#caffine addict
You know, a kinda funny fact is that you can overdose on caffeine.
Tim Drake could be killed not by any of his enemies but by fucking coffee. Or more likely spend the afternoon in agony. Shit sucks
True but even at his most extreme I dont think hes consuming 40 cups of coffee or the otherwise equivilent (I fully believe he keeps meticioulus count of every ml of caffine in his veins at all times)
But he has definently overshot and dealt with the withdrawls or shaky overcomsumption symptoms
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squig-s · 8 months
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He doesn’t need to share… he’s Spencer
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ladylisaromance · 2 years
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(via Coffee Lovers Unite Samsung Galaxy Phone Case by LadyLisaRomance)
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cmincorrrctquotes · 1 year
Hotch, picking up his phone: Reid? I'm kind of busy right now-
Reid: Do you think drinking thirty-six cans of Redbull consecutively would heighten my senses or would I just die?
Hotch: I'm on my way.
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dykeinthedark · 4 months
i need more red bull. red bull save me
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hermitdrabbles56 · 1 year
Caffeine Shots
No beta no read over no nothing here we fucking go. Hyrule after downing WAY to much fucking caffeine because you can not convince me that stamina elixirs aren't just artificial expresso shots. Or a monster mixed with a five hour energy
Warriors world officially sucked worse than his own. Apparently since their last visit a rip in time had grown unstable and split into his Hyrule. Again. In fact it was through that rip that they'd gotten there! From Hyrules world! The event leaving half of his castle town displaced into a battlefield where further rips had monsters from his world spilling out like a rapidly drowning boat. 
So here he was. 3am. Desperately trying to help the nurses hold soldiers together that had ran into battle with no plan in an attempt to get ahead of things. 
He'd been using his magic since noon and very barely managing to keep on his feet with the magic potions Legend had been trying to keep in stock. The veteran in question currently unconscious after having drained his own magic supply taking out a mob that had tried to attack the base a couple hours ago. 
Four was down, the fall through time having been like a portal jump from hell leaving him disoriented enough he can't string a sentence together. So he was actually curled up with Legend. And the others were all out still fighting. 
Even if he wanted to, he couldn't sleep. He wants to be here for them when they get back..he needs to know if they're okay. 
Letting out a heavy sigh he reaches a shaky hand into his pouch and pulls out yet another stamina elixir from Wild. Popping the cork and slamming it down all in one go. 
With the barest hints of sunlight comes another round of potions. He can't even taste the nasty alchemical solutions anymore after having so many. And his stomach feels like he drank lizalfo acid, but that doesn't matter. As the dawn also brings the Fierce Deity carrying an unconscious Warrior's and a very out of sorts Wind. Quickly followed by Wild who frantically looks like he blew himself up a couple dozen times. 
So he slams an extra magic potion for good measure before rushing over to them. 
By noon there's a buzzing sensation washing over his skin. It's too hot in the tent with all the injured bodies, it's too hot outside because of the summer sun. So he spends three hours in a fitful sleep that's more akin to him forcefully holding his eyes closed before he gives up. Dragging himself back onto his feet and over to where Wild had been brewing potions since returning to base. 
The champion is gone now. And it looks like Legend is on his feet and gone. So it's just the captain and the sailor curled up with four in the nest of bedrolls and pillows they'd built in the corner of the tent. Warrior's looks like he still needs healing. So, Hyrule grabs up a couple red potions and uncorks another stamina elixir before heading over to do just that. 
A couple hours later and Warrior's has gone back out too fight. Wind is looking after Four who is slowly starting to comprehend things again. And Hyrule has no idea how long he's been staring at the two trying to put together one of Legends puzzles before a gentle hand is placed on his back. 
Just one of the nurses, he couldn't tell you who given that everyone is kind of blurring together. And maybe swimming a bit. But who ever it is places a hot cup of something warm and bitter in his hand. Pointing off to the back of one of the tent to let him know there's more if needed. 
Takes him a moment to realize it's coffee. Straight black coffee, so hot that it almost burns. Or maybe it does. Either way it's sharp enough to cut through the groggy fog in his head. So he has a couple more and somewhat manages to choke down some bread. 
One more hour, and that buzz won't stop. It's maybe gotten worse. And he's maybe on his tenth cup of coffee. And he maybe can't remember which way is north. Or were the exit is. 
For once he's thankful for having an iron stomach because otherwise he's fairly certain the burning roil in it would have made someone else throw up. But the time to dwell on that ends when Twilight comes in with an unconscious Time hoisted up onto his back. And Sky passed out on Epona. 
So, for a quick moment he sets down his half empty coffee mug. Uncorks and dumps the next round of potions into it. Then chugs the whole thing before stumbling off to help.
Thankfully it wasn't anything serious. Or was it serious? He can't remember because everyone looks too fucked up at the moment. 
Something touches his shoulder. Just a light careful little touch but it startles a yelp out of him. His head snapping up so quickly the world spins on its access and oh, he's falling. 
No wait.
He's not falling? 
Two big arms catch him. Least he thinks they do, he can't tell. That buzzing makes it really hard to feel. 
"Woah woah…easy there traveler." Twilight murmurs as he carefully sets Hyrule back on his feet. "You okay? You're shaking like a leaf."  
A small nervous sounding laugh comes rattling out of Hyrule before he can even attempt to think. "Hehe I think my heart just stopped? Oh hey..when did it get dark?" 
"Chillio dog boy it's fine." 
"The fuck it ain't." Twilight huffs before insistently places strong fingers against the vein on Hyrules wrist. "Oh- sweet mother of Faron..that's…that's not normal." 
"Normal? You really think my death would be fucking normal?" 
"Your heart didn't stop, you're not dying….least not yet. But this certainly explains why I thought I was hearing it from ten feet away. It's racing faster than a hummingbird." 
"Mmm f-fairies works really similrat to humming hits hits h..ummin birbs it's berry hard for us to sit sit still." 
For a moment Hyrule stops to try and process what just left his mouth. Shaking his head a bit to try and clear it. Which must have been a bad ideas see as he definitely wakes up on the ground this time. Night sky spiraling above him. 
"Deep breaths buddy..you're okay…" Twilight murmurs again as he leans into view. 
Smacking his lips a bit Hyrule blinks slightly. "My mouth feels fummy…." 
"Yeahh…yeah you just threw up. Like a lot. What the fuck have you been drinking?" 
Twilight levels him with his best impression of the stare. "What things?" 
"Uhhhhhhhh…last thing was a coffee with two stamina ichsers..and…gren….it's was all very gren…" 
"Dins tits no fucking wonder. How many of those have you had??" Twilight questions. 
Hyrule stares at his hands and he swears has a few more that usual. All the extra fingers making it a little difficult to count. 
"Mmn…a number?" 
"How long have you been awake..?" 
"When the fuck did we get here?" 
"Okay….let's..let's get you some water and make sure you don't have a fucking heart attack." Twilight says with a stressed whine as he carefully scoops the shaking fairy boy up. 
"Nuuu!!! I need to…what the fuck was I doing…?"
"You've been staring into space for the past two hours what you need is to be knocked unconscious." 
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I'm an addict
I'm addicted to monster energy, I've had two cans of it today and in total that's 290 milligrams of caffeine, the recommended max is 200 milligrams. I'm addicted to that shit.
Also, fuck kosa
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itscuthulubitch · 28 days
i have an urge to drink battery acid at 4am and see what i draw
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kittenwivfangs · 4 months
Ask for u!!
Do u like energy drinks??
If yes-> which ones??
If no-> what's your beverage of choice?
Yes! Unfortunately they don't work very well for me but I think they're tasty! I had a monster energy drink earlier today my favorite flavour would be the papillon one? It's a peach can decorated with butterflies. Although my energy drink of choice is usually a red bull. ( honorary mention to coffee <3)
Although my beverage of choice would be cold tap water or cola as energy drinks fuck with my heart a little :/
Thank you anon <3
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quicktosimp · 5 months
When you’re managers are chill enough to let you order an energy drink from Aroma Joe’s when you work at McDonald’s 👌❤️
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carduelism · 1 year
Okay just had coffee on purpose for the first time in forever (dont ask why I didnt try it sooner) and like yeah I get the hype it’s a 9/10 I think, at least black coffee
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ragsweas · 2 years
Fili: I am actually doing great
Fili: Yes my last meal was yesterday morning
Fili: and I drank like fifteen cups of caffeine in the last three hours
Fili: and I am definitely seeing amad's dead father in the corner
Fili: but hey, I finished the report Thorin was asking me to
Fili: seven weeks later
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dawnthefluffyduck · 9 months
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First assignment of the semester is done ☃️ we only spent two days on it, and we didn't take it home or anything. We're just reviewing stuff from Drawing 1 right now, this was meant to refresh on contour drawing and measuring by sight. The grid lines were new though. We did the outer contours on Monday (I didn't finish so I had to wrap it up fast today lol) and the grids today.
So um, I had a pepsi, monster, and three headache medicine tables with caffeine in them all before class. Apparently that's enough caffeine to make your hands start to tremor 🤭 not a damn one of those lines were drawn in one attempt, and a few of them still ended up a bit goofy (looking at the vase on the left). My prof said he thought it was complete though and I didn't bring my portfolio to carry the drawing home so I decided to leave it instead of messing with it over the weekend.
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asteroidblocking · 1 year
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I meant to post this yesterday but anywasy- tis tim drake. He is. Eepy.
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smirnoffluvr · 10 months
makeup , lexapro , caffeine n nic keep me stable
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swxxtcidxr · 11 months
I used to think as a kid having a caffeine addiction was stupid and could never happen to me.
Well I hope child me is happy to know that I do in fact hate coffee, but can’t go 3 days without my energy infused silly drink.
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