#character: michael starr
bloodbuff-remake · 1 year
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616witch · 2 months
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Comic books... You know, illustrated magazines made up of narrative artwork accompanied by dialogue and descriptive prose.
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dailyjsa · 3 months
Welcome to DailyJSA's JSA Member Tournament!
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Sixty four enter, one takes the crown!
These are characters who were either explicitly stated to be members of the JSA, or very involved with the team to the point that they're basically a member (mainly applies to Thunderbolt). Some are in a grey area due to retcons (such as Hippolyta) or were barely involved with the team, but they still count. Batman, Wonder Woman (Diana), Superman, and Robin have been excluded from this tournament to give other less popular characters a fair chance.
These initial matchups were made with a randomizer to be as fair as possible.
Each week, a round of polls will be posted. All polls will be a week long.
Since there are so many matchups to start, Round One will be split into two parts. The matchups are below the cut for those who may have trouble reading the bracket.
Feel free to send in an ask if you have any questions.
Round One (3/20):
Darknight vs Terry Sloane (Mr. Terrific)
Jesse Chambers (Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle) vs Al Pratt (The Atom)
Jennifer Pierce (Lightning) vs Al Rothstein (Atom Smasher)
Salem Nader (Salem The Witch Girl) vs Jeffrey Graves (Mister America)
Earth 2 Helena Wayne (Huntress) vs Jay Garrick (The Flash)
Dinah Lance (Black Canary) vs Sonia Sato (Judomaster)
Hector Hall (Doctor Fate) vs Pieter Cross (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Rick Tyler (Hourman) vs Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Matthew Tyler (Hourman) vs Joan Dale (Miss America)
Tom Bronson (Wildcat) vs Grant Emerson (Damage)
Jakeem Williams (Jakeem Thunder) vs The Thunderbolt
Jim Corrigan (The Spectre) vs Hippolyta (Wonder Woman)
Khalid Nassour (Doctor Fate) vs Jack Knight (Starman)
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate) vs Thom Kallor (Starman)
Maxine Hunkel (Cyclone) vs Markus Clay (Amazing Man)
New Golden Age Helena Wayne (Huntress) vs Roxy
Round One Continued (3/27):
Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) vs Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Todd Rice (Obsidian) vs Dinah Drake (Black Canary)
Anna Fortune vs Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Carter Hall (Hawkman) vs Red Tornado (John Smith)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl) vs Sand Hawkins (Sand/Sandman)
Michael Holt (Mr. Terrific) vs Alan Scott (Green Lantern/Sentinel)
Sylvester Pemberton (Star-Spangled Kid) vs Courtney Whitmore (Star-Spangled Kid/Stargirl)
Karen Starr (Power Girl) vs Wesley Dodds (Sandman)
Sara Butters (Red Beetle) vs Nathan Heywood (Citizen Steel)
Kent V Nelson (Doctor Fate) vs King Chimera
Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) vs Teth-Adam (Black Adam)
Ri vs Ted Knight (Starman)
Pat Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.) vs Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle)
Rex Tyler (Hourman) vs Johnny Thunder
Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite) vs Jennie-Lynn Hayden (Jade)
David Reid (Magog) vs Kate Spencer (Manhunter)
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
i love you (don't kill me)
Title: i love you (don't kill me)
Words: 4591
Warnings: Major Character Death, (semi) Graphic Depictions of Violence
Sherry_A_H: Tearing up Phantom molecule by molecule is something the Fentons will regret for the rest of their lives.
Nocturnal Starr: Maddie struggles to come to terms with Danny being Phantom.
Astatia Ghast: When Danny’s body is purged of ectoplasm, he begins to waste away. It turns out the Accident changed his body so completely that he can no longer survive without ectoplasm.
Even with as many times as it’s been explained to her, Maddie still just can’t understand. She can’t grasp her son, her black-haired, blue-eyed little boy, being Phantom. It just wasn’t possible. It wasn’t.
Maddie leaned back in her chair, rubbing her gloved hand across her tired face as the heart monitor beeped steadily. At least they were able to handle this at home. Express fake concern that it was high level ectoplasmic contamination, that he couldn’t be admitted to a general hospital because of it. But there was nothing to be done, was there? Not anymore. She and Jack had gone too far, messed up too severely this time.
Maddie just sat there, listening to the monitor. Danny’s heartbeat was far too slow. Even his friends had said this was lower than his normal. Well, Tucker had advised them of that. Sam refused to speak to them. Even Tucker had been short and to the point in his response, his voice cold and hard.
Jazz had been the one to fill them in, Tucker nor Sam could be in the same room as Maddie and Jack for longer than a few seconds, far too little time to go over the events of the past two years. Jazz couldn’t bear to look at her parents either, though. She hated them. Maddie could find no kindness or softness in her daughter’s face anymore, no hint of love for them. And she found she couldn’t blame Jazz for her reaction.
They all knew what Jack and Maddie had done.
A small alarm trilled from her pocket, pulling Maddie back to the room. The blue room with the stars on the ceiling and model rockets littered on shelves along the walls. The blue room with the hospital bed, with her dying son.
She pulled the timer out from her pocket, silencing it with a button press.
“Time for another injection?” A male voice asked behind her, near the door.
The man was named Michaels, he was a bodyguard Sam had hired to watch over Danny, because Sam didn’t trust his parents alone with him. While Maddie could hold her own against most people, Michaels was not one of them. He was an even more skilled black belt than she, an even better shot with the human gun at his hip.
He was a stranger in her son’s bedroom, he was an unwelcome figure in her family’s suffering.
He was her son’s protector while she had been his executioner.
Maddie sighed. “Yes, it is.”
“The red one again?”
“No, the blue one.”
“Is it really already time for the blue one again? He’s already had one in the past twenty four hours.” Michaels responded, his voice light but his eyes narrowed at her in distrust. He didn’t know the full story - what Danny was, exactly what his parents had done to him - but he was no fool. Then again, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize something was wrong when he’d been explicitly told to keep an eye on Maddie and Jack.
“He… he didn’t stabilize with that one this morning. Normally, he has an increase in his vital signs - his heart rate, oxygen levels, temperature - but he had none of that. No use in giving a booster when the shot didn’t take.” Maddie replied, her heart clenching in her chest. 
Her eyes strayed to the bedside table, where a small present wrapped in starry paper sat. Her little Danny had turned sixteen eight days ago. He’d been in a coma for ten. He’d never open that present, would he? See the car they’d bought for him? The keys sat in that little box - a singular key with a NASA emblem on the keychain, to an older model car they’d parked at the Mansons’.
Tears pricked at the mother’s eyes and she blinked them away before they could fall. She still held onto hope that Danny would suddenly awake, happy and healthy and whole in whatever way he wanted, and she didn’t want him to see her crying.
“Here,” Michaels said, handing a syringe over to Maddie. Thick red liquid seemed to bubble in the glass, or was it a gas? Ectoplasm was such an odd thing. Michaels shot her a firm nod then stepped back by the dresser, locking the case with the chemicals back up. Yet another safeguard for Danny’s life, at risk from his parents. Their concoction had been tested by ectologists even more renowned than the Fentons, to make sure it would not harm a ghost. It was kept in a locked case and only the other scientists were allowed to formulate more, based on what Maddie and Jack had created. She never touched them except when it was time for one.
Did the Fentons even count as ectologists, Maddie wondered? Or just monsters with guns, shooting down and destroying anything that didn’t fall on the ‘right’ side of the alive/dead binary?
Maddie popped the protective cover off the needle, turning Danny’s arm so the crook of his elbow looked up at her - covered in bruises and needle marks from where she’d been desperately trying to save him.
Ironic, isn’t it? Maddie had fantasized about doing this to Danny Phantom. About strapping him to a table, cutting him open, injecting every possible substance under the sun into his arm to see how his spectral body would react. She’d already known she would have to ignore the creature’s screams. Not sentient. Not able to feel pain. Not able to die when he was already dead.
Her and Jack had discussed the best ways to slice him open - though, then, they’d still been calling Phantom an it - without destabilizing him. They didn’t want his core to give out before they’d even started, after all. They’d wanted to carve off chunks of Phantom’s ‘fake’ skin, rip their way into whatever he had in his chest cavity. Wanted to cut and take samples and biopsies from every inch of the ghost, inside and out. And it would’ve all started with a simple shot, wouldn’t it? Some sort of suppressant to keep the ghost’s abilities at bay.
So, no, Maddie couldn’t be upset at how her daughter and her son’s friends were acting.
She’d gotten her dream. She just hadn’t realized it could ever be a nightmare.
But this was definitely a nightmare she was in, a hell of her own making, as she gently pressed the needle into him, piercing through flesh and injecting the mixture into him. She looked at the monitor connected to him, all the wires measuring all the signs of life in him, desperate to see an improvement.
But there was nothing. He hadn’t reacted. He was just as still, looked just as dead.
Pain pierced her through the heart as she collapsed back into her seat - she would’ve almost sworn she’d been stabbed, the pain felt so real, so tangible. This was their last idea. Human blood supercharged with ectoplasm, with enough electricity going through it to take out a city block, to try to make them bind together, to mimic what they’d stolen from Danny.
But it failed. They had failed. She had failed. How could this be happening? It just wasn’t possible. It wasn’t. How could they have messed up so badly?
“We’ve got it, Mads!” Jack yelled, running to the glowing form on the ground.
“Nice shot, dear!” Maddie called, a wide grin across her face as the two ghost hunters caught up with their prey.
Danny Phantom looked up at them through the net, eyes unfocused, mouth moving without sound.
“It worked! Whatever brain pattern it has mimicked isn’t working!” Jack said, proudly hoisting the overly large gun onto his shoulder, beaming at his wife. 
“The Fenton Scrambler might just be one of our best inventions!” She said, clapping her hands together as her husband grabbed the net and began dragging it behind them, back towards the GAV. Maddie opened the rear doors and Jack tossed the ghost in. It made a noise and placed a hand against its head, slightly shaking its head, doing a very good job of mimicking confusion.
Jack and Maddie hopped into their seats and Jack floored it, sending them flying back towards their home, tossing any and all driving safety recommendations out the window.
Within minutes, they were home, their catch unloaded and dragged down to the lab, still unable to speak. Unceremoniously, Jack tossed the ghost into a containment block at the corner of the lab, all sides blocked by phase proof glass.
“Hmph, Danny still hasn’t done his chores!” Jack whined, looking at the messy lab. The table they needed was half buried under old, never finished inventions. Mess covered every flat surface - from old pizza boxes to ectoplasm and everything in between.
“We’ll remind him when he gets home!” Maddie said, kissing Jack on the cheek. They began to clean, both shaking with excitement.
Maddie kept glancing over at the corner, licking her lips in anticipation. The ghost seemed to be getting some of its limited faculties back, the net had slipped off when it’d been tossed in. It pressed a hand against its eyes and wrapped the other arm around its center. It’s ability to pretend to be human was so impressive! She wondered if its insides would be as impressive. Was it so desperate to appear human that the illusion would go beneath its faux skin? Would there be bones? Kidneys? An appendix? How cold was it? Would it be colder inside?  Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach, excited anxiety burrowing deep into her very being.
Taking far longer than she would have liked, they got the lab in a semi-acceptable state. The table was cleaned off, the scalpels and syringes were sat on trays to the side, and the rest of the mess was, uh, out of sight and therefore out of mind.
“It’s time!” Maddie hollered, jetting towards the door of the containment area, her hand resting on the handle. “Hit the ghost shield!”
Jack hurried over to the side wall and slammed his fist onto a comically large button with his face on it. The sound of machinery whirring and then the ghost shield encased them, an eerie green that made the air beyond the bubble look fuzzy. Jack held up another gun, ready to shoot at the ghost if needed. Maddie was better at hand to hand so she would be the one getting in close contact with Phantom, Jack would provide back up with an ecto-grenade (that had an area of effect even larger than the room, it was physically impossible for even Jack to completely miss).
They nodded to each other and Maddie threw open the door.
Phantom looked at her, pushing itself to its feet, eyes still unfocused.
“Mom?” It asked, the otherworldly echo sounding out of place for such a simple word.
“Excuse me?” Maddie asked, bewilderment temporarily replacing excitement.
“Mom?” It asked again, stumbling forward. A cold hand grabbed her forearm as Phantom continued to look around, confusion painted heavily onto its face. “What’s going on? I feel weird.”
Maddie turned to look at Jack, wondering if she was hallucinating, but the look on Jack’s face mirrored her own emotions.
The ghost groaned, releasing its grip on her and collapsing to its knees, holding its head in both hands, partially out of the containment cube.
“Phantom, what are you-“ Maddie started, but was cut off as bright white lights encircled Phantom’s waist. She heard Jack begin to charge the gun up, though he didn’t fire as the light seemed to split harmlessly, only changing the clothes between the rings as they moved.
She had exactly zero idea how she was supposed to react when Phantom vanished, her son in his place.
“Mom?” Danny asked, the echo gone. “What’s happening…?” The sentence trailed off as he looked up at her. Maddie’s jaw clenched as she saw his eyes - radioactive green.
“Jack, get the Fenton Ghost Catcher!” Maddie barked, grabbing Danny’s arm and jerking him up. Jack nodded wordlessly, concern and fear etched on his face as he ran towards the sub basement, where they’d stored the Ghost Catcher while they made upgrades to it.
Danny yelped in pain as she pulled him up roughly and her chest tightened. She never wanted to hear that sound again. But that did seem to pull Phantom out of whatever haze it had been in - Danny’s voice didn’t sound as confused when he? it? spoke again. “Mom, what are you doing?” He called, trying to dislodge her grip from him, pulling weakly. 
“Get out of my son, Phantom.” Maddie hissed.
“What? I’m not overshadowed! It’s me, Danny!” Her son insisted, doubling up his efforts to escape her grasp. That net must have worked even better than they’d expected since Phantom had hidden itself inside a human. A human would be having a severe headache, nausea, and persistent confusion. But her ‘son’ had recovered too fast. This wasn’t her son, her son was being used as a puppet.
“I don’t know what kind of weird overshadowing ability you have to completely change forms, but get. Out. Of. My. Son.” She hissed the last few words.
“No, no, no, no! It’s me, Danny, there was an accident and I’m half ghost and that’s why I have two forms and why all your inventions lock on me and -“ He began stuttering. Maddie tightened her grip on his arm, pulling him roughly towards her as she grabbed his other arm as well.
“How long have you been in my son?” She growled, holding him tight enough to bruise. But Phantom would protect her son. It was a side effect of overshadowing - the human host got the ghostly parasite’s durability. “Our weapons have been honing in on him for two years, how long have you held him?”
“No! It’s not like that! Please just listen or ask my friends or Jazz! We’re - I’m - the same person! C’mon, even the name is a pun! Fenton? Phantom?” Danny was babbling now, fear etched into his eyes. Maddie stared into his blue eyes, that for some reason now seemed to be flecked with green when she was this close, anger building up in her. That was her son’s fear she saw, the fear she’d continue to allow Phantom to possess him and strip away his free will.
It was then that Jack lumbered back up the stairs, Ghost Catcher in hand. He brought it over to where they stood, sitting it beside Maddie and the ghost, pressing a newly added on button. They’d made adjustments to it - it would purge all ectoplasm from the human body. Who knew how much ectoplasmic contamination her son had after two years under a ghost’s control? She hated herself in that moment - what kind of mother doesn’t realize her son has been taken over by a malevolent spirit? For two entire years? She’d make it right, she’d fix this.
Danny’s eyes widened. Of course, that’s how Phantom knew about all of their weapons and other inventions! It had heard them talking around the dinner table! It knew the Catcher had been improved!
“Dad, mom, stop! Just listen to me! Please!” Danny yelled, clawing at Maddie’s hands. That must be her true son shining through - forcing his much lower strength over Phantom’s so she couldn’t be dislodged. “That’ll kill me!” He screamed as Maddie pushed him towards the device, Jack’s face uncharacteristically solemn. Even he knew they had messed up, they had missed something huge for so long. “Please, stop!” He continued, tears starting to streak down his face. Maddie wasn’t sure if it was Phantom trying to pull on her sympathies or her Danny crying in joy that he’d finally be free of this monster. She hated that she couldn’t tell.
“Everything is gonna be okay, Danny,” she whispered in his ear.
“Stop!” He called out again. Maddie pinched at a pressure point in his neck and he went limp in her arms.
Gently, she and Jack passed Danny through the center of the Catcher and watched in horror as Phantom split from him, liquid ectoplasm dripping to the floor. How much ectoplasm had Danny had in him? Both were still unconscious.
Maddie carefully sat her sleeping son on a nearby chair, smiling as she watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed. Meanwhile, Jack bound Phantom to the table, triple checking that all of the restraints were tight enough. Both parents were angry at this stupid ghost, this awful, horrible creature that had stolen their son from them for so long.
Jack shoved some fabric into the ghost’s mouth, pressing phase proof tape along the outside to keep it in his mouth.
The ghost awoke before their son did. It cried its fake tears, screaming behind the gag as they took out both their revenge and scientific curiosity out on its body. They sliced and diced as much as they wanted, amazed by the exciting specimen in front of them. At one point, Maddie moved her scalpel towards its eyes, holding eye contact for longer than necessary. As pain reflected in its eyes, Maddie found herself questioning her conviction that ghosts couldn’t feel pain. She lowered her scalpel and began excising the eye, viciously hoping this ghost could feel pain, could feel every incision they were making.
They had ripped apart over half the ghost’s body before it finally stopped fighting and went limp in its restraints.
The joy of righteous vengeance enacted brought her so much pride, made even more delicious by finally getting to live out her fantasy on Phantom. It had always been an odd ghost, different in ways they couldn’t understand.
It wouldn’t be until Jazz came home several hours later and found them in the lab that they realized what they might have done when she explained through sobs, her hands covered in ectoplasm from where she’d ran to the table, screaming Danny’s name.
When Danny never woke up, however, they realized what they’d done, just as how much they’d messed up. They hadn’t listened. They hadn’t thought of all the times they’d seen Danny go through ghost shields, how Phantom had grown older with Danny. They’d never even stopped to consider what if they were wrong.
Maddie felt the wet soil beneath her knees, felt the chill settling into her bones as it seeped through her pants. She hadn’t worn her suit since the monitor went off for the last time, since the coroner had come out for her son’s body. Pain, grief, had settled like lead in her chest. She had no more tears left to cry as she gazed at the headstone in front of her.
Daniel James “Danny” Fenton
April 3, 1993 - July 19, 2009
A beloved hero and cherished son
They’d chosen to release the truth after Danny had passed away, so his DP insignia also was engraved onto the stone, above his name. They’d lied about his cause of death. He died from ghost fighting, after being poisoned. His parents, who loved him more than anything in the world and were among the world’s leaders in ghost science, had immediately dedicated themselves to saving him, no matter the cost. Only those closest to Danny knew the truth, and even then, only his parents knew the extend of it. Knew his last words were pleading with them to stop, that they were going to kill him. Knew that they had tortured another part of him to death. Only Maddie knew she’d taken joy in his suffering.
Jazz had informed them she would not be speaking with them again, to not reach out to her, ever. Sam and Tucker made it clear the only reason they weren’t telling the cops Jack and Maddie’s negligence had actually caused Danny’s death was because they knew he wouldn’t want that. He would blame himself for not telling them. For letting himself get caught.
Maddie had had to come to terms with a lot since the day Danny first went into the coma. She’d had to accept she was wrong. Phantom was a hero. Her son was selfless and kind, and she’d been too prejudiced to see Phantom was so, so good.
Thunder cracked in the sky above her, rain began to fall softly. But she didn’t move. The cemetery was quiet.
The funeral had been yesterday and it had just been too much. Fans of Phantom, people who had come to send off a dead ghost. Originally, Maddie had been so angry. How dare these people? Her son was dead, why were they talking about a damned ghost? But that ghost had been her son. She’d lost count of the number of speakers, all the stories of what Danny had done as Phantom.
Employees of a daycare that had caught fire, saved by Phantom. She had written that off as Phantom’s intelligence - he knew saving children would make him look good.
An elderly woman who’s home had been targeted by missiles from Skulker, the only reason it hadn’t been made into wreckage had been Phantom throwing a shield at the last moment. But he hadn’t gotten out of that unscathed - he’d gotten struck and bled green all over her front porch. Maddie had written that one off, too. That ghost was only here to attack Phantom regardless and Phantom had only caught that missile because he’d forgotten to go intangible, like he’d done dozens of times before. Now Maddie wondered if that had been intentional, though. All the times he’d gotten blasted out of the sky - his body would cause much less damage than some of the projectiles the other ghosts would use.
Someone from the local Observatory, who would sometimes see Phantom stargazing. Who’d talked to him and realized he was just a kid who loved the stars, who saw the way Phantom’s cheeks glowed like constellations the more he saw or discussed he stars.
A jock from Casper High, who had mercilessly bullied her son, who now knew how easily he could’ve died if his target had ever fought back, but Phantom - but Danny - was good and had used his powers for good.
Sam and Tucker had gone together, telling stories of Danny, showing the child behind the hero. They never specified Danny Fenton or Danny Phantom when they talked about him. Because there was no difference. It was always Danny. Just Danny.
A thought that routinely haunted her. Those had been some of the last words of his life and they played on repeat in her mind.
A police officer from the local station was outside the cemetery - to guard Danny’s grave in case any of his few detractors tried to hurt his grave. Even the police loved Phantom, it seemed. He helped in a lot of traffic accidents. And the officer had assured her someone would be there around the clock for a while.
Maddie had no doubt that the only reason she was able to be here - alone, kneeling in front of her child’s grave - was because the officer had kept fans and haters alike out.
She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against the cold, smooth stone. Apparently she wasn’t quite out of tears, she realized, as she began to cry again.
“Are you alright?” Came a familiar voice behind her. She whipped around, unwilling to believe it until she saw it.
There, with a little half smile on his face, floated Danny Phantom, white hair dancing in a way that didn’t quite match the current breeze.
“Danny?” She breathed.
“Yep, that’s me! Do I know you?” He asked, tilting his head to the side in curiosity.
“You… you don’t… know who I am?” She asked, her voice stuttering.
“No, I’m sorry! I just heard crying and could feel you were in pain, so I wanted to make sure you were okay!” Phantom said, an easy smile on his face that Maddie recognized. Danny used to smile like that - carefree, relaxed - a long time ago. When had he last smiled like that? When he was eight or nine?
Maddie was unsure what to say. What, exactly, do you say to your dead son that you violently killed, who has no idea who you are, who just wanted to make sure a stranger in pain was okay? “I… lost someone I love.” Maddie settled on.
“Danny?” A new voice joined in. He appeared in the blink of an eye. A ghost clad in purple, clock staff in hand and clock workings in his chest. If he’d been human, Maddie would’ve thought he was nearly a hundred, as bent over as he was, long white beard nearly as long as he was tall.
“Hey, dad!” Danny chirruped, floating higher up and hugging the ghost.
Maddie’s heart felt like it had been ripped out and stomped on.
“Child,” the older ghost chastised softly, smiling, “I told you to stay near me.”
“I know,” Danny whined, drawing out the ‘o’ sound. “But this lady felt like she was in pain!”
The purple ghost ruffled Danny’s white hair. “I know. Can you head home? I will be there shortly.” He said, waving his hand almost boredly. A portal appeared where his hand passed. Danny nodded then zipped through the portal, which closed behind him immediately.
The remaining ghost turned his attention to Maddie, smile sliding away as red eyes bore into her own. Maddie fidgeted under his gaze.
“I am his guardian now. He will not be returning to this plane.” The ghost stated, answering questions she hadn’t even decided to ask yet.
“Is he…still Danny? Is he happy?”
“Yes, he is still Danny, just without his memories. Due to the…traumatic nature of his death,” the ghost scowled at her, “his life is forgotten to him and will be for many decades. You will be decaying before he remembers. But, yes. He is happy. He is still the same ghost child, still with the urge to help everyone.”
Maddie’s vision was swimming with tears. She didn’t know how to feel. She had tortured and murdered her son. But he had come back - again - as a ghost. But he didn’t know who she was, he’d never be on earth again during her lifetime.
“I… I didn’t think he’d be able to restore his ghost side.” Maddie said.
The red eyes continued to bear down on her, unblinking, as though he could see her very heart. “You only killed part of his soul. This is what remains.”
Maddie nodded, wrapping her arms around herself as the rain picked up.
“Goodbye, Madeline Fenton.” The ghost said, waving his hand like he had done before to open the portal.
“Wait!” Maddie blurted, reaching out for the ghost. The portal appeared next to him, swirling and beautiful, but he did not go in. He said nothing, waiting for her to continue. “Can…when he remembers, can you tell him how sorry we are? We love him and we will never forgive ourselves for what we did, but we are so, so sorry.”
“He knows. He may not know what he knows, but he knows you regret your actions. His love for you is the only reason I’ve brought him here, and to your husband, to give you closure.”
Maddie nodded, at a loss for what to say.
As quickly as he appeared, the clock ghost disappeared.
And Maddie was left with the rain beating down on her, soaking her, with only her son’s grave beside her.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 months
Dawn of the Duelverse - (an alternate Post-Crisis DC Historia)
by IGeo An alternate history of the Post-Crisis DC Universe. The Anti-Monitor's mad dream of erasing positive matter from existence has been dashed. By all accounts, The Multiverse should've been made one. Instead, by some unknown means, mitosis occurred. Now what was five is only two. In the aftermath of the crisis, with the worlds of the Justice Society and Justice League dividing the spoils of the other surviving three between them, the new "Duelverse" finds itself settling into a new paradigm. Worlds have lived, worlds have died, and nothing will ever be the same. Words: 1205, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Justice Society of America (Comics), Teen Titans (Comics), Justice League of America (Comics), Infinity Inc. (Comics), Kingdom Come (Comics), Green Lantern (Comics), Superman (Comics), The Question (Comics), Power Girl (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, Multi, Other Characters: Judy Garrick, Jay Garrick, Alan Scott (DCU), Kent Nelson, Al Pratt, Kal-L | Earth-2 Superman, Bruce Wayne, Vic Sage, David Sikela, Kyle Rayner, Karen Starr | Kara Zor-L, Sandman (Character), Nathaniel Adam, Christopher Smith | Peacemaker, Jared Stevens, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Doomsday (Superman), Ultra-Humanite, Amanda Waller, Ted Kord, Michael Carter (DCU), Peter Cannon, Sonia Sato, Sparkington Northrup, Yolanda Montez, Lyta Trevor-Hall, Koriand'r (DCU), Wesley Dodds, Jim Corrigan, Mar Novu | The Monitor, The Childminder, Matthew Tyler, Courtney Whitmore, Diana (Wonder Woman), Iris West II, Olivia Queen | Oliver Queen's Daughter, Avia | Scott Free and Big Barda's Daughter, Jennifer Pierce, Mar'i Grayson, Helena Wayne Relationships: Helena Wayne & Original Character(s), Kara Zor-L & John Constantine, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Mary Batson | Mary Bromfield & Freddy Freeman, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Jennifer-Lynn Hayden/Kyle Rayner, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Pre-Crisis, Post-Crisis (DCU), Earth-2 (DCU), Earth-1 (DCU), Justice Society of America (DCU), Mentioned Teen Titans (DCU), What If? (Marvel Comics), Elseworlds, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Parallel Universes, Alternate Universe - 1940s, Earth-22 (Kingdom Come Comics), Documentation, Alternate History, Worldbuilding, Super Squad (Legacies), Superheroes via https://ift.tt/SdfeWmI
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cutekoala1001 · 1 year
I made Spotify playlists for a couple of Sing characters that didn’t get one! (Song lists are under the cut) ↓
And I made a new Buster playlist! Since he has TWO playlists from the first and second movie, I combined them into one and added some showtunes, some upbeat jazzy stuff, and a few songs that gives off Buster vibes ♡ (sorry it’s so long, he had a lot of music! Mostly oldies but goodies ♪)
♘ Eddie Noodleman ♘
✿ Miss Crawly ✿
⭐︎ Buster Moon ⭐︎
8TEEN (Khalid)
Moonshadow (Cat Stevens)
Let’s Go Surfing (The Drums)
Ukulele and Chill (Cody G)
Sunflower (Post Malone, Swae Lee)
Ventura Highway (Paco Versailles)
Love Your Days (Cherokee)
Swept Away (Vanilla)
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (Wham!)
No Rain (Blind Melon)
California (from The O.C.)
Days Like These (Lakey Inspired)
Dream With You - Bosq Remix (Jeffrey Paradise)
Young Folks (Peter Bjorn and John)
Tropical Heartache (Poolside)
California Sunset (Poolside)
Weather (Ralph)
Inbetween Days (The Cure)
End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys)
Pink Sky (Bay Ledges)
Australia (The Shins)
Me and Julio Down By The Schoolyard (Paul Simon)
Baroque Hoedown (Perrey and Kingsley)
Lagoon (Havana Swim Club)
You Make Me Feel So Young (Frank Sinatra)
What A Little Moonlight Can Do (Billy Holiday, Teddy Wilson)
Chop Suey! (System Of A Down)
April Showers (Proleter)
Frenesi (Artie Shaw)
Come Fly With Me (Frank Sinatra)
When I’m Sixty Four (The Beatles)
Shooby Shooby Do Yah! (Mocean Worker, Steven Bernstein)
C’est Magnifique (Kay Starr)
Blinuet (Zoot Sims)
The Last Time I Saw Paris (Vaughn Monroe)
Them from New York, New York (Frank Sinatra)
Sweet Happy Life (Peggy Lee)
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (The Beatles)
きらきらキラー (Kyary Pamyu Pamyu)
Flirty Cha Cha (The Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra)
Safe And Sound (Capital Cities)
Don’t Rain On My Parade (Barbra Streisand)
There’s No Business Like Show Business (Harry Connick, Jr.)
Gimme Some Lovin’ (The Spencer David Group)
My Type (Saint Motel)
Walking On A Dream (Empire of the Sun)
The Showman (Little More Better) (U2)
Blinuet (Zoot Sims)
Come to Me (Koop, Yukimi Nagano)
Cake By The Ocean (DNCE)
Dream A Little Dream Of Me (Teddy Wilson)
Over and Over (Session Victim)
Soulful Strut (Horst Jankowski and his Studio Orchestra)
Dancing in the Moonlight (Toploader)
A Happy Song (Victory)
Call Me Maybe (Carly Rae Jepsen)
Lovely Day (Bill Withers)
End of the Line (Traveling Wilburys)
Seasons of Love (Rent the Musical)
Times Are Hard for Dreamers (Amelie the Musical)
Keep Your Head Up (Andy Grammer)
Hang On Little Tomato (Pink Martini)
Smile (Nat King Cole)
When You’re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You) (Louis Armstrong)
My Song (Labi Siffre)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice (The Beach Boys)
Mr. Blue Sky (Electric Light Orchestra)
Faith (Stevie Wonder, Ariana Grande from Sing)
I Got You (I Feel Good) (James Brown & The Famous Flames)
The Wind (Cat Stevens)
Hallelujah (Tori Kelly from Sing)
I’m A Believer (The Monkees)
Faith (George Michael)
You’re All I’ve Got Tonight (The Cars)
Keep It Comin’ Love (KC & The Sunshine Band)
Happy (Pharrell Williams)
Sing (Ed Sheeran)
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough (Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell)
Sing a Song (Earth, Wind & Fire)
Your Song (Elton John)
Golden Slumbers (The Beatles)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Elton John)
Listen to the Music (The Doobie Brothers)
I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (The New Seekers)
Saturday (Twenty One Pilots)
Someone In The Crowd (La La Land soundtrack)
The Blue Room (Zoot Sims Quartet)
Turandot, SC 91, Act III: Nessun Dorma! (Giacomo Puccini)
Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
You, Me, Here, Now (Dam Swindle)
Dancin’ - Krono Remix (Aaron Smith, Luvli, Krono)
Feel the Heat (Ghosts of Venice)
Flashing Lights (Kanye West)
Beautiful People (feat. Khalid) - NOTD Remix (Ed Sheeran, Khalid, NOTD)
Get Down Tonight (KC & The Sunshine Band)
Got To Be Realm(Cheryl Lynn)
Sing a Happy Song (The O’Jays)
Do You Believe in Magic? (The Lovin’ Spoonful)
You Can’t Stop the Music (The Kinks)
Can’t Stop The Feeling! (Justin Timberlake)
Don’t Dream It’s Over (Crowded House)
Take A Chance On Me (ABBA)
The Moonbounce (Koop)
Uptown Funk (feat. Bruno Mars) (Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars)
Off White Limousine (Client Liaison)
Old 45’s (Chromeo)
Pick Up The Pieces (Average White Band)
He’s The Greatest Dancer (Sister Sledge)
You’re The Top (Jeri Southern)
Let’s Go Crazy (Prince)
Daydream Believer (The Monkees)
Don’t Stop Believin’ (Journey)
It’s Gonna Be Good (Next To Normal the musical)
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g3minimars · 9 months
This is a blog on South Park, The Amazing Digital Circus, and talented actors that is only for people who are 18+. If you are below the age of 18 or an ageless blog you will be blocked. Copying, Taking Credit, or Translating any of my stories is an act of copyright and you will be reported. None of the fictional characters on this blog are mine and all belong to Comedy Central, Gooseworx, and GLITCH. I do not take credit for any of the characters on this blog unless they are ones I have created.
On This Blog - I do characters x reader (fem/gn) in standard relationships or poly relationships. I will also take anons as long as I know your age or that you are at least above the age of 18. All characters on this blog are aged up appropriately.
South Park🚸 -
Kyle Broflovski [most popular request!]
Stan Marsh
Shelly Marsh
Ike Broflovski
Goth Stan
Kenny McCormick
Princess Kenny
Eric Cartman
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Tolkien Black
Butters Stotch
Wendy Testaburger
The Amazing Digital Circus🎪 -
Human Caine
Extras🎭 -
Joe Keery ex: Steve Harrington
Timothée Chalamet ex: Elio, Paul, Kyle
Harold Ramis ex: Egon Spengler
Rick Moranis ex: Seymour, Louis
Matthew Broderick ex: Ferris Bueller
Michael Biehn ex: Kyle, Johnny
I will write for any of the characters these actors have played in movies as well as themselves.
Genres -
Fluff 🌸
Smut 🍂
Angst 🥀
Song based fics🌻
Anons -
Mutuals -
@kirishima339 @liz-stxrn @bannnasworld @turnertable @thiscrying @c-themoon @saternlove @dontdeafopeninside @ringa-starr @minimuffin69
Links -
Stan Marsh PlaylistPt.1-Here!
Stan Marsh PlaylistPt.2-Here!
Love PlaylistPt.1-Here!
Requests Open <3
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multi-muse-transect · 2 years
Resident Evil Revised TV Series Idea.
The show should be told American Horror Story like meaning its gonna be anthology-ish based with stories bouncing back with returning characters.
Season 1’s cast is Jessica Henwick as Jill Valentine, Kellan Lutz or Sebastian Stan as Chris Redfield, Antony Starr as Albert Wesker, David Harbour as Barry Burton, Charlie Hunam as Richard Aiken, Jack Quad as Brad Vickers and Erin Moriarty as Rebecca Chambers.
Season 1 is an adaptation of RE1 taking creative liberties from the remake and original. The one difference is that Brad’s helicopter is hit by crows leading him to nearly crash and fly away, this results in a subplot of Brad returning to HQ and finds dirt on Irons before returning.
Season 2 has a different set of characters and a bigger budget with Hailee Steinfeld as Claire Redfield, Mason Dye as Leon S. Kennedy, Sadie Sink as Sherry Birkin, Elizabeth Olsen or Laurie Holden as Annette Birkin, Karen Fukuhara as Ada Wong, Temura Morrison as HUNK and Jason Issacs or Paul Bethany as William Birkin. Takes influence from the RE2 Remake.
Season 3 is an adaptation of RE3 Nemesis mixed with the remake. Jill is the same, Oscar Isaac plays Carlos Oliveira, Jonathan Adams as Tyrell Patrick, Tom Wlaschiha as Mikhail, and Michael Fassbender as Nicholai Zinoviev.
Season 4 adapts a story from the Umbrella Chronicles which is the fall of Umbrella and also Code Veronica Jamie Campbell as Alfred Ashford and Natalie Dormer as Alexia Ashford. Also Tye Simpkins as Steve Burnside.
Season 5 adapts the story of Leon and Krauser (John Cena or Frank Grillo) with Jenny Ortega as Manuela Hidalgo.
Season 6 is an adaptation of Resident Evil 4 with Mason Dye reprising his role as Leon and Cena or Grillo as Krauser alongside Fukuhara as Ada while newcomers Ashley Graham and Luis Sera are played by Natalia Dyer and Diego Luna with Javier Bardem as Saddler. A couple of unknowns for Mendez and Salazar.
Season 7 adapts Resident Evil Revelations with Jason Momoa as Parker Luciani, Kit Harrington as Raymond Vester and Alexandra Daddario as Jessica Sherawat.
Season 8 is an adaptation of RE5 but it’s more in line with the original draft albeit the mind controlled Jill part is there. Danai Guerera is Sheva Alomar, Daniel Kaluuya as Josh Stone, Jesse Plemons as Richardo Irving and Monica Belucci as Excella Gionne.
Season 9 adapts Resident Evil 6 with most of the cast returning and a better written Jake Muller played by Wyatt Russell and has been reimagined as a BSAA soldier instead of a mercenary who teams up with Sherry Birkin played by Billie Lourde with Liam Hemsworth playing Piers Nivans and Jill tagging along. Also Simmons is changed from instead of being a member of a secret society, he was just trying to cause global bio terror attacks to promote the his own agendas of a better secured world with Carla Radames being a rogue operative and an ally of Ada’s. Temura Morrison returns as HUNK and is Ada’s partner.
Season 10 is Resident Evil Revelations 2 with Emily VanCamp as Alex Wesker with Harbour reprising his role as Barry Burton, Millie Bobby Brown as Moira Burton, and an unknown actress for Natalia. Steinfeld returns as Claire too.
Season 11 adapted Resident Evil 7 fully with Joe Keery or Chris Hemsworth as Ethan Winters (to make the plot sound more sensical, Ethan is a private investigator and a former RPD cop), Emilia Clarke is Mia Winters, Michael Rooker is Jack Baker, Toni Colette as Marguerite Baker, Rooney Mara as Zoe Baker and Aaron Paul as Lucas Baker with Stan returning as Chris.
Season 12 is an RE8 adaptation with Cate Blanchett or Gwendolie Christie as Lady Dimitrescu (CGI), Eva Greene as Donna Beneviento, Nicholas Cage as Karl Heisenberg, Stellan Skarsgard as Salvatore Moreau, and Emily Blunt as Mother Miranda. Hound Wolf squad consists of Jill, Chris, Barry and Rebecca.
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What are some of the DC or marvel characters do you wanna write more about?
These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head but there are plenty of others I would love to eventually get to.
DC Characters
Midnighter/Lucas Trent
Apollo/Andrew Pulaski
Blue Beetle/Ted Kord
Booster Gold/Michael Carter
Inertia/Thaddeus Thawne
Black Canary/Dinah Lance
Talia al Ghul
Ra’s al Ghul
Punchline/Alexis Kaye
Wally West
Bart Allen
Starfire/Kory Anders
Lady Shiva
Power Girl/Karen Starr
Two-Face/Harvey Dent
Captain Cold/Leonard Snart
Green Lantern/Guy Gardner
Green Lantern/Kyle Rayner
Green Lantern/Jessica Cruz
Green Lantern/Simon Baz
Shazam/Billy Bateson
Marvel Characters
Sentry/Robert Reynolds
Ghost Rider/Johnny Blaze
Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes
Emma Frost
Cyclops/Scott Summers
Black Cat/Felicia Hardy
Elektra Natchios
Black Bolt
Medusa/Medusalith Amaquelin
Franklin Richards
Legion/David Haller
Any of the Symbiotes
Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd
Matthew Malloy
Daredevil/Mathew Murdock
Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Silk/Cindy Moon
X-23/Laura Kinney
Havok/Alex Summers
Polaris/Lorna Dane
Vulcan/Gabriel Summers
Angel/Warren Worthington III
Iceman/Bobby Drake
Dazzler/Alison Blaire
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin
Magic/Illyana Rasputina
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
Madelyne Pryor
Mister Sinister/Nathaniel Essex
X-Man/Nate Grey
Psylocke/Betsy Braddock
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jensenackles-daily · 1 year
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I posted 810 times in 2022
That's 318 more posts than 2021!
590 posts created (73%)
220 posts reblogged (27%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 809 of my posts in 2022
#jensen ackles - 545 posts
#jensen & instagram mentions - 233 posts
#vids - 205 posts
#danneel ackles - 148 posts
#conventions - 116 posts
#the winchesters - 66 posts
#jared padalecki - 66 posts
#news - 62 posts
#big sky - 61 posts
#karl urban - 57 posts
Longest Tag: 44 characters
#inside of you with michael rosenbaum podcast
My Top Posts in 2022:
theboystv: This your Captain, America? (x)
1,194 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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The Winchesters, executive produced by Jensen and Danneel Ackles, has officially been ordered to pilot by the CW! (x)
1,196 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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Jensen Ackles, Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, and Antony Starr for Entertainment Weekly
1,541 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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First look at Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester in The Winchesters
1,558 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
1,917 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dcuninterrupted · 2 years
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Characters to expect coming up in Justice League International #5, out June 15th!
Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter)
Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)
Rip Hunter
Goldstar (Michelle Carter)
Rani Carter
Captain Atom (Nate Adam)
Wonder Woman (Hippolyta Trevor)
Supergirl (Cir-L)
Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
Fire (Beatriz da Costa)
Power Girl (Karen Starr)
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
Lord Steppenwolf
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Martian Manhunter (J’onn J’onzz)
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bloodbuff-remake · 1 year
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popculturebuffet · 8 months
Thomas the Tank Engine Retrospective: Series 5: Alec Baldwin Your Worthless (Comission for Lachey V)
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Hello all you very useful engines and welcome back to my long retrospective look at Thomas the Tank Engine's golden age. It's hard to belive we're almost at the end. At least of this stretch. After this we only have one more part of this retrospective guaranteed.
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The rest is up in the air: Lachey is considering seasons 6 and 7 and i'm considering the rest of the movies, the two more recent series.. seeing where the franchise has been as of late. But whatever wind blows I doubt I'll ever be free of the railway series and i'm okay with that. It can get boring at times binging 25 episodes of a childrens show, and belivie me it does, but the weird highs, production values, and endless material make up for it.
So for series 5 the good Rev Awdry had passed. It was a sad day: While I joke about his weird hatred of Henry being happy.. because it's fun, the guy did have a creative spirit and most of the eps up to this point came from his imagination. We woudln't have Thomas without him.
So with that this is the first season to simply go for all orginal stories. Some were based on real stories by David Maidment, who worked with the railway children charity and had shared some stories while asking the show to donate. They brought him on as a railway consultant, their last one for over a decade. Guess the others wanted to brick Henry back up or something.
Series 5.. is one of the best of the series and probably my faviorite. I've said that before but while it has plenty of the bollocks I love from this fine franchise, the stories are generally really well done and creative children's tales: While their kept acurate to a railway, these tales have more fun with character and it's a bit easier to keep track of who everyone is personality wise compared to previous seasons. It mixes "trains get punished for their hubris stories" with some more adventurous stories: we get a hunt for a lost castle, stepny nearly getting smelted, Percy getting stuck as a runaway, Henry plunging into the sea, and as a finale, a giant sapient bolder trying to murder our heroes
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It gives the series something it needed more of: variety. While stupid train children getting punished for their hubris will never leave this franchise on penalty of death, it's nice to break from that and these types of stories play better to an older audience, which while good for the grown ass man who has to watch all these is also good for kids as they might stick with thomas longer if the stories keep their intrest. The messages it teaches are still valid, you just gotta throw a little razzle dazzle in there once in a while. It's why Owl House wrapped a fairly important message about religoius dogma and societal othering around magic, shipping and an owl tube.
This season also shifts things as this is the last time Micheal Angelis did his voice... and the first of two times someone else did in the use. Ladies, gentleman, they's, thems, and that beautiful rainbow in between I submit the glory that is Alec Baldwin narrating Thomas the Tank Engine.
WIth George Carlin retiring the US needed a new voice. Unlike Carlin who largely stuck to the style Ringo Starr and Michael Angelis used, with the voices being kind of samey, Alec Baldwin tried to give each character a unique voice. The idea.. is actually good. It's something the sreies needed and it makes the engines more distinct.
In practice though.. it's very clearly Alec, while a talented actor and terrible, TERRIBLE husband and father... has a pretty limited voice range. Some like Thomas or Toppam Hat, are fine. But then we get the bizzare ones and man oh man are they fun: Gordon and Henry sound like the dumbest cavemen he could imagine, which works for Gordon as he is the biggest idiot ever, but is weird for Henry who while proud never came off as an overly proud brick wall like his buddy. He's the one who gets put behind brick walls.
Then we have other ones like James who has a camp gay voice. There's .. no other way to describe it. Alec just used his sterotypical camp lispy gayman voice he kept in reserve because it was the late 90s, and it somehow works. We also get weird one offs , so many, from his ATTEMPT at doing a woman voice for Lady Hatt, to annie and clarabell being suddenly southren, to a cockney accent for Stepny. It's VERY obvious the show simply had too many voices for Alec's range and he pulled out every stupid acent, every inflectoin and every steroptype he had to make due.
I can however give him credit that.. at least he tried. He genuinely cared. He also had a sense of humor about the james thing
Granted the way they frame it is very... 2000's, but I can give him credit for acknowldging "yeah... yeahhhhh".
So with that let's settle in for a very Alec Baldwin Thomas the Tank Engine under the cut
1 . Cranky Bugs It's a new season and that means a new asshole to harass our stupid train children. In this case it's Cranky
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Who i'm still not convinced isn't THIS Cranky in a lovematic grandpa situation. At any rate this Cranky/That Cranky is a crane whose also an asshole.. granted about 2/3 of the cast could be described as "(insert vechile) whose also an asshole". In his case he tries bossing the trains around, and Gordon and James don't help by agreeing with him, causing incidents. As is the natural order of things, god punishes Cranky for his hubris, with Thomas and Percy saving him. While he's still a racist crack ballon, he's no longer dominating.
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2. Horrid Lorries
Cranky has learned absolutely nothing and taunts the trains about being replaced with Lorries. Which i'll give the us dub of thomas as I assumed, this being american they'd pull a 4kids and redub the british terms. But nope. Alec Baldwin uses all the british terms you'd expect, which felt weird at first, but I got used to and i'm happy they didn't try to half assedly take away one of the core parts of the show. Kids.. kids aren't dumb enough to need to think that every show takes place IN AMERICA.
Anyways some Lorries show up, are assholes, get smited for their hubris, and i've seen this sort of thing before. They vow vengance though so I can't wait for the sequel: The Lorries Strike Back.... annnnd looking at the wiki their only seen in this one episode.
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3. A View for Gordon Gordon gets tangled in some stuff and plows through a wall. You can only imagine my joy. That said this is a solid one: gordon complains about the view at the new station.. and some shenanigans send him THROUGH a wall. And to the Fat Controller's credit he dosen't finish putting gordon through a fucking wall but instead just puts a nice window there. IT's also nice to have a story where Gordon isn't a complete tool just about 50 percent of one.
4. Lady Hatt's Birthday
This is both one of my faviorites for the season and the series in general. It's Sir Topham Hatt's birthday. Aka the Fat Controler Aka Jimmy the Reach. It's a simple fun romp as he tries to get to his wife's birthday party. Also he has a wife now. and kids. Human ones not just his stupid train children. It's just a bunch of fun slapstick as he falls in mud. I've seen this plot before but it's thomas the tank engine: it's introducing kids to this plot. it gets a pass. It's something diffrent from the usual hubris and the ending is sweet as she dosen't raise a fuss over him being so dirty. She just wants to get dirty. And on that horrifying mental image..
5. James and the Trouble With Trees James nearly gets murdered by a tree to be punished for his hubris. I honestly forgot that part of the plot. James also throws a fit about not getting to pull the special express. I will say I do like Thomas rescuing him, for once NOT rubbing the days lesson in his enemy's face. It shows he's a good guy.
6. Gordon and the Gremlin: Gordon is a dick, we get jokes about Gremlins but sadly no actual gremilns. We do meet Toppham Hatt's mother. Also if your curious I'm using his actual name more.. because the shows using it more. It used fat controller before but this season with more of his family appearing they've switched to just calling him Sir Toppham hat. I of course will alternate between their hilarious crass first name and the more respectiable second because i'm a smart and mature adult. And because it's funny.
7. Bye George!
George the racist Steamroller is back... I honestly forgot he existed. But he provides a fun one that I forgot was as fucked up as it was. So George is tearing up some railway and being a racist monster who wants to kill all trains and railways, is delighed. He tars up some to trip up thomas.. but then fucks up by blocking duck... which causes Gordon , who'd already been approved to pass to crash into the guy and murder a car. Shockingly not only was Gordon's first murder unintetional but he feels bad about it... granted it comes off like a large reason for it is he's worried about what his angry fat controlling god will do to him, but the Fat Controller knows it wasn't his fault and will tear the ass off whoever it is. So George is forced to work in lumber for a week, both a shockingly lenient sentence and a fitting one. He's gotten soft in his old age.. do characters here age?
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8. Baa! A ram eat's the fat controller's hat. That's about all that's really intresting here. I do like the idea: a station decorating contest but execution wise it's just sorta there. Still a ram ate a man's hat which is more than I can say for other bog standard thomas episodes
9. Put Upon Percy Percy's trucks are assholes and nearly cause him to get killed in a mine collapse. And it's sentences like this that remind me WHY I do this series, pay aside. I also grew to like Percy this season as he grew out of being just "thomas 2" being more of a whiner, but in a relatable way.
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10. Toby and the Flood
This one.. dear god. Okay so Toby is sent to inspect a dam. Simple enough.. but then it floods. Again simple enough... while Toby is on a rickiety bridge sending toby up river. This is another faviorite mostly because the sense of tension is real. I genuinley thought Toby could die, and given this series attitude toward death and not being bound by the books it easily could've happened. Granted Toby Toys are still being made I think, so he's thankfully invunerable as long as he has merch, but it's still a pretty harrowing episdoe and the effects work is top notch. how they pulled off an ep this ambitious I have no idea. Probably experince working with water from Tugs.
11. Haunted Henry This episode is dripping with atmosphere is Henry is hautned by a ggghost that turns out to be an old man instead who tried to warn Henry's crew who wouldn't listen. A nicely spooky episode, helped by me seeing it during spooky season. Spoo-ky!
12. Teething Troubles We get a new disel, another one whose entirley friendly. The twins are around and both sound like scratch from adventures of sonic the hedgehog for some reason. That's.. really all this episode has. We've seen a friendly disel before. WE've seen the twins being assholes before. The only thing we haven't seen is Alec Baldwin doing his best stratchy voiced robo chicken.
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13. Stepney Gets Lost
Should be "Stepny almost dies". This is another one of those more adventurey stoires I mentioned, as on his way back from working at the quarry, Stepny gets lost and things esclate quickly as two disels, arry and bert, kidnap him, assuming him to be scrap and put him in the smelting shed, where h'es clawed. Stepny VERY NEARLY dies, the second near death in only 4 episodes, and it's incredibly tense. It's only thanks to the Fat Controller getting there just in time the poor guy life. I do like the FC in this one as he's nicer: he gave Stepny the assignment in the first place because he needed a change of scenery. I prefer this later characterization of a guy whose firm.. but also will do nice stuff for his stupid train children over the angry abusive god he was early on. He's still got SOME shady aspects, but he's mostly nice.. just like modern day god.
14. Toby's Discovery This is another personal faviorite and another classic, as Toby is taken by the Hatt's on an expedition to find an old castle someone found on a map. The concept itself is fun but the idea is also great. finding the castle is real easy, they just follow the line bu tthe visuals are beautiful and the castle itself looks fantastic. We also get a nice little ghost story as Toby hears rumors of a ghost.. but it's just Betram, a new engine.. or is he? My fan theory is that Betram, a narrow gage engine whose a fan of Toby's, is actually Smudger. While he has Smudger's face simply because he's a refit of duke with a diffrent face, it'd make sense: it wouldn't be the first time a train was replaced or the first time a train got refitted and Smudger WAS missing. It's better than the idea that the poor guy died rusting to death so i'm going with it. Smudger is reborn bitches!
15. Something in the Air
Henry takes some asshole pills and thus rushes into his assigment.. despite thomas trying to warn him some track had eroded, leading him into a lake. Once again, top notch water effects.
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16. Thomas, Percy and Old Slow Coach Now we'r eback to some old fashioned messed up Thomas the Tank Engine logic as Thomas and Percy meet an old engine named , and I swear to train jesus this is true, Old Slow Coach.
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Now if you thought the name was bad... your right but it gets worse: turns out she's due to be scrapped.. and they just HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO IT. And as we find out later she's in the fat controller's jursdiction. Look am I suprised the fat controller has done some train murders? yes. Do I think he has saw traps but for trains? also yes. Do I think he mentored John Kramer? Of course. But did I think he scrapped his trains. No I can't say I did.
So our heroes try to think of a way to save her. Luckily for once the angry train god that choo choos his way through this universe and decides to use his smiting powers for good.. I mean mostly. He does casually blow james up for no reason. Maybe Train Jesus was working out his homophobia still. At any rate another fire breaks out with some workman's quarters and Thomas and Percy suggest OSC replace them. Granted it's as TEMPORARY lodgings.. but given a disaster occurs on Sodor once every few episodes, crisis housing will always be needed. Horay!
17. Thomas and the Rumors The children's playground dies and since there isn't a kind old man rethinking his life as he dies from cancer to fight for it, the Fat Controller is using Harold to survey. The trains think he's replacing them, it gets in Thomas' head, their wrong as usual, Thomas learns not to gossip, next.
18. Oliver's Find: Oliver ends up down an old branch line and finds a house the Fat Controller decides to make into a rest spot. I forgot who oliver is between seasons. Next.
19. Happy Ever After This is a fun one. Not much to mock really: A bride is getting married on sodor and needs her bridal package, i.e. something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. So the fat controller uses his engines to fill in. IT's a really sweet, fun little episode. In the spirit of it, and since i'm not using an image for EVERY episode this time, i'm going to try do this challenge. okay something old
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Cocaine with sunglasses, a gag I haven't used in some time Something borrowed
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Somone Else's running gag. Something new?
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My new oc, Fred the Murder Engine and for something blue
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A wholesome marge simpson meme. Woo nailed it. next!
20. Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday
Hey hey hey it's fat controller's vacation. Lady Hatt complains about a suddenly southren annie and clarabelle but is fine after their cleaned. The real show is that FC has Harold take his family to his country place.. and it takes FOUR DAYS TO GET THERE. FOUR DAYS. Does.. does harold Need fuel? did he stop? did they ever stop? where on sodor is only accesible by plane 4 days away? The logistics here will forever haunt me, just like a bi plane haunts the hats. Solid enough episode.
21. Percy's Surprise Percy is burnt out working in the coal mines so naturally his trucks, who haven't fufilled their seasonly attempted murder quota, break one of his cables. What follows is a thrilling ep as percy nearly murders everyone and can't stop. IT's geninely tense with me worried for Percy's safetey and everyone elses as he barely survivies. top notch episode.
22. Make Someone Happy James wants to make people happy, takes Ms Kyndly to see her sister after her transport gets derailed.. not literally for achange. A genuinely sweet little tale. 23. Toad Goes Backwards Toad, the tram train is tired of going forwards. his trucks are dicks, as is their nature, and push him forward so he can't help but nearly run everyone over. like the percy one this is thrilling and I was genuinely worried toad would die. Again I know these trains won't die as long as they have merchandise but whose buying toad merch I ask you? Me. I will. Hook me up.
24. Duncan Gets Spooked
This one sure did happen. And Duncan sure did get scared. And I sure do not care. Next
25. Snow
Scarlowe gets caught up in snow, he really hates the snow. He just needs a song and I think I have just th eone for him.
Also holy shit it took me several decades, and at least a good one and a half since I became a fan of his via garfield to realize that was Lou motherfucking Rawls. This dude is awesome and to help convince you , here's the muppets
... as you can probably guess I don't have much for this one. It's fine and the snow looks fantastic. They've really stepped up their game this season and season 4 had also done it. It just gets prettier each season. Anyways now for our finale... and this one I can't stop thining about
26. Rusty and the Bolder
Okay this one.. is an all time classic and the first Thomas Finale that's felt like a season finale. While my playlist on youtube had snow last i'm going with the wiki. So a giant bolder is precariously perched on a mountain.. it also ocasoinally has an ominus HAUNTING stone face. It's genuinely unsettling.. and then it gets free and proceeds to slasher villian stalk EVERY SINGLE TRAIN IT CAN. No really it nearly runs into most of the lines trains. Thomas gave us a slasher film with a bolder hunting trains. A TRAIN MURDERNIG BOULDER. see this is what gets me up in the morning: while I love writing about really good stuff.. sometimes I just love bizzare nonsense and Thomas is a mixture of geninely good children's entertainment and morbid bizzare nonsense. I'll miss this show whenever i'm done I swear.
This was one of the most fun episodes i've watched and ends with Toppham hat isolating boulder.. but he will hunt again.. HE WILL HUNT AGAIN. HE WILL HU...
So that does it for this season. All in all one of the series best it's just some episodes I really don't have much to say and others are attempted boulder murder. It's a show I dearly love on some level by this point
Next Time: THE MOVIE. is it any good.. i'll see. Will it at least have alec baldwin? Can confirm. Thanks for reading.
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johnpaul-ao3-feed · 9 months
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kwebtv · 10 months
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Team Knight Rider - Syndication - October 6, 1997 - May 18, 1998
Action / Crime (22 episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Brixton Karnes as Kyle Stewart
Christine Steel as Jenny Andrews
Duane Davis as Duke DePalma
Kathy Trageser as Erica West
Nick Wechsler as Kevin "Trek" Sanders
Other FLAG members
Vince Waldron as Gil
Rick Copp as Clayton
Lowell Dean as Captain J. P. Wyatt
Steve Sheridan as Dr. Felson
Michael Lexx as Scott
Steve Forrest as Shadow
Other Characters
Bill Bumiller as Martin Jantzen
David McCallum as the voice of Mobius
Jim Fyfe as Dennis
Rainer Grant as Liz "Starr" Starrowitz
Jim Piddock as Max Amato (Amendes)
Marta Martin as Kayla Gordon
Roland Kickinger as Roland Laschewsky
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ascendthisday · 2 years
You Really Really Love Me
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gif by veilofmegiddo
Paring(s): Satchel/Michael Starr
Word Count: 860~
Info: Pure Fluff, Men In Love, So Impossibly Clean, Like They Don't Even Kiss Clean, Short and Sweet, Brunch Dates
Summary: "You know what I've never understood?" Michael mused from across the small table. It was date night! Or, more so, date day as Satchel had taken him out for brunch. "Mm, what?" He half-heartedly asked as he grazed over the laminated menu placed in front of him. 
Authors Note: okay so this one is like... steel panther canon? idk what else to call it but they are NOT ralph and russ in this!!! it is the characters michael and satchel, not the guys behind them! ralph and russ dont even exist in this universe (depsite what the tags may make u think) once again i am the worst poster EVER but we're getting there! this is the most pg13 fic ever literally just boys being boys and going out for brunch! i have 2 other sp fics ill eventually post probably so be prepared
"You know what I've never understood?" Michael mused from across the small table. It was date night! Or, more so, date day as Satchel had taken him out for brunch. "Mm, what?" He half-heartedly asked as he grazed over the laminated menu placed in front of him. 
"Your hands! They're so, like, not right. I don't know how to describe it but your fingers are too short for you to play guitar the way you do." Satchel raised an eyebrow above his sunglasses, suddenly much more interested in the singer's miniature rant. "Not to be an asshole or anything- you'd just never expect it! When I tried to learn guitar, I gave up because my fingers were too short to comfortably hold the damn thing! It's just cool, I guess." 
"Seems like you spend a lot of time staring at my hands, stalker." Satchel chortled as he placed his flimsy menu in a stack on top of Michael's. He leaned forward on the square patio table as he rested his chin in his hand. As much as he jokingly argued with the man, he absolutely adored the blond-haired vocalist that sat in front of him. "Oh yeah, hard to not take notice when they're wrapped around my dick every night!" Michael wittily retorted, gazing back at the guitarist. Unfortunately for him, their waiter had returned just as his snarky reply had left his lips. 
"So, um, what will you gentlemen have today?" The waiter, Stacy as assigned by her nametag, staggered as she stared down at her notepad, just as white as the ruled paper she gawked at. "Oh! I will have an earl grey with a breakfast burrito and he," Satchel pointed across the table "will have a cappuccino with the fruity pancakes. Thank you, Stacy!" 
When Stacy had left their table after droning out their order, the two men burst into giggles. "God, I will never know how you guess exactly what I want to order! Did you get me the fruity pancakes because you knew I wanted them or did you just want to subtly call me gay?" Michael questioned as he played a show of mock horror. "Maybe a little bit of both." Satchel grinned as he ran a hand through his mane of hair. 
"Aw, c'mon jackass! I'm not even, like, that gay. If I'm gay, I'm like point five percent gay, and I reserve that percent for you!" Michael quipped as he lightly kicked the other man in the shin from across the table. It was so calm to just be them, no overbearing drummers or absent bassists, just Michael and Satchel. When things got rough, it always dwindled down to that. Their peers joked that they were some sort of power couple and they'd just laugh it off and snort a line or two, because how could anyone know how close they actually were? Everyone assumed the casual ass grabbing and borderline homo remarks were just for public appearances, to keep up that vaguely homosexual aura of the 80's. Plus, any sane man or woman would want of piece of Satchel's ass. It's a nice ass! 
"Hmm, yeah. Okay," Satchel sassed "anyways, your hair looks really pretty today. Dare I even say, it looks bitchin'." He motioned to the way the singer had pushed his bleach-blond hair back with the sunglasses resting on his head. He had pulled out the little waves by his ears, too. It made Satchel's heart ache. How could such a playboy be so fucking cute? "Aw, you love me! Thank you." Michael teased as he ran his fingers through the ends of his hair. "You look good, by the way. Thanks for shaving off your stubble because it irritates my face when we make out. That was sweet of you." The singer smiled at the gentle pink that flushed the guitarist's face. Satchel had never quite gotten used to the compliments despite how many he received. 
The guitarist simply replied with a little 'hmmph' sound and let a little smile peck at the corners of his mouth. Eventually, Stacy found her way back with armfuls of overpriced nutriments. For the money they had dropped on the food, it honestly didn't look half bad! Steam rose off of the two mugs that rested on separate saucers that clinked together when placed on the table. It was a chilly day, so the hot beverages fit their frozen states just perfectly. Despite the lack of warmth, the two men stayed local to their torn fishnet and spandex pants. 
"Fuck, I'm cold as shit!" Michael exclaimed, dramatically shivering. Since he hadn't brought a jacket with him to pull the stereotypical boyfriend move, Satchel stood up, scooted over his chair, and moved his belongings to the other side of the table. "It's not even that cold out, wuss." He mumbled as he placed his head on Michael's shoulder and snuggled up to the singer. "If anyone recognizes us, tell them I'm dead so we look less gay." Satchel talked to himself, unaware of the loving gaze the singer had focused on him. 
"I could get used to this, y'know?" Michael cooed as he sipped at his cappuccino.  
"Yeah. This is nice." 
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