#can you tell the akaashi one is self indulgent
moonswolfie · 8 months
HQ!! Boys with a poet S/O
hey hey hey guess who's back with a super self indulgent piece of shit fic (i am joking, this is my humour)
also let's just say the reader does not write about cute lightearted things (but if you'd like to see a version where the reader writes cute stuff lmk!!)
so, yk TW for implied mental turmoil and an overall angsty hurt/comfort mood for these
Characters featured: Oikawa, Akaashi, Kageyama, Bokuto, Iwa chan
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OIKAWA honestly wouldn't believe that those poems were written by you at first. When you excitedly gave him some of your poems to read, he thought they would be cutesy love poems dedicated to him and only him, not this. "What...? Are they bad?" You seemed worried at his wide-eyed expression. "Baby, are you ...okay?" He asked out of the blue, the genuine worry in his tone knocking the wind out of you. "Hahaha, it feels so weird hearing you say that...!" You tried your best to not let any more laughter escape you. "What?! Am I not allowed to be a good boyfriend now?!" He was offended by your reaction, slightly clutching the poems in his hands. "No, it's just... unusual to see you this concerned about me." You said with a half-smile. You had gotten so used to Oikawa's light-hearted flirty attitude, that you sort of forgot just what kind of person he is. "Just what do you think of me?" He sighed, suddenly pulling you in for a hug. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" All you did was nod, feeling relieved that he understands.
AKAASHI 's eyes would widen gradually as he read the contents of your poem. You gave him 5, but he already feels horrible, and he's only on the first one. He almost doesn't want to believe you wrote this. He becomes worried about you, doing a deep analysis on your poem since he wants to understand every part before approaching you with his worries. The next day when you greet him happily, he simply hugs you. "I'm sorry for not noticing..." is all he says, and though it takes you a bit to understand what he means, you feel overwhelmingly relieved he isn't judging you for what happened. "It's okay, I didn't tell you, you couldn't have known..." you assured him, knowing your boyfriend's tendency to overthink, he would beat himself up if you said nothing. "Next time, please please tell me about things like this. I can't stand the thought of you suffering alone." He squeezed you tighter.
KAGEYAMA is confused. Reading and understanding poems was never his strong suit, but yours are especially confusing to him. You laughed a little at his concentration face, and he handed you your poem back, still confused. "What does this even mean...?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Ahaha, don't worry about it too much... I wrote it like that on purpose." You made your poem vague and messy on purpouse, something you knew Kageyama probably couldn't understand properly. Awkward silence filled the room, and Kageyama silently hugged you all of a sudden. "I don't get why, but I got the random urge to hug you just now..." he mumbled silently, squeezing you in his grip. He must have noticed the sadness behind your voice and just doesn't know how to properly comfort you. "You said that out loud, Tobio." You smiled. "Shit..."
BOKUTO 's smile drops suddenly as he reads your poem. When he found you writing it, he insisted that he must read it no matter what. But what in the world was this? Why were you writing about all this sad stuff? "Babe...." his hands trembled slightly as he looked at you while you were smiling as you usually do. "Why would you say that about yourself?" He was very very saddened right now, and you weren't sure who's going to end up comforting who. You felt your bones being crushed in his impulsive hug. "It isn't true!! You're literally the best person I know!! So don't you dare say that again!!" He put his forearm over his eyes, tears stinging at his eyes. He has to be strong for you, he can't cry now. "Kou-" "I've decided! From today on, you're getting complimented every day!! No excuses!!" He looked very determined.
IWAIZUMI understood the content of your poems very well. And it angered him. Why didn't you tell him this happened?! "Idiot." He let the word escape his lips, clutching the paper in his hands. "You should have told me. I would have protected you." He looked to you. You weren't scared since you knew that your boyfriend was genuinely concerned right now, and that was just his way of expressing it. "Dammit, why do you always insist on keeping your problems to yourself..." he pulled you to his side, looking ahead. "I'll tell you next time..." you looked down to the ground. "You better. Or I'll beat you up." He huffed, but you saw the relief flashing in his eyes. He didn't really show it, but somehow, you could tell his heart sank when he read it.
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I'm okay :)
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
hiii, just poppin' in to say i love ALL of your writing (no matter how self indulgent) it's always so so amazing
i also wanted to ask about your favourite headcanons of your favourite haikyuu boys/girls?
and oooo that's a tough one... I'm gonna do relationship HCs and I'm gonna try to limit myself to 5 but we shall see how that goes...
(...I only did some boys in this one cause it was getting long but if you want me to do one for the ladies of haikyuu I absolutely will. alisa and kiyoko are my wives.)
{relationship HCs for various hq boys}
gn!reader, pure fluff <3
timeskip spoilers!!
includes: kuroo, atsumu, oikawa, sakusa and semi (who would have guessed)
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the light of my life. my first husband.
like he could be so attentive to your every want and need
but you need to communicate with him what those things are before he actually picks up on them
but once he does? you're gonna feel like royalty with how amazing he treats you
kuroo is definitely the type to rile you up for his own enjoyment
like not enough to make you actually angry but just mildly annoyed, or to get you into the same playful mood he's in
usually you'd go into playful banter from there
he loooovvveeesss kissing you
like so much it's actually concerning (but you love it anyway)
doesn't have a specific place he prefers to kiss you but he will admit to purposefully kissing you in sensitive spots (like your neck or stomach) so he can hear the noises that come from that
if you're like me and get anxious/too in your own head sometimes, he would be so good at keeping you distracted and calm
would hold your hand squeeze it every so often to ground you
(side note he would have the nicest hands, second only to akaashi maybe, and he's aware you like them)
gently cups your cheeks a lot when you're having a conversation, it's so common that neither of you even notice it anymore, so when you're out with friends and he does it, they gag at the affection
also yk that thing where you knock your heads together as a form of affection??? you guys would absolutely do that, it's his favourite thing
since I literally have his jersey in hoodie form, I have to mention that he would purposefully buy clothes he thinks you'd be more likely to steal from him
he lovesss seeing you happy, so your relationship is a lot of fun. he's always making you laugh, which in turn, makes him laugh too
will CRY if you whisper sweet nothings to him after a long, hard day, pls validate him and tell him you love him and he's all that you want and more
and he will absolutely do the same for you, even if you had the best day. he wants to give you everything, so let him !!
scratch his back while he lays on top of you and rants about his day and he turns to putty
he's just very in love with you and wants to make you the happiest person on the planet, he wholeheartedly believes you deserve it <3
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we all knew he was gonna be on this list
fun fact, kuroo and akaashi were my top two characters for like a year and a half, and then one day atsumu shot to first place (if you couldn't tell from my blog)
anyway if favoritism shows, no it doesn't
he will pick you up at any chance he gets and drag you to your room for cuddles
he is SUCH a cuddly guy I wholeheartedly believe that.
does not mind being the big spoon one bit if that's what you prefer, as long as he gets to hold you in some way
he goes all out for anniversaries and holidays, you actually have to reign him in a lot of the time
will go to the gym and send you mirror selfies with horribly cheesy captions saying how much he misses you and how he wishes you were there with him
the jackals all love you and will 100% side with you in a petty argument just to tease atsumu
his favourite place to kiss you is definitely on the lips. he's not sure why but it just makes him happy
he LOVES it when you kiss his forehead tho
you guys have an entire arsenal of inside jokes
truly your relationship is two dorks best friends in love
after a long day his ideal destress routine would be to make dinner with you and then watch a show on the couch before going on an evening walk together
will show you off at every event he brings you to
he gets so giggly whenever you show him affection without him having to ask for it, it's the cutest thing you've ever seen
this man flirts to see you hideaway and then turns a million shades of red if you give it right back
he is just so proud to call you his partner <3
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this man is my favourite character in all of haikyuu
he's my favourite character but like, only top 5 in terms of my simp list yk??
but you'd better believe I have some HCs for him
I've said it before and I will say it again, even if Spanish isn't his first language, he would absolutely use Spanish terms of endearment on you while/after living in argentina
things like mi vida, mi sol, mi amor, etc...
i'm half costa rican, you can't blame me for adoring pet names in Spanish, and if you do I will simply ignore you <3
bro is so romantic.
like I genuinely believe he would be one of the most romantic guys out of any of them
very affectionate, but I feel like he wouldn't be so much in public despite what everyone else says
he'd happily show you off at events and stuff, and it would be obvious you two are together, but I think he's definitely more affectionate alone with you
loves loves loves skinship
will literally stick his hands under your shirt when you're cuddling just to trace shapes into your skin
loves gently running his fingers over the features of your face
he just wants to feel you a bit
kisses your temples and fingers the most I think
loves taking baths with you as well, he loves just sitting with you and talking about your days
he always wants to hear about every little detail
he lovesssss when you start rambling on about something and will listen to you so intently bc he knows what it is to feel passionate about something
if you run your hands through his hair he will melt into you, but you didn't hear it from me
he will also melt if you call him any pet name. he'll never admit it, but you know his favourites are the ultra-sweet, tooth-rotting ones he claims to hate
if you're ever insecure about anything in terms of your physical appearance, he will spend so much time complimenting you and kissing every place you point to <3
looks for you in the crowd at his games and smiles at you before he serves bc you're wearing his jersey
i want to give him a million kisses all over his face after he wins a game to see him smile and laugh, I have no problem feeding his ego actually
damn maybe the favoritism showed up more in this one
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take this as his bday post bc i forgot to get something out for the actual day
i LOVE this guy
I do already have some fluff HCs for him and a clingy!reader
but these are gonna be more general
okay so I do genuinely believe he would be soft for his partner
in public he is not outwardly affectionate
but that's okay bc you love all parts of him and respect his boundaries
however behind closed doors
he will bask in your affection
loves having your arms around him, loves being pressed against you
he's not a robot in public though, oh no
he has a very dry sense of humour, i think, which you love
bc if he has a sly remark or something to make about someone, he'll lean in close and whisper it to you
doesn't matter where you guys are, if he thinks of something, he's gonna want to share it with his partner, especially if he thinks it will make them laugh
his pet names for you range anywhere from "sweetheart" to "you little shit" tbh
lots of playful debates with him too
he likes to subtly match with you, either through colours you wear or like, homescreens that match up when you put your phones side by side
loves to kiss your palms the most and when he's holding your hand or you're cupping his face, he will hold your wrist and press tiny kisses to it
very observant so he will always be picking up on any mood changes or things you're hinting at
his morning voice is god tier, just saying
loves it when you play with his hair right when he wakes up, will literally purr like a cat if you do it long enough, but he will deny anything and distract you from it with a kiss
what a guy <3
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i've said it before and i will say it again: he plays the guitar for you and writes songs with you in mind
he is a literal godsend when it comes to attending to your needs
does not mind one bit if you ask him to get you water at midnight
he is always down for late night drives as well, and has two playlists specifically curated for them and he picks one to play based on whether you're tired and need to get extra sleepy or if you're energetic and want to jam out with him
he's a government worker by day, musician by night and whenever you go to his shows, he will dedicate a song to you
speaking of performances
bringing this one up again, but always has you write something on him before he goes on stage (I have a mini fic based on that idea if u look on my page!!)
HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH OKAY??? would literally worship the ground you walk on if you told him to
gets you souvenirs from wherever he plays a show and presents them to you all dramatically and grins when you laugh at him
you most definitely have a necklace or bracelet with one of his old guitar picks hanging from it
semi is affectionate. not stingy with it in public but not crazy with it behind doors either. he's just. affectionate. most of it comes out in his songwriting anyway.
his main love languages are probably words of affirmation and acts of service
will ABSOLUTELY whisper sweet nothings to you completely unprompted when he's feeling soft just to get you flustered and/or in a sweet mood with him
he is in love, your honour
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@emmyrosee more kuroo as promised!!
hope you all enjoyed!! please like and reblog <3
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oomisluvr · 1 year
synopsis: kiyoomi's had a crush on you for the longest. leave it to atsumu to play matchmaker.
warnings: truth or dare gone wrong (gone right ???), akaashi and bokuto are a couple bc i say so, swearing, drinking, idk how they all know each other but they do, what timeline is this in, had so much fun writing this, heated kiss (spoilers hehehe), this was so self indulgent but who cares!!!
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IT'S loud.
music passes through sakusa's body, the heaviness of the bass bouncing through his chest. there's so much going on, so many distractions. there's couples grinding on each other, sweaty bodies moving to the rhythm of the music. there's a small crowd of people doing body shots in the kitchen; a group of friends sparking up in the living room.
despite the chaos of atsumu's house party, all he sees is you.
with one leg thrown over the other, you're seated on the old couch talking to a friend, looking absolutely divine. sakusa takes a sharp breath when you let out a laugh, giggling at something your friend told you, flashing your pretty smile and lighting up the room.
"will you just talk to her? if you like her, you should say somethin' now."
taking a sip from his red solo cup, kiyoomi entertains the thought for a second, before dismissing it entirely. shaking his head, he pleads innocence, "i have no idea what you're talking about."
because you're completely out of his league, he thinks to add.
"aw, c'mon! anyone can see you're head over heels for her!" atsumu throws his hands up, "do it for me, please? 'm sick of seein' ya like this."
kiyoomi sighs, leaning against the wall of the corner he's currently occupying, "just drop it, would you? i'm not going over there."
"but it's my birthday! what kind of wingman would i be if i get you go home a virgin?"
"i said drop it," kiyoom's face burns at atsumu's accusation, "i'm here for osamu anyways." atsumu scoffs.
"fine. if you don't so something i will," atsumu threatens.
before kiyoomi can grasp what was just said to him, atsumu downs the remainder of his cup, tossing it on the floor and strutting over to where you and your friend sit.
mortified, sakusa stands helplessly as atsumu kisses you on the cheek in greeting, before extending his finger to kiyoomi, whispering something in your ear. sakusa can't make out what your response is, but he sure as hell doesn't miss the way you stand with atsumu, linking your arm with his. atsumu gives a thumbs up and a wink, the both of you heading his way.
sakusa feels his eyes widen with every step you take, until you stand in front of him. he hopes you can't tell that he's nervous.
up close, you're even prettier.
"c'mon, oomi, let's go someplace quieter," atsumu waves him an invitation, leading him across the crowded house and through the sliding doors, joining the small crew of people on porch. everyone's sitting in plastic lawn chairs arranged in a circle, a small bonfire in the middle.
he recognizes the few familiar faces from volleyball, feeling relieved at the sight of akaashi. as long as he's here, things shoudn't get too crazy, then.
watching you rush to the circle, jealousy burns in sakusa's stomach at the sight of you greeting everyone, envious that everyone seemingly knows you better than he does. how the hell does everyone know you?
"oomi!" bokuto calls, snapping him out of his feelings, "it's good to see you, man! take a seat!"
"we're talking shit about kageyama!" hinata giggles, a deep red hue spread across his cheeks and nose.
"you're talking shit about kageyama. the rest of us are trying to have an actual conversation," suna corrects, amusement clear on his face.
"ya don' have to look so scared, oomi-oomi. sit your ass down, you're makin' me nervous." atsumu winks at him, a knowing grin on his face. kiyoomi wants to punch him.
sakusa hadn't realized he looked out of place, still standing by the door as if he were afraid of the people out here. shoving a hand in his pocket, he stalks over to where everyone sits, sending a particularly harsh glare towards atsumu.
kiyoomi can't decide if he's the luckiest man alive or a hated by the universe, because the only open seat is next to you. he lowers himself in the plastic chair, his resolve crumbling as seconds go by.
"hey," a voice calls to him. sakusa thinks he's about to explode, turning his head to the origin of the voice, he's met with your gentle features, "you're sakusa, right?" you aren't even trying to seduce him, but the way you bat your mink lashes sends him spiraling, "you're the only one here i don't know. i'm y/n." you finish.
sakusa feels himself blinking owlishly at the sudden conversation. forcing himself to clear his throat after a few nervous seconds of staring, he nods his head, "yeah, you can call me kiyoomi, though," taking a sip from his drink, he hopes the blush on his face will be accredited to the contents of his cup.
"okay, kiyoomi," manicured nails tap the sides of your cup, "it's nice to meet you, then."
"likewise," he states, upset that he didn't have more material to keep the conversation going, deflating at the thought of you finding him boring.
you're the complete opposite of him; you're bold and friendly, striking up dialogue with everyone as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
getting pulled into another conversation, he watches your bright eyes engage with everyone in the circle, your charisma shining through. not having much to add to the conversation, he listens to everyone's banter, sliding in a sly remark when he could.
it's a nice atmosphere; the music isn't as loud out here and the air isn't stuffy. it's just good friends celebrating a birthday. sakusa feels himself relax more in his chair.
"guys! we should play truth or dare!" hinata beams, his sudden burst of energy startling everyone. suna scoffs, chucking at his antics.
"i think it'll be fun!" bokuto agrees, akaashi solemnly nodding his head as well.
"if there's nothing better to do," shrugs osamu.
"god, you guys are like highschoolers," you jab, but there's no venom behind your words, "let's do it."
"well? are you in, oomi-oomi?" atsumu nudges him, but his eyes hold a level of mischievous that makes sakusa nervous. all eyes on him, how could he say no?
"yeah," kiyoomi nods, "let's play. who's going first?"
"i wanna go first," suna quips, a deviant look in his eye, "this one's for akaashi. truth or dare?"
akaashi looks confused, but responds nonetheless, "truth."
suna gives a knowing smile, "my second year," he starts, "there was a fancy training camp that a buncha' schools went to. it was boujee as hell and they even let us pick who we would room with. anyways, i was the lucky bastard who got the room next to you and bokuto."
bokuto gets uncharacteristically quiet as akaashi flushes red, "okay? you're yet to ask a question, suna."
chuckling, suna takes a swig from his heineken, shaking his head, "there is no question. your reaction told me all i needed to know."
the circle erupts in hooting and hollering, atsumu doubled over in laugher. even kiyoomi stifles a chuckle.
"that's not fair! that was a targeted question!" bokuto whines.
"oh boo-hoo, there's no rules against it," suna jokes, "akaashi it's your turn."
if looks could kill, suna would be dead.
"fine," akaashi glares at suna, before taking a deep breath and selecting his target, "atsumu. truth or dare?"
"i ain't no pussy," still laughing at the implications of suna's averted question, he bares his teeth in a wide smile, "i chose dare. give me your best shot."
"i dare you—" akaashi smirks like a predator who's just cornered it's prey, "—to share with the rest of us why you and your girlfriend broke up."
hinata's mouth drops open. sakusa freezes mid-sip. everyone's hand flies to cover their mouths.
"oh shit," osamu chimes, biting his lip to seal away any giggles.
"oh, will you—will you guys cut it out!" atsumu flails his arms around, exasperated, "—i'm not made of glass or anythin'. we broke up because we broke up. simple."
"you used so many words to say so little," osamu prods.
"it's obvious you're not over her," bokuto states, as if he were the only person to come to this conclusion.
"oh, shut it. i answered the damn question, so we're moving on!"
"he's definitely not over her," bokuto whispers. atsumu pretends he didn't hear that.
"—oomi-oomi. truth or dare?" sakusa's brows perk up at the sudden attention.
"truth," he states flatly, "i don't trust any dares coming from you."
"boooooo!" atsumu calls loudly, "don't be such a party pooper! chose dare!"
"no, you're going to embarrass me."
"quit bein' a coward," atsumu challenges, knowing he doesn't want to look like a wimp in front of you, "what's the worst that could happen?"
"fine," sakusa grits his teeth, "dare."
atsumu smirks.
"i dare you to kiss y/n."
that. that was the worst that could happen. sly bastard.
"what the fuck? i'm not doing that, atsumu."
"why not? scared of a little bit of action, oomi-oomi?"
"no," his face burns, "y/n didn't consent to a kiss, you sick fuck. this is textbook sexual harassment."
"oh?" atsumu pipes up at this flawed admission, "so if y/n gave you permission, you'd kiss her?"
sakusa doesn't speak, but his silence expresses enough. atsumu leans his head back in laughter.
"what am i going to do with you two, hmm?" he questions to no-one in particular, tilting his head in your direction, "y/n," he calls.
"truth or dare?"
"it's not her turn!" hinata quips.
"shhhh!" akaashi shushes him, mumbling something about wanting to see how this would turn out.
you sigh, "i know what you're doing, miya."
"you're avoidin' the question."
"it's not going to work, you know."
"then just pick." he persists.
"truth or dare, y/n?"
you hold your breath, "truth."
"do you want sakusa to kiss you?"
biting their cheeks in anticipation, everyone waits for your crushing reply. sakusa wishes the earth would just swallow him whole.
sakusa almost spits out his drink.
"then what are you waiting for? kiss dammit!" atsumu commands.
the earth seems to stand still, the bass of the music drowning out completely. you want to kiss him. it takes everything in sakusa to hold back a smile and he briefly thinks he owes atsumu his life.
turning to look at you, he speaks softly, "you don't have to do this, you know. literally nothing would happen if we didn't complete the dare."
"you don't have to freak out, it's just a kiss." you shrug, hoping he can't tell how badly you want this, "if you don't want to kiss me, you can just say that."
"i didn't say that."
"then stop panicking." you insist, offering a shy smile, "if it makes you feel any better, i'll—"
"quit stallin'!" atsumu shouts, clearly pleased with himself.
sakusa's eyes flicker to your lips, "sorry in advance."
leaning over his arm rest, a callused hand caresses the side of your neck, pulling you into him. the sensation of your lips against his sends his nerves into a frenzy. it's a brief kiss that doesn't last for very long, and sakusa slowly pulls away to get a look at you.
there's something about this damned angle that makes you look so enchanting. the brightness of the fire and the illumination from the moonlight seem to be working against him, only tempting him more. despite them both, your eyes seem to be shining the brightest, captivating him in an inviting gaze that asks for more. his fingers twitch with the urge to touch you.
his eyes flicker down to your lips once again. he finds you doing the same. no words are exchanged, but you move in sync nonetheless.
"fuck it."
throwing caution to the wind, he pulls you back to him, your lips meeting once again. tilting his head to kiss you deeper, he nearly let's out a groan when he feels your palm rest on the nape of his neck, light fingers toying with the fine hairs found there. sakusa thinks he hears cheering, but he can't seem to focus on anything else besides your soft lips moving against his.
his tongue reaches out to swipe against your lips to test the waters, and you take the liberty of pulling him closer, using the back of his head to shield you both from wandering eyes.
more comfortable in the new-found privacy, he kisses you with more passion, biting your lip and experimenting with tongue, confidence burning in his veins when you let out a squeak. your lips move in a rhythm that makes him wish you two were alone out here, but sakusa knows this is as far as this should go.
satisfied with himself, he pulls away, basking in the intoxicated look in your eye, the string of saliva previously connecting the two of you breaks when you both move back into your seats.
nobody says a word.
"stop staring, perverts. you should've taken a picture so it would last longer."
"yeah, if you wanna keep watching, it's five bucks from each of you," you joke.
atsumu reaches for his wallet instantly. osamu reaches to stop him.
"i thought sakusa was gonna whip out his dick." suna snorts.
kiyoomi's face burns at his accusation because the thought did cross his mind, actually.
"pretty sure i heard y/n moan," akaashi prods.
"girl—" bokuto gives you a pointed look, "—you better take him home with you. tonight."
hinata nods, "did you see the way he kissed her? he went back for seconds!"
laughing at their energy, you turn to gage sakusa's reaction, "i'm with shoyo on this one. if you're gonna kiss me like that, at least take me on a date first."
sakusa blushes further, not trusting himself to speak. atsumu takes the liberty to speak for him.
"holy fuck, i'm the matchmaking god. come to me for all your relationship needs."
"i'm not asking a single guy for realtionship advice." osamu picks at his nails mindlessly.
"this again? i told you, it was a mutual breakup—"
"sho!" you beam, cutting them both off, "truth or dare?"
"dare!" hinata calls.
you grin, "try your best to suduce bokuto. lap dances, a strip tease, whatever—give it your best shot."
hinata lets out a bright stream of giggles, already standing to remove his shirt, "you're on!"
akaashi visibly pales.
the game continues on and one by one, the small crowd gets even smaller as people bid their goodbyes and happy birthdays to the hosts.
at one point, you dance with hinata and bokuto, yelling something about a hot girl summer. suna shows you tiktoks on his phone and akaashi teaches you how to play minsweeper. osamu shares his chips with you as atsumu plays with your hair. you fit in so well, everyone just clicks to you.
the patio crew are the only stragglers left, finally standing from their seats and heading inside to help clean up the aftermath of the party.
nobody speaks of the sexual tension between you and sakusa for the rest of the night, but it's painfully obvious to anyone within six feet of you two. something warm blooms in his chest when he watches you stumble around the house, more drunk on sleep than anything else, and he finds the courage to speak to you.
"did you have a good time?"
"hmm?" you attempt to blink the sleep from your eyes, leaning over to pick up solo cups from the floor, "oh, yeah. tonight was fun."
"it almost ended before it started. atsumu wanted to put 'pink + white' on his birthday playlist."
laughing at how awful that would've been, you snort, "i guarantee he would have burst into tears at the chorus." sakusa chuckles, enjoying this moment he gets to share with you.
briefly, kiyoomi sends up a quick prayer who whoever is listening.
"hey, uh," sakusa scratches the back of his neck, his heart hammering in his ears, "earlier you mentioned something about a date. is that offer still on the table?"
"yeah," standing straight, you try your best to seem relaxed, "what did you have in mind?"
"next saturday. are you free?"
"the freest."
"great," he feels a weight lift off his shoulders, "i'll pick you up at seven?"
"seven works fine," you offer a shy smile, "see you then."
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keitea · 1 year
haikyuu guys as the types of study partners
[note: cw!swearing other than that nothing else! this is a little self-indulgent (yet again) AHAHA studying for long hours really exhausts the shit out of me and sometimes my breaks are too long :( but to students out there, always prioritise your health and well-being first!]
[note 2: i wrote this months ago while studying for finals and forgot about it ㅠㅠ but i'll post it anyway hehe enjoy~]
— miya twins
you should just run away at this point
naur i'm joking
anyways they're probably not so clueless that you'll have to teach them everything
it does help that they're twins, because mfs will compete over everything
that includes grades
imagine you're tutoring them in chemistry and they don't understand anything in the first lesson
you kinda blow it off because you understand that it's difficult to process organic chemistry in a day (i fucking love organic chem)
however in the next lesson they show up with their worksheets done and they bombard you with questions
needless to say it makes your job a lot easier
bonus: they always bet on how many bowls of ramen the loser would buy. let's just say they've had their fair share of suffering for a month :)
"okay 'tsumu, how much did you get?" he raises his paper proudly, displaying the 73/100 grade for chemistry. "hAH! ONE MARK HIGHER YA DUMBASS!" osamu starts cheering, rubbing his victory into atsumu's face.
you mentally facepalm at the sight in front of you, silently begging for kita to show up.
"need help?" suna pops out of nowhere, eyeing the twins with a grin on his face.
"not the person i was expecting but go ahead."
— akaashi keiji
helps but you can tell he’s done with you at times
he knows math isn't easy (i throw myself off a cliff everytime i do a math paper i hate it here)
it's hard for you to process anything related to math, and you often have to dedicate hours after hours just to get a decent grade
that alone is time-consuming and a very dreaded period of time
mainly because you struggle to understand shit and you're just demoralised and unmotivated
keiji has noticed this for a while and offers to help!
at first he's quite understanding with how much more effort you need to put in, but as time passes and exams are around the corner, he gets more stressed because you're panicking and still don't get anything
(when i say this is self-indulgent, i'm projecting my own suffering here)
BUT you two eventually work things out smoothly and yall got the grades you wanted :) until his history paper got a little messed up and you offered to help him out :)
and then you experience how he probably felt when he was teaching you math
"keiji, just think that britain and france were not it." he furrows his eyebrows and stares at you. "but why?"
you try not to sigh in exasperation, but you've repeated yourself for the nth time and it isn't processing in his head. you could practically hear the gears in his brain try to shift.
you have to thank him for teaching you math.
".. y'know sometimes you don't have to know everything," there's a pause and you know keiji was just waiting ".. well it's because they prioritised their national interests and because WW1 fucked up their economy??"
"…" "is your brain too overloaded with soviet union's history?"
"clearly," and this makes you both laugh painfully.
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houseoftulips · 2 years
Bar Scenes | Haikyuu Men ~ the one where me - the author - is a sucker for meeting at the bar/club troupes
➤ pairing: bokuto kōtarō, kuroo tetsuro, iwaizumi hajime, matsukawa issei x fem!reader (separate)
➤ mentions of: fluff, alcohol, a bit suggestive, literally the men being down bad from the start, sorry some are shorter than other, this is very much self-indulgent, half proof-read
➤ note: i love reading stories with the love interests meet at the bar troupe, idk why. so, here’s one of many takes on different troupes i love to read
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Bokuto Kōtarō ~ he sees you first
Personally I feel like Bokuto would see you first when you walk into the bar across the dance floor from where he’s at. Like immediately he’s head over heels for you.
But a part of him gets so flustered over you that’s he’d get shy instantly considering how much of a people person he is. He also tells Akaashi the second the words come to mind when he saw you.
“God Akaashi, she’s was so beautiful!” he says with a whine and a pout. You were long lost out of his view.
“Then go up to her, Bo. You know how to talk to people better than me so I’m your worst wingman,” his best friend says.
Bo pouts before taking the last swig of his beer and scooting himself out of the booth his group is at. “I’m gonna get another beer,” he says to Akaashi who gives him a thumbs up.
Bo continues to pout with a sigh as he slides into a seat at the bar. “Two beers,” he smiles sweetly to the bartender who nods in response. Bo figures he’d drink away his sorrows as much as he can. He can take down beers without feeling remotely tipsy.
The volleyball player dozed off a bit while waiting for beer. He thought about you again as if your presence put a stamp on his memory. He immediately noticed the soft smile you were carrying when one of your friends was talking to you. He noticed the small dimple on one of your cheeks when you giggled at whatever thing your friend said.
He loved the way your outfit molded itself onto your body giving others, especially himself, a glimpse big enough but also small enough to leave imagination behind. But he got rid of those thoughts quickly out of respect for you as if you can read his mind.
Bo sighed again as he was about to grab his beer for a drink. But before he could even lift the bottle up, you came into his view. Literally, you jumped a little into the seat next to him. “Hi, can I have a glass of wine,” you ask with a polite but pretty smile.
His heart nearly stopped and the wheels in his head were going into near overdrive seeing how pretty you are closer into view. Before he could stop himself for opening up his big mouth the words that came to mind went straight to his lips.
“Wow… You’re even prettier up close,” he blurts out while admiring your features.
Your eye’s widened as you turned to look at the rather odd but very handsome looking owl of man next to you. Your cheeks felt like they were going to burn off from how hot the peppered haired man made you feel. “Oh,” you gasp with a nervous laugh, “Were you talking to me?”
Bo’s eyes widened when your big beautiful eyes locked with his gold ones. He actually blurted that out and you heard him. His chest flutter though hearing such sweetness in your voice so he swallowed up his nerves and cleared his throat.
“Yes,” he smiled, “I didn’t mean to say that out loud but you’re so beautiful that I obviously couldn’t hide it.” He laughs as he nervously runs the back of his neck.
Then you laughed. Not a mean or mocking type of laugh. A contagious one that could rot someone’s tooth from how sweet your voice is. Bo laughed with you as your laughter turns into small giggles. “Sorry, I thought that was cute,” you giggled.
“No worries! I’m glad I can make you laugh already,” he smiles as he leans towards you s bit.
You look away from such a handsome face because never have you thought that you’d find someone so attractive. You bit your lip nervously and it made Bo hold back a groan from how fucking sexy you looked doing that.
“I’m Bokuto Kōtarō,” he introduces himself with his hand out towards you.
You smile as you locked gazes with him again. You gently place your hand in his, “L/n Y/n.”
“Beautiful name for a lady such as yourself,” he coos and kisses your knuckles with pride; as if he wasn’t so close to shitting his pants 3 minutes ago.
“Thank you. You should here my phone number,” you smile.
God, did Bo want to marry you right then and there. Since then he was totally smitten over you.
Kuroo Tetsurō ~ smooth/cheesy pickup line
Kuroo would definitely say something super sly and flirty with a small mix of cheesy depending on the person.
He’s definitely got some courage into talking to you first when he saw you seat yourself at the bar as you ordered your drink. Kuroo immediately gets up from his seat to conveniently get a new beer as he shoves a piece of paper into his pocket. He sits next to you while also keeping some space just in case you get uncomfortable and orders his usual. After taking down his order the bartender places your drink in front of you.
Kuroo waits for you to pay and get far enough away from your seat before turning around in his seat and calling after you.
“Miss!” he calls to you over the loud music.
Your turn around and see the bed head looking man standing from where you leaving with a smile. “Hi, how can I help ya?” you smile politely.
“Um, you dropped something,” he nervously laughs as he pulls out his hand towards you.
“Oh! What was it?” you asked curiously.
“My number,” Kuroo says smoothly. Your smile instantly grew wider as you began to laugh with his following right after. “Too much?” he asks with a smile.
You shook your head with a giggle. “Actually no, it was oddly enough,” you say as you let him place the piece of paper in your hand.
“Good but that was the first thing I thought of when I saw you,” he smiles.
Your cheeks hurt from being all giddy over the stranger in front of you. He looks like he just got off work considering the fact he was wearing a suit. But he was tall and handsome, flirty and not in the overbearing way. Him trying and thinking of what he was going to say to you made your heart flutter.
“Well, you got my attention,” you say as you punch in his number on his phone.
Kuroo was so proud of himself to say the least. He’ll happily vent about this encounter to Kenma even though the gamer probably won’t be close to listening to him. He’s sees you type away on your phone for a few seconds before locking eyes with him again. He quickly looks down at his phone feeling it vibrate in his pocket
hi, i’m L/N Y/N <3
Kuroo’s heart couldn’t stop threatening from beating out of his chest. He looked back towards you and introduced himself. “Kuroo Tersurō,” he smiles, “I hope you’re free for dinner next Saturday at 7?”
“Only if you greet me with something smoother than earlier,” you coo.
“Only for you, sweets,” he says with confidence.
Next Saturday came by quickly and Kuroo greeted you with something cheesy but smoother than butter at the chosen restaurant he picked out for the date.
Iwaizumi Hajime ~ the introverts
Both you and Iwa were definitely out of your comfort zone being at a really popular bar/club in the city.
He had to step outside to take a breather from the booze and sweaty bodies filling the club. It was a Friday night and everyone in their mother was out. He was ambushed by Oikawa and his friends in the parking lot of his workplace after his 9 hour shift. Iwa caved into their whining after 20 minutes which led to his current position.
Leaning against the wall on the side of the building, Iwa takes a deep breath with his eyes closed. It was almost just as loud outside as it is inside the club. Then he heard a pair of heels walk into the alleyway a few feet away from him. You both nod at each other with soft smiles as acknowledgment.
“Not your forte?” you ask as your nod your head to the club.
Iwa chucked with a nod of his head. “Not at all. I was dragged my neck to come here,” he says.
You giggle softly, “I was dragged by the hair out of bed,” you counter playfully.
Iwa laughs this time in response. “I was ambushed at work,” he replies back.
“Ah, so we have the worst friends,” you say in a sarcastic tone.
“Definitely the worst,” he smiles as he admires your features. He couldn’t take his eyes off you the second he heard your footsteps come into his field of hearing. “Um, I’m Iwaizumi Hajime,” he introduces.
“L/N Y/N, nice to meet you Iwa,” you say sweetly. Hearing his nickname slip from your lips made his heart almost drop out of his ass, “So, do you have a drink of choice? Or do you prefer the food trucks down the street?” you ask with a slight tilt of your head.
Iwa smiles and didn’t hesitate to answer. “Food trucks,” he answers as he walks towards you. Both of you hold gazes onto each other letting the surrounding neon lights, light up your features. He then offers his arm to you, “Does soup dumplings sound like a good choice?”
“Always,” you say with a factual tone.
“Good,” he says as he walks you both out of the alleyway, “Should you text your friends you’re leaving?” he asks out of curiosity. He doesn’t want anyone thinking he kidnapped you.
“Nah, they’re too busy playing tonsil hockey with their boyfriends,” you laugh making him chuckle.
“Ah, is that not your forte?” he asks in a teasing tone.
You look up at him with this sparkle in you eyes and he knew right away that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He couldn’t place what it was but with how beautiful you look right now, that’s all he could think about.
“As long as the person that’s getting food with me at the moment is okay with it,” you coo at him.
Iwa smiles softly as he gently grabs your hand and brings it up to his lips. He places soft kisses on your knuckles that immediately made your stomach do all types of flips.
“I got you, doll…”
After that night, you both made it an annual thing to go to food trucks on your anniversaries and to make out after to reminisce.
Matsukawa Issei ~ you curve every guy but him
Issei only goes to bars/clubs to pass time. He never actually indulges himself in anything other than an occasional swig of his drink.
But this time, all night he was watching you dance away the mountains of alcohol you were happily taking down.
He would definitely just look from afar because he wouldn’t want to ruin your fun more than what other guys he was watching doing. Issei watched at least four guys try to grind their way behind your moving figure on the dance floor but you’d immediately stop and decline their unwanted partnership.
Thankfully, they didn’t take it to heart but definitely had the egos popped considering how disappointed they looked when they gave you your space. Issei didn’t bother to try after watching the first guy walk away with a pout so he’s been admiring you from the bar.
After some time, Issei was busy talking to his old high school classmates that he finally rid of you from his mind. He didn’t want to come off as creepy just in case it was coming off that way so he instead chose to listen to Oikawa’s drunken rambling. But Issei naturally tuned him out like he usually does and goes back to look at you at the dance floor.
Much to his surprise, he caught you staring at him before quickly looking away from his direction. His cheeks flooded in red and heat because the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen was staring at him.
Then on cue, the music transitioned into a slower yet sexier song making everyone hastily find a dance partner to grind on like high schoolers. As usual, Issei wasn’t going to indulge but that was until he felt someone poke his shoulder.
He turned around locking eyes with yours and his cheeks flushed almost comically. Your smile made his heart melt. “Hi,” you say with a nervous giggle.
Issei cleared his throat and shyly replied back, “Hi.”
“Do you want to join me?” you ask as you nod your head to the dance floor.
Issei didn’t even say a word in response as he put his beer down and got up from his seat. He felt like he got a rush of adrenaline knowing that you chose him to want to dance with. “I’d love to join you,” he coos as he takes your hand in his.
He leads you both to the dance floor ignoring the supportive howls from his friends back at the bar. Mentally he is thanking Oikawa for telling him to loosen up a bit tonight so here he is with you.
Once you both found a bit of space, you didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck. Issei had to hold back a groan as he felt your fingers run through the back of his hair. He gently slotted one of his legs between yours, letting both of your bodies mold into each other’s hold. His hands settled just above your waist to ensure you that he’d guide you through the song.
God, Issei loved having you in his arms; forget the fact that he has every inch of your body in his grasps. He loves the fact that it’s you in his grasp. He just wanted to keep you in his arms for the rest of his life the second your chests pressed against one another. Feeling your fingers in his hair made him want to fall asleep right the on the dance floor.
After a bit of dancing and by a bit? You guys danced to near endless amount of songs together. So much so that you just realized you never asked for his name. You had slightly pulled away from him; just enough to gaze into each other’s eyes and rest your foreheads against each other. Your bodies swayed to the music as you giggle softly making him raise an eyebrow with a soft smile on his face.
“What’s up, love?” he asks in a gentle tone like there’s no music blasting out your ear drums.
“Never got your name, handsome,” you coo at him as you play with his small curls behind his head.
“Matsukawa Issei,” he says as he softly pulls one of your hands to his lips to seal his introduction with a kiss. He then keeps your hand in his hold against his chest, “Yours, pretty girl?”
“L/N Y/N,” you smile as you ghost your nose over his, “I’m very pleased to meet you.”
“Beautiful,” he murmured against your lips, “May I be frank?”
“Go ahead,” you smile.
“I can’t help wonder what your lips taste like,” he mumbled making you giggle. Then in a blink of an eye, he felt something soft, warm, and almost cherry flavored against his lips. This time he let out a soft groan he didn’t want to hide anymore.
The hand that was keeping yours locked in his was free from your grasp just so he could cup the side of your face gently. He was desperate to have you closer to him than you already are. And just as he was falling deeper for you, he felt some eyes lingering around.
His eyes opened for a moment only to immediately lock eyes with one of the guys you had turned down previously. He internally smirked and swelled with pride seeing how betrayed the stranger looked. Then he feel back into bliss with you, erasing everything that happened to be there with you.
You both pulled away with lovesick smiles on your faces. His thumb caressed your cheek making you feel warm and safe in his hold. “You know I’d love to show you off like this for the rest of my life,” he smiled softly with a nervous laugh.
You laughed as you stood on your tip-toes to place a kiss on his nose. “I sure hope so, handsome…”
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
adult sleepovers. Nekoma.
years after high school the team would still get together every other Friday for movies, candy, snuggles, and a good time. it’s been years, and yet here you are, the team still coming together like nothing ever changed, a moment where you can step back in time. something simpler. something more like home. until they try to figure out who on the team you had a crush on. 
this is a little self indulgent piece, because I love Nekoma.  I’ll see about turning this into a second part, maybe a third if anyone is interested. please leave a comment or reblog with the tags who you think it is or who you want it to be. 
→ this is not beta read | i will die on this hill. 
pt 2. here
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.
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If there was one thing that never changed, it was your payday sleepovers. Not everyone would always be able to show up, but your door was always open into college and adulthood for these nights. Every payday Friday you and your old team would get together in your living room, with futons and pillows and blankets galore. 
“Hey yn. I got the drinks you asked for and some ice.” Kuroo smiled, grabbing the plastic bags at his feet and stepping inside your apartment to set them on the counter. Kenma was already there, laying out the futons and fluffy blankets. You stood in the kitchen, grabbing a small bowl for the ice before putting the rest of the bag in the freezer. “Who all was coming tonight?”
“Yamamoto is gonna make it, and Inuoka. Yaku’s flight just landed an hour ago so he will be here soon. Lev was picking him up from the airport.” You smiled, tossing a wrapped pastry to Kenma on the couch. 
This was a tradition dating back to high school. The 2012-2013 volleyball team would get together every other Friday to your parents house for a movie marathon. Eventually they turned into sleepovers and when you became adults it settled into your apartment. You didn’t mind though, it was a great way to keep the team together, they were all very respectful and helpful in your space after all. 
“What’s this..?” Kuroo asked, looking at a box on the table. He had opened the lid to see a bunch of letters. 
“Oh, those are all some old letters.” You spoke, biting off the end of Kenma’s pocky stick before standing again. “Back in school I would write out letters to myself and some to you guys for some therapy practice.” 
Kuroo shuffled through the envelopes, “Ohh, this one was the one to Akaashi? You never did tell him about that crush on him did you..”
“Shut up. I told you it wasn’t Akaashi I had a crush on.” You took the envelope out of his hand and put it back in the box. “If you’re just looking for drama then you can leave the box alone.” Your ears perked at the knock on the door, opening it with excitement. Inuoka and Yamamoto had carpooled together, and you welcomed them in with big hugs. 
“Yn!” Inuoka lifted you in his arms having wrapped his around your waist. Yamamoto made a face when you wrapped your legs around So’s waist as to not have them dangling and dragging. It was a habit from high school, whenever you were sad and he gave you a hug he would lift you up, eventually you started wrapping your legs around him and holding onto him tightly when the hugs no longer were sad hugs, but hugs of affection and endearment. Setting you down, you turned to Yamamoto, giving him a hug and a peck on his cheek. 
“Hey now, where’s my kiss?” You let go of Yamamoto to see Yaku standing there with Lev in the doorway. Yaku was always confident, and always a good friend to you. You laughed, walking over to toss his arms around him in a hug as well before sharing a glance at the rest of the boys, before turning back to Yaku and giving him a little peck on his lips too. Pink dusted his cheekbones, while you chuckled at everyone's reaction. 
“No fair! That’s favoritism!” Lev complained, leaning down and putting his head on top of yours. You chuckled, and patted his cheek. 
“What makes him so special..” Yamamoto pouted, grabbing a bag of chips off the counter. 
“It’s not like she won’t give you one if you ask.” Kenma chimed in, hearing Kuroo in agreement. Affection was how you showed your boys you loved them, it was your language of love. 
“Well Yaku is special because he came to visit us all the way from Russia.” You pipped in, grabbing his suitcase and closing the door behind them. He took it back from you with a smile. 
“I know where to go.” He walked off towards your bedroom, grabbing his other bag from the hallway. Lev took a drink off the counter and sat down on the fluffy floor with Inuoka and Yamamoto. 
“He makes all that money but he still stays with you instead of getting a hotel?” Kuroo chimed in, sending you wiggling eyebrows as you rolled your eyes. 
“It’s just for tonight. He couldn’t get in until the last minute so we just decided he would stay here for the sleepover, like all the rest of you. Don’t turn it into something its not.” You through his arm off of you, before stepping into your bedroom, after a moment walking back out with some more blankets and pillows from right off your bed. “He’s gonna take a quick shower then come join us. I’ll get dinner order-”
“Oh don’t worry about it!” Lev chimed in, “Yaku already ordered from our favorite restaurant back in school, should be here soon.” 
“Wait what-?” You looked off confused, throwing the mass of fluff at your former captain and sending him into Yamamoto on the floor. “I’m the hostess, I’m supposed to get the big stuff here.”
“You made me get drinks.”
“I literally sent you the money via Venmo you geek.” 
“You should let us spoil you once and a while too.” Lev spoke, standing in front of you.
“Honestly, yeah. You have like five friends who make bank compared to you.” Kuroo spoke in again, earning a smack from Kenma behind him on the sofa. It took Kuroo a moment to realize what he said, before looking back at you. “I’m sorry, that’s not what I-”
“No.. no it’s fine. I know what you meant. It’s okay.” Your independence was something important to you, you wanted to be able to do what you do yourself. You didn’t like asking for help anymore, and you felt like you had no choice. The boys know of your ex, and how he broke you down into being nothing more than a clingy, broke, not the girl I fell in love with, partner. It was toxic, it was borderline abusive, and you still had to heal from that. 
“so anyone, did anyone else know that yn has these love letters written to all of us from high school?” Kuroo changed the topic, he did know you well, he knew that this was a fun alternative and you didn’t take anything teasing from the boys to heart, you knew that better. 
“oh my god, there not love letters!”
“Mine was.” Yaku teased from the doorway of the bathroom, towel around his head and completely dressed in an old t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. You rolled your eyes and sat on the couch, patting between your legs. Just like in high school he sat on the floor in front of you while you ran the towel through his hair. You did this for all of them, taking turns when they would shower off or just soak there head in the fountain. 
“You got a love letter from her Yaku!?” Lev leaped, leaning on his knees. “I thought yn had a thing for Akaashi?” you dropped your hands. 
“I did not have a thing for Akaashi!” Yaku reached behind him, grabbing your hands and putting them back on his head. 
“You did say you liked a volleyball player back then, you were always so vague.” Inuoka smiled, handing you and Yaku both a drink from the counter. “Can I be next?”
“Sure.” you giggled, opening the can and taking a drink. “I remember what I said, and I never gave anymore hints. Why do you all think it was always Akaashi?”
“You were always smiling around him, and laughing and talking and always seemed like a good time. He’s tall and handsome and we thought you were into that.”
“Hold up.” You paused. “You noticed that with Akaashi, but not with someone ELSE on the team?” 
“What do you mean?” Kenma turned, putting his phone down and looking at you skeptically with the rest of the team. “Yn, was your crush on someone on Nekoma?”
You smiled, and stood, and walked away. “If you can figure it out, then I’ll let you all read your letters.” 
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love/healing potions= fluff, antidotes= comfort, poisons= angst, ✧.*= personal favourite
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Love Potions:
Public persona vs behind closed doors || 2.5k || Hcs + Drabbles || ✧.*
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna, atsumu, oikawa ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: the side they show the world vs the side they only show you
Online class shenanigans || 2k || Hcs + Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ sakusa, kenma, osamu ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: what's it like to have online classes with them
Surprising them with flowers pt.1 // pt.2 || 4.4k || Hcs + Drabbles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ iwaizumi, akaashi // kita, hinata ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: their reaction to receiving a flower bouquet from their s/o + my thoughts on how the flowers reflect their character and relationship
Wearing their clothes || 2.6k || Hcs + Drabbles✧.*
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna, atsumu, osamu, futakuchi ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: what´s this shirt made of? boyfriend material
Haikyuu!! but make it greek mythology || ~500 || Headcanons
⇢ ˗ˏˋ various characters ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: do i actually need to explain this?
Hollysm: Day Three [Event] || ~750 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna ࿐ྂ
event prompt: corn maze
Royal Concubine AU || 2.4k || Drabbles/ Rambles
⇢ ˗ˏˋ kenma, shouto, inui/koko, kaveh/al-haitham ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: i'm back on my "'i have more knowledge on x topic than all your advisers together, i just couldn’t progress through the ranks for one reason or another, so you should definitely make me your concubine, so i can gossip about your minister of finance’s stupid proposal while wearing expensive shit and fine dining and then we slowly fall in love' royal au" bs again, so have some rambles because there are a lot of possible constellations here
Cute things with him || 1.9k || Blurbs
⇢ ˗ˏˋ atsumu, osamu, suna, kita, oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, semi, akaashi, kenma, kuroo, daichi, suga, sakusa, komori, futakuchi, keishin ⋆ˎˊ˗
summary: just some cute things they do in a relationship
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Flours for you || ~880 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ oikawa ⋆ˎˊ˗
event prompt: baking warnings: misunderstanding/ forgotten birthday (resolved)
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ no potions brewed yet ࿐ྂ
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Aphrodisiacs: [Nsfw, minors dni]
Suna Drabble || ~1k || Drabble✧.*
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna (duh) ࿐ྂ
summary: maybe telling your competitive athlete of a boyfriend you’d never orgasmed before wasn’t as much of a smart idea as you initially thought it was because he saw it as a challenge warnings: nsfw drabble, minors dni, fingering (f! receiving), pet names, (slight) marking, soft! suna, size difference/kink if you squint
Halloween Drabble || ~770 || Drabble
⇢ ˗ˏˋ incubus! suna ࿐ྂ
summary: as promised, the outline for the halloween fic i didn’t write haha warnings: nsfw/ minors dni; incubus! suna, somnophilia, allusion to oral, wet dreams, dub con
With your hands on my skin || 5.5k || One-Shot
⇢ ˗ˏˋ suna ࿐ྂ
summary: opening up about your insecurities is a daunting thing, but suna lets you know you’re in good hands warnings:  smut/ comfort, minors dni; skin-related insecurities (acne, scars, bumps, etc) with comfort, unprotected sex (use condoms, don’t get a kid or a std), pet names (doll, pretty), marking, very wholesome spice if you can say that jsjsh, also very self indulgent; i wanted to name it ‘under my skin’ first, so now i have mirotic stuck in my head
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mrs-nubenueve · 1 year
Bkak anon here - thank you for your super detailed response!!
I totally agree it can come across unrequited because Bokuto is never as outwards as Akaashi and that is sad to see. But I also agree that Bokuto is very perceptive and he knows the right way to get Akaashi to bounce back (just like how Akaashi does for him). And the fact that it’s so quiet and observant when everything else about him is so loud is very sweet. Honestly I do feel the way Bokuto is written it’s hard to see him even understanding what it means to like someone because he is so. into. volleyball. But I hc that if bokuaka get together it’s not until they’re real adults anyway after they’ve both grown and understand just how much they’ve always meant to the other. And of course that is farthest from the plot of hq so we’ll never see it haha
Also the crumbs! I feel like bokuaka must be an inside joke or something at Shounen Jump with the way they feed us
Anyway thank you for indulging my bokuaka brainrot!
Please, you don’t have to thank me for the response!! If anything, I’m thanking you because you gave me the opportunity to go off. I’m right there with you dissolving in the brainrot.
UGH OK BUT YES I agree with all of that!! The ship gets oversimplified a lot, but it’s actually pretty nuanced, I think: Bokuto’s perception that he’s somehow found a way to express in the most straightforward ways (and this imo makes Bokuto a much harder character to characterize than Akaashi, ngl); his single-minded love for volleyball (this one, I swear…gets me every time); the stages of Akaashi’s insecurities; the general meshing of their personalities…it’s tough. I also definitely believe that they both would benefit from growing before entering a relationship. Imagine—a teenaged Akaashi, unused to displays of affection and struggling with his self-worth, romantically involved with a teenaged Bokuto, who only ever seems to care for the sport (not maliciously, ofc!!) and will be off to college soon. It could work for a while, especially with Bokuto praising Akaashi’s playing and Bokuto seeking Akaashi’s approval, but you can’t tell me it wouldn’t spiral into a messy misunderstanding at some point. You can’t tell me the codependency wouldn’t be unhealthy and the feelings of inadequacy wouldn’t worsen. Maturing and working through their emotions would give them the opportunity, as you said, to fully appreciate just how much they’ve always meant to each other :’))
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icedhoneyy · 2 years
okay I finished eating so I can bring you some self indulgent (im studying zoology and herpetology) Uncle!Konoha thoughts.
the one time he takes baby Akaashi anywhere without the intention of meeting someone, its to the zoo, and baby Akaashi is just as obsessed with reptiles as Konoha is so when he bumps into an absolute angel who is walking through the reptile house answering questions, and is absolutely endeared by how baby Akaashi squeals with love as she presses her face against the glass of a boa's enclosure, he falls in love and may find a reason to take baby Akaashi to the zoo every chance he gets.
oh, I LOVE this!!
after having his ass handed to him multiple times now, Konoha promised Akaashi he would stop flirting with people while on babysitting duty. He promised. And yeah, he totally promised before and completely forgot about it (hoe convenient) but this time, he feels like hes threading too close to having his time with babygirl being cut off short, and he loves her too much to let that happen, so he makes good on his promise.
And the first half of the zoo visit goes by smoothly. His full focus is on baby Akaashi and how adorable she is when she gets excited about all the animals!! Not to mention how cute she is, when babbling to the other kids nearby some random trivia Uncle Aki told her about the animals they're seeing (no, he totally didn't read that from the little information panel in front of every exhibition pfff)
That is until the reptiles exhibition. Thats when Uncle Aki SHINES.
On the way there he tells her the coolest things he knows, dumpingall the info he collected during his reptile nerd years. Its easy to see how his excitement bleeds through baby Akaashi, she's jumping up and down, stars in her eyas as uncle Aki talks, until one point it turns into too much excitement for a such a tiny body and shes dashing from his side and to the snakes exhibit.
Of course he hurries behind her, sighing in relief the moment he spots her in a crowd of other kids around the same age. But baby Akaashi stands out, giddily greetin the Boa Constructor and her squishing against the glass enclosure. Konoha calls her name to grab her attention and is completely ignored, but he can't find it in his heart to be mad about it. Instead, he starts to make way to her.
Thats when he notices you, makijg him stop in his track if only for a brief second. You look like an absolute angel and if the endearment in your voice when talking to baby Akaashi is anything to go by, you actually might be one.
Konoha has to shake the dumbfounded expression off his face when his niece points at his direction, making you, and the rest of the mini-humans crowd, look at him. Turns out that baby Akaashi kept interrupting what you were saying with her own impressively accurate facts about Boa Constructors, making you crouch down and compliment her on how much she knew about it and she lets you know that uncle Aki told her aaaaaaall about snakes and lizards and—
She goes on a monologue about reptiles and how awesome they are, but Konoha can't focus on what shes saying when your eyes flicker between Baby Akaashi and him. Oh, your eyes, the way you smile up at him when his niece tell you that uncle Konoha is the coolest. God, you might be the prettiest thing he's ever seem.
He tries to say something, get her attention so she stops interrupting the guided visit but his mind is coming up blank. And then it fully short circuits when you say to an giddy baby Akaashi: "Well, your Uncle Aki seems like a really cool guy. Why don't you two join us for the rest of your visit?"
And he is left utterly humiliated when his 5 year old niece and her yelled out "yay" is more eloquent at answering you than he is. Really, any other response beside a sheepish smile and a stuttered out "yeah, that'd be cool" would be fine and not make him look lie a complete fool. You don't seem to mind though, shooting him a sweet smile whenever baby Akaashi raises her hand to ask question during the rest of the guided visit. And she is Keiji's daughter, so there were a lot of questions.
At the end of the visist, when they go to thank you for letting them join in, Konoha is phisically itching to shoot you one of his best lines to get your number. But one, he has a feeling his usual charm wouldn't quiet land with you and, more importantly, two, he made a promise to Akaashi. So, he and baby Akaashi bit their goodbyes and despite the ridiculous amount of reptile themed merch hes carrying on his way out, he feels like hes leaving empty handed.
Its only when he and Baby Akaashi reache his car, thta Konoha's gloom demeanor brightens up as she asks him if they could come see the snakes next time. "Yeah, that'd be cool", he tells her with a smile.
@emmyrosee babe more uncle aki just dropped!!
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storytimewithnova · 9 months
Everybody’s fool
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Shona miya manaager of Karasuno smart bubbly loved by all every guy wanted her every girl wanted to be her one envied her and was jealous of her except they Don't know she is a miya remember i said one was jealous that one showed up one day asking to be the new manager she acted all sugar sweet butter would melt Jezebel Kaneko is the tipcal pick me girl and when saw the way the teams were with shona she started making shit up
she managed to turn nearly everyone against shona apart from her friends her brothers and boyfriends shirabu Kenjiro and Goshiki Tsutomu They started to talk behind sho’s back shun her some went as far as getting physical she had,had enough she got on the next train to Hyōgo and when to her brothers school she even messaged her friends
In the Chaotic Bitches GC
Sho is online
Sho: guys to to let you know well for those that don't i have left Karasuno and Miyagi i am going to my brothers school
Sho: Are you okay sis
Akaashi: cousin be honest with us i can tell went you are lying
Seijirou: as can I
Sho: Guess i am caught red handed no i am not
Tetsuya: hun what did they do don’t worry I just want to talk🔪
Sho: Tetsu Ni all the did was shun me and some nasty rumours are going around about me
She didn’t tell him about the physical abuse but Sora felt something off with her reply so she questioned it
Sora: sho chan why do i feel you hiding something from us
Osamu: love what do you mean?
Sho gave up and told them everything which made the friend group and her boyfriends extremely mad to the point kenma started singing
Kenma: 🎶some bitch made my bestfriend cry do dah do dah that said bitch is gonna die oh de do dah day doesn’t matter to me if she's just 15 that bitches final hour is naigh oh de do dah day🎶
This made everyone laugh yes they were behind their screens but they were still laughing those with siblings thought they lost it and sho she smiled for the first time in a long her brothers were happy to see that smile again
Tsukishima thought of an idea and it just maybe stupidly crazy to work he knew Sky and suna would be collecting any evidence/Info on Jezebel
That can clear all the rumors and lead back to her making them but the idea Tsukishima had was do a lyric prank Not to as well when they give the go that thet have collected everything he told this idea to the sqaud they thought it was actually a brilliant idea sky said she need another week her and suna can have it done before training camp so that is what they did
2 days before training camp all evidence was collected now they are going to humiliate a bitch in the big GC 😒
Semi: besties assemble
Everyone: present Eita and accounted for
Sora: @everyone get your sorry ass online say nothing and listen that includes the bitch
Everyone online
Kuroo: why were we summoned
Kenma: what part of button it didn't we get🔪
Kuroo: 🤐
Sora: sho now and no one talk apart from us and may you regret everything
Sho: 🎶Perfect by nature Icons of self indulgence Just what we all need More lies about a world that🎶
Kageyama: what are you talking about Boke
The friend group: 🔪
Kageyama: 🤐
Sho: 🎶Never was and never will be Have you no shame don't you see me You know you've got everybody fooled🎶
Jezebel's thoughts 💭do they know the truth shit this can't end not like this I have come so far for it to end like this
Sho: 🎶Look here she comes now Bow down and stare in wonder Oh how they love you No flaws when you're pretending But now I know she🎶
Terushima: you wish that was you, you sound kind of desperate
The siblings: talk to our sister like that again try us bitch we dare you 🔪
Everyone minus the Friends: SISTER?!
Sho: 🎶Never was and never will be You don't know how, you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled🎶
Kyotani: who are you talking about?
Kunimi: you might be my senpai but at this moment i have no respect for you so shut it🔪
Kyotani: 🤐
Sho: @Jezebel 🎶Without the mask where will you hide Can't find yourself lost in your lies🎶
Sky sent several attachments of recordings of Jezebel making a plan with her bf shona ex to ruin shona's reputation and life they didn’t know they were messing with the wrong person
Everyone listened and watched the videos of Karasuno and other teams beating shona up on daily basis
The siblings: you messed with the wrong person bitch
Sho: 🎶I know the truth now I know who you are And I don't love you anymore🎶
She is talking about everyone involved in her misery she don't love them the way she did she don't see them as friends anymore she will not forgive them
Sho: 🎶Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you have everybody fooled🎶
Just to do extra damage to the people involved Sora added Mr and Mrs Miya just as shona was finishing up the song
Mr and mrs miya was added to the chat
The friend group: hello mom/Anutie and hello to you dad/Uncle
Kito Miya: hello you lot and Sora why did you add us
Sora: back read uncle sho is almost finished
The Miya’s parents back read and are not happy
Sho: 🎶It never was and never will be You're not real and you can't save me Somehow now you're everybody's fool🎶
She is talking about how she puts on a fake smile a façade and how in reality she is depressed she self harms and she fears she can't be saved from herself Sho went offline that worried her boyfriends
Kenjiro: Auntie can me and Tsutomu come check on sunshine please
Hana Miya: of course dear she hasn’t left her room in days or eaten now we know why Kito dear i leave you to sort the root of the issue out and i will check on our daughter
The siblings: we're coming too Imōto you better have your room unlocked when we get there
Mrs miya offline miya siblings offline
Kito Miya: Jezebel Kaneko On behave of Sunshine and foxes corporation I hear by fire your parents not just for your behaviour but for theirs as well trying to bankeupt my company thank you suna and Sora for finding the evidence
Both siblings: you’re welcome uncle
Kito miya: i also hear by Disbanded the following volleyball club Karasuno as you were the main reason for my daughters depression
Daichi: sir with respect you can't do that
Kito miya: yes I can I was your sponsor was not now as for the other teams involved i believe you can redeem yourself and shona may forgive you in time
Nekoma fukurodani seijoh Nohebi and a few others: we would like that we are sorry for what we did to her it is unforgettable
Jezebel: TCH
Hana miya online
Hana miya: Kito we need your help Shona is Unconscious
Everyone: What?!
Jezebel: attention whore probably faking it
Atsumu: shut up slut 😒 you done enough to our sister
Jezebel: I'm the slut she has two bfs what does that make her
Sora: coming from the one that took Kageyama from her but is cheating on him with daichi and daichi is meant to be dating suga but you also cheated on daichi with kuroo man you do get around
Suga: i knew he was cheating that is why i am with Satori
Kita: baby fox you really are like your brother you maybe shy but when i comes to you friends you are everywhere aren’t you
Sora: I maybe shy but I am not afraid to put someone in the Grave 🔪
Suna: Sis your Yandere is showing
Sora: 🤷🏻‍♀️ these bitches need to know their place now we will go and check on sho @Osamu love how is she
Osamu is online
Osamu: not good hun she hasn't been eating she has cuts as well god knows what she has been doing to herself
Everyone: .....
Suna: oh you lot i silent now why you just realised you screw up how you believed some you hardly know over someone you have known for ages
Jezebel's thoughts💭 crap crap crap i am losing them think think think oh maybe i still can claw it back to my way
Jezebel: and who says they believe you and your phoney evidence it could be docker 🙄
Kito: i can confirm it is not i have had it checked by a professional so don't try it young lady
Jezebel's thoughts💭 No No No their dad never left the chat crap
Sora: aww did little miss pick me girl get found out in another lie just tell the truth we showed all the evidence so stop denying it
Jezebel's thoughts💭 what do I have left to hind they got me I'm fucked either way
Jezebel: fine i was jealous of Shona she is smart a top ranking student Everyone loves her every guy wanted to date her even these simps in the volleyball club i wanted that kind of attention i wasn't getting from my boyfriend his mind is still fixated on shona even though he cheated on her with me no less i knew i could never compete with her she had it all perfect body perfect smile perect grades perfect life so I made up rumors to ruin her reputation and her life there
Yaku: which put my twin into a depression she is now in hospital in a coma so congratulations you successfully got what you wanted with the help of these knucklehead simps
Sora exited the house before suna or Sakusa could stop her and went to car a drove fast to Miyagi
Osamu: guess we got to go after her after all this is my fault i didn’t tell her sho was in a coma
Omi: Its not your fault Samu and yes we are going after right Suna
Suna: yep she will be heading to Karasuno
With sora she picked up the sqaud and now they are out for blood and they are happy to paint Karasuno's gym red the boys arrived to find Jezebel beaten up and the Karasuno Volleyball team scared
Daichi: stop
Sora: Beg me
noya:Sora please we're sorry
Sora: not good enough
Yams: Sora we are sorry you are right we shouldn't have believed someone we barely know over someone we known longer please let us redeem ourselves somehow do what you want to her
Noya: shut it bitch it's because of you we are in this mess is because of you we can't play volleyball anymore it's because of you we lost shona you are nothing but a jealous cow
Kenjiro: hello our sleeping beauty me And Tsutomu have something to say so please listen okay
Shona just nodded not having the strength to talk at the moment
Semi starts playing his guitar
Kenjiro: 🎶 Heart beats fast Colors and promises How to be brave?🎶
Goshiki: 🎶 How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow🎶
Kenjiro: 🎶One step closer🎶
Shiragoshi: 🎶 I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more🎶
They are talking about how apart of them felt like it died watching shona just laying there motionless lifeless almost waiting for her to wake up to come back to them it felt like forever when she finally did wake up and how their love stayed strong even in their darkest hour
Goshiki: 🎶 Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave🎶
Sho was crying even if she didn’t get what they were doing she was touched And felt their love even in her comatose state she felt their love
Kenjiro: 🎶I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath, every hour has come to this🎶
Omi: are you crying Love
Sora: yes this is lovely my bestie deserves this after everything
Osamu: So are you Kiyo
Suna: wait you know what’s happening sis
Kei: who do you think organised it and chose the song
Hajime looked at Keiji who was also crying
Iwa: when did you start showing emotions
Akaashi: I’m not a robot Oni chan and this is our cousin asshole
Iwa: gomen gomen carry on guys
They nodded
Shiragoshi: 🎶One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more🎶
Sho: 🎶 And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more🎶
Goshiki; 🎶One step closer🎶
Sho: 🎶One step closer🎶
Shiragoshi: 🎶I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more🎶
Sho: 🎶 And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more🎶
Kenjiro: when you were in your coma we thought you were going to loss you because you flatlined a couple of times and that scared us when the doctors pulled you back and said you should be fine but there was no telling if and when you would wake up me and Tsutomu decided there and then that when you do we would ask you this
Shiragoshi: will you marry us we never want to be put in this situation again where we might loss you for good
Shona nodded tears rolled down her face her siblings and her cousins hugged them then her friend group
The people that wronged her was able to redeem themselves themselves they are on good terms but shona is more cautious around them they haven’t got her full trust as for Jezebel she disappeared some rumours say she was kidnapped while sleeping rough others say she was killed and no body was found no one knows her parents arrested for fraud stealing money and tax evasion not to mention evidence of child abuse and Neglect
As for shona she got married and had twins well what did we expect given she has twins in the her family the twin gene was going to be strong the rest of the squad also got married to the partners and had kids even Sky osamu and Sakusa sky is expecting her third child i say third because like sho she is expecting twins
Even when you faced obstacles and negative they still over came them and shown that they are stronger together
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thighridingsamu · 3 years
hq boys and your first time together
tsukishima kei x gn!reader, bokuto kotaro x gn!reader, kuroo tetsuro x gn!reader, akaashi keiji x gn!reader | pt.2, pt.3, pt.4, milestone event |
content warning: swearing, biting (tsukishima, bokuto), praise, reader and kuroo tease each other, one soft, affectionate thigh slap from kuroo, the faintest of dom/sub dynamic with akaashi, dry humping (akaashi), marking (akaashi), akaashi uses sweetheart
word count: ~1.2k
a/n: these are my opinions! you can headcanon them differently, this is just how my lil brain works when thinking of this scenario. these were made with the idea that the character and the reader have had previous sexual experience. feel free to request more characters (im willing to add your own little twist), i think that'd be fun!
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I think Kei would be surprised at the way he just absolutely melts at your touch. He always felt like the one in control when it came to bedroom activities, but with you, he's willing to follow your lead and command. His main goal is to satisfy you and make sure you get everything you want from him. He finds himself holding back his pants and groans so he can hear you clear as day. That way it's easier for him to remember what he did to draw out each reaction.
Your cheeks are flushed, a blissful look on your face that makes Kei groan quietly and hide his face in your neck. He keeps his hands moving across your body, exploring each and every inch. It wasn't overeager or desperate, instead firm and sure, succeeding at warming your body and bringing you closer to the high you'd been anticipating.
"Kei," you breathe through a moan, your hands finding purchase on his bicep and the nape of his neck. "Please, wanna hear you more. You sound so pretty."
This elicits a shiver and a moan from him, hips stuttering as he thrusts forward. He couldn't recall ever feeling like this before, body deliciously overwhelmed and sensitive as he moved inside you. And he hasn't even come yet.
"Fuck, I think m'gonna come," he whines, hissing when your nails begin to dig into his arm. "Tell me you're close too."
You moan in affirmation when his fingers press into your hip and teeth sink into the junction between your neck and shoulder.
Kei waits for a bit, helping you finally lose yourself in an orgasm, before spilling into the condom and letting out those pretty moans you were talking about.
I believe that Bokuto would be very.. composed the first time you get down and dirty? He's extremely observant and does a good job at reassuring any doubts you may have. Not to mention he really tries to make it as comfortable and enjoyable for you rather than him. This when he realizes everything truly isn't about him. m'sorry bo i love you ALSO,, PRAISE. KING.
"You feel so good, baby," Bokuto groans into your chest, licking over the indents of his teeth. He moves at a pace that had you teetering over the edge and tears slowly falling from how full and good you feel. "Want you to come nice and good from my cock. Can you do that?"
You whimper and try to whisper out a yes, carding your fingers through his hair. He groans again when you tug, deep voice making the knot in your tummy so much closer to snapping.
He picks up his face from your chest when you clench around him, the usual excited glint in his eyes shining. His ego inflates, proud of himself for being able to break you down so nicely, so well.
"That's it, good job. So cute like this," he whispers, a tight moan following right after as he comes.
I don't know why, but I feel like Kuroo really encourages you to ride him the first time you're together like this. He says he wants you to set the pace, and it technically isn't a lie, but he's mostly aiming for you to be presented above him. He likes to tease, have his fun making your cheeks red from sex and his words, but absolutely loses it when you tease back.
You'd never know how much Kuroo was holding back from the way his smirk seems to appear so easily. He'd been talking about how pretty you were bouncing on his cock, quick little quips leaving his lips every time you moaned especially loud.
"Sh- Shut up, asshole," you try and snap, failing as you throw your head back. The head of his cock hit the one spot that nearly has you seeing white. "Fuck."
One of his hands moves down from your hip to your thigh. You don't pay much attention when he rubs and massages your thigh, until he lays a firm slap. You whine and shiver from the contact, hands flying to his forearms to stabilize yourself.
"You shouldn't call the person that makes those sounds leave your lips an asshole." You click your tongue, the grip on his arms tightening. "Shit, you should see yourself from down here. So fucking sexy," he purrs.
"Oh yeah? You should see yourself, Tetsu," you manage to say. "You've never looked better."
He knows you're poking your own fun. He knows you're trying to get a rise out of him. And if he was in a more normal state, he'd scoff and say that was a pathetic comeback.
But fuck, Kuroo can feel the words send heat straight to where the two of your are connected.
He's red in the face and his bottom lip is between his teeth, fingers digging into your hips and subtly moving you faster and bringing you down harder.
Very much the opposite of Tsukki, Keiji is a bit accustomed to relinquishing control and following the lead of his partners. In day to day life, he didn't play an especially dominant role in any kind of way. But suddenly, with his pretty baby, he needs to be the one calling the shots (while, of course, making you feel the best he possibly can and more). He loves to sing your praises. It's soft and firm, like there's no other option to believe him. Really likes dry humping and getting you worked up during foreplay. HAND. GUIDER.
It feels too good, the way Keiji rolls his hips and presses his cock against you. His mouth is hot against your jaw and neck, teeth grazing the wet skin just enough to make you feel it but not yet enough to mark you up. Yet.
You barely process the way he takes your hand and puts it over his toned stomach, encouraging you to touch him. Your hand has a mind of its own as it sneaks underneath his shirt. The feeling of him draws a low moan from you.
"Why don't you touch a little lower, sweetheart? Don't be shy, my love." He hums when your hand travels down and over the bulge in his pants, taking your ear lobe between his teeth. "Just like that, yeah."
You're on cloud 9 when the clothes are off and he's inside you, expertly touching every spot on your body that just ignites that absolute need.
He lifts his head from your neck, kissing the blooming bruises before kissing your lips. He carefully removes one of your hands from his back, moaning blissfully when you touch the sensitive scratch marks you left behind.
"I want to see you when you come for me, my pretty baby," he whispers, placing your hand on his cheek. He kisses your hand so sweetly it makes you melt and whine.
Keiji smirks and kisses your lips once more, speeding up his pace to finally let you come undone.
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babyboke · 3 years
haikyuu boys + some of my favourite bits of physical affection
↳ akaashi, bokuto, tsukishima, kuroo, yamaguchi
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a/n: this is absolutely just self indulgent bc i LOVE any and all physical affection.
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akaashi: wiping away food from someone’s lips
akaashi feels (to me) like somebody who likes an easy relationship
getting to that stage takes a while, and it's a lot of work...but once you do i think that's where he thrives
i saw somebody say somewhere that a relationship with akaashi would be rooted in domesticity and i fully agree
sweats and t-shirts. fuzzy socks and shorts. hoodies and messy hair. just vibes. it's all about enjoying each other's presence
usually lets you pick the movie because that's not what he's here for (hint: it's you!) so whatever you choose is fine by him.
one of those partners who 100% gets more enjoyment watching you than the movie in front of him
let's imagine this right; you're both sitting at the coffee table with your little take out buffet and akaashi's leaning against the couch behind him and eyes trained on you while he watches the many emotions flickering on your face
he's got his softest smile on; one rarely seen by anyone, even you.
he's perfectly content like this. what more could he possibly want? the room is dark and even by the light of the tv you're breathtaking to him and his heart sings at the fact that you're comfortable enough with him to be so...raw
you always ask him if he enjoyed the movie while you two clean up and he always says it was great even though he only knows like 50% (if that) of what happened.
i feel like if you tell him/he knows it's a movie you like he'll pay attention though.  because that's like a part of you and he wants to know as much about his partner as they're willing to share
He knows he's supposed to be watching the movie, that's the point of movie night. But he loves seeing you like this. Wearing a ridiculous pokemon headband, face mask on, and wearing your baggiest shirt. There's a warmth in his chest that is bone-deep and it always flares up on stay-at-home date night.
You look over at him, just for a second, stifling a snicker as the dumpling on the way to his mouth misses entirely. His eyes dart away from yours as he set the chopsticks down to get the offending food out of his lap.
When he looks back up he finds your smile — soft, warm and welcoming — aimed right at him and the air in his lungs seems to disappear.
You lean in close and now all he can smell is your hair oil and heat rushes to cheeks when he draws a deeper breath. He wonders - ears growing warmer at the thought - if you heard his breath stutter as you wipe your thumb across the corner of his lip.
Missed a spot.
The words are soft, and followed by a soft kiss pressed where your finger had just been.
His heart leaps and soars and he swears that living without this feeling would be a fate worse than death.
"We'll miss the best part of you don't stop staring." It's a joke but Keiji doesn't care. Nothing about this is a joke to him. Not when he feels this warm, this happy.
He wraps an arm around you and pulls you close. Until you're practically in his lap, as he whispers in your ear, "This is the best part. And I want to enjoy every second I get."
bokuto: lifting someone up out of excitement
did somebody say affection???
doesn't matter bc he's here to dole it out anyway
bokuto doesn't have a single hang up about showing his partner how much he loves them
which is why you are always on the receiving end of enthusiastic affection
be they cuddles, kisses or hugs
so what happens when you mix the two things bo loves most (you and volleyball)
he's losing it his brain is producing serotonin and ONLY serotonin
the minute he sees you in the crowd bokuto doesn't know a single thing other than baby!!!!!!!!!!
The game wasn't as easily won as anybody would've liked, but it was won in the end. Any other concerns they could discuss at the next practice. Celebrating is the more immediate concern. Bo releases Hinata and Atsumu from his grasp and while turning to his captain he spots you out of the corner of his eye.
It's enough.
One moment he's preparing to wrap Meian in a hug and the next Bokuto is practically sprinting toward you. The grin spread on his face almost makes up for the fact that you're definitely about to get snatched up into his arms before he's showered.
You're right!
Before he says a single word - before he even fully comes to a stop - Bo has you wrapped in his arms and lifting off the gym's polished floors. The hug is too warm and not nearly dry enough, despite that though, Bo's arms still somehow feel like home.
It's Akaashi who reminds your boyfriend that you need to breathe and that he hasn't showered yet. Reluctantly, and with the petulant pout of a toddler sent to bed, he sets you down. His eyes are still sparkling as he stares down at you, joy gleaming in those bright honey eyes.
"You proud of me babe?"
The biggest game of the season and the victory isn't even a full five minutes old, the spot in the finals is secure. And somehow, despite that, your praise at this moment is what matters most to him.
So when you grin up at him and say without hesitance that yes, you are proud of him, he's sent clear over the moon and is floating in stars he swears you hung.
tsukishima: squishing their cheeks
he's is a meanie
you're dating him, so you know this.
he also loves you
again - you're dating him, so you know this as well.
in public i feel like he's one of those people who's like why are you touching me? no, i didn't say you could let go 🙄
tsukki would probably call you a plebe like once a month (usually in the above instance, and bc i think it's funny)
"why are you touching me, plebe?"
and you just look at him like...wth you called me?
and he just had the damn smirk on his face bc damn if you don't make the cutest exasperated
sometimes if you're lucky the combination of your wide eyes, smooshed cheeks and jutted lips means he folds and gives you a kiss because he can't help himself.
So you've decided to drag your boyfriend to a good fair because it sounded like a fun date idea. And it is, tsukishima seems to be content with spending the day with you. It's worrying how easy it is for him to forget that other people exist around him. Especially when you're this excited.
The sun's starting to dip and the place is a lot quieter than it had been earlier when he suggests it's time to head home.
And you know — because you know him — that he's doing this for you because you have an early start the next day.
He's listening intently as you list off the things you liked and the ones you... didn't. You've asked him a few questions so far but haven't stopped long enough for him to answer, not that he minds. Getting to hear the excitement running through you is probably his favourite part of the day.
He jolts a little when you finally come down and latch onto his arm with a contented sigh.
Did you have fun, Kei?
"Clearly not as much as you." There's always a small feeling of relief that washes over him when you match his jabs. But the pout you wear sometimes makes his heart skip a beat.
It's like sometimes he can't help himself. He sees you looking up at him and he just reaches a hand and takes hold of your cheeks and squeezes.
"Why are you always so cute, huh?" The way your eyes light up as the words slip past his lips surrounds him with a sense of peace. The late evening is cool and the sky is painting a masterpiece of pinks and purples and blue. And yet, compared to you it seems to pale in comparison.
He rolls his eyes before pressing a kiss to your puckered lips. "Not bad for a fish."
He drops his hand from your cheeks but his touch doesn't stay gone for long. Before you have the chance to complain his arm wraps around your waist and pulls you into his warmth.
kuroo: wiping away someone's tears
kuroo gives me the vibes of someone who studies their options carefully
(i base this mostly off of the fact that despite the fact that he's clearly skilled and loves volleyball he ends up in a more reliable job)
and that's great because 9/10 time he makes decisions he's confident in
when it comes to relationship decisions though? it can be a little harrowing for a partner.
like...what is one to do when your usually sweet and affectionate boyfriend suddenly becomes more distant?
when you share a space but his eyes are far away and his mind is even further?
though ill-advised, there's the tried and true option, jumping to conclusions.
although in the circumstances being considered, the conclusions are...awful.
so he comes home one day and you're crying in the bathroom and he's torn between sweeping you into his arms or getting ready to commit a crime (murder)
Kuroo comes home to a seemingly empty apartment, save for the sound of muffled music coming from the bedroom. He grins to himself as he drops his bags.
It's self-care Saturday, which means he's going to find you covered in suds and smelling of the body wash that's become synonymous with your presence.
The picture comes to life in his mind's eye as he gets rid of the blazer and tie. Your hair tied back, the face mask he's convinced you don't need, the fire hazards candles burning on the counters, your voice singing along to the music an-
His steps falter and grind to a halt in the doorway. The tub is full of suds, and the candles are lit. The music is going but instead of your off-key singing, he's met with your sobs.
He's confused - and livid - but that he can address later. For now, his main concern is more tangible. The love of his life is crying their eyes out when they should be basking in relaxation and comfort.
He falls to his knees next to the tub, arms reaching out for you and freezing when you pull away. His heart breaks and his temper rises and it's hard to know which is worse.
"What's happening, kitten?" There's confusion and concern swimming in those pretty eyes. The ones you'd fallen so helplessly in love with. The ones that have since grown distant.
"How come I'm not good enough, Tetsu?" At the question that tumbles forth, he's certain, his temper is worse. Who in their right mind had the fall to make you feel like this?
He listens as you speak and realization dawns with horror close on its tail. The room falls silent, except for your ragged breathing, and whatever song had shuffled on.
He had made you feel like this? This was how he repaid you for making him the happiest he's ever been? His hands reach for you again, and exhaustion alone makes you remain still.
His thumbs ever so gentle as they brush tears away, patiently getting rid of the fresh ones. He draws himself up to sit on the side of the tub, leaning close enough to rest his forehead against yours. What little distance remains between you he fills with apologies and love.
yamaguchi: smiling into a kiss
i think his partner needs to have a relatively thick skin, not because of him, but tsukishima...you see where i'm going
tsuki's not going to be terrible to you because you make his friend happy but he is who he is and you're going to have to deal with everything that entails bc they're a package deal...moving on though
picnic dates.
he's nervous the first time but once this becomes something you do he's got the whole thing down
food? check. blanket? check. your favourite drink? check. flowers? check.
i feel like he really appreciates how private picnic dates are, even if its at a public park and there's people around it's still like the two of you are in a bubble
loves the way your face never fails to light up when you realize he did all of this for you
favourite part is when you let him lie in your lap and just play with his hair while he rambles about any and everything
that's also your favourite part because the view of him laying happily in your lap while sunlight hits his face warm and bright making his freckles stand out like that? unmatched.
sometimes he gets a little excited and shoots up off your lap when he gets really into a story he's telling  but the broad grin on his face is like a sneak peak of heaven
There is no feeling better than the comforting weight of Tadashi lying in your lap. Despite the obvious excitement he speaks with, there is a peace that envelops the two of you on days like this. The gentle breeze and pleasant warmth of light filtering through the leaves overhead.
Tadashi is...unaware of these things you think, though. He seems beyond content to just stare at your profile as he chatters about his week. You understand though, after all, you're content to sit and listen.
One of your hands is running through his hair and he’s somehow managed to end up holding the other. Every so often between sentences, he brings it to his lips and presses a soft kiss to your knuckles. It’s not hard to fall in love with the gentle stroke of his thumb on the back of your palm.
The way the sun plays on his freckles draws you in until the only thing you're aware of is how pretty he looks like this.
His eyes meet yours and the flush on his cheeks is what makes you realize you've been studying him as intently as he usually studies you.
All too soon the weight on your thighs is gone and Tadashi is simply observing you. Missing him doesn't seem like an option he's going to give you though.
"Can I kiss you?" he still asks, all these months later as though you could ever deny him on days like this. He beams brightly when you smile and lean closer. His lips meet yours in a heartbeat, soft and warm, and your heart sings. Without meaning to your lips curve into a small smile against his own.
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rosesandtoshi · 3 years
Electric Love ✽ Bokuto Kōtarō
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✽ Pairing: Bokuto Kōtarō x female!reader
✽ Tags: Friends to Lovers, love confessions, fluff.
✽ Warnings: smut, NSFW, fingering, oral (female and male receiving), hair pulling, squirting, soft sex. Anything else I missed.
✽ Some of this was very very self-indulgent. I just want Bokuto to call me a pretty girl while railing me.
✽ Thank you to my betas as always!!! You know I got mad love for all of you wonderful babies!! @meiansmistress @vanilleswtmacaron @thegremlincrowsnest
Had to repost!!!!
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Bokuto always had a thing for you. Ever since high school, he imagined he would end up with you, but never had the courage to confess his feelings. Fearing he would lose your friendship, he kept things to himself and instead chose to remain just friends. But what he didn’t know was you felt the exact same way. Akaashi always rolled his eyes when you came to him and gushed your feelings for the ace, but he knew you would end up together sooner or later. It was quite obvious because Bokuto would always get jealous every time you brought another guy around.
‘He’s just going to break her heart.’ Bokuto would mumble to Akaashi every time.
And sure enough, you’d call Bokuto when the guy and you fizzled out. Bokuto would show up to your apartment with all your favorite snacks and movies and proceed to comfort you. As time went on, you found yourself going out on less dates, not wanting to get your heart broken anymore. Even still, you kept your feelings for Bokuto inside, not wanting to rock the boat.
One weekend, when Akaashi was over, he had an idea. Something he had been planning for weeks now.
“We should go to this resort,” Akaashi said as he showed you a picture on his phone.
“What do you mean?” You asked, looking up from your phone to regard him.
“You, Bokuto, and I. We should take a trip to this resort so we can have some time to relax. We could all use a break.”
You agreed, and the day arrived when you three were going to head out. Bokuto and you were going to ride together while Akaashi planned to meet you out there. Pulling up to the resort, you awed at how amazing this place looked in person. Akaashi had planned and paid for the whole trip, wanting the three of you to get away without any worries. Just after you checked in, your phone rang.
“Hey, I am so sorry. I won’t be able to make it. Something came up at work.”
You spoke to Akaashi for a few more minutes when Bokuto came over to you.
“Who was that?”
“That was Keiji. He won’t be coming. He said something came up at work.”
“Awww man. Well, I guess we’ll just make the most of it, right?” Bokuto asked, bending down and picking up your bag.
“You don’t need to carry that,” you said, going to reach for it.
“Let me carry it for you, okay?”
You just nodded and followed him up to your shared room. Akaashi had said he got a room with two beds for you to share, but as soon as you opened the door, you realized there was only one bed.
“Oh, I guess we’ll have to share a bed, if you don’t mind?” Bokuto asked, setting your bag down on one of the chairs. You didn’t want him to see your face, so you turned away.
“Not at all,” you replied, opening the blinds. “Look, Kou! Our own personal swimming area.”
Bokuto made his way to stand next to you. “Woah!! Akaashi really went all out for this, huh!”
“He did. He said, and I quote, “we could all use a break.”” You said as Bokuto laughed.
“We could use a break.”
Bokuto grins, “I’m gonna go for a swim then. Wanna join?”
“Please tell me you’ll be wearing swim trunks, Bo.”
“Who do you think I am?” He went to his bag and rummaged around before pulling his swim trunk shorts out. “You coming?”
“Give me a few moments and then I will be out,” you said, grabbing your bathing suit as well. Bokuto went to the restroom and as soon as you heard the door click shut, you grabbed your phone and texted Akaashi.
[8:34 pm] You: YOU SNAKE!!! You planned to bail, didn’t you?
[8:35 pm] Keiji: 🤷‍♂️ I have no idea what you’re talking about. I have to work…
[8:35 pm] You: Uh huh. Sure. Whatever. You owe me.
[8:36 pm] Keiji: Have lots of fun. And be safe.
You felt your cheeks heat up as you set your phone down. Bokuto came out of the bathroom with his shirt off, causing your face to heat up more. You had seen Bokuto shirtless plenty of times, but this felt different because you were alone together in an expensive room. You grabbed your suit and quickly rushed to the restroom, ignoring Bokuto. He cocked his eyebrow as he grabbed his phone and saw a text from Akaashi.
[8:40 pm] Akaashi: Have a great time! Sorry, work got overwhelming.
[8:41 pm] Bokuto: It’s fine. Maybe this is my chance?
[8:42 pm] Akaashi: You can do it, Bokuto. I know you can.
[8:42 pm] Bokuto: Do you think she’ll feel the same way about me?
[8:44 pm] Akaashi: Just go for it. You’ve liked her since high school and that was almost six years ago. Take a chance.
[8:44 pm] Bokuto: You’re right, you’re right. Okay, she’s coming back out. TTYL!!
You came out of the restroom in your bathing suit and Bokuto smiled at you, trying to hide the blush on his face.
“You ready?”
You nodded and the two of you made your way into the springs. It was quiet and you knew you couldn’t make a lot of noise so you didn’t disturb the other guests. As soon as you sunk into the water, you felt all your tense muscles relax as the warmth overtook all your senses. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly as you watched Bokuto do the same.
“This… This does feel amazing.” Bokuto said, laying on his back, attempting to float.
“You’re not going to float, silly,” you giggle as you watch him struggle to try to float.
“Are you calling me fat?” Bokuto asked, a pout on his face.
“What? No dummy. Muscle sinks in water, and you have tons of muscles on you.”
Bokuto nodded at you with a big smile on his face. “Yeah, look at these guns.” He flexed his biceps at you, and you clenched your thighs together. Bokuto smirked a bit and moved his arms down, showing off his triceps. “See. Even have some muscles down here, too.”
“Can you do that pec thing?”
“Pec thing?” Bokuto looked at you a bit puzzled.
“Yeah. You know, where you move your pecs up and down. Atsumu did it at the last pool party you had. Although his pecs aren’t as big as yours.” Your eyes widened at your last comment as he just looked at you. “I… Sorry. I didn’t mean to be so forward.”
“You stare at my chest?” He asked, swimming closer to you. You swam until your back was against the wall and he was in front of you.
“I mean, you do have really nice muscles. How can someone not stare?” You looked away from him. You felt a hand come up to your face and Bokuto moved so you were looking at him.
“If it makes you feel better, you have a really nice chest too.”
You bite your lip as he moved ever closer to you, caging you between in and the rocks of the springs.
“I have a confession, but would rather show you, rather than tell you. But I need to know if you trust me?”
You looked at Bokuto’s face as you watched his pupils dilate before you nodded your head. “I trust you.”
His hand moved back to your face as he cupped your cheek and slowly brought his lips to yours. You felt the sparks instantly as you kissed him back, arms making their way to wrap around his neck. His other arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled you against him. He deepened the kiss as your tongues intertwined with each other. You gripped his shoulders as he lifted you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel his cock against your thigh as he stood up, leaving the water. He never once broke the kiss as he took you back into the room.
“Wait, the sheets,” you said, breaking the kiss. He laid you down and crawled on top of you with his signature grin.
“Who cares. I can request some more. I want our first time to be in bed. I’ve been waiting for this for years.”
You felt yourself clench as he started to kiss you again, this time a bit rougher. His hand moved up and gripped your breasts through your swimsuit, making you moan in his mouth. He moved his hips against yours, rubbing against your wet and clothed pussy. He left your lips, kissing down your jaw until he reached your neck. Bokuto left open-mouthed kisses along your neck before he started sucking on your skin. You knew he was marking you with hickies as he started to suck all over your neck. You moved one hand to his hair as you pushed up into him. His hands groped over your chest and he moved one hand down to cup your sex. His fingers moved up and down as he pushed your swim bottoms to the side. You whimpered as his digits rubbed your slit, teasing the spot that you wanted him to touch the most.
“Bokuto, please.”
“That’s not my name,” he growled, stopping all movements. You tried to move your hips to get him to touch you, but he pushed your hips down with a firm hand.
“Koutarou, please.”
His cock strained against his shorts as you said it. You had said his name multiple times, but the way you whimpered it out made him want to ruin you.
“That’s it, pretty girl.”
Bokuto sat up and helped you out of your swimsuit. He ogled your body, taking in every curve, every beauty mark. He leaned down and kissed your lips again, then trailed softly along your chest to your stomach until he was face-to-face with your pussy. Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt him lightly kiss your clit. His tongue circled around your hole before he pushed it inside you. Your hand found purchase in his locks, giving it a tug. His tongue latched on to your clit as he pushed a thick finger into your aching core, making you arch your back while letting out a moan. You gasped as he pushed another finger in you, scissoring your walls. The slurping noises he made were intoxicating as he ate you out. No one had ever made you feel like this before and he was only using his mouth. You felt his pointer finger hit that sweet spot inside of you and you cried out, tugging on his hair. The stimulation from your clit and g-spot had your pussy spasming around his fingers as you felt yourself squirt from the pleasure.
Bokuto stopped his movements and looked up at you. “Did you just squirt?”
You looked down at him and saw your juices coating his whole face, dripping down his chin onto the sheets. You hid your face in your hands from the embarrassment.
“I’m sorry. It just felt so good.” You mumbled. Bokuto came up and grabbed your hands and pulled them away from your face. He crashed his lips onto yours, moaning into your mouth.
“That was the hottest fucking thing ever. Having you squirt all over my face like that, god you’re so hot!!” Bokuto pulled away from you and got off the bed. He took his shorts off, letting his cock spring free and hit his abs. You licked your lips and moved towards the edge of the bed.
“What are you—” You reached out and grabbed his cock in your hand, making him moan out.
“Let me taste you now.”
You pulled his hips towards you and took his cock in your mouth, tasting the precum. You bobbed your head up and down while moving your hand. Bokuto moved his hand down and grabbed your hair, gripping tightly as you hollowed your cheeks, taking more of him.
“Your mouth feels amazing, baby. I have dreamed about this for so long.” You both moaned at the same time as you moved a bit faster, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. He pulled you off of him and maneuvered you on all fours. “If I’m going to come, I’m going to come in that pussy of yours.”
Before you could say anything Bokuto pushed himself into you in one motion, making you gasp. His cock was huge, the biggest you had ever taken. Your hands gripped the sheets as Bokuto set a quick pace, your tits moving back and forth. You felt his hand move down to your clit as he started to rub harsh circles, making you clench around him.
“You’re so wet baby. All for me,” He moaned out.
You felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge when he stopped and flipped you around. He crawled on top of you and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he pushed into you again. Your hands moved to his biceps and you gripped them tightly, nails digging into his skin. He buried his face into your neck, groaning at the feeling of your warm tight walls. Your pussy was better than he could have ever imagined. He always imagined what it would be like to be like this with you, always wondering how you’d feel beneath him, crying out his name as you creamed around his cock.
Bokuto slowed his thrusts down a bit, making you whine. No one had ever filled you up this well. No one had ever been in your life like Bokuto has. Tears sprung to your eyes as you realized that Bokuto had always been the one. Always there when you needed him, always there when something didn’t go right. You knew this was finally your moment to confess your true feelings.
“I love you,” you whispered out to him. He stilled a moment before looking at you, a huge smile on face.
“I love you too, pretty girl. So much and for so long. You’re my everything.” You smiled and kissed him, bucking your hips to make him move. He took that as the cue to start moving again as he pulled out and started thrusting again. You moaned into his mouth as his thrusts became a bit sloppier.
“Come with me, let’s come together,” he moaned as he buried his face into your neck again.
His pelvic bone rubbed against your clit over and over, your orgasm building before the coil in your stomach snapped. You cried out his name as you creamed around his cock, pussy tightening around him, making him still his hips, shooting ropes of cum into you. Your chests heaved up and down as sweat clung to your bodies; each other clinging to one another. As you both came down from your highs, Bokuto started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, running your hands up and down his broad shoulders.
“I have a feeling Akaashi planned this.”
“I do too. Suddenly he had work come up? We’ve been planning this for weeks.” You giggled at the thought and pulled him into a kiss.
“Who cares Kou, as long as you’re mine, that’s all that matters to me now.”
He smiled and kissed you again rolling until you were on top this time, his cock hardening beneath you again.
“Round two?”
He smiled because he knew you were finally his.
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Taglist: @kenmaskittenswriting @semisgroupie @itsmeaudrieee @catharticvillains @ebiharachan @rinsangel @chaotic-fangirl-blog @papitoshi @omiikeii @evanescentlight @vanilleswtmacaron @bbykotarou @tsumomii @luckygirls @kuroohoeee @chloee0x0
Networks: @hqintheclub
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kkusuka · 3 years
HQ kinks-ace edition<333
  ok so i was moving things from my old account and found this! so here it is :)
mostly gender neutral, mentions of female anatomy 
here is the middle blocker version <3
here is the setter version <3
included: Aran, Asahi, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Terushima, and Ushijima 
content warning: Toys, bondage, overstimulation, size kink, impact play, slight sensory deprivation, cuckolding, dom/sub, primal/play, brat taming, oral, bereding and choking, pls let me know if i missed something! 
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Aran Ojiro
Daddy Kink
Depending on his mood this man will make you call him daddy in public, (and i would)
Makes you try to say it five times fast while rearranging your guts 
Arguments? You call him Aran? Nope. will top and correct you in the middle of fighting, which just makes you horny and then your fucking and yelling daddy over and over until you can’t think
Pet names
It goes with the daddy kink ok???
Every endearment in the book
princess/prince, bunny, love, baby girl/boy, sweetheart, pretty girl/boy, and the crowd favorite Good girl/boy
t̶h̶i̶s̶ m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ m̶e̶ f̶e̶r̶a̶l̶
This man will be reaming your guts and calling you the prettiest thing on the planet <3 
Pastels (specifically toys)
Does he have a pastel yellow plug for you? Yes. Does he make you wear it in public with his cum in you? Absolutely. It's what a good daddy does.
Light blue thigh highs drive him absolutely wild, and you can't change my mind
Vibrators? Green.  His favorite punishment, putting it in you and just leaving.
Coming back to you having orgasm after orgasm on the poor thing :(
Should've just listened to Daddy when you had the chance
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Asahi Azumane 
Here me out! 
Nothing turn him on more than seeing you drooling over his cock.
Slobbering on him is the quickest way to him shooting a load down your throat. 
Doesn't even begin to explain the feeling he gets when he’s in you- 
Just can't handle the gluck gluck 3000
Oh man, hate to say it but he’s a bottom 
Literally anything makes this man bust. 
“God, you have such a nice cock” nut
“Oh, that face! Azumane you look so pretty when your getting fucked” nutted
“ All that hair. Makes me want to pull it” hard-on at dinner
Pls ride this man into next year <3
Light bondage.
This is self indulgent 
Having you ride a dildo when he’s tied to a chair- drives him wild 
Strap a vibrator to the tip of his dick and he’s putty in your hands
(thins kinda feeds into mutual masterbation) 
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Bokuto Koutaro 
Overstimulation (both parties)
He just goes so much for so long
Praying for the pussy 
Literally 7 rounds in and just can't stop his hips from moving-
Ends with both of you in tears and begging for more(and receiving) 
Also has random spurts of energy in the middle of sex and just fucking goes for it. 
Only with Akaashi- and Hinata ONCE 
I mean his best friend AND his significant other! Best of both worlds
You’re practically a threesome at this point 
Also, when he fucks you he can’t fully focus on your moans or faces :(
So when Akaashi comes over he can look at you <3
Pls he’s so precious
Remember the random spurts of energy?
Yeah that.
You bet he drags you in a closet before Jackals game. To get the nerves out!
The only thing that helps is feeling you clench around him<3
Plus! Knowing you’re full of his cum during the game helps him do better!
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Iwaizumi Hajime 
Dom/sub- life style 
Bby he even has rules. That you will follow.
Every rule comes with its own punishment… and they just get harsher and harsher.
You listen to him- i mean you LISTEN to him
He tells you to bend over, you bend. He wants you on your knees when he gets home? You're waiting on your knees no question.  
Buuuut that doesn't mean you aren't a brat. 
Brat taming/ Sir Kink
This is the brat thing in action. 
Of course he won’t stop you from being a brat, he waits until you've dug a hole. 
He has your collar and a paddle ready for you.
15 smack….. All in a row a “Thank you Sir!” Falling from your lips after every hit
Pls-this is it 
He likes getting his prize 
Overpowering you and having you so small under him makes him feral.
You just look so pretty whimpering and begging for more!
You bet your ass he shows off how good he is
Having a friend like Oikawa does that
Even if its at a work party at a pool
Does he have scratches all over his shoulders. Yes. will that stop him?
Absolutely not. Prepare for the teasing of your life. 
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Sakusa Kiyoomi (i can talk about him for days)
Intense BDSM (slight sensory deprivation) 
This man is kinky and no one can change that-
I'm talking full on harnesses and literal ropes making you completely immobile.
When it's just you two at home he carries a riding crop and just waits for the slightest mess up
 He wears leather gloves when he spanks you while raining the grossest insults at you
He also has you suck him off while blindfolded and tied up, can't use your hands, just your pitiful mouth :)
Not just on you either.
He will spit in your mouth and tell you not to swallow
God forbid you did the harshest punishment you can think of just came your way
Will have you at his feet just letting spit drop into your mouth. 
You just look so pretty
All dumb from his cock
Can't even form a sentence 
Poor baby probably can't even think past his cock hitting your sweet spot 
Will purposely make you orgasm so much you see stars 
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Terushima Yuji
He has the tongue piercing for a reason
I mean come on
This man will spend hours between your thighs just going to town
Orgasm after orgasm
Hands grabbing at his hair begging him to continue 
So he complies :)
Public Sex
He’ll pull you into a bathroom and have a hand in your underwear so quick-
Random dark alley? He’s already inside you
Just something so primal about seeing his cum drip out of you
This and the public thing creates so many delicious problems for you
Plus Condoms are such a mood killer :///
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Ushijima Wakatoshi 
He's a traditional farm boy
It's the ultimate way to have people know that you're completely his. 
Even if you can't get pregnant- 
Proof that you belong only to him for the rest of time
Wait-thats hot
Size kink
Big man, big dick
i don’t make the rules
You look so small and he looks so big
Struggling to get him in you is such a turn-on he almost always just tries to thrust in. 
Also love just getting all of your slick/precum on his dick
Biiiiig hands
Read that it give you pleasure too
Have you seen his hands?
Because yes, he has them wrapped around your neck and putting pressure on the sides like a good big man. 
  oh? you’re still here? thank you!
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superstarseijoh · 3 years
notes: hurt/comfort, timeskip!akaashi, very self-indulgent, minimal proofreading
lia's braindump: i felt like crap about two nights ago so what's a better way to cope than to write about it am i right??
akaashi was always an attentive person. ever since you two started dating, and even after years of doing so, he never seemed to get tired of whatever you had to offer to him.
he thought it was just the bare minimum, really-- paying attention to you; and he was never faking it either, he was genuinely interested. he loved seeing you happily chirp away about the tidbits of your day, good or not, which was why he found himself unconsciously frowning during a visit to your family one weekend. while watching you eat your meal in silence, he initially thought he was just overthinking. except he quickly realized that he, in fact, was not-- witnessing you being constantly talked over and interrupted while attempting to speak with your family members.
he still gave everyone else the benefit of the doubt after meal; maybe it was just because you were naturally quiet and reserved, just like when you two first met. however, after he witnessed yet again their inattentiveness while viewing a film you suggested, he decided that it just wasn't the case.
as the last person said their good night and retreated back to their room after the movie was done, akaashi observed as you stood up to unplug the tv and toss the remote on the sofa, before plopping back down beside him on the floor lined with tatami mats.
he knew your mood was off when you sighed and scooted closer to him, thighs and shoulders pressed together. "babe? what's the matter?" he pried, turning your head so you were looking at him. you shrugged, "it's nothing, keiji. it's kind of late, i'm exhausted. i'm sure you are too."
akaashi shook his head. "i'm not tired. come on, is something bothering you? you know you can tell me, right?" he coaxed you to talk.
akaashi was an attentive person, but right now you weren't sure whether to love or hate that about him as you gave in to his prying.
"i was kind of looking forward to meeting them all again, since i was so busy with work and everything, but i can't help but feel that they didn't even want anything to do with me after all that. i feel like crap, keiji, but it's so stupid because they're not even obligated to be involved with me or in whatever it is i'm up to." your eyes start watering and you stop talking to control your emotions. akaashi softly tells you to go on, that he's listening.
"it's always been like this even while i was still here. i thought that maybe it would change if i was gone a long time, but it hasn't," you sigh.
"i feel so selfish and self-centered for thinking this way, keiji.. but i just-- i'm so tired of feeling like they don't care. i hate feeling like nothing about me matters to them, like i'm trivial. it sucks."
akaashi's heart drops. he cups your face, "hey. you're not selfish for wanting your family to pay attention, okay? it's not stupid."
you bite your lip, looking down at you and your boyfriend's crossed legs, and he tilts your head back up so you're looking into his eyes. "i care about you, (name), and you most definitely matter to me;  everything about you does," he finally adds, "besides, i'm family now, aren't i? i'd gladly pay attention to you any day."
you let out a quiet sob at his words, and you bury your face in akaashi's neck. "oh, baby..." he brings you in his arms, letting you cry on his shoulder. he starts rubbing circles on your lower back, helping you calm yourself down. as your cries turn into sniffles, he brushes your hair out of your damp face, looking at you so delicately under the soft light of the lamp in the living room.
"feel better, love?" he asks, and you nod, nuzzling your nose in his chest, "i'm okay now, keiji. thank you... i love you."
he whispers an 'i love you too, (name)' before kissing your forehead, and helping you up so you can go back to your own bedroom and resume cuddling. as you two slowly pad to the room at the end of the hallway, he promises to never let you feel trivial like you did that evening; not in a million years.
akaashi was always an attentive person. that night, you were finally sure that you loved it about him.
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peachysamu · 3 years
How Haikyuu Boys Act When You’re Told To Self-Isolate
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A/N - Purely self-indulgent because it’s real life for me rn
Characters - Bokuto Kotaro, Iwaizumi Hajime, Suna Rintaro, Miya Osamu, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Akaashi Keiji, Miya Atsumu
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BOKUTO - will begrudgingly sleep in the guest bedroom. He’s walking away with a pout and making a huge scene of it all, waiting for you to surrender and call for him back. Constantly texts you throughout the day. “Hey whatcha up to?” I’m literally just laying in bed Kou, what else could I possibly be doing? He ends up sneaking into bed with you at night because he can’t take it any longer.
IWAIZUMI - you are royalty and he will take care of you! Safely, obviously. Has a strict schedule for your medicine and alarms right on the dot. Will religiously check your temperature every morning before he leaves. Do not try and fool him by telling him you feel better. Will not budge. And he’ll be mean about it and completely dismiss you too. But it’s for your own good!
SUNA - slides silly notes under the door to brighten your day. “Hey sicko, feel better cuz imy <3” Sends you a picture of you from last Wednesday that says, “hey remember when you weren’t sick?” buys the both of you takeout and then facetimes you from the kitchen so you guys can still have dinner together. If you tell him you feel better and give him puppy eyes but that all you need are cuddles, he will concede. He’s a simp for you.
OSAMU - man will cook for you like your own personal room service. Every morning at 8am you wake up to breakfast at your door. Lunch at 1 and dinner at 6. But don’t be fooled! Yes you get amazing food but he will also force you to eat all medicinal concoctions he can find. Along with breakfast, you get a ginger, honey apple cider vinegar tea with a note that says, “google told me it will make you feel better” pls, not like this. Occasionally slips by patting your head but he’ll make you wait out the ten days.
USHIJIMA - I headcannon this man to have a superb immune system so when you are sick, he has no clue. Doesn’t go out of his way to take care of you, but will immediately buy you anything you need the moment you say something. He just needs a little push is all. And when he’s out buying you your medicine, he picks up a little trinket or snack that reminded him of you. You’re waiting out the ten days for this guy. It’s not even up for debate.
AKAASHI - a soft, very tender kind of care. He assumes all your needs. You never have to say a word. Before you even think about needing more water bottles, it’s already outside your door. One cold and one room temp. You’re the one actually staying in the guest bedroom but that’s only because he rearranges it for maximum comfort. Snacks, books, extra blankets, extra pillows, and bed pulled sideways so you can comfortably watch TV. Sometimes he’ll slip his finger under the door because he’s touch starved.
ATSUMU - it’s like the beginning of your relationship all over again. Constantly texting you and checking up on you. At night, the two of you are on the phone. He can’t fall asleep without the sound of your breathing. Makes sure to come home right after practice so he’s there whenever you need him. Runs Netflix marathons with you. He thinks he can last all ten days until it’s been a whole week and he peeks into your door and just stands there and tells you he misses you.
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