, the game registers her as a mirror image puppet, but thats not completely true– eden doesnt look like what cynthia does currently, she looks like how cynthia looked back when she was sidestep. sometimes, looking in the mirror gives her vertigo as she tries to remember who (when?) she is. eden avoids mirrors as a result, but she cant deny that this body feels better than her usual one. like shes turned back time. the fact shes dating ortega only exacerbates this (ortega also called eden 'cynthia' which. Ortega. could you please stop dating both at once and giving both(?????) your gfs an identity crisis). mortum considers her a friend, but theyre not very close, and jake couldnt care less about her. low puppet individuality, high puppet comfort. practices aikido.
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foxisscared · 6 months
A Meaningful Conversation
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Gale Dekarios x Tiefling!Oc!Tav
A/N:Hi,so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I thought I'd give this a try with my Tav. His name is Amadius and he's a Tiefling Barbarian. Also I'm still trying to get a feeling for Gale's character so if you have any pointers please feel free to comment
Amadius was never one for idle company. He was not one for company at all, used to only relying on himself and not staying in one place long enough to forge meaningful relationships. Which is why this group unsettled him and the fact that he was automatically made leader further unnerved him. He was not used to having to care for this many people before and it showed. Even though he was considered their leader Amadius kept to himself, avoiding unnecessary chatter amongst party members, but there was one person who caught his eye.
The silly little wizard named Gale of Waterdeep who often chatted at him about things Amadius didn't quite understand, something Amadius didn't mind quite as much as he thought he would. He'd even come to expect the conversation, dare he say happily anticipated them. Today was no different Gale and Amadius sat around the campfire while Gale was cooking, Amadius looking brooding as always.
"Amadius, are you paying attention?" Gale asks as Amadius looked like he'd zoned out.
"Yes Gale, I am listening. I believe you were talking about certain incatricies of the weave, not that I understand any of it but I do find it quite interesting" He says, still not looking at the man. Gale looked surprised that anyone much less a barbarian such as himself was actually paying attention to him.
"I'd be more than happy to explain it to you. I can't remember the last time someone actually sat down and listened to what I have to say" Gale said with a chuckle but immediately quieted down noticing Amadius' far away look. "Are you okay Amadius?" He asked. "Far be it of me to demand you tell me what's wrong but I am here to support you" He said causing visible hesitation to form on Amadius' face
"Uhm... Its nothing, Gale. Its just very overwhelming going from living on your own for 20 years to leading a group of 6 people to defeat a world ending evil. I'm not used to this many people, much less leading them. I was never one for being emotionally invested and now I fear I'm more emotionally invested than ever" He says with vulnerability that seemed quite out of character for him
"Being on your own for 20 years sounds quite lonely" Gale says softly, looking at Amadius with a look Amadius couldnt quite place.
"Yeah well, that's just how things are. You go through life, prove your worth to those around you, and if you don't, you die alone. Once you disappoint enough people, you learn when to stop being a nusiance and just leave" Amadius said so casually it caught Gale off guard.
"Oh... Well... I am sure you'll prove more than valubale to our party, then there's no way you'll have to leave." Gale said awkwardly, causing Amadius to scoff and smile softly
"One can only hope." Amadius said softly glancing at Gale with an uncharacteristically soft smile. He really did hope he could prove useful, despite his best efforts he was growing quite attached to this little party and didn't want to disappoint them.
"Well... Enough depressing things for tonight, how about I finish up dinner and we eat around the campfire?" Gale says after clearing his throat as he went back to stirring the pot causing Amadius to chuckle.
"Yeah, lets do that... Then you can finally finish explaining the weave to me. Which by the way I still don't understand and I don't think I ever will understand" Amadius says causing Gale to laugh.
"Well that's what I'm here for, my friend" He said, and when the word friend left Gale's mouth, something melted in Amadius, causing him to tear up just the slightest.
"Yeah... I'd like that" Amadius said softly with a smile.
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Hear me one and all❤. Follow your dreams. Is it a cliche for me to say that? Maybe but a cliche worth saying. I just got off my job where our company couldnt care less about us and customers all day called me names including a failure.
Yeah I'm an empath so I carry that shit with me. Im trying so hard right now to get out of customer service as a whole because I literally cant do it anymore. My abuser growing up made me believe that situations like this are normal. You grind at a desk till your 80 and you never speak up. "You dont have anything important to say anyway."
Writing here and meeting some of you has really helped with my confidence when it comes to my voice and I can never thank you enough for that❤. The only gift I am able to give you is advice.
Apply for the job. Write the book. Learn that new thing. Make changes. It's scary I know and I know in our current climate it's hard but it will be worth it in the end. Whether your 23 or 33 or hell even 83😊...its never to late to be happy.
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songhunter · 7 months
Thoughts on the UNDEAD climax?
last night at 3 am i got so emotional over adonis' lines where he said that he was "objectively the most useless part of undead" that i couldnt sleep and kept typing long rants to my friends' gc for an hour
OHH MY GOD THERES SO MUCH POLYUNDEAD FLUFF. kaoru says undead loves rei. i think rei calls adonis cute like 4 times throughout the story. the entire story is just them being sweet together. if i listed all my favorite tiny moments itd be a thousand miles long
Ohhhh all of Rei's monologues make me so emotional. His bloomed CG lines in the final performance... ough
I like seeing Kaoru get pissed off and show off why he's just as rebellious and rockin' as the rest of undead :)
mixed feelings:
i was so excited to see them rebelling against rhylink and i was hoping that the culprit behind the AI would be rhylink -- it would make a lot of sense for the ruthless company who only cares about padding the bottom line to create AI versions of undead (especially since it's also been mentioned in the story that hellsing sells even better than undead). my dream ending would have been undead crashing hellsing's live and revealing rhylink's shady business practices and then telling the audience that no AI can match the real deal and the audience is just "worshipping false idols" (haha you get it. like idols--). the reveal that the AI stuff was just caused by one individual working alone, rather than capitalists that would rather profit off soulless fake idols, is kind of disappointing
so in crossroads rei refused to let himself be used as a pawn of the student council, and then immediately after that rei formed the unit undead to... be used in service of the student council to help subjugate others (the delinquent vampires). and through a dreamlive, no less (the student council's favorite ploy in war era). i think i was just a little surprised
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fuck-customers · 2 years
The job I'm in has been hell from start to finish. I applied in April, and it took nearly six weeks for them to call and offer a job, not the one I applied for (a corporate position) but as a general manager for a store. I said okay whatever as long as it's not a pay cut, and I have regretted it ever since. I had less than two weeks of training with the previous gm before she was fired/quit (again another weird situation) and then was left alone to figure out how to run this store. For FOUR MONTHS I have begged corporate to send people to finish my training, to help me figure out things and improve the store. At most I've gotten a few afternoons or days when they come in for a half an hour and then just leave. There have been so many red flags, they didn't keep physical copies of people's hiring paperwork so it was lost, they fucked up payroll twice in a row for a store and tried to blame the general manager and then fired her and had her escorted out BY THE COPS when it wasn't her fault, they pay people way too little and cut hours causing people to quit left an right, and more. But what was the final straw, and caused me to put in my two weeks a few days ago, was that there was an outbreak of kennel cough. We are a boarding and daycare facility for dogs. I asked specifically how to warn the parents about it, that we had seen cases at our facility, and they told them I couldn't warn them we did. We could give general warnings there was kennel cough in the area, but I couldnt tell parents when they were walking in the door that we had sick animals in the facility. Now DOZENS of dogs are sick, because they came to our facility, and it's nowhere near over. I do not want to be here when this company gets sued, and I can't believe they want me to not tell people bringing their dogs about a risk. Fuck that, I'm gonna find somewhere that actually cares about something other than money.
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mspaintbrush · 15 days
Reinhardt Thoughts
• He doesnt just LIKE Currywurst, he LIVES Currywurst
• Will try every Currywurst he sees, jotting down criteria and rankings on a rugged piece of paper
• "This isnt even a REAL Currywurst!!" *proceeds to explain in excruciating detail what the ideal Currywurst is*
• Nobody has the heart to cut him off (and you couldnt if you tried, he is done when he is done)
• Im getting really tired of writing Currywurst so we'll end it there but you get the gist
• Is canonically from the Schwarzwald, which is full of Swabians and also has some lines with swabian dialect in the german dub
• I cant understand swabians at all though so in my headcanon he speaks normal german aka "Hochdeutsch"
• At least until he gets angry, then he switches to swabian
• Because if you thought german insults are one of a kind already, you havent heard what an upset Swabian sounds like
• An excerpt: "Ärschlesschlubbfr", "Sauhond", "Rotzaff" or "Arschbaggagsichd"
• Swabian culture includes a lot of special dishes with all kinds of meat, so he isn't picky about eating intestines or other unusual parts
• Generally not a picky eater, but needs meat on his plate
• Likes to eat often and a lot, still in the mindset to fuel his 30yo giant body even though he is much older now and needs less calories (but some more padding never hurt anyone)
• German dad cook; aka scrambled eggs, spaghetti with premade sauce and boiled potatos with quark
• He did inherit a giant traditional cookbook from his grandmother and begs the more experienced cooks around the base to help him prepare a goulash or svabian raviolis (i just looked it up and cant believe thats the english translation)
• Mercy, Mei and Brig try really hard to cook healthy vegetarian dishes, but Reinhardt can and will pull out a sausage from anywhere to put into his food (he gets em imported from home to assure the best quality)
• Adding an extra note here just to mention asparagus. I kid you not as soon as the first asparagus is barely grown the germans rip it out of the dirt and dont eat anything else for a month - asparagus for breakfast, lunch and dinner
• Reinhardt will not be an exception to that, as well as Mercy
• "Das einzig gute Bier ist Schwarzbier!" ('The only good beer is dark beer!')
• Brig and Mercy keep a close look on his alcohol intake, but he is allowed a "Feierabendbier" on the weekend
• Usually combines that with watching football/soccer on the couch
• Lucio joins him, even though he doesnt really understand the german commentators
• The living room fills up quickly with people who dont care about the game and just enjoy the company/some alcohol together (only bap and cass really drink as well, lets be real)
• Often found in the living room watching german quizshows or crime thrillers (there are so many you have no idea)
• Every sunday evening there is a new "Tatort" (cult classic german crime thriller since 1971), and woe betide you if you dare occupy the TV around that time
• He complains every single time how bad and repetitive they are but continues to watch of course
• Watching a Tatort is an event for family bonding time, so Brig has been joining him since they started traveling together
• Cassidy is amused by the bad writing and Mercy is familiar with the tradition, so the couch is full every sunday
• If not watching TV he is working on his Crusader Armor
• If it doesnt need repairs it needs to be polished and if it doesnt need to be polished it needs to be upgraded and if it doesnt need upgrades it needs to be repaired
• How to keep three people at the base constantly busy (Monkeys and swedish squires hate this trick)
• Because not all parts of his armor need to be changed or repaired simultaneously it tends to be scattered around the base during off-mission time
• Sometimes they are lying on the couch, sometimes in the hallway, all times inconveniently placed
• It drives Pharah mad but they are incredibly heavy and she cant always remove them herself
• So the only ones being able to effectively carry these parts from room to room are Winston, Zarya and Reinhardt himself (Zarya secretly loves it when people ask her to get the shoulder pad off the kitchen counter again) (its a good work out)
• Even though Reinhardt is creative with his armor placement he still seems to know exactly where each piece is and can quickly assemble it if needed
• Can drive a car
• Do not let him drive your car
• He is way to tall to ride comfortably and just sits there hunched over so his head doesnt hit the roof at every bump
• His driving style is... unsteady. Drives relaxed and slow on one road, going way over the speed limit on others, stopping way too early or way too late, sometimes rough, sometimes so careful as if there was a baby sleeping in the back
• At the same time road rages at others (the self-driving cars cannot figure out what the hell he is doing and react very confused)
• I figure most cars are already self-driving in the overwatch universe, but Reinhardt is definitely one of those people to still own an old model that doesnt have this yet (and refuses to get it upgraded)
• Dog person
• Grew up with at least two big family dogs and knows how to handle them
• Will inform you if he considers your dog poorly trained/socialized
• Murphy used to be his highlight of the day when Sojourn brought him to work
• Now there arent any dogs at the base anymore and he'd love to adopt one, but knows he couldnt properly give it all the care it deserves because of his job
• There IS a cat at the base now though (Brig brought Mitzi to Gibraltar in my head)
• Mitzi has known Reinhardt ever since she got adopted
• Do you know that saying "a cat always finds the one non-cat-person in a room" that person is Reinhardt
• Whenever Mitzi is not chasing Ganyemede, eating things she shouldn't or climbing around on delicate lab equipment in Winston's workshop, she is bothering Reinhardt
• Sleeping in his armor while he is trying to polish it, jumping on his lap during Tatort time (and immediately being lifted off again), stealing the salami off his sandwich when he isnt looking - Rhein will not know peace while others desperately try to catch Mitzi's attention
• There is nothing he can do besides moving the cat or shoo-ing her off for a while (knowing she is waiting behind the corner until he lets down his guard)
• Brig thinks this is incredibly cute and has a hard time keeping a straight face while Reinhardt complains to her
• Did you know that cats can be trained like dogs? Cool right?
• Rein eventually figures that out as well. And since Mitzi is very food-oriented, I think she would be easy enough to work with.
• He does it in secret first, but when Brig finds out she makes them both perform in front of the whole team
• Reinhardt starts boasting about it after that and the human-cat relationship increases steadily
• Loud sneezer, regularily-gives-Brig-heartattacks-loud
• You can hear them across the whole base
• Birkenstocks, Socks in Sandals you know it
• A good german dad runs around at home only with a shirt and his undies
• But in Gibraltar Reinhardt cant do that so instead he settled with a tank-top and gym shorts
• Forces Brig to use extensive amount of sunscreen but insists he doesnt need any for himself
• Therefore always sunburnt in summer
• Used to work-out but has toned it down a bit lately, instead using the Gym to do stretching and mobility-exercises with Mercy (only half-voluntarily), being joined by Mei, Genji and Echo (the latter more for emotional support)
• There is a big shelf full of giant heat pads for Grandpa at the gym
• Dont tell anyone but sometimes Cass and Mercy use them as well
• Lucio steals one for his hammock so he doesnt freeze during winter
• You bet Mitzi loves to sleep on them whenever they are in use
• Used to play soccer semi-seriously in his younger days
• If you ask him to play he gets up, rolls his shoulders, cracks his knuckles and says "You aren't ready for this" while taking out the most rugged soccer ball you have ever seen
• He isnt really in shape to run very fast or long anymore but whenever he shoots everyone leaps away to safety
• Lucio still really enjoys playing with him (he didnt really get the chance to do a lot of dad-activities in his youth)
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