#c: acantha
carrionsflower · 2 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 ✦ original characters (insp from @minthara)
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dire-vulture · 4 months
Who's your favorite dragon to draw?
oooh that's tough.. honestly i don't draw repeat dragons all that much but. i think Yazeena, Myosotis, and Glacier are contenders!
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thank you for asking!! this was fun to think about haha
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demon-the-hunter · 1 year
HÄKKE and who they named their weapons after!!!
(Yet again I'm not including the weapons with no reference. I will also include Wikipedia links this time around.)
Halfdan-D - Halfdan Ragnarsson
Herod-C - Herod the Great
Lodbrok-C - Ragnar Lodbrok
Acantha-D/ Acantha-D XK8434 - Acantha
Gareth-C - Sir Gareth
Hadrian-A - Emperor Hadrian
Pribina-D - Prince Pribina
Guseva-C - Khioniya Guseva
Eystein-D - Eystein Magnusson
Veles-X - Veles
Morrigan-D - The Morrígan
Palmyra-B - Palmyra
Scipio-D - Scipio Africanus
Zenobia-D - Septimia Zenobia
Reginar-B - Reginar Longneck
Perses-D - Perses
Telemachus-C - Telemachus
Baligant/Baligant XU7743 - Baligant
Somerled-D - Somhairlidh
Athelflad-D - Æthelflæd
Boudica-C - Boudica
Roderic-C - King Roderic
Albruna-D - Seeress Albruna
Veleda-D - Seeress Veleda
Antiope-D - Antiope
Atalanta-D/Atalanta-D XG1992 - Atalanta
Enyo-D - Enyo
Sondok-C - Queen Seondeok of Silla
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fyrebringr · 1 year
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✧  ˚    ·        .   the  continent  welcomes  soliana  valiathan  of  the  autumn  court,  the  high  lady  of  the  autumn  court.  when  the  high  fae  is  glamoured,  she  bears  a  resemblance  to  priyanka  chopra.  the  33  /  558  year  old  cis  woman  is  reputed  to  be  courageous  and  fair - minded,  but  a  decade  of  war  has  left  them  hotheaded  and  cynical.  if  created  by  the  cauldron,  they  would  be  made  in  the  likeness  of  a  shining  red  apple  that  fills  the  mouth  with  worms  upon  taking  the  first  bite,  the  burn  scars  of  a  forest  fire  as  they  begin  to  heal,  quick  lips  and  faster  hands.  whispers  throughout  prythian  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  the  autumn  court,  where  they  conspire  to  continue  to  rebuild  her  court.   (  penned by olivia , graphic psd .  )
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B A S I C S:
NAME : soliana valiathan .
NICKNAMES : soli .
POSITION : high lady of the autumn court , former commander and general of the autumn court armies .
AGE : 33 / 558 .
PRONOUNS : she/her .
HEIGHT : 5′ 3″.
ORIENTATION : pansexual/panromantic .
BIRTHPLACE : the forest house , autumn court .
STATUS : unmated??? she doesn't want a mate as she fears it would weaken her stance as high lady. the thought of a mate also scares her simply because letting someone into the depths of her heart and soul sounds...terrifying. (potential connection) .
ABILITIES : fire manipulation , winnowing , glamouring , high lady beast form , military and soldier prowess .
PRIMARY WEAPONS : dual wielded katars . ( image )
F A M I L Y:
adranus valiathan → father (deceased) → former high lord of the autumn court .
??? → mother .
acantha valiathan → half - sister .
utp valiathan → half - sister (wanted connection) .
nitya valiathann → half - sister .
B I O G R A P H Y :
Being first born to a high lord could have been a saving grace from a father who was more destructive than the flames he wielded, but the moment the first child of the Autumn Court was declared a girl— Soliana's father called her fodder before daughter. The former high lord was as traditional as he was loyalist, and he knew in the very depths of his shadowed soul that a daughter would never rise to rule the Autumn Court. So he continued to sire children, always trying for the son that he was certain would be his heir...always disappointed when he bore nothing but daughters. Instead of treasured heir she would become another body in her father's battles, one that was raised to thank her enemies for the scars they left and return them upon their own skins tenfold with blades that moved as a blur and fire that burned bright enough to blind.
While she was raised in a warrior's image she would always be denied her truest strength. Soliana's power grew just as a true heir's would from the day they first appeared. They were dismissed by her father and his court, chalked up to nothing but her impressively powerful pedigree. While he denied her burgeoning abilities to Soliana and the public he became increasingly paranoid behind closed doors as his daughter's fire grew to rival his. It was a reminder that he would not be high lord forever, that a stronger one would come to steal his place no matter how hard he tried to defy mortality. More than once the thought of killing his daughter before she surpassed him crossed his mind, but with every sun that rose and set he found more creative leashes and cruelties to ensure that no such thing would ever come to pass.
Soliana had been gifted fire, strength, and speed, but her most surprising ability came in the form of commanding. The proudest day of her life wasn't the one that raised her to high lady through some barely understood grace of the cauldron, but the evening she was named general to all her father's armies. And yet her greatest pride was fringed with doubt the moment her father waged war against the mortals along with Hybern and his armies. Soliana had gotten by easily enough by focusing on her soldiers and the lives she was responsible for keeping alive even if the battles were not her own.
But war amongst courts, kings, and queens were something of an entirely different nature. Pride told her that she would win against any who dared raise a sword against her court, but logic made her wonder what the price would be for such transgressions. Mortals held no special place in her heart, and despite her father's evil she was staunchly loyal to the court that had harbored her on the rare occasions she managed to escape his wrath. She would never speak her doubts aloud, but she could not find a way to starve the voice of dread that whispered there were too many who would not see the end of this war.
That instinctive voice was proven right while she stood on the last battlefield, bloodied and smeared with the grime of war. She watched while her father's life was snuffed out like a forgotten candle. Her father's lifelong denial had left him without a favored heir so while the light fled her sire's dying eyes even Soliana did not know where it would land— where the mantle of the Autumn Court might settle. The general got her answer when her limbs flared with a power of the likes she'd never felt before despite her already renowned abilities. She'd been ready to pledge herself to another, to continue the fight as the Autumn Court's general for as long as she was bid to do so and her eyes widened as her fire kindled. A pillar of dancing, prismatic flames rose unbidden from her spot on the field, marking the new high lady for all her battered court to witness while shock dulled her senses.
It was something she'd never anticipated, and she was left sorely underprepared after a lifetime of being pushed aside. But when she stood in the center of the neutralized territory the very next day she realized the battle was no longer her father's. Overnight it had become her own, and the lives she loved and cherished were even closer to resting in the palms of her hands than they'd ever been before. So when the other lords demanded surrender...she gave it to them. She told herself that it was the only way to save the remainders of the Autumn Court while their armies lay in ribbons much to the anger and resentment of her pride.
Soliana now heads a court that is still recuperating from their losses as well as one who is divided on whether she is worthy of being high lady. The Autumn Court has long clung to the loyalist values of old, and those beliefs include standing behind the virtue that high lords should be just that. Lords. Nevertheless there are others that are eager for the changes Soliana is striving to bring, and those that are willing to follow her into the cleansing fire of a new era.
T L D R ;
never thought of as heir despite her showing powers that would tell of a blossoming high lady because of her father's traditionalist views.
was the general of the autumn court's armies before and during the recent war. had to leave the position when she became high lady
wasn't necessarily ANTI mortal or anything like that- just wanted to keep her soldiers alive and the Autumn Court safe.
just as surprised as everyone else when she became high lady...oops.
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commander-krios · 2 years
world building wednesday
Keshani Zythor
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Full name: Keshani Zythor
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Philipp Zythor (father),  Acantha Zythor (mother), Kieran Zythor (twin brother), Helene Zythor (sister)
Birthplace: Dromund Kaas
Job: Imperial Agent, Cipher Nine, SIS Agent (Double Agent), Alliance Intelligence Specialist 
Phobias: Needles, Social Phobias, Powerlessness (lack of control)
Guilty pleasures: Holonovels (cheesy romantic ones), a glass of good whiskey
morality alignment?: Neutral Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Keshani grew up as the only Force blind child of a Dark Council member so she was usually ignored most of the time, which was fine with her. She hated being put in social situations and took advantage of these times where she could hide away from the Sith politics.
close minded/open-minded: Her family was always extremely close minded to things so she tries her best to break herself of that. She refuses to be anything like the rest of the Imperials she’s met.
calm/anxious: She’s always been afraid that once her usefulness ran out, she would be executed, whether by the Imps or her own mother. She was never much loved by her mother so it made her a constant ball of anxiety growing up.
disagreeable/agreeable: She can be both. It depends on the situation and who is in charge.
cautious/reckless: Life has made her cautious of everything and everyone.
patient/impatient: As a sniper, patience is a virtue and keeps her from getting killed.
outspoken/reserved: Keshani doesn’t speak all that much. When she does, it’ll only be something important. Or if she cares for you.
leader/follower: She doesn’t like being put in a position where she has to make life or death decisions. 
empathetic/unemphatic: Her life was difficult so she has plenty of empathy for other people who suffer at the hands of the Empire.
optimistic/pessimistic: She has a pessimistic view on life, especially living on Dromund Kaas. Nothing ever feels happy so she has a hard time finding that part of her. That is, until she leaves the Empire behind for good.
traditional/modern: Tradition is a big part of Sith/Imperial life so she discards that as quickly as possible.
hard-working/lazy: Hard working is the only way she could get anywhere in life that wasn’t in a ditch.
Otp: honestly, I’m never happy with who she’s with. At the moment, it’s Keshani x Jonas Balkar (but it’ll probably change again)
Ot3: none
Brotp: Keshani & Vector, Keshani & Kaliyo, Keshani & Theron, Keshani & Derrick (friend’s OC)
Notp: Keshani x Hunter, Keshani x Theron
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crazyfangarlady · 6 years
@skysamba I was gonna reply to our original discussion but the post was getting long so like. QUICK BAD SUMMARY: WHAT HAPPENED TO EDGEGRANDPA???
tl;dr: he dead. he’s so dead.
BUT. I think, last I checked into this blog, he was still living out with his tiny Charge, bless his heart, and generally having an OK time aside of, yknow, being mad shaded and not being fully there at all.
Then at some point they met this fucker, who was absolutely perfectly nice because she’s good and has no bad intentions whatsoever- no. Well, it’s partly true. She was very nice, perhaps a little too much. Definitely too much for Ephah’s liking. Though eventually he managed to get her to leave them alone and he got as far away from her as he could, taking Elymas away with him.
Except Una didn’t see it like that, and had decided that the kid would be better with her. So she followed them from afar, waited until Ephah’s guard was down, and attacked with blessed weapons. Which are particularly nasty to a Shaded individual. She took Elymas and got the fuck away, leaving the grandpa for dead. 
Except he wasn’t! And when he woke up, he was pretty pissed to find his Charge gone. Grief-stricken, angry Guardians are bad. Grief-stricken, angry Guardians who are so badly infected with Shade it’s a miracle they’re even alive are worse. Kinda lost himself there. So of course people reported him as a threat, and one of the people who got there to get rid of the shadebeast happened to be Shenir. 
She recognized him, and because this grandma is Morally Conflicted about things sometimes, she decided to go against protocol (and common sense) and, instead of killing him there and then, she had him restrained and brought back to her temple under the pretense that purifying him fully would demand more resources than available on the spot. But instead, she hid him away in unused parts of the older buildings, pretending she had gotten rid of him.
She attempted non-lethal purifying rituals to try and save her old friend from the Shade’s influence, but nothing worked. Some days he would be lost to his madness, incoherent, a beast that only roared for his Charge and nothing else. Some days, fully silent. Sometimes, though, he would find some lucidity again- and the two would talk as much as they could. Even those days, he didn’t make much sense; his sense of self had almost fully eroded, over years of infection taking over him, being kept at bay only by a weakening divine blessing.
This went on for weeks, perhaps even several months, of Shenir spending increasing amounts of time with him in his cell, in hopes their talks would help him remember more of his old self. She would sometimes just talk on her own, even when he was unresponsive, finding some comfort in having someone with whom to reflect upon times that were long since passed. 
Then the Lightweaver spoke to her children. And of course, they both heard Her. With both their Charges being Imperials, both cherished children of the Mother, Her words held a considerable weight- and, somehow, the voice of their goddess had cleared the fog from Ephah’s mind.
The two Guardians had a long, long talk, at the end of which Ephah implored her to find Elymas and take care of him, if he proved unable to beat his affliction. He also attempted to give her his Sunchaser’s jewelry, which he felt he had stopped being worthy of wearing a long, long time ago. Shenir didn’t accept, but even though she wished she could stay with him more, she had duties to attend to, and had to leave.
When she came to visit him the next day, she found Acantha, her lieutenant and right hand, standing in his cell instead along with a handful of other paladins, a smile on her lips over the light-burned remains of the old dragon. She’d grown curious of Shenir’s repeated absences, and what else could she do once she found Ephah but eradicate a creature so Shaded? It was only right. He was a danger. Makes one wonder what business Shenir had keeping him there...
Anyhow, grandma shenir was potentially in hot waters despite her status and influence, not to mention pretty miffed over her friend’s death, and preferred to leave her position entirely before Acantha made a move with her newfound knowledge. She took the Sunchaser’s, undamaged by the holy energy, and got the HECK away to find that one kid that used to be Ephah’s Charge.
Meanwhile, that grandpa’s still in “got blasted by high concentration holy Light energy” death hell. 
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coralestrange · 4 years
As the sun set, Cora found herself slowly growing more agitated. Today had been a bit of a dud, business-wise, and she needed a pick me up. The left elevator seemed the riskier move to get upstairs, but it was waiting for her in the lobby, and so Cora took her chances. That choice was her one small blessing for the day; it stalled for only a moment before depositing her on the top floor. She hauled off her earrings as she went, then her coat, and dumped it all on the sofa to immediately make a beeline for her cousin’s room. She took one look at whatever it was her cousin was doing before sitting on the desk, taking care not to mess up the papers too much—she wasn’t a complete monster—and leaning over to block the older girl from whatever she was working on. “I’m bored.” Entertain me. “Let’s go out.”
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These are my infected dragons so far. Acantha is captain of the guard? Or maybe a commander..I'm not sure yet. Helena was not originally infected but her son was born infected and she wanted to find out why so Her husband and herself experimented for science. Long story shot they got infected to and now all of their children are infected too. Oops
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
PHC’s Bigass Fanfic Author Masterlist
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That’s right we’re gonna be doing some author shoutouts! What’s equally as good as amazing fanart? FANFICTION AND THE PEOPLE WHO WRITE IT, YA SILLY GOOSE. I put it together so you don’t have to, everything ranging from sweet sweet fluff content to that dirty nasty your sinning eyes are looking for.
@aban-ataashi (Does a great deal of sfw pieces and they also do killer aesthetic moodboards! Here’s a link to their tumblr fanfic master list as well! Watchers: Desta, Miervalids, Rudi)
Ao3 link 
@ampleappleamble (She draws elves kissing! Mature work on archive. Watcher: Axa Mala)
Ao3 link
Bazylia_de_Grean (No longer active on Tumblr but deserves the shoutout just as equally! They have an incredible amount of fics ranging from sfw to the nsfw: all worth the read. Watcher: Eidis)
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brightephemera ( @caed-nua-state-of-mind on tumblr, they post on both platforms so send the likes and kudos all around! Varied content between sfw and nsfw. Watcher: Vailond)
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@captainofthefallen (Lots of great one offs featuring our favorite animal loving farm boy! Watcher: Mara Emerys)
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@dreamerinsilico (Has a few great Iovara fics and mostly short pieces of varying ratings. Watcher: Acantha)
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@illustrious-e (Phynoma on Ao3. Plenty of Aloth content between Teen+ and Explicit! Watcher: Mirad)
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@long-john-furby (Firelight-And-Rain on Ao3. Cute one offs rated G. Watcher: Kadri)
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@lunarowena (Here’s a link to their tumblr fanfic master list! Mostly G rating with a few Mature in the mix. Watchers: Calendula, Lillian)
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@orime-stories (More varying works between the ratings of G and M, written by an awesome human being! Also posts works to their tumblr as well. Watcher: Seluna)
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@queen_scribbles (A truly extensive list of Pillars works. Like seriously how do you do it. Watchers: Adela, Emiri, Kei, Tavi)
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@rannadylin (Plenty of G rated works ranging from Watcher works to those involving their Leaden Key Inquisitor. Watcher: Lenneth, Violet)
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RisuAlto/RisuMezzo (Another extensive list of works with varying ratings! Some really awesome Aloth content worth the read! Watchers: Lili, Junsice, and Tai Lon)
Ao3 link (pseud link)
@samaelstoker (Currently one work, well worth the read! Watcher: Tehanu)
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@undyingembers (Mature and Explicit stories with plenty of the Handsome Fish c; Watcher: Amali)
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@yanara126-writing (G-M rating. Their Vela piece is very interesting! Watcher: Favaen, Francesca.)
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I’m going to do my best to keep this regularly updated for convenience sake! Please let me know if I need to include any more Watchers or if there’s any other main OC you’d really love to highlight.
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mythodico · 2 years
Personnages de la mythologie grecque par ordre alphabétique
Abarbarée - Abaris - Abas - Abdéros - Abia - Abrota - Absyrtos - Acacallis -  Acacos - Académos ou Décélos - Acalanthis - Acamas - Acantha - Acanthis ou Acanthyllis - Acanthos - Acarnan - Acaste - Acéso - Achaïos ou Achaeos - Achate - (les) Achéens - Achélaos - Achélois - Achéloos - Achéménide - Achéron - Achille - Acis - Acmon - Acontios - Acrisios - Actée - Actéon - Actor -Admète - Admèté - Adonis - Adraste - Adrestia - Aédon - Aeétes -  Aegaeon   Aegialé - Aegialée - Aegimios - Aello - Aegyptos - Aepytos - Aeropé -  Aesacos - Aeson - Aesyetes - Aethalidès - Aether - Aethilla - Aethra - Aethusa - Agamède - Agamédé - Agamemnon - Aganippé - Aganos - Agapénor - Agasthène - Agathon - Agathyrsos - Agavé - Agénor - Agdistis/Adestis - Aglaé - Aglaopé - Aglaophème - Aglaure - Agrios - Agron - Aichmagoras - Aigaion - Ajax - Alalcoménée - Alcathoe - Alcathoos - Alceste - Alcée - Alcidice - Alcimède - Alcimos - Alcinoé - Alcinoos - Alcippé - Alcmène - Alcméon - Alcyonée - Aléos - (les) Aloades - Alphée - Alpos - Althée - Amalthée - (les) Amazones - Amphiaraos - Amphidamas - Amphilochos ou Amphiloque - Amphion - Amphitéa - Amphitrite - Amphitryon - Amymoné - Anaxarète - Anaxo - Anchise - Androgée - Andromaque - Andromède - (les) Animaux - Antée - Anténor - Antiadès - Antigone - Antiloque - Antiope - Antiphatès - Aphrodite - Apollon - Arachné - Arès - Arestor - Aréthuse - Argès - Argillos - (les) Argonautes - Argos - Argos panoptès - Argyre - Ariane - Aristée - Arsinoé - Artémis - Asclépios - Asopos - Astéria - Astraéos - Astyaniax - Astydamie - Atalante - Até - Athéna - Atlas - Atrée - Attis - Augé - Aura - Autolycos
Balios - Baucis - Bellérophon - Bia - Bolina - (les) Boréades - Borée - Briarée - Briséis ou Hippodamie - Brisès - Brontès - Busiris - Byblis
Cadmos - Caerus - Calaïs - Calchas - Calista - Calliope - Callirhoé - Callisto - Calypso - Carmanor - Carmé - Cassandre - Castor - Catrée - Caunos - Cécrops - (les) Centaures - Céos - Céphale - Céphée - Cerbère - Cercopes - Cérès - Céto - Céyx - Chaos - Charites - Charon - Charybde - Chéloné - Chimère - Chioné - Chronos - Chrysippe - Chrysothémis - Circé - Clymene - Clio - Clytemnestre - Coalémos - Coéos - Comaetho - Coré - Coronis - Corus - Corybantes - Cottos - Créon - Créüse - Crios - Cronos - Ctésylla - Cupidon - Cyamites - Cybèle - (les) Cyclopes - Cydippé - Cydoimos - Cyrène - Cyrnos - Charites
Dactyles - Damasène - Damysos - Danaé - Danaïdes - Daphné - Daphnis - Dardanos - Décélos ou Académos - Dédale - Déimos - Déiphyle - Déjanire - Déméter - Despina - Deucalion - (les) Devins - Diane - Dicaeosyne - Dicé - Didon - Dieu-fleuve - Diomède - Dioné - Dionysos - (les) Dioscures - Dolos - Doris - Dryopé - Dysnomie - Dyssébéia
Eaque - EAUX - Écéchéirie - Echidna - Echo - Edos - Egée - Egine - Egisthe - Eiréné - Elatréus - Électre - Électre (Atlas) - Eléos - Elpis - Empuse - Encelade - Endymion - Enée - ENFERS - Eole - Eos - EPIGONES - Epiméthée - Ephialtès - Erato - Erechthée - Erginos - Erinyes - Eris - Eros - Etéocle - Esculape - Eumée - Eumelos - Euménides - Euriale - Europe - Euros - Erydice - Euryalos - Eurynome - Eurypyle - Eurysthée - Eurytos - Euterpe - Evandre - Evénos
Gaïa - Ganymède - (les) Gègenées - Géryon
Hadès - Halimédès - Héphaïtos - Hémithée - Héra - Héraclès - Hermès - Hermocharès - Hestia - Hippasos - Hippodamie ou Briséis - Hypérion
Idothée - Ino
Japet - Jason
Leucothée - Lycurgue - Lysippé
Marpessa - Melpomène - (les) Ménéades - Milétos - Minotaure - Mnémosyne - Mynès
Nana - (les) Nymphes
Océan - Oenomaos - Orion - Otos
Parthénos - Patrocle - Pélops - Penthésilée - Périmélé - Persée - Phébé - Phylacos - Pollux - Polybe - Polyphème - Porphyrion - Poséidon - Proétos
Salmonée - (les) Sirènes - Stéropé - Steropès - Sthénélos
Talos - Tanaïs - Télesphore - Terpsichore - Téthys - Théia - Thémis - Thespios - Tityos - Trachios - Typhon - Tyro
(les) Vents
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filigreefaerie · 4 years
✧ female names from greek mythology ✧
Under the cut you’ll find 110 female names from greek mythology, listed in alphabetical order with my favourites in bold. Personally, I think they are great for fantasy books or roleplays.
like or reblog if you save
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acantha, adrasteia, aella, aglaia, alcmene, alexandra, althea, antheia, antigone, aoede, aura, arachne, arete, ariadne, artemis, astraea, atlanta, athena
bia, briseis
calliope, carme, cassandra, ceto, charis, chione, chloe, chryseis, clio, cleta, cora, cynthia
danae, daphne, deianeira, delia, dia, diana, dike, dione, doris
echo, eirene, electra, elpis, eris, ennodia, enyo, eos, ersa, eudora, eurydice, evadne
harmonia, hebe, hecate, helen, hemera, hermione, hippolyta
ianthe, ilithyia, iokaste, iris, iphigenia, ismene
kallisto, kamira, klytië
lamia, larisa, latona, ligeia, leto, levana, lyssa
macaria, maia, medea, medusa, megaera, melaina, melia, mellonia, melpomene, mnemosyne
N, O
nemesis, nephele, nike, niobe, nyx, ourania
pandela, pandora, penelope, penia, persephone, phanea, philomela, phoebe, phyllis, polymnia
R, S, T
rhea, selene, thalia, theia, tethys, tyche
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burnedxpoet · 4 years
character 4
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Full name: Acantha Rose Kelling
Pronunciation: Ah-Can-TH-Ah Kh-EL-ING
Meaning: named after Greek Nymph, Acantha/thorn, prickle
Nicknames: A, An, Antha
Preferred name: Acantha
Age: 24
DOB: June 27th 1995
Astrological sign: Cancer
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Romantic Orientation: Straight
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Greek, Irish, English, Scottish, Polish, German
Hometown: Athens, Georgia
Morning Person or Night person: Morning person
Current Residence: Glendale, California
Occupation: Journalist
Birth Order (First/Middle/Youngest): Second oldest
Mother and Father: Mother, Hera Marie Nowak-Kelling, 45. Father, Jason Michael Kelling, 26
Siblings: Cybele, 27. Tygete, 23. Aphaea, 20. Tyche, 18. Thalia, 16. Achelois, 10. Nyx, 8.
Closest Friend: 
Right or Left handed: right
Pets (If yes, describe them - ie. are they well taken care of? Does your character like them?): N/A
Preferred Environment (City, Woods, Beach, Small town, etc…): Small town
Criminal Record: none
Height: 5′4
Weight: 135
Blood Type: B+
Build: Curvy
BMI: 23.2
Cup Size: 32 C
Race: white
Eye Colour: green
Eye Shape: Downturned
Hair Colour: dark brown
Hair Length: shoulder length
Would they ever dye their hair: yes
If so, what colour would they dye it: natural colors
Is their hair healthy: yes
What skin type do they have (ie. oily, dry, etc…): sensitive
Do they wear make up: yes
Do they like wearing shoes: no
Do they like wearing socks: yes
Do they wear Glasses/Contacts: contacts
Skin Colour: white washed olive
Shape of Face: square
Would they ever be a nude model: no. would need to be talked into it
Do they have good hand-eye coordination: yes
Known Languages: english bits and pieces of polish and german
Do they have an accent: goes into a southern drawl when back in her hometown. 
What do they smell like: Baby powder and chocolate
Do they believe in love at first sight: no
Do they believe in true love: yes
Have they ever had their heart broken: yes
Are they ticklish: no
Do they play sports: none
Favorite Foods: Perogies 
Favorite Drink: Sweet tea
Deadly Sin (Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Lust, Sloth): Pride
Heavenly Virtue (Humility, Temperance, Charity, Kindness, Chastity, Forgiveness, Diligence): Kindness
Markings (Scars, Tattoos, Piercings, Birth Marks, etc…): Freckles
What is their favorite music genre: Alternative
What flower best represents them: Acanthus plant
What gemstone best represents them: Pearl
Are they more indoorsy or outdoorsy: Outdoorsy
Are they a good cook: yes
Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert: introvert
Portrayed by: Willa Holland
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blessedtreasures4u · 4 years
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commander-krios · 2 years
world building wednesday
Helene Zythor
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Full name: Helene Acantha Zythor
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Philipp Zythor (father),  Acantha Zythor (mother), Kieran Zythor (brother), Keshani Zythor (sister) 
Birthplace: Dromund Kaas
Job: Sith Lord, Member of the Dark Council, Archivist, Future Empress of the Sith
Phobias: Losing her power, Boredom, Lack of freedom
Guilty pleasures: Helene enjoys things without guilt. Guilt is a useless feeling.
morality alignment?: Lawful Evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: A weird combination of both. While Helene doesn’t go out of her way to make friends, she has this ability to convince people to 
organized/disorganized: Extremely organized. It’s one of the things that she insists on. She demands it of anyone who works for her.
close minded/open-minded: She’s not into changing who she is as a person or what she believes. She refuses to acknowledge that she might be wrong. It takes a lot of time and affection from her friends to help her to even consider anything other than her own thoughts.
calm/anxious: She always had unreasonable expectations forced upon her so this made her overly anxious.
disagreeable/agreeable: She hates being told what to do.
cautious/reckless: Extremely reckless. Helene loves throwing herself into a fight and doesn’t care about collateral damage.
patient/impatient: She has no patience for stupidity, ineptitude and laziness.
outspoken/reserved: Helene doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut tbh.
leader/follower: She’s a leader not because of what she does, but who she is. She is the oldest child to a Dark Council member so she expects to lead. She might not always deserve it, but she does it.
empathetic/unemphatic: Depends on the situation. She’s known for her ruthless ability to get a mission done, but some things do bring out her empathy.
optimistic/pessimistic: This is part of the anxiety that she feels on a constant basis. It has made her pessimistic even with the simplest things.
traditional/modern: Her family is very traditional, but she prefers a more modern approach to how she does things.
hard-working/lazy: Helene might have more opportunities than another Sith might, but she works hard to maintain the things she has.
Otp: Helene x Zhilae Mirai
Ot3: none
Brotp: Helene &Talos Drellik, Helene & Andronikos Revel, Helene & Ashara Zavros, Helene & Khem Val, Helene & Xalek, Helene & Darth Marr
Notp: Helene x Thanaton
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reallypheelingit · 5 years
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i did a drawing of Ingot a long time ago but was never very happy with it, so it’s about time I gave her another shot! I’ve been thinking about her nonstop today fsdafadf
But yeah, here’s Ingot! Along with Acantha, she’s a meat hunter for the clan, as well as a skilled fighter who will defend the clan if necessary, and she’s the teacher for warrior-dragons-in-training! She ended up in the clan after Acantha and Kyurem found her nearly dead at the side of a road. After her recovery, she wanted to pay the clan back using her skills as a hunter and fighter, so she took on the aforementioned roles. But when it came time for her to leave, she found herself unwilling. She’s in Florabrisa for the long haul c:
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coco-nutmeg · 5 years
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“Black barbie life”
Hairbase: REVOUL - Hot Barbie Summa Hairbase (@Equal10 Event)
Eye makeup: L'Etre - Genus Festive Eyeshadows [FATPACK]
Glasses: MAJESTY- Crescent Shades [white]
Earring:  MAJESTY - Unapologetic Earrings [emerald]
Necklace: Nov-Sicko Diamond Choker
Belly ring: Nov-Kiria Belly Ring (Silver)
Top: MAJESTY - Rio Bikini Top [Tropical Palm]
Bottoms:  MAJESTY  - Rio Bikini Bottom & Skirt [Tropical Palm]
Bag: .: vive nine :. The Straw Basket Bag - Beige
Shoes: Phedora ~ Acantha heels 25 C (@ FaMESHed Event)
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