#character typing
ddorokking · 7 months
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blueopinions49 · 8 months
Healthy/Unhealthy Type 1
Healthy Social 1 
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Rob Stark (1w9 so/sx)- In the search for a more fair and just Westeros. Maintains his anger in check and looks for morality in grounded and in bringing others up. 
Kitana (1w2 so/sp)- Depending on which timeline we are on we can see how she embodies the idealism of E1. In MK11 we see her in the search to unite outworld and restore honor to Edenia. In her arcade ending we see her restoring Edenia and forging a bright and fair future for outworld. 
Nakia (1w2 so/sp)- She subverts all of the stereotypes of E1. The enneagram 1 is known for their more “traditional” and restrictive views of moral however with Nakia we see a. fully integrated 1 to their 7. Her view of the world comes from a need to find joy and help others. 
Unhealthy Social 1 
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Betty Warren (1w2 so/sx)- The need to maintain a status quo were her and others suffer due to what's moral and right seems to be her core desire in the movie. She changes eventually and decides to pursue a career where she can channel her rage into productive actions. 
Abuela Madrigal (1w2 so/sp)- While I understand fully why she is the way she is, her continuing the generational cycle of trauma instead of deciding to talk about the past leads her to stifling others. Neglecting Maribel and banishing Bruno. Her eventual change in the end promises a better future for everyone in the family. 
Zaheer (1w9 so/sp)-In search for full liberation of the nation he ends up indulging in full anarchism. His desire to see the world as free and just sets him on a path of destruction. Probably the best example of an E1 who has fully disintegrated into 4. Fully detached from a grounded sense of morality.
Healthy Self-Preservation 1 
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Elijah Mikaelson (1w9 sp/so)- His desire to preserve his own sense of morality always comes into question when it comes to Klaus. The desire to see a fully redeemed Klaus can cause him allot of problems however, he always is just in his decision making always looking for the best results for everyone. 
Nancy Thompson (1w2 sp/so)- While I consider typing her as an SO6 too her desire seems to fall more on E1. She has a strong sense of morality and justice. Always in the look to help other whiteout letting her own sense of self righteousness get in the way.
Matt Murdock (1w9 sp/so)- Yes, he has a whole struggle with his sense of morality and defines good and bad however, Matt is generally a great example of an Sp1 who struggles with his idealism or perfection and morality and its realistic applications in the real world. 
Unhealthy Self-Preservation 1
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Shirley Crain (1w2 sp/so)- Branded as “Perfect Shirley” for good reason.  Shirley is complete denial of reality and constantly repressing her true emotions makes her act as morally superior than her siblings. While not deciding to deal with her inner turmoil. 
Julien Slowik (1w9 sp/so)-Full detachment of reality and embraces the worst traits of the sp1. He choses to make his own personal believes others problems and internalizes his rage. Eventually channeling it into self destruction. 
Nina Sawyer (1w9 sp/so)-Her struggle to integrate towards 7 turns into a full downward spiral were identity and her perception of reality go out the window. Her need to be both the black swan and white swan end up tearing her sense of self apart. 
Healthy Sexual 1
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Biscuit Krueger (1w2 sx/so)-Perfection through interpersonal connections seems to be her main drive. When she becomes Killua’s and Gon’s mentor she help them expand on their already developed powers. Using the base knowledge of their abilities so each of them could expand on them. 
Batman (1w9 sx/sp)-His struggle to define himself as a symbol for Gotham can be seen as unhealthy sometimes. However I believe he is closer to a healthy person with his own personal struggles. However as time goes on in the comics we see a Bruce who is able to foster community and have excellent children.
Kate Sheffield (1w2 sx/so)- Strong sense of morality and a desire to see things change makes Kate a force to be reckoned with. She is able to express her anger and discomforts in ways that aren't damaging or hurtful to others. 
Unhealthy Sexual 1 
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Ra’s Al ghul (1w9 sx/so)-In look for a true successor he ends up exploiting both his  daughter and grandchild. His believe that there is a need for the league of assassins to make the world better place is also kind of disjointed. 
Mona Wasserman (1w2 sx/sp)- I considered typing her as an SX2 however I believe her need to maintain Bo near her and constantly demean her fell more into SX1 traits. She is the good guy in the relationship and her overbearing nature is but a need. Even contracting the only person who he has had an emotional connection with.
Tywin Lannister (1w9 sx/sp)- Perfection through his children makes him hyper obsessive man who will deny reality and neglect those same children emotionally if it means it's what's “better” for them. His cruelty towards Tyrion knew no bounds.
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dr-lizortecho · 6 months
Love that we're both into MBTI! Could you talk more about how Elena's strengths and weaknesses make her an INFP? I'm asking not because I disagree with you typing her as an INFP - I would too!---but because I'm always trying to better understand her character!!
I adore talking character typing- so I apologize in advance for what this is probably gonna look like. But essentially Elena Gilbert is very much the kind of archetype people slot into the INFP stereotype, she’s angsty and sad and kind and naive. But instead of focusing on all of the qualities that make her fit into the box pretty well (though occasionally falling into ISFJ territory) I’m gonna focus on her function stack since that’s the way I tend to decide where to type characters (aka which section of my Pinterest board to put a crappy picture of them, lol)
“Look, I’m at a crossroads right now where... I could live my life the way I think I probably should, and be successful, and safe, and... probably very happy. Or I could risk all of that for this tiny glimmer of a feeling inside that I... I just can’t shake.”
Fi (introverted feeling)
Introverted feeling as the dominant function appears most often as a deep rooted need or longing for self distinction or individuality and the constant question of who they are and where they fit into the world. This is a semi-universal feeling of course, but for the Fi dominants (INFP/ISFP) it’s the leading force in most of their decision making and life choices. For Elena this is mostly seen through her always asking herself questions and trying to stay true to herself, even at the expense of other things she treasures. This can be seen in anything as simple as her leaving cheerleading or staying on the miss mystic falls court or as big as defending her feelings for Damon when it is a major stressor on every important relationship in her life. But for Elena it’s mostly in that ever present questioning of self and constant shift to be her truest self, until she appears almost fully settled in season six.
I’ve talked before about how her Fi is kinda tricky to pin down (even as an Fi user myself) and that it took me a long while to truly see it. But it was back in season six that it hit me square in the chest, when she chose to erase Damon from her memories because she couldn’t live or function without him. All of this to say that Fe loves and understands through the feeling and understanding of emotions, while Fo loves through the understanding of self (one day I’m going to write about the differences using Max and Isobel Evans- one day). So for Elena a small part of her is actually defined through who she chooses to love, her identity falling into fractals every time someone close to her dies (her parents, Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy, Bonnie, etc.). Leaving her to exhaustingly pick up her pieces and for them back together (until much later in the series when she learns the healthiest thing is to build that on herself- but that’s besides the point). So the scene is set in season six with Elena having lost people over and over and over again, rebuilt herself and turned off her humanity switch and cried her eyes out. And it’s to this point that she has finally built most of herself around the most steady and constant person in her life in the last few years- which shockingly is Damon Salvatore one of the most unstable and sporadic people in her vicinity. So when he dies she’s left spiraling, because that was her last connection, the thing that for her through losing everyone else and always got her back in her feet. She doesn’t even know who she is without him. But all of that to say- Elena’s Fi was the focal point of her character even if really difficult to pin down on page.
Ne (extroverted intuition)
Probably her most visible function- as with a lot of INFP’s once they’re comfortable with you. Extroverted intuition as the auxiliary function appears almost the same as dominant Ne, the only true difference being that it often caters to the dominant function. In this case her Fi- meaning that most uses of Ne will be to assist or help answer (or convolute) the questions she poses to herself while using Fi.
Ne as a function works to make information and organize it, as well as connect it. It’s the realm of possibilities and uncertainties. This function is the primary driving force of the Salvatore brother love triangle and the reason Elena can’t help but to see the potential of who Damon could be. She basically verbalized the function in the season three finale while discussing with Matt which brother she should choose, presenting all the possibilities (that aligned with her Fi) and then creating more once it appeared she had reached an answer.
Si (introverted sensing)
As her tertiary function it’s weaker than her Ne and Fi, but also more predominant in her character than Ne (this is because her dominant loop is Fi-Si). Introverted sensing is how she chooses to interact with knowns and unknowns, how she responds to the world around her as much as how she stores new information.
Si is very rooted in the past and how a persons personal experiences have taught them about the world and cause to affect. Drawing on memories and personal experience to stake claim or predict the present. Elena uses it throughout the whole series, from her diary entries to her response to learning Stefan is a vampire to deciding whether or not to remember Damon. The first being an obvious reflection on her past experiences and how they have shaped her and will continue to do so. While the second show she’d gut reaction to discovering vampirism and Stefan’s potential danger vs her know s about his personality. How she has to draw on the reality behind her instead of in front of her to determine what she believes will occur. As for her memories, she is reluctant to change anything good about her life in favor of having new knowns, because she is relying on a marred version of reality to remember only the monstrous side of Damon. Making it difficult and a leap of her Fi-Ne to pick to alter those memories, because she struggles to grasp that her knowns have been changed, that she’s working with flawed data. Idk if that makes sense.
Te (extroverted thinking)
As her inferior function it’s the weakest in her stack, and the least implemented in her decision making. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not part of the complete process! Extroverted thinking is about cold knowns and seemingly objective truths, about being able to deconstruct and arguement or an idea and rebuild it to prove understanding.
I won’t lie- it rarely appears in and of itself (which makes sense! It mostly shows up in her Ne-ate loop). The first thing that comes to mind is yet again the season three finale in which she attempts to solve a heart issue with objective reality, by choosing who she should love based on who she met first from some sense of owing it to them.
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ajthembtinerd412 · 10 months
Stranger Things: Max Mayfield: ISTP 6w5
Myers Briggs: ISTP
Ti: Max is very analytical. She understands how things work in the world around her, and applies that logical understanding to the Upside Down. She quickly figures out how Vecna’s curse works based on the files she reads, and despite not being a “nerd” like her friends, often surprises them with logical insights. She makes logical, impartial decisions, even risking her life selflessly, because she knows it is the best course of action. She always argues based on logic as opposed to emotion when convincing her friends of her point, even in emotionally charged situations. She’s good at “hacking” different aspects of the Upside Down with her Ti- like using the Sauna Test on Billy when he’s possessed by the Mind Flayer.
Se: Max is very impulsive and trusts her gut. She lives in the moment, pursuing what she wants and not thinking about future repercussions, like when she takes Jane to the mall in Season Three. She does, however, fall into a Ti- Ni loop in Season Four, not living in the moment and withdrawing inward. She is very physically active and enjoys skateboarding. She is practical and more interested in the immediate world than her “nerdy” friends, preferring to improvise than to learn the theoretical explanations of the Upside Down.
Ni: Max likes to develop a plan before leaping into action. She uses her internal logic to assess the situation first, then formulates a plan using those same Ti hacks. She’s good at laying out a detailed plan for how to solve any Upside Down related problem, coming up with clever, creative solutions. She is intuitive about the Upside Down and good at drawing conclusions from the available information about Vecna’s plan.
Fe: Max is selfless and willing to sacrifice herself to save her friends and the world. She doesn’t find it easy to open up to people, especially after the trauma she experiences, but finds it helpful to work through her emotions with Lucas when she feels ready. In season two, she is hurt when her friends don’t tell her things about the Upside Down, because she wants to feel part of the group. She wants to be on the same page as her friends, and is upfront about her feelings in order to do so.
Enneagram: cp6w5
Max values her friendships above everything. She tries hard to be accepted by her friends, and is always loyal to them even when it’s difficult. She faces issues head on, looking to solve problems with the help of her friends rather than running in the opposite direction. She is cautious and likes to gather data before making a decision, using knowledge to help her solve problems.
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card-queen · 11 months
Story Craft: Character Typing
We return to the topic of characters to speak (very briefly) about the common typing methods for characters: MBTI & Enneagram.
Now, I have some clean-up to do about preconceived notions and the colossal amounts of damage that quirky, relatable text posts based on very broad stereotypes has done.
Typing, like many other things, is a set of tools. You get out of them what you put in, nothing more and nothing less. These are not personality frameworks and should not be used as such. For me, they are ways of separating aspects of characters, finding natural strengths & weakness, paths towards growth, natural struggles and possible methods each character might take as I begin to understand their thinking and priorities. There's been this wave of shoehorning characters and concepts into boxes for the sake of funny memes and it doesn't work. It often misses the point of the character and DEFINITELY doesn't work when it comes to typology.
Second point of contention: introverted does not mean introvert and introvert does not mean stereotypical shut-in who only likes books and rainy Autumn weather. Introverted and extraverted are when the focus in inwardly focused or externally focused, eg. your sense of justice vs. the accepted meaning of justice. Basically, if the comes back with an E at the front, it means their focus is outwards and not that they're some rowdy party animal who can't shut up.
Snooty qualifiers out of the way, let's get to the business of...
Before going ahead, I'd like to take a moment to go over how and when I use these tests to get the most of out my characters. I like to have a fair-to-strong understanding of the character before I do anything with typology. From my earlier post, I may have a strong idea of their Purpose & Personality but be more flexible when it comes to their Perspective... or I may know three things but in differing levels of confidence. Everything is case-by-case and everything is completely to taste. No hard and fast rules, just pitfalls that people tend to not be aware of and parts that take a little more work and figuring out.
I do all this to avoid having no ideas for a character and ending up with a blank slate that only exists to be a functioning tool of the plot, a talking head with a bright personality who has nothing to do with anything going on, or a mouthpiece for some part of the world or some talking point that I want to share. Characters should have more to offer than the reason they were created.
Now, let's start with MBTI because I actually made a little test for that! MBTI is no I vs E, N vs S, F vs T, or F vs. J. It's more intricate than that but once you get the hang of it then you'll learn to appreciate how everything balances out more. The real battles are between Ne vs Si, Se vs Ni, Fe vs Ti, Te vs Fi. Everyone is made up of two battling pairs, one pair works as intended and one pair both excels and causes problems. Each of the 8 Functions form a stack which makes the MBTI type you're either familiar with or just may have seen. These pairs work together and are always the same, the order may be different though. Ne in slot 1 will always have Si in slot 4 Si in slot 1 will always have Ne in slot 4. Here's a brief rundown of what the Functions mean taking from 'The Building Blocks of Personality' which I found helpful but not too wordy.
Si or Introverted Sensing seeks out familiar or personally relevant sensory details to stabilise or ground oneself in new situations
Do you pause or hesitate and try to figure out if you’ve experienced something like this before, scanning for some familiar object, detail, or feeling to hang your hat on? Do you tend to notice little discrepancies in terms of how details compare to your past experiences? Do you prefer to use already known or well-established methods/procedures to handle problems? Do you easily feel overwhelmed or anxious when confronted with a completely new situation you’ve never experienced before? Do you get easily flustered when people/situations do not behave as you expect or if you are forced to improvise without enough guidance or rules?
Se or Extraverted Sensing seeks to participate fully and adapt quickly to new, immediate, or changing sensory conditions in the world
Is your first instinct to dive in head first just to see how it goes? Do you often feel the urge to “join” and be a part of anything interesting that is happening? Do you love trying out and experiencing new things? Do you enjoy the feeling of being able to confidently and competently handle yourself in an interesting activity or situation? Do you feel uneasy when you cannot learn something as quickly as you want or solve a problem as immediately as you would like to? Do you get easily annoyed when other people seem too boring, withdrawn, or conventional?
Ne or Extraverted Intuition connects disparate details to see new conceptual ideas or possibilities for creating change, improvement, or progress in the world: ENTP/ENFP
Do you feel energised by all the possibilities of pursuing a new path? Do you feel that your mind is often full of widely diverse or scattered ideas? Do you often have trouble figuring out which possibility to explore first because you can see that they are all potentially awesome? Do you find it hard to follow through with your plans because of being easily distracted by other exciting possibilities midstream? Do you feel a desire to achieve the best possible outcome and easily feel frustrated when others do not care about making progress or are resistant to trying out new ideas.
Ni or Introverted Intuition analyses and interprets the contextual meaning or importance of things in order to orient oneself towards what will be true in the future
Do you observe the situation from a big picture context, looking for patterns in the events/behaviours that can help you predict what will happen next (based on vague patterns you’ve experienced before)? Do you often feel quite certain about future outcomes, sometimes without knowing why or have difficulty explaining why? Do you find it hard to decide what to do if you cannot see any “deeper meaning” in a situation or if you cannot understand the “ultimate purpose” of an action? Do you get easily annoyed if people/situations seem “superficial” or often think that life requires more meaning/purpose?
Fe or Extraverted Feeling seeks to maintain or build interpersonal bonds and social structure in order to achieve harmony and intimate connection among people
Do you feel the urge to make sure everyone is okay or on the same page? Do you feel like you naturally gauge the social “temperature” or “atmosphere” of a room as soon as you walk in? Do you feel very uneasy when others seem dissatisfied or unhappy or express negativity? Do you instinctively want to smooth over interpersonal conflicts (regardless of whether they involve you)? Are you easily annoyed when people seem inconsiderate, aloof, uncooperative, or unappreciative?
Fi or Introverted Feeling seeks to analyse personal experiences as a means to create a set of values for determining what is good/bad or right/wrong for oneself and, by extension, other people: ISFP/INFP
Is it very important to you to “stay true to yourself” no matter what is going on? Do you tend to focus in on any conflict or potential for conflict? Do you feel quite uneasy, resentful, or internally conflicted when people act in a way that you disagree with? Do you pay close attention to whether individuals are treated fairly (as opposed to impersonally/interchangeably)? Do you need a certain degree of privacy and intensely dislike situations that even slightly infringe upon your/others’ personal space or boundaries, and then feel a very strong urge to speak up or protest?
Ti or Introverted Thinking seeks to discover precise formulaic knowledge derived from dispassionate analysis of what is factually true or false
Do you feel curious about what is happening and want to figure out how or why it is happening? Do you often try to figure out exactly what caused an event/behaviour and fix any problem? Do you feel the urge to push boundaries just to observe what will happen? Do you enjoy patiently building up useful knowledge and skills? Do you feel it necessary to observe/analyse from an impersonal distance in order to maintain impartiality (and feel frustrated when others do not do the same)? Are you easily annoyed by inaccuracies or falsehoods or “irrelevant” information?
Te or Extraverted Thinking seeks to follow, create, maintain, or streamline systematic rules/standards to achieve greater order, predictability, and successful action in the world
Do you feel it necessary to make a plan or change/improve the situation? Are you naturally motivated to make a situation more “normal”, “appropriate”, “effective”, or “efficient”? Do you hate the feeling of leaving an obvious problem unresolved (regardless of whether it involves you)? Do you instinctively want to set a clear goal/objective and try to achieve it quickly? Are you easily annoyed by signs of incompetence in yourself or others?
And now, here is a test that I made myself to use for your own characters. MBTI test I am by no means an expert, but I made this by compiling a lot of the knowledge and stuff I found most helpful for understanding how to use MBTI for characters.
Now onto Enneagram... this is something I kinda avoided for a while because I didn't understand the purpose and I didn't see the point of mixing and matching different typing systems. I've come to see the benefit in using both as it too is a tool that can be used for many of the same reasons that I use MBTI. They help show weaknesses, frustrations, things the characters may be running from, hiding or outright ignoring, they can show paths to growth and where companionship can form. It's a tool and a helpful one as long as you use it and don't depend on it.
I think that's the big piece of advice I'd give: you the tools but don't depend on them.
Anyway, I'll link my worksheet here but I'll also link some very helpful Youtube channels than can explain Ennegram a lot better than I can. After all, I disregarded it for a while before seeing the merit in it! The Enneagram Workshop (this is the method I use in the worksheet I linked. I found her explanations very helpful) You've Got a Type (a playlist for the basics but all of his videos were so informed but quick about it too)
Now, I know what you're thinking (you are, be honest). You're thinking 'but what are the types of your characters?' and you are SO RIGHT to ask that! I'll just use the same 5 again... but I'll also throw in another 5.
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Cas | ESFP | Type 3 (3w2) Conoric | INFP | Type 4 (4w5) Gwynnen | ESTJ | Type 3 (3w2) Hughwen | ENTP | Type 5 (5w6) Sarabonney | ESTP | Type 8 (8w9)
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Stella | ENFP | Type 2 (2w3) Ilya | INTP | Type 6 (6w5) Lilah | ESTP | Type 7 (7w8) Eliot | ENTP | Type 5 (5w4) Pippa | INFP | Type 9 (9w8)
And now the rambly bit where I talk lovingly about my characters.
Cas vs Gwynnen They're both 3w2 which means the operate the same kind of way (which they did, and I knew this even before I knew the typing). They both adopt whatever demeanour suits the situation to get to the heart of matters. Their big differences come from their outlooks (which again, I knew before I could ever really put it into solid terms). Cas is very much in the present and is willing to see things as they area and take situations at their face value. Gwynnen cannot help by see similarities to past crimes, other situations and criminal intent. Cas take every situation in with fresh eyes, building up a complete picture from the ground up. Gwynnen assesses situations and finds similarities that point him directions that he can then follow up on, finding the evidence to confirm or dismiss his theories rather efficiently. Both of them are hands-on, work fast and have a great deal of understanding but they work in ways that do not compliment each other's skill sets.
Hughwen vs Eliot A battle between two Type 5 ENTPs. To put it fairly, both of these men are schemers and they function from the sidelines of a group. Hughwen is more open with his opinion excels at problem-solving and more frequently, problem-finding that just comes across as overly cynical and nitpicky. He does have the group's best interests in mind as their safety is his safety, and he is ultimately a great at brainstorming the perfect solution, but the path he takes is often one where he upsets as many people on the way as one can. Eliot is a thinking man who excels in ideas and problem-solving but he's a lot more independent than Hughwen. He's inwardly happy to be a part of Stella's group and values being sought out, but if something needs to be done, he'd much rather figure it out himself and do it himself. He can't handle criticism well and will often shrug and stop giving his advice (despite his keen mind for it).
Sarabonney vs Lilah Both ESTPs with a Type 8. They are fierce go-getters who thrive in scenarios where they are told something can't be done. Lilah takes all challenges as personal, doing everything in her power to prove it can be done. She revels in the adrenaline and soaks up the cheers and adoration that come from victory. She loves challenges and is constantly guilty of trying to one-up other people's accomplishments. Sarabonney is more practical. Where Lilah would fight a dragon just to say she's done it and show off her trophey, Sarabonney would fight the dragon just to keep the peace, and use the parts for medicine. She stands on her tippy-toes just to look danger in the eye but she does it to keep others safe. She's bossy and forward but from a very caring and nurturing heart.
Conoric vs Pippa A battle of two very different INFPs. Both of them suffered hardships in youth it affected them in very different ways that shape their decisions. Both of them are very solitary and introspective by nature, and both of them have a screaming, burning desire to help people. Conoric turns to books and tries to hone his mind while Pippa cultivates a network of people to surround herself with. Conoric wears his pain on his sleeve, feeling it is a part of him. Pippa and her pain aren't on speaking terms. She denies that she's suffered and hates that life treated her so cruelly. She drowns herself in helping others, setting up deals that would get more people into better housing and help secure loans for up-and-coming businesses. She revels in the finery of life that she now has access, pushing the pain deeper and further away... because that means it'll go away right? Conoric has an unfair advantage against Pippa when it comes to growth. He has Cas and Cas spent a while trying to understand Conoric, something that really helped him come out of his shell. It gave him the attention that he craved after being denied it for so long and it helped him learn to communicate his own ideas better, allowing him access to help in his own way.
Okay, I'm finished down. I'll be back next time with talk about stories or worldbuilding. We shall see which, but in the meantime:
Happy creating!
Want more writing advice? Check out this post!
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enneamalia · 10 months
Twilight Sparkle - 5w6
Rarity - 4w3
Pinkie Pie - 7w6
Fluttershy - 9w1
Rainbow Dash - 6w7
Apple Jack - 1w9
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chrxnicdaydream · 1 year
dazai osamu is an intp with developed FE
not an entp. i said what i said. proof ⬇️
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ocresourcecenter · 2 years
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
having such an obvious favorite character trope is life ruining bro
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angeltannis · 1 month
I love you “unlikeable” female characters I love you rude girls I love you mean women I love you girl interpretations of the “Asshole with a Heart of Gold” trope I love you women who get labeled Cold and Unfeeling I love you girls who lash out I love you women who lie I love you female characters who make people mad just by existing
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ddorokking · 7 months
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vodkaing · 4 months
the problem is im so used to urasawa/satoshi kon/katsuhiro otomo men that whenever someone asks to show me "an old anime man" with no wrinkles no gray hair no big nose no different face shape at all i feel like ive been cheated
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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1alchemistart · 2 months
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dont got much to offer for The Holiday but have these sillies!
happy valentines day :D
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Paid Request: Runaway Bride: Ike Graham [ENTP 3w2]
Paid Request: Runaway Bride: Ike Graham [ENTP 3w2]
Function Order: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si Ike makes his living writing columns and he says that he never knows what he’s going to say until the last minute, and that he turns in everything on the deadline, implying that he doesn’t do well with planning ahead. He’s looking for someone to ‘brainstorm ideas’ with when the film opens, and then he runs with an idea he hears off a guy in a pub –without checking any…
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