#corrick x Tessa
zinniax · 2 years
So I roll to my knees and grab his dagger out of his hand. i have it against his chest before he can roll away. I spit seawater besides his face
“My name is Weston Lark,” I say roughly. “What’s yours?”
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adhd-mess · 9 months
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no grave can hold my body down--i'll crawl home to her - a defy the night fanfic
Summary: It's been months since Corrick and Tessa were separated and he was presumed dead. Now the thought to be dead Prince has found his way to Ostriary, back to Tessa. But Corrick is Corrick and knocking on the door is way to easy.
Please do not feed my work to ai!!
link to ao3
Tessa lived in a small house outside of the main sector of Ostriary with Erik. Rian had offered her--and Erik though hesitantly-- a room in the palace; but it felt like a gilded birdcage no better than the palace in Kandala. And she could not stand being around Rian who--despite their plenty of differences-- reminded her of not just Wes, but Corrick.
At least there she had Cory despite how fleeting their moments were.
She let out a shivering breath. But she didn't have him anymore; she didn't have those stolen touches in a room full of people, the accidental brush of fingers, knees knocking together beneath a table, the furtive glances...
She tried to shake those thoughts away and get back to work.
You cannot get back what was lost, she reminded herself. Rian, Gwyn, even Erik had told her some form of that statement over the course of the last few months. But it was never their voices she heard say it in her head it was Corrick's though his was more of a reprimand then theirs were.
Her wrist began to burn and she assumed that snapped her to back reality. Looking down she realized she had been rubbing her wrist so much it was now raw.
She let out a sigh that sounded less like a sigh and more like a sob. After a moment of standing there, holding her abused wrist, welcoming the pain that blanketed the fire that was her grief; she heard a lock click and thought of Erik seeing her wrist.
Not wanting to worry him she got up from her chair and reached for some muslin that lay on her worktable, but not any of the ointment that would heal it. In all honesty the bandaging would make it worse. As she reached for it, out of the corner of her eye she saw the door still locked and she heard footsteps behind her.
Fear crept into her heart; heavy and near debilitating. Her limbs felt numb and all sounds and thoughts hollowed out. She was a sitting duck. This would be her end; a petty thief at best and...
She couldn't think about the worst outcome. Couldn't think about the man who brutalized so many of Rian's crew and killed Corrick and Lochlan.
No. No.
She would not die here. She still had so many things to do--people to help.
With one hand she kept reaching for the muslin while her other hand slipped beneath her trousers and pulled her dagger from it's sheath at her thigh.
Erik had suggested she keep a weapon on her at all times, though hidden, since any attackers would underestimate her because of demeanor and stature.
Once gripped in her hand, she spun around and threw the muslin at where she thought she heard the footsteps and when her eyes adjusted she lunged at the cloaked figure who clearly was not expecting the muslin or the lunge causing both of them to fall.
She landed on top of him, her breathing ragged with fear, but her dagger at the thief's throat.
"Who are you?" Tessa growled and she nearly gasped at the voice that came out of her. She'd never heard herself sound so threatening before.
The thief was silent, seemingly stunned. Then he began to laugh hysterically. His head and upper body raising slightly because of his fit of laughter despite the dagger still at his throat that now drew a line of blood from his movement. Though he seemed blissfully unaware.
"Don't move!" She shoved him back to the ground. "Who are you?" He let out a harsh breath. As he muttered something about giving people time to answer before attacking his hood fell down around his shoulders revealing ocean blue eyes and uncharacteristically messy red hair.
If she wasn't so consumed by fear she would have recognized that laugh and mutter.
"Lord, Tessa--"
"You idiot!" The dagger clattered to the floor beside them, a violent sob like gasp tearing through. She threw her arms around his neck, nestling her head into the place below his chin; he grunted at the impact of her falling on top of him.
"I thought you were dead!" She cried. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist. Holding her as she sobbed and cursed and muttered incoherently. One of his hand moved to cradle her head at some point.
They stayed like that for quite some time until Corrick spoke.
"I see you finally took those fighting lessons I was pestering you about."
"Shut up." She said, peeling herself of his chest so she was staring down at him once again. His hand reached up and cupped her cheek, brushing away her tears. "I don't mean that. Don't shut up. Never shut up again." He smiled that same stupid grin---that always made her heart hammer in her chest-- that usually came before some sort of tease but it didn't.
She didn't allow him to as she leaned down and pressed her lips against his. He chuckled against her mouth. The sound like a melody in her ears.
When they finally pulled away from each other, both a little breathless, he added. "I find it hard to not shut up when you kiss me the way you just did." Her cheeks burned. A beat of silence. "I love you."
"I love you too."
His eyes roamed to her hand that was gripping his shirt and then to her wrist, the one he had held so many times--the one she had ripped from his grasp many more times-- and the one that was now rubbed raw.
Concern and anger showed on his face as he puzzled out why--then understanding. Though she could tell a bit of that anger still simmered there. That she would hurt herself and that it was because of him. But it wasn't his fault, wherever he was and why he was gone it was for good reason she was sure.
But she also knows Corrick and his ridiculous tendency to blame himself for things he has no control over--the fever sickness being the first to come to mind.
"Tessa..." Corrick's voice was soft and sad but not reprimanding as she had thought it would have been. His blue eyes were shadowed in the dimly lit room.
"It's...I'm...." She began to say what she would have usually said, reassuring him she was fine and making up an excuse but she wasn't fine. 'I'm not fine' wasn't enough. She didn't have the words to express it to him.
Maybe there are no words that could properly express grief. Because grief is intangible, it is a being that comes in uninvited and never leaves, and makes itself at home.
"You were dead--I thought..."
"I know. You do not have to talk until you are ready."
He said, sitting upright and hooking his arms beneath her shoulders pulling her up with him. Then he led her to the chair she was sitting in before this all happened at her worktable. She sat in it.
He talked as he did this and she listened. Mostly about random things--the first time it snowed in Kandala he was so enamored with the icy flakes that he evaded his personal guard and snuck outside in trousers and a shirt to play in it. Eventually they found him but by that time he had already caught a cold.
"My parents were worried to the say least." He said as he picked up a jar of ointment on her worktable, reading the messy scrawl on a strip of paper glued to the glass.
"What are you--?" Then it hit her. "No, I can do that. Your neck is bleeding."
"Mind your mettle, Tessa." He paused; touching a finger to his neck feeling the warm liquid that was dripping from where the dagger sliced him. "Not the worst thing to happen to me lately." He knelt in front of her and before she could ask him what he meant by that he was speaking again.
"When my parents died." Corrick unscrewed the lid and dipped his fingers in the cream. He grimaced at the consistency. "It snowed again not to long after their death." Voice growing quieter, he took her injured wrist in his other hand. His touch gentle as a feather. "One day, I was...out of my mind with grief and the new role I had to take on was...was taking it's toll not to mention the fever sickness." He rubbed the cream on her wrist. "I went outside in the snow. Evading my guards and just in my trousers and shirt like the last time. I went somewhere where no one would think to look and laid down in the snow."
"Our situations may have been different. But I wanted you to know that I understand and you're not alone and that I will never leave you again." Corrick was rarely ever this vulnerable. Her bleary eyes met his.
"Who are you and what have you done with my Corrick?" Tessa joked. A genuine smile growing on her face.
"Your Corrick?" Tessa scoffed at him as he rose to his feet, towering over the chair, hands braced on either side of the chair she sat in. Cheeks burning, she gazed up at him. A dare glinting in his eye.
"Yes. My Corrick."
His head lowered to whisper in her ear. "Well then what have you done with my Tessa?" His warm breath caressed the shell of her ear making her shiver.
"I...I stole your dagger once." She said breathlessly. Her uninjured hand pressed against his chest, balling his shirt in her hand, she hadn't even realized she'd done that.
"Mmm, but you never intended to kill." One of his hands had moved from the armrest to cup her cheek. He nipped at lobe of her ear and she let out a squeal before he pulled away from her ear to face her.
Her gaze lifted from her own hand to his eyes and then dipped to his lips. There she read the question laying upon them.
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abandonedthoughtss · 2 years
Girl who is totally in love with the guy : Do you know how exhausting it is to see you breath everyday?"
Guy who is totally in love with her as well : Don't worry, your presence would choke me to death sooner or later.
For the record, he totally means that as a flirt
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venixria · 2 years
...Only me or some spark between Harristan and Quint would be more than welcome in the 2nd book?
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"Mind your mettle, Tessa"
- Defy the Night
By Brigid Kemmerer
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alicenthiightower · 3 years
corrick: i garuntee i will be tessa’s second husband
tessa: what happened to my first husband?
corrick: nothing you can prove
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laequiem · 3 years
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abandonedthoughtss · 2 years
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This is the most wholesome, adorable and playful scene ever.
I am moved by so many emotions at the same time.
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