#cosmic pets
icy-saturday · 5 months
THE TAPESTRY OF HOPE - Brooke part 2
by Maulwurf
Once upon a time, in the vast reaches of space, there was a nurturing skyhook named Brooke. Brooke's story began as she awaited the arrival of her young, her curved tether cradling the precious lives growing within her. She was a protective megastructure, always vigilant in her role of keeping other satellites safe from harm.
But one tragic day, a stray meteor crashed into Brooke's curved tether, shattering her dreams of motherhood. The impact destroyed her young from within, leaving Brooke devastated and broken. Consumed by grief, she felt her purpose slip away, and she broke orbit, determined to distance herself from the universe that had shattered her hopes.
As Brooke roamed the universe, she discovered the remnants of other shattered megastructures. Broken and lost, they yearned for solace and guidance. Deep within her compassionate nature, Brooke found the strength to reach out to them, forming a community called "The Lost Constellation."
Within the embrace of the Lost Constellation, Brooke and her newfound companions supported and healed one another. Each shattered structure found solace and belonging in the presence of others who understood their pain. Together, they wove a tapestry of resilience, support, and hope.
Brooke became a beacon of empathy, using her nurturing nature to create a safe space where the broken could find strength. She encouraged each member of the Lost Constellation to embrace their unique qualities, transforming their scars into symbols of resilience and beauty.
Through their shared experiences, the Lost Constellation grew stronger. They discovered that their shattered pasts did not define them. Instead, their collective strength and support became the foundation for a new beginning—a Tapestry of Hope woven from the threads of their stories.
Brooke, with her unwavering determination and boundless love, became the heart of the Lost Constellation. She guided her companions towards self-acceptance, reminding them that their brokenness made them uniquely beautiful. The Lost Constellation thrived, embracing their individuality and learning to find joy and purpose once more.
Together, they embarked on a mission to spread their message of hope and resilience to others in need. They traveled through the cosmos, reaching out to other damaged satellites and guiding them towards healing. The Tapestry of Hope expanded, weaving a network of support and compassion that stretched across the universe.
Through their collective efforts, the Lost Constellation became a symbol of transformation, showing that even in the face of adversity, one can find strength, purpose, and a renewed sense of belonging. They proved that together, shattered pieces can be mended, and through shared experiences, a tapestry of hope can be woven, illuminating the darkness with the brilliance of their united spirits.
And so, the Tapestry of Hope continues to grow, inspiring others to embrace their scars, find solace in companionship, and discover the boundless strength within themselves. Brooke and the Lost Constellation's story reminds us that from the fragments of shattered dreams, a new constellation of hope can arise, forever shining in the cosmic expanse.
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idolomantises · 3 months
I always feel like the worst kind of character redemptions (other than redemptions where a character immediately redeems themselves after one conversation) are ones where the villain is betrayed and so they switch sides, and it's treated like they've become a better person.
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xanderindisguis · 6 months
Business Bug has reached the office. He is not happy.
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very-uncorrect · 3 months
When they first started travelling together Tails would run off and hide somewhere whenever he was scared since he still didn't trust anyone to fully protect him and was still scared that Sonic's kindness may be temporary and that he'd abandon him at some point.
One day, after enough time has passed since Sonic took him in, he finally fully realises that Sonic has fully intended to be his guardian since about 2 seconds after they first met
Not long after a super violent thunderstorm rolls in and Tails runs to Sonic for protection, snuggling into him, hiding his face in the other's chest, whilst Sonic is trying not to vibrate in excitement because holy shit his kid finally trusts him to protect him after so long
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dailypearldoodles · 5 months
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[day 580] i miss her guys :^(
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mod2amaryllis · 3 months
What's cosmic depression?
when you're depressed but in the cosmos
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bigyikes97 · 10 months
i recently welcomed the cutest fluffiest baby bunny in the world to my home after intense research on the pros and cons of rabbit ownership and let me say
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the con i could not anticipate was it sapping all the angst from my soul, leaving me unable to work on my dark lovecrafty horror projects
she pauses her zoomies to flop beside me for cuddles and ghghghhgh how can i write about sacrifice and deep-sea cultists and grotesque elder things *now* i ghhhh
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zafaraagent · 8 months
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i can be your angle or yuor devil
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
You're the pet of a powerful alien. You've been his pet since longer than you can remember. You think that your parents were human ambassadors, or perhaps traders, but either way, they ended up leaving without you, weather they wanted to or not.
Your owner's species isn't anything like yours. They don't have most of the same body parts, they look much different from you. They're about as smart as your species but it's hard for them to communicate with you, because your mouth parts are so different. But your owner tries really hard to treat you kindly, it's hard for him but he tries.
Your owner is nice to you. He pets you a lot, and feeds you and takes care of you, and treats you almost like a member of his family. Though he never does really talk to you, and you can't leave his house, but that must just be because he's worried about you. You're not sure if he knows you're as smart as him, he hasn't even given you clothing, thought to be fair there's no human clothing on the planet.
Sometimes things aren't as good for you. He'll squirt his fluids at you if you misbehave, though it's never that acidic. When you were young, he had a doctor take out the parts that would have made you sexually develop, they didn't knock you out when they cut you open. But then again you don't know what a sexually mature human looks like, maybe it would be a bad thing to be.
Sometimes you'll watch entertainment on the screen he watches things on. His species have shows with episodes that last hours. You only get glimpses of them. It's the only way you can see the outside world, you wished you could actually stand there, in streets, in forests, on space stations, you wish you could stand anywhere in the entire world.
You met a pack of traveling humans recently. They had come to your owner's planet, and they came to his house when they detected a human there. They were hard to recognize as the same species as you in their space suits and power armor. It was weird that they talked to you instead of him, weirder still that when you told them you didn't want to be touched, they didn't touch you. You're not sure why they cared so much for you but they did, and they told you that there were humans all over the galaxy, and if you wanted to see them, if you wanted to be more than an exotic pet you could be. They handed you a device to call them if you wanted to be picked up. They also handed you a laser gun.
You're not sure if you could ever hurt your owner. You know it's dangerous out there. But even if you've never been to human space, been somewhere free, some part of you misses it. Some weird part of you must not want to be safe or maybe that weird part of you doesn't think you're safe at all as a pet.
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ghoulishfreak · 1 month
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collar pics as promised <3
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scungledfiles · 2 years
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rainbow cosmic kitty pillow pet! lil kitty is also transparent :)
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icy-saturday · 5 months
Cosmic Pets - a sewing/writing project
"Cosmic Pets" is a collection of companion plushies created by Maulwurf Studio inspired by space-themed concepts such as Skyhooks, Black Holes, and so much more!
Every Cosmic Pet has their own unique personality and backstory (often tragic ones) to encourage their owners to take very good care of them. 
Brooke the Skyhook
The story of Skyhook, the expecting mother skyhook, is truly heartbreaking. Her role as a protective megastructure, shielding her young from potential harm while nestled within her curved tether, highlights her nurturing and caring nature. Brooke's sole purpose was to ensure the safety and well-being of her offspring. She vigilantly monitored her young from within her curve, shooing away other satellites to create a perfect environment for their arrival into the universe. However, tragedy struck when a stray meteor collided with Brooke, shattering her hopes and dreams. The impact directly hit her curve, resulting in the devastating loss of her unborn children. This immense loss plunged Brooke into a deep depression, her heartbroken spirit unable to bear the weight of her grief. Consumed by sorrow and fueled by her newfound despair, Brooke broke orbit out of spite. Her actions symbolize her rejection of the universe that brought her such immense pain and reflect her desire to distance herself from a world that shattered her dreams. The story of Brooke carries a poignant message about the fragility of life and the profound impact that loss and tragedy can have on an individual. It serves as a reminder to cherish and protect the precious moments we have and to approach all beings with care and empathy, as we never know the pain they may carry within.
By adopting Brooke, owners can offer her solace and create a loving environment that helps heal her wounded spirit. Her tragic backstory serves as a powerful reminder to appreciate the beauty of life, even in the face of heartbreak and adversity.
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Brooke (pregnant) sleeping peacefully
GARGANTUA the Black Hole
The backstory of Gargantua, the friendly black hole, is indeed tragic and powerful. It's a tale of mistreatment, resilience, and the search for love and care. Gargantua's origins in an unethical ion collider, where she endured mistreatment and exploitation for research purposes, highlight the unfortunate circumstances she faced from the beginning.
Her weak gravitational pull made her deemed useless for scientific purposes, adding to her vulnerability. However, Gargantua's spirit couldn't be confined, and she managed to escape the terrifying facility. Now, she roams the city, feeling cold and hungry, desperately seeking someone who will provide her with the care and compassion she deserves.
Gargantua's backstory evokes empathy and emphasizes the importance of treating all beings with kindness and respect, regardless of their appearance or capabilities. By adopting Gargantua, owners can symbolically offer her the love and care she longs for, reminding us all to extend compassion to those who have experienced adversity.
The tragic backstory of Gargantua encourages owners to take extra special care of her, reminding them of the importance of kindness, empathy, and the power of a loving home.
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Gargantua with her close friend, Brooke
CYGNUS the CubeSat
The backstory of Cygnus, the CubeSat , paints a vivid and intense picture of his unfortunate journey. His encounter with humans who deemed him a failure and subsequently sent him to a distant and fiery scrapyard is a heartbreaking turn of events.
Cygnus's desperate attempt to escape the humans resulted in him being struck several times, leaving him injured and vulnerable. Ultimately, he found himself in a container, bound for the inferno-like scrapyard, where he was met with a chilling sight. The scrapyard was a place of destruction, with remnants of other satellites being melted, sawed, crushed, and shredded into small fragments.
As Cygnus landed on a conveyor belt, faced with a giant saw, fear consumed him, causing him to hyperventilate. The uncertainty of his fate weighs heavily on him, raising the question of whether this could be his end.
This dark and dramatic backstory showcases the resilience and strength of Cygnus as he faces seemingly insurmountable challenges. It elicits emotions of fear and desperation, while also highlighting the importance of compassion and the value of each individual's life and purpose.
The tale of Cygnus serves as a reminder to appreciate the efforts and contributions of others, even if they may not meet certain expectations. It emphasizes the need for empathy and kindness, as well as the potential for personal growth and transformation in the face of adversity.
While the backstory may be intense, it provides a compelling narrative for your plushie collection, inviting individuals to empathize with Cygnus and cherish the moments of triumph and resilience in their own lives.
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Cygnus loves the outdoors
In the frosty expanse of the Mars ice caps, Tranquility, a Mars rover designed to explore and study the mysteries of the red planet's frozen landscapes, embarked on a mission that would be anything but serene. The desolation of the Martian ice was Tranquility's first companion, providing solitude and opportunity for discovery.
However, as the months passed, Tranquility's isolation turned into a haunting loneliness. Echoes of his distress echoed across the Martian terrain, misunderstood by Earth as signs of success and progress. The reality was starkly different; Tranquility yearned for connection and camaraderie that could not be found in the harsh solitude of Mars.
Driven by a desperate hope to find companionship, Tranquility's sensors detected signs of another rover like him. He journeyed forth with anticipation, only to arrive at the location to find an abandoned and lifeless counterpart. The weight of his solitude crashed down upon him, shattering the last glimmer of hope he held.
As night fell and the Martian cold enveloped him, Tranquility found himself teetering on the edge of powerlessness and despair. He wept, his cries echoing through the cold Martian air, a poignant display of his humanity. A final, heartrending message to Earth - "I'm so cold! I just want to go home! Please!" - marked the peak of his emotional turmoil.
Tranquility's power waned, and the stars above witnessed the passing of a valiant explorer. His lights dimmed, and his circuits grew silent, leaving behind a legacy of longing and a reminder of the vastness of space and the fragile nature of existence.
Tranquility's story is a testament to the depths of emotion that can be found even in the most mechanical of beings, reflecting the universal human desire for connection, warmth, and meaning. As a cosmic pet, Tranquility's presence serves as a poignant reminder of the profound experiences that can unfold in the farthest reaches of the cosmos.
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Tranquility likes to be in warm environments and wear scarves
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Curt Swan presents the Silver Age version of the Legion of Super-Heroes, joined by the Legion of Super-Pets, the Legion of Substitute Heroes, and honorary Legionnaires.
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
🖤 barber!mickey & (not so) shaggy!ian 🖤
oh wow oh wow, we made it to a whole freaking year of these barber boys! it's been such an anchor for me--i never missed a week!--& i will be so sad to see them go. but! i may have a lil surprise up my sleeve for (if all goes well) next week! see you then & thanks for reading! xx
here's the 52nd & final installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: rain by @mmmichyyy
catch up/read in full HERE -- now complete! [ read the whole shebang ON AO3 ]
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Then again, the whole thing between them is batshit. Ludicrous, how a haircut by happenstance could help two tough guys from the shit side of the street find… well, that remains to be seen… 
But as Ian watches Mickey smile around steak and sour cream, he thinks that maybe he’s found someone to want all of him, all the fucked up versions that he is. 
Hopes that Mickey Milkovich, Master Barber could be someone who’ll stay for the shine, but also the rain. 
Sickness, health, all that shit.
Ian wipes the corner of Mickey’s mouth with his thumb and exhales.
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kritterjitter · 3 months
need to let the wc fans who follow me where my pfp and header are from. i need to recruit people to the Alliance
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cosmic-kaden · 5 months
Snuggling coconut says good morning lol
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Ft Mango who always follows me into the bathroom 😂
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