#but then its like i should play conquest right ? right (and then dont)
moeblob · 7 months
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I started a new Birthright file and I can promise you I won't beat it this time either but. I still find it funny you can pick "my talent is dragon" and then you get these cool intros to dragon veins and then go on a rampage on accident. Like, good. Sure thing.
I normally do fish names or base names if I use the default appearance. But I like male Corrin's default better than female's and I opted to grab a gal (for Support reasons) and so...... I just. Named her Rin-rin. I might not draw her a lot but oh well. Wanted to give her at least one doodle honor.
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microwave-core · 5 months
Which Pokemon character would most likely read Homestuck?
Penny is the first one that comes to mind. I'm conflicted between her being really into it or reading it ironically, but she's read at least some of it nonetheless.
But that's also kind of a boring answer, so outside of her I'd say...maybe Shaunna? I could see her blabbing all about it to her friends excitedly, leaving them confused bc she may as well be speaking gibberish.
I also think that Bianca and Rui (the companion from Colosseum) would stumble upon it, but wouldn't really understand anything.
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if someone wanted to get into fire emblem, where would you recommend they start?
oh anon you have asked the RIGHT person *patting you heavily on the back*
getting into fire emblem is pretty subjective i would say bc there are so many entries in the series, and i haven’t played that many of them myself — only four of them. but based on the ones i have played, i’d recommend starting with fire emblem awakening, then moving onto fire emblem fates, and then playing fire emblem echoes: shadows of valentia next.
awakening should be played first because it makes the best gateway into the series. it has really fun and interesting gameplay mechanics that are easy to grasp and multiple difficulty settings, so new players can have an easy time of it and work their way up to the harder modes. it also has a customizable main character, so you can insert yourself into the story if you like!
in my personal opinion it is also the best fire emblem game (my biased ass has only played four games what do i know). some characters may be a bit one-dimensional and tropey, but they’re all so dear to me and i like to think that it has a perfect story. i can replay it millions of times over and never get bored <3
fates is very similar to awakening in terms of gameplay mechanics and a customizable main character, so they should be played one after the other, i think. but unlike awakening, fates is a bundle of three games in one: conquest, birthright, and revelations. each game puts you on a different path in the game where you can recruit different characters so definitely play all of them: i’d recommend playing birthright—>conquest—>revelations in order of difficulty (my dumb ass still hasn’t beaten revelations afaik). conquest is my favorite of the fates routes :)
shadows of valentia is a fairly different game, being a remake of one of the first installments in the fire emblem series as a whole. unlike awakening and fates, it has full voice acting for the entire game, two set protagonists that cannot be customized, and some rather unique gameplay mechanics: namely, that you command two separate armies at once. i would say it’s harder than awakening and fates based on what i remember (it was my first game and i still haven’t beaten the last level LOL) but the overall quality of the game is obscene. it has beautiful art, amazing cg cutscenes, an excellent story, and great characters. it’s definitely worth every second of your time.
as for fire emblem three houses… it is objectively a great game and super fun, but i dont even think of it as fire emblem for how little it resembles any of the previous installments so definitely don’t start with that one until you’ve played the other three and know what REAL fire emblem is 🫡🫡🫡
i hope this helps, anon! please do let me know by all means if you decide to start playing fire emblem because i could always use new mutuals who are obsessed with the series! its been my special interest for going on 7 years now with no signs of stopping, after all <3
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transkenobis · 2 years
speaking of themes. theres a circle in my head and on it are moash szeth and dalinar. there are assorted comparisons and juxtapositions (agency and choice in ones actions and the lack thereof, theoretically atoning for ones actions, how the narrative and/or author treats them and either condemns or absolves them). and its right next to the essay i will probably never write about jezriens honorblade as symbol (especially as like. juxtaposition of actual literal honor with the alethi value of Conquest As Honorable. like theoretically it should be a cultural symbol of the best of human nature but instead its used for atrocities by people who in one way or another didnt really have a choice and because they dont have the meta knowledge necessary to get what it is exactly. szeth and moash are just kinda similar narratively in general. same themes in play but theyre framed differently)
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savedbystyle · 4 years
the man (t.s.)
pairing: tony stark x reader
summary: You’re furious of the double standards between you and Tony Stark
warnings: some curse words, nothing much its just frustration no angst, secret dating
a/n: hi again! i really hope this does well because lately the interaction with my posts have been going down since ‘i forgot that you existed’ but this is my first tony fic! i really hope you guys like it and PLEASE comment if u like it and want to be tagged:) i also dont really touch on her actual job but just mention that shes a ceo so please keep in mind this is more about double standards not her job! 
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(gif credit to creator!)
i would be complex i would be cool they'd say I played the field before i found someone to commit to
“Y/n!” “Y/n, look here!” “Is it true you broke up with Justin Hammer?” You blocked your face as bursts of light showered your figure. You tried avoiding the paparazzi as you made your way to your car. “Is it true you dumped Hammer for Tony Stark?” “Why are you always moving on so fast from your ex boyfriends?” 
You successfully made your way into the car and your driver quickly started driving to your penthouse in New York. You were rubbing your head when you decided to call your childhood best friend James Rhodes. “Rhode pick up” you muttered to yourself. 
“Hey y/n” “Rhodey I just came out of Per Se and the paps bombarded me, they know about Hammer” “Y/n, darling, it’s fine it was bound to get out at some point. I think you should go home and get some rest Marla (your publicist) will deal with it” “Yeah you’re right” “When am I not?” You laughed at his sassy remark “Bye James, love you” “Night y/n/n, love you” You ended the call and rubbed your temple, annoyed at the circumstances. 
and that would be okay for me to do every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you
You scrolled through instagram whilst sitting on your couch, waiting for Marla to get to your house. You stumbled on a video of Tony Stark. You watched it and were confused “Im a genius, playboy, billionaire, and philanthropist. I can get anyone I want and get whomever I want” 
You were angry, not at Tony but the fact that the paparazzi demeaned you for moving on too fast when in reality you only ever had two public boyfriends with a year gap in between them. But when Tony Stark does it, it’s powerful and seen as a sign of winning? 
You were waken from your thoughts by the knock on your door signaling that Marla was here. You opened the door to your friend who looked exhausted. “I’ve been up all night containing this mess the paps started. Everyone knows that you and Hammer broke up, and he even had something to say. Y/n, this is bad” 
You took her phone and watched the video on the screen of your ex boyfriend “Me and y/n broke up earlier this month, it disgusts me that she moved on so fast, I mean come on! That’s not her character. That’s mine and Tony’s! Y/n, stay in your lane darling” 
You were shocked at the false allegation and the fact that your ex attacked you for ‘moving on too fast’. “I need to speak up or do something about this Marla! What is this double standards for us, because i’m a women i’m not able to get as many deals as Stark and everything I do is scrutinized! I need you to schedule a press conference” “Alright y/n but if things go bad then,” “I know Y/l/n Tech will crash and burn but thats a risk i’ll take Marla. This is ridiculous” 
i'd be a fearless leader i'd be an alpha type when everyone believes ya what's that like?
“James, if I was a man i’d be a fearless leader and the alpha type. I have always been attacked and multiple times been taken down because i don’t know what it feels like when everyone believes you, whats that like James? Really? I don’t know simply for the fact that i’m a women” “You’re holding the press conference right? You tell them this exactly Y/n, don’t hold back. It hurts me too that you don’t get enough credit for being the CEO of one of the most influential tech company in the world” 
You sighed taking a bite of your hagen daz ice cream anticipating the conference tomorrow where you decided you were finally going to give the public a piece of your mind “I better sleep Rhodes, i’ll catch up with you later” “Bye y/n/n” You hung up the phone, with a pit in your stomach. 
i'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man i'd be the man i'd be the man
You saw the mass amount of press waiting for you inside the room and adjusted your suit before walking on the stage. “Wait y/n” Marla stopped you and showed you a video of Tony Stark commenting on you, “What do you think about Y/n’s recent allegations?” “Well I think none of you pricks should be inserting yourself into her business. So what if she’s dating someone? Why can’t she? Me and Hammer can but not her? Go do something better with your lives, please” You watched as the video ended, appreciating your competitor commenting on you. You felt a little better knowing you had the Tony Stark on your side. 
“I’m here today to address the several rumors going around. First and for most, I am in fact not in a relationship with anyone but that shouldn’t matter in the first place. Please explain to me why I can’t be in a relationship or go on dates with someone after i’ve been broken up with? Second, I’m so sick of running as fast as I can simply to keep up with men because I get less opportunities and jobs because i’m a woman, and I truly wonder if i’d get there quicker if I was a man. We all know that if I was a man, then i’d be the man.
they'd say I hustled put in the work they wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve
I run one of the most influential and highest grossing tech companies in the world and I that is what I want to be focussed on! Not the double standard and constant prying into my private life which will forever be private unless both parties come together and agree to talk about it. I hustled and put in the work, and I don’t need any more men shaking their heads and questioning how much of this power I deserve because I know I deserve it. So please, treat us as equals to men and have the same respect that you give men to women” 
You finished with a big sigh, and looked up and asked the press who were in shock “There will be no questions, I said what I needed to say” You walked off the stage feeling the power surging around you as you hugged Marla “That was brilliant Y/n, i’m so proud of you!” “Thanks Marl, I actually need to go somewhere before I go back home so you can go” Marla smiled and nodded before heading out as you walked towards your car, “Go to Stark Towers. There’s someone I need to meet” 
i'm so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man i'd be the man i'd be the man
You got off the elevator and walked in the direction of Tony’s r&d lab. “Hi Tony” You said smiling at the man in front of you before setting down your bag and keys, going to sit next to the man. “Hi y/n/n, I was watching it live. You were amazing out there” You got out of the embrace and looked lovingly into your lovers eyes “Thank you for what you said Tones, it gave me what I needed. I love you so much” Tony smiled at you pulling you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you, “Always darling, cause if you were a man then you’d be the man” 
I hope you guys enjoyed this! I wrote this in an hour with the prompt in my mind for a couple days. I really hope it resonated with some of you, because all of you are bad b!tches!!! For all my females out there, this one is for us! We are just as powerful as men and right now we don’t need anyone telling us were not. 
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pinkjeanist · 4 years
You’re right and you should say it. Panic lost its soul somewhere along the way and it makes me super sad. In that line of thinking, have you ever listened to “I don’t know how but they found me”? The singer of that band used to play for Panic on tour and his music video for his song “do it all the time,” includes him burning the suits he wore on tour which is 👀👀👀
i havent but i’ll be sure to check them out!!!! and i feel like my deep distaste for the new music comes from being a fan since before i can remember. watching the 9 in the afternoon vid is one of my earliest clear memories (and also watching White Stripes’ “Conquest” music vid. do you listen to them?). so for brendan to continue calling himself panic after all the other members left just doesnt sit right with me. like, dont get me wrong, he was my first love- but his new music isnt panic. it’s brendan.
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
Cherish’s House Party || Chase and Savvy
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: cherish’s house party // 15th of january.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: chase x savvy ( @savvy-cassidy ).
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒: underage drinking.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: two cheerleaders playing ping pong and having a good time gossiping
Chase had come over to find beer pong in the kitchen and no one to play with until he saw Savvy. "Savvy, I challenge you to a game of pong" he said as he pulled her over to the table lightly. "That is if you can take the heat" Chase teased as he racked up the cups. Gabrielle was off doing something, and he always enjoyed talking to Savannah. Maybe he would even hear some good gossip out of it. 
Savvy was, as usual, sipping on her drink and mingling around the party. That is, until she was ushered over to the beer pong table. "when have i ever not been able to take the heat?" she scoffed and finished off the drink in her head. "good thing i get better at this game the more i drink," the brunette was already a bit tipsy. 
"I mean that's just the science behind it" said Chase laughing a little, "once you have double vision then you get two cups at once" he joked. Once the cups were racked he grabbed two balls and washed them off in the sink. "Ladies first" he said as he handed her the ping pong balls and went to his side of the table. "So tell me, have you seen anything interesting at the party so far?" Chase asked.
"i think i just try harder when my vision is blurry so i really work twice as hard on trying to have good aim," she commented with a laugh. "how polite of you. not too many of the males around here have manners," she joked. taking the ball she took her shot, seeing it bounce off of one of the rims. "off to a great start. hm. ive been in two bedrooms and neither were occupied at the time i stumbled upon them, i thought that was pretty interesting because that never happens. also, staci poured a full beer down sara's shirt when she told her to be careful not to spill it."
"Well, I was in the cheer chat during the men suck discussion, so I'm on my best behavior" he said sarcastically, he didn't mind. Especially when it came to all the girl's boyfriends being kind of shit. There had been a lot of newly single moments recently on the team in general. He was happy with his girlfriend so hating on men was definitely an option, it kept him in line with his own relationship. Chase caught the ball when it bounced off the rim and held it while he waited for her to throw again. "Well Sara had it coming with that comment, and you never tell someone with a full cup to do anything" he joked, "Staci's got low impulse control that's for sure". "to be fair, i think we all have our moments of sucking so dont worry it isn't just men," although they did seem to have far more moments, but that was beside the point and she didn't feel the need to bring it up. on her next attempt, she sank the ball, "yesss hopefully now im getting somewhere. and you're right on both of those counts. what about you what interesting things have you seen thus far?"  Chase took the ball out of the cup and chugged the whole thing. "Well" he said catching his breath, "I saw one guy constantly changing rooms, so I investigated a little" he said throwing his first ball and it sinking into the cup. "And it turns out he is talking to two girls at this party, and I am 30% sure they are texting each other about this cute mystery guy that they're talking to" Chase said as he tried the other ball and missed. "So I cannot wait to see how that turns out"  Savvy lifted her brows as he took a breath, knowing that whatever he was about to say was probably quite the story. Lifting up the cup, she took out the ball and chugged the liquid, something a good friend of hers had taught her to do well over the years. "dont they know that the circles around here are small? its like we've all slept with each other by association."
"Everybody is sleeping with everybody" said Chase letting a small laugh fall from his lips as he waited for her to throw again. "Speaking of, who is your newest conquest? I have to live vicariously through others now that I'm back with Gabrielle" he said, intrigued to know what the girl was up to. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school, it only made sense that she had guys at her beck and call.  "That is putting it lightly," she chuckled, setting down the now empty cup and setting up her next shot. it circled the rim of the cup a couple of times before finally sinking inside. "conquest? you mean like, have i hooked up with anyone tonight? chase. im a lady. you think i do that kind of thing at a party where there are loads of people who could walk in at any moment?" the girl was rambling playfully before eventually answering, "jet." mostly because everyone likely already knew anyway, it happened at most parties. it was like knowing that someone was going to end up throwing up in the bushes, jet and savvy were going to hook up. "how is that going?"  "A lady never tells" said Chase, knowing full well that there was always Jet. He was hoping there was maybe some variety in there, but Jet was ... well he was kinda it. He was that guy in town for sure. "Oh that's still going?" he said with a smile, "He is super hot, and I heard he's very good in bed. Good for you" Chase replied. Chase chugged the cup and put it to the side before continuing. "It's going great, it's a race right now to see who is the drunker one and who is in charge of getting us home. I'm hoping she's the responsible one tonight, but who is to say at this rate. She could be off taking shots with Juliette right now, and they're both so tiny they'll be on the floor in minutes" the boy said with a laugh.  "We have a nice arrangement. It's very convenient. Plus, I wont have to worry I won't get off, which is definitely a big plus. Like an old, yet reliable habit." Savvy had to laugh at her own description, the alcohol definitely making her sound a little ridiculous. "Maybe someone else will get a turn, i just dont really want it to be when i have beer goggles, because ew." Crinkling her nose at the thought she shook her head. "so who do you think is winning? how drunk are you?"  "I get that, what you know is better than something new. And if it works for you, then why bother with anything else" said Chase, completely understanding. That was something about being with Gabrielle that he loved, it was always good because they had been at it for so long. "She only drinks liquor so probably her, but it has been me before and I am working my hardest at it" said Chase laughing a little, he didn't mind taking care of her at the end of the night. It was fun when she took care of him though. "Knowing her, it's who she is with. She can either drink a lot because she's having a really good time or a really bad time. But if it's in between she won't be drunk at all ... just a little buzzed"  “Something new can be exciting, if it’s the right something new,” Sav pointed out with a shrug. “It is always nice to have a safe option though too.” Because who didn’t like options. “Yikes she could be going pretty hard right now. So that will not be a fun morning for her. “  "It can be, but I am a sucker for the classics. Only one girl out there for me" said Chase with a small smile. He was soft for Gabrielle like that, sure he would be having a great deal more fun as a single guy at this school, but there was nothing that beat to comfort of being loved. "She'll be fine. No matter what I'll make her breakfast, even if I'm about to yak" said the boy. 
“Oh isn’t that just adorable,” to be fair, there was a time when Savvy may have thought the same thing, when she was dating someone she liked to think it would be for the long haul but that was rarely the case. “Breakfast too? Damn you really are one of the good ones.”  "Yeah the perks of her family taking me in, we get to spend every morning together no matter what rooms we sleep in" said Chase with a proud smile. He also treated her very well, just going above and beyond whenever he could. It made him feel like he was repaying a debt to her family. "What do your mornings with Jet look like? Or is it purely a party affair?" he asked, curious to know more.  “That is a pretty unique situation so I guess you should enjoy it as long as possible because you lucked out there. Do they let you stay in the same room though?” Sav was glad that her friend was happy though it seemed to be going well and that’s what was most important. Her brows raised at his question “we usually have each other for breakfast,” she answered as if it was nonchalant. “And then go out for pancakes because were fucking starving.”  "Yeah, I am milking it as much as physically possible" said Chase in all earnesty. He was certain they would not separate for college, but if they didn't get into the right schools then they would be screwed. Having a child together, even though it was a secret bonded them past the usual high school relationship, but it was hard to explain that to anyone because he couldn't. "That's a hearty breakfast, lots of vitamin d in that one" Chase joked, proud of himself for that one. "Pancakes is always a good dessert after a hearty breakfast"  “I can’t say that I blame you, I think most people would do the same thing. But hey im glad that it works out for you and you’re both happy with it, that’s honestly all that matters,” the girl nodded with a shrug. She couldn’t help but chuckle, “vitamin d, good joke. Best of the night so far. But agreed pancakes are the best. A nice way to refuel.”  "You can tell who at this school has a major vitamin d deficiency" said Chase with a small chuckle as well. There were a lot of people who just needed some kind of release, any kind. Whether it was a boxing class or getting laid, people needed to do something. 
Savvy couldn’t help but chuckle and nod in agreement, “you are correct about that, I wish them all the best, honestly. Might help some of their piss poor attitudes.” "I think that might be our big ticket to victory this cheer season" said Chase feeling the alcohol start to hit him. He hated to admit it, but a lot like his girlfriend he was a light weight. 
"everyone getting laid? you might be on to something with that," she chuckled and nodded in agreement, "you down for the count on this game, or what? i can already see your eyes getting glassy, you're sucha lightweight," she teased him.  "I did some shots earlier, but I think it's all kicking in now" said Chase, the room was a little spinny. "All I am is bone and muscle, there's nothing to absorb the alcohol" he said to defend himself, but it was the honest reason he couldn't handle too much to drink.
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mattygraygubler · 4 years
our campus: ch 9 (tom holland fic)
summary: tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: drinking, making out, mentions of sex
word count: 2k
a/n: i had a hard time finishing this one, i wanted it to be longer butttttttttttt here we are, as always texts are bolded
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“Wha- What did you just say?” You asked, looking at Tom. He was staring into your eyes. 
“I dare you,” He said and stood up, walking over to you. “To kiss me.” 
“Tom!” You said and took a step back, almost falling because of how drunk you were. “We’re drunk, that’s a terrible idea.” 
“Why?” He asked. “Who cares if we’re drunk?” 
“Tom, no, I can’t be one of your… one of your-” 
“One of my what?” 
“Your hoes, your conquests! I’m not that type of girl anymore, you can’t sleep with me once and forget about me, I’m your tutor, you have to see me, if we sleep together it’ll just be-”
“Whoa.” Tom said and stepped back. “Who said I wanted to sleep with you?” 
“I dared you to kiss me, Y/N, I never said anything else.” 
“It’s you, Tom, you don’t kiss girls without an ulterior motive, you’re like, the definition of a fuckboy.” 
“Whatever, Y/N, I’ll see you later.” He said with a huff, grabbed his stuff and walked out, slamming the door behind him. 
You collapsed on your floor, hugging your knees. The world was spinning, you had drank too much. You debated texting your group chat, but you couldn’t remember where you put your phone. 
* * *
You woke up on your floor. You were too drunk to make it to your bed last night, despite it being two feet away. 
It was Monday, normally you would be in class right now, but the snow storm gave you guys a snow day. You looked outside to see the snow coming down hard. If it continued like this, you could have another snow day tomorrow, too. 
You heard your phone buzzing and found it under your bed. You had a ton of unread messages, and a new group chat that consisted of you, Isabelle, Ally, Emily, Harrison, Cal, and, you guessed it, Tom. Emily was definitely the culprit, she loved making new group chats. 
snow day gang
i decided we needed a gc
I fully support this 
anyway i heard from one of my friends who works for the dean that its almost certain we have a snow day tomorrow too! so what time do you guys wanna start drinking
whenever works for us, but Isabelle is still asleep
jk shes waking up now
im up
who tf let me drink that much damn
anyone heard from Y/N or tom?
tom is in the bed next to me, he came back about 15 minutes after we did and passed out
not sure about Y/N
she drank more than any of us, shes probs still asleep
send tom when he wakes up to check on her
hes awake but he just left
to check on Y/N?
dont tell me hes in a bad mood again
you guys do know hes in this chat right?
whatevs what time are we partying
depends on when Y/N wakes up 
You scrolled through and weren’t surprised that Tom hadn’t answered, or that he was in a bad mood. You turned him down, and he’s definitely not used to girls not wanting to fuck him. You debated ignoring them, but knew if you did that someone would definitely come knocking down your door and you for sure didn’t want that. 
yeah come over at like 7
im going back to bed dont txt
You immediately left the group chat and crawled into bed, your body still exhausted from last night. 
* * * 
Isabelle, Ally, and Cal walked in carrying a few bottles of wine and bags of chips. They made themselves comfortable and Ally searched your bookcase for your poker chips. You waited a while, sitting on the floor in a circle as you shuffled the cards. 
10 minutes later the door opened again and Harrison physically pushed Tom into the room, with Emily following closely behind. 
“Y/N,” Emily said sweetly, “Can I talk to you for a second?” You got up quizzically. She gestured to the bathroom, so you went inside only to find Harrison pushing Tom in after. 
“HEY!” You yelled and banged on the door. It couldn’t be locked from the outside, but they had pushed the couch up against the door so you couldn’t get out. 
“We’ll let you out once you’ve stopped being mad at each other.” Harrison said. 
“We like hanging out all together and we aren’t gonna let you two ruin it with your stubbornness!” Emily added on. You sat on the floor, your back against the door. Tom was sitting on the toilet, head in his hands. 
“Do they have to shout, for god's sake, I’m still hungover.” He mumbled. 
“The least you could’ve done was give us some booze,” You said with a bang on the door. 
“You can drink when you’re done fighting.” Emily called back. They then turned the music up loud, which you were kind of grateful for. The bathroom door was thin and if you did end up talking, you didn’t want them overhearing. 
“We should probably-” 
“You hurt my feelings.” He said and looked at you. That was the last thing you were expecting. 
“What did I do to hurt your feelings?” 
“What you said about me being with so many different girls. We’re friends and I wasn’t trying to sleep with you, and it hurt my feelings that you assumed that.” 
“Well you asked to kiss me, so can you blame me for assuming that?!”
“It was a GAME Y/N! Relax, god, why do you take everything so seriously?” 
“I don’t!” 
“Yes, you do! You’re incapable of fucking around, you can’t even kiss someone without turning it into this big thing! You’re not even my type for fucks sake. You take everything so fucking seriously, it’s exhausting being your friend.” You were both standing now, getting closer to each other with every shout. 
“I do not.” You said. 
“Prove it.” He said and that smirk was back on his lips. 
You did the first thing that came to your mind. You kissed him. To prove it meant nothing to you. 
At first he was shocked with what you were doing, but soon he was wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your body against his and slipping his tongue into your mouth. You felt his hands on your hip bones, pushing your body against the cold tile wall. 
You made out with him for just a few more seconds before grabbing his shoulders, flipping the two of you so he was against the wall, and pulling away. 
“I told you.” You said with a smile, your face still mere inches from him. “See? Meant nothing.”
You turned and pounded on the door saying “Guys! We figured it out, I promise.” A few seconds later the couch was pulled away and you were leaving the room, Tom following you. 
“So did you guys make up?” Emily asked. 
“What?! No!” Tom said defensively. 
“Idiot, she said make up. Yes, we are no longer feuding.” 
Your friends each sent you a look, saying that they knew exactly what must’ve happened in that bathroom that you were hiding. 
“Let’s play some poker.” You said and sat as far away from Tom as you could as Cal dealt the cards. 
* * *
It was late when your friends were leaving. You did indeed have another snow day, which was really nice. Everyone left but Tom. 
“I figured we should actually talk.” Tom said. “Plus I didn’t give Harrison and Emily any time last night and he was real pissed, so if it’s ok, I wanna give them some space.”
“That’s fine.” You said and pulled your legs underneath you. You were sitting on the corner of the couch, with Tom on your bed. “What did you want to talk about?” 
“That kiss, for starters.” 
“That kiss meant nothing, I was just fucking around like you said. No big deal.” You thought you saw a sad look on his face, but you must’ve been imagining it. 
“Good because if you catch feelings for me, we’re gonna have a problem.” He said in his best ‘tough guy’ voice. You laughed. 
“Relax, Holland, you’re the last person on earth I would ever have feelings for.” 
“Fine.” You were silent for a few minutes. “And I’m sorry.” You said breaking the silence. 
“For what?” 
“For what I said last night. That wasn’t fair to you. What you do with women is none of my business, you’re a good friend and that’s all that matters.” You smiled at him. 
“Thanks. You’re forgiven.” He responded.
“Good, or else it would be really awkward having to spend time together while you were sexiled.” He laughed, which made you smile. You loved his laugh, the way his eyes scrunched together and he shook his head from side to side. 
“Should we watch a movie?” You asked. 
“Sure.” He said and patted the bed next to him. 
“Uhm, I’m gonna put on some PJs.” You said, despite being in comfortable clothes. Maybe you wanted to fuck with him, maybe you wanted to seduce him, maybe you just wanted to change. Maybe all of the above. 
You went to your dresser, your back to the bed and Tom. You pulled your sweatshirt off, tossing it to the side. You unclipped your lace bralette and slid it off your arms slowly. You found a tank top and put it on.
You slipped your sweats off, and you had just a pair of boy shorts on underneath. You turned back and saw Tom staring at you. 
You didn’t acknowledge him, you just climbed onto the bed next to him and grabbed the TV remote so you could watch a movie. 
“God, you’re insufferable, Y/N.” 
“What do you mean?” You said innocently as you scrolled through netflix. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
“No I don’t.” 
“That outfit?” 
“What about it? It’s just pajamas. Besides, you said I’m not your type, you really shouldn’t have any problem with it.”
“That doesn’t mean...”
“What?” You asked.  
“I’m still a guy.” He said. 
“Really?” You mocked. 
“Yes, god Y/N, stop being ridiculous.” 
“I really have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said as you picked a chick flick, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. 
“Fine, Y/L/N.” He said. He pulled his shirt off quickly and you found yourself staring as he flexed his abs. He pulled his gray sweatpants down so they were sitting low on his hips and he ran his hand through his hair. 
“What?” He said, mocking you now. 
You took a deep breath, sticking out your chest as you did so, trying to get back at him. 
“Are you cold?” He asked genuinely a few moments later. You nodded, it was as if he was reading your mind. “Here,” he said and pulled the comforter from underneath you and then threw it over the two of you. 
“You know,” you said after a few minutes. “I’m still a little chilly.” You scooted closer to Tom, who you weren’t previously touching. You leaned on him, putting your leg in between his and your hand on his chest. You let out a little sigh, and you could tell you were driving him crazy. 
His arm was around you now and you felt it travel down your back, resting on your ass. 
“Can’t keep your hands to yourself, Holland?” You teased. 
“Force of habit.” He muttered, but kept his hand where it was. 
You started to feel the alcohol taking over. He was so warm, and so close… 
You put the thought to the back of your mind and tried to focus on the movie. Before you realized it, you were slowly closing your eyes, leaning onto Tom for warmth. You got closer still, your bodies completely entangled, and he didn’t pull away. 
He should’ve pulled away. 
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
One thing that pisses me off in the SnK fandom is how most treat as if Marleyans are the victims in Liberio. No. Not fucking true. The only victims there are the Eldian civilians and foreign dignitaries that Marley DELIBERATELY set up for deaths. Marley knew an attack might happen but didn't minimize casualties. They MAXIMIZED the casualties for their own benefit. Tybur said it its part of their plan himself. So fuck Marley and their tyrannical empire. Those heartless assholes are no victims.
I agree with you anon. Completely.
There's this misconception going around about what really went down in Liberio. People are all too eager to point fingers at Eren (not even the SC or, strangely enough Zeke as well) and only Eren. Besides their bias regarding him, I can see why: he crushed all those people and it was horrifying. In our world legal jargon that could be considered a war crime. But still: you are totally right regarding how some ppl miss the Tybur/Magath side in all of this. It was a political plot and move they decided to implement as soon as they knew an attack was inminent. They both knew and choose to use it to further their own agendas: to lay all blame on Paradis and it's demonic leader, thus redirecting all the attention and anger of the world away from Marley. You know, the country that was invading them and forcing their citizens to join the marley military to keep invading even more countries. That's a war crime. The marleyan volunteers formed bc of that.
The kids have the gist of it
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Willy and Magath knew Marley was in danger: the power of the titans they had used for almost a century to opress the rest of the world was no longer unbeatable; if they didn't change tactics Marley was going down. That's why they, egged on by Zeke, attempt to invade Paradis as soon as they could to seize it's resources. But the higher ups were not ready to accept the power of the titans was declining. And it's for that that Magath and Willy decide to take matters into their own hands.
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Here they are talking about all the old and stubborn higher ups they need to remove from the picture if they want their plan to succeed. As they knew the enemy was planning an attack, what best way to get rid off the old trash than to put them directly into the line of fire? It was for the good of Marley after all.
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Remember: Willy and the Tyburs were the defacto leaders of Marley. By working together they had the chance to install Magath, the one able to see where the future was gonna lead them if they didn't take action, as the higher military authority of Marley. Tybur and Magath were co conspirators.
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And for that goal they were gonna use the enemy inminent attack to make their play.
They invite representatives from all over the world with the excuse of a peace treaty and a new declaration of war at the same time. Using Willys charisma and good connections, they convinced them to reunited for an important announcement in the Liberio Interminent Zone.
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The world sees eldians (sans the Tyburs) as dirty blooded demons. Inviting them to Liberio, as the kids told us, is paramount to being asked to hold a meeting in a dumpster. Under the pretense of good will, they were actually knowingly leading all those foreign dignataries to their deaths. They choose to make this sacrifice, to use their biggotry and deaths as fuel to justify their crusade against the island. Willy Tybur as bait, the supposed holder of the WH, was tempting. Gathering all the military higher ups an even more tantalizing one. The stage was set already.
Once they convinced the world of their pure intentions and how Eren Jaeger and Paradis were ready to annihilate them all, once their declaration of war was heard and baptized with the willing blood of Willy and all the other witness as sacrifices, and the military purged, Magath was ready to capitalized on all of it.
Willy talks about how Marley as a nation belongs to both eldians and marleyans. The nerve of that guy. The same eldians they let be opressed and weaponized in Marleys conquest wars. The same eldians that lived cramped in ghettos and at the first signs of dissidence were tortured and turned into monsters. They same eldians that were so hated, so despised that some dude could literally feed a lil girl to the dogs without consequences. Because she and all the others were demons. The Tyburs were eldians as well, and willingly choose to not only turn a blind eye to all that, but to make it the norm. They lived grand, comfortable lifes at the cost of all their people suffering. In my eyes that's unforgiva
Were the victims Marleyans? Of course not!! Why should they be? All they needed was the world representatives and the trash of society to bleed in front of that stage. Uniting the world as a whole, even mainland eldians, against the devils of Paradis Island. Marleyan civillians suffered almost no cassualities, bc I bet there were few who would had put up with the devils stench just for a glimpse of what was happening. The only marlyans who died were military. That's what both parts were after: Willly and Magath wanting to purge them, and Eren and the SC as well.
So no, the only people who died that night were either soldiers, dignataries or eldians from Liberio whose lives all made for a pretty sacrifice in order to redirect the hatred of the whole world. No one else. And they died in part bc Magath and the Tyburs decided to use those deaths instead of preventing them.
As for if they deserved to die... my answer is no. No matter how easly swayed and bloodthristy all of those foreign guests were, I don't think they deserved to be crushed like that. It was brutal. The eldians and honorary marleyans even less. They were disposable tools, poor ppl whose lives were hell and their deaths used as fuel to Marleys new holy war. Nobody asked them if they were willing to lay down their lives as Willy desired to do with his own.
As for the military that Eren, Armin and the rest of the SC felled... those were soldiers at least. People who chose to wear those uniforms and fight. If they werent so awful Id feel pity for how Magath and Willy played them. But they were all horrible and cruel ppl so I dont give a damn. Fuck Marley.
Thanks for asking!!!
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dauntless-dragayn · 5 years
nobody asked for it, but i liveblogged my She ra s3 reactions
[ part one ┊ part two ]
spoilers, obviously (under cut bc it’s rather long)
episode one
(oh yeah this is a split season so that makes sense..)
Angela loses points for not having a proper prison but gains them right back for not letting Adora in to interrogate Shadowbitch
Glimmer: we shouldn’t let her manipulate you
Adora, immediately: //decides to manipulate / trick her friends
Side note, interesting episode title..
Adora’s friends: //arent fooled at all THANKFULLY
adora honey youre a terrible liar. and your friends are too smart
Catra bby..
Catra: i cant handle this emotionally vulnerable shit
Aaand theyre asleep
Oh this is great
Glimmer’s target practice cjdhjdnf
Oh Adora wants to change Shadowbitch.. honey.
God Adora calling out Shadowbitch is everything
Fuck this is cool
Shadowbitch’s two reasons for (SUPPOSEDLY) turning is to get revenge on 1) Hordak and 2) Catra While im sure Adora is all behind the first one, she certainly wont let the second happen.
Okay but who SENT Adora through that portal??
“Don’t I get a say in what happens to me? Don’t I get a choice?!”
The worst thing about this is that LightHope is basically telling Adora the same thing the Horde did: you dont have a choice over your life, your ambitions, your responsibilities. Fuck LightHope.
“It is happening again.” HM
“Are you okay?” “I’m not sure yet.” baby.. i felt that
episode two
What a COOL shot of Adora
Fjejhd of coUrse Glimmer didnt tell her mom
Poor fucking Angela
Ive never related to Bow more in this moment ⁃ bird ⁃ Trying to navigate whEN FUCKIG GOOGLE MAPS ISNT WORKING- coughs i mean, the navigator machine
Oh shit Hordak cares about Entrapta
“Just act tough” oh yall are so bad at this
its Her time
I just watched this clip of Huntara last night
Adora is gay
Huntara is also gay she was just FLIRTING with a WOMAN at the BAR
 The ‘purposefully gets names wrong’ gag will always be my favorite
 anybody got a map? oh wrong show sorry
listen i cant blame Adora how could you NOT be in love with her
Ugly ass twink bitch
Adora getting an outside perspective on the war and how it effects Etheria should be interesting
Wait where are Glimmer and Bow ?
Adora being called “blondie” 👌👌
Oh theyre there they just fell behind
Huntara led them into a trap didnt she
Oh she took Adora’s sword fuck I mean ofc she did but mm That would be her only chance of escaping
Okay Entrapta is a top
Hordak is a clone?? Bitch what
//falsely sympathetic voice/ aww hordak just wants to impress his higher up with planetary conquest..
they even called this expedition a roadtrip awe
Wow theyre really playing up this Hordak + Entrapta friendship and bonding huh
Oh Glimmer is such a badass
Bow: awkward HAH of victory
Glimmer: sticks her tongue out at the enemy
God i love this battle sequence so much
Im watching it again
Adora’s laugh before she says “I AM She ra”  😍
Theyre both ex Horde soldiers oh shit!! One so trusting and one so fearful, so closed off to anyone
“I’m not gonna run anymore. I face my problems head on.” fuck yeah!!!
Netflix referring to Bow Glimmer and Adora as the “squad” omg
-rewatching the fight scene from 18:30-
I love the repeating of lines to each other thats such a good trope too
“Thats mine!” ”Then come and take it.”
Also I like seeing Adora fight and pull off really cool moves but not like, flawlessly. Like her backflip- she almost falls. Or when she swings Huntara’s sword and it doesn whip out at first.
Thats totally foreshadowing the connection of their backgrounds with the Horde huh
The “‘You know about She ra?’ Heheh, I AM She ra” moment is so good okay I need to call it out again. The way she flashes her sword in front of her face? Amazing. Spectacular. Im gay-
The end of this episode be like: //women supporting women
Mara’s ship!! Dun dun dunnn 
episode three
Edgy Catra in the Crimson Waste shot: ✔️
“Nothing matters anymore!” :(
Hey that place looks familiar!
Isnt Scorpia FROM here?? How does she not know anything about it??
“Maybe I should have skipped force captain orientation eh?” THIS RUNNING JOKE DKFNFK
Catra bitching about Hordak is a whole mood
Wait satyr lady never said the second rule Prettyyy sure the second rule is that no one annoys Huntara, but shes not here! So what the hell are YOU gonna claim it is?
Catra’s monologue in the bar is everything
Catra stealing the jacket is such a ME move i see a leather jacket i go feral
Bow you’re such a nerd ily
Well duh the ship is empty its been looted for years
Do your She ra thing i bet thatll uncover something //wiggles eyebrows
Yeehaw! Look at that i was right
Its not haunted theres a repeated message echoing ..
Scorpia you’re gay
Also IM gay Catra in a jacket is 👌😩
 Aw look at Scorpia in her element
“Im gonna call you Kyle” KDHFKDJFJFK
Catra’s little smirk.. ️ ❤️️ Scorpia’s reaction is a whole mood
That giant skull tho
listen i know he’s an idiot with a dumb name and catra kicks his ass but i love me a buff lizard person,,
a broadcast.. oH ITS MARA HERSELF
“And I am gone.” sounds like.. something someone would say in a message if they didnt want to be looked for and found
Adora ... :(
Your frustration is so warranted
I wish i could give her answers
“I was supposed to be the last.” wh..
Even Tongue Lashor’s insults are dumb
Catra mimicking his evil laugh..
Listen imma say it again (my scalie is showing) Tongue Lashor’s design is great
Catra just winked at Scorpia, yoURE GAAY
 @ Mara’s dialogue.. that was uh. A Lot The biggest thing that jumps out to me is the fact that theyre in an empty dimension?? And the fact that Mar BROUGHT A WHOLE PLANET there. Thats some real power. Oh yeah, and LightHope is lying / working against the She ras / wants to bring destruction to the planet. But thats not surprising
Oh hey darts! Now who took the dart gun..
oh thats right!
Catra and Adora time baby
Adora is uh,, alone captured by Catra
This should be interesting
“A toast to Scorpia” //clutches chest
Hey yall this is cute but reminder that cattadora is endgame
“When we go back” nahhh
Also fuck Catra heard that hologram??
“We could rule the Crimson Waste together!” Scorpia you are SO gay
“I have to go check on the prisoner” her ex
“Shadow Weaver left me for you..?” Uh fuck
She has tears in her eyes oh bby
I cant believe im already halfway through the season jfc fuck split seasons
(part two is up now!)
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pchlarz · 5 years
Minecraft could have such a cool lore and game mechanics
So I played minecraft since I was like 13 or something, when the thing was still in early beta. I still play it, but after half an hour tops I just lose interest and quit. The game isn’t challenging, the world seems empty and npc and animals like wind up toys than anything else. I know minecraft is a canvas you have to paint on, but I was always more into the idea of Minecraft as a world you have to tame and grow into. There are mods that do that, like rlcraft (which im not gonna play cause the lycanite mobs don’t fit into the games art style and ice and fire mobs are straight up unfair). And you know, since I have a script, dissertation, stop motion animation to do this semester for my Filmmaking Uni, I’ve been thinking about minecraft a lot. Procrastination, am I right my dudes?
I have no idea how to make mods, I can barely use Java to install Optifine for crying out loud, but I can write a couple hundred words post on this hellsite that no ones gonna read, cause it’s literally my first post, and no one can stop me! Also maybe somebody’s gonna get inspired and make it. No need to credit me, just let me play it XD
The World and Lore, I guess
So, let’s get one thing straight... Is the Minecraft world post apo? Like let’s be real for a second. The player is the only human specimen in the entire world. There are villigers that are vaguely humanoid, but they are definately “The other” some ofshoot of the human race than actual human beings. Zombies and skeletons seem to share the player’s anatomy but they’re undead, therefore dead, therefore had to be alive at some point. So yeah, let’s work with that! 
Let’s say that in a distant future, like distant enough for new subspecies of homo sapiens had time to evolve with enough pressure. The human world died after they opened the portal to the End. This allowed magic to seap into the world, boosting the technology but also corrupting people it cam across with. Like why is the Ender Dragon dropping more exp than your PC is able to handle? Cause she’s the source of all magic! Why do monsters drop it? Cause it’s what reanimated/mutated them. So according to this, fucking with the eldritch magic balls is what created the zombie virus, destroying the human race. Also the End is the moon. Like not our moon. Opening the portal didn’t just link the worlds together, it straight up teleported the End into the earth orbit, destroying the native moon and replacing it. And that’s why the monster’s only come up night, cause that’s when the End holds the most influence over the overworld. 
But what about the villigers? Just descendents of humans who have survived the apocalypse. Some adopted peaceful agrocultural approach to survive, sharing and caring and being lovely anarchocommunist communities. The other ones living according to the “Survival of the Fittest” evolving into the illigers. But that’s only the two races that are already in the game. Since it’s supposed to be a mod adding shit, lets get some new races! The dwarves have been talked about by the developers so let’s add them. Shorter and stockier than humans, with glowing eyes and not so much beards as just thick fur on their bodies. The underground is cold after all. Also descended from humans, this time those that had enough brains to burrow themselves underground.They just chill in caves, building something like big ant colonies. You could trade with them just like villigers, although instead of emeralds they’d want silver (We need like shitload of new ores, my good people). Oh, and they wouldn’t be pacifist like villigers, if you piss them off, they will mine you to pieces. You could also find them in random caves mining their own business (XD) and by business i mean resources you could mine yourself. And so if you’re a bellend, you could straight up murder them and grab their stuff and have your ores left unmolested. Or you could pay them off to share the loot, giving you a temporary partner with basically x ray vision, leading you to more ores, than you’d find yourself. But at the end of the day, you’d be obligated to split what you found 50/50, meaning that you could get more stuff than on your own, or less, depending on your in real life luck. Boom, reasons for morals. 
I’d like to see a basic faction system, based on which aspect of the game the player finds most appealing. If you’re the kind of a peaceful player who just wants to build and farm, the villigers are your people. They’d gladly take you in if you build, farm and trade for them. If you’re into conquest and looting Pilligers could use your skill to cut some Villigers throats. And if you want mining and exploration, The dwarves wll take you in. Ofcourse you can just be your own person and solo the entire thing, and no one will nag you. 
Character Customination and Skills
I want roleplay, man. Skins are cool but what if on one save I’m the peaceful farmer, developing my village and chilling with my bros, but on other I’m the fucking antichrist, burning them to the ground and taking what I want? Do I just swap my skins depending on what world i’m gonna play today? I quess I could, but that’d be hardly graceful. So let’s just put proper character creation into the game, with ethnicity, hair models and all that other bling. Ideally you’d also be able to paint on your characters if you want scars or tatoos or just dont want to look human. Clothing on the other hand would be a seperate system linked to the survival system. But more about the clothing system later. 
Also since Minecraft is getting slack for becoming more of an RPG when it got its full release, lets embrace that. I’d split them to Gathering, Combat and Crafting skills.Gathering would include your tool proficiency, allowing you to skip enchanting altogether while still getting some upgrade for your tools. Also chances for more resource drops or just getting new utilities from the tools. Any movement releated skills should also be there for simplicity sake. Combat is self explanatory, if we add different weapons types, than there has to be some incentive for specialization. Some skills for combat overall wouldn’t go unwelcome. Dodging, parry without a shield, throwing various weapons and stuff like that. Crafting would be for the new weapon customization, enchanting (including proper spell casting wands) and alchemy. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves with that. 
Custom Tools, Weapons and Armor
Doesn’t it bug you that on multiplayer server everyone just walks around in enchanted diamond eq, throwing all sense of individuality out of the window. Do you like the idea of roleplaying as a cave men the entire game, but the stone sword doesn’t really give you that opportunity? Well let’s do something about it. Instead of vertical tool and weapon progression let’s do it horizontally. Lets take a bit more realistic approach to crafting. Stone tools have to knapped and assembled, bronze has to be casted, iron hammered into shape and wood carved. All types of materials have their drawbacks. Knapping tools would just need you to pick a stone in your offhand and the crafting material of your choice in your main and right click. And from there you get the list of shapes you can knap your stone into. And after choosing the tool/weapon type of your liking you knap it again to customize the shape more. Do you want your hatchet to look like a primitive piece of sharp rock or a skillfully crafted tomahawk? Casts for soft metals and wooden objects would be made in the same way, just with a carwing knife instead of stone and wax or wood for the crafting material. Than just put your cast into clay to get a mold. Fire the mold, craft a crucible and pour the molten metal into the mold. Change the anvil from an enchanting tool into a proper workbench for your hard metals. Then craft some handles, guards or accesories and put them all together in your crafting window. Different materials would have different pros and cons. Stone tools have low durability but don’t have any wear mechanic. Wood rots, Soft metals can bend and have to be straightened and hard metals rust and have to be cleaned. Also no tool progression. What you can mine depends on your mining level. Right now you can easily get diamond on yout first day if you mine deep enough. Locking it over a skill tree would pace the games more high tier materials more naturally. Also diamonds are classed as knapped material. No diamond swords for you, but a diamond macuhuitl is totally cool. Just craft a wooden sword of your choice and add some diamond blades in the crafting. 
Armor would be split into classes, Light, Medium and Plate. You can’t make armor out of stone (so no diamond armor either, but you could encrust your other armor with it) but you can make wooden plate. Just for the heck of it. Different armor classes would affect your stamina meter differently. 
I’m not a gun nut, but hey we have gunpowder in the game. Let’s add guns. But just the flintlock ones, atleast the ones made by the player. They could be made out of anything even stone, just for the heck of it. They would be crafted like any other weapon. But shooting them would be expensive with all the gunpowder you’d have to loot from creepers (I like the idea of dead creepers burning away, giving you only a short window to loot them) or craft from sulfur, a new rare resource. Still they’d pack quite a punch and make hella noise, bringing all the monsters to you. Also long reload time, they’re flintlock after all. 
Also lets adhere to an old fantasy trope and make them unenchantable. Their op as they are. 
Animals and Looting 
Just add more animals. Add more predators, so the day isn’t just a cake walk. Add predators hunting. Pray running from a player simply approaching. Give me a run for my food. Animals reproducing on their own. If you want to tame livestock or pets than you better hope for a rare domesticated kind of animals or trap and break them enough for them to let them eat from your hand. 
And what about hunting. If you manage to kill an animal, it doesn’t just disappear and live porkshops in the cloud of smoke. Every killed entity just turns into a corpse that you have to manually loot, while holding a sharp weapon (for simplicity sake). All of them drop their hide (acting kinda like armor with its own durability, on which depends how much letter you’ll get from it, thus encouraging clean one hit kills), a lot more meat (so you don’t have to slaughter an entire herd just to have something to eat) and bones. Also food would spoil now, to discourage hoarding it. But there would be workarounds like salting it or drying it for jerky. 
Various animal hides could act as trophies (if you’re a cunt) or for crafting special clothing items or beds (since proper wool would be much harder to come by now). 
Monsters and the Night
Same deal as in the main game. Mostly undead with some mutated mobs like creepers and phantoms. The only hostile mob I’d add would be Vampires, who would follow the player and try to score a hit while you’re unaware. Of course they’d be rather rare. Enderman on the other hand... Let’s raise them to the mini boss standard. When they were announced I was hyped, that they’ll be a proper horror mob that you could be genuinely terryfied of. But no, they just vibin’ most of the time. So let’s change them. Since in the new lore the undead are humans corrupted by magic, enderman should be the remnents of the humans who have gone and got trapped in the End, turned into the Dragons army. And now their job is to stalk you and kill you. You still have to look at them for them to turn hostile, but now they don’t care if you only looked at them from the distance. If they can see you and you can see them, they attack. Give them proper range. Let them teleport behind you to score a hit. Put blocks in your way if you try to run. They could pick you up and teleport with you next to ledges (they shouldn’t just be able to throw you over the edge, let’s give players a fighting chance). They should also steal more valuable blocks than just dirt. Let them target specifically blocks placed by the player, allowing them to pick holes in your defenses for other mobs to get to your house. 
The night itself would change. For the first couple nights there should be no monsters. The rise of the undead according to the new lore is the Dragon learning about the new human in the world trying to slow them down from discovering the End portal. But for the first few nights it would be unaware of your existance, letting you to get comfortable. But when the first full moon hits, The dragon saw you and she will let you know she sees. And from then on, every night the undead horde will rise to haunt you, only resting during the eclipse (since the dragon can’t see). On the other hand the full moon would be equivalent to the blood moon from terraria.  With mobs more aggressive, able to break your doors and forcing you to defend yourself. Also you wouldn’t be able to sleep during the full moon. If you manage to fall asleep, you wake up dead with mobs spawned all over your house. Also the mobs don’t burn in the sunlight. When the night ends, they just disapear like Enderman. 
The mobs right now spawn only on active chunks, but let’s add a lore reason for it. They’re targeting you. This is why going to a village means bringing the horde to them. And if you don’t fight or they kill to many, the viligers will add two and twoo together, banishing you from their dwelling. The illigers will just turn hostile. The dwarves won’t mind since the undead are plentiful underground anyway. 
Also give me my Overworld Dragons. Like proper fire breathing ones. Kinda like the ones from Ice and Fire but actually managable and not the size of goddamn school. 
Survival Mechanics
Let’s add thirst. You can’t just drink any water ofcourse, so while food means you have to scavenge or hunt, thirst encourages you to either find drinkable streams or distill the water. Eventually just drink juices or booze. Yeah, let’s add booze. Just for fun, with all the stuff i’d want to add the game wouldn’t be kid friendly anyway. 
You have to sleep now. Unslept nights cut your stamina meter by 25% while also bringing the phantoms to you. You can sleep without a bed, but you’re risking temperature debuffs and less stamina regen. 
Temperature. With adding seasons and all the clothing option it seems reasonable (also i loved it in don’t starve). To not make the HUD to cluttered I’d just display the temperature on your heart meter, having them freeze over for cold and dry out for hot. Dried and frozen hearts wouldn’t be included in your hp pool, meaning that temperature makes you weaker. You could fight the temperature with proper clothing, fire or ice. Although the hot temperatures would be more forgiving, just making you lose water faster and being managable with shadow from blocks. 
Clothes would have their own slots, be made in their crafting table and heavily customizable like banners and letter armor, giving proper use for all the dyes we have. They could also be drawn on like player skins. You could also wear some of them on armor, allowing for further character customization. They’d have their own durability, but be easily repairable. Aside from temperature protection they would be mostly cosmetic and if you don’t like the idea of having to wear a coat in the winter, just enchant your shorts with some frost protection. 
Hunger would be overhauled slightly, letting you to get fat from food. But just like in real life FAT IS YOUR FRIEND (just you now, moderate amounts). It let’s you absorb all foods value even with a full bar. Still to much of it will slow you down and make your stamina bar go down faster. Oh and it’s no longer your stamina bar, that’s a seperate thing now, indicated by a small lighting bolt icon above your exp level. Still a full food and water bar is nessecary for healing. 
Bookshelves no longer make the enchantments stronger. Atleast not the decorative ones. Instead you have to enchant books on your own hoping for the “Arcane Knowladge” enchantment, which can’t be put on anything but, if you put a book with it in the bookshelf it will raise the enchantment cap. So does leveling your enchanting skill, as well as allowing you to see what enchant you’re putting on your stuff, as you grow more fluent in the language of magic. Enchanting would also be more powerfull in the night, as that’s when the End - The birthplace of magic is the strongest. This also means that enchanting during the full moon would create the most powerful enchantments, if you can manage to enchant while the undead hordes attack. And they will try to get to you as an active enchanting table is drawing them closer. 
Different materials have different enchantibility. Pracious metals are overall more conductive, while obsydian might make fire enchantments stronger. This would come into play mostly when crafting staffs!
While Guns are unenchantable, Staffs are just weak pole weapons without magic. But enchanting them let’s you pick a spell for them, like lightinig bolt, healing, stuff like that. One staff can hold only one enchantment and casting spells uses exp points meaning that you’d need quite a big pool to be able to just be a mage. While staffs are two-handed you can also make wands to cast with your offhand. Ofcourse they’d be less powerful to balance things out. 
As the Anvil is now a crafting station, the Arcane Anvil would take it’s place made from obsidian and golden bars. While we’re at it lets also think about Arcane Chests to store your exp. 
Player Death
Why can the player just live after death? Well depends on difficulty. If you want to lose your stuff but keep the skills, it’s because the last humans put a spell on you allowing you to be uneffected by the corruption and also be linked into the world, cursing you to wake up from dying in the last place you slept, making you think if your death was just a dream. If you want a more hardcore experience then it’s because they cast a spell of reincarnation on you, so you don’t come back as the exact same person, having to work upon the achievements of your predessecors (I have no idea how to write that, I’m polish okay?). And if you just want straight up hardcore, they sent you to the future, with only one chance to make things right. Applies to the multiplayer, there’s just more of you that have been cursed.
If you find your dead body you can loot it. But on the reincarnation difficulty all the food, potions, weapons and armor you had will have long rot away. A lot time passed afterall. 
The Stronghold and the End
So if you actually read so far, I love you and congratulations. I’m writing this while I’m high, so it probably doesn’t make much sense. Still, thanks! 
So... Strongholds suck. Let’s get rid of them. Instead let’s put the End Portal in a new rare biome. The Ruins! They would be a large decimated city from before the apocalypse, now overtaken by vegetation with undead present even in the daylight. The magic is right in the heart of the city after all. The undead are much more powerfull here, some even having modern weaponry like assult rifles. They can be looted, but they’re all falling apart and you can’t craft them. But you could repair them and use them. They’d be end game unenchantable gear. Enderman also stalk the city, so you’d have to be prepered for them. You still find the city with the eyes of ender, but this time crafted with a compas and obsidian to create the Ender Compass, cause fuck throwing balls into the air. The End Portal is in the heart of the city in the special dungeon called the Crumbling Facility. It’d be a long parkour challange with you having to reach the top while also fighting for your life. “But Pchlarz”, I hear you saying, “You could just build across or up, this is Minecraft”. Well no, cause the building would be made from gravity affected blocks, meaning that if you do, the whole thing falls apart. As for building up, try to do that while being shot from every direction. What if the tower falls? Well, the End Portal awakes spawning more monsters and moving to the height limit. So now you would have to build straight up, while the Enderman teleport to your position and try to throw you off. But if you get there, the Portal is your to enter. 
And so you do. Before you stands a temple build in the center of the New Moon. The towers are still there and the Dragon still heals from them. The temple is built from blocks the Enderman took from you (not just them ofc) You destroy the crystal and fight the dragon. It picks you up, throws you around, breathes Black fire (purple is ugly, sorry guys). You chip at its health and finally you bring it to half. And thats when the dragon falls into the temple with broken wings. Now it’s a ground battle. Now you have cover, but the temple is destructable. It’s blocks affected by gravity. Finally you kill the dragon. It imbues you with its magic and drops it’s heart. Still beating, Scarlett and glowing. The Enderman stand around you, their eyes no longer white (yeah i dont like purple), but now inteligent with pupils. They seem thankful. You’ve won. The end stone around you starts crumbling, falling into the void. And there’s no way back home. You start to accept your fate. You’ve sacraficed yourself to end the Undead horde’s reign. And thats when an Enderman takes you by the hand. You walk to the edge of the crumbling world and gaze into the blue globe staring at you from the abyss. It’s the Earth. But you wouldn’t survive the impact. Not from space. That’s when you see the Enderman holding something, with his hand stretched out to you. He’s holding a pair of wings. The Elytra. You put them on, say goodbyes to the newly freed Enderman and dive into the world beneath you, watching as the tall figures behind you die with their dying world. 
You crush into the earth. With half a heart you drag yourself to safety. The Ender compass now points the way to your bed. You walk. Victorious. 
So you’ve beat the game. What’s now? Well the Enderman are no longer hostile. And the dragon heart? You can put it into your alchemy station and turn it into the potion of resurection. While the zombie villigers could be cured with a golden apple and the potion of weakness, the human zombies need this one. The skeletons are to far gone, but zombies and vampires can be turned back. The Dragons Heart can never be used, but if you lose it, well it sucks to be you hero. 
With cured humans you can create a village and start rebuilding. You can have relationships with them, turn them into companions and even have children with them (i like stardew valley okay). And with their numbers growing it’s up to you if you will live in peace with new races populating the world or reestablish the human reign on earth. 
Okay this took me like three hours and the weed is wearing off. I think way to much about minecraft, maaan. Still hope you like it. And make this mod for me. I’d be grateful. 
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my official, uninterrupted, unapologetic thoughts on the album Lover by Taylor Swift as i listen in its entirety at 6:30 am on Friday morning after working until 10 pm the night before.
Before I start I am already emotional. my hands are sweating. my heart is pounding. are those tears in my eyes or am i exhausted? idk. ok here we go...
1) fuck yes. snaps. love a song with snaps. A BEAUTIFUL BREAKUP SONG ABOUT HOW YOU JUST DONT EFING CARE ANYMORE. ahhh i love how there is like this build up and you think it’s going to be a headbanger of a chorus but then it just stops and it’s like...oh wait actually this is v calm right now i just dont care about you anymore. but also OMG SHE JUST LAUGHED ummm also I love how upbeat this is. i guess what im saying is that WANEGBT walked so I Forgot That You Existed could run. 
2) MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. this song will always bring me back to being on an airplane flying to Peru because it is literally the only song I listened for my entire trip to Peru last spring. but also from the moment it came out I was obsessed with the unapologetic happiness in the song and it’s all about YOURSELF. WAIT WTF WHERE’S THE SPELLING LINE THATS MY FAVORITE TO YELL????? TAYLOR WHERE IS IT??? WHERE IS IT??? i’ll be taking this up with my lawyers. your people will hear from my people. 
3) well i just went back to my spotify and REALIZED THAT IT WAS ON FUCKING SHUFFLE FUCK ME. OK WE ARE STARTING AGAIN. 
1) SECOND LISTEN THOUGHTS ON IFTYE: this song is just the perfect beat. i just realized that she laughs TWICE actually (maybe more??) and this is my official petition that she laughs during all live performances. thanks. 
2) OMG REP VIBES WITH THAT LOW BASE SYNTH. oh wow I love this transition much more than the one to ME! I’m glad that was on shuffle the first time. This literally could be a REP song. GETAWAY CAR THAT’S WHAT IT REMINDS ME OF! OH. MY. GOD. WELL THANKS FOR PUTTING A REP SONG ON LOVER OK IM NOT OK. did she just say “loving you aint the worst thing...you are the worst!”? Idk I will evaluate the lyrics a second (third...fourth...fifth...) time. 
3) AHHHH LOVER OMG OK LET ME JUST STARE AT MY CEILING FOR THIS ONE. “Swear to take this magnetic force of a man” is up there on favorite tswift lines. cant decide if i want this to my first dance song at my wedding OR the song that plays near the end of the reception when everyone is tired and like all the couples come up and dance and so then it’s like you get to see how many people are in love OR the song that i save for afterwards when we are alone in our hotel room. good to know i’ve got options. 
4) god damn HERE WE GO WITH SOME REP VIBES. (to clarify any deep base pulsating beat is rep vibes to me apparently) lyrics: “they’d say I played the field before I found someone to commit to” “every conquest I had made would make me more of a boss to you” “they wouldn’t shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve” “I’D BE JUST LIKE LEO” GOD THIS IS AMAZING I’M OBSESSED. “If I was a man I’d be THE MAN” 
6) THERE YA GO MISS SWIFT WITH THE SNAPS AGAIN. ohhh hmmmm someone’s horneyyyyy this song feels like a whisper...like you’re at a bar and you are like pointing out this hot guy you’ve been seeing around and you whisper to your friend ‘that’s the one’. OMG BRIDGE. WAIT WHAT OMG WAIT OMG WHAT BRIDGE BRIDGE BRIDGEEEEEE. well okay I kinda feel like a huge wind just knocked me off my feet. i’m slightly stunned. no time to process before...
7) OMG TALK ABOUT REP VIBES. This could be a beautiful music video. This is like -- i have a lot of feelings none of them have words but this song has a BLACK vibe and a DARK vibe and i’m picturing a high school shrouded in clouds at night. running through the hallways in a ripped dress. Wow wow wow. 
8) oh good some happy songs again. ahhhhhhhhh now THIS I CAN DANCE TO. AHHHHHHHHHHH I’M IN LOOVE. this is so freaking romantic. OH ANOTHER BRIDGE FROM BRIDGE CITY. Taylor like you brought it with these bridges girl. OMG THE SLOW FADE AWAY AT THE END...SOBBING.....
9) THE BEST PART ABOUT THIS IS I’M ONLY HALFWAY DONE. Oh wow is this song going to make me cry? just obsessed with how etherial this is. wow omg this is like the most complex love story ever written in a song ever. so many twists and turns i’m just sitting here asking questions!!! What happened on cornelia street that you dont want it again? why did you pack your bags? OH YAY HE GOT YOU TO COME BACK. OMG DOES EVERYONE HEAR THAT THUNDER EFFECT IN THE BACKGROUND???? omg wait omg that last line!? I will be listening to this A LOT.
10) I feel like taylor’s got a lot of happy sounding songs that are breakup songs and a lot of sad sounding songs that are actually about being in love on this album it’s so interesting!!! like this is a breakup song and wow everything about it is upbeat and pop-y. “trying to find a part of me you didn’t take up” (I FEEL THIS SO HARD WOW). love the boarded up house metaphors and like just everything else i CANT THINK FAST ENOUGH god idk why I committed to writing all my thoughts....
12) DIXIE CHICKS. IT’S A COUNTRY SONG I CAN ALREADY TELL. THE STRUMMING GUITAR. I’M DYING. wait is this about her mom???? ok well i’m crying.........wow so so so so so beautiful and soft and hopeful. 
13) FIDDLEEEEEEEE oh short lived but omg that was exciting for a moment i thought we were gunna get a crazy country song. This is a good transition....the way this song starts soft and slow and doesn’t come in swinging feels appropriate after Soon You’ll Get Better. WOW. “Religion is your lips....the alter is my hips....” SEX. I’m glad this is not a country song. wow my head was in an odd place that will be weird to come back to after knowing what this song actually is about (it’s about sex)
14) YAS YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN. (it’s 7:40 am but we could have had greatnesssss) THIS SONG SERIOUSLY SLAPS. GOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH. also true story - for like the first week after it came out I SWEAR I thought there was a lyric at some point that said “you’re freaking me out” and like I still think that one of the lyrics SHOULD be that so like I know I’m not a seven time Grammy award winging singer/song writer but like taylor can we change that? can we? MY ONLY COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS SONG IS THAT IT NEEDS TO BE AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES LONGER. 
15) ahhhhhhh omg shes like learning about holding onto love and not picking fights and growing through difficulty and not blowing up. (I’ve run out of ways to say omg this is amazing and i’m obsessed). but this is like a GREAT ballad. 
16) BACK TO MEEEEEEEE I like it a lot better here phew thank god we were on shuffle before. I wanted the DJ to play this song at my friend’s wedding back in May (OMG NO MORE SPELLING LINE AHHHH) and they like wouldn’t??? so weird. I honestly think this is a self love song but also an amazing romantic love song and I think it belongs in a wedding playlist. 
17) omg so cute...little best friend love. also i love how simple this song is. no big production. we are back to basics and child hood. AHH HORNS. I thought this song was going to be like TIWWCHNT but its just purely wholesome!!! She’s serious - it’s nice to have a friend! I agree! 
18) LAST SONG AND ITS ALMOST FIVE MIN LONG MY BODY IS READY. This is just classic classic taylor swift and an amazing way to end the album. it’s like the conclusion paragraph of an essay on how she’s happy and content and in love with not just her lover but herself. the world used to be harsh, but now it’s just daylight. (another bridge city - just fyi - for those listening at home that’s where you are now) SHE IS SO HAPPY. “Step into the daylight and let it go” OMG SHES TALKING!!!!! WHERE IS THIS FROM??? IS THIS AN INTERVIEW OR IS IT NEW OMG WAIT WASN’T EXPECTING THAT ENDING WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW
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oswhys · 5 years
Dumb AC concept ideas
So this is basically a info dump of ideas for potential AC games and concepts that its been playing with in my head, it's mostly me nerding out about junk (look if I can info dump about Teotihuacan I’ll do it.) like it's ideas that I think would be cool and what id want to see in future installments, even if they aren't likely to happen. It's also written super casually cause I started making this in a burst of inspiration at like 2 am and yet still got distracted from it cause I started going on tangents. So it's a bit of a mess. I’m totally down for bouncing ideas around if anyone has their own concepts.
1920’s jazz age assassin from the beginning of unity and the abstergo employee handbook. "The lives and failures of the most degenerate Americans to ever grace the world's stage - Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Stein." please tell me how this doesn't sound cool as shit? Okokokokokokok SO… CARS. like this dude would have a car (and of course the player can earn different cars and looks for their car and junk, including a yellow Duesenberg… like come on if he knew Fitzgerald they gotta let this dude drive Gatsby's car.)  I think there can be an argument about him having a rope launcher attachment buuut maybe not??? I mean a car and a rope launcher would be dope as hell. The dude probably bounced between Paris and New York if he's a genuine jazz age junkie like how abstergo describes him and his writer pals. Also it would be cool to meet Picasso… also his base of operations should be a fucking speakeasy, like duh, like where else would a 1920’s assassin camp out? I don’t really have any plot ideas but the concept of a jazz age assassin is cool enough for me to want it this badly.
1970’s-1980’s William Miles in a corporate espionage type game, like i know he had Desmond in 1987 but he was an active filed assassin in 1977 when he was in Moscow so clearly he could've been doing other junk around then. It doesn't have to be him, i just want a 70’d-80’s assassin trying to fuck with abstergo and trying to steal animus research or something. Like Alieen Bock died in 81 and that was at the height of animus research before abstergo started really investing in it cause of Vidic. Like the surrogate initiative and the animus project are… basically the same thing really. Like knowing that Altair and Ezio were not actually related until their bloodlines crossed with Desmond. So with the memory keys being cited as an integral part of the animus project they obviously had a role to play in the surrogate project. Besides the newer games are pretty loosey-goosey with how the DNA and animus junk works now, with the spear having DNA traces or whatever and its corrupted enough that we could… choose things?? (don't ask questions just have fun i guess.) ok i’m over thinking this stuff… but come on… disco!!!!! Please please please have a disco assassination. Like… the idea of an assassin taking out a target at the disco is cool enough for me to want it. ALSO!!! If it goes into the 80’s then please for the love of god a Thriller inspired outfit would be to die for. Like i know getting the exact look would be a trademark nightmare but an inspired look may be able to get away with it. I just want some real corporate espionage type missions while dressed in some brightly colored dorky(cool as shit) 70’s/80’s fashion.
So like… ANYTHING from ancient Andean culture. So The Chimú or the Moche… that would be cool, but I'd settle for Wari and Tiwanaku. I just kinda want to see Chan Chan recreated. And Moche art was so fucking good like… idk man they're making video games that are mostly of ancient cultures now so the possibility of them making something in a more modern setting is slim to none. Like come on they're gonna want to make like idk maybe one more really ancient cultural game so they can still reuse assets again before making a whole new saga. That's just their track record. The problem with doing an ancient andean cultural video game is that there isn't a lot to work with other then our knowledge of the architecture and artistry of the ancient peoples. We have art documentary significant events but there isn't really any historical recordings so there's no significant figures to meet or events to take part in that we know of right now. BUT that also means that hey if Ubisoft wants us to have freedom of choice within the narrative this would be a great opportunity.
Speaking of ancient culturesssss ancient Mexican cultures would be REALLY cool too. Like obviously Mayans culture is the first to come to mind but AC already kinda explored the Mayans so idk maybe a more underrated ancient culture deserves the spotlight. The Zapotec and other civilizations in the Oaxaca. Like this would be really cool since we actually see a rise in raiding and conquest warfare, like theres these bas-relief stone carvings called Las Danzantes which are actually depictions of sacrificial victims, most likely foreign captives. The architecture is also to die for like i’m a sucker for talud-tablero style stuff popping up in ancient Latin america. Also do i gotta say it? BALL COURTS!!! A recreation of the ancient ball game in a video game would be cool as shit my dudes like… please i want this so bad. Like how origins depicted mummification with respect I’d love to see the same kind of loving dedication to the funerary practices of the ancient peoples. (off topic completely but some latin american civilizations had their own forms of mummification) like i wanna see the abandonment of Monte Alban and the later use of it by the Mixtecs. But the most important thing about the celebration of the ancient Zapotec would be the ability to celebrate the modern Zapotec culture, that would just be cool. Ok I’ll finish up this train of ideas with the one i really really really want to see recreated, the original Teotihuacan, before the Aztecs found it. With the pyramids being painted and covered in beautiful carvings and, of course, talud-tablero style architecture. It's basically the biggest ancient city in mesoamerica with hidden cave systems that we are still finding today and so much of the ancient city was built over because it might've been covered up or eroded to the point where no one knew it was there, or because there wasn't really anyone who cared enough to uh, not build on top of historical sites. Modern mexico city is built all around and on top of it (apparently you can see Walmart from the top of the temple of the sun…) so its a huge ancient city that was really colorful and really populated with crazy ancient tunnels underneath the pyramids that we’ve only discovered recently so how fucking cool are those possibilities? Like i just can't get over the idea of some assassin-esque person climbing up red pyramids and sitting next to statues and carvings of Queztalcoatl painted in a turquoise. Ancient farms and city life thriving. From what we know about it, like many other ancient latin american cities it was abandoned at some point, exactly why is unclear though (probably a mix of things cause there wasn't any kings really but more like… neighborhood councils (that's the best guess rn)). It was an actual city though, most archaeologists compare it to modern cities due to its city planning and its huge population. What was left behind was so spectacular that when the Aztecs found it they legit thought it was the city of the gods. This was a real fucking city and I’m crazy about it man i want it in a fucking video game my dudes.
COWBOYS PLEASE. Like i know rdr2 came out so they probably wont do it (for a while at least) and they already have the gold rush assassin so they've dabbled with cowboy stuff but… cowboys… like theres nothing else to say really… Cowboys. Also like i know how AC is pretty much ass melee combat and cowboys means guns and lots of guns and bows and probably rope darts. But… folding swords. That my shitty solution to have melee combat, like syndicate had melee and some gun stuff cause duh, but it was mostly melee. Like you can make the game centered around stealth so a lot more sneaking then combat, kinda like in unity. I have a few ideas for this one but most of them play into my own personal cowboy wish fulfillment fantasy of owning a farm with snakes for the production of venoms and other toxins. It's hard to explain but i kinda really want to see someone with a snake/spider enclosure where they produce venoms for the protag to use. The specific time period i have in mind is like 1870-1888 but it could defo go later. It's just that was peak for a lot of famous gunslingers and robberies. And Mesa Verde was basically rediscovered in the late 1880’s (its kinda weird like it was “officially” discovered in 88 but others saw it before that soooo. Also Montezuma Castle would be cool to visit in game as well. I dont have have a lot of knowledge about mesa verde or Montezuma but i know they're cool af.) the wild west is just ripe with possibility so i have some hope they’ll do one in the future but i don't see it happening anytime within the next couple of years.
Please for the love of god give me a AC3/unity dual sequel. Set in 1798 Egypt before during and maybe a little after the french invasion of Egypt. There would be a ton to work around and justify to get that to happen in universe buuuuut… i want it so badly. I have a shit ton of ideas but im saving all of that for a rainy day. 
I wouldn't mind if they actually did stuff with WWI, mostly cause i really like that one WWI assassin from project legacy and Lydia's whole thing was really cool.
Ok I’m kinda on burn out after all that cause I just… its 4 AM and i’m supposed to be writing a paper but I made this big fucking oops.
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dissonants-13 · 6 years
Prompt 25: “If I leave now, I won’t come back.” For any ILITW character that inspires you
Thank you for playing non! I hope you like it xx
If anyone would like to make a request, prompt list is here: break yo heart
Story Details: Angst, angst, angst. Lucas x MC, Lucas x Stacy if you squint. I’ve used the generic name Devon for MC, but I’ve used they/them as dear nonny didn’t specify a gender. Dark themes, mental health issues. 
‘I Wont Come Back’
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“Devon!” Lucas says, for the fourth time,raising his voice a little now. It’s halftime, the last game of the regularseason, and the cheerleaders are doing a routine - but nothing so interestingthat Devon would be that engrossed. Dan is standing on the side line,open-mouthed beneath a stream of Gatorade, and when he’s satisfied, he wipeshis mouth on the back of his sleeve and tosses the bottle back to the waterboy, before leading his team down the race to the locker rooms.
“What?” Devon finally says, turning to look atLucas.
“Finally! What planet are you on?” Lucas asks, tappingDevon’s forehead and half-expecting to hear a hollow sound. “Do you want somefood?”
Devon shakes their head absently, wrapping theirarms around themselves as if to hold all their pieces together. Lucas isfamiliar with the posture. He’s also familiar with Devon’s standard ‘no’ answerto food, and, eyeing their jutting collarbone, resolves to get an extra dim simanyway. 
He pushes and shoulders his way through themilling crowd to the food trucks, and he lines up, his mind still on Devon.They’ve been together for quite a while now, since before Noah; a relationshipforged in the fire of the whole Redfield issue. Over the last year, everyonehad scattered; Lucas and Stacy to college, Andy and Dan repeating senior year,Lily working as a teacher’s aide, and Ava working at the library and running ahealing herbs business out of Pritch’s old place. Devon stuck aroundWestchester to heal and take stock, but since the one year memorial, that wholeprocess had seemed to crash a little.
Lucas pays and takes his food back to thebleachers, where Devon is still staring into space. More often than not thesedays, this is how Devon is, even when Lucas is home from college. The weightloss, the clear depression - which Devon does not want to talk about -the distraction, all of that Lucas can deal with. What he’s struggling with isthe abyss of distance that’s opened up between them; Lucas feels like he’salways reaching to Devon across the darkness, and getting absolutely nothing inreturn.
He’s tried to say how it all makes him feel, butDevon just doesn’t really get it. All the guilt and sadness in the wake ofNoah’s betrayal and sacrifice is enough to deal with - Devon just doesn’t seemto comprehend how all the little manifestations of pain in their life harmsLucas and their relationship. How it feels like Devon doesn’t care, becausethey never ask how Lucas’ day was, when he always asks after Devon’s.How much it hurts when Devon doesn’t even notice Lucas anymore, not even whenhe strolls in, naked as the day he was born and gleaming after a shower. Howdevastating it is when Lucas is always trying to help, and Devon gives himnothing back. They can’t talk about Devon’s feelings. They can’t talk aboutwhat happened. Every day just feels like mounting moments of things leftunsaid, and Lucas is worried about Devon coping, but he’s also exhausted fromfeeling like he’s the only one putting all the effort in.
After the game, the gang wants to hang outbecause everyone is back in town, and the Wolves won, and they so rarely get tobe together for the happy moments now that everyone is doing their own thing.Devon doesn’t want to go; Lucas watches their lips press together and theirhead shake slowly, firmly shutting down Stacy and Lily’s pleading.
So Lucas goes out with the gang alone, and forthe first time in a while, it’s kind of like a weight is off his shoulders.
“It’s like guilt, warring with a sense offreedom,” Lucas sighs, rubbing his tired eyes and stirring his coffee.
Stacy hums an agreeable noise and eyes Lucasclosely. “But how are you doing?” She carefully avoids the ‘are you okay?’ lineof questioning, and Lucas both blames and thanks her Intro to AbnormalPsychology class for making her so good at interrogating him. He has absolutelyno doubt that Stacy will be literally the worlds best criminal psychologist,and it’s only partly because she already has an innate ability to see straightthrough everyone’s bullshit.
“It’s hard,” Lucas admits. “Every day is hard.But..” he stops, breathing deeply, and the words die in his throat.
“But what?” Stacy asks, lacing their fingerstogether. There’s no hesitation. No doubt or space between them. It’s easy.
Lucas pushes his glasses up the bridge of hisnose with his free hand and eyes her. “But…I haven’t shut everyone out atleast.”
The night that finally breaks Lucas is hisbirthday. It’s not just that Devon seems to have forgotten all day and onlysays happy birthday when Lucas’ phone dings with a steady stream of birthdaymessages over dinner (which he picked up and bought with him to Devon’s house).It’s not just that it’s painfully obvious immediately that Devon didn’t get hima present. It’s not just that for weeks Devon has been noncommittal to allLucas’s ideas; movies, bowling, dinner at a nice restaurant, none of it. Andit’s not just that when the gang arrives, ready to take Lucas out, that Devonflat refuses to go. It’s all of that, and more.
It’s the missing affection, which he givesDevon, but he doesn’t get in return.
It’s the fact that Devon won’t even tryto let him in.
It’s the fact that Lucas is putting in allthe effort and getting a brick wall in return.
It’s that Devon would rather write letters toNoah that never get sent, because he’s dead, than talk to Lucas, wholoves Devon and wants to help.
And Lucas is sick of it. The guilt isoverwhelming, but Lucas is just so exhausted of the whole thing. He can’t holdDevon and himself up anymore, he can’t drag Devon out of the darkness without anyhelp. He doesn’t want to end things, but he can’t ignore how he feels anymore.He needs to take care of himself.
And so, with all their friends watching and hot,prickling tears in his eyes, he says; “Are you really not going to come?”
Devon curls up on the couch, in that samehugged, defensive position. “No. I don’t want to.”
Lucas feels someone, maybe Lily, touch hisshoulder gently, but he shrugs them off. “Then you know this is it?” he says, alittle harsher than intended. “If I leave now, I won’t come back.”
Devon slowly meets his eye, lips pressedtogether. It strikes Lucas then that all the warmth is gone from Devon’s browneyes. There’s nothing left but emptiness and maybe the slightest hint ofregret.
“Then go,” Devon says, with an air of finalitythat makes even Andy suck in a shocked breath.
By the time they get to Dan’s car, Lucas knowshe’s crying openly, but it still hurts and he can’t hide that. He gaveeverything to someone who was lost to a dead man, and forces none of them couldcontrol.
“We don’t have to go out,” Ava says gently, andif Ava Cunningham thought the situation didn’t need any snark then things weredire indeed.
“No, we do,” Lucas snaps, getting into the frontseat. “The last thing I need is to turn into Devon.”
They pile in behind him, half in Dan’s car, andthe other half in Lily’s. Stacy sits behind Lucas, and halfway into town, hefeels her squeeze his shoulder gently. He lowers the window, and, for the firsttime in months, he can breathe again.
It’s after midnight, and his suite is quiet andstill when Lucas gets the call. It’s Andy, full of panic and grief, and Lucasalready knows what’s happened before the news even comes.
“It’s Devon - parents found - nothing - just getto the hospital-”
Lucas drives there in a stupor, through thenight, to the hospital at Westchester, but Dan intercepts him in the lobby.Lucas melts into Dan’s strong arms and vice-like hold, letting Dan take all theweight of his world for a moment. Curiously, he finds he cannot cry; his jaw istight and his eyes burn, like he should be crying, but nothing comes.
“Devon’s gone mate,” Dan murmurs, in the mostDan-like of voices; deep, calming, like music you don’t hear, but feelin your soul. “It was over before the medics even got to the house.”  
“No suffering?” Lucas manages to ask, throughhis sandpaper throat.
“Like going to sleep, the doctors said,” Dananswers, holding Lucas tighter. And then, without even looking at Lucas’ faceto know, Dan says, “This is not your fault. Devon had demons none of uscould understand.”
Even still, Lucas knows the guilt and the painwill live with him forever.
In the years since, he’s asked for signs. He’sdowned oceans of booze, slept with scores of easy conquests, driven too fast,and purposefully listened to songs that make him cry, just to feel something.But no sign has ever come. He tries to move on, but he never goes for what hereally wants because he doesn’t want to destroy that too.
Maybe it’s a curse, he thinks. Noah had it afterJane, and Devon after Noah. The curse of being unable to let go. Redfield’slast gift.
It’s like a ball of lead that sits in his chest,weighing him down no matter how good he feels. Lucas wonders if he’ll ever notfeel the weight of what Devon did. 
He wonders right up until the moment that Lilylooks up at him, her newborn son cradled in her arms, and says, “Uncle Lucas,there’s someone here who wants to meet you.” Stacy holds his hand, and the roomis so full of emotion from all their friends, that it feels like the warmestand softest of blankets shrouding them all. Even Ava is misty-eyed, and she’smore stoic than any of them.
And he hopes again.
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waywardsignns-a · 6 years
RULES: tag ten followers you want to know better!
TAGGED BY: @dxspereaux​ (thanks love <3)
TAGGING: anybody that bothers to read through this, just give me a tag <3
PUT YOUR ITUNES SPOTIFY ON SHUFFLE. WHAT ARE THE FIRST 4 SONGS THAT POPPED UP? (playing the last playlist I listened to) warning: they’re all heavy rock/metal
Defy - Of Mice and Men
Outcase - I Prevail
Feels Good - Volumes
Crushed - Parkway Drive
The book is “guide to commodity price forecasting”. The line is: “The other extreme is found in those enthusiasts who adhere rigidly to charts-”
I had somebody try to write a story about me and how I was “lucky number 13″ in his quest to finding a girlfriend then proceeded to call me a fucking c*** when I refused to be reverted to a number or a conquest of his.
Oh god uhm... I really don’t know? There are a couple I like to joke about but ? I really dont’ feel a whole lot of anything towards any celebrities to be honest. They’re interesting yeah but ... they’re not that interesting, if that makes sense? idk
HATE: screaming children / high pitched noises that makes my ears ring
LOVE: silence lol. jk uhm ... birds, fire crackling.
DO YOU DRIVE? I sure do. I like driving actually IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? Yup. Should have died but I got out with just a few bruises
I don’t remember the name but its some book about ex military dudes idk. it was okay. Typical romance with a whole slew of action thrown in. It was pretty fast paced
Absolutely not. I make my husband fuel up because of it.
Rampage with The Rock in it. Its pretty fucking cheesy but good
Uuuuuuuuuuuuh....... I would say whiplash that was never treated. Only found out cuz I went to the chiropractor who was pissed about it and ranted to me for about 20 minutes over the inadequacy of the doctor I was seen by.
Mmmmmmmmmmm..... Not really? I guess doing my manips that I’ve been doing but that’s not really an obsession. 
It really kind of depends on how bad it is. Generally it takes something that you’ve done multiple times to me to get me to actually hold a grudge. And once you do there’s no turning back. But even then I don’t hold a grudge against people? I just ... shut them out. 
I’m married so? 
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ithisatanytime · 3 years
 It was of the utmost importace to *ahem* the establishment to discredit the origin of our instincts. this is the uncomfortable part, if you saw me, you might think “this guy might know a thing or two about minecrat” and youd be right. but for shame you stereotyped me! guess what we all fucking stereotype, its impossible to exist as a thinking human without generalizign every fucking day in your life, i can prove it right now, picture a ball in your head? visualize it, see the color of it so you can describe it to me, why did you think of that ball and not a soccer ball? why not a beach ball biggot beach balls are balls too, why not a basket ball? etc.
 in the real fucking world, we dont EVER have all the information, and we have to make decisions based on a sort of averaging out of all our previous experiences AND intuition to try to make the best decision possible for us in the moment. No one teaches birds how to build nests, its a pretty complicated procedure, and the results speak for themselves, but they arent taught this by their parents, they are born with this incredible knowlege inside their dna. likewise, stereotypes were not something someone just arbitrarily invented and they caught on because the dude was hillarious or something, WE ALL FUCKING KNOW THIS STOP PLAYING! STOP LYING, STOP!
 with that in mind we all know what NOT to say to people, most of the time anyway.... well we try. our current society isnt like this to avoid the hurt feelings that arise from casually racist social encounters! guess what those same people will find a way to be just exactly as fucked up and hurtful while remaining kosher. we had to do away with the measurable reality that stereotypes are often based on real observable averages, because it allowed well.... the establishment *ahem* to first import and unify a coalition of the willing against racist white people, the only people on earth to stereotype or own slaves (DO NOT LOOK INTO JEWISH INVOLVEMENT IN THE SLAVE TRADE THAT IS A MAJOR CANARD) or take land by conquest and war... white people also just happened to be the former establishment and the single largest block of people comprising the largest threat against je- *ahem* the establishment, wouldnt want to generalize there and give people the wrong idea.  to summarize i should be allowed to say the n word
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