#carl nbs
tcofht · 6 months
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test of new downloaded brushes in ibis paint x
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(Cartoon gore warning)
Waluigi-Hill pride flag icons :D
Sorry if I missed yours I added the no background one so you can make more❤ (you can also make one's with multiple flags lol)
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This is mostly a shit post but if you do use any please credit me
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carlthecarl · 1 year
Okay honestly I really wanted to share one of my secret boss ocs because I love them
I currently do not have a name for them, but their supposed to be a zombie spider (kinda like being a puppet like Spamton, but it's different)
They're for a bug themed dark world, I have some art for the final boss as well. Her name is Queen Bea (Full name is Queen Beatrice II)
Please enjoy lol, I think I want to work on this dark world more because I really like it.
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in-act-ive · 11 months
The Walking Dead x GN/NB!over stimulated!Reader
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This is a two parter! As of right now the second one isn't out!
Request : nope
Type : headcanon
A / N : My tip is always headphones!! I also only did the characters im comfortable with writing about as of right now! If you need more tips always feel free to ask <33
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Carl Grimes
He gets it
He also picks up on it really fast
If you're acting at all off he'll come up behind you and cover your ears to block out some of the noise
He likes it when you put your hands over his
If you look like your about to cry he'll take you away from the chaos and get you some place thats calm and you don't need to stress out anymore
He's probably picked up anything he thinks you can mess with while being over stimmed
One of those is definitely a stuffed animal
Carl definitely has had made excuses that embarrass himself just to help you get away
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Rick Grimes
He has experience with it due to his son
He's horrible at picking up on it though
Most of the time you have to go up to him and tell him you're over stimulated by everything going on and he'll try his best to help you
Most of the time he'll send you off with Carol or Tara cause he wants to help but he's busy
When you have to be some place with him he has something in his pockets for you to mess with to distract yourself
Rick just tries to make sure you know he does care
When he does have the time he'll take you somewhere you can rest and will stay with you
Unless he gets pulled to work again
He wants to prioritize you, really
He's just a busy man
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Daryl Dixon
He does not what he's doing
He just tries to ask you what you need
He picks up on it almost immediately
9 times out of 10 he goes and asks Carol or Rick what he should be doing
He probably just sends you to someone who knows what their doing unlike himself who is an idiot
He has a list of everything you've said / he's been told that helps
He keeps it on him at all times
He's pretty good about disappearing without anyone noticing so if he knows you need to be away from all the chaos he'll take you there
He won't exactly sit with you, he'll pace around instead
Like, he wants to be there for you, yes, and... He's not good with showing that
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Abraham Ford
He knows exactly what he's doing
He's probably sat you down to ask what he can do to help you because he really does want to help
He makes sure to have something in his pockets to give to you to fiddle with when you need a distraction
Big hands = covering your ears
He'll run the back of his hand along yours to let him know he knows and is trying to figure out what you need
He picks up on it a bit slower than most but he does
Sometimes he needs Glenn or Tara to point it out to him so he knows for sure
He will get you away without saying a word to anyone else
If anyone asks he'll say " None of your damn business " and walk off with you
If you start crying he'll cup your face in his hands and whipe your tears away with his thumbs
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Glenn Rhee
He's got this
He doesn't
He's trying though!
He picks up on it quickly though and lets anyone who he knows cat help you know
Abraham is his first option every time
He's probably the one to drag you away from a crowd and get you some place thats less stimulating then RUN for Abraham
He does want to help but he really doesn't know how
He's usually your second to last option so most of the time when you get to him you're already crying
He's good at comforting crying people
He'll get you some place safe and kiss your knuckles and use his sleeve to whipe yout tears
He's a sweetheart
He doesn't really understand whats going on but he wants to help none the less
He's probably asked you what happens and how you feel so he can imagine what you'd need
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Shane Walsh
Bold of you to assume this man knows jack shit
In all fairness he knows some from dealing with Carl for most of the boys life
He's been nominated most likely to send you to anyone but himself
When he does have to help he kinda pats your back and tries to dig through his pockets to find something for you to fiddle with
He kinda seems irritated with you when you bother him about it
Eye rolls every time
He'll cover your ears if you ask nicely
On rare occasions he'll take you somewhere less stimulating
He'll leave you there
Aside from being rude 24/7 he will try and help if he has to
He just doesn't like being helpful
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This man is so helpful
You still don't know why he's like that
Most of the time he picks up on it instantly and will try and help you best he can
He'll sit down with you in front of him facing him and he'll cover your hears, running this thumbs against anywhere they can reach
He likes it when you distract himself by playing with his hair
If you're lucky and you two are close enough he'll pull you into his lap
He'll get everyone to shut up and leave so you can be in a less stimulating environment
He's found and stolen a bunch of things you can mess with when you need too
He always focuses on your breathing, making sure its stable, always
He may act like an ass but he tries to tone it down
He knows how to help and will help anyway you want / need it
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Gabriel Stokes
He knows the basic amount of things
Probably asked Rick for help on what to do lets be honest
He didn't want to ask you directly to seem inconsiderate
He tries to avoid you to not make it all worse
It makes it worse
Someone had to tell him that avoiding you made you feel horrible and he felt bad
The amount of times he apologized was exhausting for you
Hr tries to help out a lot better now even if he has no clue really what he's doing
He'll give you something to fiddle with and help you take deep breaths before running to find someone who knows how to help you better
He has stated he wants to help but doesn't know how to nor does he want to be the main person you rely on
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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minervadashwood · 1 month
Daryl Dixon x NB!Reader (afab, plus-size) 🏹 Daryl x Reader x Rick 🛡️
The Cop and the Criminal - Chapter 32
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Summary: It's been a week or so since Glenn and T-Dog saved Rick. Now, your pack is getting settled in new place. Word count: 3K This chapter contains: Nesting, going into heat, firearms, smut.
Author's note: I am a little behind on posting chapters to tumblr. So I'll be trying to fix that in the next few days.
It was all you could think about as you took water and soap to every surface in the kitchen. The other rooms had been cleaned, from top to bottom, including the loft and the basement. The loft had a low ceiling, but Ro and Merle had made their bed up there, using an air mattress and sleeping bags. Carl slept on the main floor, closest to the wood stove, while you, Rick, and Daryl had a makeshift bed in the basement. It was a far cry from your house, a home filled with Daryl’s handiwork, not to mention modern furniture. All that remained were some old, hand-made chairs and a small kitchen table.
This cabin, like the others around it, was old, from the 1850s, you’d guessed, based on the structure and style. In more recent years the land had been repossessed then abandoned. Before then, generations of Dixons had lived here, in their own version of Walton’s mountain, before the Great Depression.
Despite the bedding downstairs in the basement of this old, cozy cabin, your omega was desperate for safety, seclusion, and comfort.
As you cleaned, you were also looking after Carl. He sat at the table, still and focused as he drew pictures to give Lori and Shane when they arrived. He’d grown quiet over the last few days, since you left home.
You hoped, for his sake, that Lori and Shane would get here soon.
The past few days remained a chaotic whirlwind, made all the worse by your biological imperative. Soon after you met Glenn and T-Dog, your mates decided it was time to get out of town, before things got worse.
The next morning, you packed what you could: clothes, food, and supplies. When it came time to pack up the pillows and blankets from your nest, you sat frozen in your nest, trying not to cry. That’s how Daryl found you when it was almost time to go.
“C’mon, Bubbie,” he said, clearing space so he could sit next to you. “You’ll make a new one.”
“You built this for me,” you replied gesturing at the bed, then running your hand along the shelves behind it. “You made this a home. For us.”
Daryl gathered you in his arms. “Yer the one who made it a home. ‘Sides we’ll come back when it dies down.”
You shook your head. “I don’t think we will. The way Glenn describes the city…I don’t think this will be safe for a long time if the dead are migrating here.” You took a deep breath. “I know we have to go.”
“Don’ mean it’s easy,” he said, hugging you. After a moment, he got off the bed and opened one of the cherry wood chests he’d made for your nesting materials. He dumped out all the unused, pillows and blankets, still in their plastic wrapping.
What to take was your decision, but Daryl helped you, arranging everything in the chest, and packing it tightly.
Later, when it was time to go, Rick reassured you, too. “We’ll get you a place for your nest in time.”
“What if we have to move again, while I’m in heat?” you asked. “It will be soon.”
“I know. We both do. That’s why we’re goin’ now. And it’s why we need to stick together. Not just us, but the new guys, too.”
You nodded. Rick wrapped you up in a tight hug.
“We owe them. I owe them,” you said. “They brought you back to me.” Even in the short time you’d known Glenn and T, you knew them to be good people. T-Dog, an alpha, kept his distance from you; he must have known you were close to your heat, but you’d gotten to know Glenn a little. He had strategic way of thinking, and you thought maybe he was some sort of weekend warrior. But no, just a delivery driver.
Now, in the cabin, you gripped the edge of the sink, panic rising. Trying to control your breathing, you glanced at the wooden chest sitting by the basement door. Then, you stared at Carl’s back, as a sudden, unwelcome wave of frustration came over you. Your omega didn’t want him near your nest. In fact, it didn’t even want your mates near it, not yet.
Outside, Merle and Ro kept watch while your mates were clearing out other cabins, making them livable. T and Glenn took one, next to yours. You bristled at having strangers so close by when your heat was imminent, but you owed them.
The front door swung open, and you flinched, letting out a whimper of surprise. Despite the gust of cold wind from the door, you were too hot to even notice, but Carl shivered.
Daryl stepped in, quickly closing the door, and going to add logs to the wood stove.
He took one look at you, and whether it was your bond or Daryl’s keen eye, he seemed to know exactly what you needed. Jutting his chin toward the basement, he sat down next to Carl, distracting the boy while you went to make your nest.
The chest was too heavy for you to carry, and through your bond you felt Daryl’s impulse to help you. Rejecting it and putting up a mental wall, you grabbed armfuls of your blankets and pillows, making a few trips up and down the basement stairs. When you were done, you locked the door at the top of the steps and got to work.
The padded mats you cleaned earlier had dried. One still held hints of Daryl’s musk, pine, so you put it in the center foundation of your nest and started arranging everything around it. Nestled in the corner of the room, the nest began to grow. Releasing your perfume, you set about making the entire area yours. Blankets were piled on top of each other, pillows lined the walls. After hours of work, you were almost satisfied and crept back up the stairs to find the house empty except for Daryl and Rick, who were both pacing in the open-spaced living room and kitchen.
“Carl?” you said, still on edge, but in control of your anxiety for the moment.
“With Jesus.” Rick assured you.
“Whaddaya need from us, Bubbie?” Daryl asked, his voice low and soft.
“I need your clothes, something,” you said, your voice almost whiny. Your first heat had been so perfect. But this heat was different. You couldn’t be sure your pack would even be safe here, or how long you could stay in one place. Especially with Rick and Daryl unable to protect everyone like they had been.
Wasn’t it selfish of you to need them like you did? Not just one, but both? Yet how could you choose? Yes, you were more in sync with Daryl, but he’d claimed you and been with you for half a year now. You cared just as much for Rick, and soon you’d be bonded with him, too.
Daryl started striding across the room, but you backed away, shaking your head.
“Not yet.”
Rick shrugged out of his fur-lined deputy’s coat and untucked his shirt, unbuttoning it as you watched. His bare chest gleamed with sweat, his soft dusting of hair enticing. Your stomach clenched and all you wanted was to lay on top of him and let him ease the growing ache in your belly.
Meanwhile, Daryl froze in place, and, although it took you a moment, you finally realized what you’d inadvertently asked of him. Quickly, you opened your suitcase and started pulling out unwrapped Christmas presents. What a simpler time that had been, when your most pressing worry was dropped stitches and miscounted rows.
Setting some things on the kitchen table, you approached Daryl with his poncho, it was hooded, with two layers of thick wool.
“Trade for your coat?” you asked him.
He took it and brought it to his nose, sniffing deeply.
“Ya make this? Fer me?”
You nodded. “I did some research and it’s supposed to keep you warm while you use your crossbow.”
Your mate’s face was red, and he was blinking quickly as he stared down at the gift.
“Merry Christmas,” you said quietly. Daryl nodded without looking up, refusing to meet your eyes or Rick’s.
“I-I-I have more,” you stammered, unnerved by Daryl’s reaction. Why would he cry over a poncho? You gave Rick his wide scarf and matching gloves. Daryl had a pair of gloves, too, fingerless with rubber grips sewn on the underside—for driving his motorcycle.
“Bunny,” Rick breathed, still shirtless and sniffing his scarf. “These are amazing. And your scent is all over them.”
Daryl grunted, and got out of his coat, handing it to you, and putting on his poncho.
“’S real nice, ‘mega,” he said, adjusting the poncho on his shoulders then grabbing his crossbow from where it sat nearby.
Clutching Daryl’s coat and then grabbing Rick’s shirt, you said. “Soon. But --”
Daryl looked up. “Ya dun wan’ anyone in ‘ere but us.”
You nodded.
Rick said, “While your finishin’ up, we’ll get Carl settled in with Jesus. Already talked to him about your heat.”
“You did?”
“Carl knows that you’ll need me— us -- for a few days.”
Of course, children knew, vaguely what an omega in heat entailed. Not the actual mating, but the privacy, the duty of alphas to care for their partners.
“And the others?” you asked.
“Merle swore off drinkin’ an’ Ro’s good with the kid. Glenn and T helpin’ with keepin’ watch.”
Their reassurances consoled you. Besides, the betas in your pack knew what they needed to do, and you trusted them. But Carl…he had been taken from his mom and now his dad, too.
You pointed to two crocheted Woobles on the table. “These are for Carl.” Both were dinosaurs from his favorite cartoon.
“I’ll make sure he gets them,” Rick said.
“Go’n now,” Daryl told you, jutting his chin at the basement door. “Be dark soon, an’ cold.”
You nodded, renewed determination compelling you to tweak your nest until it was perfect and cozy for your alphas, for yourself, and for the days that followed.
Finally, your nest was as close to perfect as it was going to get. Surveying the pile of blankets and pillows, your omega was finally happy to have a place to share with your mates.
Despite the stress of the past few days, a glimmer of happiness bloomed. Rick could claim you. Daryl would make love to you. And the world outside would fall away.
Skin still hot, you left the basement in search of your men. You’d been cramping steadily for the past hour, nothing unmanageable but growing more intense as time went on.
Outside, you heard the rumble of engines, and a wave of tension hit you. Not your own, but Daryl’s
Grabbing your coat, you ran outside, finding Daryl on the porch and Rick standing in the worn path near the house. A little behind Rick were Merle and Ro; Merle with a shotgun pointed at the winding path that led to the cabins.
In the distance, three vehicles approached, a Jeep, a Cherokee, and an RV.
“That’s Shane and Lori,” Rick said, but his hand was on the butt of his revolver, you noticed.
You approached Daryl, standing next to him as he held his crossbow, lowered, but seemingly ready to aim at a moment’s notice.
“You said it was just them two,” Merle shouted. “Then explain the rest of ‘em.”
The cars continued to approach, Rick glanced around, his eyes landing on Merle, who had his rifle raised.
“Put that down, Merle,” Rick ordered.
“Ya gonna make me?”
Daryl gruffly shouted, “Merle!”
Merle shrugged his shoulders. “Fine. If y’all wanna risk it, but don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
Glenn, from across the way, spoke up. “It’s all good. More people, yeah? Safer that way.”
You agreed with Glenn and Rick, at least on principle. Yet, right now, on the verge of your heat, the thought of strangers being near you or your nest, felt like a threat on your pack’s territory.
Just then, Carl ran out of the cabin next door, without a coat on. Merle lowered his gun even more at the sight of the pup, but you could still see the tension in his shoulders. Next to him, Ro was quiet and still, his hand at his side holding a gun.
The red Jeep barely came to a stop before Lori appeared, throwing herself out of the passenger side door and running to Carl. Shane got out, too, and you relaxed at that. If Rick trusted Shane enough to tell him about this place, then the people with Shane had to be trustworthy, too, right?
Shane’s scent didn’t alarm you, not like it had the first time you’d met him, but there were more alphas’ scents emanating as other people emerged from their vehicles. One alpha’s odor burnt in your nostrils; when a balding, scowling man looked your way, you knew it was him. In the same car were a thin woman and a cowering little girl, who was around Carl’s age.
The alpha stared at you, his eyes bulging, it seemed, making you gasp and hide behind Daryl. Daryl squared his shoulders and adjusted his grip on the crossbow as Rick took an intimidating step toward the strange alpha.
Still, the frightening man didn’t look away.
Rick’s voice sliced through your fog. “Inside. Now.”
Not a command, and not directed at you.
Daryl said, “Holler if—”
“I will,” Rick replied, keeping his eyes on the strangers.
Daryl took you by the arm and guided you back into the cabin. Inside the warm living room, you took off your outerwear as quickly as you donned it moments ago. Your body was at war with your mind. Cramps of need swept through your middle, beginning the incessant pulsing at your core. You reached for the kitchen table to steady yourself, but Daryl caught you, holding you tightly against him, your backside pressing against his front. Slick moistened your underwear, and Daryl’s reaction was nearly instantaneous as you felt him grow hard against you.
Glancing out the windows to see Rick shaking hands with the strangers, you trembled as Daryl let out a possessive growl and rubbed his scent on you. Melting against him with a whimper, you let your instincts take over, ignoring the activity outside. With a huff, Daryl let go of you for just a moment to shoulder his crossbow, then he practically shoved you to the basement door. Eagerly you obeyed, flying down the stairs and burrowing on top of your nest.
“Daryl,” you whined, stripping off your layers of warm clothing and gazing up at him.
He locked the door, and after placing his weapon nearby, Daryl laid next to you, pulling you against him and running his teeth along your neck.
“Fuck, Bubbie,” he groaned, and began kissing his mark. With his hand on your hip, he pulled you to him and threw a leg over you, kissing and fondling you onto your back. Ridding himself quickly of his clothes, Daryl lowered himself above you, his bare skin on yours as he settled between your legs and kissed you again.
Your core throbbed, clenching and unclenching, demanding more than kisses from the alpha on top of you. Daryl started pressing his cock to the apex of your thighs, just slowly grinding his hips against you as his mouth and hands worked you to a fever pitch. You grabbed at him, too, sinking your nails into his back, squeezing his upper arms, reaching for his ass to urge him closer. Daryl was frantic and somehow still gentle, knowing all your favorite places for his mouth and hands. The scent of your arousal only grew stronger, and Daryl groaned in response. Fumbling, he rearranged himself so he rested on one forearm while his other hand cupped your mound. Taking one breast into his mouth, Daryl sucked and nipped at your sensitive bud as he slipped a finger inside you.
“Yer so wet, ‘mega’” he told you, “Jus’ lettin’ me right in. Feel so good on my hand.”
Your belly fluttered at his praise. Raising your hips to meet his hand you moved slowly, then with more intensity as he added another finger. His hand knew just how to make you come unraveled.
“Yes, Daryl, please .” you begged, getting close.
Suddenly, Daryl’s fingers left you, and you cried out in protest. He silenced you with a kiss on your mouth, immediately breaching the seam of your lips with his tongue. At the same time, his cock slipped through your folds and found its home in your soaking, needy pussy.
“Ye-e-e-sss,” you moaned. His cock was so big and perfect, stretching you and filling you. When he started moving you hung onto him for dear life, savoring the feel of him inside you, of his mouth on yours, of his entire body caging you in.
In your soul, you felt Daryl too, his passion and his desire, crashing into you the more he worked your body. He paused his kisses and locked eyes with you, holding your face in his hands as he thrust, the steady movement of his cock inside you sending you over the edge.
“I love you, Daryl,” you moaned, pulsing around him and holding his gaze. His knot notched into place, and he came, filling you even more. Nuzzling your gland and his mark, Daryl kissed you gently, then his mouth moved, lightly kissing your jaw then your mouth. He collapsed on top of you then rolled you over so you could lay on his chest, his knot holding you together. Reaching beside you, you found one of your favorite knitted blankets and covered you both.
Still breathing heavily, Daryl cradled you in his arms, teeth teasing your earlobe as you sighed against him.
“I love ya, too, Bubbie,” he whispered, speaking the words aloud for the first time.
You wondered if he felt the fullness of your heart through the bond. He must have because he sighed and relaxed, whispering more sweet words in your ear.
“So perfect, my omega, so strong.”
Almost nothing else existed as Daryl held you in your makeshift nest. Only one piece was missing, and as you nestled into Daryl’s chest, you hoped that Rick would join you soon.
Next chapter.
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teddyincrtl · 11 months
nah cause ian seen nb talk about plug!hange...
They went through a 'white boy carl' phase, and cornrowed their hair during middle school, never daring to say the n-word in fear of their mama bopping them in their mouth.
Plug!hange who had the best weed, it'll bring you up in like three puffs and have you feeling so fucking good you just have to come back for more.
Plug!hange who immediately took a liking to you as you strut up to them with your goddess braids, short skirt and low cut top.
Plug!hange who always spoils you not letting you pay them for the weed because you're 'their girl'.
Plug!hange who always checks out your outfit while licking their lips, telling you how pretty you look before folding your over the nearest surface so they can eat you out.
Plug!hange they're literally obsessed with you and would do anything you ask them to.
(my visual on plug!hange)
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aetherhollowarchive · 2 years
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The Aetherhollow Archive is a steampunk romance soaked in a gallon of magic. It is set in Summersmead, the fictional empire from the book you are sucked into. 
Four hundred years after the Chosen One failed to save their world, you find yourself in the shoes of the presumed, and freshly murdered, villain of the story - ostentatiously called Sovereign. You embark on a journey to unfold the mysteries of this new world and find a way home. But with your killer lurking in the shadows, who can you trust?
Genre: Steampunk, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery. Warnings: This story will be rated 18+ for depictions of death, violence, strong language, sexual themes, alcohol consumption, blood, etc. DEMO - Chapter 1, 23 October 2023
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Fully customizable MC.
Uncover Sovereign’s murderer.
Help the Chief of Police save the citizens from a mysterious drug.
Deal with the air pirates and their insufferable leader!
Fight an automaton army!
While you might be going slightly mad, too.
Fix (or destroy) the world. No pressure.
Six romance options (1 NB male, 2F and 3M - one straight).
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Romance Options
Elian “Eli” Cabello -  the Hero [NB, he/they] ???
The new dashing hero of the story. As the younger sibling of the late Chosen One, Eli has the best motive to have killed Sovereign. Leader of the rebellion and with a knack of putting themselves in danger, will they come to finish the job?
Face claim: Miguel Angel Silvestre
Keyon Dalgliesh - the Advisor [M] ???
Sovereign’s trusted advisor and confidant. Keyon is an all-knowing (if not all-wise) polymath, well-versed in history, science and several languages. He can come off as a bit of a snob, but he might just be the only person who had Sovereign’s back. But will he consider you an impostor? 
Face claim: Tom Hiddlestione’s Loki
Rae Fairburne - the Mercenary [F] 25
The scruffy mercenary Sovereign signed a contract with right before dying. Cold-hearted and opportunist, Rae is top on the list of enemies, but she does not seem to care much for neither the politics nor the city. Could she have a better offer for your head?
Face claim: Cara Gee’s Camina Drummer
Blythe Haywarde - the Inventor [F] 27
The brilliant Inventor Sovereign was sponsoring. She spends most of her time in the workshop tower, tinkering and creating all sorts of devices, and obsessively cleaning her tools. As gentle a soul as you can find, Blythe seems to care more about the strays she saves than the world outside. Could a killer hide underneath the doe-like eyes?
Face claim: Anna Diop
Thane Winthrope - the Guard [M, straight] 34
The new head of the Guard. Stoic and built like a brick wall, Thane is a man of few words. He has recently been promoted following the death of many palace soldiers. You feel his eyes follow you everywhere, but that’s just his duty as your newly appointed bodyguard. Right? 
Face claim: Sebastian Stan
Alder - Pirate king [M] 38 Flirty and boisterous, the king of the air pirates seems like a ray of sunshine on a first glance. You really don’t want to get on his bad side, the man is positively unhinged. Face claim: Tom Hardy
Other notable characters:
Angelica Cabello - The Chosen One [F] 32, deceased
Eli’s sister and former Chosen One. She had been sent on a journey to save their dying planet by an ancient prophecy. Angelica was betrayed and murdered at the end of the expedition by one of her companions who named themself Sovereign and took the promised power.
Face claim: Frankie Adams
Carling Powlett - Chief of police [F] 50
Madam Powlett is the long standing chief of Summersmead Police Department. She cares less for the nobility, but keeps an extra eye out for the less fortunate. She never hid her distaste for Sovereign. 
Face claim:  Shohreh Aghdashloo
Gytha - The Maid [F] 2
The clockwork maid Sovereign commissioned some two years prior. She’s soft spoken and delicate for an automaton, with an amazingly realistic porcelain face. She also makes incredible good tea.
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suzukiblu · 2 months
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solradguy · 1 year
testament was already out as nb before they became a gear right?
I don't think there's enough evidence to support it either way, unfortunately. Their pre-Gear lore is just one step above being a bullet pointed list... Until Strive, even in Japanese, they used masculine pronouns to refer to them though. It's possible Testament could have been questioning before then or that Daisuke viewed them as nonbinary but just didn't know the terminology for it until more recently. Something that supports this is that Testament was included in both the male and female character polls in the back of the ASW 25th Anniversary Official Character Collection book (published Oct. 24, 2013).
They placed 23rd in the female character poll between Es and Kokonoe from Blazblue:
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And 33rd on the male character poll between Potemkin and Carl Clover (Blazblue):
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Daisuke's caption on one of the Testament illustrations in the Artworks of GGX 2000-2007 art book also suggests nonbinary/agender/genderfluid identities might have been something Daisuke was trying to place but possibly didn't know already existed or what terminology to use. I don't have the original Japanese text for this digitized, unfortunately, because I worked on this book before I started keeping records of the source text... Here's the translation I did of it though:
Testament is a character I would like to portray androgynously in a more honest way than Bridget. I wanted to make this character more feminine. Although my drawing skills are not up to the task, he has a beauty that women would be envious of. So, Testament’s design should lean more towards “beautiful” than “effeminate.” I would like to emphasize this inhuman beauty in future illustrations.
The "he" here was 彼 (kare) which can be used in a gender neutral way, but not in this context, especially since masculine pronouns had been used for Testament outside of this caption in the same—and previous—time periods.
That said, Testament is without a doubt nonbinary now and I think this intentional "vagueness" surrounding their gender going all the way back to Missing Link (in 1998!) is really interesting. If we had been given a piece of (canon) side media that gave Testament more "downtime," it makes me wonder if their previous gender identity would have been explored in a more concrete way than these hints given in polls and art book captions.
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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suitte23 · 2 months
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♥️ 🗨️ 🔗   ︙
suitte23 🪭 : please read before you interact. T___T
view all 192 comments
mashimallows: before you follow or interact.
i will be writing sfw and nsfw (angst/fluff/smut/dark content), so if you're a minor, please do not interact with the works that say +18, otherwise i'll block you.
not spoiler free for everything i write.
all nsfw writing will have a warning, so keep in mind when you click on keep reading and keep scrolling you're consenting to read and you're responsible for your own media consumption.
i don't have a post schedule, i just update when i feel like it, because i'm a very slow writer and procrastinator, so that means i'm not consistent, sometimes will be because lack or zero motivations and sometimes will be because i'm a student.
i really don't take requests, for the same thing mentioned above and i don't want to disappoint anybody, although i do accept suggestions.
like i said, english is not my first language, so feel free to (kindly) let me know if you see a grammatical mistake, because I often use a translator.
matetsu: who do i write for?
lowercase on purpose.
scream: amber freeman, billy loomis, chad meeks-martin, ethan landry/kirsch, stu macher.
supernatural: castiel novak, dean winchester, john winchester, sam winchester.
marvel: eddie brock, peter parker (tom h. & andrew g.), stephen strange, tony stark.
dc: barry allen (ezra miller), billy batson, bruce wayne (robert p. & patrick), harley quinn, jaime reyes. freddy freeman.
the maze runner: minho, newt, thomas.
avatar: jake sully, lo'ak sully, neteyam sully.
it: patrick hockstetter, bill denbrough, richie tozier.
the wizarding world:
golden era: cedric diggory, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, lorenzo berkshire, mattheo riddle, neville longbottom, oliver wood, ron weasley, theodore nott.
marauders: james potter, regulus black, remus lupin, severus snape, sirius black.
fantastic beasts and where to find them: newt scamander.
stranger things: billy hargrove, eddie munson, mike wheeler, robin buckley, steve harrington.
the walking dead: carl grimes, daryl dixon, glenn rhee, negan, rick grimes, shane walsh.
the umbrella academy: diego hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, five hargreeves.
netieyam: what i will write?
miscellaneous: carlisle cullen, carlos de vil, edward cullen, emmett cullen, enoch o'connor, harry hook, jacob black, jacob portman, jasper hale, jay, lee eun-hyuk, rodrick heffley, zed necrodopolis.
fem! reader inserts only.
fluff & angst (mostly based on songs.)
smut (age gap, breeding, public sex, fingering, breath play, cum eating, corruption, dacryphilia, thigh riding and fucking, handjobs, p in v, anal, scissoring, cockwarming, size kink, daddy kink, degrading, gun and knife play, spitting, pet play, praising, somnophilia, male and female oral, dub-con and more...)
bupivacaina: what i won't write?
tropes: enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, roomies, fake dating, omegaverse, etc.
gn! + male! + nb! & dom! reader (i just don't know how to write it.)
sensitive content (dysphoria, dysmorphia, suicide, vomit, abortion, eating disorders, self harm.)
smut (age play, zoophilia, everything that contain minors in suggestive situations, child abuse, pegging, incest, bondage, non-con, fisting, monsterfucking, raceplay.)
other (scat, water sports, foot fetish, snuff, vore, pregnancy, mpreg or having kids in general and more...)
© suitte23 : please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works in this or any other platform ! 2024
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prpfs · 3 months
Okay everybody, I'm gonna try this again because ghosting and deleted accounts did happen, but I'm looking for some new roleplay partners! I'm 21+, so please be at least 18+ to interact with me! I live in the EST and work A LOT, so I'm not the fastest replier, but I love ooc chatter. I'm multipara literate, and would prefer my partner be the same, but for the most part I can match style. For most of these, I am happy to try to double up, depending on my comfort with the character. Platonic or romantic interactions for these can be discussed in dms.
So here's what I'm looking for, with who I would like to muse in bold:
The Walking Dead (Carl Grimes / NB!OC)
Loki - MCU (Loki / M!OC)
Damsel (Elodie / F!OC)
Percy Jackson - Disney+ Show (Any canon or oc against my M!OC)
Ghostbusters: Afterlife / Frozen Empire (Trevor Spengler / M!OC)
Into The Spiderverse / Across The Spiderverse (Any canon or oc against my F!OC)
If you're at all interested, like this post and I'll come message you my discord! :))
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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in-act-ive · 11 months
Carl Grimes x NB/GN!exhausted!reader
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Request : nope
Type : headcanons
A / N : I personally am a exhausted human being and Carl is very high energy and i need some serotonin! So take some fluff. I was unironically exhausted while writing the majority of these
Carl is very much a morning person while you on the other hand would much rather stay in bed than get up
This contrasts when you're up late at night and Carl just wants to sleep but also wants to make sure you get to bed on time
Carl isn't soley dependent on physical touch but he does like it
He especially likes to lay his head on your chest or lap while you stay up late so he can sleep but still be near you
He especially likes holding hands with you, his favorite his running his thumb over the back of your hand
Carl loves when you're especially exhausted cause you just seem to melt into him and hold him down
Rick and Daryl are tired of the excuse of "they fell asleep on me" being used to get out of work
When you two are out and about there is a clear difference, he has a small bounce when he runs or walks while you seem to be the only thing keeping him from running off like the puppy he is
Carl is very protective of you for some reason
You can defend yourself, he knows it
But he still feels the need to protect you like theres no tomorrow
He blames it on the ' Grimes Family curse '* but you just roll your eyes at him and tell him your fine
One of his favorite things is when you fall asleep sitting up with your head laying back
He'll take his hat off and set it over your eyes
Carl finds it hilarious when you come up behind him and set your head against his neck / back or you put your head on his shoulder just to sleep
He'll make sure not to move unless he starts to fall
Most days when he's just sitting around he'll let you lay on him
He especially loves ot when you curl up in his lap and you push your face into his neck to shield your eyes from the sun
He's definitely the golden retriever while your the black cat
He is really tough when you're around other people like always
He's been through a lot and you let him ramble to you and you listen, never falling asleep
It annoys the hell out of you that he doesn't give you a lot of attention when your out in public cause he wants to look cool
When you two are alone and you fall asleep on him he'll put his hand on your thigh or wrap his arm around your shoulders
He really just wants you to sleep and sleep well so he can spend more time with you even if you're still exhausted
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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minervadashwood · 9 months
Daryl Dixon x NB!Reader (afab, plus-size) 🏹 Daryl x Reader x Rick 🛡️
The Cop and the Criminal - Chapter 26
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Taglist
Summary:It's a sleepover.
This chapter contains: smut, angst, fluff
Word count: 3.3K
“Rick,” you gasped, your breath shuddering. He pressed you against the wall, and you gazed up at him. His eyes had that dominant gleam you’d witnessed at the hurricane shelter. Unlike Daryl, Rick’s gaze--and the intent behind it--brought out your full submission. With Daryl you might tease or play coquettish, but with Rick you could only give in to that smoldering gaze. Whatever he wanted, you would do.
He nuzzled your scent gland opposite Daryl’s mark. “You’re gonna be mine, aren’t ya, Bunny?” He kissed your scent gland and spoke again. “All I can think about right now is you. How you smell, how you’ll taste, how you’ll feel when I finally get my knot in you.”
You whimpered, going limp, and Rick had to grip you by the hips and hold you in place. “A-are you sure?” you asked.
Daryl stood in the middle of the hallway, gun bags hanging from each shoulder. Easily smelling your arousal, it beckoned to him, especially after the evening he’d had. First, spending the day keeping Merle in check, and then witnessing that awful scene on the way home.
Hurriedly, he unlocked the door to the weapon room and dropped the guns inside. Locking it again, he took long strides to reach you, crowding into Rick’s space and hovering.
“Daryl?” you said, letting go of Rick’s shirt and taking Daryl’s hand. You urged him even closer, and Rick made room for him. Daryl dipped his head and kissed you slowly. All day he’d thought of coming home to you, and now he needed to touch you, to feel your warmth and comfort.
Your eyes flitted from him to Rick, and Daryl easily recognized the look in Rick’s eyes: a hunger that no food or drink could satisfy. Was Rick ready for that next step with you? Was it time for Daryl to step away? 
Yet, you held tightly to Daryl’s hand, so he didn’t budge.
“Rick,” you said, “do you want to take this to the nest?”
Daryl watched as Rick drew you closer to him, urging you away from the wall and into his body.
You glanced at Daryl, and he gave you a small nod and followed you and Rick into the nest, your hand still holding his.
In the bedroom, you slipped away from Rick and hugged Daryl fully. He nuzzled your neck, letting your touch and scent wash over him. Needing to forget whaten he’d witnessed earlier, Daryl held you close, his body molding around yours. He scented you and the room, and your fragrance coalesced with his. Then Rick’s own musk filtered through the air, filling Daryl with confidence. The other man was pack, just as Merle was, as Ro was, and the realization let Daryl loosen his hold on you.
Rick was already behind you, his nose tracing your scent gland on the other side of your neck, his hands curled around your soft hips, his pelvis pressed against your backside.
“Bubbie,” Daryl whispered, “I’m gonna go fer now. Ya stay here with Rick, an’ I’ll come back later.”
Rick’s head shot up. “Daryl, you don’t--”
At the same time you tugged on his hand, and said, “This is your nest, too.”
Shaking his head, Daryl stepped away. Later, he would have time with you, he knew, and now that he’d calmed down and held you for a moment, other matters were more urgent.
With Carl in the apartment, he needed to lock up the guns properly. And all the guns they’d used today needed to be cleaned, the ammunition needed to be organized and put away. He wanted to clean his crossbow, too, and take stock of his bolts. After his drive home, the world seemed more dangerous than it had before. If there was some new strain of drug that made people act like that, he needed to be prepared, ready to protect you and the rest of his pack.
He kissed your temple and backed away. “Later,” he told you. “Promise.”
As Daryl closed the door behind him, you turned around in Rick’s arms.
Rick’s brow furrowed with concern. “Is he okay with this? Want me to go talk to him?”
You shook your head. “He needs space, sometimes. And he’s a lot calmer now than when he got home.” You bit your bottom lip.
Rick wrapped his arms around your waist. “What about you, Bunny? Are you okay?”
You nodded, gazing up at him. “He’ll come back. He promised. Daryl never breaks a promise.”
Rick smiled down at you, your trust in Daryl compelling Rick to be as dependable as your other mate, and to hopefully reach that level of understanding and trust with you that you and Daryl already had.
Rick guided you to the edge of the bed and sat you down, lowering himself just enough to be eye level with you. The images from earlier, of the cannibal and  the firing line, threatened to surface, but he willed them away. You were his focus now; nothing else mattered.
He cradled your jaw, eyes flitting from your eyes to your slightly parted lips. He leaned closer until his nose brushed yours.
“Please, Alpha,” you breathed.
“Please what?” he teased, earning a flash of annoyance in your gaze.
“Kiss me.”
He growled, your forceful pleading undoing him quickly. “Oh, Bunny,” he murmured, and did as you asked. He cradled the back of your head with both hands and kissed you. Right away you put your arms around his neck, drawing yourself closer to him. Why had he waited so long for this? He could have had you weeks ago, could have spent all his nights kissing you and holding you.
He leaned forward, urging you to lay back on the bed. You complied and he followed, moving his hands to gently lay you down, never breaking your kiss. He lifted you so that you slid back, away from the edge, making room for him between your legs. Deepening the kiss, Rick lost himself in you: so plush and warm, tasting like sin and the finest wine.  
You moaned softly and wrapped your legs around him, your thick thighs pressing around his hips, their wonderful softness cradling him just right. He moaned in response, and his hips involuntarily grinded his pelvis against you. Your legs drew him closer, and your hands were grabbing at his shirt, fumbling with his snap buttons. You broke the kiss in frustration, causing Rick to whimper at the loss. 
“Too many clothes,” you explained, your eyes furrowed in determination as you finally figured out how to unbutton his shirt. You made quick work of it then, and sat up fully, dragging the flannel overshirt off his shoulders and immediately grabbing at his t-shirt until he gave in and lifted it over head.
“Your turn,” he growled, grabbing your giant t-shirt and pulling it off of you in one smooth motion. He gaped at your bralette and what it contained. Was he a breast man? He never thought of himself as such, but now he could be.  
“Take it off,” he ordered, but when you fumbled with it, he yanked it off himself, ripping it in the process.
“Fuck,” you breathed, your newly revealed breasts rising and falling with your rapid breathing.
“I’ll get you a new one. Ten of them. I don’t care.” Then Rick was on you, grabbing a breast in each hand, pushing them together and ducking his head to kiss them in turn.
“Mmmm, Rick,” you mumbled, falling back onto the mattress and arching your back into his palms.  
He continued palming one breast, but he released the other and zeroed in on your taut nipple. He pinched it gently, and you responded instantly, letting out a little moan and lifting your hips off the bed. Experimenting, Rick pinched and rolled and teased the bud, alternating his movements until you just whimpered more and more. Then, keeping his hand focused on your nipple, he took the other into his mouth, his eyes shuddering closed as he laved and sucked.
His cock was aching painfully, and with you writhing beneath him, it was only getting worse. Still, he gave his full attention to your beasts, letting full minutes pass as he teased and sucked, eventually switching places with his mouth and hand.
Over time, you grew impatient, and Rick realized this when he opened his eyes to see your hand slipped into your pants and angling toward your clit.
He slowly stopped his ministrations and stood up. You were a mess below him: disheveled hair, swollen nipples, the peaks of your breasts covered with this saliva. The room was filled with the scent of your arousal, and Rick had to take a long, deep breath to calm his inner alpha.  
But then he was on you again. He grabbed the waistband of your sweatpants and pulled them down your legs, along with your underwear. Immediately he was on his knees again, pulling you to the edge of the bed and draping your lovely thighs over his shoulders.
“Rick, you don’t have to--”
“Yes. I do.” With both hands he spread you open, revealing your beautiful and wet cunt. Without wasting any more time, he dove in, dragging his tongue up your slit and then giving your clit a few experimental licks. You groaned, deep in your chest, the sound low-pitched and sexy. Then your hands were buried in his hair, and Rick again lost himself to you. 
Your taste was better than he imagined, your fragrance intoxicating. He focused on your clit, listening to you as you yanked on his hair and kept angling yourself toward his mouth. When you were vibrating with pleasure, he slipped his forefinger inside you. The wet heat of your pussy made him groan, and he added another finger, thrusting and feeling his way inside your body.
He knew he’d found the right spot when you pulled on his hair and nearly lifted yourself off the mattress. Rick’s heart was almost full to bursting, knowing he made you feel this good, knowing that he could give you a fraction of the pleasure you’d already given him just by letting him this close to you, by opening yourself to him, accepting him as your mate.
“So close, Rick. Please !” 
He didn’t let up, and suddenly your walls were clenching around his fingers, and you were stifling your moans with one hand, moving your hips in shallow, slow movements, working with his hand and mouth to ride out your pleasure.
Rick crawled up your body, lowering himself and kissing you with all he had.
“You’re mine,” He said into your mouth. “And I’m yours, Y/N.”
You cupped his jaw with both hands. “I know, Alpha, I know.”
Rick pressed his forehead into the crook of your shoulder. He hadn’t even knotted you and he was well and truly lost to you. Nothing he’d had with Lori could compare with this. Indeed, he could not imagine anyone else feeling this way. Except maybe Daryl.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him close and soothing him. “Are you okay, Rick? We don’t have to do anything else.”
He rose up and shook his head. “Don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m trying not to question it.”
“Then don’t,” you replied, running your hand through his hair. “You deserve to be happy, and if I can make you happy, then let me.”
Rick nodded. “Let’s finish what we started then.”
You beamed up at him. 
Rick stood up once more, ridding himself of the rest of his clothing, then he was back in the bed with you.
He grabbed the headboard with one hand, keeping himself above you, with the other hand he guided himself to your entrance. Holding himself still, he found your eyes, and you reached for him, smoothing your hands over his shoulders and looking at him with soft affection.
He smiled at you and guided himself inside of you, going as slowly as he was able and groaning louder with each passing second. He wouldn’t last long, he knew, after denying himself for months, he was like an inexperienced teenager again.
But you moved before he did. Your hips rose off the bed, encouraging him, and Rick was wrapped up entirely in you: your body, your face, your voice, your eyes. You held his gaze, and Rick stared back at you, finding his rhythm, and thrusting. You squeezed his shoulders, and Rick shuddered.
“Can’t hold out much longer,” he gasped.
Your reply was another low moan as you broke eye contact and your eyes rolled back. “Me neither,” you breathed. 
He felt you clamping around him again, and Rick’s thrusts grew sloppy, but then his knot slammed into place just as you gasped and gripped him, your short fingernails digging into his skin.
He came at the same time you did, releasing himself into you and seeing flashes of you pregnant with his pups as he slowly came down from his orgasm.
He kissed you gently, wanting to crawl inside you and stay forever. Lying down with you on top of him, Rick studied your face, your round cheeks, glistening eyes, tired smile. Pressing his lips to the top of your head, he murmured, “My precious little Bunny. Never letting you out of my sight again.”
You huffed a sigh and rested your head on his chest, running your hand through the dark hair there. “You’re going to give up a career in police work to follow me around campus? I have finals in a week. I won’t be pretty.”
“You know what I mean,” Rick placated, but he rather liked the idea of being with you all day, every day.
“I do,” you replied, pressing a kiss to his chest and burrowing deeper into him.
You mindlessly traced shapes in Rick’s chest hair as he ran his hands up and down your back. Some time later, you lifted up your head, sensing Daryl’s approach. He’d been waiting, you knew, but not impatiently, while you’d been with Rick.
Rick sat up with you, slipping out of you and kissing your forehead.  
Quietly, the door opened, and you turned your head to Daryl, who nodded at Rick and then smiled bashfully at you.
“Shower,” you asked him, and Daryl nodded.
Rick bodily lifted you off his lap and set you on the floor. “Guess my turn’s over, huh?”
“Got Carl settled in the pull-out sofa. Left a lamp on for ‘im.” Daryl said. “Y’all might as well stay the night.”
“Please say you will,” you begged Rick.
He nodded. “If Daryl’s okay with it.” Rick gave you a little shove. “Go on with him now. See you in a bit.”
Your knees threatened to give out. For the fourth time this evening you were getting passed from one Alpha to the other, like some tradeoff your mates were negotiating in silence. Gingerly, you found your way to Daryl, not making any effort to hide your nudity, and led the way into the en suite. Daryl closed the door behind you.
Then, he undressed quickly, tossing his clothes to the floor and then wrapping his arms around you from behind, nuzzling his mark on your shoulder and growling.
You melted into him, sated and wanton all at once, and Daryl wordlessly guided you into the shower and turned on the water. Steam rose around you and water slicked both your bodies.
Again, Daryl was behind you, his palms roaming over your stomach, your sides, then your breasts. His hands were like hungry beasts that couldn’t get enough of you. Bracing your arms on the wall of the shower, you threw your head back and let him manhandle you, his touch and the steaming water heating your skin and making you breathless.
Daryl urged you to bend over, then he nipped at your ear. “Tell me yer alrigh’, ‘Mega,” he growled.
“I’m alright, Alpha,” you said.
At your words, Daryl spread you wide, his cock hard and pressed to your ass, then he guided it into your pussy and started moving right away. You were still aroused from Rick’s knot, so it wasn’t long before you were mewling and clenching around Daryl’s cock. He continued thrusting, using one hand on your hip to hold you steady while the other clutched at you, still roaming and squeezing. He’d be careful not to knot you, you knew--a dangerous joining in a bathtub to say the least--but you still craved him, welcomed him.
A few thrusts more and you came, reaching a hand back to touch any part of Daryl you could reach. He finished, and pulled out of you, finally turning you around to face him. He pushed your wet hair away from your face, then reached behind you for the soap.
You washed each other under the spray of water, and when you were done, Daryl wrapped you in a Theirs towel and kissed your nose.
When he turned away, you saw his scars. You’d grown used to the sight of them since they were an intrinsic part of your mate’s physique, but looking at him now, you realized that you’d forgotten how Daryl felt about them. He was ashamed of all his scars, especially the ones on his back. You remembered, too, that you were the only person who’d ever seen them. Not even Merle knew what their father had done to Daryl.
You reached for him, gently running your hand over his warm, rigid skin. “Is this why you left?” you asked, drawing closer.
He looked at you over his shoulder, his wet, blonde hair falling over his eyes as he shook his head once. “Had other stuff to do.”
But you knew better, you’d felt the tiniest spike of panic when you’d asked. “It’s okay,” you whispered, brushing the hair from his eyes. “We don’t all have to be together at the same time.”
He gazed at you, jaw clenched as what seemed like a million thoughts flitted through his eyes.
“It ain’t that,” he finally answered. “What we saw…that man…with you an’ the pup here. Jus’ had to make sure y’all’re safe.”
“But we are, Daryl.”
He took a deep breath and released it slowly through his nose. “Can’t help feelin’ like somethin’s comin’ an’ I won’ be ready fer it.”
“Everything’s fine,” you soothed. “You’re safe, I’m safe. Ro and Merle are safe. You’ve been working too hard and not resting enough.”
Daryl sighed. “Ya think so?”
You nodded, relieved. Daryl rarely took it to heart when you told him to rest or relax, but it seemed like this time he was listening.
“Let’s go to bed early. Want me to bring you a change of clothes?”
Daryl nodded.
Back in the nest, Rick had brought snacks from the kitchen and had apparently raided Daryl’s dresser for a pair of shorts to wear. You sat between your alphas as they recounted their day at the shooting range and about Ro getting drunk and handsy with Merle. When it was time to sleep, you were sandwiched between them, your head on Rick’s chest and Daryl curled around you, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist.
Daryl was about to turn off the light, but before he did, Rick’s gaze caught his. Rick had been all smiles and laughter before, but now his expression was tense, his eyes alert.
So, he felt it, too, Daryl realized. That sense of impending doom. It wasn’t just in Daryl’s head, as you had surmised, but the premonition was an almost tangible thing that Daryl couldn’t quite hold on to. 
But he wanted to. Whatever was coming, he wanted to grab it in his fist and crush it before it became a real threat. But this was no prowling animal in the woods or a random bar fight.
He gave Rick a slight nod of acknowledgement. Daryl’s only solace, for now, was that whatever it was, he and Rick would work together to protect you. That your other alpha was nearby made Daryl all the more confident in your safety. 
He flicked the light off and held you close in the darkness, finally letting himself drift to sleep.
Next chapter.
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rochi: there are literally 19 fics for this ship, all but 3 written by the same person, and the characters have never even been mentioned in the same sentence, let alone met. neither of them have any lines, we don't know what one looks like and we only know he exists because of like 2 fact files you can find scattered around the game. but holy shit if the dynamic ive deluded myself into thinking they have isnt DELECTABLE
Raqio/remnan: mean nb + traumatised dude but i think they should kiss + in the canon ending they start a revolution together + raqio looks like a peacock + remnan has a sibling dynamic with a literal beluga whale TO ME
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detroitbhappy · 1 year
Leo's Surprise Birthday Party Information
⭕️ Watch out! Ever wanted to request a DBH fanart from an awesome artist? And all you have to do for it is praise robot Jesus's ungodly brother? WELL THIS EVENT IS FOR YOU!
Date: March 14th to 21st Prize: art by @disterra, @frankedz, @jude-shotto & @simping-for-kamski
Details: BELOW
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It's a raffle—a lottery. You get one week to earn as many tickets as you want, and we'll even help you get some!
📅Opens on March 14th | Closes on March 21st
🎟️ Earn tickets by sharing or creating Leo content!
🏆 Win to request a D:BH fanart from our fantastic artist team:
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How to get raffle tickets? Check under the cut!
🌟 The ticket submission form is now OPEN! 🎉
Follow us for more exciting updates, fandom fun and epic win!
To get tickets, share Leo content + tag it #LeoSBDP during the event week, and submit your post's url to our form.
NB: Tickets will go to the link's author! You're encouraged to reblog/QRT and share links to content made by others. But reposting other's art is forbidden.
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Carl: Will I be rewarded if I created the content? ✅ Of course, Carl. Creator entries get 5 tickets.
Carl: Can I submit this old painting of Leo I made? ✅ Yes, Carl. We need all the Leo content, old or new.
Gavin: Can I just retweet Carl's post and link that? 🚫 No, Gavin. You have to QRT or the ticket will go to Carl.
Gavin: FML. You mean I have to QRT, tag, and paste every goddamn link? ✅ Yes, Gavin.
Gavin: I'll just enter the same link 10 times 🚫 It'll be deleted 9 times.
Connor: I think Markus is awesome and deserves all the tickets. Can I link Markus's art as a creator entry? 🤔 Hm. Guess we can't stop your from doing that.
Gavin: I'll just repost Markus's art 😈 Connor: I'll kill you 😠 ⭕️ If a creator entry wins, we'll check it's no repost.
Gavin: Phck. I'll QRT Markus's art and trashtalk it 👿 💝 Share love, not hate. Hatred won't win this raffle.
💬If you have more questions, feel free to ask and we'll do our best to answer!
Need help getting the creative juice flowing? We have some prompts for you!
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