1644- Según la Cábala, cuando el Alma toca fondo, puede impulsarse a sí misma para alcanzar un nivel superior. Las caídas en nuestra vida son producidas por nuestro Yo Superior. No son un producto del ego. En realidad, al ego le aterroriza la idea de una caída, porque es en esta etapa que encontramos a Dios, nos volvemos más espirituales, más amables, más solidarios. Una caída puede estar representada por muchas cosas: una ruptura amorosa, un accidente, un trauma de algún tipo. Lo que necesitamos saber, no creer, sino saber, es que en el mismo momento de la caída estamos generando la energía necesaria para llegar a un nivel superior”.
(Yehuda Berg)
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jt1674 · 7 months
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claudiosuenaga · 2 months
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upennmanuscripts · 2 years
Ms. Codex 1674 is an 18th century Italian collection of cabalistic works with an emphasis on angels. The primary text recounts how the angel Raziel delivered a book of divine secrets to Adam and Eve after their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Online: bit.ly/3rNdjHB
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upsurgecomic · 5 months
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
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a very beary interlude, or, noodle gets a name and evolves! 
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pansatyrical · 3 months
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Great Resource: the City University of New York’s Occult Library online.
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All images sourced from CUNY Digital Occult Library
Top Left: Dragon eating its own tail; Top Right: Alchemists at work; Bottom: Kabbalah Tree of Life’s 10 Sephiroth
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chicagognosis · 7 months
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Topic: Kabbalah: The Legacy of the Initiates
Time: Oct 9, 2023 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Spiritual initiates from every religion have existed, conveying their teachings through diverse scriptures, allegories, and symbols. The Jewish mystics were no different. However, their knowledge was codified in such a way as to provide accessibility and insight for those who were trained to read, interpret, and understand with an awakened consciousness. This lecture builds on [Kabbalah: The Doctrine of Soul and Spirit](https://chicagognosis.org/lectures/kabbalah-the-doctrine-of-soul-and-spirit), describing how five elements of Medieval Judaism can inform our understanding of initiatic life, specifically through Aggadah (narrative tradition), Halakah (Jewish law), Piyyut (liturgical prayer), Merkavah mysticism (the science for creating the soul), and The Sefer Yetzirah (a profound scripture of magical, initiatic import).
To freely register, visit:
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brother-hermes · 1 year
I’m sure a lot of you have run into a lot of backlash online whenever you begin studying the ancient art of Kabbalah. The vast majority of the confusion comes from how we use the term in our modern minds. Sprinkle in several different schools of thought with wildly different takes and it’s no wonder we can’t seem to reach a conclusion. Let’s journey through the various disciplines under the blanket term Kabbalah a bit and clear it a bit.
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awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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jt1674 · 7 months
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claudiosuenaga · 5 days
O que é a Cabala e para que serve
Doutrina esotérica da vertente mística do judaísmo reservada apenas a alguns privilegiados, a Cabala (Kabbalah), palavra de origem hebraica que significa "recepção", visa conhecer a Deus e o Universo.
Música: Ezio's Family (de Jesper Kyd, trilha de Assassin's Creed 2)
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Confira também O CAIBALION e os Sete Princípios que nortearam a ciência e o pensamento modernos: https://youtu.be/0HDVwzJWJks
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✅ "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas": Amazon.com (envios a todo o mundo desde os EUA): https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb Amazon.es (envios a todo o mundo desde a Espanha): https://amzn.to/3LlMtBn Amazon.co.uk (envios dentro do Reino Unido): https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.de (envios dentro da Alemanha): https://www.amazon.de/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.fr (envios dentro da França): https://www.amazon.fr/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.it (envios dentro da Itália): https://www.amazon.it/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.co.jp (envios dentro do Japão): https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/
✅ "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?" https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
✅ “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal"; "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?"; "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?"; e "Lua de Pedreiro: A Apoteose do Impossível - As fraudes da Missão Apollo e o lado oculto da NASA", em formato e-book em minha loja no Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/suenaga/shop
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spinallyspiraling · 2 years
"When we read קבל Kabel, “receive,” it is the root of the word Kabbalah, a kind of knowledge that is received from the divine to help us understand ourselves and our place in creation.
Kabbalah is not the intellectual or dogmatic knowledge held by one group or tradition, but in reality is an intuitive, even abstract knowledge “received” by all those who have awakened consciousness and earned it by following the instructions given by the divine. So, Kabbalah is the basis of the human being, and is also the basis of all religions. The Buddha did not use the word “Kabbalah” since it is Hebrew, but he taught Kabbalah, since he taught the truth about ourselves and our place in the world. This is true of every other great master, as well.
In relation with the Bible, we have to talk about the Tree of Life, which is a structure composed of ten sephiroth. These symbolize the structure of the universe and the human being.
Of the ten sephiroth, nine form three triangles, leaving one sephirah at the bottom (“sephirah” is the singular form of sephiroth, which is plural). So, the sephirah at the very bottom is called Malkuth, which is Hebrew for “kingdom.”
Alchemy is a word that derives from Al, which is a contraction of Allahالله in Arabic, meaning God; or Elah אלה in Hebrew which also means God or Goddess. So, Alchemy or Allah-Khemia is Al meaning Deity + Chemy, which is from the Greek khemia or khemeia meaning, ‘the Deity of Khemet-Egypt.’ Alchemy is the science of the transmutation of matter, or the dust of אדמה Adamah, the ground or Khemet, into energy by means of the breath of life or soul energy. Thus, according to Moses, Alchemy is the art by means of which יהוה, the essence of the Elohim within Khemet-Egypt, the dust of the earth, is transformed by the breath of life into different living sentient entities.
Once we kabbalistically and alchemically understand the structure of the Tree of Life, we can then use intuition in order to understand it better, because to study it only with the intellect is not enough. To really reach in-depth comprehension of the Tree of Life we need intuition."
~ Samael Aun Weor
The physical body is known as the Tree of Life and within the tree of life is the hidden Sephora located at the throat known as Da'at is another tree which is the tree of alchemy. So one can perfect their tree of life by doing work on their tree of knowledge of good and evil because it is a part of the tree of life and not separate from it.
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eyeoftheheart · 4 months
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“With its roots in Jacob’s ladder and elaborated in biblical Jewish merkavah mysticism, the doctrine known later in Greek as theosis is found in the writings of Dionysius the Areopagite, and Symeon the New Theologian, as well as the Jewish Kabbalah as demonstrated by Joseph Karo, the Baal Shem Tov and his disciples. In other words, Pico intends his angelology in these two works to be understood by the learned classes throughout Europe as a prescription to achieve union with the divine.
By “divine union,” what is meant? The final snapshot of this arduous and paradoxical, or perhaps even inconceivable journey is different in various traditions. Different from the ecstatic, fiery, yet agonizing transformation of the prophet Enoch into the archangel Metatron, called “a lesser YHVH” in 3 Enoch,7 or the graphic, luminous transformation of the mystical abbot of St. Mammas Monastery in Constantinople, Symeon the New Theologian (949–1022), into the Body of Christ in the tenth century CE,8 Pico’s vision of theosis was more akin to sharing God’s “mind stream.” That is, instead of a merger of the corporeal human aspirant into the incorporeal infinitude of the godhead, theosis for Pico was a kind of gnosis and a point of view that was simultaneously individuated and collectively unified. This can be seen in his description of ultimate divine union as possible while the philosopher is incarnate, more akin to a supremely exalted state of consciousness. While achieving a state like this necessitated neglect of bodily cares and desires according to Pico, he also asserted that this prescriptive formula for divinization actually purified the body as a dwelling place for the divine presence.”
Celestial Intelligences: Angelology, Cabala, and Gnosis: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's Quest for the Perennial Philosophy
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scogito · 1 year
Canzoncine in Vaticano dove si prega per Luç!§f3%O e tutti i rincoglioniti e gli indemoniati dicono pure amen.
Per leggere la traduzione click a questo link. Condivido il video originale perché le scritte sovraimpresse in quello tradotto lo fanno sembrare un fotomontaggio. Nota: nel video con la traduzione c'è un intervento con il Papino che confessa di portare nelle tasche sempre due cose: un crocefisso per pregare e un libricino in cui c'è il racconto del fallimento di Dio ("la historia del fracaso de Dios", dice). Essendo male tagliato ho verificato il video intero per capire se ci fosse un discorso troncato prima di una pseudo spiegazione, fingendo che non fosse già abbastanza quella frase. Si riferisce alla via Crucis, quest'ultima gli ricorda di non perdere la speranza... mentre nel frattempo parla di "fallimento di Dio".
Specifico che qua non si tratta di ragionare su un tema religioso, ma di capire bene quali sono le fondamenta su cui è costruito il Cristianesimo e praticamente tutta la società.
Quando pregate per lui pregate per colui a cui egli è fedele. Insieme a tutti gli altri.
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