#but uh. we need to fucking write out venom siblings fic soon before the thoughts consume me
ok venom siblings
maybe if they split and then poison and jet started running together & became pretty big names together and kobra recognises them and it's. all my love cause i know where you come from. i knew you before all of that. you're like me. we crawled out of the same hell together and i still love you. i still love you even if i only see you in wanted posters and i only hear you in rumors. i still love you cause you're a part of me and i can't decide if i hate that or not. it's hard for me to stop looking for your name in the list of the dead they leave outside the walls. its still hard to fall asleep and not reach out for you when you used to lie next to me to keep me warm when we were little. it's hard to be myself and not your little brother. i always wanted to be out of your shadow and i fought for that so hard I didn't think about what i'd do when i couldn't see your shadow anymore. what am i gonna do when your name pops up on that list. what am i supposed to say if i see you in passing. am i supposed to pretend? pretend i don't recognise you? do i just walk past and hope you'll notice, hope you'll see that i'm better now, better without you, better off on my own, i've got friends, i've got plans, i'm living, i'm doing it, see, doing it all by myself i told you i could do it by myself do you see it now do you see how much better i am i'm better i'm better i'm better i'm better.
but it's still hard not to reach out when i can't sleep.
(this got a little too poetic a little too fast-)
"I'd like to see your face and say/'I told you/You'd make it on your own/And they would love you." because party's always known deep down that kobra could make it on his own. theyve always known that they dont need him, and thats why they held on so tight to the point of suffocating him because their biggest fucking fear is that he Doesn't Need Them. their one purpose in life is to protect their little brother and if their brother doesnt want their protection or, worse, doesnt need it then why are they even here?? they lie awake at night aching, praying that the universe will just let them run into each other just once, will just let them see what their little brothers grown up to be, will let them make sure hes doing okay. but at the same time they hope they never fucking see him again because they know, they can feel it in their gut, that kobra is fucking thriving without them that he was so incredibly right that they were the one thing holding him back from greatness. they know kobras better than them, theyve always known dammit thats why they fought so hard for him, but knowing and seeing are two different things. and they think if they have to see him finally being as happy as they always promised hed be without them, that might just be the thing to kill them for good. they cant let go. even miles apart with years of silence between them they cant fucking let go
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reaperofangelsao3 · 5 years
Spin the Bottle Scene
So contrary to popular belief, I do write more than Harry Potter and Miraculous Ladybug fics. I’ve been working on and off on a book for about 5 years now and while I really just need to get my crap together and write it, I still need to get a proper feel for the characters since I never actually took the time to do that?
Anyway, this is just something I thought up while I was in the shower. It’s short and sweet, so I hope you enjoy.
You can also read this on my Ao3, here.
Also, this, and any other sub sequential writing Prompts I post for this will be under the tags “Academiae Wisp” (the title of the book) and “Academy Wisp” “Wisp Academy” because I can’t expect you people to remember how to spell Latin words since I can barely do it on a good day.
Thomas chuckled as he watched his friends whoop and holler and run around like animals. It was well into the summer at this point and he along with a decent group of students decided to stay on campus for the holidays, and they were all partying and drinking like soldiers come home from the war with the promise of not going back.
To say that they were completely out of control would be a gross understatement, but it was controlled chaos. They had spelled an area in which they had to stay in and even set up tents and everything, with spells to keep the girls in their tents and the boys in theirs. They only had about six acres of land they could royally fuck up, and had yet to do that five hours in, so that was at least a good sign, right?
They had had dinner, so people weren’t too drunk yet, but Thomas imagined that most everyone would be drunk before the end of the sixth or seventh hour, which would probably be coming faster than it seemed it would. It was a party full of magic-wielding teenagers, after all. It was hard not to have fun just watching them go nuts.
Thomas, though, soon noticed someone who really didn’t look like she was having fun. Someone he had gotten to know pretty well over the past few months, if he did say so himself, and yet somehow she still held back something that she didn’t seem willing to share with him, or… anyone else for that matter. Her friends seemed to know, but they wouldn’t tell him either.
So he walked over to the red haired beauty who was sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest, and sat down right next to her. The girl flinched a little and looked up at him with those striking green and gold eyes, staring up at him.
Thomas felt his voice get stuck in his throat for a moment. This was happening more and more frequently around her, he found, and it was a little disturbing to him. He had never lost his voice around girls before, or even guys for that matter. What made her different, aside from the fact that she was meant to be the new Lady of Time? No, that couldn’t be it, anyhow. He didn’t really get nervous around the Time Lord, after all.
“Hey, Rosetta. What are you doing here, sitting all alone? I thought you would be hanging out with Ed? Or Elina and Cassandra? Maybe even your brother?” He asked curiously, then looked over, spotting Will among a crowd of people near immediately. Will never got drunk, and now wasn’t an exception. He was probably the most sober person here, even if with the fumes from the magical drugs people were using to get high, since Guinevere didn’t have the proper conditions to grow pot or make the more dangerous variety of drugs on Infante or Florentia.
He looked further, and saw Cassandra, who looked drunker than anyone else there (that was saying something) with a glass of wine in one hand and clinging to Elina with the other, who was helping her stay up right, looking a little exasperated.
Ed was nowhere to be seen. He had a tendency to disappear at events such as these.
“Well, I would, but as you can see, I think they’re a little… uh… busy.”
“I do see that.” Thomas chuckled at her meek, quiet voice, the voice he could barely hear over all the racket, yet his hearing seemed to hone in on just naturally. “What do you think of this mini riot?”
“It’s... active.”
Thomas snorted. “Why so unenthusiastic, my Lady of Time?”
Rosetta’s face turned a little red and she shrugged, looking out over the crowd of dancing children. “It’s just sort of tame, you know?”
Thomas barked out a laugh. “No, I don’t. Enlighten me.”
“Well, I-”
Rosetta and Thomas looked over at the sound of a girl yelling and saw one of their classmates, Heather, he believed, who was grinning and holding up a bottle of Serpent’s Venom Rum, the deep purple glass shining with the colors of the fire. The party quieted down a little and the majority of people looked over at her.
The brunette smirked, her hair bouncing a little as she hollered. “WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE?!” She yelled, and nearly thirty people cheered or whooped in response, which left less than half of the other students who weren’t in the game.
Thomas looked at Rosetta and smiled shyly before getting up and jogging over to join the game, knowing if he didn’t play, he would probably get heckled by the other students.
He hadn’t expected Rosetta to follow him, but when he saw her sit at the opposite side of the circle next to her brother, he figured she had. She smiled up at her brother, who smiled back, looking excited. Figures. Will was always excited for stupid drunk games.
Heather smiled and spelled the bottle, then had it float to the middle of the circle. A light shone from the bottle like a laser, pointing to her. “Okay, everybody got their wands?”
The students pulled out their wands in response.
“Good. Okay, this is how this works. There’s too many of us to reach and spin it, so we’re all going to use our wands to spin the bottle, no tricks to make it land on the person you want. I added a light to the bottle so we can see who it stops on. Now, some special rules!” She yelled, grinning. “Everyone knows the basic rules of Spin the Bottle, but just in case - your task is to spin the bottle, duh. You spin the bottle and whomever the bottleneck points to, you have to get up and go kiss that person. As for the special rules…
“First! Since we happen to have students who have siblings in this circle, if it lands on your sibling, you can either pass with a kiss on the cheek or you can respin. You can decide on this however you want.” She looked pointedly at Rosetta and Will, then at Thomas and glancing to his brother, who was also in the circle.
“Second! If you spin it and it lands in between two people, you gotta kiss them both! No playing favorites or this-person-isn’t-as-bad-as-the-other!
“Third! If it lands on the same gender as you, you still gotta kiss them, whether you happen to be straight or gay or indifferent!
“Forth! If you are absolutely adamant that you are not going to kiss whomever your spin lands on, or whose spun landed on you, you can roshambo it. If you win, you go scott free, but if you lose, you gotta do a dare that the winner gives you. You can only use this privilege three times! Everyone got that?”
Everyone looked at each other and there was a quiet murmur before all the students gave a vague nod.
“Good. Now, since I was the one who suggested it, I’ll nominate someone.” Heather looked among the other students for a candidate, smirking at a blonde fairy who was sitting a little too primly for her taste.
“Oh, Ver-oooonnn-i-caaaa.” The girl sang, and the fairy, Veronica, perked up, then sighed.
“Merlin, save us.” She mumbled. “Okay, Duke, geez.” The fairy said and pulled out her wand, waving it in a simple motion, and making the bottle spin in a frenzy, but staying glued to its spot on the ground.
And it all went downhill from there.
Veronica was made to kiss some guy names Kurt, then Kurt was made to kiss one of the boys from the soccer team, who then somehow won a round of roshambo to get out of a kiss from Angelica, who was known for being extremely lucky when it came to chance games. Angelica didn’t seem too phased when her spin landed on another girl and, in fact, kissed her quite vigorously, which surprised more than a couple people. That girl was forced to pass because she was too frazzled to spin the bottle correctly, so it went to the girl next to her, who spun it and got it on Will. Will had managed to get away with a light peck, as the girl didn’t seem too interested anyway.
When Will spun, and it landed on a boy, though, the boy suddenly looked a little nervous. It was obvious that boy had never had any intimate experience with anyone, but when Thomas saw the seemingly innocent smile on Will’s face, he was suddenly regretting it very much that he was sitting right next to said boy.
Thomas shifted away from the boy uneasily, and so did the guy on the boy’s other side, as Will stood up and stalked over to the boy. The poor guy fidgeted in his seat, looking nervous as all heck, as Will moved to stand over him, sitting down, straddling the boy’s lap.
“You look nervous.” He commented, and the other nodded a little quickly, which made Will snort softly. “Then let me help take the edge off.”
He grabbed the boy by his collar and kissed him, and Thomas was surprised to see the boy instantly relax, and he heard multiple girls squeal and cheer.
Will got up seconds later and went back to his seat by Rosetta, who was gagging playfully, to which he laughed at.
“Aw, what is it, sis?”
“I never needed to see my brother kiss another person, like, ever, in my life. I think I would have preferred to see you makeout with a toad than ever have you put me through seeing you kiss another human being.” She gagged again, but Will only laughed harder.
It went on like that for another couple rounds, with cheers and laughter and squeals all being shared, until Rosetta had to roshambo out of kissing some guy who looked all too happy to have gotten her as his spin, and she made him spell himself into a feather suit and do the chicken dance around the fire.
All eyes were on her now as she pulled her wand out, looking at the bottle like it was the bane of her existence.
He glanced over and watched as Heather muttered something under her breath and Thomas rose a brow, wondering what she could be doing, then heard cheering.
He glanced down and saw Rosetta staring right at him with Cassandra, Elina, Will, and quite a few of the other students cheering and yelling loudly. He wondered what for, then glanced down, and saw a shining red light on him.
Thomas felt his face heat up like a volcano ready to burst, and he looked back up at Rosetta, who was still sitting down. Will was laughing and nudging her to get up, and people started cheering her name.
“Go, Ro!” “Go get ‘em, girl!” “You can do it!”
And then gone was the shy girl he had come to know.
Gone was the meek, timid girl who liked to saunter during their recess period.
Gone was the girl who stumbled over herself whenever someone got her face to go pink like it was right now.
No, she stood right up, the flowers weaved into her braid, the ones that Cassandra had put in her hair before the poor Elf got drunk off wine, blooming brightly in her hair as she walked right up to him, and Thomas felt himself grow nervous. His heart started beating erratically, and he felt like a fox torn between getting the berries or going for the plump field mouse.
Rosetta got on her knees in front of him and started inching closer, and Thomas was stuttering out words he wasn’t thinking about nor sure he meant before he could stop himself. Why was she looking at him like that? Her emerald eyes were so big, so focus, watching him like hawk.
“R-Ro, you kn-know you don’t have to do this, r-right?” He stuttered out as she got closer, now practically in his lap, one knee on either side of his own knees as they lay stretched out on the ground, his back to the fire. He couldn’t even lean back of her because of that damned fire.
She didn’t say anything and just inched closer, now straddling him properly, her knees on either sides of his thighs, and her arms lifting up a little.
“I-I mean, I know that you don’t really like me like this, s-so you don’t have to kiss me or anything if you don’t w-want to-”
Her hands were on his shoulders and fucking fuck her eyes were distracting and her breath on his lips was making his head spin.
She did pause, though, looking a little confused as she glanced into his eyes once more.
“Now, Thomas, what would give you such a silly idea?”
That was all she said before her lips were on his, and her arms had slid up from his shoulders to trace over the sides of his neck, and all the tension left him so quickly he nearly fell back into the fire.
He now understood how the boy next to him had relaxed so quickly. If Will was as good as his little sister at this, then it was just too easy to just let go and kiss back. Her lips were so soft, and it was like she knew exactly where to touch to make shivers go up his spine and force his heart out of his chest and into the clouds. His brain had melted somewhere in between the beginning of the kiss and when she had slide her hand up into his hair and put the other around his neck, until he was just putty in her hands.
And then visions started filling his head, ones he didn’t understand. They weren’t of either of them or any of their friends. They were visions of complete strangers.
He watched as couples square danced at a wedding, with the bride laughing and desperately holding up her dress as she danced with her new husband. He heard fiddles and flutes, all playing some tune he didn’t recognize. Sure, he knew it was some folk or high-paced Celtic tune, but he hadn’t ever heard it in his life.
Soon there was cake, and the bride had grabbed a handful of it and pushed it into her groom’s mouth before kissing him like the pastor had just allowed it for a second time, and then there was more dancing, and laughing, and playing silly games. Dogs ran around and barked and hopped around the celebrating families, who fed them and played with them. Children were running around playing random games that probably didn’t make sense to anyone other than them, and at some point the bride and the groom had managed to sneak off, going deep into the woods and dancing in silence among a prearranged area, quiet and happy and exchanging silly sweet-nothings and kisses until night fell upon them, leaving them with fairy lights and fireflies to light up the forest around them.
Thomas was used to giving people happiness, not the other way around. Everywhere he went, people couldn’t help but be happy, and the only people who had any sort of defiance over that were the Council members and heirs to the Council. People couldn’t just make him happy, couldn’t just turn on the ‘joy’ switch inside his head like his presence did them.
But the scene of the wedding that flashed through his head, that made him so inexplicably happy. He couldn’t even tell you why. It’s not like he knew them. But the pure, raw happiness that the wedding just oozed was infectious and honestly, Rosetta’s kiss just magnified it several times.
So he was disappointed but still incredibly light-hearted when she pulled away, and he knew his eyes were shining just like hers were.
She smiled at him, and that’s when he registered that everyone around them was cheering. Her hand was still in his hair.
“That’s how I know this party is tame.” She whispered, grinning at him before getting up, turning around and swaying back to her spot next to her brother, who was laughing and cheering for her just like the rest of them, and he heard Angelica laugh loudly.
“Look at that, Ro! You kissed him so good, he’s staring after you like a lost puppy!” She laughed and tumbled back onto the ground.
Rosetta turned her head and winked at him playfully, causing his face to heat up, and he was sure from the increased volume, he was blushing.
Thomas decided it might be best he take a break to get himself back under control, but of course, when he got back in the game, it landed right back on Rosetta.
He was going to have a lot of things to remind him of this night, wasn’t he?
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starryeyed-char · 7 years
This is a (decently long, sorry for the lack of writing these past few days) one-shot for the below prompt! It... didn’t turn out exactly like the ask, but I hope you like it anyway! I’ve been wanting to try writing trans!lance for a while because I absolutely love that hc, and I really enjoyed writing this, so let me know if you guys like it, because I could definitely see myself doing another fic with it.
Trans! Lance where an asshole alien keeps miss gendering Lance and being transphobic and he starts to get upset and then the team overhears this happening and are about to kick the aliens ass.
I tried to make it gen... but it ended up being very klance, especially at the end... so uh... I hope you like it anyway! Sorry this always happens when I try to write gen fics.
Only half the team knew.
Contrary to their belief, Lance was actually an expert secret keeper. With a large family like his, he had to know when to keep his mouth shut. So, despite the loud, obnoxious, open persona he displayed for the others, he could also be sneaky.
He'd the had practice of years sneaking out of the Garrison, or even his house when he was little to go see the beach at night with his siblings.
So, keeping a secret on an unbelievably large castle ship with only six other people on it was easy.
Or at least, it should've been.
Admittedly, Lance managed to hide lots of stuff from his fellow team members. Little injuries he didn't want to worry them with, the thoughts piled up in his head that would just upset them if they knew, things like that.
This secret, however, was a bit more difficult to hide. Still, he managed for a while.
Lance had told Hunk, of course, back at the Garrison. They'd been roommates, after all, and he knew the other would find out pretty quickly. In order to avoid all the questions that would be asked the first time Hunk inevitably walked in while Lance wasn't wearing a binder, he told him the very first day.
Hunk was incredibly supportive, promising he didn't care. Lance was also extremely grateful that he agreed to keep it a secret from the teachers, despite that hiding even something small stressed the boy out.
Because Lance's mother had lied on his application forms. As far as the Garrison knew, he was just a regular, cis, heterosexual boy. Lance was extremely relieved by this, since the Garrison didn't really have the best reputation for being LGBTQ+ friendly, and Iverson tormented him enough with the material he had.
On their second day in space, Hunk had told Lance that he should probably tell everyone else, but Lance couldn't bring himself to. Hunk respected his choice, and told Lance that he'd never tell them, but they both knew the rest of the team would figure it out eventually.
Still, it was nice, not having them look at him differently.
Lance didn't particularly want to tell Pidge, but he ended up having to anyway, through no fault of his own.
It wasn't as if Lance had planned to be stuck in space for who knows how long. He hadn't exactly packed a bag. Hell, he only had one Earth outfit with him. He considered himself lucky he'd been wearing his binder.
When the telltale cramps arrived, Lance knew he was screwed. He'd searched the infirmary before, but came up empty. No pads or tampons anywhere in sight.
So, he knocked on Pidge's door, a bundle of nerves. Allura was the alternative choice, though, and he wasn't sure if being transgender was a thing for Alteans. Or if they even had periods.
Pidge opened the door, glaring at him. “What do you want?”
“What do you do when you get your period?” The words came out in a rush, and Lance clapped his hands over his mouth afterward.
Pidge stared at him for a moment, before going to slam the door in his face.
“No! No, Pidge wait!” He wedged his foot in the door, and she scowled. “It's... uh, it's really important.”
“Lance, it's kind of rude to be asking me this,” she informed him. “And why the fuck do you even want to know?”
He took a deep breath. “Because... oh man. I'm... trans. And I need pads. Like, right now. Please, just help me out here?”
Her expression changed in a second. “You're...? Woah. Um.” She was completely at a loss for words. “This better not be one of your jokes—”
“If you want me to prove it, I will, but I'd really like to avoid that and just get some pads, thank you.”
She held up her hands, and retreated into the room. “Nope. No proving necessary, Lance, I trust you. Just come to me whenever you need more,” She returned, handing him a box of pads. “Allura gives them to me. No idea where she gets them.”
“You're... not going to ask anything else about it? Like why I kept it a secret?”
Pidge snorted. “Lance, you thought I was a boy for the first year I knew you. I'm sure you had your reasons for keeping it from the team, but it doesn't matter to me. You're still the idiot I know and love.”
Lance could barely contain his sigh of relief. “Thanks, Pidge.”
She nodded, eyes still surveying him. Calculating. “Anytime. Hunk knows, doesn't he?”
Lance nodded sheepishly. “Ever since the Garrison.”
“Figures,” Pidge scoffed.
Coran knew before Pidge, technically speaking, but it wasn't until Lance was returning from Pidge's room, several months later, with a box of pads that Lance learned this.
He stammered for a few seconds, hiding the box behind his back and managing to say, “I can explain!”
Coran smiled at him softly, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “I've known for some time,” he told Lance. “Found out in the scans from the pod, when Sendak bombed the castle. I was confused at first, but I've known Alteans who are the same. I'm not sure what they call it in your language.”
“Oh! Uh, transgender.” Lance was failing to keep a small smile off his own face.
“Transgender,” Coran echoed, as if testing the word. He smiled again. “Well, my boy, your secret's always safe with me. But I'm sure if and when you decide to tell the others, they'll support you, too.”
“Thanks, Coran,” Lance started back towards his room, but the older man called out to him again.
“Oh, one more thing. I decided I'd ask you when you decided to tell me, but now's as good a time as any. I believe we have some sort of shot in the infirmary that transitioning Alteans would use over time? I'd have to test it to see if it's compatible with human DNA, but if you'd like me to search for it in the infirmary for you, I can.”
Lance hugged him.
He knew keeping the others in the dark couldn't possibly last, but Lance was working up the courage. Slowly, but surely. He figured he'd tell Allura next, as they'd gotten much closer following the lion switch.
But, as it turned out, the universe hated Lance, so of course something like this had to happen.
It was a diplomatic meeting, nothing stressful. They were attending a feast on a planet of aliens they'd just saved, Netilia. The Netilians were very short, stout, and almost entirely covered in fur. Pidge had decided to refer to them as 'less cute Ewoks', which had Hunk and Lance stifling laughter.
A Netilian servant and their King came to the castle, bringing the traditional garments that they were instructed to wear to the feast, as was custom for visitors on their planet.
They brought four that looked like a strange kind of suit. And three dresses.
“Excuse me, but why did you bring three dresses?” Allura asked, looking at the clothes in confusion. “We only require two.”
“It is customary for all females to wear dresses to ceremonies in our culture. I'd hoped the three of you wouldn't mind,” the leader explained. Allura just looked at the rest of the team, bewildered.
“We only have two girls on this team,” Pidge said slowly.
Hunk had placed a hand on Lance's shoulder, but he shrugged it off, forcing a laugh. “Guess you really should get a haircut, Keith. Your hair is so long, they think you're a girl!”
Keith scowled, probably all set with some witty comeback. But he never got to say it.
“The third female in the group is... you, is it not?” the alien asked, looking directly at Lance. The blue paladin fidgeted nervously, taking several steps backward. “Forgive me, but there is a subtle different in how genders naturally smell, detectable by my people's enhanced senses. We brought this dress for you, miss.”
Lance took another step back. He shook his head. “No, I'm... I'm not a girl. My name is Lance, I pilot the red lion.”
“Leave him alone,” Pidge's voice was like venom, and it stopped Keith in his tracks, about to ask what the hell was going on. “Just give him a damn suit already.”
“What... what the green paladin means to say is, this little misunderstanding can be easily cleared up if you'll replace the extra dress with the male attire,” Coran suggested, looking back at Lance nervously.
Hunk had an arm around Lance's shoulders now, and he was glaring at the aliens, but didn't speak.
“This is... odd,” Allura began, unsure of what to say. “But I can assure you, there must be some mistake. Lance is a boy.”
“Yeah, no doubt about that,” Keith seconded. “Have you ever seen the guy when around girls?”
Shiro nodded in agreement, looking slightly amused by the whole thing. “This must be a joke right? To break the diplomatic ice, so to speak?”
The alien shook his head, now glaring up at Lance. “Why would you lie to your team?” he asked, with a frown. “Voltron is the protector of the universe. To think that a paladin, a defender of the innocent, would lie about such a thing shows how untrustworthy you clearly are! Even now, when proven, you claim innocence.”
“I'm not lying!” Lance insisted. He was starting to tremble. “I'm not a girl! You've... you've got it wrong. Please, just... leave me alone!”
“Someone shut this alien up,” Pidge growled. "Or I am going to attack him. Diplomatic relations be damned."
“I'm not sure I'm comfortable having an alliance with someone who would lie about her identity on the team,” the Netilian leader declared. “She should probably be removed from her post as paladin as soon as possible, or Netilia will not join the confederation.”
Lance looked like he was going to be sick. “I.... I have to go,” he managed to get out, before dashing off in the direction of his room.
Everyone was silent for a moment.
“What the hell just happened?” Keith demanded, looking around at all of them. The second his eyes landed on Hunk, the yellow paladin jumped.
“Hunk, if you know something you have to tell us,” Shiro ordered. “This is supposed to be a team. What's going on?”
Hunk shifted from foot to foot, clearly very uncomfortable. “I'm sorry Shiro, but before I was a paladin, I was Lance's friend. And I made him a promise, and I'm going to keep it. You'll have to ask him yourself.” With that said, he ran after Lance.
“Your friend is not a 'him',” the alien said, impatiently. “I don't see why you choose to ignore what I'm telling you about her.”
“Get him off of the castle,” Pidge said through gritted teeth. “Before I beat the shit out of him for what he just did to Lance.”
“Now, now, Pidge,” Coran held up his hands in a peace-making gesture. Though he, too, kept casting worried glances toward the blue paladin's room. “He obviously didn't know what he was doing.”
“I don't know what's going on, but you have clearly deeply upset one of my paladins, and I cannot stand for that,” Allura fixed the two Netilians with a cold glare. “Please leave my ship. Immediately.”
The second they were gone, Keith whirled on Coran and Pidge. “Would one of you explain what the fuck is going on?”
“Lance is trans.” It came from Shiro, surprisingly, and Pidge's eyes snapped up to him.
“You knew?”
“No, but I had a friend who was at school, back in my Garrison days,” Shiro told them. “Would never have guessed otherwise. I never would've thought... Lance hid it from us all so well.”
“Yeah,” Pidge mumbled under her breath, glaring at the flood. “Lance hides a lot of things.”
“Wait,” Keith interrupted. “So... Lance is...?”
“Keith, because it's you I might cut you some slack. But you better be careful about your lack of social etiquette anyway, because this is Lance we're talking about,” Pidge deadpanned. “And yes. Lance is trans.”
Keith's eyes widened with realization, followed by fury. “Allura, lower the particle barrier. I'm going to go talk with that alien.”
Allura was half way to the control panel before Coran stopped her. “This will only cause more conflict. I think it's most important to worry about poor Lance right now, don't you? I'm sure he didn't want the three of you to find out this way.”
“Three of us?” Shiro asked. “Coran, you knew too?”
“Cryropod scans.”
“I didn't know until after Coran, technically,” Pidge piped up. “Hunk found out at the Garrison, but Lance needed... me, and he told me. Here. In space.”
“What'd he need you for?” Keith asked, completely oblivious.
Pidge stared at him blankly, clearly surprised that one person could be so clueless. “Pads, Keith. He needed pads.”
Keith's face instantly went bright red. “Right. Um... yeah. Of course. Sorry I asked.”
Hunk walked back into the room just then, took one look at all of their expressions, and sighed. “Nice going, Pidge.”
“It's not my fault! Shiro guessed!”
“Is... is he okay?” Keith wondered.
Hunk hesitated. “He's still pretty upset. It's been a while since someone he didn't want to know found out, and so it's been a while since he's been misgendered but... he'll be okay. Lance is tough,” Hunk assured them all, and then looked back at Keith. “He wanted to talk to you. First, at least.”
Keith blanched. “Me?! Why would he want to talk to me? I'm terrible at this stuff!”
“He doesn't want to hear it from me, because he knows I accept him already,” Hunk tells him. “Keith, it's really important to him that you accept him, too.”
“But... why?! When has Lance ever cared what I thought?” Even as Keith said this, a certain conversation came to mind.
Must really be bothering you if you came to talk to me.
Well... you're the team leader now, right?
Hunk smiled sadly. “You'll have to ask him yourself.”
Keith only hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. He didn't expect Lance to open it almost immediately, as he had never actually been inside the paladin's room before. Still, Lance had practically no boundaries when it came to privacy. Or... at least, he'd thought so, anyway.
Lance stepped aside to let Keith pass, and then immediately took a seat on the bed, leaving Keith to stand awkwardly and observe him. The taller boy had pulled his hood up over his head, and his blue eyes were red rimmed. So Lance had been crying.
That thought alone was enough to make Keith want to storm outside the castle and wring that alien's neck. Lance was supposed to be the cheerful one, always boosting the team's mood with his grins and terrible jokes. The idea of him crying was just... wrong.
“Well?” Lance asked, and Keith jumped.
“Well... what?”
Lance rolled his eyes, but Keith didn't miss him bringing a hand up to rub at them. “Well, where's the long, inspirational leader speech? 'Lance you're still a part of the team, owning up to this will make you a better paladin,' all that sappy bullshit.”
Keith offered him a small smile. “I've never been that good at speeches.”
Lance snorted. “That's an understatement.”
“If you want a speech, Shiro's the person to ask” Keith told him, averting his eyes. “He's the real leader, anyway.”
“I didn't want to talk to Shiro,” Lance said bluntly. “I wanted to talk to you. I don't know why you haven't realized it yet, Keith, but you're a great leader. When you're not making stupid decisions without consulting anyone else, that is. But I think we've grown past that.” And then Lance smiled, and Keith couldn't help but feel a crushing relief.
“Still don't get why you'd want to talk about this with me of all people,” Keith muttered. “We all know I'm the worst at this stuff. Since when have you cared what anyone thought?”
Lance sighed, still smiling, but there was something sad about it. “If you really think that, then you don't know me at all.”
Keith wasn't sure what to say to that.
Lance sighed again, gesturing at the bed beside him. “Are you going to sit, or just stand there? Because you look more uncomfortable than I feel, and it's disconcerting.”
Keith sat next to Lance on the bed, leaving a decent amount of space between them.
“If you think this will change anyone's opinion of you, at all, you're wrong,” Keith said, finally breaking the silence. “And I know you're expecting me to say that, but it's true. Pidge told us all she was a boy! I'm literally part alien Lance. We've been a team for over a year now. This doesn't change who you are to us. You're Lance. Our sharpshooter.” Keith couldn't help the fond smile that came over his face. “Our goofball.”
Lance started, looking back at him. The word didn't feel like an insult.
“Still don't know why you'd want to hear my opinion on the subject, but if someone you hate thinks so highly of you, you can't possibly think the others would disagree, right?” Keith asked, with a small laugh.
“I've never hated you.” The words were out of Lance's mouth before he thought about them. “Honestly, your opinion probably matters... the most, to me.”
Keith was completely at a loss. “What...?”
Lance wouldn't look at him. “Because your name is what I've been measured against ever since the Garrison. Because you're the one person I've been trying to catch up to.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Because... because if I can be on the same level as someone so talented, and smart, and strong, and brave... then I can't be that bad, right?”
“And I know it's stupid,” Lance waved him off. “I know I should've told you guys, that we aren't supposed to keep secrets. And I feel terrible about it! And I knew that none of you would ever be against it, but... I was still scared, you know, and I just didn't want you to see me differently!"
Keith drew in a slow, steady breath. “I'm gay?” He didn't mean for it to come out as a question.
Lance fell off the bed.
Keith couldn't help it— he burst into laughter as the other stared up at him in shock.
“Jesus christ Keith, you can't just spring that on me out of the blue! What the hell?!” Lance had a hand pressed to his chest, as if the news had nearly made him have a heart attack.
Keith composed himself long enough to reply. “Shiro's the only other person who knows. So no, don't feel bad about keeping it a secret. We keep secrets from each other all the time. You weren't ready to tell us. And it sucks that the alien kind of ruined it, but now we know, and you know there was no reason to be scared.”
Lance smirked, and Keith felt his heart warm. This is the Lance he knew. “You better not be trying to one up my secret.”
“Wha— no, Lance, I was just trying to show you that—”
“Because I'm bi!” Lance declared at the top of his lungs, standing up and planting his hands on his hips. “So, ha! Beat that!”
“I'm literally an alien.”
Lance dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “Wasn't today, doesn't count. I appreciate you confiding in me, but if you think you can steal my secret thunder, then you've got another thing coming.”
“Your secret thunder?”
Lance nodded, still grinning. At least Keith had managed to cheer him up, but this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind.
“Admit it. I'm the king of keeping secrets.”
Keith wanted to mention that he couldn't be the king of keeping secrets by one-upping everything he told him, but he figured that the Cuban boy wouldn't care. So, instead, Keith wracked his brain for a secret. With anyone else, he would've dropped the subject, but this was Lance.
“I think I might be in love with you?” Keith offered, holding his breath.
He regretted saying it the second it came out of his mouth. Lance's smile instantly disappeared.
“You...?” He trailed off, and Keith stood, starting for the door with an apology on his lips.
But he never reached it.
Because Lance grabbed his arm, yanked him back towards him, and then... they were kissing.
Lance was kissing him.
Keith knew that he and the others had made fun of Lance's flirting numerous times, saying he'd probably never even kissed anyone before. But it was clear that he knew exactly what he was doing.
When they broke apart, Keith was gasping for breath. Lance was smirking at him, a faint blush across his cheeks.
“I still win,” he declared, in a barely audible whisper.
Keith immediately shoved Lance away. “Oh my god, I hate you.”
Lance just kept on grinning. “Oh, really? Cause earlier I could've sworn you said—”
“Just... just... shut up and kiss me!” Keith's voice was practically a shout. He didn't care.
Lance laughed, but he wasn't slow to oblige.
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