#can't help it everyone! wanna kiss him 😞
leatherbookmark · 1 month
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hwa profiles from the coachella thing
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Do you have Alastor x drunk flirty Reader?😞
I wanna see how flustered he is omg
As per the poll~
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alcohol, Drunk!Wife, Alastor STRUGGLING to contain his wife's rizz, He's embarrassed but likes it
Alastor can handle his liquor pretty well, years of drinking with Mimzy has built up his tolerance to a considerable degree
As his wife, you had some tolerance but not nearly as high as your husband's, Mimzy often teasing you for not being able to keep up with the two of them
It didn't help that once the alcohol was in your system that your drunken mind just wanted your husband and his attention, so it was always painfully obvious when you were drunk
So you tried to limit yourself to a few drinks whenever you went out in order the avoid that outcome
But tonight, it had failed, Angel taking everyone out for drinks and dragging you along with them, your husband forced to tag along
Because he was not going to miss out on time with his wife, hell no, never gonna happen
You did try and keep to your limit, but the fun atmosphere and being surrounded by your friends made you loosen up a bit
Everyone kept buying more drinks and they kept coming your way, your husband started to try to drink some for himself but you had started to whine at him
"Alastor..! That's... my... my... mine..."
He squished your cheeks together to mess up your cute pout, your face flushed and stance a little wobbly
"You, my dear~ Are completely drunk right now...~"
He's a little drunk too but won't admit it
It's all he can do not to gush and coo over how cute you are, he forgot just how adorable you could be when you were drunk
You suddenly surge forward and sit yourself in his lap, arms wrapping around his neck as he struggles to balance the two of you on the barstool
"I'm not drunk~ Just needy for my husband~"
The combination of your low tone and fingers playing with the edges of his collar makes his face heat up, a small bleat escaping him
You lean against him, rubbing your cheek against his shoulder as you reach up to play with the ends of his hair instead, sighing happily
"You really are... just so handsome, you know~"
Alastor grips your hand gently to pull it away, clearing his throat before another embarrassed sound comes out, blushing slightly
"D-Darling... we're in public..!"
But you're not listening to him, your unsteady gaze on his lips and poking his nose happily
"You~ Are~ Just so~ Irresistible~"
He's mortified that your only reaction is to laugh and slap your hands over his cheeks, pulling him in for a long kiss
His ears twitch wildly as he hears the others whooping at the two of you, Angel, Charlie and Niffty being the loudest of the bunch
Alastor hardly gets the chance to catch his breath once you finally pull away, sputtering out nonsense about PDA and married couples
You don't even look ashamed of yourself, humming a song to yourself that he'll later realize was the love song you both dedicated to each other
"Darling, I think it's time for us to go home."
It's all he can do not to immediately give in when you whine and give him puppy eyes, clinging to him tightly once he picks you up
Only to feel flustered when that pathetic look turns into something more sultry and you grip his shirt to tug him closer to your face
"Alastor, you dirty rascal~ You just can't wait to get me home, huh~?"
Your laughter and teasing words make him blush more, having to look up at the ceiling in an effort to hide it
A pleasant chill runs up his spine as he feels your lips kissing along his neck, a hand sneaking under under his jacket
"Darling, please contain yourself..!"
"You never let me spoil you..! Come on, Alastor~ Let me treat you right~"
Another bleat escapes him as he quickly carries you out of the bar, only then realizing you managed to smuggle out a drink
"How in the world did you-"
You give him a sappy smile and press a finger to his lips, cooing at him like he's the one who's being silly
"I wouldn't be your wife if I didn't have ways of surprising you~"
His gaze softens a bit, and he leans down to nuzzle your head gently, savoring the soft sound that escapes your mouth
"You would always be my wife, no matter what..."
His little comment seems to sober you up suddenly, blushing and squeezing him tight the rest of the way back home, something he's grateful for
He would be mortified if anyone knew how easily his wife could fluster him when she really wanted to
He doesn't put you down until you two reach the hotel and even then he keeps an arm wrapped around you to keep you steady
"Alastor..! I can walk by myself, you know..!"
He only hums and kisses your head, not letting you go despite your whines and adorable protests
"I'm well aware, my dear~ Try to think of this as for my benefit~"
It was apparently the right choice of words because you practically purr and glue yourself to his side, putting nearly all you weight on him
"I see~ This is just another excuse to keep me close to you~ You softie~"
Another hot flush of embarrassment flows through him, too flustered to do anything other than accept the kiss you steal from his lips
And because he's a good husband, he helps you get ready for bed, getting you into your pajamas and making sure you drink some water before you lay down
Only to be taken by surprise when you suddenly tug him down on the bed next to you and roll on top of him, nearly tumbling off the bed from the momentum
"Darling! You'll fall!!"
It takes all of his strength and reflexes to grab your hips and haul you back into his lap, panting from the sudden adrenaline rush
You're oblivious to it, only leaning down to rub noses with him, a big smile on your face as you hug him
"Mmn... It's a good thing I have such a strong, powerful overlord husband to catch me, then, isn't it~?"
Maybe it was your flattery, or your adorable drunken nature, or the comfort of your weight settled on top of him, but Alastor suddenly just felt so warm and sleepy
His arms wrap around you, rubbing your back softly as he kisses the side of your head, sighing happily
"My dear, you are just such a treat... especially when you're completely and utterly drunk~"
You're already half asleep, head nestled against his chest and eyes closed, humming the same song as before
"Mn... not drunk..."
He chuckles softly and kisses your head again, nuzzling you before eventually noticing that you've fallen asleep
Alastor won't let go of you the entire night, not even when he himself falls asleep, so you wake up hungover and trapped in his arms
"Ugh... Alastor, let go of me. I think I got drunk last night..."
Your sudden struggle to escape his grip wakes him up, yawning and rolling onto his side yet not letting you go, only holding you tighter
"Mm... I told you so, darling..."
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inkdrinkerworld · 9 months
going through some breakup blues rn😞😞😞
could i please have smth w dealer!remus?? maybe she’s had a shit week so she goes to buy and her and remus hangout and he finally makes a move on her
miss my boy (dealer!rem) ((and also my ex pls help me💀))
aw babe im sorry you broke up :(( i hope this lifts your spirits a little
remus stops breathing for a short second when you walk into his apartment that doubles as his dispensary. he's sure sirius had let you in on his way out and he finds that he doesn't mind.
not when you're wearing his jumper from the last time you were over and a mini skirt that makes your legs look stunning to him.
"remmy, i need three pre-rolls, please." you slump down into his sofa, head dropping to his lap with a familiar ease that makes both your hearts jump.
you'd always been affectionate with remus, but it had been hard determining what was okay and what wasn't at first. he'd hardly smiled when you did anything flirty or flambouyant, then you had learnt his little tells.
like now, his hand pets your head and then falls to your shoulder. a light pressure and heat that bleeds into your skin.
"three? you usually only take two," another tell. he's always listening, always picking up on what it is you're saying even if you don't think it's super obvious. "is something wrong?"
anyone watching you now would think remus is being his usual self, but his eyebrows are a little too close for it to be regular concern. you're sure if you told remus someone was messing with you he'd sort them out even if he said nothing in the moment.
you sigh, shutting your eyes when his fingers follow the curve of your neck to the back of your head. "just school and work. think i need a breather this weekend." you say it all in one breath, relaxing into remus even more when he begins applying pressure to the base of your skull.
"how about you share mine with me and i give you two to take home?" remus pulls a pre-roll from his pocket and holds it out to you. "i'll give you the majority," he dangles the offer in your face and you smile.
"okay," remus lights it for you, taking the initial drag before handing it off to you. "thanks remmy."
you only sit up halfway, leaning into remus as you take hit after hit. your eyes go droopy, head feeling heavier and lighter at the same time as you pass of the quarter of the blunt that's left to remus.
"you wanna talk about it?" he asks around the blunt, watching you lay your head back into his lap and reach for the soft blanket that remus keeps on his sofa.
"not much to say, everyone thinks i'm disposable and that i'm just good for sex. it can wear you down." the way you say it makes remus frown.
"that's not all you're good for," he says it with enough conviction that your eyes set on him. "you're not just sex and those people are knobheads for thinking that."
you give remus a smile, a bright smile that makes his heart warm. he can't really imagine people only seeing you for your body, you're an incredibly astonishing person outside of that. but he knows how people think, and he's more sorry than anything else that you were victim to that thinking.
"i know you don't think that remmy, you're one of the best guys i know." you kiss the wrist of the hand that's back to working at the base of your neck.
"really?" he stubs out the blunt as he looks down at you, pulling the blanket higher up your hips as he sinks lower into the sofa.
"yes really, i know you wouldn't act like they did. i know you respect me."
remus smiles a bright smile even for him. both corners of his lips pull up even if only a touch.
"of course i do, you're the best person i know too dovey." he kisses your forehead before laying his head back against the sofa.
"do you think we'd date remus?" you ask after a couple beats of silence.
his breath hitches and he hopes you don't feel it. "maybe i'm waiting till i get a reservation to take you out," you twist in his lap, sitting up quickly. the movement causes your skirt to bunch up and remus brushes it down flat as you lean into him.
it causes remus to lean back, back pressed into the sofa as you hover over him. "you're going to take me out somewhere fancy?"
he laughs then, soft and low but it still sounds happy and like remus. "i can't take a pretty girl like you just anywhere, can i? gotta show you off, dovey." he pulls you over him completely, letting you lay on him. the blanket covers you both soon after.
"you're nicer than you let people think remmy," you rub your face into the his chest, nose breathing in his pine and mint scent that's fogged up with a little smoke.
"get some sleep, i think your memory is murky." you laugh softly in his chest, especially when remus pinches your hip. it's different being with remus, he's earnest in everything he does concerning you and it feels good- to be acknowledged in the way that he acknowledges you.
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rodolfoparras · 2 months
So in SSKTJL, the suicide squad gets infected with Fear Gas because of Batman
For context, Fear Gas is a gas created by Scarecrow or Johnathan Crane, and when inhaled, you live through your worst fears until worn off.
And Digger's worst fear is everyone leaving him behind, being unwanted and forgotten. In the scene, George talks to himself, saying they've probably already left him. Calling himself a loser and and a coward and shit. He sees "NOT WANTED" posters of himself hung up around
(I can't do this anymore, bro)
What if Reader's worst fear was watching all of his friends/teammates die and losing them all🥰
Running around trying to listen to Harley's advice (because she knows Scarecrow and the toxin) but he just keeps hearing his friends scream for help and their bodies everywhere but he's literally unable to help them, because they're not fucking real but it's scary asf
And once it's all over, Reader is all over Digger the rest of the night. They're the closest, so it's already not that weird, but he's literally not giving Digger a MOMENT of peace. a hand on that man the entire time, following him everywhere, fucking sleeps on top of him to try and keep him safe
Mumbles to him all night about being scared of losing him and how much he cares about him and Digger's just "🧍‍♂️wut?" Because he genuinely believes that despite working with the team, he's very easily disposable and they could all replace him but don't because of Waller
Reader ramping up his affection for Digger after that because he's not gonna let him think that shit??
Idk where I'm going with this but I love him so much. Just wanna play with his hair and kiss his face 😞
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Cw: tooth rotting fluff, x male reader
Okay but thinking about you being unable to calm down even though the gas has long stopped having effect, even though you’re back in your current reality with all your friends where they’re all very much alive and doing well but no matter what they say or do you just can’t calm down
It’s like you’re still stuck in that place, watching all your friends die in front of you without being able to do anything, and Digger being Digger starts joking around, telling the rest of the team how they should just knock you out to make sure you get to sleep through the night.
But his words turn into squeaks as you pull him into a bruising grip, his head shoved into your chest, and your arms locked in an iron grip around his waist.
Unintelligible sounds escape his lips as he tries to push you away from him but you don’t budge an inch, if anything you hold him tighter, nuzzling your face into his honey blonde locks and inhaling his scent, and for once you actually seem to relax.
“Uh hello big guy? cant breathe here,” the sound of Digger’s strained voice sends the whole squad into fits of laughter, with them even making comments about how you’re his responsibility for the night before splitting up to get some rest.
“Alright alright that’s enough” digger says as he finally breaks out of your embrace “jeez I know I’m a lovable guy but even that was a bit too much eh?” Digger says, clearly being sarcastic as he proceeds to prepare his make shift bed.
He doesn’t even get to lay down properly before you’re on top of him, your body weight pinning him in place an arm once again locked around his waist.
“God dammit,” Digger grunts out as his back meets the harsh impact of the ground. “What’s with you tonight eh? Gas scared you that bad? What did you even see?”
And maybe it’s the hint of concern in his voice or it’s the exhaustion from todays events, but you decide to tell you him what you saw earlier today.
Surprisingly enough, Digger listens intently to every word you have to say, at some point you think he’s fallen asleep or spaced out because it’s so unusual for him to not interrupt but when you look up, you see the very much focused look on his face as he continues to listen to you.
Once you’re done speaking you peer up at him - only to be met with the sight of his furrowed brows as he worries his bottom lip.
This time it’s your turn to ask what’s on his mind, digger doesn’t waste a second before he starts to explain, telling you how he can understand why you’d be worried about losing king shark- he was a great asset to the team - or Harley - she was a smart cookie or dead shot - look at his name! who wouldn’t want a guy like that on his team ? but he can’t understand why you’d be worried about losing him.
He doesn’t say it in a self deprecating way, but rather as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, as if he’s speaking of the way the sun is bound to rise tomorrow and maybe that hurts more than if he were to say it in a self deprecating tone.
You’re swift to rise up, knocking the air out of his lungs as you go on a tangent about how of course he’s an important part of the team, promptly mentioning the many times he’s saved your ass or saved another member of the team, the many times he’d been the reason as to why they succeeded in whatever mission you were doing.
By the time you’re done you’re all out of breath, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace hands still hanging in the air and staring wide eyed at the Aussie man.
“Alright alright big guy I get it,” he says, now sporting a blush on his face and avoiding your gaze while bashfully rubbing at the back of his neck. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you have a crush on the ol’ captain” Digger say with somewhat of a forced chuckle , and peers up at you beneath soft blonde lashes.
“Maybe I do,” you shrug.
“Sleep digger, we have a long day tomorrow no?” You say, suddenly laying down again and pulling him into your arms before he can protest. You can hear him cursing under his breath but he doesn’t do anything to try and get out of your embrace. “Goodnight captain” you say with a smile on your face.
“Goodnight” he grumbles back as he tightens his hold on your waist.
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yve-barr · 5 months
Promise braids -part 2
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Just wanna say I hate this so much but y'all deserve something.
Part one is here 👇
I might right a part 3 but honestly part 2 took a lot out of me.
@goose-gremlin love you gurl! Tysn for hyping this up for me❤️
@maeriel-arnosel you too 🤗
I'm so sorry everyone else who wanted tagged it's just not working 😞
Warnings: legolas, injury, shitty writing on my part, adult theme?, lil rushed, violence, smut, public sex,
When the time came for you both to rise from the floor and say goodbye you felt your heart sink into your stomach. So little time had been spent between you two.
You both walked to the door, a fresh braid in your hair.
"I shall miss you my love," you whispered to him in elvish.
"as I shall miss you," he hugged you tight and snuck kisses along your neck.
Then he joined Gimli and Aragorn outside.
"you know I happen to own a certain cloak that makes the wearer completely undetectable to those she does not wish to find her."
"and what about an unbetrayed heart? Because I happen to be in need of one," you sighed.
"no I don't however I do have a spare horse if one was to need it."
"I can't go with you," you looked him dead in the eye.
"why not?"
"because he needs to know I'm safe," you replied honestly.
"then stay safe with him," the old wizard smiled, and you returned it.
"he wouldn't let me leave," you could feel giddy butterflies in your stomach.
"then wait for us to be out of sight then head northwest."
"thank you," you grinned before dashing off to gather your things.
By the time you had everything together and changed into riding clothes the others were well on there way. Checking you had everything you glimpsed the bow legolas had trained you with many years ago.
Grabbing it you brought everything outside.
Just as you packed everything onto the horse Gandalf had left you, you heard a horn blowing of in the distance. Your stomach dropped.
The orcs had arrived.
Your heart in your ears you quickly mounted your horse and directed her north west.
You could hear the beginnings of fear as screams rang through the town.
You felt sick to your stomach as you kicked your horse's sides and galloped off.
Praying you'd made it out in time you glanced back at the town which was gradually being ingulfed in flames.
You let out the breath you'd been holding.
You rode faster up the steep hill, when you turned around you saw them the orcs unlike any you'd ever seen.
Bigger, stronger, scarier.
They had swords the size of ponies and spears to match.
The archers had bows the size of saplings. The arrows as sharp as broken hearts.
The same arrows that were souring through the sky.
Quickly you forced your horse faster, but not fast enough.
You could hear the others. They had stopped in a valley with a lone tree near the edge and a small stream gurgling around.
There chatter blurred almost as much as your vision as you slipped from your horse. Hitting the ground with a thud.
Legolas turned his head picking up his bow as he went.
"what are you doing?" Asked Aragorn.
"I heard something," legolas answered simply.
Quietly Aragorn, and Gimli followed him.
Then legolas saw you lying on the ground your breath coming in uneven gasps.
"Y/n," he rushed towards you dropping his bow and arrow to the ground. He picked you up in his arms.
Then he saw the blood streaming from the arrow wound in your lower back.
"She's hurt," Aragorn called to Gandalf.
"Bring her to me," Gandalf called and legolas sprung to his feet almost running over to the wizard.
Your eyes fluttered open as legolas placed you down on your stomach.
"I have something that may help," said Gandalf and he took a small bottle filled with a clear liquid out of his pocket.
"will it hurt her?" Legolas asked.
"extremely," replied Gandalf. "I need to access her back."
Legolas undid the laces at the back of your dress top, leaving your back exposed but he made sure your breasts would be mostly hidden.
"elavate her head and chest so she can breath," Gandalf said.
Legolas shifted so that your top half lay across his lap, his legs crossed.
Then Gandalf removed the cork from the bottle and poured a little of the liquid onto the wound.
It smoked and sizzled. And you screamed.
Legolas tried to comfort you by holding your hand and stroking your hair but it did nothing.
Pain racked your body as the liquid entered your blood stream and ripped its way through your entire being.
Gandalf flinched away momentarily before pouring more liquid onto the gash.
You screamed louder.
"STOP!" You screeched. "PLEASE!" Legolas bent over you holding you tight to him.
Gimli turned away and Aragorn stared at the ground.
"please make it stop," you whimpered tears stinging your eyes.
Gandalf looked at you simpatheticly.
Your wound had disappeared leaving nothing but a faint red mark.
Legolas tied your top closed and sat you up in his arms cradling you into his chest.
"I'm sorry my love," legolas muttered to quietly for anyone else to hear.
"why did you leave?" You murmered before losing conciousness.
Legolas felt tears escape his eyes for the second time that day as he sobbed over your unconscious form.
When you awoke you were on a fine white horse with someone riding behind you.
As the horse jostled you about you felt yourself sliding right but the person behind you quickly righted you pulling you into his chest.
"I'm here," Legolas replied from behind and stroked the side of your face with the back of his hand.
"where are we going?" You asked sleepily.
"into the mountains," he answered leaving a sweet kiss on your neck. "Don't worry you will be safe there."
"Your leaving me?" You turned to look at him.
"We have to my love," he whispered his name for you in elvish.
You sighed and looked at your surroundings, you didn't want to argue with him right now.
You could see the level path gradually steepening, higher and higher until it disappeared amongst the trees.
Once you had traveled for what seemed like hours you reached a small cave in the mountain side. The cave extended about 5 meters back and 3 wide.
Silently you all dismounted your horse's.
"here we are," said Gandalf jesturing to the cave.
"and I'll be safe here?" You asked unsure. Trying to resist the urge to cling to legolas even with his hand in the small of your back. Especially with his hand on the small of your back.
"yes," said Aragorn, "no one will pass through here and if they do they shalln't see you."
"ok," you smiled and you took your small amount of luggage with you into the cave.
"oh and y/n, if someone does happen to come this way do not make a sound. Even if you are bleeding out onto the ground do not let anyone find you. They cannot enter this cave unless they see or hear you. You understand?"
Slightly taken aback you agreed and the company moved on.
"GOODBYE!" Called Gimli and legolas waved.
Wishing legolas was there you searched through your bags for the book you knew you'd packed, as it was your favourite and you had often spent whole nights with your nose stuck in between the pages.
Finding said book you settled down in a small alcove at the back of the cave with your bags resting beside you and began reading.
The story was on old one written by the first elves to travel to middle earth. It was about valinor, a place so pure that many elves were now traveling back to it.
Alas you could not return, not because of your human father. But you could settle for your imaginery version.
You would love to hear how it was now but no elves ever returnes from valinor.
The last thing you heard before drifting of to sleep was a horn blasting through the still silence.
When you awoke it was mid-day and the sun was streaming into the cave.
Rubbing sleep from your eyes you looked out at the lone tree gaurding the exit to your cave you saw shadows moving across the entrance.
Stiffling a gasp you shot back into the alcove.
You could hear bustling around outside before it all went silent. Peaking around the rock you could make out vague shapes lingering by the door.
Hurriedly you ducked back down reaching for the double recurve bow at your feet.
A voice came from outside and you let out a shaky breath collapsing your head into your hands.
"I swear she was right here," said Gimli.
"She was, she was right here," added Aragorn.
"maybe something happened?"came gandalfs voice.
"hopefully she's close by," said Gimli.
You made to stand up but froze. There were four shadows, three voices.
Legolas was there but hadn't spoken.
Silently you sat back down.
"where is she?" Gimli asked.
When you realise your name hadn't been mentioned you thanked your lucky star you hadn't walked out.
"where is she?" Gimli's voice asked again.
It wasn't them.
"probably gone," said Gandalf.
Suddenly you felt a sharp twing of pain in your head and you massaged your temple.
"I can feels it," whispered a wet voice.
Clasping your forehead you curled in on yourself. Wishing for the pain to end. You could feel your consciousness disappearing.
"it's in here," rasped another.
Then you heard the twang of a bow string and the thud of an arrow finding its mark.
Then three more times, before silence.
The throbbing in your head stopped and you straightened your back. Tempted to peer around the corner you shuffled further back against the wall.
You could hear footsteps outside quickly closing in.
"Y/N! Y/N ARE YOU OK?" Came legolas's frantic voice.
You peeped around the wall of the alcove and saw him walking inside the cave.
"yeah, I'm here," you called back meekly.
"oh thank god," legolas rushed to your side and knelt before you, "are you alright are you hurt?"
"no, I'm fine," you replied truthfully and he sighed in relief.
"I was worried."
"where are the others?"
"they sent me ahead, they are just coming," he said but his eyes didn't meet yours.
"legolas?" You raised an eyebrow.
"I ran ahead when I saw you weren't alone "
He helped you to your feet. Then he peaked outside seeing that the others were quite far off legolas turned back to you.
"we have five minutes," he said before slamming his hand beside your head and pulling you into him, kissing you agresively.
Melting into him you trailed your hands up his side's, resting them on his cheeks.
Legolas pushed your back up against the wall, his hand which was previously gripping your waist found its way to your breast, slowly needing it.
You moaned into his mouth and you felt his tongue lick your bottom lip before he took it in-between his teeth and rolled it around.
You pulled him impossibly closer and rapped your arms around his neck.
Panting he stopped gazing into your eyes. His own filled with longing.
"I love you," he whispers you tried to reply but he silenced you with his mouth. You gasped and opened your mouth wider, this must have been what he wanted because seconds later he had his tongue in your mouth.
The sounds of footsteps haulted your kiss.
"Y/N!" Called a voice much to close.
"I thought you said five minutes?" You whispered to legolas. He merely shrugged and walked out of the alcove.
"we are here!" He called out and suddenly Aragorn was upon you checking you to see if you were ingured.
"are you hurt?" He flustered about you.
"I am unharmed Aragorn," you assured him and pushed him back.
"I told you so," said Gimli as he hobbled up to you a humungus grin on his face.
"what bet did you win?" You asked him cheerily.
"Forty three!" Cried Gimli before he turned to see if Gandalf had arrived.
You turned to legolas for an explanation.
He merely looked at his feet and mumbled "one, it was one point," before sneeking his hand into yours looking for simpathy.
You gave it, squeezing his hand tight and rubbing your thumb across his nuckles.
Aragorn watched this exchange closly.
"so you two are really close then?" He asked.
"oh god yeah," you smiled back. "We're like siblings."
"Ah Y/n you are alright?" You nodded in response to Gandalfs question, "good, then we must make hast too Isengard."
"wait what about me? Legolas said I shan't be going to Isengard?" You pointed out.
"oh did he?" Said Aragorn. "Legolas failed to mention that."
All three looked to legolas sternly.
"in my defense," legolas trailed off unable to think of an excuse.
"well I suppose you could stay with the woman if Rohan," suggested Gandalf.
"Then I must stay aswell, harm befalls her whenever I leave," legolas objected.
"yeah, or legolas who is needed could go and I can fight with you guys?"
"No way," they all responded in unison.
"Tch," you tutted and walked too the entrance whilst the others discussed what to do with you.
Hopping down over rocks you walked further away. Following a small burn trickling down next to you.
That's when you heard it a rasping choking sound. The throbbing in your head returned.
"Gots you," gurgled the thing at your feet.
"Legol-" you tried to call out but you fell to your knees the pain in your head intensifying.
As the thing slowly crawled towards you, you kicked out landing a solid kick to its eye making it squeal in pain as it rithed around.
"Help," you cried a lot quieter but the thing at your feet heard.
"No helps for you," it said before lurching forward knocking your head against a rock. Blood poured into your eyes and you fumbled around for a weapon.
Finding a loose rock your turned to the creature bringing the rock down around its head. In the back of your mind you heard the twang of an arrow. But the creature seemed unbothered as it sunk its teeth into your calf.
You screamed an ear piercing scream and attempted to kick off the thing. Holding your rock more tightly you brought it down a second time this time hitting its jaw.
With a sickening crunch the creatures eyes flicked up to yours.
"Fiesty it is," a mix of saliva and blood pooled on your leg. You squeeked and tried to shuffle backwards but the pain in your leg was unimaginable. "Oh it's not leaving, it's not leaving," it laughed.
"Yes she is," cried Aragorn bringing his sword down splitting the creature's head in two. You let out a weak gasp.
Catching your breath you let your head fall back against soft moss.
"Thank you, I owe you one."
"You owe me nothing," he said pulling you into a tight imbrace.
"Where's legolas?"
"You know he heard you scream and ran out with naught but a single arrow and his bow."
"Then why is he not here?"
"Isn't it obvious, he missed,' Aragorn gestured to a singular arrow in the wood of a tree a few feet away.
"Oh," you said momentarily forgetting the pain in your leg but it was remembered harshly when you attempted to move.
Cursing Aragorn lifted you up holding you tight against him.
Tears soaked your cheeks as you cried in agony.
Aragorn started to run back up the mountain. Calling out as he did.
The blood loss would have knocked you unconscious but the pain kept you awake.
The cold stone of the cave floor did nothing to cool the hot pain searing through your body.
"Y/N!" Legolas knelt next to you but didn't touch you.
"Legolas," you reached your hand up to his face and he held it there.
You could hear gandalf ordering the other two around but your pain deluded mind didn't register it, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"Y/n I so sorry, I should have brought more arrows I should have helped more," his tears streaked his fave and landed on yours.
"It's ok, it's not your fault," you could feel someone wrapping bandages round your leg and you squeezed your eyes tight shut so you didn't scream. "Can I go with you know?"
"I am never leaving your side again."
"Thank you."
The road was rough everyone was tired as you trekked through marsh and forest alike.
You were camping out in a small gorge fire crackling and spitting.
***skipable smut from here till the next cut***
Everyone lay a few meters away from were you and legolas were sitting, all fast asleep.
You were proped up against a tree whilst he was leaning on your shoulder.
You were quite a bit away from the others so it came as no surprise to either of you that they hadn't heard you yet.
Legolas's hand was buried beneath your skirt, 'checking your bandages'.
His face was nestled in your hair his fingers working a silent apology on your clit.
You struggled to stay quiet his long fingers spreading your wetness around your folds.
you squirmed slightly and he picked up the pace rubbing circles around your sensitive bud making you whimper.
His fingers moved faster as you ground your hips against them desperate for more.
His other hand moved from your thigh up to your breast slowly massaging it and pinching at your nipple.
Wet squelching sounds erupted as he slipped his finger inside your soaked entrance quickly adding a second as you clenched around him.
His fingers pumped in and out of you in time with his hand on your breast making you moan and grip his thighs your legs spreading outwards.
He slowly let go of your breast his hand joing his other between your things only this one drew slow circles around your clit.
Your breathing quickened as his hands worked you faster.
suddenly you came letting out a silent moan.
He kept going through your orgasm until you had finished and her slowly pulled his fingers out of you and popped them in his mouth sucking them clean.
****end smut****
silence rung loud through the clearing broken only by gimlis uneven ear splitting snore.
The moon was high in the sky casting long shadows, and the cold air hung like a weighted blanket.
you fell asleep leaning against Legolas his breathing luling you to sleep.
Even with the ground poking you uncomfortably his arms were like a weighted blanket on your thoughts.
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tearaez · 1 year
thinking bout dom taerae having to cover ur mouth w his hand while fucking u w ur legs on his shoulders bc ur j too loud 😞😞 all while cooing into ur ear like "shh baby ik it feels too good but u gotta be quiet" 🥹 feel like he'd love it internally tho
to the person that sent me this im going to kiss you on the mouth I'm actually in love with this hhhhh AND IM SO SORRY I SWEAR I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE IT THIS LONG I started and I couldn't stop 😔
You were having dinner with Taerae and the rest of the boys back at the dorm after they'd finished practice, chatting with everyone as usual, but practice was rather hard for Taerae today, so he was a bit more serious and stern versus his normally smiley, giggly self. Jiwoong was making dessert in the kitchen and you were seated next to Taerae, you and the others indulging in whatever he had already put on the table, when mid bite, you felt Taerae's hand under the table, resting very high on your thigh, making you nearly choke on your food, catching the eyes of Gyuvin who was sitting two seats down. "Are you okay, y/n?" he asked, all you could do was nod as your face flushed red with embarrassment.
Taerae's hand moved higher up your thigh, going under your skirt, his fingers grazing over your clothed core, causing your face to flush a deeper red, clearing your throat to signal him to stop. This time, it caught the attention of Ricky. "y/n, are you sure you're okay? You don't seem so well.."
"Dessert's ready!" Jiwoong came into the dining room, setting the plate in the center of the table before Taerae stood up, grabbing your hand, signaling you to get up as well.
"I think y/n may have a fever, I'm going to go help her cool down." The second Taerae finished speaking, he was dragging you down the hall to his room. When you'd reached it, the first thing he did was lock the door before shoving you down onto the bed, hovering over you. "Forgive me princess, I didn't mean to interrupt your meal, but I need to have mine." He was quick to place messy kisses along your jawline and down your neck, unbuttoning the cardigan you'd taken from his closet, not that he minded.
Taerae unclasped your bra, taking one of your breasts into his mouth, taking his time sucking and licking around the bud. You had involuntarily let out a loud moan, Taerae immediately pulling away, ripping your skirt and panties off your legs as he maintained eye contact with you. "Can't be too loud princess, don't wanna get caught now do we?" He smirked, grabbing your panties and shoving them in your mouth. "Now keep quiet, this shouldn't take long.."
All you could see was Taerae disappear out of your sight, your eyes rolling to the back of your head when you felt him lick a stripe up your cunt, immediately going to grab and pull at his hair. He blew some air at your entrance, bringing two of his fingers up to prep you for him, pushing them in and instantly thrusting them in and out of you, smiling and cooing at you as you tried your best to keep your voice down. When he thought were ready, he discarded everything he was wearing, hovering over you, taking your panties out of your mouth and throwing them to the side, placing a soft kiss to your lips as he pushed into you. You hissed at the feeling of being so full, Taerae chucking and ruffling your hair in response.
"We're on a time crunch dear, let's make this quick, yeah?" You nodded without really processing what he said, so when he lifted your legs over his shoulders and started thrusting in and out of you at light speed, you moaned so loud he could've swore the neighbors down the street had heard it. Taerae's hand clasped over your mouth, shushing you as your moans kept flowing out, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "shh, baby, I know it feels too good but you gotta keep quiet, you don't wanna alarm Jiwoong and the others, do you?" You shook your head as he continued his abuse on your cunt, the feeling in your stomach building up so fast you couldn't even register that you were cum until you did, the feeling of everything intensifying after the fact. "Almost there baby, hold on for me for just a second." He whispered into your ear, kissing and nipping at the skin around it before releasing his load into you.
He gently laid you down on the bed before laying down next to you, pulling you in closer to him, never pulling out. "Was practice that bad today?" You whispered, your throat hoarse and sore from the amount of noise you were making. "Yes, sorry you got the short end of the stick love." He smiled, placing a soft kiss on your lips. "I do have to tell you something though."
"and that is..?"
"I still haven't had dessert yet, and I don't want what's in the kitchen."
"Round 2?"
"Do I have a choice?
"Not really."
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Polin Playlist 💛🐝
Songs that I think best fit Polin with an analysis as to why. If you got any more ideas or suggestions pls share! I love doing this hehe 🤭
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I mean come on. This song is *chef’s kiss* 🧑‍🍳👌 especially when looking at it from Colin’s POV.
“They said the end is coming, Everyone's up to something, I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings”
Colin returns from his travels and everyone in his family is up to something: Marriages, children, getting ready for the season! And everyone inquiring on when he’s finally going to settle down. And through the chaos there is one person he really wants to see. The person (who’s letters) kept him company during his travels when his own family barely wrote to him. His little piece of home, his Pen 💛
“All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing”
The only this Penelope wants is for Colin to be happy (even if it’s not with her). And even when she finally had him. She didn’t want him to feel trapped or obligated to help her. She wanted him to have his love match. She was the only one who never made him feel like he had to do anything he didn’t want to. She appreciated what she could have from him. 🥹
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Alright this one feels like cheating but COME ON. Everything leading up to that scene in the S2 final. When Penelope had her moment.
“Can't you just make it move faster?, Lovely to be sitting here with you, You're kinda cute but it's raining harder, My shoes are now full of water, Lovely to be rained on with you”
This is just all the fluff you know? The dances they have with each other, the bickering with Eloise, “you’re special to me”. All the cute moments they had when it was just an oblivious (or so we think) Colin and a sweet Penelope with a silly little childhood crush.
“You're kinda cute and I would say all of this, But I don't wanna ruin the moment, Lovely to sit between comfort and chaos”
Colin holds her hand and leads her outside, where she confronts her uncle. He defends her honor and follows it by telling her he’s always protect her. And for a moment she feels like maybe…just maybe he might feel the same way. And with all the stress of her family not having money, whistledown being hunted by the queen, and Eloise being right in the middle of it; it’s a breath of fresh air. But…
“But it's not real, And you don't exist, And I can't recall the last time I was kissed, It hits me in the car, And it feels like the end of a movie I've seen before.”
And there it is. “I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington.” 😞 and whether you’re basing it on the show or the books this is where the idea of coming changes for Pen. He does not and will not see her the way she wants him to. In fact, this kind of starts to crack that image she had of him. To be so cruel after promising her to always look after her. In the books she puts on a brave face in front of the brothers and in the show she runs away in tears, but either way this is a pivotal moment for Polin. 😕 she doesn’t know him the way she initially thought.
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When Colin has those longing, and agonizing dreams of Penelope. This song best fits what I think dream Penelope (aka Dream Pen*) is like.
Note* Dream Pen is the Penelope he seems in his dreams that Colin’s subconscious created to come to terms with the fact that he is having “more than friends” feelings and that he probably messed up that relationship big time.
Basically Dream Pen haunts his dreams 😏👀
“You can pretend that you don’t miss me, you can pretend you don’t care, all you want to do is kiss me, but what a shame I’m not there.”
She’s very seductive in these dreams because Colin is starting to realize (not that he loves her…yet) but he is very much attracted to her. Dream Pen knows this and while taunting him she is also indifferent and insensitive because Colin’s insecurities and ego pushed her away and he feels guilty about letting those feelings overcome him. He feels deep down that she has a right to be angry with him.
“What is it you want? You can lie but I know that you're not fine. Every time you talk, It's all 'bout me, but you swear I'm not on your mind.”
Penelope may not know every about Colin but she does understand him better than anyone else. So Dream Pen is essentially telling him “you can deny your feelings all you want, but in here (his dreams) you can’t hide those feelings like you do to the rest of the world. You talk about never wanting to court me, but that you care for me? You talk about finding me a proper suitor but we both know that’s BS because the mere thought knowing I could be like this with another man kills you.”
“Somebody new is gonna comfort you, Like you want me to, Somebody new is gonna comfort me, Like you never do”
Dream Pen keeps reminding him (in a not so gentle way) that at the end of the day he is the one who pushed her away. And these dreams are basically Colin’s nightmares. As each night he wakes to the fear that lost Penelope forever due to his huge insecurities. This Penelope in his dreams (that he lusts over!) is haunting his every thought.
So I’m gonna end it there cause this is getting kinda long. I have a few more if you guys want a part 2! Or if you guys want to add anymore feel free. I wanna see what you guys come up with 🫣
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iheartchv · 1 year
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//Okay, so instead of saving my draft, tumblr posted the original ask... while I was still working on it... I'm sorry 😞 i took screenshots of what I had wrote because i really dont wanna type all of that again, especially with me not having no time
Prompts(c) @turtle-babe83
Mikey x reader are 18+; this was written by an adult for adults. If you're under 18, go else where, please, this isn't a place for you.
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You went back home to gather what you needed and headed back to the lair. You had left a note on your front door that you were going somewhere for a week. You didn't have to worry about anyone breaking in because Donnie had long ago installed a security system for you.
Once you stepped foot in the lair Mikey appeared. It seemed like his ninja skills were put to use in overtime. His senses were on alert, heightened.
"Y/n, where were you? I've been looking for you, and you know I cant go out when its daylight."
"Calm down, I just went to get some stuff." You sighed. "I'm going to stay with you for a week so you won't bite everyone's heads off."
He huffed. "I can't help it. Just the thought of-"
"I know, I know, Mikey. You don't have to worry about that now." You shushed him. You held his face in your hands and pressed your lips into his to kiss him. You felt his hands then his arms wrap around your waist, holding you close to him.
You could tell this orange banded turtle was horny. He was getting really handsy, and a little impatient. He was already loosening his gear, letting them fall to the ground, and tried to pull your shirt off.
"Whoa, baby, not here. Let's go to your room" you smirked at him.
"Ooooo, girl, you don't know what you got yourself into" He playfully growled and started sucking and licking that spot on your neck that made you shiver from lust. You wanted him, but you knew he wanted you more. You led him to his room, closed and locked the door behind you, and let him devour you. He almost tore your shirt and bra apart just to get to your warm soft flesh.
"Mikey~~~" you softly moaned.
"That's right, baby, you're MINE."
He snuggled his head between your breasts for a moment before his tongue trailed up your neck to the shell of your ear, making you shiver again. He heard your blood rushing through your veins, and he stopped his ministrations for a moment.
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"I do, but... I'm scared of what'll happen afterward. I don't want to leave you alone, though..."
Mikey hurt everywhere: his heart hurt for you, he was hungry for your blood, and his cock throbbed to feel you wrapped around him, which was making his shell tighten. You caused all of this to happen to him. He wanted you, for all time.
"Do you trust me?"
He pressed his forhead against yours. "Its okay, babes. I'll help you with everything." he promised. He will try his hardest to make your life as comfortable as possible. He firmly kissed you again, taking your breath away. "I love you, y/n."
"I love you, too, Mikey."
You caressed his speckled cheek, looking into his blue eyes, glowing from his vampiric, and his animalistic, need to have you. His body started moving you towards his bed. When the side of the matress hit the back of your legs, you sat down on the edge, waiting for whatever Mikey had planned.
"Just Relax. Lay back and let me take care of you."
"But I want to take care of you, too~" your voice purred as your fingertips danced and circled his cloaca.
He moaned. "You can do that later. Right now, I just want to eat you out because..." He flashed his fangs. "I'm starving. I've been thinking about you all day..." He kissed his way down your body, pushing you to lay back and spreading your thighs apart. "I want to have you screaming and begging for me until you can't take anymore."
He went down on you, knowing exactly what you liked. He licked, sucked, and teased your clit. You were already wet and so desperate to have him. Your desire to have him inside you made you whine and writhe your body underneath his touch.
"Please, what, babygirl?"
You whimpered in response as your muscles spasmed, wanting something bigger to fill you.
"You're gonna have to use your words, baby" he teased. His cock was finally free and ready to pound you into the matress.
"Please~ I need you~ I want you to take me and mark me as yours~ Bite me.~"
That smirk on his face made you more aroused. Mikey nipped your inner thigh before settling himself between your legs. "Okay. I'm gonna slide myself inside, then I'm gonna drink your blood. Ready?"
The head of his dick slid into your tight wet cavern. You loved the burn that set your body in flames as he slowly stretched you. You let out cries and moans of pleasure and arched your body to take more of him even though he was as deep as he could go.
His fangs sunk into your neck, letting your life blood flow down his throat. The copper taste was addicting, a whole lot better than the alternative that Donnie made. He tried his best to be gentle with you; his focus was on trying to make you feel good. And he must've been doing it right because you were making sounds he never heard before and your slick muscles gripped him tighter, keeping him there.
You blacked out for a moment. "Hey, are you alright?" he had asked you. "Yeah, I'm okay." You felt him still hard inside you, and you felt the fire ignite again instantly. Your arousal seemed to have sky rocketed, too. You weren't this aroused before; all you could think about was being taken fast and hard by Mikey.
"Here. You're going to need to drink some blood first, my little vampirella."
He exposed the side of his neck and leaned down on top of you. You wrapped your arms and legs around him as your fangs pierced his skin to drink his blood. The taste was a little strange at first but how it was making you feel was intoxicating. He pulled you off when he felt that you had your fill and told you to lick his wounds to heal them.
On your signal he started moving inside you slow, and then held your hips as he jackhammered into you. The headboard thumped against the wall, the bed creaked. You moaned loudly as he quickly got you to your orgasm. "Mikey!" you screamed over and over as you rode out the waves of ecstasy that crashed over you.
Coming down from your high, you tried to calm your beating heart. However, you was ready for a round 2. That was totally fine with him because he wasn't through with you. He unwrapped your legs and pushed them up towards your chest, opening yourself more as he reached the parts of you that had ached.
"Oh, god...." his speech was jumbled, his brain was no longer functional for rational thought. He was primal, wild. He gave up control and rocked into you so hard and so fast you could barely catch a breath. He pants and groans gave you an indication that he was getting close, which turned you on and made you moan.
"M-Mikey! Michelangeloooo~ Deeper, cum inside me. I want you, I want you~♡"
"I want you, too, y/n, baby. Im almost there, almost there." he whimpered as the pressure he felt building was being stretched out like a rubber band. He was about to come undone. You told him to thrust harder, and within a few strokes he made you come hard around him.
This orgasm was intense but felt so good. You felt his hot seed shoot deep inside you. With as much as he had, you're pretty sure you were filled and more with his turtle chowder. The afterglow made you feel giggly and light as a feather.
"So I've got a week of this... to look forward to..."
"I told you you had no idea what you were getting youself into." 😁
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