#but then i remember that i put effort into building this blog so seeing it go to waste would be sad
jaeyunverse · 1 year
only 6 more days for 12th grade to officially finish and my exams to be over. perhaps jaeyunverse comeback with a long fic ????? 😳
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morallyinept · 2 months
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For anyone who needs to hear this today...
Dieter and I are just weighing in on some of the conversations floating around where people are feeling like they're not wanted here, or who feel like they might want to leave...
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You ARE absolutely wanted here.
Whether you're a creator, reader, silent lurker. It doesn't matter if you have 1 follower or 10k. Whether you write one chapter every few weeks, or churn out fics on the daily.
This is a fandom, not a competition.
You. Are. All. Wanted. Here.
Tumblr, for want of a better analogy, is a crap factory of a website. 😝 It's gone down the pan in the last decade massively, and it's the complete opposite of what other social media platforms do, (in terms of likes and algorithims etc... you have to re-blog everything - not like it - here to get any traction) you get out of Tumblr what you put in, effectively.
No-one here is better than anyone else, we're all part of that big Pedro table and continuously squish up to make room for everyone. And if anyone isn't doing that, then they should be the one's to leave, not you.
I get it. I feel it too. I've contemplated leaving several times. Yeah. It's a hard place sometimes to try and make a tiny space of it your own.
☝🏻But remember, even the biggest blogs on here started off with zero followers and had to build their niche from scratch. Rome wasn't built in a day.
It takes time and effort. It might look like it's easy for others, but it really isn't. And I'm in no way a "big blog" in the slightest.
But I stay here doing my own thing, because ultimately, I love writing and creating - it makes me happy, and I love the sense of community here.
I get immense joy out of making my silly banners and posts, and having a giggle with like-minded people when Pedro shaves his beard off (🫠). I ignore the drama and focus on having a positive time here.
But I get that doesn't work for everybody. Sometimes it's hard to tune all the fuzz out, right? It's massively overwhelming some days on here - I feel ya, bub.
The level of talent in this fandom is incredible, but it often leaves you feeling like "where do I begin?" Or "who do I talk to?" And "how do I talk to someone without coming across as weird?" And "how the hell do I re-blog everything and reply to comments and remember to answer DM's and Asks, whilst remembering to update my WIP and see what my fav blogs have posted, and catch up on that fic I like..? 🤯
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In short, you can't.
You simply can't do everything.
And you shouldn't try to either as that's when you'll burn out and when things start feeling overwhelming. Then your enjoyment wanes and then that's when you feel like you want to give it all in.
Just breathe.
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The best advice I can give (and I'm no expert!) is to curate your own experience here as best as you can.
Eliminate that overwhelming feeling to make your Tumblr time and space enjoyable.
Make it work for you and your needs.
Some easy things you can do that might help:
Update your notifications - I personally filter out the likes, otherwise I find I miss notifs like new followers or comments etc... Tumblr can be glitchy as hell too, so by removing the likes, you can see all the stuff you don't wanna miss. To turn them off, go into your activity (app version) and hit custom, scroll down to custom again and then untick likes:
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There's a new option now to subscribe to specific blogs you like and adjust your home feed settings to that. You click on the blogs themselves and add them to get notifications and then they'll appear under Blog Subs on your feed. You can then switch through feeds to just see the blogs you've added, rather than everyone you follow. It's then easy to switch between feeds:
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Limit your time here - if it starts to feel overwhelming, take a break! That's your brain telling you that you might need it. We'll all still be here when you come back. Don't compromise your peace of mind or happiness for the sake of scrolling for hours.
If you're a creator and have writer's block etc... again, take that break! Whether it's a day or a week, or a year. Take as long as you need. Those that are worth it will still be here and will wait patiently for you. Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. And if anyone does pressure you, block them.
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Forget the numbers. I know, I know, it's easier said than done. Of course we want re-blogs and engagement, it's why we're here and putting our work out there. We wouldn't do it if we didn't want that engagement. But don't let the numbers be the main reason why you do it, otherwise your expectation can often be met with a harsh reality when it doesn't go how you think it will. Do it because it makes you happy, first and foremost. There will always be someone who looks forward to what you put out there.
If you want engagement, you need to engage back. This community survives and thrives on sharing. Re-blog everything you like. Re-blogging is the number one must on Tumblr. It's how the site works. Likes are lovely, but it's simply just a book marking feature here, which is essentially useless as your likes get pushed to the bottom of your like pile the more you like things. RE-BLOG EVERYTHING. By re-blogging you can also use tags so you can easily find things again. Liked that Frankie Morales fic you read last week? Re-blog it with the tag 'Frankie Morales' for example, and then you can search your own blog to find everything you've ever tagged with 'Frankie Morales'. You can even schedule re-blogs in advance too. You can't do any of that with likes. You'd have to scroll through every single like you've ever liked to find it again... and ain't no-one got time for that. If you're someone who is asking for engagement, you need to be prepared to give it back. I repeat, RE-BLOG EVERYTHING!
"Yeah, but if I re-blog everything, my aesthetic will be compromised, or my blog will be bulky and I might annoy everyone by appearing on their feed too much..." These are all valid concerns, but you can simply make a side blog specific for re-blogging things if you want. Whatever way you choose to do it, re-blog, re-blog, re-blog!
Be bold and reach out using DM's and ASK's. I don' think there's a single writer or artist out there who doesn't like getting a comment or a message complimenting their work. And we all love to chat about it, and that's an easy way in and to make friends too! It can be daunting, but I assure you if you're polite and kind, people will want to engage back with you. We all have one thing in common here at least - Pedro! 🥰
Sometimes, it can feel like everyone has their own friend groups or cliques and it can be hard to find your own community within a community. Almost everyone I engage with on a daily basis here, new and old users, are some of the nicest, kindest people I've spoken to. You really have nothing to be afraid of. They're just like you - they want to talk and make friends.
These are just some tips that I've found have worked for me on my own Tumblr journey with quelling that overwhelming feeling. And I hope they can help you in some way, especially if you're contemplating being here right now.
You might feel that what you put out there isn't appreciated because it doesn't get the notes or engagement you want, but I promise you, there is always someone who you have touched with your words and work.
Be kind to yourself and know that you really are a valued part of this fandom.
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Do you. Then do Dieter.
Self-Care With Dieter & Jett
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rainymoodlet · 4 months
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🌧 rainymoodlet is in full hiatus mode! 🌧
hoo... absolutely sick to my stomach writing this. ✌ for more information, please read below! thank you all for following my stories, loving my bachelor challenge, and loving my little pixels as much as i do. 😊
Well, my darling fellow simblrs... it's happened. It's been a bit of a long time coming over the past few months, but I've finally decided to put my blog into a permanent sort of "hiatus mode". I am a person who is riddled with executive dysfunction and lack of self-control, and I know that if I don't legitimately cut myself off from Simblr™ and the disassociation it's allowed me, I will. not. quit. 😅
I originally joined Simblr back in 2021 during a really difficult and isolated time in my life. I haven't been able to speak much to it because of the legal issues it's tied up in, but Simblr became my escape whilst in the throes of seeking justice against my abuser in a time where my entire family had abandoned me, and my fiance and I were living alone in my parents' house with only the two of us to swirl in deep and massive depression. Sims has always been my escape; from 2004 onward, it has given me narrative control and visual fantasy for as long as I can remember, and it will always be a deeply comforting and "safe" game for me.
But when I joined Simblr, it was out of many of the reasons that I think we can all relate to as writers and creatives. I had the idea for Loved by the Sun, and as I kept imagining and writing and building this world, I thought: "I deserve to show this to people. I really want people to see this. And I really want them to think it's good." I had been existing on the fringes of Simblr on my own personal Tumblr blog: I've seen countless legacies rise and fall, countless dramas spread out across blogs that are no longer active and haven't been for years. I wanted people to wake up and roll over and check my blog, desperate for updates, eager for more.
And more than anything, I wanted to escape the day-to-day hell I was living in.
But as the years went on, I've noticed that the excitement and creativity that drove my creation of my account has dwindled beyond measure. And I will put that on myself - starting a Bachelor Challenge like Kiss Me in Komorebi was one of the beginning nails in the coffin of my creativity and enjoyment of Simblr. I do not regret it one bit, and I am so grateful for the following it's gained and the genuine enjoyment you've all had with KMiK. It's my proudest achievement, it's pushed me to be a better editor and a better screenshot-taker, it's challenged me in my way of playing and it's introduced me to so many wonderful people.
But of course... I me'd it up. 😎
I've become obsessed to an egregious degree with the perception of my handling of this challenge. I want everyone to feel as though their sim gets enough screen-time, I want everyone to feel that the creative effort they put into submitting their sims was respected, and I desperately don't want anyone to feel left out or as though they're being ignored in favor of other contestants. It became so much less of telling Dan's story and journey, and all about how I was appearing as the Master of the Game.
And to be honest, my obsession with "staying relevant" in the fast-paced scroll of the Simblr Dashboard, believing you all would stop caring or stop reading if I didn't post as quickly as possible, was my own doom from the start, fkdfdjk.
In my life, I've had countless opportunities to turn my life around and start changing for the better. And time and time again, the energy that could have gone toward improving my situation or bettering my relationships has gone toward Simblr, and this online environment. I have practically no life beyond the screen: my days off are spent taking screenshots or spending four hours on builds that I still won't finish, obsessed over every angle, desperately seeking out that ~sparkle~ of simplicity and not-trying-too-hard I apply to all of your screenshots.
I am a dopamine and serotonin fiend, and though I can pinpoint in my life where trauma and isolation has pushed me to my online spaces, I was hyper-aware of the reality that in a few years, I won't be involved in Simblr. I won't be posting constantly, I won't care about the mods or the updates or the custom content.
And the stories I've written will be monuments to the time I've wasted, working on chasing the serotonin monster instead of bettering my own life and my own situation.
And now, I've got a real chance to do something better with my life. My fiance and I are at a crossroads of choice - we can change our lives for the better this year, or we can accept that the years of inaction we forced ourselves into out of the fear of moving forward have doomed us to a life we're not happy with. And I am one stubborn bastard when it comes to giving up.
The friendships and connections I've made here are some of the most meaningful in my life, and I hate that I've pulled back in the way I have. Along the way, it became much more about the notes, the numbers, the interaction, the reblogs over likes - and I lost myself and my friendships to my own mismanagement of my time and energy. I could spend five hours on one build, going from 7am to 12pm in a lightning speed of disassociation and obsessive Alt-clicking, and at the end of the day sit there and go...
What the hell have I done today? I could have messaged someone, I could have chatted with my friends, I could have done something. But no, I built a science lab, or a date location, and fretted the entire time until my stomach felt sick that it just "wasn't right" or wouldn't "look the way I wanted it to" in my screenshots.
I deeply, deeply love my stories, and I am so proud of them and what they've done for y'all and how you all have enjoyed them. I am incredibly lucky for the experience I've had on Simblr, and I know that there are plenty of blogs out there that sit with little interaction when they deserve so much more.
And yes, I will admit. The tendency of a 15-minute slapped together CAS edit of mine getting more notes and spotlight than the posts of my stories I've put legitimate effort into has fucked with my brain.
Simblr has changed from the story-laden place it was when I was following y'alls stories and legacies from 2015 onward. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that! Online spaces shift and change just as much as the social media sites like TikTok and Instagram, that go through trends and phases and fads and memes the same way we do. We are not above other social media in that regard, and I think there's a general sense from Simblr that we're some isolated island; we don't follow trends, we don't have fads, we don't have audio trends that get slapped on every other six-second video.
But I will raise you the Blender Phase and the Edit Phase as evidence every time.
I need to take some serious introspection time, and commit a lot of my energy to things that can bring me positive change outside of this online space. I hope to be able to come back as a better, healthier person, but to be honest, I don't really know when that will be. (Even this post is something I feel I have to do to be responsible, not just disappearing in the middle of this Challenge, leaving you all hanging djfh) I hope this doesn't come off as some high-horse rant, or leave a sour taste in y'alls mouths.
I just... I'll really miss this space. I'll miss the sims, I'll miss you guys, I'll miss your posts and your legacies and your sense of humor. I want to thank so many people, but I don't want to tag you all and shove this post into your activity streams dkfd.
I can't give any commitments to appearing more in Discord or even being present on this space - I've gone to the point of disconnecting the Chrome browser that's for rainymoodlet from my main icon bar, like I am going straight cold-turkey. I'll still be playing Sims, but I'm going to try and reconnect with it for myself - not for the screenshots, not for the stories, and not for the desperate want for people to understand what I'm posting or for it to make sense or satisfy, dfkj.
I am so, so incredibly grateful for every single one of you, and I hate to just drop this out of nowhere. But I need to do this, for me and for my future. And now I'm just sitting here like "Shannon, it's simblr, fucking chill." dkjfd I JUST... this space has done so much for me, and I genuinely feel a sense of loss in leaving. Especially in the middle of a story, fkgjfkg.
I really do genuinely love and care for you all. Please take care of yourselves, okay? Mama Shan does genuinely want the best for you, and I can't thank you enough for letting little old dorky ass me be a part of your community and your lives.
'Til next time, y'all. I'll see you soon. 💛
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golden222petal · 3 months
It girl Manifesting/Scripting List ✨🤍✨
I am ready to commit to the It Girl lifestyle. I’m determined to become the woman I want to be and learn to embrace and celebrate my accomplishments. I’ve tried in the past, but it never quite took off the ground. This time, I'm going in with a plan! Below are some overarching ways I want to bring more abundance into my life.
Consistently practicing gratitude, I have been immensely blessed for everything I accomplished and the support system I have gained over the years. Very grateful for every opportunity as it's what made me the woman I am today. The first step to abundance is gratitude.
Financial Stability: I want to have the confidence that I can handle unexpected expenses while also giving myself a better quality of life. Release my scarcity mindset. Save up to 6 months of expenses. Complete the 52-week saving challenge.
Confidence in my work, remember that I am new, take everything as a learning lesson, and follow the rules.
Positive self image, believe that I am enough. See my inner/outer beauty. Put more effort into my appearance.
Building healthy routines, hair appointments, eyebrow appointments. Have a planning routine and new hygiene routines.
Taking care of my health, return to the dentist. It is very overwhelming, and I need so much done.
Moving out of the state, options are Houston and NYC. I want to go to NYC and move in with my dad's side of the family. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, and I need a time-out. I also enjoy a better quality of life. NYC has amazing food and architecture, and I will never be bored. The job market is pretty competitive, so I'm working on my resume and have confidence that I am a valuable candidate.
Consistent blogging/content, start an IG documenting my It girl/wellness/career journey. It gives me a way to romanticize my life. It would also provide me with practice in creating a posting schedule and organizing my ideas.
Letting love back into my life, after my break up I shut my heart down and kept the world at arm's length. Now, I want to return to the dating world, and I like to transition smoothly.
Accepting a job in NYC, it's also vital for it to be very similar to my role now. I want to stay in the GRC space.
This is not everything I want to do, but this is an excellent place to start. I'm so ready for this glow-up. My mind is there; all I have to do is plan and execute.
Cheers to new beginnings. May my blessings and yours overflow! 🥂✨🤍
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t00thpasteface · 6 months
hey sorry i’m sure it’s a little dumb but how did you find a community/make mutuals on here? i swapped from twitter to here last year & haven’t been able to make friends like i did on twitter ;v; sorry if this is all silly but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. love your art & blog !!!
as i like to say, it's like lifting an anvil: it's very simple, but that doesn't mean it's easy. as someone who's a 12+ year veteran that lurked for a couple years and remade a little while ago, really it all comes down to putting yourself out there!!! don't just sit around twiddling your thumbs and lurking. it's tough to do it without coming off as a pandering tryhard, but honestly as long as you're polite, upbeat, and posting regularly, then you're golden.
if you want a big list of wordy bullet points, here's what i've got, and i think you'll find it's pretty applicable to basically any site/community you want to get involved in:
post a lot. this is number one with a fucking bullet! POST! POST LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. but crucially...
post GOOD STUFF. don't bash yourself in the caption/tags, don't say "sorry this is shit" or whatever, don't self-deprecate, and don't admit to posting low-effort stuff just to hit a quota. imagine it's open mic night and go crazy. this is a good site to use like a journal and a scrapbook, but if you want to actually get some traction, you need to bring something interesting to the table. of course, just being funny and nice goes a very long way.
encourage audience feedback. people LOVE to tell you about themselves and give their opinions. get them responding and make the questions and calls for engagement so interesting or fun they can't help themselves.
tag effectively. use both fandom/content tags for searches, and organizational tags for your visitors' use. the tagging system is tumblr's bread and butter, so make it work for you.
follow a lot of blogs you like. then see who they follow, and add those to the list. build a good circle of engagement and keep your finger on the pulse of the site culture for whatever niche(s) you're in... or want to get in.
reblog a lot and be funny/kind in the tags. generally leaving a lot of comments/replies to post is kind of hit-or-miss, but tags are a good harmless "inside voice" to use that doesn't clutter the post itself and yet still engages with op and people seeing the post
engage with people when they ask for engagement. things like polls, ask games, etc... scratch people's backs and they'll scratch yours. and it's just a nice thing to do regardless :)
panhandling is not always the best route. people will balk if you look desperate or openly beg for engagement, like directly asking people to reblog something or being passive-aggressive about how much engagement you are/aren't getting on something. a genuine joke about it is fun and relatable, but snarky comments just kill the vibe and scare people off.
REMEMBER THERE'S NO ALGORITHM. lurking will not put you or any of the stuff you like out there!! REBLOG POSTS! SEND ASKS! this site will NOT SPOON FEED YOU ANYTHING. like taming a wild stallion, you can make this work for you, but you have to put in the effort first.
some people will think you're annoying, and that's okay. probably not very many, but they'll be loud. this is an unavoidable part of Being Known. you can be the sweetest peach in the world but there'll still be people who just don't like peaches. don't take it to heart, and if you do happen to drop the ball or rub a few people the wrong way, don't let that keep you from trying again :)
i've enjoyed the many friends i've made on this site in the past decade-and-then-some, even though both this site and my blog are both something of a ship of theseus. here's hoping you can make it work for you and your interests, too!
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greatbigbellies · 4 months
I hope you like huge pregnant guts cause that's all I got.
Hi! Welcome to my kink blog! Before we go any further, if you’re below 18, leave! No exceptions. You know why. Please just wait until you’re of age, then you can gladly peruse.
I’m a 27 year old trans woman who really, really enjoys bellies. I have a fairly strong preference for pregnancy related stuff, which is the overwhelming majority of what you’ll find on this blog, but I enjoy pretty much any other kind (LOVE stuffing, enjoy vore and wg, and even non-enlarged tummies too)! I try to keep a decently regular queue rolling with reblogs from kink artists, models, and the like, and I thoroughly enjoy getting asks, so don’t be afraid to send some in! I can’t always tend to this blog daily because of real life, so if the queue runs out or I don’t answer an ask same day, I’ll be back soon!
DMs are open but I don’t RP privately, or explicitly, and “hi” or “hey” will get a similarly brief response. I love talking pregnancy kink stuff but please remember I’m a person, and I’m not horny 100% of the time, so it’s okay to talk about other things. Unironically, send me a screenshot of a minecraft build you’re proud of, I’d genuinely love to see it.
That all said, please enjoy the blog! I have an expansive backlog of posts that I’ve taken effort to keep correctly tagged for easy access. If you just want to see tummies, block the “not bellies” tag. I’ve done some kinky voice work too, which you can find under the “kink audio” tag.
Some larger pregnancy kink projects I’ve worked on that you might enjoy are:
The McPreggo Menu (link to the most current version because yes, it gets updated occasionally) A fast food menu with pregnancy inducing effects, with dozens of items each with unique properties. Perfect if you like your preg kink with a side of stuffing and math!
The 2023 Pregnancy Kink Advent Calendar (link to masterpost with more links) A holiday project I ran in December of last year, featuring 24 posts with writing, audio, pictures, and a video, all of fun little pregnant treats to enjoy! Looking to do another in 2024, so if you like what you see and want to contribute, please reach out!
@obscenely-overdue (link to the blog itself) An RP side blog where I put on a fake bump and pretend to be super pregnant! It's not super story driven, nor does it adhere to a strict "canon timeline", so you can just assume I'm permanently full term, for fun and profit!
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bulletproofscales · 4 months
Hey there, hope you’re well! Love your work, it’s amazing. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but was really interested in how you started writing BTS wg fics and which member of youe favourite to write about? always love your work and excited for whatever comes next :)
omg hiii!! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ first of all, thank you soso much for the support?!!?!? it always makes me happy to see likes/reblogs/ao3 comments from blogs i recognize (ಥ﹏ಥ) and this ask,,, youre making my day.
i got inot a ramble so ill put one of these hehe sorry (ง ื▿ ื)ว
i dont mind the question at all!! even if i was a deep lurker in feedism communities of most of my fandoms. looking "chubby draco malfoy " into google images since 2012 ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ and later religiously following wg-writers of whatever fandom i migrated through. i would always send so many asks, and when i got into BTS i was older, and properly aware of what feedism was, and actively looking for it on tumblr. back then it was a handful of people with now deactivated blogs and @bangtanstummies (who as im writing this blog see has a deactivated blog as well :,) , i swear going through my dms is like going through a cementary) . i try to stay in touch with as many of the people now as i can!! but everyone will know im the suckiest at texts (@cookiesuga55 will know ) but id love to chat more and be more present
anyway back to the community in 2018, i really loved their stuff, and i felt like there was still room to add new ideas (which was hard in a fandom with as much fanficiton as BTS's) , thats what inspired to make my blog!! back then it was claled bangtangchub, and i didnt know how to activate my asks, bangtanstummies was the one to let me know and we even got into a discord all of us together!!! crazy times ( ◡‿◡ *) i remember being the oldest of the group👴 i was 15 at the time, some coudl argue it wasn't my place to be writing fetish fanfiction, maybe theyre right. but i found such a happy place in my fics. not only have i met some of my closest friends through here; (people ive met in real life!?!? ) but its helped me so much to find a safe place to explore my emotions, sexuality, and craft a hobby that was all my own. i dont think im that good of a writer, but i am really so proud of having stuck to something for so long, and having worked on it all by myself.
often times i feel like i lack the motivation to do anything with my life, and just all-around consider myself someone who lacks the strength and backbone to really do hard things. and i like to think of this blog, and my journey in it, as a place that proof i can... idk,, be good at things i worked hard on.
ANYWAY!! that was a long rant. As for the character i like writing the most about!! welli role play as jungkook almost daily! so i do feel a lot of myself in him. but i love writing all characters, over the years i really made an effort to not fall into a comfortable ship, because i really do think you could spin a wheel and whatever combination of bts members ahs their own unique loving dynamic.
as for things to come!! im working on a fic inspired by some art i saw recently by @gigichingado , jikook, im really liking how its turning out, and ofc because its me, its stretching out more and more in the build up ( _ _ ") . but i want it done over this week!! ps, i saw your obese tae requests, and i can definetly get something out after that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
thank you for asking and giving me a place to rant!!
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
I have a theory that Luke reverts back to some of his ESB behaviour and personality whenever he doesn't have to be "Jedi Master" Luke, but obviously more mature. I'd love to hear your opinion on this, you're the best blog of the whole galaxy 😁🥰
You are the best anon in the whole galaxy, anon!!!🫶🏻
And I definitely agree with you; since I'm currently working on a collection of headcanons about just this topic though, I won't go into too much detail now (hopefully that's okay with you?)
BUT as far as I remember I already mentioned some ideas I had about Jedi Master Luke in a few of my other requested headcanons that convey just what you said! (+ that he is beloved by his students, which also proves our point)
Here is a quick overview for you to check out in case you haven't already <3
• in my TboBF Luke headcanons I talked about how he'd let especially the very young students involve themselves in his dates with you because they love being around him so much, which basically speaks for itself (I think I said something along the lines of "Luke is basically adopting all his Padawans" too)
• in the second part of my post ROTJ Luke headcanons I said that I think Luke would put lots of thought and effort into overhauling the old Jedi's rules while building his own Jedi Academy and I'm sure that also involves the way he interacts with his students, letting them see a different, more relaxed or fun side of him when he's not teaching a lesson
• in my first random Luke headcanons post I talked several times about how good he is with children, that'd he definitely be interested to have some of his own (see my post "Luke's reaction to you wanting a child") AND most importantly, that all children love him in return (really one of the best requirements to actively working with them)
• at the very end of "Luke with his partner on their period" I go into detail about how he always encourages his students to put their trust into him. Likewise I'm sure that he shows his trust in them as well to establish a fair and stable connection everyone is comfortable with
• my domestic headcanons for Luke include a few aspects about the way his Padawans are included into his every day life (e.g. they're often laughing and joking when they learn new things about him, they like to help him out with projects, etc.)
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sasster · 7 months
🗣 ALIZEA+ cylion
Remember a couple of days ago when you were like reblog the meme, I’m gonna send them. And I was like lol no >:)
I GUESS you win.
[doc if you need it]
Send me a (🗣️) + two muses on my blog, and I’ll make them have a conversation whether they know each other or not!
Ailzea does not always remember his dreams, in fact if anyone were to ask him in the waking world he would likely insist that he doesn’t have any at all. But this dream is different, as though the dream itself or an entity within is aware that it is a dream, and so the lucidity leaked out to him in turn.
Nothing particularly interesting is happening in the dream, he sits in front of the brightly colored mural that lines a portion of his property staring at his hands. It is strange that his hands are empty, surely his subconscious would build something to put into them.
He does not like that his hands are empty, but he does not move to change that. A part of him is not sure that he could move even if he wanted to.
The world is foggy around him, the fog partially obscures the non-descript mural that he has seen one hundred times, and time and space fold around each other and run together like a thick oobleck. If thought goes into dreams, the architect of this one did not put in that much effort.
Suddenly the priest is not alone anymore, joined by a winged troll that seems to materialize out of the fog. A yellow blood, also dressed in priestly garb, one of his eyes glows a brilliant blue.
The pair stare at each other in silence for an eternity.
When it becomes clear that the yellow blood is not going to break that silence, Ailzea elects to speak.
“Do I have business with you?”
“You do not.”
“Is this a social visit, then?”
The stranger says nothing as he moves closer to the seated priest, he seems largely uninterested in the interaction that he himself initiated, letting his gaze linger on his own nails.
Ailzea finds himself drawn to the left eye, shining so vividly among a background that feels like a poorly constructed memory. He thinks that he must be the aforementioned lazy architect.
“I will take that as a yes,” he says as he shifts over to make room for the stranger to sit. “What is your name then, my child?”
He sits and the tip of one of his wings brushes against Ailzea’s hand. The tickle causes his fingers to twitch.
“My name is Cylion,” he finally answers as he crosses his legs. “Cylion Lefera.”
Both men speak in soft tones, but his words crash into Ailzea like a truck. Though his face would never betray him, anxiety takes root in his stomach.
Lefera is a name that he has not heard in quite some time. A part of him hoped he might never hear it again.
“Lefera.” He echoes.
“I want to know what you did to my father.”
Ailzea’s fingers twitch again.
“Your father.”
“I am certain that you are familiar with him.” There is frustration building in his tone as he comes face to face with the fact that he may just not have the right amount of patience for this interaction.
Ailzea nods slowly.
“So, what did you do to him?”
“Nothing worse than what he has done.”
“This is a non-answer.”
“I have killed and returned your father twice.”
Cylion’s wings twitch, he is already agitated. Ailzea thinks he looks even more like his ancestor when he wears his anger.
He says nothing.
“You’ve killed hundreds of trolls!” He raises his voice, but not by much, while exasperation flexes both sets of his wings. “That didn’t turn them into monsters that lose the functions of their body parts, that lose themselves in fits of rage!”
The fog that surrounds them begins to tinge an insidious purple color, the young priest seemingly manifesting the very same rage.
“My child, this is the first I am hearing of his deterioration. Though I am sorry that this is the case, I have nothing to do with it. I did nothing to your father,” Ailzea starts to explain as the world around them becomes consumed by the fog. He can barely see the troll a few feet in front of him. “But he was always a slave to his aggression.”
“This is not helpful.”
“I know.”
Cylion pinches the bridge of his nose and growls in frustration.
“I am sorry I could not be more helpful.”
Abruptly, Cylion stands and scoffs, much of him is now obscured by the fog.
“Perhaps we can talk about this in the waking world.”
“Not a chance.” He spits back with venom.
Ailzea nods his understanding.
“I will not be remembering this dream, will I?”
“Of course not.”
They make direct eye contact and Cylion is fully engulfed, only the blue light from his eye lingers behind.
Ailzea wakes with a start, but settles back into the bed, the weight of his children wrapped around him rooting him to it. A thick fog clings to his brain as he tries and fails to remember something important.
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not-pro-anathing · 1 year
TW-- ED - i am always pro-recovery. anyone who isn't, fucking leave.
- - - block, don't report - - -
these are just things that help me to stay as safe as possible and still see progress, and boundaries i put in place for myself to prevent permanent damage.
if you're new to ed or just considering it, DO NOT purge in the traditional sense. it's a really really slippery slope, and really consumes your life in a way that's so so difficult to recover from. if you're fighting difficult cravings or just need something that's higher calories, try putting it in your mouth and chewing it, then spitting it out and quickly eating something safe. your body produces the digestive chemicals when it senses you chewing, so if you don't eat anything after you spit, it can cause serious problems high restriction
high restriction days are actually really good for keeping your metabolism up. often time with fasting or severe prolonged restriction, your metabolism slows enough that there will be little to no progress. your body will do its job and try to prevent weight loss in order to keep you going, which is counterproductive to the fast in the first place. this isn't my comparison, but metabolism is like a fire. without any fuel, it will diminish and grow weaker and slow down. if you continue to deny it in such a harsh way (ie fasting) it'll fade to just hot coals, which when you then try to ignite with a log or even branches (ie eating), it will refuse to catch and grow again. if you instead let the fire eat up all of it's fuel and then just as it begins to drop give it enough to keep it going (higher calorie days or periods of time), it will continue to burn
hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. thirst is often mistaken for hunger. always carry around water or some other hydrating beverage, and consciously make an effort to drink more then you normal do. after a while, it'll be second nature, and your body will thank you
start doing calisthenics, especially if a full workout/ cardio routine is too overwhelming or exhausting. it still works your body and helps your joint strength, and contributes to toning and resilience without building muscle
eat as much as you want of low cal things, ESPECIALLY all natural ones like fruits and veggies. i find that the easiest way to curb my hunger or oral fixation is to literally grab a whole cucumber or celery stalk and some seasoning, and just go nuts. eating an entire pint of strawberries is not bad for you, especially if it's all you feel up to eating
TAKE VITAMINS. you do not want your hair, skin, teeth, nails, or organs to suffer the brunt of your weightloss. vitamins, supplements, and mineral substitutes are a great and simple way to keep your body as healthy as possible
find a place to talk about it if you can. eds can be really isolating, and having an anonymous blog (lmao me), online friends, trusted person, journal, or anyone else who would be a safe place to vent is really important
take care of yourself, and be compassionate. you're pushing your body really hard. if you need a bag of pretzels to get through studying for that physics test, fucking eat the pretzels. they won't ruin you. just make sure to stop after that one thing- it's only there to keep you going enough to do what you need to do. it's not the gateway to a binge
eat slowly and really be conscious about what you're putting in your body. ask yourself "do i really need this right now?" if the answer is unequivocally yes, fine. but usually the answer is a no or probably not. be sure that what you eat is necessary and the best choice for what your body needs
set off-limit times of the day to prevent binges (ie not eating after 8:00 pm or before 9:00 am)
remember: you are not alone, you are not undeserving of love or recovery, if you are here you are sick enough, no one is beyond help, and you are not defined by your weight. ever.
stay safe <33
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sunhatllama · 1 year
Hello, for chreon request: Sick Fic but the sick is a bioweapon 👉👈🥺 who gets got and the consequences are up to u <3 -leonisdumbasallhell🔪
HI @leonisdumbasallhell !! omg you're one of my favorite blogs. I love this premise so I made it quite a bit bigger than I was originally going to, so this is part 1! (I promise the sick part of this sickfic will come eventually LOL)
Rating: M
Contains: blood, strong language, description of injuries
Tags: Married Chreon, Infection, Major Character Injury
Word Count: 1556
Part 1/? | Next ->
Please Don't Leave Me (Part 1)
A Resident Evil fic request
"—eon. Where...you? Respond." 
The fuzzy masculine voice rang in his right ear. It was coming from his earpiece, he realized. Whoever they were sounded worried, but Leon was having a hard time forming coherent thoughts, much less forming words.
He was on the floor, stretched out on his side, and there was an ache in his chest that he was all too familiar with. He had some bruised—if not broken—ribs. Fuck. He groaned, forcing himself to open his eyes, and judging by the way his vision swam, he knew he probably had a concussion.
He looked around and was treated with a blurry sight of the ceiling, ropes and hooks hanging from dark beams. He could hear water lapping against a shoreline and the occasional thump of wooden boats hitting the dock.
"Leon! Please respond, baby," the voice called again, this time more clear, but also louder, and Leon tried not to wince at the volume.
"...what?" Leon replied, pushing himself into a sitting position, swallowing against the nausea building in his throat. The world was spinning and it took everything in him not to fall back to the floor. There was also a strange pulsing in the veins in his arms that he swore was familiar. Looking down, he noticed that there were dark lines streaming down his forearms in a web-like pattern. Infection. He was infected. Part of him knew he should have been worried, but he couldn't find it in himself to care.
"Where are you? You were supposed to be at the rendezvous point 30 minutes ago," a woman spoke, and Leon strained his mind, finally remembering her name. It was Rebecca, how could he have forgotten?
He thought he should answer her question before they yelled again. "Hit my head. By the docks. Might be infected." Each word sent a piercing pain through his skull and he swallowed the rising bile. God, he hated getting hit in the head.
There was a slew of swear words that Leon couldn't distinguish, then a shaky forced breath. "I'm coming for you." That was Chris. Chris was coming. He must have been who was talking to him earlier.
"Keep him talking, he probably has a concussion," Rebecca said, voice wavering slightly. "I'll get the vaccine ready."
"Alright," Chris said, then switched his attention. "Leon?" His voice was soft and Leon let out a sigh of relief. His husband would make everything better. "What can you see from where you are? I need to be able to find you."
Leon tried to focus again, this time putting more effort into it. Chris asked him, so he would try his best. Squinting, his sight realigned and he searched his environment for anything Chris could recognize. The first thing he saw was a pretty big rock from out the window of the building.
"...a boulder."
"A boulder? Okay, good. Anything else, sweetie? Doesn't have to be big."
Leon groaned, letting himself fall back onto the wet floorboards, a musty mist erupting at the impact. He could see blood pooling out of the corner of his eye, the crimson puddle growing the longer he lay. His skin felt like it was on fire and he could feel sweat budding across his hairline and neck, probably mixing with the blood coating his skin. There was a lot of it. Shit. "Hooks," he exhaled, answering Chris's question.
"Okay I think I know where you are," he replied, a little breathless, the earpiece stuttering slightly. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"Hot. Tired." He wasn't feeling very good, his vision turning dark at the edges. He didn’t know if Chris replied, but he couldn’t discern any words over the roaring in his head. 
A flurry of heavy footsteps came from his right side and he closed his eyes, the rumbling sending a wave of pain through his head. "Leon!" Chris yelled, this time voice clear and nearly booming, the words echoing against the waves.
Leon tried to turn towards the man, head rolling, but the movement made his vision whiten. "Chris," he whined.
The man kneeled at his side and Leon gasped for breath. It was getting harder to breathe and his chest felt heavy. 
"Don't worry, I've got you." In an instant, Leon was lifted off the ground and into his arms and Leon yelped, falling limp, eyes closing. "Stay awake. Please, Leon. C'mon, stay with me."
Leon lost track of time, his mind swimming with every sway of Chris's body, but never entirely falling unconscious, as much as he wished to do so. The man's chest rumbled, the vibrations deep and comforting. The familiar scent of gunpowder, sweat, leather, and something uniquely Chris overwhelmed him and he relaxed even further. A sharp voice came at him and he whined, trying to open his eyes, lids fluttering. A stab to his neck sent him recoiling and he pressed further into his husband’s chest with a cry.
As if a veil had been lifted, some of his pain went away and he finally felt like he could breathe again, a numbness in his limbs he didn’t realize was there dissipating in an instant, a flush of fluid rushing to the tips of his fingers. He gasped, gulping in air now that it was easier.
"That was the vaccine, Leon. You awake?" That was Rebecca.
Leon groaned, opening his eyes more easily than before, seeing Rebecca and Chris in his field of view, blurry faces focusing. "...huh?"
"There you are." Chris's chest rumbled again. The man looked down at him with unmasked relief, holding Leon tightly. He smiled, but his eyes were glassy. 
“Hi,” he said, trying to smile, but he didn’t think he succeeded, for Chris frowned the moment he tried.
The man turned to Rebecca, voice wavering for a moment. “Why are his veins still black?”
The words should have worried him, and a part of his brain was sending off alarm bells, but he ignored it. He strained to look at his arms, seeing they were still darker than normal.
“I’m not sure—he should be fine after the vaccine. Doesn’t he have T-Virus immunity and Plaga antibodies?” Leon was annoyed that they were talking about him like he wasn’t there.
“Yes, he does. Shouldn’t that be helping him?”
“I think it is. If this is a mutated form of the virus, the vaccine might not be as effective. I will have to test his blood to be sure. Let’s hurry back to the helicopter before he gets worse. I can check over his other injuries on the ride back.”
“C’n I’sleep?” Leon slurred, feeling a wave of exhaustion come over him. He wanted nothing more than to pass out for a week, waiting for the pain to stop. 
Chris looked down at him, squeezing him tighter, an air of alarm radiating from his expression. “No, not yet, baby. Rebecca has to check out that concussion of yours first.”
Leon whined but forced his eyes open a little more, trying to stay awake for Chris. Their pace seemed to speed up and his body started rocking more frequently. His head was going fuzzy again. “Tired, Chr’s.”
“I know, I know,” he murmured, voice wavering with emotion. “Can you try your best for me? We’re almost there.”
The next time Leon was aware, they were maneuvering him into the helicopter and onto a stretcher. He panicked, losing contact with Chris, and tried to struggle against the hands on his body. Chris. Chris. Where was Chris? He felt a sob beginning to build before a hand grasped his in a tight grip.
“I’m here Lee, we just need to get you secured before we fly.”
All of Leon’s energy left in an instant, heaving out a shaky breath. Chris was there. Everything would be okay. He shut his eyes, brow furrowing at the spike of pain in his head.
Soft fingers pried open each of his eyelids and shined a light straight to his retinas. It shocked him, but all he could do was whine and try to turn his head in futile.
A voice from far away spoke. “Pupils… dilated.”
Chris squeezed his hand again. “You’re…great, baby.” Leon could barely hear the words, but they comforted him all the same, and he took a calming breath.
Someone was bandaging his head and arm, something he didn’t know was injured. He supposed that could have been where he was infected. The pressure on his wounds made his back arch as he tried to get away, crying out before gasping for breath. The pressure on his hand tightened and he forced himself to focus on the touch. Leon wanted nothing more than to pass out and not have to deal with this pain, but Chris asked him to try, and he always tried for his husband. Words were passed between the people around him, but he couldn’t catch them all, recognizing, “Infection,” “Concussion,” and “Sick”. 
The helicopter blades started to spin and a roaring pierced his ears. He yelped, trying to lift his arms to cover the reverberating sound. Hands grabbed his head gently and surprisingly moved to cover Leon’s ears for him, and he melted at the touch, deflating as the deafening roar lessened. 
Before he could thank whoever was helping, another stab in his neck sent him careening into blessed unconsciousness.
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transfloridaresources · 4 months
Hey, I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for making this blog. It means more than I could possibly tell you to see support that isn't just "move out", because so many of us just simply can't, or even if we can we don't want to. I shouldn't be expected to uproot my entire life because of other people's bigotry.
Things are getting worse here, and I'm scared. My mom told the doctor that my period was normal last time we went to the doctor, and refused to elaborate. She said that she didn't want specific information about my cycle on file, in case I went on puberty blockers for any reason. My school canceled the Scholastic book fair, because it's a charter school and they were scared of getting on DeSantis' radar. There's uncertainty over if we'll have a psychology course back by the time I reach the age to take it.
Even on a less political front, gay and trans are making a massive resurgence in terms used for bullying. I'm clinging on to my silly little microlabels like a lifeline, because even though it hurts to know that nobody outside of our community is going to know about them, at least that means they aren't going to be slung back in my face like a bullet.
It's really scary, and seeing how people are actually making efforts to combat this means more than you could ever know. It gives me hope that I can stick it out, and make my state a place where the kids younger than me can grow up safely and happily. Seeing adults openly wearing pride pins even in the midst of everything makes me feel safer with them than can be put into words. I hope that by the time I'm an adult and have control over my own life I can be that person for someone, but I also really hope I can help make it a world where that's not needed. And seeing that there's people here that care about us gives me hope that we can accomplish that.
Much love, a queer kid living in central Florida <3
Hello there, wonderful anon & thank you so much for reaching out 🫂💖 It is so meaningful to hear things like this and I'm so grateful that you took the time to write this message. I know so much seems bleak rn, but your message made me think about the world I grew up in when I was a kid / teen. I didn't even really know trans people existed. Queer people barely existed, either. There was no mainstream celebrity for any of those identities and social media didn't exist. I know it feels absolutely terrifying to see this happening now and wondering where you'll go and what life you'll have, but trust me - we'll always be here. We're targeted so much now because people are afraid of change and because these systems of oppression need a constant mark to aim hatred at in order to function. But we're louder than ever now and there's people like you who exist now who are aware of our existences and aware of themselves more than we ever used to have. That's powerful. That gives me hope for the future. YOU give me hope for the future. I look at you the same as you look at us who are older and you inspire me as well. I know this is painful and I know you're scared but know that you're not alone and you never will be. Remember that even if certain laws are passed and attempts to silence information and truth occur - there are still always ways to access that information and keep it alive. These TFR accounts look to BIPOC lives because those are the groups already living under so much oppression who can teach the most about persistence and resilience. Read about other social movements, look to past leaders, look to current events like the people in Gaza right now. Even through tragedy, the spirit of resilience remains. It's still possible to find happiness and fulfillment and build a life somehow. We are not at the mercy of any of this, we just need to learn how to best adapt & keep moving. It's not easy and it's not fair but it is doable. You will have a beautiful life and trans people will always exist. We are still thriving here. Florida (& the south in general) will always have a strong LGBT community no matter what. Let me drop a few links for you or anyone who might need them. CampOUT Florida is a week long summer camp in July for LGBT youth, located around Ocala. Queer Expression St. Pete finally got a permanent home & routinely offers a safe space for LGBT families & youth, especially. If you are struggling and need someone to talk to, Trans Lifeline and Thrive Lifeline both offer peer to peer support (meaning anyone on the other side is also LGBT and/or other identities as well) & also will not involve police / involuntary psych holds. They have a variety of options to communicate with them for support & Thrive even has a trans discord server for anyone 16+! We are also working on a discord server for trans Floridians, which should be available soon, and will have a dedicated channel for teens only (with support as needed from queer & trans adult moderators from a variety of racial backgrounds & who have professional experience working with children / youth). These are just a few things that exist as well. More and more are out there and will also soon be created in the face of increasing pressure on our community. We keep us safe 💖 You are loved, you have value, you have community, you have family, you have a future!
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skykashi · 1 year
Hi! I really like how much effort you put into pulling canon examples to illustrate points on your blog. I also really love how much enthusiasm you have for best guy Kakashi! On the other hand, constantly ragging on folks for deviating from canon is exhausting.
For example, I know Kakashi/Gai/Obito have the same build. MOST Naruto characters have the same build. I personally don't find the same-y builds fun or interesting, so I like to change it up. It's a personal choice, I know it's not canon (though I'm just as happy to see canon Kakashi as any AU Kakashi), so you *really* don't need to constantly say "fandom take note, X isn't canon". Either we know and we consciously choose to deviate or we don't but you've already perfectly illustrated your point with screenshots, so underlining it with a statement like that comes off as belittling at best-- even if you mean it as friendly ribbing.
I say all this because I genuinely don't think that you're ragging others on purpose. I do think it's an expression of friendly frustration that isn't landing the way you intend. At the end of the day, though, I don't follow you for what fandom thinks, I follow you for what YOU think. I follow to hear the ways YOU love Kakashi. The posts I enjoy most reflect this-- the ones where it's all "this is why I love Kakashi" and not "fandom is wrong for loving Kakashi X way".
Thank you for your amazing work and sorry for the unsolicited ask
First of all, I was really having a hard time answering this ask because you seem like a really nice person and I don't want my answer to seem harsh or upset you in any way, I literally just kept typing things and then deleting them so believe me, this is the nicest way I found to explain my thoughts.
Second, speaking my mind in my own blog is not ragging on ppl, I've never once replied to those fan works with anything negative, I always just scroll past it and then go vent with my friends about it.
Third, when ppl just can't accept a mlm ship without completely changing one of them to make him fit into the wife role because they can't see beyond an extremely heteronormative view then I have to keep reminding the fandom. When ppl can't accept a ship of 2 equal partners and have to change them to make one the stronger masculine one and the other the helpless feminine one then I have to keep reminding the fandom. When I bump into so many ppl who genuinely believe those fanarts and fanfics because it's been years since they watched/read Naruto and everything they see now is this type of content that they no longer remember the real Kakashi anymore then I have to keep reminding the fandom. When this is really effecting ppl's views of Kakashi to the point that I keep seeing ppl saying that he's so weak and small and helpless that he can't even lift the sword that he literally wielded like a total boss with ease in canon then I have to keep reminding the fandom... You have no idea how many ppl I met who really genuinely thought that Gai and Obito are really twice as big as Kakashi and when I told them "actually no, that's just fanon, they are actually the same built in canon" they didn't believe me at first until they went and looked it up themselves, and that's just the ppl that I spoke to, there are thousands of others who really don't know. You are really underestimating how fan contents affects ppl's views, for example, the majority of the fandom thinks that Kakashi was a useless Hokage just because of that old "blow up the moon" meme that never actually happened, on the contrary he's the one who STOPPED the Raikage from blowing up the moon, no one even remembers all of the great things Kakashi did as a Hokage and only remembers that meme that was the opposite of the truth. I keep reminding the fandom because when content creators do stuff like that "for fun" they don't make it clear that they changed stuff and that's not actually how it is, the misconceptions this type of fan work creates is so much bigger than you think and unfortunately it's unrepairable, even my constant friendly reminders aren't going to correct it but I still do it out of frustration first and hope that at least someone might see it and know how it actually is, because I joined this fandom when Naruto ended to keep sharing my love for Kakashi with other fans who loves him too but most of my days in this fandom, I really miss Kakashi because I can hardly find him anymore between the endless Kakashi slander and hate for things that isn't even true, the misconceptions and the way ppl change him so much that he stops being him anymore. I'm here because I want to see the Kakashi that I fell in love with not someone else's OC committing identity fraud! It's not Kakashi anymore if we're going to change everything that makes him, him!
On the other hand, you have no idea how wrong it is that ppl just can't accept a ship where both partners are equal without one of them having to be smaller and weaker or it won't be "fun", it wouldn't have been an issue at all if that's how they originally are but for ppl to change them because "it's boring" for 2 equal ppl wether in their size or strength to be together that's when it's not fine, it's 2023 and yet ppl are still not able to get over the idea that couples can't work without looking like a wife and a husband, they can't both look like men or it won't be "fun", there's a difference between having your own art style which is actually fun, and deliberately changing the designs of 2 characters who have the same built to make one of them twice as big as the other and it's even 100x worse when they change their skin color too on top of everything else, I don't think I need to explain this one.. like man, if you have a size kink then why not ship 2 characters who canonically has a size difference instead of doing this, there are plenty of characters who have size differences like, Itachi and Kisame, or Kisame and Gai or Kakashi and Ibiki or Jiraiya and Sakumo or Sasuke and Jūgo... Etc.
In the end, I'm sorry if any of what I said seemed harsh in any way, that was not my intention, and there's nothing wrong about expressing myself on my own blog because even tho I strongly disagree with that type of content, I never go to artists blogs to force my opinions on them, instead, I block the tags that can prevent me from seeing the things that I dislike as much as possible and express myself in my own space in my own blog so I can at least remind someone of the real Kakashi that the majority of the fandom seems to not remember anymore because that's the Kakashi I fell in love with and I joined the fandom for, and give him some of the love and credit he deserves but hardly is getting nowadays.
Last but not least, from now on, I'll be tagging any post where I'm complaining about the fandom as "#fandom bs" to make it easier for anyone who gets tired of my complaining to just block this tag.
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hey there! my name is nura from canada and im very happy to have come across your blog! i used to casually watch ipkknd with my mom when it first aired more than 10 yrs ago but i didn't remember anything besides the leads so now im watching it all over again and im HOOKED. im glad that there is a fandom for the show, i would've hated feeling so alone in my love for this show.
i was going thru your posts and i noticed in one recent ask you had answered smth along the lines of the general disinterest of the cast for the show and i think their unwillingness to do anything more with the show. can you pls elaborate a little on this as i have no idea what this show was like behind the scenes. i apologize in advance in case i am misinterpreting your answer!
thank you and i can't wait to dive deeper into your blog and possibly bug you even more as i continue my rewatch 💙💙
- nura
Hello fellow Canadian :)
I am so glad you're enjoying watching IPKKND!!! Fandom makes things memorable for everyone :) I've met some of my closest friends due to this show and it's so exciting to chat up about everything you liked about it!!!
Oh don't worry, the cast is actually the best friends off screen. Barun (Arnav), Sanaya (Khushi) and I think Akshay (Akash) even live in the same building! And they all (which includes Daljeet [Anjali], Abhaas [Shyam] and the writer Gautam) often keep hanging out with each other and going on trips together!
The show was also amazing off screen, you'd roll off your bed laughing at their chaotic behind the screen interviews.
Interviewer asks about why Khushi wants to leave post Arnav telling her she's the biggest mistake of his life scene:
Sanaya: Oh nothing, you see my husband has some gas issues.
Barun (yawning and laughing): Haan I have gas.
Sanaya: Exactly, so I need to take a break from this.
But yeah Barun himself quit the show (thank God) because he (accurately) didn't see where the show was going and why he needed to be a part of it. Also the cast in general, especially the leads aren't invested in simply seeing IPK again on screen. Which, understandable. A lot of writing and effort went into making IPK in the first place - to simply see it again as a cash grab (which they did with Ek Jashn) doesn't seem like reason enough. Also Sanaya and Barun have made it very very clear that they really aren't into daily soaps and would much prefer to be in limited series and they're both beyond what IPK is.
Barun has consciously chosen characters that are non romantic in nature to shed off the 'romance' projects. Which is a bit of a shame because few people sell romance the way he does! Sanaya is chilling. Lol she always is.
It's nothing bad, it's just that naturally they're probably not as attached to the show as much as the fans are because tbh, how famous or a classic IPK is was understood some time after the show ended as opposed to when it ran.
It's not like they don't like the show - of course they do granted that it put a few of them on the map, it was a different show and they found great friends out of it - but there actually doesn't seem to be any active engagement regarding the show.
Some examples of when you can see the cast being devoted to their shows like their fans would include the cast of Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai (there was a cute insta reel a few months ago of all of them singing the title song of the show) or Arjun Bijlani from Miley Jab Hum Tum - dude genuinely loves his show so much that when he's clean shaven he posts on Insta that it's #Mayank (which was his character's name).
And it's not a bad thing, it's just that the actors aren't invested in the show they did ten years ago - which happens. In several interviews Barun has little comments on Arnav, he has more of a critical analysis why IPK was different and the writing of the show (he's more inclined to writing in general). And Sanaya also has very little to say about Khushi apart from it being similar to her so she had fun playing it. I think in the recent most interviews where they had questions regarding 'what would their character do' currently or were asked to behave like their characters - they were both a little lost on what to do and had nothing apart from a few funny comments.
Which, again, isn't a bad thing at all.
In fact it probably tells what a big role the writer and director play in fleshing out these characters! Gautam Hegde (the writer) still waxes some of the most beautiful lines about IPKKND.
And if anything the Rewind showed that Barun gets ASR only if there's a purpose to it. And Sanaya can switch into Khushi when she's performing somewhere.
It can feel a bit bittersweet for a fan because a show means so much for a viewing experience. So I won't say that the cast is 'unwilling' - I'd say they're reluctant.
And that's different.
I don't think Barun and Sanaya would ever reprise Arnav and Khushi beyond an hour of shooting if there wasn't anything meaningful to it.
So keeping all this in mind I'm very happy not seeing IPK on screen because current Indian television landscape is terrible and if there's no actual purpose to bringing IPK on screen then what?
It'll just be a Season 3 of Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Rise Bhi or Season 2 of Pratigya!
And canonically Arnav and Khushi got their happily ever after and I'd love it to remain that way.
Lol this was a long answer!!!
Much love Nura,
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 3 months
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Do you need a hero during your darkest hours? No worries, no fear! For I am Daichi Pheon-X, a sorcerer who fights evil spirits with the flames of the Dark Pheonix within me. And Oh, this is my trusted partner, Eito! Nice to make your acquaintance!
A JJK OC blog focused on adventure, crack! and feel good rps.
Daichi & Eito,
For Mobile Readers who want to know about Daichi & Eito on Mobile. Click here.
Rules under read for mobile
No hate or drama – I don’t follow people who stir up either.
I usually follow back when it’s a fellow RP blog.
I do not rp smut with Minor RPERS ( That is illegal )
I don’t mind OCs or any fandom, but if it’s a fandom I don’t know about then I might send you an ask so you can help me fill in what the fandom’s about if it’s confusing. It will help us both! Or maybe surprise me!
As for OCs! I love OCS. After all, I am rping OC. That said, I don’t mind characters that seem like “sues”. So if you're a rper who is worried about your OC being 'sue', please let me up so I can help out. I believe as an artist and writer, RPers can help one another, especially when they’re new to the game! I think building an OC is a starting point, what they need is a journey. By 'journey' I mean by threads to see how your OC reacts with their surroundings. I believe it's a good way to build character development. OCs never stay what they are at the beginning. They grow. After all, OCs are like our babies.
That said, if I notice that you do not wish to develop well-balanced characters when getting feedback after several threads, I can’t follow you or RP with you any longer if it's not working.
Godmodding is not permitted. I won’t do it, so don’t please do it either. However, certain situations with an OP muse ( especially canon muses)  can be acceptable, but I would prefer to plot it out (especially in a fight scene) before your muse does anything to mine ( like who wins or loses or ending in a draw or the fight is interrupted).
As for the font sizes, I can change the font size to match your writing style in a thread if you wish. If my font or format is hard to read or the opposite, just ask!
I have some trouble with my grammar, but if we’re writing together, I invite you to correct it. Sometimes I get overly excited and write as fast as I think and even after double-checking, I might miss a few things like typos or grammatical errors. My apologies and please let me know if I have a typo or anything confusing, I make sure to fix it right away.
Please message me or inbox me if you have ideas for plotting. I love plotting threads and planning them.
If I made a mistake in the thread, or if the reply is at all confusing, please! Just PLEASE tell me in IM or ask and I can fix it! If there’s a need for any clarification, please ask me and I will answer right away.
I might not get to every one of my threads every single day. I am sorry for any delay, but I can’t write if I’m stuck and I can’t write if I’m pressured. I won’t pressure you, so please don’t pressure me. This should be fun, right?
I can create supporting characters or NPCs ( characters that are part of the story thread to move the plot along, like think of it as a mission or case.). If you need clarification, please hit me up.
I also draw my own icons! This includes Eito and Daichi/Kisho. Please, please, please do not take them without permission. I put a lot of effort into them.
Note: if I unfollow you which is HIGHLY unlikely for me to do so….please assume it’s a Tumblr glitch or misclick on mobile  ( like I misclick the follow button when I want to click on the ask button and then follow you back which is a likely cause ) which does happen. It happened to me a few times and to others as well. If I plan to unfollow you, I will let you know on IM or which is why our writing doesn’t click. Because of this, if you unfollow me whether I unfollow you first or not ( and I don’t remember that happening.) I will send you an ask to confirm if it’s a Tumblr glitch. If that is not the case, please ignore the ask and I will understand thinking it’s a softblock and I will move on after a week of waiting. 
Interacting with Daichi/Kisho
I love fighting and serious rp, as well as crack! So I’m flexible!
I have no qualms about writing problematic and dark themes. I mean this is JJK, right? Shit happens!
I don’t mind RPing action, gore, dark or anything! (romance is rare)
Speaking of romance, romantic relationships are rare for me. If you request one, it needs chemistry and time between our muses ( a slow burn) especially if they have incredible dynamics. I don’t like when relationships between our muses don’t develop and go straight to romantic without any reason. I do not mind if your muse wants to date my muses but you must ask and it needs to have a good reason why though. I recommend a good story with a reasonable plot that can possibly build up a romantic relationship between them over time. That said, I have the right to disapprove if I feel if it doesn’t work out.
As for other ships, I mostly prefer platonic, rivalry, mentorship, friendship, enemies, frenemies, dependence, familial, sisterhood, brotherhood, and bonding. Again, romance is pretty rare for me but I’m not against it, it just needs development between our muses to get there. 
That said, I do not ship adults with minor muses in romance ships.
One more thing! You have  FULL permission for your muses to hit and discipline Daichi/Kisho, if he does something stupid or says the dumbest things. It is allowed and encouraged. Sometimes that guy needs a reality check and it’s a way to pull the reins on him if he does something crazy that is dangerous. So if your muse has the urge to smack him upside the head or bonk him because he does or says something stupid, please feel free. 
I think that’s all for now! If there is something that is not in the rules that you need to ask or have concerns about. Please let me know.
With that said, thank you so much for reading the rules! I appreciate it and so let's have some fun!
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mistycreeper · 1 year
i think i misunderstood your message and sent my matchup request to the wrong blog 🧍 so here it is again!
may i get a romantic overwatch matchup please? any gender is fine, but i prefer characters 25+
im 5'3 and nonbinary
I'm very shy and reserved at first but once i open up im very friendly and warm and a huge dork. im creative and i like to make things for people, whether its sewing or crocheting or drawing etc.
im easily flustered by anything flirty. im a good listener and i value communication greatly. i cry easily bc im sensitive and i struggle with emotional dysregulation. im a very caring person and can sometimes overdo it trying to be there for everyone. im also very stubborn, especially when someone either tries to make me do something i don't want to do, or says i can't do something. i have anxiety and often wake up at weird hours of the morning bc of it.
Hrmm...in my humble opinion, I match you with:
☆ Reinhardt! ~ ☆.。.:・°☆.。.:・°☆.
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[ Want one too? See here: (insert link to post ill make later) ]
(Warning: Long 'Keep Reading')
(Warning: Angst)
TLDR: He's anxious and caring too. You build each other up, and he especially nurtures you/ see last paragraph
It could go a number of ways. It was a bit of rummaging to find the right one, but if you like Rein I think it'd work out pretty good!
I can imagine you working in Overwatch when it got big in a teensy assistive position, occasionally bumping into the fabled heroes, usually for professional reasons.
And dear god, it was terrifying. That looming itching feeling of social pressure as you have to talk to them. At a work party Tracer had made an effort to try and talk to you, which kind of worked- you quietly babbled back and forth but the atmosphere with so many strangers was just kind of overwhelming. Cassidy had teased you, both simultaneously putting a blush on your face and a bubbling feeling of frustration. You wanted to prove his smug face wrong.
And you did. You were out of your shell, one way or another, and spiralled down this one-sided? Requited? God, who-knows - situation-ship with Cass that did you more harm than good. It was nice for a while, colourful, passionate, but fickle. The verbal equivalent of scraping at a smooth wall in your effort to help him as he slipped into Blackwatch. His ever-waning attention to your beautifully crafted gifts; his ignorance.
However, during that time you did meet the heroes personally. You caught Reinhardt's attention particularly. You were amazing! He'd look over your shoulder in awe in what you were making for Cassidy, spouting words of encouragement, saying something about how you should teach him so he could crochet for Ana and Fareeha. When someone dared you couldn't take your turn arm wrestling Rein, you did, and won! Crazy strength, right? Just kidding, he let you win. When you complained, you stayed up as everyone trickled out continually trying to beat him. It was very comical sight; opponents crouched over a table, one 2ft bigger than the other. When you were shy, he would offer a hand on your back as you entered the new thing together instead of alone. Reinhardt was always very clear with his emotions, which was quite grounding and you started to unintentionally imitate him a bit. You'd had your bubbly, loud conversations, but when Ana and Cass had left (and during Cass' stupid antics)- they sometimes became more quiet, and solemn. Seeing him awake too at ungodly hours of the night-morning, you had reached out to him in worry despite your state. The two of you had exchanged woes carefully and ending up in streaming tears in both sides, both of anguish and relief, ending in an all-encompassing hug underneath the cloudy night sky of Gibraltar. It was hard not to rely on him, because he wholeheartedly let you.
And that's it. Overwatch was...over? You remember that last day as your co-workers began to pack on to company helicraft to go back home from Gibraltar. Looking at Rein through the crowd, distraught. Ana was missing. You had sincerely guaranteed you would stay in touch until press had died down. With a tugging heartstring you returned home.
Looking at your comms device your stomach churned over Reinhardt's contact, finger hovering over the screen. What if he'd forgotten? Does he still want to speak? Is it saf- your thoughts cut off as the device lit up. A video call from Reinhardt. It was an initial image of a confused old man before he saw you, and his holographic face lit up. He corrected himself, asking of your safety, and if you are free to talk, etcetera. When you dizzily but enthusiastically agreed, he jumped back into over joyous questions, compliments and jokes. In this time apart, you would chat now and again. How Brigitte was; your latest projects; if you couldn't fall asleep or you woke up too early... It was nice during a time of ever-growing political tension.
Eventually, you were invited to visit for the holidays. As soon as you stepped off the hoverbus Reinhardt was there, asking you before scooping you up in a hearty hug and laugh. You'd missed that. As he gushed about his hometown you couldn't help but look over. He was overflowing with joviality- but weathered, more than before. An added sense of maturity and intelligence. You understood. And, it looked quite handsome on him. Not to mention the juxtaposition of his parental looking cardigan against his massive scar-strewn form.
This odd kind of new..adoration began to weasel its way into otherwise familiar interactions from back in Overwatch. Becoming more familiar with his bouts of depression, (Ana's death, all his friends disappearances...) consolations especially became more tender and intimate in the quiet hours of the Lindholm household or out on the green hills. Sometimes you'd wake up at a horribly early time, and going down the stairs you would find Reinhardt carefully cooking. Anxiety wake-ups didn't seem as bad anymore- actually, they became less frequent as you would just exist together into the night, sometimes even cuddle. Sometimes Torbjörn would shout and make you cry, leading to Brig and Rein to scold him and then comfort you, Reinhardt more calmly. You'd go grocery and material shopping (for Brig) together. Reinhardt would ever so subtly wince at loud metallic noises, and you would hold his hand. You'd take over for Brig in tending his wounds when he tried to 'stay in shape'. You weren't trying to be an opportunist, but god his body was pretty too. Maybe you paused a little too long, because in-between a pained grunt he chuckled. This confused you, as minute as it was, but it wasn't long before he began gently dropping more smart-mouthed compliments and half-jokes in a lower tone than normal. One night that you had stayed up late together he had pulled you aside. With the same sincerity and nervousness of when he had initially contacted you post-Overwatch; and the same cloudy night sky, he articulately confessed his growing romantic feelings for you.
If you reciprocate? He is overjoyed to a silent smile, forehead bumping against yours as he offers a calloused hand to rest on your cheek. He eventually looks through to you, a small smug smile as he articulates something cheesy but tender. Boundaries and expectations are shared, and it's pretty easy to trust each other. You have your own business to attend to, but when you do meet, it is loud and beautiful. Boisterous, passionate holidays and days together. He remembers what you taught him, and presents to you a bad crocheted..blanket (?) as big as his hand that he's proudly holding it with. You slam the table harder than him as you're so close to winning a stupid family board game against him. He princess carries you often just-cause. Quiet and meaningful talks as he holds on to your every word.
It's nice.
--------------------------------------------------BTS ↴
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