#charlie shelby headcanon
notyour-valentine · 2 years
Any headcanons about older Emma and Charlie? 🌷
🍷Join me for a Drink 🍷 - TBITW: Grown Emma and Charlie
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[Celebration] [Celebration Masterlist] [Masterlist]
This was written as part of my Series The Boy in the Window and contains spoilers
Warning: WWII, Bombings, Injuries, mention of death and violence, medical treatments, sexism, mental health problems (18/21+). I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Words: 1333
Tommy wants his children to go to the best possible school, which are mostly boarding schools, but can’t bring himself to send his children away. It is tricky to find a school, which takes both boys and girls but he won’t have them separated. 
In the end, they find a school which not only has both boys and girls from the age of sixteen, but also a looser boarding system, allowing them to come home on the weekend. 
For the first weeks, both parents are living in a rented house barely fifteen minutes away from the school in case the children need their help or want to go home. 
Especially Charlie is homesick at first, but he has Emma and knows he can go home every weekend, which makes the transition easier. 
At school, Emma excels at writing and speaking, at debating, mathematics and dramatic arts, while Charlie is excellent in biology, physics, chemistry, philosophy, literature and, like Emma, mathematics. He also starts to take an interest in drawing and poetry. 
She becomes an excellent equestrian, so good that if she were a man, she could have made the Olympic Team by a country mile. She isn’t though, and there are some things even Tommy can’t change, even if it makes his skin itch with anger. 
She is also an absolute heartbreaker, truly. But thankfully for Tommy’s nerves, she is never half as interested in a boy as she is in her horses, at least not until she is in her mid-twenties and falls head over heels
In my mind, independent of this story or any other Charlie becomes a doctor. He doesn’t seem to be all too like his father and I would love to see him pursue a more caring profession. It would also align with the charity work of the Shelby Family Foundation and while during WWII he would see more than his fair share of war, it would be vastly different from Tommy’s. 
By the time war breaks out, he would still be studying. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he would not be sent to France but stay in Birmingham and quickly rise through the ranks. He has nerves of steele and steady hands and is soon in the operating chamber day and night to save the lives of the people of Birmingham that are caught in the bombings
He comes of age during that time, not just legally, but emotionally. He sees things just as bad if not worse than his father has seen in France, has decisions to make that are tricker than his fathers, different, yes, but no less easy. Practise makes perfect and soon he has the duties of doctors far his senior. He has the talent, the cool head and the dedication
During that time, he falls in love with a nurse. She is just as tough as she is and not at all content with keeping her mouth shut. She knows exactly what she is doing and is not shy to stand her ground, against anyone, no matter how rich or powerful or threatening. 
He falls for her when they are in a bomb shelter and she is helping a woman deliver a child - it is the one time Doctor Shelby is close to losing his cool - an operation is one thing, but an unmedicated childbirth in the middle of an airstrike is a whole other thing, but she has nerves of steel and takes charge. 
Within weeks she becomes his closest companion and ally. They pull each other through the war, after which they get engaged, however it would be years before they get married. She goes off and studies medicine in her own right first, and is one of the first women in England to keep her maiden name as a professional name since it would be very confusing to have two “Dr Shelby”s working at the “Shelby Family Hospital”. 
The war causes Tommy’s mental health to turn for the worse; he blames himself for everything that happens, every death, every injury, every ruined building in the city. He has plans of course, for evacuation, for rebuilding, but he doesn’t have the strength to carry them out. Guilt, fear and PTSD renders him incapable of most things, even of engaging with the general public - of being the Tommy Shelby the world, and especially the city knows and respects. 
In this time, it is (Y/N) that holds him together, if so barely. She is the one behind the scenes, caring for him, caring for others, managing his housing project, that turned into a refugee project, but behind the scenes work is not good enough in a situation like this. 
So Emma steps up. 
And how she steps up! Having always been a charismatic, charming girl, she had grown into a confident young woman, adopting a signature red lipstick and matching red ribbon in her hair to keep it out of her face. It looks strange at first, but before long it is the single most recognisable style in the city. 
Many people are sceptical about leaving their city homes for refuge in the country, but the Shelby name, the Peaky Blinder’s reach, Ada Thorne MP’s influence and Emma’s charm is enough to convince most, even if it means she has to go knocking from door to door. 
It isn’t known how many lives they saved, but when the bombs fall on all industrial cities, a large part of Birmingham is already empty, having relocated to all those country mansions Tommy had bought up earlier. 
Those are managed by (Y/N), while Emma becomes pivotal for moral and communication in the city. The Major, the MP, the Home Secretary and the War Minister, they are all well and good, but Miss Emma’s word is more often than not the deciding factor.  This irks some of the old guard in the ministeries and when they send a young officer from an old family, to investigate, and to ensure that everything runs in the proper order of things while removing “that girl” without any official position from influence. The visit goes as bad as possible, and he makes an utter fool of himself, and has to eat his words within an hour of meeting her. Birmingham is a Shelby city, and he quickly learns that Emma’s word holds much more sway than any official piece of paper. 
It is only incidental that he requests leave for a follow up and quickly puts in a recommendation to grant more power and presence to community leaders instead of solely to military officials in this city and others. 
When he asked Emma if she would go dancing with him, she said she would only go if he could beat her in a horse race. In the end, after the war was done, she beat him at an embarrassing scale, and he lost his chance to take her dancing. So she took him instead. 
The war turns Tommy into an old man. There is no other way to put it, and even after it is finally over, recovery is slow, but still he doesn’t want to let go of the reigns of the company completely. 
Charlie was practically running the foundation and the take over was only a formality. He would expand the medical care for impoverished families, healthcare, medical research etc. 
And Emma’s charm, people skills and general knowledge are decisive in shaping the company in a post WWII world. They mainly take on the task of rebuilding infrastructure, mainly housing, in the big cities. Before long, he realises that Emma has what it takes to lead the company with Ada. While he never leaves an advisory position, he keeps handing her more and more control. This happens due to his age, his trust in both of them, his acceptance that the world is changing too fast for even him to keep up and the arrival of his grandchildren, who keep him more than busy enough.
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I want to thank you for participating in my celebration and for expanding on this. I hope you like this little headcanon.
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @babayaga67 @butterfly-skinnylegend @shelbydelrey @mrkdvidal1989 @raincoffeeandfandoms
@knowledgefulbutterfly @babayaga67 @signorellisantichrist @lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul @lothbrokcore @rangerelik
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divinekangaroo · 1 month
just enough to let me drown - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | ? | ?
During S6-E5, starting with Tommy meeting Diana at the narrowboat, how he gets back to Arrow, that particular Dinner, through to Tommy returning home after dropping Jack Nelson off at the train.
Tommy was running out of women who didn’t look like other women. If Lizzie found out, he’d have only redheads left to fuck in his old age.
No. No old age. Only this.
Diana Mitford/Tommy Shelby, Past Oswald Mosley/Tommy Shelby, Tommy Shelby/Lizzie Stark, Past Oswald Mosley/Lizzie Stark, Jack Nelson, Charles Strong, Small Heath Sex Worker | Reference to Incest, Dehumanisation, Cigarette Burns, Disassociation, Racism, Class Issues, Intrusive Thoughts, Extremely Dubious Consent, Post Rationalisation, Flashbacks, Dyfunctional Relationship, Self Harm, Oral Trauma, Trauma, Plausible Deniability, Close POV/Unreliable Narration, Horrible Dinner Parties, Prostitution, Shame, Hurt/Comfort, Eating Inedible Objects, Vomiting, Pre-Seizure Markers, Where Fascism becomes a Personally Targetted Sexual Nightmare, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Falling Off the Wagon, Unreliable Memory, Hoarding, Orgasm Control, Innuendo, Ethnic Slurs, Trying (so fucking hard!) to Communicate (emotion is the enemy of oratory!), Spiralling, Purposeful Ambiguity, Failed Love Confession/s
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hb-writes · 7 months
Any Halloween headcanons of your OCs?
Yes, of course. 🙂
Suits (Charlie Specter) - Charlie absolutely loves horror films and haunted houses. The more nightmare-inducing, the better. Harvey cannot understand the appeal. She usually ends up knocking on his door when she can't fall asleep afterwards.
Peaky (Clara Shelby) - Something about the chillier air in autumn makes Clara want to bake so she always pesters the chef at Arrow House to teach her new recipes. She's an absolute scaredy cat. Terrified of ghost stories. And I'm not entirely certain on the nature of Halloween in 1920's UK, but from a brief search, going around to houses in costume and performing for food appears to have possibly been a thing. And I can absolutely picture little Finn and Clara doing just that, developing a little performance and going house to house for some spare sweets.
Twilight (Mia Cullen) - Mia dresses up as a vampire more than once for Halloween. She does it as a child to be more like her family and then again as a teenager just to be a smartass.
The Punisher (Lenny Falconio) - Lenny loves Halloween and doing all of the stereotypical fall things. She's very serious about pumpkin carving, apple picking, and putting together homemade costumes for everyone.
True Blood (Elisabeth Northman) - Elisabeth has never gone trick or treating.
Shades (Emmeline Grey) - Emma has always had the most extravagant Halloween costumes. Like thinking full gowns and tiaras when she wanted to be a Disney princess. Her birthday is shortly after Halloween, so she also usually liked to have Halloween-themed bday parties while growing up.
The Family Stone (Maggie Stone) - Most of Maggie's Halloween costumes growing up were old costumes belonging to her older siblings and almost all of them were difficult to guess what they were supposed to be (Sybil and Kelly are a bit eccentric, after all).
Supernatural (Nora Winchester) - Pretty sure Dean is more into Trick or Treating than Nora because he always makes sure she gets to go even if they're on the road. It's a great way to get boat loads of free candy and to pick up chicks. Nora's fine with it until she gets to be ~13 years old and feels too old to be going door to door, but Dean pushes it anyway.
White Collar (Alice Burke) - Alice loves going to look at the fancy Brownstones on the Upper West Side decorated for Halloween. She gets special permission to have Neal's radius extended temporarily so he can go with her.
Marvel (Maxine Parker) - Max dresses up as a different avenger each year (another girl being a casual smartass 😅).
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merryandrewsart · 2 years
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For @thatgurlsstuff ❤
I was thinking about Ruby convincing Alfie to let her ride a horse that Tommy won't allow her (because she's still too young for big horsies) but then she hurt her leg when she tried to mount the saddle (a smoll scratch) and Alfie is patching her leg.
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zablife · 4 months
Seamstress, Secretary, Sex-worker, Spy
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John x female reader
Summary: You've been seen with John numerous times and now the Shelby family is getting suspicious. Who are you and what's your true relationship to John?
Author’s Note: This was requested by a lovely anon. Tysm for the idea! I hope you don't mind that I wrote them as headcanons. I haven't had much time for full fics recently.
Warnings: language, mention of smut
🌹The first time someone sees you with John you're collecting the laundry, a large basket at your hip piled high with all his unwashed shirts. "Have we got a new washerwoman in town, Charlie?" Curly asks, scratching his head as he sees you passing on the street.
"Don't look like any washerwoman I ever saw," Charlie says ogling you.
💌The second time, you're in the betting shop, nibbling on the end of a pencil as you think of a clever note to leave on John’s desk. Linda rolls her eyes as she complains, "Perfect, they've sent me another useless idiot who can't do simple maths." When you disappear, she assumes you quit. "Thanks be to Jesus for that," she mutters under her breath.
❤️ The third time your presence is much harder to miss, a sharp cry of pleasure erupting from the snug in the Garrison. "Has John got a whore in there?" Isaiah asked, turning to Finn with a wicked smirk. Their suspicions seemed to be confirmed when you left minutes later, money in hand and a smoldering kiss to send you on your way.
🌹 The mystery of your presence remains in the following days and soon Tommy becomes suspicious as well. “I knew he was spending too much time in Solomons’ territory,” he grumbles, pacing the floor of his office. “What if that dodgy fucker sent her here?"
"A spy?" Polly chuckles as she leans back in her chair.
"Why not use a pretty girl to turn his head?," Tommy reasoned with a huff of frustration. When she rolled her eyes in return he shouted, "Everyone knows John thinks with his cock!"
💌 The family meeting begins without John who appears twenty minutes late, stuffing his shirt into the back of his trousers. Running to the meeting from your arms is difficult enough, but now the entire family is boring holes into him, expecting an explanation. When they begin telling him of their suspicions, his mouth drops open.
"You being serious, Tom?" he asks. "All of you?" he looks around the room aghast. Slowly everyone nods. "Bloody hell..." his voice drops as removes his cap and drops into a chair crestfallen.
❤️ Polly begins to look worried, leaning forward at the table to ask, "John, if this girl is going to be trouble, we need to know."
"Always thinking the worst, ain't ya?" he answers bitterly. Then he shakes his head with a little laugh, which angers Arthur first.
"You fucking laughing at us? Finn and Isaiah saw you pay the little tart! What's that about, eh?" he grumbles, anger contorting his face.
"What the fuck did you call her?" John seethes, lunging for his brother. A scuffle breaks out between them which Tommy and Uncle Charlie have to stop before either of them can land a punch.
🌹 John straightens his clothes as he begins, "Yeah, she's my girl. But she ain't a whore and she ain't a spy for Alfie fucking Solomons either alright? Moved to Saltley two years ago with her mum. I had it checked out....'M not as stupid as everyone thinks." He sniffs and takes a look around the room to see disbelief still hanging in the air. "Why is that so hard for you to believe?"
Polly places a hand on his arm, "We're listening, go on."
💌John's eyes soften as he speaks of you. "She takes care of me, does the laundry and shopping, leaves me kind notes..." Eyes glazing slightly at the memory he turns to Arthur adding, "Sucks me dry, I swear to God. Yesterday I thought--"
"We believe you," Polly interjects with a firm nod. Turning to her other nephew she states, "Tommy, I think this item of business is closed."
❤️ You're invited to the next family dinner as a way to placate John, but also for the others to get to know you. When they do, they adore you instantly and John is rightfully vindicated. "Shouldn't have doubted me," John reminds them.
"I know. I was wrong to say you were only thinking with your cock," Tommy apologizes.
"No, I was thinking with me cock, but for once it was the right decision," John admits with a wink.
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heavencanbeaprisontoo · 2 months
Hi I hope you’re well 😊 I’m here to request your thoughts on Tommy Shelby as a father. Like how many kids you’d think he would have had if he only had one love interest (no falling in love with Grace or marrying Lizzie). Or if you think he’d be a girl or boy dad (personally i’d like to think he’d be a girl dad and have a big family haha). You can make this headcanon or just simply respond to this ask however you’d like! Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 🥰
Thomas Shelby as a Father
Tommy x Fem!Reader
Trope: Wait till your father gets home Warnings: Angst, spoilers for most of the series, period-typical sexism, references to past ab-se.
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What we see of Tommy as a father is that he's distant and seemingly detached. This, I feel, is because of his trauma in losing Grace and his growing obsession with obtaining power.
We do see that Tommy is aware of his children's emotional state but seems unable to comfort his son. He goes as far as to have Arthur be the one to talk to his son about why he had to shoot his horse.
Tommy clearly cares about his children. He runs through a field of landmines to save his son, when he had almost stepped on one to purposely end his own life. Tommy goes nearly mad when he finds out Alfie Solomons was involved with the enemy that kidnapped his son. He shot Alfie for that betrayal with the intent to kill.
When Ruby became ill and he thought was all due to a curse, Tommy hunted the woman down. He went on a bloody rampage because he thought it would save her. With all of this, we know he is a loving father. But without Grace, he doesn't seem to know how to show that love.
Let's say that there is no Grace, only you, and that no sapphire is ever put around your neck.
That Thomas might be different than the one we saw parenting Charles and Ruby. I think he would want more than two children. I think he would be the sort of man who would say "one is enough," but really he wants four.
He would never raise his voice in his home without good reason. Tommy knows what its like to have a father that rules through fear and honey. He won't be kind only when he wants something. He won't make his children afraid of him.
Personally, I do see him as prime girl-dad material. Like he would have one son and three girls. Regardless of the birthing order, he calls the boy his "heir," but spoils the girls. They each have their own horse, a wardrobe of beautiful clothing, and freedom to do literally whatever they want. He has opened his briefcase to find dollies and teacups from your youngest girl's tea set before. She thought he would be lonely at work.
His girls would be the sort to follow around staff and ask them intrusive questions. Tommy would not be immune. His daughters would probably ask him questions like: "Do you not grow hair on the back of your hand daddy? Is that why it's only on top?" At least one of his daughters would have a "I'm totally a witch," phase where she's flinging curses just like he used to. Only with her, it's cute because she's only nine.
The only son of Thomas Shelby would be safely tucked under his wing. At your imploring, he would take your boy on long car rides or out into town without his sisters to bond. The boy has a lot of pressure on him to succeed, Tommy doesn't always sympathize with that.
All four of his children would be little hellions. He would be dragged to see their school's headmaster on a near weekly basis. To the point where he isn't always sure which of his kids is in trouble sometimes. He just drops a donation to the school and the problem goes away. That's not to say your children are bratty or terribly spoiled. Well, they are, but not unbearably so...
Tommy makes sure his children understand where he came from. He brings them all to the Cut to watch the ships come through. Loves to leave them at Charlie's yard for an afternoon of mischief and bonding time with "Grandpa Charlie." They also get dropped off at Aunt Polly's home for weekends every now and again. The girls always come back with a new swear word.
They are new money, not old money. There are those who will look down upon them based on this alone. He makes sure his children are educated and well-rounded individuals. Tommy often worries about the state of the Shelby Empire after he dies. You remind him that he "isn't allowed to die," before you say so.
Tommy is still more distant than you would like him to be. He's so focused on his goals, it's like he forgets all about Arrow House and the family that lives there. The oldest two girls have said as much to his face once before. He took the family on holiday after that. You knew he would go right back to long nights in the office, but it was still sweet.
Life with him is hardly perfect, but it's closer to it than you could have with anybody else. And that's enough.
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ellieslittleburrow · 2 months
Masterlist 🌹🌹🌹
Hi there, welcome. I'm reposting the masterlist on my other account, rusty's lodge and adding the fics i wrote on this one as well.
enjoyyyy 💕
4am Masterlist
Writing conditions
Fandoms : Supernatural, Walker, The society, Hannibal, Peaky blinders, Sherlock Holmes, The Punisher, The Witcher, and many more!
Open to requests from other tv shows i might've watched, so request away 🖤🖤
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Supernatural :   
One shots : 
Sam and dean :
Coming home late..doesn't keep Dean okay.(Angsty Dean x sister reader)
Graduation (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Broken heart (Dean x sister reader)
Cakepops (Dean x sister reader)
Tummy ache (Fluffy Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Arrested (Angsty Sam x sister reader)
Distant(Sam x sister reader)
The best dad (Sam x daughter reader)
Heartbroken (Sam/dean x sister reader)
I'll do it for you (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Sleep paralysis...Part1(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Witchcraft (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Fun evening...Part 2(Angsty Dean x sister reader)
Fun evening..Part 1(Fluffy Dean x sister reader)
Social anxiety (Dean/Sam x sister reader)
Eating disorder part 1 (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
ED part 2, Dean(Dean x sister reader)
ED part 2, Sam (Sam x sister reader)
Periods (Dean/Sam x sister reader)
Hungover Dean ( Fluffy Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Non-binary little winchester(Sam/Dean x sibling reader)
Dean realizes his sister’s lesbian( Dean x lesbian sister reader)
Forever love you, no matter what(Sam/Dean x lesbian sister)
I'm here now, kid (Dean winchester x daughter!reader)
Too young to go on hunts(Sam/Dean/Bobby x sister reader)
Sick (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Pretty girl (Sam/Dean x young sister reader)
psychic abilities (Sam/Dean x sister reader) 
Homeschooled Part 1 (Sam/sister reader)
Homeschooled Part 2 (Sam/sister reader)
Sir mister judge (Dean x sister reader)
Bites pt1 (angst Dean winchester x daughter reader)
Bites pt2 (fluffy Dean winchester x daughter reader)
The hairdresser (Sam x young daughter reader) 
Short hair (Sam/Dean x sister reader) 
Panicky..(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Hurtin' kid.(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Family breakup. (Angst Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Sentimental sister (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Other characters :
The little secret (Castiel x reader)
I promised i’d keep you safe and i broke that promise(Platonic jack x sister reader)
Savior castiel (platonic castielx sister reader)
Charlie's girlfriend (Romantic fluff charlie x sister reader)
Siblings (Dean/Sam Winchester x sister!reader)
Christmas time (Dean winchester x sister!reader)
  Texts 📱 :
Sam and Dean :
Are you sure you’re feeling better ? (Sam x sick sister reader)
Prank time. (Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Night terrors (Dean x sister reader)
I crashed baby...(Sam/Dean x sister reader)
Other characters :
Blackmail Part 1(Claire novak x winchester sister reader)
Blackmail Part 2 
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Hannibal :
Poor behaviour Pt1 (hannibal x daughter reader)
Poor behaviour Pt2
It is but a little cold. (Fluff Hannibal x daughter reader)
Anger issues (Hannibal x daughter reader)
Protective family(AU Sherlock Holmes/Hannibal Lecter x daughter/sister!reader)
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Peaky Blinders :
Final night in Soho (shelby brothers x sister)
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Sherlock Holmes :
His ward. (Sherlock Holmes x sister reader)
His ward. PT2, choice 1
His ward. PT2, choice 2
The detectives (Sherlock/Enola holmes x sister!reader)
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Big Sky :
Hurt but safe.(Beau Arlen x daughter!reader)
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The Last Of Us :
A father like no other (Joel Miller x daughter!reader)
From stranger to father..(Joel miller x daughter!reader)
Fainter reader(Joel miller x daughter!reader/Ellie x sister!reader)
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The witcher :
Geralt headcanons (Geralt x daughter!reader)
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Top Gun Maverick :
Balls of fire (Rooster Bradshaw x sister!reader)
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Elvis :
I own you. (Smut Elvis Presley x girlfriend!reader)
Classic case of jealousy (Elvis Presley x girlfriend!reader)
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shelbygraces · 1 year
I know that you've said before that every character you've ever played is canonically Ace, but I was wondering if you have a canon for each of their romantic orientations? If not, I have few headcanons that I'd like to hear your opinion on.
Shrub - Aromantic - From what I remember, Shrub never showed any romantic interest in any other characters (though, I think Joey was the only one in S1 to do so), so I just felt that Aro fit her
Great Witch Shelby - Homoromantic or Biromantic with a preference for women - This is just because of the whole thing with Katherine
Mickey Jones - Biromantic - I don't really have an explanation for this one, it just felt right
Charlie King - Panromantic - Charlie seemed like a really chill, "Let's just have fun" kind of person, so she wouldn't care what her partner's gender was, as long as they were fun to be around and they made each other happy
I never thought of my characters romantic orientations much but i love your ideas! I think Shrub being aro could be cool (but flower wives enjoyers will be sad). But that's why we have Witch Shelby, I'd say she is actually demisexual and biromantic! Mickey being bi or pan also feels right. And Charlie I think I actually felt was the closest to me personally, on the ace spectrum but not about labels much. Just likes who she likes :) I also imagine some of them as nonbinary, like Shrub and Mickey I could really feel vibing that way
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demontonic · 11 months
You can always make requests!
Key: Angst🩶 Fluff🤍 Smut🖤 TW💜 Upcoming…
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Old Friends🩶🤍
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Padame Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Han Solo
Darth Vader
The apprentice…
Kylo Ren
Would you?🤍
best padawan…
Poe Dameron
Steve Roggers
Bucky Barnes
Silver eyes…
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Mothers Know Best🩶🤍
What a woman…
Wanda Maximoff
Mothers Know Best🩶🤍
Pietro Maximoff
low and slow…
Peter Parker (TASM)
Pretty Boy🤍🖤
Peter Parker (MCU)
Miguel O’Hara
Mortal Kombat
(MK1: 🕷️ 2021 live action: 🕸️)
Liu Kang
God above…
Kung Lao
Bi-Han (Sub-Zero)
Kuai Liang (Scorpion)
Kenshi Takahashi
Shang Tsung
Queen Sindel
Ethan Landry
Perverted 1 - 2 - 3🤍🖤💜
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Charlie Walker
Cillian Murphy
Thomas Shelby
Dave Lizewski (kickass)
Sam Monroe
sweet dreams…
Rory Culkin
Hayden Christensen
The first time pt2🤍
Eddie Munson🤍🖤
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dearshelby · 1 year
Would you mind writing a wedding headcanon for Tommy? Would it be grand and posh or simple for the small circle only? Would he take an active part in it? Perhaps Alfie could be in a guest list and so on. It will be great if you do it for dark!Tommy (you do a good job in it). 💙💙💙
Hehe I'm so glad there are actual people who enjoy dark!AU and I'm not some weirdo standing on the corner of Tumblr like🧍🏻‍♀️Btw there's implied nsfw here but it's nothing explicit
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Wedding day with dark!Tommy Shelby 
• Before the war Tommy didn't want a big party, he had different life goals and exposing his darling to the whole Small Heath wasn't part of it. Even if he enjoyed showing off his claim over her, he believed a wedding ceremony was meant to be something private and intimate for the bride and groom.
• Therefore, he would've been pleased with the priest's presence only. At most his brothers, Polly and Uncle Charlie would be invited too.
• However, after France his life goals changed together with his preferences. Assuming that they were already in an established relationship and living together, Tommy wouldn't rush into getting married because he'd want something fancier.
• Perhaps after taking the racetracks from Billy Kimber or expanding his domain to London. It all depends on how his darling views the situation, if she's super excited to get married he wouldn't deny her the most expensive ceremony he could afford.
• Regardless of the date, darling's wedding day starts the night before, when Tommy gets super clingy because they'll only see each other again at the altar. He's not used to staying more than his working shift away from her.
• When it comes to the preparations, he's not really participative, he's always busy and too tired to deal with this sort of thing. There are only two things he'll keep an eye on since the beginning, the guests list and bride's dress. He'd hate someone like Moss invited or his future wife looking less than perfect. 
• As a matter of fact, Tommy will do everything in his reach to keep business out of the ceremony, outside the guests and family, he won't tell anyone of the event. If anyone uninvited approaches him about it, he'll deny it like a bad rumour.
• On the grand day he'll keep his usual unshakable posture, but deep down he's excited and a bit nervous. His beloved one will be officially his and he'll have an official document to prove it. 
• Watching her walking down the aisle, a rare, tiny but real smile will creep into his face, he'd missed her in the few hours they were apart.
• For the rest of the event, Tommy will be all over her (in a restrained way, he's not very into PDA), he'll dance, give her short pecks on the lips, drink and talk. After a few hours he'll want nothing more than being alone with her so they can consumatte the ceremony.
• When the party is over, Tommy is drained like any good introvert. He won't talk much, allowing his yearning hands to speak for him.
• Overwhelmed with desire, he's unsure if he wants to undress her himself or sit down and watch as she does so. In the end he'll help her anyway, unable to stay away for another second at least. 
• The wedding night won't be rough, but extremely intense, Tommy will demand eye contact and to be the closest as possible. Sometimes, while he's lost in pleasure, his most possessive side shows itself as he mutters "mine" against her skin.
• If she hears him and answers "yours" the man is done. 
• The next morning, darling will be waken up by his husky voice saying, "Good morning, Mrs. Shelby." 
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB's Recommendation List: March
Welcome to March’s recommendation. Down below is the link to February’s part 2 featuring Peaky Blinders, Bucky Barnes, and more. March is a very busy month for me, I’m traveling all over to see specialists, so there may be more stories than usual, or there could be fewer. If you are interested in having your writing challenges featured here, or your stories, or even just your blog, please feel free to tag me in your works, message me, or use the hashtag MidnightWithDearKatyTSPB. I hope you are enjoying the new theme on the blog for March, as St. Patrick’s day holds a special day in my heart. My folks got married on that day in an intimate ceremony and again in July in a bigger ceremony many years ago, before many of your parents got together.
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🌹 Feb. '23 Pt. 2
March '23 Pt. 2 🍀
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A Handsome Stranger >> John Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Me and The Devil >> Alfie Solomons x Reader (Moodboard)
In Death's Realm >> Fortunate Souls Playlist, "Death has feelings, death weeps, death feels anger, death has hopes and dreams, and death has a heart."
Have It All by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Keep Us Safe by @zablfie >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Make A Good Thing Bad >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella (Moodboard)
My Darling Tommy (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x Reader "I do not think such a smile or happiness will be known till we are in each other's arms once more."
Lighthouse Vacation (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
Happy Birthday Buck (Moodboard + Drabble) >> Bucky Barnes x OFC!Sparrow Lake
How About Now by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Polly Gray x Aberama Gold (Moodboard) "Across the vast quantity of multiverses, Polly Gray always fell in with Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold himself fell madly deeply in love with Mrs. Gray."
The Blackbird and The Lionheart (Playlist) >> Polly Gray x Aberama Gold
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Being Finn's Twin Sister by @mindful-of-ideas >> I loved seeing more Finn Shelby on my dashboard.
Fireflies by @acewritesfics >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Extended version of her Moodboard and Blurb. | Did I cry? Yes. Would I read it again? Yes, times a million. It's such a beautiful story, yet so sad.
A Handsome Stranger by @zablife >> Vampire!John Shelby x Reader - Summary: You meet a handsome man one night in a club who makes you feel a powerful desire for him. The events of the evening grow increasingly strange and difficult to comprehend. | I did not see that end coming at all, but then again, with all of Lee's writing, she always takes me by surprise with her endings! I hope to see more vampire!Shelby family.
Pizza and Champagne. by @peakyscillian >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: A peek into your and Tommy's life. | So good, and I would love to have a night like this with Modern!Tommy.
Three's A Party by @peakyscillian >> Tommy Shelby x Reader x Ginger!Lady - Summary: You and Tommy have a threesome with a frequent female patron from The Garrison. Tommy thinks he just might be in Heaven. | This is so very hot. Please enjoy it.
Keep Us Safe by @zablife >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Family history repeats itself when your daughter is taken by parish authorities. This time Tommy won't let them get away with it. | This story will make your eyes water and your heartache, but you will see a father's true desperation to do whatever it takes to make his family whole. Lee, you did such an outstanding job with this story.
What About Now by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy has been hard at work with your children Charlie and Ruby, planning something extra special for you. | This is very beautiful, and I absolutely adore it. Tommy puts so much effort into doing something for his significant and evolving his children. Be still my heart.
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Request: Ties and Baton by @dameronscopilot >> Steven Grant x f!reader - Summary/Request: Okay, but now that you’ve mentioned it, Steven using his tie and batons on the reader. | I read the warnings, I promise I did, but I still did not expect it to be as hot as it was.
Favorite Kind of Trouble by @amhrosina >> Frank Castle x Reader x Matt Murdock - Summary: Frank and you get up to no good at a gala event, and Matt’s enhanced senses can’t help but focus on the pretty sounds you’re making from across the room. | Be prepared to read something that has just the right amount of spiciness to it.
Present by @crazyunsexycool >> Alpha!Stucky x Reader - Summary: Reader has never presented as a beta, alpha, or omega, but she still managed to find the loves of her life. If she isn't presented, then why is she in the middle of a mission, cramping and hunched over, craving her two loves so badly? | If you are looking for some spicy Stucky x Reader, look no further. This will have you covered.
Push & Pull by @milkymoon2483 >> Frank Castle X Plus Size Jewish OC Hannah Friedman - Summary: You’re going back to your small town for your father’s funeral and Shiva. You know you’re about to face family drama, but what worries you the most is that you’re going to see HIM, your dad’s long-time friend and probably the most attractive man you have ever met. When Frank finally sees you and realizes that you’re all grown up, he struggles with accepting his budding feelings for you. | Please do yourself a favor and go and read this, especially if you are on a Frank Castle kick or if you are a sad bunny like me. This story is just perfect. The emotions that are portrayed through the writing are just beautiful.
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Can You See His Silhouette? by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: You get your period and without anything to help you with it, you're mortified. Luckily Joel is there to help. | This is really sweet, leaving me wishing for Joel to take care of me.
Compass by @frenchiereading >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: You receive an unexpected visit that threatens to tip over the fragile balance you’ve been trying to maintain for the sake of your love, your family, and your marriage. Set about a year after the events of the movie. | Grab some tissues for this one, folk, because let me just say, you'll need them.
Crossroads of His Heart by @jake-g-lockley >> Frankie Morales x reader - Summary/Prompt: “would you acknowledge my feelings for you if i kissed you right now? you can’t seem to take a damn hint, [name]”, Glancing at you but immediately looking away when you catch them, Almost kissing, but someone walks in. | Can you tell I'm on a Triple Frontier kick, and I'm getting my fix? This was so adorable, especially the cotton candy scene.
Lush by @javierpinme >> Neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!Reader - Summary: You buy a sex toy and accidentally send a request to your hot neighbor to join in. | Is this really hot? Yes. Did I need to splash cold water on myself after reading? Very much so.
Stay by @dameronscopilot >> Kacey Dutton x Reader - Summary: When a downtrodden Kayce arrives on your doorstep at nearly midnight on New Year’s Eve and shares unexpected news, reigning in the feelings you’ve harbored for him for years becomes exceedingly difficult. | I'm a big fan of Yellowstone, and Kacey is my favorite character, so I freaked out when I saw this. It's something I didn't know I needed and I want more of in my life. Please go read if you are a fan of Lukas Grimes or Yellowstone!
Worth the Risk by @melodygatesauthor >> Santiago "Pope" Garcia X f!Reader - Summary: You're visiting your hometown on college break, and you are staying overnight at your best friend's house. You never realized how attractive her dad was until that night. You wonder if he feels the same. | An Oscar Isaac character *chefs kiss* and some spiciness, just what everyone needs.
The Wow Factor by @movievillainess721 >> Frankie Morales x Plus Size!Female!Reader - Summary: You now owe Santi a favor. | Can something be adorable and hot at the same time? Well, this was.
*Grays Part 1 & Part 2 by @fuckyeahdindjarin >> Frankie Morales x Hairstylist!Reader - Summary: Frankie wants you to cover up his grays. You want to knock some sense into his salt-and-pepper head. | I only give you the summary of part 1, but trust me, you will want to read both parts. Part two is spicy, but part one is the teasing, and I just love this so much.
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Arthur + Wedding by @acewritesfics >> Arthur Shelby x Reader | Arthur and Reader sneaking off just warms my heart. I need more Arthur in my life now.
Men (Modern AU) by @dreamlandcreations >> Tommy Shelby x Reader x Alfie Solomons - Blurb | TOMMY'S WHAT?!? Alex does a wonderful job making your jaw drop. Beautiful moodboard.
Your Eyes by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby - Poem | Such a beautiful poem and moodboard, Selene.
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@acewritesfics - Ace was one of the very first Peaky Blinder writers I followed on Tumblr when I returned, and I'm so glad I did. I don't just follow her peaky content. I follow because Ace is so kind in her feedback on other people's content and just encouraging. She is definitely someone you want on your dashboard.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
That fic you wrote about Tommy’s wife being depressed and the family coming round is now my favorite! And I loved that little bit about ruby insisting that tommy picks her outfit, I’d love like a little story or bigger headcanon about that if you wanted to write it
Anon! I'm so happy that you enjoyed that story! I rambled out a scene here and I hope you find it cozy <3
Thank you for waiting.
Original Post Here
No explicit content in this story. But please be mindful that Peaky Blinders does contain adult themes and content.
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“No!” Ruby shouted passionately still sitting in her tangled blankets. “Daddy didn’t pick it.” 
You tried to hold your temper in. Taking a deep breath you resisted the urge to start screaming at her. Things around the house were not optimal. You felt that you had failed as a parent by being unable to shield them from the stress crushing you and Tommy. 
Things were off and it only showed more as it impacted the kids. 
“Go back to bed.” You said removing yourself from the room. On the way down to the kitchens, you poked your head into Charlie’s room. 
“Ruby’s staying home today -” 
“Is it the dress thing again?” he interrupted pulling his school blazer off the back of his chair. 
“I’ve managed every day this week. But she’s finally won, I don't have it in me this morning.” You let out a sigh. “Fair is fair, you can stay in as well, love.” 
“Yes!” He tossed his blazer on the chair trading it for a wool sweater before running past you. “I’ll be out back, Love you!” 
You smiled, at least you could make one person happy today. You fixed the jacket on his chair and then made your way to the kitchen. You pulled out the wooden chair by the window and lit a cigarette. The wind was blowing fiercely causing the trees to sway, suddenly having the kids home for the day didn't seem like such a bad idea. 
Thomas wouldn't be back for another three days. You were hoping that whatever weather this was would blow over before he’d travel home. 
Ruby’s temper was the least of your worries in the grand scheme of things. Tommy was out there up to God knows what. You took a long drag as your head started to hurt just thinking about it. John went with him, which meant Esme was either here at the house or calling every two hours. 
You put some water in the kettle before opening the back door to call out for Charlie to come in as the rain had picked up. 
In Tommy’s study - 
“I’d like to speak to daddy please” Rubby mumbled into the receiver. 
“Where on earth is your mother? This is a private line you can’t -” A woman with a shrill voice answered, pinching the bridge of her nose. Strange people called in for him at all hours of the bloody day, but this was ridiculous she thought to herself. 
“I’M A SH-EL-BY PUT MY DA ON THE PHONE” Ruby demanded, determined to fix whatever mess took her dad away. There was a strange sound and she let out a frustrated grumble.
“Shelby.” Tommy’s voice rang out. 
“Daddy!” Tears welled up in her eyes and it got hard to speak. 
“Ruby! What’s wrong?!” He sat up immediately. 
“You-you - m-” She stuttered causing Tommy to clench his fist in the air. 
“Just calm down and tell daddy” His heart was pounding, and he felt his hands start to shake. Where the hell were you? Why would Ruby be on her own? 
“ I-I- Woke up this morning. Mmm-mummy wanted me to wear a dress- the green one -  but I - knowed that you- didn't pick it. Mmm, can you come home n-now” Her voice started to wobble. 
“Daddy?” She asked into the phone but soon realized that the line had gone dead at some point. Sighing in defeat she went to go find you to negotiate. 
You set out three mugs on the countertop. After filling yours with tea, you grabbed a clean pot and started on some hot cocoa. 
“Yes, darling.” 
“Can you please call daddy?’
“Sweetheart, he only has time to call before bed.” You told her and watched as she stuck her arms out above her head. You picked her up and placed her on the countertop. All rules were written off as the sounds of thunder ran across the sky. You felt uneasy, and playing games and breaking rules seemed to be the best way to hide it. 
“Are you making pancakes?” 
“And hot cocoa.” you smiled as her face lit up. 
The day passed easily, and you all stayed in the warm embrace of the kitchen. Laying down a blanket near the fire the three of you played cards and told jokes. The two of them made a massive mess trying to help cook stew for supper. You were having so much fun you didn't even realize that the day had passed. Soon you were sipping whiskey while Ruby slept against your chest. Charlie was talking to you about his horse, and well all sorts of random things about horses in history. You couldn't remember half the historical figures he was rambling about let alone what type of horse they had. 
You enjoyed the time you had with only them. Normally this time was reserved for Tommy, the business, or the family. But these moments of listening to him talk were too rare, something you would need to change. 
“Dad?” Charlie asked suddenly, looking behind you. You turned to look at the doorway and there he was. You suppressed a laugh once you realized something was wrong. 
“Darling what’s happened.” You stood up clutching Rubby to your chest tightly. Tommy came over and pulled her away from you. 
“You're home” She mumbled, her little hands clutching his jacket. After weeks of restless sleeps, she was too worn out to be excited. He held her tightly pressing his cheek against her head. 
Meeting his cold blue eyes, you sobered up from the soft moment.
“Help me get her to bed then.” He asked sounding defeated and worn out. You all moved upstairs and you kissed Charlie goodnight as he went about his own bedtime routine.
Tommy had gotten Ruby into her pjs, but it seemed even he struggled with her occasionally. She had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he knelt beside her bed. 
"Please don't leave mummy." She said in a wet voice. Immediately your stomach dropped, why on earth would she have such a thought? Your own insecurities started to blow up as the silence stretched on. 
"Why would I leave mum? Eh? Best mum and wife there is." He said running a hand up and down her back. 
"Rosy's da is leaving her mum for a different mum. I don't want you to leave. It's not safe for us - I-I do-"
"Enough." He said firmly shutting her down. "There is nothing in this world that would take me away from mum, or you, or Charlie."
"But you go away all the time. Even the sky gets angry when you leave. What if one day you don’t come back?"
A worry you spent much of your life pushing down. Always Thomas against the world, but what if one day he doesn't win? 
He let out a sigh. 
"We live in England darling, the sky is always angry.” When seeing she wasn't satisfied with that answer he continued. “ I go away on business, not to see other people or start families." He said seriously. 
"Promise." She finally let go of his neck. You watched as he made a show of opening her closet doors. 
“Hmm. This is a tough choice.” He said sounding genuinely stuck. “Let's go with this one, eh?” He pulled a deep burgundy dress with long sleeves down from the top row of hanging dresses. 
You watched her give a nod of approval. With goodnights exchanged he arranged the blankets, and you stepped out into the hallway. He made his exit and gave you a strange look. 
“How does she know that it’s you that picks the dresses?” You thought of all the times he’d sent her to pick a dress only for Ruby to wake up and know it wasn't him. 
“I have no idea.” He shrugged. “Next time we’ll pick them out for the week I’m gone.” 
You followed him towards your bedroom. His words echo in your mind, and questions about why he was home so early start to boil over. 
Much like Ruby you were always fearful someone better would catch his eye, or that someone would get the best of him.
Undressing and getting ready for bed, the thoughts were pushed far out of your mind. There’s a simplicity to doing tasks next to the person you love. It was silent, and after so many years it could have seemed choreographed. Getting into bed next to him was bliss compared to the long nights spent alone. His arms found you pulling you into his warmth. 
“I thought something had happened. Ruby called me this morning and the line cut out.” 
“What - she doesn't even know how to use the phone -” 
“I taught her to in case of emergencies.” He responded cutting you off.
“That would have been good to know” You let out a sigh. 
“I just didn't know what would be waiting for me. The whole fucking city went dead.” 
“We played cards, cooked, told jokes, kept warm.” He placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
You heard the sounds of the storm picking up but felt nothing but the warmth and safety of his embrace. 
It didn't take long before there were two extra bodies entering. Ruby climbed up to tuck into Tommy’s other side and Charlie placed himself on the edge of your side of the bed. You ran your hand through his hair a few times then let him have his space.
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divinekangaroo · 3 months
Loved that you gave Lizzie backstory in your fics. Do you reckon she will be alright with how S6 ended? I'm truly heartbroken for her and need closure
My opinion/headcanon on how she is after S6 depends on what we think happens after Tommy disappears. Like, if he simply disappeared, then he reappears at some point...I mean, I do imagine they divorce, this is not a marriage, but I also think Lizzie would probably find her feet? And that she and Tommy would be relatively amicable if not necessarily friends/in a relationship? She's got a significant position in the company now and there's every sign she would continue, especially if she becomes Charlie's primary parent figure.
But if we imagine Tommy's disappearance was reported as a death, and Lizzie hears and believes he died - and given the circumstances, even if Arthur tells Lizzie that Tommy was sick, it's still *clearly* a suicide - I think Lizzie takes it much, much harder. She was his carer in the end, in that broken way they had, and when she couldn't take his self-harm and the way it fell on her in the end, she left him - triggering his son to leave him - only to find out a few weeks, maybe months after her “abandonment” (1) of a man that she knew was unstable, had been suicidal, was taking extreme inexplicable murderous/sexual actions, was having seizures - that Tommy then committed suicide all on his own? I do not imagine she copes well *at all*, especially with how she'd adopted that job/role/mantle of his carer/calmer/safety line. (<- This second/worse scenario is more what I like to play in with fic, and I have bits and pieces of story planned. No matter her past pragmatism about the impact of his behaviours, this is the first time she walks away from Tommy ever — and he kills himself? Fffff the rage and hurt and despair and *rage*…and when he reappears, my goodness, times it all by 1000)
Generally, though, I don't know if the show ever intends to gives closure. I sort of like that? In some ways it feels a bit more realistic, yanno? Closure's a bit of a fabrication in the real world.
I do like to speculate that in either scenario, Lizzie takes all of Tommy's money and legal authority and businesses, and changes her name back to Stark; Charlie decides to go by Charles Burgess and reverts the name of the foundation to the Grace Burgess Foundation; Duke never changes his surname from his mother's surname; when Ada hits politics she of course goes by Ada Thorne. (And Linda returns herself and Billy to her maiden name, and Shelby Co has no more Shelbys on the board ->) So the name Shelby lives and dies with Tommy and Arthur alone. (And the gin distillery goes bankrupt probably)
So I suppose we could speculate Lizzie gets something out if it? CEO/Queen at last. But not closure…
((1) Note the self blame I talk about above is how I imagine Lizzie might react and isn’t a comment on suicide contributing factors)
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evita-shelby · 8 months
maybe you could write some headcanons for Tommy in The Hunger Games. y’know, it’s cool-
Thanks for the idea!
So in my mind it would take place like right after the 10th games(the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is the 10th games) when they make enact Coryo/Snow's plan to make the hunger games go from necessary but unpopular televised hunger games where the victor gets jack shit to the Hunger Games we see in the trilogy.
It would also be very angsty as that universe is much darker than peaky blinders by a long shot.
Approach with caution as its very dark
The Shelbys would be in the Hunger Games after Lucy Gray's when they become closer to the ones the characters we see in Hunger Games were they get money, food and at least get a nice meal and clothes before getting sent to the slaughter
They'd be district 2 as the industries of District 2 align with Small Heath and be in the villages or at least part of the city that were not loyal to the capitol
Tommy and Arthur would have their names submitted into the reaping bowl more than once to bring food for their siblings after their parents death
They lived through the war, arthur sr feels like he'd be part of the Covey or convinently escaped to greener pastures leaving mrs shelby with five kids during the war and the first year after
Arthur and Tommy have both survived their games, Arthur being perhaps the victor of the 9th or 8th games in his late teens and Tommy being the first career victor after volunteering in John's place in the 11th or 12th games
Greta Jurossi gets reaped along with Tommy queue tragic romance that fucks up Tommy even more
Arthur has his same truama but doesn't get the fame Tommy does while Tommy hates the fame he's gotten from his
They use bribery to keep John,Ada and Finn's names out of the reaping bowl
Tommy is pimped out to the capitol as finneck was, arthur too
Meets Capitol Citizen Grace who is like his escort
They have a fling but grace is punished for being with a district person and also much like book 1 effie doesn't see the games as wrong
Grace somehow manages to smuggle Charlie to the Shelbys but is never heard from again (either made into an Avox for going against the rules or murdered because the Capitol would never want people to see the citizens from Districts as humans just like them)
Esme is a Covey member seperated when travel between districts ended from the first rebellion
Mrs shelby and arthur sr were too
Arthur sr cons people by claiming he can take them to district 13
Lizzie is forced into prostitution as her parents were killed for being rebels and her clients are mainly peacekeepers
Tommy uses his new wealth and influence to find rebel cells and aid them
Eventually becomes mayor of District 2 and then buys his way into the Capitol to keep his kids from ever being reaped
The og Shelbys live to see the fall of panem and the end of the games 60 years later (tehy would have been in their mid to late teens at the beginning)
Bonus: Ruby and Charlie die when the rebels bomb the capitol children when Snow uses them as a human shield
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like i do not know how to emphasise how much I don’t have a stake in ccs here I don’t even really watch mcyt content much I like minecraft roleplay as a storytelling tool but I like. Occasionally watch Tommy or Philza or Charlie every once in a while and that’s my extent of it. i do not watch wilbur nor listen to his music, this ain’t about him at all. it’s just really fucking weird to speculate on how exactly an abusive relationship went on and digging into every little personal detail for your own headcanons and it would be even if we knew for 100% certain who the abuser was. it’s just wildly inappropriate, and engaging in intense speculation in the aim of helping victims isn’t helping anyone. this isn’t a fandom war issue it’s just like. stop being a stalker and articulate your thoughts without speculation on the entirety of Shelby Shubbles life
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faffodil · 2 years
everyone in empires au season 2!
Here we go again! For people who haven't seen this before, I've basically sorted a whole bunch of mcyt/adjacents into all the empires in s2, and provided headcanons and reasoning as to why theyre in that empire :D
As always i am open to suggestions/ideas for reasons/changes - just send me an ask!
Similarly, if you want me to add someone who's not there, you can also send me an ask!
Currently includes: Hermitcraft (specifically Season 9), Dream SMP, Bear SMP, Origins SMP, a few of the afterlife guys who arent already in empires, Traffic SMP(s), and a few other misc. mcyts
This will be edited as new information about empires names comes out/i add more people ^^
Local = person who lives nearby/in what could be considered part of an empire
Citizen = someone who is legally registered as part of an empire
Visitor = somone who is staying there temporarily/does not live in the empire
Inhabitant = lives in an empire but is not yet registered as a citizen
First person in every section is the ruler, but will have their specific title rather than one shared title (updated as the ccs tell us)
Archaeologists arent categorised in the same way as they are nomadic
---Stuff in [square brackets] is referring to an as-of-yet unnamed empire ---
Shelby - (ruler) - Witch
Boomer - local - frog man :]
Tina - local
George - local
Charlie Slimecicle - local - slimey boi. Literally just a sentient slime. No-one's really sure why he and jevin are sentient but shelby thinks it was probably because the last witch to be sent out here was doing illegal magic (she thinks they were bored to death by the surroundings)
Jevin - local - swamp lad, sentient, see above
Petezahhutt - inhabitant - curious about the sentient slime rumours, wanted to know if they were like him (slime hybrid) they weren't but he stuck around to help them find their feet (literally because they were having trouble keeping a humanoid shape for long periods of time)
Dream - inhabitant - heard about the magic qualities of evermoore and moved there. Shelby thinks hes very brave to be studying the fog, and dream often gets stranded far from home bc the mist is feeling unhelpful
Sausage - (ruler)
Ivory - inhabitant - bc shes running away from something
Sniff - citizen - builder
Martyn - inhabitant - sought sanctuary and then proceeded to move in and annoy cleo to no end
Cleo - citizen - has lived here her whole life but is seriously considering moving. Joe is the only thing stopping her. And the fact that snake hair isnt exactly normal y'know
Joe Hills - inhabitant - moved from Stratos but only cleo knows this. Everyone else thinks hes normal :)
Tumble Town:
Jimmy - Sheriff - do i need to say more?
Tango - citizen - owns a ranch outside town :]
Billzo - inhabitant - took refuge from one very angry joey (who thought he was part of skeletrons army) and met eryn. Decided to hang around and cause mischief
Eryn - citizen - family has a farmstead near Tumble Town. Troublemaker
Schlatt - citizen - works in the saloon
Quackity - inhabitant - works with Schlatt
Sapnap - citizen - Eryns brother. I don't quite know why my brain decided that but it has.
Etho - citizen - works on tangos ranch. Used to be an outlaw but tango offered him a job when they met in the sherriffs office. Likes the peace outside of the town.
Sneeg - inhabitant (because no-one knows hes there) - builds little tunnels throughout the terracotta hills
Fwhip - (ruler) - goblin time (is short)
Skeppy - citizen - ore golem, can camouflage himself well in the cave. Fwhip found him in the deep dark and made him a citizen
Bad - inhabitant - from Eversea originally
Impulse - citizen - bc dwarf
Iskall - citizen - bc he's got a cave base this season
Pearl - citizen - she do be skrunkly
Guqqie - citizen - an alien who is desperately trying to blend in with the humans. On one hand no one's gonna notice in the Goblands, but on the other, they're gonna pick up some weird habits from the gremlins
Cub - citizen - chaos Chaos CHAOS
Mumbo - inhabitant - railway expert and infrastructure guy :] which is desperately needed bc Fwhip keeps making dangerous minecart tracks to everywhere
Joey - Captain
xB - citizen - bc guardian hybrid (lives in the lake w the mermaids
Niki - citizen - mermaid, sometimes follows puffy around to the other empire's ports
Puffy - visitor - another captain who frequents the bay. Trader?
Neptune - visitor - on puffy's ship (yes this is the same as last time. If it's not broken don't fix it)
Scar - inhabitant - sells magic crystals at the market. Certified scammer but is allowed to get away with it because he helps design new buildings for joey sometimes.
Micheal(mcchill) - citizen - runs a radio station from the top of one of the mountains overlooking the lagoon. Very rickety and unstable path to get up there but the broadcast can be recieved from any empire
Hypno - citizen
Lizzie - Mayor - Definitely a person. Elected apparently?
Antfrost - citizen - cat.
Ren - citizen - dog. Advisor to lizzie. Also bc last life the beloved
Hbomb - inhabitant - cat. Runs a cafe to draw tourists in! Theres nothing weird about this empire! :3{  <rubbing his hands together maliciously. Favourite pastime is bullying fundy whenever he walks past the cafe
James Marriot - citizen - employee of the cat cafe
Fundy - citizen - fox (and yoghurt :D)
Zedaph - inhabitant - resident scientist. Originally from off the continent but was welcomed into Animalia by lizzie because 'having a scientist proves we're as advanced as the other empires!' Hasn't caught on to the fact that the majority of the kingdom's citizens are straight-up animals and thinks theyre all hybrids like him
CPK - citizen - fox. no relation to fundy but does bond over thier shared dislike for the term fox-load because they can carry more than one block thankyouverymuch lizzie
Aimsey - inhabitant - showed up and was promptly adopted as Animalia's pet human
Pixlriffs - in charge of the team, was sent bc none of the other archaeologists wanted anything to do with the rulers over there
Xisuma - a spirit that collects cool bones to live in. Pix discovered him while unearthing an old temple and he's just kind of following the troupe around and being amazed at the world (was sealed in said temple)
EX is also trapped in a similar temple but X is doing everything he can to steer pix away from finding it/unleashing his hurricane of a brother. spoiler - it doesnt work >:D
Ori - a mildly unnerving citizen of Stratos who decided to tag along
Karl - original member of the team - keeps correcting Pix's pronunciation of the long-dead languages, and knows where finds are (or should be) long before a dig starts 👀
Skizz - original member of the team, very enthusiastic
Jack Manifold - intern who's following them around for work experience. Originally from Chromia
Scott - (ruler) - strange strange man
Ranboo - citizen - ive tried to put him elsewhere like four times but brain keeps saying chromia. Will update once i figure out a reason (also now i want ranboo and xornoth to talk) update: have not figured the reason but. hes staying so
Xornoth - backup leader - they found scotts empire and moved in, to his initial chagrin. Still backup ruler despite this because scott didnt trust the llamas to rule in his absence. They like looking after the llamas but kinda just hang around mostly
Wilbur - citizen - colourful language, creative
Stress - citizen - head of the flower industry (that then gets turned into dye for exports)
Beef - inhabitant - in charge of designing colourful fabrics and tapestries, originally from Sanctuary where he learnt banner-making
Hannah - citizen - works in flowers industry
Lauren - citizen - one of Scotts chief advisors, have known each other since they were little kids
False :) - (ruler) - Her empire is pretty small considering its the newest but its one of the most closely knit communities as they all have to work together to improve the kingdom
Phil - citizen - hardcore survival things seem to fit here. First person to move here. Originally settled a little further downriver but ended up flying to False's area for materials and conversations anyway, and so, later moved into the centre hub of her empire to help her out and save time. DadTM
Tommy - citizen - turned up one day and false was just like well if you want you can build over there, strange bedraggled kid. Tommy did and false immediately regretted it because *cobblestone tower* Phil and False eventually managed to convince tommy to let them make his house look nice but it took a good couple of months.
Bearbubb - inhabitant - False isnt quite sure if hes a person or a literal bear as hes never spoken to anyone, but he seems polite, and built his own house so she let him stay. Although she has firmly decided he doesn't get citizen status until he asks for it. (Bear is just awkward, he'll talk to people eventually)
Sam - citizen - used to wander the server with doc because not many empires were open to hostile mob hybrids living there, then offered to help with a redstone project (an improved iron farm that was being finnicky) as he was passing and decided to stay. Tommy also took a liking to him and he built a base at the bottom of the cliff
Doc - citizen - was traveling with sam, same situation, neither of them wanted to stay in Sanctuary, where they started off, because they were tired of the new inhabitants walking on eggshells around them for months before they got used to them. His base is a pit all the way down to bedrock, affectionately known as The Well (due to its tendency to flood). There are levels all the way up with different redstone machines and storage cupboard on.
Glimmer Grove:
Katherine - princess
Beau - citizen - figured out where princess katherine was sneaking off to at night and made her agree to let beau help fight or she'd tell
Punz - inhabitant - moved from Sanctuary because he heard rumours that mercenaries might be needed. (Was only staying for the pay originally but got a little too invested and asked katherine if he and purpled could stay and help rebuild the empire too. (Will end up as head of defence for princess Katherine in the future but shhh)
Purpled - inhabitant - moved from Sanctuary.  Mildly annoyed that he had to leave his home in sanctuary, but at least the empire matches his colour pallette
Moonzy - citizen
Jonah - citizen - served Glimmer Grove before it fell, is at the forefront of the campaign to get it back to its former glory under princess Katherine
Megan - inhabitant
Gem - princess - fae of some sort
Fruitlegs - citizen - bard
Ponk - citizen - lighthouse keeper
Tubbo - citizen - bee boi
Techno - citizen - oversees the food production and makes sure everyone has enough and works out how much they can sell/export that week.
Welsknight - on Gems Council, in charge of defence against the deep dark
TFC - inhabitant - by proxy, lives in the ancient city and fixes the messes left when players visit. Sculk-grandad. Actually hes literally the opposite of Dawn, lives underground constantly. Warren of tunnels extends underneath all empires but people who try to explore them get lost. Nobody's died there yet bc TFC put a ward on the exits to draw people toward them and not the ancient city
BigB - citizen - baker, he makes bread and cookies from the farm produce
(Extra note here: citizen is someone who has been in the empire since it was founded about a hundred years ago when joel was exiled and/or has grown up there since. Inhabitant is someone who's come more recently from another empire)
Joel - an exiled god - adamant he is still his tall powerful self. Regarded as the leader of the empire nonetheless. People moved under his islands originally to be a part of the 'great god's empire' but a lot of them stayed even when they realised he was a wet rag/affectionate
Foolish and Jr and Finley - citizens - Foosh is an architect who helps Joel. He chose to live in the mortal realm but moved to Stratos when he heard about Joel's exile because he can sympathise with not living in the god's realm and wanted to help out. Hermes ends up playing with Jr and Finley when Joel's busy building
Eret - citizen - was one of the original settlers but somehow is still alive a hundred years later.... oh well, they knew living near a god would have its benefits
Grian - inhabitant - creator of the entity? check. vaguely eldrich horror? check. Was exiled? (very heavily encouraged to leave his hometown) after the entity ate someone by accident, and then he ended up here? Check.
Bdubs - citizen - look into those eyes and tell me he wouldnt fit right in with joels build style. He made a monolith, hed be a great addition
Callahan - citizen - maintains the temples to joel
Thanks to @scribbling-dragon for some of the suggestions!
Keralis - citizen - have you seen him?
Edit: OLI DO BE A BARD :D uhh if he makes an empire ill do a bit of rejigging and move ppl around but until then the skrunkly is just a wanderer
Phew done! :D
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