#cast swap au
cardboard-aliens · 2 years
I need to dedicate time to redrawing idea's for big momma designs: because i changed gears and want to draw more from the unused welder ideas.
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Replacing the drills with shields, that would be detachable in the alpha versions, because I think them getting to absolutely body slam and smash their enemies to a pulp is Very Sexy Of Them™.
and also good for:
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
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some sketches based on the personality swap au
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cowardlybean · 11 months
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Various mp100s ft. Ageswap but my incredibly awesome vision (Tome runs Spirits and Such solo don’t ask me where mob is), ritsu and reigen bodyswap, and sillies
Don’t tag as ship for any of these.
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snorpdawg · 1 year
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Some little doodles of @kittens4jc’s fun swap AU! Apparently called The Cursed Swap AU IICR. It is my rite of passage to draw every single swap AU I come across.
(Since the references provided didn’t include full-body references, I took some creative liberties, per se. I hope that’s okay! ^_^)
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mikkokomori · 4 months
is omari basil still a delinquent
(and side note here id LOVE to hear you ramble all about your Omari au)
Ahem,,,, if it is alright with you then,,,,,, I will talk about my OMARI Basil then,,,,
To answer your question, he was planned to be the delinquent of the group (as per typical swap aus), though over time, I really began to sit down and think about it the more swap aus began to pop up around the fandom. I didn't really like the idea of being a carbon copy of various other omari aus in specific, so during the time I have been absent on here I began to slowly revamp the AU over time. I had to start over with what I originally had in the first place since a lot of the au things in my take on it also had contributions by followers as well!
For Basil, his first concept was initially a delinquent take... but the thing that caused a problem with that was the fact that I had planned for him to also play a sort of "detective" role in this universe, as I had written a short snippet on Basil having caught on to something suspicious going on between the older siblings and Sunny's sudden disappearance.......
Frankly, as much as a delinquent Basil is my darling concept of all concepts, I had to, unfortunately, push it to the side and alter his role in this AU to fit with the revamped look I was going for him... therefore fully integrating him into his "detective" role. In a way though, looking through Mari's perspective, he's sort of a clashing force with her and is equivalent to an antagonist in her own story (but! Keep in mind, Mari in this AU isn't the Mari who you should be sympathizing for.... an unreliable narrator who happens to be a wolf in sheeps clothing....).
As for the emotions, while a lot of people tend to view the emotions being assigned to the characters as their possible role in RW (the happy-go-lucky, the perfect student, the delinquent), for mine I ended up making it were each friend had 2 main emotions.... Basils would be anger and sorrow (Aubrey and Kel tend to have anger as their second emotion, though that is still up for debate! I still have a few things to work out :3). So, in a way you could say that in Headspace they were only ever seen as a one-dimensional character by Mari/Hikkiko, while in the real world, they had a even bigger "mess" of emotions that they all dealt with. In turn, Basil's concept strayed further away from the path of delinquent and more into a path which.... ehehe..... obsession as a concept is such a fun thing to play around with, don't you think?
Just as much as he plays the "investigator", he also is meant to be a parallel of what Mari/Hikkiko is. Obsession has always been a part of his character, and in doing so, you could say I played around with it until I found quite a nice concept with this. Mari/Hikkiko both have a need to keep Sunny around as the perfect brother and therefore paint his Headspace counterpart to their own liking.... while Basil in turn has, on some level, a need to imitate Sunny as closely as he can. Both are a form of obsessions I have given them, and in a way, the only reason Basils is a more "lighter" version of this is because Aubrey, Kel, Hero (sort of), Polly, his grandmother, and Faraway Town as a whole have been there to guide him on a better path. Though his obsession to keep Sunny's memory alive by becoming like him is still there, it's not to say that he doesn't have people to talk some sense into him-- meanwhile Mari does not have that type of support.
Obsession stems from love, at least, in their case. And in the end, it really depends on whether or not they have people who are willing to reel them back into a state of sanity. Basil was, at least in terms of my omari lore, viewed as a delinquent at one point, though he never acted out aggressively towards others unless provoked enough and only ever kept to himself.... eventually the town residents accepted the fact that this was just his way of grieving and treated him with patience and respect, especially with the fact he took it upon himself to go around town and helping around with the little things, though especially with gardening and photography.
it's not to say though, that he doesn't have some... worrying habits. That as in, most of his plants being replaced with tulips and most of the heads of certain plants being chopped off with garden shears, left to rot. While Basil mimics his best friends habits, he isn't exactly the best at fully hiding his feelings and emotions as Sunny was able to. No amount of masquerading will change the fact that once he's laid his sights on you, it'll only be a matter time before he seeks for your head on a silver platter.
#im sure i have much more to say and i probably ended up giving you more information than you can chew at a time but like...#listen..... i've been waiting for so#LONG for someone to ask something regarding the characters for the revamped version#in a way i will say that this omari au is a very personal thing with the way some characterizations come off#(some of the stuff in this au is based off real experiences lol)#and any time it comes to swap aus in general for any fandom#i always take them seriously#if anything. i WILL shit on someone in my head if their swap au doesnt have anything unique to it and its just a roleswap#its why the one swap au im actually paying much mind to is a friends au thats called CHICO#one things for certain; if your swap au doesnt have any creativity put into it i will cast upon shame on you your family your families dog-#jk but. swap aus have always been a passion project thing for me in every fandom i've ever been in and OMORI fandom is. well#lets just say that im the gordon ramsay of swap aus because theres BARELY ANY FUCKING GOOD FOOD AROUND HERE!!!!!!#OMARI AU#A Sisters Mourning AU#omori au#omori basil#omori spoilers#omori#anon asks#miko talks#mikkos ramblings#this also just goes in general for aus#ive always been picky and if theres something i dont like or something doesnt make sense well#im sorry to those who have to watch me get real bitchy with things#aus have always been a therapeutic thing to me and ik not everyone is gonna do what i want to see but even then#if your au is mostly for shipping (that has no relevance to the plot whatsoever) or blatant mischaracterization then you can leave!!#ik im sounding like a shen yuan rn but i have a lot of pent up rage and resentment#if you think you can get away with stuff like this in aus i will hunt you down and pour milk over your heads!!!!!
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anna-naray · 2 months
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Who is this creature?
Are those wings or ears? Maybe... both?
Working on a different character design this time while jumping from file to file for work on my pc 💀 Instagram post
I'll be back for the Angel's Friends April challenge, I already feel bad for missing a "few" days! Also next week there'll be a new update of my AF swap au short comic :D (here the first pages -> link)
Stay tuned! 🔥
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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Oh, you’re the Ultimate Hope, right?
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moxiebility · 11 months
floormasters... and that one guy!
all swaps below :))))
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miley <> safalin
gashu <> momdori
ranger/sei <> meister/mr. chidouin
maple <> botsun
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googledetective · 7 months
I shared the drdt characters with dra/sdra2 talents yesterday, but now imma do the reverse bc uhhh I feel like it? 😍
Yuki Maeda - Ultimate Horror Fanatic
Akane Taira - Ultimate Harp Player (ik she’s not Chinese so I didn’t give her Zither. I’m American so I’m like stupid but I had never even heard of a zither until I watched drdt so idk if people in Japan would know it so I felt wrong even like giving a character the talent without being Chinese. The Zither kind of reminds me of a Harp so uhhh… 👍)
Teruya Otori - Ultimate Bowler
Rei Mekaru - Ultimate Student
Tsurugi Kinjo - Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Kiyoka Maki - Ultimate Rebel
Mitsuhiro Higa - Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Kizuna Tomori - Ultimate Matchmaker
Ayame Hatano - Ultimate Chemist
Kanata Inori - Ultimate Jockey
Kakeru Yamaguchi - Ultimate Clockmaker
Kinji Uehara - Ultimate Art Forger
Haruhiko Kobashikawa - Ultimate SFX Artist
Satsuki Iranami - Ultimate Pet Therapist
Yamato Kisaragi - Ultimate Unlucky Student
Mikako Kurokawa - Ultimate Personal Stylist
*Teruya don’t count for this so Teruko’s talent won’t be used
Sora - Ultimate Rebel
Yuki Maeda - Ultimate Student
Yoruko Kabuya - Ultimate Matchmaker
Syobai Hashimoto - Ultimate Art Forger
Iroha Nijiue - Ultimate Jockey
Yuri Kagarin - Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Hajime Makunouchi - Ultimate Pet Therapist
Kokoro Mitsume - Ultimate Chemist
Emma Magorobi - Ultimate Harp Player (okay yeah so again she’s not Chinese so I replaced it, same reason as Akane.)
Setsuka Chiebukuro - Ultimate Bowler
Hibiki Otonokoji - Ultimate Personal Stylist
Kanade Otonokoji - Ultimate SFX Artist
Shinji Kasai - Ultimate Clockmaker
Nikei Yomiuri - Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Mikado Sannoji - Ultimate Horror Fanatic
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curtain-caller · 1 month
I want to start working on another Fly-High Rush design, but I can't decide, so...
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doodlingbot · 7 months
Assuming Red = Tatiana(?), which 1010's got assigned to the other megastars?
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As a heads up, I'm not going off of any color coordination of where to put who. It's based off how I personally characterize the 1010s and what I thought was interesting to think about.
Eve - White Eve was the first artist enlisted and thus got first pickings to which 1010 she wanted to help her get set up. She chose White, viewing him as the best of the candidates to mold not unlike a blank canvas. (Though this isn't me saying he IS a blank canvas, more so that the other 1010's had stronger themes going on that could clash with all the ideas she wanted to try.)
The two end up gossiping a lot together. It helps that White has a direct line of information from the other 1010s of what odd things their own charters are doing.
Tatiana - Red Tatiana was the second artist enlisted not long after Eve. She was given the option to choose a helper, though chose not to pick herself. That's ok because Red practically volunteered, really wanting to see that fiery side. She may be much more orderly these days, along with her district, but Red swears he'll get that chaotic rebel out of her one day. He is determined.
Yinu - Blue Yinu's dad was the charter before her. The options he had were between, Blue, Green, and Yellow. Wasn't very fond of the idea of Green and Yellow essentially being explosives. He went with Blue who was already the one to be entertaining Yinu during the meeting.
Blue was passed down to Yinu after she took up the role of Natura's charter after her father's passing. The two are rarely seen without the other.
Sayu - Yellow While Green and Yellow both seemed fun during team Sayu's meeting, Yellow showed an active interest in Sayu but in particular, marine themes. Ended up info dumping about various legends surrounding mermaids and even wondered out loud if they had used some of those old legends as inspiration. They didn't, but they thought what he had to say was really cool though.
DJ Subatomic Supernova - Green DJSS didn't have a choice. Green was the last 1010 who hadn't been assigned to assist anyone. DJSS didn't even want Green or any 1010 to begin with, but it was heavily insisted that he have the assistance getting set up. Heavily insisted meaning forced by his new boss.
Green isn't too keen on DJSS either.
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cardboard-aliens · 2 years
The cast swap AU 100% is an excuse for Jack & Tenenbaum content, but the main swaps are:
Jack - Eleanor
Tenenbaum - Delta
Atlas - Sinclair
Ryan - Lamb
The basic canon divergent background information leading up to 1960 got long so imma put it under a cut.
Big Mommas and Little Brothers are the protector gatherer duo of this AU. There are no Dads and sisters.
Lamb gathers enough followers and momentum to usurp control of Rapture from Ryan.
Ryan gets promptly thrown INTO jail with his most loyal supports.
The most important detail about Ryan going to jail is that he will not be able to kill Jasmine 😌💖
Lamb now has control of the whole city to devote into her Utopian research.
Various people take issue as the notion of everyone being reborn into one collective mind comes forth. Mostly Sinclair, who can't make money as a pile of ADAM goop, so he uses his resources to arm citizens. Wanting to take advantage of the split in the city for his own plays for control.
Fontaine is pissed he didn't take over the city from Ryan, and has to reconsider all his plans, since they were built around Ryan. Ultimately abandoning his contingency plan to fake his death earlier.
Lamb takes over Fontaine's assets once he's gone for ADAM research, and starts funneling out any problematic staff to be turned into ADAM goop so they can be part of the collective.
Tenenbaum has been unimpressed with Fontaine, Ryan and now Lamb , and was preparing the gatherer cure to try and do some damage to the program. But then Ryan goes to jail, and Tenenbaum knows Fontaine's weapon only served a purpose with Ryan in the picture. And then Fontaine 'dies', and Lamb seizes the company and Tenenbaum doesn't trust her to be any more humane to the children. So she tries for a mad dash to disappear with Jack before Lamb discovers Project WYK.
This escape attempt goes poorly, and they get caught. Lamb assumes Jack is just your average gatherer that Tenenbaum was defecting with, and since Tenenbaum is CLEARLY going to be a problem Lamb is like "You wanna hang out with a brother so much I can arrange that" and ships them off tho the protector and gatherer programs to be bonded. (very much like mark and cindy)
There is now an opening for a lead scientist at Fontaine Futuristics that needs filling. No one is qualified for the job, and Lamb takes someone Ryan had a target on: so say hello to Dr. Johnny Topside. Who knows some marine biology which was good ENOUGH for this understaffed department.
Suchong hates working with Topside, and complains about how under qualified he is constantly. And he complains about Lamb's research goals, and how she cancelled his previous projects to focus on ADAM's memory properties.
Suchong's work load gets smaller as more of his projects get handed off to Topside, which makes him even more irritable. And then he starts to suspect Lamb is phasing him out to turn his egotistical behind into a pile of ADAM.
So Suchong disappears, trying to find refuge in Persephone with Ryan (b/c Ryan IS charismatic, and is doing well enough for himself in prison) trying to barter for his own safety by telling Ryan about Fontaine Company secrets, mainly about Project WYK and how Ryan's flesh and blood was put into the Gatherer Program.
Johnny Topside can't keep track of what's going on, because one minute he mapping the ocean floor, the next he found atlantis, then he's been branded a spy, next he's the lead scientist in a department he doesn't understand, and now his life is being threatened if he doesn't experiment on children. He just wanted to collect rocks samples.
The little brothers are baby and he is NOT on board with their treatment, and starts digging into what research was left behind by the woman who had this job before him--and he finds Tenenbaum's research on the Little Brother cure. Which he then picks back up to finish development, and then prepares to go on the run to save as many brothers as he can.
Sinclair and Lamb have been raising their own tensions across the city, proving they're just the same as Fontaine and Ryan as fights break out. Which ultimately escalate back up to riots breaking out against Lamb's rule, headed by Sinclair this time around.
The chaos causes a lot of canon typical events to happen, Rapture is in decline, Ryan can leave prison to kill a big momma and drag his gatherer son to prison to ride out the war, and Johnny takes a run for it to get away from Lamb with a handful of children.
(For convenience sake Eleanor is her BS2 age in 1960, otherwise she'll be like. 9 or 10. and not able to actually fight. and I want her to do COOL BATTLE STUNTS) Eleanor has been paying CLOSE attention to her mom this whole time, and watching her boil people down into ADAM, experiment on children, and manipulate the people to throw their lives away fighting for her has done a lot to disillusion her from Lamb's way. Some come 1960, she's got a gun, a dream to see the sun, and figured the best way to beat her mother is with the enemy of her enemy: Sinclair.
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ilikewisteria · 3 months
Niffty was an overlord. She rose to power thanks to the ease she could take down any target. She was hard to spot due to her short size, and merciless with her knives. Whether she was overconfident or just feeling crazy, one day she attacked Alasor… And lost. Right when she thought she was about to die, Alastor struck a “deal”with her. That was how ended up working for Alastor.
Pentious was always too focused on his inventions during his time in hell. After his latest weapon got destroyed, he unexpectedly found himself to be the target of many sinners. Seeking protection he naively made a contract with Alastor.
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sagaverse · 2 years
SagaVerse Out!Code #7
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The information below is canon to SagaVerse only.
Name: Maya (Mother!Toriel) Alias: God mom/Yaya Age: 100+ (Pre-Out!Code) Height: 210 CM Soul: 8 Human Souls Origin: UnderSwap Timeline #22022 Specialty: Hyperslayer Original Author: Revolvius v v v General Description v v v
Maya was a Swap!Toriel in an AT where she adopted the seven humans that fell into the underground. She raised them so they could one day free her kind by breaking the Barrier. But over time, the monster queen became their loving mother instead.
Soon disaster came to them. A new human, the 8th one to fall, went on a genocidal rampage on the entire underground with almost nothing that could stop them. Maya pleaded with her children to help them fight this human, and she reluctantly let them go alone.
What she feared the most came true, all of her children were slaughtered by them. Maya cried her eyes out when her oldest child died right in her arms in front of the killer. She then snapped, and through her connection to her children, she summoned their SOULS and absorbed them. With the power of the seven human SOULS in her possession, the new goddess destroyed their murderer and absorbed their SOUL too.
Unable to control her powers, Maya accidentally deleted her timeline, which left her alone in an empty void. After a while of mourning, Core appeared in front of her and offered her shelter in the Omega Timeline. She agreed to start a new life there. Maya eventually began teaching and helping children and others as head of the Caretakers. Now, she is head of both the Caretakers and the Omega Guard.
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salbertwolf · 7 days
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(Additional sketches of ideas under the context-)
I actually haven't played Ultra Dispair Girls I'm sorry-
Komaru Naegi - Makoto's Hostage -Was the second in command to Makoto's gang, the Lucky Clover's, however when he left for Hope's Peak she very much became the new leader. Definetly not having a good day right now.
-Could probably kick your ass and not even try.
-Nobody tell her about Makoto.
-"G-girls? Pretty???" Komaru probably
Yuta Asahina - Aoi's Hostage -Lucky Clover's 3rd in command, wears an eyepatch just because he thinks he looks cool.
-Sees the Naegi's as family, and in turn it led to Hina and Makoto having friction's for a while in Hope's Peak (reason for her murder in case 2 of THH)
-Joins Komaru waaaay earlier, and spends a bit of time with her until he DIES (y'know, for plot!)
-Misses his sister so much
Takemichi Yukimaru "Defectokuma" - Escapee -Due to Daiya being alive and taken as Mondo's Hostage, Takemichi managed to escape, barely, and when the Remants attack the city, Takemichi is captured and locked into a Monokuma head, however it appears the artifact doesn't work properly, as he doesn't attack and seems to appear just out of it. Komaru encounters him in the camp, and becomes a companion for a while.
And now context on what the fuck is happening Sal
So UDG still follows Komaru, however she's trying to figure out what happened to her brother unsure if he's even alive (he's not), along the way she'll help to capture the Remnants of Despair and save the other hostages (if she can)
"But Sal the children!!!" I don't like children dying ngl, they got babysitters that day and were at home yw.
POSSIBLE DUO(s)? Sayaka is still the one that saves Komaru at first (Byakuya's role remember), so I thought about having Mukuro survive THH and join Komaru, but then Chihiro...
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While thinking of this, it also occured to me of making DR2 Talent Swaps as well, and leaving it to fate (random numbers, I have the list dw) actually led me to having probably THE most narratively perfect swaps I could ever wish, maybe I was the lucky student all along...
Anyway Ibuki switched with Kazuichi, and I quote:
Consider, Ibuki and Komaru knew from before because she did modifications to Komaru's bike -Me YOU TORTURE KOMARU YOU MAKE HER SAD - My good friend beans
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Anyway that's all guys ily let me know what you think these drawings are so old lmao
Part 1 <-
Part 2 <-
Part 3 <-
Part 4 <-
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princesseevee06 · 10 months
Obligatory introductory post for my YTTD Swap AU
So for the past couple weeks I’ve been cooking up some ideas for a swap AU. Basically the main idea is that Ryoko Hirose is the protagonist (I know she only gets like two minutes of screentime, but she’s my blorbo okay), and a lot of the other main characters are ones that didn’t get as much time to shine in the actual game. Information on the main 12 swaps, some notes for each character, and a few silly doodles under the cut!
Basically, the format of this will be that Character A > (takes the place of) Character B. So it’s not necessarily that two characters swap with each other, but Character A would swap with Character B, Character B would swap with Character C, and so on… These are mainly role swaps, but there are slight changes to characters’ personalities as well.
Ryoko Hirose > Sara Chidouin
- Ryoko is the protagonist.
- She and Joe swap places at the beginning of the game; Ryoko is the one to walk Sara home on the night of the kidnapping.
- Compared to Sara, Ryoko is a lot more of an extroverted and cheerful protagonist. She also has less patience, though, so she gets a bit exhausted putting up with the antics of the other participants and convincing everyone to work together.
- Because of her headstrong personality, Ryoko drags down Sara’s 15.5% win rate even more than Joe did. While this prevents Sara from becoming like she did in the AI test runs, it also significantly lessens Sara’s chances of survival, which ends up becoming an issue for her.
Sara Chidouin > Joe Tazuna
- Sara acts as the partner or “buddy” character for the majority of Chapter 1’s events.
- She’s quite similar to her canon personality, so really the biggest change when it comes to her is her dynamic with the other participants.
- Sara ends up drawing the Sacrifice card. When she learns what this means for her, she is understandably freaked out — during the first Main Game, her initial plan is to trick everyone so that she and Ryoko can escape alive.
- However, she isn’t able to go through with it. She doesn’t want to betray everyone, and she doesn’t want Ryoko to have to bear that guilt as well. Because of this, she ends up meeting her demise.
- With Sara gone, the overarching Death Game begins to take a different turn. While Ryoko is quite outspoken, she doesn’t have the same leader-like personality Sara has, and as such the participants are more disorganized.
Kai Satou > Keiji Shinogi
- Kai is the more overarching partner character for this AU, working to assist Ryoko.
- He’s still an assassin trained by Asunaro and he still watches over the Chidouin family. He also still tries to protect Sara, following her and Ryoko home on the night of the kidnapping.
- The main differences with Kai come from the fact that Sei survives through childhood in this universe. As a result, Kai is not as closed off, more open to showing his emotions to others.
- In the first Main Game, both Sei and Sara die, and Kai is absolutely wracked with grief over it. He definitely gets a lot worse off after this point for a while, consumed with guilt over the loss of his sibling and the girl he vowed to protect.
- Him and Ryoko end up bonding a lot, though, both because she’s a sweetheart and because they have to struggle through the loss of people they loved.
Kugie Kizuchi > Gin Ibushi
- Kugie plays the role of the “secondary” partner character, not playing quite as heavy a hand in the events of the plot but still being an important character, both to Ryoko and in general.
- She and Kanna get kidnapped together still, but Kanna is the one who ends up with the key in the First Trial. She decides to unlock Kugie’s restraints, but Kugie is unable to save Kanna before the time runs out.
- At the beginning of the Death Game, Kugie acts very uncooperative, unresponsive to the others’ attempts to get information out of her or to help her.
- When she starts coming out of her shell again, her personality is more of the independent, no-nonsense type. She’s very supportive and helpful to the people who want to work together, especially bonding with Ryoko and some of the more scared/vulnerable participants, but she can also be quite vicious to those who are antagonistic to the general group or are purposely hiding information.
- Essentially, the ‘cool’ older-sister type, who acts tough but is kind of a bleeding heart.
Sei Satou > Kai Satou
- Sidenote: Sei uses they/them pronouns in this AU! (because they are so very gender to me)
- In this universe, Sei survives past the events of the Kai mini episode, with Asunaro deciding there’s no better way to determine who the best assassin is than pitting Kai and Sei against each other in a Death Game (yay…).
- Upon learning the news, Gashu reacts similarly to how he does in the mini ep, starting to train Kai more and more while Sei gets left in the dust. Because of this, Sei ends up harboring a lot of unspoken resentment towards those two.
- As the two assassins grow up together, Kai is still unable to carry out his missions of killing others, and eventually Asunaro deems him unfit to be a part of the Death Game. Although, they never get the chance to dispose of him so-to-speak, as Kai ends up worming his way into the Death Game anyways through his attempt to protect Sara.
- During the Death Game, Sei initially acts cold to Kai, feeling scorned by their family because Kai is the clearly favored child. While the two do eventually reconcile, it ends up being too late, as Sei draws the Sage card and is executed during the first Main Game.
- I imagine Sei’s personality here would be a weird mix of child Sei’s and Ranger’s, perhaps akin to what Rio Laizer would’ve acted like if we saw more than…a few minutes of them. They act brash and childish, but under the surface they do care deeply about others and are really only yearning for attention.
Kazumi Mishima > Q-taro Burgerberg
- Mishima ends up surviving for a lot longer in this AU! He takes a general mentor role for the group, being as many of the participants are only children.
- He acts similar for the first part of the game, until the Second Trial where Nao dies instead of him. He’s devastated over losing one of his students, but he handles the grief a lot differently from Nao, taking more of an ‘escapist’ route where he tries to ignore the reality of the situation so he can stay strong for the others.
- Overall, his personality is pretty similar to his canon self. After Nao’s death, he bonds a lot with Kugie (the only other person who’s lost someone at that point), and the two try their best to encourage the other to take care of themselves.
Maple > Reko Yabusame
- Maple is a human in this AU! Because it’d be a little weird if her name was still just “Maple,” I’ve made it so that her real name is Mari Miyake, and Maple is just a nickname she prefers to go by.
- Her occupation is as a maid, and she works at the Tsurugi family’s bakery, essentially as Mai’s assistant.
- From Asunaro’s observations of her, they come to the conclusion that she would not sign the consent form on her own, and they would instead need to target someone close to her. They threaten Mai and her family’s safety, telling her to persuade Maple into signing the form or else.
- Because it’s now coming from someone she trusts, Maple ends up signing the consent form and is eventually whisked away to the Death Game.
- Personality-wise, Maple is a very kind and sweet person, trying to bond with even the ‘outcasts’ and scolding the younger participants if they place too large a burden on themselves. She gets along the most with Hinako, and acts as an older-sister figure to her.
Hinako Mishuku > Alice Yabusame
- The Hinako in this AU is the REAL Hinako (AKA the one with black hair). She survives her First Trial because she gets paired with Maple instead of Alice, and Maple is adamant on working with her so that they can both get out alive (which they do).
- After she gets out of her First Trial, Hinako is at a loss for what to do. Originally content to lay down her own life, now that she’s survived she feels indebted to the girl who risked her own life to save her.
- Eventually, much like Alice, she hides inside the locker in the Red Room after she hears gunshots from the Russian Roulette minigame, unsure of her surroundings and who she can trust. Ryoko ends up finding her.
- Initially, Hinako is very shy and apathetic, mostly clinging onto Maple for safety. Over the course of the Death Game she gains the courage to start sticking up for others, and tries to assist the group in whatever ways she can.
Nao Egokoro > Kazumi Mishima
- The Nao in this AU is more based off her aged-up design from YTTS. Basically, she’s older and a bit more mature, now out of art school and working as a painter. She tries to offer guidance to others for the time that she’s alive.
- Unfortunately, she does not last very long, becoming the first casualty of the main cast in the Second Trial. (I feel cruel for this, especially because I love Nao so much, but I really thought the swap with her and Mishima was interesting :((( )
Ranmaru Kageyama > Nao Egokoro
- Ranmaru survives his First Trial in this AU, becoming a prevalent supporting character throughout the Death Game. He gets along well with Ryoko, partnering up with her for the first investigation.
- All in all, there isn’t too much to say without spoiling later parts of the AU (he plays a much bigger part in the second chapter’s events) because he’s pretty similar to his canon self, but the most interesting part to me here is to see him go through the events he never got to see canonly.
Shin Tsukimi > Kanna Kizuchi
- Shin technically takes Kanna’s place here, but if I’m being real he acts pretty damn similar to his canon self as well. The most I could say is that he acts more like a constantly-agitated Shin rather than a full-on Sou copycat, but he’s still rather antagonistic in nature.
- He still sees his 0.0% percentage, and still takes on the Sou Hiyori alias, but things get more complicated when he realizes the real Sou Hiyori is also a participant in this game.
- Sou and Shin have a more favorable relationship in this universe, and so ultimately the two end up working together (a sort of antagonist duo? i guess?). The consensus is that the two of them ‘swap’ identities, with Shin pretending to be Sou and Sou pretending to be Shin. That way, Shin can still act out his plan to evade his ‘certain death.’
- His behavior mostly stays the same over the course of the first chapter’s events, although he actually is the Keymaster in the first Main Game, which leads to him taking a more prominent role in the discussion and not being mistrusted quite as much (though he still is mistrusted).
- After Sara’s death, he’s admittedly confused knowing her super high percentages. Because of this, his suspicion moves more towards Ryoko, Sara’s mysterious friend who happened not to have a win rate listed at all.
Sou Hiyori > Shin Tsukimi
- This universe’s Sou is mildly softer than his canon counterpart. I say mildly because he’s still rather murderous, but he isn’t entirely apathetic to the plight of the other people trapped in the Death Game (and actually ends up bonding with a few of them!).
- As another sidenote, Sou is never ‘murdered’ by Alice here (and Alice never goes to jail), and he is actually still 100% human.
- Basically, much like Kai, Sou ultimately betrays Asunaro, although his reasons for doing so are a bit different. Asunaro refuses to let Sou participate in the Death Game, already having plans for him as a floormaster. This is the initial spark leading to his betrayal, but there are other reasons as well (I could get more into it here, but the post is already super long and most of this doesn’t come into play until much later in the story. …I’ll save that post for a rainy day)
- Sou is very much ride-or-die for Shin and tries to sway the outcomes of the game so he can survive for longer. In the first chapter, this includes screwing around with the role cards so Shin “incidentally” finds the Keymaster card and Sara “incidentally” finds the Sacrifice card.
- Sou tries to take on the persona of Shin Tsukimi, acting sweet and innocent with the other participants. While this certainly fools a good chunk of them, those who are more perceptive can tell that something is Not right with this guy.
- Additionally, Kai and Sei already know who Sou is in this universe and that he’s affiliated with Asunaro. Because the three of them all have ties to the organization, they basically form a deal of “I won’t tell if you don’t tell” for the time being. That being said, the Satou siblings still do not trust Sou at all.
Ok WOW this was a long post I am so sorry. I needed to spew out all my brainrot because this has been plaguing me for weeks. That being said, I plan to make more content for this AU in the future when I have the time, including lots of dumb art. If any of y’all find interest in this idea, feel free to ask me any questions about this AU! It’s still in its baby stages so things are definitely prone to change overtime, but I’ll be glad to give the best answers I can ^_^
Now for my favorite part, silly doodles:
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