#c: eldest bro
ladystoneboobs · 3 months
no of fence to jon snow fans who for some reason care about his exact age, but these discussions just annoy me no end. not only bc there's no way any weirwood flashbacks bran has to rhaegar/lyanna will come with time/datestamps, but also bc there's always comments like this:
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SEVERAL turns of the moon (ie, months)?! have these people never seen a human baby before or just have no concept of their ages? even if we take into account travel time from the toj to wf, meaning jon was not a newborn too fresh out the oven when catelyn and robb arrived, there's still a difference between a newborn and a 3mo and an even bigger difference between those infants and an older baby 5-7mo. there's very good reasons these lines were cut. whatever birthdates can be worked out internally for jon and robb from when they're first mentioned as 15 and 16 don't matter in the end, bc grrm doesn't care about a consistent timeline and the actual text of catelyn's pov and ned's convo with robert about cheating on her should outweigh any guesstimates about jon's official nameday wrt robb's. catelyn may not have cared for jon, but she would sure as hell have noticed his nameday if it came before robb's and made him ned's firstborn. if jon's birthday canonically came before robb's then either ned's cover story would not involve adultery (not impossible for him to sire a bastard before his wedding), or he'd just give jon a new nameday along with his new name to fit the adultery lie. it makes no sense for him to lie about one and not the other, undermining the big lie with a little public clue of his story not adding up. whatever else she was as a stepmother, cat wasn't stupid and a bastard who was actually the eldest son being raised alongside her trueborn heir could be an even bigger insult than whether he was born of adultery or not.
BUT, the unknowability of jon's true birthday is not the only reason this annoys me, it's bc this is all based on the assumption that jon must be older since rhaegar/lyanna ran off together before ned married cat, as if both boys must have been conceived asap as robb canonically was when his parents consummated their marriage. and that's not how human reproduction works! even if you don't understand how fast babies grow in the first year, you should know that people who get pregnant do so through ovulation cycles and a lucky sperm finding an egg and all that, not just immediately getting knocked up as soon as one has p-in-v sex for the first time. not unless you only know mean girls sex ed where if you have sex you will get pregnant and die. (even tho lyanna did die, there's plenty of canon examples where pregnancy did not lead straight to death. also examples of people who did not get pregnant right away and even some who are/were sexually active and childless without always having moon tea on hand.) we can't know how long lyanna was having sex before that sperm+egg match happened or even how long she was with rhaegar before losing her technical virginity. if they were married, doesn't it make sense to think they didn't consummate their relationship until the wedding night either? that's the only leverage there is to ensure a status as wife rather than just mistress.
and while i just said grrm doesn't care about exact timelines and a lot is still foggy surrounding the rebellion and esp rhaegar, there is one timemarker wrt robert's rebellion he voluntarily threw in, time and time again: that stannis was besieged at storm's end for almost a whole year. that siege, which mind you, did not match the duration of the entire war. it only started after robert won his battles at gulltown and summerhall, returned to storm's end, and then went out and lost the battle of ashford, leaving his homeland open to the reachermen. the same siege which only ended when ned made a detour there after the sack of king's landing, before going to the toj. even if lyanna may not have given birth that exact day ned found her, she could only be waiting in that bloody bed for weeks at the most, not months. so if rhaegar knocked her up the very same night he carried her off and jon was still a newborn when ned found her after the siege of storm's end had ended, wouldn't that mean lyanna was pregnant for well over a year? that's not how human pregnancy works either! so, maybe that's proof that jon and robb, whichever order they were actually born in, were actually very close in age as babies, much closer than if they were both conceived asap.
and really, jon's actual birthdate does not matter imho, when he was raised not just as the bastard to robb's trueborn heir, but with robb also known by catelyn and the world as ned's firstborn (which he was, in any case, as jon was ned's nephew by birth). what difference could a birthdate before robb's make (even were there some means of discovery) after ned, cat, and robb are all dead? if one is looking only at his birth parents then he's only a firstborn child on lyanna's side, but definitely a second son on rhaegar's side. maybe he was always meant to be a second son with a not much older half-brother! even if the aegon fka young griff is not in fact rhaegar's son, he'll still be known as aegon vi targaryen, meaning jon will never be known as any father's elder son. if i may reference mean girls again, it's not going to happen.
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lundenloves · 1 year
dad!simon masterlist
welcome to emotion, come in, I'll pour you a cup of tea and explain what you're about to go through.
by signing this form i agree that (a) i will not threaten lundenloves or others due to dad!simon delusions (b) i am responsible for my own confusing thoughts 1.1 do i want this man to be my dad? 1.2 or do i want to fuck him? (c) i am responsible for my behaviour if reading while on my period, explosive ovaries are possible.
signature r3ader authors’ signature lund3nluv
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one-shots/two-shots → ¹ fatherhood I 1.1k | f!reader [ simon’s mind is racing when you go into labour during one of his deployments. he can’t seem to speak about it, nor stop worrying. not until he receives the phone call. ] → ² fatherhood II 1.3k | f!reader [ simon meeting his daughter for the first time. no other words are REQUIRED omf. ] → ¹ chaotic riley household 1k | f!reader [ being a father comes with the rush of a monday morning, and it's something simon has far from perfected. ] → ¹ taking his kid to base 1.3k [ his one day off was shared with another little someone, taking her to his base because he is an absolute fucking stresshead about work and just had to get something done early. soap and price cameos, the crowd goes wild. ] → ¹ baby's first words 1k | f!reader [ your baby speaks her first word to her father. was it a word or was it a noise? simon declines to answer. ] → ¹ i meet my father when he is a child 1.7k [ his daughter in her 3am feels bro. feeling like shit because he feels like shit pretty much - disgustingly upsetting if you have father issues. ]
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longer requests
→ bad arguments 1.2k [ a bad deployment leaves simon in an awful mood, his daughter has had enough and snaps. the big three words, and not the three you're thinking! why! ] → 141 meeting his first daughter 1.6k | f!reader [ the 141 boys meet his daughter for the first time, definitely a fragile moment of madness - to say the least. ] → working through a miscarriage 1k | f!reader | ⚠︎ [ you and simon lose your baby. ] → family ties 2.3k | ⚠︎ [ in which simon’s son enlists behind his back. ceramics are smashed, threats are thrown and feelings are hurt behind nonchalant expressions. ]
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→ one | two | three | four [ what's swooshing around my brain surrounding dad!simon. usually at like fucking 1am when i'm on the brink of death. ]
blurb requests
→ his daughter stops making him birthday cards
→ simon comes home to his girls after deployment
→ finding out his eldest daughter has a boyfriend
→ dad!simon on petnames for his girls
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taglist? fill out this form. if you would like to be removed from a taglist, pm me.
requests are also open! here is the info. be aware that with dad!simon requests i’ll only write the ones i feel i’ll be able to depict best. i’m not very good at ooc writing for him! (overly soft, cuddly and attentive) no one @ me.
are you lost? back to main masterlist
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loose-angel · 1 year
Big Brother | Neteyam
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pairing: Brother!Neteyam x sister!reader, Brother!Lo'ak x sister!reader summary: A day in the life of older brother Neteyam Sully w/c: 613 notes: i recently hit 100 followers while i wrote this little drabble!! thank u all so much >.< i hope u enjoy this xD im on a streak w the sibling fics and drabbles its just so much fun to write!!
It was not uncommon that you and Lo’ak would get into arguments, almost always they are about petty things, who was the fastest, who’s better at hunting, who makes the better meal, etc. So it wasn’t rare that the Sully family would walk in on your childish arguments, though unfortunately, it was Neteyam who had the luck to run into the both of you.
“Lo’ak just admit you’re a pussy bitch and this can be over.” You rolled your eyes.
“No way in hell! I told you, we need a rematch and it’ll be fair,” Loak grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, turning away from you.
Neteyam sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood to play ‘most responsible person in the world’ right now, but duty calls.
The eldest Sully approaches the both of you, “Hey, hey, what’s all this fighting about?”
“This skxawng and I did a race of whoever got the first kill and I won but Lo’ak says it ‘cuz he heard a thanator and had to hide for the first few minutes.” You whined to your older brother, earning an appalled gasp from his brother. 
“Hey! You can’t go sucking up to him just ‘cause you’re his ‘little princess’!” Lo’ak mocked in a high pitch tone, his hands flying around wildly.
“Listen, listen, I’m not taking anyones’ side, both of you are skxawngs.” Neteyam exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest, “Now, no more fighting, or I’m telling mom and dad.” The eldest says, mostly directed towards his brother. 
“Ya, you skxawng, scurry off.” You scoffed, sticking your tongue out at your brother, playfully poking at his torso.
Lo’ak hissed at you, brows furrowing.
“Princess, you’re provoking him,” Neteyam shook his head. Yet you paid no mind, continuing with your teasing. 
You poked Lo’ak once more before he hissed and pounced at you. The two of you begin fighting, with Lo’ak pulling at your braids and you pulling on his ear. Grunts and whines bounce against the leaves of the hometree, the pair of you rolling around and knocking into the bark of the tree. 
“Ow! Bro she has my ears! She has my ears! Get her off!”
“Let go of my fucking hair!”
Neteyam sighs once again, he can never have just one peaceful day, can he? He struts over to the two of you. At this point you’re now straddling Lo’ak, pulling on his hair as he throws meek punches to your torso. 
Neteyam picks you up without a second thought, “No more fighting, please.” you squirm in your brother’s hold but ultimately cannot fight against it. The eldest Sully reaches out a hand and helps Lo’ak up.
At just the right timing, Kiri walks in. She pauses to observe the scene, before shrugging and going on about her business. 
“My ears really hurt,” Lo’ak muttered under his breath, a stupid pout forming on his lips. 
“Okay, go ask Kiri for help,” Neteyam nods his head in his sister’s direction. Lo’ak begrudgingly struts over to where Kiri is. 
You remain beside Neteyam, eyes wandering to the ground, which was suddenly so interesting. 
“Now you, I don’t know why you continue to cause trouble baby,” Neteyam points, looking down at you with disappointment. You shift from foot to foot. Luckily enough, his soft side for you remains, the slip of a pet name indicating he’s not entirely mad at you.
Yet you chuckle nervously, “I won’t anymore, promise.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes at your promise. As if you hadn’t said the same thing a few days ago. Though he takes a look at your disheveled state, and decides to let it pass.
“Come, I’ll fix your braids.”
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lipglossanon · 1 year
I Can Be Your Thrill (Can I Be Yours?)
subby steobro!Leon S. Kennedy x older fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, stepcest, reader is only a few years older than Leon but everyone’s 18+ just fyi, subby Leon, needy Leon, lovesick Leon, big dick Leon 😌, bossy reader, kissing, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), cum eating, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, uhh that’s all I can remember 😆
slightly proofread for once 😯 😆
Title from Flowers by The Neighbourhood
It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon and you find yourself at home alone, which is always nice. Your mom and stepdad left on some overnight gambling trip leaving you and your dorky stepbrother home. Dorky might be a little harsh you think. Leon’s sort of corny but in that endearing kind of way. 
He tries so hard to be a doting little brother that you’ve developed a soft spot for him. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s probably the hottest guy you’ve ever seen in your life. It’s funny to you that for him to be so much��bigger than you, you’re the eldest. You sigh out loud, mentally picturing your younger, tall, buff stepbrother; he doesn’t make it easy. 
Once he and his dad moved in with you and your mom, you both ended up going to the same high school. Since you’re only a few years older, you and your friends used to tease the cute little brother you inherited with your mom’s new marriage. 
Leon was a good sport about it when you look back on those times, he let you drag him everywhere; he even let you use him as a guinea pig for your lipgloss or nail polish testing. He’d sit on your bed while listening to the radio as you painted his nails whatever fun color you wanted to test out, not wanting to use your own cause where’s the fun in that?
You frown to yourself; you used to hang out with Leon a lot until you graduated. Now with a few years of college under your belt, taking online courses while working a part time job, you don’t really see him as much anymore. Your parents think it’s the best thing for you to stay at home, not wanting you to struggle when earning your degree, so at least you get to see Leon from time to time. 
Speak of the devil, you can see from the couch as Leon comes through the front door, kicking his shoes off before he even notices you lounging in the living room. 
You watch with a little smile as you see him get flustered at what you’re wearing; it’s nothing too crazy, but the shorts ride a little high and your shirt’s so thin that you can nearly see your nipples. If you needed, you could argue that you’re relaxing at home so it’s no biggie. 
Also you just love to tease Leon. He’s so sweet to you that it kind of makes you want to pick on’em just a little bit. 
“Welcome home,” you smile up at him as he walks closer to the couch. 
“Thanks,” cheeks pink as he shyly replies, “you just hanging out here today?”
You hum in agreement and bring your legs up to criss cross them, patting the couch cushion next to you. 
“Wanna join me?”
His eyes dart nervously to you then back to the spot before he nods. 
He sits down but you shift until you’re sitting side by side, thighs nearly brushing. You practically drape yourself on his arm as you throw your legs across his lap. 
You hear him gasp a little as his posture stiffens. Smiling to yourself, you walk your fingers down his thick bicep to his forearm. 
“What’d you get up to today, little bro?” 
He shivers and clears his throat, “O-oh uh s-some of the guys wanted to c-chill.”
His little friends used to come all the time, and would always hit on you. You sort of egged it on just because it ticked Leon off. The last time they dropped by, the suave one, Luis, tried his damndest to get you to go out with him. You hammed it up with giggling and touching his arm, but really just kept it up for Leon. 
Once Leon actually saw what was going on, he grabbed you and tossed you over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. He walked to your room and dropped you down onto the bed. 
“Don’t talk to Luis,” Leon’s blue eyes narrowed at you, “he’s bad news.”
You raised up to sit crossed legged on your bed ignoring the wetness pooling in your panties. 
“Aww, you worried about little old me?” You laughed, feeling excited at Leon’s attitude. 
“I mean it, sis,” he pouted at you (pouted! ugh it makes you swoon to think back on), “please don’t go out with him.”
You smiled up at him and make grabby hands. A relieved smile crossed his face and he let you pull him down for a hug. 
“Promise I won’t, Leon,” he sighed into your neck at your words, goosebumps racing across your skin. 
“Thank you,” as he pulled back you saw a blush cross the bridge of his nose.  
Bringing yourself back to the present, you ask, “Well did you have fun?” 
“Y-yeah,” his voice is soft, “we met up with some girls from school.”
“Oh?” you press closer to him, squishing your breasts against his arm, “did you hit it off?”
You see his cheeks darken with a blush as he ducks his head down with a mumble. 
“Hmm?” you press closer pushing your face next to his, feeling the heat of his blush. 
“Kinda,” he pulls back, eyes watching you nervously, blush now reaching down to his neck. 
“Kinda?” you tilt your head, baring your neck to Leon, drawing his gaze to your skin, “well did you get a cute girl’s number or what, little brother?”
He closes his eyes with a small shiver, before reopening them with darker pupils, “No, I-I didn’t. A few of the other guys did.”
“Aww,” you cluck your tongue, “better luck next time, Leon,” you reach up and ruffle his hair with a giggle. 
He huffs a laugh, eyes soft as they watch you, “Yeah maybe next time.”
You both smile at each other, soft and sweet, the moment stretching between the two of you taffy thick. 
He sways towards you and pauses so close your eyelashes brush. His chest hitches but before he can say anything there’s a knock followed by the doorbell chiming.  
You’re both slow to pull away, Leon shaking his head as he pushes you to stay on the couch. 
“I got it,” his eyes drop to your chest then legs before dragging back up to your face, eyes serious, “don’t move.”
You giggle and press your foot against his thigh, pushing him away from the couch. 
“Okay, Mr. Man-of-the-house, go see who it is.”
He smiles at you, grabbing your ankle tugging it gently, “That’s right,  so stay here.”
Butterflies light up your insides as he turns and walks over to the front door. He answers the door, but doesn’t move so you can’t even see who’s there. Nosiness getting the better of you, you move off of the couch and sneak over to the door. 
“You cut out early, Leon,” a male voice gripes, “what am I gonna tell Ada? She’s been bitching at me for weeks to get you to show up to this group date and you blow us off?”
Leon shifts his weight to cross his arms as he leans against the door jamb. You bite your lip as you let yourself do a once over of his big biceps and muscled forearms. 
“Yeah, so? I’ll tell you like I told Luis, I’m not interested. Ada and I went out one time and she ghosted me ever since. Why the hell would I want to see her again?” 
You frown at Leon’s back. Ada.. Ada.. Ada… the name seems like it should ring a bell but you’re drawing a blank. 
“You know that’s just how she is,” the voice bargains, “she likes playing hard to get, makes her mysterious or some shit. C’mon, if we head out now we can catch up with’em before the movie.”
Leon’s posture goes cold, “Then fuck off, Krauser. Ada can play hard to get all she wants but I’m not interested,” he shrugs, “I’m not going.”
You take a side step and the floor creaks loudly. Leon straightens up and gives a quick glance at you before turning back to Krauser. 
“Oh, I see,” Krauser laughs, “you got plans with some hot little number, eh comrade?”
You roll your eyes and walk towards Leon, weaseling your way under his arm as he tries to block the door from you. 
“Hi,” you pop up with a grin, pressing your side all against Leon’s, “it’s nice to meet you! I’m Leon’s sister.”
You come face to face with a ruggedly handsome guy who has an air of jock mentality. A slow grin overtakes his features.
“I didn’t know Leon had a sister,” he looks over at him, “shame that it must’ve slipped his mind.”
“Yep,” Leon grit out, trying to subtly pull you back in the house. 
Krauser’s glacier colored eyes rake down your body salaciously, “Why don’t you come along with us? I was going stag tonight so you can be my date.”
You bat your eyelashes at him, “As appealing as that is sauerkraut, think I’m gonna pass.”
Leon’s lips twitch hard to stifle the laugh building in his chest as he finally tugs you back behind him. 
“You heard the lady,” Leon grinned at Krauser’s dumbfounded expression, “have a nice night, Krauser.”
Shutting the door in his face, Leon loses it. He grabs you around the middle and buries his face in your neck as he laughs. 
“I can’t believe you,” he wheezes, “god, he’s never gonna live this down.”
You giggle and rub your hands through Leon’s hair, “C’mon let’s go watch some shitty TV. I wanna hear about this group date you ditched.”
He groans but lifts his head up, pulling his arms back, “Yeah like that sounds appealing.”
You grab his hand and pull him until you’re both sitting on the couch, similar to earlier only now your back is against the arm rest as you practically sit on Leon’s lap while he faces the tv. 
“Spill,” you wrap both arms around one of his and jostle him, “I wanna hear why you turned down a hot date with Ada,” you do a poor job waggling your eyebrows at him making him scoff. 
He rolls his eyes, “You don’t even know who she is.”
“So?” you pout, “dish! I wanna know!”
His hands rest on your thighs, randomly massaging and tracing his fingers along the skin as he talks, “We met up and went out and then she completely ghosted me. Ignored my calls and texts, blocked me on all of her socials.”
You feel a flicker of annoyance that only ramps up as Leon talks, voice sounding resigned—matter of fact. 
“I mean I guess she was out of my league. She was a new transfer, s’why you don’t know her,” he continues, “but everyone was chasing after her and I just lucked up on getting a date with her.”
“Leon,” you say his name softly, wanting him to feel better. 
He keeps his gaze down on your legs as he keeps running his hands along them, “And we also hooked up that night, but then after she just ignored me so I kinda left it at that.”
You reach out with your fingertips and gently grab Leon’s chin, turning him so he faces you. 
“You don’t need someone like that, Leon,” your eyes are heated, indignation making your voice clipped, “that was super shitty of her to do and you definitely deserve better. She sounds like a fuck boy,” you roll your eyes with an angry huff, “actually if you want, we can catch up with your sauerkraut friend and she can catch these hands.”
He laughs at you—with you, sea blue eyes soft and fond, “Mm I think she might kick your ass and then I’d have to kick her ass, which would result in definite jail time.”
You fake gasp, “The audacity Leon Scott Kennedy! I could totally kick ass. You’ve never even seen me fight!”
He laughs again, hands sliding up to your sides to graze your ribs, “Oh yes I have, you try to fight me every time I tickle you and you always lose.”
“I let you win, like a good big sister does,” you sniff haughtily, squirming as Leon’s fingers start to lightly dig into your sides, “you better not, Leon.”
“Or what?” he grins, fingers slowly walking their way down your ribs to dig into your hips. 
You squeal and kick out your legs but Leon just grabs you and drops you into his lap so he can tickle and pinch your sides. 
“Leon!” breathless laughter bubbles out of your throat, “stop! You’re so mean!”
“C’mon fight me off, show your little brother how tough you are,” he taunts, “c’mon, you said you could do it.”
You keep squirming, trying to catch your breath and failing as giggles escape your lips. You try to grab at Leon’s hands but he twists them out of your grip easily and he digs them back into the spots that make you squeal the loudest. 
On one particular jab into your ribs, you rock your hips just right and feel how hard Leons gotten underneath you. He hisses, flushing red all over as he grabs your hips to hold you still—away from his half chubbed cock. 
“Fuck, ‘m sorry,” he looks off to the side, embarrassment and shame radiating off of him in waves, “just give me a minute and I’ll, uh, leave.”
“Leon,” you pull in a breath trying to regulate your breathing from all the laughing, “hey look at me, please.”
He slowly drags his attention back to you, a hang dogged expression on his face. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper, hoping he can tell how much you mean it, “promise, okay? If anything, I’m kinda flattered.”
You smile at him and he gives you a weak one in return.
“Y-yeah? You’re not grossed out or anything?” his small voice makes your heart pang in your chest. 
“Of course not,” you assure him, running your hands through his hair to soothe him, “you can’t help it when you have a warm body rubbing all over you, it’s just hormones at that point.”
His face drops further, “Sure.”
You stop petting his hair and let your hands settle on his shoulders, “Hey I mean it.”
“I know, just that—“ he clams up and looks away again. 
“Leon,” you lightly shake him, “hey I promise it’s okay, it’s not me that—“
“But it is,” he blurts out, hands tightening their grip on your hips, “it is because you’re on my lap.”
It comes out breathier than you intended but it does get Leon’s attention, eyes questioning and anxious.
He’s not expecting you to move again so you easily rock down on his thickening cock, making him grip you tighter and stilling your movement. 
You bite your lip, arousal at the situation making your clit throb and panties wet. 
“Leon,” you sigh against him and grab one of his hands to move it down to your hot cunt, thin shorts already becoming damp with slick. 
His pupils blow wide as you let go of his hand letting him touch you with his broad palm. 
“This is— you’re so—“ he stutters, eyes darting from yours down to where he’s cupping your pussy, “can I?”
You giggle. He’s so adorable right now, so overwhelmed and nothing has even happened. You rock against his palm with another sigh. 
“Mm should probably take this to your room,” you lean forward and whisper in his ear, “gonna get you all wet and messy, baby brother.”
He groans and shuffles to the edge of the couch. 
“Grab my neck,” he directs, grabbing your ass and lifting himself up.
You gasp then laugh, “God you really are strong.”
He somehow blushes harder, “I guess.”
You kiss his warm cheek as he quickly carries you to his room. 
“You are, Leon,” you murmur and kiss his ear, “you’re so kind and sweet,” you kiss his neck, “and handsome.”
He leaves the door open once he enters his room, kneeling on the floor to gently sit you on the bed. Your belly swoops to see him at your feet gazing up at you like you hung the moon. 
“Should we be doing this?” he whispers in the quiet, “it seems..”
“Dirty?” you ask, watching as his eyes study your face, “but doesn’t that make it hotter?”
He whines and presses his face against your thighs, hiding his face, voice muffled as he whispers, “Yeah, ‘m so hard right now it hurts.”
“Poor baby,” you coo and pet his hair, nipples hard and pressing against your shirt as he whines again. 
“Get up here and lay down for me, Leon,” you tug his hair making him lift his head with a moan, pupils dark. 
“You don’t want me to..” he trails off, cheeks so flushed he looks feverish, “you don’t want me to do anything first?”
You smile at him, heat rushing over your body at his sweetness, his neediness. 
“Maybe later, pretty boy,” his eyes flutter at the nickname, “want you up here first, okay? Can you do that? Be a good boy for me?”
He moans loudly, and nods jerkily as he crawls up onto the bed next to you. 
“Yeah, wanna be a good boy for you,” he lays flat on his back, cock tenting his jeans obscenely making your mouth water. 
“Shirt,” you gesture and he quickly takes it off. 
You straddle one of his legs, tapping the button of his jeans with a fingernail, “Wanna get all the way undressed for me, baby brother?”
His hips buck up, “Can’t—can’t c-call me that,” another low moan as he slips his jeans and boxers off, cock slapping against his stomach precum drooling from the uncut tip. 
You sigh in pleasure as you run your fingertips over his thick thighs, “Why not? I think we both know you like it.”
Your eyes finally shift from his bobbing erecting up to his blushing face, “I know I do, baby brother.”
His cock jerks and drips all over his stomach making you smile coyly at him, “Mm see? At least he agrees with me.”
Leon moans, hips humping the air, “Please.”
You move your hand from his thighs to feather your fingertips against his balls before wrapping around his dick. Your fingers close around him in a fist, making you drip once you see they aren’t even able to touch. 
“Leon, you’re so big,” you whisper excitedly, slowly stroking down then back up. 
“Y-you like it? Don’t think it’s too much?”
You drop a kiss to his sticky tip making him groan. 
“Definitely not,” you bite your lip, eyes watching as he keeps oozing precum all over your knuckles, “you’re really big.. but I like it. Gonna stretch me out so good.”
He whines, back arching as his hips fuck your fist. 
“S-she said it wasn’t— that it was too much, not good for—“
Your expression softens as you slow your fist, “Leon, she’s an idiot. Every girl I know would fucking love to sit on your dick.”
He moans brokenly, cock kicking hard in your hand. 
“Really,” you smile at him and he shakily returns it. 
You go back to firm strokes, quickly picking up speed and tightening your fist around his dick. 
“So good, so g—fuck,” he whines, eyes looking up into yours as you jerk him off. 
“Yeah?” you’re smiling at him, voice sweet, “want you to feel good. You’ve been such a good boy, haven’t you? Such a good little brother.”
His hips jump up as his cock kicks and drools precum all over your fingers, making them stickier as you stroke him off. 
“Wanna be your good boy, wanna be big sister’s best boy,” he pants, eyes dropping back to your hand that’s barely able to wrap around his fat dick. 
You pull his foreskin down to tease the drippy tip of his cock with your other hand making his thighs twitch like crazy.
“F-fuck, fuck, so sensitive, ungh—“
“Leon,” you nip at his earlobe, “I really want to ride your face.”
His cock leaks all over your hand as he whines, “Please, please, wanna eat you out so bad. Sometimes it’s all I can think about.”
You squeeze your thighs together, “Tell me. Tell your big sister what you’ve thought about.”
He grinds his head back against his pillow, “Burying my face in your pussy, and not being able to stop til you’re satisfied, and you just ignoring how hard I am,” he shivers, dick weeping precum. 
“What else?” you whisper, softly stroking his cock. 
“J-just using me as your dildo,” he gasps, abs tightening when you squeeze his cock, “fuck. Yeah, you just using my dick as a toy, not letting me cum o-or making me cum in you and still ride my dick even though I’m too sensitive.”
You moan and kiss him, letting him sloppily lick into your mouth. Leon’s eagerness makes your cunt throb. 
“You wanna nut in me, baby brother?” you moan, jerking him off faster, “cream your sister’s pussy? Mmm so dirty.”
His eyes roll back as you duck your head down to kitten lick the fat head of his cock. 
“S-stop, I ungh, I’m gonna c-cum,” his hips jump up, pressing his cock against your mouth and smearing precum across your lips. 
You pull completely away, not even touching him anymore, to watch his cock throb and kick against his stomach. 
“T-thank you,” Leon’s tear filled eyes look at you with complete adoration, “don’t wanna cum too soon.”
You grin at him, “Even if you cum, I’m not stopping, little bro.”
He rocks his hips up with a low whine, “Not fair that you’re so hot, ‘m gonna blow my load before we start anything.”
You slip your shorts off, taking your panties and placing them around his head— making sure the gusset is right over his nose and mouth. He moans, hands clenching his sheets as his tongue laps up the slick puddled in your panties.
“Isn’t that better?” you coo, climbing into his lap. 
You both moan as you drag your slick cunt over his cock, sandwiching him between your pussy lips so the head bumps your clit on every slow roll of your hips. 
Leon’s hands grab your hips but only to hold you as you rub your pussy all over his cock. 
“So good,” he moans, muffled behind the fabric, “you’re so wet.”
“What, you’ve never had a girl get this wet for you?” You laugh, “I find that hard to believe little brother.”
He shakes his head, “N-no, not like this. Not like you. Fuck, you’re so—“
You arch down, letting his dick catch the edge of your hole before pulling back. 
“I’m so what?” you let your nails drag up from his stomach to his heaving chest, teasing across his nipples. 
His back arches into the feeling, pink buds hardening under your fingertips. 
“You’re so perfect,” he whines as you settle on his cock, “the perfect big sister. So smart and sexy a-and god now I know you have the best pussy.”
Warmth blooms in your chest at just how earnest he sounds, “Really? How many pussies have you actually seen, Leon?”
“A c-couple,” he stutters out nervously, “I’ve only slept with two people.”
“Aw,” you pout at him, leaning up to pull the panties off his face wanting to see his eyes, “I was hoping I could steal your first. Pop my little brother’s cherry.”
He blinks at you, dark eyes adjusting as he blurts out, “You can, I mean the other two times weren’t great to be honest. Just quickies in the backseat of a car.”
“Leon,” a smile stretches across your face, “are you saying we should pretend I’m your first?”
He nods, “Yes, yes that’s what I mean. Please. Never thought I’d get a chance with you,” he blushes all the way down his chest, “but always wished you were my first.”
“That’s.. so sweet, Leon,” the butterflies flare up in your chest again, making you feel bubbly, “did those other girls not wanna take their time with you?”
He grins sheepishly at you, “I guess not? They didn’t exactly call afterwards as you know, so guess it wasn’t any good.”
Your brows pinch, “Leon, you deserved a good first time. Someone should have taken you apart in a bed until you couldn’t move.”
He rocks his hips up against your pussy, sliding against your clit making you moan. 
“Will you?” he pleads up at you, “I know you’d make it so good for me.”
You sigh acting put out but you can’t wipe the smile on your face, “I was going for a dirty quickie, but I guess we can make it sweet.”
“We can do both,” he grins at you trying for coy but landing on saccharine, rubbing his dick against your clit, “wouldn’t mind my big sister fucking me stupid.”
You whine and grind down on Leon, “Next time, you can fuck me wherever you want.”
“In the living room? Wait,” he groans, “wanna fuck you in the shower. Finger you while you jerk me off til everything’s all wet and slippery.”
“Yes,” you pant, grinding harder against him, “you better finger me til I squirt.”
“Fuck, fuck,” he whines up at you, “you’re gonna make me cum if you keep talking like that.”
You bounce on his lap so his cock wetly smacks against your pussy. 
“Oh really?” You give him a teasing smile, “my pretty little brother gonna cum all over himself before he even puts it in?” 
“P-probably,” he whines as you giggle at him. 
“You’re so cute, Leon,” you sigh, stroking his nipples with your fingertips and watching his abs jump, “I wanna cum on your cock so you’ll have to wait on eating me out.”
He mewls, watery eyes fluttering, “But you said you were gonna sit on my face.”
Your cunt throbs, “Mmm save that for later, big boy.”
He bucks his hips, “Promise?”
You giggle and raise up on your knees, “Promise, baby brother.”
He moans, loud and open mouthed. While he’s distracted, you grab the base of his cock and center it over your dripping hole. He drags his eyes down to watch as you slowly sink down his throbbing dick. 
“Fuck,” your brows pinch, “you’re so big, Leon.”
He moans again, hips humping up into your pussy making you squeal as he buries his cock halfway into your wet hole . 
“So good,” he slurs up at you, “pussy s’fucking good.”
You give a strangled laugh, easing yourself inch by inch down the rest of Leon’s thick cock until you’re sitting flush against him. He’s so deep it feels like he’s in your throat. 
“Fuck,” he whines, rubbing his hand over your belly where you can feel his dick throb, “I’m s-so deep.” 
He can’t hold his head up from the overwhelming pleasure, letting it drop down onto his pillow with a low groan. 
“Mmm yeah you are,” you dizzily reach down to feel him bulging your lower belly, “you’re gonna ruin my pussy, Leon.”
“Yeah?” he’s moaning as your fingers stroke over the bulge from his dick, “you like it? Feels good?”
Warmth buzzes in your chest at his sweet earnestness. 
“Yeah, Leon,” you sigh softly, settling yourself down on him, letting you both get used to the feeling. 
“Wanna be your good boy,” he’s grabbing at your hands to put them on his chest, “wanna be good for you, so good for my big sis.”
You push off of his pecs, raising up just a few inches to slide back down making him whine and buck up into your clenching heat. 
“You are being so good, Leon, so pretty and sweet for me,” you coo, “got such a nice big cock for me to use.”
“Yes,” he hisses, “use it, use me whenever you want.” 
“Mmm,” you moan, slowly riding him, dragging out the syrupy hot pleasure between you, “see? Such a good baby brother.”
“Can I play with your tits?” he asks, eyes dark and needy, “really wanna touch’em.”
“Yes,” you sigh sitting back on him to slip your shirt off, breasts bouncing with the motion. 
“God fuck you’re so—“ he squeezes his eyes shut for a minute before heatedly looking back up at you, “god, you’re gorgeous. Lookit those fucking tits, ‘m just, you’re—“
He cuts himself off with a low whine as you grind down in his lap from the praise. 
“Mm y’sure know how to flatter a girl, little brother,” you giggle at his panting moans. 
“S’true,” he gets out, practically drooling as you slowly bounce on his cock, “can’t believe you’d let me fuck your perfect pussy.”
You whine and hump yourself down harder on his cock, splitting your pussy open on every thrust. 
“Leon,” you moan at him, taking his hands and putting them on your breasts, “god, you’re gonna get me addicted at this rate.”
“Good,” he groans, “want you to use my dick anytime you want. Use me to cum whenever, fuck, wanna be your toy, just a dildo for your pretty pussy.”
“Yes!” you arch down, burying his cock deep in your guts, feeling as his fat tip kicks against your cervix making you clench repeatedly down on him. 
“So good, Leon” you hold still driving you both crazy as your fluttering walls milk his cock, “want me to use your big fat cock as a dildo? F-fuck, Leon that’s so hot.”
“Want you so bad,” he gropes your breasts, thumbs swiping over the nipples, “I’ll be whatever you want, just tell me who to be.”
“Oh, Leon,” you clench around him as he tugs on your sensitive nipples, “I like you the way you are.”
Your eyes soften as he watches you with a heavy lidded gaze, “Let’s swap, want you to get on top. Set the pace you like.”
“Y’sure?” his hands keep caressing your chest making goosebumps cover your arms. 
You pull off of his dick with a bitten off moan as Leon lets out a full on whine. Your legs shake a little and you laugh as you fall next to Leon on the bedspread. He turns to you, face light and happy. 
You pull him in for a kiss, tossing your leg over his hip. You trade kisses and giggles, softly making out until the giggles turn into low pants and moans with hips rolling to grind into one another—Leon’s cock dragging across your slick coated pussy. 
You finally drag your mouth away, clit pulsing from how fucked out Leon already looks, “You said you wanted to pretend it’s your first time?”
“Uh huh,” his dilated eyes, sweep over your body and back up to your face, still rutting his leaking cock over and over your cunt.
“Those other girls really don’t know what they’re missing out on, Leon,” you murmur against his swollen lips, “you’re so sweet for me.”
He grins at you, cute aggression making you dig your nails into his shoulders. 
“Is this really what you want?” you whisper, eyes searching his for any doubt, “promise I won’t be mad if you want to stop now.”
“I want to!” he assures you, grabbing your hip to press himself snug against your soaked pussy, dick bumping against your clit making you mewl. 
“Promise, I want it,” he groans, letting you grind your sensitive bud up against his dripping cock, “honestly been imagining this for way too long.”
“Yeah?” you gasp as he lifts your leg higher until it’s wrapping around his ribs.
“Yeah, pretty much ever since I moved in,” he laughs derisively, “pathetic huh. There’s no way you thought of me that way.”
“Hey be nice,” you kiss his lips, biting his bottom one as you pull away, “you were too young for me then so you’re not wrong, but.. well you’ve gotten my attention in the last year.”
“No way,” he surged forward to kiss you hard, then move to your jaw down to your neck, tongue tasting your skin, “god I would’ve tried sooner then. Not wasted my time with Ada.”
“Good rule of thumb is to not mention previous conquests while in bed with another woman,” you pinch his hip, “and I wish you would have, too. But,” you squeeze him with the leg you have wrapped around his ribs, “now I have you all to myself.”
You rock your hips against him, gasping when the tip of his cock catches the rim of your hole. 
“All yours,” he mumbles into your neck, “m all yours, your good boy.”
He ruts his cock upwards and breaches your needy pussy, sliding deeper and deeper into you until he finally bottoms out with a pained groan. 
“S’good every time,” he bites your neck gently, making you hiss and clench around him. 
He whines as he rocks his hips back and forth, cock slipping in and out of your wet clenching heat. 
“Can we stay like this?” he wraps his arms completely around your body, tugging you until there’s no space to go anywhere, your head tucked into his neck. 
You hum in agreement, “Sure, as long as you feel good.”
“It’s perfect,” he moans, bucking into your cunt harder a few times before going back to his softer thrusting. 
“Good boy,” you coo in his ear, “my baby brother is so good for me, huh?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” he chants, grabbing your ass with both hands to hold you against his hips as he grinds deep into your spasming pussy. 
“You serious about being my personal cock toy?” you nip his earlobe, “want me to tie you to my bed with pretty ropes and let me use you all night?”
“Please,” he chokes out, hips rabbiting into your squelching cunt, “I’ve fantasized about that so much. Just want you to boss me around, take what you want.”
You moan, biting the shell of his ear, “Then starting tonight I want you naked in my bed. You don’t get to touch until I say so. I’m gonna ride your face and if you’re good, I might let you jerk off.”
His back arches, a low groan from his chest slipping past his lips, “Anything, anything, please.”
You giggle, pussy walls fluttering and milking his dick, “Oh baby brother we’re gonna have so much fun.”
He whines a high airy note, sounding so pitiful, “M gonna cum soon, so close.”
You roll back, pulling him with you until you’re pinned under his bulky weight, “How do you want to finish?”
His eyes nervously look down your body to where he’s fucking you open, fat cock splitting you in two with each hard thrust. 
Mouth panting, he looks back into your eyes, “C-can I put you in a mating press?”
Slick drips past his cock as you let out a mewling whine. 
You’re nodding before you even answer, “Yes, that’s so hot, Leon. You want to breed your sister’s pussy that bad?”
He moans, “Y-yeah, want to pin you down and fuck my cum into you.”
“Mmm,” you smile up at him, “I’ll let you do that this time since it’s your first.”
He eagerly slips his cock out of your soaking wet pussy and grabs your thighs, pushing your legs up to you shoulders. You loop your arms around your calves to hold yourself open for him. Leon shuffles until he’s in a crouch, dick angled down tip pressing into your hole as your pussy tries to suck him in deeper. 
“Fuck,” Leon whispers, eyes watching as he lowers himself into your greedy cunt, walls pulsing around his thick cock making him lose his composure and bottom out quickly. 
Body shivering, you moan feeling too full. There’s no way you’ll ever recover from having Leon buried in your guts; you weren’t kidding when you told him he’s going to ruin your pussy— he already has.
“Move, please, Leon,” you finally gasp out, his cock feeling like it’s lodged in your throat, “s’too much.”
“Sorry,” his dark eyes gaze at you in worry, “I can sto—“
You clench down on him making yourself squeal before finally gritting out, “Don’t you finish that fucking sentence. Want you to fuck me, Leon. I like that it’s too much. I’ll tell you if I want to stop.”
He nods, pulling halfway out and rocking back down making you whine. 
“Those stupid girls did a number on you,” you grab onto his shoulders, keeping your legs tilted up for him to fuck into you, “but I can fix that.”
“Uh huh,” Leon’s hazy unfocused eyes are trained on where your pussy is spread open, your hole obscenely stretched around his dick.
You smile at him, feeling warmth buzz through your body followed by white hot arousal as Leon rubs against your g-spot just right.
“There, there, oh fuck,” you pant, nails digging into his muscled shoulders, feeling as his tendons flex to hold himself up while pistoning into your sloppy sounding pussy, “fuck, fuck, oh f—Leon!” 
He adjusts his arms, placing one above your shoulder to balance himself so he can slip the other one down to gently rub and tease your clit.
“Good boy, Leon, you’re soo good,” you grind your head back into the bed, feeling too much all at once making your thighs jump and toes curl.
Leon’s so pussydrunk he can’t even form words so he just whines and grunts as he fucks into you harder and harder, the sound of skin slapping filling the room.
“Cum, g’nna cum, too good, fuck, gonna fill you up,” he babbles, brow furrowed as his hips chase his pleasure to completion, “can’t stop, sorry sis, can’t—g’nna cum in you,” he whines long and loud, “fuck ‘m about to cum in my big sister, fuck, gonna breed her pussy perfect fucking puss—“
He drops his weight down onto you making you scream as the fat head of his dick kisses your womb, pleasure-pain zinging from your cunt all through your body making your back bow off the bed. Your eyes are wide and unseeing, staring up at the ceiling as Leon stuffs you full of his cum. His cock kicks inside you as your pussy is completely filled with his hot sticky release. You dimly realize you’re cumming and have been since Leon fucked down into your cervix. 
“You’re milking me so good,” he slurs, pushing his face into your neck, “can’t stop cumming.”
You whine, pussy walls pulsing around his fat cock as you feel thick spurts of jizz paint your insides white. Your hands move up from his shoulders to slip through his sweaty hair, petting him as you both try to catch your breath. Tugging his strands, he lifts his head and you surge up to kiss him, messy and wet. He sighs into the kiss, eagerly licking into your mouth letting spit drip down his chin making it a wet slide of lips and tongue.
He bucks forward making you moan into his mouth.
“God, wanna go again,” he pulls away, lips shiny and swollen eyes bright, “wanna fill you up again, please?”
“What?” your brows pinch in confusion, “what do you—ohh,” you moan as Leon fucks into your spent cunt, cock hard and throbbing again.
“Got me so bricked up, can’t help it,” he pants against your neck, hips picking up speed as he settles his weight down on you, wrapping your legs around his waist, “it’s a fucking wet dream I get to do this with you.”
“Leon,” you moan, tugging his hair but he stays lodged in your sensitive pussy, fucking you deep and fast, “you’re being so bad.”
“Noo,” he whines, not stopping as he fucks into you over and over and over, “just can’t help it, you feel too good, my hips won’t stop.”
“Bad boy,” you gasp as the tip of his dick knocks against your womb, making your eyes roll back in your head and toes curl, “gonna have to punish you.”
“Yes, yes, please, punish me,” he grunts into your neck, mouth open and sloppily licking at your skin, “just don’t make me stop, can’t help it.”
You can only pant and moan as Leon rails you into his bed again and again; your orgasm is slow and heavy making you cry out when it hits you, hips arching and spine curving to get Leon as deep in your cunt as possible.
“G’nna cum again, gonna breed you so good,” Leon sucks a bruise on your neck, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
He kisses you sloppily as he cums inside your aching pussy, walls milking him until he’s spent. He finally pulls back, cock pulling out with a wet suctioning noise making you both moan. Leon watches in awe as his cum oozes from your fucked out hole, pussy lips fat and swollen. 
You buck up into the wet heat of his mouth as he buries his face in your abused cunt.
He hums in reply, grinding his face into your pussy and moaning as he eats the cum and slick from your oversensitive hole. You push him off of you with your feet, his face coated and messy.
“On your back,” you harden your tone, “now, Leon.”
He looks at you abashedly but does as you say. You quickly throw your leg over him and hover your cunt over his face.
“Since you need a lesson in listening,” you rock your clit down against his nose making him groan, “I’m gonna let you clean up the mess you made, baby brother. Then I’m gonna cum all over your pretty face. You don’t get to touch me anywhere else and you don’t get to touch yourself. Understood?”
He’s nodding before you even finish talking, “Yes, yes, ‘m sorry, I’ll be good, I swear.”
Your smile has bite as you reply, “You’ll be good if you want to keep tasting this pussy.”
He moans and you sit completely down on his face making his eyes roll back. His hot tongue greedily licks into your sore pussy.
“Clean it up, baby brother,” you coo down at him, “got my pussy all dirty.”
You feel as he groans low in his throat, rubbing his face deeper into your cunt, tongue fucking up into you. You grind down against his mouth, moaning as your clit rubs and bumps his nose.
“So needy, little brother,” you pet his hair, “gonna have to work for it though, pussy is a privilege.”
You’re jostled as he ruts his hips into the air. Giggling, you rock your hips further onto his tongue. 
“Getting close,” you sigh, watching his eyes flutter, pupils completely swallowing the blue, “gonna make me cream your pretty face, baby brother.”
He growls up into your cunt making you mewl, bouncing down on him a little harder. He presses his tongue up just right as his nose catches and bumps your clit making you see stars as your orgasm washes over your body.
“Cumming, cumming, oh fuck,” you whine, riding his mouth as slick gushes from your cunt to fill Leon’s eager mouth.
You let him lap and suck at your pussy until overstimulation makes you raise up on shaky knees. 
“Good boy,” you rub your hand down his face, fingers dancing over his red, swollen lips, “did so good for me, Leon.”
He nuzzles into your hand, eyes completely hazed over, “Mmm good. ‘M sorry.”
“I know you are,” you laugh softly, easing yourself up to lay down next to him, “you’re still getting punished though.”
He shivers, love sick eyes watching you, “‘kay.”
You look down your body and then at Leon, “We’re a mess.”
He dazedly looks at your creamy cum slicked thighs and groans, eyes slipping shut, “You’re gonna make me hard again.”
You giggle and push against his bicep, “Then let’s go take a shower. And only a shower.”
He smiles at you, all bubblegum sweet, “Sounds good.”
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König HCs
Because why not lads. These are some of my personal ones regarding the lore I’ve put together for him. TW: untreated mental illness, childhood neglect, burn injuries, surgical trauma. Uh, some other shit, too, probably. Idfk reader beweader you’re in for a sceader.
Bro has BPD. It covers a lot of the beloved fanon interpretation of him being clingy and hot/cold and scared of being left. He’s got Fear Of Abandonment Syndrome, and he’s like 10% more likely to make a fucky wucky on himself and end up sleeping in the forever box.
Source: I have it and my baby girl only gets the best of the worst from me.
H a t e s d o c t o r s. And hospitals, and surgical procedures, and anything of the like. He’s probably already got more health issues than a blue blood racehorse just from his sheer size alone - prone to heart issues and musculoskeletal strain - but there’s no way on god’s green earth that he hasn’t been through a handful of major procedures because he’s diagnosed with human knife block and bullet sponge disorders respectively.
Sub-point A: born with a cleft palette and lip. Palette was corrected, has a turned second incisor as a result. Lip was botched. Pulled a pot of boiling sugar off a stove and burnt a big-ass portion of his face, neck, chest, and stomach. Multiple painful reconstructive and corrective surgeries to deal with keloid scarring.
Sub-point B: psychology might help OTHER people, but HE is built DIFFERENT. He’s not crazy, you see, and if you suggest otherwise you’ll suddenly develop a case of Backpfeifengesicht and he’ll provide the violence. DBT? That’s Dick and Ball Torture, babey.
Despite this, he lies through his teeth at psych evals. He knows the “right” answers, and he is not going to get his livelihood taken away from him, even if it’s not exactly what he wanted. If he’s answering for his own actions, he can swerve and intuit what thing will calm things down the most and get him the smallest punishment.
Developed most of his wheedling skills as a kid, parents were neglectful as shit. Mostly disregarded him during his upbringing. Youngest of three, an eldest sister and a brother. Not in contact with any of them.
He’s 34. I don’t know if I’ve accepted him being a Colonel into my heart as my lord and savior, I’m still figuring that one out until there’s more concrete canon material besides a loading screen.
Grew up in a hoarder house of apathy, alcoholism, and depression and it was DISGUSTING. Black mold, water damage, trash everywhere, travel lanes carved through the most useless fucking junk. His parents bred Doberman dogs to sell as guard/security dogs, and some lived in the house, adding to the filth and destruction. He can’t stand a dirty house, and as an adult has an insane cleaning routine. Often stress cleans. You could eat off his bathroom floors.
He Does Not Like Dogs. Period. He especially hates Dobermans. He doesn’t like dog breeders worth a fuck either, good or bad.
Did not have any sort of media or anything as a kid. Parents didn’t spend money on tech or pop culture stuff, they were kind of stuck 30 years behind everyone else. His parents were older when he was born, he was very unplanned and not particularly warmly welcomed. Kept himself entertained out in the boonies, did a lot of reading, learned to juggle, learned to juggle knives. Had a big brokedown half-draft horse to take the kennel dogs on longer walks in the country, horsebacked a lot.
Soon as he was in the army, away from his family home, and living on his own, he got his first cell phone and computer and pretty much started living on the internet. He’s self taught in a couple of programming languages, very tech literate, halfway kind of lives on Reddit (narrowly swerved getting redpilled, thank fuck) on his personal time, and built his own PC set up. Built one for Horangi, too, and gives Stiletto advice on her own build when she asks for it.
Bc I said so, everyone I love hates Klaus. All my homies fuckin hate Klaus.
König was raised secular Jewish, really doesn’t know all that much about it and didn’t get a bris or bar mitzvah, it’s just like Yeah That’s What I Put On Papers to him. Klaus is always getting in his shit about Austria and WW2. König’s grandparents made it out of the camps and went on to become: a microbiologist, a professor at the Austrian University of Veterinary Medicine, a multi term mayor of a small village/candy maker, and a beloved homemaker. The brilliance of the family seemed to leech out with each passing generation, and König sees himself as the dead end of it all.
König has rocked Klaus’s shit about the shitty jokes before and will do it again.
Favorite rugby club is South Africa, and he has an intense crush on Faf de Klerk even though he’s been traded to Japan. He’s kind of hot for all scrum halves tho lbr here.
Lunch break is over and this is ridiculous, will probably do more later.
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funniest shit i learned this week: absolutely obsessed about the way daddy sima fang vs daddy sun jian named their sons + the hypothetical relationships they had.
lets look at Sun Jian: He was born to a peasant father whos name was never even recorded in history, but he had high hopes for his sons and he named them accordingly:
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Sun Ce, styled Bofu -- Ce means "strategy," Fu is a type of military token used to prove that a command has legitimate authority. very ironic the son named "strategy" is the hothead who rushes into things. Sun Quan, styled Zhongmou -- Quan means "right" e.g. "the right to rule", Mou means also strategy. this time it's appropriate, at least! Sun Yi, styled Shubi -- Yi means "to assist," Bi also means..."assist" I guess daddy was trying to get the message across "hey champ. ur like the 3rd son ur NEVER going to inherit. so just be good and help ur bros, ok?" Sun Kuang, styled Jizuo--Kuang means "to revive" as in "to revive the han dynasty." Zuo............also means "assist." (OK DAD. I GET THE MESSAGE. GOD.)
MOVING ON! this is the 8 brothers of the sima clan. notice anything?
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ALL their courtesy names ended in Da. No it wasn't common for the time. Their contemporaries were straight up roasting them for it, calling them the "Sima-Eight-Da" it gets better. you see the courtesy names Bo, Zhong, Shu ect? they're used to denote birth order going from eldest-> youngest. this is the fucking equivalent of naming your kids One Two Three Four Five... + tacking on a Da at the end. (Da means achieve/reach btw) im losing my fucking mind over the implications. Sun Jian the barely-educated, peasant-born, Mr "talk softly and carry a HUGE sword," is spending 7 hours a day on babynames.com in between kicking dong zhuo's ass, obsessing over each letter like a 13yo creating their first OC, being all "my precious baby boys are destined for greatness and they need the COOLEST names and COURTESY names to match." and sima fang is like [Ctr+ C] [Ctr + P], and in the end it's HIS ugly kid that ends up unifying china.
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alblondo23 · 1 year
Alex figures out why Logan keeps "losing" his hoodies really quickly because a) Logan's face does this really cute blush when he bluescreens while thinking of Oscar in his hoodies, while he tries to explain where they keep going; b) he has EYES, he sees the way Logan and Oscar look at each other; c) the pattern of hoodie-losing seems really convenient. So he mentions it in every Williams PR thing, just to see Logan blush and also to get a rise out of Oscar any time they're in a press conference together.
(Of course, he tells the rest of the Twitch Quartet, who all set out to tease and embarrass the rookies a much as possible.)
Anon you are so right for this!
Alex sees an opportunity to cause chaos and he takes it! True eldest brother energy of him. He gets George in on it first (because George has known Logan for years) who is very British about it until Alex finally manages to drag him into the chaos. Charles loves the chaos and laughs whenever Alex teases Logan. Lando never stops teasing Oscar, ever. He sees the heart eyes Oscar has for Logan and conspires with Alex.
Every single time Logan leaves with a hoodie, Alex is at his side saying that he'll make sure Logan can't lose his hoodie. He's the reason Williams even gets the idea of having staff follow Logan to find his lost hoodies.
But Logan and Oscar are still in the pining, he doesn't like me like That™️ stage. They think that sharing hoodies and always looking for the other is just Bro things. The pining is taking over the paddock until finally it all boils over.
Lando manages to trick Oscar into thinking they're late to leave for the paddock. Oscar falls out of bed barely awake, and he grabs the nearest hoodie (at this point all of his hoodies are Logan's) before making a beeline to the car. Alex manages to get Logan to show up at the paddock entrance just as Oscar stumbles in.
Lando and Alex nearly die from laughter as Logan and Oscar stumble through an awkward conversation as both realize Oscar is wearing Logan's hoodie, in public. Logan looks lovestruck, and Oscar seems to finally realize that Logan is in love with him because of the two Oscar would be the one to finally put the puzzle pieces together. Oscar pulls Logan somewhere private desperate now that he's realized he's not alone in his feelings. Alex and Lando fall over themselves as the two disappear then reappear much later on looking rumpled. (Oscar is still wearing the hoodie)
Oscar still steals Logan's hoodies, but this time when Williams ask him where they are, he looks lovestruck instead of bluescreened.
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sandiavolo · 4 days
Can you post art from the latest chapter on tumblr as well? Because it seems to me that then they have better quality <3
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EXTRA (Sibling Lore!!!!)
Oare te Oman Sarwa’ite (Spider/Trr'ong's Big Sis)
An aggressive cat.
"Oare" means "Moon" in Na'vi
Sneaky huntress. Best archer in her clan, and youngest one too
Oare is crazy protective of her little human-brother (heavy emphasis on the 'crazy')
Has a dark sense of humor and personality a bit...offputting to say the least, especially to the Sullys and Ao'nung in particular. She's the kind of person to beat you to a bloody pulp without question, and ask how your day is in the middle of it (without stopping)
"Aw, why so down, little Metka'yina?" "YOU JUST STABBED ME IN THE FOOT 5 SECONDS AGO!!!" "*Holding the bloody knife* Oh yeah, I did, huh? Did it hurt?" "YES!" "...poke." "AGH! WHY?" "Wanted to be sure you weren't lying."
Kinda the trouble-maker, and would round up some Na'vi (especially Lo'ak) to break some rules and rebel some more 🤘
The paint near her hips hides a few scars
Txon te Oman Rewon’itan (Spider/Trr'ong's Big Bro)
Oldest child
"Txon" means "Night"
A very cool cucumber most of the time, pales in comparison to his sister. But mess with Spider and you unleash the beast (you don't want that if you know what's good for you)
Talented warrior, almost better than Trr'ong and Oare. Dual-wields a spear and a macuahuitl (ancient Aztec wooden war club), prefers the spear most of the time
Spider instantly grew on him the first time they met as kids. And was the first ever to give him the nickname "Txepvitsyip", or "Little Spark", cause ma boi Spider was a fiesty little thing
Forgets his own strength when it comes to giving his little brother affection, especially when it comes to hugs 😅
Amazing brother, like Neteyam, except he doesn't fret over it as much as he does. Very good listener and wise for his age, so he would like the company of the eldest Sully, especially to spill some tea amongst a fellow 'brother in charge of a bunch of feral nantang'
Major scars are on his legs and hidden by the red cloths, but has a few around his forearms and hands
Other neat details (courtesy of the beautiful mind of @anka-partizanka-from-pandora)
(My personal fave, Anka💙) If you look carefully, you can see the outlines of two palms near Oare's shoulder. The one in black, kinda hidden, is Txon's. The one in red, with five fingers, is Trr'ongs. It's a tradition of hers everytime she goes out on a clan mission, and she firmly believes it helps, b/c it allows her brothers to always be there supporting her
On Oare's bow, just below her hand, there is an amulet incased with a small fang and a lock of Spider's hair. This is used as a sort of charm. So that her arrows always find the right mark
Eywa, I love giving Spider a family so much! Even if that means someone gets whooped every five minutes in his name, I'll take it! My boi deserves to be snuggled with love and overprotectiveness 💙 Hope you guys enjoyed this!
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daboyau · 1 month
C, F, K, Y, and Z :)?
C: What member do you identify with most?
I’m assuming member is referring to characters. So TMNT related, with Rise I relate most to Raph. Every other iterations, it’s Leo all the way. We all have eldest child syndrome and I live for that. That said, when I write Donnie I do tend to give him more of my own traits and habits. (And I project my sister onto Leo all the way.)
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Mmm I answered this one earlier, but here’s a different bit, from this story here. (Some parts cut out for brevity.)
“It’s so much easier here. We were always safe in the tunnels, but the world is so big,” Raph whispered like he was telling Leo a horrible secret. “And there are so many things that want to hurt us.”
“Oh. Listen, you don’t have to worry about that. Those guys are all gone!” 
“They hurt them. Hurt…hurt you. It’s my job to keep everybody safe, and I couldn’t do it. I failed! I messed everything up over and over and—“
“Hey, no. No, no, we are not doing this.” Leo sank to the ground, sitting cross legged and shifting his little big bro around so they could look each other in the eye. The darkness glittered. It felt hungry. “Listen to me. You did the best you could, which is what matters most. You kept us all alive and got us out of trouble again and again no matter how many stupid things we did to make that harder on you. But — and this is important — that burden should never have been on your shoulders. Do you hear me, man? You were a kid, just like the rest of us, and I….”
“I’m sorry,” Leo croaked, and he covered his face, not wanting this version of Raph to see him like this. Still, he forced the words out through hiccuping breaths and a tight throat, hating himself a little more with each one. “I made things so much harder on you. I was such a little shit, and I hurt you so many times. I helped put that burden on you, and you never even complained even though I never helped you carry it. I should have done more, I should have told you how much you meant to us, but instead all I did for so long was find ways to tear you down. You were never alone, but we made you feel like you were. I don’t know why— I never really felt— ugh! I want you to know that I never—“
Sooo mostly I like this one because it made me emotional and felt sort of cathartic to write lol.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Another one I answered already, but The Loyal Remains is pretty angsty and only gets worse….
Y: A character you want to protect.
Rise Raph 100%. I’m ready to throw myself in front of a truck for him any day.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Sooo it isn’t something I write often, but I do in fact write major character death, and it is a large part of current fics I’m writing and planning. I don’t seek it out when I’m looking for things to read, but it isn’t something that would scare me away from a fic.
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ulircursed · 3 months
♡ au where Byron and Ring set their youngest up together what could possibly go wrong
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from this picrew
(there is a canon base template for both children (scipio and leif) but changing the parentage will change everything else so i won't rename them but will basically treat them as completely different people from their canon counterparts!)
but yeah since they were set up at a young age, andrei and ethlyn were more heavily encouraged to interact in their childhood then they were in canon, which to them is just. bickering. every moment of every day they are forced to spend together. they get to know each other really well but that doesn't mean they like each other all that much. at the same time they've known all their lives they're gonna be married when they grow up so like. welp.
they get married before the events of fe4 occur, and ethlyn has 'scipio' and stays in yngvi castle with edain when the guys go off to war. i think the only way for the second kid to be born is if the conspiracy doesn't happen as quickly, so they all come back alive and the two of them have 'leif' and then the rumors start to spread and then andrei does the thing and joins the conspiracy crew and presumably edain and ethlyn go to sigurd's side together, the latter taking the kids with her. neither of them have major blood so andrei won't fight for custody. kids end up in tirnagog gang with auntie edain after eth dies in the meteor attack :thumbsup:
for big bro 'scipio'
class: free knight > ranger (mounted, sword a)
blood: minor ullr, minor baldr
extremely conflicted individual; was of an age where he was aware of things going on by the time of his father's betrayal and his mom's death and the rest of the kids having to go on the run, so he has inherited the burden (in his own mind) of the sins of the fathers. heavily resents the idea of andrei and everything he stands for, which includes archery and the very idea of yngvi itself. gets into arguments with cousin lester about this
has canon leif's inferiority complex re: cousin seliph, but dialed up bc he feels like his family is the black sheep of the chalphy-yngvi extended family thanks to andrei's actions, whereas seliph is still the scion of light. it doesn't help that he's likely the eldest of the gen ii kids, someone who maybe should've been looked up to, yet feels like he's the 'worst' and not a good example of anything. prefers to avoid seliph if at all possible
has an overall very prickly personality (ironically, very similar to andrei's), even to family members (and god they have a lot of cousins), but is in practice fiercely protective of his little brother. hurting him will be the last thing you ever do
vocal hater of arranged marriages, bc look where that got their family. believes in free love for everyone else, and no love for himself
ties up his hair in battle because he is a practical guy
less practically, red is still his favorite color and the color of his clothing, even though it clashes with his pink hair
for little bro 'leif'
class: troubadour > paladin, but the version like his mom where he can also use staves (mounted, sword b, lance c, staff c)
blood: minor ullr, minor baldr
takes after his mother in terms of personality, being kind and caring but also headstrong and impulsive. is rather good at talking to and persuading people, as long as they aren't his own big brother
loves auntie edain a lot!! he so desperately wanted to join the convent when he was a little kid just so he could be by her side at all times. learned his healing magic from her, and thanks to the ethlyn-given natural talent has become another healer for their gang. often practices together with lana
ok-ish at combat, but he's not very careful and often gets into different cuts and scrapes. gets berated by his big brother a lot for it, but doesn't really learn to be more careful. deep down, he does this because he knows that his big bro being protective of him is the only way that he can semi-healthily show love, and some part of him craves that as well
is the one in the army who most often wistfully daydreams about how life could've been better if none of the gen i mess happened. he wants a happy family, and he wants a loving mom and dad, and deep within his caring, cheerful attitude is a venomous resentment for his father / the conspiracy that rivals his big brother's
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nap-noodle-doodles · 11 months
Age Swap Short-fics No. 1
"Some Stupid Pop-Tart Situation"
@MasonHasBean: Why do I feel like Donnie, as the oldest, would have the Mad Dogz even more chaotic than they already are... Amazing AU :)
"Alright, spill. Which one of you ate all the Pop-Tarts last night?" Donnie muttered with a sharp and suspicious glare. "I swear, if nobody confesses their sins right now, I'm gonna tear this place apart."
Mikey scoffs and puts his hands behind his head. "Well, I dunno about you liars out there, but it definitely wasn't me," he said, casually licking the icing off his fingertips.
"I-IT'S NOT ME!" Leo defensively yelled on the floor while tugging his eldest brother's leg. "I'M TOO CUTE TO BE DOING SOMETHING SO HEINOUS AND C-C-CRUEL!!"
"W-woah, what is up with your attitude today, little man??" Raph mutters with sweat as he watches Leo whine and cry on the floor like a baby. He awkwardly clears his throat. "U-um... Anyways... It wasn't me."
"Hmmmm..." Donnie's glare only grows more suspicious, judging by his three little brothers' responses to his question. He strokes his chin and tries to think of a solution to this mess...
"Aha!" He snaps his fingers and smirks cheekily. "Alright then... If none of you are willing to confess..." He brings out his tech bo. "Then I might as well make you..."
As soon as he presses a button, a bunch of feathers and robot hands come out of his bo.
"And I'll do it through the power of the ALL MIGHTY TICKLE ATTACK!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!"
The three of his brothers gulped very loudly and began sweating bullets. "U-uh, h-h-hey, big bro Mikey..." Leo muttered with a nervous chuckle. "W-w-what do you usually do when you get into trouble like this since I DON'T know what that feels like?"
"I, u-uh..." Mikey quietly stares at Donnie and blinks for a few seconds... He immediately GRABS Leo and Raph's hands. "WE RUN FOR OUR FRICKIN' STINKIN' LIVESSSSSSS!!"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the three of them yelled while frantically zooming across the room like helpless little mice.
"THERE'S NOWHERE TO RUN NOW, SELFISH THIEVES! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!" Donnie yells back, chasing after them while going completely berserk with his tickle machine of a tech bo.
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limoneads · 1 year
who are your top three favorite game of thrones characters and why?
i spent wayyyy to much time thinking about my little dudes. this took me like four hours because i kept going back and deleting because i couldn't decide on them oops. i know it's taken me literally forever to answer this, but i've been thinkin thoughts in my car. and i'm going to go by book only characters from the first two in the series bc i like the way they're characterized a lot more and they're the ones i'm most familiar with. i also want you to know that i'm incredibly incoherent
jon snow. i know i'm basic for this one. i know i am. but he's the game of thrones version of an anime protagonist. i think that this is extremely funny- in one chapter, he crushes a frozen lemon with his fist and it's never elaborated on again (??? what was the reason for this??), he has a literal albino pet wolf who's name is ghost :) who he loves very much, he's fiercely protective over his friends and new brothers and also just, like, a good dude?? he just tries to stand up for what's right, and in a world where pretty much every character is just trying to get more political power, it's a refreshing choice. i'd also like to mention that he's fourteen at the start of the books, and he gets to be an all around edgy westerosi teen, but he's also just a good kid and i think that's so lovely of him. there's a line of him showing his cool new sword to his wolf and he goes something like "look it's you :)" bc his broskis made him a new pommel in the shape of a wolfs head!! absolute lovely moment. every so often, you're reminded he's just some kid. he loves his family so much and i'm sad that he only gets a few scenes with them at the beginning of the book. okay, by family i mean arya, but they're really cute. he's really close with his little (half) sister arya and messes up her hair a lot. he gives her a sword as a parting gift :) and they're kinda the closest sibling pair in the stark family because they look the most like their dad and are often the ones most at odd with catelyn, their mom (but not his mom biologically. his dad, at the end of a war, just brought back a baby and was like "this is my son" and she hasn't been able to love jon ONCE). you kinda get the feeling that she's the only one who never judged him for being a bastard while still understanding what it means. they're relationships is just cute. you also get really banger character moments that i still think about, like him getting drunk at the fantasy version of the thanksgiving kids table and then yelling and crying at his uncle that he's "never going to father a bastard". or when he threatened to kill some dude in his sleep with his giant pet wolf for being mean to the new guy, sam. i'll admit his chapters are a bit boring in the sense that it's not a lot of stuff that happens plotwise for like the first 40%ish, but i got excited every time it was his turn to get a pov bc it's mostly him with his bros in the nights watch, being a weird snarky emo boy and i- i love him sm. 
i debated heavily on wether it should be robb or catelyn stark. they're pretty conjoined in my mind though, so i just put them both in a giant paragraph. but i'm gonna start with cat because she's one of the most complex characters in the books to me. cat is kinda in her flop era for like the first ten percent of the first book. she's horrifically abusive to jon snow, the bastard son of her husband, because she views him both as a threat to *her* children and as a reminder of her relationships pitfalls with her husband. her motherhood and her grief are central to her as character themes, as well as her preoccupation with duty and honor. i'm now going to take this time to talk about my son, robb stark and the genetic eldest daughter syndrome they both have. cat grew up as lady of her house, her mother dying and leaving her to take up a maternal role in her household. she got betrothed to her husbands brother when she was twelve and never complained because she was trying to do what she thought she was supposed to do. "i always did my duty". something similar happens to her son when his father, cats husband, leaves with his two daughters to be an advisor to the king at the time. i think it's mentioned that, despite being the heir to winterfell, his family's giant castle, no one had ever seriously taught him about ruling a place like that?? which. okay. he's already thrust into taking up a paternal role to take care of his remaining siblings. he loses his mother for a time. when bran is in a coma, she shuts everyone out, focusing on taking care of her son. in doing so, she neglects to care for her two other children, robb and baby rickon. this leaves robb alone, now without his mother to guide him (he's also like 15 at this point) he's now ruling winterfell and acting as a father to his youngest sibling. she actually does leave when someone tries to kill bran with a dagger- seeking justice out for her son. the goes on a little journey (which is like most of her journey in the books but i'm glossing over it because it was kinda boring rip), and when she comes back she takes incredible psychic damage from seeing her son having grown up so fast. and i'm like, babes you're responsible for this. she always is so taken aback by how old he's starting to look. he grows a weird teen boy beard and she takes psychic damage. she's basically his biggest political advisor in his campaign as king in the north. maybe my thoughts aren't that complicated on that, but they both adhere so strictly to a code of honor and duty- it makes me mentally ill. and to know that it gets robb killed!!! they change this up in the show, and it isn't until the third book but knowing that robb betrayed his political alliance bc he made a mistake by sleeping with a girl and then marrying her the next morning bc it was the right thing to do and sticking by her?? the parallels with him and his dad... i feel like evaporated milk. 
howland reed. i can't really explain this one so much. never actually shows up in the books but has inexplicably strong dilf energy. one of like three good dads in the entire series. absolute unit on the basketball court. more fun in my head than cannon. if hbo ever does a roberts rebellion prequel i will have my ass parked in front of that tv screen so fast you won't even believe
and now i ask who your favorite three star trek characters are. thank for trying to teach me how to do the things on the tumblr :)
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spootsaline · 2 years
The Diplomat! For the meme.
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YES!!! I get to talk about my GIRL!
World Building Meme
full name: Gilera Dravien
gender: Cis Female
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: She/Her
family: Her mother (A Chinese dragon, Diseased), numerous unnamed siblings (Raised by the same mom, All presumed diseased), Merset Dravien (Eldest half linage descendant, Alive), Gahiji Dravien (Eldest direct descendant, Alive), Myitah Dravien (Youngest direct descendant, Alive), and their corresponding lusii.
birthplace: In a cavern on Alternia that ended up primarily producing mid bloods.
job: Previously used to be a diplomat for the fleet, ex-pirate, ex-terrible mythical cavern creature, ex-mass murderer and genocider, currently a space living troll on a mission.
phobias: None.
guilty pleasures: Really enjoyed her genocidal days, wishes she could brag about wiping out entire blood lines/colors and powers more.
If we're talking about something more normal, she loves raw meat and if she had the chance to consume it more like that she'd love to!
morality alignment?: ...Neutral Evil?
sins - pride/envy/wrath
virtues - diligence/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Surprisingly organized
close minded/open-minded: THINKS she's closed minded but she's quite open minded
calm/anxious: She's like neither of these things, but calm ig
disagreeable/agreeable: Pretty agreeable for someone who still wants to kill all trolls?
cautious/reckless: Reckless but in a smart way....most of the time
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: She understands and can sympathize but doesn't 90% of the time so unempathetic?
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic 90% of the time
traditional/modern: Traditional
hard-working/lazy: Hard working 100% would have NOT gone this far if she was lazy
otp: I am working on smth for her w/ bek so <-<;;
ot3: Bro imagine if she could snag not one but 2 people to make an OT3 LOL
brotp: *points* tuuya they are like the only troll they consider a friend, them
notp: bro i cant imagine a notp, maybe with her empress that she's trying to kill still???
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skatoonyfan1234 · 3 months
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This is Russ, one of my Encanto OCs.
He's the third child in Alzatico's family. He is the third eldest of Oscar's brothers, but he claims he's 'the middle child'. Gifted with the ability to move at lightning speed, he is known to be the quickest doer of the family. When he met the Madrigals, he very quickly shook their hands, and even bonds with Camilo, the shapeshifter, proving he's good with kids like Camilo.
Russ' Voice Actor: Roger Craig Smith (voice similar to Sonic the Hedgehog [2010-present])
Personality: He is known to be cocky, competitive, and always prides himself to be the best. He likes to play pranks on people with his speed. When push comes to shove, he cares for everyone, especially his little bro, Oscar, and Camilo Madrigal, who he befriends, and is not afraid to speak his mind for others. Appearance: An 18 year old man with tan skin, brown eyes, dark brown puffy hair, a Jafar style beard, a dark blue vest, a cream neck-scarf, light blue pants, a green and black striped cummerbund, and red sandals. Powers and Abilities: He has the gift of super speed, meaning he can move at lightning speed, and get things done faster than anyone else. Age: 18  made with this thing in Dollmaker (c) www.dolldivine.com/arabian-nig… Encanto [c] Disney Sonic the Hedgehog [c] SEGA My OC is to me and me alone. If you want to use, feel free to ask.
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asherthehimbo · 4 months
Love Talk-Song Mingi
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!ncarnations: @realincarnation a band formed by two childhood friends 6 years ago, although they only oficially started releasing music 3 years ago. They are known for their interesting lore/concept and their beautifully creepy mv's. Since they arnt under a label they have a lot of freedom, their PR manager is constantly under stress😭. Not one of them r straight and they aren't scared to share that. Despite most of the members being Korean, they all grew up in other places. Everyone is anonymous, they are known by nicknames (twt usernames) and wear masks when performing. Their fans are called petals.
[Name] [Lastname]: @IncarnationY, lead singer and guitarist of the band incarnation. Writes & produces most songs along with Changbin and Soyeon. The lore concept was written by him. He formed the band along with Beomgyu (his childhood friend). He was born in '98 and is 6'4ft. He is a huge Ateez fan in secret, the fans don't know abt this but !ncarnation r tired of hearing it💀. Started learning Korean a week before his hiatus was announced, so its 1 month before where the story takes place. His hair is a dark pink with black roots. Actually has a tattoo of a carnation on his colarbone.
Choi Beomgyu: @IncarnationC, he is salty that Changbin took the B, after incarnation so he had to use C, has been friends with [Name] since he was 12, [Name] was his neighbour and used to act as an older brother figure to Gyu. Beomgyu tends to cling to [Name] a lot and the fans find it adorable. He has ongoing beef with Ryujin for no reason💀. Knows everything abt everybody somehow??? It's scary. Refuses to dye all of his hair pink so instead only has little strands in his hair (Oreo Gyu just with pink)
Seo Changbin: @IncarnationB, hates their lore, not because it's not good, but because he doesn't understand it, and refuses to listen when [Name] tries to explain it. Drummer, gym bro, produces alongside [Name] and Soyeon, was last to join the band. Is friends with Choi Yeonjun, the famous model, but doesn't tell anyone. Everyone goes to him for advice, since he's the middel man he feels left out sometimes but the group tries their best to assure him that they adore him. Has almost leaked his identity so many times that everything he tweets needs to be looked over first. Like Gyu doesnt dye his hair but has pink streaks (Maniac era just pink instead of green) and uses pink hair glitter.
Jeon Soyeon: @IncarnationS, keyboardist, second eldest, she writes and peoduces songs along with [Name] and Changbin, was third to join the band, she met [Name] in their freshman year of college since they were in the same class. She keeps putting on long acrylics and then breaking them off while performing and its so funny, there are literally compilations of her doing so💀. There was once a scandal cause one of her nails flew towards the crowd and a fan caught it and sold it for 5k online, people though she and [Name] were dating until she wrote and performed the song "scratches" in wich she came out to the fans. She is the shortest in the group and jumps on [Name's] back at a lot of concerts to be able to see the whole crowd. Her hair is a pastel pink color.
Shin Ryujin: @IncarnationR, she has an unhealthy attachment to her guitar and named it pinkie. She has beef with Beomgyu, nobody knows why. She's attached to Soyeon in the way Gyu is to [Name]. She was last to join the group, she somehow knows almost everybody but also has no friends outside the band??? its so weird. She loves going to dog parks even though she doesnt own a dog. She's the one that came up with the idea for them all to have pink hair that matches their lore. Her whole head is a pink ombre going from dark to light pink, her hair reaches her shoulders.
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Ateez masterlist | Home page
Taglist [30/5][open]: @idkwhatto-namethis @wolfferno @foxilsdenn @cometaveintisiete @poweringthroughthis
copyright | 2024 | @asherthehimbo
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Garden Cafe
Going down to KK again for an early Chinese New Year celebration, since my in-laws are unable to get a work leave for the actual CNY, and we wanted to see my eldest bro-in-law's bro's newborn kid. So as usual, road trip again~!
Of course, our brunch place before we take on the super long road was at Garden Cafe. I didn't manage to make a piece the last time coz I was so damn sleepy, but now I finally manage to get it
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Location: Wisma Limbang, Ground Floor, Limbang area, which is within the Sarawak border
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Setting: Typical kopitiam setting style, which is a little odd as it's built within a supermarket. You usually see this in food court area, not alone within the supermarket area
Atmosphere: 8.5/10 (very good atmosphere and a very large patronage, making me wonder how much do these people earn a day)
Design: 7.5/10 (very true to a kopitiam design with nice motivational posters and stuff, but too bad the size is just too small)
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Drinks: Lemon tea (my hubby), Coffee-O (my dad in law), Tea-C (my mom in law) and Milo (mine)
Presentation: 5/10 for all (typical kopitiam style serving)
Taste: 6/10 (for mine at least, the taste and sweetness just right)
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Food: Kolo mee (my hubby and mom in law), wa tan ho (my dad in law) and fish ball tang hoon (glass noodle; mine)
Presentation: 7.5/10 for all (may look simple and clean, but it has an appetizing look that makes you just wanna sink your teeth into it)
Taste: I'm not sure how the others taste (my dad in law's wa tan ho looks amazingly delicious though) but mine I would give a 8/10. It's amazing that the taste is just so yummy, warm and just the right flavour that I can't stop stuffing myself. And best of all, it's the perfect food for me to eat without ending up throwing it up due to car sickness coz by the time we're on the road, it would've been digested already LOL
There, finally, the piece on Garden Cafe. But it will prolly be quite a long while before we can come back here again, maybe on our next trip to KK
Overall rating:
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