#climate stike
borgesperovago · 1 year
Idk when I think "measures to reduce carbon output" it stikes me more as an "essential to the survival of our species and others" thing rather than a "hardcore socialist" thing. To me, climate measures aren't anymore socialistic than fire departments or libraries.
If you advocate for multinational companies to shut down factories and stop deforestation, we march together.
If you advocate for middle and lower class families to loss their sole means of transportation, I’ll gladly mock you in public.
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fandomhell-2 · 5 years
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Where's the first place?
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mentholone · 5 years
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uphindia-world · 5 years
Global Climate Strike: School students lead protests against climate change
Global Climate Strike: School students lead protests against climate change
In what could be the biggest strike against climate change, children and teenagers like Greta Thunberg will be leading the Global Climate Strike today urging world leaders and climate change deniers to wake up to the cause that concerns the existence of humanity.
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Children in Australia and the Pacific Islands kicked off a millions-strong global climate strike on Friday, heeding the rallying cry…
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momentography · 5 years
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Climate strike in Portland, shot on a Canon rebel t6
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sandwichfox · 4 years
🍋 some citrusy Valerius self-lovin’ content?~
( ̄ U  ̄) ye 
@justfortuna Mads, ily and this whole novel is entirely ur fault
🍋🍋🍋 Do not read if you are under 18! 🍋🍋🍋
*He is a very busy Consul, and some -ahem- self care (in addition to the wine) is often a great way to destress. Just a few minutes alone in his chambers or the bath before he explodes and loses his carefully-kept composure. Then he gets back to his day, not a hair out of place.
*But what would even be the point in being rich and powerful if he couldn’t indulge in the advantages that come with it? So once in a while he likes to treat himself like he deserves to be treated.
*He often leaves a tiring, brain numbing meeting with that distinct hot pressure between his temples. He’s already hot from stress and the warm Vesuvian climate, his muscles tense, chest and neck red. He can never seem to come to any agreement with the idiots that are at the head of the court.
*But somewhere between the meeting room and his chambers, the realization that he has no other urgent matters to attent to for the rest of the day stikes him, and with it an idea. By the time Valerius makes it to his room the heat has spread down from his chest, the anticipation tightens his stomach and makes every step he takes feel like a lingering strike to the inside of his thighs.
*His hands itch as they search his drawer for the crystal bottle, filled halfway with subtly-scented oil. He had planned on throwing himself on his chaise lounge and letting off some steam. 
*But his hand catches the box of matches on their way to the oil. Valerius flicks his eyes to the large, burgundy and gold candle sitting barely used next to the bed. He turns towards the bed, lined with fresh sheets; the new bottle of imported wine that had arrived earlier in the week, he haddn’t even a moment to open it. Valerius bites his lip, takes only a second, and makes a decision.
*With a quick, practiced gesture he dispenses a match from the box and places the thin wooden stick beween his teeth. Juggling for a moment with the bottle of oil, he manages to close the box and strike the match- still held between his teeth- on the side of it. The fire burns the tip of his nose only for a moment before the flame settles, and he’s already leaning down to light the candle. He extinguishes the match with a huff and throws the bottle of oil on the bed.
*He has retrieved the wine and a glass from his wine stand, and shed most of his clothing on the way back to his bed. He has only his pants and the tie that holds them up, and they’re loose enough not to bother him as he gets on the bed and arranges the sheets and pillows to his liking. Finally, he sheds that last layer as well, untying the silk strip from around his waist and holding it in his mouth while he manouvers out of his pants and throws them on the floor somewhere next to the bed. He drapes the tie around his neck and shoulders like a scarf and lies down.
*Now fully naked, the Consul can no longer hide his anticipation. He’s breathing heavy, and is already half-hard. Still, he reaches over to the bedside table slowly, stretching luxuriously until he can grab his glass and take a delicate sip of the expensive wine. It’s nice and full-bodied, coating his tongue nicely in the rich, smoky flavor. 
*Valerius hums contentedly before pouring oil generously on his hands, some of it dripping onto his chest and stomach. He uses his clean hand to spread it over himself, pressing into his shoulder and the strained muscles of his chest, while the oil-slicked hand travels down to his crotch.
*He groans at the first contact of his hand with his dick. He know he can be as loud as he wants, he’s alone in his room and the walls are thick enough to prevent mosts sounds from getting out. If someone hears something anyway, he really can’t bring himself to give a fuck.
*He starts slow. Slicking himself up with barely-there touches and then gripping more firmly. He keeps up a steady pace until every stroke makes a shiver travel down his spine. Then he takes a break and sips some wine, fingers still traveling up and down his dick in long, teasing lines. 
*After edging for some time, the scent of the oil and the wine seem to combine into a single, heady fragrance. The light of the candle bathes the room in warm, flickering light, Valerius can no longer focus on anything but his own pleasure.
*He’s panting now, chest glistening with oil and sweat, hair undone from his braid and spread out on his fancy embroidered pillows. Every breath comes rushing out of him with the hint of a moan, the occasional low groan and quick whimper when he circles the sensitive head of his dick. His blush is no longer from anger or heat.
*At last, when enough time has passed that he feels almost delirious with the need for release; when he’s writhing and bucking desperately, messing up the sheets; Valerius reaches up to wrap the silk cloth once around his neck, strong but gentle like the grip of a hand, and with a final cry of pleasure comes so hard that he chokes on his very next breath.
*He keeps a firm hand around his dick until the feeling borders on too much, quiet involuntary whimpers and soft spasms run through him for a few moments. 
*Valerius lays still for a few moments, catching his breath and waiting for the spots to clear his vision. Then, with a quiet, satisfied chuckle to himself, he straightens up and takes the last sip from his glass of wine. 
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There currently is a hunger stike going on in Washington DC for climate justice! Please check the Google doc below to see how you can help, and learn more about the hunger strike.
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physioblr · 5 years
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09.20.19 Studaycation Day 76/78: I went to the climate strike today. Before the march to City Hall I helped man the Extinction Rebellion table for our local chapter. My partner is heavily involved with them and I’ve volunteered to make materials for them. It was so awesome to see people of all ages at the strike and signing up to go to XR meetings. I’m exhausted! But it was a great experience, and I also don’t want our species to go extinct because a handful of greedy people lol. Oh, and my picture is also in the newspaper which is crazy. I hope some of you went to the Climate Stike! Let me know how it went in your area!
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burnsthefire · 5 years
Love Your Mamma!
Change is in the air. Can you feel it?
I joined the massive, global Fridays for Future Climate Strike and March in Montréal last week, marching through the streets of our sunlit city with my dear friend Adri and close to half a million instant soul-mates, all wild children of the Planet Earth. Greta Thunberg was there, gracing us with her quiet radiance and uncompromising insight. She led us…
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Climate strike - call to action says its time to WAKE UP!
Climate strike – call to action says its time to WAKE UP!
Young people are putting most of the older members of society to shame as they continue their Climate Strike Action.
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yeahhiyellow · 5 years
Make yourself in the Sims!
So, in case you have The Sims 4 and didn't know about this, there's a new update that includes sim stories. Basically, you answer questions and get a sims traits, aspiration, career, skills and starting funds.
So here's the challenge: answer the questions as you would in real life and see what the game comes up with for you!
I actually did this twice, so I'll just put both outcomes below...
Aspiration: City Native/Renaissance Sim (these are wayyyyy too accurate I love cities and am such an absolute nerd)
Trait 1: Dog lover/Neat (I'm relatively neat, but am 100% a dog lover - I just wish I got the cat lover trait too because CATS)
Trait 2: Good/Creative (I'm a lawful good bean who writes music and stories so... EA better not be tracking people's responses because they could know me way too well)
Trait 3: Bookworm/Good (I got the good trait on both of my sims, yay! Also I am a book nerd)
Career: Social Media/Conservationist (Given I use social media so much and adore it, use social media for activism, am part of a group developing policy on the climate crisis, am starting a Sunrise Hub and have stiked with #FridaysForFuture, I am now slightly concerned as to how scarily accurate this is
Skill 1: Singing/Handiness (Singing YES! Handiness not as much.)
Skill 2: Logic/Gardening (Okay the gardening one's totally off, I love plants sm but I can't garden for my life)
Starting Funds: High/Standard (I'm not yet an adult so... we'll see?)
And I'll tag @bluebloodedsweater @sonic-fairyspell @madisactuallyscreeching (if your game is working) and any other of my followers who plays Sims! I would tag more but I don't know who does, so feel free to tag yourself!
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johnny2743-blog · 5 years
Come and help stike back. LETS HELP STOP CLIMATE CHANGE!!! #350sacramento #saveourearth
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thereadinglamp · 4 years
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🏮 Share Away Guys, Climate Stike On the 25th ! Via - @youthforclimateindia https://www.instagram.com/p/CFUHSdwnVx6/?igshid=9sgvifam414p
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mentholone · 5 years
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Młodzieżowy strajk dla klimatu, Wrocław,2019
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worldoffrausto · 5 years
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Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunburg has inspired hundreds of thousands of students around the world to hold climate strikes in an effort to urge their leaders to act to combat against the effects of climate change. Tomorrow March 15th, will be the biggest global stike so far. There will be climate strikes in over 1325 places in 98 countries. Also, I just heard she's been nominated for th the Nobel Peace Prize. Be sure to follow her IG @gretathunberg #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #SchoolStikeForClimate 💖🙏🌎 #rickfraustofineart Greta Thunberg Drawing, 2019 #originaldrawing on archival paper 8 X 10 inches (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/rickfrausto/p/Bu_qt3xApQ6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y7t9sji7ayws
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teamleather-blog · 6 years
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Free photo: Abandoned Courthouse landscape in Stiles, Texas
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