#buy maltese
puppylovers34 · 2 years
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mayor-david-prentiss · 3 months
corto puzzles... locket to keep cortos picture inside... (ras)corto custom keychains... im broke but im so happy i could die
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422kit · 8 months
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matthew day was a bit ago & i was late to drawing anything
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angelamontoo · 1 year
Modern Joel would have a Gucci belt
He'd probably own like 4 that barely look different from eachother.
I'd wanna believe Joel was too smart to splurge on those lame, fancy brands that only sell because they've built up a reputation for being fancy and expensive, but alas, he'd probably own at least a few of those high fashion items to show off on Instagram
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Buy Teacup Maltese Puppies South Africa
Buy Teacup Maltese Puppies South Africa
If you are looking to buy Buy Teacup Maltese Puppies South Africa, then what are you waiting for come and visit splendourteacuppuppies.co.za. Our adorable Maltese puppies are bred with care and love, ensuring they grow up to be healthy and happy dogs.
Please visit our website:- https://splendourteacuppuppies.co.za/teacup-maltese-puppies-for-sale/
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27demos · 1 year
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everyone adores you (at least I do)
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loverboybitch · 1 year
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valletta, malta.//.
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1-333 · 2 years
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
yay its open again! so i really love snacking and i hoard and hide them all around the house. we all know military live and rely on mre’s and probably go hungry until they are free from their missions/tasks so pls pls pls, i would love to see a reader with the habit of just producing snacks like magic and just feeding them. they can also be a good cook once they have the chance to do it and just surprise and awe the boys but only if you want to add this. thank you for this!! you’re awesome and i worship you. 💋
Just like me fr fr I’ve always got some kind of snack or treat stashed away somewhere lmao
They love you so god damn much for that reason, you always manage to sneak in some snacks and it’s witchcraft
They kind of make a joke out of it, Soap and Gaz will act like it’s a drug deal, going so far as to come up with code words or phrases or secret hand signals or facial cues
They’re so fucking giddy when you pull out their favorite snacks, like little kids on Christmas
Eventually Ghost catches on and you think he might put a stop to it but he loves it, “throw in some crisps and I’ll keep it between us”
But then Price found out and he was more offended that you didn’t offer him anything, but he’s cracking up when you produce a pack of maltesers from thin air
You’ve just been promoted to the mom friend of the group
And then you offer to cook for them back at your place after your mission was over and they’re booking it, it’s finished in record time, fuck going to the pub afterwards, they’ll buy drinks on the way to your place
Your apartment has never felt more homely and more alive than when your boys are all there, Price and Gaz are sitting on the stools at the counter chatting over a beer and some whiskey, Soap is being nosy and looking at all your pictures, Ghost is lingering by you and watching you cook
You’re tuning in and out of the various conversations, focused on the task in front of you
Bonus points if you’re making something from your culture/childhood, they love that shit
And when you’re putting their plates down in front of them, they’re thrilled, compliments a plenty, you thought you were warm from being in the kitchen? Nah love, it’s all the compliments, they won’t shut up lol
“Alright I get it, it’ll get cold if you leave it there, idiots.” You tease, taking a forkful, relieved that you didn’t over salt anything
You thought they wouldn’t shut up before, you ain’t seen nothin yet. Especially Johnny, he’s begging you to show him how to make it next time, Simon is nodding in agreement, sighing blissfully at every bite, Price is begging you for the recipe, Kyle is begging you to move in with him and make it forever
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natigail · 3 months
Question: What was your green room request?
Dan: You know that.
Phil: Your green room request is... I don't know what your request is!
Dan *loudly*: Oh you've only done a hundred and fifty fucking live shows with me! What the fuck?
Phil: I only focus on my own snacks, which is, I don't know, some pickled onion monster munch. Some Haribo.
Dan: You know this! My rider is...
Phil: A banana!
Dan: And?
Phil: A... a drink...? Maltesers?
Dan: No. Two bananas and a Red Bull.
Phil: Ah!
Dan: That's my rider. It's important to have a rider because it's a test of how competent venues are. And as you all know from the ticket buying experiences. Venues and ticket promoters are the agents of chaos and mostly inept.
Phil: You never know what you're going to get.
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sareenademon · 6 months
Bi Han and The Dog He Said He Never Wanted
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Sareena: Beloved! Look at what I found! He was all alone at the market.Isn’t he adorable?!
*Sareena shows him a Maltese puppy. The puppy starts yapping excitedly and Bi Han looks disgusted.*
Bi Han: Take it back Sareena.
Sareena: Bi Han! Don’t be mean!
Bi Han: We are not keeping that little beast.
They did end up keeping him much to Bi Han’s dismay. He was not an animal lover and he told Sareena that the puppy was entirely her responsibility. He would not care for it.
Sareena tried to name the puppy Snowball. Bi Han couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
Bi Han: We’re not calling him that.
Sareena: Why not? It’s cute.
Bi Han: No.
Sareena: What about Fluffy?
Bi Han: Are you serious? Absolutely fucking not.
Sareena: Then what ideas do you have?
Bi Han: How about, Runt?
Sareena: *slaps his arm* …What about…Fang? After my demon fang swords.
Bi Han: Fang…Fine, whatever.
For a couple of nights the puppy irritated him to no end. It wouldn’t stop yapping. Day and night. It was so god damn needy too. It shit everywhere. Bi Han also became jealous of the little beast because it took up most of Sareena’s attention.
One night, he had enough. He was already sleep deprived, and now this puppy was barking at 3 am in the morning. He grabbed the puppy out of his crate and screamed at him to shut up. When little Fang started whining from fear Bi Han immediately felt like shit.
Wtf was he doing? Screaming at little animals. He quickly tried to quiet Fang so that Sareena wouldn’t wake up and bitch him out for upsetting him. He instinctively cradled the fluffy puppy in his arms, trying to get him to stop trembling. He gently stroked Fang’s head.
Fang was so tiny, so fragile. As Bi Han looked into the puppy’s big eyes, he felt his cold heart begin to melt.
Bi Han: Shhh…Don’t fear little Fang…I won’t harm you…
When Fang licked his fingers, that was it. That was his baby. That was his son. His precious Fang, Fang.
Sareena found him the next morning passed out on the couch with Fang sleeping on his chest.
The first thing Bi Han did the next day was buy him a expensive new blue collar, he had the Lin Kuei symbol put on it.
Sareena: I thought you didn’t like him.
Bi Han: If we’re going to keep this little beast then he must be properly trained.
Sareena: And the fancy collar?…
Bi Han: Don’t question my decisions, woman!
Bi Han is a pretty intense guy by nature and that transfers into his dog parenting.
Bi Han took it upon himself to train Fang. He put him on a strict food and training schedule. He also researched all about puppies and how to train them.
Also put Fang on a cook food diet.
Sareena: Why can’t we just feed him dog food?
Bi Han: You want to feed him that dehydrated crap?! I thought you cared about this dog!
He teaches Fang how to sit, roll over, fetch, shake, and play dead. He’s such a proud father.
Fang becomes like his emotional support dog. Whenever he has a hard day or he’s just pissed off, he calls over his puppy for comfort.
When he’s stuck doing paperwork, he likes to have Fang on his lap to keep him company.
He gets him groomed regularly and cleans his eyes daily. No crusty eyes for his puppy.
It gets really cold in Artika so Bi Han makes sure to bundle Fang up. Fang has a collection of little jackets and sweaters. He also has booties. Sareena finds it a bit silly and can’t help but laugh whenever she sees Bi Han putting booties on Fang.
Bi Han: Don’t laugh at him, it’s to protect his paws from the snow!
He doesn’t take Fang to the dog park anymore because he thinks the other dogs play too rough with him.
He started shouting at the other dog owner and Sareena has had to drag him out of there before he started throwing hands.
Aggressively overprotective over Fang. Once Tomas accidentally stepped on his paw and Bi Han was on poor Tomas like white on rice.
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AITA for not buying something for a friend on card when they only have cash? (profanity warning up ahead lol) 🦈🦈🦈
A few months ago myself and some of my friends (fake names: Lucy F, Mark M, Kai NB, Jenny F, Charlie NB) decided to go see a movie at the local cinema (we chose it because it's the cheapest in the area). For a very long time, this place only accepted cash unless you booked tickets in advance but after COVID now operates exclusively on contactless payments — no exceptions. Whenever we got there everybody had already booked tickets so we went right into the theatre to get good seats (tickets don't have specific seats at this cinema; it's first come, first served). Once we got our seats of choice, we decided to go to the cinema shop for food in pairs so that nobody would take out spot and after Mark and Kai went, Lucy and I went.
I went first and paid for a medium popcorn and a small box of Maltesers but when it was Lucy's turn she only had cash, therefore could not pay, which made her get snappy at the worker there who obviously couldn't do anything about it. Lucy then asked me if I could pay on card and she could repay me with cash (which is a reasonable request but shit goes sideways after this) so I checked my balance to see if I could. Turns out I only had twenty cents left on my card.
Side note: we're all teenagers and Lucy, Mark, Charlie and I don't have jobs because at the time we were still considered to young to be hired in my area unless we wanted to get paid severely below the minimum wage (McDonald's, I see you). My money consists solely of birthday money that I can spend on buying gifts for myself and others, and going out with my friends. I budget myself strictly because I don't have a steady source of income and keep my unspent money in my savings dedicated towards university. My parents won't start a uni fund for me until I get my first job (which I personally think is fairly reasonable so that I can work for my education) Also I've been saving money in my budget to see this movie for a while since I was excited about it's release (FNAF lol).
Anyway, I tell Lucy I only have 20c and I'm sorry, but she snatches my phone without asking to look at my bank details to see $400 in savings (I know it's not enough for uni but please bare with me /lh). I naturally freaked out in my head and take it back from her, worried that she was going to try buy food anyway, read my bank account details or take money out of my literal uni fund. When I quickly explained it was my only fund for university and I didn't feel comfortable whittling it down (we're in public and there's a line of three people behind Lucy) she gets mad and properly yells that I'm being a "selfish bitch" and only thinking about myself, and that I should just pay for her anyway so she can give me the cash (I would have nowhere safe to keep it in my house as my sister takes any physical money and lies about it, which she has done to me before). I offer to go back to the group and take someone else down like Jenny or Kai who can make the trade or that she can share my food (she likes popcorn and Maltesers) but she again called me a "bitch" at the top of her lungs in a public space with people behind her and families with young children nearby, and stormed back to the theatre, leaving me to apologise to the workers and members of the public.
We go back to the theatre and I again offer for her to share my food and ask if any of my friends could do the trade but she once more announced I was a "selfish, stupid bitch" quote unquote and that it didn't matter anymore anyways. She proceeded to sulk the rest of the movie and later when we walked around the area just for fun.
Later when we all went home, it turned out Lucy, immediately after I got on my bus, made a group chat with everybody but me to talk shit about me. I found out about this because I was on the bus home with Mark (we're practically neighbours) and he showed me the messages right away. She had completely changed the story to make her a hapless victim that I, the unfeeling antagonist, publicly shamed even though after the movie I apologised to her again (I genuinely felt like shit after all of it) and explained the situation to my curious friends (Lucy agreed with what I said then — except I kept out the "bitch" stuff — but rewrote the whole story in their group chat).
At school she started avoiding myself, Mark, Charlie, and other friends who didn't go see the FNAF movie with us because apparently they were all on "my side" (I didn't realise that this whole thing was a big deal or that there were definitive sides people had to choose). Kai and Jenny (who were sticking with Lucy but still talking to the rest of us) came up to me separately and told me that Lucy was "hurt by my actions" and just because I didn't like her, didn't give me the right to "take that experience away". I asked why they thought I didn't like her and that's how I found out she had been talking shit about me for months behind my back (and others like Mark and people who didn't go see the movie), which did upset me because I still considered Lucy a friend despite all this.
Kai and Jenny told me to apologise. Mark and Charlie told me not to. I haven't yet and it's been over a month now. Lucy, Kai and Jenny still hang out with us but Lucy still shit-talks myself and others and will consistently bring up that I didn't pay for her despite the fact that it was ages ago now and I really didn't think it was that deep.
Do you guys think I'm the asshole for not draining my uni funds to get my friend a popcorn and Maltesers, and then not apologising when she tried to turn our friends against me over it?
What are these acronyms?
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breed-n-breeder · 3 months
Buy Maltese puppy online in Kolkata - Breed N Breeder
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Contact us at - +91-82-338-97-338.
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Buy Teacup Maltese Puppies South Africa
Buy Teacup Maltese Puppies South Africa
If you are looking to buy Buy Teacup Maltese Puppies South Africa, then what are you waiting for come and visit splendourteacuppuppies.co.za. Our adorable Maltese puppies are bred with care and love, ensuring they grow up to be healthy and happy dogs.
Please visit our website:- https://splendourteacuppuppies.co.za/teacup-maltese-puppies-for-sale/
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softgaycontent · 2 years
 Parker’s Autistic Traits
In list form because I love lists; episode references and additional details under the cut. Everyone with ASD has a different grab bag of traits, and I wanted to note down Parker’s.
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Parker is canonically autistic, from multiple word-of-god sources. One in particular I’d like to note is a tweet from John Rogers, who said she was originally “in the direction” of having autism, but it was Beth Riesgraf’s decision to play Parker that way, and they “wrote to her performance”. Many examples below are definitely actor-driven. 
Struggles with social skills and a lack of real friendships through her life, but eventually connects strongly with a small group of people she considers family
Mimics social cues from others, including jokes she may not understand, body language, physical contact
Often has a straightforward way of talking; occasionally says things considered rude or not appropriate to the situation by others
Takes literal interpretations of statements, and sometimes has trouble understanding information taken out of context
Generally non-expressive or makes facial expressions not expected of a situation
Naturally avoids eye contact
Particular about touch
Special interest in types of safes & security, valuable art and items, other theft-related information
Stims by picking small locks she carries around with her, smelling things, organizing items, repeating words/phrases, and clenching her hands
Frustrated by unexpected changes to plans or her own expectations / Distracted by questions or expectations that she feels are unresolved
Gets attached to routines and traditions— ranging from seating arrangements (personal) to “Let’s steal a [blank]” (team)
Sensory issues (eg loud noise and clothing texture)
Low empathy / difficulty with empathy
When upset, may become increasingly curt or stop talking, as well as notably physically tense and disruptive
Favorite food is by far and obviously cereal, which she eats frequently and stocks boxes of the same type at both her own home and Leverage HQ
Examples + Episode Titles
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Struggles in social situations
There are examples throughout the show of Parker struggling with social skills, and Sophie teaching her tips to grift, make friends, or understand others (notable episode: The Juror #6 Job)
Hardison creates a flashcard system for Parker to grift with, which she also uses for help with personal social interactions (The Rollin’ on the River Job)
Believes Hardison is the first person to have truly understood her (The Muddy Waters Job)
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Mimics social cues from others
After the team mocks Nate for buying a car as a part of his “mid-life crisis”, Parker repeats the phrase in a way that implies she does not really understand the joke, but doesn’t want to be left out (The Homecoming Job)
After both Hardison and Eliot call Tara “hot”, Parker joins in, surprised when they react differently to her saying it (The Runway Job)
Monica Hunter grabs Parker around the arms, likely to stop her from leaving. Later, Parker grabs Monica in the same, odd way, likely because she believes this is a form of contact that Monica likes, since she did it first. (The Three Days of the Hunter Job)
Parker mirrors people’s body language from time to time (examples: on the MRI machine in The Snow Job, with Archie in The Last Damn Job)
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Often speaks in a straightforward manner, or says things considered rude or not appropriate to the situation
Throughout the show, Parker tends to say things pretty directly, and occasionally finds things funny that others find distasteful or confusing
Straightforwardness examples: Tells a woman someone’s trying to kill her, without sugarcoating it (The Mile High Job); “She was naked.” (The Maltese Falcon); talking about Nate’s alcoholism directly (recurrent); Points out to Peggy that she told Parker a secret, which means they’re friends (The Juror #6 Job); + many less notable instances of Parker’s straightforward word choice compared to other characters
Considered rude/inappropriate: Tells a client she doesn’t trust her either and laughs at a kid’s allergy because she finds it ironic (The Fairy Godparents Job); tells a woman her grandbaby looks like a dog as a joke (The Juror #6 Job); Laughs when Sophie asks her about the death of her father (The Snow Job)
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Takes things literally
Is a thief.  ..... ;)
Mistakenly believes Nate wants her to hit someone after he asks her to start a “fight”; he later promises to be more clear, and use the word “argument” next time, acknowledging that he should have known Parker would be confused (The Lonely Hearts Job)
Not completely sure if she’s using air quotes properly, asks Hardison to teach her (The Beantown Bailout Job)
Gets caught up in the nonsensicality of the expression, “Reindeer Games” (The Runway Job)
Sophie and Harry jump to clarify to Parker that they’re going to only metaphorically burn something to the ground, to which she expresses disappointment (The Double Edged Sword Job)
Solves Nate’s algebra problem for him, which he had only said as a way to rib at Hardison (The Runway Job)
Initially expects a fiddle to be involved in the fiddle con (The Studio Job)
Doesn’t clock that noises she heard in an office were people having sex; John Rogers claims on his blog that it’s because she didn’t expect to hear them in that context. Not a fan of this joke, but noting it for the intention of establishing that Parker sometimes struggles when things are taken out of context. (The Underground Job) 
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Generally non-expressive
Visual; every episode, including childhood flashbacks
Has traumatic memories of people being upset with her for not smiling as a child (The Stork Job)
“I’ve never seen her change her expression before.” (Sophie, The Two Horse Job deleted scene)
“[Parker showed] A feeling. Seemed like a human one.” (Tara, The Runway Job)
Her social worker used to do exercises with her to help her identify and name how she was feeling (The Toy Job)
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Naturally avoids eye contact 
Among Sophie’s index cards, pinned to help Parker learn social skills, is “Eye Contact” (The Juror #6 Job)
It’s hard to see whether or not Parker is making eye contact most of the time, due to the way that things are filmed, but you can see her eyes moving uncomfortably to and away from the “bank robber" father as he pleads with her to help him (The Bank Shot Job)
Another example is Parker asking Hardison if she did air quotes correctly, where you can see her make eye contact with him for a second before continuing the conversation with her gaze a little lower, towards his collar (The Beantown Bailout Job)
In her first conversation with McSweeten, in the FBI van, she is standing close to him, but seems to look him in the face very little, looking instead at his shirt or casually around the van (The Wedding Job)
You can see Parker looking away as she gives her fake backstory in the rehab clinic (The 12 Step Job). Sophie asks her to “share with the group, and not the floor” and that “eye contact is the gateway to communication”. Seeing as she is taking the chance to prod Nate for real behaviors she has a problem with, I see this as Sophie taking her chance to bring up a pattern of behavior that she wants Parker to correct, as well.
Sophie mentions that she taught Parker social skills such as “relating to people” and public speaking; one of her notes included “eye contact” (The Office Job)
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Particular about touch
Finds it difficult to control her [violent] reaction when touched by strangers (mostly men, though she doesn’t like strange women touching her either). Parker is aware of this and worries she will ruin cons. [Could instead or also be related to PTSD.] (The Stork Job, The Ice Man Job, The Morning After Job) 
Does not often initiate hugs, and when she does, teammates are usually surprised (The Maltese Falcon Job, The 12 Step Job, The Long Way Down Job)
Prefers short or light physical contact like sitting next to people, handshake-high-fives, shoulder punches, etc. (The Three Days of Hunter Job, The Long Way Down Job)
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Special Interest in theft (activity & history) / security & safes / valuable art & artifacts
Excited to talk about the extensive information she has collected on security systems, and says it’s how she spends her weekends. Embarrassed when she thinks she’s being judged for sharing. (The Three Card Monte Job)
Passionate about different types of safes, especially unique or particularly difficult to crack kinds (The Grave Danger Job, The Great Train Job, etc)
Goes to museums and on vacations just to look at security systems, even when she has no intention of stealing (The Zanzibar Market Job)
Becomes aware that she doesn’t have “normal” hobbies or interests, and asks her friends to teach her how to like [other] things. (The French Connection Job)
Stims visibly at the thought of burgling 8 museums in one day (The Too Many Rembrandts Job)
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Some stims I’ve noticed: 
Picking small locks she carries around with her (repeatedly mentioned in the DVD commentaries by John Rogers, who compares it to knitting. He probably mentions it because it was not as visual as he intended.)
Smelling things, like money, people, etc (money in The Homecoming Job, the Ho Ho Ho Job, The Paranormal Hacktivity Job; Maggie and Tara in The Second David Job, The Lost Heir Job, an orange in The Juror #6 Job, etc)
Sorting and lining up things, like money (The Ho Ho Ho Job), spoons and pieces of her rig (The Inside Job)
Parker repeats words/phrases from time to time, such as “Intern Parker” (The Corkscrew Job), Sophie’s name (The Jailhouse Job), “Don’t Stab.” (The Morning After Job)
She clenches her hands and shakes in excitement at the idea of burgling 8 museums in one day (The Too Many Rembrandts Job)
She loves to hang from her rig [the ultimate stim], and multiple Leverage HQs are selected to accommodate this (The (Very) Big Bird Job, The Too Many Rembrandts Job)
Rocks aggressively in her recliner while stuck at home with an injury (The Broken Wing Job)
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Frustrated by changes to expectations and plans / distracted by unresolved questions (these feel all grouped somehow in my mind)
Gets so mad at Nate’s repeated changes to the con in The Snow Job that Eliot has to drag her out of the room
Disappointed that the con changed and Nate didn’t let her continue cracking the lawyer’s safe, a part of the original plan (The Lost Heir Job)
Can’t let go of the disappointment that she never saw an emerald when they visited Emerald Island (The Cross My Heart Job), even though there was no emerald involved
Insists on continuing conversations that people fail to answer for her, even when they may not be that important (eg the Reindeer conversation in The Runway Job)
Parker jumps off the building on Nate’s original countdown in the pilot, probably ignoring the fact that he started over (The Nigerian Job)
She complains to Archie that the Leverage team is not very disciplined (The Inside Job)
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Attached to routines and traditions
Is flustered and unable to participate in the briefing because Sophie normally sits next to her on the couch, and now no one is, which feels wrong (The Ice Man Job)
Insists on completing the traditional “Let’s go steal a [blank]” format, and corrects others when she thinks it hasn’t been done correctly (The Boiler Room Job (particularly), The Long Way Down Job, The Too Many Rembrandts Job, The Panamanian Monkey Job, The Lonely Hearts Job, etc)
Insists that Nate specifically say the words, “will you marry me”, when he is proposing to Sophie (The Long Goodbye Job)
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Has sensory issues
“Oh I hate business clothes. They make me feel so starchy.” (Parker, The Tower Job)
Arguably, her criticism of the clothes Eliot was trying to pick out for her to fake being a model (The Runway Job)
Her primary reaction to Hardison inviting her to a robot fight is that it seems like it will be very loud (The Girls’ Night Out Job)
Wearing the heavy boots made Parker repeatedly and visibly upset, which seemed like sensory overload. She asks Hardison to hum to calm her. (The Queens Gambit Job)
Related/Uncategorized: Sometimes hears music/sounds that others can’t (unclear whether the sounds always actually exist), as evidenced by her surprise that Hardison can hear quiet music (The 10 Lil Grifters Job). On his blog (for the same episode discussion), John Rogers says, “[Parker] hears... things all the time. She also sees things a little differently.” The ability to hear and/or inability to ignore certain sounds is a common trait in ASD. Less commonly, auditory hallucinations can also be a trait of ASD.
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Low empathy / difficulty with empathy
“It’s also this whole thing about she wants to do the right thing and trying to understand what the right thing is.“ -Dean Devlin; “Most shows have someone who’s just trying to do the right thing, we actually have a character who’s not sure what that is yet.” -John Rogers (episode commentary, The Long Way Down Job)
Nate and Sophie send Parker to jury duty as practice for “consider[ing] other people’s point of view” (The Juror #6 Job)
“Look, she thought she was doing the right thing, which means she actually thought about what the right thing might be, which is huge for Parker.“ (-Sophie, The Boost Job)
Uses Nate, Sophie, and Hardison as a guide to morality, upset when she can’t follow their example and return the mountain climber to his wife (The Long Way Down Job)
References the team’s influence when deciding to return to steal the Blight, a move which surprises Archie (The Inside Job)
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Speaks less when upset
After the man running the orphanage scam triggers her PTSD, Parker stops talking entirely [+stabs and runs] (The Stork Job)
When they free Hardison from the coffin, Parker is the only one who does not run up to hug him, and is not seen speaking to him again, presumably too overwhelmed (The Grave Danger Job)
When experiencing sensory overload by the heavy shoes, Parker grows very physically tense and more curt (The Queens Gambit Job); she is calmed by Hardison humming
Related note: Parker seems to know at least a small amount of sign language, which she uses while presenting her greeting card ideas to a room of people (The Office Job)
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Food likes / issues
Parker’s favorite food is [a specific brand of] cereal, which she stocks in bulk at her home, as well as Leverage HQ, for easy access, eating it frequently (The Beantown Bailout Job, The Inside Job, etc)
She seems to also enjoy chocolate a lot, although this may just be a joke about Parker liking exclusively sugary foods (The Boiler Room Job)
Parker claims to not like food other than chocolate and donuts. She asks Eliot to help her appreciate food, after seeing that cooking is something he cares about. (The French Connection Job)
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to reblog or reply with any other character traits / episode moments you read as being tied to her ASD, or share any headcanons you have for her. ^_^
Note: Parker is Fictional, so everything about her was a choice made either by writers or her actress. The writers seemed to be writing her intentional neurodivergence  in 3 categories:
1. Multiple sources do confirm that Beth and at least certain writers were portraying her as autistic on purpose; regardless of intention, that is how she comes across.
2.  Parker had a traumatic childhood, so certain behaviors I listed above could have been intended (by writers/Beth) as PTSD / adverse childhood reactions, not particularly ASD.
3. Some writers absolutely threw in traits not mindfully connected with any specific neurodivergency or mental illness, but instead were jokes about Parker being “crazy” or odd.
Despite the 3rd point, Parker is multi-faceted and treated with respect by the show, and is generally regarded as a significant positive portrayal of a ND character. (though complaints for certain choices are valid)
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androgynealienfemme · 2 years
Doctors have denied an American woman on holiday in Malta a potentially life-saving abortion, despite saying her baby had a “zero chance” of survival after she was admitted to hospital with severe bleeding in her 16th week of pregnancy.
Despite an “extreme risk” of haemorrhage and infection, doctors at the Mater Dei hospital in Msida told Andrea Prudente that they would not perform a termination because of the country’s total ban on abortion.
Prudente and her husband are seeking a medical transfer from Malta to the UK, which the couple say is their only option due to the risk to her life. They claim medical staff were uncooperative in their attempts to leave and in sharing medical records with the couple’s insurance company.
“I just want to get out of here alive,” Prudente told the Guardian from her hospital room in Malta’s capital, Valletta. “I couldn’t in my wildest dreams have thought up a nightmare like this.”
Activists in Malta say the case has alarming echoes of the treatment of Savita Halappanavar, who died of sepsis in an Irish hospital in 2012 after doctors refused a request to terminate her pregnancy when she began to miscarry at 17 weeks, due to the abortion ban that was in place in Ireland then.
Malta is the only country in the EU to ban abortion under any circumstances. The only options for those seeking to end a pregnancy on the island nation are to buy illegal abortion medication online or seek a termination overseas.
Prudente, 38, was on holiday with her partner, Jay Weeldreyer, 45, on the island of Gozo on 12 June when she began bleeding heavily in the night.
Doctors in Gozo prescribed her a drug to protect against miscarriage, but two days later when they were back on Malta, the main island, Prudente’s waters broke and she was admitted to St Thomas hospital, where she was told that her placenta had become partially detached.
A follow-up ultrasound 48 hours later found there was no amniotic fluid left in her womb, and the couple were told the baby could not survive. They were also told that because of Malta’s abortion law, there was nothing doctors could do to end the pregnancy as long as the foetus had a heartbeat.
Prudente was transferred to Mater Dei hospital, where she was additionally diagnosed with a ruptured membrane and an umbilical cord that was protruding from her cervix, putting her at even greater risk of haemorrhage and infection. She also tested positive for Covid-19. She is being kept in Covid isolation and receiving antibiotics to ward off infection.
Weeldreyer said medical staff came to check for a foetal heartbeat every day.
“It’s an inconceivable form of emotional and psychological torture,” he said. “Part of me still celebrates hearing the heartbeat … and at the same time, I don’t want that heartbeat there because this is just leading to more suffering for this woman that I love.”
Lara Dimitrijevic, founder of Malta’s Women’s Rights Foundation and the lawyer representing Prudente, said the hospital only provided medical records after she intervened, which has delayed a transfer to the UK.
“It took a day for Andrea to receive her file and we are dealing with an emergency situation,” she said. “Every minute could lend itself to putting Andrea’s life in danger.”
Mater Dei hospital confirmed that it had given Prudente access to her file, but did not comment further on the case.
Prudente said the current advice from Maltese medical staff was for her to leave the hospital and wait at the couple’s hotel for the foetus’s heartbeat to stop or for Prudente to develop an infection, after which they could intervene.
“I feel like I’m being actively traumatised,” she said.
The Women’s Rights Foundation filed a judicial protest last week on behalf of 188 women, claiming the Maltese government’s blanket ban on abortion breached their right to health, privacy and equality. The foundation is now preparing to launch a case challenging the constitutional ban.
Weeldreyer said the couple had no idea that Malta had an abortion ban when they booked the holiday, intended to be a “babymoon”, where they could spend time on a Mediterranean island before the birth of their first child together.
Prudente said she was “desperate” to get off the island and receive appropriate medical care, but also wanted to raise awareness of the situation in Malta to prevent others suffering in the way that she had.
“I don’t want this to happen to more people,” she said.
This is the reality of abortion bans. This is what it leads to. Being asked to wait until you get an infection before you can terminate a dangerous pregnancy.
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