#i want somewhere a little cjiller
just-gay-thoughts · 9 months
Pro tip: okay so idk if I've mentioned this but first of all please join a more proffesional club, something related to your major whether it's just for community building or actual work. They tend to bring in companies periodically to tall about their work and available positions. Thats not the tip, the tip is to ask questions when they get to them.
This has two benefits, 1) they give out swag typically to the people who ask questions, I've gotten multiple insulated water bottles, pens, cups, notebooks, chapstick, and post it notes this way. The good shit (waterbottles and notebooks) go first so ask that question early and save money. Added bonus of getting to go undercover as someone associated with [company name]
2) great practice in asking questions in a perspective job setting. At some point you'll likely be going to career fairs and talking to people, and getting some low key practice asking questions about a company before hand will make it easier later in an already overwhelming environment.
Good questions can include things about the function of the company, how internships work, ect.
Today I simply asked if they looked for computer science majors because they were focusing on engineer majors, I didn't actually care about the answer, but with how many companies use computer science and computer/software engineering semi interchangeably it's a good question to feel comfy asking.
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