#clovis ii
illustratus · 2 months
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The Sons of Clovis II, also called "Les Énervés de Jumièges"
by Évariste Vital Luminais
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Albert Pierre René, after Maignan - Clovis II, The Boy Kind of the Franks (litho).
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Clovis II, known as "the Lazy One", born in 635 and died on 31 October 657, was King of the Franks, Neustria and Burgundy from 639 until his death.
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hyakunana · 5 months
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I don't know how to explain about the Braytech lore in a LoP AU setting — so instead I made concepts.
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philoursmars · 1 year
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Je reviens à mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 55000 photos (nouveau compte approximatif. On se rapproche du présent !).
2016. Une journée à Paris....et ici, un crochet à Saint-Denis pour visiter la Basilique, qui est aussi la nécropole royale.
- les 2 premières : priants de Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette
- monument de cœur de François II
- gisants de Charles Martel, Clovis, Philippe IV le Bel (comme moi) et de Philippe III le Hardi (comme moi)
- gisant du connétable Louis de Sancerre
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sw5w · 13 days
Padmé Stands
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:00
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english-history-trip · 3 months
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The embroidered chemise of St. Balthild, an 7th century Anglo-Saxon noblewoman sold into slavery in the house of Frankish king Clovis II, who eventually married her, making her queen of Neustria and Burgundy, and later queen-regent for her three sons. Balthild used her position to abolish Christian slave-trading in her kingdom, as well as buying many slaves to free them.
She established several religious institutions, including the abbeys of Chelles and Corbie, which became renowned as centers of learning in Medieval Europe. She retired to Chelles during the reign of her third son, Theodoric III, and died in 680; she would be canonized some 200 years later.
The chemise may have been embroidered by Balthild herself in her time at the abbey; the designs mimic the jewels she would have worn as queen, but embroidered in silk rather than gold thread, with the garment itself made of plain linen.
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During the French Revolution, Chelles Abbey hid its relics in a nearby church, where they weren't discovered until 1983. Among them were Balthild's chemise, along with the remains of the queen herself; her burial garments weren't as well-preserved, but did include a silken girdle woven in striking scarlet and gold.
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You know who's the real winner in Destiny? Alton Bray. Alton Bray was so boring neither Clovis I or II gave a shit about him. The most dramatic thing he ever did was try to hit Elsie with a pole. The most lore-critical thing he's ever done is have a meeting. Alton Bray was born the sole sane human being in a family of megalomaniacs, mad scientists, and general shit-starters, and he took one look at their insanity and said, "I'll wait in the car." Just Homer-Simpsoned his way into the bushes while they turned the Golden Age into an awkward Thanksgiving dinner argument. He's the smartest motherfucker in Destiny. I want an entire lorebook from his perspective and at the same time I want the lore to never mention him at all. Alton fucking Bray.
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pigfacedbitch · 9 months
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Greetings and Salutations, fellow stressed out readers and frustrated writers! Here is the masterlist of all my works. I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading them and credits to the owners of the photos I use for my posts. Additionally, I might not be capable of meeting all the requests I receive, even though I appreciate them. Thank you! ☺️
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✨ Dating Clovis
✨ Let's Break Up (I)
✨ Let's Break Up (II)
✨ Phobia
✨ You Like... Who?
✨ Falling in Love With Leo Valdez
✨ Annabeth Meets A Spider
✨ Guinea Pig
✨ Speechless
✨ Solangelo's Argument
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✨ Are You That Dense?
✨ Comfort
✨ In My Arms
✨ Modern! Reader Gets Transported to Albion
✨ It's A Trap!
✨ Adoption Papers
✨ Arthur meets Kilgharrah
✨ Arthur's Proposal
✨ Arthur & Merlin meets Mordred
✨ Barney
✨ Breakfast
✨ Burn For You
✨ Confession
✨ Distraction
✨ First & Third Husband
✨ Fuck, Marry, Kill
✨ Future Husband
✨ Kiss Me Again
✨ Lenient
✨ Morgana Helps Arthur Confess to Merlin
✨ Morgana's Meditation
✨ Parentage
✨ Poetry
✨ Trained to Kill
✨ We are Getting A Divorce
✨ Who Am I
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✨ Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
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random-brushstrokes · 10 months
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Albert Maignan - Hommage à Clovis II (1883)
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writerbuddha · 8 months
Narratively speaking, is Padmé trying to save Anakin with love through their relationship a good or bad thing?
Well, narratively speaking, the way how Padmé deals with Anakin is certainly not a bad thing, because Luke saves Anakin with love as well, by following Yoda's teaching and choosing his light side - his selflessness, compassion, kindness, generosity and hope - over his dark side, thus defying the Emperor.
In Episode II, when Anakin is ashamed and guilt-ridden and confesses that he massacred the Tusken village, including its women and children, Padmé consoles him, "to be angry is to be human." That's because Lucas tells us, evil behavior is arising as a result of being under the sway of fear, anger and aggression and hate, and Anakin's horrible revenge is a powerful warning against allowing fear of loss, stemming from attachment, turn into anger over loss, which results in terrible acts that you later really regret. The scene is about Anakin basically beating himself up for failing as a Jedi Knight, since a Jedi is someone who controls his anger instead of being kicked out of the driving seat by it. And Padmé reminds him, these are human flaws, and he fell victim to them. This is why I compare Padmé to Luke, because they both see humans as continuums: one is either good or evil based on whether they’re currently controlling their dark side - selfishness, fear, anger, hate, aggression, greed - or being controlled by it. This is the core of Yoda's teachings.
Their relationship, however, was a bad idea, and they both knew it. George Lucas explicitly said, they truly love each other, but they both know that it's a doomed relationship. So, it's important to realize that they genuinely loved each other, but they weren't supposed to allow their love to take the form of a romantic relationship and marriage.
Later on, in Clone Wars, Anakin' attachment to her spirals him to a place where he is afraid of losing her to Clovis, both in the sense of Padmé choosing Clovis over him and in the sense of Clovis getting her into danger, and this leads to anger, leading to hate, and he is almost beating him to death. Some people wish to interpret this as him saving Padmé from being sexually assaulted, but he makes it pretty clear that he perceived the situation as Padmé is about to kiss Clovis and he accuses her with having feelings for him. This is also an example of how Anakin fails to control his dark side, and how it leads to actions that he later feels bad about. This is when Padmé admits, "sometimes I don't know who is in there" and that she doesn't feel safe. And this shows that Padmé senses that their relationship is harming them, given that they live in secret, they lie and deceive and so on. And that Anakin is struggling with his dark side and their relationship is probably catalyzing things. They both agree that they should spend some time away from each other, but eventually, they continue a relationship that they know it's doomed.
In Episode III, Padmé tries to bring Anakin back to the light side, knowing that there is still good in him regardless how far he went, but she fails, because he basically thought "yeah, sure, it's messy but she will get it eventually, this will be good for us!" whereas in Episode VI, when Luke shows selfless love for him, rejecting the dark side and the Emperor, that awakens his selflessness as well, and he shifts, bringing his dark side under the control of his light side. Which is bringing balance to the Force within you.
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illustratus · 2 months
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The Sons of Clovis II, also called "Les Énervés de Jumièges"
by Évariste Vital Luminais
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Albert Maignan - Tribute to Clovis II, 1883.
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pigeonisdead · 6 days
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Clovis II (637 - 658 AD)
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freddie-77-ao3 · 4 days
random facts about random riordanverse characters from my characters doc:
percy jackson: thalia once dyed his hair neon green (which, he has black hair, so no clue how) and it lasted for two weeks before washing out entirely
thalia grace: actually very close to will solace. he treated her when she first woke up, and reminded her of jason. she's basically a big sister now. she threatened nico about him.
nico di angelo: got so nervous about asking will out he accidentally asked in chinese, before reverting to welsh, and then latin. finally, he stutters it out in a mix of greek, italian, and english (luckily will understands all three). unfortunately, will responds in sign language for some reason??? nico doesn't know sign language.
meg mccaffrey: meg has a horrendous obsession with gatorade. like. she won't drink water, it's gatorade or nothing. apollo is SO concerned because he doesn't know what gatorade is and also it looks VERY unnatural.
leo valdez: not only can he cook tacos, he knows how to make tamales. actually, while on the argo ii, he and percy made most of the food. this man can COOK.
will solace: has a habit of always carrying pens around with him (both as a way of keeping close to michael, who collected pens before his death, and just bc he's in the infirmary so much) and he clicks them ALL THE TIME as a fidget. people forcibly take them from him sometimes.
Annabeth Chase: she's autistic and so is her dad. part of why they have so much trouble having a good relationship with each other. they both have really black and white thinking styles.
Calypso: she's like 7 feet tall.
Magnus Chase: he really likes the chronicles of narnia series. when he was a kid, he dressed up like the lion for three halloweens in a row. his favorite is the lion the witch and the wardrobe.
Alex Fierro: felines are easier than canines in regards to shapeshifting.
Sadie Kane: she likes strawberry ribena the best
Carter Kane: he wants to grow his hair out. when he's in his twenties, he does. sadie helps him braid it.
Clarisse La Rue: after her mission in ttc, she's extremely claustrophobic.
Piper McLean: the reason she was so against feminine stuff in TLH is because she was so sexualized by the media when she was girly. so she openly rejected it.
Travis Stoll: makes oddly specific t-shirts about what happens at camp. like, “I defeated the greek personification of time this summer and all i got was this lousy tee shirt.”
Connor Stoll: isn't dyslexic. loves reading.
Katie Gardner: she drops out of college after her first semester. it just wasn't for her. she owns a flower shop called petal to the metal, where she says "have a punk rock day" to all her customers.
clovis: he doesn't actually need to sleep 24/7, he just doesn't want to interact with people.
Cecil Markowitz: a threesome baby. no, really. he's 25% his mum, 25% his dad, and 50% hermes. he-- he has a lot of questions and no answers, and that's probably for the better.
Lou Ellen Blackstone: she's black, and usually keeps her hair in braids. before alabaster torrington defected he did it (he's white, learned just for her), and after, beckendorf did her hair.
Zoe Nightshade: she's regenerating. she was a titaness, she'll be back.
Lee Fletcher: he dropped out of high school. it wasn't for him. got his GED and took college classes on the side til he died, but personally modern schooling wasn't really for him.
Rachel Dare: when she turns 21 and gains access to her trust fund, she immediately donates the entire thing.
Hazel Levesque: definitely the person who always has a cardigan/sweater for you to use if you get cold.
Frank Zhang: goes back and finds his grandmother after HoO
Jason Grace: jiper was comphet. he's gay.
Reyna: didn't actually join the hunt. i don't think that really is a natural character ending? she is ace though.
Grover: turns out pan passing his spirit on to grover actually made grover a god?? yeah grover didn't realise for //years//
juniper: fought in the battle of manhattan. she just brought a couple of her berries with her.
Chris Rodriguez: following going insane and becoming sane again, he develops anorexia to regain his sense of control over his life.
Drew Tanaka: she's actually aro-ace.
Malcolm Pace: in an effort to always be prepared he sleeps in jeans and street clothes, and always has a bag of supplies on him.
Ellis Wakefield: is from somalia. his first language is somali. he speaks somali, english, arabic, and greek.
Mitchell: went to military school for a bit. has a habit of calling people sir/ma'am after every sentence now.
michael yew: has the gift of prophecy, knew going into manhattan that he was going to die.
miranda gardiner: summer only camper, takes over counselor during the summer (katie doesn't want it. also she's vietnamese. i know thats two facts i just think it's important.
sherman yang: he has two dads. his mortal dad's name is jeff. sherman sees him like, one week every two months? jeff lives in seattle.
jake mason: he's got a fish named bubbles. he says it's because harley wanted to name it. he lies.
silena beauregard: summer only camper, she volunteers at a domestic abuse shelter during the year, and hopes to go into social work.
charles beckendorf: he was 16 when he died, but had finished HS work 2 years early. had been accepted to MIT. he wouldn't have gone, anyway, because of the expense, too far from camp, but-- it had been a nice dream
Nyssa Barrera: she's a year round camper, and always been mad that taking care of harley fell to her.
Lacy: physically disabled. she's got JRA, and is in a wheelchair part time.
Harley: really likes unsweetened cheerios.
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go-see-a-starwar · 10 months
Crack idea of Palpatine raises Anakin as sith and sends him on a mission where he meets Jedi Padme and he is instantly in love/ simping her. Palpatine is furious so he sends another sith apprentice to teach Anakin a lesson. Enter Sith Rush Clovis and he meets Jedi Padme and same thing. Now Palpatine has to deal with two of his apprentices simping and fighting over Jedi Padme 😂
I like it, we can call it the Padme Amidala: Simp Lord trilogy
Part I: The Simping Menace - While on a peacekeeping mission, Jedi Knight Padme Amidala feels a darkly strong presence in the force. That presence is Sith Apprentice Anakin Skywalker, who has a single order from his master Palpatine: kill Padme. But even being near Padme makes Anakin feel a light he’s never experienced before. Can he still carry out his mission?
Part II: Attack of the Simps - Impressed by his strength in the force and convinced he has a good heart, Padme hopes to fully recruit Anakin to the way of the light side. But an undeniable attraction to him has Padme questioning her own commitment to the Jedi Order. Meanwhile Palpatine, who will not tolerate a former apprentice still living and breathing, sends his new apprentice Rush Clovis to kill Anakin. Will Rush fight Anakin in the name of loyalty to Palpatine? Or for Padme’s affection?
Part III: Revenge of the Simp - Padme’s heart is fully torn between staying in the Order or leaving to be with Anakin. Meanwhile, down two apprentices and more determined to destroy Padme than ever, Palpatine changes tactics: attack Padme by threatening the Jedi Order’s very existence. Will Padme and Anakin stop Palpatine before he carries out his plot? Can Padme even trust Anakin will not fall back into the ways of the dark side?
Trilogy Covers:
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