#but there is no character development quite like adam p
adamprrishcycle · 1 year
I support everything adam parrish does. Even the weird shit like sacrificing himself to a magic forest, scamming people for fake psychic readings even though he is in fact psychic and falling in love with an ancient, sentient horror who is stuck inside the body of an irish-american catholic teenager with a shaved head
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gendrie · 1 year
just for fun i was considering what arya’s story might look like in twow by chapter. my current estimate for her count is 6......ish. more arya twow chapters have been referenced over the years than any other character [x] not just by grrm but by jonathan roberts too. he received “a set” of arya chapters from twow way back in 2012 to create the map of braavos. grrm has mentioned writing arya material several times since. i think she could very possibly get more than 6 but i doubt any less. arya has the 3rd most chapters of any character in the entire series. she will get a decent amount of chapters in this book. quite frankly, 6 is a modest estimate, but i think its a decent place to start speculation. for reference her current pov count is: agot - 5, acok - 10, asos - 13 (the most in the book), affc - 3, adwd - 2 for a total of 33 published chapters
couple other notes i think are relevant to arya’s upcoming plot:
mercy was originally supposed to be arya’s first chapter after the five year gap [x] which was intended as a means of skipping over the training arcs of characters like arya and bran. so the appearance of mercy should signify that this phase of her arc is wrapping up. its time for serious plot development. if grrm ever wants to finish this series in 7 books than these characters have got to move in the direction of the endgame.
grrm has confirmed an arya/gendry reunion and that nymeria’s wolf pack will be utilized. both of these confirmations strongly suggest a return to the riverlands for arya. i think by the end of twow. grrm has also been adamant over the years that lady stoneheart will play an important role. if arya’s returning to the riverlands i think a meeting between her and stoneheart is likely (necessary?) all the more so considering how crucial arya was to catelyn being resurrected in the first place. it really fits his to go forward you must go back theme too. theres a lot of unresolved threads for arya in that location. but first she’s got to settle thing in braavos. so we begin there:
1. [mercy] arya, as mercy, awakens from a wolf dream where "a tree” (bran) is watching and calling out of her true name. this chapter focuses on arya’s apprenticeship with the mummers. she is honing her acting/lying ability by playing different roles. it’s implied arya also has a mission to complete while there. she carries on her possession 1. a deadly weapon 2. a key 3. coins - none of which belong to mercy. arya was always supposed to kill one of the envoy’s guards. when she sees raff the sweetling she thinks “the gods have given me a gift” she lures raff away under the pretense of sex and kills him; effectively framing him for mercy’s murder. this will “make trouble” (sabotage) for harys swyft and the sealord. arya acknowledges this fact before running back to the playhouse to finish out the last night of her apprenticeship. 
2. [unknown alias] i think her next chapter will be an apprenticeship with bellegere otherys as many have speculated over the years. bellegere has appeared several times in arya’s storyline so it has to lead somewhere. the courtesan was last seen escorting harys swyft to 'the bloody hand’ at the gate. this will give arya an opportunity to learn how to craft a charming, sophisticated persona in a more affluent environment. in the company of this very beautiful and influential woman arya will become a maiden. we will see the fallout for arya’s frame up job too. harys swyft will be denied by the bank sealing the lannisters downfall. the sealord choosing will heat up (tbh im still not sure where this subplot is going)
3. [unknown alias] i think we could see one last apprenticeship in the iron bank itself. another widely speculated point is jeyne p. arriving in braavos (due to jon being dead) with justin massey who is going there to collect stannis baratheon’s coin from the iron bank. (and none for harys swyft!) he intends to hire sellswords for the campaign in the north (set up in theon i twow) i think arya gets inside the sealord’s palace (with a new sealord?) - a likely host for a noble guest. whether as part the ongoing mission with the FM or by her own desire to get close to “arya stark” arya learns of many things happening in westeros (jon’s murder, her own stolen identity by her enemies, the abuse jeyne suffered, and generally how poorly things are going in the north - her home) which will motivate her to leave. 
4. [arya?] we gotta see the uncloaking at some point and theres no doubt in my mind it will coincide with arya reclaiming her identity. grrm laid it on thick with the symbolism. this event is to celebrate the anniversary of braavos revealing itself to the world after over a century of hiding. the braavosi party for ten days until on the last at midnight when all the revelers remove their masks; identity, revelations, new beginnings, ect. arya extracts herself from the FM, retrieves needle and leaves braavos. 
(a lot will go down with arya and the faceless men. theres lore to be revealed that will have a big effect on the plot. i am not convinced that the FM are a true neutral entity. they have an agenda. that will also be explored in samwell’s storyline since he was, unknowingly, introduced to a faceless man at the citadel. so arya doesn’t have to bear that alone. i think 4 chapters is enough to wrap up braavos for her.) 
5. [arya] arya returns to westeros. i think she might be shooting for the north, as usual, probably with the intention of killing some mutineers and/or boltons but will get diverted to the riverlands where she will land at the saltpans. she ends up at the inn at the crossroads again where gendry has been conveniently posted. this is the last place arya was seen in westeros and has become a refugee for orphans. gendry is a follower of lady stoneheart so he will inform arya of what has happened to her mother. this will derail whatever arya had planned. she will go to lady stoneheart. 
6. [arya] riverrun will probably be under the brotherhood’s control after trw 2.0. its one of the places arya tried to reach, her mothers childhood home, and the place where robb was crowned. it feels like an appropriate place for the meeting of lady stoneheart and arya. i expect this will be a very cathartic event. stoneheart’s role ends here and arya assumes leadership of the brotherhood. arya is a potential heir to robb so his former allies in the riverlands and their current allegiance is an interesting thing to consider. and, of course, theres nymeria. i think arya will be reunited with her wolf by the end of this book. 
i will admit this is VERY simplistic (and VERY self indulgent) but i do think these are some plot points for arya that could appear in twow. this is definitely a very direct line between arya in essos and westeros which may not play out so neatly in the actual book. i know there are a lot of theories about her going to another one of the free cities. i’ve always thought there was a real possibility that arya would return to westeros in the company of dany too. if arya does go on a major detour i could see a couple more chapters for her as well as her appearing in other povs. lately, grrm has been saying that a lot of storylines are intersecting, but we won’t know anything for certain until the book is published. 
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masterlovehurtssfw · 1 year
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It’s not often that I post about anything other than freeuse smut here but... I thought I’d share some of the non-smut stories I’ve enjoyed reading:
Little Fuzzy by H. Beam Piper: SciFi in which tiny furry creatures that the expanding human empire can’t see as sentient at first end up being quite sentient. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0039UUBFC
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency By Douglas Adams: He solves crimes... holistically! It’s British humor, it’s fun, and you can’t go wrong with spending some time with anything Adams writes. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AYIN78A
How To Draw Anything by Mark Linley: When you don’t have “a drawing brain” but you still want to sketch out things well enough that people know what you’ve sketched out. This is the book. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0716022230
Zombie Prom by Phillip Rhoades: It has roller derby girls kicking ass and killing zombies. It’s a short book and a fun read by a little-known author. Clearly, the derby girls are a big draw for me. Same reason I wrote my derby girl stories. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X3W17GT
Who P-P-P-Plugged Roger Rabbit (and other Roger Rabbit books) by Gary Wolf: Clearly an inspiration for my Fucking Toons story (and future stories). A world where toons and humans exist together. The movie’s version of Jessica was so great, he changed the character in future books. Eddie’s sister is even married to a toon! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003FSU702
Various Stories by Lovecraft: Yeah, the man was not the best man and some of his writing is a little off but his monsters-outside-of-reason are great on a conceptual level and I am sure I reference some when I write alien stories or horror-themed smut. https://www.amazon.com/stores/H.P.-Lovecraft/author/B000AQ40D2
The Earthsea books by Ursula K. Le Guin: I’m sure quite a few are familiar with these. Wizards, true names, bad choices, and great character development. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1481465589
Chronicles Of Prydain by Alexander Lloyd: If you like the Earthsea books and/or Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, then you will probably also love Prydain. Don’t let the flopped Disney adaptation of The Black Cauldron fool you, these stories are fantastic! https://www.amazon.com/dp/1250000939
I might make more posts like this, from time-to-time, if you guys are interested in my non-smut interests. Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed this peek into some of what I read when I’m not writing smut :)
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
In regards to the whole, “Read RWBY’s books to learn about Theo” point a few days ago, when I took Screenwriting class this Fall Semester of college, my professor’s big rule when we were reading someone’s script was, “The author isn’t allowed to talk, all they can do is take notes and clarify if something was in the script or not if someone is confused about a detail. If it wasn’t in the screenplay, it didn’t happen.”
Of course, screenwriting is much different from how we experience visual mediums, especially for a series looking to expand into multimedia franchise like RWBY seemingly wants to (books, the upcoming Arrowfell game, etc), but even with things like say, Star Wars, the books don’t usually withhold important info to explain things that you see in the shows and movies (except for… quite a few things in the Sequel Trilogy). If Rebels got you interested in Thrawn, you can go read the books dedicated to his origin and work in the Empire. You wanted to see more of Luke’s adventures in the Rebellion or Darth Vader being cool, the comics are glad to accommodate that itch. You want to see other Jedi survive Order 66, we got Fallen Order, Rebels, and dozens of other stories. Star Wars’ multimedia is generally expanding upon info the movies imply or give, and generally aren’t considered required viewing if you just want to enjoy the movies or shows.
But in all honesty, I never found RWBY’s supplementary material too relevant to my viewing experience anyway. Speaking as someone who still, to this day, has not watched a single World of Remnant episode or read any of the books, I understand what’s going on just fine. I’m sure this is a bigger problem if you’re actively invested in Remnant as a setting, but I’ve never been into RWBY for the ‘deep’ setting.
Yeah, how much the supplemental material does or does not matter hinges a lot on how invested the viewer is in understanding the world for themselves, rather than just going along for the ride, putting questions on the back burner until the show decides to answer them. For me personally, I’m not so much into a ‘deep’ setting either as I am compelling characterization. For example, the Relics’ powers. I don’t care about the powers on their own. Some fans might be super invested in that level of world building, but I’m not. Instead, I care about how those powers impact the characters: their view of the situation, their relationships with one another, their approach towards this war and its villains, etc. So it becomes a problem when the information that should be influencing their development exists only in the supplemental works. We the audience know what the Crown does and have a pretty solid guess about the Sword based on its name, but no one has ever discussed that with the main characters. They understand the Lamp—only because that’s how they solidified their current understanding of the other Relics in the first place—and they learned about Ambrosius’ power literally a scene before they started using it. So for me, the criticism is less, “I can’t believe RWBY hasn’t included these world building details” and much more, “I can’t believe our cast learned that there were four Relics created by a God, know that these are the exact artifacts the Big Bad is after to destroy the world with, have used one of them to forward their own agenda… and no one has ever once questioned what the others are capable of doing?” It makes the characters seem like they don’t care about the war, or how best to tackle it, about preparing ahead, all that jazz. It makes them look like kids who are neck deep in denial and, therefore, should not be in charge of this fight.
The franchise’s desire to keep things separate results in the characters never asking questions. Why does it take until Volume 5 to explain how semblances might connect to personalities? How come Ruby never interrogates anyone about her Silver Eyes? Why doesn’t Blake or Yang want to know how Adam got the brand of their BFF’s family plastered on his face? The franchise acts as if because we the audience get those answers in side Fairy Tales or mobile games, there’s no reason for the characters to canonically learn about them because it’s already ‘happened.’ But as your screenwriting example lays out, it didn’t happen unless we see it/it’s discussed on screen. It's already bad enough imo to, say, have your characters ignoring that brand, but the lack of that work is particularly frustrating in a series now revolving around lies and secrets. It’s really hard to take the characters seriously about knowledge-based problems when the show itself is so bad at communicating knowledge. Why do I care about Yang being upset over lies when she’s never brought up the fact that her mother is a Maiden? She comes across as hypocritical. Why should I believe that Theodore is a trustworthy figure for Ruby to lean on when he exists only in Myers’ books? She comes across as dangerously naive for trusting him after three falling outs with headmasters. By failing to incorporate this information canonically, that lack hurts our protagonists' characterizations, made worse by the story continually ignoring those now blatant flaws for a far more complimentary reading of their choices.
And I think that last example showcases that this problem has grown way, way worse over the years. Yeah, World of Remnant isn’t that bad and, as you say, I don’t think viewers have to have seen it in order to understand what’s going on in the webseries. Back then, RWBY was better at merely expanding on ideas that already existed in the show: here’s a bit more information about the Great War Ozpin already mentioned, here’s a bit more information about how semblances work after Pyrrha already explained it, etc. Now though, the supplemental material isn’t just expanding on canonical ideas (or doing AU work in the form of RWBY Chibi), but actively doing work that should be in the main series as well. But isn't. We’ve moved from, “It would have been cool to get that info in the webseries too, but it’s okay that we didn’t” to, “I’m not sure this counts as representation if it only exists in a comic few fans are reading. Or worse, an interview with the writers” to, “You based the core of Ironwood’s entire characterization—the heart and conflict of two Volumes—on a semblance that’s only EVER mentioned in a Q&A?” to finally, “I wouldn’t have even known Theodore’s name if book fans hadn’t communicated that to me, let alone that he’s supposedly this good guy who has done all these good things, thereby justifying Ruby’s faith in him… even though she doesn’t know about any of that either.”
We’ve reached a point in the franchise where the characters act as if they’re reading RWBY material on the side and that, to me, is a far bigger problem than where we started out with World of Remnant. It's a problem that has moved from a simple world building issue, to a characterization issue. I can only speak for myself, but I'm far more willing to shrug off a messy world than I am illogical, contradictory, and hypocritical (without engaging with that) characterization for our title team. That ruins the story for me in a way, "Idk how dust works exactly, but whatever. The show's still so much fun!" never could.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
Re: "here I go again" I agree with you! The episode does a great job of showing how Sara has changed from rebel to responsible (ish) in contrast to Zari who is still (very understandably) adamant in her need to change the timeline. It's a theme that is picked up again in later seasons with Zari but with a fun twist of course! Zari's actress, Tala Ashe, is a really fantastic actress and I think her presence elevates the show and her fellow cast members, plus she gets better and better with each season. I'm always excited to see your opinions on this show, and your insights are always fantastically on target! You've managed to predict quite a few things so far so you are clearly very keen at media analysis :D thanks for having so much great stuff to say about one of my favorite tv shows!!
oooh thank you for sharing your thoughts! i am excited to see how zari's character develops further in season 3. i def agree that zari's presence helps to infuse some new energy into the established characters & dynamics and keeps things from feeling stale, and the actress is certainly a big part of that. like i was getting kind of tired of ray, but i think his dynamic with zari is a lot of fun and keeps me from disliking him LOL
and thank you for the compliments tee hee :p
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beholdme · 3 years
All the Many Shades of Gerry - Chapter 2
Chapters: 2/19
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood/Gerard Keay, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Gerard Keay, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Gertrude Robinson, Elias Bouchard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Library AU, Librarian Jon, Artist Gerry, Trans Male Character, Trans Martin Blackwood, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Ace Subtype - Sex Positive, Polyamory, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Falling In Love, Boys in Skirts, Kissing, Demisexual Gerard Keay, Minor Character Death, Past Character Death, Canon-Typical Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Flirting, Minor Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist/Tim Stoker, Adventures in Hair Dying, Happy Ending, Banter, Gerry has a lot of sass, Gerard Keay is Morticia Adams, Jon is a very grumpy Librarian, Martin adores them anyway.
Summary: In which Gerry is a kaleidoscope and Jon and Martin can't help falling in love with him.
He happens to love them back.
Find it on Ao3
Gerry doesn't even regret showing up to a first date with dye-stained hands. After all, stained by hair dye, stained by paint. Much of a muchness.
He sincerely hopes between his height and new shock of bright green hair, Jon will be able to spot him through the modest Wednesday crowd.
(Jon had pleaded that they were too old to brave the London weekend crowd that starts on Thursdays, Gerry had simply grinned and said he knew a great place to go).
And he certainly can. By the time Gerry spots Jon sitting in a corner booth, Jon is already watching him intently. Jon doesn’t yet have a drink, so Gerry throws him a grin and tilts his head towards the bar.
"I pegged you for more of a whiskey, neat man," Jon tells Gerry when he arrives at the table, frowning dubiously at his selection of a strawberry daiquiri, two shots of vodka, and a jug of margaritas.
Gerry takes the opportunity afforded by his distraction and picks up Jon's hand to press a kiss to the center of his palm. "I'm a man of diverse tastes Mr. Sims. You should never try to predict what I might be tempted to put into my mouth."
Between the kiss and the ribbing, Jon is broken out of his consternation, and he stands to greet Gerry with a familiar hug. "Maybe so, Mr. Delano, but just how drunk are you planning to get on a work night?"
"That is still to be determined, but considering my workday normally starts at about 3 A.M., this is just breakfast."
By the time all the drinks are gone, Jon having happily participated in all of them, despite his initial grousing ("But why did they have to be pink, Gerard?"), they're both warm, and open, and things are easy with them in a way even Gerry couldn't have predicted.
After all, two closeted teen boys from strict homes don't really make for the smoothest of teen relationships. Nevermind the pair of them trying to navigate barely understood sexualities. Asexual was the word Gerry had offered Jon, laying together in Jon's cramped teen bed. Biromantic was one he had arrived at all on his own in the years since. Gerry simply uses the word queer now, and people rarely bother him about it.
"Quite a lot of people recognize you here." Jon finally notices as the fourth person in an hour greets Gerry in the easy way of affectionate drunks.
"Never fear, old chap," Gerry intones, briefly stealing Jon's Oxbridge accent, "I'm not a raging alcoholic artist, only a bartender."
"You work here?"
"Yup," Gerry confirms, cheerfully popping the 'p'. "Thursday through Sunday graveyard shifts."
"And you felt an all-encompassing desire to attend on your day off?" Jon asks, one eyebrow quirked.
Gerry shrugs, smiling and leaning over the table meaningfully, "Starving artist, employee discount, close to both our flats. Seems perfectly logical to me. Besides, a man should be able to rely on the quality of first date alcohol."
"It's hardly a first date, Gerry! We've seen one another naked." Jon sounds rather scandalised, as if he suspects Gerry has forgotten. Which he certainly has not.
"I rather think the quality of our nudity has improved enough over the years that it merits rediscovery." Gerry shoots back, and Jon blushes hard enough to melt the remains of their ice.
"Well, regardless. How's the food? You should probably eat something solid if this is actually your breakfast." Gerry has to chuckle that it's taken so much alcohol for Jon's natural mothering instincts to finally emerge. Regardless, he flags down a waitress and she gets Jon a menu.
Hiding partially behind it, Jon frowns. "I do think I should mention that I've been seeing someone for a few weeks now. We're not exclusive at this point, though."
Gerry, somewhat delighted by this new development, having imagined that Jon was something of a spinster, chuckles and asks, "Oh yeah, do tell?"
He's donned his most winning smile and gently nudges the menu so he can see Jon's face better.
"You want to hear about the other man I'm dating on our first date in almost a decade?"
"Obviously," Gerry scoffs, adopting a long-suffering attitude. "I might decide I prefer him."
"Of course you might." There's a bit of lovely bite in his voice, and Gerry begins to truly enjoy himself.
"He used to work with Sasha and me at the library." Gerry hums in acknowledgment. "He was one of the assistants when I was promoted to Head Librarian. We didn't get along very well in the beginning."
Jon's stormy expression tips Gerry off to the fact that this is a gross oversimplification.
"With you, that could mean anything from a small tiff over the proper use of the Dewy Decimal system to attempted murder."
"Hrmph. If you must know, it means that I treated him very poorly for several months because of my own glaring insecurities." Jon's words are guilty, and he stares intently at an empty glass while he speaks, as if Gerry is less likely to judge him if eye contact is avoided. "Eventually I realized what a twat I had been and apologized, but it wasn't too much later that he quit."
"Because of you?" Gerry huffs, although he does know Jon can have a razor-sharp tongue, and it doesn't take all that much to inspire it.
"Oh! No, he says not. He had put together a great business plan and even managed to get a partial investment, on top of a loan. He's opened a bookstore with a little tearoom inside of it. Even took one of the other assistants with him." Past the painful part of his small tale, Jon's expression has lightened and he seemed quite delighted by the end. "When I went in to offer some support, Martin was actually happy to see me. He asked me out for dinner practically before I could finish taking my coat off."
Gerry was hardly ever possessive, and generously tactile with almost everyone, and seeing the open affection in Jon's typically closed-off expression warms his gothic little heart. He decides he can appreciate anyone who takes the time and (sometimes monumental) effort it requires to make Jonathan Sims happy, instantly opening a special place in his heart for one Martin Blackwood.
They end the evening with gloriously good fried food and laughing themselves giddy over tales from their teen years. Including the time Jon's Gran caught them smoking weed on the roof (Gerry shirtless, obviously) and had almost taken one of Jon's eyes out with the book she threw at his head.
By the time Jon realizes that he hasn't been allowed to pay for a single thing, he's been bundled into a cab and is on the way home. He knows he should feel indignant at being so smartly handled, but all he can muster is the warm, satisfied sleepiness of someone shown a very good time, and halfway to being back in love already.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Romantic Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
Some movies brave enough to tread where only pop songs and poems go, and try to capture all the drama, contradictions and happy, bubbly feelings that come along with romance and love. It’s high-time that we honor them and defend them against their unearned sappy reputations with the best romantic movies on Amazon Prime.
We’ve scoured Amazon Prime to find the best romantic movies available for your viewing pleasure. Here are the best romantic movies on Amazon Prime. Ok, some of them are perfectly sappy.
The Big Sick
Kumail Nanjiani and his wife Emily Gordon’s theatrical debut made big waves when it came out for the singularity of its vision and just how plain funny it is. Now Amazon gets to reap the benefits of producing a bonafide romantic indie hit by getting its exclusive streaming rights. The Big Sick is the real life story of comedian Kumail Nanjiani meeting and falling in love with his wife, Emily (who is played by Zoe Kazan in the film).
Kumail and Emily’s courtship process is difficult enough to begin with due to Kumail’s family pressuring him to find a nice Pakistani girl to settle down with. But soon things get even more difficult as Emily suffers a health scare and Kumail must suddenly contend with that situation and Emily’s eccentric parents who have just come to town. The Big Sick is a clear vision from talented people and tells a beautifully convincing love story while making plenty of room for laughter. Not only that but it’s a big win for our list of best romance movies on Amazon Prime.
Watch The Big Sick
What If
Canadian drama What If (originally known as The F Word before the MPAA got its greasy fingers all over it) is a fun romantic movie and a tremendous showcase for its two young stars Daniel Radcliffe (you know what he’s from) and Zoe Kazan (The Big Sick). Radcliffe stars as Wallace – a directionless young man living in Toronto who decides to become more social after his girlfriend cheats on him.
Enter Kylo Ren (Adam Driver playing a character who is unfortunately not named Kylo Ren) who takes Wallace to a party where he meets the alluring Chantry (Kazan). Wallace and Chantry immediately fall for each other. Unfortunately there’s the small matter of Chantry’s boyfriend. What If? is a sweet little Canadian flick that knows how to push its audiences romantic buttons.
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Still Mine
Still Mine isn’t necessarily about romance. It’s about love – a deep prevailing love built up over decades. Craig Morrison (James Cromwell) is a farmer in rural New Brunswick, Canada. He intends to build a new house for his ailing wife Irene (Geneviève Bujold) but runs into trouble with the local municipality’s bureaucracy prevents him from doing so.
Still Mine is as romantic a movie about bureacratic development regulations as has ever existed. Cromwell and Bujold have wonderful chemistry and paint a portrait of profound, abiding love.
Watch Still Mine
Some Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of Wonderful doesn’t have the same pop culture standing as other John Huges films like Sixteen Candles or Pretty in Pink. Still this remains a worthwhile entry into the Hughes canon on teenage love. 
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By Simon Brew
Keith Nelson (Eric Stoltz) is a high school outcast who has his eyes set on popular girl Amanda Jones (Lea Thompson). Thankfully he has his tomboyish Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson) to help court her. Based on that meager plot description, you may think you know where Some Kind of Wonderful is going to end up, and…you’re probably right. That doesn’t make the journey any less satisfying. 
Watch Some Kind of Wonderful
To Catch a Thief
You know who would make a great romance film? The guy who did Psycho. Yes To Catch a Thief is a classic romance film from none other than Alfred Hitchcock. Of course, there’s a lot more going on in this heist thriller.
Cary Grant stars as retired cat burglar John Robie. When another burglar starts copying his act, Robie has to undergo One Last Job (TM) to catch…a thief. In the process John comes across the wealthy Frances (Grace Kelly) and the two strike up an unlikely romance for the ages.
Watch To Catch a Thief
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Hello, My Name is Doris
Between TBS’ Search Party and Hello, My Name is Doris, director Michael Showalter had a stellar 2016. Hello, My Name is Doris is a wonderfully sweet, equally tragic and completely hilarious romantic comedy. Sally Field stars as the titular Doris, a lively woman in her 60s who after the death of her mother becomes infatuated with a younger man. 
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With the help of cliched self-help materials she does whatever she can to get his attention. Hello, My Name is Doris is an empathetic romantic comedy that will change how you view age. 
Watch Hello, My Name is Doris
Sabrina (1995)
Let’s get one thing out of the way right now. Sabrina‘s theatrical poster is dope. When I was a kid and I would pass the VHS cover in Blockbuster, I couldn’t help but think “Wow, that is a real adult movie.” At a young age, the mere sight of a woman’s lascivious red lipstick (lascivious in my head at least) was enough to fry my brain. Poster aside, however, Sabrina is an excellent romance with some real star power. It’s a remake of the 1954 film of the same name starring Billy Wilder and Audrey Hepburn. 
This version was directed by the great Sydney Pollack and stars Harrison Ford, Greg Kinnear, and Julia Ormond. Weirdly enough Greg Kinnear plays the ultimate rich playboy while Harrison Ford plays his studious older brother. Weird casting choices but it works out alright thanks to each actor’s chemistry with Ormond.
Watch Sabrina
Ghost is much more than just the reason you can no longer attend a pottery class without giggling. It’s a legitimately great sci-fi romance yarn. Patrick Swayze stars as Sam a banker who is killed by a mugger. Immediately post-death he discovers that he has become a ghost and can no longer directly interact with his girlfriend Molly (Demi Moore).
Sam sets out to solve his own murder and somehow reconnect with the woman he loves. Ghostcomes along with all the corniness of an early ’90s blockbuster but its central theme of love trying to achieve the impossible plays in any decade.
Watch Ghost
Brokeback Mountain
Longing is a crucial part of the formula in any romance movie and Brokeback Mountain has it in spades. Ang Lee’s 2005 film played a crucial role in bringing queer cinema to the mainstream and it did so by presenting mostly straight audiences with a universal depiction of love and passion – the kind of love that supersedes the norms and expectations of everything in your life to that point.
Heath Ledger and Jake Gylllenhaal star as 1960s Wyoming cowboys Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist. While herding sheep on the Brokeback mountains, Jack makes a sexual pass at Ennis and the two begin a summer-long physical affair. The movie then follows the pair through the subsequent decades as they try to return to their “normal” lives, all the while unable to forget their time on Brokeback.
Watch Brokeback Mountain
Letter to Juliet
Somewhere along the way, Hollywood decided to let Amanda Seyfried become the queen of romantic comedies set in exotic locales…and that’s perfectly fine with us.
In Letters to Juliet, Seyfried stars as a New York fact checker Sophie on “pre-honeymoon” with her fiancé in Verona. There she learns of the phenomenon of “letters to Juliet” where women women bring love letters to Juliet Montague’s Verona courtyard. When Sophie answers a letter from 1957, she embarks on a decades-spanning journey of love and self-discover.y
Watch Letters to Juliet
What Men Want
Back in 2000, only one film had the distinction…nay, the courage of trying to figure out What Women Want. The answer, apparently, was Mel Gibson. We don’t talk about this movie that much.
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Which YA Romance Should Netflix Adapt Next?
By Kayti Burt
Yesterday Is History: Meet the Latest Addition to the Time Travel Romance Genre
By Alana Joli Abbott
2019’s What Men Want is a loose remake of the earlier film. And it has something that the original never did: Taraji P. Henson! Henson stars as Ali Davis, a sports agent who gains the ability to read men’s minds after meeting a shaman. The movie puts Ali’s male-dominated profession to good use and in the process tells a nifty little romance story.
Watch What Men Want
There’s Something About Mary
More than two decades later, it’s still wild to see that above screenshot. Like, that ran in newspapers. It was on a poster! And if you don’t know why a photo of Cameron Diaz with a unique hairstyle is a big deal then you’ve likely not seen the Farrelly Brothers 1998 gross out classic There’s Something About Mary.
This is not so much a romance movie as it is an exploration of the pitfalls of attraction. Diaz stars as Mary Jensen…and there’s just something about her. Ben Stiller, Matt Dillon, Lee Evans, and Chris Elliott all play men who are helplessly in love with Mary and trying to win her affection. In the process, many injuries as sustained.
Watch There’s Something About Mary
Moulin Rouge!
If you like your romance with more than a dash of Baz Luhrmann saturated colors and big, sexy musical numbers then Moulin Rouge! is almost certainly the movie for you.
This 2001 film is set in 1900s Paris amid the Bohemian movement. When Christian (Ewan McGregor) falls in love with Moulin Rouge cabaret actress and courtesan Satine (Nicole Kidman), he must contend with her impending betrothal (or really sale) to the Duke of Montrose. As one might imagine, this is resolved with quite a bit of singing and dancing.
Watch Moulin Rouge!
Sylvie’s Love
Amazon Prime’s 2020 film Sylvie’s Love positively oozes jazz era atmosphere and tells a compelling, decades-spanning love story in the process.
Tessa Thompson stars as Sylvie Parker, a young woman who one day meets an aspiring saxophonist (played by Kerry Washington’s husband and former NFLer Nnamdi Asomugha) and in her father’s record shop in 1950s Harlem. This leads to sweeping romance that guides the pair through the era’s jazz music scene.
Watch Sylvie’s Love
The post Best Romantic Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now appeared first on Den of Geek.
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a-ishikawa · 3 years
Notes for Evangelion from 1.11 to 3.0+1.01
This includes spoilers
I wrote this from what I randomly thought for this episode
I just watched once from the beginning through the end, so I still have many questions. I understood almost nothing. Stories and their backstories are complex.
Animation is great. Battles are really movie quality
Questions and hypothesis
When was the 1st impact?
I think it was explained in 1.11, but do not remember it at all
Who the hell are angels?
Who is Kaoru? Clones like Rei in moon?
Why did Asuka become an angel? And how did she survive after Evangelion Unit-3?
She became it because she was eaten in Angel 9?
Dummy system didn’t kill her so that’s why she was alive?
Why did Seele know Angels?
In the 1st place, who the hell Seele?
Seele is the person who knows Angels in the very early phase. Can be one of the members to develop Evangelions?
Why did Gendo know there are 13 angels?
Why did Gendo know the overall prospects?
What the hell are Evangelions?
Create machines from humans or angels?
What the hell AT field is? Why did Gendo use it?
Gendo took something so he quitted human beings. So he is kinda Angels or Evangelions
It’s an obstacle between creatures, according to Gendo???
Why were there so many Evangelions after the 4th impact?
4th impact released creatures from bodies if I’m not mistaken, so they were just remnants of those bodies?
Who the hell is Adam and Adam's children?
Why only few people can operate Evangelions? Shinji makes sense but not sure others
Is the Shinji on the last scene on Thrice upon a time the person who can be grown with parents' love?
Is the last scene the world Shinji wished or Gendo and Yuri did?
Story is great. From the beginning, it’s always like what’s going on next!? So I wanted to know more. Especially because there were many questions in my mind, I wanted to know the answer from the following episode
Shinji’s character development is REALLY slow. He grew at the middle of the last movie
Asuka became an angel but wasn’t called as the number. Maybe she was 9th if she was able to become it after she was taken in unit 3
Why did Yuri choose to be the control of unit 01 in the 1st place? If she didn’t, the world probably wouldn't have become something like that.
What was the background of Mari? Was she a coworker of Gendo?
Was Asuka and Shinji relative or childhood friends?
But Asuka said she had an emotion or feeling that is created by others to Shinji. Was she kinda same as Kaoru?
A lot of battle scenes that dynamically moved, designs of fantasy creatures or battleships, and expressions for spiritual scenes
It was funny that unit 1 and 13 battled in a few rooms like a classroom. They were normally huge
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bowldeepfannish · 5 years
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Fanart commision: scene from the Sailor Moon Shakespeare pastiche AU titled All The World’s Stage being developed by  @coppercrane2​​  . She’s the most Penguin Lady of them all and one mighty pillar of the SenshixShitennou corner in the Sailor Moon fandom. ---> @ssrevminibang Feasting on the juicy plot previews and picking each other’s brains was a delight and the highlight of my Summer <3. Thank you so much Charlie <3.
All handmade traditional in pencil , just scanned and sepia-ed to enhance that Renaissance period feel a-la Da Vinci sketchbook.
INFO AND #SYMBOLISM ahoy (inner history nerd unleashed alert!)  so buckle up XDDD
Jupiter/Makoto (aka Viola) Capulets-Prada is here disguised as a (male) page ‘Cesario’ in the Montague-Moschino-Gucci (M-M-G for short) noble household, in order to investigate the murder of her parents. The M-M-G clan is likely involved in the murder but the lady is determined. Keep your friend close and your (likely) enemies closer? Yep.
The Montagues’ first son and heir Nephrite/Orsino ‘s troubledar (and also his UST) is pinging at the new page. Dun dun dun dunnnn.
While ‘Cesario’ is at it he tries to polish his fencing and fighting skills too, to the delight of Montague cadet’s branch cousin and blades wizard  Zoisite/Benvolio. Hence the dagger&swords lesson in their inner yard depicted in the above art happens. Orsino closely watches them on the ground while his sister Rei/Beatrice Montague gazes at the trio from her chamber window on the first floor >D.
Clothes, heraldic motifs and stonemasonry for the scene above are a mix of both authentical late medieval/early Renaissance refs, plot clues hidden in  plain sight and a nod to the source characters >D.
- butterfly/moth & flame motifs, heraldry for the Montague-Moschino-Gucci are peppered all over the picture:
1) moth to flame, anyone? It ‘s a nod to desires and ambitions of more than one kind in the fic, and a sign of danger. 2) moths partake with the meaning of butterflies but also bring a note of ambivalence compared to the diurnal, pretty butterflies. (They’re both awesome :P ).  3) flame: It brings light and warmth but also destroys. Ditto on passion! Also nod to Mars/Rei. 4) moths were also a signature Gucci feature in one of their recent-ish fashion collections so it seemed a perfect fit for the Montague-Moschino-Gucci family crest :P.
- spring (?) water well:
1) a private and handy source of drinkable water is a major boon in an era without tap water and no plumbing and hit-and-miss sewers. Another sign of status & luck. Plus water symbolism!
The water bucket is there but hidden behind the central character. We just see the rope attached to it. --> Things hidden in plain sight, the dive for truth at the botton of the well/under the surface.. and thirst in more ways than one X°D.
2) nod to Ami/Portia being part of the M-M-G family (married into).
3) water inside the well, flame motifs bas-relief outside to surround it, a metal moth on top of the well... yes all these bits are there and placed just like that and there for a reason. The whole metalwork atop the well included. Start speculating my darlings >D. 4) there is more but see point 3).
- swords & dagger:
1) if you are a novice daggers are better/more effective a weapon than futzing with a rapier. 2) Zoisite/Benvolio loves shiny stabby things :P . In any universe he values the aesthetic. To thyne own Extra self be true. Also him: dagger vs rapier? Why choose one?  :P
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- hair/hairdo (or lack thereof):
for all the variance of styles in history strictly speaking for many centuries no respectable woman would go around with her hair down and loose.
Hence Rei’s hair at the window is properly braided and covered ( also a little nod to Olivia Hussey in Zeffirelli’s movie adaptation of Romeo & Juliet ) . Makoto/Viola here is disguised as a boy hence she let her hair down to blend with the males in the household + that combined with the ruffled collar helps disguising her lack of an Adam’s apple 8D .
Zoisite is still tying his hair in his trademark canon ponytail also because he’s such a wild walking genderbent Rapunzel his locks would get in the way of fencing XDD.
- hats (or lack thereof):
Nephrite/Orsino hates, hates, hates that cumbersome poofy embroidered hat. But for all his discomfort he’s a Good Kid (Mama Beryl/Tamora is a stickler for heraldic paraphernalia and power dressing) and as the first son and designated heir he gotta.
Rei wears her headband/hair cuff and and ribbons interlaced in her braid like a proper refined aristocrat young lady of means.
Zoi should probably wear some sort of hat and also tie his shirt laces but he can’t be bothered plus he’s from  the cadet branch: he’s gotta play such a non playing straight card whenever it suits him amirite :P
- miscellaneous wall work: it recycles elements from previous buildings, preferrably Romans. Includings choice bits from Antiquity in your very building was as much a sign of status (Roman Empire mystique!) as sometimes a necessity due to lost techniques/expensive exotic materials.
- lozenges/trellis window glass and decorated ceramic + ornamental bricks framing the window: very period. A handful of such windows still survive 50 metres from my house :P.   XV century Italian goodness <3. I actually sneaked a tad of late XIX century feel in too :P (medieval-ish Art Nouveau architecture is quite a thing where I live).
- glimpse of Rei’s chamber: carved and painted wooden ceilings, tapestry (landscapes with castles and/or mythological themes usually) hanging on the wall for both decor and shielding from drafts belonged to the noble class taste of the period ( a rather long period and large area in the Westt... much beloved in the middle ages up to well into the Tudors’ era at least :). Sometimes if you could not hang tapestries you would commision trompe l’oeil of tapestries :D ) .
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A repeat of the pics as sometimes Tumblr doesn’t display the top pic in pic posts  for me :°D. Thank you for reading if you have made it to the end!
I am looking foward to the published fic. Thak you so much again for this fantastic commission chance Charlie I loved working on this :,). -------- my twitter
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haledamage · 4 years
Character Stats
tagged by, let’s see, @serenbach86​ @queen-scribbles​ @rebelfatebinder​ and @actualanxiousswampwitch​ <3 <3 so I decided to do it four times, with the only four characters I have a solid faceclaim for :P
some of it under a cut so this doesn’t get too long
Kira Kingston
Face Claim: Daisy Ridley
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Age: 26 years old (as of Book 2) Height: 5′6″ Species: human Gender: cis female Birthday: 28th April Residence: Wayhaven Marital status/Love interest: varies, Kira is my detective for all four routes, so depending, she is either: in love with Adam and tempted to shake him until some emotions fall out, in a very new relationship with Nate, has been dating Felix for a few weeks now, or sleeping with Mason and trying and failing to ignore any feelings she may be developing Alignment: Neutral good Drink: cinnamon tea, masala chai Food/snacks: lemon scones, pumpkin spice muffins, supreme pizza, spanakopita Day or Night: night Pet: none Colour: black, mint green Flower: lavender roses, verbena Sexuality: straight Body Type: lean Eye Colour: light brown Hair Colour: dark brown  
Kai Cirdani
Face Claim: Alia Jolie
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Age: 63 years old (post-Deadfire) Height: 4′11 1/2″ Species: wood elf Gender: cis female Birthday: Tarivèrno 4 Residence: currently, a ship somewhere in the middle of the ocean Marital status/Love interest: again, I have a few variations with Kiki. Either she’s married to Aloth, she’s kind-of-dating Rekke, she’s recently realized she’s in love with Edér and they’re figuring that out, or she’s married to Aloth and also has recently realized she’s in love with Edér and the three of them are figuring that out Alignment: Neutral good Drink: coffee with sugar and cream, red wine Food/snacks: sakura cakes, tamales, darkest Rauatai chocolate cookies Day or Night: night Pet: lots; most notably, an old black hound dog named Lady and a celestial pig named Cosmo Colour: sky blue, teal, lavender Flower: jasmine, lavender, plumeria Sexuality: bisexual Body Type: muscular, but a bit soft around the edges Eye Colour: green Hair Colour: ginger/copper-red  
Vesiya Hallis
Face Claim: Chloe Bennet
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Age: 36 years old (as of Onslaught) Height: 5′5″ Species: Mirialan Gender: cis female Birthday: you know, I’m not quite sure how months work in the Star Wars galaxy, so I’ll just say if she were from Earth her birthday would be March 31 Residence: Odessen Marital status/Love interest: married to Aric Jorgan Alignment: lawful neutral Drink: black coffee, cheap beer Food/snacks: mushroom risotto, poached pears, street tacos Day or Night: day Pet: none Colour: yellow, Havoc orange Flower: Gerbera daisy Sexuality: straight Body Type: very muscular Eye Colour: dark brown Hair Colour: dark red  
Cathain Cousland
Face Claim: Katie McGrath
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Age: 37 years old (at end of Inquisition) Height: 5′9″ Species: human Gender: cis female Birthday: 23 Firstfall Residence: officially, either the royal palace in Denerim or Vigil’s Keep in Amaranthine, depending on the universe; she’s more likely to be found camping on the road, however Marital status/Love interest: another one with multiple universes; she’s either married to Nathaniel Howe (married near the start of Dragon Age 2) or to Loghain Mac Tir (married near the end of Dragon Age 2 :P) Alignment: chaotic good Drink: black coffee, Antivan brandy Food/snacks: chocolate strawberries, buttered popcorn, winter vegetable stew Day or Night: day Pet: a Mabari named Byron Colour: gray, blue, white Flower: snowdrops, camellia Sexuality: bisexual Body Type: lithe, martial-artist build Eye Colour: gray Hair Colour: dark brown but heavily graying  
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gratitudeforshishou · 5 years
who wants some mob psycho tunes im back on my bulllshit
i made a list of pieces of music id use as character themes for mp100 characters and mentioned tweaking it so
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here u go bud
Shigeo Kageyama – Einstein on the beach by Philip glass
i found this piece fitting to mob’s character, it’s a minimalist ‘opera’ (operatic nature is up to debate) with an ongoing theme of counting repeatedly upwards. there are occasional interjections of short spoken sentences in very monotone voices. i think this piece at face value fits mob as a character theme very well, appearing vast, almost empty and unknown in nature, but in further inspection it’s constantly moving, full and unpredictable (each performance of the piece ranges in time, hours longer or shorter than expected). i think the nature of this piece still does nothing to really reflect some of the best things about mob’s character - his deep rooted kindness, motivation and determination, his deep love for the people around him and unwavering respect - but i think as a basic character theme, it fits quite well. n to reiterate I think the counting thing is neat as hell lol
Reigen Arataka – Turkish Bath by the Don Ellis Orchestra
i adore this piece and i think it reflects reigen’s character amazingly! it gives off the overall tone of being plenty sleazy and absolutely ridiculous, with a fairly relaxed tempo and a clashing harmony – for example, when the melody comes in for the first time, both trumpets are very obviously out of tune with each other. what i love about this though, despite this piece giving off this shady and almost humorous vibe, it’s meticulously written and performed. the descending quarter tone scale on the trumpet is tough as hell to nail, for example. this whole piece emits such vivid reigen vibes for every reason, its so funky fresh
Ritsu Kageyama – Electric Counterpoint by Steve Reich
ill just link the third movement but if anyone wants to listen to the whole thing be my guest ! i think wit ritsu being a kageyama sibling, we gotta stick with the minimalist theme. this piece is performed by a total of ten electric guitars (two of which are basses), and is made up of a series of short guitar licks that grow and develop until the end of the movement. i don’t have a huge amount to say besides that the method of layering and adding guitar parts is organised, but additionally clever and complex,,,,,,,,,,,,just like ritsu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also haha electric guitars theyre pretty emo right
Serizawa Katsuya – Warrior by Hiromi: The Trio Project
when i made this list for the first time, the one i gave seri was a lot shorter and more subdued in nature. ive decided that nah, he deserves something much more bright and beautiful so !! heres this !! this un really makes me think of post-claw seri – the whole thing is absolutely flourishing, so emotive and it has such a large and captivating sound. it comes with moments of high and almost manic energy, some more subdued and relaxed parts, but is overall has such a solid and comforting presence. Is this my comfort piece ? perhaps
??? – Sacrificial Dance from Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky
hooooo shit buddy lemme tell u about this un. so rite of spring is a ballet about a pagan ritual that happens once per year in which a virgin woman is selected and given a red dress, who then has to dance herself to death as a sacrifice for a fruitful spring. Its stupid batshit but the reason i bring that up is because the specific part of the ballet id put to ???% is the sacrificial dance itself. basically this is the part of the ballet where the girl is given the dress and she loses control, going ham while the music gets choppy and violent. still it is more the music than the story that id put to the character – its terrifying because it’s so unkown and so unpredictable. rite of spring is notorious for being fiendishly difficult to play, and that’s because the timing and rhythms are so whack and random. the chords are clashing and sudden, as the piece nears an end it escalates and its impossible to know what is going where. but this being said, there are areas of ominous calm – still unpredictable in rhythm, but subdued. in one way it’s a polar opposite to Einstein on the Beach (the piece i put to mob) but in some ways i feel like that woulda been a good piece to use for ???% too
Shou Suzuki – Garage Drummer by James Campbell
tbh I don’t really know anything about this piece so i cant say much but i think itd make an interesting theme for shou ! aside from being weirdly sorta funky and unpredictable and not to mention with moments of going ham, the fact that its carefully written and practiced fits with the character as well – coming off as impulsive and brash maybe but in fact very thought out. also drums are the fucking cool
Kurata Tome – Fish and Chips by Grace Kelly ft. Leo P
guys…..its funky fresh….. high energy, use of improvisation and also Using The Instrument Not Exactly How It Says On The Tin. its short but sweet, bit ridiculous and completely unashamed which is some Good Shit !! I was also thinking of John Adams’s short ride in a fast machine – its also super high energy, fast paced and it gave me p vivid space vibes if u fancy checking that un out aswell
Teruki Hanazawa – Jazz Suite II by Dimitri Shostakovich
when i made the first list and put this un to teru, an amazing artist replied with this fantastic drawing of teru with the caption ‘lets dance!’ n that is p much exactly why i put this piece to teru. this piece is almost drawlingly sarcastic in nature, though i feel it fits teru as a sort of huge and boisterous dance !! u know how after teru loses his first fight w mob he goes through that whole “superiority complex about not having a superiority complex” thing ? i feel like this piece encapsulates that mood so well, but not just that !! in his moments of utter selflessness as well as those of bigheadedness, teru has such a large and loveable personality and I feel like this tune fits it so well !! teru if ur reading this…….i love u bro
Tsubomi Takane – Leila’s Birthday by Hanneke Cassel 
i heard this one for the first time when a scottish friend of mine was playing some trad tunes in the kitchen ! weve never known much about tsubomi, besides her old connection to mob and what we’ve seen of her personality in the later chapters. ofc i love that tsubomi shits on the “main character gets the girl at the end of the day” trope, and that she remains a loved and solid character of her own afterwards. shes a self respecting, take no shit and genuinely kindhearted girl and i felt this tune captures the sort of freedom i associate with tsubomi’s character well. plus in my personal experience, i don’t know much about scottish trad at all but i love to hear it and like to learn about if where i can – just like how we all feel about tsubomi int it
Dimple – Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? By Frank Zapper
i thought of this as a joke when i was really drunk the other day but it was like 2 am and i couldn’t sleep after that bc like…….spirits eat other spirits right……do they have to like……piss…….
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captainofthefallen · 4 years
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All right here we go. I’ve played round 1 for all of them and started on round 2, time to introduce my Wayhaven girls. All were made with this picrew
@queen-scribbles and @haledamage because you asked for it :P
Top left: Julia Greer. She was my first, and of course for that reason I forgot to check her stats at the end so I don’t actually know what they are. She’s certainly the quietest of the bunch, more heart than mind, and I think her top professional stat was knowledge/deduction. She romanced Nate and there was pining and it was sweet and adorable. Also she’s the closest to Rebecca, warm and forgiving all around, and understands and appreciates that Rebecca was just trying to protect her all this time.
Top right: Camille Bishop. She’s the stubborn one. So naturally she romanced Adam (he’s definitely my favorite so far that is some absolutely Delicious repression and denial). More mind than heart, her top professional stat is combat, and mostly by the book (though I think a lot of that comes from her wanting to be in charge of her own case, damn it.) She is in almost as much denial about the feelings as Adam is but not quite as much. She’s the most distant I managed to be from Rebecca (which, due to feeling bad for being mean to fictional characters, is approximately ‘weren’t close when she was growing up, but she appreciates that Rebecca is trying; she was angry about the secrets at first, largely because it was preventing her from doing her job, but she appreciates that Rebecca’s trying to make it up to her and recognizes that it’s really difficult for her.)
Bottom left: Piper Sato. I also forgot to screenshot her stats because I’m a fool, but she’s also heart-focused. Her top skill is people, so naturally she took one look at Mason and went ‘challenge accepted.’ She’s still developing a little bit in terms of details, and just by nature of that particular romance her character had to shift around a little bit (she definitely gives as good as she gets, I forget what the technical term is for that ingame) but the general idea was ‘heart of gold with a really tough exterior.’ Chooses to be kind because she knows firsthand the world isn’t. She’s pretty close to Rebecca as well, though she wasn’t during her youth, and there’s still a bit of broken trust there that’s being repaired, but she’s certainly making an effort and having an easier time of it than Camille.
Bottom right: Nadine Reynolds. Disaster nerd lesbian. Preface: I played Julia and Camille as bi, and I got way too attached to Farah. I do really like Felix, but I wanted to romance Farah and I wanted a chance to see the full girl squad, hence Nadine. (I’ll probably play her as bi in the future tho, I love Adam and Nate too much). Definitely mind-focused, I went full science nerd with this one. Awkward as all get out, cannot flirt to save her life (fortunately Farah is good enough at it for the both of them). Not very good with people (minimal filter), even worse with combat, but she’s really good at seeing connections and acting on them, though that often comes across as Reckless and Dangerous. After the initial shock, she was very excited to learn the truth, bombarded people with questions as much as she could, and was only bummed Rebecca didn’t tell her sooner so she could get a head start learning all there is to know. She’s not quite as close with Rebecca, but it’s more because she’s easily distracted by her work than holding a grudge. She’s glad to know the truth, and when she actually notices, she’s grateful Rebecca is trying.
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yourspacedk · 4 years
Italian speaking psychologist in Denmark
Do you have days where nothing can cause you to happy? you're not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to repair my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice.   Italian speaking psychologist in Denmark
Mental disorders are common within the us and internationally. during a given year, an estimated 22.1% of usa citizens aged 18 and older (about 1 in 5 adults) suffer from a diagnosable mental disturbance . consistent with the 1998 us Census population estimate, this figure translates to 44.3 million people! additionally , 4 of the ten leading causes of disability within the U.S. and other developed countries are mental disorders, with major depression being the leading explanation for disability.
It is estimated that depression alone will occur in approximately 18.8 million American adults, or about 9.5% of the us population aged 18 or above. If you're a lady , you're twice as likely than a person (12% vs. 6.6%) to be suffering from depression annually .
My symptoms of depression started with an occasional case of the blahs. i used to be ready to deal with them for an extended time. i assumed that since this happens to tons of individuals , that it might pass and that i didn't got to worry. I didn't believe checking out why it had been happening. Besides, after a couple of drinks I always felt far better . I later learned that depressive disorders commonly occur with drug abuse ...
So what's the explanation for all of this sadness in our society? Speaking from experience, I wasn't proud of my life and therefore the direction it had been taking me. i might reminisce at a past week and not be ready to recall one thing that I enjoyed. it had been a blur. Nor would I anticipate to the approaching weeks ahead. All I saw were potential stresses that were getting to present themselves. But I didn't do anything about it. I accepted that this was life. Looking back i do not skills I could have ever believed this.
When we are affected by depression, it seems that we lose our objectivity. Does thinking that we've nothing to ascertain m forward to sound rational to you? Where did my enjoyment in life disappear to? it had been my perception of the planet that had slowly changed and that i was unable to see it due to the control that my depression had over me.
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In the fast pace of today's world we frequently don't allow ourselves time to guage our lives and set goals to understand our ambitions. Whether you are doing or don't have depression, you're reading this text because you think that something could be wrong together with your life. have you ever tried to spot the items you're unhappy with? the primary step on behalf of me was to teach myself and determine what it had been that i used to be handling . I started reading books. I consulted a psychologist to urge some unbiased insight about myself.
In February 2004 a 16-year-old girl in Connecticut visited a party with some friends. She took a powdered sort of the favored drug referred to as ecstasy together with her friends, went into seizures and later died. In April 2004, a 14-year-old girl in California took ecstasy at a sleepover with two friends and died subsequent day from an overdose.
These stories aren't rare-in fact, 2.6 million teens report having experimented with ecstasy in 2003 and many teens have died taking such drugs, consistent with the drug abuse and psychological state Services Administration (SAMHSA). Ecstasy is employed by kids within the ir early to late teens and early 20s because it promotes a euphoric feeling by releasing a chemical in the brain called serotonin (the same chemical that, when lacking, is linked to depression).
This drug, chemical name 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, is different from other illegal drugs therein many kids mistakenly believe it's safe. Common among white, middle- and upper-class kids, ecstasy-also called the Adam , beans, Adam, XTC and therefore the love drug-is thought of as a secure thanks to get an intensely pleasant, high feeling.
Ecstasy pills are often brightly colored and sometimes contain cartoon characters and fun logos that appeal to kids.
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                  Italian speaking psychologist in Denmark
It combines both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties that allow kids to remain awake and filled with energy, which is why it is a popular drug at raves (all-night dance parties) and dance clubs. The aspirin-sized pills are geared toward kids and even contain cartoon logos and shapes like crowns and hearts.
It does appear that youngsters and fogeys are awakening to the important dangers of this drug, because the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that among youths aged 12 to 17, 41 percent fewer said that they had used ecstasy within the past month. However, many kids are still experimenting:
* 3.3 percent of youngsters 12-17 have tried it
* 15 percent of these aged 18-25 have tried it
* One in nine teenagers has tried it
Despite these high numbers, on the brink of half parents (41 percent) haven't talked to their kids about ecstasy, consistent with SAMHSA, but 90 percent believe it's a particularly risky drug to use.
Ecstasy's Damaging Effects
Beware if Your Child Suddenly Starts Carrying these things related to Ecstasy
The following paraphernalia are often carried by ecstasy users, either to stimulate senses, hide pills or relieve jaw clenching:
* Pacifiers
* Lollipops
* Candy necklaces
* Glow sticks and/or glowing jewelry
* A child-like backpack
* Mentholated rub
* Surgical-type masks
Many kids are drawn to the short-term "good feelings" that ecstasy creates, but here may be a sample of the lasting damage even one ecstasy pill can cause:
* Severe dehydration
* Seizures
* Strokes
* Dramatic increases in blood heat (death by overheating isn't unusual)
* Muscle breakdown
* renal failure
* Liver and coronary failure
* Damage to hormornal systems
* Potential brain damage with repeated use
Would you recognize if Your Child Were Using Ecstasy?
Here are 17 warning signs that your child might be using ecstasy:
* Dehydration
* Clenching of the jaw and/or grinding teeth
* A sore jaw
* Unusual displays of affection
* Pronounced mood swings
* Loss of inhibitions
* Transfixion on sights and sounds
* Chills or sweating
* Muscle tension
* Nausea
* Confusion
* Difficulty concentrating;
* Tremors
* Sleep problems
* Severe anxiety
* Panic attacks
* Depression
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If you think that your child could also be using this drug, see the box at right for 17 warning signs, it is vital to speak to him immediately. If your child is young and tried a drug just one occasion , you'll be ready to affect the drug use on your own, however, if your child is older otherwise you suspect he's a daily user, there are professional social workers, nurses, drug counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists who can help.
Ask your child's school, your family physician or a community clinic for a referral of where to urge help. SAMHSA, of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, also has a web drug abuse treatment facility locator at http://dasis3.samhsa.gov/ also as many other online resources to assist keep your kids drug-free: http://www.health.org.
Of course, speaking openly together with your children about the risks of drug use well before they reach their teenage years is one among the simplest preventive measures you'll take.
Ecstasy's Future Looks Dim
There is hope on the horizon for limiting the harm this "trendy" drug inflicts. In March 2004, the alleged leader of a world Ecstasy ring that supplied 15 percent of the U.S. ecstasy market was arrested along side quite 130 defendants in 16 cities across the us . The investigation, dubbed Operation Candy Box, was geared toward removing this dangerous drug from the U.S. market.
Karen P. Tandy, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) administrator said, "For the primary time altogether enforcement , DEA has measured the impact of this operation, revealing that Operation Candy Box decimated the U.S. MDMA market-dramatically reducing MDMA availability, slashing its purity, and raising its price."
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aetherbunny · 4 years
Here we go. Olympic AU stuff
This is stuff that was developed to potentially make it into the fic, that was cut out of the fic or I needed to develop it in order to write something that DID make it in lol. The fic itself is here, just in case you’re seeing this post first...
Minor characters cut from the story were Gabe’s Olympic roommate Alexander “Sandy” who was a bit of a weirdo and followed Gabe around making it hard for him to spend time with Prince.
Uriel is barely mentioned as the fencer Gabe knows and not by name. She models to better fund her fencing, and Gabe has been in front of the camera a few times himself. they met that way. She was going to be Fish’s original target until Gabe introduced her to Mikey.
The Mikey and Fish bits were unfortunately cut. I could not decide what I wanted Mikey to be like and she was really inconsistent in her characterization. So to keep her well done I had to keep her short.
Lyle (Ligur) is the the member of the Judo team FIsh references. Harry (Hastur) runs the marathon. They’ve been together one way or another for as long as anybody can remember. 
ON to the childhoods, they were developed slightly, because maybe there would have been calls home or mentions of family... going to put this under the cut because it’s so much...
Dorothy “Fish” Fischer, was an only child for a while and then wound up with a younger step-brother. Other than that she had a remarkably average childhood. She realized she was a lesbian pretty early on and so did her parents quite frankly. No real issue when she finally came out.  She’s known Prince since they were in high school. They were low key bad girls, skipping classes, smoking under the bleachers, the occasional fight. Ya know. Her mom had a problem with that, and made her pick an extracurricular to take up some of her time She picked swimming and the rest was history.
Elizabeth Prince is second last in a family of 7 kids. I was actually “challenged” to make up her whole family. My pre- reader called my bluff on something, and I had to. More on all of the Princes later.
Ezra Fell had a nice peaceful childhood! He’s an only child and his parents love him very much! His mom is a seamstress and his dad does woodworking. They participate in a lot of historical re-enacting events and make props and costumes for the local theater! Mr. Fell used to weight lift when he was younger and Ezra thought he’d give it a try. For the time being he still lives with them and will still do historical re-enactments! Adam and Them live near the Fell’s and occasionally show up to the historical things and ask increasingly silly questions about whatever is going on. The organizers have little patience for it but the Fell’s like the kids and keep them out of everyone else’s hair.
Anathema has a gigantic extended family. Some of them are, uh, in a mostly harmless, self contained cult? Agnes did still write that book after all but none of it is actually coming true. Her immediate family knows a lot about the “cult” but doesn’t participate. Her family is also still incredibly rich, due to some excellent investing choices. Her parents are lovely, attractive people who dote on their daughter. Anathema is also the only one of the gang competing for a country they don’t live in (full time)! Adria has dual citizenship in Puerto Rico/US so I can imagine Anathema does too. With that she chooses to compete for Puerto Rico (after qualifying of course).
Newt is very much the same. He lives with his mom, his dad was just never in the picture, but the two of them are perfectly happy. Ms. P is a grade school teacher, and the kids and parents love her. After Newt met Crowley she might as well have had a second son, and she’s perfectly happy with that.
Crowley had a pretty bad childhood. His mom died when he was very young and his dad was a piece of shit and left him to fend for himself most of the time. He became very resourceful even if it involved petty theft. He saved Newt from getting beat up (by getting beat up himself) and then they became nearly inseparable. Crowley just calls Ms. P mom, since she basically was.
If Crowley couldn’t be with the Pulsifer’s for whatever reason he was with “Auntie Tracy” or Shadwell. They broke up the fight that introduced Newt and Crowley.
Auntie Tracy is pretty much exactly her book counterpart. When she was “Busy” Crowley would go across the hall with Shadwell who only pretended to dislike him. Shadwell would never tell him but he actually knew Crowley Sr. and thought he was an asshole and it was no surprise he didn’t care about his kid. So Shadwell “begrudgingly” taught Crowley things he’d need to get by.
Both Crowley’s surrogate families knew about each other, and Mom and Auntie had a sit down about everything and worked it all out.
Crowley moved out of his house as soon as he could and moved into the apartment building with Shadwell and Tracy. The Dowlings also live in the apartment block. They’re ex-pats who moved for Mr. Dowling’s job. They’re not bad parents per-se but they could be a lot better. Their son Warlock has taken a shine to Crowley and hangs out with him sometimes. Crowley knows what it’s like to be a kid uncomfortable in his own home so he lets Warlock in whenever.
Crowley works as a mechanic when not diving, he has a pet ball python named Eden he spoils, and he’s obsessed with astronomy. He loves  kids and happily volunteers for things at the school when they don’t have enough parents. He’s ambivalent about his gender and sexuality.
Gabriel Herald also had an unfortunate childhood. His dad was in the military and had every hope his son would follow in his footsteps. Gabe, and his mom were not so keen. Gabe was a gentle affectionate kid and she knew that did not make her husband happy. Mr. Herald was a short tempered, verbally abusive man and took most of it out on his wife. Mrs. Herald was a kind woman who loved her son and did everything she could to make sure he never got the brunt of his father’s temper. They moved to the UK when Gabe was young and lived off base.
However it happened they met the Fell’s and spent a lot of time there. Ezra was too young to know what was going on and Gabe never said, but the adults were well aware. The Fells gently talked Mrs. Herald into considering divorce or at the very very least therapy for everybody. Luckily she took their advice to heart. They moved back to the states before the Fell’s knew what happened.
She did get her and Gabe some therapy and was eventually able to divorce her husband. Gabe met Michelle, who was in the US with her military family, at a catholic high school. She had a fairly normal childhood with no huge tragedies. She and Gabe actually dated for just a little while before she realized she wasn’t into men. They proceeded to fake date the rest of high school so the faculty wouldn’t catch wise. Her family took a little adjusting when she came out but accepted it in the end. Gabe and Mikey have been close friends ever since.
Gabe got into boxing right about the time of his parents divorce. His therapist suggested some kind of physical activity and teenage Gabriel wanted to be able to protect his mom in the event his dad got physical…
Mrs. Herald eventually remarried a very kind man who loves her (and Gabe) very much. And Gabe couldn’t be happier. None of them are in contact with Mr. Herald any more.
There was going to be a little scene where Gabe calls home to talk to his mom. Because he’s a mamma’s boy if that wasn’t obvious lol.
Now, for the entire Prince family…I was “required” to give them all names…
Martha and David Prince are now retired and have been for a while. David was a postal carrier, Martha worked at a nursing home. They never pushed their kids to do anything, just supported what they enjoyed. They have no idea how ALL their kids wound up so successful and even with all their love and support they’re overwhelmingly serious and introverted. They’re slightly relieved their youngest is happy to be “something boring.”
Arthur has numerous paintings hanging in fine art museums. He lives on a little farm and cares for his animals in between paintings.
Katherine (Kath) is a sought after architect with her own firm. She’s the second most athletic, keeping in good shape and occasionally running marathons.
William (Will) is a heart surgeon, Martha and David live in his detached cottage.
Charles (Chuck only to his family) Is a property lawyer, and relatively laid back compared to his older siblings. He’s more introverted than serious.
Benjamin (Ben/Benny) is quite friendly and outgoing compared to his siblings. He’s a violin virtuoso and has played around the world.
Elizabeth (Lizzy ONLY to Eleanor) is a world champion archer several times over, and has multiple Olympic gold medals. She teaches lessons but her teaching style drives all but the most dedicated away. She’s not cruel or aggressive, she’s just incredibly blunt.
Eleanor (Nora) is the most bubbly and outgoing of the family. She’s in school getting her higher mathematics degree and will likely become an accountant. She and “Lizzy” are especially close. There was going to be an ongoing text conversation between the two.  Nora is also pretty good friends with Fish.
Katherine, William, and Charles are married with kids. Elizabeth and Gabriel get married a few years into their relationship. Ben is in a long term relationship, but neither of them are in a hurry to get married. Arthur and Nora are single. Arthur has no desire to marry and Nora is just too busy with school to devote time to dating.
Also I know this is in the back of some of your minds, the medal breakdown!
Fish and Newt take bronze
Crowley, Gabe and Anathema get silvers
Ezra and Prince take Gold, Ezra nearly breaking a world record for his lift!
and sadly the UK women’s volleyball team does not medal at all.
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victorluvsalice · 4 years
AU Thursday: Alice Vs The Questionnaire I Just Made
Because it would be remiss for me to send it out into the world and not answer it myself, right? ;p
1. How many of the sidequests did your characters do? Did they manage to complete all of them?
Alice completed most of the sidequests, mostly because I find them interesting, they're good to advance the plot of my story, and -- in-game -- they're good sources of XP. The only ones I skipped/failed were (Edit: naturally I forgot a few on my first posting; what can I say, there’s a lot of side quests!):
Drug Trip -- The Unofficial Patch Plus only quest where you can get some XP and +1 Finance by stealing some drugs for Trip from the clinic. In-game, I completely forgot this was an option and never did it. In-story, Alice is trying to get drugs by more legitimate means for Mercurio rather than steal morphine, so I don’t think she’d be keen to get the recreational stuff for Trip.
Daydream Believer -- Only marked as an official “quest” by Unofficial Patch Plus, this is where you can sell Copper “unicorn blood,” fang-blunting gum, and a stake to kill the head vampire if you’re feeling maliciously playful. Alice was not -- in fact, she likes the Thin-Bloods and wants to help them. And that includes sympathizing with Copper about his desire to become human again, while also warning him off doing anything stupid.
Replanting A Lily -- The quest where you send Vandal someone to replace Lily in his blood-draining chair once you’ve freed her as part of Thinned Blood. In-game, I simply Demented him into some hysterical laughter to forget the whole thing (in case I needed him for emergency rations). In-story, Alice slammed him up against the wall and informed him the only reason she wasn’t about to kill him was because she needed to stay in the Voerman sisters’ good books. Vandal being Vandal, he immediately found this the sexiest thing that had ever happened to him and tried to give her free blood (like might happen with the Intimidation option), which she told him to stick where the sun don’t shine. Yeaaaaah, Alice doesn’t like Vandal.
Occultish Personality -- The quest where you get occult items for Pisha, and she gives you powerful items in return. Rather than work with Pisha, I had Alice kill her after taking care of the Simon business. This was purely a character choice, as I didn't see Alice ever working with her (she disapproves too strongly of what Pisha does to sate her Hunger -- she understands that the woman is under a pretty nasty curse, but the entire camera crew?!).
Venucide -- Okay, this is an interesting one -- this is the alternate side quest you get if you take Boris up on his offer to kill Venus during And Her Name Was Venus. I didn’t do this in-game -- I’m not doing low Humanity with Alice, and besides you earn a lot more with Venus alive and giving you club profits -- but I mention it because Alice pretends to take the offer, goes back to Venus, and works with her to fake her death before going back to Boris to get the reward, then kill him. Venus is quite tickled by the whole thing. XD
Dirty Dishes -- The quest where you help one of the three Giovanni relatives at the party to gain an advantage over the other two. I attempted this one, with the intent of having maybe Victor or Victoria do something with the info in the story (as they're the ones actually doing the social stuff -- Alice snuck in Obfuscated with them), but as it turned out, I didn't have the Persuasion necessary to get the dark secrets out of all three. I only managed to get Adam Dunsirn to admit he’s broke -- ratted him out to Mira for an experience point. Ah well. . . In-story, Victor will probably learn Adam’s secret while socializing, but not actually tell anybody.
Model Citizen/Cover Girl -- Imalia's quests -- either planting webcams to spy on her rival Tawni, or (if you piss her off/want extra XP after the previous quest), getting her a copy of a magazine with her on the cover back before Nosferatuing. Imalia is one of those characters who reacts very poorly to meeting a Malkavian, and is generally pretty conceited, so I didn't have Alice stick around to actually get the quests. By this point in the story, she's not doing favors for people who treat her like ass unless she has to.
Poster Session -- The quest where you trade various objects you can collect around the world to Gary for posters of the ladies in the game. Okay, in all actuality, I am doing this one in my game, if only because I'm collecting the objects he's asking for anyway while doing other quests and I might as well, but Alice in-story wouldn't be interested, and I'm not sure Gary would make the offer anyway, given their relationship.
2. How long do you think their stay in L.A. lasted, from Embrace to ending?
I'm working on figuring this out right now in my current playthrough! Part of the reason I fired up Bloodlines again was to actually work out a timeline for "Londerland Bloodlines," as the one given on the wiki feels absurdly short (and cuts out all the side quests). The way I've currently got it, it looks like Alice's Adventures In Los Angeles will stretch from October 21st, 2004, to the middle of November that same year (maybe about the 15th or so?), though I think I'm going to be adding in extra time in the story to help develop relationships and build in some extra breathing room for the characters. So, at a rough estimate, about two months.
3. Which ending did they go for? And if they're the rare Kindred who sided with Ming or LaCroix, did they somehow manage to escape their canonical fates (blown up/sunk to the bottom of the ocean)?
Alice is Independent all the way -- by the end of the game, she neither likes nor trusts practically anyone in the Kindred/ghoul community of L.A. (with four key exceptions, and one of those -- Beckett -- has already skedaddled by the end game) and just wants out. Hell, she would have left earlier if she'd gotten the chance -- she would have happily left L.A. the moment LaCroix sent her up against the Sabbat alone if said Sabbat hadn't kidnapped Lizzie and Victoria, and she would have just left straight after rescuing them and killing Andrei if she hadn't had a guilt attack about helping to get a Blood Hunt called on Nines and deciding she had to tell him about what Ming-Xiao told her. And the Cabbie is the one who talks her into taking down LaCroix and Ming-Xiao when she escapes the Blood Hunt, telling her that the only way to truly feel free is to make sure neither of them can come after her again. She is only too happy to leave the city when everything and everyone is done and dusted.
(Also, semi-related I had what I feel is a pretty awesome idea regarding why she gives LaCroix the key -- a post in the vtmb tag mentioned that anyone who had Auspex might be able to scan the sarcophagus and see there's no uber-vampire inside. The way Alice uses Auspex in her story, it functions partially as a real-life "Shrink Sense,” to fit with her madness. Maybe, at the end of the game, Alice finally uses Auspex on the sarcophagus to see what she can glean, and sees that a) there's no vampire and b) the Insane Children have drawn jack-in-the-boxes all over it, along with arrows to leave. Figuring LaCroix can suffer the disappointment of it being empty, she drops the key and heads off, not QUITE realizing WHY the kids told her to leave -- that is, until her Wonderland friends start BOOKING IT out the door when she gets down to the lobby, and she realizes those jack-in-the-boxes look like her own Jackbombs. . .)
4. How do they feel about the major power players in L.A. (LaCroix, Strauss, Smiling Jack, Nines, Isaac, Ming-Xiao, Gary)? Did their opinions of them change at any point thanks to a quest or just more time spent with them?
LaCroix: Hates him from the moment he Dominates her into leaving the Nocturne Theater instead of bothering to answer any of her questions. She's willing to keep her head down when she's around him (for fear of more Domination) up until Grout's mansion -- then she starts demanding she be paid like a proper employee, at least, and getting a lot snarkier in his presence. When the Blood Hunt on Nines was called (which involved him Dominating her AGAIN so she wouldn't warn Nines beforehand), she was about ready to gut him, and sincerely hoped there was something in that damn Sarcophagus so it would eat him. She doesn't particularly mind he got blown up in the end -- she was much more concerned for anyone else who was in the upper levels of the tower.
Strauss: She found him a little condescending, but helpful, when she first arrived in Downtown and sought him out. (Didn't think much of his poetry skills, though.) He gave her some good information on vampires around the city and the Camarilla in general, and she can't deny he paid well for helping take care of the plaguebearer situation. Her opinion of him plummets the moment she learns about his role in creating the Gargoyle, though. The idea that he kept that living, thinking being as his slave. . .not to mention, his low opinion of ghouls doesn't do much to endear him to her either.
Smiling Jack: Like Strauss, she spends most of the game thinking he's not exactly the best company, but he was helpful and gave her a hand in a very tough spot in her life. And he seems to be the most chill of the older vampires she's come across.
And then the sarcophagus explodes, Alice manages to put together the clues on who's behind it, realize he slaughtered all those people on the Elizabeth Dane and is indirectly responsible for a lot of the shit she's gone through. . .and basically exiles herself from Los Angeles forever by staking him and leaving him for the sunrise on her way out. (She is as shocked as anyone that she managed to pull it off -- she thought it would be a much worse fight!)
Nines: Alice is grateful to him for helping to save her life at her initial trial, and she likes his philosophy just fine. Unfortunately, their relationship was wrecked fairly early on by two factors:
1) Alice making a joke about the Last Round, which Nines took poorly -- Alice attempted to apologize, but Nines refused to hear it
2) Alice not liking Skelter and Damsel, both of whom immediately gave her shit for being LaCroix's "lapdog" and a Malkavian
So yeah, there was definitely some tension there. And the whole Blood Hunt mess happened, and frankly Alice is shocked Nines was willing to talk to her when she went looking for him on her way out of L.A. post-Sabbat. She sometimes wishes they'd had a chance to make up, but given that she doesn't think much of the Anarchs in general anymore. . .she's not losing sleep over their cool relationship.
Isaac: He's one of the main reasons she doesn't think much of the Anarchs in general. She thought it was pretty smart of him to have someone to direct vampires new to Hollywood to him to say hello -- up until he mentioned "tribute." That and his generally imperious attitude toward her at first means she considers him just another Prince under a different title. Learning what happened between him and Ash didn't help either -- she can understand not wanting to let someone you care about just die, more than she would admit, but he doesn't seem to have handled things well post-Embrace, given he didn't do jack shit about the hunters menacing him. (Hoping the threat would drive Ash back into his arms, perhaps?) Add in that he didn't even pay her for taking care of the Gargoyle (never mind Alice didn't actually kill it -- she still convinced it to leave), and -- yeah. She considers him everything wrong with the Anarch movement.
Ming-Xiao: Alice considered her fairly stuck-up when they first met, but really no worse than any of the regular Kindred she'd met -- and it was interesting to quiz her on how Kue-jin are different. Of course, learning that the Mandarin was on her payroll and she's actively trying to kill her lowered her opinion of her a bit. She actively avoids Ming-Xiao after the Fu Syndicate stuff, and nearly just puts her new enchanted katana straight through her when she shows up post-Sabbat. She certainly doesn't shed a tear when she has to destroy her at the end of game.
Gary: Alice thinks he's a bit of an overdramatic jerk, but she kind of enjoys matching wits with him. And at least he's more honest about being a jerk than most vampires, and keeps up his end of the bargain when she frees Barnabus, no problem. Whatever relationship they have is built upon snarking at each other, basically. :p
5. How did they handle the situation with Heather (or, if you're like me, whoever you replaced Heather with in their personal story)?
Obviously, in my world, Victor got hit by the car and got the ghouling treatment. Alice saw him lying all alone in that room and -- couldn't let him just die like that. She's utterly horrified to learn that she created an addict by doing so, and actively has Betram and Knox seek Victor out (using the Cathayan's laptop as payment) and send him her way so she can keep an eye on him and hide any Masquerade violations he may commit. Her original intent was to hold onto him until he stopped being a ghoul, then quietly set him loose, away from prying Kindred eyes. . .
. . .And then she fell in love.
Cue quite a lot of angsting over the fact that she doesn't want to lose him, but she feels so guilty about the Blood Bond and she doesn't know if Victor's feelings are actually real -- which only gets worse when Victoria and Emily join the group, as then she's like "I should let Victor be with one of them -- oh crap I like them too, what the hell Alice, years of not falling in love and now it's two mortals and a zombie." It took Mercurio explaining that his Blood Bond does not actually force him to like LaCroix, just be loyal to him, to convince her that keeping Victor -- and turning Victoria into her ghoul -- might not be as bad as she feared.
And then Victor had his prophetic dream about the Sabbat. He and Emily successfully fled the city (the "letting Heather go" branch of her mini-storyline), but Lizzie and Victoria got captured by the Sabbat and used as bait for a trap for Alice (the "Heather gets captured and killed" branch). Unlike in canon, though, Alice is able to successfully save them (with the help of Bonejangles, VV, and Bertram), and ghouls Victoria to help her heal before sending them away. They all reunite once she's done with the endgame. :)
6. More generally, how closely does their storyline stick to how you have to do things canonically? For example, in quests, did they find third options that weren't offered by the game? Are their stories affected by mods you use while playing the game?
I play with the Unofficial Plus Patch, so there's going to be some stuff from that included in my story, just because that's what I'm used to -- for example, Alice is doing the restored library quest featuring the Lasombra in her storyline. As for the main storyline itself, I'd say that, even with the character replacements and suchlike, it stays pretty much true to the game until about the time Alice hits Hollywood -- namely because I've replaced one-shot character Sam with Victoria, who has a much larger role in "Londerland Bloodlines." After that, it starts to veer off a bit more, in particular during "Italian Dinner," where Emily, Lizzie, and Bonejangles join the party --
But the most major break with canon is in the endgame. Namely, Alice decides to skip fighting her way up Venture Tower and instead climbs up the outside with the help of some climbing equipment she sources from Mercurio. :p Lacroix is more than a little surprised. XD (Though she still has to fight the bat-form of the Sheriff -- can't escape the whole boss fight, Alice!)
7. Do they have an alternate storyline/history of what might have happened had they been Embraced but not ended up the protagonist Fledgling?
I covered that a couple of weeks ago! You can read the "Mistakenly Thinned Blood" AU of the AU in detail here, but the short version is "Alice is Embraced more secretly by her sire Fish, manages to kill him post-Embrace, goes to Santa Monica, and ends up hanging out with the Thin-Bloods because everyone thinks she's one of them. Still saves Victor, meets Victoria, and rescues Lizzie, Emily, and Sam from the Giovannis, though -- and then gets out of town before the freaking-out populace who just learned what she actually is can catch up with her."
8. Is the Cabbie a) Caine, b) another Kindred who believes himself to be Caine for whatever reason, c) another Kindred playing the long con by pretending to be Caine, d) something else entirely?
He's Caine -- I like the headcanon, and the idea of him posing as a random taxi driver in L.A., looking upon all this chaos and wondering "why. why." amuses me. XD
9. How do you handle/explain away obvious "this only works in a video game" mechanics in their storyline (e.g., the inventory system that allows them to carry like seven guns and five melee weapons at once)?
With me, Alice is going to be carrying a lot fewer weapons at once -- she'll generally pick a few favorites to take with her on missions (she always has a knife on her, at least), and uses Obfuscate to truck them around invisibly when she's in crowded areas. She probably also gets a bag or backpack to carry useful things. She also goes through a lot more clothes until she gets some decent leather jackets and such -- her starting outfit is basically wrecked by the tutorial mission, leading to LaCroix's agents having to buy her a new dress before she can pick up her things and go to her new haven in Santa Monica. (I have decided to make it Symbolic by having her wear the modern equivalent of her London outfit from A:MR when she gets Embraced, and the outfit being destroyed representing her change from human to vampire.)
10. How do you explain why the Fledgling is so ridiculously overpowered when compared to most other vampires their age (beyond the fact that they're likely 8th generation, going by their blood pool)?
My personal explanation, which might come up in the final conversation Alice has with Caine in the cab, is that some people in this universe are born with great supernatural potential, for whatever reason, and Alice is one of them. There's just something about her that lends itself well to being a supernatural creature -- and a powerful one at that. If she'd been from a werewolf line, she would have been an amazing werewolf; if she had awakened as a mage, she would have been a super-talented mage. As she was Embraced, she gets to be a terrifyingly strong vampire. Alice personally considers this a pretty shitty "chosen one" status, but she can't deny she liked getting really good at Obfuscate really fast!
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nerdsideofthemedia · 5 years
Bumblebee was always the plan part 2
It’s time to continue with my controversial posts. When I began writing this, it was intended to be mostly a response to arguments I see around and EF’s. Then my pretty confrontational post that had led to say to a friend “Thankfully no one reads my blog” became much bigger than I ever expected. There’s a good chance I would have gone for a different tone had I known it would get 500x the usual view of… 1, which is usually mine. This been said, it would have been a mistake. Still, I feel like I have to address some points that seem to have confused a few people and this is definitely to do that.
But first, soothing music to prevent knee-jerk reactions.
Let’s start with a claim that was kind of controversial: the suggestion that Blake could still turn out to be a lesbian instead of bi or pan as some claimed this was in itself bi erasure. I understand where this complaint comes from as bisexuality was basically considered to not exist in media, for example, Sex and the City has an episode where all the main characters but Samantha treat it as something alienating and a way to still be in the closet. Yeah, some episodes have not aged well. And I’ve lost count of the number of people that still don’t consider it a thing, even among progressive fandom like Janelle Monae’s and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s (I just gave you 2 bi anthems1). Just so we’re clear, even though I do think Blake is bothsexual (let’s see if someone recognizes that reference), I have to put on table of her being a lesbian as some gay people have dated members of the opposite sex for a very long time, and there’s high probability some of them were abused in said relationships. I can’t ignore those experiences (I suppose I can, but I shouldn’t and hopefully never will).
Black Sun: the ship that didn’t sail
Again, there were a few that didn’t like that I compared BB and BS, which they interpreted as a dick contest. That really wasn’t my goal. I did that because those were the ships involving Blake that had a chance to happen (Catmeleon and Enabling-abuse2 were not on the table) and I was arguing for Bumblebee having been the plan all along (which, to me, implies that Black Sun was meant to be a red herring, though I didn’t flat out say it – sorry, I didn’t think I needed to). The point was to illustrate how there had been hints for Bumblebee.
I argued for that way before volume 6 by pointing out several clues like the dance arc, the songs and the injury. At the time, someone asked me how I could know BB wasn’t the red herring. There are 2 reasons why:
While it’s not lacking in hints and foreshadowing, they are (mostly3) on the subtle side when compared to the very obvious Sun’s crush on Blake;
They’re a LGBTQ+ pairing. There are huge double standards when it comes to LGBTQ+ in comparison to hetero ones – many people will deny the first one until it’s impossible to do so. The point of the bait and switch is to have a little twist and you can’t have that if a significant part of your audience notices the switch, but doesn’t see the bait.
And if you have doubts about the last point, remember: in 6x11, Adam attacked Yang out of jealousy, then Blake held her hand while making a speech that put them as equal in contrast to Blake-Adam, a relationship where one of them constantly tried to make the other feel small (the point of the infamous speech). There were many denying BB. Then, he tried to make Yang feel insecure about Blake by telling her she had made the same promise to him and asked the super platonic question: “What does she even see in you?” and people still tried to deny it. In the last episode, Blake and Yang spent the time holding each other’s hands and yet, there were still people denying it. Not that I’m complaining, since it only increased my celebration time. It was like: episode 6x11, “yeah! Bees” for 3 days, the internet crashed my party for one, then 6x12, “yeah! Bees! This time is for sure” for another 3 days, again I had my enthusiasm dashed and finally, “yeah! Bees”. That time it stuck. So thanks guys! It would have been bad if by 6x13 I had already used all my fireworks.
If you thought BS was going to happen – that’s normal, because it was the bait. If I am aware that people tend to think of others as straight until proven otherwise, why do you think the writers aren’t? I may not live in the same country as them, but I still consume a lot of USA’s media and I know that if guy stalks girl, he usually gets her. Not to mention, the number of times media announces a LGBTQ+ character as tactic to gain some support yet deliver nothing, like saying Dumbledore is gay even though there’s nothing in the films or books indicating it (let’s leave the conversation about the “word of God” for some other time). There were more than a few LGBTQ+ people who were afraid Bumblebee would turn out to be just that: queerbaiting.
Miles and Kerry knew all of that and, more importantly, they were aware that you knew it too, so they played on your assumptions to make their bait-and-switch. However, there were plenty of hints that Sun was just the red herring and that Bumblebee was going to happen. Last time, I focused on the latter, this time let’s concentrate on the first. Let’s take a look at Sun and Blake’s relationship, shall we?
Sun was introduced in the last episodes of V1 and Blake trusted him immediately, because… he’s a Faunus. Though she told him about herself and the White Fang, he showed immediately he’s not on the same page as her as Faunus rights mean a lot to her and little to nothing to him. In 2x01, Sun talks to Neptune about Blake and concluded “and the best part is she’s a Faunus”, which goes completely against Blake’s words in the next episode “I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am”. She began going on a downward spiral to which he reacts with “Is she being all Blake-y?”, while Yang’s the one who gets through to her by exposing her own vulnerability.
Sun not fully understanding Blake is something the show hammers in our heads quite a few times even in more recent volumes. Like when he assumed she’s on her way to fight the White Fang when she was actually going to Menagerie to rest. Or suggested destroying the WF while Blake wanted to take it back.
In volume 3, they had literally no interactions besides him winking at her in the Vytal Festival – yes, she blushed, which can be explained by the fact that he did it in front of an entire stadium or that she had a crush on him. Personally, I’m inclined to the latter, but it really doesn’t mean much: not all crushes lead to something. A lot of them are a result of idealization and I think that was the case for Blake. By the way, I have to speak of Blake’s crush as likely, not certain precisely because it was never actually confirmed.
When Yang asked Weiss where Blake and Ruby were, Sun was there, yet it was Yang alone who went after Blake. The next time we saw him, it’s after their injuries and he is noticing an injured Blake grabbing Yang’s hand.
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No, this shot doesn’t exist to show Sun seeing Blake injured, because he already knew that. He had just told Ruby that Yang was going to be OK, and the one who brought her there was Blake. Not to mention that if the point was to make him notice Blake’s injuries, it makes no sense for their hands to appear. Yang would have been kept out of the frame, instead of taking up more space than Blake. To me, this is the moment where Sun realizes Blake’s feelings for Yang. If the intention was for him to notice Blake’s injured, it would have made much more sense to see his face, then cut to her. Yes, they could have done the same with their hands, but this way they left it more ambiguous which was probably the intention. It would have made no sense for them to choose that if it was meant for Black Sun, because the audience was more than aware he was interested in Blake. We had been since V1 as there was never anything subtle about their relationship.
In volume 4, he flirts, Blake is usually either apathetic or downright annoyed. The exception is after the injury, and like I said, he’s the one who brings up Yang, revealing he realizes the bond between them. He is also hurt by the chick whose feelings weren’t reciprocated (I talked about that at length in part 1). In volume 5, their relationship is platonic.
Really, in spite of spending the volumes 4 and 5 together, it’s not about developing Black Sun in a romantic way.
Oh, a kiss on the cheek isn't romantic. It can be, but in the context, it was merely a "thank you".
Black Sun hasn’t sunk yet
While RWBY isn’t over, the possibility for Black Sun isn’t completely gone, though I don’t think I’m lying when I say it’s unlikely. You can like it more than Bumblebee, but it’s all right to admit it’s improbable. We (almost) all have been there. For crying out loud, in MHA, I sort of ship Kacchako4 (loses 2/3 of her readers – and that’s why this piece of trivia was originally intended to appear much later).
After everything he’s done for her (that she didn’t ask for)
This is usually phrased in a disgusting way.
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There is a lot to unpack here.
First, it’s ridiculous to think you can be owed love/getting into someone’s panties. You can’t. People either love you/want to do you, or they don’t. If you want to do something for someone else, great, but do it because you want to and like (not necessarily in a romantic way) said person or because you’re altruistic – don’t expect a reward. This is what you sound like to us:
You wanted the guy to get the girl, fine. You know you can watch that in almost everything else, right?
Second, it’s idiotic to associate getting the girl with masculinity or not getting her with being “cucked”. If your notion of being a man is tied to getting someone else, that’s on you. If you need someone else to feel good about yourself, maybe you have some underlying issues to address (another reference to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend – watch the show, especially if you’re making comments like the one I showed: you need it. I feel like the narrator in “S.O.B.s”).
Third, even by the logic of “after everything I’ve done for you”, Sun doesn’t win, because Yang paid a much bigger price: she lost an arm and had PTSD while he had a minor injury from which he had basically recovered by the next episode. This isn’t a “Yang deserves her” either – that argument is nonsensical no matter the pairing being defended, I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t even favor BS.
By the way, I noticed that a few people completely missed the point of why I compared Yang’s injury to Sun’s and think I did it to indicate Yang deserves it more or to win (?). It’s a bit confusing because I flat out say why I made the comparison, but here it goes again: it’s not to say Yang deserves Blake, but to indicate that, in fiction, we usually associate romance with higher stakes. I literally wrote:
“I think Yang’s and Sun’s injuries are everything I should need to prove the likelihood of BB as they contrast the two main Blake ships: Bumblebee and Black Sun. While heroes tend to save many people who are indeed just friends or sometimes not even that, there’s a reason why Superman and Spiderman usually include Lois Lane and MJ (or whoever the love interest is in said film) in the climax – it makes it more personal, raising the stakes. From this perspective, it’s easy to understand the importance given to either by comparing: what the injury was, who caused it, why and Blake’s reaction, thus allowing to conclude which couple was given more weight.”
“[…] point Bumblebee as the first one is more associated with romance.”
That was me explaining what the points were as well as why I was comparing the 2.
And yes, paying attention to dramatic weight is completely valid, we are talking about fiction after all. It’s not like we accidentally walked in on a guy threatening a gal and saying “I’ll destroy everything you love… starting with her” as another woman appeared in real life. Things happened the way they did because writers (editors, directors, etc.) wanted them to. 
Don’t pretend you didn’t know that it’s relevant that the one who caused Yang’s injury was Adam, Blake’s ex-boyfriend, while Sun’s was caused by Ilia, the friend whose feelings weren’t reciprocated, and that it doesn’t say anything about the links Adam-Yang and Sun-Ilia. I lost count of the number of BSers who wanted Sun to fight Adam and wanted him to be the one taking Adam down (even though it got in the way of Yang’s closure), which shows many of you were perfectly aware of the importance of said connection.
As for the dyke representation… (the fact that they phrased it that way is very telling) if it was just that, then any lesbian couple would do. RWBY is about 4 female characters. Seriously, how come people never ask themselves why this one is so popular, even though Yang and Blake aren't the most popular characters? From what I've seen, Weiss and Yang are.
The claims of “pandering” and “SJW” have been raining for a while and I expect them to continue until they realize CRWBY can’t be bullied into erasing BB. Count on that to happen whenever a show reveals a main character is LGBTQ+ mid-series (unless it’s a particularly progressive show). If your reaction to seeing LGBTQ+ characters is to call it “pandering”, it says a lot about you, none of it good.
I know that we perceive straight white male as default. This is so entrenched in our culture that the first Transformers didn’t have any female transformers because the writers thought it would require an explanation. Yup, apparently you need an explanation to include half of the world’s population.
I suppose screaming “pandering” is better than to pull an EF and say “Bumblebee was and is the safest LGBTQ ship they could have done. Lesbian couples are the safest representation a show can make […] It’s more comfortable to see woman on woman action just because of how fantasized they are”, which:
doesn’t justify why BB is the safest LGBTQ+ couple as there are a ton of lesbian couples possible (White Rose, Checkmate/Monochrome, Freezerburn, etc.);
fails to consider the high number of LGBTQ+ women in RWBY when compared to LGBTQ+ men probably has something to do with the fact it has more female characters;
when did we see woman on woman action in RWBY? How did I miss that episode?
if lesbians are so appealing to straight men, how come they’re the ones whining the most about BB?
The whole straight-men-like-lesbians while being the ones complaining about them is particularly odd to me. It doesn’t sound like they like they are spending their time wrapped up in sexual fantasies. Maybe they are and can't stop. And that's why they don't like Bumblebee anymore... Poor things... But really, it just sounds like they need some kind of… safe space.
You can tell them not to worry. They still have most shows/books/films. And for the next 2-4 decades, they'll be able to count on Disney (taking shots at it since my very first post).
As usual, the original.
More RWBY posts:
Filmmaking and Bumbleby
Bumblebee was Always the Plan
Bumblebee was Always the Plan part 2
Faunus and the White Fang: The Portrayal of Racism
BB & Renora
Weird Post on Weiss’s Clothes
Foils: Adam and Yang (this one is in wordpress; it was my first one and I didn’t have Tumblr then)
Let’s talk about Adam Taurus (I didn’t post this one on Tumblr because the title and tags could lead Adam fans thinking this was about “his wasted potential” when really it defends the decision of killing him off and explains why it happened)
1 “Make me Feel” can also be taken as a pan anthem as Janelle as identifies as such (and I think she’s OK with being called bi too).
2 Enabling Abuse is what I call AdamxBlake.
3 I still consider “Burning the Candle”, V3 finale and the ship named “Pride” to be pretty obvious.
4 Not only are the odds against Kacchako (BakugoxUraraka), the shippers are considered villains who worship chaos, which is fine by me. I can’t say some part of me doesn’t enjoy being The Dark Knight’s Joker and that part is saying: “Tell me Batman, how does it feel to be the hero of a film that everyone watches for its villains?”
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