#chef's kiss muah no notes
myrkulitescourge · 23 days
can i just say, it still makes me feel a little crazy how astarion, come act 3, still can’t quite put a name to his relationship with his partner, but he WILL tell them he wants to keep them both safe.
he won’t say i love you just yet but he will say forever, for good.
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paperdoll201 · 2 months
play the game, first lines
thank you friend @perpetualproductions for the tag!!!
rules: List the first lines of your last 10 published fics and see if there’s a pattern. (these are all limoreau)
The Little Things:
Marie was always better at words between the two of them.  Always the one to ask the questions, make the apologies for being a little too loud in the library, says the “please” and “thank yous.” From the most stuck up professors to fucking newborn babies, she could melt hearts and bend anyone’s wills with just a few expertly crafted sentences and that dazzling smile. 
2. She's Perfect (I Hate Her)
Jordan had never encountered anyone as utterly infuriating as Marie Moreau. Her grace, her flawless beauty, and her ability to charm everyone in her path grated on Jordan's nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
3. Marie and Jordan go to the Beach!
The sun peeked over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange as Jordan navigated the winding roads leading to the coastline. Marie sat beside them in the front passenger seat, her excitement easily seen by the smile on her face, as the salty scent of the sea teased her senses.
4. Crowned; Not Convinced (ooooh the day I ever come back to this)
Marie ran her hands down her body, staring at her reflection before the full length mirror in front of her. Her skin shimmered gorgeously underneath the chandelier light, sparkling with the glitter oil lathered on her body. Her vibrant crimson gown, an enchanting embodiment of silk and shimmering thread, clung to her curves like a second skin.
5. i wanna make you feel good (teehee the first lines make me blush)
Marie's body was bent in half over the arm of Jordan’s couch, her fingers gripping tightly onto the cushion as Jordan pounded into her with wild abandon. Her moans and gasps filled the dorm, mixing with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh. At this moment, all thoughts and worries disappeared from her mind, replaced with the primal pleasure coursing through her body.
6. imma keep you in mind pt. 1
“Told you, this is Marie. She’s the one that I was telling you guys about.” 
Jordan’s gaze, which was initially fixed on his phone scrolling through random Instagram profiles, snapped sharply back to the sidewalk as footsteps, soft but purposeful, punctuated the rhythmic hum of the late night, Marie.
7. Disguise (on ao3)
Marie cloaked in the anonymity of the dimly lit underground club, felt an amazing sense of liberation. Here, beneath the dimmed lights and the harmony of music, she could shed the masks she wore in the everyday world. Here, she could simply be.
8. Jordan Teaches Marie How to Drive pt 2
“Baby,” Jordan felt a tap on their shoulder. 
“Jordan? Wake up,”  Marie’s hushed voice whispered into their ear. 
9. be my valentine?
The rising sunlight tickled Marie's eyelids, rousing her with the promise of the sweetest fucking day ever. It was Valentine's Day, her first ever in a relationship, and her first ever with Jordan and her heart was beating with excitement. Every detail of her meticulously planned surprise for her partner, buzzed in her mind the entire night before. She was surprised she managed to get any sleep.
10. im yours if you'll have me?
The clock hadn't even chimed 5:00 AM when Jordan tiptoed into Marie's room, the only light a soft orange glow of a picture of the two of them emanating from their phone. He watched her sleep, her chest rising and falling peacefully, a small smile playing on her lips. It was a smile he always tried to protect, to keep on her.
I tend to go straight into action, like almost every time. never any world building or setting up, I just jump straight into it!
my writing is strangely inconsistent. not all, but a few has made me tilt my head and think "I wouldn't have written that now." I still love what I've put out but some I definitely would've spent more time on before just thrusting it into the eyes of everyone.
tasking myself with rewriting all of my fics.
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risestarkiss · 6 months
✨The Fashionista✨
Rise Ramblings #234
While watching “The Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle,” I noticed something.
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I found it interesting that Raph, Mikey, and Leo were content with Raph’s outfit choice until Donnie stated that he wasn’t “in love with it, ya’ know.”
Suddenly, Raph declares “I’m a disaster!” Albeit ridiculously endearing, it was a little strange to see his sudden shift from moderately content to absolute dissatisfaction. Huh…
Then, the disaster twins decide to help him out.
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Take a note of their outfit choices.
Raph tries on all of these fits and more.
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Donnie’s first choice is a mild “no.” Leo’s choice is a hard “NO.” (Not surprising, lol.) But then, the overwhelming consensus lands on Raph’s fourth outfit, which ended up being Donatello’s other pick for his brother.
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So, in summary, Raph tried on his personal choice for an outfit, of which they rejected. Then, ultimately, Donatello picked out an outfit for his brother, and that pick ended up being perfect. Hmm…
Then I noticed something else. In this episode, we never get a Donnie “curtain reveal” moment, to our disdain. I mean, Raph, Leo, and Mikey got to try on several different outfits in order to get their brothers' opinions before landing on that “perfect outfit, you know the one.” All of his brothers got to shine. Why not DonTron?
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Then it hit me.
The try-ons were to get their brothers' opinions and approval. And, for his brothers' choices, he was a major contributor in assisting them in pulling their looks together.
What if, bear with me, Donnie didn’t need the "curtain scene" because he was so confident in his fashion sense that he didn’t need to ask his brothers for help to pick out a great look.
…or they figured out how to break Hypno’s spell before he could get a “curtain reveal.” BUT STILL-
Look at his outfit choices in this episode. Some of his wardrobe changes were off-screen, but all of them were fire.
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(I added the baseball cap pic because it makes me happy. I wish we'd seen more of that fit.)
To me, he makes some really smart choices for himself, pushing the envelope of what is expected and taking chances: an open collar with no tie for a “black tie” event, a beanie and spiked wristbands for their “gansta look,” no socks with loafers (a viral fashion trend that actually began in Africa) with old man slacks in his reclined pose. *muah* Chef’s kiss!
But Don’s fashion sense doesn’t just shine in this episode.
In “Reparin’ the Baron” the boys go to Draxum’s apartment. Leo and Donnie show up in some extra nice “Sunday Dinner” twin drip.
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The gold is in the details. Everything Leo is wearing, Donnie rocks its compliment: for Leo’s round collar, Donnie’s is angled, for Leo’s blue shirt, Donnie’s is white, For Leo’s light slacks, Donnie’s are dark. Blah blah blah. It’s so good!
Look at the winter fit in Snow Day.
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Again, Donnie is Leo’s perfect compliment. As a pair? Fire.
Donnie has “the eye.” I can go on and on with examples, but I’ve said all of that to say this…
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In the future, we see that Donatello’s technology had major pull in the resistance. He had drone ships patrolling the skies. He built and designed Leo’s arm, Casey’s chainsaw-hockey stick, and Casey's mask. The list goes on…
But, when Donatello from the past see’s Casey’s clothing from the future, he says this:
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We know about the “Genius Built” brand. We’ve seen that logo on all of his tech up to this point. But, here he didn’t just say “Genius Built.” He said, “Genius Built Apparel.”
“Apparel” is not a tech brand. “Apparel” is a fashion brand. Of course, tech is incorporated into the clothing, but still.
This means that past Donatello secured this trademark with plans of creating a fashion brand, comparable to the likes of Gucci, Ralph Lauren, or any other modern clothing brand, as a subsidiary of “Genius Built,” the tech company.
And why not? The evidence has been in front of us this entire time. He has a sharp eye for style, fashion, and trends. It is easily canon that he can sew. Splinter sewed their ninja garbs in “Insane in the Mama Train,” and there is a sewing machine in the house.
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They already learned Ninjutsu through basically osmosis, so learning to sew is not too far-fetched.
And here it is, right in front of us, Casey’s entire ensemble, from mask, to weapons, to clothing, was made by Donatello in the middle of the apocalypse under the brand name “Genius Built Apparel.”
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And that was just in the bad future. Resources were limited, they didn’t have access to much of anything in that broken world as they were survivors of a devastating Krang invasion. Yet, he created all of this.
However, now that they’ve changed the future, his future as a fashion designer is limitless. Think of what Donatello could produce with unlimited resources, unlimited technology, and unlimited creative freedom.
Tech genius. Clothing designer. Fashionista. Future Genius Built Apparel Owner and CEO. I’m sorry, but I have to call it...
Donatello Hamato of the present, of the bad future, and of the good future is a fashion icon, the likes of which the world has never seen. ○○○○
Update: I've decided to make this concept into a mini-comic series!
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cozymoko · 1 year
Wow I just have to say your work is truly muah😚chefs kiss💗.and so I had a question from reading’s team Taka works, so it seems they have a place so stay at so I was wondering how does housing work since there are times where sasuke doesn’t taken darling with him said in one of the post unless he trust them enough.
P.s hope your doing well 💗
Note: Hi! I'm glad you were able to send me a follow-up message. I summarized this and the other message you sent. Please enjoy.
PPS. — I hope you're doing even better. (ㅅ˙³˙)♡
Synopsis: What domestic life, housing, and rules Sasukes' darling and Team Taka would have to follow.
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): Yandere themes
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🍙 Rooms are placed as followed: Yours and Sasukes' the furthest down the h all for privacy. Then Karins' a but away from yours, her closeness isn't ideal but he fears that if you (unless you're bisexual) Therefore, Suigetsu and Jugo share a room a great distance from your own as there's no need to be any closer.
🍙 Bathroom schedules are strict but necessary in Sasuke's mind. Only when he is present can they stray from it if they choose. Sasuke had morals, shockingly, and he doesn't let his childish needs deviate him from their tasks for the day. He's not all that bad as long as you're by his side.
“[Name] can you pass me the shampoo? Jugo won't get out of my way.” Suigestu cried out.
You watched him with a deadpan expression, still cradling a very exhausted Sasuke in your arms. Even if you wanted to there was no way you could help him in a situation like this.
“Hah? Just move him out of the way—!”
“Shut up.”
🍙 As stated, whoever proves themself capable of watching you will be by your side when he cannot. You are to stay within the walls of your tiny cabin which you all shared, guarded closely by your "friends" (not Karin she's even an option).
🍙 Despite being utterly infatuated with you, Sasuke does not lack common sense. He's more than aware that the average person wouldn't dare go against him if they didn't want to face the consequences. Not only that but he does have quite a bit of trust for Suigestu and Jugo and expects them to treat you properly in his absence.
🍙 To ensure that his expectations are met, expect a thorough examination upon his return. The Uchiha will strip you bare, slowly tracing his fingers along the smooth skin that covered you. His scent is still strong on your being, luckily, and so are his bruises (hickeys). For a man so rough, this time he was not. Carefully inspecting you as though you were a fine piece of cloth, picked and sewn to perfection. And in his eyes, you were.
🍙 Rule #1: “Looking you dead in the eye for more than a minute is strictly forbidden.” Your eyes, dare he say, are one of his favorite things about you. No matter how hard you try to conceal your emotions, your eyes are always so honest. However, he's not one to let others share such experiences with him. This is Sasuke, he's a possessive man!
🍙 Rule #2 “Disrespect or harm to [Name] will not be tolerated.” If not for Jugo, Karin would have violated this rule a long time ago, in front of Sasuke at that. She hardly liked you most days and she made sure to show you. Perhaps it was just his conscious but he couldn't bare to hear the pained screams of Karin as he knew her punishment wouldn't be a mere slap on the wrist.
🍙 Rule #3: “Any extreme intimacy results in death.” Things like hugs and hast pats on the heads were scarce for you as they would happen when Sasuke was out. Even so, you were often by Sasuke's side, joining him on his Endeavors set by Orochimaru himself. It pained you as you barely got any intimacy from your partner himself. You craved it more and more as the days went on. But if intercourse with anyone but himself crosses your mind, kiss them goodbye!
🍙 These are a merely few of the excessive rules he's set in place, the major ones at least. After some time these became second nature. Nonetheless, those are practically the only rules they roughly follow. You live together for fucks sake so there's no reason to act like strangers. Unless they happened to piss Sasuke off.
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commander-rahrah · 7 months
Talking to the Moon: Part IV
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader Word Count: ~4700 Warnings: swearing, PTSD, trauma, past/implied abuse, fluff, angst, emotional hurt/comfort
archiveofourown: here
masterlist: here
part I: here part II: here  part III: here
Summary: Set at the end Act II in the Gauntlet of Shar. Shadowheart finally faces Reader/Tav's blessing from Selûne in the temple of her dark mistress.
Notes: We finally got to the angsty part between Reader and Shadowheart muahaha. I've had a couple of these lines stuck in my head FOREVER. Does anyone else play the game and immediately start thinking of the scenario and more detailed dialogue for their specific Tav?? No.. just me? ahaha...
Also — Shadowheart rejects Shar in this, as an FYI. If that isn’t your cup of tea or prefer other decisions, etc. that is your discretion for your own game, etc.! For the purpose of my fic and this specific Tav, that is the route I took and don’t want it to be a debate! 👍🏽 Cause I know that happens in fandom sometimes - and that’s not what this fangirl is about baby!
I also just really really love the idea of letting Astarion and Reader/Tav explore things sloooooooooowly. Like little tiny fingertip touches and touching shoulders. I think that Astarion being emotionally vulnerable with someone first and slowly building up to being physical intimate is just MUAH chef’s kiss.
ANYWAYS Ted talk over — Thank you so much for reading and interacting! It means so much to me ♡♡♡
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“Tell me another thing.”
It was Astarion’s new favorite game — asking for you to confide in him, to tell him about how you see him. The things that made you fall for him. 
Each one had made him feel more and more seen. More and more safe. Some had been surprising characteristics he would have never assigned to himself — but you had explained them so earnestly that he couldn’t help but believe you. You had said he was strong, that he had more strength than he realized. That he was funny (obviously). That he was open-minded. 
He was collecting the compliments and observations, letting them stroke the flame inside of him that he had long thought dead. 
“Hmmm…,” You were sat on the worn, dirty floor leaning against a crumpling wall. The group was taking a moment to rest after another harrowing trial in Shar’s Gauntlet. Squinting your eyes you pretended to study him, before speaking, “I like how materialistic you are.” 
“Oh." Something akin to shame flooded through him. "I don’t like this one, pick another.”
A chuckle escaped you, shaking your head. “That’s not how this works.” 
The vampire frowned at your laughter, “This one seems like some back handed compliment." He turned his nose up, trying to mask the small twinge of pain spreading in his chest, "Just tell me I’m pretty instead.” 
You finally recognized the hurt, the smile vanishing from your face. “Astarion, I swear it's not a backhanded compliment. It’s something I genuinely like.” You sounded earnest, you looked solemn. 
He met your wide eyes, nodding as he believed you. “Hmph. Why?” 
“Well, you know I come from a noble background… I grew up with certain luxuries and I miss them." You admitted, your nose scrunched. "It’s nice to have someone who also appreciates the finer things in life.” 
He realized that you thought it was trivial to admit such things, surrounded by death as you all embarked on a seemingly impossible mission. But you were being honest and vulnerable with him in the broken hallway of the dark temple. 
He kept his tone light, smirking at you. “I do have good taste.” 
“Excellent taste. You would love the keep I grew up in, the art and amenities…" You closed your eyes as if you imagined them right there. "I dream of them on cold nights on my bedroll.” 
“Hmmm, tell me about them tonight when we are holed up in our tent.”  
Our tent. A slip of his tongue, but it really had become that way. You rarely were in your own tent anymore, only enough to change and store your things before you were slinking into his.  
“I’ll take you there someday and you can see it yourself.” 
His eyebrows shot up his face, shock morphing his features. You thought that far ahead? Taking him to see your home? Meeting your family? 
You smiled at his reaction, before filling in for his stunned silence. “And… you’re very pretty.” 
A puff of air escaped through his nose, his lips quirking. “Oh I know.” He stretched his fingers, before sweeping his thumb across the back of your knuckles. “Thank you," He whispered. 
You smiled at his touch, your eyes darting to where his pale fingers met yours. 
The pair of you stayed in that quiet moment, until it was broken by the sound of a swear echoing down the length of the crumbling hallway. "Shit!"
Karlach and Shadowheart were sat across the hallway, the tiefling putting on a new bandage across the half elf's small palm — or was attempting to. The cleric had sliced her palm three times now, offering her blood in the name of her dark mistress before every trial. The party had winced every time she did it — but the woman never faltered. 
And she didn’t not heal it with her divine abilities, instead letting the wound remain, cutting into it deeper with each trial and then only wrapping it up. She said it was intentional, purposeful pain that her Goddess demanded. And that she alone would pay the price for it. 
Astarion had immediately marked the strain in your face as she said it. Knew that you wanted nothing more then to remind her that she was not alone, that she could be anything, anyone she wanted to be.
But the words had remained unspoken. Like you didn't have the right to say them to her anymore. 
The vampire was now watching you watch them — studying you once again, trying to decipher how you were feeling. Karlach continued her efforts, but her large fingers fumbled as she tried to tie the knot and the bandages fell off again. 
"Godsdammit! Sorry, Princess." She said sheepishly, snatching the bandages up quickly. 
"It's okay, Karlach." Shadowheart shook her head, looking down at her hand and squeezing it into a fist. She winced from the pain, a hiss coming from her mouth. 
"May I?" Your voice was soft, quiet as a mouse. But not so quiet that Shadowheart did not hear you. She flashed her eyes over to you, her face contorted with genuine surprise. The cleric said no words, instead nodding and offering her hand out. 
Astarion remained sitting, watching as you stood up and crossed the hallway to the two women. You knelt before her, bowing your head slightly as you grabbed the bandages and began to wind them tenderly around Shadowheart's hand. If it were another moment, another person, the vampire would be jealous. Wishing he had a wound himself so that you could offer your services and gentle touches. 
But this was monumental. Not only was it a rare sight — one blessed by Selûne taking care of one of Shar’s disciples. But it was an olive branch, a silent offering that meant much more then those bandages. An offering of peace and acceptance. 
He was sure he saw Shadowheart's eyes lining with silver as you worked, the bob of her throat as she swallowed thickly. With a slight cough, you made to stand back up. "All done." You said in a hushed voice. But before you could stand up, the cleric grabbed your elbow. 
"Thank you," She choked out. The gratitude was for more then just this moment, he imagined. 
You bowed your head again, "Of course." As you marched back across the hallway, Astarion stood up to meet you. He ducked his head to look at your face, a silent conversation passing between you as your eyes met. An art the two of you had begun to master already. 
Are you alright?
I will be. 
He blinked and nodded in understanding, before falling into step at your side. 
• • •
Every place they explored in the Shadowlands somehow topped the previous wretched place. If Astarion never had to step foot in a temple of Shar again, it would be too soon. 
The air surrounding them was freezing, and the hairs on his arms and back of his neck had been standing up for what felt like hours. It felt like eyes were always on him, trailing after your group and judging every step taken. 
Glancing behind him, he waited for you to step onto the disc with the rest of the party. You were hesitating on the edge, the smallest tremble in your hand as you stared down at the floor. "Darling?"
Your face shot up, like his voice snapped you back to reality. You looked rattled, completely shaken. 
Astarion extended his hand out to you, beckoning you forward. He grabbed your hand easily, pulling you into him with a questioning glance before letting go. The rest of your party was looking at you, worry forming in their features. 
You had all but stepped into him, your shoulder pressed into his. He actually didn't mind it one bit. 
“You look pale, are you feeling okay?” He kept his voice low, his mouth downturned. 
You gathered yourself for a moment, before flashing him a smirk. “I’m pale? Coming from the vampire himself?” 
“Ha," He rolled his red eyes. "Trust me, my sweet. I’ve memorized the flush of your features by now — something’s off.” 
Your eyes settled on Shadowheart for a moment, before looking down at your boots. “I think it’s being in here… Her gift is straining inside me.” 
Her gift, Selûne's blessing. You didn't dare say the Goddess' name in Shar's ruined temple. The rest of the party had heard the tale over the campfire about a week ago. While most of their faces had been filled with awe and astonishment when you had told them then, now their faces were only anxious. 
“Oh gods, you’re not going to...?" Wyll trailed off, his brows furrowed together. 
“Drop dead? I hope not.” You shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. 
“Not funny.” Astarion hissed, flashing you a look. The sentiment was echoed by Gale, chastising you for saying such things. 
You quirked your mouth, before wrapping your arms around your torso. "I'll be fine." 
Suddenly, there was a loud click and the disc you all stood on began moving — descending deeper into the ruins. 
Astarion heard the heartbeats of the entire party begin to increase, the thrumming pounding in his ears. None were as loud as the rhythm of your heart. 
Then the scent of your fear filled his nostrils. 
He could think of no words, no quips or jokes. The dark ruins had been taxing, draining. And he did not know what to expect at the bottom of this temple. 
But he was afraid too. Afraid for you, for both of you. 
The disc settled below with another audible click, and as the rest of the party began to move off of it and deeper into the next area you stayed planted where you were. 
The vampire stayed with you, eyeing your complexion that was turning paler by the minute. Your breaths labored as you blinked, long and slowly. His red eyes followed your line of sight — to Shadowheart and Karlach. 
The half-elf and tiefling were standing before large ornate doors, shoulder to shoulder. Their hands were intertwined, fingers laced together as they continued to stare the door down. 
Your eyes were fixed on their hands, before you licked your lips and spoke quietly — only for him to hear. "Would you be okay with that?”
His brows furrowed together in confusion. “With what?” 
“A touch like that.” 
A bewildered look crossed his features. Here? Now? This is where you wished to discuss such things. Moments before stepping into the unknown darkness of the mistress of night. He stepped in front of you, his back to the rest of the party as he looked you in the face. 
“Holding hands? What next, you want to cuddle?” He teased with his sharp tongue.
The smallest twist in your features was your only tell. Anyone else would have missed it — a flash of sadness at his rejection. 
He suddenly realized it. Longing. You had been looking at the pair holding hands with longing, yearning to be touched like that right now. "You want that, don't you?"
You stiffened, as if you had said the wrong thing. You stumbled over your words, immediately backtracking, “Not if you don’t want to. I'm sorry, I just thought—“ 
His eyes softened at your reaction, “You’re upset.” 
“No, never." You shook your head, your voice unwavering. "It’s your choice, Starry.” 
“I’m not the only person in this—" In this, what? Finish the sentence, Astarion. He thought to himself. "Is it, something you would like to do?” 
“Maybe." You licked your lips, before nodding self-consciously. "Yes, but only if you were okay with it.” 
“I can try." He whispered sincerely, before looking back over his shoulder to the group. Shadowheart and Karlach remained at each other's side, their fingers still intertwined in a tight grasp. "I just— I don’t really understand it. The touch I’m used to is… sensual, erotic. Or incredibly violent. I thought touch was only supposed to lead to some explosive end, one way or another. What’s the point of it?” 
“It’s comforting, holding the person you care about. Feeling their presence with you, when you need it." You admitted, your eyes unguarded as you looked at him.  
He recalled how he felt when you had held him in your arms in the river. How he had let his fingers linger and hold onto you as you pulled away from that first hug. The overwhelming urge he had sometimes to just be near you. He could understand that feeling, he knew that feeling now. He just wasn't sure how to act on it. 
"I think I'd like that." He agreed, the corners of his mouth pulling up with a hopeful expression. "I will try." 
You smiled back at him, the pair of you momentarily forgetting where you stood. What was to happen next. What could happen next. 
As you made to finally step off of the disc, he called your name softly — halting your movement. "We will get to try."
It was a promise. A vow.
No dark mistress or Absolute or bastard vampire master would stop him from having you. 
You nodded, smiling back at him before moving to join the others. 
The group was cautious as they entered into the final chamber, the hundreds of candles in the room suddenly lighting with an eerie purple flame. The coloured flames flickered and cast dancing shadows on the stones around them, all leading to a pool of still water. A ginormous, untouched statue of the Mistress of Night stood in it — her arms outstretched, beckoning you forward. 
"This must be the last step. I need to pray. Only by Lady Shar's grace did we even make it this far." Shadowheart fell to her knees immediately, offering silent prayers to the intimidating figure ahead. Karlach stayed loyally at her side, but her brows were crinkled with worry. 
Everyone lingered behind, unsure of how to proceed. 
"I'm ready." The dark-haired cleric spoke, determination flashing in her features as she stood up. The spear she had fought and bled for in the trials strapped to her back. She held a boot over the unmoving water for a moment, hesitating for a moment before stepping into it. 
A voice spoke throughout the chamber, echoing and rattling the stones. The candles flickered with her voice, as if the magnificent voice caused the cold breeze that suddenly filled the room. "You are so close, my child. So close to fulfilling your destiny. And is that another trophy you bring for me? You honor me with your dedication.“ 
The party turned to stare at you. Shar was aware of who you are, of what lingered in you. Astarion swear he saw Shadowheart’s bottom lip tremble as her gaze fell on you again. 
But you put on your practiced expression of calm, nodding at your companions to continue. But as you stood on the precipice of the pool, Astarion noticed your fingers twitching at your side. 
It should have been be so easy for him to reach out and hold them, like you said you wanted. He had been daring himself to touch you more lately — a brush of his knuckle against yours, tucking an unruly strand of hair behind your ear. He was trying. He wanted to, so badly. 
But something was holding him back. A weight on his chest and lungs that made it feel him feel so tainted and undeserving for such things. 
He hesitated for too long, and your hand was moving away as you stepped into the sparkling water. So he took his own steps in. The water was ice cold, instantly sending goosebumps over his entire body. Then a frozen sensation that went deep into his half-dead body. It began clutching at him, at everything he was and ever could be. 
His red eyes widened, searching frantically for you beside him — his hand reaching out wildly for you before he was suddenly pulled under. 
• • •
The last thing you had seen was Shar’s menacing face —looming over you, spelling your end. A blanket of cold had surrounded you, tightening unbearably around your ankles and wrists before yanking you down into the darkness. 
You had never been afraid of the dark before. 
You could no longer say that. 
With a gasp, you wretched your eyes open to find yourself somewhere new. Standing on a craggy rock, floating in raging winds and surrounded by streaks of lightning. A living storm of black and purple swirling around you. 
"Lady Shar...," Shadowheart's voice was quiet — her tone a strange mixture of astonishment and fear. "I can feel her all around. This is her domain. This is the Shadowfell.”
“Bloody hells.” Gale muttered, the wizard's mouth a hardline. 
“We best keep moving.” Lae'zel ordered, eyeing the surroundings with a look of disgust on her face. 
You all murmured in agreement, before traveling down the precarious craggy rocks until you were at the very bottom. You hesitated at the site of a person— a pale, large woman dressed in only shredded rags.
The Nightsong. 
She stood in the centre of several complicated sigils, the symbols radiating a sickly green. Her head flicked up to your group, her eyes narrowing as she inspected every single party member. Before they settled on you, and softened. 
“I recognize you." Her voice was hoarse at first, like she hadn't spoken out loud in ages. "You aren’t a sibling… But I recognize you. Why are you so familiar to me?” She cocked her head at you, her eyes studying you. There was a flicker in them — hope.
Her hair shined silver like yours, but her eyes glowed even brighter. Much more than any mortal could. Your mouth fell open as you realized. She was not blessed by a divine being like you, she was immortal herself. 
“You are...“ 
“A child of the gods.” She finished for you, and even clad in nothing but rags she stood tall at the words.  
Your mind raced as you put together the pieces, the ritual on the stone similar to the secret room of Balthazar. Kethric’s undying nature. She was bound here in the Shadowfell — being syphoned like those fairies in the lanterns. And the dark justiciar’s — they used her, killed her like a bounty for their goddess. Over and over. As Shadowheart was meant to do now. 
But you. You were bound to nothing, and you were not born from the goddess — only a mortal woman, who feared for her child. A mortal mother who was thousands of miles away, not knowing where her child now stood, not knowing that they were waiting to see if a spear would be driven through their chest too.
"My mother spoke of you once. I don't think that even she knew we would meet." The daughter of Selûne eyes shone with quiet understanding. The flicker of hope in them still catching light somehow in the dark storm in the Shadowfell as she stared at you. 
Shadowheart stepped forward, toeing the edge of the ritual symbols carved onto the floor. Her face was stoic, determined. Yet she refused to look at you. 
"But you.” The woman’s eyes dragged to the cleric, her voice a vicious snarl. “YOU. You, who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess. You, who have come to drive a dagger through my heart." 
"Not a dagger — a spear. My Lady Shar's spear. Your fate is mine to seal." You noticed Shadowheart's hands were trembling fists at her side. 
"The fate that you seal is your own. To be a Dark Justiciar is to turn your heart from everything but loss. You will know no love, no joy — only servitude." Karlach stiffened next to Shadowheart, concern etching every feature of her red face. "Until, of course, your mistress inevitably discards you. And there is much she does not tell you — a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death. Beyond your companion's."
The cleric looked over her shoulder to you, her eyebrows furrowed. You said nothing, keeping your face steady. 
But it was the first she looked you in the eyes since you found yourself in the dark place. Truly met your gaze. And the rage and betrayal you had first seen in them that day she learned the truth about you had lost their heat. Instead you saw only pain and regret. 
Astarion made to move in front of you, to act as your shield as Shadowheart turned her attention on you. But you waved your hands at your side, silently asking him to stop. 
You knew the rest of your party waited with bated breath for you to intervene, to speak up for this woman, for yourself. 
But instead, you held Shadowheart’s gaze and waited. 
The Nightsong spoke again, drawing her attention away from you. "You may think you know what they are, but do you know what I am, little assassin? For I know you — a lost child, frightened by wolves in the dark." 
"What did you say?" 
"Much has been promised to you, hasn't it? But what has been taken from you?" She asked sadly, her eyes piercing through Shadowheart. "What do you know of your own heart — your own life? I sense more in you then you know." 
"I—" The spear was suddenly summoned into her hand, her light coloured eyes widening as she feels its weight. It was as if Shar would wait no longer, and would thrust the weapon into her hands and guide it through the Nightsong if need be. "I..." She raised it up, inspecting the intricate designs and deadly tip of the spear. The bottom of her eyes filled with silver as she studied it. 
And just as fast as it was summoned, it was gone. Soaring over the party's heads, away and into the swirling storm below them. 
You let loose the breath you didn't know you were holding.
It was echoed by a sigh of relief from the rest of the party. 
Shadowheart's mouth was agape, staring into her empty hands and then to you. A humorless laugh escaped her, like she was in a state of shock. "I can't believe I just did that. Lady Shar will disown me... what will happen to me?"  
"Not what will happen — what will you do? Your past is not yet lost. Your future is not yet fixed. Lay a hand on me in friendship, not-quite Sharran, and I will fight the battle that been waiting for me this last century." The large woman knelt before them, bowing her head. "Then — oh then, we will have much to discuss. All of us." She looked up to nod at you, still standing on the edge of the circle. 
The cleric stepped forward with more certainty then she had in most of the trials in Shar's Gauntlet. Her head held high before she grasped the child of the god on her shoulder. Suddenly the green of the binding ritual turned into a bright, silver light. The woman fell to all fours as the silver light traveled through her.  
"Our lady of Silver. Hear me! She Who Guides, the Moonmaiden Selûne — mother of the so-called Nightsong. THE NIGHTSONG IS NO MORE!" Then she began to levitate in the air, a shining light of white and silver wrapped around her before large wings spread from her back, and spectral armor and sword appearing upon her body and in her hands.
The group was amazed as they watched her fly up and up. Before she landed with a gentle thud.
A child of a god indeed. 
"I am resplendent. You have given me a great gift, little warrior." She nudged Shadowheart's chin with a gloved hand, before stepping back. "Come now — there is a battle to be fought." 
"My kin," She looked back to you, her eyes and brow set in a determined line. "Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?" You asked, stepping forward until you were at Shadowheart's side. 
"To kill Ketheric Thorm." She flashed a wolfish grin that was filled with a controlled rage. Vengeance and justice was to be served by that glowing spectral sword in her hand. With a large woosh, she was soaring into the air and vanishing back to the mortal plane. 
• • •
It wasn't until you were out of the Shadowfell, away from Gauntlet and endless depictions of Shar that you all finally spoke. 
The cool air of the Shadowlands was welcoming for the first time since you had arrived. Astarion watched as you took large gulps of air, your hands resting on your hips as you centered yourself again. The colour was already returning to your cheeks, your heart slowing to a familiar rhythm. 
He made to reach out for you, but Shadowheart got there first. A look of surprise flashed across your face as she threw herself at you. "I don't— I don't know what to say." She muttered into your shoulder. 
You swallowed hard before holding her back fiercely, your mouth quivering. "You don't have to say anything. I forgive you."
Astarion blinked. You gave her your forgiveness so easily, much easier then he would have. But wasn't that one of the things he was so fond of? Your kind heart, your innate goodness. That even though he didn't feel he deserved your attention, or that Shadowheart deserved to be forgiven, you still granted it to them. Your kindness was not just for him, but for everyone in the group. The hubris wizard and seasoned fighter who didn't think they were enough. The warlock and barbarian ripped from their homes. The manipulated manipulators who were used and discarded.  
“You can't—You can't just forgive me." She pulled away from you, staring at you like you had gone mad. "What I did, what I almost did — I almost didn’t bring you back that day, oh gods—" Her hand moved over her mouth, her brows meeting in the middle. 
“But you did.”
“But if I didn’t—" Her voice broke.
You grabbed her by the shoulders, ducking your head to look at her. “But you did. And we will not speak of the past any longer. But we will get you answers for your own, okay?” 
"What she wanted me to do in there, what she's made me do..." A sob escaped Shadowheart, the sound breaking something in Astarion. Something that hit a little too close to home. His red eyes flickered to his boots as he tried to keep his own emotion at bay. 
Your next words were a whisper in her ear, too low for even his elven ears to hear. But you both nodded together, before Karlach was pulling the cleric into a hug of their own. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, whispering her own affections to her. 
Before the vampire could even try to will himself to do the same things for you, you were in front of him. He could see no hint of expectation on your face, only relief as you took him in. 
He ran the tip of his finger down your wrist, to the back of your hand, before trailing it in your palm. "That was all a little dramatic, wasn't it?"
A tired chuckle escaped you, "I'd thought you'd learned by now that we have a flair for it, don't we?"
"We certainly do." 
Suddenly, flashes of divine white power swept above you, before shooting fast across the sky — the light silhouetting a set of large wings. Without further thinking, Astarion threaded his pale fingers through yours, squeezing them slightly as he watched the light head closer and closer to the imposing tower in the distance. 
He gulped as you squeezed back. 
Your party watched the sky for a moment, silence filling the air before you all stared at each other. Your tired, aching bodies were begging for rest. But the world would not wait for you to rest. 
"To Moonrise?" Gale asked, a sad, tired smile on his face. 
"To Moonrise." You nodded, starting to march forward and lead the group forward. 
Astarion curled his pinky around yours as you meant to pull away, not quite ready to let you go again. 
Read part V here
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luminnara · 3 months
Your Cranium? Enourmous. Your Fics? Delectable. Hotel? Trivago.
I like me a good Feyd fic, but I really love how the Harpies interact with the reader in yours, and their relationship with Feyd is fantastic. Neither Feyd or the Harpies are soft but they show love (in their fucked up ways but still) in such fascinating ways to the newest concubine. Yarina and Issa were ready to destroy their fellow concubine's former house at the drop of a hat. No Hesitation in them beady little eyes.
The affection they show for each other, the touching and holding is *muah*, chefs kiss. I want more. I need more fics to take notes from yours. I need more fics to incorporate the Harpies, and them having a relationship with the reader and Feyd. (Also how Feyd and reader interact, also fantastic)
When part 3 drops I will go feral.
Yeeee thank you! I’ve really enjoyed writing this fic and I’m glad my weird concubine story is turning out okay! I have so many random HCs for the harpies that I want to sprinkle in and I just really really love them ok phew
Writing their relationships and how they show the affection that they DO HAVE for each other and the reader has been SO much fun. It’s so interesting to come up with the ways in which they might express that love and almost worship they have for feyd, because he really is the center of their world for so many reasons. I especially love figuring out his side of things, and tip toeing along what I think is a reasonable amount of affection from him for this fic. I know I write him a little softer, and I do love fics that have him go even SOFTER than this, but I also like exploring what his affection can be like when he’s given the opportunity to show it behind closed doors, with people who exist within this vacuum with him. Like yeah, he’s a murderous rampaging party boy, BUT when he’s alone with these people who have been perfected and MADE to cater to his very specific tastes, and who see an entirely different side to him and yet never judge him and in fact RELY on his brutality for their snacksies, what might he be like?? It’s just so fun to come at his character from these different angles.
I would also love to read more fics with them involved, I just think they’re SO neat and mysterious!! Love me some industrial cyber fetish goth girls. Part 3 is coming soon!
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
If you ever need visuals/inspiration for the dancing prompts I am HERE.
Mihawk (tango):
You obviously are familiar with Mr & Mrs Smith and the ICONIC Morticia and Gomez dances. However, may I suggest;
"Cell Block Tango" - you know I had to include it.
"Shall we dance?" (2004) - so sensual and intimate. Poetry in motionm
"Take the Lead" - there's a tango in a detention centre with two people (which is what I was thinking of), but there's also a lovely sandwich tango (iykwim)
And my personal fave: the introducing the tango scene from the story of Vernon and Irene castle - and old movie, black and white, but my GOD the CHEMISTRY. The CUNT. The FLUIDITY. The subtle but adoring smiles and glances.
Ok the Bachata for Luffy is perfect and I don't want to change it but I would like to offer up for your viewing/imagining pleasure: La Cucaracha. Simple, sweet. Folk dance. Gives young love. Lots of Luffy vibes. Just imagining them dancing in a town square.
Otherwise, no notes. The song is amazing I can't wait.
Buggy (swing):
Songs wise:
Tangled up - Caro Emerald (specifically the Lokee remix)
Dancing with the devil - Elle & the pocket Belle's
And idk how swing they are necessarily but; I don't have a name for it by Steam Powered Giraffes, Gentlemen by OR3O (or even All eyes on me by OR3O, but that's less of a love song and more angsty), vending machine of love by the stupendium
Zoro (Capoeira):
I love this. When I heard(read) "dance series" I immediately knew a dance fight style would KILL. I never knew Capoeira before this so I have to thank you for introducing me because *chefs kiss* muah.
I couldn't find many Capoeira scenes in movies or shows, but from what I did see there's a lot of break-dance-esque leg action. So I gotta suggest the Eggsy vs Gazelle fight from Kingsmen. (Side note: the kingsmen movies are actually so camp).
If you don't know, Gazelle is an antagonist with prosthetic legs that are basically spears and she fights with a lot of slashes. The scene is beautiful. Lots of legs swinging, lots of fists flying, very lethal. Lots of physics defying and frankly reality bending moments that fit into the drama of anime fighting, specifically one piece.
Now idk where it would fit but I would kill myself if I didn't mention the Naacho Naacho dance scene (essentially a dance battle) in the movie RRR (seriously good movie, it is v long tho). It's an Indian movie set during the war of the English colonisation. One of the main characters has a crush on a white girl who invites him to a party, and his friend tags along for moral support. They use the power of friendship and dance to defeat a racist white guy who thinks that they're not sophisticated bc they don't even know how to dance any of his fancy dances (which aren't even english dances, by the way) by dancing a dance that gets everyone to join bc it's so fun, and they manage to continue dancing as everyone falls around them bc of the pace and stamina needed. If you watch none of the scenes I've suggested, please watch this one.
Honourable mentions;
Zendayas dance off in dancing with the stars (https://youtu.be/2Iw951fviP4?si=_Bj4Wav5pcpYyLIZ)
And it's not necessarily a romance song and the context is icky but the tempo and the cunt in 'Papi' by Todrick Hall and Nicole Scherzinger from 'Straight Outta Oz' (musical) is unmatched, and there's a music video with some dancing.
Oh my gosh, yes 😫. I love all of these things.
For the Mihawk Tango/Pasadoble; immediately my mind went:
-Zorro & Elena from The Mask of Zorro: Soooo enemies to lovers
-Mr & Mrs Smith, the drama and disaster: I love it
-AND!!!!! El Tango de Roxanne from Moulin Rogue: Need I say more? The DRAMA, The EMOTION, AHH.
-TAKE THE LEAD is where my brain went YES!!!!!! The dominant gentleman lead, the DRAMA I LOVE.
For the Luffy Bachata its a bit more tricky for me to find an appropriate reference for it because he's so PLAYFUL and less sensual than the way it.
-Mr & Mrs Smith has the Mondo Bongo scene that I think about quite regularly for references.
-I also am on the dance side of TikTok currently, these vids keep popping up and I adore them.
Now, for the Buggy Solo I'm having some conflicting thoughts. He deserves a soft little dancey dance, but I could also see it getting VERY ANGSTY very quickly.
My song choices are as follows:
-Sway by Mr Bubes himself.
-Express Burlesque by Christina Aguilera just screams Buggy to me.
-The improv style that Emeline brings to this dance off is just MENTAL, I love it. Like, soooo playful my brain can't process it.
However, my inner teenager went immediately here, to Aang and Katara's dance in the caves.
I will need to check out RRR again, it has been a hot minute.
Shanks as a Jig is superb: @sordidmusings has me in a chokehold with this suggestion and as a former Irish Dancer myself, I simply can't imagine anything more FUN than THIS. Like, as a violinist, this is going to be so much fun to write.
Hobbits dancing on a table, The Jolly Roving Tar is just immediately speaking to me. I could also see the circular jig from Disney's Tangled being incorporated with the entire crew.
The Buggy x Mihawk Sandwich is just writing itself at this stage, my brain rot is simply drawn to the dynamic and I can't even process it.
Masterlist Link for when they drop!
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ichig0tchi · 9 months
I watched the bootleg of the west end production of Death Note the Musical and I'm kind of disappointed 😔 I do not like the way they played it as a dark comedy. Ls characterization just felt so extremely wrong to me, and I hateeee the way they cut his verse in the way it ends. Hearing people laugh in the audience about what was going on at the end ruined the vibes completely. They did directly translate the Japanese production, which I get! And I understand why they cut L's verse to make the ending they wanted, but at least in the Japanese version it felt SERIOUS. it wasn't a goofy, marvel ass quippy one liner when light said "the pen is mightier than the sword" to L in the Japanese version. It was the words of an arrogant mad man playing with his victim.
They didn't westernize it in content, but in tone. Why couldn't they have just played it straight 😭 I could even get past L's character changes if they had kept the tone correct to the original! And I'll admit the bootleg didn't show every piece of dialogue, but it showed enough for me to be pretty bummed at Ls death. I wish they had respected the serious nature of the story instead of playing up the characters being stupid or childish :/ Back to the concept album and Japanese production i go 🏃🏃‍♂️
Rem fucked tho she was as so good chef kiss MUAH
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hijacking-hearts · 2 years
Hello! I speak English and I'd like to talk about Karmaland <3 What's your opinion on current events like Luzu saying he'd even kill Quackity if the situation demanded it despite the fact he originally said he only became mayor to protect him?
Yoooo ur my favorite anon now dude.
Imma name you Steve.
Listen Steve, I'm so glad you asked this my dude.
Luzu saying that he would kill Quackity despite previously stating that everything he does is to protect him is just so *muah* chef's kiss!
I fucking love it because it shows just how skewed his love for Quackity is, he loves him there's no denying that like come on dude but it's an unhealthy kind of love.
It's obsessive, it's manipulative, it's making excuses for hurtful and deceiving actions, it's claiming to do it for one reason but then taking a sharp left on a right turn, it's claiming to want nothing but his happiness and safety but then being the main reason for why those things are no longer available, it's wanting to keep him away from those that only wish to use him for their own personal gain.
Because he sees him as too naive, too trusting, too innocent, he's like those creepy internet men that focus on some online female persona and believe themselves in love that they get so unjustifiable angry when they perceive some sort of romantic or sexual betrayal.
Like Rubuis being Quackity's fist lady, Luzu is right that he's only doing it for some personal gain but is he aware of the fact that Quackity is also aware of this? No.
According to Luzu need protecting because he's simply to innocent to be on his own but when Quackity lashes out against him it's not seen as the proper reaction it should be and instead Luzu views it as a call for attention a way of further affirming that one-sided love for him.
As for Quackity?
Quackity isn't innocent, far fucking from it, he's purposely playing up the act of being some stupid fucking idiot, he's openly manipulative towards the people around him, he's dangerously apathetic and he's willing to do anything to get what he wants.
Most importantly he's angry, he filled to the brim with rage that he flips from happy to apathetic to angry so quicky it's disorienting.
He wants companionship, to not be lonely but he also doesn't care for others feelings unless its actively helping him in some way. So far the only person he's genuinely shown care for was his son Merlon Vegetta but even then I'm iffy about it.
I dunno.
I'm rambling and I hope you don't mind I just love the way things are being played out right now dude. I could write three fucking essays on the dynamic between Luzu and Quackity alone! Don't even get me started on Rubuis and Vegeta or Sapo Peta and Quackity!
Anyways I've typed enough for now feel free to debate me or tell me I'm wrong this is just my interpretation of all this.
Luckity is dead, Luzu is fucking insane and Quackity is gonna do what he always does and crank up to a hundred a go down in a blaze of angry glory.
*Quick side note in the time it took me to answer Quackity streamed and HOLY SHIT! VIENE ARTE AMIGOS! Ya tengo unos dibujitos planeados wey!*
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gomzwrites · 1 year
thoughts on ship in cod in general? Like xreader or between characters…👀 I personally like GhostSoap content~
Hi hewo!
Hmm interesting question :) I like all the mainstream ship, GhostSoap(favourite), Korangi and AleRudy (I dont mind alerudyval as well tbh)
Some notable mentions:
Farahlex(but personally im more of Farahlexgaz shipper)
NikPrice (my second favourite), something about two old man in love just does things to me sjaodjakahvd
Konig x Horangi x Zimo / Horangi x Zimo now THAT ship has me in a chokehold- you should check out Chris(i didnt tag cuz im shy) here in tumblr and twitter! The ships drawn are absolutely MUAH, chef’s kiss. Also non relatable note my hc on how Konig look is exactly from those art(short hair Konig fans rise up?)
Anyways, for reader wise, I think personally I like to write reader as self-reserved, selectively quiet but shy?? You know kind of like Ghost but minus the broodyness
Id like to portrayed them someone who is observant, and only really show what or how they feel unless prompted or when they feels like it.
Which is perfect cause then I like to push that thought and make it so that they’re either get caught off guard or forced to show what they feel one way or another >:) ((in a good way))
Like suddenly patting reader’s head out of no fucking where and then *reader.exe has stopped working* kind of scene
I think this is already longer than it needs to be mb I got carried away again-
Yeah, thanks for the ask! I appreciate your question :p shoot me more if you feel like it!
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
Star Trek Picard: Season 3 Episode 1 Reaction
Who's missed these from me. The screaming you all love to hate. Muah.
Beverly is so 🆒. I actually have no notes. Obsessed with Gates' hair it is On Fleek
Laris being the voice of reason and not being written out to make space for Bev? Very interesting.
Old communicator chirp noise my beloved
"No Starfleet" Picard: i know a guy 🥰 hello riker from starfleet who will contact seven from starfleet for help 😋
No one likes the phat ships 😢 Enterprise D it's okay honey we love you for who you are dummy thicc and all 🥺
excuse me what did that orion slip in that plate to her i've watched this thrice and can't figure it out
"my girlfriend left me" NOOOOOOOOOOO??????????????
Ngl seeing the dramatic Titan ship pan just reminds me of the gratuitous Cerritos ship pans in LWD which never fails to make me cackle
Titan theme is so beautiful. I think it's fast approaching my favourite just behind Voyager
The way it intersects with the TNG theme? Chefs mf KISS. Hit me with that shit I want it all
"Commander Annika Hansen" SHAW COUNT YOUR FUCKING DAYS 🔪🔪🔪
Thanks! I hate it!
bby laforge 🥺 for to blorbo? me for blorbo? blorbo for me? for blorbo to????????
Picard telling Seven she'd make a great captain? My heart cannot handle this shit i'm out
Seriously guys i have to do next week with heart medication i was not made to handle this shit
"Should we tell Engineering we're going at lizard space warp 9.99"
At least the show is self aware that Picard is a bit of a fossil ngl, i respect that
Shaw eating blue meat 🤢 sir tf is THAT
Does shaw season his meat with blue raspberry kool aid. Quickly
I wish shaw a very ✨die✨ ❤️
Hate how Shaw treats Seven but tbh i respect a captain that can stand up to picard and riker. Like he's not wrong they can't just abuse their power that's long gone anyway
Also sorry Picard but you have got to stop bringing your own wine as gifts not everybody wants that shit
seven being 👁️👄👁️ during the meal is a mood because same
Love how Riker and picard just barrel ahead without waiting for or checking on Seven. Especially after how awful Shaw was to her. Way to use your friends guys well done gentlemen
"Good morning, sweet girl" raffi you are killing me
How does she look so good
Raffi having her vape horgl with her on the La Sirena is somewhat bittersweet
Headcanon that there are snakeleaf vines in her room. You are not allowed to disagree ❤️
jesus christ worf mysterious handler why the fuck would you pull up that personnel file 😭
i. raffi. same birthday. no. oh my god. oh my god.
oh, raffi... :(
How tf is Seven around on the bridge more than the captain. They're making her the not-captain captain of the titan and for what
Seven saying what i've always wanted to say like why yes i too would like to airlock picard for his audacity
Riker: grants permission to speak freely
Seven: speaks freely
Riker: no not like that >:(
Shaw being a snork mimimimi king was not on my picard s3 bingo but you know what. Mood.
Brain is too scrambled to take in the rest but
Oh my god
Loved the music
Welcome back my space moms
Oh my god this season is killing me already
In conclusion i'm delirious because they dropped the episode at 12am after i tried to watch streams of it twice on the world's shittiest wifi whilst travelling across the country. Happy premiere day.
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galeforged · 8 months
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{ ooc } Here comes the boy! Hello boy!! Welcome!!! There he is!!!! He is here!!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
seriously she is so talented and her arting is just muah chef kiss like i can't believe she reverse-engineered a potential bard look as if pulled from 3H and made it work for him HE'S JUST SO HANDSOME
ALRIGHT NOTES, THINGS WE NOTICED AND DISCUSSED AND SHE PUT INTO ACTION! First! Longer hair! Inspired from his FFXIV look! Much more flowy and free! No longer the meek little songster from Abyss, for Forwin has become a man grown, learned, and (mostly) unburdened!
Second! A darker and more faded colour scheme, keeping in line with the other Ashen Wolves for their shared roots in Garreg Mach's underground! And then there's the sneaky little reference to his Crest like how Balthus and Constance's looks subtly refer to their own! See the feathers and the little clip holding them together? Hello Macuil! Such a galaxy-brained move on Ramyeon's part, I just can't-
Third! Take a look at this! That right there is the colour purple! Now let's talk about the colour purple! Can we talk about the colour purple, please, guys? I've been dying to talk to you about the colour purple with you all morning! IT'S A BEAUTIFUL ACCENT FOR HIS TEALS I'M IN LOVE BUT WAIT SEE THERE'S LAYERS TO THE PURPLE:
Ashen Wolf purple!
The Gerth family colours from his baby and Brave looks!
Purple being a colour associated with royalty and nobility, and look at it just poking out with his cute and new little cravat! Not just a common bard here! No longer hiding Wyndell von Gerth! But not being in your face about his nobility like the humble little soul he is!
Plus purple referring to his time spent in Nohr with that colour scheme I'm-! LAYERS!!!
I never gave much thought to purple as part of Forwin's colour palette but fuck it it's here to stay-!!!
As for his old timeskip look? I'm not throwing it out outright, it'll simply be repurposed for his Echoes verse, given it's better fit for long distance travel!
Now to scrape some money so I can shower Ramyeon with it ASAP for a portrait and expressions commission
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velvetpaku · 9 months
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bro at the end Lucifer used megidoladyne and wiped kaido (with Yurlungur and Nyarla for mob cleanup), Mari (with Amaterasu and Remiel for support and occasional Luci attacks) AND DESTROYED NAOYA'S 2 DEMONS (Asura and Okuninushi) AND MC'S LOKI LEAVING ONLY MC, HIS METATRON AND NAOYA.
but i did smth genius. there was an enemy arioch near Naoya who has samrecarm. so to paint a picture. Luci was at LOW LOW health. i had an naoya turn, a mc turn, then Luci would use megido again and insta win.
so i used samrecarm to bring mc's loki back. then initiated battle with the arioch.
his placement was lucky. real lucky. he was 1 block away from luci. so i fought him. used samrecarm on the main and extra turns to bring Okuninushi nd Asura back. and bc the former was brought back i was allowed. an extra ATTACK OPPORTUNITY. AND LUCIFER WAS RIGHT THERE. SO AWAKENING WITH ASURA FOR EXTRA DAMAGE, HOLY STRIKE WITH OKUNINUSHI, AND A SIMPLE, EASY DRAIN. WITH NAOYA. TO FINISH OFF THE WAR I SPENT 80 HOURS PLAYING FOR. AND IM. CONTENT. i even had the chance to attack with mc IF naoya was just a bit shy of victory. SO YAY. I FLIPPING DID IT. I BEAT THE SUPERBOSS. SO HAPPY.
i should note the boss itself was brilliant i keep replaying all the diff strategies i couldve used in my head and its all so so so. awesome. A LIL STINKY I COULD ONLY BEAT HIM WITH A MAGE BUILD but me and Naonya were mage bros in the end so ehhh :3
nothing but big kind words for this game its the best ever muah chefs kiss. yayyayayy
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rinbowaman · 11 months
OMG WHERE DO I BEGIN? OKAY SO i dont have a fav fav character because all of them are my fav characters 🫶🏻 (sorry i’m indecisive 😭😭) BUT my fav moments are the soft moments with all of the characters ESPECIALLY with jungwon and heeseung. i seriously don’t know why but it’s just something about how jungwon was just so gentle and soft with her that made me just go- ☺️☺️☺️. LIKE IDK WHY CUZ SHE HAS HER SOFT MOMENTS WITH THE REST TOO BUT ANYWAYS-
MOVING ON TO HEESEUNG’S SOFT MOMENTS. UDBSUAJJA when i read the part where yn played hide and seek with heeseung (IT WAS FUCKING ADORABLE) and him just being completely and utterly whipped for her 😮‍💨😮‍💨 MY HEART. him just looking and smiling at her with so so so much love 😮‍💨 AND OFC LETS NOT FORGET THE PART WHERE HE WANTED TO KILL HER BUT ENDED UP STRIKING THE WALL INSTEAD AND HOW HE JUST ADMIRED HER WHILE SHE COULDNT SEE HIM. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨🫠🫠🫠
BUT overall, i LOVE LOVE LOVE every single bit of the series. ALL of the chapters. I LOVE all the emotions I had to go through while reading this series. From the rage (fuck the cult and the senator🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻truly deserved going to hell and kissing her yn’s feet) to the giddiness (the soft + hard moments. chef kiss indeed 😙🤌🏻🙆🏻‍♀️) i felt while reading this was amazing. 🤍 thank you so so much author <33 MUAH 💋
omg <333333!!!
so for the longest time, jungwon's chapter was my ult fav because....i LOVED the fluff...i think one of my favorite moments, was when he burned a piece of that rude lady's hair, and told her to stay away from him and you while shifting it between his fingers and letting it fall on her face, that had to be one of my favorite parts. idk why...it was just....sexy and very protective.
my other favorite part was when you were with sunghoon for the day, and he took that brazen guy, griffith into the alley as he told you to turn around and not watch, and when you tried to object, freaking heeseung shows up but you didn't get to see him because he wouldn't let you. instead, he stood right behind you and trapping you against the wall and rubbed your nose....and when you pleaded he had seemingly honored your request...but ultimately met you "half way" and just told sunghoon to break him instead of killing him. to me....that whole scene was sooooo sexy.
and then of course, every single scene, in which after you were brought to hell, every moment with you and heeseung (even though...you were kidnapped and pretty much taken against your will) i did love seeing the transition (even though it was pretty much stolkholm syndrome) of you going from sad, to comfortorable and loving. he ofc just was in awe of you every single moment, regardless if you had returned the affection or not, but gradually when you started to return it, he got sooooo happy and the love was just...it was real. i also loved his mental note in regards to his former master, God. That part melted me. along with all those sweet things he said in various languages.
and then of course...the ending...my god the ending makes me cry still. it was so perfect.
i'm reading the entire series right now as a reader and not a writer perspective so i can actually enjoy the story and not worry about "oh my god i have to fix that mispelling" lol. and so far, i left off at sunoo's chapter, and i am just in love with it. i wish i could turn it into a netflix series featuring, Enhypen members lol.
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6-022-10-23 · 2 years
fanfic recommendations
i have a tag dedicated to all the fics i have read here, on Tumblr, which i liked a lot. but i also wanted to make a post of fic recs for those which i read on Ao3. now they can be one-shots, short fanfics or a long fanfics. some could also be cross posted, both here and Ao3 which i may or may not be aware of.
this is my way of spreading and appreciating the works and supporting the authors that have written these gems as well as being able to help some of you find good fics you might not have read before, or maybe, reminding you of those fics you might have forgotten.
note: this would keep on updating so if you are interested you should recheck this post sometimes. also i'd rb this every time i edit this.
Tumblr media
cursed by lemony_snickers (Ao3)
cursed by @/lemony-snickers (Tumblr)
gotta thank @/wind-becomes-lightning for this one. i saw her post on the dash and it was a fic rec list too. every time i see a fic that's about someone analysing kakashi's character and story and adding on to it, i read it. that's a rule here. i just love kakashi's character so much. so thanks for this. anyways this is a must read. i promise you.
Jujutsu Kaisen
laws of attraction by enegmatic (Ao3)
i read this story last year and i still remember it in detail to this day. i literally downloaded it in case the author ever takes it off internet. yuuji, coffee shop au, college au, strangers to friends to lovers, mutual pining, fluff. need i say more? this is so sweet and heart warming and heart fluttering. this is so well written and you love to see their relationship grow. it makes you root for them more. also itadori is so fucking adorable in this (he always is) but he is literal golden retriever oh my God sisgdgsgssggs. when i read it again after a kind stranger helped me find it again i didn't read it as an xreader but just for the story and the writing skills.
the great debate by ayyypee (Ao3)
ok this one contains smut so beware. this is an xreader and focuses on the reader's relationship with suguru that starts off as enemies and then, well you have to read to know what happens because it's still updating. i was trying to find some good suguru college au fics and this fits the criteria for me just fine. this is how i imagine suguru and iwnjsbshs this muah love it oh my Goddddddd. this is very well written and the way it grows is chef's kiss. i can't say much because we are only on chapter 8 but give it a shot!
Tokyo Revengers
i've tied my shoelaces to yours nice and tight by shiroizumi (Ao3)
this. this! this is the best tokyo revengers fanfic i have ever read in my life. this is about Draken and his life and how glossed over it is. this is not a romance fic at all. not an xreader too. this has a female!oc. but just please read this, i promise, you won't regret it. this broke my heart, made me actually cry. and also opened my eyes on how in ever happy tokyo rev timeline or story, draken never receives the childhood he deserves. i honestly felt like a jerk for not thinking about it before. but oh my God, author if you ever read this just know, that i love you with all my heart. thank you so much for this masterpiece.
fate & fury by konan_supremacy (Ao3)
i was looking for cute, fluffy mitsuya fics but i landed on this💀. this is still cute and fluffy and steamy mitsuya fic but! this is so much more than that. i read the first chapter and that's it. now i am trapped. every day i wait for an update of this fic (this is still an ongoing fic but it has 68 chapters so go read it!). the story, the writing skills, the great planning of how the story would go, the motives of the reader, the reader itself! oh my God the reader itself. i would have an instant crush on her tbh. but when i tell you, every time the reader and mitsuya interact it gives me goosebumps, shivers, moans. i have never felt that in any fic. fuck. why i find this fic perfect for me is because it has all the headcanons i have in it. this has everything i ever wanted to read about in one single fic. this is a blessing in all honesty.
internship at bonten (wow fun!) by agosu (Ao3)
if you like dangerous men with shady jobs treating you as their own child and acting like you have 7(?) or more fathers then this fic is for you. the dynamics between the reader and all the bonten members is chef's kiss. this is kind of my comfort fic. it is realistic and still not realistic. this is the only bonten fic which is wholesome asf. read the tags carefully before reading.
to second chances. by sukirichi (Ao3)
to second chances. by @/sukirichi (Tumblr)
ok a lot of you do know her so i am thinking this would be quite famous. this story hurt me so bad. but i liked it so much. they way the story flows, the way she makes us feel everything. the way every sentence stabs your heart. this would most probably make you cry. she writes so good though so if you haven't read her works already, check her out!
the way we kill time by uzumaki_rolls (Ao3)
my first time reading a fic with asexual reader and an asexual character. and this was truly very comforting for some reason. every time i read a fic with no smut about ran, my love for him increases ten times. i love him so much, and i loved the way ran was portrayed in this story so much too. also, author, i agree with your end note and i thank you for writing this for us.
Obey me
to be added...
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stargirlfics · 2 years
I heard we were talking about what cologne Chris might wear, and I was summoned because I have a few ideas, so here’s a short(ish) list
Personally, I feel like he, at least for special events like the red carpet, is a Tom Ford kind of guy. It’s just a very classic brand for cologne, especially like higher end cologne but the question is which one, and I’ve narrowed it down to what I think the three are, the first being Tabacco Vanille (an old favorite of Harry Styles) Grey Vetiver or a personal favorite of mine Oud Wood. He also gives me the vibe of maybe a La Nuit De L'homme by Yves Saint Laurent or like any of the Creed colognes, honestly, because they are very expensive and fancy and extremely popular amongst male celebrities. But if I had to guess specifics, maybe Green Irish Tweed just feels very Boston to me agshdj, Aventus, or Royal Oud
But I also feel like he may not be into heavier, muskier, and traditionally “masculine” scents and would for something more subtle like Gucci Mémoire d'une Odeur (another favorite of Harry Styles, lol), which is light and one of the main notes is chamomile which is super calming. Runners-up are scents like Skin by Clean Reserve or Fresh Life Eau De Parfum, or Cannabis Santal (I really feel like this is his vibe Cannabis Santal isn't as soapy as the others its more grassy and nature-y, but it's just muah chefs kiss)
Tldr, I feel like he alternates between very homey scents, nothing too strong or abrasive but basically the scent equivalent of a warm hug or a drink by the fire lol or something very clean and natural and barely-there, almost soap-like, but when you get close to him you’re like “hmmm he smells nice.” But yeah, that’s my piece. We love, and respect bath and body works in this house though I will never give up Pure Wonder it smells so good. Also, Chris absolutely would buy you whatever fragrances you want :) I send so many anons I feel like I should pick a tag or something afhjafjkkdstj
Ooh you gave us an analysis anon this is cool cause I agree about him probably not leaning towards heavier scented cologne!
I could see Chris liking scents that are more airy, nature-y, clean but not overpowering if that makes sense, soap like as you said, yeah!
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