theroundbartable · 7 months
Arthur: what do you usually dream about?
Merlin: dying
Arthur: no, I mean like, realistic stuff. Like... What kind of memories do you dream of?
Merlin: ... I remember dying.
Arthur: ... Urgh. WHO do you dream of?
Merlin: ...
Arthur: please
Merlin: Death
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My favorite parts of their designs
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rainybraindays · 29 days
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I'm legitimately still not over this.
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«Déu és més gran que el nostre cor» (1 Joan III, 20) i molt més gran que la nostra teologia. El poc que sabem d'ell se situa sobre un fons de desconeixement molt més vast. Mentre restem en el nostre univers tradicional, no en podem prendre consciència. Però quan en sortim, quan som testimonis d'aproximacions completament diverses de l'Absolut podem mesurar millor com Déu ens sobrepassa. I quan reconsiderem el que sabem d'ell sobre aquest fons de misteri, la nostra contemplació adquireix major profunditat. Aquestes experiències de l'altre i del Tot Altre són certament beneficioses per a la maduració de la nostra vida espiritual, a condició de no ser unilaterals.
Evangelista Vilanova, «Pròleg» a La nova innocència per Raimon Panikkar (1998)
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moralesmilesanhour · 3 months
I was intrigued when you said that ATSV made characters pretty and not too exaggerated (like Tmnt Mutant Mayham or Kingpin from the first movie.) And it reminded me of some cencept art where Miles had some facial hair on his upper lip and the movie scene where he mentions it. If he kept it, maybe he wouldn't be seen as "attractive", but I think it may have added to his character. I just like dorky Miles and think that maybe he wanted to grow it out to look a bit more like his dad or uncle >♡< it's just a funny and endearing thought that he's still trying to grow into himself :D
No wait that would've been so cute!! Like I really do wish they allowed Miles to not only be awkward and dorky but to also *look* it. I think we're slowly breaking away from Black (esp male) characters whose personality and style are just "cool black teen" but I would've loved if they had pushed it further with Miles like let him be a Blerd!!
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letsatomicbanana · 1 year
lock 20 au sanses in a room together for 48 hours. itd end up being really funny imo. even better if one of them has no cencept of the mmultiverse and just. is dropped there
Oh!!! I actually saw that concept A LOT in gacha life videos (yes, gacha life videos)
Bro's just standing there:🧍
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greenflamedwriter · 2 years
Transmigrated too late.
Another AU of Scumbag Villain [I probs need a cheat sheet of names of characters/locations to help me write these]
Luo Binghe sat on his throne, the Huan Hua Palace hailed as the most largest prominent sect that housed all six thousand of the Demon Lords wives.
All of them stood at attention as guards, serving Luo Binghe's food, fanning him, sitting or standing by his throne. Scouting the entire palace and dragging in the prisoner in chains and dumping him at his feet.
His elusive Shizun was finally captured.
Shizun glared the chains holding him tightly and cutting of his Qi, unable to escape. He glared at his demonic disiple in revulsion and anger. He wasn't afraid yet. "Ah Shizun, it's time to make you pay for what you've done to me all of those years ago..."
Luo Binghe stood slowly, walking down the steps. Shen Qingqiu's only wore his inner robes gone were all his jeweraly, outfits and stripped of his title as a Peak Master.
No one will save him now.
But suddenly in one blink, his Shizun was gazing at him with cold green eyes filled with resentment then the next, wide soft eyes gazing at him uncomprehending.
In that moment Lord Luo Binghe knew something had changed, but never faltered in his steps as he slowly approached.
Shen Yaun loved proud Immortal demon way, it had a strong cencept but such a shit execution when he was halfway through the story he should've stopped reading...but he was too invested. Maybe he was wrong what if it picked up? but no he should've listened to his insincts all that time and energy wasted with no payout. He was so enraged at the cheap ending that he died.
And woke up here bound in chains with Luo Binghe prowling towards him.
What was going on?
he couldn't even ask where he was and how did he get here before a box appeared before his face.
[Error- Transmigration to Shen Qingqiu loaded unsuccesfully, User please stand by for System to reload to relevant time period. Actions for current user to stand by until this issue has been fixed.]
"What-what do you mean!?" Shen Yaun cried in his head and the system cheerfully added.
[User has been transmigrated too late, execution for Shen Qingqiu in twelve minutes.]
He saw Luo Binghe approach and realised he was going to die, he was going to experience the excrutaiting death of the Scumbag Villain Shen Qingqiu and he was powerless to stop it!
[Please survive until we fix this issue, You can you up! You can do it! :D]
Why was the Systems voice so energetic! It was the systems fault! You piece of trash!
"Shizun..." A cool timbre spoke and a thumb pressed over Shen Qingqiu's cheek smothly stroking the skin under his eye. It snapped Shen Qingqiu out of his thoughts to see the protagonist looking down on him. He was dead, he was so so dead.
His body trembled as Luo Binghe's lips raised into a grin. "Time to make you pay for what you did to me all those years ago, all those beatings, abuse and pain, for each whip I'll rip out an arm, For each strike I'll rip out a leg, an eye for an eye, everything paid back tenfold."
Think-Think idiot!
Shen Qingiue smirked or maybe grimaced tilting his head to the side away from Luo Binghe's hand.
"Isn't that unfair? Sure you can take a hand and a leg, my eyes but then what are you left with? A husk of a man in a dungeon. It'll be more effort to keep me around and the punishment would end underwhelming and unfullfilling."
And what could Shen Qingqiu say? Stop I'm not your shizun don't kill me? As if the protagonist would believe that!
Shen Qingiu was still wavering, he needed time- time to plan- to escape.
"Why not make this Master really pay for his disiples abuse. Pour hot tea on me, whip me, beat me, worse than what you went through make me fight a demon with deadly poisen, make me face each challenge of the endless abyss. For each Trial you've endured I will pay tenfold."
For a moment he thought that Luo Binghe wasn't going to go through with it- either way he was screwed. Sure the human stick route would actually be pretty quick. But without any legs, theres less chance for escape. He might be a masochist for choosing the worse punishing route... but what choice did he really have?
Luo Binghe smirked, fine. He'll indulge his old Teacher and would love to see him squirm and see his chances of escape dwindling and lose the hope once his Shizun becomes a husk of a man- maybe when his Shizun loses it and starts to self harm would Luo Binghe rip of his limbs to keep him still then begin to drive him insane with his nightmares. lets see how this would play out.
"Very well. That does seem like an adequete punishment, you will pay for all of your crimes against me and against any other victims of yours." Luo Binghe accepted and Shen Qingqiu couldn't relax as the demon Lord kept talking.
"Not just this lowly disciple others as well, the Qie massacre for Peak Lord Liu death in the caves and for Ning Yinying." Luo Binghe said his first wives name with meaning and Shen Qingqiu paled in dread.
Shen Qingqiu shivered, fuck he was going to be castrated.
The next morning Shen Qingiu saw the Peaks disiple uniform on his bed. Was he supposed to wear this? Was it supposed to be mocking? System? How was Shen Qingiu supposed to act?
[System...Pending, Transmigration to right time slot at 1%] Seriously!? Why so slow? God Dammit!
As he got dressed he gazed around the room, it was made just like the shed Luo Binghe was supposed to sleep in. It was freezing and with the binding cables on his wrist Shen Qinqiu couldn't circulate qi to keep him warm. He had no bed just a mat on the floor, and the dust and dirt was making him cough with a dry throat. He might get sick before long.
The door opened with no warning as a couple of Luo Binghe's wives hurried in, he was unprepared for the slap across his face then the sudden shove at his back as he fell- all of them hit him and Shen Qingiu fell to the ground covering his head from any of the blows, his stomach kicked into, his back punched and he couldn't move, other than take it.
He could tell the wives were taking pleasure in it as the assualts got worse, one of them grabbed him by the hair then slammed him face down onto the hard floor. He felt pain blossoming on his head and his vision darkened.
What a great first start to his torment, he might be beaten stupid and won't be able to think of a way out if it goes on like this...
Shen Qingqiu was forced to wear Cangs disiple clothes, Shen yaun didn't care and just wore them for his punishments not knowing that Shen Qingiu would've found this degrading. Strike One. Luo Binghe took a teapot and poured the tea over Shen Qingqius face, the man grunted in pain shutting his eye as Luo Binghe almost poured over it but kept still. He didn't care that his face was burned and scarred. Strike 2. Luo Binghe whipped Shen Qingiu himself, purposfully holding himself back and going soft wanting to see what his Shizun would say as the man can go through worse pain than this. The man said nothing but only grunted in pain. Strike 3.
When Ning Yingying walked past him in the corridor on his way for more punishment, Shen Qinqiu flinched and ran away. Ning Yingying stared...was he scared of her? After she tells Luo Binghe that night both were complexed. The Story of Shizuns infatuation on his disiple was a lie only used to ruin his reputation further and have the Huan hua palace a reason to detain him. How else would Luo Binghe have cause to have interest in this prisoner other than bringing justice for his first wife? Strike 4.
He made Shen qingqiu face against Elder hammer, with his meridians blocked. Shen Qingqiu is almost equel to Luo Binghe as a teenager who had to face off against this monster.
Shen Qinqiu fighting style was drastically different from his Shizuns, his shizun was dishonourable and fought dirty, this one didn't. He waited for the right moment to strike with his flimsy sword. Elder hamer fell surprised but almost attacked Shen Qingqiu who was too tired to defend himself.
"That's enough." Luo Binghe spoke, it was obvious enough that this was an imposter.
But it was Shen Qingiu's body, why else would Yue QingYuan try so hard to save this man? Luo Binghe considered that maybe Shen Qingqiu knew he was going to die by his disicples hand and put a contingency in place. He fled his body and had a servant take his place.
No it couldn't be a servant, the man would've taken his masters punishment with no complaint he would have no self-preservation. He could also hear 'Shen Qingqiu' Cursing himself and calling himself a scumbag, maybe he ripped someones soul and swapped bodys against their will?
He had to find out, in wasting his time on this 'shizun' he was also an enahbler to waste time for the real Shen Qingqiu to escape.
Shen Qinqiu was freaking out, he had already been through most of Luo Binghe's trials although he was being beaten and whipped almost as much as the protagonist, but now it was the Endless abyss he had no idea what he was going to do to survive...
He was requested to go to Lord Luo Binghe's chambers. Shen Qingqiu was confused but had to obey, as he entered the room he realised the bed was huge it was the first thing you saw! None of his wives were here and it was empty. Luo Binghe closed the door behind him and Shen Qingqiu flinched he had no idea what was coming, he couldn't mentally prepare for this.
Luo Binghe had to determine what type of servent this is. how much he knew and what he believed. With no warning, Luo Binghe flicked his wrist and red bands swarmed Shen Qingiue and suddenly snapped binding his body, Shen Qingqiu flinched.
"Lord Lou Binghe- What?" He asked, his cold demeanour changed a hint of fear before being pushed down to cold indifference. He was adaptable, Luo Binghe figured he'd give him that much.
Lou Binghe tied the rope and shoved 'Shen Qingqiu' onto the bed and straddled him his hand slowly rising and clasped against his old Shizuns neck.
He could feel his pulse in his neck pounding. Luo Binghe's face was devoid of a smirk or humour. This was the last test. He squeezed Shen Qingqiu's neck for a moment then let go. "You said to repay all punishments tenfold, you will pay for what you've done to Ning Yingying."
Shen Qingqiu face was pale, sweat beading down his brow as he looked horrified, almost trying to shrink away into the bed away from Luo Binghe, before swallowing and shutting his eyes in defeat. Accepting anything Luo Binghe would do to him.
This man honestly believed in the lie of what his Shizun had done to his first wife. Luo Binghe raised his hand and cut into his palm and pressed it against Shen Qingqius mouth, going along with the scene to feed him his blood, he could ask any question and pull them from him.
Shen Qingqiu eyes snapped open and tried even further to turn his face away, Luo Binghe grabbed his jaw prying it open and saw this Shen Qingqiu glared at him breathing through his nose and trying to buck the demon lord off him, he struggled and Luo Binghe realised he knew what his blood could do. Not many people have that knowledge.
He managed to get the mans mouth open to swallow his blood and saw the fight drain from his body as his eyes widened, feeling the cool metalic taste slide down his throat then pool in his stomach and could feel the weight as the blood parasites began to hatch and spread.
Luo Binghe pulled his hand away from Shen Qingqius bloody face his hand pressed against his chest feeling his heartbeat pumping against his palm. He could kill him right now and decided to send a pulse through his blood and heard Shen Qingqiu groan trying to move or bend as his stomach pulsed in pain. Luo Binghe pinned him down keeping him still. Shen Qingqiu almost snapped for him to get it over with already!
But Luo Binghe's face was hard and cold, no longer the triumphant look of a protagonist who had won. His next words made Shen Qingqiu freeze.
"Where is the real Shen Qingqiu?"
His response would tell Luo Binghe anything, Shen Qingqiu stared before his eyes flooded with tears as he seemed to unclench. "Thank god!"
Once the ropes were removed, with Shen qingqiu sitting on the bed along with Luo Binghe who sat crosslegged glaring at this imposter. Shen Qingqiu scowled "What did you expect me to say? I'm sorry Lord Luo Binghe you have me mistaken for someone else? You would've beheaded me on the spot!" Luo Binghe opened his mouth to protest then closed it, actually he probably would have. "You were finding an oportunity to tell me you weren't my Shizun?"
Luo Binghe watched, using his blood parasites to minter Shen Qingqiu who wasn't aware that if he lied he would face excrutiating pain. If he told the truth nothing should happen to him.
Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes "No. I was trying to escape, once you have your mind set on something its impossible to back out. You wanted to punish Shen Qingqiu so my best bet would be to run away."
"You seem to know a lot about me," Other than a few miscoceptions about Ning yingying "Are you Shen Qingqiu's spy?" Shen Qingiu scowled.
"Do you work for Shen Qingqiu in anyway? His lover perhaps?" His old masters face darkened considerably.
"I despise Shen Qingqiu, why would I work for him?"
"Who are you then?" Luo Binghe asked placing a hand on his cheek, his old Shizun straightened up "I was called Shen Yuan, but I've gotten so used to Shen Qingiu now I doubt I'll respond to it." He looked put out but it had been a few years since he appeared here.
Truth...hmm- What if this Shen Yaun had an ability to lie? A test something obvious that Luo Binghe knew.
"Are you sure you're not Shen Qingqius lover, scorned? Or maybe instead of running away you stayed here for the promise of paying Ning Yingying debt? You seemed fine with being tied up..." Luo Binghe mused a teasing lilt to face. As if anyone would want to be punished by Luo Binghe.
Shen Qingqiu scowled "I'm not gay-" He grunted in pain almost doubling over. Luo Binghe blinked and even his old Shizun seemed stunned by this revolation. "No you don't like the company of men?" He teased and Shen Qingiu glared at him. "No?" He didn't sound too sure and grunted clutching his chest and Luo Binghe would love to play more- but he had more pressing matters to discuss.
"Is the real Shen Qingqiu alive and can you find him?"
Shen QIngiu continued to scowl at his with red eyes then huffed "I don't know- you could probably use this body to find him lure his soul to its original point? although I don't know what that'll do to me." He bit his lip worriedly.
Another truth, well...
"Until we know for sure, you will remain here." Shen Qingiu nodded "Since I'm in Shen Qingqiu's body it's for the best, with my reputation...if I walk out those palace doors I'll be dead." And it was the truth no one cared about Shen Qingqiu.
"You'll help me find the real Shen Qingiu, since I wasted so much time on you anyway-" Luo Binghe moved to alert Sha Hualing she would be moving their...guest, into more suitable chambers from now on.
There was something more to this Shen Yaun character, for once he wasn't sure if this man on his bed was possibly more dangerous than his old Shizun.
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dme-noida · 3 months
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Entrepreneurship Development All trainers are associated with reputed brands and have trained numerous students and employees for over 20 years including IIMs and IITs The students were taught various concepts during this training including :
Visit: https://management.dme.ac.in/
-Meaning of Entrepreneurship, -Types of Entrepreneurs, -Skills required for being an entrepreneur, -How to make a good business plan, -How to generate business idea -Elevator Pitch -Scamper technique
Overall the training experience was a rich and enriching one. The students were involved in live activities which gave them practical exposure and helped them to understand the cencepts in a better way.
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lhamiz · 1 year
HA Conception · Shopping et vente au détail ابداعات من الخشب ( صالات عرض، ستاندات و ديكور) 0782477766 FB:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063478869962 Si vous souhaitez participer à une exposition ou à une démonstration, nous sommes la société #HA Cenception pour la fabrication #Stand #design de stand #Interior Design #Galerie Nous mettons toute notre expérience et notre créativité à […]
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pom-project · 2 years
July 17, 2022 Cencept + Sketch Comp
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Up Next:
- Difinitive Map Sketch
- First Victim Design
- Grey Faces (Background Characters)
- Prolougue Skeleton (Refine Plan)
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theroundbartable · 1 year
Arthur and his knights and Merlin wake up on an island without knowing how they got there.
The only hint they have is a parchment with a name on it. They have to find that person to get out.
Arthur has to find a guy names Emrys.
Gwaine has to find Dragoon.
Percival the last Dragonlord.
Elyan the king of the druids.
Lancelot has to find the god of magic.
Leon has to find the Dolma.
Etc. Etc .
And Merlin?
Merlin has two tasks: one side says: find Merlin. The other says: run.
Edit: you're welcome :) It's a little bit crack, because I decided to have some fun with the concept. You're welcome. It's a One Shot.
This goes out to: @onceandgayking @unknownthebook @achillesuwu @briefpoetrycollective @captain-sirius-stark
To anyone who wants to use the idea in a more serious way, or any way at all, you are absolutely welcome to do so!!!!
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Mikael Aldo
Aldo, Mikael. n.d. Photography Archive. Mikael Aldo website.
This is an edited image of Mikael Aldo which shows how the context of an image can be changed through morphing 2 images together. the first is a landscape and the second is a profile of a woman standing seeming to enjoy the peace.
By photoshopping these two images together there could be different meanings and change in the context. One could be that she is remembering something happy but a deeper meaning could be that she is considering drowning herself or even because of the translucent quality that is almost ghost like, that she has already past and it is her spirit.
Why I thought this sort of cencept related to my work was because of the spiritual element to my images that have been achieved through the introduction of movement.
I wanted to have the internal context of belonging to a culture. 
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jamesbullettfmp2022 · 2 years
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cencept design 
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caseyno-royale · 5 years
Rest, Recovery & Reflection
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thegyldenbones · 6 years
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Pearl Concept #2
Gardening Pearl!
I couldn’t decide which I liked more, so here’s 2 versions!
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ravenkult · 4 years
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Some cencepts for COG by Chaoyi Wang https://www.artstation.com/artwork/PmAYQB
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