#comandante benjamin
tenoch-hq · 1 year
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I’m a guy with a lot of knowledge, I’m a people person, that’s my way of being, Being a leader, I learned it from my father, He said “I want to see you ready for anything.” Tenoch Huerta talks about his Father in Voices Rising: The Music from Wakanda Forever | Episode 2
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aolechan · 6 months
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Comandante Benjamin + His Red Scarf in Bel Canto (2018)
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feasibilities · 1 year
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Tenoch Huerta Mejía as Comandante Benjamin Bel Canto (2018) Directed by Paul Weitz
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v4mpires0ap · 10 months
Lemme know how y'all like this edit 🧍🏻‍♀️
Might post this on my tiktok idk
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
BEL CANTO (2018)
Tenoch as Comandante Benjamin--history teacher turned revolutionary.
He is fantastic in this scene. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I would have loved a deeper dive into his character's story...but I always do when it comes to Tenoch. 😋
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urlocallsimp · 1 year
Some Nochie ASMR at the beginning 😵‍💫
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rafikecoyote · 1 year
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Tenoch Huerta as Comandante Benjamin in Bel Canto (2018)
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ocombatenterondonia · 14 days
Forças de Israel matam comandantes do Hezbollah em retaliação ao Irã
Premier Minister’s office – 14-04-2024 Primeiro-ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu As Forças de Defesa de Israel anunciaram na terça-feira (16) a morte de dois comandantes do grupo Hezbollah, no Líbano, em uma operação militar realizada após ataques aéreos. Os alvos visados foram Yusaf Baz, comandante do Hezbollah na região costeira do Líbano, e Muhammad Hussein Mustafa Shechory, responsável…
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rodadecuia · 17 days
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1st-worldsaver · 4 months
Hablar de la revolución es hablar de miles de nombres.
Arlen Siu. Carlos Fonseca. Tomás Borge. Luisa Amanda Espinoza. Julio Buitrago. Leonel Rugama. German Pomares. Rigoberto López Pérez. Benjamin Zeledón. Nora Astorga. Comandante zero, uno y dos. Leticia Herrera. Brenda Rocha. Santos Lopez, el único y inolvidable Augusto C. Sandino, Luis Alfonso Velásquez Flores (el pobre niño)
cada uno marca un punto en la historia. Apunta a un nombre, y te puedo contar su historia
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lamilanomagazine · 4 months
Gaza, la bozza di risoluzione dell'Onu chiede “ampie pause umanitarie”
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Gaza, la bozza di risoluzione dell'Onu chiede “ampie pause umanitarie”. È slittato di nuovo il voto al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite sulla nuova risoluzione su Gaza. Il presidente di turno dell'organismo, l'ambasciatore dell’Ecuador, Jose Javier De La Gasca Lopez-Dominguez, ha detto: “Il Consiglio di Sicurezza ha accettato di continuare i negoziati oggi per concedere più tempo alla diplomazia. La presidenza riprogrammerà l'adozione per giovedì mattina”. Il Consiglio, stando a quanto si legge nella bozza finale, chiede "pause e corridoi umanitari urgenti ed estesi" a Gaza. Le Nazioni Unite chiedono, dunque, “alle parti in conflitto di rispettare i loro obblighi verso il diritto internazionale, in materia di protezione dei civili”. Intanto un adolescente palestinese, Mahmud Zaoul, è stato colpito a morte da alcuni militari israeliani all'ingresso del villaggio di Hussan, presso Betlemme, in Cisgiordania. Lo riferisce la agenzia di stampa palestinese Maan. Sempre secondo l’agenzia, dopo l'ingresso di forze israeliane nel villaggio si sarebbero verificati dei disordini nel corso dei quali il giovane è stato raggiunto al collo da un proiettile. Al momento, l’Idf non ha ancora divulgato la propria versione sulla vicenda. Il portavoce militare israeliano ha riferito che l’Idf avrebbe assunto il controllo su un importante "quartier generale" di Hamas nel centro di Gaza, dentro il quale operava la leadership amministrativa e militare del gruppo terroristico. La base includerebbe aree utilizzate nel tempo da figure di spicco di Hamas, fra cui Ismail Haniyeh, Yihia Sinwar e Muhammed Deif, il comandante militare. «La guerra continuerà fino a che Hamas non verrà eliminato, fino alla vittoria. Chi pensa che ci fermeremo, non è collegato alla realtà». Lo ha detto il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu, escludendo quindi un cessate il fuoco imminente. In mattinata, secondo quanto riportato dalla Bbc, il leader di Hamas Ismail Haniyeh era arrivato a Il Cairo per alcuni colloqui con funzionari egiziani nell'ambito dei negoziati per una nuova tregua che consenta il rilascio di ostaggi. L'Egitto starebbe mediando con il Qatar. «Senza acqua potabile, nei prossimi giorni molti più bambini moriranno di privazione e malattie» nella Striscia di Gaza. Sono le parole della direttrice esecutiva dell'Unicef, Catherine Russell, citata da Al Jazeera. «I bimbi e le loro famiglie sono costretti ad utilizzare acqua proveniente da fonti non sicure, altamente salina o inquinata», ha aggiunto.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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tenoch-hq · 7 months
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Tenoch’s Characters Name Meanings (insp) bonus:
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 5 months
Israele-Gaza, Biden attacca Netanyahu: prime crepe tra Usa e Stato ebraico
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(Adnkronos) - Non solo i noti contrasti sul futuro di Gaza, ma ora anche la richiesta di un deciso cambiamento nel governo israeliano, esecutivo "che sta iniziando a perdere" il sostegno internazionale a causa "dei bombardamenti indiscriminati" nella Striscia. Emergono così nelle parole del presidente americano Joe Biden rivolte al "caro amico" Benjamin Netanyahu - le più dure mai pronunciate nei confronti del premier israeliano dall'inizio del conflitto con Hamas - le prime, importanti crepe tra Usa e Stato Ebraico a poco più di due mesi dall'inizio della guerra. Israele-Gaza, Biden attacca Netanyahu Parole che suonano come un avvertimento dello storico alleato, nel giorno in cui l'Onu approva a stragrande maggioranza una nuova risoluzione per il cessate il fuoco e mentre il leader israeliano continua a ribadire la linea dura sull'enclave palestinese. A parlare per primo ieri di "divergenze" tra i due su come gestire il periodo post bellico nella Striscia era stato lo stesso Netanyahu, sottolineando che Israele ha il sostegno degli Stati Uniti per quanto riguarda la sua intenzione di distruggere Hamas e liberare gli ostaggi tenuti nella Striscia di Gaza ma, allo stesso tempo, però, con gli Usa non c'è unità di vedute sul dopoguerra. La Striscia di Gaza "non sarà né Hamas-stan né 'Fatah-stan'", le parole di Netanyahu, ribadendo la sua contrarietà a far sì che l'enclave palestinese possa essere governata dall'Anp sotto la guida di Mahmoud Abbas dopo che Hamas sarà sconfitto. Poi, però, è arrivato forte e chiaro l'avvertimento di Biden, secondo il quale Netanyahu "deve prendere delle decisioni difficili: questo è il governo più di destra della storia di Israele", un governo che "non vuole la soluzione dei due Stati", ha spiegato durante un evento di raccolta di fondi per i democratici a Washington. Biden ha poi detto che Israele sta iniziando a perdere sostegno nel mondo e che Netanyahu "deve rafforzarsi e cambiare" il governo israeliano per trovare una soluzione a lungo termine del conflitto israelo-palestinese.  Prime crepe tra Usa e Stato ebraico Secondo Biden, quindi, Netanyahu deve cambiare gli elementi più estremisti del suo governo che stanno rendendo difficile il sostegno ad Israele anche a causa dei "bombardamenti indiscriminati" a Gaza. "Netanyahu è un buon amico ma credo che debba cambiare", ha detto ancora il presidente americano durante l'evento ospitato da Less Rosenberg, ex presidente dell'Aipac.  "Una delle cose che Bibi capisce è che la sicurezza di Israele è affidata agli Stati Uniti - ha poi continuato - ma ora, ha più degli Stati Uniti: ha l'Unione Europea, l'Europa, ha gran parte del mondo che li sostiene. Ma stanno iniziando a perdere questo sostegno a causa dei bombardamenti indiscriminati in corso".   Le parole di Biden "Israele deve prendere delle decisioni difficili - ha aggiunto Biden -, Bibi deve prendere delle decisioni difficili". Già lunedì sera, in un altro intervento, Biden aveva ripetuto che Netanyahu è un "caro amico", affermando però di non essere d'accordo con la sua politica. Il premier israeliano, aveva detto il presidente Usa, "non può escludere la creazione di uno Stato palestinese nel futuro". A rispondere al presidente Usa, almeno finora, ci ha pensato intanto l'esercito israeliano. "Noi manteniamo una stretta relazione con gli Stati Uniti. Abbiamo colloqui quasi quotidiani con il comandante del Central Command e con il capo degli Stati Maggiori Riuniti" ha detto il portavoce delle Idf, l'ammiraglio Daniel Hagari, rispondendo ad una domanda riguardo alle dichiarazioni del presidente.   "Noi sappiamo come spiegare esattamente come operiamo, in un modo preciso e basato sulle informazioni di intelligence - ha continuato -, operiamo per mantenere la sicurezza delle nostre forze, ma noi sappiamo come agire contro i centri di gravità di Hamas". "Operiamo in modo di fare il nostro meglio per separare i civili che non sono coinvolti dai terroristi - ha detto ancora -. L'Idf sta facendo questo dall'inizio dei combattimenti e certamente ora negli ultimi giorni. Noi sapremo come mostrarlo e presentarlo, certamente, ai nostri alleati".  ---internazionale/[email protected] (Web Info) Read the full article
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feasibilities · 1 year
"Take All Of Me." Comandante Benjamin x Black/Non-White (Spanish-Speaking) Reader- NSFW☭
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WARNINGS: Rough/Unprotected Sex, Dom/Sub Aspects, Spanking, Overstimulation, Teasing, Discussions of Racism, etc.
Author's Note: This is the first time I've written smut in years so take it easy on me! Also, I included some parts in Spanish. I'm a beginner with that too. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.2k
You're one of the most talented sopranos of the century. You were invited to perform at the birthday party of a rich French industrialist. After performing for a small group of the top dignitaries in the world, the home is suddenly taken over by guerillas. They are led by a brutal, yet mesmerizing chief--Comandante Benjamin. You wondered how an attractive man like him could commit such wrongdoings. In the chaos that surrounds you two, you have developed a covert fondness for each other. What will happen when The Commander wants to take your affair a step further?
The hostage situation was approaching its 3rd week. Hopes of escaping unscathed were stamped out by the spit-shined boot of The Commander. He provided the bare necessities but threatened us with a bullet to the head if we caused trouble. The owner of the mansion, Mr. Hosokawa, was murdered upon Commander's arrival. His body was wrapped in tarp and buried in the backyard. Luckily, no other hostages have been murdered.
For some reason, Benjamin took to you. You originally assumed that it was because of your prominence as an opera singer and the wealth you could provide him with. As you spoke with him, you felt something deeper. You saw an embittered man who has been crushed by the pervasiveness of corruption, racism, and inequality. You also saw a tenderhearted, impassioned man who craved peace—and companionship. You realized that you two have a lot in common.
Your fondness for one another started bubbling to the surface. You asked questions with obvious answers just so you could be in his presence. The sweetest smiles creeped across your face when he would joke around.  You remember your heart skipping a beat the first time he called you cariño. He was more emboldened with his actions. He would watch you read or play piano with the most earnest expression. He would purposefully brush his hands against your when you two played cards. He would take peeks at your cleavage when you were distracted. Something was brewing.
You awoke to footsteps approaching your sleeping quarters. Noise couldn’t be muffled as your room was empty with the exception of a sleeping bag & a stack of novels in the corner. The only source of light was the moon shining into your window. You didn’t sit up until Benjamin entered. He had regular clothing on except his military jacket.
“Come on.” He beckoned you with a childlike tone. 
Although you should’ve asked, you didn’t. You enjoyed his spontaneity. That trait was so far removed from your previous flames. Maybe they feel as if they don’t have to try since they have so much money to burn. Ben ushered you to ‘his’ master bedroom, that of which belonged to Mr. Hosokawa. Despite the circumstances, the room had a warm ambience. Benjamin would light candles at night. The Victorian-style door was swiftly closed behind you. 
“I was thinking that we could-“ You started before you were cut off with a fervent kiss. Benjamin’s lips were soft & his tongue was sour from the Modelo he drank not too long ago.  A desirous groan emitted from his throat. In a mood of toying with the brute, you pulled away & gazed into his eyes. You could’ve fainted with the way he looked at you.
“I can’t pretend anymore, princesa. Te necesito.” 
“Then take me. Tomar todo de mí.” 
You both stripped to nothing. He quickly scooped you up and laid you on the bed. You flinched when he licked the valley of your breasts. He took one in his his calloused hand and swirled his tongue around the sensitive nub. You moaned and watched him with an impatient expression. “Hurry up.” You mewled. He ignored your demands while he reached down to tease your folds.
“How long has it been since you’ve felt the touch of a man, mi amor?” Benjamin whispered.
“Long enough…” 
In a moment of lust-fueled insolence, you grabbed his manhood & pumped a few times. His pre-ejaculate seeped between your fingers. His eyes rolled to the back of his head & his breathing staggered. Seeing him in this state of uninhibited pleasure was the sexiest thing ever. It was as if he finally surrendered. He suddenly snatched your wrist away and flipped you on your stomach. “I lead.” He fumed. You peered back at him with apologetic eyes. His energy shifted to something darker. He never spoke to you this way. You assumed there was still some unpredictability in his personality. Maybe he didn’t want to be at the mercy of some stupid rich woman. His insistence on power did grab the attention of international media, especially the pompous West.
“I’m sorry. I just thought-“ You cautioned, not wanting to provoke him any further. He interrupted you with a hard smack on your ass. You bit your lip out of fear & pleasure. “Let me lead and we won’t have anymore issues. Understood?” He asserted. The tone in his voice was more familiar to his underlings. You were one for the time being.
“Yes, sir.” You ached. 
He slid into you & began thrusting with punishing force. No sound escaped your mouth as they were being fucked out of you. You felt him at depths you thought no man could reach. He anchored you still by your shoulders. Sounds of skin hitting skin and wetness filled the room. Animalistic grunts emitted from Benjamin. You started uncontrollably spasming around his dick & a sob of pleasure finally came out. The most intense orgasm took over your body.
His pace slowed to watch you tremble & see your white, viscous arousal leak from your pussy. “F-Fuck, Commander. Please let me cum…” You cooed. He responded by locking your hands behind you and deepening his thrust. You were disoriented beyond belief. Tears blurred your vision, and your pleas were useless. You were just a vessel for The Commander to use until he was finished. “None of those rich cabróns could fuck you like this, hmm?” He taunted. A loud moan came out as another orgasm hit you. 
His way of fucking loitered on the boundary of pleasure & torture. At this point, you’ve came countless times. He was absolutely right—no one had ever fucked you like this. Your previous lovers were quite plain. They didn’t take initiative or had no stamina. Benjamin’s lovemaking was an anomaly, in the best way possible.
When he felt his climax approaching, he pulled out & flipped you onto your back. He pushed your legs back, so your calves rested on his biceps. He kept a tight grip on your thighs. “Watch me while I fill you up. Don’t close your eyes.” He asserted. You nodded and gazed at him in anticipation. He slipped inside of you again & thrusted agonizingly slow. He managed to hit your G-Spot with every move. “Mmm, fuck…” He groaned. The cracks in his facade began to show. You whimpered in response & clenched around him to egg him on. 
Finally, his climax leaped up and grabbed him. His final groan sounded like it could’ve shaken mountains. You felt his hot seed pumping into you as he trembled. He bent down to kiss you feverishly. The semblances of tendernesses are what attracted you to him so much. You were ready to leave it all behind for him. Surrendering your prestige would be a breeze if it meant living a lifetime of obscurity with him. He pulled away from the kiss to ask a question that would change everything:
“You’ll always be here, right?”
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talokanda-forever · 1 year
BEL CANTO (2018)
DAMN!! Comandante Benjamin has some amazing lines in this one. And the calm delivery makes it even more powerful. ✊🏽
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nunc2020 · 5 months
Comprendre Menke
„Das Recht muss die nichtrechtliche Umwelt als Recht reformulieren. Durch diese interne Reformulierung des Widerstreits inkommensurabler Logiken (différend), durch diese Verfremdung eines Gesellschaftskonflikts zum Rechtsstreit (litige) wird der Konflikt Recht-Nichtrecht für das Recht entscheidbar – und zwar als Rechtskonflikt (Lyotard 1987; Gehring 2004). Machtkonflikte, Wirtschaftskonflikte, Religionskonflikte werden vom Recht immer als Rechtskonflikte verfremdet und als Rechtskollisionen übersetzt. Das Recht ist eine König-Midas- Maschine, die den Konflikt Recht-Nichtrecht immer nur als Rechtskonflikt abbilden kann.
Schon Karl Marx hat pointiert formuliert: „Zwischen Kapitalist und Arbeiter findet ein Kampf statt. Recht wider Recht [...] Zwischen gleichen Rechten – entscheidet die Gewalt“ (Marx 1867, 249; Miéville 2005). Marx hat das für die Sphäre des Klassenkampfes expliziert. Es müsste darum gehen, diesen Gedanken der Kollision von Recht wider Recht als Kampf im Recht ums Recht zu generalisieren und für andere Schnittstellen zu respezifizieren. Das fragmentierte Weltrecht ist voll von solchen Kollisionen, in denen Recht wider Recht steht:
• das Investitionsschutzrecht (Beispiel: Wasserprivatisierung) kollidiert mit dem Recht der sozialen Menschenrechte;
• das Recht der WTO (Beispiel Handelsverbot für genmanipulierte Lebensmittel) kollidiert mit dem globalen Recht des Umweltschutzes;
• das Recht der UN (Beispiel UN-Terrorlisten) kollidiert mit den globalen Menschenrechten.
Nicht der Krieg im Kopf des Entscheiders macht in diesen Kollisionslagen die Unentscheidbarkeit aus, sondern Recht ist – in der Formulierung von Jean-François Lyotard – „Bürgerkrieg der Sprache mit sich selbst" (Lyotard 1988). An anderer Stelle, an welcher Christoph Menke nicht den Kopf des Entscheiders ins Visier nimmt, sondern den gesellschaftlichen Rechtskreationsprozess, sagt er auch genau dies: „Das ‚entsetzte‘, zugleich entmachtete und befreite Recht steht im Krieg mit sich selbst“ (Menke 2011, 101). Rechtskrieg ersetzt Kriegsrecht. Diese transsubjektive Kollisionsperspektive, nicht der Blick auf den subjektiven Entscheidungsprozess, ist für die Rechtskreation das entscheidende Faktum.
Die Formel des „Rechts der Widerwilligen“ (Menke 2011, 103) darf sich nicht darin erschöpfen, eine Selbstvergewisserungstherapie für Entscheidungsträger zu sein, sondern muss als gesellschaftlicher Aneignungsauftrag gelesen werden (Wiethölter 1989; Teubner 2012). Diese Vergesellschaftung des Rechts – Daniel Loick hat das jüngst unter Bezug auf Hermann Cohen und Franz Rosenzweig herausgearbeitet (Loick 2012, 279) – findet in Walter Benjamins „Kritik der Gewalt“ wichtige Wegweisungen. Benjamin hat die physische Gewalt, auf der das Recht gründet, von der mythischen Gewalt, die die Dimensionen der rechtsetzenden und rechtserhaltenden Gewalt hat, differenziert. Er hat eine dritte Gewalt eingeführt, die er revolutionäre, waltende, göttliche Gewalt nennt. Diese göttliche Gewalt bei Benjamin lediglich als entsetzende Gewalt bei widerwilligen staatlich-rechtlichen Entscheidern zu verorten, ließe das Potenzial dieser Rechtstheorie ungenutzt.
Der globale Aufstand, die Proteste in Griechenland, die Occupy-Bewegung, die Indignados der Puerta del Sol, die Bewegung des Arabischen Frühlings stellen, mit Benjamin gelesen, Kämpfe um ein neues gesellschaftliches Recht dar. Die globalen Widerwilligen geben sich mit dem degenerierten Recht diktatorialer Regime und des globalen Neoliberalismus nicht zufrieden. Sie fordern die Einlösung des Gerechtigkeitsanspruchs des globalen Rechts. Das Recht der Widerwilligen ist dann nicht das Recht der widerwilligen comandantes y subcomandantes, sondern das Recht des Protests der Gesellschaft. Bezeichnenderweise ist es für Benjamin nicht der politische, sondern der proletarische Generalstreik, der sich die „einzige Aufgabe der Vernichtung der Staatsgewalt“ setze und auf dem Benjamins Hoffnungen ruhen (Benjamin 1921, 194; Brunkhorst 2010, 6). Liest man die Formel vom „Recht der Widerwilligen“ im Lichte von Walter Benjamins waltender Gewalt, enthält sie einen umfassenden Auftrag zur gesellschaftlichen Aneignung des Rechts. Diese Aneignung muss den Konstituierungszusammenhang setzender und erhaltender Rechtsgewalt unterbrechen, darf nicht nur auf eine Reformierung des bestehenden Institutionenensembles hinauslaufen und sich nicht darauf beschränken, die eingerichteten und ausgeübten Entscheidungsbetriebe lediglich zu domestizieren.
Wenn sich im Krieg des Rechts mit Recht, in den Kollisionen von Weltrecht wider Weltrecht realgesellschaftliche Konflikte von globalem Ausmaß artikulieren, dann kommt es mit Benjamin darauf an, das Recht nicht den selbsternannten Entscheidern zu überlassen, sondern sich in den Kampf um die Gewalt des Rechts einzumischen und für Strukturen zu kämpfen, in denen die gesellschaftliche Rechtsetzung auf Dauer gestellt und von den etatistischen Gewaltinstitutionen unabhängig gesetzt ist: Hauke Brunkhorst nennt das die demokratische Verknüpfung von Dezision und Diskussion, Gunther Teubner bezeichnet es als die Kopplung von Spontan- und Organisationsbereichen (Brunkhorst 2005, 177). Im Kern geht es um die Ermöglichung der Demokratisierung der Rechtsform (Buckel 2007, 308) und die Öffnung des Rechts für Protestbewegungen. Otto Kirchheimer hat hier mit seiner Reflexion zur Sozialisierung des Rechts angesetzt (Kirchheimer 1976), Rudolf Wiethölter mit der Suchformel der Entwicklung eines gesellschaftlichen Rechtfertigungsrechts (Wiethölter 2003).
Für die Perspektive des demokratischen Rechts ist es geboten, den Fokus von den staatlichen Entscheidern auf die gesellschaftlichen Rechtskreationsprozesse im Kampf ums Weltrecht zu verschieben. Um zum Kunduzfall zurückzukommen: Im Februar hat das Verwaltungsgericht Köln in einem Feststellungsverfahren über die Klage des LKW- Fahrers im Fall Kunduz verhandelt, der festgestellt wissen will, dass die Entscheidung des Obersts Unrecht war; mehrere Schadensersatzklagen sind anhängig; gegen die Einstellung der strafrechtlichen Ermittlungen wurde Verfassungsbeschwerde eingelegt und es ist schon jetzt absehbar, dass die militärische Entscheidung auch internationale Gerichte wie den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte beschäftigen wird. Dieser Kampf der Opfer um Gerechtigkeit wird das Recht für Jahre beschäftigen. Diese Verfahren, die Beteiligungsrechte der Opfer und das rechtskreative Potenzial globaler Skandalisierungsprozesse, die Niklas Luhmann im Anschluss an Emile Durkheim als Rechtsetzung durch colère publique beschreibt (Luhmann 2005), die an das Gefühl für Ungerechtigkeit appellieren (Cahn 1949), sind für die Rechtskreation mindestens so entscheidendende Daten wie die Entscheidungsqualen eines Kommandeurs.“
Postmoderne Rechtstheorie als kritische Theorie
Von Andreas Fischer-Lescano
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