#chris and corrine
shipcestuous · 1 year
your are one to ask this.watching Petals on the wind I always got vibe that Carrie jealous of Chris and Cathy and would like to be closer with Chris. I also got sense on some level Corrine might be attracted to Chris. curious what you thought on this
Yes, I agree with you on both counts.
I think the Lifetime movies show Corrine feeling some attraction towards Chris. Perhaps it's meant to be just because he reminds her of his father but it's there. I love that Lifetime didn't shy away from the
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aspect of VC Andrews' stories.
Corrine knows how to appreciate a handsome man. It doesn't really matter if she's related to him or not.
As for Carrie, I don't remember seeing any signs of this in the book, but the Petals on the Wind movie definitely hints that Carrie is jealous of what Cathy and Chris have. Does she just miss Cory, her other half, and wish she had what they had? Or does a part of her want Chris for herself? That's another question. Of course I love Cathy/Chris but I do think there was a shippable aspect to Carrie and Chris's relationship in the Petals on the Wind movie that made for a very interesting dynamic. Even further complicated by the fact that in many ways Chris raised Carrie and was a father-like figure for several crucial years in her life. I love how messy it is.
I'm inclined to say she was attracted to Chris and not just jealous because she was lonely.
Thanks for the question! I love talking Carrie/Chris.
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girl-bateman · 10 months
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Flowers in the Attic (1987), Dir. Jeffrey Bloom
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exilecrown · 4 months
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the neighbors think we look so perfect. ↬ I DON'T WANNA BE A DOLL.
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zorawitch · 9 months
the difference in harry styles films is that my policeman seems bad because emma corrin and david dawson are giving breathtaking performances that makes harrys seem extra bad in comparison, and dont worry darling seems good because florence pugh and chris pine are acting their hearts out (and the few moments that gemma chan gets to take center stage, she does stunning work) so you dont even have to care about mr onedirectionman
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shipping-world1994 · 3 months
Petopher post break up before Victoria and Corrine
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rosaliehale · 1 year
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365 days of the dollanganger saga: day 197
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reallca-blog · 2 years
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No, seriously though, is no one going to point out this serious oversight in Olivia’s plan. It’s almost as if she set Chris and Cathy up to sin.
I mean, in Garden of Shadows, she straight up mentions that Chris Jr. looks at Cathy the same way Chris Sr. looked at Corrine and look how that turned out. And if she thought preaching fire and brimstone would stop them, then I guess she didn’t remember John Amos doing the same to Chris Sr. and Corrine and that didn’t stop them.
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jonroxton · 2 years
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shrikebrother · 10 months
in the book when cathy says shes been in love six times already what does that mean
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inmydrcams · 2 years
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okay but kudos to the prequel casting cause hannah looks so much like this painting
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
My Policeman (2022) Review
My Policeman (2022) Review
The arrival of Patrick into Marion and Tom’s home will trigger events from 40 years in the past, as diaries reveal the deep nature of romance and love. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ *LFF 2022 Preview Screening* (more…)
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girl-bateman · 10 months
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Flowers in the Attic (1987), Dir. Jeffrey Bloom
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knifelick · 1 year
❛ death is pretty sweet. ❜ v says @cathydoll
“ there ain’t nothin’ special about death,” she laughs, a deranged little chime of damaged bells -- she’s sharpening the blade in her hand with a rock, the girl sitting on the opposite side of the porch is picking at the scabs on her left knee. Baby notices because she would do the same as as kid, but only to see the blood trickle down her leg, because somehow, the sight made her feel satisfied.
“ see, my brother otis says, it ain’t about death -- it’s ‘bout how you make death happen” the shrilling noise of metal scraping pebble brings an ominous tune to her words. the woods surrounding the house are dead silent, only the rustling of the autumn breeze and Baby’s blade dare to make noise, “death’s actually pretty borin’. mama once had a husband for two weeks. fucker died eating rotten meat. it was funny to see him choke ‘n puke, but it wasn’t fun,” she shrugs, as if talking about the most mundane of things, blowing dust from the scraping of the knife against the rock, “ otis says that to make death fun, you gotta be creative. no guns. guns are too easy, ” Baby grins, points the tip of her blade at the girl as if to emphasize her point, “ i learned how to shoot when i was eight. killed my first hog at ten. but it wasn’t fun -- it was way more fun to stab that bitch in town who called mama a slut. ”
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her eyes glimmer, as if reminiscing something extraordinaire: an epiphany of sorts. her pupils have a chilling glint, an unsettling combination of chilldlike wonder and unhinged bloodthirst, “ so when mama told that story to otis, he said you have to make death fun -- should’ve seen his face ! he was laughin’ so fuckin’ hard ” her brother always loved seeing her come back from school covered in nasty cuts and wielding a bloody pencil. you fuckin’ rabid mouse, he’d call her. when she dropped entirely before high school, he seemed almost dissapointed, “ so, y’see, death on itself’s just someone bitin’ the dust. but unless you do somethin’ funny to the corpse, then it’s just that. you make death sweet. ” finishing her task at hand, Baby nails the blade into the wooden planks of her farmhouse’s porch, “ that’s how it is.”
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haleyboook · 11 months
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The Marriage Pact
When Sloan and Chris become reunited and get more than a few drinks in their systems they remember something from their past, and it includes a marriage pact they made a decade ago. But the two decide to follow through with the agreement and get married!
warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, and swearing
word count: 2,750
“When I say birthday you say bitch!” My best friend Corrine shouts to the crowd of men at the bar
I shake my head at her as she remains standing on the bar stool across the way from me
I stare at the weird colored cocktail in my hands that she insisted I have
It’s extremely strong and very disgusting
“When Corrine texted me last week with an invite to celebrate your birthday I was honestly surprised.”
I look behind me quickly, seeing a very old friend that I haven’t spoken to in years
Chris smiles and hugs me tightly as I stare at him confused
“She invited you?”
“She invited a lot of people, clearly. How many of these people do you actually know Sloan?”
I look towards the groups of people and say “Probably about a fifth of them I’m acquainted with.”
His eyes widen as he laughs saying “Typical Corrine.”
“She sends out mass text messages, for all her parties. That’s where you come in, you must’ve accidentally been grouped in.”
He looks to me suspect saying “What you wouldn’t invite me by choice?”
I sigh saying “I don’t know, it’s been awhile.”
“Yeah it has, from what I’ve heard you’ve basically stopped acting?”
Shaking my head I say “Who told you that?”
He waves his phone saying “The internet. Your last show is going to be that sitcom? Really?”
“I need a break from acting. The roles I get are undeveloped and unenjoyable. I’m tired of playing the female arm candy in an action movie.”
“You’re done with Tom Cruises movies?”
I roll my eyes saying “Unless I get my own spin off, yeah.”
“That’s a shame. You’re so good at what you do, you need a better agent.”
Narrowing my eyes to him I say “It’s been at least 2 years since we’ve talked and this is what you want to talk about? What are you filming? Still at Marvel’s beck and call?”
He grumbles saying “funny. When you get a multi million dollar main character role you can have an opinion on my role but yeah I am still doing the marvel thing.”
“I can tell, you’re only in this good of shape when you’re filming marvel.”
I sigh and say “I also want a break to start a family or something. I’m ready to settle down.”
“Ah I see..”
“You want something to drink?” I ask
He nods saying “Yeah sure. What are you…having? Jesus what is that?” He motions towards the glittery glow in the dark drink in my hand
“It’s called a Sloan. Don’t ask me how Corrine thought of it, it’s nearly toxic waste.”
Chris looks over in the direction of our somewhat mutual friend getting men to shout in unison with her “I see she still has men wrapped around her finger.”
“She wouldn’t be Corrine if she couldn’t get men to wrap around her finger.”
“What’s she been up to in acting terms?”
I finish my drink and say “She’s in a new movie with Margot Robbie and Will smith.”
“Interesting pairing, I’ve gotta admit.”
I walk with him to the bar and the bartender says “What can I get you both?”
“Two more Sloan’s and also something drinkable.”
He smiles to us and Chris says “I’m not drinking that glittery toxic waste.”
“It’s my birthday are you forgetting that?”
“I hate when people leverage that. I already got you a gift. It’s in that disgustingly tall pile of gifts.”
“You owe me. It’s been 2 years since we’ve talked, you owe me.”
Grumbling he takes a sip as I carry the other drinks in my hands
He makes a face saying “It’s gross.”
I smile saying “good. Finish it.”
Shaking his head he says “this would kill my street cred y’know.”
“I’m sorry, what street cred?”
He scoffs as he finishes the drink and sets the glass down. He grabs the beer from my hand and says “I’m a beer guy, you know that.”
“And I’m a tequila gal, doesn’t mean Corrine cares.”
He nods and says “no family here today?”
I narrow my eyes to him saying “Surprised you didn’t read about that in the news.”
“What? What happened?”
Sighing I say “it is my birthday you know, and I really would like not discussing my family.”
“Fine, deal. No bringing up ex’s then.”
I smile saying “good. I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Does that mean you broke up with Garret??” He asks dumbfounded
Groaning I say “Don’t make me bring up Minka and Jessica.”
He groans loudly and says “I need more beer.”
He walks away and I follow as I laugh at his avoidance of the topic. I nudge him saying “Still want to ask about Garret?”
He narrows his eyes to me in annoyance as he pushes cash towards the bartender annoyed
“I’ll just ask him myself.”
I make a face and say “And Minka happens to go to the same spin class as me.” I smile to him
He huffs in annoyance and says “They wanted more and I wanted more time.”
I shake my head and say “Sounds about right.”
“Is that why you and Garret broke up?”
I scoff saying “No. Far from it. I wasn’t pushing him for more, he fell for his costar. She’s 10 years younger than me and she worships the ground he walks on. He told me about her and we were done. I threw his things off my balcony.”
His eyes widen and he says “Jesus.”
I shrug and say “There, you’re caught up on my romantic life.”
He laughs as I sigh, he says “I’m sorry. I was just curious. You guys were serious, at least I thought so.”
“We were, then I got swamped with work and he sought out comfort elsewhere. Fucking asshole..”
Chris and I laugh as I motion to the bartender for more tequila shots
“I have work tomorrow.”
“This should do nothing to you. Come on lightweight.”
The drunkenness quickly came over us as we just kept drinking together, the surroundings around us melted away as we caught up
“How’s your mom?” I ask as I squint at the beer in my hand
“She’s doing great. How’s yours?”
“Not going there right now.” I hum as I reach for my beer
“I think I’m drunk.” He says aimlessly as he stares at the ceiling that’s dimly lighting up the bar
“It feels great. It’s been too long.”
He smiles widely as my head hits his shoulder as I laugh and smile to him
His head rests on mine and he says “Another round please.” He motions towards the bartender
I spin the shot in my hand saying “This is the real Sloan! a shot and a beer to wash it down with… you know me so well.”
I smile to him as I turn my attention to him, he smiles saying “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Right back at you Evans. I’ve missed having friends that actually know me.”
We click our glasses together and say “Cheers to our reunion.”
He nods saying “Cheers to you, happy birthday Sloan Sloan.”
I smile and say “Ah I was wondering when that nickname was going to come up.”
I shoot back the shot and he follows after me a few seconds later
“Remember that stupid list we made?”
“When I was 22, i hadn’t met Garret yet and you were with Jessica. We wrote so many stupid things on that page.”
“Can’t remember what the paper even had on it.”
“We both wrote things we didn’t want each other to know for 10 years remember?”
I laugh and say “I remember.”
“God I wish we still had that paper.”
We both laugh as we sigh in defeat. I spin the liquid in the beer bottle as it dawns on me and I repeat “Under the three willow trees in our favorite park.. where the dog shit can’t be smelled from..”
He looks to me surprised and says “We buried it!”
I nod and he stands up quickly as I tumble out of my barstool from his sudden movement.
He steadies me as he holds my shoulders tightly
“We have to go.”
“What..?? This is my party!”
He nods saying “We have to go get it.”
I smile and say “Well okay I guess. But you owe me a cake I am going to miss my cake.”
An Uber was called, we stumbled into the back seat as the woman says “You two alright back there?”
“Jimminy crickets we’re amazing! Oooo all this is for us? Okay… I see you.”
I grab the free candy and water she has set up for Uber guests
She pulls up to the park saying “You two going to be alright?”
Stumbling and basically rolling out of the car we laugh and i give her a thumbs up
“We’ll be perfect, thank you!” He thanks the driver as we approach the very dark park at this late of an hour
“I just love scary parks at this hour.”
“It’s not that late. It’s only like 1:30am or something like that.” He reassures me
As soon as we got to the trees I fell to my knees and struggled to dig at the grass. He laughed as he stumbled as he laughed so hard he fell over
I shush him and he laughs louder screaming “Who’s going to hear us out here!”
I crawl towards the play structure and steal some kids plastic pale and shovel
I dig at the grass and he grabs it from me saying “No, no let me.”
I sit back and watch as he digs with the weak shovel as it bends from his strength
He hits the box and I quickly push the shovel away as I impatiently pull the box that’s slightly damaged out
The dirt has eaten at it and the plastic bag hasn’t lasted very well
I guess it has been a decade
I pull the papers and read the list in my hands confused
I don’t remember this being in there
He pulls the bottom papers and reads them as I look through this written agreement that we signed
“Get this, I wrote that in ten years I hope I’ll be a more respectable actor and work on a award winning movie.”
He flips the page as he reads “In ten years I want to be married with a baby and a successful career. But all I really want is to be happy, whether that means giving up acting or not.”
His frown deepens as he looks to me as I read the list
1. Don’t let work get in the way of our friendship
Well clearly we didn’t follow up on that one
2. Help each other anytime it’s needed, career wise or otherwise.
He can’t help with things he doesn’t know about.
3. Always be each others backups, in any date scenario
That one was a stupid add, he only added that one because he knew he needed a date to his sisters wedding the next week. But I obliged.
4. In ten years, or less if we haven’t settled down and gotten married we’ll get married to each other
What the fuck ?!
I stare at the list of shit we wrote and I feel the stinging of a headache hit me as I go back to the first page
He pulls the other page from me as I go mute on him and he stares at me in confusion as I don’t respond to his questions
He reads through them with a smile and it only falters when he gets to number 4 and he looks to me as I stare at the agreement
He smiles and says “Ten years, huh?”
“Take this written agreement as a verbal and written contract that we are obligated and honored to marry the other if both see fit in their very single lives. Rules that may exempt the agreement would be a. A relationship b. A baby and a relationship c. A sexually transmitted disease d. a change in sexual orientation.”
Chris chuckles at the last two rules and I roll my eyes as I say “If not met with that criteria we are morally obligated to relieve each other of the embarrassment of being married too late in life.”
I scoff in annoyance saying “who wrote this shit oh my god.”
Chris smiles saying “I think it’s hilarious.”
“I think it’s- it’s… I don’t know!”
“I think we should listen to our twenty-something selves and follow up on this.”
I stare at him in shock and he nods saying “We promised, we’ve gotta follow up on this pact, we fell through with every other agreement, not this one too, come on.”
“We just started talking again,”
He nods saying “I haven’t had fun like this in years.. I feel like me when I’m with you. I haven’t felt like me in too long. Let’s go get our shotgun wedding, c’mon.”
I slowly warm up to the idea and my smile slowly widens as I begin to nod in agreement
He smiles back at me as his arms snake around me and lift me off the ground. Spinning around as we laugh loudly leads to us tumbling over again
“You call the Uber, I’ll look up a place to get married.”
I feel my fingers move but my mind not catching up as I proceed with our plans of marriage.
It seems completely rational to us and he shows me the 24/7 chapel only a city over and I smile widely as I nod saying “deal.”
He presses his hands to the sides of my face as his thumb brushes down my nose and he taps the top of my nose saying “deal.”
The Uber drive consisted of me sitting close to Chris with his arm wrapped around me as my hands held tightly to his other arm
Pulling up to the chapel the Uber driver didn’t say much but there expression wasn’t indescribable
But it irked me.
I straighten up my dress and lick my hands as I press them to Chris’ stray aways
He groans as he attempts to squirm away from me as I insist on fixing his hair
I nod as I smile saying “perfect.. you look perfect.”
“Thank you, you look beautiful.”
We enter the establishment and the lady behind the podium welcomes us and gets us on the fast track to getting married
“We have a selection of rings to pick from if you haven’t purchased one yet, we offer a character wedding, Elvis, and a few other options. There’s a tropical wedding, a traditional-”
I cut her off saying “traditional.”
Chris smiles saying “no Elvis?”
I push his shoulder as I shake my head. We are brought to the ring area and he immediately picks the ring that sticks out to him
It’s what stuck out to me, it was surprisingly beautiful for the other options they had
I shook the fake ministers hand as we met him 2 minutes before we were to be married
“I need you both to sign this document.”
I squinted my eyes as I read the words on the document and it was a basic marriage document and I flipped the page and signed my name across the bottom quickly
Chris scribbled his name quickly, not taking a second glance and says “if the misses says it’s safe to sign I believe her.”
The minister walks us down the isle as the director of the weddings clips a waist length veil onto my hair
I nod to her in appreciation and the ceremony proceeds as the alcohol was still very influential in the ceremony even happening
The pictures were taken as the minister asks “This is both of your opportunities to say something about the other.”
Chris nods and squeezes my hand saying “You’re my best friend, Sloan Sloan. I felt incomplete without you in my life and having you back in my life means everything. I can’t wait to navigate this new adventure with you as my wife.”
My cheeks redden as I blush and my heart flutters and does back flips.
He tilts his head to me as he admires my smile and he pulls my hand to his lips as he kisses them delicately
I swallow thickly as I say “There’s no one else I could possibly do this with, it’s only you that could put me at ease like this. You are my best friend and I can’t wait to be married to you. I love you, Chris.”
He smiles and the officiant smiles as they say “do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” I nod as my brain is still foggy
“and do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
Chris smiles widely as the man says “I pronounce you husband and wife.”
Before the man can continue Chris kisses me, and once we got started kissing we didn’t stop
His arms wrapped around me as he dipped me into the kiss and the officiant shakes his head muttering “Jesus..”
The wedding director smiles widely and pats our shoulders saying “A few more pictures.”
We take our pictures and are handed glasses of champagne and a bottle as we are directed to the restaurant next door
Chris says “Hello wife.”
I smile as I look to him saying “Hello husband.”
We both laugh as we stumble towards the Italian restaurant next door
“What would you say to skipping the dinner and going home?” I chime
He looks to me and says “Sounds like a square deal.”
The second we got into the Uber his lips were pressed to my neck as the driver visibly cringed
The car ride was fast as the man clearly wanted us out of his car.
Chris lifted me as he stumbled in step up to my house. I laughed as I hung off his shoulder and he patted the back of my legs as he sang everlasting love by natalie cole
“This will be… an everlasting love..!! Ooo..yes it will be!”
He is hilarious and I haven’t laughed this hard in too long
He jingled the key into the door and shifted me in his arms as soon as the door was open.
He carried me through the door frame bridal style and says “Now it’s official!”
The door is kicked shut behind us as he walks like a blind mouse through the pitch black house
We laugh loudly as we bump into every object in my house as our lips are glued together
His teeth pull on my bottom lip as I mumble “Past the guest room. And laundry… keep going.”
We hit the wall again and he releases my lip as my lips press to his cheek
“You’ve almost got it.”
And victoriously he finds my bed and we fall into it slowly as he lands on me carefully, keeping his lips attached to the exposed skin on my neck
“We should’ve done this years ago.”
I hmm in response as I can’t talk through the blissful tingling I feel throughout my body
“Y-yeah.” I say as his lips trail down the exposed skin around my dress as his hands reach behind my back, searching for the zipper
The zipper breaks through his impatience and I grumble as I grow uncomfortable with the heat between my legs
“Just rip the dress- Chris..”
He didn’t have to be asked twice, the dress was ripped from the fabric at the zipper and he pulled it off me roughly as I mumbled into his skin as he hovered over me “oh finally…”
He pauses for a minute as his eyes retreat down to my exposed chest, my back arching at his hands moving down to my waist, the exposed skin quickly showcasing new goosebumps
“didn’t need a bra with that dress- did-did you?”
His fleeting eyes look to mine as I produce a furrowed look, my expression asking him what he’s waiting for
He slides his hands up to my face and says “Are you okay? You alright?”
I nod quickly and say “I’m perfect. I’m happy.”
“That’s all I want for you, lo.”
I nod as I heave a breath saying “Are you okay?”
“More than okay. I’ve wanted this for a long, long time. Is this- is me doing this, is it okay?”
I nod in agreement quickly saying “Not if you wait any longer, you’re killing me…”
I squirm while I’m under him, in near desperation as his grin runs wide and his eyebrows pop
“Oh… I see..”
He laughs as I hmm in response, patience is not my strong suit
“I got you, as your husband, I’ve got you all taken care of.”
And he does, he easily does. My eyes flutter in relief and the rush of adrenaline hits me as my hips rise up in response to him
“good job, honey.”
AAAAAAAAHHHH new story alert!!! eeeeeekkkk!!!! I’m so excited for this one! It’s already a bit steamy haha. I feel motivated to write this story so that’s exciting!!
I’m happy to introduce you guys/people to Sloan! She’s great and I hope you all end up liking her! she is different from Jules in the best ways, at least I think so??
I hope you like the story!!
Reply to be added to taglist!!
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reallca-blog · 2 years
I was watching some stand-up clips and with “Flowers in the Attic: The Origin” on my mind, I came up with this thing:
“Flowers in the Attic“ as narrated by Kevin Hart
I also included an additional clip I came up with:
What a Chris and Cathy sitcom would look like
What did you think of these? Are there any stand-up sets you think would work well with the Dollangangers? Leave your responses in the notes and I might recreate your responses one day.
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b00tyliciousbabe · 6 months
𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕩𝕙𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 (𝕪𝕖𝕥 𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖) 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕖𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕞𝕪 𝕘𝕦ts:
so, thinking of doing a christmas/xmas special with one of these lucky men. lmk who and what y’all are thinking…
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• kit connor
• cormac hyde-corrin
• patrick ward
• marcus scribner
• hero fiennes tiffin
• algee smith
• milo manheim
• thomas doherty
• charles melton
• kj apa
• zane phillips
• dacre montgomery
• cameron monaghan
• keith powers
• taylor zakhar perez
• romeo flynn
• arón piper
• richard madden
• henry cavill
• chris evans
• michael b jordan
• aaron pierre
• pablo schreiber
• jack harlow
• bad bunny
• tyler, the creator
• brent faiyaz
• the weeknd
• kaci brookz
my insta daddies:
• narinemikey
• aaron maternowski
• evan lamicella
• maxtaylorlifts
• _codygene
• largebaj
• stubbosfits
• claytonechard
• tysonnek
• xleo_gold
• trevor_wagner_
• rico_fit4kingz
• jake kneeshaw
• bigsteve.01
• blake andrew
• trent alexander-arnold
• nick bosa
• jude bellingham
• carlos sainz
• jordan riki
• reece walsh
• noel deyzel
@gayaristocrat something is brewing xx thoughts?
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