#but we dont really get anything like that for matt or near
grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Just had an angsty Near hc pop into my head because what if,,,,,w h a t if Near didn't know his own name?
Like, what if, before the Kira case, he had no damn idea what his real name was? We have no idea when he was dropped off at Wammy's, but we can assume it was pretty young, and we all know about the Wammy tendency to yeet their residents' pasts into the fuckin' dumpster so they can't look back—plus you know, the general nature of orphanages. It's unlikely that Near was just dropped off on a doorstep with his birth certificate in his tiny lil baby hands (though that is a possibility I suppose) bUT COULD YOU IMAGINE.
Near not fearing Kira because he doesn't even have record of his own name, so without that secondary power, how is Kira going to find it? He mentioned destroying any evidence of Mello's name or face, but said nothing about doing the same for himself...
Can you imagine if the first time Near ever saw his given name was when it was written in a notebook meant to kill him?
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dexiiexox · 8 months
Boyfriend headcanons for Matt Sturniolo🩵
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a/n: Hello hello again :)) First time writing for the love of my life Matt😍😜 and these are just some headcanons I imagine for Matt, aka; feeding into my own AND your delusions😚🥰
ALSO I’m not from America or anything so I just picked Taco Bell as the random restaurant/ fast food place💀
I still hope you enjoy reading though!
Matt Sturniolo x reader
warnings: kissing, maybe some sort of angst?(not really)
summary: what the title says, headcanons of how I think Matt would be as a boyfriend🩵
I’ve seen this headcanon a lot, but I agree with it so so much, and that is Matt and back hugs/hugs from behind. I can just picture it so perfectly
It’s an early morning and you’ve slipped out of bed before Matt, you went into his bathroom and you’re brushing your teeth.
Meanwhile you hear Matt get up, he walks into the bathroom all sleepy and he hugs you from behind, arms around your waist, head in your neck and a groggy morning voice.
"good morning"
I also feel like Matt would want you to be open with him about how you’re feeling and if anything is bothering you
He would want you to be comfertable enough with him to where you can talk to him at any moment no matter what, he doesnt care if you think you’re being overdramatic or stupid, becuase to him it’s not
You’re the most important thing to him along side his brothers, and he would sit there and listen to everything you had to say, holding you in a side hug and rubbing your back
You and Matt are sat on his bed, he had noticed you being a little off today and he decided to ask you about it.
You originally decided against telling him, but both you and Matt knew better, he knew you well enough to know if you were lying, so you just sighed and sat down on his bed.
A few tears escaped your eyes as you told him all about the feelings that were overwhelming you.
He just sat there, by your side rubbing your back comfortingly listening to everything you said.
"It’s going to be alright baby, I’m right here"
Matt always made you feel so seen and heard, he was everything you could ask for and more.
After you’d called down a little, he wiped your tears with his thumbs and kisses your lips before you both layed down and spendt the night cuddling in bed.
I also feel like Matt is the type to always and I mean ALWAYS ask you if you want anything as well, no matter where or what it is
Wether its buying food, just stopping at the gass station, him looking for clothes, stopping for a coffee, it doesnt matter, he’ll always make sure just in case
"you want anything?"
"want me to grab you some as well?"
"you sure you dont want anything?"
I feel like Matt would enjoy late night drives with you. Wether it’s just the two of you being bored, that you guys just need to get out of the house or just to talk in private, I think he would enjoy it still
You could drive around and talk about random things or serious topics, sometimes you would grab food and just sit in a parking lot and just talk while you guys eat
Matt would definetly let you wear his clothes, he’d give you his hoodies and sweaters whenever you got cold or needed it. No questions asked. It could be snowing and he’d be near death already, but he would still have given you his hoodie (we love Matt💕)
You, Matt, Chris and Nick were out in town, not for anything in particular, but Nick was looking for some new shirts, and the rest of us just tagges along since we didnt really have any other plans.
Chris wanted to stop by the grocery store as he was out of pepsi and he also wanted some snack for later.
Once we all got back in the car again, we all agreed to go get some food. We decided to stop by Taco Bell, for once we also decided to eat there and nor take it with us.
Today had been somewhat chilly, but I hadnt brought a jacket with me. A strong wind blew by me and a few strands of hair went in my face. Matt took notice of my body language, seeing my high shoulders and how I was somewhat hugging myself to try to bring myself some warmth.
He locked the car doors and came over to me, laying an arm around my shoulder. He pusher some strands of hair behind my ear.
"Want my hoodie?" he asked.
"No no, it’s alright Matt, it’s my own fault for forgetting to bring one" I let out a dry laugh.
He gave me a questionable look and started taking off his hoodie disregarding what I just said. After taking it off, he handed it to me.
"Here" he just smiled at me.
"Thank you Matt" I put on his hoodie already feeling warmer by his body warmth still lingering in it.
"Of course sweetie" he gave me a quick peck on the lips and intertwined our hand as we started walking inside.
These are all the headcanons for Matt so far, I hope you liked them, I really enjoyed writing it :))
I might make a part 2 later if anyone wants that and just send in any requests or ideas if you have any!
I hope youve had a good day or night and dont forget that youre absolutely worth it!! <3
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chrisgetsmewet · 3 months
I can count on you
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Matt × fem!reader
A/n - i personaly think this isn't gonna be that good i was just listening to lil peep and thought of it also this might be short.
Summary - matt tells y/n to call him whenever things get hard at home.
Warning - family abuse, abusive dad, angst, fluff at the end ig
Wasn't proofread!
I hear stumping coming to my room, quick movements really.
"where are they" my dad says bursting through my door.
I knew what he was talking about. He's and addict he doesn't stop doing drug's, smoking, and drinking. The thing is i don't care but when he does those things he is really abusive more then normal and my mom let's it happen.
"W-what are you talking about?" I play like im clueless but I'm sure it won't work.
In all reality im more scared then i put off, i think he could really hurt me if he wanted to he never has but if he wanted to he would. He is also really good at talking down on me belittling me in every way possible, everytime he got a chance.
"Dont play with me you little shit" the man walks over to me snatching me off my bed and grabbing a fist full of my hair "you're gonna tell me where you put it" he adds walking out the room to the kitchen practically dragging me.
I hold the hand he has on my hair "ow..ow..ow" i try and get out of his grip. Yeah thats not happening.
He pushes me in the living room and i stumble a bit. I turn around to face him crossing my arms looking to the side feeling a presence, a set of eyes looking at me. It's my mom just sitting there drinking a bottle of alcohol,switching in-between smoking and drinking.
"Where are my pills" the man says
I shrugg letting out a mumble "i don't know" i avoid eye contact as much as possible with him
I felt my mom staring at me from where she was sitting. She slouches back a little crossing her legs
"Y/n just tell your daddy where his shit is and you can go" she says
I hate that she calls him my dad, he is my dad but he definitely isn't a father figure and he ruined my childhood, they both did. But at the same time i wouldn't want anything bad to happen to either of them cause they're still my parents, but sometimes you get what you deserve.
He takes the bottle out of my moms hand and throws it against the wall near me, he lines other to me yanking my arm towards him "i couldn't hear you the first time, you were whispering. WHAT DID YOU SAY"
"It's gone.. " i chocked out, closing my eyes looking away from him. I felt him let go of me, i open my eyes he was stressing freaking like any person would but he was filled with rage, i knew it was bad when he started pacing back and forth. I could tell that all from his body language, but what i couldn't tell is what was gonna happen next.
That was all he had to say i run to my room and i close the door. That's when it sets in 'i can't be here any longer i have to go until he's more calm' my brain wouldn't cut off non stop thoughts coming to my head. But the main one was text matt so thats what i do. So we can meet up, he'd want me to do that. We had this discussion, everytime something bad happens or im feeling down i can give him a call/text. So that's what im going to do.
To matt:
Hey can we meet up?
Sent 10:54 pm delivered
Sent 10:55 pm seen
From matt:
Yeah. What's going on??
Sent 10:57pm seen
To matt:
I'll tell you when we get there.
Sent 10:58 pm seen
Matt's POV
I wonder what she needs to tell me. I dont get text like these often unless it's her being random or her wanting to go out for food. So it must be important about family or something sense we have to meet at the rooftop. I hope y/n is ok she never really likes talking about what goes on at home but i know it hurts her and it hurts me that people who are supposed to love you treats her like complete shit.
I was with chris watching a movie but he was sleep. So i thought. I got up quietly not to make a noise, so when the movie got loud thats when i made swift movements, getting my stuff and looking for the keys, the noise could be heard less sense the movie drowned it out. I found the keys
Before i left out i heard chris "where are you going?" He mumbled in a sleepy voice "late night drive" the excuse came straight to my head it wasn't technically a lie but it was definitely not the truth. I walk out of the room so no more questions can be asked. Sense after all he is still in the half alseep half awake state.
In the car half way there i think about what possibly could have happened and if she was truly ready to talk about it cause i gues y/n likes to seem like she's living a normal life but whatever goes on at home hurts her and she never cries about it but it's not best to bottle it up but i wouldn't wanna push her to anything she doesnt wanna talk about so i won't.
I stop for gas on the way over there cause i know the next morning. There won't be any, both chris and nick will give me shit for it but it's also gonna make me late which isn't what she probably needs right now
Back to y/n pov
I put my phone in my pocket and slip out the window. I walk to our place, where me and matt meet up, it's a roof of a hotel it's not a popular one so that's why we never get 'caught' i like it there cause there's a good view of people passing by and it's quiet and you're just there left with your thoughts and the cold breeze of boston.
I walked about 10 minutes to the rooftop waiting, walking around contemplating what i was gonna tell him, he knows about my family problems but I'd rather not relieve it and just be comforted but i don't wanna be an attention seeker or a disappointment like my dad says i am.
"Hey" matt walks over to me "hey" i reply it wasn't awkward i was just warming up to tell him what happend.
"So what's going on" he was trying to make conversation he does that a lot so it doesn't go quiet sense i find silence comforting and I'll forget why i was there to begin with also with his presence it's a lot more comforting.
"It's my parent's again" i avoid looking at him while explaining everything cause i learned not to cry over things like that because it's not gonna change anything.
"So i flushed my dad's pills and any drugs he had down the toilet cause he would get really violent when he had them so i thought i was doing the right thing but it just made him more mad and i.." i let out a breath before putting my head in my hands and collect my thoughts i was just exhausted
"It's ok, talk to me." He reaches over and ubs my back until i sit my head up ready to talk again
"Umm.. i don't really wanna go back home because ime scared and.." i bring my fingers to my mouth biting on my nails "i wanted to know if i could stay at you're house just for today"
"Yeah of course as long as you want" he brings me in for a hug and i hug him back almost immediately i really need a hug from someone that i know that cares about me i wonder how it feels to have parents that adored you since birth and loved you. It must be nice id never know of course cause my parents can't stay away from drugs or alcohol for a day without some how putting the blame on me. Youre the reason we're like this, you never do anyrhing but sit around acting usless, do better in school it's not that hard.
I feel something wet on my cheek i wipe my cheek and it was tears.great. i was crying and i didn't even know it that's the last thing i needed right now, i sniffle.
Matt pulls away from the hug looking at me "are you crying? Y/n it's not you're fault" he pulls me back in for a hug "you're gonna be ok." He let's go of me and sits down against the ledge around the rooftop and i sit down next to him leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Hey, matt.." i was waiting for his response "hmm" he replied attentively "would you say I'm an attention seeker" i can feel him move my head off his shoulder so he can look at me "no, not at all y/n where is this coming from" looking in my eyes as if he's looking for an answer "it's nothing" i clear my throat "can we go now"
I wait for him to get up so we can walk to the car together. We make our way off the roof by the little ladder it had going off the side and down to his car we get inside. "So you wanna get anything to eat" "no I'm fine". I lied. I wasn't fine but i really didn't wanna be a burden besides it was around 12pm and we had school the next day so by the grace of god he even saw my text message.
We made it to the house and it was quiet and dark the only light was the lamp that stayed on i only know that cause the tumes i stayed over on summer nights and wanted water in the middle of the night cause it was super hot.
I crept upstairs to the extra room it wasn't really an extra room it was just Justin there older brothers room.
"If you're not up bye tomorrow I'll tell everyone you stayed over. Also get me if you need anything. ok?"
"Sure thing" i nodd sitting on the bed looking where he was standing as he was closing the door i called his name "can you actually stay"
"Huh?" He called out with confusion in his voice
"I actually don't wanna be alone right now. So i was wkndering if you could stay" i was desperate but not trying to sound the part but i really needed comfort the hug he gave me earlier really made me see life was worth living and there is always gonna be light when it's dark you just gotta find it and i did.
"You sure??" conforming my offer I've never made before so im sure it caught him off guard.
"Yes. Please"
"OH!... i almsot forgot you can change into Justin's old clothes if you want" the brunette pointed over to his older brothers closet and dresser
I changed into a grey lacrosse T- shirt and some black sweats with a string to fasten the waistband i get in the bed matt was already laying in on his phone. It was honestly kinda strange it was like we were dating but we weren't but that feeling wasn't a new one. I've always felt that way with him he made it easy to get butterflies he was nice and respectful when he wanted to be that's what makes me like him so much but i never let those feelings tk the surface cause i can't mess up what i have just for something more.
He cuts his phone off "goodnight?"
"Night" i replied sluggishly and very tired
He's turned my way so i turn facing him and scoot closer so he can wrap his arm's around me. After all that is the real reason i wanted him to stay so i can be in his warm embrace like before cause it made me feel at ease.
The whole house was at peace unlike mine. Little creaks and wind blows from outside the house and cars passing by, the room half lit from the moon casting into the room i don't think neither me or matt was sleep i could tell from his breathing pattern. Not reay he would just move a little. The room was warm but cold breezes from the air conditioning cutting on every now and then. I feel a tug at my waist it was matt pulling me closer to him, i get comfortable with our bodies intertwined on the soft mattress beneath us. We were so close to eachother i could feel his warmth of his breath on me. It was a feeling of security after awhile i dozed off and im sure matt did too.
A/n: yep thats its🎀🎀 feed my delusions and tell me it's good even if tou dont agree
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thecynthh · 5 months
confide - M.S
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summery - y/n escapes to the balcony of you and matt’s room while a whole party is still buzzing under you, he finds you and lets you know that he still loves you no matter what
notes - MORE FLUFF, guys we needed more fluff, i can make a part 2 with smut in it if u whores like this one 🫶
a/n - this is me putting off smart ass 🤗
trying to escape the madness of the party happening underneath me i choose to sit on the outdoor couch on the very high balcony i sit at. i started the mini fire pit in front of me as all the supplies for it was just in a box near the door. 
the blanket that embraces me is fluffy and soft, as much as i love matt i couldn’t breath in that horrible blanket of tension his mother threw onto me. i was drilled with questions by her knowing the reason for the excessive amount. matt went through a rough break up before me, and i can’t blame her for wanting to make sure her son doesn’t go through something like that again. 
the fire crackles and pops while i just enjoy the city lights and soft jazz that plays on the upper level of the penthouse, i lay my head down on the other seat cozying up on the bamboo woven couch, the thick padding cradle me as i feel myself being lulled to sleep. 
not long after i fall asleep im woken up by the sound of the sliding door behind me, a shadowy figure walks to the side of the couch, it was matt. 
“hi sweetheart, did you get tired?” matt says, folding over to get closer to my face, the glow of the fireplace reflects every chiselled feature in his face.  i give him a soft nod while he peels his suit jacket off resting it on the chair that is also stationed towards the fire.
“hey move your head up,” i do as i’m told and he slides into the seat on the couch my head was recently covering up, he lays my head back onto his muscular thigh letting me use him as a pillow. 
“im sorry, i was so overwhelmed by your mom,” i say shameful of when i tripped over my words and made a fool of myself. 
“yeah, nick told me about it, he already told her to calm down on the questions, he also led me here to you and i don't think my mom is the only factor of you coming up here.” he says, dipping his head down to kiss my forehead. his fingers push my hair away from my face as i turn to look up at him. 
“i don’t know matt, i feel weird. i don’t belong in this sparkly dress or these high class parties. i’m so new to all of it, and don’t get me wrong, i love all of this and you so much to keep pushing through but if i’m being honest it’s really hard for me to be down there.” i hope matt understood what i meant by all of that because it really felt good to get off my chest. 
“i get it, we grew up differently, but that doesn’t change anything between us. i dont care if you were dirty and homeless on the street as long as i knew who you were i would have picked you up, housed you and loved you forever. and i'm willing to do that right now too. i don’t care if my family is worried about me, because i know that i'm alright now. you healed me.” he cupped my cheek making sure my eyes were still connected to his while he assured me of his intentions and beliefs. 
“i know i’m not what your mom envisioned who you would be with, so thank you for all of this. from the dress to the heels and your sweet words, thank you for sharing your beautiful life with me.” i sit up and begin to straddle matt, my red dress pools around us while i take matt in for a large hug. he returns it pushing my head into his neck letting me become way more calm then i was when i came up here. 
i look back up to him with a tear escaping from my perfectly done eye make up. “don’t cry please, it breaks my fucking heart when you cry.” he kisses the tear before it can run fully down my face fully. “how about we go to bed, i’ll get you all cleaned up and all i have to do is tell nick and chris that i’m not feeling well and we can cuddle all night, sounds good?” i eagerly nod, giving an enthusiastic yes. 
he wraps my straddled legs around his torso and carries me inside, keeping me bundled up in my blanket as I'm moved to the bed, before promptly putting out the fire i started. he retreats back to me bringing one of my silk black cami tops to change into while he goes to my large vanity and brings back a soaked cotton pad to use to clean my face of running mascara and concealer. 
he gently rubs and wipes across my face seeing him extremely focused on the task in front of him. he tosses the stained pad and he lets me crawl into bed. “okay i’ll be back im just going to find chris or nick to update them, i won’t be long.” he lingers at the door handle while telling me his exact actions while he heads out the door.
i check my phone for messages and notifications while before he comes back to our room, he strips off his button up abandoning it in the hamper that crowds a corner of the room. his dress pants hang low on his hips as they fall slightly while he pulls his belt through the multitude of loops on his pants. 
he’s now just left in his plaid print boxers as he slips under the charcoal grey duvet and snakes his arms around me pulling me in, embracing me just like he said he would. his chest is flush with my back and his legs entangle with mine. he’s warm and still smells like the intoxicating cologne he adores. i take a deep breath in being very content in where my life ended up and how i’m now engaged with my fiance and now letting the rest of his family know at a party. life is great when you find your person.
taglist - @westwiing13 @comet235 @mayhem73
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ludinusdaleth · 2 months
You got any bear Artagan headcanons 👉👈
of course i do, anon 💚 thanks for the ask
-hes skinny as a twig until post-travelercon days. he never really "watches his figure" (as matt scoffed at the notion he would in a m9 ep), but something about taking in exandria with new eyes, and escaping the stress of being the traveler (and going on mai tai benders it seems), softens him. like a man truly becoming middle aged rather than suspended in youth, his body cues a slower metabolism, i suppose.
-he doesnt really notice it til a random day he doesnt fit into an older outfit of his, and hes surprised as thats never happened before, but it's easy enough to accept with a shrug and relief he didnt split his best party gear just now before he could get it refitted. his good old green cloak is a very oversized thing; he'll never have to change it.
-i like to imagine he and many other fae (barring whatever type ira & sammanar are) have always been relatively furry. he's lionlike. he can canonically grow a shitty chinbeard as of tales of exandria. it makes sense. his body hair is like a fauns fur-pattern, with normal chest hair & a happy trail as well as fur on the elbows and a back stripe. but as i said, when he really just relaxes post-tc, his body thinks, hey, you're kind of a bit older now, in a way, so he gets even hairier. he grows out a bit of a beard, patchy (his mustache is hopeless) but extremely soft. it grows down to about his adams apple. with the beard adding to his lions mane look, he seems like more of a big cat by the day.
-he has incredible love handles & a sloping, wide paunch, and pretty nice man tits too (which hes more than happy to show off in his low cut outfits and i am more than happy to imagine). his frame is predisposed to being skinny & sharp and so he always carries that vague look, but his body fights that a bit and wins in less than a decades time. he still has absolutely 0 ass though. this is important
-jester notices and doesnt really say anything, but she thinks hes so handsome, and is happy for him. when she runs to hug him, it's not just his cloak that pads her embrace. hes always been a good hugger but was bony before. now, it's perfect.
-he has always had irritatingly high charisma & charm. however he lately finds himself courted more than he has been in a long while. when he was a beanpole, it was easy to just look like another tall skinny stereotypical elf, if a striking one. but exandrians & fae alike have become very, very fond of elves of a bearish nature. elves of the dwendallian empire & graying wildlands are especially enraptured by him (i like to think hair on an elf is vital in cold regions and some societies begrudgingly have begun to accept it), and the feygrove which he helped create of course is in love with his new appearance, even influencing many of them to indulge to the point of being bigger. i feel he would not know what to do in a bear bar, nervous with the knowledge he wasn't always like this and nowhere near the size of an orc or bugbear, but any elf unafraid to show their hair & girth is welcomed gladly.
-he in all his ancient wisdom likes to assume being fat & bearded will mean no ex or court official will recognize him. he is recognized by quite literally everyone and is shocked every time (this is coming from the man who disguises himself as a ginger without fail. every. time)
-i dont think the fae ascribe to fatphobia anywhere like we do, and every fae is so unique i think beauty standards are fruitless to uphold, but i do think other archfey who see arti are often disgusted at him for how mortal he seems, and how he accepts aging & body changes without deigning to seem dignified. morrigan however is happy the old boy settled into himself; she'll never say if she plucked a few threads of fate for his body to allow this transformation. he needed it, she thinks, like a grandmother who refuses to let you go til you've eaten 6 meals in 1.
-sprinkle is canonically a bit chunky nowadays. i like to imagine the m9 conjecturing for a surprisingly long time over whether arti & sprinkle are one entity whose bodies change together or not.
-i think all the m9 would agree living to a time in life where you can get old & fat & content is a beautiful achievement. while not everyone thinks arti has exactly earned the right to be content, he seems very happy post travelercon, and the look suits him well. (though beau, veth, & yasha hold private discourse over if he should shave that terrible scruffy beard of his - obviously veth who married yeza sideburns brenatto finds it charming on him, beau finds it disgusting and makes him look half-feral, and yasha oscillates between the two as if in pain, not wanting to hurt either's or arti's feelings)
-in general i think he wouldn't mind this new look at all. he's canonically the type to sigh at his youth and how he peaked then, but when jester nuzzles under his scruffy chin he knows it's all worth it. he knows in some way his skinniest points were his most miserable, pacing around his domain of the feywild like a wild cat in a circus wagon, desperate for enrichment while laughed at under a panopticon of court eyes. now he's a big fat tomcat who rules the lavorre-stone household (especially when only fjord is home and he can terrorize him) and can get all the food & drink & experience all across exandria that he could ever want. life is good. if the man in the mirror is getting shaggier & softer & maybe, he thinks as he sees wrinkles and a gray in his hair, older, he's doing it in the best way possible.
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How would genderbent wammy 's boys be in your opinion.
Im so mad bc I keep like starting to write and then forgetting to save it to my drafts and then I have to write it all over again but anyways
I did talk about Mello here but I'll talk about the others here just for you honey bunny
Now note that I don't think any of their personalities would change very much at all, mostly just behavioral things because their environments would be slightly different. Break because I'm gonna write a lot
For Near, I don't think Wammy's house is going to separate boys and girls at all and whoever's running that whole detective system thingy within wammy's is pretty objective to anything and just focuses on intelligence but if Near has to get approval or work with any outside agencies or organization I imagine he's going to have to work harder. Near is like a natural talent, and of course he does work but he's also like a natural genius, so here I'd like to apply to him the Burnt Out Gifted Kid Effect™. Near wouldn't have to work as hard under Wammy's management but he would for other organizations in order to get approval and gain his title, and I believe this would lead to lethargy in his case. Me personally, when I'm made to work harder than I usually do I'm more prone to procrastinating and lazing around and I think he would too. He might also be more prone to stress and anxiety -- growing up as a teenage girl while also trying to be the greatest detective in the world is like if Life came at you with two giant hammers and just smashed you into the ground.
Both L and Near would be referred to as "he" under anonymity (remember how the task force just automatically assumed the second Kira was a he? Yeah).
For L I think more socially -- he might have similar struggles to Mello and Near in terms of detective work but unlike Mello and Near, we have seen him in a very social setting (To-oh) so I'd like to address that more with him even if he's not really all that social. Not sure if you've noticed, you probably have, but most of the girls at To-oh were wearing skirts, so L would already be more of an outlier than he is anyway. It would be difficult for him to sit the way he does with a skirt on. Additionally L is very hygienic but he obviously has body hair (not that it's not hygienic but some people do see it that way) and i dont think he would shave because Watari already does all the other shit and he thinks it's functionally unnecessary. So imagine someone sees that and how different it would be as a female vs male. That and many of his other behaviors.
L generally isn't taken seriously but I think if he were female that would intensify. Especially with Light, who would probably think something like "There's no way L is a wOmAn" and he'd probably take it as a much more major offense when L wins a round of their mental murder chess. Also if we're thinking meta, he might even be sexualized in the canon sources, and Near as well. Mello would just definitely be sexualized there's no questioning it.
Matt would be essentially the same. I can't say too much because nobody knows too much about him. If it were up to me, and it is, Matt would have body issues and be a raging lesbian and that's about it. He probably would also get the shit bullied out of him while online gaming and Mello threatens to find people's houses and blow them up.
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tayslaw · 2 years
A/n: was watching Gilmore Girls a year in the life, the last ep, when I got this interesting idea
Summary: (if you haven't seen Gilmore Girls, a year in the life. Then let me explain) you, Matt, Nick, and Chris go on a trip to Argentina. You guys get up to many things, like going to the best restaurants and having to dress up, when you guys end up dancing, doing the tango.
Pairing: Matt x fem-reader !
Warnings: none :) well warning its very adorable so get ready for cuteness overload.
Be prepared because this will be quite long :,)
Care to dance?
3:00... in the morning. I was exhausted, but I knew I had to get up. Me, Matt, Nick, and Chris are going to Argentina for a week, and let me tell you. I was beyond excited. "Is everyone up?" Nick yells from the kitchen. I sigh, as Matt gets his stuff ready. He looks at me. "We can sleep on the plane" he says, coming over to kiss the top of my head. "Why is it so early though" I whine, flopping back on the bed. "Because, it was the only good flight.. apparently" Matt says with an eye roll. I huff as I get up and get ready. We decided that this trip wasn't going to go on YouTube. We wanted to have a nice, relaxing vacation away from social media. "You two ready?" Nick asks me and Matt. I nod, still half asleep. Chris then comes along, slouching with a yawn. "Nick whyd you book it so early" Chris says not amused by this time of the hour. "Because it's going to be a long plane ride and it's good to get up early" Nick explains as he puts stuff into the car. "Says who?" Chris says. I get in the front with Matt, because he's the only one who can drive us.
We finally arrived at the airport getting ready to get on the plane. Me and Matt were seated with eachother with another guy. While Nick and Chris were a couple seats down from us, together. I start to fall asleep exhausted from getting up really early. I suddenly feel a head on me, knowing it was Matt I sigh in content. A little while later, Matt taps me making my look up at him. He hands me an airpod with a small smile. I take it and return the smile back at him. We shuffle the Playlist and just listen to some music, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
It was nearing to the end of the plane ride. We land suddenly. "I'm still so tired" Matt says huffing. "Me too don't worry. We can have the longest sleep when we get to the hotel" I say starting to get up. We go get the bags and meet with Nick and Chris. "You two look terrible" Nick says. Matt glares at him. "Ok, ok sorry" Nick says holding up his hands in defense. "Are we going to the hotel now?" Chris asks. "We will. We'll go drop our stuff off then I have a list that we can do for today" Chris whines as Nick finishes his sentence. "Dont be a baby" Nick says. "Why can't we go back to the hotel and chill for a bit?" Chris argues. "Because thats not what we will be doing this whole trip. We are going to get out and have some fun" Nick says as we put our stuff into the cab. Nick gets into the passengers seat as me, Matt and Chris sit in the back. After a long ride we finally make it to the hotel. "Hi there, I booked in the other day" Nick says to the lady. "Name?" She says typing the keys on the computer. "Sturniolo" he sorts with the receptionist. Me, Matt and Chris just sit down and wait. "I'm so beyond tired" Chris yawns. "We all are" I state, resting my head on Matt's shoulder, resting my eyes, but not fully sleeping. Nick then comes back over with the key. "Right come on, we have alot to do today" he says grabbing a few of the bags. We get into the elevator, and go to our room. I flop onto the bed with a exhale. "No no, don't get too comfortable" Nick says, going to put his stuff away. "Well then what's the 'big' plan for today?" Chris asks, following Nick's actions. "Well I have a reservation at this lovely restaurant tonight, and I wanted to... Now before you say anything.. I wanted to dress up, because you can!" "Nick" Chris says stopping and looking at him. "What? It'll be fun! Plus we aren't just sitting around in this hotel all day everyday" I look at Matt. "That sounds kinda fun!" I say then looking at Nick. "Thank you y/n" Nick says with a smile, shortly looking to and from Chris and Matt. "I mean, I'm not too bothered, yeah why not" Matt says. "You got to be kidding me" Chris whines. "Come on you big baby, I promise you'll get a nap in" Nick says. "Youre annoying" Chris says falling on his and Nick's bed. "Oh you're going to be a joy to sleep with" Nick says sarcastically. "Guys lets stop fighting and get on with the day, it's already 1 in the afternoon" Matt states. I get up and get my stuff sorted while they keep talking. Nick has always got an agenda so I wouldn't doubt we would be all set. "What kind of stuff will we be wearing?" I ask. "Its a surprise!" Nick says with a bright smile, obviously excited. "But we are going to obviously know when we all get to the shops" Chris says. "I mean a surprise until then you dumbie" Nick retorts. "Ok well I'm ready to go" Matt says. "Yes yes, ok get everything you need" Nick says, getting the hotel room key and going to the door. I follow suit, as do the others.
We end up going to this big mall, it was quite crowded actually, must be popular. Nick leads us into a clothing shop that I had never seen before. It was full of Tango dresses, suits and outfits. "Omg we are going to go tango dancing!??" I ask Nick excited. "Yes!!" He says matching my energy. Chris huffs. "Someone's grumpy" Matt laughs. "You can't honestly tell me you want to do this, wear this?!" Chris says picking up a peice of fabric, on one of the dresses. "Chrisy, we aren't wearing dresses" Matt mocks, placing a hand on his shoulder. Chris shoves his hand off. "I can't believe I'm doing this" "will you stop moaning about it, it's all I'm hearing. We won't be there forever Chris" Nick snaps. "Fine" he says. "Look I wanted to do something nice, and fun for us all to enjoy. If you really don't want to then you can stay back at the hotel while we all go out" he says turning back around to look for an outfit. Matt gives Chris a look, coming over to me and Nick.
We get our outfits. My dress was red, very flowing and puffy. I loved it tho, it had gold stitches and little gold details. The triplets had suits, Matt matched me, because I insisted. And the other two had different ones. We eventually go back to the hotel, after doing a bit more shopping. Chris flops on the bed, face first. "That felt like forever" he says. "Yes well I'm going to let you have a nap, so you aren't as cranky" Nick says getting the outfits ready. I sit on me and Matt's bed and go on my phone. Chris gets under the covers, ready to have a small sleep. I laugh slightly at him. Matt comes and joins me on the bed, also going on his phones. "Oh and tonight we are leaving our phones here" Nick says. "WHAT" Chris says sitting up looking at him. "Dont start with me cranky pants" he then says warning Chris. "I think thats actually a good idea" Matt says. "Matt!!!?" "Yes Chris" Chris stares at Matt then Nick. "Like I said before you could always stay here" Nick shrugs. He huffs and lays back down again. "Get some rest maybe that'll sort your attitude" Nick says. "I hate you" Chris says through the pillow. Me and Matt start to laugh at Nick and Chris' little banter.
I hear all the loud music from inside this restaurant/bar. It sounded so enjoyable and chaotic. We all had our outfits on. I was a little too excited, I had never done this before so it was enduring for me. We enter to a bunch of people. Some were sitting eating, some were up dancing and having a blast. "Hello there" the lady at the front, greets us. "Hi, reservation for Nick" Nick says with a smile, looking around the place. "Right this way" the lady says, taking us over to a booth. We sit down and look at the menu. "Whats a bet they don't have any good food on here" Chris says about to open it. "You better not be like this the whole night Chris, or I will call a cab to take you back to the hotel" "atleast I don't look too crazy" Chris says. "There you go, no need to be a party pooper" Nick says smiling at Chris. I look at it all, drinks, food, everything. We get started on drinks though. I watch amazed, at the Tango dancers in the middle of the room. I watch their movements carefully, seeing as I've never learnt I had to watch to see what I needed to do. I watch as the man holds the woman's waist. I love the art of Tango and how they move as one. It was ethical to watch. The way they connect, the eyecontact. It was amazing. Considering it was loud Matt had to go close to my ear to say something. "Why don't we order the food and then go out and do that for a bit" he says. I look at him with a wide smile. "Ok!" I say looking back to the dancers, as Matt rests an arm ontop the booth behind my head, that we were in. The lady comes to take our orders. I was so thrilled to go out there and try to Tango. Matt taps me signaling that he's ready. I get up out of the booth and fix my dress. Matt holds out his hand for me to grab. I take it as we go out with all the rest. Chris and Nick sit at the booth watching us. Without me and Matt knowing, Chris gets his phone out and starts recording us. "I thought I told you to leave that at the hotel" Nick says staring at him. "Oh well" Chris retorts, still filming us. "Give it" Nick says grabbing it. "Hey!" "No I will keep the video but I'm holding onto it until we get back to the hotel" Nick says, putting it in his pocket. "Can we add it to the group acc, photo dump?" Chris asks Nick. "Sure I don't see why not" he lets out a breath. Me and Matt keep dancing. He kept eyecontact with me like all the others. It's safe to say, I love the Tango. This was going to be a fun night. As he dips me, the lady with our food comes and puts it on our table. We look at eachother and go to sit down with Chris and Nick. "Had fun?" Nick asks looking at both of us, but mostly at me. Probably because I was smiling like an idiot. "This place is so much fun" I say looking around, then back at Nick. "I'm so thrilled you are enjoying it y/n" he says digging into his food. I nod and do the same. "How bout you Matt?" Chris asks, eating aswell. "I'm enjoying myself too" he says, looking at me smiling. I return the bright smile, and continue to eat.
It was maybe like an hour later. We were all laughing and having such a good time. No phones, Chris was actually enjoying himself which was nice to see. I was so full. "Lets go dance!!" Nick says. I smile at how excited he was getting. "I'm going to chill here" I say laying back tired. "Matt or Chris? come on" Nick whines. "I'll go out there with you" Matt says, starting to get up. They go off and start to get down to the music. Me and Chris sit there. "Yo, I took a video of you and Matt before, when you guys where dancing" Chris says getting out his phone. "You what?" I say laughing slightly. "Look" he says giving me his phone. "Wait hold on, the rule was no phone" I say looking at him. "I didn't listen" he says with a goofy smile. I shake my head while laughing still. I watch the video of us dancing and smiling at eachother. It made me feel so warm and fuzzy. This was going to be a fun trip. "That was sweet" I say shooting Chris a small smile, handing his phone back. "You think we could post it on the group account, for the photo dump!?" I look at him. "I dont see why not! Ask Matt too tho" I say smiling. "Oh yeah no I would" he says looking at Nick and Matt having fun out there. "Dont you feel ridiculous?" He says, turning to face me. "No? Why would I? This is alot of fun" I say. "That dress looks annoying" he says. "Its actually not that bad, it's huge but it's fine" I say with a laugh. I look to my right and notice the waitor about to come over. He did that quite often actually. "Everything alright here" he says with a smile. Chris nods. "Yep!" I say smiling back. I watch him walk away, I then notice the waitor look over at Nick. I tilt my head finally clicking. Awe my heart. "What?" Chris says, looking at me. "Did you ever wonder why the waitor kept coming over here?" I say, looking over at Chris with a smile. "Oh no, I have noticed that tho" he says. "I think he likes Nick" I say smiling brighter looking over at Nicks bright smiling face. "Wait actually?" Chris says getting excited for his brother. "I'd say so yeah" I say looking at both Nick and Matt. They then shortly come over. Nick sits next to me as Matt sits next to Chris. Nick puts an arm around my shoulder and sighs contently. I smile at how happy he was. I then whisper in Nicks ear, excited to tell him. And see his reaction. "I think our waitor has taken a fancy to you" I say, pulling back to see his features. He looks at me and then smiles. "You think?" He asks. "I have a pretty big hunch" I say. "He keeps coming over here, and when he walked away I noticed him looking at you and smiling" I say. Nick looks over to our waitor, they catch eachothers eyes and smile at eachother. Nick turns back around red in the face, smiling.
It was now 8:00 pm. We were just about to get up and leave when the waitor comes over one last time. "I hope everything went well over here" he says politely. We all nod. "It was amazing, thank you" Nick says, smiling. The waitor then gets the last of the plates and secretly slides a piece of paper on the table. He looks at Nick and smiles. Walking off to go to another table. I look at Nick and go all fangirly. "Nick oh my gosh!!" I say excited for him. "Do I call him?" He asks me. "I'd say Maybe later on yes!!" I say. He looks at me and smiles. We all get up and start to walk out
It was now 10. We were sitting in the hotel just chilling out, watching TV. Safe to say, one of the most enjoyable days of my life. Being with my favorite humans, trying something out my comfort zone. It really was amazing. And I can not wait for what tomorrow brings.
A/n: this has been sitting in my drafts forever. Don't fret I won't let you guys wait any longer here it is! :) let me know what you think
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lawlietscaramels · 4 days
I asked for the ot3 and one ship from it, someone else seems to have asked for another. Let's round it out with Natebit?
We ended up with nearlymellodramattic, mellodramattic, meronia and natebit. wow. when will people know I am not the go-to for the children.../lh See game details here.
I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home
Can you see my eyes are shining bright? 'Cause I'm out here on the other side Of a jet black hotel mirror and I'm so weak Is it hard understanding, I'm incomplete? A love that's so demanding I get weak
I no longer remember why I picked this song 🫡 I really don't know anything about their dynamic but when I was listening to it a while ago I thought it fit??? I just looked up the lyrics and these parts seemed to like. vibe the most so. yeah.
It seems more Near-ish to me, probably. I DONT KNOWW the first part seems to work well but I can't explain why... uh.. Matt goes off to help Mello and die and Near wouldn't forgive himself if that happened ig yeah.
As for the second part, I suppose... they're very close, but also separate. Despite needing one another, neither is the type to be very clingy or present in a relationship, I suppose, so if either tried perhaps it would drive the other away. That's all I can come up with, I think, and so the event ends! Thank you to all who participated!
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californiaelitewells · 11 months
AEW Dynamite 06/28/23 Review
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Jon Moxley vs Tomhiro Ishii
2 great talent. Im interested in seeing if AEW will play ok the Chaos vs BCC storyline we saw start at New Japan Resurgence.
A solid opening to the episode. I wasnt anticipating the angle until after the end of the match, but seeing Eddie make a surprise entrance as an oppurtunity to attack Claudio. I assume in hopes Mox would be too busy with his natch to interfere.
After the commercial break it seems Eddie has calmed down only in that he's not actively approaching Claudio. Instead shoosing to stare at him fron across the ring.
Mox gets the win but its its obvios theres syill tension with him and Eddie Kingston.
Parking Lot Segment
This story between MJF and Adam Cole is going exactly where I think its gonna go.
MJF is going to try and and turn Adam Cole heel, and Cole will try the to the same to MJF conversly turning him Face.
BCC segment with Renee
This was pretty much for Eddie to explain why he went out during Mox's match. I would call it a little selfish for Eddie to expect mox to all of a sudden not want Mox to hang around Claudio.
Orange Cassidy, El Hijo del Vikingo, and Keith Lee vs Jericho Appreciation Society (Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker)
2.Oh havent been on TV for a while I dont think, long enough for me to actually be excited to see them again.
I'm also happy to see El Hijo del Vikingo back on Dynamite, loved Forbidden Door, but I will say there was a distinct lack of Lucha.
Solid match. Tony really just says all babyfaces are friends. I think that's fine.
Hungbucks Dark Order backstage segment
Oooo drama between the Dark Order and Hangman. It makes total sense for Dark Order to be upset with Hangman, especially since the bucks always seem to disappear every time Hangman is in trouble. I'm excited to see what happens with their match.
Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara backstage segment
I didn't have much to say about their match on Sunday. I noticed that they didn't really progress anything regarding Sammy and Jericho, and neither did this segment.
Dark Order vs The Elite
6 AEW originals so I'm very happy to see this match.
I really hope we see a healthy showing of the dark order recruitment specialist.
So I'm not expecting Dark Order to win, and neither am I expecting Hangman and The Bucks to stop tagging together anytime soon, so with that, it is possible Dark Order could be using this opportunity to return. To their roots as villains.
It feels like a possibility with how willing Uno is to attack Hangman while he's on the apron.
Hangman is finally ready to take his opposing team seriously, and he ends up being pinned for a Newark fall the fans were really into.
Just when I typed that John Silver reversed the Buckshot Lariat into his own pin attempt for the second closest near fall in the match.
Adam Page reluctantly pins for the win.
So, instead of giving us more Dark Order, the BCC decides to use this moment to attack the Elite. We do get something though as it seems Dark Order is choosing not to do anything for Hangman. Even Kongston is out here to fight off the BCC.
Looks like Forbidden Door wasn't the last we seen of Don either since him and his new son Konosuke Takeshita are out here to be apart of Jon's official challenge for BLOOD AND GUTS.
I'm excited for Blood and Guts forsure. I'm not sure if it's just going to be Eddie instead of Kenny on the side of the Elite, but if so there's definitely room to add another player for each team. Especially since it seems Don's whole character is to be an Antagonist for Kenny's story.
There's a lot of ways this story could go, and I'm glad there are a lot of different threads that connect to the drama each character has had so far in AEW.
Another parking lot segment with MJF and Adam Cole.
I like MJF's generic white boy line referring to Roderick Strong.
Also confirmed MJF doesn't watch Dynamite
Jungle Boy Jack Perry Promo
Now that he's a Heel Jack Perry wears sunglasses. I guess now that we have MJF to do the Tag Team storyline, and Christian is on Collision, we need someone to just go out there and talk shit for a whole segment.
Never mind, we're getting a youpeople promo.
After talking about Hook for a minute, Hook makes his entrance, and Perry hightales it out of the ring.
We cut to back stage where Jack Perry barely escapes in his get awar car
Sammy Guevara Sign Promo
He's cutting a promo on sting. I like how they are able to use this as a way to both; let Sammy cut a promo and get the Advertisements out the way.
Ruby Soho vs Alexia Nicole (Who didn't get a lower third)
This was supposed to be a match against Britt Baker, so I'm not expecting this to be a very competitive match. We'll probably see Ruby use this as more of an angle to call out Britt.
Ruby ends this match with Britts finisher, the Lockjaw. Pretty regular stuff. All capped off with the post match Spray paint.
Oh cool post match promo too.
Johnny TV Backstage Promo
I like John Hennigan and all his silly names. He fits more with the whole QTV gimmick more than Hobbs did. Rampage is also getting its own identity now, but it's felt like it's getting one for the past few months now, and I'm not sure if it is ever going to reach that point.
Main Event: Tornado Tag Team Match: Sting and Darby Allin vs Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara
I really hate that shitty flash movie that plays in the background of Sammy's entrance.
If i remember correctly, this is the 3rd time we saw the Painmaker character on Dynamite.
I like the tornado tag rules as a tv stipulation. Makes the match feel faster paced and chaotic.
Oh, geez. Sting jumped off the ladder onto Sammy, who was on 2 tables. I dont know if that was a great landing. It looks like sting may have landed his pelvis on the edge of one table and bumped his face on the second.
Sting somehow gets up and ends up in the walls of Jericho. Luckily, he was able to use the Painmakers own bat against him.
There's a lot of interesting depth to this story between Sting and Jericho, as we see Ating using all the moves he used back in the 90s and Jericho using the collection of moves he has gained in the years since. I feel there's a lot of possibility with this fued.
Sting wins with the Scorpion Death Lock
Closing thoughts
It feels like not much was developed in this episode aside from the MJF and Adam Cole story as well as Hangman and The Dark Order.
I'm excited to see Rampage and to see if they build anything else towards blood and guts this week.
Once again thanks for reading my review. Let me know your thoughts on this episode, are you expecting to be in Blood and Guts?
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im gonna go back to one from a few months ago so u get an answer u care about instead of one about one of my dozen mcyt fics-
so. author's commentary on A Very WOE.BEGONE New Year's is a go!!!!!!
11:48 PM December 31st, 2023 Oldbrush Valley, USA
i dont remember why i did the scene-setting like this and when i read this my mind imagines the locations and times typing across the screen like its a heist movie. anyway. note me very carefully avoiding mentioning the state that OBV is in
"Why do we let you guys pick the games?" Chance griped.
when i started thinking "W.BG new years fic," the first thing that came to mind was "Base absolutely plays board games together on new year's." the rest of the fic evolved around this core truth
"It also means nobody except you and Edgar knows what's going on," Mikey complained. "I actually really like this game," put in Jam.
jam my beloved my sweetheart. im so mad about how few appearances theyve had in canon since s10, Jam just has a PERFECT dynamic with literally everyone in the show for some reason. MAKE JAM A CORE BASE MEMBER AND CORE CAST MEMBER DYLAN
"Can we just call the game here?" Chris asked.
um. im only just now noticing that the narrative cant decide whether to call them Chance and Shadow or Chris and Ryan. when i first read this back for the commentary, i had a moment of whiplash where i pictured Topher saying this line before i realized. hopefully nobody else thought that was the case.
"And I was so excited for my turn," said Shadow.
i picture Shadow as the sort of person to really enjoy the board game that theyre playing, but not mention that when theyre deciding to cut it off because everybody else seems not to be having fun. him <3
"That's fine," Mikey said. "I read somewhere that it's better to drink champagne from a normal wine glass since the flute makes it smell worse." "It's more complicated than that - it has to do with the wine's vortex zone comparable to the size of the opening - but yes, a white wine glass is usually better," said Jam.
im proud of the characterization here, because this feels very Them - of the people in the room, Mikey feels far and away most likely to read something like this in passing and not look any further into it, and Jam seems most likely to be an actually wine appreciator. i shouldve had them bring up tulip glasses as the ideal, though, my bad.
"You are not going to break 24 to buy some wineglasses!"
Edgar is living in a fantasy if he thinks this is the first time a Mike Walters has broken 24 to buy some wineglasses
"They'll sort it out," said Marissa. "And we can drink champagne out of mugs or something."
picture Jam in the corner cringing internally like "this is a terrible idea for wine appreciation but if i say anything i will look like such a killjoy"
Montana, USA, Near Glacier National Park
not pictured: duckduckgo search results for "where is glacier national park." i wonder, actually, does anything in canon actually rule out that Sly's saloon and ranch are on the Canadian side of Glacier? food for thought...
The oldest set down his cards.
is... is Michael older than Sly? is that canon? did i make that up? that sounds like it could be right, but it also sounds like it could be wrong.
"Could it be somebody from Base?" "Not likely," said MW. "They're holdin' their own party tonight." "I'll get it," said Michael. "One a'y'all mind followin' me with the shotgun in case things get Western?" "Right behind ya, Big Bear," said Sly, standing. "Do things get any way other than Western with you guys?" asked Matt, grinning. "European, if we're back at the apartment," answered MW.
patting myself on the back again because i can hear this dialogue in the character voices VERY easily, this feels very naturalistic to how they riff in the show, i am a god of fanfiction
Michael opened the door, hand on the pistol at his hip, Sly behind him with shotgun in hand, then did a full double-take. "Ah don't believe mah eyes," he said. "You really here, pard?" "In the flesh," said Mike. "C'mere, cowboy." The two embraced.
i wanna point out Mike's absolute ZERO reaction to Michael and Sly both having their guns at the ready. he just goes straight in for the hug regardless. mike my guy are you okay?
"I got another spare hat if you're feelin' left out, Mike," Sly said. "Hard pass," said Mike.
no matter what happens, Mike cannot be a cowboy. this is a law of the universe.
"What are we playing and is it too late to deal me in?" "We was playin' Texas Hold'em, but I wouldn't mind cuttin' the game off, actually," said MW "Yeah, I'm getting a little tired of handing all my savings over to Sly," Matt agreed.
reading this back Mike must feel sort of left out here. imagine showing up to the party and they stop the game IMMEDIATELY when you show up. luckily they pick up playing rummy right after this.
you'll notice that we keep cutting into these scenes right as they decide to stop playing - this is because i don't want to fluff scenes out with transcripts of characters playing board and card games. descriptions of them playing really dont do anything except space out the lines that ACTUALLY advance their characters.
"You want anythin' to drink? Big Bear's on four shots of whiskey and the rest'a us have had two or three, so it might even up the playin' field a bit."
ive never drunk anything in my life, so everytime i write alcohol into a scene i have to go look up what a Standard Drink is and how people act on different amounts of Standard Drinks and sometimes it makes me feel like an alien pretending to be a drunk human. anyway
"That's Edgar," said Michael. "Generous t'the end." He smiled, a little wistful as he looked into the bottom of his glass. "Not too generous," said Mike. "He's keeping me on simulated real time, which means I'm probably not going to bed until at least four in the morning back in my time." "It's a holiday, Mike," said MW. "Yain't got nothin' to get up for. Laze around in bed with Edgar for as long as y'can. It don't last forever." "Ah'll drink t'that," said Michael.
Mike said the word "Edgar" and it triggered the mikes without an edgar to instantly go into Yearning Mode like their sleeper agent code
"No, it's alright. I only have so much time with him, but I only have so much time with you guys too, y'know?" "Everythin' runs out eventually," said Michael, reaching for Sly's hand, his eyes still on Mike. "Enjoy it while it lasts an' find other things t'care for when it's over. It's gonna hurt, but it can't hurt forever, cause even the hurtin's gonna run out one day."
wow. you can tell the person whos writing this fic is realizing theyre a few months away from exiting their teens :P
"An' a perfect toast, t'boot," said Sly. "Ah got us all new shots. 'Cept you, Big Bear. Y'don't get any more until you drink that water 'stead'a starin' into it likee it's the moon."
okay but ive soured on both Sly as a character and on Harlan as a person since writing this fic and it makes his appearances here SLIGHTLY more annoying for some reason? it feels a little like he isnt reading the mood but thats probably just me projecting my thoughts about Harlan ajlsdfhaskjdfhasdjk
"An' I'm tryin' t'make sure it ain't your last," Sly said, chucking him affectionately under the chin.
i have a very clear memory of googling what it means to chuck someone under their chin, to make sure it made sense here, but i dont have any memory of what i actually found. oh well. i trust past me
11:34 AM January 1st, 2024 Riga, Latvia
so, Riga time is 9 hours ahead of Montana time, which means this scene is taking place about three hours after the last one. this likely means everyone at the ranch has had several more drinks since that scene ended.
P.P.S. I looked it up and New Year's in Latvia was yesterday. Whoops. Hope you enjoy anyway. -Mike
i just find the idea of somebody forgetting about time zones when theyre using LITERAL TIME TRAVEL TECH very amusing
Boris smiled and shook his head. He would have to find a way to pay them back for this.
i picture Boris as the sort of person who is incapable of accepting a gift without thinking that they owe the other person something
"Honestly, no," answered MDawg. He looked into his own beer. "Feels like I've figured out maybe a tenth of what I need to make my new life out here work."
ok, but a Mike Walters being willing to admit this is already great progress
"Gets easier with practice, Em Dawg," said Outlaw.
early Outlaw Ty accent my beloved. its so stupid. Em Dawg.
"We can getcha the hat an' make you a cowboy if'n it'll help y'all get adjusted."
i appreciate how Tex's response to MDawg being like "i dont know where im going in life or what my goals are or how im going to survive here" is "want a cowboy hat"
"We don't all know what we're doin' all the time, MDawg," Tex answered. "But you're right. We can make it a good year by watchin' out for each other. I sheepdog the two'a y'all, y'all sheepdog each other an' me. Texas Base'll be stronger'n ever."
reading this back now in the middle of Season 13, it strikes me how out of character this sentiment feels for Tex. he hadnt been so differentiated as a character yet, but this sort of vulnerability is very strange for him.
A couple people threw cowboy hats in the air, others toasted, still more cheered. Tex, on the other hand, turned back to his compatriots. He grabbed Outlaw by the collar and pulled them together, pressing his lips to his partner's for a second or two, before releasing the flushed cowboy-in-training. He wasn't quite as rough or spontaneous with MDawg, gently taking his hand before fractionally tilting his head down to meet his lips. Finally, he stepped back, and watched MDawg step slightly closer to Outlaw. "Can I-" started MDawg, before Outlaw stooped to kiss him. It was quick, and Tex, thinking back, was fairly certain it was the first time they kissed. Still, they both looked happy.
ah, the new year's kiss. Texascule is real to me, okay??? i like how Tex kisses Outlaw like hes HUNGRY for it and he kisses MDawg like a fragile little flower, its very characteristic of how he views them.
"Happy New Year's," said Tex, his voice a low, affectionate rumble. "Love y'all."
"low affectionate rumble" makes me imagine him purring this. like a kitty cat
1:16 AM January 1st, 2024 Oldbrush Valley, USA Cabin 63A, O.V.E.R.
i didnt realize that i set this scene quite as far post-midnight as i did. this means Ryan did not look at the clock once for an hour and a half which i think does make sense.
On the screen in front of him was the source of his pain - a copy of the source code for the OVER Tier Two Security program.
but also, he's doing WORK on new year's eve. take a break, ryan.
Should he talk to someone? It's a holiday, don't people get together for those?
autism man. i love him.
Topher would be asleep. Hunter… probably also asleep, and they didn't really get along great. Ty… no way in hell. Marissa, Chance, Shadow, and Anne all hated his ass. He didn't really know Jam or Edgar.
Marissa would curse him out, but he probably would've at least been able to exchange some pleasantries with any of the other base members. he might genuinely be able to be friendly with Jam under the right circumstances. hm. im going to be thinking about that
Mikey answered on the third ring. "What is it, Ryan?" he said, sounding annoyed.
why did he answer. mikey. mikey why did you answer
"Hay, Mikey-boy, is for-" "You finish that sentence and I will personally issue a correction to get my past self to kill you before all this shit happened."
i love their dynamic i will die for their dynamic. i had the vision to have ryan make the hay is for horses joke and i immediately knew i Had to put it in. is it in character? probably not but fuck off
"Just... thanks for arguing in favor of Topher and I. When Base was trying to decide what to do with us, after that whole dome thing." "I didn't do it for you."
pictured: my vague attempt at hinting that there was some justification for everyone being alive and in the positions they were for this fic. there wasnt a justification, but what if there was...
J ū rmala, Latvia
i dont know why ao3 inserted that spacing around the ū and i also dont know why i didnt fix it. lets move on.
Inside was three small, printed photographs. One of Sly, one of Edgar, and one of Mike. It had been a long time since Michael had cried.
WHY DID I MAKE THE ENDING OF THE FIC SAD. AUGH. OUGH. also i think Mikes inclusion in this set of photos was the entire reason i put an implied mike/michael tag on this fic which is silly bc even for the canon belief that theyre just friends it makes perfect sense for his photo to be included. alloromantic moment of me i apologize.
anyway this was fun it was mostly just me ramblereacting to my own fic and not any actual insights but. it was still fun. sue me
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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We build them and they do look like this a lot. And we heard what our son said it looks nice and stuff but it doesn't have like some kind of a flavor to it and it looks kind of like a hotel or industrial building and it does so he added some architectural features when was curvy railings at the balconies and then we added finials and we added colored accents it wasn't much of an ad and things over the windows and some of the sides at the near bottom and made it look like a little bit like the strange hotel he wanted to build. I'll probably get orders for those the Victoria line and it's the other family so he knows what he's doing and she's laughing and she wants to do it and she's around so that's how it goes and also another person who's interested in branching out on their own so to speak does Stan and he wants to have his own apartments was strongly entertaining doing it and we're going to head with it and what it is is he wants 3-5000 so they look like this but we have dressed them up and they're much much bigger they're only about eight stories throughout a lot of it and then up till around 12 stories and it's really wide at 12 stories like 800 ft wide and their giant looking then they take up probably a mile and a half by a mile and a half for the whole complex and he wants three of them and Mac has given the green light for several reasons the main reason is he has nothing like it and they want to show that there's potential for that the other is that odds with warlock and he doesn't like either so it's another way to weasel your way in and that's what time it really is. So they're probably going to go forwards with it we forward the renderings and we forward the apartment interiors and he wants a set of condos now additional and we're sending those and we have the rough prices Land development ranges in here in Florida and really they're not that much I've never seen anything go over a few minutes million dollars and that had a lot of cuts and pills the land is real flat once you get the vegetation off you're driving a straight line pretty tough it's hardly any folders really easy it's very interested at this time he's got the basic outline and also Ben Arnold he's been building them and he has a bunch New years Mac has another Max have two but we just got an order from Ben Arnold for 5 five thousand and he is changing it to 10 $15,000. And Stan is increasing his request for the proposal for 10 5000 and they look more normal when they're lower and we are suggesting local grocery stores and so forth for that many and he says okay it's like a small town like westborough and he's trying to agree and so is Tom Arnold and so we are modifying it and sending it over shortly and he says don't forget Blockbuster and okay that's fine dont get in trouble... Yeah you with the grin and the chef boyardee I don't know what the hell you're talking about where my damn crackers.... So there's other people ordering more and down here in elsewhere too Tom Arnold wants to have as Ben Arnold actually one of his sons wants to have a 15 15,000 in California not there it's more of a mestizo type of design and he wants to have the more accented look because the other ones are kind of like a hospital or something worse so we're going to do that and he wants to have courtyards and things and we do have that available and these guys want to see those designs and they want to see the full myriad and price changes, so I'm sending it over and I'm going to send the schedules over too and they're appreciative and he wants me to set up a meetings and have mac there if Matt wants to be to approve the thing and to talk about it because you might have some requests and stuff he says it's actually big enough now here in Florida we're going to go ahead and try and set that up.
You're looking at some big changes here people are tired of these people messing everything up running around and being bombs when there's no time for that it's really true it's a very dangerous business it's extremely tough and there's too many people in it that are complete not heads. So working on a lot of projects and getting things done and yeah these people are usually in the way it is annoying as hell so we're going to start helping out with that. We're getting extremely tired of their a****** ideas and their a****** ways and their acetite house bills and it really is quite stupid we don't want to see the stupid container sitting on a dock. We think there's such morons and hurts and it looks like Mac driving the crane is not and they keep doing stuff like that. These are off ideas and it's an awful place these boats are disgusting they stink they're too low in the water you living in the bilge and it's got fumes from the the gas it's not vented properly and the air doesn't get in and out and then rot and then rust and people get very sick from being on there and they're really tour boats needs to be quite nice and elegant and you'd see them and they wouldn't capsize that's why they like that these people ruin that kind of thing made this monstrosity of a place it's terrible.
You guys ruined the tourism and you want to sit there staring at it and dwell on it and say that you did an awesome job and it's really a pink thing to do it does nothing and the boats were antiquated even though they could have been restored and most of my junk and you can recreate the look and he likes to open one that's our friend we do too here's a boat company and can make them but right now they're ruined by you people and they're historical pieces that we should salvage them it's very disgusting, to make matters worse there's some dinner table that's in the floor and the bugs and grow stuff like that go in there and it's not sealed and it's disgusting. So I can live like pigs and you like it and we can't stand you
Mac daddy
We have a lot to post so I'm going to post this
There's a whole ton of stuff coming up I might announce some of it
Thor Freya
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writerofshit · 3 years
(I mentioned briefly a story of how the Stream Team met. This is that story.)
Somewhere in Los Santos, in the late night hours of a Tuesday, a convenience store is robbed. So is one several blocks southeast. And one roughly in the middle of them both. After all, what's more convenient than 24 hour chili dogs on every other street corner?
Cash. Cash is more convenient. So are guns. Hollering, waving one to get the other. Most important, back alleys that twist and turn, snaking away from increasingly distant sirens. Three individuals find themselves running through these alleys, a couple grand each weighing their pockets down.
It's through serendipity and convenience that their paths cross.
The man from the farthest store arrives first. He's done this a few more times than he'd like to admit, so he'd had a plan. Of sorts. Cut through the park, take a few sidewalks like an upstanding citizen, under the bridge and find a fire escape to utilize from there. There aren't any that reach the ground, of course, because he's smart but not quite enough.
And so this is why Trevor is standing in an dark alley, contemplating whether or not the dumpster will give him enough height to reach the ladder, when the man from the middle store appears. He's around Trevor's height, but would probably win in a fight between them, if he were so inclined. He doesn't seem to be, though. He seems shaken, like he's not quite sure how he ended up in this alley. He's holding a gun almost gingerly, as if it might bite him.
Trevor pulls his own gun.
'dont you fuckin' try anything!'
This does not go over well with Matt. He takes a step back, and then seems to remember that he also has a gun so maybe this is even footing. He holds it aloft, finger nowhere near the trigger.
'same, asshole!'
At this moment the robber from the first store arrives, also, of course, with a gun. And a mask. And an entire purple and orange neon fucking suit, actually, topped with a white cowboy hat. It gives them a few extra inches of height they are distinctly lacking, comparatively. Somewhere in the back of his head, Trevor acknowledges that this newcomer could probably kick his and the other gunman's asses. It is not a pleasant thought.
'oh, what the fuck!?'
Jeremy sounds more annoyed and less scared than one would think, considering they've run into an alley only to find two men with guns. Two men who quickly turn those guns on them.
'who the fuck are you?'
The question surprises them all, including Matt, even though he's the one who asked. As it turns out, people have a tendency to say the first thing that comes to mind when in a stressful situation. Such as, having robbed a convenience store for the very first time and immediately finding himself face to face with other apparent robbers. It would get to anyone, probably.
'i don't want any trouble, but i've already robbed someone tonight and i don't give a shit about felony murder!'
Two lies and a truth, is what Trevor has chosen to play, for some reason. In reality, one does not rob a convenience store at gun point if one is intent on staying out of trouble. And he does, in fact, care very deeply about felony murder. Felony murder is the precise reason he'd shot a bag of Doritos and not a clerk. In his defense, the clerk had initially rolled her eyes at him, asked what exactly he thought he'd get out of this. He'd found this question rude.
The truth, of course, is that he did rob a convenience store. That did happen. No take backs.
'so did i!'
Matt and Jeremy speak so in unison it's almost scary. If they didn't know any better, they'd think the two of them had always known each other.
Trevor's gun wavers between them, unsure which is the bigger threat. The guy who clearly has zero experience with guns, or the weirdo who seems to have far too much? It's a toss up, really. So his aim pinballs back and forth, but his finger does not curl around the trigger. He's serious about that felony murder thing.
The air seems to shift, suddenly, and the sound of sirens is now growing closer. This evidently also annoys Jeremy, and they throw a glance over their shoulder to the direction they'd come from. Red and blue lights flicker past.
'shit. ok. we're all robbers, i guess, and we're all fucked if we keep standing here. who's got a plan?'
Jeremy's eyes are staring impatiently at Trevor. Eyes being the only part of their face Trevor can see. And their hands, a plastic bag in one and a gun in the other.
Trigger finger is an apt name.
He glances at Matt, still wild eyed and glancing back and forth. No, Matt probably does not have a plan. He sort of gives the impression that he's never had a plan ever, actually. That perhaps he'd simply woken up here and decided to wing it. So Trevor makes an offer.
'fire escape?'
There's another moment of tense silence. Well, minus the sirens. And oh, helicopters. Even better. Jeremy shrugs.
'good a plan as any.'
And then they're off, brushing past Trevor and hoisting themself up onto the dumpster. He knew it could work. Trevor blinks and Jeremy has caught the ladder, is quickly working their way up. Shit, how does five foot something manage to get that high on a good day, much less in this situation and with a bag and gun in hand?
Matt's gun clatters to the ground, and honestly, that's probably for the best. He's climbing onto the dumpster now, and he mutters something about not signing up for this shit. Trevor reminds him that he apparently robbed someone, so yeah, he kind of did.
Before Trevor climbs up, he shoves his gun into his jacket pocket. Smart? Probably not. Convenient? More so than climbing with a gun in his hand. He follows Matt up the ladder, wondering what happened to his plan. Yeah, the ladder had been involved. Two other people, however, were not.
Above them, glass shatters.
'warning, maybe!?'
'oops. careful, there's glass.'
Jeremy's voice is no longer directly above them. Instead, it comes from one story up and a little to the left. So they've broken into an apartment. Sure, add breaking and entering to the list of charges, that sounds great. But Matt and Trevor follow, because there's not really another option.
Inside the apartment, Jeremy's mask is gone. The suit is quickly disappearing as well, revealing a rather boring outfit of a white tank top and...sweatpants? The true mystery lies in where the cowboy hat has gone to, because that's a hard item to miss.
'do we really have time for this? don't you think someone might, oh, i don't know, wake up and call the cops?'
Trevor doesn't mean to hiss, it's just that he's sure there's more pressing matters to attend to than an outfit change. Continuing to flee, perhaps.
'nobody's gonna wake up.'
They don't even have the wherewithal to lower their voice. It registers to Trevor that Jeremy's bag and gun are missing as well. Had they dropped them on the way up? It was certainly possible. Trevor thinks he would have noticed a gun flying past his head, but there's a lot going on.
'can we maybe not kill anyone? he brought up a good point with that felony murder thing.'
It's the most words Matt has strung together since he'd shown up. It's damn near a whisper, but at least it's progress.
'i'm not- god, can you two shut up? i gotta make a phone call.'
Jeremy yanks the door open, hand carefully wrapped in the fabric of their shirt. For a moment, Trevor thinks they're leaving and steps forward to follow Jeremy. Instead, Jeremy turns and heads toward the kitchen, pulling open a drawer and digging inside it briefly. They come back with a cell phone.
Something dawns on Trevor.
'is this- do you live here? did you break your own window?'
Jeremy doesn't answer. They put the phone to their ear.
'you're gonna wanna hide whatever you've got. and try not to look like you just climbed in through a window.'
And then-
'hello? yes, hi, i'd like to report a break in, i think? i was hearing a bunch of sirens and then i don't know what happened but some guy just broke my window? he ran through and i just- my friends and i are really scared and we didn't know what to do- yes, we're ok, he's gone, but we- you'll send someone? ok, thank you. the address? oh, uh, it's the del perro heights building, apartment 7. should i shut the door? no, don't touch anything. ok- guys, don't touch anything, she said someone's on their way to check on us! thank you so much- no, i think we'll be fine. thank you.'
It's a marvelous performance. Jeremy genuinely sounds like some poor flustered victim of a crime. Trevor would applaud if he thought Jeremy would appreciate it. Almost immediately, their voice is back to normal.
'check things out my ass. they're gonna show up, ask which way he went and never call me again. feel real fuckin safe.'
Jeremy settles themself onto the couch, choosing the spot closest to the door. Matt, who has apparently gotten over his initial terror, wanders into the kitchen. Searching for something to distract himself, if Trevor had to guess. Trevor is still standing in the middle of the living room, dumbfounded. How did a simple robbery become hanging out with other robbers, waiting for cops to show up?
'i'm jeremy, by the way. they won't ask, but y'know. just in case.'
They're flipping channels on the tv, seeming to arbitrarily skip almost a dozen programs. Finally, they settle on one and stand. Trevor recognizes it as an old Disney movie, and desperately wants to ask why the fuck Jeremy has put this on.
'uh, hi. i'm trevor. why are we watching Mulan?'
'matt. oh hell yeah, i love this movie!'
He sounds remarkably cheerful, considering the circumstances. How Trevor had seemingly switched places with Anxious McGee is beyond him. He needs to get it together. He pulls his gun from his pocket and takes it to the kitchen, sticking it in the drawer Jeremy had taken the phone from. There are several other phones of varying price point. He steps back to the living room just in time.
'that's why.'
They don't elaborate. Apparently Trevor is meant to just figure this out on his own, which ordinarily he might be able to do. After the course of events of this particular evening? Not a chance.
But he can't ask, because now there's a cop in the doorway and he's staring at Trevor and that will never be a good thing. Trevor stares back. He has no clue what he's meant to say. Hello? Welcome? He went that way?
'oh thank god! we've been so terrified, we didn't know if he'd come back or what he'd do.'
Naturally, Jeremy has taken lead on this. They're a phenomenal actor, Trevor has to admit.
'did you see which direction he went?'
'toward the stairs, i think. we've all been rooted to the spot, you know, it's so scary-'
Matt freezes in the doorway of the kitchen. He's just out of the view from the front door.
'right, well. you boys did the right thing by calling. can you give me a description of the man?'
The corner of Jeremy's mouth quirks.
'gosh, it all just happened so fast. taller than me, probably, but shorter than you, wouldn't you say, trey?'
Trevor nods, because he's not quite sure what else to do.
'alright, thank you. someone will be in touch with you for an official statement. in the meantime, if you remember anything else don't hesitate to call.'
He's holding a card out to Trevor, of all people. He takes it carefully, like if he does it wrong somehow the guy will know and arrest them all. The card is simply the number for a tip line.
As suddenly as he'd arrived, the cop is gone and they're all breathing sighs of relief. Jeremy closes the door.
'you guys can stay for Mulan, if you want.'
So they do.
Trevor asks about why Mulan again, and Jeremy explains that they assume most people have seen it, could answer any questions about it if they came up. Perhaps, if LSPD officers were less incompetent, they would have. Although if that were the case, they wouldn't be LSPD officers at all.
Matt asks about the window, and Jeremy says yes, they did break their own window. Of course they'd had an actual plan when they'd entered the alley. They were always going to end up exactly here, give or take the extras. Asking for a plan was simply a test, determining the merit in bring them along. They'd passed.
Jeremy asks if they want to stay for Mulan II, which is apparently up next. They do.
Somewhere in Los Santos, in the early morning hours of a Wednesday, three convenience stores are recovering from three separate robberies. Right in the middle of them all, their respective robbers are sitting on a couch together, watching a straight to video children's film.
It is the beginning of something far greater than any of them can imagine.
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art-i-know-yes · 3 years
Spoilers Ep.66
The dEscRiption because like a WHAT to WHAAT WITH GLENNNNN
I'm sorry literally one of the only things I've wanted to see is emotionally open Glenn
not the spotify ads
Darryl plays Matt
Hot Take: Darryl hates the environment
That's an oof, Henry
Biiiiig therapy
Horses vs Henry and Cows vs Ron
"I know what you said and I ignored it"
Imagine going to therapy
Awww Ron
I was just high key thinking about them listening outside the door
"That's depressing"
Those are liike good rollssssss
mmmnnnnn nevermind
Kinda wanna dig up clams
I-I mean why not
I guess that's a good idea to teach them how to drive huh
"No, that's ok"
They're too emotional right now
The keyword they didn't use is HOPEFULLY THEIR DADS SHOOT AT IT
Excuse me too young some countries learned by like 8
Hiiiissss voice
"11, that's sounds like it's gonna be sad" "Oooo that tracks for you"
Really!! Glenn followimg laws!!
Kids have these neat abilities called vroom vroom speed vehicle where they get self control
Ehhh come on Darryl you're making this so depressing
Henry shut up please
"Doooope" "Definitely Lark or Sparrow"
I remember seeing someone call Sparrow a furry
I think that is good idea for flexibility because I did not think if that because if I'm honest I only trust TJ to drive we saw what Lark and Sparrow driving was like
Can TJ still like use magic
"I'm sure Grant is gonna be fine, but if ya know, Lark dies or something-" "WHAT THE FVCK DARRYL" DARRYL YOU CAN'T USE THEEEEEM AS AN EXAMPLE
But also my second thought was Nick and I made myself lose it
"Ok so Terry dies-" "NOOOOO-" "Ok fine you have two kids. Let's say Sparrow dies-"
We should camouflage it again, both of them
Toooo thhhee raaaaaat
Well I'm already in tears so
Real Nick Jr.? It's just Nick
Don't bring the Lawwrdd into this
But like literally watch Nick Jr. have to drive and does it perfectly
They are way to into the crab mech
He immediately started yelling-I'm just making noises at this point
Not the escape static I mean USEFUL but like the reverse j-turn is a little later
What did your dad teach you Glenn
This is why they're doing different sections
...I can barely do a regular reverse turn...
Straight cut to "A few quick things in no specific order"
This is about what I expected with Willy as his father
Terry Jr. is having an existential crisis
Not quoting the handbook
W-was Ron used as a getaway driver
TJ is big brain
"Use morse code" "Ok anyone wanna teach me morse code"
I just imagine Glenn turning around and like the Office "Quite an imagination on this kid"
"I'm in a dark place" respectable. thanks for being honest.
Honestly that's what I was thinking. Actually very close to that tune.
I love you so much Sparrow
"*sniffle* you run 'em over son"
I... am so scared to see who's getting this roll
I desperately hope that twins aren't 1 and 2
This is a competition to them. I know it.
A 23!!!
Awwwwwwww poor baby nonononono
I'm not sure if you can tell who's my favorite father-son duo (or characters im general)
Noooooo Terrrryyyy (but like honestly SAME)
"I know!"
"I purely know maps I'm the advocate"
This is the perfect team up
"And then also Sparrow"
"Idk we can tie them to like a stick or something"
Oh yeah the pillars
Doug is better than literally all philosophers
Is...Ron meta?
Not Elizabeth Warden
That...doesn't sound good cause like...the underground part
mnnnmmnnnmmmnnn bombssss
"There was this show called Chernobyl" PFFT-
Yesss Bomb shelter beer
Ron's a genius
"Sounds like somebody cares"
It doesn't sound like we'll make it to ep. 69
The humming is so funny to me
Ron *is* meta
I would LOVE to figure out what Glenn is actually thinking about Nick
I don't think mentally I'm ready for what is going to come out
I SCREAMED emotionally i am not recovered from loosing Nick hypothetically I am completely very ok it
Just the way he said it Hennrrrryyyyy
"Well, that sounds healthy"
He's really switching this conversation at them
We love Ron-Glenn solidarity
ahhhhh Henry rants
"We are Olive Garden"
Sir, that's a ring of self-sacrifice if you're willing
oooooo that hurts
I..dont know what to say. I'm in shock. My body literally has like tingles all over and my heart dropped. Is Erin ok? How'd he get there? How much does he know? I can't feel anything right now so much and many emotions
~20 minites of sitting in silence and shock later~
they were sooooooooo close
I swear to god we better see Glenn again or I'm killing someone
I'm having a late reaction tears are coming once I fully process.
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angywritesstuff · 3 years
Then I Met you- Part 3
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader / Matt Casey & Reader (siblings)
Warnings: angsts, age difference
Note: In this fic Matt and Kelly are 38, so Matt was 21 became a firefighter (2003). Matt and reader are 11 years apart, so the reader is 27. So be aware of the age difference, if it bothers you don’t read it 😊
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You were sitting on the bathroom floor trying to regain your breath. When you had decided to talk to Brett, you didn’t think you would end up having to explain yourself to everyone. But the deed was done and you didn’t have any other choice... this didn’t mean you weren’t going to postpone it as long as you could though.
You were so deep in thoughts you almost didn’t hear someone entering the bathroom. So when you heard someone clearing their throat, you jumped a little. Two feet were near you and, when you looked up, you saw Severide.
He was leaning against the bathroom wall and he was looking at you like you look at a scared animal.
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“Hey”- he said softly - “are you ok?” - he continued when you didn’t say anything
“Sure, I just know everyone is out there hating me because I lied to them and I, honestly, don’t know how to explain everything... it’s just, my life has always been complicated... let’s leave it at that. And now that I finally feel like things are changing for the best... ehmmm”- you groaned
“No one hates you and you don’t own anyone anything”
“Why, when you need a call, there isn’t one?”- you rhetorically asked
“Hey don’t jinx it. Beside are you seriously hoping for someone to get hurt”- he was smirking
“Thank you, now I’m feeling even worse. Beside I was hoping on a little scratch; you know people call for anything”
“Listen”- he said squatting down in order to be at your eyes level - “You have to deal with the guys out there sooner or later, you have just to go out there and if you don’t want to explain the situation you don’t have to. Matt has already pointed that out. It’s up to you”
You looked at him, his eyes were even more beautiful this close. You felt suddenly calm while looking at him and it kinda felt weird, because it usually happened with Matt.
Matt had always been able to calm you down with a simple look and you didn’t know how to feel knowing there was someone else who suddenly could do the same.
“Yeah it’s time”- all at once speaking with the other was easier than being alone with Kelly. You barely knew him and you refused to let this feeling overwhelmed you. Beside you had promised yourself you were done with man since apparently you weren’t good at choosing them.
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You and Kelly went to the common area and everyone looked at you in silence.
“You ok?”- Matt asked you once he came closer
“Yeah. It was bound to happen, right?”- you whispered while he hugged you. He squeezed you as tight as he could without taking your breath away, knowing it would calm you down.
“Ok... well, as you guys heard I’m Matt’s sister”- you said while looking at the 51.
Sylvie was looking at you apologetically and you smiled at her to let her know you weren’t mad. It wasn’t her fault, it was yours firstly for keeping it a secret and secondly because it was you that had started the conversation where anyone could hear you.
“How come we never met you before”- asked Herman
“And why didn’t you tell us when you started working here”- asked Ritter. He was the one you had bonded the most beside Sylvie
“As I was telling them, you dont have to feel obligated to answer their questions”- Matt said
“I know, but I think they deserve to know the truth. Ok well I should probably start with saying that Matt is my half brother, not that change anything for me, but yeah... we have the same father but different mothers. We didn’t know about each other for years, when my mom had me, his parents were still together so I grew up mostly with my mom and I have her surname. When I was 10 my mom died so I was put in the system and my social worker searched for relatives that could take me in. That’s when I found out about Matt and Christie, we had a couple of meetings but Matt had just finished the academy so he hadn’t a stable income and home and in the end I was put in a foster home”
“Why didn’t you go with Christie, she was older and had a home and worked already, right?”- Herman asked
“Christie and I... we don’t really get along. It’s a complicated situation, let’s say we had different relationships with our father. She has always put him on a pedestal and my presence was unsettling for her. The social worker asked her but she didn’t feel like taking me in would be the best thing for the both of us”- you shrugged a little.
You were uncomfortable with talking about Christie, saying that you two didn’t get along was an euphemism. She basically preferred to behave like you didn’t exist. You knew that finding out about you had been difficult for her, she had only known a version of her father, one that was very different from the version you and Matt had known. But even though you understood how difficult it had been for her, you still felt deeply hurt about her behavior; you had been 10, you had just lost the only person that had ever loved you in your life, so it hadn’t been easy to feel rejected by her. You had felt so alone back then.
You took a deep breath and stopped thinking about Christie.
“Matt and I kept in touch while I was with my foster family but when I was 12 a family out of state decided to adopt me, so we kinda lost truck of each other for some time”- you said
“When did you guys get in touch again”- Sylvie asked
“I was 19 and I came looking for him. I was trouble as a kid, I’m not gonna lie. So when I said to my adoptive family I wanted to leave they weren’t so sad about it”- you laughed bitterly
“But how come we didnt know about you before? I mean it’s been seven or eight years since you connected again right?”- Cruz asked
“It’s more complicated than that... I haven’t always been with Matt since I was 19, I stayed for a while and then I... I left again... listen I’m sorry... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s just I’m not that proud of my past and I just wanted to start fresh, but I knew that telling you guys I was Matt’s sister would bring a lot of questions. And Matt is a saint so he went along with it; so I’m sorry but I’m not ready to tell you the rest, I hope it’s ok”
“Of course it’s ok kiddo, just know we are a family and whenever you are ready, if you’ll ever be, we’ll be here”- Herman said before coming to hug you
“Thank you”
“But... for the love of God, stop avoiding the Molly’s”- he added and you laugh
“I promise”
You looked at Matt and he was smiling proudly at you.
You knew you had still a long way to go, there were still a lot of things about your past you were too ashamed to talk about, but it was a start.
Ambulance 61 man down
“You asked for it”- said Severide and you smiled at him before following Brett
“Listen I’m sorry I got you in this situation. I didn’t know everyone was there”- Sylvie said once in the ambo
“It’s not your fault. We’re good right?”- you asked
“We’ve always been ok”- she said
“Yeah sure... beside when you taught I was sleeping with Matt and wanted to kill me”- you laughed
“Oh shut up!”- she said blushing
You smiled looking out of the window ready for the call.
Ok... sorry if something doesn’t add up with the timeline of the show but it’s not that easy 😂
Forgive me if there are mistakes but English is not my first language
Taglist: @bestillmystuckyheart @slytherinambitious @graniairish @nocturnalherb16
Permanent taglist: @jwspiter
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist just let me know. If I forgot to tagged you please forgive me.
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
something that never was
pairing: daisuke kambe x reader
playlist: even if it's a lie - matt maltese*, a soulmate who wasn't meant to be - jessica benko, the less i know the better - tame impala, id rather go blind - beyonce ( cadillac records ), the house we never built - gabrielle aplin*, i cant make you love me - dave thomas junior, i go crazy - orla gartland, blow my brains out - tikkle me, hidden in the sand - tally hall
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating,
summary: the coldness he radiates gets the best of you, ultimately leading to the end.
i dont really see daisuke cheating unless it was a misunderstanding or smth, but i liked the idea of this fic. Let me know what you think!
you can tell i didnt write this in a sitting lol. Im vv sorry if it's hard to follow!
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
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There's a warm body beside you, yet the bed feels cold. The arm around your waist feels almost as foreign as the face in front of you. It hurts to look at him, to feel him. It hurts to even be around him. He's so beautiful but he feels like half the man he once was. It's disheartening.
Maybe the saying, what you don't know can't hurt you is correct because you were feeling the repercussions right about now. Curiosity really did kill the cat, and at this point, you don't even know how to get satisfaction from it. How does one bring up cheating to their partner? Especially when the partner is like Daisuke.
He likes to brush things off without paying a price except for whatever was in his bank account, the type to hand you a card and say 'go get yourself something pretty.' And it wasn't like he was a bad lover, in fact, it was very easy to fall in love with him. He has a charm about him that's magnetic, one glance and suddenly it's impossible to look away. Or at least that was your experience.
With the final confirmation that closing your eyes will do nothing other than bringing pictures into your head, you turn your back to him and try and distance your body from his. It doesn't do anything to help when he pulls you closer subconsciously, except for maybe it makes you want to cry.
You'd confront him tomorrow, you decided.
If you need to.
The pace you set is leisure and if kt wasn't for the poor nail bed quickly coming to nothing, it'd seem like you weren't completely losing your head. It's all you can think about. Daisuke out with some girl—who you know for a fact isn't his sister, and who is all over him. He didn't even make a move to push her off! He hates that kind of attention so if he didn't object it, then he was asking for it. He wanted the girl on his side. In fact, for someone who insists the other person sits across from him at a restaurant- he looked quite comfortable with her nearly in his lap.
Maybe you're overthinking this, y/n.
The door clicks open and your ears strain to hear the sound of Daisuke's dress shoes. He's rather indulgent when it comes to dressing wear and the shoes were practically silent, even with the short heel on the back.
"I'm home." He says to no one particular, taking off his trenchcoat and hanging it on the rack beside the door. He stops his path to the bedroom when he sees you frozen in place and staring in the living room. He merely quirks a brow, going to take off his suit and tie.
Suddenly you can't speak and you have tunnel vision. It's unfair how calm he always looks—it's almost smug like he knows everything about you and more. Like he can read your mind and tell you your darkest thoughts and when you'll die because let's be honest, it'll probably be by his hand. Maybe you should back out now before you can say anything. Forget it all because what if you're mistaken? The more you think, the more weight is added onto your shoulders and the more it pushes you down, down further into the hole you want to crawl into. Maybe you should let it because all you want to do now is escape his piercing gaze. His eyes are studying you, taking in your form and the cogs in his brain are turning to find an explanation as to why you are standing there like a psychopath and not welcoming him home like you usually do.
You feel like you're drowning. Is the light getting dimmer? The black around your vision only seems to close in around Daisuke and you try to look anywhere else but his face. There's water in your ears, the popping of them only intensifies until you can feel it pounding into your head with faint static.
Am I going to pass out?
It's not until his hand comes down gently on your shoulder that the closing circle of vision widens out and suddenly all the imaginary water rushes from your ears. You glance down at his rings before back up him, barely catching the end of his words.
"Are you alright?"
He's never been one to beg, so you would have to answer now or he'll leave it be for the rest of the night and probably months after until you're like this again.
"I-can we talk?"
He eyes you suspiciously, narrowing his eyes and keeping his brow raised before nodding, slipping his tie off around his neck, folding it neatly into the palm of his hand. He gestures for you to start the conversation, going to the minibar curving around the kitchen and living area.
When you don't reply he urges you on, "Why so tense? Did something happen, darling?"
It'd seem like he didn't really care from how cold his voice was, but you've grown accustomed to the monotone to know that he truly is concerned for your health. He genuinely wants to know why you're acting so odd. It only makes this so much harder? You're wrong- you have to be. This must be a sick trick your brain has played on you. Or he must be playing some sick trick.
Anxiety settles itself into your gut and it seems like it won't leave anytime soon.
"Daisuke, are...- are you cheating on me?"
His eyebrows finally go lax but he doesn't look up from unbuttoning the cuffs of his white button-down. His fingers fidget at the buttons and instead of the previous loose form, his hand forms a fist.
"I- "
"Why—exactly, are you accusing me of this?"
His gaze sends chills down your spine. He's offended but he doesn't offer a defense. Suddenly your mouth is dry and you lose all your words? How exactly were you going to tell him you stumbled across him and some woman in a restaurant and practically stared them down for fifteen minutes.
You decide the bear it and swallow a lump that has formed in your throat.
"You were with a woman earlier this week snd well, the displays of affection that I saw were not very like you. You've been gone for long hours and even if you blamed it on the new job, Daisuke—you never tell me anything. Is she for a case? Are you using her for information? Go on, tell me about it. Give me a reason not to accuse you."
You regain your confidence but it falters when you meet his indifferent expression. You'd prefer it if he looked angry and the silence that fills the room is deafening and the tension suffocating.
"I can't tell you anything about our cases-"
"I'm your partner! What am I going to do? Rat you out to whoever is breaking the law? Why would I even how those connections, Daisuke?"
Daisuke inhales deeply through his nose like this whole conversation is a burden on him and you can't help but feel like a burden too. Was this relationship not worth the time to talk this out? One hand grips the bar and the other pinches the bridge of his nose.
"You aren't my partner, you're my fiance. My partner and I work together. So, no. I can't tell you about the cases."
You want to rip out your hair. This isn't about his stupid job or his stupid partner. This is about the dumb fucking restaurant and the dumb fucking woman who was hanging off him.
He can't actually be this dense!
"It's not about that! Either you aren't getting the point or you keep changing the subject because it's true!" Your voice rises in pitch, your confidence failing and turning more so into desperation. But you aren't crying yet. There are no tears and your eyes are dry and you absolutely refuse to cry in front of a Kambe.
It's like the beginning of your relationship all over again. A protective barrier around yourself so you don't get hurt and offended by his cold shoulder. Was it so bad to think you've moved on from that feeling? Why is it so difficult for him to just comfort you and push back those fears? Is he that emotionally stunted? You may not know much about his past and his family, but damn— at least you're trying to work through it with him. Can he put out a little more effort?
All he does is pour himself a glass. All he does... is pour himself a glass.
"You know what- forget it. If you're so entitled and so emotionally reserved that you can't even talk to me without a drink first, then I guess we'll talk about it another time—when you don't look like my voice gives you a headache."
Daisuke actually looks taken back by your words and you suddenly feel bad for hitting a sore spot. He may not have shown it often, but he doesn't particularly like not being able to show his true emotions; no matter the reason being.
"Y/N, wait.."
But you're back on adrenaline just as soon as he felt a drop, pushing past him to get to your coat. You just needed to calm down before you said something you'd truly regret. Words tended to stay in his mind much longer than they were intended to.
"I'm staying at my mother's. Don't call me, don't text me, don't come near me until you're ready to tell me what the hell you were doing with her. "
When he doesn't say anything more and you can practically hear the cogs in his head turn, you make your way out there door, making sure to slam it shut.
You slip on the coat angrily, slamming open the door without sparing him a glance but waiting for him to say something. Anything. Were you being too rash? You shake your head and scold yourself, mentally. You can't just turn around now, not after an outburst like that. He has to learn something from this.
Irrational or not, hopefully, his true colors would show.
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'Family support's just so wholesome, i can't! Your writing's great 💙 i have a request (tho it's more than fine if you're not taking them/ don't feel like doing this one): bau!reader losing a loved one, not telling anyone and throwing themselves into work but masking it up pretty well so no one notices how broken they are until after a though case reader falls asleep on the jet and has a nightmare, reid puts 2 & 2 together and comforts them.. idk just feeling a bit moody today, hope u r fine 😊
Hold you in my arms
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A/N: hey! I'm glad you enjoyed family support! Im glad you also enjoy my writing thank you so much! im sorry I took forever to write this one up! Hopefully its what you wanted. I did kinda rush the case so we could have Spencer and reader content, so sorry if it is rushed and bad. hope you enjoy this one!
TW: family member going through cancer.
things to know: the italics in the beginning are going through the death of the brother, and near the end is the dream. regular font is what happened or is happening how ever you want to put it.
You were a really private person, for the most part, but with your team, they knew mostly everything about you. Which knowing them for years was okay with you. As long as they didn’t know any more details you were fine with that. Your family meant everything to you and you wanted them safe. You never wanted to be the reason they were tortured or even killed.
However some things that caused death weren't your fault completely. Your brother was getting near to death. He’s been fighting leukemia since he was 15 and recently it's been getting worse. You stayed with him the days you didn’t work or didn’t get called in. Lucky the last few days you had with him you only had paperwork to finish.
The team noticed how fast you would complete them and how detailed and well written they were so they thought nothing of it. Spencer though he noticed despair and worry, but he didn’t say anything since you two were only friends and if you had something to tell him you would reach out.
“Is she okay?” Prentiss asked as the team shrugged. “Yeah Spence is she alright seems like something is up?” Rossi said as Spencer shrugged not knowing what was wrong with his best friend and “secret” crush. “She hasn’t said anything or talked to me, she’ll probably talk when she’s ready” he said as that left the team with that and spending their own free time the way they do.
You would walk into the hospital with two thoughts in your mind. “He’s alright he’s okay, he’s fighting” or “it’s too late you work too much and now he’s gone” and when you would enter the room relief was hit and you saw him eating or watching tv.  
You two would talk and spend time with one another, but he would beg you to go back to work and not worry. “Matt, no I'm staying until they call alright? You said as he held your hand. “Please go back to work I’m fine, I know you’ll make it in time once my monitor goes crazy” he said as you glared at him. “Don’t say that, I’m staying.” You said as he gave you the look your mother gave you. “Ugh fine I’ll go, but you need to call me if anything happens.
Like that you would go back to work and finish even more paperwork. Like nothing was wrong. You were sad inside but you didn’t show. You were strong, well you had to be, your brother was told he was gonna live for 2 months and he just passed his 1 month, this scared you. You couldn’t lose him now. He was your other half considering how young he was. Why do good people die young and terribly?
When that day came, you were called by your mom. You were home so you quickly left your home not even worrying if you left something on, your main focus was your brother. Seeing him alive when you go there.
Once you got to the hospital you arrived and saw them resuscitate him. They gave you a look that said, he wasn’t gonna make it and you needed to say goodbye. Your parents were sitting in chairs while you held your brother in your arms like the first time you met him. He was just your little baby brother and you knew he was gonna do great things.
Memories of you and him passed through your brain like one of those movies. The good and the bad. As the monitor went flat he was gone, your baby brother was gone. Tears just flushed through your eyes not caring if some got onto him. All you could do was hug him and let him rest the way he wanted to. In your arms.
“It’s okay, it’s time for you to rest.” You said as you kissed his head and held on for a while longer.
That was the last time you saw him. You currently got back from the funeral, and you changed so the team didn’t notice anything. As you walked over to your desk you got a new picture frame out with a picture of you and your brother when you were 10 and he was about 3. You smiled at the way your brother smiled.
“Y/n” someone said. “Y/n? You alright?” Spencer said as you looked at him. “Yeah Spence sorry I was just thinking. What’s up?” You asked as he smiled. “Well we have a case, so let’s go?” He said as you smiled back and headed to the conference room.
The case introduced was about an unsub killing young 20 year old males. Most of them were either in college or working for their families. They were good people but they were just killed for no reason. Which made you think of Matt. What if….no stop it.
As you debriefed the case you were headed to New Orleans. As you got your go bag you were met by spencer who was waiting for you per usual, spencer noticed something stopped you. “y/n? You okay?” he asked as he startled you and you blinked many times not knowing he was there. “Yeah im okay, uh just thinking.” you said as he hummed. “Alright..oh is that a new picture?” he asked as he grabbed the new frame with your picture. “Actually it's an old one, i just thought i could have another picture you know.” you said as he nodded. “Yeah, i do, is this your brother?” he asked as you nodded. “Yeah i was 10 and he was about 3 years old in that photo, it was the first day of school for the both of us, he was going to preschool and i was going into the fourth grade” you said as he noticed your sincere smile. “Is he doing okay?” he asked as your heart stopped, but you knew you had to lie, you didn't want to bother him. “He's fine, going into his fourth year of college,” you said as he nodded, but he read through your lie, you thought your heart stopped internally, but your whole body shifted and he knew something happened. you then were interrupted by a hotch. “Guys we should get going, seems like they need us earlier than i thought.” he said as you nodded heading over to the jet.
As you read through the file you were still thinking about Matt, you knew he wanted you to work instead of grieving for him, and you were gonna do that until it was gonna finally break you. You just kept thinking about getting privacy to let the tears to come out.
As you landed, you had to talk to the family of the recent victim. As you got there you saw them break down, not only did you lose someone, they did too. As if your instincts were nagging at you, you walked in to talk to the family, understanding completely what they were going through.
After talking to the parents, they told you Jerry was sick. He had been going through some type of chemotherapy and he didn't go to his last one days before getting kidnapped. That was weird, maybe the unsub knew who they were. But you didn't really know how to back that up with so you called garcia.
“Hello my beautiful princess, how may i serve you today?” she asked as you smiled. “God pen, never change,” you said as she hummed. “Not in any world my love.” she said as you looked down at your file. “Hey can you see if any of our victims was going through some type of therapy, like chemo?” you asked as she typed away and you waited.
Maybe this was some type of coincidence, like god was giving you a chance to save someone, after losing someone.
“Woah, uhh, our first victim, David, had thyroid cancer, and our other two victim, had leukemia. How does this connect?” she asked as you sighed. “Our latest victim had some type of cancer and was going through, chemotherapy.” you said as she sighed. “God why would someone kill someone who is going through a hard time?” she said as you sighed as well. “I don't know love, that's what I'm gonna figure out.” you said as she hung up leaving you to tell the team. You walked over to where everyone was standing and they seemed to pay attention before you began to talk.
“So all of our victims went through some type of sickness that involved them to get chemotherapy, what if our unsub is going through that and by killing them they are taking their place by getting some chemotherapy.” you said as they all shuffled looking through.
“That could explain why they didn't have certain belongings with them. And could explain why some didn't have their id.” Morgan said as you nodded. “Alright well call garcia to widen her search, good job y/n” hotch said as you nodded. “And this person might be working near any of the hospitals, our victims went to.” you said as they all nodded and you were getting ready to deliver the profile.
While this happened you got a call from your mother. You quickly picked it up leaving the room. “I'm sorry I have to take this.” you said as hotch nodded and you went into a hallway.
“Hey mom? Everything okay?” you asked as she hummed  “i am, its just i really hate to bother you, but i can afford the funeral i only paid half of it... And i don't wanna ask you for money-” she said, stumbling over her words as you cut her off. “Mom hey, dont worry about that, let me give you my credit card information all right? Tell them to send me the bill to my apartment. You don't have to worry about it alright?” you said as she sighed and sobbed. “Okay, im sorry...its just i saved up money for college but it wasn't enough and i know you do-” she said as you cut her off again. “Mom don't worry about it. I had some money saved up for him too in case he needed something. It's fine mom.” you said as you kept reassuring her. You then met the team again as they had a lead.
“Hey sorry it was my mom.” you said as they found a guy who lost his family because his wife had left him for his best friend, he was then told he had lung cancer and didn't have insurance or enough money to pay for his treatment. He was recently seen at the same hospital all the victims were at, and that meant he was getting ready for his next victim. He also worked as a janitor at the hospitals, which explained how he got the information from them.
You and Reid were sent to his house as the rest of the team was sent to the hospital. As you got there you noticed the lights were on. “You check the front while i check the back.” he said as you nodded. You had a police officer behind you as you cleared the house. Everything seemed clear, but the odd things was why were the lights on. He probably left in a rush.
You both checked everything as found and he had schedules of the patients. He also worked in many hospitals which explained how he met the other two victims. Reid called hotch and gave him the address to the hospital next on the list. It was most likely he was just living here because you didn't find any bodies in the house, but you still searched outside his house.
You were walking around the back as you noticed humps in the ground...oh no. “reid! I think i've got bodies” you said as reid came along with a dog and they were sniffing and barking. “Yeah he definitely killed them here. Morgan and prentiss just found a shack a couple miles away from here and all their clothes and stuff are. Where is he though?” he said as you nodded.
You ended up finding him in the hospital reid found next on the list. They ended up getting the guy and taking him to the station. He was in the interrogation room and hotch let you take him. Reid was with you and you just stared at the unsub.
“You ready?” he asked as you nodded. He walked over to the door entering the room as the unsub looked at both of you as you sat down. “So uh mark? Right?” reid said as the unsub nodded. “Yeah, can you tell me why I'm here?” he said as you looked at Reid and he let you take the lead. “Well mark, your property is filled with missing people who were filled missing, you know, because their family cares about them. Why did you kill them?” you asked as he scoffed. “Please my family cares about me.” he said as you glared at him.
“Really mark, they do? Then why aren't they here? We know your wife left you for your best friend and he matched all the victims appearances. You killed innocent boys who were just starting their life. You're just mad that their lives were settled and not yours.” you said as the unsub felt uncomfortable that you knew all that.
“Mark, we know you killed them because you were eventually gonna kill your own friend.” reid said as he just shook his head as if he was going crazy.
You two were just throwing the truth at him as he exploded.
“I had to do it! They were gonna ruin someone else’s life too! I couldn't let them go through that.” he said as you too got your confession, not that you needed it.
“Look mark, we didn't need this but we got what we need and i hope you get what you deserve.” you said as he yelled, “you don't even know what they felt. Why do you care so much!” he said as you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “You know what i do, i know what it's like to lose someone, they were already suffering so much, and you ruined it more for them. They had more time, but you didn't care. If you really care, family is important, and losing one is even worse, especially from sickness. Knowing that i couldn't do anything hurts. You're the one who doesn't know. You only know what it felt like to kill them knowing you were gonna live and they were gonna die.” you said leaving as reid and everyone behind that mirror just heard what you said.
As you got back on the jet, you were so tired you fell asleep right away. You were just so tired you didn't know what to do.
You were running through the unsubs home and noticed a body that looked familiar. It was matt. You quickly ran over to him and saw his face. He was already dead. You then were tied up seeing the unsub shoot him over and over. “NO! Matt, no! You had more time! Why!” you said.
“You had more time….why did you kill him…” you mumbled as you were moving around a lot and crying. Reid noticed and he quickly put his book down as he shook you up. “y/n...hey it's just a dream...y/n'' he said as you woke up with tears falling out of your eyes. “Im sorry, sorry.” you said as you wiped your own tears away. You sat there in complete silence. You were comfortable so it wasn't awkward.
You then saw the way Reid looked at you, which was the look that told you he knew what was wrong. You sighed in defeat as you asked him. “How do you know?” you asked as he half smiled. “Well today when you mentioned Matt, your mood changed, and I knew something was wrong, and you also wanted to comfort the victims family. You seemed like you knew what they were going through. And when you told us about the victims being sick, you seemed really sad for them more than a regular person would be and when you talked about losing family, I knew something was up.” he said as you nodded. “So you profiled me huh?” you said as he nodded and gave you a sincere smile
He was waiting, but he spoke first. “y/n i'm here for you, just know that, even if you feel alone i'm here for you always.” he said as you nodded.
He was about to get up as you spoke. “Matt died...two days ago...and the funeral was today, and i'm not okay.” you said as your tears fell out. Spencer held you as he wiped your tears away. “I'm so sorry, y/n.” he said as you shook your head. “spence its fine.” you said as he nodded, but he knew it wasn't fine. “Its just...when he died, i held him in my hands. I was there when it happened.” you said as he felt very sorry that you had to go through that.
“Im so sorry. Here come here.” he said as he opened his arms so he could hold you. You were thankful for Spencer, he was always there for you and you were glad he was there for you for this. It made being able to grieve much easier.
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