#save the environment
redtail-lol · 3 months
If you use arab.org like I do please consider taking the extra 30-60 seconds to click on ALL of their causes. Palestine is important but so are the environment, refugees, children, women, and the impoverished across the middle east and it doesn't take away from Palestine to click for multiple causes. The arab world faces a lot of problems and they only get worsened by how western nations have oppressed and attacked them. Clicking is small but it generates something and overtime it does benefit the greater good. It takes all of us clicking as often as possible but we can do it! It's really easy and safe and they have proofs on their site on how they do make an impact and are donating your click money
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randomcritters · 1 year
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Also I'm not saying the Amazon Rainforest isn't EXTREMELY important. I'm pointing out my governments hypocrisy.
Also if the Amazon Rainforest is equivalent to the lungs of the the earth, weatlands are the kidneys! Wetlands are where tons of the fish we,along with other animals eat go to lay their eggs. Also Prairie lands have near to the amount of life diversity as the Amazon Rainforest and only 1% of Prairie lands remain in Texas today!
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troythecatfish · 8 months
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cupidarrow10 · 15 days
happy earth day!!
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lostnsugartit · 1 day
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Biden wants everyone to drive an EV, so he needs to crush his cherished Corvette. What's good for us is good for him.
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stoned-in-shibuya · 11 months
An ecopunk idea my husband has said and is the most rebellious way to save the environment:
Make sure to carry seeds with you in the spring and just... randomly plant them to help out the environment.
Him: what are they gonna do? Arrest me for helping Mother Nature?
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Please consider signing and sharing this petition to save Indiana's wetlands by the Audubon Great Lakes
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Indiana has already lost over 85% of its wetlands. Our remaining wetlands provide natural protection from flooding, filter pollution runoff, and provide critical habitats for birds and other wildlife. One acre of wetland can store up to one million gallons of water. But our wetlands are under threat again. Despite overwhelming opposition from Hoosiers, special interests are working to further weaken wetlands protection. Tell your elected officials to protect our hardworking wetlands.
The fate of Indiana's wetlands is in the hands of our state lawmakers. Two years ago, Indiana lawmakers passed Senate Bill 389, which rolled back protections for more than half of Indiana's wetlands. Since then, more than 260 wetland acres have been destroyed.
Now, the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in Sackett v. EPA could place even more wetlands (as many as 300,000 acres!) at risk of destruction if state legislators don't take steps to protect them.
Wetlands provide countless benefits to wildlife and people, including vital habitat for vulnerable marsh birds, such as Virginia Rail and Least Bittern. They play an important role in filtering water, keeping our communities safe from flooding, and reducing harmful emissions by naturally storing carbon.
Public opinion research shows that 94% percent of Hoosier voters want state leaders to strengthen or maintain Indiana's current wetland protections. Raise your voice and let your decision makers know that you do too! Urge your state lawmakers to advance solutions that will protect wetlands and their immense contributions to our state.
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danu2203 · 3 months
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angeloftheodd · 6 months
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Jules earned an eco badge from the Eco-usatchi Triplets today. 🐰💚
Tamagotchi is everything. 💖
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Garden is overrun with pioneering volunteer species and the soil is mostly clay, but I picked these (wild radish) for some backyard salad foraging.
Image description. A lightly tanned left hand in a white linen sleeve holds a metal colander one third full of white and pastel purple four petaled flowers and bright green seed pods. It is golden hour, and tall plants of the the flowers, wild radish, take up the majority of the frame around the colander. The top fifth of frame has cloudless blue sky.
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constantlymisgendered · 11 months
People ask what im doing to help the environment
But it's simple
Every time I need to freshen my water
I dump the old water out my window
To water the weeds. :)
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I genuinely get a little upset when people talking about saving the bees. Not because I think the bees aren’t worth saving, but because people are only performative and don’t actually know anything.
When most people say “save the bees” they mean honey bees, and this is quite apparent since many of the reasons they say this is because “we’ll lose honey” if we don’t. But they don’t even know that the honeybees aren’t native to the US (they were brought over with our colonizers. Funny, even their bugs were colonizers) and are in fact competitors to native wildlife. We don’t have to worry about saving honey bees because corporations already want to do that. Honeybees are essential to pollinating plants for large scale fruit and vegetable growth for supermarkets, so the corporations who sell these crops won’t let them die out. What we need to worry about is the native species which are dying, some of which due to the introduction of honeybees to our continent. Honeybees don’t even do most of the pollinating outside of corporations, especially with native plants which we need to conserve.
Did you know that fireflies are going extinct? A lot of different actually native bees are too, and a bunch of other insects that help to pollinate. Birds and small mammals are a big part of pollination, and we’re losing a lot of those too.
But again, people just want to wear a shirt that says “save the bees” and buy honey infused soap or whatever, because it’s a trend, not because they’re actually wanting to help save our environment.
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troythecatfish · 8 months
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cupidarrow10 · 15 days
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devoted1989 · 8 months
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“I want to tell you that the world is still beautiful. I tell you that despite the death in city streets and school rooms, despite the slow poisons seeping from old and hidden sins into our air, soil, water, despite the thinning film that encloses our aching world. Despite my own terror and despair. I want you to know that spring is no small thing, that the tender grasses curling like a baby's fine hairs around your fingers are a recurring miracle. I want to tell you that the river rocks shine like God, that the crisp voices of the green, spring leaves are laughing at death, ...that I still believe we are capable of attention, that anyone who notices this world must want to save it.”
- Testimony (for my daughters) by Rebecca Baggett
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