#but then hellborns could give birth to more hellborns
eleajay · 3 months
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Lucifer as Pink Diamond!
Yep that’s what this is!
There’s this fic on AO3 that I came across, had something along the lines of “Lucifer could be the youngest seraphim back when he was still in heaven, and because of that nobody takes him seriously and treats him like a perpetual child, kinda like Pink Diamond in Steven Universe”
And I thought, wow that actually kinda fits! So here’s this pic I drew lol
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unproductive-peanut · 3 months
Blitzø’s Buttons
Blitzø’s Buttons:  
I have discussed this before, but I am obsessed with the implications of the emergency buttons under Blitzø’s desk:  
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More coffee  
Not really an emergency, but it's giving the millennial “Don’t talk to me until I have had my coffee” vibes. He is the right age...  
Soiled my pants  
How many times has this occurred for it to be its own whole button? Maybe he bought the thing with 7 spots and just needed to fill them? Soiled pants are for sure a button worthy emergency but hopefully not a common one 
Horny Client  
Again, how often does this happen? Does this button mean come rescue me or don't bother me I’m busy? Knowing Blitzø’s promiscuity, it could be either 
Deranged Client  
Yea, I am sure this one happens a lot  
Client Giving Birth  
This one has crazy implications. Can sinners give birth? I was always under the assumption that sinners had the least amount of autonomy; can't leave the pride ring, don't age, and assumedly can't procreate but maybe this proves that wrong? Or (and more likely in my opinion) IMP used to kill in hell before they got the book. If they did service demons before expanding to Earth, a client giving birth is a lot more possible   
What is a ghost to a soul in hell??? A ghost is traditionally the soul/spirit of a dead person without physical form. The sinner souls that come from Earth are given a new physical form. Can they lose that and become a loose, body-less soul? Aka a ghost? If so, how does that happen?
Or is it a hellborn’s soul? Do hellborns even have souls? I don’t think we have seen an examples in either Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel where a hellborn sold their soul or has died. (unsure if Charlie counts because her lineage is half cast-down human/ half angel) Supposedly, sinners respawn when killed (unless it's with angelic weapons) but what happens to hellborns when they die?  
How often does a ghost come to haunt Blitzø? Honestly, he has pissed off enough people, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a common emergency.  
A future episode is supposedly called Ghostfuckers so maybe we will find out more 
Maybe this was before Stolas found out about the book? Even if not, based on how Stolas behaved in the pilot episode, this button seems appropriate. Even in the first episode, Stolas seems to call and just spill his horny guts. Emergency button deserved, horny jail 
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sylveon-official · 3 months
Huskerdust mpreg wip 3
Part 2 here!
Lucifer chews on the finger of his glove as he mumbles, looking back and forth between Angel perched on the bed and the ultrasound pictures in his hand. Charlie sits beside him in an unwavering show of support, but the nervous shake of her hand clasped in his isn’t really helping.
“Ohhh. Mmm, okay, I see. Oh boy… again?” 
“Again?” Angel and Charlie cry out, shooting worried looks at one another.
“What the fuck do you mean again? This happen often? Isn’t not being able to get knocked up supposed to be, like, divine punishment around here?!”
Of course, Angel had always considered that logic a bit backwards, especially with his profession. He had no idea how demon biology really worked, but he’d seen enough visibly pregnant Hellborns of myriad genders in his time in Hell to be secretly grateful he’d never had to worry about it. Well, until now.
“Well, yes…” Lucifer scratches the side of his cheek, gaze nervously flitting from side to side. “But, you see, from time to time we have experienced… let’s call them… little miracles, here in the Pride Circle!”
Angel scoffs, about to reply with scathing comment about the contradiction when Charlie places a steady hand on his shoulder and gently cuts in, “When is the last time this happened, Dad?”
Lucifer blows out a breath, and tuts his tongue as he counts on his fingers. “Oh, maybe 1000 years ago? Give or take. Doesn’t happen so often, could probably count the amount of times it has on two hands, but —?”
Angel groans. Lucifer or not, this guy has a way of beating around the bush that Angel sure doesn’t appreciate. 
“Come on, cut to the chase shortstack - Why?” Angel asks, exasperated. 
Charlie reprimands him lightly with a gasp of his name while Lucifer zeroes in on him with a narrow glare.
“I’m going to chalk that one up to hormones, and let that one slide.” 
When Angel simply shoots him a dull look, Lucifer quickly gathers up his broken ego and carries on, this time in a more serious tone, “Listen, I wish I had an answer for you kid, but… I’ve never really been able to figure it out myself.”
Angel quickly deflates, sudden heat building up behind his eyes again. Great. Not only is he the first pregnant Sinner Demon in a Millenia, but he doesn’t even get an explanation?
Apparently sensing his downturn in mood, Charlie squeezes Angel’s hand and pries further, “Dad, if this has happened more than once, there has to be something you know. Even a just a theory?”
Lucifer hesitates, fiddling with his cane. “Well… there is one I’ve considered, but… don’t put too much stock into it,” he explains defensively, and Angel looks back up at him, tentatively intrigued.
“So, you know how conception happens… up there, right?” Lucifer cups his hand around his mouth and whispers conspiratorially.
Angel furrows his brows. “No, how the fuck should I-”
“Oh, um!” Charlie cuts in, her own brow furrowed in thought. “Something about ‘built-in’ birth control, right? You and your partner will only conceive if it’s something you both long for. So romantic!” She swoons, pressing her cheek against Angel’s shoulder. She quickly rights herself to add to her father’s assessment, “So if that’s how it works with Redeemed Souls, then maybe… maybe it doesn’t matter whether you’re in Heaven or Hell, since now we know that’s a total crapshoot… maybe it has to do with the goodness inside of the soul itself!”
Angel’s eyes narrow as he parses the words in his head, refusing to acknowledge the latter half of Charlie’s rambling. 
“So lemme get this straight… you’re tellin’ me, this is literally some ‘when two people love each other very much’ kinda bull shit?! Who the fuck would I—” 
Angel’s voice gets stuck in his throat as a very clear image of of the potential culprit poofs into his mind's eye. 
Luckily, Lucifer and Charlie take his short-circuiting as general shock. Charlie coos and pulls him close while Lucifer backtracks, “Like I said, it’s just a theory - I’ve got no proof to back it up. For all I know, this is the Big Whatever Upstairs’ way of fuckin’ with us—”
Angel stands up, ignoring the way Lucifer flinches as he towers over him and Charlie face-plants onto the bed without his support.
“I gotta go,” Angel says, balling his hands up into fists, nails digging into his palms uncomfortably. 
He swipes the photos from off of his desk, throws open the door and briskly walks down the hallway, Charlie’s worried shouts falling on deaf ears.
He takes the stairs to the lobby two by two, picking up his pace so he doesn’t lose his nerve by the time he reaches his destination. 
When he stalks up to the bar, heart pounding and out of breath, Husk simply glances up from the glass he’s polishing and plasters on a teasing, lopsided grin, just like he's done every time Angel has stormed up to his bar at any and all hours of the day and night. 
Husk cocks his head and lifts a brow, the deep timbre vibrating across the walls, “Wanna talk about it, Legs?”
Angel’s heart thumps and his cheeks flood with heat.
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glorismorningstar · 1 month
Pairing: Vox x fem!angel!reader
Summary: Now that little Pixel is born, you and Vox raise her thanks to a deal with Heaven and lots of chaos.
A/N: this is part two of PREGNANT, thank you sm for the request anon! Idk if it's the same one that asked for the first part but if it is I hope you like it <3
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VOX tends to get home late, so you usually spend the day with Pixel until he comes back
At the end of his work day, he greets his daughter like she's the most precious thing in the world
Because she is
And because she came out of the second most precious thing in the world
You see him with Pixel in his lap, her little screen staring at his bigger one and babbling something unintelligible
It almost makes you cry tears of joy
Vox normally struggles to be soft around others
Well, not exactly struggles as chooses not to, because he has a reputation to maintain
But when it comes to his family he'll do anything and everything to protect them
You notice that he seems much more himself around you and Pixel
Not that you're complaining, of course
You love this vulnerable side of him more than the eccentric, manipulative businessman he purports to be
Although if you mention it to him, he'd likely deny it
Still hellbent on keeping you away from Valentino
As a friend he's great, sure, but his filthy habits near his newborn daughter and the mother of the aforementioned daughter do not sit right with him
You're wary of keeping Velvette on babysitting duty, although Vox convinces you to try it once
Not the worst babysitting shift in the history of the world, which surprised you greatly
After you gave birth, Vox moved you and Pixel to another house to separate his family from his work life
He deems it to be safer
And he would be completely correct
That's why when Alastor returns, he flips out
He's afraid of losing you and his little Pixie to that smiling freak
And if he loses everything he's worked for, how will he support his family?
Honestly, you have no qualms about his borderline homoerotic obsession with Alastor
Of all the flaws he has, that might not be number one
And he could do much worse, in your opinion
As long as he doesn't act on it, you're completely fine with it
It's true that you're an angel and he's a demon, a seraphim and an overlord no less
It makes you wonder why Sera would agree to let you keep the child and spend your maternity leave wherever you wish
Pixel is technically a hellborn, but she's the child of a blessed and a damned soul
You don't know how that would work
When she comes of age, she'll have her court case to decide her fate, since as a newborn child she's still of indeterminate morality
As hard as it would be, Vox would want her to live a blessed life
Therefore he lets you raise her to be a good person
You teach the little girl kindness, empathy, generosity and care
The sight is bittersweet for Vox
On the one hand, he's proud of seeing his own blood be a better person than he is
On the other hand, he'd miss Pixie being home at the end of every day and clinging to his leg like a vice
"My sweet girl. Thank God you're just a baby. Dad doesn't want to give you away, but he knows it's the right choice."
You hear him talk to her like that one night, and tears spill from your eyes as you overhear the conversation
It breaks your heart to see him suffer like this
To give up his own child in this way, you know full well that you wouldn't be able to if the roles were reversed
You freeze in place when a little babbling voice reaches your ears, while Vox grins so hard and his eyes glisten with tears for a brief moment
"That's right, sweetie... dad's here. Dad's here."
You sniffle softly and walk over to sit beside him, resting your head on his shoulder and stroking the top of Pixie's screen
"I can't believe it. Time flew by so fast."
"I know... suddenly I'm seeing her go off to school."
You giggle at that, kissing Vox on the cheek and running your thumb over the edge of his screen with a little sniffle
"Are you sure you're okay with me taking her to Heaven?"
Vox sighs, expression dropping from the joy of the moment as he pauses to word his reply properly
"Yeah. It's not easy, but it's what she deserves. It's the life I want her to have."
You wrap your arms around his neck when he says so, affectionately caressing the back of his screen
"I'm really sorry. I know I'd be flipping out if I were in your place."
"Oh, believe me, I am. I'm just doing a stunningly good job at covering it up."
You chuckle softly, nuzzling your nose on his screen
He laughs along with you and plants a sweet kiss on your lips, then holds both you and Pixie close to his chest
Soon Pixel grows into a pre-teen
She has already sprouted her wings and goes to school
Vox suggests that you let her go on her own, as she can fly and he has cameras everywhere
And he'd definitely maul to death anyone who tries to mess with his daughter
But you're still extremely on edge, insisting that even if he could know when she's in danger, there's no way either of you would get there in time to save her
So you drop her off and pick her up by flight every day
She doesn't like it very much, but somehow understands it's for her own good
It isn't until she's 14 that she finds out about the Radio Demon
She first overhears it while passing by Valentino's tower when she drops by the Headquarters one day and decides to ask Vox about it
"Yes, dear?"
"Who's Alastor?"
Vox is visibly aggravated
Electricity zaps across his antennae and racks his entire body as he struggles not to dig his clawed fingers in the table
"Ha, ha... where did you learn that name, Pixie?"
Pixel worries for his reaction, flinching back as she stutters out a soft, "I- I- I-"
"Lady Archangel Pixel of Pride and Kindness, tell me who told you about that freak right now!"
"I- I heard Uncle Val saying that name, and- and that he hears he's back...!"
Vox is seconds away from electrocuting the entire Pentagram
So today he's going to deal with explaining to his teenage daughter about some psychopath he used to know and is learning that he's back from his child
"Oh, no, because God forbid Valentino shut his mouth for once in his fucking life!"
He slams his fist on the table and buries his screen in his hands, resting his elbows on the table and attempting to take a few deep breaths
He looks up and sees his daughter's big eyes staring at him with concern
He must have scared her with his outburst
Vox frowns and gathers her in his arms, sighing as he plants a kiss on the top of her screen
"I'm sorry, Pixie, I'm sorry. Alastor used to be my partner."
Pixel looks to the side and back at him, blinking multiple times
This conversation just took quite the turn
"I'll probably regret this, but... partner as in...?"
"Business partner! Jesus Christ, Pixel!"
The young girl sighs in relief
Honestly, he couldn't blame her for jumping to that conclusion
Vox tells her about his partnership with Alastor, everything about what he's really like and what he could do to hurt them now
He knows she's mature enough to understand
"What I want you to do now is call your mother and ask her to come pick you up. Now."
"Now, Pixel."
Pixel hesitates, eyes flickering around with worry as she finally stared up at Vox
"Do you trust me?"
"...yes. Yes, I trust you."
"Then do as I say. Please."
She can tell something's off, her father has never acted this way before
The girl throws her arms around him, burying her face in his chest
Vox wipes the tears from her eyes and gives her a reassuring smile, holding her screen in his hands
"I love you, okay?"
"I love you, too, dad..."
He presses another kiss to her forehead and squeezes her tight
He's so terrified of letting her go, but he knows that he has to, for her own good
"Go over to aunt Velvette's and ask her to call your mother. Tell her to meet me here as soon as she can and we'll come get you."
Pixel is extremely apprehensive, but obliges either way
As she trots off to Velvette's tower, Vox gets footage of the Hazbin Hotel from Valentino
Meanwhile, you receive Velvette's call and fly over to the Headquarters as fast as possible
Vox clings to you and squeezes you tight, cupping your cheeks in his hands and looking into your eyes
"Ask for an advance on the court date."
You swear you feel your soul leave your body when he says those words
You've been dreading this for so many years
"Vox, this- this can't be the only solution."
"She's in limbo, Y/N, and right now the good in her has the edge. Request sanctuary and ask Sera to move the date. Please."
With a heavy heart, you agree
He's right, if Alastor really is back, you need to get Pixel to safety
You hug Vox close, tucking your face in the crook of his neck and letting out a sob
You don't know if you're going to see him ever again, and that terrifies both of you to your very cores
"Don't cry, my love, don't cry."
"I love you, Vox."
"I know. I love you, too."
You share a last passionate kiss before departing, tears brimming both yours and his eyes as Velvette accompanies Pixel to say her goodbyes
Vox's farewell to his child is heartbreaking
He reassures her that he loves her and it's for her own good, even if he knows that deep down she'd never forgive him
You give Vox a last kiss before opening the portal to Heaven, letting the dimensions swallow up both of you, never to see Hell for years on end
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radioisntdead · 2 months
You mentioned doing Susan and Reader type things, let me bring up to you:
Reader is Susan's adult child or Niece/Nephew. How do you think that would go? Would she be boasting them up like she does to Rosie or would she be nitpicking them all the time? You decide!
Good evening my dear! I'm gonna scream about Susan now, we don't see much of her but I adore grumpy old people characters (in fiction)
Let's start with child headcanons,
You POOR POOR CHILD, Susan definitely has a key to your home, did you give it to her? Probably not she's the type to MAKE a key, or pick the lock, look me in the eyes [?] And tell me this old woman doesn't know how to pick a lock,
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She's definitely seen and done some shit in her [After?] Lifetime, you could be making dinner and she just breaks in strolls on in and starts going on about her childhood and it's just the most messed up Parent Susan lore, she also doesn't care for boundaries, doesn't matter who you are, your boundaries are being invaded, she doesn't like when others invade your boundaries through, only she can do that after all she's your mother! She assumingly birthed you,
Or picked you up from the side of the streets
I don't know how she acquired you
If you have a spouse, Mama Susan does NOT like them, doesn't matter if they're the king of hell or whatever, No one is good enough for her baby,
Heaven forbid if it's someone she already doesn't like, like Alastor for example.
That being said she wants grandkids, you don't have to spawn them, just pick one up off the streets I'm sure there are orphans in hell! Especially after extermination day
She's definitely the type to grab your cheek, squish it and just go "Have you been eating at all?!? Fucking skin and bones!"
Then she just gives you some poor demons leg to munch on, yum!
I feel like when she can make a mean cannibalistic meatloaf, but nothing else,
Maybe soup, but who can't make soup?
[I'm so sorry if you can't make soup, Don't worry I'll make you some so your not soupless]
She's definitely the type of parent to send you to your room without dinner, or keep you at the table until you finished up your meal, or smack with the cane
Honestly if we go with if she was alive in the 1800's {?} And not hellborn {also Susan DOESN'T HAVE A WIKI PAGE? GIVE OUR MEAN OLD LADY A WIKI PLEASE- /j}
Depending on your gender you definitely get raised differently, because sexism was horrid back then, woman didn't get the rights to properly vote until the 1920's, She was long gone by then.
if you're born a gal she's all
"Be more ladylike! No man will marry you if you act like this"
She loves you, and in her mind it's for your own good because society is NOT kind to those who act different than the status quo, she cannot spare you the same fate she got, she wishes you were born in a different time, in one where you'd have more freedom.
she'd lighten up after death because, you know y'all are dead, and man fuck social status that's dead now, she prefers cannibal town as to wherever you were during life
If you were born a lad then you got a ton of
"Be a gentleman! Don't be a dick, don't duel people!"
A son meant she got a pat on the back, she was capable of producing an heir, or whatever old timey crap was going on, she hoped you did NOT turn out to be a product of your environment.
I feel like she'd be very active in feminist movements back then from the shadows, she definitely earned her rights to be grumpy old lady
All in all, she's not the WORST mom, but she definitely traumatized you, I feel like y'all healed your mother-child bond in hell {that's a sentence I never thought I'd write}
NOW ON TO THE NIBLING {?} Niece/nephew
She's the single probably wealthy Aunt that probably killed her husband but no one can prove it, completely different from above, she did NOT have a child with niblings [I think that's the right term please correct me if wrong]
If she did have a offspring, congratulations your cousin is often compared to you and y'all probably have a strained relationship.
Anyways any time she sees you she either goes in for the hug and if rejected makes a comment about today's youth and respect, or she doesn't go in for the hug and rambles about today's youth being too touchy,
"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing."
Susan when near you.
She gives great Christmas presents though, she just like throws it to you and says she got it last minute and then it's just like 200$ present,
Or if she REALLY doesn't like you, your getting one of those cringe tshirts that's like "look out ladies, I'm a gamer"
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
so theory about Carmilla being able to kill the angel. (Just be warned while I've seen helluva Boss and some of the supplemental materials for Hazbin with the pilot, I haven't seen everything so this could just be wrong and contradicted in the shows extra lore.
I like the theory that Carmilla was able to kill the executioner to save her daughters since it was an act of love instead of hate, anger, or even self-preservation. doing so is something most beings in hell wouldn't have tried since most don't care for anyone but themselves. While I really like this theory, what if it was something else.
There was something Lute said in ep 1 when she was trying to bully Charlie. That Lucifer gave Charlie and other hellborn a pardon from exorcist blades. What does that mean exactly, can sinners have children and they're exempt from the yearly execution or does this apply to Charlie and imps, and other hellborn races like hellhounds are kept safe from the purge?
Heaven and Hell both run on bureaucracy, the more annoying and inane the better in both cases. It even seems like the more powerful you are the more you're bound by your contract as even someone as powerful as Asmodeus was bound by his word (helluva boss 2.6) and he's probably in the top 10 of hell's hierarchy. So Lucifer getting a pardon for all hellborn might be a problem for exorcists, maybe would screw them over if they tried to execute someone who was born in hell and technically free of worldly sin.
I don't think we know anything about Clara and Odette except they are Carmilla's daughters and work for her. We don't know if they are a family who died and met up in hell, we don't know if their blood related, or if Carmilla had them after being sent to hell. But if she did give birth to them after being sent to hell, they would be hellborn and therefore exempt from being executed. Maybe executing someone who is pardoned from the blade is what caused the exorcist to be vulnerable to Carmilla being able to be able to kill one of them as they broke their laws and aren't allowed divine protection anymore.
Just a thought
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contrivedchaos · 3 months
So twist on the fallen angel thing for Carmilla? I don't think she fell, like fell into sin and was cast out or whatever like happens to Lucifer, or cast aside like Vaggie. I think she jumped and that's why Sera ignores her obvious hoarding of angelic weapons: she knows Carmilla doesn't WANT to come back up.
Carmilla the angel with nephilim children damned to hell just by nature of their birth, something she doesn't know til it's too late. Carmilla giving up an eternity in paradise to claw out a 'living' with her little girls.
[I mean the woman has no markers of the hellborn and sinners CANT have children so if they're her daughters they were born to her topside in some way, but we KNOW Angels can have children thus Charlie.]
Honestly that tracks. Carmilla obviously works under some kind of moral code, even if it that code is varying shades of gray at any given moment. She doesn't seem as ancient as Zestial, so maybe she jumped after witnessing what Hell was doing during the Exterminations. She could have been like Vaggie and used to participate in them herself, given how competent a fighter she is and knowing all their weaknesses a little too well. I could see her making a stink about it in Heaven, and when Sera continued to allow it, deciding to NOPE out of there. Then helping Hell fight back by hording weapons and building up her own power as an overlord.
Maybe she managed to find love down there with a Hell-born or another fallen angel and started a family before things escalated with Charlie. Then that lover got killed in one of the Exterminations or some separate event. I'm not sure if I buy that she AND her daughters had mortal lives on Earth and came to hell together. It's possible, but it makes just about as much sense for Odette and Clara to be Hell-born. They have more demon features than Carmilla does. If the fan theory holds, their (and her) red eye color could be from making Deals.
I like the idea of there being some kind of final clash with Sera, and then Sera realizing the error of her ways and forging that connection with Carmilla again. Lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers. I'd LOVE that, actually.
May need to explore this in fic form at some point.
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kiralaufeyson84 · 4 months
~Raising Allison~
Chapter 1
Rating: T/M
Word count: 1,223
No one would ever think about it. The Radio demon married? Impossible! That poor woman, being married to a beast. Of course, at this point, everyone is used to that. But soon, the demons - hellborn and sinners alike - were thinking of the news that had come up. The Radio demon and his wife were having a child.
“Oooh, what a cute little doohickey! What um, what is it??” the pale demon asked. She held a small red pacifier in her hands. “It’s a pacifier! It's for the lil baby!” Charlie smiled. “I guess they looked different when you and Al were alive though, heh. But Vaggie and I thought it'd be nice to give you something other than a onesie!” The radio demon put a hand on his wife's shoulder and looked at the pacifier, his causal smile sprawled across his face. “Angelica, mon cher, I have another surprise for you!” he spoke. Angelica chuckled at her husband. “Al, how many surprises do you plan to have for me?” she asked. She loved her husband was so dotting. After all, she was at this point 6 months pregnant. At any moment, the little fawn could arrive. Alastor wanted to make sure his wife was as comfortable as can be before the fawn came. He held his hand out for his wife to take and she happily did. He led her to a room in the house that they had planned to make the nursery, however, this time seeing it was different. It was done. The wallpaper was a dusty red with the dark clouds, capturing the outside of hell, the black crib set up in the corner, the boney mobile from Rosie adoring the crib, the changing station all set up, and a few plushies in and under the crib. Angelica felt tears well up in her eyes, her mouth open in awe. The Radio demon noticed his wife and his heart sank a bit. He didn't mean to upset her. Was she upset? Did she like it? “My dear, I didn't mean to make you upse-” “I love it…” That's all Alastor needed to hear. The smile on his face became a more soft and loving smile. His wife wiped her tears and smiled. “This is the best surprise out of all the ones you've given me, dear. I believe she'll love it as well,” the pale demon sniffled. Alastor chuckled and spoke, “Well, he better! Everyone worked hard on this!” Angelica playfully rolled her eyes at her husband's words. She then placed a hand on her swollen belly, as if to softly protect her unborn child. You're gonna love it here, ma petite faon, she thought.
-May 21st
The radio demon was sat in the chair outside of the room his wife was giving birth in, his leg thumping up and down at a fast pace, his smile twisted in an anxious one. His shadow was attempting to comfort him. The other staff and 1st resident of the hotel came running in. “Where is she?! Is she okay?!” Charlie exclaimed. Vaggie put her hand on her fiancee's shoulder. “Hun, we're in a hospital! Don't shout!” she softly told her. Angel, Husk and Nifty looked at Alastor. “Anything yet?” Angel asked. Alastor shook his head, soft static being heard from him. Husk sat down next to Alastor and sighed. “So you're gonna be a dad. Bet you're scared huh?” Husk softly asked. Alastor thought and realized he was scared. More than that. He was terrified. He had no clue how to father a living creature, hellborn or not. His own father was an abusive piece of shit so he had no father figures in his life. He had no fucking clue. Then, the group heard cries of an infant from the room. His infant. Angelica's infant. The baby was finally here. Alastor's ears perked up at the sound and the cart crib taking the infant to a place to get her cleaned up. The doctor walked out and smiled at the Radio demon. “Congratulations, radio demon sir,” he said. Charlie asked, “Can she have visitors yet?” The doctor chuckled and said, “Your majesty, she just gave birth. She'll need rest before anyone else visits her, besides the father.” The group nodded, Charlie being the saddest one. The doctor looked at the radio demon. “Do you wish to see your wi-” Alastor didn't let the doctor finish before he walked into the room. He saw his wife laying in the bed, face soaked in sweat, hair a damp mess, panting softly. Even in this state, she was the most beautiful demon ever to Alastor. His wife looked at Alastor and smiled. “Hey, you,” she weakly spoke. Alastor sat next to his wife and grabbed her hand. “My darling, I’m sos sorry I couldn't be in here with you,” he apologized. His wife spoke, putting her other hand on his. “You don't have to apologize, my love. It's alright. At least you're actually here,” she spoke softly. Alastor pressed his forehead against his wife's, not caring for the sweat. A few moments later, the midwife and nurses came back with the bundle of joy, all nice and cleaned up. Angelica sat up, both her and her husband getting to see what their child truly looks like. The nurse smiled and handed their child to Angelica. Angelica felt tears roll down her face as she smiled. “Hi, baby. It's mama!” she softly spoke, sniffling slightly. “And rest beside me is your papa! We're so happy to finally meet you!” Alastor looked at his wife and to the little bundle in her arms. Angelica looked at her husband and smiled. “Wanna hold her?” she asked. Alastor shakily held out his arms as he spoke, “Of course.” And for sure, right then ans there, Alastor felt he had truly found love. He held the baby girl in his arms, looking at her coco skin, small tufts of light lavender hair, her small deer ears on top her head. He felt his smile drop slightly, taking in the beauty he held in his arms. He didn't realize it, but he had a few tears rolling down his face. She was perfect. She was tiny. She was his daughter. “Hello, mon fille… Bienvenue au monde,” he spoke, smile coming back as he held his fawn. Angelica couldn't help but smile at the sweet sight.
“She's so small!!” Charlie whispered. Nifty saw the baby and it was as if her eyes sparkled. “She's so clean too!” she spoke. Husk rolled his eyes and Angel looked at the little creature Angelica held. “Sooo, this is it? This is the lil monsta that caused ya so much pain??” Angel asked. Angelica lightly glared at Angel for that comment. Vaggie elbowed Husk’s boyfriend in the arm. He cursed at the fallen exterminator. “So have you two thought of a name yet?” Vaggie asked the two. Alastor thought for a moment before saying, “Allison. We shall name her Allison.” Everyone looked at him. “Why Allison dear?” his wife asked. Alastor smiled and said, “Well, it means ‘noble’ for one.” His smile turned into a slight sad one as he added, “It was also my mother's name.” Angelica smiled. “Alright. Allison it is then.” Alastor smiled at his daughter. Allison Alma Altruist.
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drawnbadly-blog · 3 months
Hellish Bells
Chapter 4: Paterfamilias Broken
Her head snapped up from the wedding book she’d procured from Alastor. The bar was empty this time of day; it was group therapy time. She was just deciding on the cute little bells to hang up around the Heaven Embassy…
Emily was helping them out. After Sera Fell, Emily became the new High Seraph. And, thanks to her, more human souls were being Redeemed than ever before! Which wasn’t hard to beat as Sir Pentious and Anthony had been the only two she’d managed. When Charlie had mentioned getting married, Emily was more than happy to offer the embassy as the location. That way their Heavenly friends could come. Sir Pentious, Cherri, Anthony, Husk, and so many others…!
Alastor was, surprisingly, more willing than Vaggie. He muttered some things about ‘blasphemy’ and ‘deviant’. Which didn’t matter so much, because Charlie and Emily would be there to make sure that he didn’t pull anything funny.
Blinking, she said, “Oh! Dad! Hello!”
Her dad sat heavily into the stool next to hers. He waved a hand and his favored bourbon appeared under it.
Charlie was concerned. He almost never drank! That bottle was from the first batch ever crafted on Earth! What was wrong?
“What’s wrong, Dad?” she vocalized.
Her dad took a GINORMOUS swig of the bottle, apparently thinking. Then he said, “I wish you’d listened to me and your mother about deals…” He rubbed his head. “My daughter, marrying an Overlord…” He sighed. “I wish…” his gaze ventured to her hand with the ring. “I wish I could see those rings. I could figure out something with them. But it’s a personal contract. Only between the three of you. I can’t do anything, not even give advice. I, I haven’t felt this hopeless since I…Fell.”
“Dad, it’s okay.” She put a hand on his. “I know it’s not the best circumstance, and I’m kinda being forced into it. It’s okay! Really! I’ll get the wedding of my dreams, and me and Vaggie will be married. Really,” Charlie waved a hand dismissively, “Alastor probably won’t even care . Political marriage and all.”
Her dad frowned. “Don’t think that, Charlie. Demons have a way of surprising people, and they don’t have the decency to play fair.”
“Alastor said those words himself! He wanted me and Vaggie to get married so he wouldn’t have to deal with it!” Charlie defended.
“I don’t trust him.” Her dad said it like it was something new.
“You don’t have to.” Charlie leaned over, giving her dad a big, solid hug. “You can be my guiding light through this. I trust you to know when there’s something funny going on.” She considered not saying her next piece. Overriding that was her need to be fully honest with her dad. Their relationship had improved drastically, and to hide this would be betraying him. “I trust Alastor to uphold his deal. He always does. And…and he’s kind and considerate to me. I think he’ll treat me okay.”
“Mm-hm.” Her father was tightlipped for a moment before he was cheerful again. “Now, I know that he doesn’t actually plan to do anything to you. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Suddenly there was a board sitting on the counter, covered in pictures of birth control. “What do you have questions about? Let me tell you, you’ll feel much better even if nothing happens if you’re protected.”
“ Holy shit Dad put that away .” Even though no one else was around, the embarrassment at her dad being so brazen about presenting something like that threatened to eat her alive.
“What? Do you WANT to give birth to Overlord spawn?”
Charlie hadn’t dedicated ANY thought to that particular idea. She WAS Hellborn, so she could get pregnant. Her dad seemed certain it could happen. Children…she hadn’t considered anything about it.
Before she could give any kind of answer - not that she even had one - her black ring magically spat out a little notecard. Charlie looked at her dad. He was still waiting on an answer. Apparently he couldn’t see the card. Curiously, she picked it up and read what was on it.
Monsieur Alastor requests the presence of:
Ms. Charlie Morningstar
Ms. Vagatha Morningstar (provisionally)
For a dinner date in his room today. Please RSVP!
Oh goodness. This wasn’t going to go well. Especially as Vaggie’s name wasn’t Vagatha.
“Charlie? What are you reading? Another little ‘deal’ from Alastor?” her dad said spitefully.
“Not a deal. A dinner invitation.” Charlie flipped the card over. On the back were two glowing words: ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. “I’m supposed to reserve a spot.”
“Hmph.” Her dad fumbled, trying to grab the card he couldn’t see. Frustrated, he said, “Why would you willingly want to interact with him? Stick to the basics and limit your interactions!”
“I can’t do that!” Charlie protested.
He gave her a truly evil eye. “Why not?”
Charlie paused. Why not? Why didn’t she want to do the minimum possible?
The answer was easy.
“Because I believe in him,” she said simply.
Her dad set the bottle down after another swig. “Charlie, I love you, but your blind belief in people will lead to trouble one of these days! Some people belong in Hell . Like Alastor!”
“I understand that some people are meant to be here.” Charlie straightened up. “That doesn’t mean that I harden my heart to everyone! I may get hurt sometimes. As long as I help even one more soul reach Heaven, I don’t mind.” She crossed her arms. “I know you think Alastor deserves to be here. I’m not so sure.”
Her dad burst into laughter. “Really? You don’t think the Radio Demon deserves to be here? Do you know how many souls he’s eaten?!”
“As long as he feels repentant for it, I don’t see how he can’t be Redeemed,” Charlie said stubbornly, digging her heels in on this opinion.
“So what, you’re going to fix a Bad Boy? Do you hear the cliche you’re saying?”
“That’s not what I meant! I mean that everyone deserves a chance,” Charlie explained.
Her dad’s lips twisted before he sighed. “I’ll do my best to watch over you and give advice. The main show, what you want and can do, is between you, Vaggie, and Alastor. I’m a bystander now.” Before she could comfort him further, he opened a portal to his tower and dragged the bourbon with him.
“Dad…” Charlie wished he understood. Everyone had good in them.
And Alastor…he did his best to hide it, to hide his real feelings, but the last few weeks Charlie had gotten a measure of something more from him. Wisps of the feelings behind the smiling mask. She wanted to know more. To bring him out of his shell. To help him realize he didn’t need to keep the barrier around him, that he could let people in.
Thinking that having a nice dinner with Alastor would be a good icebreaker into truly starting the process, Charlie pushed on the ‘Yes’ option on her card.
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ofcourseitsafurry · 1 year
Bodyguards headcanons and AU
So I've been kinda obsessed with Crimson's bodyguards especially because
They're dead so I wanted to make a whole list of ideas for them
One big main headcanon is they don't consider Crimson family,they consider each other family but they just consider Crimson their boss or their money maker.It's a honor to work with him because of his money not because of his loyalty to the people who protect him
Basic family and heritage headcanons
Marcella has a half breed family with one of her parents being a Possessor(A currently unseen hellborn but likely the other sea life based design that will probably be in the Envy ring)she married a purebred mob shark with a similar shark type to Chaz creating their kid,well Chaz.
Said husband is dead now and let's just say her story for his disappearance is just"He left to get food and got in a accident."
Marcella jokes that's she's disappointed at her son for his luck with partners(Most of his breaks up are loud and messy and all of them agree he's bad at sex)but it's mostly light jabbing
Butch claimed to never walk in his imp father's footsteps,he's extremely calm and often the one to agree on doing dirty work Crimson asks,because that's all Butch has given to the Family about his home life they believe his father was born in the Wrath or Sloth ring
Stu despite preferring money a little more follows in the succubi footsteps of his family,often having one night stands(Leading to his kid in the AU)and going to clubs like Ozzie before he joined the mafia
All of them would be better parents than Crimson.Despite still teaching them to kill(Crimson demands that any kids they have must be given training to be new bodyguards in case anything happens to them)they do a better job weaning them into live targets and help them with little things in life(Like cutting steak)
DB cousins are the two pilot sharks(Deedo((Blueish Green))Deedum((Olive Green))) in the beginning of the episode
Speaking of them they're both Autistic and their hyperfixation is planes
Depressed Boyfriend is his real birth name his parents were pieces of shit
Sexuality headcanons(Short)
All of them are cishet except for DB who's Pan and came out to the Family awhile ago
They don't get the LGBTQ community but DB is family and family doesn't leave family
All of them would have been better at the whole"acceptance" thing
When figuring out Moxxie was bi they'd just put out a lot of flags and shitty pride merchandise(Their love language is material goods)
Workplace headcanons
They all insult Crim behind his back and the parents of the group insult his parenting techniques
They make a game out of it to see who's the first to get caught
The fandom has given DB the nickname Quint Corleone,he wishes that the name his crew gave him
The Family has a habit of giving their employees street names,insults at their character or mistakes they made on their first week(Like the episode Newbie Dash for anyone into MLP)for example"Flatface"for Cleo and"Tripper"for Crunch but no name they could come up with was as humiliating as DB real name so they just shortened it to well"DB"
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hellsgreatestshow · 6 days
Important lore and notes;
This is continuing to expand on my previous lore and theories for Hazbin Hotel. These are mine and not to be used without permission. @classicheartd is credited for helping me flesh these out better. This lore is shared with @classicheartd and @poisonedxbeauty with permission.
The creation of the seven rings of hell and the hierarchy:
Following being swallowed up into the abyss, Lucifer found himself in a new place. Void of anything but Lilith and his magic. He set out to create a new world to be nothing like heaven.
His gold blood flooded the plain illuminating the world as he began to shape it. his creation was shaping. A new Eden made the the image of his dreams and love for Lilith.
The first years of Hell was spent slowly carving out his design. He pushed his magic further and further learning that he had powers unlike anything before. He had changed. He was no longer just an angel, he had demon in him. He used these new power and gifted Lilith with new powers. The first demon and the mother to all demons.
Her song burst forth bringing the creation of many hellborn. The population grew and grew. The quick expansion lead to many problems.
Lucifer was not an angel of creation. He had never lead people. He was confused and lost. That was when he split hell. Soon he made 7 rings.
He was working tirelessly. This began tension in his life. Lilith and him were struggling and he knew he had to come up with a solution. Lucifer went to earth and recruited fallen angels to help him. His old friends soon took roles as ringmasters and thus the sins of hell were created.
Lucifer gifted each new angel with demon abilities. This gave many angels more powers and new forms just like himself.
From there he left each sin to be their own authority. The rings remained connect and sometimes do meet together from time to time.
The next thing he did was gift 7 hellborn with special gifts. They donned the titles of princes of hell. These special families are the ancestors of the Ars Goetia.
Things were getting better and hell seemed to be finally shaping. That was until heaven interfered with him. Michael came to hell in a fit to deliver the first sinner to hell. The dynamic shifted.
From then on, Lucifer only saw the worst in humanity. The wicked and wretched. Told they were in his image.
This led to years of self-loathing and growing distance with his wife. Lilith was thriving while he was struggling. His pain greatly affected the fabric of hell it's self. He was forever tied to this place.
Eventually Lucifer was granted a gift of hope in his daughter, Charlie. With her birth became light again. With renewed hope he began to flourish.
With renewed hope, Lucifer started to bring structure to hell. Giving sinners more power with every soul they controlled. This was a huge shift. His own ring became more contained and a place he could raise Charlie.
He assigned an old friend to take over at the head overlord, Carmilla Carmine.
This led to a new shift in the dynamic. The once all powerful royal family had been getting help. Lilith was angry and began to start collecting souls.
Lilith was no longer the only voice. Many rose up. Lucifer tried to keep peace but something had to change.
People were beginning to up rise and Lilith was leading the marches. With no other choice the two conceded and extermination soon began.
This internal struggle only furthered his decent into depression. He grew more and more lost in his pain shutting out everyone. Then Lilith made a deal to leave him and he lost his hope.
He had completely withdrew but Charlie once again reminded him why he needed to go on. He has now began to restructure hell once again.
Lucifer has give the title of ringmaster of Pride to Charlie. He has begun staying at the hotel to reshape hell.
He has taken up a new rule more as creator. He is trying to act as manager working with the sins as well as a council of mixed species diplomats to improve hell. Giving everyone a better place. Not all sins are ready to reform and will be dealing with his wrath.
One important location in hell is a spot where the time never changes and there is a never ending rainbow. This is a very special place called God's Promise. A rather dark joke about how God's promise of love is only a lie.
Another important location is Lu Lu Land, Hell's Happiest Place. It was created just for Charlie. The park is made to make Charlie into the Princess she was always meant to be. The mascot is an apple and the merch is of Charlie, apples, the other sins and of course the king himself.
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ladyanaconda · 3 years
Helluva Dad Character Files: Amelia Velkan
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Striker's deceased mother
She originally worked as a prostitute in Lust. At some point, she was impregnated by a Hellborn snake demon Overlord. Knowing that the demon would kill her and her unborn child should he find out about his 'bastard', Amelia fled to Wrath, where she'd eventually give birth to a son.
She was good friends with a succubus named Venus. Venus would help her escape into Wrath upon learning of the baby.
Despite her seemingly meek and sweet nature, Amelia was more than capable to defend herself.
Worked as a waitress at the saloon to support herself and her upcoming child. Though she was flirted with, Amelia never showed interest. Her only concern was her child.
She acquired a small, simple cabin not far from town in the wilderness.
There were many complications during Striker's birth, making labor last over thirty hours. When he finally came out, he was silent and didn't seem to breathe. The midwife thought he was stillborn, but Amelia didn't give up on her baby and cradled him in her arms to give him warmth. Shortly after, the baby began to wail and took his first breath. Amelia named him Clayton after her grandfather.
She was a loving, supportive mother to her son.
She never told Clayton who his father was, but he didn't really care.
Amelia always tried to keep her son out of trouble as much as she could; being Imps, though, trouble usually found them. She was raped by another demon, got pregnant and miscarried when Clayton was six years old. Though he didn't fully understand what had happened, he knew that his mother had been hurt.
She adored Jane from the first day, and acted in a far more motherly way towards her than Jane's own mother did. Somehow, she knew that Clayton and Jane were destined to be together, and she was right.
Amelia died saving Clayton from the annual Extermination. She locked him in the basement and distracted the angels roaming around their house to lead them away from her son, who would later find her dead body in the woods.
Clayton buried his mother in a spot near the river where she'd take him as a child. After he was taken to the orphanage in Pride, he wouldn't return until years later when he was a man. Jane, though, did often visit the grave and place flowers. It was in her grave that Clayton and Jane reunited and recalled their feelings for one another, just like Amelia had predicted.
Striker still visits his mother's grave every now and then to talk to her, sometimes taking Jake along. He liked sharing stories of Amelia with his son.
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