#colorshift painting
tinsil · 1 year
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pancakessart · 1 month
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me when i painting :) was saving the ref image of this wolf for something fun and finally used it!!
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prezaurian · 1 year
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‘Chromed Canyon’ PYO Rock Dragon Painted by Prezaurian Sculpture ©Windstone Editions, M. Peña prezaurian.deviantart.com
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ryverdakota · 2 years
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“intentions” Colorshift Performance Art & Digital Photography Photo Credit : @kelerainbow #art #performanceart #photography #digitalart #digitalphotography #paint #multimedia #expression #blue #studiophotography #lightwall #model #colorshift #bodyart #bodypaint #intentions #wwlfstudios https://www.instagram.com/p/CleXRY2Aapc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mineko-mairhiel · 2 years
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dna-custom-paints · 1 month
Unveiling the Magic: DNA Custom Paints and the Enchantment of Color Changing Car Paint
In the world of automotive customization, where every detail matters and individuality is celebrated, one element stands out with its mesmerizing allure: color changing car paint. Imagine a paint job that seems to dance with the light, shifting its hues with an enchanting fluidity as you move around the vehicle. This captivating phenomenon is brought to life by DNA Custom Paints, where color shifts pearl paints possess a magical aura unlike any other.
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The allure of color changing car paint lies in its ability to defy expectations and create a sense of wonder. At first glance, a car coated in these specialized paints may appear to be one color, but as you approach from different angles, a kaleidoscope of shades reveals itself, adding depth and dimension to the vehicle's aesthetic.
DNA Custom Paints has mastered the art of creating these captivating color shifts, utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to achieve unparalleled results. Their paints are formulated with precision, combining reflective pigments and transparent layers to create a dynamic visual effect. The result is a finish that seems to shimmer and gleam as if infused with magic.
But what exactly makes color changing car paint so captivating? It all comes down to the physics of light and how it interacts with the specialized pigments embedded within the paint. Known as interference pigments, these tiny particles are engineered to reflect and refract light in different ways, depending on the angle of observation. This phenomenon, known as iridescence, is what gives color changing car paint its unique ability to shift colors with changing perspectives.
Imagine cruising down the street in a car coated in DNA Custom Paints' color shifting masterpiece. As you drive, the sunlight dances across the surface, causing the colors to morph and blend in a hypnotic display. Spectators are left in awe as they catch glimpses of emerald greens, sapphire blues, and fiery reds cascading across the vehicle's sleek exterior.
But the magic of color changing car paint isn't just limited to cars. From motorcycles to boats, and even household items like furniture and electronics, the possibilities are endless. DNA Custom Paints offers a wide range of colors and finishes, allowing enthusiasts to unleash their creativity and personalize their belongings like never before.
Whether you're a seasoned automotive aficionado or simply appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted paint job, color changing car paint is sure to captivate your imagination. With DNA Custom Paints at the forefront of innovation in the industry, the future looks bright – or perhaps, ever-changing – for custom paint enthusiasts everywhere. So why settle for ordinary when you can experience the magic of color shifting pearl paints? Let your imagination run wild and embark on a journey of endless possibilities with DNA Custom Paints.
Contact- Web - https://www.dna-paints.com/color-shift-pearls/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - +(61) 3 9764 2088 Address - 5-7 Keith Campbell Ct, Scoresby VIC 3179, Australia
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thedarkmaidenn · 1 year
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Obsessed with the color shift!
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hawkland · 2 months
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Art masterpost: Fall For Me story by: raths_kitten (@rathskitten ) art by: sidewinder (@hawkland )
I'm posting today from on the road in Italy—it's the last of my three @deancasreversebang collaborations for this year! My thanks to @rathskitten for claiming this submission of mine. Like my fantasy bang submission that became Bleeding the Divine, it was based on an original photograph by Wilhelm von Gloeden of a Sicilian fisherman with a guitar on a boat. For some reason the pose and everything gave me vibes of Cas as either some kind of pirate!angel or water-spirit, and that turned into this artwork:
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I'm also including these two variations of the art, as I used colorshift/metallic paint on the wings which make them look very different depending on the angle of the lighting.
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Be sure to go read the delightful story that now goes with the art! It's a really sweet and fun AU, thank you to my author for writing it!
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transmutationdice · 6 months
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Dragonscale dice
A hand painted dragon scale dice set in colorshifting shades of blue, pink, purple and green.
This is likely a one of a kind set since these were so much work!
Numbers still to be painted - they're probably going to be white?
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nightscalestudio · 10 months
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Valkyrie, character bard for D&D games. Species - Diamoross, subspecies Anzari. A small experiment with Colorshift paints from Green Stuff World. Gift for a friend.
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
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Want to be on the tag list? Have an idea for next chapter? Clicked the wrong option? Reblog or Comment! New? Check the very bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is down below the cut!🔥
~King of the Dragonfish Chapter 6~
Kenobi moves in his sleep. A lot. Maul knows this, because the jedi rolls to a new position approximately every twenty minutes. Primarily, the other man seeks the heat of the magma rock, curling around it until he's over heated. Then, he flops away from the heat and over onto Maul.
This provides a series of interesting discoveries.
For one, Kenobi is affectionate when unconscious, pressing his face to the sith's chest, and holding onto him wherever his flopping arm lands. The jedi's warm breath tickles the soft skin of his gills, and his legs keep trying to tangle with another pair that isn't there.
Amused, Maul winds his tail over Kenobi's restless limbs, and finds that it settles the man. The jedi only wiggles closer, like he wants the weight.
This is oddly pleasing.
Another thing is that he mumbles in his sleep, talking to various people. Someone named Ahnahkin needs to clean his room. Someone named Qwin needs to go away. Various others are complained at or dismayed over. This is the first glimpse, however removed, that Maul has heard or seen of the outside world in years. With the gungan fleeing from him on site -as is right and proper- he has simply not had opportunity.
The dragonfish sith takes note of every name and mumbled secret. He puts together stories, hungry for mental stimulation.
The third thing he learns while watching Kenobi is that he can stay unconscious for a very long time. A. Very. Long. Time. Maul waits, unwilling to sleep while exposed, for what feels like twice the time he would normally rest himself. Still the jedi sleeps.
His bruising has faded away over the course of this hibernation, colorshifting until the skin is cream toned again, and the scrapes and abrasions are nothing but faint lines. On one hand, he is disappointed to see the markings fade. On the other, a blank canvas invites new paint…
Eventually, Maul grows too bored to tolerate. Even with a selection of fresh calamari to nibble on. He shakes the other man, calling him back from his endless rest, “Kenobi. Awaken.”
The jedi groans, burrowing closer.
“Jediiii,” Maul hisses, “Wake. Up.”
Kenobi rolls away, batting at the hands which shake him, wiggling to the magma rock instead.
Squinting, Maul pins exactly one hair from his head between two claws, and yanks.
The other man makes a sad noise, ducking his head further under the rock.
He pinches another hair, and yanks-
Kenobi comes half awake with an angry noise, elbowing him, then burrowing into his own arms.
Maul grins, entertained, and gets ahold of a single beard hair, and yanks-
The jedi punches him in the side of the head, making his ear fin sting something fierce.
“RrrraaaaahH!” Maul shrieks, somewhere between rage and glee, and grabs the other man by his tunics to rattle him about.
Finally, Kenobi truly wakes, muzzily batting him off and rolling away with a groan. “Ye gods, you're a monster, and it has very little to do with your career choices.”
Maul preens. “You brought it on yourself, jedi scum. You would not wake.”
“Have you considered that, perhaps, that was because I needed more sleep?” the man snaps in a cranky rasp, kicking him.
Maul wacks him with his tail fin.
Kenobi kicks him again, harder.
It quickly escalates. The jedi yanks on his horns, making Maul gasp as a strange zing runs down his spine. He gut punches Kenobi for the trouble. Maul snaps his many sharp teeth at an offending arm, and tears a hole in his robes that makes the man cry out in dismay.
The dragonfish sith is tossed across the room with the force, and immediately shows the jedi how terrible of an idea that was by springing back at him like a compressed coil.
Both of them are bleeding a bit by the time Maul is satisfied. Not that Kenobi seemed settled, but it is hard to effectively complain with hundreds of pounds of amphibious sith on top of you.
Maul pins the jedi's shoulders as he leans over him. “We are done now.”
“Go kriff yourself, Maul,” the other man says dryly, flat on his back and trapped under the weight. “I haven't done anything, I've been nothing but compliant! Why are you beating me?”
The dragonfish sith grins, all teeth. The jedi may act disdainful, but his body shows interest in the fight. His pulse is fast, he's supressing a grin, he feels excited in the force, and his blood isn't the only thing that's up.
Good. Maul likes to fight. “You would not wake up, and, you kicked me.”
“I was tired and you woke me up by pulling out my hair.” Kenobi says defensively.
“I was bored. You slept for half a day, at least,” Maul returns, “Such weakness.”
Kenobi sighs heavily, scrubbing hands over his face. “Yes yes, weak as a babe.”
The dragonfish sith giggles like water tossed on a campfire, and licks the trail of blood running from the jedi's split lip where it drips down into his beard. He mouths at the bloodied chin, stealing away all the iron taste. Kenobi makes a choking noise, eyes going wide as he freezes in place.
Maul’s grin only grows, broad and sharp and cunning.
“Must you… do that?” the man complains, cheeks turning red and barely managing a scowl as he looks at the ceiling over Maul's shoulder.
“Yesss,” the sith affirms with a spiteful laugh, writhing his tail over the legs pinned beneath him. He moves just so, and Kenobi’s back arches up off the ground, head tilting back as he moans.
Maul's brain empties itself as he sees throat bared to him.
Thin skin.
A pulse, a fraction away from the surface, that would font if nicked in the slightest..
His hindbrain gibbers mixed signals at him like a badly tuned radio. The dragonfish in him says ‘food’, the zabrak says ‘submission’ and ‘trust’, the sith lord and trained assassin says ‘opportunity’... and the man that is all of those things and more just stares at that enticing expanse of throat.
He makes a little noise when it goes away.
No no… he… what was that? He…
Maul roils over top of Kenobi again, hoping to elicit that same…
The jedi paws at him, blinking rapidly. He looks confused with himself. "I, ah..."
“Again!” Maul demands.
“Mngh?” the man asks, limp underneath him.
“Your throat! Show me-
Kenobi makes more choking noises, scrambling out from under him in a flail of limbs and putting his back to a wall.
The jedi swallows, but it is so dry his throat clicks loud enough to hear “...force, I am so thirsty. Very thirsty! And hungry. I'm really wasting away here. Aren't you going to feed me? I'm probably losing kidney function as we speak.”
Maul makes a face, slowly rising up and looking towards the water, considering. “You cannot drink salt water…?”
“... no,” the jedi confirms. “That will kill me in hours.”
“Mnngnngn,” the sith replies. Yes... yes he knew that. “There are… fruits I can bring?”
Kenobi perks up, “Fruit sounds wonderful.”
“Mnnn,” he decides, “Fruit it is. First, we must move you to a more secure location. If one gorogoro found you here, more could come.”
The jedi makes a face himself, glances over at the water, then rotates his neck to look around the walls. “Move… how? I don't see any other caves.”
Maul sloughs over toward the water, pulling on the jedi's arm, “Through the tunnels. Come.”
Kenobi scoots away. “Or, consider, we could… not do that.”
A growl of annoyance rolls out of him. “Kenobi.”
Blue eyes flash at him, challenging. “The water is cold. I'm not well. My robes are covered in dried octopus viscera and crunch with salt, and there's no fresh water to bathe in. I don't want to be wet again on top of all that.”
Maul sneers at him, but pulls back, fists clenching and unclenching as he tries to think through what of that was whining pathetic jedi and which parts could actually kill him.
Dehydration… deadly fast.
Cold… deadly fast.
Poor hygiene… deadly eventually.
Maul hisses in annoyance, he did not like those results.
“I will… mnnnh… I will get a new heat stone, first. I will put fruit there. Hnnn… I will make it warm enough that you do not need clothes.”
“What, no,” the man says.
The sith nods. Yes, this will work. Not cold, not unclean, not hungry, and only wet briefly.
“Maul,” Kenobi says, pained, “You're going to the surface for fruit, yes? Please, just, bring me a container of fresh water? Please do not make me walk around naked. Leave me some dignity.”
The sith thunks his fist on his forehead a few times, then discards all of the difficult thoughts in favor of action. “I will consider it, jedi. For now, I will make the safer room… better.”
“Wait!” the other man calls.
“Mnh?” He turns.
Kenobi licks his cracked lips, “What if another octopus comes while you're gone? Leave me a way to defend myself.”
Maul hisses again, leaning forward, “You think I would give you a weapon? You would use it against me!”
“Just! Just think about it,” the jedi pleads. “If one comes, I can only dodge it. One slip up, and I'll be dead on the ground and half eaten before you ever get back.”
The sith shrieks his denial at that result. “No!”
Kenobi approaches him by the water's edge, reaching out to touch fingertips to Maul's left wrist. “I solemnly swear, on the force, if you give me my lightsaber to defend myself, when you return I will relinquish it without complaint or hesitation. Please. That… that pain. I don't want to die that way.”
Maul vibrates in place with displeasure. The jedi had a point. The jedi was certainly lying. What was the worst risk? Which result was less good?
… he would not lose his revenge to a mollusk.
“Fine,” he snaps, “stay here.”
The sith takes to the water with no small amount of aggravation. Down and through the warren of caves, he goes quickly to the distant nook where he had buried the blade and rebreather. Quick as he can, Maul returns to the unsecure prison cave.
He emerges just enough to check that a gorogoro has not appeared in the interim minutes. Seeing nothing but a pacing Kenobi, he rises up enough to catch the man's attention, and then tosses the hilt at him before quickly diving again before he can attack.
They can fight again, later, after there is food and water and warmth waiting for his fragile prisoner. A place for the jedi to recover after he is beaten for his lies.
The dragonfish sith gathers another magma ball, rolling it up and carrying it back in the force. The new cave is a little smaller, and does not have the under-floor water ways that the original one did -which Maul had intended to use to harass the jedi- but, it is much more defensible. Two ways in and out, plenty of oxygen and bioluminescent plants, various boulders, and a relatively flat floor. Also, none of it is splattered in blue blood.
He takes a brief moment to check on the jedi, who is curled up by his heat source, before taking off for the surface. It is not a short trip to the islands with the fruit trees, so he plans to take many.
The sith also steals the laundry off the line of a fishing boat, and uses a sheet to bundle all the things together, but then he has to stop scavenging and descend. It is too bright up here, and the air feels wrong in his lungs. Too thin.
Maul dives for the depths again, eyes scanning the water for escaped jedi, or, conspicuous corpses floating upward. To his surprise, pleasure, and suspicion Kenobi is still in the cave where Maul had left him. He makes a lap to drop off his finds, and returns for their fight.
“Kenobi~” the sith sings, “I am back. Will you kneel before me and hand over your saber?”
The jedi master turns towards him, then looks down at his unlit blade.
-Tag list- (Comment if you want added!)
@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
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minigenos · 7 months
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This fella was finished a while ago, but I didn't want to post any photos until it was shipped out. It's name is Sparkling Stargazer and it was painted as part of a swap. The body and wings are colorshift and everything has a coating of ultra fine rainbow sparkle glitter on it.
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frekkicreative · 1 year
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Painted some galaxy themed mushrooms, all super shiny with raised white dots! Can be displayed indoors or outdoors. I have many in my garden and neither the sun or the rain has yet to fade the color
Available in my etsy shop!!
This is Cosmic that has a green/gold colorshift
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tipsygeek · 1 year
I tried out some new colorshift and metallic paint this weekend. I know they were intended for airbrush use but...... I used a paint brush 🤷
These are all painted over a black base layer (not glossy) in about 3 layers.
The vallejo paints are EXTRA liquid making it hard to use with a brush. Overall I preferred the coverage and texture of the Turbo Dork paints but I'll have to wait for winter to be done so I don't get more paint ruined by the cold during shipping.
This was a fun little project, I should resume normal activities soon.
Paints: Magic Dust Shifter paint by Vallejo and Turbo Dork Turboshifts paints
Sculpts by Adamant Arsenal
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enchantedviolin · 1 year
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I’ve painted a series of Moomins characters using @reneeissancecolours Colourshift paints 💕 Next is Moomin himself! #art #illustration #moomin #moomins #moominfanart #moomintroll #watercolorpainting #watercolor #watercolour #watercolourpainting #colourshift #colorshift #colourshiftwatercolour #colorshiftwatercolor #mumin #mümin #cute #kawaii #かわいい #可愛い #ムーミン #posca @moominofficial #mumintrollet (at Moomin Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWb8DVKHeH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-flying-ryan · 1 year
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Painting this abominable yeti was quite a challenge. With such a vast white area it was hard to build up interest and contrast on him. Opted to go for a sort of color shift depending on view with the blues and try and bring some of those purple tones into the fur around his exposed skins. It isn’t my favorite piece, but it is a fun model. Next time I’m going to just paint one up like sully from monsters inc.. #yeti #abominableyeti #miniaturepainting #miniature #paintedminiatures #minis #dndmonsters #dndminiatures #nolzursmarvelousminiatures #wizkidsminiatures #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsanddragonsminiatures #colorshift #cuttlefishcolors (at Cutler Bay, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpGkDt0OdY2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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