#by tilde
kitkatt0430 · 11 months
So big shout out to SquidgeWorld for the news update acknowledging and encouraging the use of the tilde relationship identifier for queerplatonic ships!!!
I actually had a bit of a hand in how this one came about, which is pretty fun. (Story time!)
So a few years ago the Character A ~ Character B format was introduced over here on tumblr to represent QPRs. There is a post I know I rebloged a few times buried on my main somewhere about this and I'll have to try to remember to dig that up later. And there was bit of a push to try and get Ao3 to officially acknowledge the tilde or at least for those of us who write fic there start using it in tagging regardless of official acknowledgement and see what happened. And, well, what largely seems to have happened is that the tag wranglers have let us use the tilde, but there's been no official acknowledgement as the Tag Wrangling page for relationships on Ao3 still only discusses the '&' and '/' identifiers. (If there was anything official said about it elsewhere, sadly I must have missed it.)
I started using the tilde... two years ago? I think? And went back to update some of my existing fics to add in ship tags with the tilde. I still made sure to keep the Queerplatonic Relationship tags because those are still the best way to find fics that have QPRs included in them. And I've seen a few others using the '~' out in the wild, but discussion about it kind of faded again. If you knew, you knew. And if you didn't... there was always that Queerplatonic Relationship tag.
Then, about a year ago, I signed up for SquidgeWorld. I'd never heard of it before (which is likely because I'm just not super active in fandom outside the niche I've carved for myself; I admit, I am a bit under a rock at times...) but Squidge been around in one form or another since 1994. One of the fanfic authors I followed was moving their works there and so I followed and did what I always do on new sites I'm curious about - I lurked.
Fast forward to more recently. Fanfiction.net that I've been loyally using as my backup fic location for years after leaving it as my main fanfic archive... it's getting buggier and more unstable by the year. I don't intend to pull my fanfiction off it - I will leave what's on there up until the site collapses in on itself - but the day is coming ever nearer that the bugs and lack of tagging updates will finally make cross-posting there entirely too much of a hassle. And much as I love Ao3, I don't like the idea of only having all my fanfic in one place. I've seen enough archives big and small get destroyed over the years that no matter how stable or permanent Ao3 feels... I'm more comfortable knowing my fic can be found in multiple places. (Of course, the biggest hurdle for getting my fics cross-posted in multiple places is... executive dysfunction.)
I started finally cross-posting to SquidgeWorld recently and honestly just didn't really think too much about it when bringing over fics tagged with the QPR identifier. I just copied over the Character A ~ Character B tags and hit post. :D
But admin-squidgie over there - who I believe is found here on tumblr using @squidgiepdx (hi! Thanks a bunch for the news post!) - asked me about the tilde usage and what that was being used to represent. So I responded with an explanation about how it was a relatively new identifier used because queerplatonic relationships aren't really well represented by romantic or platonic identifiers. And then admin-squidgie got back to me to let me know there'd be a news post soon about this new identifier type. Which was so awesome.
While the wrangling guidelines haven't been updated on SquidgeWorld to note the use of the tilde yet (and could take a while, I know official docs always wind up being the last thing updated), the news post really is a very big deal for those of us who like to write and read queerplatonic ships.
For those of you interested in cross-posting or moving your fanfic to SquidgeWorld, I do recommend the archive. I've lurked long enough to see that the community there is pretty friendly, the interface is a clone of Ao3's so it should be familiar to a lot of you and is easily customized to make it more accessible (or covered in rainbows if you prefer ^_^ ), and (as seen here) the admin over there is open to helping make the archive an inclusive place for all of us.
And with at least one fanfic archive both acknowledging and encouraging the use of the queerplatonic relationship identifier, it'd be nice to see information on that making the rounds here on tumblr again. I bet there are a lot of aspecs who don't know about the identifier but who would be glad to know it exists and start using it themselves.
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evignonita · 2 months
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art block is killing me i canr draw anything
wow hello.... i'll reblog posts again next month ok..... love you all....
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zentilde · 1 year
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The rat
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kanrix · 8 months
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doodles-of-a-nerd-kid · 3 months
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Sometime in Feb (or end of Jan I can't remember lol) I got these really neat-o brushes on Twitter!
They are super fun to use, I drew a buncha characters (including my own) with them :]
Def gonna be using this style more, haha
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yes-i-exist-shutup · 4 months
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salemoleander · 3 months
Given Mumbo's poll about weirdness in Hermit Minecraft control choices, I am immensely curious if in fact a lot of people have "weird" personal changes to the standard control schemes/ keybinds of Minecraft, and we just don't talk about them much in normal conversation
For instance, I play with the Attack/Destroy and Place Block buttons reversed. Place is left click, destroy is right click. (This seemed self-evidently more logical to me than the default keys when I started playing age 13 or so.)
I would be very interested to hear about people's personal MC keybinds and irl interactions w/ MC¹ controls in replies, tags, or reblogs!
¹Irl interactions w MC controls Example: Pressing Shift with your thumb isn't a weird keybind, Shift to crouch is the default! However, pressing with a thumb is a weird way to interact with that keybind.
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maskeddiany · 5 months
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a Bodoque for your troubles
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dirtylittlediesel · 8 months
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emilylorange · 6 months
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I miss Overwatch a NORMAL amount!!! *draws greebles on everything*
Day 19 - Forgotten Day 20 - Professional Day 21 - Community
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human tilde
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doodles-of-a-nerd-kid · 3 months
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I liked the short Tilde lineless art so much i drew older Tilde in that style right after
...why is this the only finished art of him ever
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lemonsweet · 3 months
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@moonkitty never played fear and hunger but I like how this guy looks he's like Maryland
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Gotta destroy all records of them planning a coup before the investigations start
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bellamysgriffin · 1 year
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When we do find each other again, no one will be able to tear us apart. We’ll be joined so tightly, every atom of me and every atom of you. When they use our atoms to make new lives, they’ll have to take two – one for you, and one for me. We’ll be in the flowers and in the sunbeams. We’ll be joined so tight.
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saccharine-curious-4 · 7 months
i am. so incredibly normal about this game and its characters
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