#cc 2 cover up road
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laxmiree · 3 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s On Fire MQ translation + video with sub EN (Part 1/3)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an MQ that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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On Fire MQ | Part 1 (1-2) | Part 2 (3-4) | Part 3 (5-6) | Moisturize ASMR
[Warning]: The content of this MQ is currently the most explicit compared to other dates and may not be suitable for individuals under the age of 17 (CN server). It is recommended that those who do not meet this age requirement refrain from proceeding beyond this point.
[Subbed Video, TURN ON CC!]
[Transcript Ver]
—[Part 1]— Video Timestamp: [00:09]
Creak—The vehicle smoothly enters the cobblestone road of the small town and comes to a stop in a courtyard.
I eagerly open the car door, and unexpectedly, cold air rushes into my nostrils, causing me to shiver involuntarily.
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MC: Hiss, so cold.
Lucien parks the car, then walks to me with luggage in his hand. He takes off his scarf and wraps it around my neck.
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Lucien: [chuckles] Be careful not to catch a cold.
MC: The weather forecast clearly said that it's very warm here. If only I had known that this would happen instead, I would have brought a few more warm clothes.
Lucien's dark eyes curve slightly, and his other hand encircles me, shielding me from the cold wind behind.
Lucien: [smiles] Just endure a bit more, we'll be home soon.
I walk alongside him to the eaves of the villa, and once the passcode unlocks, we rush through the door.
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This year's winter is unusually harsh. Lucien and I came to this southern town to spend the Spring Festival, and incidentally, to complete a small task.
--A large-scale social experiment about emotions.
Certainly, without a doubt, Lucien is the consultant for this experiment.
I originally planned to leisurely spend a warm winter, but the current temperature is much lower than I imagined. But… I’m already here anyway.
I turn on the heating, and nestle into the soft sofa, waiting for the warmth to set in. I glance at Lucien, who is busy organizing luggage nearby.
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MC: Aren't you cold?
Lucien chuckles and folds the scarf that I tossed on the sofa. He then sits beside me and gently takes hold of my wrist.
His palms warmed up without me noticing, and I have no idea when it happened; they are warm and cozy now.
[🥺 He must've warmed it up beforehand, saving the warmth for her… This part is really reminiscent of his bondage date ahah]
Lucien: I'm fine, but considering the size of this villa... it'll take about another ten minutes for the floor heating to warm up.
Lucien doesn't let go but shifts to half-embrace me. He reaches into the open luggage on the table, pulling out a fleece blanket to cover me.
The fleece blanket is originally meant to cover my legs during work, so it feels a bit small when draped over my body. I snuggle into his embrace.
MC: Still a bit cold…
Lucien: [in a gentle tone] Do you need a thicker blanket? I can go to the bedroom and look for one.
I shake my head, looking at Lucien eagerly, then narrow my eyes. The next moment, I gently roll over and pounce on Lucien.
I was originally half-embraced by him, and as my body subtly shifted its weight, my chin came to rest directly against the warm hollow of his collarbone.
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MC: The heating is too slow. Can you warm me up instead?
Lucien's gaze briefly glides over my hands embracing him, then returns to my face, gently lifting the corner of his lips.
Lucien: Of course, but rather than saying I want to warm you up, it's more accurate to say I want to be closer to your body temperature.
I gently rub my still cold face against his shoulder, while my hands around his neck quietly seek warmth.
My nose catches the scent of the clothes warmed by his body heat, the familiar scent disperses the chill on my body.
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MC: Mmh…
I let out a contented sigh, lazily reluctant to get up, until Lucien's hand gently brushed over my back, carrying a suggestive hint.
Lucien: (whispers) The floor heating is already warming up. It seems this lady needs more than just its temperature.
I sense the chest beneath me vibrating slightly. Lifting my head, I catch Lucien's undisguised smile.
Meeting those cunning eyes, an inexplicable warmth rises in my ears.
MC: It's still early, we need to unpack and check out the rooms and such…
MC: But at this moment... Professor Lucien should know what I need more.
I smoothly climb up to his neck, allowing his hands to linger on my body, letting my skin absorb his warmth.
And then, we maintain this intimate position until heat replaces the last trace of coldness.
Lucien reaches out to touch my heated face, his voice carrying a hint of a smile.
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Lucien: [whispers] Do you want to go to the bedroom? We can lie together in the soft blankets, prolonging this experience.
I shake my head reluctantly. He then supports me to stand up from the sofa that's tilted askew.
I gently gather the clothes that had scattered a bit due to our previous action, then wink at him.
MC: Professor Lucien's equipment hasn't been sorted out yet... Perhaps I can go make a cup of coffee. When you're done, we can go back together.
Lucien: Alright.
(T/N: this scene is the least descriptive in the date, but yes, they impliedly had some ‘fun’ here- MC on top (read again on how they maintain the same position while replacing coldness with ‘heat’ and the sus aftermath LOL))
The coffee releases a rich aroma under the brewing hot water. I stroll around as I wait.
The design and decoration of this villa are so simple and spacious, nothing particularly stands out. I circle back to the living room and see Lucien organizing laboratory equipment at the table.
I casually glance at the intricate device in his hands and can't shake the feeling of familiarity.
MC: By the way, I've always forgotten to ask, what is the direction of this social experiment?
MC: All participants are living in a small town for a period of time; I've never been part of such a large-scale experiment before…
Lucien sets down the instruments in his hands, taps on his phone twice, and hands it to me.
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Lucien: It's a project in the field of social psychology. Recently, this research has gained significant attention in academic circles, so sponsors decided to fund this large-scale experiment.
MC: Let me see... “Research suggests that couples tend to become more synchronized with each other over time…”
MC: "This synchronization goes beyond habits and lifestyle; it can even manifest in emotions and brainwaves."
MC: Brainwaves synchronize too? Does that mean even our thinking becomes more alike over time?
Lucien: Mm. Neurons in corresponding locations of lovers' brains activate simultaneously, like dancers dancing together.
MC: It's surprising that it can go to such extent…
Lucien looks at my astonished expression without surprise, and his slender fingers carefully move aside the instrument adorned with numerous electrode patches.
Lucien: There are two hundred couples in this experiment. The organizers will track and record them.
Lucien: After sampling the brainwaves, research institutions will verify how the brainwaves of both partners change when they experience emotions.
Sampling brainwaves... I can't help but recall that summer day in the village filled with lotus flowers, where Lucien and I wore special devices while picking lotus.
(T/N: Reference to Lotus Date!)
MC: No wonder! I had a feeling that the device looked familiar. Is it similar to the one we used to measure brainwaves in the lotus village?
Perhaps recalling that same scene, Lucien flashes a faint smile.
Lucien: Indeed similar, but this time, the experiment will include additional measurement parameters to facilitate comparison with the established standards.
Lucien: This is the responsibility I need to oversee—requires precision but is quite relaxed, and won't interfere with our personal schedules.
MC: Hehe, since you say so, I'm going to willfully enjoy your time~
The coffee machine chimes, and I bring two cups of warm coffee, joining Lucien on the sofa.
The already warmed room is filled with the aroma of coffee, and our body temperatures exchange while snuggling together.
MC: No work, no worries, and with you by my side, I'm just too happy~
Lucien blows on the hot coffee, his eyes slightly narrowed, revealing a hint of 'distress'.
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Lucien: It's just a pity that this coffee is a bit too hot and I can't finish it quickly.
Lucien: Although it's still early, we've been on the road all day today, worn out and weary from the journey.
Lucien: I think we can allow ourselves to rest early and recharge.
His voice lowers, steady and gentle, like an unspoken tacit invitation. I instinctively lean in closer.
MC: Let's take a short nap then.
I take Lucien's hand as we rise, lazily leaning against his shoulder as we head towards the bedroom.
In front of the bedroom, Lucien gently holds my chin, gently kissing the corner of my lips. Only then does he push open the door. After that, he pauses slightly.
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MC: What's wrong?
With confusion, I looked at the door and froze in place.
—[Part 2]— Video Timestamp: [05:58]
The master bedroom is empty; not only is there no bed, but there is also no furniture inside.
The fleeting sleepiness completely vanishes in an instant. I exchange a glance with Lucien, then we both tacitly turn around and walk towards the other rooms of the villa.
Until we return to the bedroom again, wearing identical puzzled expressions on our faces.
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MC: This seems to be the only bedroom… The other rooms are decorated normally, and there are no other empty spaces.
Lucien: Same here.
Lucien knocks on the wall, his brows furrowing in contemplation.
Lucien: No furniture in the storage room could be used as a bed, and none of the sofas are convertible.
MC: ...Could it be a mistake on the part of the organizers?
Lucien: Continuing to speculate won't get us anywhere. We might as well just ask them directly.
On the side, Lucien has already taken out his phone and dialed a number.
Lucien: This is Lucien.
Lucien: Yes, we've encountered some issues…
I wait anxiously for the outcome of the conversation. When Lucien hangs up the phone, he shakes his head with a wry smile.
Lucien: Just been informed that we're also on the list of experiment participants, and the empty bedroom is part of the experiment.
Lucien: The organizers said we can go to the furniture store to choose the furniture we need, and they will cover the expenses.
I raise an eyebrow, unable to resist a quiet grumble.
MC: Nowadays, the responsibilities of scientific consultants are increasing. In addition to supervising experiment sampling, they also have to personally get involved…
MC: We'll have to make sure they get a raise for all this!
Just a moment ago, I was indulging in fantasies of a leisurely vacation life, but reality quickly gave me a small "shock".
I scratch my hair in frustration, while Lucien's gaze remains fixed on my face, seemingly studying my expression.
(And also 'studying' her color too, because MC's mood and emotions affect her 'colors'; i think this experiment regarding emotions will be interesting in his eyes 🥺)
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Lucien: Your current mood perfectly validates the effectiveness of their experimental variables. Doesn't it?
He reaches out and patiently smoothes out the tousled hair I've messed up, a smile playing on the corner of his lips.
Lucien: However, it's our freedom to choose whether to participate in the experiment or not. If you're unwilling, there's no need for this classmate to worry, you can just tell me directly.
His gaze is focused and gentle, smoothing away the slight irritation in my heart that arose from the change in our status.
Even though the vacation I had envisioned was about lazily spending time with Lucien…
Having him by my side to participate in this somewhat challenging experiment might lead to even more interesting things happening.
With that in mind, I meet Lucien's gaze and smile at him.
MC: Let's participate!
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MC: It's just a small experiment about emotions, I won't be led around by it.
The vehicle comes to a stop at the entrance of the furniture exhibition. Through the large glass walls, the bright and clean exhibition area can be vaguely seen.
On a giant poster, the activity slogan is written: "From loss to rebuilding emotional resonance."
Below the posters, many couples are trying out various styles of furniture, chatting and laughing together.
MC: Ah, this ergonomic chair goes so well with the contemplative design of the bookcase in the villa! How about getting two chairs in different colors?
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Lucien: Hmm, the leather on this sofa is very soft, and the crescent-shaped design is quite unique. Would you like to come and lie down with me?
With our shopping list edited and revised, we've almost explored the entire exhibition area of large furniture stores. Unconsciously, the subtle emotions from earlier have already transformed into joy.
As I walk and browse, a model room catches my attention.
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From the curtains to the carpet, the model room exudes a strong Bohemian style.
As artificial sunlight streams through the openwork curtains, the light filters in patches, while the knots sway gently, creating the illusion of being in a Central European inn.
I sit on a chair woven from unfamiliar grasses and wood, swaying gently, while holding hands with Lucien, our hands swaying along with the motion.
MC: [smile softly] I feel like I might have grasped a bit of the organizer's intention.
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Lucien: Because you encountered some designs that piqued your interest?
MC: Mm, anyway, the visual enjoyment at this moment is wonderful. Like there are pieces of furniture with a nomadic style and—
My hand reaches out towards the dream catcher hanging above, then slowly glides towards Lucien, who is seated beside me.
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MC: And amidst all these flowers and greenery, there's the handsome Professor Lucien~
Lucien gently leans to the side, pressing his cheek against the palm of my outstretched hand. Just then, the deliberately subdued argument shattered our sweet atmosphere.
Boy: I told you that this chair wouldn't be comfortable for you to work in, why did you still buy it?
Girl: By your picky selection, we won't even have time to change the furniture tonight, and will end up sleeping on the floor.
MC: ….?
My attention involuntarily shifts towards the arguing couple, and my swaying legs come to a halt.
I casually get up and walk closer, pretending to be nonchalant as I carefully examine the vase in front of me.
Boy: Then blame the experiment, stop picking on me.
Girl: Wasn't it you who wanted to participate in this experiment in the first place? And I came along just to accompany you, didn't I?
MC: ...Did these two argue because of this experiment?
Fortunately, they quickly noticed the increasing number of glances and, after calming down, resumed their conversation in low voices.
My fingertips trace the patterns on the vase when suddenly, a slender and beautiful hand picks up the vase.
A familiar warmth envelops me from behind, as I hear Lucien's soft smiling whisper close to my ear.
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Lucien: You seem to really like this vase. How about it, should we buy it and take it home?
My attempt to eavesdrop is exposed by Lucien. I blush, quickly taking the vase from his hand and placing it back where it was.
MC: (blushes and averts eyes) Ahem, it's not like I was intentionally eavesdropping. the voices just seemed to find their way into my ears.
As I speak, I pull him along with a guilty conscience, until we're far enough away for that tense atmosphere to dissipate around us.
Thinking about what just happened, I can't help but compare it to my usual interactions with Lucien.
Even when there are conflicts, it seems like Lucien and I have never slipped into impatience, blaming each other, or avoiding responsibility.
MC: Lucien, I always feel like your emotions are consistently stable…
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Lucien: Hm? Why do you suddenly say that?
MC: It's just that when I saw others arguing because of negative emotions influencing each other... I couldn't help but think about myself.
I wrap my arm around Lucien's and give it a gentle shake.
MC: You see, when I'm in front of you, it seems like I've never had any qualms about restraining my emotions.
MC: Because I know that you'll accept all my happiness and unhappiness without reservation.
Lucien squeezes my fingertips and chuckles softly.
Lucien: Of course, that's also something I find intriguing. I'm really fond of your emotions.
MC: Well, if that's the case... then if I could convey more of my happy emotions to you—
MC: Would that make you even happier?
The air is filled with the scent of new wooden furniture, vibrant colors surrounding us. We stroll as if in a bustling campsite nestled within a forest.
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Lucien's dark eyes curve as he holds my fingertips.
Lucien: On the contrary, I feel that every human emotion is necessary.
Lucien: The different emotions you display are like refracted rays of exceptionally beautiful and intricate colorful light, which arouses my curiosity deeply—
Lucien: And makes me even more eager to explore the ever-changing and blending patterns of these lights.
Lucien: Like right now.
As if to validate his words, his gaze casts down slightly, and he places a tender kiss on my fingertips.
Even amid the bustling surroundings, I feel like I can hear my own heartbeat, and I can see the happiness in his eyes.
A corner of my heart reverberates, my emotions becoming clearer, and I can vividly feel that we share the same frequency of emotions at this moment.
Uncontrollably, I just want to make this happiness linger longer on his face.
MC: That being said, I still want to try to become "happier" first. After all, I also want to make you happier.
I make a cheering gesture, and a handsome curve forms at the corner of Lucien's lips.
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Lucien: [chuckles] Looks like this little lady is full of momentum.
Lucien: In response, I'll also pay closer attention to the emotional feedback I receive from you.
With a smile, Lucien takes the retrieval card from the staff, as the dusk casts its golden glow enchantingly, illuminating the tips of his hair.
Lucien: The purchased furniture is all packed up, and the "bedroom makeover" is still awaiting us.
Lucien: Let's go, back to our home.
Part 3 & 4-> [Here]
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2 Cover Up Road Remodel
The Curious brothers have taken a trip back in time with this remodeled version of 2 Cover Up Road! I tried to go with a different style that fit Vidcund's 70s look in my game + the household's overall theme, but also keep the general layout of the house the same.
Cost: 127,275
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More pictures and details below the cut.
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Vidcund (fortunately or unfortunately, it's hard to tell) insisted that the original walls, flooring, and some of the furnishings HAD to stay when they bought the place, which is how we ended up with this lovely pea green bathroom and cig/weed smoke-infused carpeting throughout the house. He's stuck in the time of his childhood, but it's okay, he refuses to modernize with style.
Pascal, having none of it, opted for bare concrete in his bedroom over 30 year old carpet, and the nursery very clearly was redone without Vidcund's style influence.
Lazlo, well...he'll simply end up adding to the weed smell, anyway, so the carpet was allowed to stay.
Portrait frames are in the house if you'd like to use the changeable portraits mod to have pictures of the brothers and their impending extraterrestrial spawn hanging up.
Also, try not to think about where Vidcund probably points that telescope that's in his room.
Download includes the lot (cleaned and made without ever being occupied), the CC I used, and a text file that includes links to all of the CC if you'd rather get it from there.
Also, I HIGHLY recommend getting the rug fix because they WILL sink into the floor if you don't.
Download: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4623122/
Bonus pic because I thought it was funny:
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modelbus · 7 months
Hey, could I request a second part to the "Coworkers to Lovers - Fake Dating" story? I would love to hear about his the date goes!!
Here's the link so you can find it easier!
Thank you so much for putting the link there :D hopefully this date lives up to your expectations...
Part 1 here!
Pairing: Cc!Wilbur x Gn!Reader
Coworkers to Lovers - Fake Dating Part 2
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After a bit of small talk, idle chatting while you walk, he ducks behind you to cover your eyes with his hands.
"Wil?" You ask nervously, a bit confused.
"Keep walking, keep walking. I want it to be a surprise."
"Are you going to walk me into the road?"
"No roads, I promise. Trust me on this one."
You close your eyes, trusting in him and his hands over your eyes. If he walks you into the road, he’ll be the one paying for your medical bills.
Slowly you feel the sidewalk under your feet, littered with cracks that Wilbur guides you over (“Watch your feet here, love.), turn into something else. Something less stable, that has you instinctively grabbing onto Wilbur’s arm for stability.
He laughs, probably grinning with that stupid smile of his that you love so much.
“That wasn’t funny! I could’ve fallen and died!”
“I’ve got you.” He assures you. “You’re not falling. Or dying.”
You huff, resigning yourself to your fate. The ground seems to shift underneath you as you walk, making you frown as you attempt to keep your balance.
“How far are we?” You can’t stop yourself from asking.
“Not far. You can make it, I promise.”
“Can you at least tell me what I’m walking on?”
The smile on his face is audible when he speaks, finally giving you an answer. “Sand.”
There’s not much sand around where you live, not unless you count those places with artificial sand. A children’s sandbox, maybe. But this certainly wasn’t a small expanse of sand, which left one option.
“The beach?” You guess.
Calling it a beach is severely generous. The water is typically so cold that nobody goes in, and about 50% of the so-called “beach” was just rocks.
“We’ve got a winner.” Wilbur says cheerfully, and your eyes widen behind the blindfold. He pulls you to a gentle stop, hands on your shoulders. “To preface this, I’m entirely aware how stupid this is."
"Oh, at least you're aware--"
Before you can even finish your sentence, he pulls your blindfold off your head in a slow motion to reveal the scene in front of you. Whatever image you had in your head paled in comparison to the real thing.
A blanket is stretched out over the sand, a wooden board in the middle of it with two full meals and a bottle of wine on it. One candle and three little electronic lanterns that resemble fake fire-light light up the area. It's adorable, and romantic, and like something out of your hopelessly romantic dreams. There's even a bag with, presumably, more blankets for when it gets colder.
"Wilbur." You breathe, too lost for words.
You had thought the date would be something like going out to a nice restaurant, like most typical dates are. Not... not this. Not something straight out of a book.
"Too much?" He asks, and when you turn your head to look at him behind you, he's frowning.
"No! No, Wil, this- this is amazing." You let your words sink in enough for him to start smiling before continuing. "How did you do this?"
"I had a little help." He shrugs. "Don't worry about it. Come on, sit down, let's eat."
"Help from who?" You ask, even as you follow his instructions and sit down on the surprisingly soft blanket.
Wilbur sits across from you with a sheepish smile. "Shannon."
"Shannon?" You repeat, eyes wide.
He looks pointedly at a spot over your shoulder, and when you follow his line of sight you manage to catch a glimpse of someone ducking into a building. Fucking Shannon.
"Oh my God." You laugh, covering your mouth to muffle it.
"Yeah, I know. I was desperate, okay?" Wilbur groans, running a hand through his hair as his face flushes. "I just- I told her if she helped me set up I'd let her catch a glimpse of us on our date."
"I know!"
He watches you laugh for a moment, an endearing smile on his face as he just observes. "Hey, I want to see your smile when you laugh darling."
You shake your head, but drop your hand anyways. "You're such an idiot."
"Takes one to know one."
In fake offense, you gasp, and Wilbur throws a fry at you.
"Oh, it's on!"
By the time you both have eaten your food, talking plenty, it's incredibly late. Late enough that you know you'll be sleeping well into the afternoon. Even then, he insists on walking home with you. He had wrapped his suit coat around your shoulders when you showed even the slightest hint of being cold, and refused to let you give it back. Even now, as you're leaning against your doorframe.
"You swear you'll be fine to walk home alone?" You ask him, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"Of course I will be, love. Don't worry about me."
"At least take your suit coat back so you don't freeze or something-"
"You can give it back to me Monday at work."
You can't help but sigh. Wilbur is Wilbur: unmovable and stubborn. He grins at your sigh, eyes alight.
"See you Monday?" He offers, stepping back.
"No goodnight kiss?" You tease, only partially joking. It was a first date, after all. Even if the two of you had been fake dating for far longer.
"Right, how could I forgot?"
Before you can even process his words, he steps forward again and presses his lips to yours. Just as quickly as the kiss starts, it's over, and he's walking away.
"Goodnight!" He calls out over his shoulder, leaving you standing there with flushed cheeks.
"Wait!" You laugh, and he does, standing still as you hurry out to him, leaving the door open behind you.
When you reach him, you place your hand around the back of his neck to lean up and kiss him again. His hands go to your waist immediately, holding you close. This time, it isn't over within miliseconds.
Finally, you part, both grinning like lovesick idiots.
"Now it's a good night." You breathe, staring up at him.
"Yeah." He nods, just barely. "Goodnight. For real, this time."
You can't help but laugh, hurrying back inside.
And if there's a message on your phone from Shannon containing 3 photos of you and Wilbur followed by about 100 heart emojis? Well, that's for you and your camera roll to know. And Shannon.
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buzzheadchick · 4 months
Okay time I do my Walten Files posting. I’ve noticed some confusion regarding timelines and what’s happening when, so I want to try to write down what happens and when. Now someone this stuff not make much sense, and some may possibly be retconned, but this is what we are given.
The crash happened the night of May 2nd. Multiple times in the series we are told this. Jack calls Felix that night, Felix does not pick up. Jack goes to Felix’s house (12:23 AM according to CC), Felix does not answer. Jack says “I know you can hear me” and “I know you’re in there,” but we are to presume this is wishful thinking on his end, because Felix is not actually home. Felix was out until early hours of the morning the next day (May 3rd) digging the graves (still sitting in one as of 8:56 AM according to CC), throwing the bag into the river, and then going to the police station. Even earlier in the morning, presumably after Jack went to Felix’s house (which was past midnight and thus morning), Jack had already gone to the police. We learn this in the description under Lacrimosa.
"Report 90892 May 4th, 1974 - Brighton City Police Department
Wrr: Frank Davis
Felix Archer Kranken reportedly arrived at the station in the morning on May 3rd, He had a broken pair of glasses, dirty blue pants and a yellow dress shirt covered in dirt and blood. When I got the call He was already taken into custody, we sat him down for a few hours and he revealed valuable information about a case we were previously told about earlier that same day by Mr. Jack Walten. Walten's 2 youngest kids, Edd and Molly Walten, had disappeared with Kranken the night prior. Felix's alibi stated he was unconscious or about 20 minutes, when he woke up the kid had ran off."
In TFW4, we get a sort of update from Felix from “3 days after the accident.” He said he “finally told them what happened” in his office, which I think we are to believe he told them the truth, as opposed to the lie he told the police. However, he still lies about the Rocket doll. In the description under Guilty, we see this:
"In memorial of Edward Walten - Molly Walten:
- Ed (12) and Molly (9) died Thursday, May 2nd, 1974 in a fatal car accident, they were leaving a party made by their school to celebrate Spring. Jack Walten (father, husband) couldn't take the kids to the celebration because of work. A friend of Mr. Walten would take the kids instead. On the way back home, Jack's friend would be driving in questionable conditions, thus crashing his car near the road next to Saint Juana's forest. Instantly taking both Edward and Molly's lives. You will be remembered, our little angels, our little red children."
The video Guilty is from three years ago, so this may be retconned, but it is the current understanding that by the time of the funeral for Ed and Molly, they knew the truth of what happened. This points to the idea that during the meeting in Felix’s office, he told the truth. However, it is unclear if this truth went out to the police. There are a few reasons why The Waltens may not go forward with the information Felix told them, but I don’t cover them here as they aren’t explicitly stated.
It is unclear when the funeral is, but based off of the memorial, it is after Felix came clean. In TWF4, on “05/13” (May 13th) Susan and Charles only find out “weeks” later about the funeral, but it physically couldn’t have been more than ten days, implying the funeral was held quickly after the accident, possibly as soon as they Waltens found out the truth. With it also being clear it was “family only,” it seems in addition to not telling the police, the family hadn’t told ANYONE. It is unclear if Susan and Charles know the full truth, or only the truth given to the police, only that he was “drunk while driving the car.” By that time, Susan says she hasn’t heard from Jack “in a long while.” Both of them think there’s something off with Felix’s story, implying that they maybe don’t know the full truth, but they could just be doubting what we the audience have been shown (which still may not be the full story). Charles asks if the kids are “gone,” which is ambiguous wording. I think it may be intentional that we don’t know what they know. Some point prior to that, Felix hid Rocket at Bon’s Burgers, and told Susan not to tell Rosemary or Jack. Jack disappears almost a month later, on June 11th. Susan dies even later, on June 30th.
So that’s the timeline of the events we see surrounding the new video. I can’t tell you if maybe there’s more than Felix even knows happened that night, or who knows what, or why the Waltens haven’t gotten Felix arrested. But that’s the timeline.
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vidcundcuriousgoth · 9 months
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2 Cover up Road but it's an actual house - Download HERE
It's now a flat lot. No wonky grounds.
It's an actual house. It is easy to expand upon and also contains an extra room for those who ran scripted events or are at least trying to get Vidcund Pregnant. Can also be used to whatever else. Unlike me where Pascal got quads instead of a singlet
In my headcanon is Vidcund the owner of the pick-up. But by any means anyone can own it.
Also the house is CC free.
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HAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ARIIII IT IS IIIIII!!!!!!!!! i'm here to bombard you with the very same questions of the question game bc i really wanna hear your answers too!!!!!! so 1. your comfort characters pleaseeee pretty please andd 2. a scenario that you've replayed multiple times please pretty pretty please!!! luv u btw wait also u are 10000% that gojo cover is the most beautiful thing in the world and nobody can tell us otherwise<33333333333
- @catchuuu
MICKEY IT IS YOUUUUUUUU :33 welcome welcome!!!!!! take a seat……. here is your ari delivered pastry and drink 🍩🍵 <- some tea bc it’s late. it’s gonna help you sleep better trust !!
wahhh you’re so sweet to drop in w these…. i had a crisis answering them bc . i am …. indecisive,.,…… but i’ll try just for you :’3
1/ HHHHHHHHHHHHH what is there to say………… you already know a lot of them i think 😭😭 gojo our belovedest ALWAYS makes me happy and suguru too!!! i think gojo is a bit more of a comfort though… sugu makes me pretty sad….. ANDDD ofc kenjaku!!! my silly emotional support queercoded villain. he makes me smile :3 would also throw in nobara bc her existence feels like a warm hug. she’s my Everything. i had a crush on her when i first watched jjk and i will adore her always!!!!!
jjk aside though…… THIS is where i start getting indecisive bc i have too many fandoms to keep track of + my memory is bad :’3 but ummmm um. kunikida is my angel wife!! and reki from sk8 the infinity makes me sooo happy 🥺🥺 (you would LOVE him btw he has the brightest smile ever) ALSO NOYA FROM HQ…… and ryoji from persona 3….. and kazui from milgram… and tsukasa and emu from pj sekai……….
i could mention more but!!! i’ll finish by saying saber and archer from fate/stay night :> saber is the reason i started loving knights and archer is the sexiest man on this planet + the reason i’m into motherly men + voiced by junichi suwabe <3333 the fate series is soooo dear 2 my heart mickey…. my favorites r actually sakura and kirei but they both make me too emotional to be called comfort charas…. same w shirou……. and every single csm character too 😔 sigh .
2/ hhhh this one was . also tough……. :cc since you went w a childhood near-death experience i will do the same >:3 i was almost brutally murdered (<- grave exaggeration) by a cow when i was like . 10…. it might’ve been a bull?? i was too scared to look it in the eye 😞😞
it was raining a bunch right … and there was this lil nature reserve near my house . w a path you could walk up on a hill but also down by a river….. and it was raining sm that the whole thing was just FLOODED. you couldn’t see any of the rocks in the river…. or the grass you could walk on beside it…… so little ari decided to go down there anyway. for the sake of adventure. and i made it to the end of the path to a fence that you could jump over to get to The Normal Road Home .
BUT …. gasp ………. little ari came face to face w a bunch of cows . up on the hill. right by the fence. they were eating the grass and i was scared bc they were fucking HUGE mickey :((( i was shaking n shivering and trying to blend in w my surroundings……… carefully making my way towards the fence that they were kinda blocking.
BUT THEN …. another gasp….. suddenly i was face to face w this One cow/bull and it just stared at me. for a couple seconds. and then it ran right towards me and my childhood instincts kicked in …. so i like. ran down the hill and then back up so i could jump over the fence . and then i was ok :) but ever since that fateful day i’ve been scared of cows….. i can only admire them from afar 😔😔😔😔
hehe these were so fun to answer… ty mickey my angel <333 ALSO SO TRUE SO REAL i knew i could trust you…….. he’s so pretty!!!!!! ig we just have to bear the burden of understanding him better than anyone else …. a heavy burden but. it is what it is <//3
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simsitecture · 1 year
4 Cover Up Road
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Hello everyone,
Those who follow @oasislandingresident will have seen me share as I worked on this lot for the last couple of days. And here it is.
I always liked keeping the Curious boys in one place. Their weird house and it's architecture, is a favourite of mine. When you play them for a while however, the house can end up getting very crowded and someone need to move out. I always hated separating them and one way or another I always made a house for the ones that moved out on that hill.
Because of my love for building in elevation, I decided to make something I can use in my next start of Strangetown. I tried to capture the weird architecture of their house and use the terrain as best I can. I wish there were more tools we can use to build on highly elevated terrains like this but I'll take what I can get.
This is not a cc free lot for this reason: I strongly recommend using  Sims 2 Pack Clean Installer to install this lot and for all your other lot and sim installs in Sims 2.
Download and more information is under the cut!
I made some fiddling in lot adjuster to make it fit right across the curious house. (Fiddling being, I placed a 2x2 lot and expanded it to be a 3x3) When you place it you will have to place it one tile right of the Curious house. Don't worry it works fine, without a problem.
Download Residential
Apartment Base Version
In Sims 2 apartments, there are certain things you can't use like split level stairs, stairs landing on different elevations etc. Because of this, I removed the stairs between terraces and apartment entrances are to the left of the lot when looked from the road.
For reasons known only to the Sims 2 Apartment gods, there is another problem with the apartment version. When you place the lot and enter without a family, everything will look fine. But when you enter with a family, it might end up looking like this:
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When this happens, don't worry, there is a solution. Other wise I wouldn't have shared it. You enter the lot with a family, BUT leave the lot WITHOUT SAVING. Then pick up the lot and place again then re-enter to see if the issue is resolved.
If that doesn't work, pick up the lot, place it somewhere else on the 'hood (somewhere where you won't mind the hood terrain mingling) then pick it up and place it in the same place as before. When you enter the lot next time, it should be fixed and look as it's intended.
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For this reason, I suggest using the residential version but I am sharing the apartment base version for those of you that don't mind a little fiddling.
Download Apartment Base
Custom Content
You can do without cc in this build, if you don't mind replacing the windows. The other cc is just one rug. Everything else is base game. Here are the links: - Metro Window Set by Tiggy027 -MTS - Salvadoradian Rug by @janika31
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lamaenthel · 6 months
Tivaevae | Chapter Twelve: Binding
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
| AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 8,013 Chapter Summary: Ahsoka, Boba, Obi-Wan and Cody arrive on Corellia and travel to the small village of Bockrin to finally meet Boba's mother.
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It was easy to forget that Corellia wasn't the ecumenopolis that Coruscant was when all that was ever spoken of were its urban shipyards and corrupt cities. Ninety percent of the global population resided in one of the five massive urban sprawls, but there were still a great many rural settlements on the planet. After they arrived at the spaceport, the group took two subtrams and a turbo-train and finally arrived in Bockrin; a rural village nestled in the warm, temperate rainforest an hour east of Coronet City. Demographic reports stated it was primarily populated by Mandalorians, and not the kind that ascribed to Satine's philosophy; Ahsoka heard the gentle vibration of the locals' beskar'gam ringing in the Force even before stepping off the turbo-train.
The village looked simple enough, with several blocks of wooden buildings and gravel roads that crunched pleasantly under their feet. Ahsoka could smell spicy, curried meat coming from the nearby cantina and ignored the way her stomachs rumbled. The locals looked at them suspiciously, their typical Mandalorian prejudice on clear display towards the two obvious Jedi in robes with lightsabers and clearly concerned for the young boy with two black eyes they escorted. Boba had changed into his flight suit but he had kept the black canvas jacket, which was short enough for the WESTAR-34 in his new holster to show.
Ahsoka made sure to hold his hand and stake a claim on her vod'ika lest he be forcibly adopted by one of the many well-meaning strangers in beskar who eyed them suspicously.
According to Kal Skirata's intel, Kaisa's homestead was about a fifteen-minute walk from the turbo-train station. The sun shone in their faces as they set off towards the treeline and walked the use-trail through the dense forest. Ahsoka had never seen anything quite like what was in the Bockrin valley; their trunks were skinny and covered in a thick layer of green moss with tiny red blossoms, and the leaves were large and five-pointed, plump like succulents, and hung in cascading strings from the trunk's crown like ribbons on a maypole that danced in the strong wind. The moss was incredibly prolific, as it grew down off the trees and onto the ground surrounding it, leaving only blue-striped ferns as the only other visible vegetation. Ahsoka heard the rumble of thunder in the distance, unfortunately in the direction they were heading, followed by a high pitched whine in her montrals with the change in air pressure. Insects buzzed in the moss, a high-pitched vibration that was almost mechanical.
"Did you hear the thunder?" Ahsoka asked the group. "Due west, probably a hundred kilometers."
"Great. We're walking right into it. And with this wind, it'll be here sooner rather than later." Cody had his bucket on but she knew the exact face he was making. His aura vibrated with chartreuse annoyance.
"Well, let's hope Kaisa will invite us to stay for latemeal," Obi-Wan quipped.
Ahsoka gritted her teeth. The wind was blowing the scent of Taarak's greasy little scent mark on Obi-Wan right in her face, as if she wasn't annoyed enough. Little biter had certainly gotten around, hadn't he?
Boba glanced over his shoulder at Ahsoka, his aura teal with concern-protection. He slowed down to pace her, a little over three strides back from Obi-Wan and Cody.
"What's the matter?" he asked.
Ahsoka raised a brow marking. "Nothing? Just trying to think of how to approach your mom without getting gutshot before we can introduce ourselves."
Boba snorted. "Yeah, right. You've been a bitch all day. Spill, ori'vod."
Ahsoka laughed quietly and shook her head. Boba's base aura was as vibrant green as she'd ever seen it, but it was staticky white around the edges with anxiety. She checked the wind again and verified that it would keep their conversation away from Obi-Wan and Cody. "I have to admit, I expected you to be more nervous about meeting her," she replied.
"Don't change the subject." Boba bonked her in the hip with his satchel. Robert nearly fell out of the flap he was peeking out of.
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'm… I'm trying to get over it with Obi-Wan. Move on, be the bigger person. It's hard." It was a massive understatement, but not a lie.
"Kick him in the dick." Boba mimed the motion with a grin, his aura flaring gold with humor.
"No, Boba."
"I'll kick him for you?"
She rolled her eyes. "No. My Master actually told me to yell at him and get it out of my system, but I can't." Ahsoka shook her head.
"What do you mean, you can't?" he snorted. "Pussy."
"Ke'pirimpir gaht tay'briik," she retorted.
"Naysh gar." Boba stuck his tongue out at her.
"I… there's just no point." Ahsoka sighed. "I'm not like Anakin, that's not how I make myself feel better. Sometimes, yes, because even I can only take so much before I explode, but screaming at him almost a month later about how much he hurt my feelings isn't going to change anything. He already knows what he did. We just… have to keep walking forward, let the wound close. No looking back."
"Well, what'll help that happen, then?" Boba asked.
She opened her mouth to answer, then felt a tingle of warning slap her on the back of the head a half-second before the sound of a distant crack! rang out, far closer and sharper than the rumbling thunder. Obi-Wan's lightsaber ignited immediately and he swatted at the projectile.
It didn't deflect, it exploded. The sniper was using a slugthrower, and the shrapnel from the bullet flew everywhere.
Ahsoka and Cody leapt into action. She shoved Boba to the ground out of the line of fire and tossed her own saber forward, cutting through half a dozen skinny trees that didn't fall until after she recalled the saber to her hand. Cody unleashed a barrage of cover fire, crouching over his stunned General's prone form to protect him with his own body. Ahsoka lifted the trunks with the Force, pulled them towards the foursome, then dropped them in a pile on the path to give them cover. Cody moved off of Obi-Wan and fired over the logs towards the direction of the sniper, ducking often to keep his head out of range. Boba dove towards the log and backed him up, extending an arm up over the log and firing blindly.
Bright red blood bloomed above Obi-Wan's heart through his robes. Ahsoka ripped her outer robe off and pressed it down on the wound with shaking hands. "No, no, Bobi you're alright, it's okay, it's okay, you're okay–" She was whimpering like a wounded animal and didn't know how to stop, barely able to see him through the panicked sheen of tears welling up in her eyes. The coppery smell of his blood was so sharp that it overpowered everything else.
"Ahsoka," Obi-Wan coughed, his aura pale orange with pain-surprise. "Ahsoka, I'm–"
"It's okay, you're okay!" she said frantically. "Cody, Cody he needs a– he needs a plug and a patch, d-d-do you have, have a patch, he's–"
"Ahsoka!" Obi-Wan stared at her, his beautiful, gray-blue eyes round with shock. "It's just shrapnel, I'm fine!"
"Cody, help!" she sobbed. She pushed down harder. He couldn't die, not again, not again not right in front of her again, he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't–
"Ahsoka!" Obi-Wan gripped her face and rubbed hard at her temples with his thumbs, just like he had when she was a baby screaming at akul lilies. "I'm alright, mo nighean, I'm alright. Just breathe. Breathe deep, there we go. Shhh. I'm alright. It's just a flesh wound. I'm fine."
She shakily matched Obi-Wan's calm, deep breaths and saw that for the first time since his return, his aura was flush with a miserable shade of purple guilt-grief-shame. Another sharp crack! rang out; the bark directly above Cody's head exploded.
Ahsoka spun her head at the return of the mechanical whirring noise she'd mistaken for insects and realized that it was emanating from a small, hovering drone that had been painted the same green as the verdant moss. A small, rotating barrel unfolded from the drone and began to spin up. She lifted one hand and crushed it with the Force before it could start firing, then ignoring Cody's cry for her to wait, vaulted over the logs.
She moved her head to the side and avoided the next shot that came their way, thanking the wind for its help in throwing the sniper's shots off, then dropped to all fours and sprinted. Her vertebrae popped and loosened as she gained speed, and she dug her hands and feet into the soft moss to push faster and further than she could've on two legs. Another shot popped the moss just beside her hand. The wind blew an acrid trail of sodium nitrate from Kaisa – for who else would be taking potshots with a slugthrower but the Jedi-hating dalgaan – straight to Ahsoka's nose for her to follow.
The mechanical buzzing of more drones surrounded her on both sides as she ran, and seconds later they began to spin up and fire blue blaster bolts. She jumped to her feet and did a front flip, igniting her sabers as she leapt. She deflected the bolts, destroyed the little pests, and followed her nose to the sniper's tree blind. She threw her sabers on her belt while still running, then took a mighty leap at the tree and clawed her way up the rest of the trunk like a gundark, reaching the perch before Kaisa could shoot her off. She peeked over the edge and nearly went deaf from the booming shot Kaisa fired at her at the same time another drone swooped her face. Anakin would have called it luck that she barely avoided both. She rolled up and kicked Kaisa off the edge of the blind, drawing on the Force for an extra boost of strength.
Kaisa went flying off the side. Her jetpack fired and softened her fall, giving her just enough of an extra push to avoid Ahsoka's pursuing lunge. She ignited her sabers midair and sliced the Mandalorian's rifle in half before she could fire again. Kaisa threw the rifle at her face in response and loosed a jet of flame to force her back.
Ahsoka sprung back on her hands to avoid it, cutting black scorch lines into the moss with her lit sabers. She fell into the opening Shien stance and hissed, walking in a slow circle opposite of the other woman. Her lekku stung and swayed on her chest, undulating like snakes at the predator in front of her. Her rear lek thumped her back with a loud, angry slap.
Kaisa was tiny, shorter than Boba even. The armor she wore over a wine-colored flight suit had been painted a deep, matte gray just a hair too light to be called black, and it had been tinted with olive green to be the perfect camouflage for a mossy forest. The wind blew her scent right at Ahsoka's nose; sodium nitrate and spicecake, with a sharp undertone that she didn't recognize. She drew a DE-10 blaster pistol with her right hand and a kal dagger with her left and matched Ahsoka step for step.
Ahsoka swallowed hard and tried to bring her heartbeat to heel. The last time she'd seen one of those was when Dol Sylen had buried it to the hilt in her thigh. "Kaisa Skirata?" she said in a voice tinged with a growl, her montrals still ringing from the rifle going off so close to her resonance chambers.
"Jetii." Kaisa practically spat the words at her, managing to sound venomous even through the vocabulator of her helmet. "No welcome for you." Her voice was heavily accented, rounded and almost musical with a pitch that went up and down like a rolling hill. Her coral base aura was covered in a brittle line of teal, protection-wariness-determination shining like a sheet of stained glass.
"Ahsoka!" Boba cried out for her in the distance. Blaster fire from the buzzing drones sounded to Ahsoka's left and Cody roared to take cover. She stupidly turned to look, fear for her vod'ika overpowering common sense; Kaisa fired and it was only the reflexes honed by hundreds of hours of Anakin's training that stopped the blaster bolt from taking Ahsoka's head off. She deflected it and dodged Kaisa's follow-up dagger to her ribs. Her shoto swung over the top of Kaisa's helmet and cut her rangefinder off.
Kaisa suddenly dropped and swept at her legs with the dagger, catching Ahsoka's right calf almost like the Mandalorian knew where she would plant it. She opened a thin, burning line across the back of Ahsoka's knee. She collapsed and brought up her sabers to block the dagger swinging for her head, cutting it off at the hilt and nearly taking Kaisa's head with it from her own momentum. The Mandalorian rolled over the crossed sabers and spun in a crouch with her blaster raised.
Adrenaline screamed through Ahsoka's veins. She shoved the other woman back with the Force so hard against a tree that her blaster popped out of her hand and her jetpack emitted a shower of ominous steam and sparks. Ahsoka lunged, her mind blank except for the hindbrain urge to protect her clan. She'd tried to kill Obi-Wan. She'd almost shot Cody. Boba was pinned down by her drones.
Ni ven'kyramu ad kebbur.
Kaisa crossed her beskar gauntlets and braced herself for the blow just in time. Ahsoka dropped her shoto and beat down on her with a two-handed grip on her main saber like it was a scramball bat, trying to break through the Mandalorian's guard with brute force. She came down over and over again, she had to destroy her destroy her destroy her–
A wide hand snatched her wrist with a vice grip before she could bring the saber down again and held it still. Obi-Wan pulled Ahsoka backwards and wrapped his strong arms around her in a firm wampa hug, the smell of his blood and the juniper incense he favored for meditation sharp and intense in her nose. "Enough," he ordered, deactivating her saber. "You've beaten her, Padawan. Enough."
Ahsoka trembled in his arms and tried to remember how to breathe. A high-pitched, animalistic whine escaped from her. Obi-Wan planted his chin firmly between her montrals and pressed down hard; his stubble pricked her uncomfortably but the pressure point worked, and she slowly matched the rise and fall of his chest.
Boba and Cody flanked the dazed Kaisa and pointed their blasters at her on the ground. Cody leaned forward and ripped her helmet off.
"Don't fucking move, sleemo," Boba seethed, his aura screaming red with anger-fear. He shoved the barrel of his hot blaster against her silver-streaked temple.
Ahsoka smelled burning flesh and hair. Kaisa's stormy gray eyes, shining like polished beskar around pinprick pupils, glared up at her with undeniable hatred. Her aura mirrored Boba's with the same vivid red shade of rage-fear. "You won't find him," she snarled, her teeth bared. "He does hiding. I will kill anyone who tries."
Ahsoka kicked Kaisa hard in the chin before she could stop herself. Her head snapped up, smacked hard against the mossy tree trunk with a sharp crack, then fell to her chest. She was knocked out cold.
"Ahsoka!" Obi-Wan snapped, dragging her backwards. "Stop it, now."
Ahsoka clenched her jaw and took a deep, shuddering breath. Her lekku throbbed and she closed her eyes tight, the scent of Obi-Wan's blood still overwhelming her other senses. She spun in his arms and buried her face in his neck, unblocking her side of their bond so she could feel his life force roaring through it for the first time in weeks. Her hands roamed for hair to run her fingers through but found only velvety stubble. She could hear his pulse, taste his sweat, smell his skin, feel him shining and vibrant in the Force. He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead.
Obi-Wan crushed her against him and petted her rear lek soothingly as she bawled like a baby, his aura quietly clouded with deep violet guilt-remorse-love.
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Obi-Wan tried not to wince too obviously as Ahsoka picked shrapnel out of his chest with a tiny pair of forceps and a miniscule magnet she had commandeered from Cody's currently-disassembled sidearm. He'd been lucky, truly; it was a careless mistake to have tried to deflect a bullet. He had spent far too much time on the battlefield these past three years, he was becoming… not lazy, but thoughtless, relying too much on muscle memory instead of the memories of his Master's teachings.
He hissed softly as Ahsoka removed a rather jagged shard of shrapnel; she winced at the size of the piece. "No wonder you bled so much. Did any of them manage to miss you?" She removed one more piece, then began gently wiping the blood away with a sanicloth.
"I believe Cody caught a few pieces for me," he joked weakly. Cody shot him a look that he felt rather than saw.
"Very funny." Ahsoka rolled her eyes and started cutting the bacta patch to size.
"Yes, well, please heed my example and don't ever try to do that. It was a novice mistake."
"Then why'd you do it, General?" Cody asked grumpily, snapping a second pair of binders around the Lady Skirata's petite wrists. Cody had laced her feet through them so she'd not only be hobbled, she wouldn't even be able to stand. Force, the woman was small, so short that Obi-Wan wondered if she had some sort of dwarfism or if she was just stunted. Her speech cadence as well… she spoke Mando'a as a first language. That was rare in this day and age.
Boba didn't seem to trust that the binders would hold. He stood over her with his father's blaster pointed at her head, stone-faced and iron-eyed, his hands shaking almost too subtly to see. Obi-Wan thought it a bit ironic that the woman had escaped death by Jango's hands once, only to find herself with his gun to her head a decade later in the hands of his clone.
"Because I'm an idiot, obviously." Obi-Wan glanced at Ahsoka to see if she'd smiled. The poor thing's eyes were still bloodshot and swollen from crying. Her guttural reaction had hit him like a runaway turbo-train. Pure panic, begging him not to die, screaming for Cody to help while she nearly broke his ribcage pressing on a bullet hole that didn't exist…
And she'd called him Bobi. He had never felt like more of a bastard in his life than he did in that instant, staring up at her terrified face as she thought he was dying in her arms again.
"We all make mistakes." Ahsoka carefully smoothed the patch on and readjusted his robes. "All done." She tossed the magnet back to Cody and brushed her hands against her leggings.
"Thank you." Obi-Wan grabbed her gently by the wrist before she could escape and pulled her down next to him on the fallen log. He had to duck to catch her eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked her softly, stroking her hand with his thumb.
She stiffened, visibly embarrassed with her dark stripes and burning cheeks. "I'm fine, Master Kenobi. I'm sorry that I lost my head. It won't happen again."
She was hiding again, retreating behind her icy facade. His heart ached anew. "I'm sorry that I scared you so, my dear." He wiped a bit of blood off of her cheek with the sleeve of his robes.
She gave him a tight smile and tugged her hands away. "I'm fine. It's… fine."
Obi-Wan knew it wasn't, but now wasn't the time to say everything that needed to be said to bridge the rift between them. He instead turned to look at the tiny Mandalorian cuffed on the ground. "Shall we give her Ladyship a stim to wake her up and ask what we did to earn such a welcome?"
Cody shook his head. "Not with a concussion, Sir. We've got to wait it out, unfortunately."
Ahsoka tilted her head, then looked behind her and stood. "Someone's coming," she warned, drawing her sabers. She retreated to Boba's side and put herself in between him and whatever was coming.
Obi-Wan retrieved his own hilt and nodded at Cody, who aimed in the direction Ahsoka was looking. Boba kept his blaster trained on the unconscious Kaisa.
" …hello, please don't shoot! Hello! Hello, do not shoot, please, I am not armed!" A protocol droid with feminine programming waddled over the crest of the hilly path, waving a large white handkerchief tied to a stick. "I have come to parley! Please do not shoot!"
Obi-Wan nodded at Cody, who lowered his blaster. "Hello there," Obi-Wan called to the droid, tucking his arms in his sleeves with his saber still in hand. "Parley, you say? On behalf of whom?"
The minty, matte-green protocol droid came to a stop a few paces away. "Greetings. I am TC-35, but you may call me Gotika. I am here on behalf of Master Cassus Skirata, who would like to discuss your terms for the safe return of his mother."
"Our terms?" Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. She is your hostage, after all." Gotika peered around him at Kaisa, unconscious on the ground. "Goodness, Mistress, are you alright?"
"She's alive," Boba snapped. "And she's not a fucking hostage. She's lucky to be alive after she tried to kill us."
"Oh dear," Gotika said, dismayed.
"Why'd he send you and not come himself?" Cody asked.
"Bucket of bolts wants to lead us into a trap." Boba turned his blaster on Gotika.
"Please don't!" Gotika squealed, raising her hands in surrender. "I am here to escort you to Master Cassus and to provide medical attention to any who need it, no more!"
"A protocol droid with medical programming?" Ahsoka asked, her rear lek swishing suspiciously.
"A Teecee unit such as myself would normally not support such a module, but Master Cassus has made upgrades to my base programming that allow me to perform a plethora of roles that would seem unconventional for a protocol droid. Please follow me. There is a storm rapidly approaching." Gotika spun on her heel and began to toddle down the path, still waving her white flag in one stiff hand.
Obi-Wan exchanged a look with Ahsoka and shrugged. "Let us go meet with Master Cassus, then."
Cody slung the hobbled, unconscious Kaisa over his shoulder like a purse; an undignified position, but given that she'd just shot him and stabbed his Grand-Padawan, Obi-Wan was having trouble mustering up too much pity for her. Ahsoka tucked her fallen blaster into the back of her belt and laced her fingers with Boba's, then gave Obi-Wan a nod. They took off down the path together, heading straight in the direction of the rumbling storm. Obi-Wan felt a raindrop smack against his cheek and looked up at the dark sky warily. "How much further?" he asked Gotika.
"Just ahead, Master Jedi, just ahead." Gotika waved cheerily over her shoulder. "Come, come. Watch your step, please, this hill is steep."
They awkwardly clambered down a hillside to a dried-up creek bed. Gotika's metal feet clanged loudly on the colorful pebbles.
"This is a fucking killbox if I've ever seen one," Boba growled from behind him.
"I agree, General," Cody muttered quietly. "What's the plan for when things go south?"
"We keep our eyes open and weapons ready," Obi-Wan replied. "We have what young Master Skirata wants, and we shall not give up our leverage until we know it's safe to do so."
"So she is a hostage," Ahsoka said wryly.
Obi-Wan shrugged. "From a certain point of view, perhaps, but I prefer to think of her as our honored guest."
Ahsoka glanced back at Kaisa, still hanging from Cody's shoulder like a freshly-slain boar roba, and clicked her tongue. "Honored. Right."
Obi-Wan frowned and suddenly realized that she was limping. "Ahsoka, what happened to your leg?" he asked, peering around her back at it.
"She cut me a little. It just stings, I'm fine."
Obi-Wan's frown intensified. "Why didn't you say anything before?"
"We only had one bacta patch. I'm fine." Her lek thumped again.
Obi-Wan tried not to sigh. "Then you should have–"
"Here we are!" Gotika called back cheerily at them. Before them, at the end of the dry creek bed, loomed a massive, mossy hill with a metal door embedded into its side that had been painted with mossy camouflage. Strings of star-shaped succulents from the trees on the hillcrest trailed over the front, rendering the door virtually invisible from more than ten meters away.
Thunder boomed overhead. The sky felt moments away from opening up in a downpour.
"Master Cassus! We've arrived, Master, can you hear me?" Gotika dropped her flag and waved her arms at the bunker door.
Obi-Wan stopped and crossed his arms, with Ahsoka mirroring him moments later. "I have a bad feeling about this," she muttered.
Obi-Wan glanced at her. "I don't sense anything."
Ahsoka tilted her head, opened her mouth, and clicked quietly. "Can you hear the buzzing, or is it too high a frequency for human hearing?" she asked a few seconds later.
"It must be." Obi-Wan tried not to look around too obviously. Cody and Boba both put anticipatory hands on their holstered blasters and turned so that they stood back-to-back to him and Ahsoka, keeping all angles covered.
"Oh dear, the uplink must have gotten wet again. We have had nothing but storms for the past week. One moment." Gotika waddled quickly up the side of the hill and opened a panel built into a false log, then extended a scomp from a compartment in her wrist. "Just one more moment, please."
"Something isn't right," Ahsoka whispered urgently. "I hear metal moving, servos… some sort of mechanism."
"It may be the door." Obi-Wan readied his saber anyway, as did Ahsoka. Rain finally began to fall in earnest and he tightened his grip.
"There we go!" Gotika announced cheerfully. "Now, esteemed guests, may I have the privilege of introducing you to Clan Skirata!" She began to laugh a bit maniacally.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka exchanged a confused look, then everything happened all at once; the wind picked up and the sky opened up in a deluge, dirt and moss exploded from the ridge of the steep hills alongside them as a line of laser-guided turrets emerged and fixed their sights on them, thunder crashed directly above, and Gotika made a mighty leap straight up into the air and landed behind the group with two miniature ion cannons glowing in her palms.
Well then. She had said that Master Cassus had upgraded her with some unconventional upgrades, but that wasn't what he had expected.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both ignited their sabers and shoved Boba between them, while Cody drew his carbine and aimed at the droid's head. He made sure that the unconscious Kaisa was fully blocking his chest, inadvertently upgrading her from hostage to human shield.
"You have five seconds to put my mother down and run before Gotika disintegrates you," A child's voice boomed from a loudspeaker, thick with the same mountainous Mandalorian accent that Kaisa bore. "Five…"
Gotika cackled. Her eyes matched the glowing light from the cannons in her hands as they both intensified. "Four, three.." she began to count gleefully.
"Cassus!" Boba shouted, wide-eyed and ashen. "Tion'gar olaro gar vod ti tracy'uure? Gar sa Jango ori'shya ni'cuy!"
"Two…" the droid continued.
"Gev, Gotika, gev!"
Both Gotika's hands and eyes dimmed and she lowered them, visibly disappointed.
A small hatch opened above the bunker door and a little drone flew out. It hovered above their heads for a moment, scanning them, then cautiously buzzed down to Boba's eye level. "Boba?" the speaker from the drone asked.
"Yeah," Boba replied; Obi-Wan could feel him shaking like a leaf both against his back and in the Force, but his voice was as tough as bronto hide.
"Why now?" The voice sounded painfully young.
"He's dead, isn't he?" Boba asked harshly. "And you've got something of mine. Let us in and we'll talk."
Gotika shifted miserably from side to side. "Master Cassus," she whined, "May I remind you that nobody is allowed inside the bunker without your mother's express–"
"I know!" Cassus' drone said irritably.
"Then allow me to–" Obi-Wan tightened his grip as Gotika's hands began to glow again.
"I said stop!"
"Either let us in, or let us go!" Boba barked. "It's raining like Tipoca City out here and I'm not in the fucking mood for wet drawers."
Lightning flashed across the sky again and the resounding boom of thunder made them all flinch. "Just you. The jetiise and the eyayad stay outside."
"I'm a shabla eyayad too, remember?" Boba snapped; at the same time a guttural, terrifying growl escaped from Ahsoka and sent a shiver up Obi-Wan's spine.
Her rear lek slapped against her back so hard that it sent a spray of water into the air from her sodden robes. "He goes nowhere without me." She bared her fangs in a very unJedi-like display of aggression.
"Let us in, ner vod, before we fucking drown down here," Boba ordered the drone.
It hovered for a few moments more, then the bunker door slid open behind them silently. The drone flew up and into the hand of a small, seated silhouette in the doorway, from which warm yellow light poured out and illuminated the heavy rain like drops of gold. Gotika sighed loudly. "Follow me, please," she said disdainfully, then waddled towards the steps with a recalcitrance Obi-Wan couldn't remember ever seeing in a protocol droid before.
Boba pushed past them and bravely led the way.
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Over the last ten years, Boba had fantasized about Mama and Cas still being alive. Maybe they were dug in deep on Mandalore, up high in the Kyrimorut mountains; somewhere near the old homestead she'd grown up on, maybe, back before Tor Viszla had massacred most of her clan and burned the place to the ground. As time went on, he'd envisioned wilder and wilder scenarios. They were on Canto Bight, living large off the sabacc earnings she made as a high roller. They had their own pirate fleet and ran circles around Hondo Ohnaka's crew. They were exploring Wild Space, charting hyperspace routes that would make them a fortune.
He'd never considered his fantasies anything more than just that, though. They had to be dead. Jango Fett had killed them, he'd shot them right out of the sky into the Kaminoan ocean, and Jango Fett never left a job half-done.
Except he had, somehow, and Boba didn't really know how to actually believe that it was all actually happening. Mama was alive and more ornery than ever; Kenobi's new paint job was proof of that. And Cassus, well…
He sat awkwardly in his hoverchair as they passed him by in the bunker's vestibule, a crocheted blanket the color of maize folded over his lap. Ten years on and they still had almost the same face; even being an honest, good old-fashioned, fifty-fifty organic blend of Kaisa and Jango, Cassus' bone structure made him instantly clockable as a Fett. His nose was thinner, his eyes were bright gray like their mother's, and he had about ten kilos on Boba, but otherwise they could still pass as twins. He wore his hair long enough to cover his ears, hanging heavy in ringlet curls that matched Kaisa's. He was chunky on top, soft and round with a double chin and shy eyes like he wasn't used to making contact with anyone, but his legs were skinny and folded off to the side of his footrest.
He was clearly paralyzed, but why? When? Was it when Dad had shot them down? Boba felt like throwing up. Dad… he'd made mistakes and he'd regretted them, but if he had known that he had paralyzed his own son he would have…
He would have done nothing, actually. Boba's anxiety quieted into an aching, hollow emptiness in his belly as the realization settled. He'd tried to kill Mama and Cas. He wouldn't have done anything but get drunk and weep about what a horrible person he was if he'd found out Cas had survived.
The burn of alcohol stings Boba's nose as he tosses the empty tihaar bottle into the trash compactor. Dad sits swaying on the couch, splotchy-cheeked and red-eyed. He stares at his hands. Boba brings his father a blanket. "Dad?" he asks softly.
"I should've just let them go. I… I'm so selfish, Boba. I should've just let her go and kept all of you safe." Jango flexes his big hands. "S-safe here, with us. All of us. You, me, Tiarek… I… I could've…" His bloodshot eyes flood with tears.
"It's okay." He doesn't know what else to say. He doesn't like it when Dad cries, but at least tonight he's just sad, not angry too. Dad sniffs, wipes his eyes, then smiles at Boba and cups his face. His hands are warm and rough, calloused but gentle, able to dole out love and pain in equal measure.
"I'm sorry Boba. I'm sorry for a lot of things." He pulls Boba close and presses their foreheads together. "Be better than me, Boba. Gar ne'ente eyayti ner dunare."
Boba jumped as a skinny orange hand squeezed his. Ahsoka smiled down at him. "I'm right here with you," she whispered.
Boba rolled his eyes. "Fucking obviously," he sniffed, his nose suddenly runny for some reason.
"Gotika, take Mama to her room and treat her injuries," Cassus ordered the droid.
"Right away, Cas'ika." Gotika waddled at top speed towards Cody and flashed the lights in her eyes at him menacingly. She held her arms out like she was going to hug him whether he wanted her to or not and tilted her head. "My Mistress, please," she said in a singsong voice that promised unimaginable violence if denied.
Cody handed off the cuffed, unconscious Kaisa like she was a belt of live grenades to the droid.
"I will be right back." Gotika scampered away, her stiff legs moving far faster than they should have been able to.
Cody shuddered. "That's one creepy clanker," he muttered to Kenobi as she disappeared into a small hallway.
Kenobi hid a smile. "I don't think we actually introduced ourselves," he said, then held a hand out for Cassus to shake. "I am Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. This is Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and that's Marshall Commander Cody of the Grand Army of the Republic."
Ahsoka gave him a smile and a little wave. Cody took his helmet off. "Nice to meet you."
Cassus blanched and looked away, visibly unnerved. Boba felt a little sympathetic. It had to be weird to see your dead father's face on a stranger if you weren't used to it.
Boba wondered how weird it was going to be to look into the mirror in a few years.
"Y-You too," Cassus mumbled at his lap. "Are, um, are any of you hurt?" He blinked at the group, his eyes lingering on Kenobi's bloodstained chest.
"Only a little shrapnel. I'm fine. But Ahsoka's leg needs attention." Kenobi smiled a flat, brittle smile.
Ahsoka shifted her weight guiltily. "It isn't–"
"If you're pretending nothing is wrong, then it's far worse than you're letting on," Kenobi said sharply. "Young man, I'd appreciate Gotika taking a look once she's done with your mother."
"Gotika is far more likely to cut my leg off than treat it." Ahsoka glowered at Kenobi.
Boba sighed loudly. "If it were me, would you be arguing about it or sitting on me until I let the droid look at it?" he asked her flatly.
Ahsoka blinked at him a few times, obviously trying to come up with a counterargument and failing.
Boba smirked at her. "That's what I thought. Now." He stepped forward with his arms crossed and examined the bunker; it had been built like a traditional Mandalorian vheh'yaim, with one big, central living chamber and a few hallway offshoots to an armory, bedrooms, and hopefully a fresher. A large, plascrete firepit smoldered in the center of the sunken seating area, colorful rugs had been thrown all over the hard floors to take the chill of the stone away, and all of the furniture was low to the ground, overstuffed, and had plenty of gaps in between pieces so Cas could move around easily. He spotted three different weapons caches right away, but knew there had to be more. There was a mural painted on the octogonal wall; all nature scenes, dragonflies flying low over a pond where shatuale fauns froclicked, giant tiarek flower bushes, sunshine over a field of maize with strill pups playing in the foreground. "Nice place," he finally conceded.
"Thank you," Cassus said meekly. "Do you, um, would you like something to drink? Pinky can make cocoa."
"Pinky?" Cody asked. His voice sounded a little choked through the helmet, like he was trying not to laugh. "Who is–"
A pink-plated astromech zoomed out of a hallway on the left, beeping. "Pinky, make some cocoa, please," Cassus asked politely, navigating around the furniture and disabling his repulsors once he had reached what had to be his usual spot in between a very comfortable-looking orange beanbag and a small, wooden table with a little doily and a coaster on it. A bag of yarn sat on the floor next to the table, knitting needles poking out of the top. "You all can sit, if you like," he said over the beeping of the droid zooming away to the furthest hallway on the left.
"Don't get visitors much, do you?" Boba asked, plopping down on the beanbag. Ahsoka took a seat on a padded bench beside him and Kenobi slid next to her before she could protest. She bit the inside of her cheek and made a face like she'd just smelled something rotten.
"No. We go into town once a week to get food and supplies, but nobody comes out here except for Illippi." Cassus whistled, and a BD unit scampered out from underneath a low sofa opposite of the firepit. "Hey, Buddy," he said fondly, patting the droid's head.
Boba raised an eyebrow. "What's with all the droids?" he asked.
Cassus' smile fell off his face and he looked embarrassed. The BD climbed up to his shoulder and settled into a loaf like a tooka. "I, um, I like to work with them. Rebuild them." His cheeks were getting darker by the second. "I have a lot of free time when Mama goes on jobs. She salvaged them for me and I repaired all of them." He looked up shyly. "I made my chair, too."
"Wizard." Boba drummed on the tops of his legs. Fuck, this was awkward. How had they gone from a standoff to talking about droids while waiting for cocoa?
"So, um, you said Kal told you where we were?" Cas finally asked, breaking the silence.
"Yeah. You said Illippi comes out. Were you talking about his dar'riduur?"
Cassus nodded. "Yeah. She lives in Coronet City, but she visits. Or she used to, anyway. She hasn't been by in a while."
Boba sank deeper into the beanbag and stared at his brother, sick already of small talk. "Okay, fuck it, I'll ask. What happened?"
Cassus looked like he wasn't sure if he should be offended or scared. "What?" he asked.
"Last time I saw you, you could definitely walk, so what happened?" Boba crossed his arms and waited as Cassus wrung his hands nervously. Fucking hell, he really didn't get visitors often, did he? He was more nervous than a Gedonian ground weevil in a room full of hungry tookas. Had Mama kept him locked up in the bunker all this time in case Dad had come looking for them?
"It was when we… left." Cassus looked relieved at the sound of Pinky's beeping getting louder as he reapproached the karyai, a tray with a copper kettle and six little ceramic cups on top of his dome. Cassus spoke while the droid started distributing the cocoa. "Mama wanted you and Tiarek to come too, but Dad wouldn't let you leave. He kept telling her that he couldn't go and she wasn't allowed to either because of the clause in her contract. Ten years, that was the deal."
"I'm sorry, I can't have chocolate." Ahsoka gently waved the offered cup away with an odd, unfocused look on her face.
Cas looked embarrassed again. "I should have asked, I'm sorry. Do you want some tea?"
Ahsoka shook her head and blinked a few times. "No, no. I'm, um, I'm fine. But why did she want to leave?"
Cassus' face shuttered. "We just had to," he muttered, and nodded at Pinky once the cocoa was all distributed. The droid zoomed back to what Boba presumed was the kitchen. Cassus blew on his drink and took a little sip.
"So it happened when Dad shot you down?" Boba asked.
Cassus shrugged, his chubby cheeks getting dark again. "No. It was before. That's… that's why we couldn't take you, too."
Boba felt his heart jump into his throat and try to escape from his mouth. "What do you mean?" he asked sharply.
"You didn't…" Cassus looked surprised. "You don't know?"
"Know what?" Boba nearly spat, hearing his pulse pound in his ears. "That you left us? Do you even know what happened to Tiarek? Do you even give a fuck about him, or was he just–"
"Of course I do!" Cassus protested, his eyes going shiny with tears almost immediately. "What happened to Tiarek? Is he… is he dead?" His voice was so small and pitiful that Boba wanted to hit him. Why was he so weak? Because his legs didn't work? Big fucking deal, plenty of people's legs didn't work. Ahsoka's teacher was missing his fucking arm, bum legs didn't mean Cas had to be such a snivelling little bitch, wringing his hands in his hoverchair with a scared look on his face like he had a reason to be afraid of him.
"Why'd you leave us behind?" Boba demanded. "Tell me, and I'll tell you what happened to Tiarek."
Cassus looked like he was about to piss himself. "Ni ne'vegyc johaar'i par jetiise olar," he said, glancing at Ahsoka and Kenobi nervously.
"Jetiise johaar'i shabla Mando'a, di'kut, now fucking tell me!" Boba threw his cup of cocoa against the wall and started pacing, forcing down the bile surging up in his throat.
"Mama tried to take all of us." Cassus looked as sick and miserable as Boba felt. "Dad wouldn't let her. He said you were his… his property. You and Tiarek both. You were his payment for being the template, and he'd bought Tiarek fair and square. She wasn't walking away with his property."
Boba bit through the inside of his cheek and tasted blood. That's all he ever was to him, wasn't he? Jango's property. His payment for being the template. He was never Jango's son, not really.
"Boba!" Ahsoka caught his shoulders and spun him. "Okay, Bo'ika. Alright? Yes. Okay. Don't, don't–" she swallowed hard. Sweat had beaded up on her forehead and she smiled a weird, forced smile. Her lips and eyelids twitched. "Don't. It's inde. Chan e coire do bhràthar… bhràthar…" Boba had no idea what fucking language that was but something was very, very wrong with her. She wasn't breathing normally and her pupils had practically swallowed up her irises. She fell to one knee, shaking, her jaw trembling and gaping open and shut like a koi fish.
"Ahsoka!" Kenobi shoved Boba to the side and caught her before she hit the ground. "No, no, look at me, mo nighean, what's the matter? What's wrong, what's happening to you?" He twisted her and yanked her legging up above her knee; on the back of her calf, right above the edge of her boot, there was an angry-looking blue gash weeping thick, foul-smelling fluid.
Boba heard a soft laugh from behind them; the bitch herself was leaning against the entryway, a sharp, ruthless gleam in her eyes and a tiny smirk on her lips. Her curly black hair, streaked with silver and wet from bacta spray, hung just above her shoulders. She'd grown older, had lines around her eyes and had gained a little weight, but she still looked almost exactly like what Boba saw in his memories when he let himself think about her. "Manax root," she said softly. "It does growing in forest. It work more fast with humans. Togrutiise has big liver. I forget, take more long to start."
Kenobi hoisted the twitching Ahsoka into his arms, rage burning in his blue eyes like cold fire. "Where is the antidote?" he asked icily.
"Outside. I before bury." She smiled a wide, unnerving smile. "Leave my boy, jetii, go out my home. She will live if you find it in time." She met Boba's eyes, her expression softening. "Bo'ika. Mhi–"
"Don't you dare fucking call me that," Boba snapped. "You don't get to call me that, not anymore. Not after what you've fucking done. What you just did."
Something shattered in her eyes, then they hardened like winter ice over a river. She huffed a loud sigh. "My boys stay. You will find antidote, and after find you will leave."
"B-Bobi," Ahsoka managed to get out through her chattering teeth.
A shiver went down Boba's spine and the temperature of the room dropped like someone had opened a door into a blizzard. "Cody, I need to concentrate on slowing this poison down," Kenobi said silkily, laying Ahsoka down on the padded bench like she was made of glass. He took a knee beside her. "I shall leave the acquisition of the antidote to you. I unfortunately will not be able to supervise."
"Understood sir," Cody growled, then aimed his carbine at his mother.
"Please don't hurt her," Cassus begged, his terrified eyes darting between the two of them.
She flinched; a motion almost too small to see, but Boba noticed. "Been a while since you saw a clone, hasn't it?" he asked her softly, and the way she wouldn't look at Cody's face told him that he was right. "Tell me where it is or it'll be the last time you ever see one." He drew his blaster – Jango's blaster – and aimed it right between her silver eyes.
They went wide. "Oro'nas, Bo–"
He fired; the bolt stopped a foot away from her face and hovered there for a few seconds, then flew straight up and burned a black scorchmark in the ceiling.
Cassus, red-faced and shaking, lowered his hand and dissolved into tears.
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MANDO'A TRANSLATIONS ori/vod/ika: big/sibling/little Ke'pirimpir gaht tay'briik: go piss up a rope Naysh gar: No you Tion'gar olaro gar vod ti tracy'uure? Gar sa Jango ori'shya ni'cuy!: You greet your brother with blasters? You are like Jango more than I am Gev: stop Gar ne'ente eyayti ner dunare: You must not echo my mistakes. Ni ne'vegyc johaar'i par jetiise olar: I shouldn't say with the Jedi here Jetiise johaar'i shabla Mando'a, di'kut: The Jedi speak fucking Mando'a, idiot Togrutiise: Togrutas Oro'nas: Stand down TOYDARIAN TRANSLATIONS inde: yes MÁOR-GRASTA TRANSLATIONS Chan e coire do bhràthar a th' ann: It is not your brother's fault OTHER NOTES Oh look who finally showed up! Kaisa speaks the way she does because she's a native Mando'a speaker who translates everything in her head to Basic first. Hopefully that was explained well enough in text but if not then uhhhh yeah this is me telling you 😃🤙 Also Cassus is baby
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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3 notes · View notes
immortal-elements · 20 hours
Ok, so after spending an afternoon playing zerg staff ele, I have some insights.
The main reason to want to play this build is because of meteor shower, a giant AoE that rains down damage, especially useful on zergs that aren't stacked super tight. However, pigeonholing ele staff into "meteor shower bot" is doing it a massive disservice. The amount of utility it provides should not be understated, ranging from superspeed and condi cleanse to some very strong CC skills.
The most difficult challenge with this build is your positioning. Especially when casting meteor shower, you have to be sure you are in a place where your zerg will be able to cover you while you channel. The easiest way to do this is with lightning flash, but if you can nail the timing you can burning retreat and immediately cast meteor shower at an even further distance. Combining those two strategies lets you cast it from even further!
As for what spec to chose for staff ele:
Tempest: The safe and easy pick. This brings the most utility for the rest of your party. Your overloads are mostly used to give boons to your team, or as a damage boost prior to your burst. Though, earth overload and lightning flash is a great way to slow and punish the tail of another zerg, and air overload is great way to tag lots of enemies, especially when chasing. As far as other utilities, you also bring a group stunbreak with superspeed, and Rebound.
Weaver: The more difficult and greedy pick. Your damage is off the fucking charts, but if you get caught out then you will crumble. Your positioning is incredibly important, and a lot of your control skills are harder to access due to being in your 4 and 5 slots. If played well, then you can dish out the pain, but it is so very important to stay behind the zerg, just far enough that you won't get picked off from the front, and just close enough that you still get boons/heals and can actually hit enemies.
Catalyst: The middle road. This variation brings some additional utility, as well as the yolo double meteor shower strat. The fire augment can help you push damage through bunker/aegis comps, and you have nigh permanent self-stability if you learn your combos well enough. And, if you are playing staff ele for meteor shower, now you get two!
Drawbacks to staff ele. This build is so so so fragile, and it is so hard to maneuver. You have two movement skills, one cripple/immob/chill cleanse, and that's it. You get caught out and you are toast. No matter how you slice it, this build relies on your allies to help it do it's damage. In this boonball meta, you need allies to strip/corrupt boons on enemies as you are casting your meteor shower, you need to have full stacks of might and fury up in order to get the most out of your damage.
And as for how I'm able to hit such high dps numbers, while you will obviously have larger damage spikes when the zergs actually clash, a lot of zerg fighting is standing at range and waiting for the other to make a mistake. During this time, you can keep up the pressure, you can keep auto-attacking or dropping low cooldown damaging abilities on top of them, (fire 2, water 2 and 4, air 2, earth 2, earth 5). This forces them to hopefully have to use some of their cooldowns in an unfavorable manner, (condi cleanses for immobs and chills and cripples, smaller heals for chip damage). While your chip damage may be healed through, that doesn't mean that it is wasted, as it forces more of their defensive skills to be used, as well as keeping them in combat (to slow them down and prevent them from rapidly healing / rezzing fully downed allies). This ability to poke and cc from range helps you pad out your numbers, and hopefully rocket to the top of your DPS charts. Is it kind of a cheesy way to do it? yeah, maybe, but you do still have to be good at both WvW and ele in order to achieve those results. Knowing the flow of battle is the biggest contributor to your ability to dish out mad damage.
0 notes
meditourshagiangcom · 20 days
Introducing Outstanding Services of Ha Giang Tour
Ha Giang, a stunning province nestled in the northern reaches of Vietnam, is a treasure trove of natural wonders and cultural richness. With its rugged terrain, breathtaking landscapes, and diverse ethnic communities, Ha Giang has emerged as a premier destination for adventure seekers and cultural explorers alike. Fortunately, a plethora of outstanding Ha Giang tour services are available to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of travelers, ensuring an unforgettable and enriching experience.
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Some outstanding services
Combo tour Ha Giang Checkin H’Mong Village Resort
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The resort covers an area of up to 20 hectares, divided into two main areas, including 35 bungalows and a communal guesthouse to meet all the needs of visitors when they come here.
With a special location of “mountainous and water-oriented,” H’mong Village is situated on a mountainside embracing the heritage stone forest shaped like a bow, below the resort is the Trang Kim Valley and the gentle, serene Mieng River flowing through.
Location: Trang Kim – Dong Ha Commune – Quan Ba District – Ha Giang Province.
The combo includes:
Limousine car transfer from Hanoi to Ha Giang
01 or 02 nights’ stay in a Community room
Buffet breakfast
Free access to the swimming pool
Electric shuttle for moving around the resort
Travel insurance up to 20,000,000 VND/person/event
Free consultation on Ha Giang travel itinerary and recommendations for dining when traveling in Ha Giang
Combo tour Ha Giang Travel Combo: Car, Check in Nomades Hostel
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As one of the few resorts in Ha Giang with an outdoor swimming pool, a bar, and a garden, NoMadders Hostel also features karaoke and free high-speed wifi throughout the property.
Accommodations here include bungalows and dormitory rooms catering to the needs of all travelers. With a design close to nature and minimalist furnishings, it creates a green, cozy space, allowing guests to feel in harmony with nature.
Certainly, this will be one of the best choices for travelers when selecting the Ha Giang travel combo.
Location: Xuan Thuy, Ha Giang
The combo includes:
Combo price for 2 people
Limousine car transfer from Hanoi to Ha Giang
01 or 02 nights’ stay at the hostel in a Bungalow room
Travel insurance up to 20,000,000 VND/person/event
Free consultation on Ha Giang travel itinerary and recommendations for dining when traveling in Ha Giang
24/7 assistance for customers in case of incidents on the road
Motorbike rental service (many types)
Digital cars, also known as cooter cars: are small cars under 110 cc like the Honda Blade, with the advantage of being compact, easy to control, and are the top choice for girls or boys who don’t have any skills. years of traveling long distances, especially mountain passes. With the ability to brake with both brakes and in addition, brake with a low gear, this is the safest choice for customers who do not know how to ride a manual clutch. Meditours Ha Giang does not encourage you to travel by gas vehicle, because it does not guarantee safety when going downhill or downhill, especially when you travel on the Ha Giang road with many high slopes and deep passes and heavy loads. Outstanding rental car models: HONDA XR150L, HONDA CRF250L, SUZUKI DRZ400, DIGITAL CAR – SCOOTER.
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Ha Giang's outstanding tour services provide an unparalleled opportunity to explore the region's natural wonders, immerse in its rich cultural heritage, and create lasting memories. With meticulously crafted itineraries, experienced guides, sustainable practices, and authentic experiences, these tours offer a truly transformative journey. Whether you seek adventure, cultural exploration, or a harmonious connection with nature, Ha Giang's tour operators are dedicated to ensuring an unforgettable and enriching experience for every traveler.
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vroomleasing · 27 days
Getting Your Motorcycle Class 2B Licence in Singapore- Course, COE and Motorcycle Rentals
Obtaining a motorcycle Class 2B licence in Singapore isn't just about learning to ride; it's a journey that requires dedication and careful planning. If you're considering taking up motorcycling as a more affordable means of transport or simply for the thrill of the open road, there are several key steps and considerations you'll need to navigate. Let's delve into what you need to know to kickstart your motorcycle journey in Singapore.
Getting Your Motorcycle Class 2B Licence in Singapore
1. Learning to Ride
When it comes to acquiring a motorcycle licence in Singapore, your primary avenue is through one of the designated driving schools:
Bukit Batok Driving Centre (Bukit Gombak)
ComfortDelGro Driving Centre (Ubi)
Singapore Safety Driving Centre (Woodlands)
Unlike car licences where private instructors are an option, motorcycle training is centralized through these schools. The curriculum for a Class 2B licence covers theory and practical components, ranging from basic riding theory to navigating obstacle courses and road riding.
2. Class 2B Syllabus
The Class 2B licence permits riding bikes up to 200cc. The training process typically includes:
Theory Lessons: Basic Theory Test (BTT) and Riding Theory Test (RTT).
Practical Lessons: Circuit-based training (e.g., slalom, figure 8) followed by road riding.
Expect a structured progression through the syllabus, with the need for repetition if certain skills aren't mastered initially. Passing the Basic Theory Test is a prerequisite for obtaining a Provisional Driving Licence (PDL), which is essential for road riding.
3. Class Progression
After a year with a Class 2B licence, you can upgrade to Class 2A (up to 400cc) and subsequently to Class 2 (unlimited cc). The progression becomes easier and quicker as you gain experience.
4. Cost Considerations
The cost of obtaining a Class 2B licence ranges from $900 to $1,000 on average, factoring in theory lessons, practical sessions, and test fees. Each driving school has a similar cost structure, with the total amount depending on how quickly you progress through the lessons.
Motorcycle COE Price
1. Understanding COE
Motorcycle Certificate of Entitlement (COE) prices significantly impact overall motorcycle costs. As of recent years, COE prices for motorcycles have soared, surpassing $10,000, making new bike purchases considerably pricier.
2. Cost Comparison
Despite high COE prices, motorcycles remain a more economical transport option compared to cars, where COEs for category A (cars) can exceed $100,000.
Popular Motorcycles in Singapore
For new riders, popular bike models in Singapore span Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, and more. Second-hand options provide affordability, with prices varying based on COE tenure and bike condition.
Where to Buy Motorcycles
Whether opting for new or used bikes, several reputable dealers and platforms exist in Singapore, offering a range of models to suit different preferences and budgets.
Second-Hand Motorcycle Tips
Buying a second-hand bike requires diligence:
Check COE Duration: Ensure sufficient COE tenure remains.
Inspect Bike Condition: Test acceleration, brakes, and other critical components.
Negotiate: Prices are often negotiable; don't hesitate to bargain.
Arrange Insurance: Secure insurance before riding off with your new bike.
Motorcycle Rental
For those hesitant about committing to bike ownership, rental services provide an opportunity to gain riding experience without the long-term commitment. Prices vary based on rental duration and bike model.
You can search for "near me bike rental shop" to find out the best motorcycle for rent in Singapore.
Obtaining a motorcycle licence in Singapore involves a comprehensive process, from structured training to navigating COE prices and purchasing the right bike. Whether you're a seasoned rider or embarking on your motorcycle journey for the first time, understanding these key aspects will set you on the right path towards earning your Class 2B licence and hitting the road confidently.
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solargreen01 · 3 months
Understanding Fast DC Chargers for Electric Vehicles
As electric vehicles (EVs) gain prominence in the automotive landscape, the need for efficient charging infrastructure becomes paramount. Fast DC (Direct Current) chargers have emerged as a pivotal solution, offering EV owners rapid charging capabilities that redefine convenience and usability. This article explores the intricacies of fast DC chargers, shedding light on their benefits, technical aspects, and their role in propelling the widespread adoption of electric mobility.
The Need for Fast DC Charging
a. Reducing Charging Time: One of the primary motivations behind the development of fast DC chargers is the desire to significantly reduce the time it takes to recharge electric vehicles. Unlike conventional Level 1 and Level 2 AC chargers, which may require several hours for a full charge, fast DC chargers can provide a substantial charge in a matter of minutes.
b. Enabling Long-Distance Travel: Fast DC charging infrastructure is crucial for the acceptance of electric vehicles as viable options for long-distance travel. The ability to quickly charge allows EV owners to cover extensive distances without prolonged stops, addressing the challenge of range anxiety.
c. Enhancing Convenience: Fast DC chargers enhance the convenience of electric vehicle ownership, making it more akin to refueling a traditional combustion engine vehicle. This increased convenience is a key factor in encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles for everyday use.
Technical Aspects of Fast DC Chargers
a. Voltage and Current Levels: Fast DC chargers operate at higher voltage and current levels compared to traditional AC chargers. This higher power delivery allows for faster charging rates. Common voltage levels for fast DC chargers include 400 volts (V) and 800 volts (V).
b. Charging Standards: Various charging standards exist for fast DC chargers, and the most prevalent ones include CHAdeMO, CCS (Combined Charging System), and Tesla Supercharger. These standards dictate the physical connectors and communication protocols between the charging station and the electric vehicle.
c. Connector Types: Different types of connectors are associated with each fast DC charging standard. CHAdeMO has its specific connector, while CCS uses a combined AC and DC connector. Tesla Superchargers are designed exclusively for Tesla vehicles but may have adapters for other standards.
d. Power Levels: Fast DC chargers come in different power levels, ranging from around 50 kW to over 350 kW. Higher-power chargers can deliver more energy in a shorter time, significantly reducing the overall charging time for electric vehicles.
Benefits of Fast DC Charging
a. Rapid Charging Speeds: The primary advantage of fast DC chargers is their ability to deliver a substantial amount of charge to an electric vehicle in a relatively short time. This rapid charging speed is particularly beneficial for drivers who need quick top-ups or are on long journeys.
b. Long-Distance Travel: Fast DC charging infrastructure is essential for supporting long-distance travel, making electric vehicles more practical for road trips and cross-country journeys. Quick charging stops enable drivers to cover significant distances without compromising convenience.
c. Urban and Highway Accessibility: The strategic placement of fast DC chargers in urban areas and along highways ensures widespread accessibility. This accessibility is critical for the acceptance of electric vehicles in both urban and rural settings.
d. Reduced Downtime: Faster charging times mean reduced downtime for electric vehicle owners. This is especially crucial in scenarios where drivers are relying on their vehicles for work or business, minimizing disruptions caused by charging stops.
e. Enhanced Public Charging Experience: Fast DC chargers contribute to a more positive public charging experience. The shorter waiting times at charging stations make it more likely for EV owners to choose electric vehicles for their daily commuting needs.
Technological Advancements in Fast DC Chargers
a. Higher Power Outputs: Ongoing advancements in fast DC charger technology are pushing the boundaries of power output. Newer chargers with power levels exceeding 350 kW are being developed, promising even faster charging times and improved efficiency.
b. Smart Charging Features: Modern fast DC chargers often come equipped with smart charging features. These features may include real-time monitoring, remote access through mobile applications, and the ability to optimize charging schedules based on electricity rates or renewable energy availability.
c. Liquid-Cooled Cables: To manage the increased heat generated during high-power charging, some fast DC chargers utilize liquid-cooled cables. This technology helps maintain optimal charging efficiency and extends the lifespan of the charging equipment.
d. Integrated Battery Storage: Some fast DC charging stations incorporate integrated battery storage systems. These systems can store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during peak demand, optimizing energy use and reducing strain on the electrical grid.
Challenges and Future Outlook
a. Grid Capacity: The increasing demand for fast DC charging infrastructure poses challenges to the existing electrical grid capacity. Addressing this issue requires investments in grid upgrades and smart grid technologies to accommodate the growing number of electric vehicles.
b. Standardization and Compatibility: Although progress has been made in standardizing charging connectors and protocols, ensuring seamless compatibility across all electric vehicle models remains a challenge. Continued efforts in standardization are crucial for enhancing the user experience and expanding the electric vehicle market.
c. Battery Technology Advancements: Advances in battery technology, such as higher energy density and faster charging capabilities, will further enhance the effectiveness of fast DC chargers. As battery technologies evolve, the range of electric vehicles will increase, reducing the need for frequent charging stops.
d. Global Expansion of Charging Networks: The global expansion of fast DC charging networks is essential to support the increasing number of electric vehicles on the roads. Collaborative efforts between governments, private companies, and international organizations are necessary to establish a robust and interconnected charging infrastructure.
Fast DC chargers stand at the forefront of the electric mobility revolution, addressing the critical need for rapid and convenient charging solutions. As technology continues to advance and the automotive industry shifts towards sustainable practices, the role of fast DC charging infrastructure becomes increasingly pivotal. The ongoing collaboration between industry stakeholders, technological innovation, and global initiatives are paving the way for a future where electric vehicles seamlessly integrate into the mainstream, supported by a robust and efficient fast DC charging network.
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janefuentes007 · 8 months
6 things to know more about CBT training in the UK
Riding a motorcycle or moped illegally can lead to fines and other problems. Hence, new riders who want to get a full license in the UK should join a CBT training course that helps them in various ways. However, they should know more about the course in detail to make an informed decision. A person can even choose the course after knowing the important information. Another thing is that it allows riders to drive vehicles with L plates.
Knowing more about CBT training
CBT allows riders to learn the basic skills and knowledge
A CBT course is ideal for those who have little or no knowledge about how to ride safely on the roads. The main objective of the course is to improve the basic skills and knowledge of riders who want to ride a vehicle without any difficulties. It has five sections that cover the necessary things for a rider.
A rider can book the test online
Anyone who wants to know the details of nearby training schools can enter the postcode on a reputed website. It will display everything, including the availability that lets them proceed further. Furthermore, one can book a CBT testafter making the payments that help accomplish goals. On the other hand, riders should know what to do before the day of training.
An eye test is compulsory for the course
An eye test is necessary for joining the course, and one should submit a report to a training institute to check eligibility. If anyone doesn’t meet the requirements, then he or she can’t join a course.
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CBT certificate holders can apply for an A1 license and an A2 license.
A CBT certificate is suitable only for those who want to ride small motorcycles and mopeds up to 125 cc. At the same time, those willing to ride vehicles up to 35 KW and more should apply for an A1 license and an A2 license.
The cost of training may vary
The cost of CBT training may vary from one training institute to another in the UK, and one should compare them online. This will help to select a course that caters to the needs of learners at an affordable price.
CBT certification requires renewal every two years
CBT certification is valid only for 2 years, and certificate holders should renew it again. A person should also give more importance to highway codes and other things before joining a course.
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Tips For Installing An Ev Commercial Charger
If you're looking to install an electric vehicle (EV) commercial charger, you're taking a step towards the future of transportation. By providing this service to your customers or employees, you're not only contributing to a more sustainable environment but also attracting those who are environmentally conscious and have already made the switch to EVs. However, installing an EV commercial charger is not as simple as plugging it into an outlet. It requires careful planning and execution to ensure safety, compliance with regulations, and efficient usage.
In this article, we'll provide you with tips for installing an EV commercial charger that will meet your business's needs while also complying with local regulations and permits. We'll cover topics such as understanding the different types of chargers available, evaluating your budget and location options, hiring professional electricians for installation, and ensuring compliance with local laws. With our guidance, you can confidently take steps towards joining the green revolution in transportation while liberating yourself from traditional fuel sources.
Understanding the Different Types of EV Chargers
You gotta understand the various types of chargers available for electric vehicles if you want to make an informed decision. Charging speeds and connector types are the two primary factors that determine which type of EV charger is right for your business. There are three main types of commercial EV chargers: Level 2 AC Chargers, DC Fast Chargers, and Ultra-Fast Chargers.
Level 2 AC Chargers offer a charging speed between 3-25 miles per hour (mph) and offer either J1772 or Tesla connectors. These chargers are great for businesses with employees who work eight hours or more since they allow for a full charge in roughly eight hours. DC Fast Chargers offer a charging speed between 60-80 mph and use CCS or CHAdeMO connectors. They're ideal for businesses located near highways or busy roads where customers need quick charges before continuing their journey. Lastly, Ultra-Fast Chargers can provide up to 350 kW of power, allowing for a full charge in as little as 20 minutes using the CCS connector type. Businesses that need to accommodate high volumes of electric vehicle traffic, such as airports or shopping centers would benefit from installing Ultra-Fast Chargers. Now that you know about the different types of chargers let's evaluate your business's needs and budget to figure out which one is best suited for your company's needs.
Evaluating Your Business's Needs and Budget
Determining your company's requirements and financial plan is a crucial step in the process of implementing an electric vehicle charging station. Before sourcing equipment, it's important to evaluate your business's EV usage patterns, including how many vehicles will be charged daily, the charging time required for each vehicle, and peak usage hours. This information will help you choose the appropriate charging level for your commercial charger.
Another aspect to consider is long-term maintenance costs. While initial installation expenses can vary depending on the type of station chosen, ongoing maintenance costs can also add up over time. It's important to factor in potential repairs or upgrades that may be necessary down the line when determining your budget for installing an EV commercial charger. By carefully assessing these factors beforehand, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions about what type of equipment to purchase and how much money to allocate towards its upkeep.
When it comes to choosing the right location for your charger, there are several key factors to keep in mind.
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Choosing the Right Location for Your Charger
Picking the perfect spot for your electric vehicle charging station involves considering several important factors. First and foremost, you need to identify the ideal placement for your charger. You want to ensure that it is easily accessible and visible to customers driving in and out of your business premises. It should also be in a location where there is adequate lighting, preferably near other electrical equipment or fixtures.
Additionally, potential obstacles such as trees, outdoor furniture, or landscaping elements should be taken into account when choosing the right location for your charger. These obstacles could block visibility or accessibility to the charger, causing inconvenience to customers who need to charge their vehicles. Therefore, you may want to consider areas with open spaces and minimal obstructions. Keeping these essential factors in mind will help you choose an optimal location for your EV commercial charger.
As you evaluate different locations for your commercial EV charger, it's crucial to keep in mind that this installation requires professional electrical expertise. Once you have identified the perfect spot for your charger, it's time to hire a professional electrician who has experience installing commercial chargers. In the next section below about 'hiring a professional electrician,' we'll provide some tips on how to find an experienced contractor who can handle this project with ease.
Hiring a Professional Electrician
Hiring a professional electrician with experience in installing commercial EV chargers is crucial to ensure a successful and safe installation. Although DIY projects may seem cost-effective, the risks of incorrect installations can lead to electrical fires or damage to your property. Professional electricians have the necessary knowledge and equipment to install your charger safely and efficiently, minimizing any potential hazards.
Before hiring an electrician, it's important to get a cost estimation for their services. This will help you determine if their rates fit within your budget. Additionally, make sure that they are licensed and insured, as this guarantees that they are qualified to perform the job at hand. By working with a professional electrician, you can rest assured that your charger will be installed correctly and comply with all safety regulations.
Ensuring Compliance with Local Regulations and Permits
Just like how a car needs to follow traffic rules on the road, it's crucial to ensure that your electrician follows all local regulations and obtains the necessary permits for installing your charging station. The permitting process can vary depending on your location, but generally involves submitting an application to the local government and obtaining approval before installation can proceed. Your electrician should be familiar with these requirements and have experience navigating the permitting process.
In addition to obtaining permits, it's important to make sure that your charging station meets all safety requirements. This includes ensuring that the electrical wiring is properly installed and grounded, as well as having appropriate safety features such as circuit breakers and ground fault interrupters. Your electrician should have a thorough understanding of these safety requirements and be able to install your charging station in compliance with them. By following local regulations and safety requirements, you can ensure that your commercial EV charger is installed safely and efficiently.
Congratulations! You've successfully installed an EV commercial charger. However, before you pat yourself on the back and take a break, there are a few things you should consider to ensure your installation is up to code and operating efficiently.
Firstly, it's important to remember that "the devil is in the details." Don't overlook any small issues because they can quickly become big problems. Make sure your electrical connections are tight, all wires are properly grounded, and your charger is installed at the correct height and angle. These small details may seem insignificant at first glance but can make or break the longevity of your charging station.
Secondly, don't be penny wise pound foolish. The cost of hiring a professional electrician to install your EV commercial charger may seem steep initially but think about the long-term benefits. A skilled electrician will ensure that everything runs smoothly from start to finish, saving you time and money in potential repairs down the road. Remember - "you get what you pay for."
In conclusion, installing an EV commercial charger takes careful planning and execution. By understanding different types of chargers, evaluating your business's needs and budget, choosing the right location for your charger, hiring a professional electrician and ensuring compliance with local regulations; you'll be well on your way to success. Just don't forget - "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." Test out your new installation thoroughly before launching it publicly so that you can enjoy its full benefits without any hiccups along the way!
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ashwinisblog · 1 year
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