#can’t wait to post about that too heh…
1driedpersimmon · 1 year
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L, but I got to make his character design
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saerins · 3 months
PREV: #003 THE FIRST RIPPLE 𖧧 #004 THIS SPARK, IS IT REAL? 𖧧 NEXT: #005 THE ICE SURRENDERS ꒰ series masterlist ꒱
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꒰ঌꨄ︎໒꒱ — there’s a lot you don’t understand about what’s going on with sae, but he can say the same about you. question is, once you both find out more about each other, will your growing feelings stay the same?
content: itoshi sae x female reader. fluff/angst. profanity, alcohol, reader is fairly straightforward here, pining, jealousy, misunderstandings. word count: 5.8k
༝༚༝༚ slightly shorter chapter this week ^_^ hehe we’re getting closer to the messier/exciting parts so bear with me heh :) mwah ily guys <3
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you’re starting to learn that maybe you can’t get your hopes up with itoshi sae.
a week later, you don’t hear anything from him. you both haven’t spoken since that night he took you out. not that you’re entirely too bothered—it’s a first for you, trying to get to know someone as in-demand as sae. (you don’t count eita because you’ve known him since before the fame.)
it doesn’t help that you don’t really have anyone to talk to about this. you promised sae that you wouldn’t spill, and you’re keeping that promise. somehow, it makes you feel a little warm inside; thinking that there is some sort of intimacy you share with sae that only the two of you know.
besides, even if you could talk to eita about it, you don’t want to. 
is it too quick for you to think you might fall for him?
falling for someone isn’t really in your life plans yet, especially after your last and only tumultuous relationship, but maybe itoshi sae is different. he sure seems like it.
the next week rolls around, and you still hear nothing from him. which is fine with you; you’ve resigned yourself to thinking what’s yours will be yours and not to force anything… even if you spend most of your idle time wondering if sae is ever going to post anything on his private account. did he really just create it solely because you asked him to?
you can see that he logs in to it, judging by his icon on that little viewer list in your stories. but that’s the extent to which you see him online. he doesn’t reply, or do anything much. considering his normal account is probably mainly run by his team, you guess you shouldn’t expect too much from him.
still, maybe it’s a little pathetic of you to be wearing his cap so frequently. it’s sort of become a staple piece for you, somehow. to be fair, there’s hardly any dress code in place for you to follow and considering the bulk of your workwear is mostly casual, it fits right into your style. although, after sumi pointed out one day that it’s a luxury brand and that it costs more than you would personally ever spend on a cap (even if you had the means to), you try to wear it less often. (though that seems like a waste considering it was given to you.)
“you know, you gave the boss a really good scoop, enough to last for a few months,” sumi points out during lunch, taking a lick of her vanilla ice cream as the both of you sit out on the roof, escaping the cramped office. “so why do you look so stressed?”
honestly, you didn’t even realise you did. you thought you were being normal, but it has been a while since you had a normal crush on someone, and since itoshi sae is certainly not just a normal somebody, maybe you had been acting a little off, always waiting for a text, a call even, something.
“nothing, i just haven’t been able to get a good sleep lately,” you lie, hoping that sumi won’t pry.
she doesn’t.
“hm, it’s friday today,” she hums, pondering. “maybe you should find a few of your friends, get out, let loose, you know?”
later at your desk, the clock almost striking 5pm, you think maybe you should. because as much as you love your chill friday nights alone (mainly because your mom is barely home on the weekends), you don’t think it’ll do you much good if you keep mulling over the same old thing.
but just as you’re about to go pester eita again, he gets to you first, his timing impeccable today.
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there’s an aching disappointment in your chest when you realise sae isn’t going to be there. maybe it’s just the glaring difference between the life of a celebrity versus someone normal like you. his schedule must usually be packed to the brim after all.
whatever, you’ll let him come back to you on his own time. for now, all you want to do for the weekend is to spend it having fun with the guys and settling everything you need to on saturday and spend sunday to yourself.
this possible thing between you and sae, whatever it could be, can wait. you’re not in any rush. at least, that’s what your head tells you.
your heart feels something different.
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it’s only the second time you’re actually hanging out with eita’s friends, but you’re not regretting it one bit. even on the day of the event they’d been welcoming to you, and tonight is no exception.
they’re all sat around the wooden table on the balcony, a ton of beer cans and liquor bottles littered across the table. you sit on the long end, on the long chair, right beside eita, sides of your bodies always pressed close together that it makes a glint form in oliver’s eyes.
he’s still curious, not out of concern but just because, about you and eita and sae and how everything is going to tie together. it’s not everyday he sees eita being okay with a girl that close to him and not complain that she’s a bother. it’s also not everyday that sae creates a private account. oliver got bored and saw one day that you were the first person he followed.
you must really be something.
“where even is sae today?” you hear sendou ask, a hiccup following suit. “i finally come over and he’s not even here.”
he’s sitting on your other side, his profile strangely reminding you of the very guy he’s asking about. maybe it’s the way his hair is a lighter shade of pink, maybe even his sharp jawline. his eyes are different though, more expressive, and universally soft somehow.
you remember how sae’s can look soft, his teal eyes turning gentle whenever you try to approach him. but it wasn’t that way when you first met him, that’s a given.
“i don’t know, said he was too tired,” oliver sighs, stretching in his seat.
“wasn’t he just with bianca yesterday?” yukimiya asks, oblivious to oliver’s glee.
it kind of stings, but you stay quiet, the alcohol slowly seeping into your system. you can feel eita leaning against you a little bit more, and his presence has always been comforting, so you let him.
sendou hums, index finger tapping against his near-empty beer can. “is that still going on? how long has their relationship status been a mystery already?”
karasu snorts, nudging sendou on the elbow. “salty just ‘cause you tried to ask her out and she rejected you?”
as you sit quietly and observe, it seems that sendou was once at an event with her too—apparently, he had asked her for her number and she didn’t even want to give it to him. and then a month later she “met sae and was all over him”, according to karasu.
with the exception of eita, who sits quietly beside you, they start a debate on whether or not sae’s finally starting to see bianca in a different light. or, as sendou points out, “maybe they’ve been a thing all along and just hid it really well from everyone.” it’s not exactly something you want to listen to, even if you are the most curious you’ve ever been about a guy, so you block it out from your ears. 
but oliver leans forward, resting his chin on the liquor bottle in front of him, staring straight at you. you’ve never really noticed it but his eyes are really beautiful, the different shades of green and purple making him seem ethereal just like that. 
“you’re a girl, y/n, what do you think?” he asks you, a lazy drawl in his tone.
mirroring his actions, you bat your eyelashes at him, looking innocent as ever when you answer him. “i think you guys should stop talking about that her behind her back like that,” you say, earning a raise of oliver’s brows in return. he’s surprised, to say the least, but not in a bad way.
it’s not even that you don’t want to hear about her. you’re wantonly curious, especially since you’re beginning to realise your small hint of emotions towards sae, but something tells you that these guys wouldn’t be too kind with their words if you egg them on.
karasu gives you a nod of approval that you miss before he leans back in the chair, whispering to yukimiya, “at least we all know shidou won’t totally hate y/n.” but it’s too soft for you to hear, and you probably won’t even be able to make sense of it even if you did, not with the gradually increasing level of alcohol in your system.
between intentionally drinking to not be a pathetic mess who keeps thinking about her potential love life and having to drink because you’re usually good at drinking games but not when oliver is around with the way he keeps beating you at everything, you happen not to notice a lot of things.
at one point, oliver has replaced sendou next to you, whispering snarky comments in your ear in between games. he’s not the flirting kind, at least not to you, and he doesn’t push your boundaries physically either—he’s more akin to a friend you’d love to gossip with. that’s why you don’t even think much when he tilts his camera towards you, taking a selfie with both you and eita in it.
just a normal picture of friends hanging out, oliver leaning against your legs, propped up on the chair, your own head leaning into the crook of eita’s neck, all of you evidently tipsy from the dazed look in your eyes.
what neither of you notice is oliver’s smirk as he posts the picture onto his private, betting on his target audience of one to see it.
and now, he’ll just have to wait.
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one hour later, the doorbell rings and yukimiya’s eyes glance over to eita, comfortable with an arm around you, and he takes it as his cue to open the door. eita’s probably too reluctant to move and he’ll let whoever it is at the door keep at it for hours before he’ll answer the poor guy.
he’s expecting some random food delivery, maybe from karasu because he’s been whining about wanting some chicken with his beer, or maybe even shidou showing up at the last minute from his other party. but this? the person he’s staring at in the eyes right now, is the last person he expected to see tonight. 
“wait, i thought you weren’t coming?” yukimiya asks, but oliver’s already shouting from the balcony.
“hey, sae, what the fuck are you doing here?” he asks from the balcony, taking a swig of his beer.
beside him, you hear sae’s name and your head immediately whips around to look at the door. there he is, looking tired as ever but he’s there, in the flesh, dressed in all black, jacket and sweats, teal eyes finding you from all the way across the house.
sae wordlessly walks past yukimiya, the latter following behind him, still shocked that he’s even present. sure looks like sae always means it when he says he wouldn’t come to gatherings like these.
when he gets to the balcony, earning a cock of oliver’s brow, sae tilts his head, “i was invited, wasn’t i? what’s so surprising about that?”
oliver snickers at sae’s blatant avoidance of the question. deciding he wouldn’t get anything out of him anyway, he shrugs and accepts it. besides, he can already see that sae’s too busy trying to calculate if there’s enough space for him to sit beside you, with the way his eyes are scanning your surroundings. maybe it doesn’t help how eita’s so clingy with you, his arm still around you even when you’ve already straightened up.
both sae and eita are just staring blankly at each other, and everyone is aware of it except for you, because your head’s a little dizzy and you’re still thinking whether sae popping up here is a figment of your imagination.
you’re not that drunk, are you?
you get your answer when a shadow looms over your body, the familiar scent of his cologne wafting into your nose. he smells the same he did that night you kissed him.
“what, this seat taken?” sae asks, and you dumbly look down at the small edge of space beside you.
no, it’s not, but you’re probably going to have to squeeze between him and eita if he sits there, no more legroom. you shift anyway, eita making space (albeit reluctantly), the way sae ends up being so close to you enough to send your mind into overdrive. you’re still wondering why he showed up.
you, and everyone else. not oliver though. he knows why. and it’s not like he wants to intentionally make you cough out your feelings but it looks like the other guys who are oblivious to your feelings are steering in that direction. 
“no bianca today?” karasu asks, a mocking tone in his voice.
sae doesn’t show an ounce of emotion, though. “wasn’t with her.”
“why not? scared we’re gonna make you two make out again like last time?” yukimiya asks, finally relaxing back in his seat. he says it jokingly, although you know the sentence at hand probably isn’t a joke.
“wait wait wait, you two made out?” sendou asks, incredulous, mirroring your exact thoughts. 
a jealousy creeps up your spine, engulfing your alcohol-riddled distractions. some part of you wants to know what it’d be like to be kissed by him. you purse your lips into a firm line, wondering if you were being an accidental homewrecker by kissing him that night.
“it was just a game,” sae responds, making no moves to drink the beer handed to him.
eita pulls his arms away, moving in favour of getting you a drink. it’s not that he even knows anything that’s going on between you and sae, but he can tell by how you’re stiffening up that you’re probably a little affected. he slides a shot over to you, and you down it with ease.
ignoring the way the other guys keep harping on the topic, sae turns his attention to you, flicking the tip of the cap he gave you, and you shift your gaze to look up at him, the small smirk he gives you when you do making your heart flutter again.
why is it so easy for him to do that to you?
“haven’t sold my cap yet?”
you thank the heavens you’re not too tipsy to be normal. “i’m holding out for higher bids, actually,” you quip, grinning. “you can offer one too if you want it back.”
sae hums, head tilted again as he ponders while staring at you. slowly, he leans down to your ear, whispering so only you can hear him, “how much do i have to bid for you to keep it?”
maybe it’s the liquor, but you feel your cheeks heat up. it can’t be his close proximity. it can’t be the way he’s so close that you can see the beating pulse on his neck. it can’t be the way you think you look more intimate here than you should. definitely can’t be the way all the guys have noticed and are giving each other looks.
why does he even want you to keep it? is this some sort of abstract way that he’s using to tell you that you’re not an accidental homewrecker?
you make a mental reminder to yourself to never get drunk in front of sae. you don’t want to end up blurting out some less-than-decent thoughts of yours.
“what’s wrong? too tipsy now to talk back?” sae asks, and you can only pout at him, not in your usual condition to think of smart comebacks. it makes the corner of his lips tug upwards just a little bit more than usual, his hand coming up to teasingly push the cap down further—in that seemingly affectionate way he does.
and maybe it isn’t such a good idea to agree to continue to play games, not when you got roped into never have i ever and karasu, to the delight of oliver, said he has never fucked anyone at this table. seeing that only you and eita put a finger down, everyone can tell there’s probably a complicated history between you and eita. not that you owe them any explanation, though you kind of do feel the urge to tell sae that it was in the past.
you steal a glance at him beside you, the mild look of surprise befallen on his handsome face. you wonder if he thinks badly of you now. you wonder if he’ll think badly of you when he sees what your life is really like. will he think you’re just going to be a stain on his fancy life that it’ll be better off not knowing you?
or maybe… maybe he has a complicated past too. with bianca.
funnily enough, eita loses after yukimiya says he’s never had sex with more than five girls. the disappointing part is you didn’t really get to know anything interesting about sae.
“hey, you feeling okay? you can stop playing if you wanna,” sae tells you later on, after god knows how many minutes have passed and you’re already onto the next game. you don’t even know why you agreed to play two truths one dare in the first place when you know it’ll just be a shitshow for you. 
over the course of x minutes, you’d managed to learn many things, some of which being that karasu and eita had shared a girl in bed, that yukimiya dared to do a body shot on oliver, that sae would consider bianca an important person to him, and that you really can’t make up your mind to go big or go home because oliver had just dared you to spend seven minutes in heaven with anyone of your choosing.
of course, you can safely choose eita and trust him not to do anything if you told him to. but on the flip side, you can choose who you really want. even if you’re not so sure he’d want to anymore.
“you can always choose me,” oliver jokes, lifting the mood. although the smirk on his face makes you question it. “i’ll definitely show you a good time.”
while you’re having an internal dilemma, karasu and sendou are in the background teasing oliver for being fake, saying that he shouldn’t be offering that if he’s already interested in miss manager.
but you snap out of it when the irritated sigh you hear out of sae somehow feels like the world is sending you a sign. in some way. you’re not sure if you’re reaching—is he bothered by oliver’s comments? and why does oliver look so smug all of a sudden?
you’re beginning to regret not being sober, you can’t figure this shit out. but what you do figure out is what you want to do. why think so much about tomorrow when the present is right here?
so you don’t pay it any more thoughts, getting up and dragging sae with you by the shirt, ignoring all the commotion left behind by the guys, save for eita who only stares blankly at you as you drag sae into his own room and lock the door.
“oh shit, sorry dude, didn’t mean to—”
“for the last time, just friends,” otoya snaps, cutting karasu off, although not even sendou believes him. for someone who doesn’t even care to treat people nicely, sendou can at least see that eita treats you a fair bit better than anyone else.
in the room, sae can only watch blankly as you stumble over your feet before finally settling on the edge of otoya’s bed. the envious, green side of him can’t help but wonder how many times you’d been here, in his room, with him. though it’s kind of amusing how you chose to bring sae in here now.
from what sae can tell, you’re probably a little more tipsy than you should be in these types of situation, and a part of him is relieved that you’re not here with anyone else. if you were here with otoya, would you be fooling around by now?
“so, thought you were too tired to show up—what happened?” you ask from where you are on the bed, body swaying slightly, eyes threatening to close.
the moment he takes a seat next to you, you lean close, your head coming to rest on his shoulder, and sae has no doubt that you’d already drank a lot before he came. proximity this close, he can smell the shampoo in your hair, can feel how soft it is.
“i couldn’t sleep, got bored, that’s all.”
your shoulders vibrate slightly as you giggle, pulling away, a suspicious glint in your eyes. “damn, and here i thought you came for me.”
even when you’re intoxicated you still have such a smart mouth. sae shrugs, his gaze turning ever so soft, like every time before when he looks at you. there’s something about you that he can’t quite place, something that makes him act so differently than he usually does, and for once he doesn’t hate it. “did you want me to?”
not taking the bait, you keep up your casual demeanour, even if your eyelids feel heavy and you’re about five seconds away from just passing right out on the bed.
“you know, it’s fine to say you missed me and wanted to see me,” you tell him, grin wide as ever, almost infectious. you’re only surviving on liquid courage right now, the way you unashamedly try to flirt. though, if sae isn’t moving away, does that mean he doesn’t mind?
he looks off to the side, pondering for a while before turning back to you with a straight face, “i missed you, wanted to see you.”
for a moment, you feel like your heart might stop.
“is that what you wanna hear?”
almost instinctively, you grab the stray pillow lying on the bed and fling it at sae, earning an amused laugh from him but you barely realise it, too caught up in the frustration that his words were just strung together to entertain you as opposed to his actual feelings.
crossing your arms, you look away, the exhaustion of the day coupled with the dread of tomorrow nipping away at your consciousness. “don’t patronise me, itoshi sae,” you huff, and you miss the way he looks at you with a smile on his face.
will you remember any of this tomorrow? you’re not drunk, but you’re not exactly thinking straight either.
“were you… very busy this past week?”
your question is voiced so softly, almost like you’re afraid to ask, and sae realises maybe he should’ve at least told you he wouldn’t be able to make it as early as he thought he would.
“yeah, i was.”
technically, he isn’t lying. he was back in japan last saturday, but maybe he had been too wrapped up in his thoughts to do anything else.
“with bianca?”
it’s even softer this time, and for some reason, sae’s almost kind of relieved you’re asking. he just doesn’t know what it is.
“no, not really,” he tells you. it’s complicated, and you don’t even have context; he wouldn’t even know where to begin talking to you about it.
you put your legs up on the bed, hiding your face between your knees, and sae’s left wondering whether alcohol really makes that much of a difference. you seem bold, shy and teasing all at once. his hat is still on your head, your thoughts coming out into the open.
“are you… involved with her?” your voice is muffled, but he hears you loud and clear.
a small smile dawns onto his face, safe from your view. he doesn’t really know the implications of you asking the question, but he likes how you don’t beat around the bush. it’s nice not having to constantly guess what you really mean.
and maybe it’s you rubbing off on him, but he doesn’t answer it straight.
“curious, y/n?”
when you lift your head up to look at him, you see the widest smile he’s ever given you, objectively much smaller and way more subtle than everyone else, but it’s a smile all the same and it makes your heart beat faster in your chest.
“yes,” you answer honestly, because you’re not sure when exactly you’re going to pass out but you have a feeling it’ll be soon and eita’s bed is just so soft.
sae is only mildly stunned by how straightforward you are, so he decides to do you a favour. he doesn’t usually like divulging things like this; topics that bring gossip and are undoubtedly going to come back to him if it gets out. what’s more, you work for a sports magazine so you can totally use this against him, but it isn’t even that you’re intoxicated right now, but more so that he feels he can trust you with it.
slowly, he reaches his hand over, and for once he tips the cap upwards a little so he can see your eyes when he tells you, “stupid, i’m not involved with anyone.” is that clear enough for you? he’s not sure why but he hopes it is.
what does he even want with you?
the moment you hear it, you break out into a wide smile, genuine and actually infectious this time because sae feels the corners of his lips threatening to pull upwards even more. what the heck is this feeling?
“really? i’m so relieved,” you exhale, voice a little airy, looking a little too pretty that sae immediately pulls the cap back downwards. “so,” you move on, adjusting it back in position, daring to move closer to him, face so close to his own that he has nowhere else to look except straight into your eyes. “we have four minutes left. will you grant me whatever i want, itoshi sae?”
you have a habit of calling him by his full name. he makes a mental reminder to get you to change that. not tonight though, he doesn’t want you to forget.
it’s weird how he feels around you; why does he feel so overwhelmed yet want more both at the same time? he swallows the lump in his throat, keeping his composure, “depends, you’re pretty demanding, tell me first and i’ll consider.”
“itoshi sae, i’m not!” you refute, punching him playfully on the arm and he has to hold your arm to stop you from falling off the bed. “i don’t know. the guys outside are probably expecting us to fuck or something.”
there you go, unfiltered and he kind of likes it. his fingers are still around your wrist.
but the answer is crystal clear to him.
“huh?” it takes you a while to process. given that the only thoughts in your head as of right now are only: what does sae think of you and eita? and bianca is important to him. “what if it was just a kiss?”
he hums, then shakes his head. “nope.”
“wait, am i not pretty enough for you or something?”
you’re whining and sae finds it cute of all things. you have a tendency to misunderstand, so maybe he needs to adjust how he talks to you. he’ll see. but before he can even say anything else, your head falls into his chest, your regular breathing the only sound that fills the room after. he’s perplexed and amused all at once; how did you manage to fall asleep so quickly?
contrary to your thoughts, sae has always thought you were pretty, ever since the first night he met you. even in your private account where you post yourself in hoodies too big for your body and no makeup, clad in sweats—still pretty.
sae sighs, his fingers stroking your hair now that you’re asleep, and whispering in your ear only when you’re not able to hear him.
“if i do that, i think i’ll end up wanting more.” and you’re drunk and that’s not what he really wants.
but he does give you what you ask for, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
that’ll have to do for now.
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“so, nothing happened?” sendou asks, bored, as sae carries you on his back as he comes out of the room.
you’re passed out and drooling on his shoulder and he doesn’t really care about that.
“it’s sae, c’mon, did you expect something?” karasu laughs, all of them coming in from the balcony because in the seven minutes both of you had spent in the room, it managed to start raining. “maybe if it was bianca, y’know, then maybe.”
sae ignores all their passing comments, choosing to walk over to otoya, “hey, she passed out, i’m just gonna take her home.”
as much as sae isn’t particularly fond of otoya, he’s probably your closest friend here and he doesn’t want him to think he’s just going to take advantage of you.
otoya’s green eyes flicker to the clock on the wall before he shakes his head, speaking softly so the others won’t hear. “nah, just put her in the guest bedroom. i’ll send her back in the morning. you can head back first.”
there’s an irritation that builds up inside him, but sae maintains his emotionless expression, remembering that otoya knows you much more than he does. “i could just—”
“she doesn’t want to go home tonight,” otoya cuts in, a warning glare in his eyes. “trust me.”
suddenly, sae remembers the last time he met you, your swollen cheek and the way your eyes were glazed over. and he wants to ask otoya what it’s all about but this is about you, and he really shouldn’t ask someone else.
“fine,” sae concedes. if whatever’s at home makes you miserable, he won’t bring you there. “i’ll put her in there before i go.”
there’s a lot more otoya would like to ask sae, because oliver’s not the only one curious at sae’s seemingly odd behaviour. he wants to know what exactly he thinks about you, but everyone’s still around and it’s not a good time, so he sucks it up and lets it go for tonight.
as sae puts you down on the bed and pulls the blanket over you, he gets a brief flashback of the night he set bianca down in her hotel room. you’re both so similar, and yet not at all.
and when he’s about to turn and go, your fingers reach out to tug at the hem of his jacket sleeve, almost effectively making sae’s heart leap out of his chest. your eyes are still shut, so there’s no chance you’re actually conscious right now. still, your mouth opens.
“stay with me?”
sae stills. do you know it’s him? or do you think he’s otoya? either way, you and bianca really are similar, even when you’re not completely awake. so why… why are his reactions so different?
it’s not like he has anything on tomorrow, so it’s really no imposition.
before he knows it, he’s sitting on the floor, right next to where you sleep on the bed, your fingers enveloped in his palm, his head propped on the mattress, his own exhaustion catching up to him.
it’s been a messy week; trying to gather his thoughts about you every single time he’s free, having to talk to bianca and thinking about that, and then coming back just to see oliver and otoya so close to you that it bothers him a little. finding out about you and otoya takes the cake, though.
how special is otoya to you?
the question lingers unanswered as he drifts to sleep, both of you subconsciously finding comfort in the other’s innocent warmth.
the next morning when you wake up, you’re half shocked half happy to find sae where he is, sleeping there peacefully, the previous night’s exhaustion dissipating from his face.
did he take care of you last night? you can only hope you didn’t puke in front of him. that would be embarrassing.
you’d like to stay, wait for him to wake up and talk to him and make sure you didn’t say or do anything too out of line because your memory’s a little foggy, bits and pieces that you can’t quite piece together or even tell if they’re real or dreams.
but you can’t.
you remember what day it is today and reluctantly get out of bed. though, feeling a little cheeky, you quietly grab a small black marker out of the drawer, suppressing a grin as you scribble on sae’s palms, hoping he won’t wake up from this.
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a couple hours later, by the time sae gets up, the bed is cold and still undone. it’s already noon, and somehow the first thing he thinks of when he wakes up is you—are you already home? did otoya send you?
but the question that pops up in the forefront of his mind when he sees otoya lazing around on his couch later on is none of that.
and to be fair, otoya has the very same question in his head.
“do you like her or something? y/n.”
otoya is the one to ask, eyes still glued onto his phone screen, typing something out. sae can’t help but wonder if he’s talking to you. 
“what’s it to you?” sae asks. he can hear the snores of the other guys coming from otoya’s room.
otoya shrugs. “just curious. she’s my best friend after all.”
there’s a certain possessiveness in the way he says it that rubs sae the wrong way. still, sae supposes that if otoya’s your best friend, he shouldn’t be too impulsive with his words.
“maybe i like her,” sae says, the tension in the air getting thicker.
“in what way?” otoya still hasn’t looked up from his phone.
“same way you do.”
“i don’t know what you mean.”
otoya scoffs, both of them acting coy with one another. “bianca and y/n, huh? busy guy,” otoya sighs, tossing his phone aside and getting up, walking towards sae, hands in his pocket. both of them are staring the other down, feeling the situation out. “i think i suit y/n better, you can have bianca.”
now it’s sae’s turn to scoff, sharp eyes piercing through otoya’s own. “why don’t we let y/n decide for herself, huh?” he quips, before grabbing his car keys out of his pocket and leaving through the front door.
as he settles down in his car and turns the engine on, it’s only then that he realises the black marks on his palm. 
thank you ᡣ𐭩
somehow, just one look at it is enough to ease the tension on his shoulders.
you really can do wonders.
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extras !
otoya’s hostility towards sae was intentional.
sae didn’t try to wash your writing off—he let it fade away naturally.
if yn was sober, she would’ve not been as straightforward as he was in the room with sae. but she definitely would’ve flustered sae a lot more with her playful personality.
the whole time, oliver was live recounting the events of the night to miss manager, all of which are left on read.
if bianca had been there, sae would have been a lot more cautious about his actions and probably wouldn’t have acted too close to y/n.
random fact #1: otoya plays bass, used to perform in a band back in university. part of how he got so many girls interested in him but he was always with y/n which made a lot of them unhappy.
random fact #2: sae has never really been jealous before so now that he’s feeling it, he’s a lot more sensitive to it than normal people.
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taglist! @yuzurins @saeskiss @raphsimp @lust4rin @mxplesyrvp @chieeeeeee @yumekolovesyukimiya @kunirayuna39 @auranny @sereniteav @gskill @saesgrl @riseena @rikijbol @sagejin @shironagi @veecynii
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wonderingpanda · 7 months
May I request reader catching the bayboys staring at them? Lovesick, maybe?
I just love the Eugene staring at Rapunzle scene.
Lovesick Stares
Hi! Sorry for not posting in so long, I’ve been really busy the past month. I also want to apologise, there was another Bayverse request in my inbox but I must of accidentally deleted it since I can’t find it anymore. If the person who sent me it wants to re-request it feel free to do so. Now, I decided to not really do headcanons for this one but I wouldn’t call them oneshots either. They’re more like mini-scenarios. Anyway, with that all out the way please enjoy.
I was just in the lair sharpening my katanas when I noticed Y/N sit down next to me. “Mikey becoming too much for you?” “Nah, I’m just tired and don’t feel like skateboarding right now.” They pulled out their phone and began doing something on it but I couldn’t see what. I decided to just focus on my blades since I was losing concentration. After a moment or two I heard the sweet sound of Y/N laughing and turned to see them smiling at some video. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger for a moment, they were so pretty and calm I couldn’t look away. Y/N must of realised that I had stopped sharpening my swords since they looked over to me curiously. I immediately fixed my eyes on something away from them but I knew it was too late and I’d already been caught. “You do realise you’re staring at mouldy pizza right?” Yup, caught red handed. “Well I mean mouldy pizza can be interesting. Anything can hold a story. You never know this pizza could’ve been through amazing things, lived an incredible life.” “Ah yes an incredible life of slowly dying on a sewer floor.” We laughed together for a moment before Y/N decided to lie their head on my arm and smiled with their eyes glued to their phone. “You know if want to stare at me you can. I do it to you all the time.” “Heh, thanks… wait what?”
I swear sometimes my brothers piss me off too much! It was late in the evening and I was beating up a punching bag to let out my rage. I was so focused on hitting the thing that I didn’t realise Y/N had walked in. They leaned against the wall and just looked at me. I stopped what I was doing and turned to face them. “What is it?” “I was just waiting for you to finish up.” “Why? You want to use it?” “I’d appreciate it.” I smirked and stepped aside as Y/N walked up to the punching bag, this was going to be interesting. I was surprised when they began to land pretty tough punches on it. “Wow, who got you so riled up?” They leaned back and rolled their shoulders. “Just an annoying co-worker, don’t worry about it.” They then threw their jacket onto the floor and continued to beat up the punching bag. As they went at it I kept wanting to look at them, their face and arms, eyes, lips… I shook my head and blinked a bit when I saw Y/N staring right back at me. “Is there something you want to tell me or…?” “Uh I think I hear Donnie calling me, I gotta go.” With that, I ran off. All I could do was hope they didn’t read too much into it.
I thought it would just be another long night in the lab. I had been spending the night working on a few adjustments to my computers. Some of them were glitching and one had stopped working completely so I was trying to fix them up asap. I figured I’d be alone the whole night since everyone seemed to have already gone to bed but I was proven wrong when I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Agh! Oh Y/N, it’s just you. Wait, Y/N! What are you doing here this late?” “Well I was spending the night studying alone but I got bored, and knowing you I knew you’d still be up and awake in your lab.” “I suppose that makes sense.” I slid my chair to the side slightly and gestured for them to grab the free one I had sitting in the corner. They pulled the chair up next to me and sat down. “Oh, and apologies for not knocking. You didn’t answer before and when I peeked through you seemed so involved in your work that I didn’t want to disturb you too much.” “Not a problem. So, were you wanting to study or join me in my computer repairs.” “I figured I could just study while you do your thing, I was just desperate for some company.” “Understandable. I’ll just get back to this and feel free to ask me if you need any help with your studies.” “Of course. Thank you Donnie.” I grabbed a few of my tools and got back to work as Y/N began researching stuff on their laptop, looking through books and writing notes down. I looked over to them and noticed the way their face scrunched up at certain things, how they seemed so hyper focused on whatever they were typing. They were simply a sight to behold. My thoughts were cut short when Y/N sent me a curious smile. “What?” I figured I must have been staring and gave an awkward laugh, looking away to the computer I was currently fidgeting with. “Nothing.” Soon enough I heard the sound of books closing and felt a heavy weight slump onto my shoulder. “I know I should be heading home right now but I think it’ll be ok if I’m a little late to class tomorrow.” “Goodnight, sleeping beauty.” “Night, turtle boy.”
I was bored, and I mean really bored. Nothing was happening! Leo and Raph were training together and Donnie was locked up in his lab again. April was busy with Casey, Master Splinter was meditating. I was so close to giving up on everything when a voice filled the air. “Oh guys! Guess what I brought?” I snapped my head around only to find my gorgeous Y/N standing happily with a stack of pizza boxes in their hands. I ran over to them but before I could grab a box they pulled the pizza away from me. “Uh excuse me! You’ll be waiting for your brothers before laying a hand on this pizza.” “Ugh! But everyone else is already busy. I’ll just take a few boxes and be on my way, pretty please?” They gave me a deadpanned look. “Mmm no.” “Well then…” I stepped back and readied myself. “I’ll just have to take it by force.” I lunged at Y/N picking them up and pulling the pizza out of their grasp. “Mikey, put me down!” “Mmm no” “Michelangelo Hamato I swear to god!” They proceeded to grab my face and get close enough to the point their nose touched my snout. “If you don’t put me down safely and hand over that pizza this instant I will beat you up with your own weapons, understood?” I wanted to make some sort of witty comeback but as I looked into their eyes I found myself at a loss for words. I knew they couldn’t really beat me and they knew it too but the determined look on their face was so adorable I wanted to just let them. After a little while I felt something hard flick my forehead. “Ow! What!?” “You zoned out dummy.” “Hey I’m not a dummy! You’re the dummy.” “You sure?” “Uh huh.” “Turn around.” I twisted my head to the side and noticed that all the pizza was gone! I looked back to Y/N only to be met with a fist to the face. But to see their cute face up close it was totally worth it.
I hope this was okay. Again, sorry for not posting in a while. Please have an amazing day/night wherever you are!✨
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salty-croissants · 6 months
Bullfrog and Rayman/Ramon x reader : mistletoes
Woo , Christmas special baby !!
Since tomorrow I’m gonna be away to spend time with family , I figured it would be best to post this today since I’m gonna be way too tired to write when I get back :,)👍
I love the ideas of the boys and the reader being soft during the holidays , it just really brings me joy ^^ 
Anyway , I hope it turned out okay , and make sure to have a wonderful Christmas 🎄❣️
Details : use of gender neutral reader ; 
established relationships ; 
presence of slightly suggestive themes , but mostly lots of fluff ❤️
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Bullfrog 💚
Let’s start by saying that given how constantly vigilant Bullfrog is , it won’t be easy to try to sneak a mistletoe above him : 
he just has a way of knowing each and every one of your movements , so … 
Yep , better get ready for a challenge . 
< Hm ? Is that a mistletoe you’re holding , mon amour ? > 
< Aw noo - I thought I got you this time ! > 
He will probably apologize to you a lot for “ruining” your surprise , trying to make up for it with some extra affection and cuddles …
This frog is just an absolute sweetheart , and he’ll use any excuse he can use to show you just how much he loves you :,//)
< Honey , it’s okay , really ! You don’t have to feel bad about it ! 
I know you can’t help but be careful about what goes on around you , you’re being way too hard on yourself . > 
< Heh , merci y/n … you always know what to say  ~ > 
When you eventually manage to lure Bullfrog in the living room and tell him to look up , you’ll find that all your careful planning was definitely worth it just to see that lovely smile on his face …
< Well , look at that … tu m'as surpris , y/n ~ > 
Now come closer … it’s time I reward your hard work , ne penses tu pas ? ~ > 
Honestly he’ll take any excuse to kiss you , but this occasion feel even more special … You went out of your way to prepare such an adorable surprise for him , so you better believe that you and Bullfrog won’t be leaving your spot under the mistletoe for quite some time ;//) 
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Rayman 🧡
Rayman is probably the most smooth and romantic man alive , so he will probably plan for a mistletoe surprise way ahead of you , from the very beginning of the holidays in fact .
Sometimes you can see him carrying Christmas lights around , and you can’t help but have the feeling that he has something in mind … 
< Hold on , let me help you with that Ray … why do you need these many lights anyway ? > 
< Ah , you’ll have to wait and see , honey : I think you’re gonna like it ~ > 
If there is one thing that Rayman loves is creating atmosphere , so the night you eventually go back to his lounge to find it all decorated ( with also tons of gifts for you , cause let’s not forget how much this guy loves to spoil you ;//> ) , you can’t help but feel an overwhelming joy at the thought that he did all of this just to make you smile …
< Heh , I take it you like my little surprise , hm ? ~ >
< Like it ? I love it Ray , it’s amazing ! 
You’re such a sweetheart , thank you so much ~ > 
< No need to thank me , it’s really the least I could do for you y/n !
Though if I were you , I’d take a look at the ceiling for a second … > 
As soon as you look up and see a mistletoe hanging above the two of you , the way you blush in realization is enough to make Rayman’s heart skip a beat …
He just can’t get enough of how beautiful you look right now , your cute features  illuminated by the lights he placed all over the room .
< Heh , I … wanted to make you a mistletoe surprise at some point too , but I think you’ve handled it way better than me , hun . > 
< Don’t worry my love , there’s plenty of time for another one … I’ll gladly take any chances I can get to kiss you , so that’s definitely not a problem for me ~ > 
His incredibly cheesy , adorable comment makes you chuckle , and when you lean forward to meet his lips you can hear Rayman sigh softly while kissing you back , almost like he had been looking forward to that moment all night …
You’re honestly anything he could ever ask for , and if he had the ability to stop time he would be more than happy to do it here under the mistletoe , alone with his beloved ❤️
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Ramon 🖤
He isn’t … feeling very festive :
while he does his best to smile when he’s around you , Ramon’s mind is crowded with worries about Eden , about getting the both of you caught , but since you know him better than anyone you were quick to catch up to that . 
< Hey , it’s okay if you don’t feel like doing much for the holidays , y’know ?
We can just stay here and relax . > 
< Yeah , but … I don’t know , I would’ve liked to do something special for you , but we can’t go anywhere without risking to have those assholes notice us … > 
< Ram , we don’t have to … the best gift I could’ve wished for is already here , right next to me , so please don’t worry about that , okay ? > 
< Heh … that was very smooth y/n , not gonna lie ~ 
Seriously though , thank you … it means a lot . > 
Despite what you told him , Ramon is still very determined to find a way to show you his appreciation for everything you’ve done for him , so the moment he finds a mistletoe hidden in a box an idea crosses his mind : 
it may be small , but it might just work . 
< Hey y/n ? Could you come here ? > 
< Coming Ram ! Just give me a second , I was trying to see if we had enough ingredients to make some Christmas cookies … > 
As soon as you reach the living room , you get the feeling that there is something different about it , even though you can’t exactly pin point what it is …
However , when you look up and see the mistletoe hanging on the ceiling you realize what’s going on .
< Aw , that’s so cute love ! I - mm — > 
Before you can even finish your sentence , Ramon’s hands get a hold of you , gently pushing you down to lock your lips in a loving , passionate kiss …
You didn’t really expect that to happen , but you’re definitely not disappointed … not one bit .
< … here … take this as my gift for you , my love ~ 
I know it’s not much , but - > 
< Ramon , sweetie … > 
The moment your hand caresses his hair he immediately melts under your touch , his eyes never leaving yours as you smile tenderly at your boyfriend .
< It was perfect ~ > 
That was the start of a night filled with displays of affection , and while holding you in his arms in your bed Ramon can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world , even though you’re both wanted by Eden’s police forces …
For once , those worries can’t seem to torment him , and he couldn’t be happier . 
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hi!! It's me again! I absolutely LOVE the latest post so how about we switch it around this time?
Imagine being tfp Megatron's older brother who is WAY different from him, so hipper, pinky, soft and happy all the time just like pinky pie until he gets his hands on his guns and blasters as he starts shooting and blasting all the enemies while laughing like a maniac.
Also can you please make him and Optimus have a secret relationship? Thank you for doing my request(s) and i hope you have a wonderful day!!
Its fun doing these request when one sibling has the complete opposite personality as the other. As for the romantic side of this, I left it vague, but its there. Thinking it as pre relationship pinning. I chose random Con's since you did not specify which ones. If these are not the ones you want, please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron’s older brother who is a softy and trigger happy for blasters
SFW, platonic, slight romantic, familial, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
No one knows how they are related. Many speculate that the older brother simply lost his mind. Others think it’s some sort of master façade he is pulling off. But he is known widely on both sides of the war for his insane usage of their blaster. A true agent if chaos behind that blaster.
Despite this Buddy is one of the softer Con’s onboard the Nemesis. When he is not wielding a blaster in the heat of battle, he is the other doctor besides Knockout.
He is a visible representation of the good side of the Decepticon cause.
He loves his older brother truly.
But the way he acts irks him greatly, especially seeing how long the war has dragged out.
He loves seeing his older brother behind the blaster. He knows that he will hit his target and get things done.
As one of the only other doctors Megatron doesn’t bring Buddy out to the field as often as he’d like. But in a way it is good to know that his brother is safe on the ship.
Starscream is not allowed 10 feet from Buddy.
Megatron is no fool in how powerful his brother can be, whether with blaster or his words. He did after all help him with his manifesto before the war broke out.
He used to tease his older brother for having feelings for Orion Pax back on Cybertron.
“It appears we have soft spots for archivist, brother. Some of us however, softer than others?”--Megatron
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Megatron. Pax and I are just friends.”--Buddy
“I never specified it was Orion Pax.”--Megatron
“You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me.”--Megatron
“…Not a word…”--Buddy
But now as Optimus Prime, Megatron does not let Buddy anywhere near him. He is afraid deep down that the Autobots will take advantage of him, or worse get him to defect to their side.
If Buddy ever defected to the other side, not only would Megatron spiral more into his madness, but he knows he won’t be able to hurt Buddy.
He just couldn’t do it if it came up.
“What seems to be the occasion? We are not by any energon mines or ships…”--Buddy
“I have come to ask you something.”--Optimus
“And what would that be?”--Buddy
“Will you—”--Optimus
“YOU WILL NOT!”--Megatron
“Megatron?!”—Optimus and Buddy
“Wait how did you get here?”--Buddy
Soundwave is one of Buddy best friends aboard the Nemesis.
As the brother of his leader Soundwave comes to Buddy a lot to relay messages or give updates.
Buddy in return makes sure that his workplace is spic and span. For maximum work efficiency of course.
Buddy is often followed by Lazerbeak when they go out of the ship. Buddy doesn’t mind it too much enjoying the minicons company.
“Are you joining me on my patrol today Lazerbeak?”--Buddy
Lazerbeak bobbing up and down.
“Heh. Then let us go, my friend. The sooner we do patrol the sooner we come back to the ship.”--Buddy
During the early stages of the war, Buddy often teamed up with Soundwave’s minicons whenever he wasn’t called to Megatron’s side. Soundwave knew that if they were with him, they would be fine.
The one time he wasn’t there…
It was a day of mourning for the small group of Decepticon’s that had recently formed. Buddy held on to Soundwave as he mourned and did his oath of silence.
There is an unspoken respect for each other that runs deep.
If Buddy was ever in danger on the battlefield, Soundwave is the first to send a ground bridge to his location. Worst case scenario, he is going in there himself to get Buddy out of there.
“Prime, it seems we are alone on the battlefield again.”--Buddy
“It seems we are.”--Optimus
“Are we going to finish this? Or are we going to wait for my brother?”--Buddy
“Whatever choice you make. Though this would not be the case if you’d join—”--Optimus
Groundbridge opens as Soundwave is flying to get Buddy out of there.
“Till we meet again Prime!”--Buddy
“Till we meet again.”--Optimus
Knockout and Breakdown
These two are his best friends. They share the number one slot.
Soundwave is the close second.
At first the pair was weary of Buddy for his reputation on the battlefield and being the older sibling of their leader.
They are very much surprised on how soft Buddy was.
Over time they stop being so stiff and come to relax in each other’s presence.
There is a lot of gossip that happens in the medbay.
Knockout finds himself a new doctor friend to talk to.
“So, what did the human do this time?”--Buddy
“Well, this one decided to scratch my paint job. So, I thought it was only fitting to do the same.”--Knockout
“Is the human dead?”--Buddy
“Maybe? I don’t know.”—Knockout
Breakdown finds himself a new sparring partner and co-nurse/co-doctor. The two of them often look out for the Vechicon soldiers.
“Do you think we can get the Vechicon’s better rationings?”--Breakdown
“I’ll see what I can do Breakdown. I think I can do it.”—Buddy
If Buddy is in any danger while they are together, they are making sure that Buddy has their support. Knockout attends Buddy’s wounds and will snap at him for trying to mend it himself.
“Will you stop picking the welding! You should know that irritates the wound!”--Knockout
“… It itches…”--Buddy
“Oh my—Breakdown hold him down.”--Knockout
“Wait what?”--Buddy
“Sorry Buddy but this is for your own good.”--Breakdown
“You both are traitors to my itching!”--Buddy
All of them visibly relax when Buddy comes in.
Everyone knows Buddy and their reputation. It’s not a reputation anyone can take lightly.
But he does take extra care of the smaller troops that go out into battle. Besides Breakdown, Buddy seems to be the only other bot who actively worries about the lives of each and every one of them.
“Hello Steve.”--Buddy
“Oh! Hello Buddy—I mean Lord—”--Steve
“At ease. And you know how I feel about those titles.”--Buddy
“Of course.”--Steve
On the slower days on the ship, Buddy likes to talk to the crew to boost their morality or give them a shoulder to vent or cry on because this war had gone on for millennia and there seems to be no end in sight.
If Buddy was ever wounded in battle, all the Vechicons are on it. They make sure that he gets back to the ship as quickly as possible. Screw whatever mission, they are getting one of the only Cons that cares out of there alive.
Buddy is down! I repeat Buddy is down!”—Vechicon 1
“Get him out of there! Flank left and right!”—Vechicon 2
“On it!”—Vechicon 3
“Don’t worry Buddy we are taking you back to the Nemesis for repairs.”--Steve
“Knockouts not going to be happy about this.”--Buddy
Somewhere on the Nemesis.
“I feel like someone’s paintjob got horribly scratched.”--Knockout
“How can you tell?”--Breakdown
“I don’t know… but it feels wrong.”--Knockout
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kinopio-writes · 1 month
Could you do one (similar to your sir pentious post) where it's Adam x Reader but reader is strong and tall w/ motherly/fatherly vibes? Could be any scenario but I feel like there is too many Adam x readers where reader is just a submissive short person lol 😭
A/N: I agree. Well, Adam would probably prefer a short and submissive reader, but I think that he also likes women who look like they can top just so he can get off from domming them. A big ego boost, probably. That’s just what I think, though.
Also, uh, I went with motherly!reader. I hope that’s alright. Still kept relatively GN.
Warnings: Sex stuff is mentioned, Vulgar language, Adam being Adam
Adam x Tall&Strong Motherly!Reader
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• the moment he laid his eyes on you, he made a straight beeline towards you with only one goal in mind:
• that *censored*
• (sorry. I couldn’t commit to the bit. I wanted it to be readable to anyone. By that I mean it was supposed to say cu—)
• he would attempt to achieve that by:
• 1) flirting horrendously
• 2) boasting about how awesome he is
• 3) …
• ...he doesn’t have that many steps, actually
• he just assumes that would be enough
• and it is, right? Of course it is. I mean, why the fuck wouldn’t it be? Hehepshftfhjf—*incoherent blabbering*
• if you refuse…what the fuck is that?
• he’d reject your rejection (that depends on how you do it, though. But that’s not the point.)
• if you accept, he’ll act very smug as if he knew you would
• he cannot wait to fuck your brains out
• and he has no shame in telling you that
• unfortunately, you weren’t as submitting as he thought you would be
• and he would be stupefied at first when you try to override him
• he would think, that’s cute, thinking you were in charge
• but then, holy shit, he’ll realize that you weren’t trying to impress him or anything—you were serious
• topping? Him? Heh, that’s fucking stupid
• he’d probably feel uncomfortable if he didn’t have control during sex
• it just wasn’t his style
• and there was no way he was getting out of his comfort zone just for you
• well, he finds what you’re doing is hot, but he doesn’t actually want that to happen, y’know?
• and the result?
• casual dating
• it’s really nothing serious
• the sexual part of your relationship will likely not be exclusive
• during your time together, he’ll finally form some more decent opinions about you
• he’ll like that you’re strong—he finds it hot and badass—but won’t like it when you use it against him
• he’ll probably use your strength to his advantage
• like opening jars for him
• it’s not as if he can’t open them himself, he’s just lazy as fuck
• “(Nameeee), I can’t open thissss” is a thing you’d probably hear a lot
• anyway, uh, he’s not a fan of your height difference
• he doesn’t really pay much attention to it, though
• because out of mind, out of sight
• he will be pissed if you do anything that’ll make him feel small, even if that wasn't your intention
• now, about your motherly nature
• Adam’s never had any parental figure before—the closest one being Sera—so he’ll be even more childish in behavior
• he tries to get approval from you and turns to you for reassurance quite often (all of which is done subconsciously)
• he’ll say stuff like, “Right, (Name)?” while nudging you
• with the dominant thing, I think Adam is actually fine with it
• the only thing he really wants to be dominant in is in bed
• but in general? Where you insist on making shit easier for him?
• where he gets to work less?
• (e.g., offering to pay the bill, confronting others for him—‘he asked for no pickles!’, etc)
• he’d be a fucking idiot to refuse you—how could he not want that?
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Good evening Fandom :) Gonna try and be more concise and mini this time haha Wasn’t so mini last time. Imma really try LOL Also the gif library just refuses to pull anything that's new and its driving me nuts. Guess all the pretty gifs will have to wait till summer when the library gets it's act together and I can be more in depth. LOL This is supposed to mini anyways. I'll do my best to make this brief but impactful haha This is a new gear for me.
6x02 The Hammer
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Their first interaction is fraught af. Tim is radiating hurt still not that I blame him. He is trying to sweep it under the rug but the man is hurting. I do love Lucy trying to let him know not how healthy communication works. heh She's not wrong. You know I was so Tim in this moment before therapy. Surprise surprise right?
Deeply hurt but when it gets brought up I shirked it off. Try to put it in a box and bury it. Lucy is right it’s not healthy. But he isn’t in the place to receive that right now. I do love her saying they have stuff to talk about if she ever goes under. Yes.... yes you do. Lucy seems to have calmed down at this point and Tim isn’t there yet…
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Credit to This post for this image
Lucy getting roped into the ring thing LOL Their tension is immediate as they sandwich Angela in their fight. Angela is the fandom as she watches them bicker. My goodness not hiding how they feel whatsoever….Tense af while they’re fighting. Could cut it with a knife. Sniping at each other. Tim saying he knew she wasn't really over it.
Which kills my 'calmed down' theory for Lucy haha Even though they're at odds Tim still offers his help because it's his girl. Lucy saying she will accept it even if she doesn’t need it. These two.. Angela's final words had me laughing. Wanting to come and enjoy their fight with popcorn. Tim saying she’s not funny on the way out hahaha Not in the mood for his bestie either.
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Love Lucy reaching out to touch him and make a joke bout Hammer's real name. Tim full of sass asking if he can finish? Well I never Timothy. LOL He has a warrant out and it’s outstanding that'll make this easy.... Even worse he loves to fight cops. Oh boy. Ladies first lmfao oh Tim I love you so. Putting his hand on her back. She’s smiling though.
OMG I can’t believe Tim tried to get her to fight the Hammer. My love no.... Her argument is solid af that she has to look amazing. That no one cares what he looks like. I mean I care what he looks like but it’s true she needs to look hot at haha Tim caving because well it's Lucy. Like fighting the sun right now. heh Lucy telling him he’s got this. Oh my lord it's so cute.
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Lucy wanting to jump in but Tim stops her. My heart. He’s getting his ass kicked at first oof. Tim launching off the bed to kick Hammer into the closet. Holy shit that was sexy. I hope this fight gets gif'd it was great. He wins though. Well done Tim that was fine as hell. Got my motor revving.
Oh my goodness him bending on one knee and looking at her. The looks are LOADED here. Especially on Lucy's end. Getting me all in my feels goodness. Especially Lucy’s face. Myriad of emotions going on there. Foreshadowing at it's finest Oh my. I have a feeling when do the summer review I'll have a novel on this. Tim passes the hell out shortly after. Getting asthma attack just looking at him.
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Love the set up girls night/boys night and their talk bout their relationship. Celina asking Lucy to have less baking at her party HA! Naww love Celina thinking in those terms. Lucy saying that's way off. Seeming worried it’s not in their future. Heart clutch. Adore this back and forth between Lucy and Tim at the parties LOVING Chastity telling Lucy like it is. Calling her out really. Even she can see it. I mean feel like Lucy is scared and just won't back down from this path.
It's not just Tim. It's her too but she is digging her heels in. I can’t say I don’t agree with Tim on the projection. Lucy using Isabel as an excuse for that. I think she is using it more than he is IMO at this point in time. She usually is right on the money with Tim. This time doesn't feel like it. Almost as if she’s using Isabel as a scape goat for being scared more so than Tim. Lucy saying she’s fine. Lying liar my love lying liar.
Poor Tim wanting to show he’s not the problem my love. That he's not the only one. There is clearly still a lot to sort through for them. This scene is proof of that. Lucy gets a call from Tim to meet at the station. This has to be the lie detector test. Harper telling her to run I was dying.
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How cute is Tim in his black shirt all wired up for her? I'm dying how precious it was. The way she crosses the room sweet lord. Eyeing her prey. She basically is straddling his thigh. Imma pass out. Getting as close as she can to him. Basically hugging his thigh with hers. I’m getting hot under the collar already. She is so ready to ask him anything but UC questions to start this off. Clearly wanting to ask him specific things on her mind since he's hooked up to the machine.
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The bug question LMAO. The most Tim and Lucy thing ever. Of course that man doesn't release the bugs haha. Very her to ask him to do it though. God this was so cute I cannot. Small little insight to their relationship we don't usually get to see.
Then she went right after it with asking if he loves her? A question I think has been weighing on her mind for awhile. Knowing she can immediately see if he's lying. Gah look at him light up. The way he leans into her. Reminding of his posture in 5x09 when he asked her out again. Just as serious now as he was then. Saying he loves her ugh my heart. Our big softie in action in this moment.
Lucy couldn’t be happier with this answer. Same look she got whenever he complimented her in the past. They be beaming everyone. Then he get’s a big fact lie with the UC question crap. Now I feel this isn't fair. Because the man LIVES to support her but he is a struggle bus about this path. To me that 'lie' wasn't because he doesn't support her. To me just those damn demons that won't rest for him.
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Tim looking fine af. Looking for his girl of courses sigh. Cool cool cool fun angsty glances. Damn you gif library was primo angsty looks. Even though they’re sitting next to each other it’s the most physical distance seen between them really in ever. Yeah their arms are touching but not much else. More angsty looks between them at the reception. Gah they’re intense as hell.
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Tim coming to find her my heart. Being the one to break the distance. Asking her to dance and confronting this issue. So proud of him and what he tells her. What a man. He's owning the trauma he still carries. Which is HUGE for him. Lucy thanking him and saying they'll make it through. I love this. Always love us touching back on. 'Unless it is.' moment. Because yeah this is hard but they're worth it and they continually see that and show it.
Now do I love it squarely being just on Tim this UC Fight? No I don't. I do think she is still having doubts but love him laying it out there. I think the issue's Lucy is having just haven't been confronted yet. Their fight from 6x01 was about Tim's issues for most part. Her's were for sure in there just not as prominently. I'm hopeful we touch on her's later this season.
This still feel unresolved to me and imbalanced. Especially now that Tim has admitted some fault to their problems as of late. I feel like I have a really good grasp on these characters. To me my gut is telling me Lucy is scared, having doubts, worried about a long term assignment. What it'll mean for them. Her side of it still needs to be delved into. 5x20-5x21 shook her more than she is letting on. Truly think this just hasn't been explored yet. Because they both have things to resolve with this career choice.
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Also wanna note in this lovely scene. Lucy has her hands all over her him and I’m about it my god. The intimate swaying and leaning into each other. That magnetic force of their's bringing them back together. Their bodies relaxing for the first time in this entire episode. Just happy to be near one another. They're glowing when they come back together in this moment.
Gah their chemistry is out of this world. Her hand on the back his head too phew lord and we get a return ILY. *heart clutch* Lucy's eyes searching his face hoping her saying as such soothes his wounds a little. The cute lie detector line I cannot. It’s was so precious. Their smiles have me on cloud 9. Couldn't be more in love if these two tried. *happy sigh*
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Lucy and Tim leading the charge hot damn they pretty. Tim in formal wear and his badge? Lord help me. Phew this was a HEFTY one. So many things to sort through. Like I said in my OG post these are first thoughts. Should be interesting to see how they change come summer and we're in the hiatus.
Thank you to everyone who liked the premiere post. These are a different gear for me glad they're liked ha Imposter Syndrome is real ya'll lol Feel free to comment your thoughts I love chatting about them and this season best part of going through it together for first time. See you all next week!
Side notes-non Chenford
Lmao the cold open. Daddy cop was always a fav one of mine.
Hey Henry is back sorta. ha
Love Luna checking in on Aaron. Then having a little ptsd poor love.
Oscar is back too LOL
‘Miss Cleo' nickname LMAO
Poor Aaron having a rough time of it. I was worried he was leaning on Celina too much tbh. Also that kiss yikes my man yikes...
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Prince’s Holiday - Chapter 2 - Adult Dinner Party Team
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Not 100% accurate. Cybird owns everything. 
Alternate translations are marked as ///
Any T/L notes/clarifications are notated at the bottom of the post with ***
TW: One line remark about suic*de. The t/l was altered to include less triggering verbiage. (I know this might seem excessive, but everyone copes/triggers with things differently).
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I came to a back alley to escape the people’s gazes. After I regained my composure, I stared at the princes.
Emma: You were assigning roles for the dinner party.
Yves: I think Prince Clavis is just trying to be funny, is that okay?
Emma: Of course. I can’t provide satisfactory hospitality to Prince Gilbert alone. So, it’s reassuring.
Luke: Too bad Gilbert, you didn’t get Emma all to yourself.
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Gilbert: I don’t care. I have my own ideas./// I don’t care. I have my own plans.
Licht: Ominous.
Clavis: Come on, Emma. Naturally, I’m going to be in charge of the entertainment, right?
Emma: Yes! I would like Prince Clavis and Prince Licht to be the servers, and Prince Yves and Prince Luke to be the entertainers.
Clavis: I see -
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Clavis: Hm? Server?
Licht: You…..you hate me so much.
Emma: That’s not it! There is a good reason for this.
Emma: First of all, it’s out of the question to leave Prince Clavis to the entertainment.
Clavis: Oops, Emma. A gentleman‘s heart is surprisingly naïve, isn’t it?///Oops, Emma. A gentleman‘s heart is surprisingly sensitive, you know?
Emma: I’m sorry, but the peace of Rhodolite is at stake and I can’t back down….
Emma: I’m sure Clavis, with your beautiful manners, will be able to serve him well?
Clavis: Hmm, that’s also true.
Yves: Emma, you have the gift of a beast tamer.
Emma: I’m not sure I’m happy about that.
Licht: My case isn’t settled. Why do I have to serve with Clavis?
Emma: Well then, Prince Licht, do you want to be an entertainer?
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Licht: ………….
Emma: So, I’m going to need you to be a server.
Luke: She’s so right that he can’t say anything back…
Clavis: Don’t worry so much little brother. Your big brother is very supportive. If there’s anything you don’t understand, I’ll teach you. 
Licht: Don’t do anything and stay out of my life. 
Gilbert: Little Rabbit, are you saying the two entertainers are leftovers?
Emma: No! Prince Luke and Prince Yves are the more sensible of the princes so…
Emma: I don’t have to worry about leaving the entertainment to them.
Luke: There are a lot of crazy people out there.
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Yves: If you insist, well, I’ll do it for you, won’t I?
Gilbert: Do you guys understand the meaning of entertainment correctly?
Luke: Entertainment is entertainment, right?
Gilbert: Yes, that’s right. But I’m the one that will show you.///Yes, that’s right. But I’m the one you’ll be entertaining.
Gilbert: If you put on a boring show - I’ll get the little rabbit as an apology gift, right?
Emma: Please, make sure the entertainment is a success!
Yves: Isn’t this too much for us?!
Luke: I got it. We just gotta entertain Gilbert, yeah? It’s easy.
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Gilbert: By the way, I really hate that blonde prince. So, do your best with your bad start?
Yves: This is too unreasonable.
Clavis: If it’s been decided, then we need to get ready immediately. Licht let’s go.
Licht: Huh? Where?
Clavis: Of course, we need to stock up on things we’ll be serving, right?
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Licht: What does it take to - Clavis, let go! I don’t want to go with you!
Yves: Licht!
Luke: Oh, he got dragged away….
Yves: I’m worried.
Luke: He’s not a kid. He’ll be fine.
Luke: Then, we’ll go buy honey too.
Yves: Oh, yes.
Yves: No wait, honey? What are we going to do about the entertainment?
Yves: Is Prince Gilbert also a honey lover? Hey!
Gilbert: Heh, they’re all gone. You’re alone with the big bad guy again.
Gilbert: But I’m beginning to look forward to your dinner party.
Emma: I’m glad to hear that! I’ll finish my shopping as soon as possible and be ready for tomorrow.
Gilbert: Heh…
Gilbert: I hope this isn’t your last dinner?
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The next day, in the kitchen, which was free for anyone to use, was filled with a sweet aroma from the early morning.
Gilbert: Mmm….I’m getting hungry.
Emma: Oh, you’re eating snacks again…Prince Gilbert!
Emma: Prince Gilbert you are our guest. So, please wait in your room.
Gilbert: Oh, are you telling me what to do?
Gilbert: I’m bored and there’s nothing to do in my room. It’s much more fun to watch you cook. 
Emma: I get nervous when I think about you watching me, Prince Gilbert.
Emma: Did you just see the castle shaking just now?
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Gilbert: That was a bumpy ride. Looks like something exploded somewhere, but it shouldn’t matter to you little rabbit.
Emma: No, I have a bad feeling about this…
Emma: Gilbert, I’d like to ask you something. Does your serving staff ever use gun powder?
Gilbert: It depends on the context. In the past, there have been some servants come in with explosives for self-destructive purposes? 
Emma: Obsidian is a horrible place.
Gilbert: But, this is Rhodolite isn’t? Don’t worry about it. 
Emma: But, what if we are rude to you Prince Gilbert during the dinner party?
Gilbert: Haha, don’t worry. 
Gilbert: Then you and Rhodolite will be mine. You see? It’s no big deal right?
Emma: I’m going to check on them!
Gilbert: Aw-
Emma: Whether it’s the food, serving or entertainment, we can’t afford to fail at the dinner party.
Emma: Clavis, where are you?!
Gilbert: …………
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Gilbert: You’ve got some nerve leaving me here, Little Rabbit.
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Next
Gee, I wonder who could’ve caused the entire castle to shake???🫨 😂
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
[SMUT] TWICE Jeongyeon x Male Reader - “Double Fantasy”
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Another one-shot inspired from the vibe and some bits of the meaning behind the song “Double Fantasy” by The Weeknd ft. Future aside from the sexual part of it as I created my own story instead. Enjoy reading!
WARNING: contains mature content, R+18 smut
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It's a crowded and lively atmosphere around your alma maters gymnasium as it currently held the alumni party tonight where your batch in the mechanical engineering course belongs to one of its features.
You've been meeting up some of your friends and acquaintances after having long time no interactions with them. It still surprises you a lot that some of them still recognizes you but in similarity, they all have just one compliment they gave at you: your look entirely changed.
You weren't the same normal skinny, average looking, four-eyed guy that mostly bullies would come for to tease you or for girls to decline your appearance as not suitable for their liking. This time is different, they expressed their impressions on your improved look.
In the present, you seem way more expensive looking, more neatly dressed, more built body with muscles visible now on your body, and last but not least is your new haircut. All of it are just simply perfect to you.
But those aren't belong to your priorities. You didn't brought yourself here to use it on flirting with anyone. This night is for reuniting with anybody else except for this one particular person you had in mind anticipatingly waiting for her arrival.
"How have you been doing all these years man?" Your college friend since your freshman days named Ryan asked after exchanging typical unique gestures at each other.
"Doing great, man. Well, what I can say? We're now standing right here with the one thing that kept us on going before." You answered after you drank a glass of cold pineapple juice.
"Yeah damn right. Feels like we're living with our hands get to do whatever we wanted, don't we?" Ryan agreed.
"Mmhmm. And I already started plenty of what I could think of to repay myself and my family after all the hardwork we've been through. To be honest, I'm still in disbelief that I can walk around and live with the rest of my life carrying my name now with a word "engineer" on it." You said. "Part of me still can't move on that I finally did it."
You chuckled as Ryan smiled at you proudly. He gave you a soft hit to the shoulder. "Don't be, man. Always think that you deserve it. That opportunity was handed to you on a silver platter, and trust me; I did believe you can make it because you're just simply the best out of us."
"Wow." You gave a small laugh. "Thanks for that awe-inspiring words, Engr. Mun. But seriously, I don't want to take all the praise here for myself. You guys did great too."
"You're welcome, Engr. Park." He smirked.
Your conversation went into a halt as both went silent to admire the happenings around you. Batchmates reconciling with their fellow friends and former teachers, laughing and talking about everything great that happened to them in post-graduation, colorful designated place that adds to the energy inside.
Although, your lips slightly shifted into a frown when you realized that the one you've been looking for is still not around. It's been like 25 mins that long since you came here so far.
"You're looking for her, huh."
"Uh-heh what?"
Ryan sniffled a laugh before exhaling refreshingly over his softdrink.
"I haven't seen any sign of her, dude. In fact, she's the only classmate of ours who still aren't in here. She's the only one left in our batch." Ryan clarified.
Your face couldn't help but to show disappointment and sadness a bit more obviously, puffing your cheeks then huffing a huge warm air in a mix of your desperation just to get a glimpse of her for tonight.
"Yeah, I know." You said with a low tone. "I guess she won't come."
"Damn, mate. After all this time?" Ryan asked unbelievably, leaning his head closer at you.
You only nod. Aside from the countless times you and that woman shared nothing but bad blood from one another, you can't deny that there's this side of you that you can't avoid yourself being attracted from her.
There's so many reasons. It was ridiculous and sure, confusing. Why would you even develop a likedness over someone who hates you so much?
"I'm sorry, man. Who knows, maybe you'll see her again soon?"
You shrugged, you don't have any idea of the possibilities. Sure, destiny could led you both again to cross paths someday; but it will always remain the same as usual: you are the only one who'll enjoy seeing her in front of you. It will always be one-sided.
You attempted moving on and letting go your feelings for her, but she couldn't just leave you alone. She's living in the same world as you are, so you get to witness her sometimes in advertisements or even news sites about some of her contributions and works she's done on her own career as an engineer too.
Her face that always include in all of these doesn't help your stage. The more you get to see her, the more you just kept to like having it again.
"I'm not expecting anymore. You know her, she probably completely forgot about us. She don't need to come here because what's for to visit, you know?" You sighed, taking another sip again of your juice.
"I get your point. I remember how she's always the baddest in our class. Everyone hates her for that, and at first though you sincerely are too but..."
"Me too. I never thought it would end up being one of the things that I love about her." You smiled at the recollection of those memories.
"Excuse me for a while. I'll just head to the restroom."
"No worries, take your time mate."
You left the table and made your way to the direction leading to the restroom of the school. Meanwhile, Ryan who was about to grab some plate for a food; has noticed something he was mistaken of something he thought at first would be very unlikely to happen.
"Speaking of the devil." He muttered.
While you're walking, you grabbed your phone as you felt a vibration inside your pocket. You pulled it up and viewed for any notification, only to fail when a force just collided with your body that sent your butt landing into the ground.
You groaned for a second and checked on your phone that is now laying on the hard ground beside you, before you heard a same aching sound mimicking the level of pain you've felt from that.
"Miss, are you okay?" You noticed that it's a woman who is brushing her arm fron the dust sticked onto her skin.
"Aish, that hurts. Who the h-"
She was complaining about the collision before it got interrupted when you tried to approach the lady and in your both astounishment; you recognized each other instantly just by looking at each other's faces.
Your classmate slash rival who graduated Magna Cum Laude and turned out to be a fellow successful licensed engineer like you and the only crush you had in college named Yoo Jeongyeon... is in front of you.
Your eyes widened as well as hers, surprised that you did got to finally see her even though you almost give up searching and waiting for her to arrive. Jeongyeon on the other hand, didn't expected your immediate contact with you... which rather resulted from a little accident.
But oh well, she still hates you... and everything you do unpleases her which means everything is a big deal when it comes exclusively about you.
Both spoke each other's names, befuddled.
"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't n-" You were about to offer your hand from assistance but Jeongyeon slaps it away.
"Get that off from me. I don't need your help." She slowly stood up from the ground on her own instead.
You just observed that she looks undeniably goegous and hot tonight, wearing a black sleeveless dress with her laced coiled around her shoulder exposed, her skirt that highlight those long, smooth legs covered in black stockings that only had her thick thighs remained left alone. Those average height heels tops it all off for her footwear.
"Look at how perverted you are, staring at me like I am a food for you to devour." Your senses got resnapped when Jeongyeon smashed you with her Louis Vuitton shoulder bag as she caught your stare.
"Ouch! I-I'm not thinking like that okay?!"
"You never changed, you sick freak! Ugh, until now you still disgust me." Jeongyeon acted horribly at the sight of you receiving a guilt trip from her, but you have no idea that Jeongyeon was thinking otherwise.
You look great... hell, fabulous or whatever words she can come up to maximize that description and equal the level of how eye-capturing your apperance.
Back at college, she could only tell you secretly after unleashing wrath over whatever you do that you are handsome, cute or leave a positive comment at some of the things she noticed that makes her heart swell atleast.
To be fair, Jeongyeon is just the same as you. She always liked you and probably always will be. Her grumpyness and cold-hearted personality was natural at first until it turns out to be just a strategy of her to prevent herself being too obvious that she was slowly developing feelings from her whenever she observes that your personality opposites from her.
Those smile, those cute tired and irritated expressions you create, everything you do whenever she puts up an act in front of you always gives a overwhelming effect deep inside of her.
She wish she could tell you, how much she wanted to claim you right away and make her yours especially that nobody seems to have an interest on you before; but only if you understand how much she finds it difficult to do so too.
And now that she's looking in your eyes again personally for the first time after 2 years, she can tell that it will be more challenging for her as times progresses further. Any girls out there can fell in love with this new version of you, and her regret and anger to blame not only to herself but to someone else for holding back consumes her more that she couldn't have done it sooner before your roads went apart to pursue your dreams seperately for 2 years.
"Wait, can you just calm down first Jeong?" You tried to pacify her but she only returns an even more aggressive remark.
"Okay okay! I deeply apologize for what I did. It's entirely my fault that I was not focusing on my way that's why I didn't noticed you." You calmly said, in order to keep things low as it should be and stop the chances of ruining her night or... both of you if this still goes on.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes and swaying her short bobbed cut length hair behind her ear. "That's because you're stupid. That's what you always are, anyway. Like I said, you never changed... just like how per-"
"Goddamnit, if only you let me finish what I was about to say about that." Your voice sharpened, Jeongyeon observed that you are now building up your own frustration and irritation brought by her demeanor. She shivered a bit, her mouth agaped at the tiny grunt that blended with your voice.
Completely serious and unimpressed, not allowing her to call you that for false accusations or even a joke because you're not even went here to play around especially when you just met her again tonight.
"T-then what is it?! I can see it right through you, don't you dare lie with me YN!"
"I was not thinking at you that way because I WAS MORE FOCUSED AT HOW PERFECT YOU LOOK IN YOUR OUTFIT!" You succeededly raised your volume at the end. Jeongyeon heard that loud and clear, which caused her to blush hardly at your sudden compliment.
"W-what did you say?" She fakely asked.
"I said... I-You look beautiful, Jeongyeon. That's what it caught my attention." You tilted your head away from her, too embarassed and nervous at the same time that you had to repeat saying it to her while concerning at how it would make you seem different because of those words you chose.
She smirked, you heard her footsteps as she goes near at you. You shuddered when she is now standing inches away at you.
"Aww, what is that? Are you trying to hit on me now, YN?" Jeongyeon suspiciously asked in a mocking tone.
She can see how you looked tensed near her and quickly wondered that it was the words you told her that made you like that. Your shyness made her decide to atleast play a little game with you. She missed doing teasing and belittling you like this since college.
"Good thing that I'll allow that, you had to remind but I know it's true..." Jeongyeon said nonchalantly. She pushed her head closer beside your head, lips almost in your ear. "Especially, when it's coming from a handsome man like you, YN." she blew a soft warm breath that gave you a legitimate goosebumps.
You gulped, not even quite sure if you heard or perceived it exactly. Did she meant saying that to you? This Jeongyeon was very weird if that so, you thought. She never heard any praise coming from her because in your side, you believed that from her pespective you are just nothing but a second rate, greedy, unattractive and fake student to her.
"Alright, step aside idiot. I'm already late because of that stupid traffic. I ain't going to waste more time talking to you." She pushed you aside as you watched her walked away from you while having her reddened face and tightlipped smile all over her lips because of what she received from you and did in return.
An hour and a half later, you noticed that Jeongyeon was just sitting alone in her table, playing around with her fork stabbed in a sliced cake that she's eating unappetizingly. You felt bad that out of everyone around in the gymnasium, she is the only one alone and looked completely unamused.
You know that she hates you, but this admirer side of you is giving you the urge to console her and initiate a plan to somehow help her because you can't just stand seeing her like this when tonight doesn't intend to make not a single attendee to be left alone.
"Hey." You called her as you reached her table.
"What do you want?" She glared, her grip on the fork tightened.
"Why aren't you hanging out with the rest of them?"
"I don't feel like it. I got bored already." She exhaustedly said.
"Cmon, Jeong. The night is still young. The party is still ongoing. You can't just stay there like that."
"No need. I changed my mind. I'm about to leave now."
She slowly stood in her seat and grabbed her bag. Your hesitation and unapproval of her choice encourages you further to stop her.
"Wait, Jeong! Are you serious, it's too early?"
"What am I going to do here? Sit here and do nothing?" She looked at you and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Y-you're not. I was about to ask you if I could somehow... join your side tonight." You said to her. She just stared at you in silence. "I don't want you to leave because I... I-I want you see you more, even just for tonight. I know you hate me, but can you just forget about it all for tonight and have fun with me, please?"
Her heartbeat intensified, her uplifted emotions filling up her insides, blood rushing fast as it forms another enormous blush both in her cheeks. She was truly touched and delighted at your pleads.
She loves the idea of that invitation. This is the opportunity right here. It's all free, it's just you and her tonight, they are not around for Jeongyeon to be stopped. This time, she's not going to reject or decline you by forcing herself on you.
"You want to join me?" You nodded. "Good. Then let's get out of here together." It took you aback seconds later that she's now pulling your wrist to drag you with her outside of the campus and throw you in the car.
"Mr. Boo, drive us home please."
"Noted, madame. Greetings to you, sir." The middle aged man complied. He sat in the drivers seat and took control of the wheel as he began to drive ahead to the destination.
"J-jeongyeon?! What is this, why are-"
"Shut up. Be quiet or else I might change my mind and throw you out here instantly while we're on the road."
You got terrified at Jeongyeon's intimidating aura and dangerous warning. You don't want to mess with this seriousness of her, so you listened and watched the view of the streets in Seoul being passed until both of you finally reached her own place.
"Thanks, Mr. Boo. You can rest now for today."
"Thank you, Miss Yoo. Have a good night to both of you." He bowed and went to his room.
"Oh we're definitely are." She whispered, devilishly smirking inside her head. "And you, follow me."
You just trailed with her from behind, still confused why did she have to bring you all the way in her house. She was never like this, was her boredness that intense for her to switch like this that you never imagined she can be doing this to you being taken into her own place.
You two went upstairs, Jeongyeon faced a door of this one room she picked. "Jeongyeon, why do you want me to be-"
"Get in." She opened the door and pushed you inside. Witnessing the interior of the room, you predicted that this had to be owned by a woman because of all the things that can only be owned by-
That's where you paused analyzing the situation you are in. You weren't mistaken that room you are stepping in is definitely owned by Jeongyeon herself. Your curiosity grew as to why did she have to even put you along with her in her private space.
As soon as she locked the door, she pulled your coat and rotated your body around, pushing you to the wall and cornering you in her arms.
"J-jeongyeon?! What are you doing?!"
"You wanted to fun with me, right? Here we are. I was thinking of something we can enjoy the night by just... being alone together."
Her expression had gone completely turned into a sultry and alluring type. She caressed your chest before tugging your necktie.
"I want you. Now."
She tugged your necktie and pulled your head closer at hers, crashing your lips into a messy duel of kiss, brushing and swirling your tongues at one another.
You always find her so enticing, attractive and charming before, and you never thought that this introduction of her new side to you would turn you on right away.
Not wanting to be left behind, you informed her that it's not only her who's also keeping this hungry and needy side, so you decided to join her flow by being the one to take control of her this time.
You seperated from the kiss and spun her around, switching your positions. She is the one who is now trapped in your guard, your hands gripping her shoulders tightly. "You really want this, Jeongyeon?"
"Yes! Please, you can have your way in on me this time. Whatever you want, I'll be the one who'll get low on you. Just please... fuck me! Make me yours!" She begged, squeezing her thighs together at the increasing arousal she's feeling.
"Be grateful that I need you too. Now get off your knees and show me how much you want this."
You pressed your hand to the top of head to help her lower down herself. She meets the level of your crotch as she slowly unbuckles your belt while you helped her strip down your pants and have it left crumpled in your ankle.
She removes your boxers that held confine on your 8-inch cock that sprung out close enough for Jeongyeon to be shocked and salivated at its enormous and delectable size.
Holding your cock with her firm hand, she gave it a little squeeze to feel the softness of your meat before she began stroking your length from the base.
"I didn't knew you were so big, YN." she bit her lips as she continued pumping your shaft as she combined it this time with her thumb circling your tip, giving you a tickling yet satisfying feeling. "Perhaps I belittled you too harshly."
"Yeah you did, now suck that cock for me and show me how accountable you are."
She directed your tip to her exposed tongue, performing a lick to its slip before rotating around your penis' mushroom head and gently pushing your cock slowly into her mouth where she began blowing your cock.
The sounds of her slurps and hums echoed in the room. Vibrations thats she create for those lustful noises passes on to your dick that is stuffed to her mouth which adds to the pleasure and drives you more insane.
Her sight of her hungrily tracing and wetting your shaft with her slick tongue, not wanting a spot uncovered makes you crave more and more of her service. As soon as you felt her head bobbing faster, you matched her pace as you moved your hips back and forth to fuck her mouth relentlessly.
Holding her head to push further, that was enough for Jeongyeon to experience a deepthroat of your payment. "Fuck yeah Jeongyeon keep going. God, such now I know you're such a great cocksucker don't you." You said with chorus of relaxed breaths streaming out of your mouth as you kept on pushing forward as you are now holding her head as your handle to support her.
She removes your cock to her mouth and looked at you intensely while she began to turn her attention now on your hanging full testicles, massaging it by wiggling it using her fingers. "I will always be like that only for you, master."
Master? Did she just called you that?
A bright light twinkled in your head as you finally had an idea. She has now fully presented you her submissive side, so why don't you just love being the dominant and show her how rightful and deserving is the one she's serving for this kind of gift.
"Oh, so I'm your master now huh." You cupped her chin and raised it to point her sight at your towering figure. "That makes you my slave, do you want to be like that for me?"
"Yes! It would be an honor to be your slave, master. Especially to be the one who can get access of your huge cock."
You forcefully opened her mouth and inserted your length again on her as you rapidly had her engulf it over and over. "Then freaking take it, slave. I'm close on cumming, and I want you to swallow every drop of it do you understand?!"
"Mmmhhmphhh mmmphhh!" She just furiously nodded as a gesture of her initiation. Mixture of drops of her saliva and your pre-cum were now tapping the tiles of her bedroom.
Three more strokes to go and you unleashed quite a loud roar as you fired streaks of your natural white fluid into her available mouth. "OHHH... OHHH YES YES THAT'S IT SLAVE. QUENCH YOUR THIRST WITH MY CUM."
You pulled back and slipped your cock out of her mouth, allowing her to gasp, cough and exhale freely from all the air that were restricted by your hardened wood that pre-occupied her.
"Show me." You tugged her hair upwards and silently instructed her to open her mouth which she did. Impressively, no traces of your cum were found.
"Damn, YN... when did you had this side of yours." Jeongyeon chuckled as she stood to face you, breaking the roleplay for a while.
"I don't know, I should be asking the same as you." You shrugged, combing her short hair from behind.
"Have you always craved to have a moment like this, hmm?"
"Maybe. I couldn't tell, but I'm sure I was looking forward more on my feelings I've been keeping in store you since our college days."
Jeongyeon blinked faster as she tried to comprehend what did you just told her. She was about to ask you if that means exactly what she's thinking, but you were so eager to return back to your session and knowing she is willing to join you tonight since she's the one who wanted this, she went back to submit for you rather; setting aside that question for later.
"Enough talking. Let's get this done with."
She yelped as you spinned her body around, taking off her sleeveless upper garment and throwing it aside, revealing her lace clad black bra that is almost doing a good job holding her breasts together.
This is the first time you had to have a closer look of these beautiful pair of mounds of hers. You recalled that you can't avoid before having a glimpse of some sneak peeks of the outline of her boobs due to the tightness of her uniform she picks to wear sometimes.
This is a once in a lifetime moment, so you got into the work quickly as you let her watch you grab her covered breasts, kneading and squeezing it like a dough to your hands. So soft, so bouncy. You heard her moan from your touch before you shut it with your mouth as you kissed her again.
Taking off your hands for a while, earning a slight disapproval from Jeongyeon but she kept it discreet as she discovered where you're heading next.
Raising the hem of her skirt, you kneeled and viewed the line of her black underwear tracing the curvy gap of her handful ass.
Unbuttoning the skirt, you removed it and threw it aside too, joining her unfolded dress to the floor which she was wearing earlier.
Her full view of her body wearing nothing but a set of dark lingerie and some long stockings trailing her long legs and squishing a bit of her fat thighs makes you suffer from the intense horniness you're containing inside of you.
"Holy shit, you look so fuckable Jeongyeon." you muttered as you travelled your eyes around at her.
You stood up, removing your clothes; revealing your jam-packed abs and muscles that made Jeongyeon whimper and bit her lip in hungriness at how mouth watering your jacked body is.
She kissed you again, this time in a passionate style. You grasped her ass and roughly squeezed it before lifting her up and throwing her at the bed.
"I can't help it anymore, master wants to taste you so bad."
"Yes please, I'm begging for you master. Eat me! Indulge my body!"
You grunted at how sexy and seducive Jeongyeon sounded with that. Hooking the bands of her panties, you removed it out of her legs, her prized possession now visible clearly in your eyes.
Spreading her thighs apart, you crawled as you teased her leaking slit for a little, toying the needy and defeated crush of yours before you proceeded to give her what she's anticipating, a long deep licks of your tongue to her velvety walls.
Jeongyeon escapes a long moan at your warm touch, holding and enjoying the feeling of your active buds capturing the sweet tangy feeling of her fluid.
"Oohhh ahhh.... oh yes yes master that's it! My pussy, mmpph suck on those harder! God, I'M CLOSE!"
You want that incoming orgasm of hers to arrive as soon as possible, so you combined your actions with a hyper movement of your fingers, clawing deep beneath her begging hole as you furiously pecked and rubbed her taut clit and her slit until she finally went over the limit.
Sprays of her juice aimed at your awaiting mouth and face, contributing a wet mess that you didn't mind at all. You were just gonna clean that up by drinking as much of it as you can.
You retreated between her thighs before going back only for a different position, kneeling at her thighs with your dick playing with her pussy as you dragged it along to her slit.
"Don't play with me master, give it t-"
You slapped her thigh, causing her to get interrupted. "DON'T RUSH YOUR MASTER! WHO HAS THE CONTROL HERE?"
"I-It's YOU! It's you, master. I'n sorry if I was-"
"Shut up, you want this so badly right? I'll give it to you."
You quickly drilled her pussy with your throbbing shaft without any more build up, her body convulating as she lets out screams and moans from the intensity of your banging into her body.
Splitting her legs apart as much as how flexible they can get, you retrieved it back to your shoulders and leaned closer where you can give Jeongyeon a kiss while her knees are now touching her shoulders as you kept on pounding her roughly.
"FUCKING TAKE IT YOU SLUT! YOU DON'T MIND ME CALLING YOU THAT HUH? I BET YOU WERE THINKING ABOUT ME FUCKING YOU WHOLE NIGHT THAT'S WHY YOU BROUGHT ME HERE. THAT MEANS YOU CAN ENDURE THIS AS LONGER AS I WANT RIGHT?!" You wrapped your hands around her neck as you gave weight into it to slowly choke her during the aggressive fucking.
"YES MASTER!!! OH GOD SO ROUGH!!! YOU'RE MAKING ME SO FULL! UGHHH" She said with a croaky voice as she grasped your arms giving support for your hands blocking her airways.
"Good to know." You demonically grinned at her response. Unclipping the cups of her bra, you released her swinging ample breasts and sucked those aroused nipples that added to the shockwaves of the pleasure she's feeling.
"Roll around!" You authoritatively told her. She followed, her back figure are the one that is now presented to you. That bomb of an ass she got for you had you the urge to slap it repeatedly, making her whimper and moan at every reddened handprint you left.
To get her ready, you buried your face on the valley of her cake, tonguing her asshole to make it wet so it can be easily accessible and prevent her from hurting too much. You knew this is her first time just like you and despite you are the one dominating the sex, ofcourse you are still concerned for the safety of your lover.
After giving a practical lube to her hole, you aligned your shaft at it. "Are you ready?"
"Y-yes. Just please... be gentle at first. I'm quite nervous." She said. Her soft tone made you smile. That was completely without any participation of your heated sensation with her, that was simply her expecting her trust to be given by you to not hurt her on this one.
"Don't worry, you can count on me Jeong. We can stop if you feel so." You patted her asscheek as you gently drove your length on her now gaped hole.
You saw her fist curling, probably from the pain. Getting more concerned, your instinct guessed for you the stop for a while and let her sink in the feeling. Fortunately, you were right and she was blushing at how understanding you are as always.
Few seconds later, she gave you to goal signal with a trusting nod. "Go deeper, YN." You listened, fully injecting your cock into the insides of her ass.
"Jeongyeon, you're gripping me so tight!"
"Keep going, master! Make me feel good again!"
It was like a switch she turned on. You shifted back to your beastly side, slowly making your pounds and thrusts in an increasing speed with the help of the force and strength you're pouring into it.
Holding her lips like a handle as you fucked her on her hands and knees, you decided to relocate into the undersides of her arms as you looped it around and locked it, pulling her upright and fuck her senseless in a full nelson grip.
"What now, Jeongyeon? It doesn't hurt anymore, so you're desperately want me to fuck again so bad I may have to bury my cock balls deep in your ass until we sleep." You said straight to her lips as she kept on fidgeting on her hold while she gets ruthlessly being pounded from behind.
She doesn't even notice that her eyes are now rolling from the back of her head and tongue slowly splitting out at how it feels so good being penetrated like there's no tomorrow. "We'll going to train that slutty hole until I can get to use it whatever we want."
"I-I don't care, master. As long as you give me your cum, that's what matters to me."
"Then buckle up because I'm going to shoot it out on you again."
The loud claps of your body began to rise and go faster as well as her vibrating moans and sweats dripping out each other skin, another batch of stickly load were unleashed into her ravaged hole.
You and her let out an exhausted breaths, giving yourselves time to rest for a minute. As you recovered your stamina back, you sat and leaned your back on the headboard. You patted the space beneath you, instructing Jeongyeon on what she's going to do next.
That's it. Very simple. You lend her your still erected cock into her hands as you spreaded your legs wider to give her more space to lay her body on her torso while she gives you the best blowjob and deepthroat she can perform for cleansing.
You noticed that you were about to cum again, but you thought of one more position you would like to do that has to do with Jeongyeon's attractive curvy frame.
"Move aside, I'll lay and I want you to ride me with your back facing me."
"Yes, master."
She gave one last peck of lovely kiss into your cockhead before she allows you to lay down for her to carefully straddle your lower half and direct your pointed shaft straight to her used hole.
Her weight presses down, your cock once again invading her walls as she sat and began grinding on your lap, bouncing further to increases the intensity of the fucking she's giving you.
You had to just lay there and admire the view of her breathtaking back frame, her supple ass rippling at the contact it takes from crashing down to your pelvis.
"Ughhhh... mmm.. o-oh fuck master this is so good... mmmhhh" Jeongyeon keeps on mumbling and whimpering unconsciously as she savors the pleasure of your length rubbing her insides and your tip poking her womb.
"I'm so close, Jeongyeon!" You rose up to grab her body and drag her down to make her lay on top of you. Arms coiled around her midsection and her large breast being roughly squished and groped. Your bodies are now stacked together with your cock still buried into her pussy.
You did the favor to fuck her with all your might until you reach your very end. Jeongyeon was very surprised and impressed at this position that you were still able to make her feel overloaded despite being riled up atop of your body thanks to how big and long your gifted cock is.
Few more strokes to give and again, you fired your last release deep that you can offer inside her for tonight. Both of you breathe deeply at the exhaustion, entirely spent and barely had to energy to engage into another round with Jeongyeon.
You gently laid the collapsed Jeongyeon to the other side of the bed as you slowly stood up and went for her kitchen to grab yourselves two glasses of water.
As you headed back to her bedroom, you were completely astounded at what you discovered.
Jeongyeon is curled, hugging her knees as you heard her noticeable cries being hidden by the positioning of her head.
"Jeongyeon?" You placed the glasses on the top of her small cabinet as you came up to approach her for assistance. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
"I-I don't know..." She shook her head as she felt your weight sink the softness of the cushion of her bed. "I'm just happy I guess... with everything."
"Tears of joy?" She nodded.
"I just remembered what you said to me earlier while we're doing it." Jeongyeon faced you, her watery and droopy eyes observed you.
"What part of it?"
"Y-you said... you were looking forward about the feeling you have in store for me since we were in college." Jeongyeon said. Your eyes widened a little, not because you were shocked that you don't realized you said. You were aware of what you're saying, it's just that you didn't expected that she'll bring that up again.
"Does that mean s-something, YN?" She asked you.
You sighed and frowned, feeling nervous and sad about the call you're about to receive in return when you finally unveil to her about this secret you've been hiding for so long.
"It is."
Jeongyeon's eyes were the ones that showcased a pure reaction of shock.
"I was in love with you, Jeongyeon. Until now I still am."
She confirmed it for herself and she couldn't believe it. The man she was secretly admiring thinking there will never be a chance for her to get reciprocated because of her trashy and evil attitude is literally confessing his love for her to prove her wrong.
"W-what? Y-you do?"
You nodded with guilt. You sat properly beside her who is still eyeing you. "Strange, right? How could I ever fell in love with somebody who hates me with ever fiber of her body, who sees me as a disruptor and a rival in the class to gain attention of the school around us from our intelligence and somebody who will never feel the same as mine. Hell, you can't even stand having me being your friend."
Jeongyeon lowered her head, she was hurt at the slap of reality you did to her. It was all her fault and she's telling the exact same thing she was highly believing in. You were making so much sense on her behalf.
"After we graduated, I lost you... but I just let it aside because I knew you won't mind it anyway. You may be even thanking the heavens that you can finally get rid of me. But ofcourse, it hurts. Knowing that your crush doesn't care as much as you can give for her no matter how much she's causing you pain."
You can't endure the agony and suffering all compiled within you over these years that you dealt with, as your eyelid felt heavy and streams of tears fell in your cheeks.
Jeongyeon was hurt even more at the amount of heartbreak she was unintentionally causing you. She just learnt today that it was not only her who's hurting after all this time. It was like you two are truly meant to feel what you both can feel for one another.
"I tried to to get you out of my heart but it's so hard. You come here after 2 years and you made it even worse. Now I don't even understand why did we end up in your room, temperature rising as our bodies united while we're both trapped between our arms." You looked at her who is staring embarassing on her entwined hands.
"Why did we do it even though it's wrong?" You asked her with a mix of curiosity and confusion.
Jeongyeon wiped out the tears were almost about to mess her face more. She sniffed and swallowed some confidence before she got to eventually tell you the main reason why she was encouraged and left without any other choice to do it with you.
"I... I didn't had to fight it anymore." She shrugged while staring at the unknown, too drowned at the deep trances of her explaination she has to share for you.
"What do you mean?"
"The way how I treat you before, I never intended to continue it longer." Jeongyeon said as she took a trip down memory line back to those times where the entire backstory of what actually happened behind the cold, jealous and hatred shell of hers that she had to wear whenever you're around her everytime.
"I never want to... be harsh or rude about you because, that's the contrast of what I actually want to act whenever I'm having you near me....
YN, I fell in love in you too."
You jerked your head aside, looking at her incredulously, the adrenaline of panic and bewilderment was striking you alternatively as you learnt her revelation that turned your world upside down.
Yoo Jeongyeon was indeed having a crush on you also. You can't process and reevaulate that statement she made you learn about.
"I still can remember the very first time you were the only one to made me smile at your ridiculous acts. Your sillyness you use to share your jokes to me while we were taking a break for our math competition, it was the start of the cracks that appeared on the walls I built around me for so long.
I kept myself away from everyone because I thought at first they will just be a distraction and irrelevant to my goals and accomplishments in class, but ever since I got to met you and discover more about you... I was mistaken. Closeness and connections on other people you find an interest... is what keeps you move forward in many ways unimaginable.
So I observed and checked on you secretly, while still wearing the mask to protect the personality I was mostly well known for. And you were so nice, so gentleman, so handsome and cute that I couldn't help but to reconsider things that I should try... disregard this disguise and try being nice for the first time all because of you.
But suddenly, it didn't happen. M-my parents-"
You leaned closer, looking at her intently as you patiently waited for her next words to say. "What about them? What did they do?"
Jeongyeon sniffed and heaved from the cries she's slightly making again. You guessed that her parents must have brought a devastating impact to her.
"They didn't liked about my growth of likedness for you. They knew about you when I first introduced you them as part of my reports from my studies, and I wasn't holding any signs of strange feelings for you at that time. They portrayed you as my enemy, so when they learnt that you're the one I'm having a crush with... I-I received a scolding from them.
They expressed their dislikedness for you, they reminded me of what I should do rather to you and that is to humiliate and surpass you in our academic status. You aren’t even qualified to their standards.  All they think about was the pressure they're putting on me to my studies just so they can brag something to everyone without sincerely being proud at what I did." Jeongyeon said as she sobbed harder. You didn't waited anymore to let her finish first, comforting her instantly with your warm cuddle.
"I was at this close to make you mine too, YN. I could've told you earlier that I love you too but I'm sorry if I had to make you wait for 3 years with me. It took us so long." She continues to break down on your shoulder. Your heart was tearing apart witnessing the vulnerability of your girl.
"Shhhh... calm your cries, Jeong. Don't drain yourself thinking about it all. That's enough." You murmured, repeatedly patting her on the head and rocking her body in ease.
"That's why when I had to see you again, you made me reminded that we're both grown ups now and we don't have to live from our parent's control. I didn't care anymore if it's inappopriate, it was never like that for me. Loving you was a blessing in disguise, YN."
She faced you and cupper your cheeks. You did the same thing and both were put theirselves into the midst of another kiss filled with nothing but love and freedom that the destiny has also granted both of you to receive at last.
"I just want to join you and follow wherever you go, YN. I want us to last longer. Please, I love you so much." She buried her face on your chest.
"You don't have to worry about that, Jeongyeon. From now on, we'll get to love each other without allowing anyone to get into our way. Our relationship stands tall until we stay strong in the end."
You tightened your hug around Jeongyeon as you took the time of silence between each other to be overwhelmed with joy, gratitude, relief and love for this heartful and wholesome moment you get to experience with the woman you never thought that you already succeeded on winning her heart not even acquiring any efforts to make.
Now you truly believe that she's probably thinking you are the right one despite the prohibited relationship and you are indeed prepared to be there on her side to support her and fight for each other's love no matter what happen.
"Thank you by the way, YN. I really enjoyed it." She said, referring to your first sex with her tonight that you easily understood.
You smiled, glad that you were able to satisfy and achieve the expectations and standards she may be looking for this kind of activity. "I do too, Jeong. That was one of the best things I've ever had."
"Be honest with me though, have you really fantasized or illusioned about this? Cause I'm going to be honest, you really made our sex better with your dominant side. It was like you were prepared for it to occur and you gave it all tonight. That was hot and very unusual of you. I almost didn’t recognized you." She asked while eliciting a chuckle at the replay of what she witnessed from your intimate-crazed self that is unrecognizable to the one she is currently spending time in relaxation to her bed.
You sighed, surrendering yourself from being cornered by her question. "Okay, fine! I do get horny sometimes even before in our college days! I also had a boner couple of times when you wear those uniform that compresses the outline of your bra. Do you even know how busty you are?" You said as you squeezed one of her breasts.
She laughed at your remark while almost getting aroused against your erotic touch. "I knew I was right that you're such a pervert. That's why you loved how I look in my lingeries huh."
"Yeah yeah, you got it correct. Happy?" You rolled your eyes and pouted as you sulk. Jeongyeon found his boyfriend being adorable when he's getting teased.
"Yup. Happy." She smiled and pinched your cheek, causing you to blush harder when you glanced at her shining grin. "Jokes aside, it's pretty fine and completely normal to have that kind of moment. It's part of our puberty to boost our hormone's sensitivity. I'm thankful you never crossed the line before though like... attempting to sexualize or harass me."
"Oh I would never do that. My respect never disappeared for girls like you, Jeongyeon." She smiled appreciatingly.
"I desired about us doing it too before YN, so don't worry."
"Then you admit you're a pervert as what you suspect me?"
"Dumbass, it's not!" She slapped your shoulder which you hissed and ouched at the stinging pain.
"Okay! I'm sorry, I'll stop." You burst out a laughter at Jeongyeon's deadly yet cute glare.
"Thank you for helping me fulfill our fantasies... or should I say our double fantasy together at once, YN."
"Same here, Jeongyeon. And I'm so lucky to have it with you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, babe."
One last kiss is all it takes before both fell asleep to end your memorable night with your former rival and now... your first ever-and definitely the last-girlfriend to have on her own room where you'll be expecting a future intimate scenarios you could make together with her, with Jeongyeon, just as same as what you two did in your own way of celebrating your reconciliation and newly established relationship with her.
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thevioletcaptain · 7 days
Dean’s not staring. He’s definitely not staring.
He’s so consciously and deliberately not staring that he sinks down a little lower in the driver’s seat of the Impala, just in case Cas happens to glance over and see him from where he’s standing like some kind of calendar model on the opposite side of the Smith Center Public Swimming Pool.
Not because he thinks he’s doing anything wrong, though. Cas is hot, and Dean knows that Cas is hot. He's long past having a crisis about the fact that he wants the guy. But he's off limits. He can't quite remember why he'd decided that he was off limits, but he's sure he had a good reason for it.
So he's not staring. And he's not hiding, either.
It's just that Dean doesn’t want Cas to see his face through the windshield, all distorted by the glare of the summer sun, and mistakenly think that he is staring.
Because he’s not.
But. Well. It’s kind of hard not to look, is the thing.
And looking isn’t staring. It’s just — seeing. With his eyes. Which he kind of can’t help but do. And is that a crime? Is it a crime to see?
Anyway, Cas is the one who decided to buy himself a neon green Speedo for the adult swimming lessons he’s insisted on taking now that he’s human again, and it’s hardly Dean’s fault if his eye is naturally drawn to bright colors.
That’s just… evolution. He thinks he read that somewhere, once. Survival instincts, ingrained over countless generations and hardwired into his monkey brain, so that he won’t accidentally put poisonous tree frogs in his mouth or whatever.
Not that he's letting his monkey brain take control right now. Not that he’s thinking of putting his mouth anywhere near Cas’ —
“You can’t park here.”
He jumps, his forearm pressing hard into the horn, and half a dozen people — Cas included — all turn to stare at him from the poolside.
Now they're staring. Not just looking. Definitely staring. Dean knows the difference.
Cas lifts his hand and waves.
It’s probably Dean’s imagination, given the distance, but he’s pretty sure he can see a bead of water — maybe sweat — trickling down his side. It starts near his armpit. Trails down over his ribs.
As Dean watches — looks, really, just happens to see — Cas pushes his fingers through his hair, and shakes his head, and an arc of droplets sparkles through the air around him before he drops his hand back down and wipes it off on his thigh. And now his thigh is wet again.
Who gave him the right to fucking glisten like that? Who the hell does he think he is?
Dragging his eyes away from Cas, Dean glances up at the woman ducking down to peer in at him through his open window. She’s wearing a navy blue polo with the pool’s logo, and she’s missed a spot with her sunscreen, so there’s an oddly shaped patch of red in the middle of her forehead. The pinched-mouth expression on her face suggests that perhaps she's spoken to him more times than he’d noticed. He shakes his head a little.
“Huh, sorry, what?”
“You can’t park here,” she says, tone harsher than before, and points up at the staff only sign he’d missed when he arrived.
In his defense, the sign is kind of dull, and decidedly not brightly colored, and by the time he’d been pulling into the space, he’d already been kind of distracted by Cas and his glow-in-the-dark-and-the-daytime-too crotch.
Some part of him — the monkey brain, probably — desperately wants his eyes to flick back over toward the pool to see if Cas has decided to do any more post-swim stretching. He valiantly fights it. The effort uses enough brain power that he barely remembers that he's probably supposed to respond to the woman talking to him.
“Oh,” he says, finally.
She waits. Raises her brow. He figures he should say more.
“I’m not actually— I’m not staying. I’m just here to pick someone up. I mean, heh, that sounded wrong. I’m not trying to pick someone up, like, trying to score. I’m just here to pick up a guy. My friend. In my car. To drive him home.”
The woman’s eyes narrow a little, and she half opens her mouth like she’s not quite sure how to respond to his rambling but fully intends to, but before she can get a word out Cas is there, pulling open the passenger door. The hinges creak.
The scent of chlorine and sunscreen and Cas floods Dean's senses.
He glances over, no longer able to force himself not to, and has to bite down on his own lip to keep from letting out a deeply embarrassing noise when he finds him spreading his towel out on the seat so he can sit down, still wearing his Speedo. He drops the string bag with his change of clothes into the footwell and grins at Dean as he climbs inside.
"Don't worry, I won't get your car wet," he says.
Dean's brain is making a strange buzzing sound.
"Uhuh," he says.
“Sir,” the woman cuts in again.
Dean doesn’t even look at her, this time. Just waves a hand in the air and starts the engine as Cas buckles in. Pulls the seatbelt taut across his lap.
"You need to move."
"Yeah, we're going," Dean says.
“See you next week, Doreen,” Cas tells her cheerfully.
“Yeah,” Dean says, but his eyes don’t leave Cas. Maybe he is staring, just a little. “Maybe I’ll come, too.” [written for this prompt game] [find me on ao3 as imogenbynight 💚]
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voltstone · 5 months
they adopt a cat named floof (Wenclair One-Shot)
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wednesday, for her girlfriend, gets a cat. she finds a way to bypass the “no pet” policy in order to do so. :)
(inspired by this post)
[1,268 Words] | [Last Edit: 11/12/2022] (Full One-Shot Post)
Note: This one-shot has been reposted from my old account onto this one. If it looks familiar, that's why.
Hope you enjoy! :)
Enid has figured, months ago, that she might as well be dating an Eldritch horror.
At first, she thought that Wednesday is just an angsty little goth. Come to find, her aesthetic and snapped wit are the most outwardly charming things about her. Because, as much as Enid loves her, Wednesday is really, really fucked in the head. 
Fucked head or not, though, Wednesday has a heart. She does. Sure, it may be in her foot for all Enid knows, but watching how she plays along with Eugene’s bee-scapades, and how cordial she and Bianca have gotten, she knows there’s a heart of gold in Wednesday. (That or she’s color-blind and it’s not gold but rather, in fact, dirt.)
Not that it matters. After too long of a day, Enid is ready to collapse onto Wednesday’s bed and badger her until she stops her “hour of novel writing” in exchange for, uh, osculation. 
Some days the struggle is short-lived. Wednesday gets needy too. But other days, the “hour of novel writing” is extended to several, and a long, long pout-full sleep on her bed. Hopefully today is the former. Given the labs, and the lectures, and the other labs, Enid really just needs to scratch an itch. And by that, it’s really Wednesday scratching it, and then Enid taking a nap afterwards. With Wednesday. (They cuddle.)
The door is nudged open. A hinge creaks, and a floorboard groans. Her eyes find Wednesday immediately. By the window. Waiting for her. Mildly surprised, but, ultimately, glad. Enid smiles widely. “Wednesday! Your novel's…”
“Done for the day. I did it this morning.” She straightens as Enid closes the door. "Enid,“ Wednesday prompts, and though she catches a quirk down her lips, Enid can’t help but feel…cautious. A Wednesday with her hands behind her back is a Wednesday with too big of a trick up her sleeve. "I have a surprise for you." See?!
Cautious or not, a wide smile flourishes. "A…surprise?”
“Yes.” A blink. (Surprisingly. Heh.) “You said that you wanted a pet to keep us and Thing in better company.”
If Enid could jump Wednesday’s cold, frigid bones, she would. But, alas, as much as she loves Thing, Enid isn’t sure if she’d appreciate two running around—as a hand, and then a paw. So she stands herself squarely and musters a curious face. “Yeah, I-I did… So…?" A grin is pressed. Oh fuck, she can’t bear holding herself together any longer. Her hands are clasped. The grin cracks glee. "What is the little one…?! A gerbil? A ferret? A—” Enid practically melts off the face of the earth. “A kitten?!”
Wednesday maintains her composure, but that quirk down her lips worms. “Not quite. Close your eyes.”
She does as told, and she hears Wednesday shift with the surprise in her arms. Her grin is wide with her tongue snagged between teeth.
“Enid. I got us a cat.”
There’s a hop, and a skip, and yip! before she has the chance to open her eyes. "O-M-G! Can we name it Floof—?!“ When Enid does open her eyes, she… U-Um. Well, um. She sees orange. And the cat is…staring at her. Except it’s disconcerting and not at all like Wednesday; rather than stare deep into her soul to lobotomize it, the cat is, like, staring…through…it?
Wednesday tilts her head. Another blink. "What?”
The cat isn’t fucking moving. It just…isn’t. It's—
Oh my fuck, what the God did you do, Wednesday?! 
Enid stands in place, feet anchored to the ground, as she stares at the… The— M-Muppet. Dead muppet. There’s a swallow, and then, a squeaked, "…w-why does it look like that?“
Wednesday lobotomizes Enid’s soul (affectionately). "Like what? The child we shall raise? Together?” …that shouldn’t have flipped Enid’s heart over. It’s practically roasting on a skillet now.
Enid lurches a quite tentative step forward. She meets…Floof by its vacant stare. "Did you put googly-eyes on it?“
"Well it is taxidermy,” Wednesday confirms, bluntly. She gazes down at the cat’s face, and the black dots follow. “I felt you would have appreciated her eyes.”
“Instead of what?”
Wednesday stares back at her. “The eyes I found bludgeoned from her head.”
Where did she get this cat?! Enid follows Wednesday to her desk. …Floof is gently set down beside the typewriter, and as Wednesday fixes a bent whisker in place, Enid hears Thing scatter across the room and back under one of the beds. 
Judging from the multitude of blemishes across…her body, it’s clear that Floof spent all nine lives at once. Poor thing. Yet, she looks as alive as Enid supposed she was not months ago—googly-eyes discounted. She imagines Wednesday’s lithe fingers spindling to sew the worst of death, hide it away, and it’s a mellow thought, if morbid. Her coat looks soft, and her body, strong. Put back together, at least. "That's— That’s such a pretty pattern on Fl-Floof’s back,“ Enid comments.
"Goodyear, for a truck—winter coverage.”
…a-ah. Okay.
Wednesday lingers in place, with her eyes avoidant, and hands tied together. It takes a moment before she begins to ramble—a rarity, with Wednesday, and Enid feels her own heart pool to her foot: “You said you wanted a cat, but I told you—again—that we can’t because of the academy’s policy, but you looked like you wanted to kill yourself when I said that—”
“…Wednesday, I’m not…s-suicidal.”
“—so I went out searching for one, on the roads, and I found this one. She looks like a lot of your sweaters, which is disgusting, so I figured it’d work out. We wouldn’t have to pay for any of the necessities she needed alive, though I’m sure enough nail-paint and -remover will do the equivalent.”
Enid grimaces, though her eyes land on Floof’s white paws, and they snag each toe. “She does have nice nails.”
“I filed them.”
A hum down her mouth, because Enid can smell the anxiety off her neck—even from around the desk, despite whether or not Wednesday herself realizes it. But it's…funny, really. There’s a sort of beauty about it, how mental gymnasticshas become the sound way to understand Wednesday’s language:
Want a pet? Can’t have one because of rules. So, here’s a dead one. With pretty nails you can paint, and a head big enough for a bow.
Enid watches her quietly. Wednesday plays with her hands, spindles them together. Her lips are thin. She’s nervous. Her eyes are cast down. She anticipates.
“How long did this take…?”
Wednesday, slowly, murmurs, “Two weeks. I had to…help with the odor. You would’ve vomited or kissed the floor otherwise.” A pause, then, “…and broken your…pretty nose. Again.”
“That did hurt, yeah…” Enid breathes. (It’s still sore. She swears she’ll set Wednesday’s side of the room on fire, someday.) She rounds the desk’s corner, and Wednesday is swiftly tucked in her arms. There’s that initial frigid moment before Wednesday unwinds, and her body remembers that, yes, it’s Enid, and Enid has the permission. She nudges her pretty nose along Wednesday’s neck. “Thank-you…” is murmured.
“We’re going to reconsider the name." You’re welcome.
"No we’re not." No we’re not. 
Together, they eye Floof, and Floof…is staring at both the door and window simultaneously. With— 
Aww, her tongue is almost sticking out. What a cute touch, Wednesday… 
"You’re needy.”
“It’s almost a full moon…?”
Wednesday twists her head, and Enid seeks for treasure.
They osculate. And her lips feel like death, but they’re the most liveliest thing, all at once.
Hope you enjoyed! :)
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
all the pain will change into a memory of when we were amazing (mario & luigi-centric post-movie fic, part 2!)
(Part one can be found here!)
(Thanks again to everyone who read the first part and was so sweet about it! Here's the continuation. This is a shorter interlude with Mario and Luigi's family before we get to the main "meat" of the story AKA Mario and Luigi talking on their own in the third part, coming soon. I hope you enjoy, and I appreciate any thoughts/feedback. I will get this uploaded on AO3 as soon as I can as well, if you'd prefer to read over there.)
Things had been so quiet on their long, long, long trek back home that the sudden noise made Mario stiffen as they shuffled through the door, every nerve on high alert for a breathless few seconds. Luigi, who had practically sleepwalked the last block with his head leaned against Mario’s head, using his brother's hat as a makeshift pillow, started too, mumbling a greeting that barely resembled the English language, waving at the front door before realizing he was turned around and swaying around to face the warm light of the dining room instead. It looked like dinner was already over, dishes and silverware being cleared away.
“Look who finally decided to show up! Brooklyn’s brand-new heroes!” Uncle Arthur raised a nearly empty glass of what looked like wine in laughing celebration. “What, you save the city from a bunch of weird turtle goons one time and you’re too good to share a meal with us regular bums?” 
“They were helping with the cleanup,” Aunt Marie hissed, swatting him hard enough to elicit a yelp. “Where were you out there, huh?” She smiled warmly at Mario and Luigi on her way to the kitchen. “Sorry we couldn’t wait any longer. Gramps and Mia needed to get to bed. But don’t worry, we saved plenty!”
“Probably too busy signing autographs for all the bella signore,” Uncle Tony guffawed. “Hard to blame ‘em! Better enjoy it before they figure out you’re plumbers with no money!”
“Heh, yeah. Caught us fair and square,” Mario said, managing a weak laugh. Luigi let loose a tiny, snorting chuckle too, although whether that was because he was backing Mario up or just blindly mimicking what he heard, too lost in his own sleepy little world, Mario wasn’t sure. They were still holding onto one another, which they’d maintained the entire walk back except in places where it was impossible to proceed in that way (ladders and the like). That way, a repeat of the stairs incident couldn’t happen, and Mario had known exactly when Luigi was getting shaky enough to need a break. He squeezed his brother’s hand as a way to check in. It took a few seconds, but Luigi squeezed back gently, which was a small relief.
“Is that the boys!?” Without any further warning, their mother barreled out of the kitchen like a runaway train. She grabbed them in both arms, her shaking grip tight enough that both brothers wheezed from a sudden lack of air. “Oddio, where have you been? You already vanished on us once! My old heart can’t take much more of this.” 
“You’re not that old, Ma,” Luigi murmured, patting her shoulder.
“Sorry,” Mario said as clearly as he could manage with his face smothered in her hair. “Didn’t mean to make ya worry. Just, uh, lost track of time, that’s all.”
“What happened?” That was Dad, moving slower to catch up with her, his brow creased deep. “Are you all right?”
“Never been better!” Luigi insisted, overly bright. The bone-crushing hug had woken him up a little, but now he was using his I’m definitely lying but maybe if I speak at a much higher volume, no one will be able to tell voice. “We were just, y’know, real busy making sure everyone on the block could still…flush their toilets! Everyone forgets how important that is. Can ya believe it?”
“And we had to make sure our friends got home safely too,” Mario jumped in, rubbing his mom’s back with his free hand as she continued to hold on for dear life. You get temporarily swallowed by a giant, man-eating plant in front of your parents one time… “But we’re definitely not going anywhere for the rest of the night, and Aunt Marie said something about leftover food, if you can forgive us…?”
“Of course, of course.” She finally stepped back, but not before one good, firm pinch of the cheek between her fingers for each of them. “You’ve worked so hard, my brave boys. You must be about ready to turn inside out from hunger already. Sit, sit, I’ll bring it to you—”
“Actually, Ma,” Mario interjected as gingerly as possible. “It’s been a really, really long day. Could we, uh, maybe take the food in our room? I know, I know, you don’t like that, but if anything gets messy, I’ll take care of it, promise—” 
“Ya can’t be serious!” Uncle Tony spoke up all of a sudden, his chair screeching against the floor as he jumped up. “You two still gotta give us the whole rundown of where ya been! Where did that angry, spikey dragon-turtle-guy even come from?”
“And the tiny kid who looked like a big ole mushroom with legs!” Uncle Arthur added.
“What about that giant monkey in the tie?” Aunt Marie piped up, half-laughing in sheer disbelief as she came back into the room. “He could talk! And not just little words, no — if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was hittin’ on me.”
“Look, I get it, I get it,” Mario insisted as good-naturedly as he could manage. He started to inch towards the hallway with Luigi in tow, who he could feel becoming jittery from all the new noise. All he needed was a few good, firm excuses, a clear escape route, and they were home-free. “It was pretty crazy stuff, right? But seriously, we’re dead on our feet as it is—” 
“Then sit down already and take a load off!” Uncle Tony insisted right back. “We’ll make coffee!” 
“Nooooo, no coffee for me. Now!? I-I think I might shake right out of my skin if, “Luigi started to joke, only to squeak when Uncle Tony grabbed him by the shoulders and tried to steer him around anyway.
“C’moooon! A story like this can’t wait,” Uncle Arthur groaned. “This is the wildest thing that’s happened since Gramps’ teeth were eaten by that dog on the subway! Have some pity for your elders and their boring lives.” 
“We’ll tell ya all about it tomorrow, I swear!” Mario said a little louder, desperately trying to sound casual even as the words scraped up his throat. It was too loud, too bright. A new wave of dizziness swam over him; everything was starting to seem more and more like a dream, his vision smearing at the edges. The only thing that still felt solid, real was his hold on Luigi. He stayed focused on it like a lifeline, even as they were jostled around. “And you’ll understand then why we need to sleep for a million years and then some, I swear, ‘cause we, we’ve really gone through the ringer here...”
“Don’t you think you’ll feel better if you just sit down for a minute?” Ma asked, smiling warmly. “Besides, I wanted to know a little more about that princess—”
“Ya gotta eat anyway!” Uncle Arthur downed what was left of his glass in one swig. “Don’t make us beg!” 
“Forget the coffee. We’ll break out the Sangiovese and that’ll loosen you up real good,” Uncle Tony snickered.
Their uncle grabbed at Luigi again, pulling him along harder this time — hard enough that he panicked, his flailing hand struggling for a better grip on Mario’s before they were ripped apart. And that reminded Mario’s fuzzy, exhausted brain of something. A feeling he didn’t know how to describe in words but that cut into him like a knife between his ribs just the same, bone-deep and blindsiding and instantly overwhelming. He thought of—
(pink clouds and faint swirling light and green pipes and weird wind tunnels he could practically swim through and black shadows like soot in the air and lava glowing and Luigi shouting his name, Luigi panicking as he tried to calm him down, Luigi’s hand warm and snug against his because nothing could hurt them if they were together and nothing was going to separate them as long as Mario was strong enough, steady enough to make it that way but then there was a sound like thunder and the pressure grew and grew and grew and grew and GREW AND)
His body acted on its own. With both hands, he wrenched Luigi back towards him a few stumbling steps, out of Uncle Tony’s hands. “No!” He yelled, a hoarse, guttural sound. 
Silence, save for car horns on the street outside.
Clarity came over Mario in a slow, creeping wave, quickly turning into a feeling of horror as he registered the way everyone had frozen in place around him, staring with wide, frightened eyes. Even their parents looked stricken. Luigi’s tired expression had flooded with worry too, but there was a glint of something warmer there as well — understanding. I felt it, his eyes said to Mario, as clear as day. I remembered too.
“I-I’m sorry, but we really, REALLY need to take a rain check, all right?” That was Luigi, breaking the silence, talking way more assertively than he usually ever did at home. Most of the time, the others drowned him out, but now, he had everyone’s undivided attention, insistently pointing with his one free hand that wasn’t still clinging to Mario’s. “We, me and Mario here, are a little loopy, all right? Not thinking straight in the least! It’s been a hard day — a hard couple of days! Three days, in fact! Maybe three days, or two! Heck, I don’t even know what day it is anymore! That’s how out of whack we are! Do ya get it already!?” 
“Easy there, Lu,” Mario whispered. There was so much frantic gesturing going on that Luigi was starting to throw himself off-balance, swaying dangerously. He still felt ashamed, raw inside from the outburst, but Luigi jumping in had lessened it to the point that he could breathe again, at least. His amazing brother really was full of surprises today, it seemed. “But he’s right. I…it’s just been a lot."
Some glances were shared around the table. Surprisingly, it was Uncle Tony who spoke up first. 
“Y’know what? You do look like you’d be shoo-ins for a zombie movie, no makeup needed.” He clapped them lightly on the shoulders one more time and then sat back down with a backwards wave of the hand. “Don’t worry about us. Go on, get out of here.”
“Get plenty of rest,” Aunt Marie said, her smile plainly apologetic. 
“Man, that just gave me deja-vu like nobody’s business,” Uncle Arthur laughed. “Remember when they were tiny, Tony? We couldn’t peel them off each other for anything in the world.” 
“Oh man, do I,” Tony snorted. “Not without them scratching and screeching like stray cats! Might as well have made you two — whaddya call it again? — conjoined twins and saved a couple steps.” 
“There was that one time we were babysitting at the park down the street—” 
Mario didn’t hear the rest of the conversation. “Come on,” a familiar, gruff voice said near his ear, followed by two large arms herding him and Luigi away, their mother following close behind. “Get yourselves into the kitchen already.”
“I’m sorry, Dad,” Mario couldn’t help but insist once they were there, heels squeaking on the faded linoleum. Several of his stern talking-to’s over the years had started out much like this in the past; speaking up right away and defending himself before the inevitable yelling happened was practically second nature. “I didn’t mean to yell, I swear, it was just—”
“Never mind that,” the older man cut him off. There was something soft in his tone, softer than Mario could remember hearing it before, and that was when he realized that he'd misread the situation entirely. His dad's eyes were dark with concern, not anger. "Now come on. Give me your gloves, and shoes too. Both of you."
Mario and Luigi glanced at each other and then down at themselves in confused unison, dimly registering that yes, they were still wearing all of that, having forgotten to take everything off at the door like they usually did. Some slow shuffling later, and it was gathered in a pile. Their dad plucked their hats off their heads as well (also missed), tucking everything in the sturdy crook of one arm. He used his free hand to ruffle their hair and pat their faces, one after the other.
"You did good out there," he said, "but what matters most is that you're all right. That's always gonna be what matters most to us. I just," he swallowed slowly, thickly, "I want to make sure you both know that."
For one very brittle moment, as his dad held his face in his big, warm palm, Mario genuinely didn't trust himself to not start either laughing or sobbing right then and there — maybe a crazy mixture of both. The feeling passed, thankfully, but he still managed a wobbly smile, a small nod.
“Now go and wash up. Ma will get the food ready.” Sure enough, their mother was already bustling around like a madwoman, plates clattering and half-empty pots simmering again on the stove. “Luigi, you first. Datti una mossa.” 
“Yessir!” Luigi looked back at Mario before going, a tired, reassuring, still slightly worried look that said I’ll see you in a couple of minutes, okay? Mario reflected it back, and their dad walked Luigi out of the room, towards the hallway.
“Just promise me you’ll tell us what happened tomorrow, all right?” Mario's attention returned to his mother, who was finishing stirring some reheated sauce with a little too much shaky speed before coming over to him, smushing his cheeks in both hands. “I don’t care how old you two get. You're still my babies, and babies shouldn't keep secrets from their poor mother."
“I promise, I promise! You’re gonna pop my teeth out, Ma!” Mario half-laughed, gently tugging at her wrists so he could talk more clearly. “Definitely tomorrow, okay? Right now, I…I don’t know if I could tell ya if I tried. It’s just a crazy blur, and I really gotta process it all myself, still. We just need a little time."
“I understand.” She drew him into another hug. Mario couldn’t help but sink into the familiar warmth, clinging to her. He’d been so worried about Luigi that he’d never even considered the idea that he might never see his parents again either. The realization hit harder than he’d anticipated. “Besides, I know I have nothing to worry about when you two are together. You do such a good job of looking after your brother.” 
(Or even worse, what if he’d been able to come home in the end — but alone? What if he’d had to sit his parents down and tell them that Luigi was…) 
There it was again — that sudden, sour feeling of wanting to cry, such a heavy wave inside him that he had to clench his teeth to the point of pain to hold back a gasp.
Stupid, he thought bitterly, almost angrily. What did he even have to be crying about? Once again, he weathered the rush, kept the walls intact by a hair. He closed his eyes and just let himself be held.
“Of course, Ma,” he croaked. “Always.” 
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triangularitydubs · 1 month
Edit: Wasn't ready to post this but...TUMBLR SAID I WAS.. So here we are I guess!
So I got inspired...by a post(Unfortunately I lost it) And um... wrote a full fledged Parody.
I would need a voice actor that can sing as Pomni... if I was actually willing to make this a legit project..(which I am).
Or um...idk.
But enough useless banter, you're probably wondering what I'm going on about..
Tumblr media
So things look bad, and you've glitched down in this hole,
Your whole existence seems it's hopeless!
You’re feelin’ useless as some VR RPG!
Can’t face the world all glum and joyless..
You’ve lost your way, you think your life is wrecked.
Well, let me just say you’re correct!
[Gummigoo, spoken]
Wait, what?
You’re a loser, Gummy.
A loser, my dear gummy.
You’re a spineless pathetic drongo!
[GUMMIGOO, spoken]
You’re a loser, just like me!
[GUMMIGOO, spoken]
Gee thanks.
You’re a screws-loose gator.
And too hopeless to cater.
You’re a mess that might just abstract.
But you got company!
[Gummigoo, spoken]
Is this supposed to make me
There was a time I thought that no one could relate..
To the lonley ways this world can make you.
But getting trapped digitally sometimes set you straight!
We’re all stuck inside this game of roulette!
My world is crushed,
Found out I'm am NPC.
Heh! And you think that's a bad fate?
Get outta here, mate!
We’re both losers, gummy
We’re losers, it’s okay to have some
Thoughts of existential dread?
Took the words right out of my mouth!
I’m a loser, Pommi my
life isn't bad, it's not over
So at least I know I’m not alone
You’re a loser
Just like me
I got an appetite for over stressing.
I got an appetite for bandin' round with my best mates!
Go ahead buddy, sing that song, come on!
My life's a lie, but I won't cry
I'm afraid I could die!
[Pomni & GUMMIGOO]
Still we're stuck here now until
You’re a loser, and so hazy
A loser, but just maybe if we
Keep moving forward, things will end up differently
It’s time to choose to be carefree
Improve yourself, its still you
Don't worry now bout
being NPC
Be a loser, just like me
-------------------more more----------------------x
If you want to... do anything with the lyrics side at least. Go for it! Just.. you know be sure to credit me.
Via Tagging me directly or like I dunno #LoserGummy
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Pairing: non idol yeonjun x reader
Summary: it's hard to summarize because it's legit all over the place trying to make the three random sentences match but it's kinda funny!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: smut, oral (male receiving)
A/N: i wrote this 4 years ago for a random tags request on an old account and just found it but it was for a different idol (no i won't say who heh). i changed it to be for yj because i'm ill and need it to be for him. if i had a chance to completely re-write with these prompts now, it would be so much nastier but this is cute and i can see where my brain was back then.
the three prompts were:
"Then let’s give them something to talk about."
"Your lips are so pretty, I just can’t wait to see how they’ll look wrapped around my cock."
"You’re so fucking pathetic, it’s almost funny."
i can’t believe i convinced this 24-year-old man to beg on his knees for me. it was a joke, but yeonjun took me seriously and i’ve never been more uncomfortable—but also sort of…aroused?
“yeonjun”, i smacked his arm, tugging on it in attempt to get him off of the floor, “you look so ridiculous! get up!” i could see the smirk on his face even though his head was facing the ground, he was enjoying this.
“please let me fuck you, y/n”, he looked up at me, a full pout going, “i need to fuck you right now!”
i looked around, waving my hands at everyone who had gathered to watch, “he’s just kidding! this is all a joke!” he grabbed my hands and i glared down at him, “come on, y/n. i promise i’ll even last longer than 15 seconds this time!”
girls started to giggle and i could hear the whispers getting louder. this is so embarrassing i could die. i snatched my hands away from his, crossing my arms over my chest. tears welled up in my eyes as he stood, smirking down at me, “you’re so fucking pathetic, it’s almost funny”.
i gasped and smacked his chest, “this isn’t funny at all! you’re embarrassing me! worst friend i’ve ever had”. i tried to walk away, but he pulled me back, “aw, lighten up! it’s a joke, no one really cares”. i rolled my eyes and scoffed, “every single person in this stupid mall saw you begging to fuck me on the floor! they’re going to post this online and then everyone will be talking about us!”
“but there is no us”, he muttered, shrugging it off, “if you’re really worried about what they’ll say, then let’s give them something to talk about”. his arms slid around my waist and i gasped as our lips touched. is he kissing me?!
i pushed him off but he was quick to pull me back again, his lips moving against mine this time. damn… as soon as i started kissing back, he abruptly stopped, winking at me and walking off toward the entrance we came in. WHAT?!
“choi yeonjun!” i chased after him, ignoring all of the people talking about us. i can’t believe he’s so calm about having a freaking audience.
“hey!” i finally caught up, pulling on his arm, but he didn’t stop walking. “where are you going?”
“hurry up”, he took my hand and dragged me all the way to the car, ignoring how hard i was trying to pull in the opposite direction. he’s a little too big for me to win this one. he got in the car, still ignoring me, so i got in and threw my hands up, “what’s the problem?!”
he sighed and locked the door, looking at me with a weird look in his eyes. is he… “your lips are so pretty”, his gaze shifted down to my mouth and i felt my cheeks heating up, “i just can’t wait to see how they’ll look wrapped around my cock”.
my breath caught in my throat, my eyes darting away from his as he looked up. “you…you want to see that?” he turned my face toward his and i almost forgot where we were. he’s so cute…
“haven’t you ever thought about it? thought about sleeping together?” i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t. yeonjun is ridiculously hot and that stupid smile would make any girl melt. but here? in his car that’s parked in front of the mall?
i nodded, realizing i hadn’t answered him, and he took that as a cue to kiss me again. i took a deep breath and reached over to his pants, unhooking his belt to his surprise. “are you sure?” i rolled my eyes, “shut up, choi”.
he was bigger than i expected—no scratch that. he’s as big as i expected. i haven’t done this many times before and i never thought i’d do it to my best friend of 6 years.
here we fucking go.
he leaned his seat back and i got comfortable, stretched across the entire front half of the car. i thought maybe he’d take pity on me, but as i stared as his dick, rubbing it to try and stall, he groaned, “are you just going to stare or are you going to suck me off?”
i held back from spewing insults at him and licked my lips, taking as much as i could to see how much my jaw was going to hurt at the end. ow. fml.
i moved my hand as far up as possible, keeping my focus on the tip. his fingers ran through my hair, pulling gently before he was pushing me down, “don’t be a baby, take more”. i bobbed my head quickly, taking him deeper, but still using my hand to prevent him from choking me.
tears pricked at my eyes as he rammed the back of my throat, his hips pushing up to meet each of my downward movements. “fuck, your mouth feels incredible”, he held my head still, fucking up into my mouth carelessly, “i know what all the hype was about”. my eyes widened before i glared at nothing, hollowing my cheeks and sucking hard to end this quickly. what the hell does he mean ‘hype’?
his groans filled the car and i could feel it getting warmer and wetter—not just the air. “can i cum in your mouth?” i gripped tighter with both hands down, sucking hard and moving quickly as his thighs tensed up. “shit!”
i closed my eyes as his cum spilled out over my tongue. this never tastes good, but i’ve certainly had worse. i sat up and wiped my mouth, swallowing and crossing my arms. “what the hell do you mean hype?”
he was panting, head tilted back as he turned to look at me, “i was joking, stupid”, he half-laughed, closing his eyes, “but it sure made you work even harder”.
i smacked his arm and sat forward, staring at nothing in particular, “you owe me now”. “owe you? owe you what exactly?” i shrugged and smirked to myself, “i suck your dick, you…” i looked at him and he lifted a brow.
“don’t have to ask me twice.”
not really sure how i feel about any of that reading it over again but honestly, kind of fun. i miss writing. maybe ill try again heh
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devils-dares · 2 years
can i get #7 from the friends to lovers list with slightly drunk college realer and matt post party ??
maggie baby! ily!
mentions of alcohol
7-friends to lovers: being awfully nervous when they're having a sleepover because they just wonder where their thoughs will be wandering when they're sharing a bed
Matt could hold his liquor a hell of a lot better than you could. He could probably outdrink you and still have a sense of sanity. Thankfully, you didn’t get as drunk as you wanted to, grumbling about some project and an 8am class, but you were still giggly and unsteady which led to Matt helping you to your dorm from a frat. He grabs your key from you and helps you in, sitting you upright on the bed.
“I can’t take my shoes off.”
“What?” He asks.
“I can’t take them off, the world starts spinning when I bend over.” He sighs and gets on his knees in front of you.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking them off for you, unless you wanna sleep with them on?” He joked and you scoffed and shoved the heel of your sneaker at him. He laughs as he takes the both of them off and turns around so you can get changed.
“Can you toss me that sweatshirt on my chair?” He grabs it but before he tosses it to you, he feels the material.
“Wait- did you steal this from me?”
“I didn’t steal it! I just… never returned it.”
“That’s stealing.”
“Shut up, lawyer.”
“Soon to be.”
“You should have an off button, or at least a mute. Give it to me.” He hands you the sweatshirt and you throw it on.
“Alright, I’m headed home, catch you in class tomorrow? Unless you’re hungover, of course.”
“I hate you, I’ll be fine.” He laughs as he leaves and you lock the door after him, smiling to yourself.
Climbing into bed, you get under the covers and begin to drift off to sleep a few minutes later until you hear several knocks on the door.
“It’s Matt, can you let me in?” You hear and sigh, taking the warm covers off and unlocking the door for him.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“I-uh… heh, I lost my keys.” He says.
“What about Foggy?”
“Out with Marci, probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Can I stay here?” You looked shocked at his question.
“Here? Matt, I don’t think I have the room for the both of us.”
“I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“I’m not letting you sleep on a dorm room floor. Maybe if I move some pillows there should be enough room for the two of us.”
“Are you sure? I am totally fine with sleeping on the floor.”
“Matt, get in the bed.” He huffs and gets in after you, the bed squeaking under your weight and suddenly you realize how close the two of you are under the blanket.
“Goodnight, Matty.”
“Goodnight.” But your brain doesn’t begin its descent to dreamland, no, it starts overthinking. Can he smell the alcohol that you were too drunk to wash off? Are your feet too cold? Are you on his unspoken side of the bed? Could he hear your racing heartbeat, telling him that you felt a little something a little stronger? Little did you know he was sweating for the same reason. Neither of you were getting any rest in this bed.
Matt was trying to wrack his brain, trying to think of any logical reason he was overthinking sharing a bed with you. You were irregularly warm, he could feel the heat wafting off of you practically in waves.
Finally he has enough, and shakes you “awake” although he already knew you were wide awake.
“I can hear you thinking.”
“Yeah? What does it sound like?”
“Nails on a chalkboard.”
“That seems like an insult but I’ll let it slide.” He laughs.
“Can I- can I come closer?” He’s taken aback by your words, but nods and lets you tuck into his body nonetheless.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks, voice soft and somehow lulling you to sleep.
“Is this a safe space?” You ask, half joking and half serious.
“I’m thinking about you.” Your heartbeat flutters and he wraps his arm around you just a little tighter.
“In what way?”
“In this way. The way we’re close right now, my head on your chest,” and you can’t tell if it’s the alcohol still in your system or just being exhausted from tiptoeing around Matt but you keep spilling, “I want it, Matt. I want us… like this.” He smiles.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Y-yeah, yeah you can.” It doesn’t take him anything else than your affirmation for him to cup your face and dip his chin to connect your lips. He smiles into it and it grows deeper as you swing your leg over his body, straddling him as he rests his hands on your hips, pulling you until your body lay directly on his.
“I don’t- mm- wanna crush you.”
“You won’t, just keep kissing me.” And you do, you’ll kiss him for as long as he wants.
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Happy Birthday Yume Ume: Personal Story (Part 3/3)
Part: 1 / 2 / 3
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Leona: Finally, the last question is “If you were to join any dorm other than the Ramshackle or Ignihyde, which dorm would you choose?”
Yume: *quickly, and matter of factly* Scarabia.
Leona: *smirk* Oh? Two in a row? Don’t let Radish sprout hear that.
Yume: *pouting* Shut up, it's not like that! It’s just…ALL THE OTHER CHOICES ARE SO MUCH WORSE!
Leona: *eyes widen at sudden outburst, before lowering again*
Yume: *ranting* You think I wanna deal with the Queen of Hearts dumb rules, or wake up at 6AM for spell drive drills?! 
Leona: It’s 6:30.
Yume: *ignoring his interruption* Honestly I don’t mind the Octavinelle dorm vibes itself; but I would rather DIE than live with Azul as a dorm leader; or have Vil breathing down my back 24/7 about my diet and health, uh- yeah-no thanks-!
Yume: *sighs, mumbling* And no offense to Diasomnia but their weird vibes make me feel like an outsider…
Leona: *Makes a vague noise of approval* 
Yume: Ignihyde would definitely be ideal, but since I can’t pick them Scarabia seems like the best choice. *shrug* I get along well with almost everyone and the dorm's mindset is something I agree with.
Leona: Mindfulness, careful deliberation, planning, considering all your options.*hums* Yeah that’s you to a fault. *crosses his arms, smugly* Maybe you should be there instead of Ignihyde?
Yume: *Immediately shutting it down.* No thanks, I can only take so many banquets and parties before I become exhausted.
Bonus question!
Yume: C’mon that last one was too easy, give me another one!
Leona: I’m only contractually obligated to ask two questions.
Yume: Boo~! *whining* C’monnnnn~!
Leona: Augh! Fine, *muttering* snot nosed brat…
Leona: If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose? Other than your own siblings.
Yume: *surprised at the question* Huh…oh! Well that’s easy there's already a couple people here besides my brothers, that I consider siblings. *smiles* Like Ortho of course and- *they stop suddenly, seeming to have realized something.*
Yume: A-ah, nevermind, just Ortho. *they seem slightly embarrassed suddenly*
Leona: *raises eyebrow* You're the one who wanted to be asked this question and now you're being secretive?
Yume: Oh well… *they purse their lips and cross their arms in though* *They laugh.* To be honest I’m not sure how this person would react to the idea and…it’s something I never really thought of until now. So, for now, I think I better just keep it to myself.
Leona: *slowly* How they would react…?
Yume: …
Leona: **realizes, his ears stick up** 
Leona: Hmph… *his tail flicks behind him. He looks away.* Well I’m sure they probably would care…but whatever let's move on. *He seems slightly stunned, but not unhappy.*
Yume: Oh man, wait I forgot. This part’s gonna suck isn’t it? *sigh.* Is it at least gonna be tasty?
Leona: *smirk* Guess you’ll find out. *winding up his arm* Are you gonna take your glasses off?
Yume: *dramatically, with grin* No, I’ll take it like a man.
Leona: Heh, suit yourself. *grins back. Leona pulls back his arm and throws. A breaking noise follows.*
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The end! It was fun to write this but it took me a while! I find it hard to write dialogue without much description because I feel like so many things get said through actions and body language! Yume and Leona's relationship is fun and complex to write. In my mind, they both feel a sibling bond, but neither of them are really willing to admit it out loud. So it becomes this unspoken understanding over time. I think its a complicated feeling for both of them in different ways. In particular for Leona because in his life he hasn't had a good relationship with his actual sibling.
I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm working creatively on a couple different things but I also have a lot of big complicated events going on in my life right now. So sorry for the slow posts. I appreciate everyone who comments or leaves tags <333!
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