#buy gold bars from bank
bslmgoldgovnet · 25 days
How to Order Gold from Cameroon
How to Order Gold from Cameroon with the Ministry of Mines
How to Order Gold from Cameroon Online at a cheaper price. Where can I buy gold in Cameroon? You can order Gold in Cameroon from the Bertoua Savanna Local Miners (BSLMgold) in Africa Cameroon. Gold Buyers in Cameroon are very generous and helpful. Where To Sell Gold Bullion For Sale online at low rates from trusted vendors in Africa. If you looking for the best Gold Companies in Cameroon in 2023, you will find BSLMgold the number of trusted and reliable Gold suppliers in Africa. Buy Gold In Cameroon has become a priority for all tourists coming to visit our mining companies. We have therefore decided to merge our company with the Ministry of Mines in Cameroon to get the Exit Cemac permit buyers‘ authorization before purchasing Gold in Cameroon.
Where can I find gold in Cameroon?
In Cameroon, there has been more than a decade of increased expansion in small and medium-scale gold mining, particularly in the eastern and Adamawa regions, because of the rising price of the raw material on the world market and the discovery of many deposits.
How to Order Gold from Cameroon without getting Scam from fraud and fake Ministry of Mines website. If you looking to buy Gold in Cameroon from trusted and verified vendors and miners. Make to have the BUYER’s AUTHORIZATION PERMIT to get Gold shipped to the country location. Kindly make sure to download the FORM and fill in the information, Then revert to us for confirmation and application for your AUTHORIZATION PERMIT
Does Cameroon have gold mines?
In Cameroon, gold mining is developing chaotically and remains out of the government’s control. However, statistics from the Cameroonian Ministry of Mines show that gold is one of the most sought-after mineral substances by mining companies in the country. So if you looking to buy or invest in Gold from Cameroon, Buyers must have a Cemac exit buyers permit license from the Ministry of Mines before we can transport Gold out of the country.
Where is the best place to find gold?
Rivers and streambeds are the best places to look for gold. However, there are also several other places where gold can be found. Beaches are another commonplace to find gold. Beaches usually have a lot of sand and sediment, so it is important to look for pure gold in the crevices and cracks. You can also invest in Gold from Cameroon now in 2023 without any problems.
Cemac exit permit license
Ready to purchase gold from Bertoua Savanna Local Miners (BSLMgold) in Africa Cameroon? Not too fast. You may not be quite ready to place an order yet. Before you proceed to the order form, please read this very vital piece of information below.
An EXIT Buyer’s Permit is required by anyone venturing into the business of buying gold and other precious metals in the EXIT region (Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and the Republic of Congo). The EXIT Buyer’s Permit is a license that ensures that every transaction is done, certified, and verified by the government through the Ministry of Mines.
Visit the download page of the Ministry of Mines, Industries and Technological Development or click on this direct like to download the EXIT Buyers Permit Application Form.
Buy Gold from Africa Cameroon.
Bertoua Savanna Local Miners (BSLMgold) in Africa Cameroon’s goal is to have a unique inventory of gold nuggets, bars, and specimens at fair prices for our customers. We price our gold at a level that we know they will sell. I’m sure you have seen mineral dealers on the web who always seem to have the same inventory in stock because their prices are through the roof. Bertoua Savanna Local Miners (BSLMgold) in Africa Cameroon Ltd is NOT one of those sites! We are constantly updating inventory.
The primary purpose of the EXIT Buyer’s Permit issued by the Ministry of Mines is to authenticate the buyer and give him/her the legal right to purchase gold and other minerals in Cameroon. No authorized seller is permitted to sell to anyone who does not hold a valid EXIT Buyer’s Permit. NOTE: Inex Mint Will Take Care Of The Exit Buyer’s Permit If Your Order Is Above $10000
Exit Permits cost
 Three-year permit – 5,500$ USD
 Five Years Permits – 7,500 $ USD
Note: Before buying from any seller in Cameroon, please request their seller’s license and check for its validity on the License Verification Page. If you notice that someone claiming to be a seller gave you an invalid license number, please contact us for advice on how to proceed with your engagement because such a seller may not be authentic. How to invest in Cameroon Gold now in 2023 with the Bertoua Savanna Local Miners (BSLMgold) in Africa Cameroon.
Additionally, after Buying the permit, you are expected to pay the spot Shipment fee as a blow.
After the presentation of the Exit Permit & Authorization of Spot Shipment document, the courier will now begin with the delivery of Gold to the Buyer’s Refinery anywhere in the World. Gold Companies in Cameroon
Cost of the Authorization of Spot Shipment Document
The cost depends on the quantity of gold or diamond.
For Gold:
1-30 Kilos= $4000 31-50 Kilos= $7000 100-500 Kilos=$10,000 500-1000 Kilos= $18,000
For Rough Uncut Diamonds:
10-50 Carats= $3000 51-200 Carats= $6000 201-500 Carat= $8000 501-5000 Carats= $10,000 5001-25000 Carats= $15,000
We are now working with verified Gold investors located in Cameroon. So kindly note that this is the official procedure and requirement for everyone wishing to buy gold from Cameroon legally. We advise you to respect all these procedures so that we can all grow.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
5 years he's been in hiding.
5 miserable years he's had to go by a different name, wear different clothes and tell a different story to everyone he meets. He's been James, Frank, he thinks he even went by Dustin at one point. He's had long hair, short hair, he's been bald. He had a beard for a while and taught music in a small music store, but he shaved it off after a week because all he saw in the mirror was Wayne, his uncle, his family, the man he abandoned.
For 5 years, he's been everyone but Eddie Munson.
The government told him he couldn't be Eddie anymore.
"Eddie Munson is dead." They told him; they even had the death certificate to prove it. "Don't come back to Hawkins. Keep moving. There are still people looking for you." Was the last thing they said to him before dropping him off with a wad of cash in some town he's never been to before.
He'd asked for the date at the front desk of a motel, and they'd told him April 20th. Eddie had crumbled down to his knees and cried, he'd cried so hard the motel clerk asked if she should call someone, asked if he was alright.
"I'm fine." Was his broken reply. He'd taken the key for his room, curled up on the uncomfortable bed, and didn’t move for days. He wasn't alright. He'd been in a government hospital for what he thought was a few days but was actually over a month and then released into the world like some rehabilitated animal. He didn't get to say goodbye to anyone. Fuck, he didn't even know if they all made it out of the upside down. All he knew was that he was alone. And that he couldn't go home. Ever.
He'd eventually gotten over himself and made some kind of life for himself.
It took him a few tries to find something that stuck, something that felt sort of like himself. Every few months, an ungodly amount of money appears in his bank account. The formal bank statement says it's from an estranged relative. Eddie knows it's not. He knows it's the government's way of buying his silence. His expensive rent and struggle to find a job is the only reason he doesn't send it all back to them.
He's lived in his current place for a year now, which is a new record for him, but he's got no friends. Well, he has acquaintances, people he can laugh with every now and then and go out for drinks with, but no one who knows him. No one who knows why he wakes every night screaming, no one who understands why he flinches when the lights in the bar flicker, why he hates the sound of people cracking their knuckles and why his hands shake whenever anyone mentions the scar on his face.
It's late at night when he's covered in sweat and his throat is raw from screaming awake from a nightmare, that he really misses his friends, his family, the people that he went through hell with. He's not allowed to call them, not allowed to send them letters or visit. He's not even allowed to know how Wayne is doing. It hurts. It hurts so much. He can't even look at himself in the mirror anymore because he's aged, and he's slowly starting to look more and more like his uncle.
But his friends are a little harder to escape, it's like parts of them have found him and are trying to haunt him, trying to remind him that he can't be a part of their lives.
Just last week, he walked by a book store and saw a brand new fantasy graphic novel on display in the window, 'written by Mike Wheeler & illustrated by Will Byers' was displayed on the bottom of the cover in gold letters. He's never bought a book so fast in his life. He's read it front to back 3 times already.
He can't even watch the news in peace because they were doing a news story about a small town basketball player who's made it to the big leagues and is winning everyone's hearts with his skills and bright personality. Eddie had cried and wished he'd been there to congratulate Lucas, wished he could have been there to tell him how proud he was.
Even Nancy is haunting him. Her news articles get delivered to his front door every day in the paper and most of the time the articles aren't even sad, but he cries at his small dining table alone, his breakfast cold and his coffee filled with his tears.
He misses his friends. He misses them so much and it's eating him alive. It feels like he's lying on the ground of the upside down all over again, tiny little mouths ripping away at his flesh except this time it's happening from the inside. Each time he's reminded how far away he is from his friends, a small piece of him is eaten away.
He doesn't know how much more he can take.
And then something odd happens. He gets a postcard and it's addressed to him, the real him; Eddie Munson.
The handwriting is hard to read and some words have been crossed out but the name signed at the bottom of the card pulls a sob from Eddie's throat and has him almost crumbling on his doorstep.
I'm sorry I took so long. I'll see you soon.
From Steve Harrington.
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madaqueue · 2 months
Dripping in Gold | Chapter 1
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synopsis: finding a job was never easy, and why even bother trying after you meet satoru gojo, a man with mysterious and exorbitant wealth, who wants nothing more than to spoil you with it? the only caveat to your little arrangement is that it can never, ever, become personal.
pairing: satoru gojo x f!reader
themes/content: non-curse modern au, sugar daddy gojo. language, angst, light smut. alcohol mention, masturbation (f). 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.6k
a/n: IT'S HERE AHHHH hope y'all like this one :)
series masterlist | next chapter
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God, I need to get a job.
The afternoon sun filters in through the blinds as you scroll through your phone, trying to distract yourself from the reality of your future. You graduated college months ago and still have no idea what you want to do or how to do it. Application after application, shitty interview after shitty interview, and you’re still no further into the career that’s supposed to be the rest of your life.
Sighing, you prop yourself up on your elbows in bed to take in the space around you - clothes were strewn across the floor of your studio apartment, dirty dishes piled in the sink, empty takeout containers from restaurants you certainly couldn’t afford to be eating at. It was all just too much.
Eh, I’ll get around to it, you think, laying back into the pillows and returning to your phone. You navigate to check your bank account, just to see the damage that months of unemployment have done.
“Balance: $68.06”
Shit. That’s not even enough to make rent this month, and even if you did have a job lined up you’ve already asked your landlord for one extension on your payments and he did not seem very open to the prospect of doing it again.
Trying to shut out the thought of possibly losing your apartment, you move over to Instagram to quiet the dread building inside of you. Scrolling through posts of your friends on yachts, traveling the country, eating expensive dinners with expensive-looking people, you only feel like more of a failure.
How are they able to do it? I mean, sure, they at least have jobs, but none of them pay well enough to do this, right?
You hover over one of your friend’s pictures, trying to recognize the incredibly well-dressed, albeit much older, man she’s seated across from. As you zoom in, it suddenly clicks - her new jewelry, the expensive bottle of champagne, fresh nails, styled hair - and you remember your conversation with her the last time you saw each other.
You were both out at a bar and she kept buying rounds of shots for you and all your friends.
“Dude, not to be a total dick, but how are you able to afford all this?” you shout over the music blasting through the speakers.
“Oh m’god, you aren’t gonna believe it” she slurs slightly, “there’s this app where rich guys pay you to just go on dates with ‘em, I jus’ gotta keep lookin’ pretty and they pay me so much.”
“Don’t you have to, like, fuck them though?” you ask, curiously raising an eyebrow.
“Only if y’wanna! You’re not really supposed to, but they pay you a lot more!” she grins.
At the time you pushed the conversation to the back of your mind and promptly forgot about it after a few more drinks, but now the realization crashes over you.
No, there’s no way. You try to shake the idea out of your mind - were you seriously considering getting a sugar daddy before getting a job?
She did make it sound pretty easy though…and I mean, it’s just dates, right?
You hesitantly pull out your laptop to search for the website she had mentioned. There’s no harm in just checking it out, you try to rationalize. Before you know it, you’ve set up a profile and have picked out a few pictures of yourself that make you look particularly hot - you out at a bar, you on the beach, you with your friends.
After you finalize your profile, the screen suddenly fills with pictures of, frankly, less-than-attractive older men. You roll your eyes and scoff at your own stupidity for even considering this idea, starting to shut your laptop before something catches your eye in the corner of the screen.
Bright white hair and piercing blue eyes look back at you through the computer. Holy shit, he’s hot, you think as you move your mouse to click on his profile.
Bio: “My name’s Gojo, but you can call me yours 🥰 23, casual only”
Okay, so he’s hot, rich, and practically the same age as you? You feel like you’ve struck gold. Besides, he only wants something casual, which is all you’re interested in anyways since you still need to focus on finding a job eventually, but this could at least help you financially bridge the gap between then and now.
Swiping up, you decide to just send him a message and hope for the best; after all, the worst he can say is no.
You: Gojo, I need you to be fr with me - does that pickup line in your bio ever actually work?
Sighing, you move to close your computer as you wait for him to respond, but a message pops up almost instantly.
Gojo: Why don’t you find out tonight over dinner - 7:30 work for you?
A smile starts to form on your lips - this was almost too easy. The two of you briefly confirm the details of your first date before you finally shut your laptop and start getting ready.
Standing outside of the restaurant, you’re suddenly hit with a wave of nervousness as the reality of what you’re about to do sets in.
There’s no way this is a good idea - maybe I should just go home. No, no, I’ve made it this far, and I really do need the money.
You inhale a shaky breath as you try to steady yourself before reaching for the door and walking inside. The restaurant is beautiful, the scent of fresh bread and herbs hitting your nose as soon as your feet step onto the dark wood of the floor. The deep red walls make the space feel cozy, intimately lit with candles and a chandelier hanging overhead. You glance down at the burgundy dress and black heels you decided on since they were the nicest clothes you owned, yet you still feel slightly underdressed.
Glancing around the restaurant, the white-haired man is nowhere to be found. “Hi, um, I’m here to meet someone,” you hesitantly explain to the person at the host stand.
“Ah yes, you must be with Mr. Gojo. Right this way,” he gestures for you to follow him. He leads you through the restaurant to the far back corner, unveiling a small room that was initially hidden behind a curtain.
As you adjust to the dim lighting, you glance around the new space in front of you: a single table with roses placed in the middle, and on one side sits perhaps the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. He smiles at you as those bright blue eyes meet yours before they slowly move down and up your body, taking you all in.
“Well, aren’t you a treat,” he grins before getting up to pull out the empty chair for you.
When he stands up you allow your gaze to cover him as your eyes shift up to his white locks then down across his black suit, adorned with a dark red tie that somehow perfectly matches your dress.
“You aren’t half-bad yourself,” you respond as you move across the small space to sit down.
“Careful now, don’t flatter me too much or it’ll go to my head,” he smirks as he returns to his seat across from you. He places his elbow on the table and rests his chin in his palm, staring at you.
Trying to break the silence, you murmur, “This place is nice.”
“Mhm,” he hums, eyes never leaving your face.
“So, um, what do you do?” you continue, desperately trying to loosen the pressure you feel from his gaze.
“Do you care?” he taunts, tilting his head to the side with that same smirk on his face.
“W-well, I-” you stammer.
“It’s okay sweetheart, I’m not offended. You’re here because I’m paying you, and I’m here because I wanted to sit across from a beautiful woman. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that,” he smiles.
The combination of the pet name and him calling you beautiful suddenly makes your cheeks flush and you look down at the table, trying to hide your reddening face.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your chin as Gojo gently tilts your head back up. “Eyes up here, princess,” he purrs. “After all, what’s the point of this little date if I can’t even look at you?”
Something about his touch, his voice, his words has your heart fluttering in your chest. You’ve never been nervous like this over a guy before, and you’ve barely just met him.
You swallow, trying to keep your eyes on his but it almost feels like he’s seeing into you, somehow able to view the depths of your soul. You feel naked in front of him, like he’s looking at your very essence.
After what feels like an eternity, he finally breaks the eye contact with a chuckle. “Sorry, I know I can come off a little intense sometimes. You’re just so gorgeous it feels like I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t try to take it all in.”
A sigh escapes your lips as you finally tear your gaze away from him, softly laughing at the compliment.
The rest of the date goes smoothly - he orders the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu and tells you to get whatever you want, since it’s obviously his treat. The conversation flows easily between the two of you, and you find yourself genuinely enjoying your time with him. When it comes time to leave, he thanks you for spending the night with him and gives you his phone number in case you ever want to go out again. As you part ways to walk towards your car, you get a notification from your bank.
Holy. Shit.
Your eyes widen at the screen. Gojo sent you $2,000.
You almost feel dizzy, not having had this much money at once in nearly months. Now you can pay rent and buy groceries and do all the other stuff you were too broke to do. Sitting in your car, you let out a squeal of excitement.
Unfortunately, your joy gets cut short as you go to turn your car on, the key turning repeatedly in the ignition as it stalls out.
Of course, you think, the one time I don’t put gas in this goddamn thing. To your credit, you really couldn’t afford it, and it had lasted longer on empty before. You had also neglected the oil change, and the tire rotation, and the other maintenance the mechanic kept emailing you was overdue, but how were you supposed to pay for all that anyways? Not knowing what to do, you pull out your phone to call someone to help you. As you unlock it, you’re met with Gojo’s contact information he just put in.
I mean, he would definitely help me. And I know he can afford gas. Sighing, you call him.
He answers almost immediately. “Miss me already?”
You want to roll your eyes at his cockiness, but you really do need his help. “My piece of shit car won’t turn on, and I figured you’re probably still close to the restaurant, could you help?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart. I’ll be there in a minute.” Even after just one date, it’s like you can practically hear his smile through the phone.
As promised, he arrives a few minutes later. He drives up in a sleek, black Porsche that has windows so tinted you wouldn’t be able to see inside if he hadn’t rolled his window down. Of course he drives a nice car, you think to yourself.
“Your savior has arrived,” he smirks, leaning his head out the window at you where you stand against your car. Opening the passenger side door reveals the interior of the vehicle, which is just as nice as the outside, with black leather seats and an all-black console. “You know, this is usually the part where you say thank you.” He turns to face you as the scent of his cologne hits you, something woody and crisp.
“Thanks,” you mutter as you settle into the comfortable seat. “You can just take me home.”
“On it,” he responds with a salute.
The drive is quiet as you spiral into your thoughts. How am I supposed to get a job now if I can’t even drive to an interview? How am I even supposed to get groceries? Can I just leave my car at the restaurant? Where else would I even take it? How am I supposed to afford this? Fuck.
Gojo clears his throat next to you, pulling you out of your mind. “You alright over there, sweetheart?”
“Y-yeah, sorry,” you stutter, “just stressed.”
He glances over at you out of the corner of his eyes. “Well, what if I could help you be a little less stressed?”
“Oh yeah, and how would you do that exactly?” Looking down, you suddenly notice his hand on your thigh, his thumb moving in slow circles along your skin. The gentle sensation makes you feel flustered as heat begins to pool between your legs.
Am I seriously about to fuck this guy I just met?
Before you can say anything else, Gojo continues. “How about you use my car while I get yours sorted out for you, hm?” A look of surprise flashes across your face at his kindness and lack of sexual proposition. “What, not the offer you were expecting?” he smirks.
“Gojo, I-” you start.
“Look, princess, I want to do this. Let me help you, please?” he pleads.
“Fine,” you relent, “but I owe you one, seriously.”
“Don’t worry about it. But, if you really insist, I’m sure we can figure out a way for you to repay me at some point.” You tilt your head to look at him as his eyes meet yours, a glint of mischief in his blue irises.
After a few more minutes of him flirting with you, his hand never leaving your thigh, Gojo finally pulls up to your apartment building. Stepping out of the car, he hands you the keys and reminds you not to worry, that he’ll take care of everything. You thank him again as you walk inside - he insists you don’t wait outside while he waits for his ride home - and he sends you off with a wave.
Walking into your apartment, your thoughts swirl in your mind as you replay the events that just transpired. How did you manage to find this rich, handsome, courteous man? More importantly, what’s the catch? If he’s truly as good as he seems, why was he on that website in the first place?
Sighing, you flop onto your bed and peel off your dress, tossing it into the accumulating pile of clothes on the floor. Your skin feels warm where he touched you, a part of you wishing he had inched higher. Before you realize you’re doing it, your hands traverse down your body between your legs, gently pulling your panties to the side.
As you rub over your clit, you picture how his soft fingertips would feel against you, how good those long fingers would feel inside you, beckoning you towards your release. Your other hand traces up your chest, gently cupping your breast as you toy with your firm nipple. His name escapes your mouth as you feel yourself getting closer, eyes shut as you picture him. “Gojo,” you can’t stop yourself from moaning into the empty room as your orgasm hits you, legs shaking, the thought of him the only thing on your mind.
Your breathing slows as you come down from your high, heart still pounding in your chest.
Well, that settles it, you think as you sit up. I guess I am going to fuck him.
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rayeee10101 · 9 months
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐮 𝐑𝐃𝐑𝟐 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
(might do another one for the girls in the gang idk and if this doesn't exactly match the characters were going to pretend it does so don't come for me)
Characters ~ Arthur, John, Javier, Dutch, Hosea, Sean, Charles, and Kieran (this is not in order lol)
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Arthur Morgan
Ok, as we said in another post he's definitely a truck driver.
He always has his dog with him no matter where he goes and he most likely has one of those giant bloodhound dogs or a bird dog. Maybe even a stray cat he found in a parking lot, who knows with him?
He probably pulls over on the side of the road to sketch some of the scenery he sees and it most likely causes him to be late to places he needs to be but oh well.
LOVES to put different stickers on his truck and to blow the horn for little kids that wave at him sometimes.
His dog is absolutely spoiled, having a giant bed in the passenger seat and probably over 20+ toys because Arthur can't help himself when he sees new toys or treats.
He's always uploading poorly taken selfies of him and his dog onto facebook (lets be real he's almost 40, he's most def uses facebook)
Dutch Vanderlinde
Let's be real, Dutch owns one of those fake gold shops that try to scam you and sell you fake jewelry, I don't make the rules that's just how it is.
But Dutch is good at his job, even if what he's selling you is fake he'd probably be able to convince you it was real by the end of the conversation.
Takes major pride in his business
Actually makes pretty good money considering he's a good liar lmao.
He def talked John into buying a fake diamond necklace for Abigail, John didn't realize he'd been scammed until Arthur pointed it out lol
Probably would give his S/O fake jewelry from his shop because he is cheap
"It's the thought that counts," he would tell his S/O when they point out that the ring he gave them wasn't real.
Somehow has managed to avoid countless law suits, no one really knows how though
He probably uses his shop as a cover up for money laundering ngl
Hosea Matthews
This ones difficult
lowkey feel like he'd work in a bank
Doesn't question where the large sums of money Dutch deposits comes from because he doesn't want to know lol
Has a picture of John and Arthur hanging up in his office
always having to lecture John on not falling for internet scams because this is like the 5th time he's had to freeze his bank account for fraud.
Always turning Dutch away because he tries to take out loans for stupid things that he doesn't need
Has to help John get back the money Dutch scammed from him ofc
Hosea likes his job though, it pays well and he gets his own office so what is there to complain about? 
John Marston
I wanna say he works in a zoo and has to deal without wolves just to be funny but I honestly see him being a mechanic
Always working on Arthur's truck when something happens to it.
Likes to teach Jack how to work on cars also, he considers it their "father, son bonding time"
Buys Jack the nicest truck when Jack is old enough to drive.
Has had to fix Sean's car after he drove it into a tree because he thought it was a good idea to drink and drive.
Drives around a classic car that no one else is allowed to touch or he'll have a stroke right there and then.
Everyone in the town comes to him when they need work done on their car, he even opened up his own show eventually
Javier Escuella
Ok, so I see him working as a singer in a bar, like with a cover band or something
he even performs his own songs that he wrote some nights
people love him
he actually has a lot of followers on social media from posting his music and videos of him playing guitar
if him and his s/o have a kid he definitely teaches them how to play guitar from a young age.
writes songs for his s/o
all the guys come and watch him perform some nights when they are all in town at the same time.
makes youtube tutorials on how to play songs on the guitar.
the other guys are convinced that he's going to become famous one day
Charles Smith
I see him working in an animal sanctuary for endangered animals or hurt animals
Definitely becomes best friends with a literal bear and treats it like your everyday normal pet.
Forms strong bonds with every animals he works with, something about his aurora is calming to be around
Doesn't allow John near the wolves when he visits.
Has had to stop Sean from trying to climb into the lion enclosure more times than he can count
He lets Dutch, Arthur, and Kieran come to visit some of the horses he takes care of.
He does volunteer work with animal shelters and other things like that.
Major animal lover in general, probably dog sits Arthur's dog whenever Arthur can't bring him somewhere
Sean Mcguire
This man CANNOT hold a job
Its not that he's lazy (he is) he just gets bored quickly and hops from job to job.
No one actually knows how he affords his apartment, Hosea is convinced he's selling drugs
He usually works in fast food places for a little bit just to make some quick cash.
Has shown up to work drunk a few times ngl
if he has an s/o he probably shows up to their job whenever their working to annoy them
Tried to get hired at a bar but that most definitely didn't last long considering he got plastered on the first night of the job
He probably is selling drugs but I mean, money is money?
Kieran Duffy
We already know the answer to this, he works at a stable
Tried to get a job with Charles but they didn't hire him :(
LOVES working at the stable, he basically gets to play with horses for most of the day
If him and his s/o have a kid he's definitely teaching them how to ride a horse before they can even walk
is always showing his s/o pictures of different horses he gets to work with
probably is in facebook groups for horses
he's a horsegirl
he owns his own horses too and always makes sure they look pristine and perfect
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dawn-moths · 1 year
“Ivory for Ebony, Rust for Gold”
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Undertaker x Female Reader
*this is a prologue to my “Cause to Start a Vendetta” series.
word count: 15,400+
(Struggling to pay this month’s rent and fighting about who among you and your roommates needs to pick up some extra hours at work, one of them makes a harsh comment that you should just get a sugar daddy to deal with your financial troubles since that’s all you’re probably good for. To her it was just a hurtful, sarcastic remark. But to you, it's an idea, an opportunity for revenge in its own twisted way. Because if you were going to let someone tell you what to do, they could at least be willing to treat you to some nice clothes and expensive dates. So when you match with the mysterious and dark yet beautiful and wealthy “Undertaker” on a dating app and he actually extends the invitation to take you out, how could you possibly deny?)
content warning/disclaimer: 18+ content! minors dni! most of this is fluff with smut at the end, dating apps, daddy kink, sub/dom dynamics, size kink, loss of virginity.
*ao3 mirror*
Your alarm went off at eight AM.
You could say “bright and early” if not for the fact that the sky that blanketed London was a pale, gloomy grey more often than not.
You jabbed at the screen of your phone to silence the irritating shrill of the alarm, heaving out a deep sigh as you rolled over and sat on the edge of your bed, running your fingers through your tousled hair to try and untangle some of the knots that had formed during sleep.
Another day… You thought to yourself, despondent as you stared in a daze out the window, black cabs dotting the streets as they mixed in with the traffic of people on their way to work or school.
You and a college friend of yours had tossed around the idea of moving in together in London for a few semesters before you’d both finally pulled your meager funds into one pot and committed to it. You’d had to find a third member to join the flat if you wanted to be able to afford it, and your friend had known someone who seemed like she’d be a good match.
And it had been fun, at first— a new and exciting experience that had led to so many late nights out hopping from clubs to pubs and somehow stumbling your way back to the apartment with only half the night’s memories intact.
You’d met so many interesting people, made a few new friends, had gotten used to weekend get-togethers and house parties that you’d thought would last forever.
But again, that was in the beginning.
Y’know, when you’d still had some extra money in your bank account to play with— to burn.
Now, nearly two years later, all three of you were struggling.
Because the days of bar hopping in the tightest minidresses you owned and having handsome strangers buy you round after round of whatever you were in the mood for that night had seemingly come and gone. There hadn’t been an invite to a weekend hangout or a house party in what felt like forever. At least, not one that you had time to attend.
Because all your lives now only consisted of two things— school and work.
And you were getting tired of both.
The sound of your roommates chatting quietly out in the kitchen beyond your bedroom door pulled you from your daze momentarily as you tried to hone in on what they were saying. They spoke with a hushed kind of urgency— the perfect tone to use when discussing secrets.
You snuck up to the door and pressed your ear to the crack, listening in.
“Well I don’t have time to pick up any extra hours with my schedule!” the girl who was the friend of your friend insisted, the words whispered with the intention to be taken as a very quiet shout. “Not to mention I have a ton of stuff to do before grad school!”
“Yeah, and I’m about to start my senior thesis which is gonna eat up all my free time so I can’t get another job either…” your actual friend countered, sounding more conflicted than riled up.
You then heard your name being thrown around, something about how you were the one who seemed most likely to be able to pick up some of the slack.
You didn’t like where this conversation was going yet you couldn’t stop listening. Couldn’t make yourself known to be eavesdropping yet either.
“She doesn’t even care about school!” Your third roommate continued, clearly upset with the situation but willing to throw you into the fire if it meant sparing herself. You’d found out after a couple months of living with her that she was the top of her class, teacher’s pet type. The days she didn’t brag about the prestigious grad school she’d gotten into were few and far between. “We all know she’s a C’s get degrees kind of girl anyway. She should be the one who has to go out and get another job, not one of us who actually have a career waiting after graduation.”
That particular dig cut you especially deep.
Sure, you might not’ve been the most studious member among your flatmates, but you had your own set of strengths.
Like, for instance, you could sweet talk your way out of getting written up for being late for class almost every single time. It didn’t matter which professor was chewing you out for skipping a lecture or not turning an assignment in on time, you’d mastered how to get off with a warning with each and every one of them.
And you were great at fashion advice. If it wasn’t for your knack for perfectly balanced color combinations and precisely pieced together aesthetics when it came to jewelry and clothing then your roommates would’ve never gotten past any of the bouncers that guarded the entrances to the popular nightclubs you all used to frequent. You could turn even the most timid and awkward girl into a drop dead gorgeous ten with the right hairstyle and shade of lipstick. 
And— and this part was what made the comment that had just been said about you particularly hard to swallow— you were always there for your friends. You’d been their shoulder to cry on so many times, had taken them out for milkshakes and a movie after a breakup or saved them from having a one night stand with some fuck boy that you knew was just going to hump ‘em and dump ‘em because you practically made it your job to stay up to date on all the latest rumors and juiciest gossip.
But, despite the harshness of their opinion on your academic skills, you knew that, with the full context, they were right.
Because rent was almost due again and you’d all just barely scraped by for the past couple of months.
That was the price you paid for living in the heart of the city— the city that you barely even went into anymore since, despite what they thought you did with your free time, you were trying to study a little more, maybe earn yourself a B instead of skating by with C’s…
When they’d asked you if you wanted to renew the lease for another year, you’d just said yes, not wanting to have to scramble to find new people to live with or move back into campus living where you couldn’t even have your own space.
But now things were getting desperate.
Tensions were rising among all of you over this and you didn’t want to have to be the one to give in when you felt like you were just getting motivated to try and raise your GPA.
But you knew you would, in the end. Because you always gave in, let them bully you into submission as they talked you in circles and convinced you that it would just be for a little bit, that you’d only have to take a couple extra shifts until you guys were all caught up.
“Alright, well, just let me talk to her about it…” your friend suggested, sounding sort of sympathetic, though she still wasn’t willing to take on the extra responsibility so long as there was someone else available to carry the weight. “I don’t think she’s gonna be happy about it though—”
Both of their heads turned to stare at you as your bedroom door swung open.
“Who won’t be happy about what?” you asked then, trying to act innocent but still letting a little edge of irritation slip into your tone.
The stiffened posture of your startled roommates softened a bit as they sighed.
“It’s the rent…” your friend went to say. “We’re not gonna be able to pay it this month unless—”
“You need to pick up some more hours at work,” the pushier of the two cut in, crossing her arms and giving you a stern look which only flared the crackling embers of your annoyance.
But the longer she glared at you, just like always, you could feel yourself beginning to back down. You wanted to be able to hold your ground, to tell her that she had no right to make such demands of you, but instead you just averted your gaze and let her keep trying to tell you what to do. “It won’t be forever, just until we can catch up on the bills. I’m too busy with all of my already existing school and work obligations and she—” She gestured to your friend who was looking at you apologetically. “She’s got her senior thesis to work on.”
Your little hands were nervously fidgeting with themselves— a habit you’d long been attempting to break since it was a dead giveaway for your anxiety— but you forced yourself to look back up at your rudely assuming roommate as you protested, a slight scowl twitching timidly on your brow, “Well… I’m still in school too. And I have a big test coming up. I don’t think I—”
“Oh, please,” she scoffed, shooting you a condescending smirk. Her words only became even more patronizing as her tone liltingly insulted, “We all know that the only reason you’re even still going to class is because Mommy and Daddy are paying your tuition and you feel bad about letting them down.” You flinched at the sheer audacity of her assumption— even if the part about your parents paying for your education was correct— and felt tears threaten to well in your vision, the back of your nose pickling with the unpleasant emotion.
“That’s not—” you tried to say, but she interrupted again, clearly in the mood to get out all the horrible things she’d ever thought about you in that particular moment.
“And your little cutesy, innocent act doesn’t really work. Not on me, at least.” Your actual friend then shot your roommate a warning glare as she hissed her name. Still, she continued, stepping closer to you as you stood in the doorway and fought to hold back your frustrated tears. “You think I don’t hear you through the wall when you’re on the phone with whoever talking about how—” she then went to imitate your voice in a dumb, high pitched, mocking tone, “you just like, really wish you could drop out already because you don’t even like what you’re studying and this is totally a waste of your time.”
“That’s enough!” your friend raised her voice over the unnecessarily cruel argument. But your roommate wasn’t done showing her true colors just yet. She was going to paint over you with all her harsh, petty shades until even your tears couldn’t wash away the bleak pigment.
“I mean, really. I don’t get how you even got accepted into this school to begin with.” She was standing over you now, glaring down at you as her condescending comments finally pulled the tears from your eyes to streak shimmering lines down your cheeks in pairs. “You’d do better for all of us if you just quit now and worked full time. Then at least you’d be serving a purpose other than desperately trying to hook up with one of the sport’s team captains or offering favors to your professors in exchange for a barely passing grade.”
“I never—!”
“Don’t try and act like that’s not the truth! You just—”
“I said that’s fucking enough!” Both you and your bitch of a roommate turned to look at your friend, who wore an expression of genuine anger now. Her eyes were wide and her shoulders shaking as she nudged her way past the bully who’d just berated you to stand by your side, putting her arms around you as you tried to silence the sobs that were hitching in your chest and scowling hard at the girl who was responsible for breaking you.
“Don’t talk to her like that!” she went on, now shouting and causing your roommate to back down a bit. “Just because she doesn’t feel the same way about school as you do doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the same right to an education! Maybe if you got down from your high horse once in a while you’d realize that you’re not the only one who’s stressed out right now!”
You were glad that your friend was actually defending you so openly. In the past, when your roommate had made little remarks about you to your face or behind your back, your friend hadn’t had it in her to tell her off. She’d just come to you when you were sulking in your room and offer to console you privately.
Still though, after what had just been said, you doubted you could stand to live under the same roof as her for much longer.
The worst part was that you couldn’t just up and leave. Then you’d be abandoning your friend, aside from breaking a lease, and you couldn’t do that to her right now. Not when it was still a struggle to pay the rent with all three of you.
“I’m sorry, but it didn’t sound like you were very willing to go out and get another job!” your confrontational roommate continued. “And I don’t know how many times I have to repeat the fact that I can’t do it because I—”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it!” your friend shot back, still embracing you in solidarity. “You’re smarter and more important than everyone! Would you just get a grip?”
“Oh so now you’re just gonna act like you weren’t agreeing with me two seconds ago?!”
“Y’know what, you’re such a—!”
“Please stop!” you bellowed over the bitter arguing. Your face was a mess, all tear-streaked and red from embarrassment and anger. “Just stop it! Please…”
You began to wipe away your tears, sniffling and trying to catch your breath so you could get a clear sentence out while you had both of their attention.
“I’ll do it, alright…” you caved, shooting the instigator a scathing glare. “I’ll get some extra fucking hours. Just stop talking to me like I’m stupid!” You’d looked your horrible, hurtful roommate in the eyes as you’d spit the word, hoping it sounded like a warning to back off more than a pitiful plea to leave you alone.
She rolled her eyes and scoffed at your sensitivity, turning to grab her bag and head out the door as she added on one final jab at your character, “If you don’t wanna work, why don’t you just make this easier on all of us and find yourself a sugar daddy to pay for your share of the rent? Shouldn’t be hard, given your track record.”
Your friend called after her to come back and apologize as the door to the flat slammed and she disappeared from your sight. You never wanted to see her again, hoped she got hit by a cab or a bus on her way home. When you realized how evil that sounded, you hoped she failed her next test or assignment instead. That would kill her in its own way. And, god, you were just so angry. Because you’d given in again, and to someone who’d said such awful, unforgivable things about you no less.
“I’m so sorry that she said all of that…” your friend attempted to comfort you again as you retreated into your room to change into some clean clothes and aggressively shove your books into your bag. “I’m gonna talk to her. Get her to apologize. And, look, you don’t have to pick up extra hours at work. I know you hate that job. We’ll figure something out, ok…”
You were just about to sadly assure your friend that she didn’t have to go that far. That you’d just take some additional shifts but that the moment you could get out of the lease, you would.
But then your roommates insults came back to you, echoing around in your head until the sarcastic slander turned into a mischievous motivation.
Why don’t you just make this easier on all of us and find yourself a sugar daddy to pay for your share of the rent?
There were apps for that, ones that you could specifically swipe through profiles of wealthy men looking for young, cute girls like yourself until you matched with one. You knew other girls who’d done it, who’d gotten a pair of diamond earrings or a five star dinner date out of it at the very least, if not a casual relationship.
If they could do it, then why couldn’t you?
Shouldn’t be hard, given your track record.
What she’d said about the hookups and the favors weren’t true. You just had a natural talent for getting what you wanted from men, young or old. You knew how to look up at them through your long lashes and give those cute little giggles when they said something that wasn’t even really that funny. You knew which skirts or dresses to wear that drew them to you, made them lose their train of thought as they ogled your appearance, wishing— dreaming— that you’d let them close enough to see what was underneath.
But you always knew when to pull back, when to leave them wanting more.
You were a bit of a tease, sure, you couldn’t deny that. But you weren’t a slut like your roommate seemed to think you were, letting anyone with a dick just stick it in without any effort.
Because, despite the fact that you lived in a shared flat and not a palace, you were a princess, too perfect and pretty for just anyone to have.
You needed someone who would cherish you. Someone who knew how to treat you right in all the ways you deserved.
And while a random man from a sugar daddy dating app wasn’t necessarily in it for the long haul, you did have a feeling someone drawn to that sort of relationship might like to show off— whether it be by his wealth or the pretty girl under his arm— and maybe play the part of a gentleman when taking you out on dates.
So yeah. Later that day during a break in between classes you’d downloaded the app, set up your own profile, and started swiping.
Your roommate could just go fuck herself.
With the way she only had time for her textbook, you figured it was the only way she was ever getting any.
But you’d find someone, even if it was just out of spite, and not only would he help you pay your rent for the remainder of the lease, but he’d do something that showed your roommate that girls like you were smarter than they looked.
Because you could make a man’s bank account bend to your will, so long as your body was willing to bend to his. And that wasn’t a skill you could learn in any classroom.
Once you’d returned home to the flat, you’d gone straight to your room, completely ignoring your roommate the same as she was ignoring you, the tension between the two of you thick enough to be cut with a knife.
Your gaze was glued to your phone while hers was glued to her required reading, and while she was probably thinking that you were slacking off again, you were actually hard at work.
Because you’d already gotten five matches an hour after you’d begun swiping through photos. Now you were studying, trying to figure out which option was going to be your best bet.
This was actually a little harder than you’d thought it’d be, if you were being honest. When it came to looks in your final five, you were spoiled for choice. However, it was the messaging aspect of the equation where things got a little… complicated.
There was one man— a Viscount, as his profile very clearly stated— who had long, silky blonde hair and was shamelessly flaunting his abundant status and wealth, each of his pictures displaying himself surrounded with exotic scenery from a vacation or posing wearing luxurious designer brand clothing with a foreign fashion week in the background.
But his propositions to you through your texts weren’t as elegant as his image implied.
Right away he wanted to know if you could meet for sex. He’d asked if you were a virgin— which you didn’t disclose to him and instead talked around with playful replies and winking emojis— and had given you his hotel suite number as he was currently staying in The Langham in London.
He was rather insistent that you pay him a visit and you were starting to get a bad feeling about him, like if you agreed to meet with him and actually went through with it you might not return to your flat after all was said and done.
And not in a he’s swept me off my feet and we’re flying to Mykonos way.
More like a he’s going to kidnap me and lock me in some weird sex dungeon kind of way.
You decided to unmatch with him, crossing him off your mental list of potential men, and moved onto the next one.
The second suitor was also on the younger end of the spectrum, like the Viscount, though still older than you. His name was Charles Grey, and you found him rather striking with his silver-blue eyes and sleek white hair. He looked like trouble right off the bat with that sly smirk and side glance that he hosted in most of his photos, but he appeared to keep himself on a little tighter leash than your first match.
In his messages to you, however, he seemed pretty uninterested despite the fact that he’d obviously found you attractive enough to swipe right. He seemed like he wanted you to show the most effort and you really weren’t into that. You were old school in the way that you wanted the guy to pursue you, not the other way around. He didn’t seem to drop many hints about wanting to meet either. Perhaps he was just toying with you, wanting you to beg for his company so he could decide how far he was going to string you along before finally giving in and making it appear as if he was doing you a favor.
Either way, there was no chemistry there and even less luck in having him pay your bills, so again you moved on and started from square one.
Your next two potentials were what you’d actually expected upon first downloading the app— being that they were older than you. Much older. Old enough to actually be your father, but you weren’t opposed to the idea so long as they treated you right.
One was named Chris Heathfield. He worked for the government— a high ranking position, he’d been quick to let you know— and resided in an ostentatious manor bordering the countryside. But even in his profile photos he was flaunting how many women he liked to have around at all times, so many it was practically a harem. The man was clearly a womanizer, and perhaps you were naive to think that any of your potential choices were any different, but you didn’t exactly want to have to compete with other girls right out of the gate.
Chlaus— he’d given no last name— seemed to be far more genuine and gentlemanly than Heathfield. He had a kind yet enthusiastic smile, like he could enjoy even the most mundane of activities if he was in the right mood.
He traveled a lot and actually wasn’t even currently in the country, as he’d politely informed you in the messages you’d exchanged. He’d even apologized if he’d wasted your time though admitted that, when he did return to London sometime in the future, he’d still like to meet with you if you were still interested. He’d complimented you, told you that he liked your smile in the photos you’d posted, and you’d actually been sort of disappointed that he wasn’t currently available.
Either way, you thanked him for his cordial decency and then was forced to migrate towards your fifth and final match of the day.
Unlike the others, this one had yet to message you. All you had to go by was his profile photos, all of which added a new element to his sinister yet alluring beauty.
He had long, silver hair and piercing green eyes, alabaster skin with a scar cutting a diagonal across his otherwise handsome face. You’d noticed him instantly among the others, so unusual and curious yet still the most enticing.
Perhaps it was the danger of the unknown that drew you to him. Perhaps it was that he was one of the few you’d encountered during the initial phase of swiping that, while still about a decade older than you, wasn’t actually old like Heathfield and Chlaus. And his name had caught your attention too, or at least the alias he’d given himself while using the app.
That’s all it said.
Not a first or last or really any name at all other than that morbid moniker.
The closer the clock hands approached midnight, the more you were starting to think he’d changed his mind about you— reconsidering whatever it was that had caused him to match with you to begin with— and you were just about to start over with a new batch of wealthy strangers when all of a sudden…
You were notified that you’d received a new message and quickly went to check it, pausing when you saw the preview of the text lighting up besides the arcane name.
Hello, Undertaker’s first message bubble read, plain and simple.
Hi, you typed back in return, adding your favorite smiling emoji afterward.
How are you doing this evening?, he asked next. You told him that you were fine, just sort of bored. Are you in London currently?, he further inquired.
Yeah, you responded, feeling kind of good about the conversation so far, though you tried not to get too far ahead of yourself. You told him you attended a university in the area and then feared that maybe you shouldn’t have said that, remembering stories about girls being stalked by people they’d met over dating apps.
But, much to your relief, Undertaker merely asked what you were studying, seeming to keep things professional for now, if that was a word you could use in this context. You answered and then there was a short lull in the conversation.
You were starting to think that maybe you’d lost him on account of pointless small talk until he came back with another message.
I’d very much like to take you out some time, he said. Is there any specific day or time that you’d be free this upcoming week?
You couldn’t contain your beaming smile.
You felt like you were in high school again, growing giddy over a new crush.
How about this weekend? You suggested. We could meet at the British Museum around noon, if you want?
You watched eagerly as the three dots of the speech bubble that showed he was typing pulsed lightly on the screen. He replied, I’d like that very much, before going on to fix the more specific details.
He asked if he could drive you around after that, bring you to dinner that evening, and to this, while in your head you were thinking nothing but different variations of the word absolutely, you responded with a slightly teasing, Well, we’ll just have to see how things go at the museum, won’t we?, followed by a playful winking emoji.
Back in the study of Undertaker’s ornate gothic mansion, he chuckled to himself while lounging in one of velvety armchairs. He also couldn’t shake the devious grin that had found its way onto his pale face.
Like you, it had been a while since he’d allowed himself to be with someone in any form of intimacy. He was used to filling his schedule with all work and no play and he’d been wanting to change that. What better way than to do it with a cute girl he could pamper?
I’ll see you then, Undertaker typed back, adding a smirking emoji, and you felt your stomach flutter with excitement. With half your face buried in your pillow as you lay sprawled out on your bed texting with the mysterious, monochrome stranger, you tried and failed to hold in a giggle.
See ya~!, you concluded, clicking your screen off and then flipping onto your back to stare at the ceiling as all sorts of scenarios of what this weekend could hold began to play in your mind.
And the more you fantasized, the more your cute, girlish little giggles morphed into something darker, something borderline evil as you thought about how your bitch of a roommate might’ve just shot herself in the foot with the comment she’d made before walking out the door that morning.
I win, you prematurely proclaimed to yourself, a crooked smirk devilishly pulling up one corner of your glossy lips.
I always win.
Waiting for the weekend had felt like forever, despite it only having been a few days away, but now that it was here, the mixture of nerves and excitement was steadily filling you to the brim.
You hadn’t told either of your roommates where you were going or what you were doing today. When your friend had told you how nice you looked in your cardigan and cute pastel purple dress and white platform sneakers, you’d simply thanked her, giving no hint of the occasion or who you were meeting with.
You hoped he liked it, at least noticed the effort that curling your hair into perfect ringlets with half pulled up into a ponytail and tied with a silky, cream-colored bow took.
But the longer you stood outside the museum, despite arriving a little early, the more you wondered if you were going to end up getting ghosted and be forced to stroll through the exhibits alone while trying to hide your disappointment that, in the end, you really hadn’t been good enough.
If that happened, you’d have to admit defeat and take those extra shifts at work after all.
You were leaning against one of the pillars, pulling your cardigan tighter over your shoulders as a chilly breeze blew by and staring down at your shoes, gaze tracing the way your laces zig-zagged over each other and dreading what was seeming more and more likely to be you having gone out of your way for nothing with each passing minute until—
You heard a rich, low voice speak your name, causing you to look up with innocent confusion for a second until your stare landed on the tall, silver-haired man standing before you.
He was dressed simply but nicely, in all black with a blazer and turtleneck and shiny oxford shoes, pale hands resting inside his pockets as his steady emerald eyes studied you with slight concern.
You felt yourself start to blush when you realized he’d left you speechless, cracking a small smile as you straightened your posture from the pillar and shuffled a few steps closer to him.
“Y-yes, that’s me,” you replied cheerily, hoping that your voice wasn’t shaking too much. “You made it!”
He drifted a little closer, his shadow looming over you, and you felt your heart drumming against your ribcage, his aura so powerful and unsettling yet his smile appearing calm and kind, trying to put you at ease.
“Of course,” he nodded slowly. “Now…” He gestured his hand towards the front doors. “Shall we?”
You followed after him and pretty soon found your hand in his, praying that your palms didn’t start to sweat from how nervous you were, though his hands were actually pretty cold, so you thought maybe that would help.
Undertaker’s hands were big, yet slender— long, pale fingers brushing gently against your skin as your little grip was swallowed up in his loose fist.
And his face— god…
You’d thought he was attractive in the photos, but in person it was on a whole other level.
You’d never seen someone as gorgeous as him before. Not in real life, at least.
He was like a prince of darkness, somber and eerie qualities colliding with something charming and lovely. Like a rose bush— so many thorns and winding vines to keep others at bay, yet blooming with striking flowers, vibrant petals opening under the light of a full moon only for those he deemed worthy enough to be let into his garden.
It was hard not to blatantly stare at him.
You didn’t want to be weird, didn’t want him to think maybe he should revoke his invitation to drive you around and take you out to dinner after this, but you couldn’t help it, sneaking private glances whenever you could. It appeared you weren’t the only one, what with the eyes of nearly every person you passed as you two strolled through the museum catching on him as well.
But it wasn’t just him who they were staring at, Undertaker realized with a hint of pride. He knew the crowds were just as captivated by the pretty girl by his side, the contrast between his ghostly appearance and your sweet, honey-suckle softness a rare sight to behold.
Undertaker also found it hard not to stare at you long and hard like one of the famous paintings, scanning the curves and lines of your profile and figure when your attention was turned to a particularly unique exhibit.
He traced the form of your silhouette from the top of your head, down the dip under your chin towards your neck and collar bones, over your breasts and stomach to your hips, your exposed thighs, all the way down to your shoes and back up again.
He knew instantly that he was going to have a hard time keeping his hands off you. Undertaker was an intense man— dangerous in ways that you had yet to know about— and the last thing he wanted to do was scare you away.
Not when you were exactly what he’d been looking for for so long.
Not when you were so perfect with that adorable little lilt in your giggle and the way those doe-eyes of yours looked upon things with an indescribable wonder.
Because Undertaker wanted something to protect that wasn’t just all his abundant wealth and status and one of a kind mansion decor. He wanted something— someone— who would be waiting for him at the end of a long day or a particularly harrowing business meeting. Someone he could wrap his arms around and feel their beating heart, feel the way their chest rose and fell with the steady breaths of life.
And you were so warm, so fragile.
He wondered if you had anyone to protect you or if somehow you’d managed to navigate this cruel world all on your own thus far.
And you’d opened up to him a little bit as the two of you got talking during your leisurely stroll through the museum. You’d told him that, while you didn’t have a terrible relationship with your parents, things had been rocky here or there. You’d told him that all they’d ever wanted for you was to attend university, that they’d pay for your tuition and even let you pick which one you would go to so long as you passed your classes and graduated on time.
But you’d never felt like they listened to you, like you could truthfully talk to them and share your troubles. Hence why you left home at the very first opportunity that presented itself. You’d thought getting away and meeting new people would help you find someone you felt you could really be honest with and rely on. Though, so far, it hadn’t been exactly what you’d expected…
“Well, I consider myself a very good listener,” Undertaker promised with a gentle smirk as his grip around your hand squeezed a little, drawing your gaze up to meet his once more. “I’m quite good at keeping secrets as well.”
You didn’t know what to say, could only gape at him in that doe-eyed way of yours that he was quickly becoming addicted to. He would turn it into a game, seeing how many times he could get you to look at him like that, like he was the only thing in your entire world.
Forget money and power.
What Undertaker wanted was you wanting him, needing him.
But soon enough you snapped out of it, shaking your head a bit as if to clear your daze. Then, as you neared the final exhibit, you finally gained enough courage to inquire, “So… Undertaker, huh? I’m guessing that’s not your real name…?” trying to tread carefully, not wanting to pry too much, but unable to hold in this curiosity any longer.
The mysterious man sighed out a breathy chuckle. “In my line of work,” he began, “it can be rather dangerous for one to expose their true name. So I keep mine hidden.” He paused then, as if expecting you to ask more questions or make a comment. When you just seemed to be willing to listen, he went on. “Does that bother you?” he asked with a small lift of an eyebrow.
You shook your head, glancing back up at him as you stopped before the final exhibit on your loop through the museum. “No. I mean, I won’t lie. I did find it strange at first. But you seem like you have your reasons, so…”
Your sentence trailed off as you became occupied with the art piece in front of you, lips slightly parted as you stared ahead, giving Undertaker yet another opportunity to study your face.
But this time he was staring at you with a little more than admiration for your appearance. This time he looked upon you like you were the first person he’d met who seemed to understand him in some way, to accept him as he was.
Because even his closest confidants had wondered why he couldn’t just tell them his real name, why he refused to tell anyone no matter what.
And you’d just dropped it after that, respecting his wishes to go by the moniker and moving on like it wasn’t odd even in the slightest.
He felt himself migrating closer to you, lowering his lips in hopes of meeting yours, but then stopped himself when he thought perhaps it was still too soon for that. He’d wait until the moment was right, whether that was today or tonight or days, weeks, months from now.
Because he didn’t want to mess this up. Not with you. Not when he’d finally managed to find someone who, despite his appearance or his name or the fact that he always seemed to be alluding to something darker and much more dangerous than he let on, didn’t seem to hold it against him.
And he wasn’t going to let you go. He’d do anything to make you stay, to keep you all for himself.
If it was money you were after, he’d give it to you. If it was him taking you on vacations then so be it. If it was someone who could take care of you and provide, that would be easy.
Whatever you wanted or needed, all you had to do was say the word and he’d make sure you had it.
In the beginning, he’d give it to you for free. Though, there would reach a point when he’d want something in return, though he knew he couldn’t force that on you. At least, not the first time.
“That was fun!” you smiled as the two of you exited the museum, your fingers now interlocked in a more romantic and intimate gesture. It only lasted a mere minute before your touch broke and the two of you were standing across from each other on the sidewalk, but it was long enough to send that warm feeling fluttering in your belly again. “Thanks for taking me.”
“The pleasure was all mine,” Undertaker replied. He hoped that you weren’t just being polite and wished to go home now. He still really did want to spend more time with you. Whether that was over dinner or not was irrelevant now. He’d sit on a park bench and attempt to get to know you better if that’s all you’d give him.
When you sort of just seemed to stand there and look up at him with a smile, no sign of searching the curb for where you’d parked a car or gotten off at a bus stop present in your expression, he hesitantly asked, “Did you… walk here or…?”
“Oh!” you snapped out of your daze, hypnotized by his brilliant emerald stare and that scar etched across his face yet again. Through a nervous chuckle you said, “Yeah, actually, I did… I live sort of in the area and I don’t have a car so…”
“I’m parked nearby,” he began, already taking a step in the direction where he could see his vintage vehicle from down the street. “I can drive you home if you’d like to return or we could continue on to another location?”
You considered this, though you already knew that you didn’t want to go home. When you smiled and nodded and told him that you’d like to continue enjoying his company, he put an arm around you and guided you towards his car— a 1953 Rolls Royce Dawn Drophead— and you expressed your marvel at the spotless obsidian automobile.
“Allow me,” Undertaker offered as he grabbed the door for you, letting you slide into the passenger's seat before closing it and coming around to take his place behind the wheel. The roof was down and you felt a new wave of excitement wash over you, never having ridden in a convertible before.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you honestly didn’t even care. As Undertaker skillfully wove in and out of traffic and the wind blew through your hair, your exhilarated laughter sounding off beside him as music blasted from the radio, you felt alive.
And so did he, for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
It had been so long that he’d almost forgotten what that felt like.
And you, well, you were actually starting to thank your roommate for giving you this idea in the first place.
The luxury department store was one that you’d seen in passing since moving to the city but never had the nerve to step inside of.
Not until today, that is.
Among some of the signs that decorated the storefronts of the extravagant shopping mall were names like Gucci and Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Tiffany and Chanel.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing— all the beautiful designer clothes and handcrafted jewelry— the handbags and the belts and the shoes that were perfectly placed on display lining the windows and walls of each store.
“Do you enjoy fashion?” Undertaker asked you as you ooed and awed at all the options, his hand finding your shoulder as he gently rubbed a thumb over some of your soft, exposed skin, your cardigan having been courteously taken by the greeter at the entrance of the store for safekeeping while you tried on clothes.
He already knew that you did. Had found you on social media soon after matching with you and done some digging.
You were a wannabe fashion influencer, and given the fact that you didn’t have access to exclusive items just yet, your style and taste spoke for itself, even if it was on a budget. Not to mention, for a girl who was sharing a cramped flat in London and struggling to pay her rent, ten thousand wasn’t a number to laugh at when it came to followers.
“I do!” you replied enthusiastically, looking up at him with another one of those cute little smiles and a giggle that captivated Undertaker every time. Then, as his arm fell to cradle your waist and hold you a little closer, you shyly admitted, “I’ve never worn anything as nice as this before though…”
The ebony clad man chuckled. “Well then,” he prompted playfully, “we’ll have to change that, won’t we?”
Your eyes widened once you realized what he was getting at.
Your first instinct was to turn down such a pricey offer. If this were anyone else, you would’ve. But then you were reminded of the circumstances under which you’d met and that perhaps it would be rude not to let him spend some of his abundant wealth on you.
So you did what you were best at. You looked cute and acted on your best behavior as the two of you traveled from designer to designer, trying on all sorts of outfits and showing yourself off to him as you did so. He seemed pleased, with both you and what the mall had in stock that day, and had even purchased some items for himself along the way.
“How about this one?” he asked as he lightly ran his long fingers over the satiny fabric of a dark blue babydoll dress, one with a low back and cute puffed sleeves and a bow tied around the waist to hug your form.
Your wardrobe mainly consisted of pastels and light neutrals, a few darker colors thrown in but not many that you wore that often. Even so, if this was what he liked, the least you could do was try it on for him.
When you came out of the dressing room, holding out the flared skirt a little bit as you twirled, something in Undertaker’s chartreuse gaze changed. He’d liked all the others, sure. They’d suited you just fine. But this one…
This one made you look like Undertaker’s perfect little doll, one that he’d designed and dressed personally.
“You look beautiful,” he commended, just like with the other dresses you’d modeled for him, but then added through an awestruck sigh, “Absolutely gorgeous…” that made you stop for a moment and stare at him, blinking those innocent doe-eyes of yours, suddenly aware of just how intensely he was looking at you.
If you weren’t mistaken, you might’ve read it for pure adoration.
But you two had barely just met, so it couldn’t really be that, could it?
“D-do you really like this one?” you asked through a timid grin, turning halfway to look yourself over in one of the mirrors again, little fingers adjusting the way the bow looked in the back.
“I think it’s marvelous,” Undertaker replied coolly, stuck in a dream-like daze as his eyes slowly scanned up and down your figure once more. “But do you like it?”
You considered yourself, making sure that the garment lay right over your body, wondering if the shade looked too dark on you, but slowly, surprisingly, it was winning you over.
You nodded and began to smile again. As you turned back to face him you said, “I do like it.”
“Shall I buy it for you then, as one last treat?” he asked next. He’d already treated you to quite the expensive spree, so you fumbled for the price tag to find out just how much more you’d be depleting his bank account, but before your view could land upon the number, Undertaker was at your side, his hand wrapped around yours as he quietly reminded you, “Don’t worry about that. It’s on me, remember?”
“But…” you stalled, looking up at his looming form.
“No buts, princess,” he lightly chided, turning you around to face the mirror again as his chest pressed against your back, taking your other hand in his and holding your arms up and out a little bit as you surrendered to his grasp, like a pretty butterfly splayed out beneath the glass of a display case. It was the first time you were really noticing just how small you were compared to him. It sent another wave of that sweet, dangerous fluttering roll through your stomach, the thought of what he’d look like while on top of you flashing through your mind as you fought the urge to squirm. “You look stunning. Worth all the money in the world. So what do you say? Would you like to wear this to dinner tonight?”
Dinner. That’s right. He’d invited you to dinner.
You had no idea what kind of restaurant it would be, but with the kind of money he seemed to be so keen to spend on you, it was bound to be one with a dress code.
“O… ok…” you muttered shakily as you watched him moving his hand about you through the mirror, chilled palms gliding down towards your elbows then back up to your shoulders, sending a shiver down your spine when they found your waist and savored the trip down to your hips, resting there as his long fingers lightly pressed into your soft skin.
And it was taking every ounce of patience Undertaker had not to pull you into one of the big dressing rooms, shut the door, and have his way with you against one of the plush couches there. He’d watch your reflection writhe and arch as he hiked the expensive dress up and ran his touch down to the most tender parts of you. He wanted to know what your underwear looked like, if they’d be as cute and delicate as you were, if your bra and panties would match.
He was willing to bet they would, even if it was just for this special occasion. And even as he discarded them to the floor, exposing you to him fully, your face hot and red from embarrassment and anticipation, you’d still be his adorable little doll, his good girl, his perfect, pretty princess as he sunk into you and felt you pulse and squeeze around him in the most delectable way.
He wanted to know what sounds you’d make— what sounds he could force you to make against your will as he thrust deeper into your tight, wet warmth. Were you the kind to beg? The kind to cry? Did you want him talking dirty to you or would the skillful path of his touch across your skin be enough to make you wet for him?
God, he wanted to know. And he was determined to find out. But not here. Not now. It still wasn’t the right time for that. Besides, you’d only just put on the dress. He wanted to admire you in it for a little longer.
So the two of you moved up to the check out desk, you still wearing the dress after Undertaker had told— not asked, told— the saleswoman who’d been assisting you that you’d be walking out with it on. When she’d announced the amount of money that was due, you’d nearly flinched at the number. Meanwhile, Undertaker had simply handed her a shiny black credit card without batting an eye. He’d paid and she’d snipped the tag, which you only then noticed didn’t even have a price on it, but instead merely held a scancode that was meant to alert the anti-theft alarm if anyone tried to exit the store without paying.
“Th-thank you,” you stammered nervously as you exited the store with him, the lilac dress and cardigan you’d started the day in folded neatly and placed inside a bag that swung from Undertaker’s hand. “I-I’ve never worn something this nice. I promise to take good care of it.”
That dark, almost ominous chuckle escaped Undertaker’s lips again, his free hand finding you once more and lightly tugging you closer to him, as if he was afraid you’d stray too far and wander off. “There will be plenty more where that came from,” he promised, and you felt your face begin to blush, though you couldn’t exactly place why. “Now, shall we find you a pair of shoes and some jewelry to go with it?”
You now wore an entirely different outfit than before, your white platform sneakers and delicate gold heart necklace safe inside their own bags from when they’d been replaced by shiny, chunky-heeled, black mary janes and a diamond choker, dangling, teardrop earrings to match.
Every reflective surface you passed, whether it was a shop window or the glossy black surface of Undertaker’s vintage car, you couldn’t help but stare at yourself.
You almost couldn’t recognize yourself all wrapped up in this new aesthetic, not accustomed to such dark colors adorning your figure, but there was something about it that did suit you, to your surprise. Undertaker made sure to remind you of it as he’d caught you examining your glittering jewelry in the front mirror of the passenger side as you two pulled into reserved parking at the fancy restaurant, causing one more shy smile to spread across your lips before he came around to open the door for you and tossed his keys to the young valet.
This was an establishment that Undertaker frequented, as he hadn’t hesitated to request his “usual table”, the hostess giving a charming, “but of course, right this way,” before guiding the two of you through the candle lit dining hall, your date lightly tugging you along by the hand as you craned your neck to gaze up at all the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a live piano player performing soft jazz from a slightly elevated platform at the center of the room.
After taking your seat and being informed that your waiter would be over shortly, you found yourself feeling out of place once again. Because, sure, you looked like you belonged here, but as you tried to read over the menu— most of which was in French— and didn’t recognize a single thing, the insecurities that you were an imposter began to creep back in.
“Why don’t you let me take care of that?” Undertaker suggested, taking the menu from your fidgeting grip and folding it back up, placing it on the edge of the table. Normally you’d hate it if a date ordered for you, oftentimes becoming cocky and picking something you didn’t even like. But now, you were sort of relieved. Besides, it seemed like Undertaker had a much better idea of what you’d like based on impression alone than any of your previous admirers.
After a quick survey asking what kinds of foods and flavors you preferred and if there were any particular textures or other aspects that would ruin the night’s culinary experience, Undertaker began nodding to himself, iridescent eyes scanning one of the pages until he landed on something he thought you might enjoy.
“So…” he began, swirling the vintage red in his glass as he gazed over the rim at you and your fizzy fruit drink. “Tell me about yourself…”
You had to stifle a laugh. It seemed so cliche, yet held an air of authenticity that you couldn’t help but find endearing. You’d shared a few things about your personal life and interests as you’d been walking through the museum— like the music you liked and a really good movie you’d watched recently and a little bit about what you’d been studying in school— but when posed with the question now, your mind suddenly went blank.
“Why don’t you tell me about you?” you playfully suggested, idly twirling a strand of your hair as you sipped the magenta dragon fruit drink up the glass straw teased between your teeth. “I mean…” You recrossed your legs as you leaned in a little closer, raising one skeptical eyebrow. “I feel like you already know plenty about me.”
Flashing a coy smirk, Undertaker traded you an amused grin. You hummed out a mischievous, lilting note as you awaited his response, tempted to brush the toe of your shoe against his ankle to see what would happen if you flirted more openly.
Because— aside from the obvious fact that he had plenty of money and had already spoiled you beyond your wildest imagination— you did like him. You liked the way he looked at you, soft and caring rather than hungry and expectant like most blind dates tended to go. You liked that he paid attention to little details like grabbing the door for you and offering you his jacket when he’d noticed you pulling your cardigan tighter around your shoulders on the walk from the museum to the car. You liked that he was sophisticated but not arrogant and also that he carried this sense of protection over you.
That last notion made you once again wonder what he did for a living. Someone as mysterious and secretive— so secretive that his own colleagues didn’t know his real name, as he’d casually mentioned while skirting around the question about his job earlier— as him could be involved in all kinds of nefarious activities.
Maybe he was a hitman, or a smuggler of rare, foreign gems.
He could be a conman or a cult leader or a curiously eccentric artist.
He was a book with thick binding, yet every page you flipped to was blank.
But you wanted to know him— wanted to get to know him— if he gave you the chance.
“I told you earlier that I’m good at keeping secrets,” Undertaker said, his voice dropping an octave lower. “But the real question is… are you?”
You took a moment to think about that. You thought you were. Because, as good and eager as you were at collecting gossip, you had never been one to spread it.
Not unless absolutely necessary, that is, and even then it was only to your closest friends when it concerned them directly.
“I can keep a secret,” you promised, both of you searching each other’s eyes for a minute before your food arrived and the tense, exhilarating moment was temporarily put on hold while you smiled and thanked the waiter.
Between the first bites of your dinner, Undertaker strategically spoke of his work, dropping hints that it was classified and dangerous and underground. You listened intently, nodding along as if you were slowly but surely decoding the hidden messages woven throughout his cryptic words.
Then, after he seemed done divulging all the details he could without giving it all away, you looked at him with a slightly cocked head, eyes squinted cynically as you smirked and said, “So… You work for the FBI or something, right? Or— no—!” you excitedly changed your guess, “The CIA?”
Truthfully, you didn’t really know the difference, but based on what he’d told you, it seemed like some kind of secretive, high-profile government intelligence.
“No, not quite,” Undertaker chuckled, unable to fully contain just how absolutely adorable he found you. “Though, I may have crossed paths with some people in that profession before.”
You let out another giggle, thinking he was merely toying with you just for amusement’s sake, but, despite his lighthearted tone, Undertaker was being deathly serious. If only you knew how many times he’d been investigated by all kinds of intelligence agencies, both domestic and foreign. How he’d evaded each and every one of them and their prying questions, killed the ones who got a little too close. Because his security and control over his organization was air tight, locked with a key long thrown away, buried six feet deep somewhere along with the life he’d left behind in pursuit of something bigger and better and far more brilliant than he could’ve ever imagined at the start.
He��d have to protect you from their scheming, sinister ways soon too, if you allowed yourself to be kept by him. Only then would he have to disclose more of the truth to you, make sure you really understood the gravity of it all.
But, for now, that could wait.
For now, he could continue to let you believe you lived in the perfect fantasy among glittering crystal and sparkling champagne— a fairy tale of his own dark and twisted design.
After dinner had concluded and Undertaker had left a generous tip to the kind waiter, you two had returned to his shiny black car that was already waiting for you upon exiting the restaurant. Climbing back inside as he closed the door behind you, you once again caught your reflection in the side-view mirror, having forgotten the drastic change of appearance from when you’d first walked out your front door this morning.
Undertaker’s earlier compliment returned to you. “Absolutely gorgeous” he’d called you. At the time, you’d just thought he was being kind, simply repeating a line he probably used on all the pretty girls he’d taken out.
But now you saw it too.
You were gorgeous. Exquisite. Divine.
And it made you wonder…
How long had it been since you last thought that about yourself? Since you’d last believed it?
“Now…” Undertaker began the moment he was back behind the wheel, looking over at you with one hand resting on the gear shift. “I can either drop you back off at your flat or—” He reached over and gently brushed a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand, tender. “We can return to my estate to continue enjoying each other’s company.” He put the car in drive and began to slowly roll away from the curb. “It’s up to you.”
You had to fight back the urge to immediately blurt out a damn near desperate sounding “yes!”, your cheeks heating as you gave a cute little smile and nod and responded with a much more reserved, “I’d like that very much.”
Undertaker smiled too— one of those soft, charming, doting grins that made you feel like you were special, as naive as it might’ve been.
“Well then, in that case,” he said, merging back in with traffic and zipping skillfully through the city’s narrow streets, “Why don’t you play some of that music you were telling me about earlier. It’s a bit of a long drive.”
You’d texted your friend, let her know you wouldn’t be back tonight, that you’d met someone and wanted to keep things going.
She’d asked you if you were ok, reminding you to be safe, and when you’d assured her things were going great, she sent you back a cute winking emoji and a playfully supportive, “go get some, girl!”.
Your phone was almost dead at that point, so you decided to slip it into your purse and focus on the scenery passing by out the car window as your favorite album continued playing. The lights of the city gave way to the quiet, serene darkness of the countryside beyond London’s looming architecture, the little pond of your usual stomping grounds expanding into a vast ocean of tall trees and vacant roads.
The closer you approached to Undertaker’s residence, the more you began to see mansions and manors sporadically spotting the fields, each one protected by its own unique, intricate gate or wall of manicured hedges.
Each one you passed was grander than the last, and you started to become a little nervous about what you were blindly stepping into.
Your mind went to a few darker places as well, like, if he wanted to hurt you, out here, no one would hear your screams. And, even if you did manage to escape, you could never hope to make it back to the city on foot before he caught you, acres of open land and who knows what else lurking in the shadows ready to trap you out in this valley of silent luxury. 
“It’s just up ahead,” Undertaker informed you, pulling you from your anxious spiral. When you turned your attention back out the windshield, you saw the distant lights that dotted the driveway, a cage of winding, iron wrought bars curling around the perimeter of the magnificent gothic mansion.
You weren’t sure how long your mouth had been hanging open before you realized and closed it, but as the gilded gates parted and Undertaker pulled around the horseshoe driveway to the opulent, double front doors, your jaw dropped once more.
“This is…” you sighed out in awe, your face practically pressed to the passenger-side window to get a better look.
“It’s not to everyone’s taste,” Undertaker shrugged, suddenly modest. “But it’s home.”
You turned to face him, looking completely incredulous with your brows knit together and your slightly parted lips turned down into a gentle frown, as if you were offended on his behalf.
“No, it’s—” Your hand reached forward to rest atop his on the gearshift. You were unaware you’d even done it, but for Undertaker, the soft, reassuring touch was driving him insane. Because you were just so sweet, so genuine. Far more than anyone like him had ever experienced or deserved. Every second that passed with your skin on his, the more addicted he became.
All the while, you continued with a bout of stumbling compliments. “It’s amazing! I mean— It’s just so beautiful. I—” What remained of your sentence tapered off into sounds of sputtering nonsense, unable to articulate what you really meant, how impressed you were with every single thing he’d shown you so far, but luckily, Undertaker got the gist.
“I appreciate the praise,” he chuckled weakly, taking your little hand in his cool, comforting grasp. Slowly, you watched as he raised your hand to his lips, placed a chaste kiss to the back of it, then gave you another one of those loving smiles, the scar peeking out from his curtain of silver hair shining in the moonlight. “Would you like to come inside?”
The high ceilings and wide halls echoed eerily with every tap your heeled shoes made across the black and white checkered marble flooring. The house had been dark before Undertaker used his phone to activate the lights throughout the lower floor, priceless antiques and imported, one of a kind art pieces illuminated by crystal chandeliers and golden sconces. 
However, for all the ornate wealth that glittered and shined throughout every new space of the open floor plan you passed through, you noticed something strange…
For a house of this size, this status, there didn’t appear to be a single housestaff member in sight. Not a maid or a cook or a butler.
“Ah…” Undertaker contemplated when you asked him if you two were alone here, the question coming out a little more nervously than you’d intended. “Well, I suppose I can’t be too careful these days…” He explained that he could only trust a small, select group of people, though, when it came to his home, he preferred to manage it himself. “I find help to be a bit redundant,” He said, flashing you an almost apologetic grin. “Besides, I enjoy doing things like cooking and gardening. It’s a nice retreat from the usual chaos of my life, so I don’t believe in giving that up to anyone else, even if they are deemed a professional.”
You could respect that, actually.
Plus, it made you curious to try his cooking, especially after experiencing how refined his taste was.
Anyway, after going through the first floor, the two of you headed upstairs to conclude the tour, finishing at the master bedroom.
“Your house is very nice,” you complimented, trying hard not to eye the bed too obviously, all those fluffy, goosedown comforters and egyptian cotton tempting you. “It…” You searched his eyes, loving the way they shimmered like emeralds in the dim light, then smiled as you said, “It suits you.”
Undertaker thanked you for your kind words, running one of his palms from your shoulder down to your hand before intertwining your fingers with his again, this time with nothing to interrupt the intimate gesture.
“You look good surrounded by all of it, darling…” Kissing your hand again, he used his thumb to gently smooth over the knuckles of your delicate little fingers, dwarfed in his grasp. “You make the place feel more like home.”
He moved slowly, cautiously, as if approaching too quickly would spook you and send you skittering like a startled alley cat. And you were nervous— not scared, but definitely nervous— as your heart hammered in your chest and your hands began to tremble.
He leaned down to give you a kiss, soft at first, testing to see how far you’d let him go. When you seemed to reciprocate, he came back for another, this one a little more daring as he rested his hands on your waist and held you there, his tongue slipping into the heat of your mouth. But again, you didn’t pull away.
His grip on you became tighter, causing you to suck in a short gasp as he kissed you deeper. You could feel a devious smirk spreading across his lips as a hum of a chuckle vibrated in his throat.
“Are you alright?” he asked in a low, seductive tone, brilliant gaze scanning you while his hands kept purchase on your hips.
You couldn’t look him in the eyes now, were too embarrassed by how red your face had probably gone, how hot your body felt just from something as simple as kissing, unable to deny the chemistry that was swimming between you two.
But when he lightly took your chin in his hand and guided your face upward, you let him, that piercing, chartreuse, half-lidded stare sending a shiver through your entire body. You felt tears threaten to well in your eyes and at first you didn’t quite know why.
Was it because you were just so nervous, so embarrassed?
Was it because you really were scared, unsure of whether you wanted to trust this man that you’d just met or not?
Or was it because you hadn’t told him that you were a virgin and knew where this night was likely headed?
If you did tell him, would he stop? Would he decide this interaction was over and call someone to take you home?
You didn’t particularly want to end things here. You were willing to go further, you thought, but perhaps it would be to your benefit to mention it to him.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Undertaker cooed as he stroked his thumb along your jaw, his soft grin never fading. “Come on… You can tell me.”
“I-I…” you began, feeling more and more like you were going to cry.
“Yes…?” he urged you, silver brows lifting with slight intrigue.
“I, um… Well…” You averted your gaze off to the side. “I’ve actually never…”
You couldn’t say it.
Even if you wanted to, the words wouldn’t leave you.
“Never what?” Undertaker pressed, tone still silky smooth and looking at you in that sinisterly seductive way of his. Despite the fact that he’d already caught on though— call it his craving for control, or just the fact that he thought you were cute— he needed to hear you say it.
“I-I’m sorry…” you stuttered, feeling as if you were already proving to be a disappointment. Tears welled to the brim of your lashline now, sparkling in the low light of the bedroom. But you had to say it. You had to admit to him the one secret that no one else would probably believe about you. “It’s just… I’m actually… I’m actually a virgin and I—”
Your tears spilled over, racing each other over your cheeks until Undertaker lifted one of his hands from your waist and gently wiped them away, his smirk gone now as he cast a gaze of genuine concern upon your adorably pathetic face.
You were shaking even harder now, both from fear of rejection and frustration at yourself for not being able to contain your emotions. But still, that didn’t seem to bother the man in front of you.
“Oh, sweetheart…” he soothed in a calming whisper, bringing you in closer for a comforting embrace, lightly combing through your hair with his pale, slender fingers. “It’s alright. There’s no need to be upset…” You buried your face further into the expensive fabrics of his coat, feeling safer the closer you were to him. “I’m going to take good care of you…” he then whispered in your ear. “I just need you to trust me.”
The only response you gave was a weak nod as you nuzzled further into him, little hands gripping his shoulders as he lifted you into his arms and rocked you gently until your nervous quivering subsided. When you finally found it in yourself to look back up at him, big doe-eyes so innocent, so adorable, Undertaker’s adoring smile returned.
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” he asked you then, voice still feather soft and strangely attentive, as if he was willing to do anything to keep you like this. Keep you all for himself.
But to his question, you just nodded, swallowing down some more of your worries as you tried to stay calm. He was lovingly stroking the soft skin of your cheek with the back of his knuckles, taking in as much of you like this while he still could before he had you panting shallow breaths and clutching the sheets for dear life as you trembled and writhed beneath him.
He’d like you just as much in that state, but it had been so long that he’d found a sweet little princess who truly was as her image implied. Because for so many others, it was merely performative, a trap set to ensnare wealthy men like him who had a type they could imitate.
No, with you he knew it was real. And that’s why he fell in love with you after just a few hours of each other’s company.
Undertaker strolled over to the bed then, sitting down on the edge with you still in his arms.
You hadn’t said a word.
What could you say?
You knew what to expect, in the simplest sense, but still, someone like him could be into all kinds of things that you didn’t even know about. The size of him compared to you alone was intimidating, how he towered over you and how your delicate little hand could disappear inside his massive grip. But part of you also liked that— liked that he was so much more powerful than you, stronger than you could ever have a chance of fighting against.
Because even if your mind had concerns, your body was already reacting positively to the idea.
Undertaker began to position you differently and you followed his lead, moving along with him to where he wanted you to straddle his lap, his hands back on your hips now as yours rested on his shoulders.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked you then, hands leisurely running up and down your sides, tracing along your waist.
You nodded again, forcing yourself to meet his eyes. “I-I’m sure…” you replied, hoping the crack in your voice went unnoticed.
“You don’t have to be afraid,” he assured you once more, pulling you a little closer and repositioning you slightly. “You can trust me.” He pressed his lips to your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses along your pulse. You leaned your head back instinctively, giving him easier access as he began to suck little bruises into your skin, a new wave of shivers surging through your body at the sensation.
A few soft moans and whines escaped your throat and Undertaker’s smirk widened. He brought his lips right next to your ear and whispered, “Do you trust me, baby?”
You hadn’t even really heard what he said over the racing of your heart and the lust that was clouding your mind, pooling warm and heavy in your lower belly, but you didn’t really care. You just nodded and let the tension melt away with his kisses, which soon found your mouth again, these ones much deeper and more passionate than the first round, slow and savoring.
You soon felt something hard pressing into you where you straddled his lap, the thin lace of your panties the only thing to protect you as more heat coiled in the pit of your stomach, and you hesitantly grinded down a little on him.
His grip on your hips flexed as he pulled you down to rub even harder against his growing erection, you becoming wetter with every roll of your hips, a cute, breathy moan sneaking past your lips every time he helped you press on just the right spot for you both.
You didn’t want to stop. Couldn’t stop. It felt too good, just by doing this, and it scared you a little how much better it might feel if you really went all the way with him. But that really wasn’t up to you anymore. Because Undertaker had you wrapped around his finger like one of his sterling silver rings now.
For the remainder of the night, at least, you’d do anything he wanted, anything he asked.
Because, for whatever odd reason— ignoring the fact that you’d only known each other for a day and you barely knew the first thing about him— didn’t even know his real name— you did trust him. And what was even more, he trusted you.
He trusted you not to leave him when this was done, and that was also a rare occurrence when it came to his previous companions.
A loud, high-pitched moan forced its way out of you as he pressed you down even harder, feeling your clit throbbing through the lace and wanting to keep you under his control for as long as possible, dangling you from the edge until he decided to let you go.
It was something Undertaker was good at— controlling his partner’s orgasms— and what you didn’t realize yet was that he could use it as a punishment if he wanted to, could use it to get you begging for mercy if ever you did something bad.
But not yet.
No, Undertaker was just getting started with you.
“Take them off,” he ordered. You stilled for a moment, looking at him with uncertainty. “Your panties,” he clarified. “Take them off.”
And, because you were a good girl, you listened. You were going to step down from the bed and discard them, but you gave a startled gasp as Undertaker decided he wanted to be the one to do it instead, quickly flipping you onto your back and leaning over you while your legs were still spread. He paused, staring into your wide eyes with his unshakable confidence before puffing out a small breath of amusement from his nose and hooking his thumbs under the waistband of the lace, slowly pulling the thin fabric down and exposing your soaked slit to the cold air of the room.
Once they were completely removed from your person, he balled your panties up in his fist and shoved them into his back pocket. You didn’t think you’d be getting them back, but you didn’t care. It would just be an excuse for him to buy you new ones anyway.
You tried to pull your legs together, face red hot with embarrassment again, but he didn’t give you enough time, effortlessly pulling you back up with him to sit just as you had before, no delicate lace to protect you anymore. But now you were nervous for a different reason. Because you were so wet, and Undertaker knew that, but you weren’t sure if he actually wanted you to ruin his expensive trousers.
“Go on,” he chuckled upon your hesitation. “It’s ok.”
“But…” you barely protested before he settled you back over his still hard cock, you wincing as the rough texture of the trouser’s fabric pressed against your clit.
“No buts,” Undertaker playfully warned, slowly rolling his hips up into you to tempt you to find your rhythm again. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you? So do as Daddy says.”
At that, you felt even more arousal leaking from you, going back to grinding on him, the sensation different but better.
As you did this, Undertaker moved his hands up to where your dress hung off your shoulders a bit, pulling down the neckline until the matching lace of your bra was exposed to him, cupping both your breasts in his hands and kissing your cleavage, earning himself another one of those cute sounds he was slowly becoming addicted to.
When he reached behind you to unhook your bra, you stilled again, breathing stuttering a bit as you found yourself even more exposed, the undergarment tossed to the floor and your nipples already furled tight from the chill that permeated the entire mansion.
“U-Undertaker!” you gasped as another one of his kisses found your nipple.
Calling him that out loud still felt strange, and you almost wanted to try and ask him again what his real name was, despite him seeming so protective over it the first time you’d inquired.
Maybe you’d get used to it.
But when another whimper of “Daddy…” trailed off your lips as his tongue teased the sensitive bud of your breast, the mysterious, monochrome man seemed to like that, so you figured perhaps that ought to be the name you addressed him by.
Undertaker chuckled darkly then, slowly laying you down on your back and pulling your dress down over your hips and tossing it to the floor to join your bra, leaving you completely bare and vulnerable under him now.
Normally, he would get completely undressed before stripping away the last of your remaining fabrics, always liking to savor the moment when the most tender parts of a body were exposed to him, but tonight he’d gotten too caught up with having a new toy to follow the usual protocol.
Because you were a gift. Truly, you were.
You were a sweet girl, a good girl, an adorable, darling little doll for him to dress and undress as he pleased.
And even as you lay in anticipation for the crescendo of the moaning chorus the two of you would compose together— face blushed and body trembling, ready to arch and sway to his touch— he knew you were different from the others who’d been under him like this before.
And after tonight, after he’d had you, he’d only want you more.
Just like a prized possession or a favorite pet, he couldn’t let anyone else get their hands on you. And he’d do anything to ensure that you stayed.
“D-Daddy…?” you whimpered hesitantly as Undertaker was almost completely freed of his clothing, so many layers to get through before all of his pale white skin and deep silvery scars were on deadly display.
The slash running across his face had been a bit jarring at first, though had added to his appeal, the extra element of implied danger attracting you to him.
But there were so many more, his entire body littered with them, and you couldn’t help but wonder just what— or who— had done something like this to him. What was even capable of inflicting such lasting damage.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asked, positioning himself over you again and holding your wrists above your head in one large hand, his palm cold against the warmth of blood coursing fast under your skin.
What happened to you?
Who did this?
Are you ok?
All questions that you wanted to ask, but didn’t.
Instead, what came out was, “P-please be careful with me…”
Undertaker clicked his tongue through a smile, cooing at you almost condescendingly as he reassured, “I’ll be gentle, baby. Don’t you worry.”
With his free hand, he reached down to run his middle fingers over your drenched cunt, massaging your clit and making you jolt when he found just the right spot.
And god, he liked to tease you, applying pressure on your most sensitive area and making you squirm and writhe and beg before letting another sinister chuckle rumble through his chest and moving his fingers lower to enter your tight, needy little hole.
You sucked in a shuddering gasp when one finger slipped in, then two, rhythmically pumping in and out while beginning to scissor inside and stretch you, making you whine and wince every so often.
“You’re beautiful, sweetheart,” he muttered in a low, velvety baritone, making that sensation in your stomach wind tighter and tighter. “You’re doing so good…”
Once he felt like he’d stretched you enough— though you were still so tight— he slightly repositioned himself over you, using his knees to spread your legs a little further apart as your body tried to pull them back together against your will.
You tried not to tense up too much, tried to stay calm and relaxed as you felt him lining himself up with your pulsing entrance and then slowly press the tip of his cock inside. You winced when he first entered you, the feeling foreign but not entirely as uncomfortable as you’d thought it’d be.
And Undertaker was keeping his promise, being as gentle as he could, aside from that fact that when you whimpered or whined or tensed he didn’t stop, just slowed down until he felt like you could take a faster pace. Your sensitive skin tore around the thickness of him, feeling like you were being split in two as your teeth clenched and your toes curled in an attempt to outlast the pain.
Once he was fully inserted, you both stilled for a moment, him helping you adjust yourself over his cock and catch your breath for a second before he began with smooth, rhythmic rolls of his hips into yours.
Once he pulled another one of those irresistible little sounds of pleasure from you, he couldn’t help but pick up speed, the rolling morphing into thrusting, trying as hard as he could to work you up to his preferred pace lest he frighten you with the intensity of which you’d get used to, eventually.
“That’s it… baby girl…” he spoke in between grunts as your cunt constricted even tighter around his cock, your eyes already beginning to roll back as you felt your limit approaching.
But Undertaker didn’t want to let you come yet.
He liked looking at the fucked-out daze that splayed across your face, even that expression appearing adorable when you were the one wearing it.
“D-Daddy…” you begged through your next breathy moan. “P-please…!”
Undertaker was getting close too, picking up the pace and feeling you tense even more under and around him, the pain threatening to outperform the pleasure if he didn’t time things just right.
But neither of you could speak now. Not even your pathetic, mewling pleas or Undertaker’s growling, whispered praises could be uttered. With every snap of his hips digging into your tender inner thighs, Undertaker conducted a symphony using your high-pitched whines and delectable moans, your sweet little voice echoing through the high ceilings and empty upper halls of the ornate, gothic mansion.
And then, finally, Undertaker let you come, your entire body tensing and shuddering as your insides squeezed harder than they ever had before around what was inside you. Then you fell limp, panting breaths hitching in your chest as you lay there like a rag-doll, head buzzing and pleasure surging.
Undertaker only made it a few more thrusts into you before he finished too, filling you up with his hot, sticky cum and moaning out as his head fell to nuzzle into the crook of your neck, his labored breaths felt on your skin as the two of you lay there in a mess of trembling limbs and heavy breathing.
Your hole kept fluttering around him, the intensity fading down after a few minutes, and then Undertaker slowly pulled out of you, falling on the bed beside you and tugging you close to him, pressing you to his chest as his long, lithe arms wrapped around your shivering form.
“It’s ok, baby girl…” he whispered to you as he stroked your tousled hair, sweat sticking it to your temples, your body still trembling slightly under his touch. “You’re ok… Daddy’s got you… You’re ok…”
And you didn’t really know what to do now, didn’t know what to expect.
Would he just send you off now that he’d gotten what he wanted?
Would he even contact you again once the two of you parted ways?
After tonight, you sure hoped so, though you knew many men would just move onto the next with zero regard for the last.
But after laying there in his arms for a while, him combing his fingers through your hair and softly humming a melancholy lullaby, you had a feeling maybe he did care for you more than a one night stand.
Maybe you were being naive to entertain that idea, but you couldn’t help it. You’d been so desperate for affection for so long and now that you were finally being shown it you’d gotten attached. Lucky for the two of you, you were both attached, however silently through the night that your need for each other grew.
Before you’d even made the decision to do such a thing, you’d fallen asleep, exhausted from the day’s— and night’s— activities, but Undertaker still had work to do.
He carefully unraveled himself from around you to head into the bathroom and get something to clean you up with, back to being careful and tender as he wiped away as much of the mess the two of you had made that remained between your legs as he could without waking you.
Tomorrow morning he could give you a bath, join you in the warm water and put his hands all over you again. He could make you breakfast and watch you sit at the long dining room table while wrapped up in one of his fluffy black bathrobes, the sleeves too long for you and the oversized garment making you appear even smaller compared to him than you already were.
He wouldn’t want you to leave, but he’d have no choice, because you didn’t live here and your friends might get worried if you didn’t come back. Not to mention, he was bound to be called back to headquarters sooner or later to attend to more matters concerning the Aurora Society.
But after he’d kissed you goodbye and you’d stepped out of the jet-black Rolls Royce, he’d be planning how and when he could see you again.
You’d both be thinking about each other while you were away, always eager to be in each other’s arms again.
Before you knew it, the lease to your apartment would be up for renewal but you’d have to break it to your friends that they’d have to find a replacement for you since you were moving into a luxurious mansion on the outskirts of London. They’d be hesitant of your decision at first, warn you not to rush into things too quickly, but you’d assure them that you were in good hands, promising to stay in touch and visit them again soon.
But it became so easy to lose track of time when you were with Undertaker. Days turning into weeks turning into months before you even realized it, seasons changing, holidays and birthdays and special occasions spent on extravagant vacations filling up your schedule with the man you loved. You’d meet his closest confidants and learn more about what it really was that he did for a living. Or at least, as much as he was willing to let you in on.
You became close with Grell quickly, both of you bonding over your similar taste in music and fashion and favorite movies. You tried to be on your best behavior around William, in the beginning, quickly realizing that the serious and stoic man didn’t have a knack for entertaining his boss’s girl like his outgoing, red-headed colleague did. And then there was Ron who, though he always seemed outwardly cheerful and always ready for a good time, you couldn’t get a sure read on.
But this would become your life, your normal routine. What used to be scraping by for the month’s rent and picking up convenience store food on your way to the part time job you hated was soon replaced by shamelessly expensive shopping sprees and five star Michelin restaurants and skipping around the spacious mansion in a brand new dress while you waited for Undertaker to finish up a meeting at headquarters.
And you loved your life. You loved him.
Because things were perfect.
And, as long as you were with him, they always would be.
I mean, wouldn’t they?
(Hello and thank you for reading! Whether you’re coming to this fic already having read my “Cause to Start a Vendetta” series or this is your introduction to it, I hope you enjoyed :)
I’d actually written the first draft of this fic about a year ago, not long after I’d started posting chapters of the main series. I wanted to give a little more backstory on the reader’s life before meeting Undertaker.
But yeah, this wraps up the series. Like I said in the afterword on the final chapter, I might write little bonus one-shots for this series in the future, but now I’m honestly looking forward to starting the new Undertaker fic I’ve had in my head for a while.
Thanks again for reading! See you soon~! <3)
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jegulily-stuff · 1 year
Little bit of James flirting with Lily (his wife) and Reg (not his wife, but they're trying to get him like at least as a girlfriend).
"Excuse me," James says, "But I saw you from across the room and I just had to tell you, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on."
Lily turns around from the bar. She tries to cover her fondness with the pretence of disdain.
"What makes you think the most beautiful woman you've ever seen is interested in talking to you?"
The red of her hair runs to gold under the bar lights that illuminate her from behind.
James fights a dreamy sigh. He's playing suave, and that would surely be a break of character.
"Well, I don't normally advertise this on a first meeting, but I'm very rich." He grins, "Would my lady care for a drink?"
Lily arches an eyebrow. "One drink at a hotel bar - don't break the bank there."
"How about two?"
"Suppose I can let a handsome stranger buy me a couple of drinks. But I have to tell you, I am a married woman." She holds up her hand to show the ring he'd put there last summer.
James clutches his chest. "Hardly a few words and you've already broken my heart. Tell me, your husband, do you really love him? Who is he? I swear I'll fight a duel to the death for you. I've done fencing before."
Lily snorts, hiding it behind her hand, and tries to get back into character.
"You think I'd drop him so easily? Hmm, how much money did you say you had exactly?"
James calls to the bartender and orders her a whiskey, one from the top shelf. It's an expensive drink - older than he is. He knows it's one she'll like.
The bartender is clearly trying not to roll their eyes at his tone, but James is having fun.
Regulus sits further up the bar, where there are proper lights, a notebook open in front of him. He's been focused on drawing anatomical sketches of leaves all day but James knows he's listening to them.
"How about you, beautiful, can I get a glass of whiskey as well?"
Regulus looks up, with a flicker of a frown.
Is he blushing?
James opens his mouth to ask what such a pretty little thing is doing sitting there all alone and someone cuffs him round the back of the head.
"Leave him out of your weird roleplay." Sirius snips. "And don't buy him alcohol - he doesn't drink."
James watches Regulus contemplate asking for the whiskey anyway to spite his brother for speaking over him.
He gets over it.
"Do you think I could get Apfelschorle?"
Sirius pulls his wallet out and hands Regulus some notes. Too many.
Neither of them are great at judging prices yet.
After the bartender finishes pouring Lily's whiskey, Regulus quietly orders a sparkling apple juice. He sips it as he goes back to his sketching.
James doesn't stare at him as he does this.
He stands beside Lily who leans into him as though he were part of her chair. It's comfy. And if he happens to have a good angle on Regulus' hands as he sketches when he happens to glance over, that's just a coincidence.
Sirius eyes James suspiciously and he feigns innocence, running his fingers through Lily's hair.
I'm doing nothing wrong.
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lesbian-boo-radley · 8 months
Super long kinky Swan Queen fic that I will never be able to write because I suck at writing shared perspectives.
Right so Regina is a 35 nightclub owner who was basically sold to Leopold for marriage by her mother at seventeen after her father's death. After a VERY unhappy, abusive ten-year marriage where she tried her damndest to be the kind of woman she was supposed to be, and suffered a handful of miscarriages at his hand, he then divorced her for a younger model. Jokes on him though because less than a week after the divorce was finalized, Cora died unexpectedly, leaving Regina millions upon millions of dollars.
After a brief mental breakdown, she takes her new lease on life for everything it's worth and buys the seedy little BDSM bar that she's been sneaking away to for the last three years of her marriage to drink her sorrows away in. From there she buys a country-themed nightclub that's gone out of business and converts it into a large BDSM nightclub. When we meet Regina in the story, she is about to open up her third property and the proverbial jewel on her crown, the largest BDSM venue in the world.
But, while she's achieved success in that aspect of her life, it definitely has not been all sunshine and roses for her. She wants a deep ageplay/sugar momma kind of relationship and thought she had found that with Robyn, but what Robyn really was, was a gold digger willing to fake a baby voice to make bank. She put Regina through the ringer for a few years, just straight up using her for her money until Ruby, Snow, and Belle, who is Regina's best friend, finally get her to realize and accept that Robyn doesn't love her, just her money.
Now, Regina met Belle after she had bought the first bar. Belle was with Rumple before that in a very toxic, dangerous BDSM relationship, and Regina helped her to get out of it and then took her in. Belle went on to start an advocacy group for abuse victims in the BDSM community funded by Regina.
Ruby and Snow, who are cousins, show up at the club one night, bolt past David, who is Regina's head of security, and manage to make their way back to Regina's office with two flyers in hand to ask her if she'll let them hand them out at both of her places. One, is a wanted poster with Ingrid's face on it, and the other is a missing poster with Emma's. Regina is immediately spellbound by the image of a then eighteen year old Emma and tells them that not only can they hand out the flyers, but she and Belle will help them to look for Emma. Both Ruby and Snow move in with her and Belle and she gives them jobs at her club, on top of paying for them to fly to different cities to look for Emma at least once a month.
So Emma's back story. She grew up in the system, and it was extremely chaotic and traumatic, but there was one shiny spot in the middle of it all. When she was fifteen, she meets Ruby and Snow at school, defending Snow from a bunch of bullies, which immediately earns Ruby's unwavering loyalty. Unfortunately, the group home she's living in at the time is horrible as fuck and she ends up running away. On the streets she meets Neal and ends up in prison because of him like in the show but with no pregnancy. After she gets out she happens to run into Snow by chance on the street and Snow drags her home with her digging her heels in and saying she can't take their charity the whole way. Granny gives her a job at the diner and for a while things are looking up for her until she meets Killian and he abuses her within an inch of her life. Thankfully Ruby and Snow are able to get her out of that relationship, but they're not prepared for Ingrid who is a straight up sociopath. It's an ageplay relationship but Ingrid has zero interest in actually taking care of Emma, just controlling her and using her and eventually ends up kidnapping Emma at gunpoint when she tries to leave her.
When Ruby and Snow walk into Regina's club with the missing poster, Emma has already been missing for six months and it's another year more before they finally "find her". Emma, who has been running and hiding from Ingrid for six months at that point, walks into the club, sits down at the bar, and orders a soda to drink while she stares longingly at the roped-off Little area. Regina spots her almost immediately and goes over to hit on her basically, not realizing who she is, and then suddenly it dawns on her why she looks so familiar. She asks Emma to wait there for just a moment and then books it to go grab Ruby and Snow and drag them over.
Que dramatic emotional reunion and the beginning of the story. Which I have a lot of plot for, but no real ending.
Edit: Aaaaaaaaand I'm gonna work on this for a while after all.
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naturalrights-retard · 11 months
We have a very serious problem. Banks, Media, and Tech Companies seem to be all pushing for the end of all our civil and human rights. The truth has come out now that the Coutts Bank closed down Nigel Farage’s accounts, and it had NOTHING to do with his finances that they told everyone. That seems to be a serious case of slander and libel. If they would do this to Nigel, how many others are finding their accounts closed?
Here in the good old USA, a gold dealer just informed me that his credit line has been terminated – not because he did not pay. The excuse was that they preferred it to go to zero, not back and forth. It seems as though rumblings of this nature in the USA are increasing. Others who have cash businesses like a bar are finding that they are being discriminated against because they take in cash. Even priests are having their accounts shut down for political reasons.
It appears that the bankers are gearing up for the new CBDC system where all cash is eliminated. The government seems likely to let the banks impose a social credit score and claim it is not the government doing that, so it is not unconstitutional. I suppose they intend to prevent people from paying for medicine or buying food if banks shut down their accounts for whatever pretend reason. I guess that will be the new slow-death penalty for disagreeing with the new narrative that COVID was just the trial run for these days.
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mariacallous · 8 months
The last couple of weeks have been exceptionally bonkers in Washington. The U.S. government was THIS close to shutting down. A Democratic senator got indicted (again). House Republicans kicked out their own party’s speaker, for the first time in history, and now there’s nobody in charge and the chamber can’t do any business.
Our politics can feel so broken sometimes that, at a certain point, you have to take a step back and laugh. Because the truth is, there is always absurdity lurking in the halls of Congress, even in the most serious of moments, and finding its way into big decisions being made by some of the nation’s most powerful people.
Like gold bars. 
When Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) was indicted two weeks ago on bribery charges, we learned that he had bars of gold hidden around his house. 
Are we living in a cartoon? Aren’t gold bars what villains try to steal from banks in old episodes of “Scooby Doo”? I googled it, and of course there’s an episode called “Gold Paw” where Scooby and Shaggy, probably fueled up on Scooby snacks, stumble upon a room FILLED with bars of gold that a villain had stored away.
This was what I was thinking about in the hallways of the U.S. Senate last week, as reporters chased down Democratic senators to ask if Menendez should resign, if they plan to refer him to the Ethics Committee, what it means for U.S. foreign policy that the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was allegedly accepting bribes in exchange for aiding the Egyptian government. These are all important questions. 
But also, who peddles in alleged crimes in exchange for bars of gold? Did this veteran Democratic senator really google “how much is one kilo of gold worth” amid all of this alleged criming? That is a legitimate Scooby Doo-level poor decision.
I talked to senators about what they thought of Menendez and his gold bars. I asked if they happened to have any lying around at their own houses, or if they’d ever gone online to research the value of a bar of gold for no particular, non-criming reason. Because maybe Menendez is telling the truth that he didn’t do anything wrong, and maybe it’s perfectly normal for U.S. senators to hoard gold bars.
“I was going to buy my own gold bar, you know?” offered Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.). “So I could either go to [Menendez’s] contacts or buy one at Costco.”
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scifrey · 4 months
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Part Four
My heart jumps into the back of my throat, and I’m halfway off my stool before my brain catches up with what I’m actually seeing. In the light of the overhead lamps, the person’s hair only looks red.
Not him.
"Snacky," I stage-whisper all the same, committed now that I’m on my feet. Mau drops my befouled phone into my hand.
"Colin," Hadi says, grabbing my sleeve before I can head over. 
"The Rules?" I tap my temple.
"The Rules," she agrees, and lets me go.
As I work my way through the crowd, I try to shove away the weird flutter that even thinking I had spotted him caused. It's a stupid thought. There's no way someone like him—upright, posh, snobby—would sit and shoot the shit with the bartender for funsies. 
So why had I been excited when I thought it was him? 
People like him don’t date people like me. 
Do they?
It's just curiosity. It has to be. Because of the access, right?
It would have been the perfect excuse to finally bridge that customer-service gap. Sidle up to him, actually meet in a place where I didn't have other duties to attend to, where I could casually drop the fact that it was my birthday and I wouldn't say no to a celebratory drink.
Actually get a conversation out of him.
Yeah, right.
He never talks to me. I stopped trying to have a conversation with him over a year ago, because he'd always looked like I'd smacked him between the eyes with a wet fish whenever I tried. It seemed kinder to just let him hide behind his newspaper—an honest-to-god paper paper—and stare at me.
And he does stare.
Sometimes I think the staring is the kind you do when you appreciate the look of another person. Sometimes, I think it's some weird split-tongue thing. It's gotta be, ‘cause if he was into me, he would've said something by now, right?
The part of me that’s still a writer sometimes makes up stories about my fussy regular. Why he's here. What he's thinking about. Whether he really sleeps on a pile of gold (if that’s not a speciesist stereotype.) What the no-doubt beautiful maiden he goes home to every night thinks of his morning routine. Or if maybe he’s into something a little more me-shaped.
Oh my god, I am such a romance novel cliché right now. 
Also, dammit Colin. 
Maybe focus on the dude you are actually trying to get between the sheets?
"Hi." I slide onto the bar stool beside the guy.
He's arrogantly fashionable, dressed like he just got off shift at a bank or a law firm, swaggering without standing, if that makes sense. But he's not him. 
It's not this guys' fault he's not him.
"Hi. I couldn't help but overhear it's your birthday. Happy birthday."
"Gee, thanks." I flash him a smile. "Though I think half the bar heard, actually."
It's about half the wattage I can usually manage.
I'm tired. The long train ride, the unexpected surprise... and I remember doing this with Caden. Whom I'd met just like this, in the exactly the same place. Backwards from Caden, brain jumps to Rebekah, and how last year for my birthday we'd done one of those boat cruise dinners at Niagara Falls.
How I'd already had the ring in my pocket, and was worrying more if she'd appreciate the cliche than if she was going to say yes. I definitely should have been worried more about whether she was going to say yes.
And I just…
… I just don't wanna anymore.
"Sorry," I say, before he can offer to buy me a drink, or suggest another way for the two of us to celebrate. "I thought you were someone else. My bad."
"Wait, you don't have to--"
"Sorry for wasting your time."
I slink back to the table.
"Not into you?" Mauli asks.
"Not up for it." 
"Up for it," Mauli snickers, and I pinch them hard on the shoulder.
I leave at closing time, after a few beers too many, frustrated and manhandling Mauli into one of the cheap cabs that prowl St. Paul street for desperate fares. Dike had headed off with one of the ladies hours ago, and Hadi had bailed before I came back from the bar.
Happy birthday to me, I think morosely as I trudge home. 
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spookyskeletitties · 1 year
The Excellence of Gold Investing
Gold investing is a forever brilliant strategy of bringing in your money develop to get your future and that of your recipients. It is an exceptionally encouraging type of substantial investment that most investors would depend on. There are numerous click here to learn more thought processes behind gold investing. Anything the explanation for making these investments, there is no question that the frenzy for gold won't ever blur. Yet, what makes gold so unique?
The justification for why gold is viewed as one of the most valued assets is on the grounds that this metal remaining parts valuable regardless of anything else. Because of its many purposes and extraordinariness, the worth of gold can increment over the long haul most particularly when the stock for gold turns out to be scant. With this, gold can repay you adequately in any event, when the monetary emergency becomes overpowering. It is likewise utilized as an instrument to work out the monetary circumstance of a country. This is a dependable sign of worldwide market patterns with its strong impact over the progression of pay.
With the force of gold to impact the securities exchange it is nothing unexpected that gold in IRA will be extremely valuable for a striving retired person. Gold investing should be possible in two ways: First is by investing in actual gold like bullion coins and gold bars, second is by investing in gold endorsements and gold possessions. One of the numerous ways that investors invest gold in IRA is to have their IRA buy stocks from mining organizations. Investors breathe easy in light of the way that there are no duties engaged with gold investing.
Gold investing qualifies you for own gold bullion coins disseminated by different government firms. There are additionally numerous gold collusions that benefit from selling this valuable metal. A few affiliations contain gold vendors, gatherers, specialists and investors. Assuming you make a gold buy from banks you will get a store slip that shows the amount of gold you purchased alongside its comparing esteem. This valuable asset will be conveyed to you in crude structure. Gold gems can likewise be sold at a greater expense since they are by and large more refined and have higher stylish worth. Gold merchants commonly raise the value up to pay for the extra costs concerning gold investment. These incorporate stockpiling, transportation and protection which not set in stone by what the purchasers need.
Prior to making any endeavor to make your investment, it means quite a bit to know the basic exchanges to be made like the gold exchange and a rollover. An exchange of resources from an IRA account happens either by an immediate exchange or by a check which the IRA overseer keeps in touch with the IRA holder who then, at that point, stores his resources into another IRA account. This normally doesn't need the notice of the IRS. A rollover then again commits the caretaker to surrender the resources straightforwardly to another overseer. Besides, you likewise need to ensure you are making a business manage legitimate gold sellers to keep away from tricks that might actually kill your investments. Mindfulness is the key in making a decent and beneficial investment.
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unfesant · 1 year
Gold coins that date back to a special time of history are an assortment of pride and doubtlessly a great investment. A portion of the notable gold coins are Belgium 20 francs (Leopold), France 20 francs (Napoleon III), and Germany 20 imprints (Wilhelm II), Great England Sovereign (Rulers), Netherlands 10 Guilders (Lord), a lot more like this. These assortments of gold coin have a resembling visit site here representative image of that time, ruler or sovereign and this as a matter of fact is the most intriguing piece of gold coin.
Indeed, even Reserve Banks of all nations keep gold coin and gold bars as type of money. So having gold coins is an asset since it is safest and the purest type of money. Gold has forever been considered as the top most mark of money framework. Also, this strategy of saving gold as the estimating bar for all money matters is pervasive from old times and go on till date. Thus, to finish up one can say that "gold coins won't ever blur". Gold coins never lose enchant. Buying gold coins coin is the best type of investment. Gold coin is the most elevated esteem coin and it is the most strong as financial exchange.
You get gold coin in very nearly a little price higher than the price of gold per ounce. A few times on the off chance that you can break a smart arrangement, you can buy gold coin at price of gold per ounce. However gold coins are not utilized for ordinary financial exchange, but rather still the market for gold coins can not the slightest bit be under assessed. Individuals who manage gold coins are craftsman disapproved and exclusive class. They are prepared to follow through on any cost to make it a piece of their assortment. Aside from this, gold coin is the purest type of gold, so in the event that you use it at a later stage to sell it or get it dissolved to make jewelry, you will make a wise investment move.
At the point when you intend to sell gold coin, one thing you should follow is persistence. Gold coin seller ought to quietly search for the right seller. Go for a dependable organization to get the best price. Gold coins are an asset and you ought to be very wary while resting to the right hands. These memorial gold coins are sold at a lot greater cost, for they are representative of a period of history as are priceless.
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yosbruno · 7 months
Gold coins are not any simple gold coin; they are a rare piece of art and a collector’s pride. Gold coins click here to learn more are known as “collector’s item” and that is what makes it so special.
Gold coins that date back to a special period of history are a collection of pride and surely a great investment. Some of the well known gold coins are Belgium 20 francs (Leopold),GOLD COINS – A GREAT ASSET Articles France 20 francs (Napoleon III), and Germany 20 marks (Wilhelm II), Great Britain Sovereign (Kings), Netherlands 10 Guilders (King), many more like this. These varieties of gold coin have a resembling symbolic picture of that era, king or queen and this in fact is the most fascinating part of gold coin.
Even Reserve Banks of all countries keep gold coin and gold bars as form of money. So having gold coins is an asset because it is safest and the purest form of money. Gold has always been considered as the top most point of money system. And this methodology of keeping gold as the measuring rod for all money matters is prevalent from ancient times and continues till date. So, to conclude one can say that “gold coins never fade”. Gold coins never lose charm. Buying gold coins coin is the best form of investment. Gold coin is the highest value coin and it is the most solid in the form of financial transaction.
You get gold coin in almost a little price higher than the price of gold per ounce. Some times if you are able to crack a clever deal then you can buy gold coin at price of gold per ounce. Though gold coins are not used for regular financial transaction, but still the market for gold coins can in no way be under estimated. People who deal with gold coins are artist minded and elite class. They are ready to pay any price to make it a part of their collection. Apart from this, gold coin is the purest form of gold, so if you use it at a later stage to sell it or get it melted to make jewelry, you will make a good investment move.
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syb3rstrife · 1 year
Gold and the Ongoing Financial Market
At the point when expansion pulls pranks on your savings, you fail to trust the financial frameworks. No bank can offer the assurance of keeping your money safe until the end of time. Also, you don't take care of the issue by keeping the cash under your cushion. You will acknowledge one day that you just own a heap of find out more here paper that has little value in spite of the fact that you assumed you had a fortune. In any case, would could it be that one can do during exhausting periods of downturn?
Specialists can easily make sense of your chances. What do you need? Financial soundness. How might you at any point acquire it? By putting away your abundance in a safe deposit. Also, assuming you are as yet thinking about what is the type of that deposit, the response is simple: gold. Assuming offers and stocks and different kinds of investment need strength and have an erratic way of behaving, gold can't bomb you.
History demonstrated that this metal stays firm in difficult times of expansion. At the point when monetary standards decline, a testament of ownership of gold bullion ensures your abundance is safeguarded. A financial emergencies can show you an unfilled deposit where you figured nothing could shake your savings. Be that as it may, with gold bullion or bars, coins or jewelry, you genuinely hold your money. Its notional value turns out to be genuine value which no one can deny.
Any place you are on this planet, in any case to the cash every nation uses, gold communicates in a general language. All people can figure out what gold says. Furthermore, mainly it discusses your steady riches, which can increment on the off chance that you know how to help it. What's more, in the event that you don't, everything looks great. There are specialists able to show you the methods. There are simple tasks to take to enter this fine business.
The Web can offer you the right site where you can counsel great sellers of gold. It is essential to depend on your seller, because that is where your abundance can be safely put away. Likewise, a trustworthy seller will show you buying gold and the manner in which you can get financial increases. We are searching for new approaches to protecting our resources and fortunately we can benefit from the most ideal choice conceivable. Bullion are the proof we have the value we have been working for.
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itsthemysterykids · 1 year
Lili and Wybie’s best rich kid moments
Wybie: Well, in that case, I'll tell grandma and have her open up the grand hall!
Norman/Neil: Grand hall?!
Wybie: What kind of tea are you all partial to?!
Dipper/Mabel: Tea?!
Wybie: In my family, we always drink Harrod's or Wedgwood, so if you have any other preference, let me know!
Coraline: It's like he casually slapped me with the huge difference in how we were born.
Mabel: But his bounciness is so cute, that I don't care.
Norman: What was that again? Harry's? That's fine.
Wybie: Harrod's it is!
Coraline/Dipper/Mabel/Raz/Norman/Neil: *Staring at the gates to the massive estate.*
Raz: I knew she was rich, but I didn't think she was this rich.
Mabel: We have to refrain from taking long trips over the summer?
Lili: Apparently, it's a request from the school. That's too bad. I was supposed to go to Venice with my parents.
Mabel: How bourgeois!
Ford: Everyone gets their own room. They're luxurious spaces equipped with their own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets.
Neil: There's even a balcony!
Wybie: This is about the size of the closets we have at home
Coraline: IT'S LIKE A MANSION! *Faints*
Norman: Coraline?!
Lili: I think I may have miscalculated. My room's... *Opens the door to reveal a massive canopy bed taking up most of her room* ... A little cramped.
Neil: It's huge! What happened, Lili?!
Lili: It's the furniture I was using, but I didn't think the room would be this small!
Coraline/Mabel: She's a rich girl, all right.
Dipper: Uh, Wybie? Couldn't you have just built our weapons to save money?
Wybie: Well... Technically! But that's against the law! If I started making everything, think of the impact on the economy! We must ensure the flow of commerce! That's right! It's our civic duty! As citizens!
Dipper: Sure
Coraline: So, the rich boy just wants to go shopping, huh?
Lili: I wonder what my life would be like if I found the money... Oh. It would be the same.
Neil: ... You might want this back. *Hands Wybie a dollar*
Wybie: Why?
Coraline: *Show him the headline on a newspaper that reads, 'Lovat Goes Broke'* 'CAUSE YOU'RE BROKE!
Wybie: ... *Screams*
Wybie: My allowance for the week came! *Pulls a gold bar out of a box*
Dipper: What do they say when you bring that to the bank?
Wybie: "Wow."
Lili: I'm adopting a whale and keeping it in my bathtub.
Dipper: Uh, Lili? Blue whales can grow over 100 feet.
Lili: Clearly, you haven't seen my bathtub.
*The Mystery Kids are playing Monopoly*
Lili: Pay up, Wybie!
Wybie: Damnit! *Hands her an actual stack of cash* Your turn, Norman.
Norman: ... I'll sit this one out.
Charlie Jones: You know, I remember when my dad bought me my first car.
Wybie: I remember when my grandma bought me my first car dealership.
Coraline: ... Wybie.
Wybie: Yes?
Coraline: When I said I wanted to live in a candy store, that didn't mean I wanted you to buy an actual candy store.
Dipper: We're approaching a toll booth. Does anyone have a quarter?
Lili/Wybie: ...
Lili: A what?
Norman: Do you guys not know what a quarter is?
Lili: Of course we do!... Tell them, Wybie.
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Sell Gold, It's Extremely Tasteful
Gold has been an important and profoundly sought-after precious metal for money, jewelry, and different expressions since well before the dawn of history. It has been generally involved all through the world as a vehicle for monetary trade. Numerous gold holders keep their fortunes in type of bullion coins or bars to protect them visit site here against inflation or other monetary disruptions. Such currencies are utilized for investment or only for gatherer's motivations.
Like other precious metals, gold is estimated by troy weight and by grams. At the point when it is alloyed with different metals the term carat or karat is utilized to show the virtue of gold present. The most elevated rating for an unadulterated gold is 24 carats. The virtue of a gold bar or coin ranged from 0 to 1, thus 0.995 being extremely unadulterated. The price of not entirely set in stone through gold exchanging however, in September 1919, a procedure known as Gold Fixing in London provides the day to day benchmark at the cost of gold.
Nowadays, you can trade in or sell your old jewelry. A jeweler, pawn broker, gold purifier or scrap gold vendor will buy your jewelry at a price based on the heaviness of its gold substance, short a dealing with expense. They will break down the jewelry, separates the gold and at times a portion of the solidifying specialists and resells it or simply use for themselves.
You can take the cash - - or on the other hand assuming you like, numerous jewelers will trade the old jewelry in for something you like better. Gold buyers will just compensation for gold. With few special cases, different metals have no resale esteem.
Besides, at present, there is a pattern of selling your old gold jewelry through on the web. There are different locales that proposition buy and sell of gold things. You simply have to call them to have an agreement with them. Then, at that point, they will offer cutthroat bid prices for your gold. Money from selling will be sent through check or through bank move.
It's up to you how will you reuse your gold. Simply ensure, you will acquire from it and not the reverse way around.
Next thing, sell to companions face to face or by means of informal communication destinations, even better set up a site to sell the products. Web based selling is the thing nowadays. You simply need to show photographs of the jewelries and lay the agreements of the shop and the wide range of various subtleties expected to buy your products. However, you simply need to consider a snappy name.
Lastly, WEAR your product. Nothing beats the strolling promotion. Wear them consistently, to everywhere imaginable, from work to parties. Say something with the jewelries, and when somebody saw, start the discussion or have a prepared handout or list to show and afterward make a deal. You will be amazed at how informal exchange functions it ponders here.
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