#but we'll get there one day
Does the infection within your NGE ripoff have stages? For example, in the beginning, if one is infected, you are just high alert before extreme paranoia rises (along with physical manifestations such as Taiyo's tentacle fingers and arms). If this is the case, what stages did Taiyo go through and what stage is he currently experiences within the timeline of this story? Or is it fast acting that it takes immediate hold on the host? Genuinely curious if you thought out anything about this.
I have thought about it quite a bit because it's been in my little noggin for like 2-3 years lmao
It all definitely depends on a) the scale/strength of a host and b) how much the parasite was able to infect. In Taiyo's case, he's pretty freaking big compared to a human (who tend to become fully infected within a day or two) and his infection point was a wound made on his side that's minor enough not to incapacitate him. Because of that, his infection is much slower and appears more in "stages" rather than rapid symptoms.
The very first stage is that even though he does clean and dress his wound, he doesn't tell anyone about the extent of his injury despite that at this stage there's a solid chance he could be treated. Something in his mind is resisting the idea of revealing his infection, which is actually just the parasite forcing its host to avoid fully getting rid of it. His senses also gradually heighten, especially hearing and smelling, to the point it can become irritable with how overstimulating it can be. He's never quite comfortable; always too hot or too cold or too stiff, but he masks it as best he can.
Eventually, the infection will spread further along his body, although most of it is hidden under his suit and because again, he hides his sickness. That's when the blackened veins start becoming more pronounced on his skin. There's this new urge to maim and bite and feed that pounds in his skull like a migraine, but he's able to keep that to himself or only give in to the more primal instincts when he can take out the aggression on another parasite he's fighting. Overtime, it becomes more and more obvious he's struggling with keeping instincts and logic separated, more so to Kumiko because now he's being extra clingy with her (due to the heightened instinct to protect).
And of course, it starts to come to a head when the infection physically manifests on him, primarily on his left side as that was where the wound originated from. That includes fully darkening the skin, external teeth, barbed tendrils, arm spikes, claws, and additional eyes. The accommodation of these new features causes the left arm of his suit to be broken off and prior to that, he had already lost his helmet in the original fight that led to him becoming infected, so it's no longer easy to hide that something clearly Is Not Right. In his defense, he didn't know it had gotten this bad until he was reaching for Kumiko to block an attack from hitting her, only for his gauntlet to practically explode with tendrils wrapping her up instead. She cut herself free of those pretty quick.
Unfortunately, he can only keep the parasitic instincts at bay for so long before he ultimately gives in. And that does include using humans to feed on. At first, he did so in secret because he knew it was wrong and would extremely upset Kumiko, and only a few humans at a time were enough to satiate him to take back control of his instincts. When Kumiko catches him doing so as the hunger becomes more intense, it's the last straw for her, because she can't stand this dude to begin with, let alone when he's literally becoming the monsters she's fighting. She's lucky enough that even in the throes of his infection, he doesn't see her as another food source or potential host to also infect. Instead, his protection is now borderline possession dialed up to a twenty-seven, because the feeling was so strong within him that the infection could only warp his perspective than get rid of it entirely.
There's some fun other factors that the infection can do with Taiyo and where it ultimately leads him at the end of their story, but that's to save when it's been written ;)
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kosmogrl · 2 years
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lotus-pear · 11 months
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wait shouldn't have said that
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cheekylittlepupp · 3 months
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Kiss me like it's your last..
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shevr · 11 days
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good news : i might try to draw some more again this month bad news? : its mostly from trying to 10+ years later join the Equestria Daily NATG so its really just gonna be horses. might not share it all
also as mentioned this is drawn after the very very good picture from this post
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viliantropy-art · 2 months
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I would do anything, anything at all (overgrown garden - beetlebug)
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Trigun Maximum Ch. 40: Happy Days
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lesliemeyers · 20 days
this is kinda... for both today's day of Kyle Week (favorite Kyle ship) and day 7 (Post-Covid/Adult) just really early.
+ extras ↴
okay first of all the song is Becoming Shadows by Stef Chura, in case anyone was wondering <3 (like the ending of the song with a little editing tho because. i only had so many frames in mind to draw lmao)
second, here are a few still assets from this (without the same exact texture + color grading used in the video tho. that stuff was done in after effects/when i was assembling the pieces)
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third, i just really like how this preliminary rough painting/sketch layer looked so have that too
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lem0nrat · 2 months
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[daily etho 7] design for a vampire etho concept ive been rollin around in the noggin for a while
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socksandbuttons · 1 month
Hello miss Sock. May I know if you have a Lord Lunar or Evil Lunar design? I cant remember if you do. It’s for my lil collection
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I dooooo! Lord Lunar's got a nice cape/shawl/capelet (idk its a THING) matching crescent mark with servant eclipse As evil for evil lunar... ive only ever drawn in him in doodles and its SLIGHT... DIFFERENCE
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hes more teal in my drawings (that i never share! mostly because i didnt realize i didnt take photos) The 'shine' of the star in his cresent vs Lord's outward shine more or less deliberate (cause i had a whole thing of Lunara trying to kidnap servant eclipse and Lord's just 'FUCK OOOOOFFFF GODDDD U HAD OWN DUDE') like lord hes very Floaty (... all my lunars end up being floaty)
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forgetful-river · 11 months
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Namilia SS24 is so fuckin good
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reineydraws · 5 months
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wanted: marine hunter takanome mihawk
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the-modern-typewriter · 7 months
Once you get past the flinch of reading old work to edit it, it's actually quite nice. Seeing the nugget. The jewel of what it could become.
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slashmagpie · 9 months
Look, he’s no idiot. He’s no cheater, either. He knows that it’s extraordinarily unwise to be sneaking around the dungeon of Decked Out when you’re not playing the game itself. But the thing is—the thing is, is that Bdubs dreams. And when Bdubs dreams, he can’t always control where he goes, and sometimes—sometimes that’s right into the heart of the dungeon.
Here’s the other thing: Bdubs sleeps a lot. More than most. Sunset to sunrise, he’s curled up under the covers of his bed, fast asleep and dreaming. Others—other people, they stay up all night, attract all the phantoms. Not Bdubs! He’s the only sane, rational person on this server. He sleeps. But the others—they stay up all night.
Recently, they’ve been staying up all night playing Decked Out. 
Bdubs doesn’t know if Tango sleeps anymore. He certainly hopes Tango sleeps, but the man is too engrossed in his redstone for his own good sometimes. Maybe now that the game is done, is launched, is actively being played, he’ll take a nap or two. But right now, Bdubs is dreaming, and Tango is in the dungeon, and Bdubs, against his will, is here too.
Tango is not-quite-solid, ephemeral, and Bdubs gets the sense that if he were awake and standing where he is, he wouldn’t be able to see Tango at all. Tango doesn’t seem to see him, either, back turned as he approaches a ravager on the bank of the River of Souls. 
Ghostlike, Tango presses his forehead against the (unknowing, unseeing) ravager’s, a smile on his face. The ravager slips through Tango’s form, leaving Tango pressed against its side, but he seems unfazed, patting affectionately at its flank with a hand. “Good job, Pumpkin,” he says, and Bdubs can hear the pride in his voice, the hint of a laugh. “Good job. You listened. I appreciate the effort.”
In his dreams, Bdubs can’t feel the chill of the dungeon; he’s toasty and warm under the blankets of the waiting room bed. (Okay, look, he may also be spending the night at Decked Out, but at least he’s sleeping—if he pays attention, he can hear the faint, unintelligible babble of voices in the waiting room, see the soft golden light through his eyelids. He flinches away from it, back into the dungeon, back into his sleep. The others may be content to spend the entire night waiting and dying to ravagers, but Bdubs needs his beauty sleep.) And—hey, what was he thinking about again?
Oh, right.
Bdubs can’t feel the chill of the dungeon, but a chill runs down his spine nonetheless as Tango looks at the ravager with cub’s blood on its teeth with affection and pride. And—okay, the whole point of the game is getting killed (or, preferably, not killed) by ravagers, they’d all signed up for this, they knew what they were in for—but did Tango have to look so… happy about it? So fond of the murderous beasts he’d wrangled for their entertainment? Did he have to look so—
Hm. Now that Bdubs is looking—
Tango’s ghostlike form doesn’t have a shadow, but it trails off towards the end, less him and more ghost, an echo of some sort, and the ghost tendrils stretch into the snow and the water and the stone of the walls. It’s almost like a spider’s web, Tango’s consciousness at the centre of it, flickering and ephemeral. Tango lets out a contented sigh, and Bdubs swears he hears the dungeon sigh too, and out of the water where Cub died the blood starts to drain, though Bdubs can’t tell where it’s draining to. It’s just—there, and then smaller, and then gone, and Tango swipes his tongue across his pointed canines, and Bdubs feels cold. Colder. The tendrils stretch long, and the more Bdubs looks, the more he sees, and he can’t quite tell anymore where the dungeon ends, and Tango begins, and hang on, is Tango a spider on his web or are those tightening more like puppet strings as Tango turns—
His eyes land on Bdubs, and he frowns, the smile slipping from his face. The dungeon feels darker than it did a second ago. Bdubs flinches back, because Tango shouldn’t be able to see him, even if he’s also not in his body right now—
“You shouldn’t be here,” Tango says. “Cheater.”
Bdubs opens his mouth to defend himself, but he doesn’t even get the chance before he’s gasping awake in bed, covered in a cold sweat, shooting straight upwards. The movement draws Scar’s attention, and he looks over, one eyebrow raised.
“You’re up late, Bdubs,” he comments, teasing.
It takes Bdubs a moment to find his words. “Hard to sleep with all this racket!” he grumbles, scowling as he pulls the covers back.
“Oh.” Scar blinks. “Do you want us to be quiet?”
“Yeah, we can quiet down for you man, if you need us to,” Jevin offers.
Bdubs shakes his head. “No, no, I’m up now.” In truth, he doesn’t think he could sleep again after that even if he wanted to.
And now that he’s thinking about that, he’s thinking about—
“Hello there,” Tango greets, dipping past Scar and into the room. He glances at Bdubs, and then just past him, not a hint of what just transpired on his face. He’s back in his body, solid and whole again, and he looks—fine. Frosty and blue, like he’s been all season, basically, at this point, but—fine. Tired, maybe, but they’re all tired. It’s the lack of sleep.
(Does Tango even need to sleep, anymore? Dungeons don’t need to sleep, after all. Ravagers don’t sleep. Do spiders sleep? Do—?)
Tango turns away from greeting Jevin to look at Bdubs, a grin on his face. “Bubbles, how you doing?”
Bdubs jumps, startled from his thoughts, and doesn’t get an answer in before Tango is distracted by Jevin once again. The two of them talk game mechanics, and Bdubs stares at Tango, trying to find any hint on his face, in his body language, of what exactly he is, but—
He’s too awake, darn it. If he’d still been sleeping, maybe he could have seen something, but it’s late, and he’s awake, and Tango looks as ordinary as ever. 
“I saw you petting a ravager down there,” he says at last, and Scar gives Bdubs a weird look, but Tango doesn’t seem surprised. He just laughs, shaking his head.
“No, no, no, no. I was reprimanding them.”
“Yes, you were!”
“—for their vicious attacks—”
“You’re rooting against us!”
“—on my… friends, here.” 
There’s a weird pause, a solid second or two where Tango seems to struggle to get the word friends out of his mouth, and when he does the tone is flat, insincere. Scar is still frowning at Bdubs. He doesn’t notice the way Tango’s expression flickers. Bdubs notices. Bdubs can’t tear his eyes away.
Hey, is it cold in here?
“I’m starting to learn something dark about you, with all the laughing and smiling you’ve been doing while we’re strugglin’!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tango says, then smiles, turning away to Scar, changing the topic of the conversation. They move on, teasing Grian for being AFK, and Bdubs—
God, Bdubs needs more sleep. 
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hartlesshart · 7 months
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queerprayers · 11 months
i want to say first of all that i fully respect a community's/denomination's/culture's right to have closed practices. i am not entitled to other people's traditions, and when i am a guest in a space i understand that everything is not automatically for me. and i know i do not have to understand to respect.
and also! when i go to a catholic church and can't receive communion i want to fall on the floor weeping. what do you mean i can't have him he's right there. sorry my baptism was the wrong kind of baptism. i'm hungry and you want me to become someone else before being fed.
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