#but still sad bc I won't have more😅
luckymoonly · 20 days
Hello lucky! I hope all is well with you and your family! Has baby 5 arrived yet? ❤️
Yes she's here :D
Thank you so much for asking!
We are both well and baby 5 is the sweetest and easiest baby I've had :D I am so lucky(hihihi)💜💜💜
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imutrt · 3 months
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Vision | Atreides
Summary: Paul asked her " When you look at me, who do you see?"
Pairing: Paul Atreides x fem!oc ( x reader tagged too, scroll if you don't like it)
Warning: hes a sad boi and i dont know anything about the dune universe. ooc. Spoilers! Kind of nsfw ( no details) A sucky ending bc i went off track.
Note: I just saw dune pt 2 yesterday and I already forgot what it's about😅 Lady Jessica will ALWAYS be in my mind tho. She's so beautiful.
In the night, he was growling.
Aethal shifted in the little space she has. They're close together, the heat of Paul's body brushed against her face. Too hot?
She shrugged out of the sleeping pod and placed a hand closer to his neck. Too hot.
" Paul." Aethal let out a low call as he twitch. " Hey."
He does not stop speaking.
The lady held her breath then, gazing at the angry frown on Paul's face, attempting to hear his voice over her own growing heartbeat.
" Kwisatz Haderach." She heard him mumble. " Muad'dib, Atreides.."
" Paul." Aethal was louder, shaking his shoulder. " Wake up."
The silence of the desert returned to the tent in an instant. She heard no breath, no gasp, only the sound of drum inside her chest. His eyes were open, she saw, but he does not blink.
Aethal searched for her water tube in the stillsuit, staring at him still. The liquid didn't reach her mouth yet when Paul lunged for her like the dogs she owned.
They landed in her sleeping pod, his face deep in her neck. In the moment of shock, Aethal felt a trickle of coolness run down the side of her jaw. Water, she realized, and scrambled to close her tube. Something hot licked away the droplets and she froze.
" Don't waste water." Paul whispered, pressing his feverish face against hers. " I want more."
" So you do." She touched his forehead, then kissed him. " You're burning up."
" It's alright. " He panted as they broke apart, " Happens sometimes."
" You can't just have a fever and call it normal, Paul."
" It will go away." He huffed, " It will go away and I'll be fine. Don't worry." He raised his head from her neck and pecked her face. " Aethal, I want water."
" You've got it on you." The lady held his jaw in one hand, and fished out his stillsuit's tube with the other. " Drink it yourself, Paul Atreides. What is it that you're trying to do?"
The boy caught the tube after a long, wordless stare at Aethal, then dropped his head limply onto her chest. " I had a nightmare, Lady Hughoc. In it, my body was split into an equal amount to the names I have." He looked up, eyes heavy and red, shining like sapphire in the glitters of moonlight that the tent allowed through.
" Paul Atreides." He grabbed her hand and guided it to the center of his brows, " Lisan al Gaib." his lips," Kwisatz Haderach." his chest, " Duke of Arrakis." his abdomen, then lower. " Muad'Dib."
" Which part would you claim, Aethal?" Paul whispered, " When you look at me, who do you see?"
Aethal's eyes, just as blue, grew dark as she retracted her hand. Paul's breath quickened when she shrugged him off to her side and kissed him again.
" Why not all of you?" She asked against his lips, " Every part."
" But I'd loose you."
" So you will, then."
" No." He perked, " no."
" Paul." Aethal slid a hand into his hair and pulled him closer. " Who are you today?"
He thought of the celebration today. The large stilltent, all the Fremen inside. Them patting him on his shoulder, congratulating him and others in their shared win against the Harkonnens. Stilgard, preaching the prophecy of Lisan al Gaib, then giving him his name.
" Muad'Dib."
" Muad'Dib, then." her hand touched where he had left her. " I didn't know you in the past, and I won't know you tomorrow until tomorrow comes. If you truly become their Lisan al Gaib tomorrow, I'll still love you. But, if you turn into a sandworm? I'll reconsider."
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wifey-ohara · 9 months
Hi, i have no clue if your requests are open or not, so if not or you won't like the request, just ignore this. Can i ask for hcs or one shot with hobie and shorter fem or nb reader that is extremely cuddly but is afraid to ask for affection? Whenever it would a bad ex or some kind of trauma that's stopping the reader from asking is up to you. Have a nice day/night/holiday!
PS: sorry for writing too much😅
Don't we all love cuddles
Love it (can't have it)
Hobie x gn cuddly! reader
Notes: cuddly reader, some angst, re-assurance, we love an understanding man, the understanding man is hobie, hobie confused bc of a phone, one hour writing, not proof read
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Your boyfriend, hobie sat beside you, confused about a cell phone still, god, it's been almost six months since you bought him one, and yet he still gets confused by it, praise to dating a 70's rock star, you guess
But what's actually having you staring so intensely at him, is how bad you wanna cuddle him
He's so soft towards you and so gentle, his touch is always comforting, you wanna hold him for more than a hug or holding hands or whatever else, you wanna spend time in his arms and against his body
But you can't...
He's just gonna get mad, he's gonna yell at you and call you clingy and gross and weird just like everyone else, he's gonna push you off of him and leave to go somewhere else
"love?" you were cut off of your thoughts when you heard his voice, so gentle and loving
"y-yeah?" you answered, leaving your rope of ideas fade away in the light of your lover's beautiful, sincere eyes
"you looked.. sad, whacha thinkin'bout that got ya like that?" he asked, his accent fading at first but returning strong, it happens when he's worried
You considered just telling him, emptying whatever you had on him, bit you decided against it "it nothing dear i was just lost in thought for a abit" yoo told him, for the better you thought
"well com'ere" he said extending an arm towards you, you accepted, leaning to his side
But to your surprise he pulled you to him and hugged you, nuzzling you into the crock of his neck
Your breath hitched, and your arms tightened with the desire to wrap them around him and hold him tight
And he noticed
"alright, spill, what's up with ya'? " he asked again and you knew it's for the better telling him
tears made room in your eyes as you looked up ar him "c-can i" you stopped, trying to swallow the lump in your throat "can we cuddle?"
Hobie was silent for a few moments, and you heart dropped, that's it, he's breaking up with you
You attempted pushing off of him and taking back your words, but he held you put
".. o'course we can cuddle love,why would you think that's a bad thing to ask? "
You looked down and told him about it, how your family always treated you want for physical touch as a burden, how your friends always joked on how weird it is, how past partners called clingy and gross for it
Hobie listened to you, and you could swear that his hold tightened around you and was pulling you slowly even more towards him
"love, it is never a burden to hold you, hug you, or anything like that, it's not weird that you like physical touch with people you love and care for, and you will never, ever by clingy or gross because of it" he said, focusing on every word
"you mean that" you looked at him
He put a hand to your cheek "you know i neva' say stuff i don' mean" he smiled "now get ova'ere, i wanna hold ya"
And thats how you ended up cuddlling your boyfriend for as long as you wanted
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jalwyn21 · 3 months
I'm a recent-ish follower, so I'm a little curious about your background, were you at one point a swiftie, but got disenchanted with her and that's why you have this deep well of knowledge of and about her, or was she always like a parasocial enemy of yours. I was always a hater, I love when ppl slander her, bc she's generally regarded so highly. I'm sorry her lyrics aren't good or groundbreaking, they are catchy at best and annoying at worst. She's also taking herself way to serious as an artist (name of her new album, cringe interview for the times). Also no matter what (or who; Matt Healy) she is doing, we aren't allowed to criticize her or her actions, when we call her our for her private jet use, we get accused of double standards and how corporations are polluting way more, as if that is in any way or form a justification for her being a fucking pest
Ok, story time then. 🤗 First of all, I'm old af, I'm pushing 30s. (Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo) 😅 So I've heard of ts ages ago but didn't care cause I didn't like her music. Never been a swi*ftie. 🤓
Then the whole Jake Gyllenhaal circus happened to the point that even Jake Gyllenhaal's sister was asked about that stupid scarf. That was the first time I properly noticed ts and I thought: what a despicable and petty girl she is. 🤮 But at least Jake Gyllenhaal had a decade long career so he was fine, and I didn't really think about her much after that.
Fast forward to 2016 when I went to see Ang Lee's new film because it's bloody Ang Lee, you know? And I'm glad I did cause it's one of my favorite films ever. And that is how I "met" Joe and completely fell in love with him. 🥰 And there were photos of him online being silly and goofy and adorable (and drunk 😹). And he was so nervous and sweet in interviews. It was just so easy to love him. 🥰🥰🥰
Can you even imagine how sad and disappointed and sorry I was for him when I found out he was dating ts? Cause I already knew what she will do to him. 😭 Like, I knew she will try to destroy Joe sooner or later and I knew that Joe won't have the decade long career Jake Gyllenhaal has to fall back on, when she tries to ruin his life. Call me Nostradamus. 😭
And for the record, Joe is still one of my favorites ever. He is a brilliant actor and a kind man. So I guess my issues with ts are kinda "personal" and kinda parasocial... 😅 In a way, I've been waiting for this sh*t storm to hit for years...
I should probably pin this for others to read when they check my account..
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Heya, Mouse. I hope you're doing well. 😊
So, I recently got the Mr. Qi mature event again in my most recent save. A personal issue I have with this event is that no one, including your own spouse, ever hint at the event at all. Yes, the Farmer can't talk about it, but surely they'd be acting differently after such a scary and traumatic event? So my request is this: How would the sdv/sve marriagables + Krobus (bc I know my shadow roomie would be worried too) feel about the Farmer acting differently after they were found after the Qi event? Like, maybe the Farmer's more jumpy and sullen after what had happened, but they can't say anything because of the seal.
Hi, hello! 👋 I'm doing fine! ☺️ Thanks for your question, and I really apologize for taking so long to reply 😅 I decided to post here about only Bachelors + Krobus, hope you don't mind. Anyway, thanks again for caring and for the ask! Enjoy ❤️
Given that the Farmer was found unconscious in the forest, Sam immediately thought that the reason for their behaviour was that they had been frightened by a wild bear or wolves. No wonder: you are lying defenceless and predators are walking around you, wanting to eat you. The young musician's guesses are far from the truth of what really happened to Farmer, but whatever happens, Sam will be there for his love, supporting them and comforting them.
Poor Elliott nearly had a stroke when he saw Farmer lying in a hospital bed at the Clinic. Taking them by the hand, the writer began to ask what had happened to his spouse, but was quickly silenced when he saw Farmer getting even worse. Elliott apologises for his panic and will do his best to make Farmer feel better. He still hopes that Farmer will be able to tell what happened in the future.
Shane feels angry and wants to punch someone (or something) with his fist, which is the reason for Farmer's sadness and constant tension. He is even ready to fight with the whole world if he has to - no one dares to offend the people close to him and get away with it. But realising that Farmer's rage won't help him in any way, Shane tries to comfort them and calm them down. Even suggests they go to the therapist he went to himself after that event on the hill. Magic, not magic, he doesn't know shit about it. All he needs right now is to be there for Farmer and give them all the help and support they need.
Sebastian can't calm down himself now. He knows that the Farmer fights monsters every day, which is the pure nightmare fuel of many people's lives, and the fact that his spouse met someone that even scared them.... However, Sebby is trying her best not to show his worries, because right now the Farmer needs someone to protect them. And he will be brave for them now, just as Farmer was brave for Sebastian and the other people they were protecting.
Alex went into full protective mode, not letting anyone he deemed suspicious near Farmer. The young athlete thinks that some tourists have decided to attack and harm Farmer, as many people (including some unpleasant ones) have come to Stardew Valley, to admire the local town and relax. Unfortunately, Farmer can't tell the real reason, and that's what kills them the most - it's the inability to tell Alex what happened. However, gentle words and cuddles in bed are just what Farmer needs after the traumatic event.
Breathing exercises, sedation, elimination of junk food..... Harvey doesn't know what happened to the Farmer, but he certainly knows how to help them. Alas, in matters magical he will not help in any way, so does not even know of its existence. But Harvey will definitely do his best to help deal with his spouse's depressed mood. He promise to them, everything will be alright, doctor's word!
Magnus know very well about the silencing spell, as he knows this school of magic very well. And the fact that his spouse was acting like a frightened lamb after that strange event made him think about this possible option. Touching their hand, Magnus was scalded like fire, leaving no doubt. Magic. Dark, unfamiliar magic. The Farmer no longer needed to try to say anything, Rasmodius understood all at once. The wizard would assure his lover that he would definitely help them, no matter who cursed Farmer.
Lance didn't feel magic as subtly as the same Rasmodius or Camilla, but he could feel the incomprehensible dark aura that wrapped around Farmer's neck like ropes. His one penetrating look into his consort's frightened eyes was enough for Lance to signal to some his fellow mages, including same Camilla and Magnus, that something out of the ordinary had happened. The gallant adventurer also remembered to kiss them on the forehead and envelope them in a tight hug, reassuring them and promising them that everything would be all right.
Victor, seeing how the constant tension and depressive state is affecting his beloved spouse, he tries to find a therapist to help Farmer. Poor Victor cannot watch them suffer, so will offer his support and convinced them accept professional help. The sad irony is that Farmer can't tell anyone, no matter how hard they try. Still, they're glad Victor won't leave them alone.
Krobus doesn't realise what exactly happened to Farmer, but shadow person can feel them exuding alien magic and a restless aura after they returned from the clinic. Never, no matter what dangerous adventures they had been on, had the Krobus seen the Farmer so frightened. The fact that they wouldn't tell him anything tensed the shadow person even more. It's unlikely that Farmer would lie to him like this if they had always told Krobus everything about their adventures before. Something is wrong, and Krobus, worried about his friend, thinks that maybe Magnus or Marlon can help Farmer.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 12 days
Do you think you'll ever feel the way you felt about yuzu or shoma about another skater? I've been a fan since the last olympic season (which isn't that long tbh) and while I like a whole bunch of skaters and always found myself finding a new skater to root for with every competition I watched, nobody comes close to how I feel about shoma, how much I wanted him to do well, how my heart would race when he was on the ice, how happy and sad I felt for him. I'm worried I'll never feel that way about another skater even though I really fell in love with the sport...
I thought about this question a lot actually and answering it feels like a closure to being a fan of these two - and they are retired not gone - , so I didn't answer when I first read your ask...so pardon me for answering late...and this isn't the end of being emotionally super invested into my "super favorites" even if it feels like the end of an era as a fan for me...
Yuzu and Shoma will always have a special place in my heart and both have contributed to my love for figure skating greatly. Yuzu is the reason I started to follow men figure skating and who made me interested in rules and fs technique. Shoma is the skater that made me go to figure skating competitions (where I met so many wonderful ppl who became real friends) and Shoma is also one of the reasons for a happy interaction with fans (bc truth be told I always felt much more welcomed by the Unoverse than by Fanyus). Then ofc there are all their skating programs and competition moments I loved to witness. In a way I don't think that I will ever find other skaters I will love as much and who make me as active in the fs fandom as Yuzu and Shoma did. I mean they are essentially the reason this blog exists and I even get to answer your question at all. I will probably most definetly not put as much work and thought into a blog for another skater (also partly bc I have grown up and I am now at a different point in my life than when this blog started. And tbh I value the fandom experience much less than years ago. This fandom was too much at times and also toxic occasionally and bc I am who I am I found myself thinking way too much about fan discourses and a detox from this way of interaction in fandom is what I strive for in the long run. Which doesn't mean I will disappear just that sharing will be less.)
I also do have experiences with my favorite skaters retiring (and even disappearing completely) I went through this with a lot of gymnasts that I stanned years ago since 2007 and also in figure skating with Yuna Kim and Mao Asada. Yuna Kim was and still is my alltime favorite female skater. And no other female skater that came afterwards I loved as much. She is the reason I fell in love with skating in the first place and imo the rivalry with Mao Asada is unparalleled up until today. This was such a great time in women skating era. But Yuna Kim quitting and later Mao too, made me not like the sport any less and this way I discovered new skaters - Yuzu first, later Shoma.
What I am trying to tell is that it's possible to find new "super favorites" AND I think as long as you like watching a sport you will watch the sport regardless if you have a personal "super favorite" or not. Just don't worry if you will ever feel the same about someone else. Because watching fs should bring you joy not worry. I don't think you can tell atm if you will EVER find someone else. Maybe you won't, maybe the feeling will be different but not less intense. It's always hard to tell what you will like and do at an "end" of something. Just never say never. I never imagined myself to go to competitions without Shoma or Yuzu in and for the last years I did that on a regular basis and intend to keep it that way (GPF 2024 in France anyone???). And maybe it's also nice for a change to not be so stressed about competitions with no "super fave" in them though maybe that's a lie to myself as I do still have favorite skaters I root for 😅.
I am not really sure where I am heading with any of this or if anyone can take anything away from my answer. Just "you do you"!
I just want to tell you that there is no right and wrong way of being a fan of this sport or a skater whether it's a skater you feel intensely about or you just like a skater enough to root for them, whether you actively take part in the fandom or not. In all these years I learned that feelings are feelings and you should live in that moment. The feelings may change over time, you may lose interest in a sport or a person, but just always do everything that suits the way you live your real life. And tbh the way I lived this fandom was too extreme at times, so maybe a little less emotional investment in a sport/skater is maybe not for the worst.
If there is one good thing to take away from Shoma's retirement it's that I will definitely not go to Boston Worlds and my bank account says "thank you Shoma" for that. Lol
Giving everyone who feels a bit sad or lost or at a crossroad with figure skating because of Shoma's retirement a virtual hug! 🫶
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tetrakys · 8 months
Hi Tetra! How are you? Hope you had a lovely wedding and enjoyed your honeymoon💕 I always am amazed by the path of time, in my mind all of us in this fandom are still in our fifteen (I would never want to return to that time, btw jaja)
Well, here is my question, which is more like a petition😅 since Eldarya already finished, can I ask what kind of background Leiftan was going to have in the original's plans from the game? Bc I was reading your fanfic and when I realized his adoptive father was killed by Charles, I feel incredibly sad for what the game could have been😞 Leiftan is my babyboy and I have sooooo many theories about him (I also made weird questions to ChiNo in IG, hope she doesn't mind this helpless horny sinner).
I always thought his adoptive father must be a Lorialet, bc that would be the reason why slip past thru the Guard easily without being noticed. Also I believe there must be a reason why Gardienne end up in Eldarya, there are so many coincidences with her arriving and being chosen by the Oracle just in the moment. And I always thought it can be related with her mysterious bond with Leiftan... I mean, like the Chapter 18 of TO? That Chapter with the Quimeras was trying to tell us about some species who have a unique soul mate chose since born? Something like that or I am that much sleep deprivated?
Well, thank you for this space. I understand if you can't answer any of this questions, I don't want to make anyone commit by this jaja. I hope my shitty english didn't make a big mistake, because it was nice to practice💕
Hello! It's nice that you remembered thanks 💕 the honeymoon was really nice, Norway and Greece are amazingly beautiful 🥰
I won't reply to your question simply because Chino said she was going to talk about Leiftan's background herself, so keep an eye on her blog @chinomiko
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isa-ghost · 17 days
honestly I think you are so awesome and deserve all good things in life and I appreciate your role in the community sm, like I think I'd stick around even if you posted about things I know nothing about because just seeing you on the dash makes me go "omg its isa!" (even when its discourse lmao)
What The Fuck this is so sweet!! ;^; 💚💚
Worry not, I'm not leaving QSMP yet. Even if it hurts. If Phil's done, I'll likely migrate to Fit for it. Provided he streams when Phil doesn't. 😅
And I'll be damned if this stops me from completing AMFMN. Apollo has hinted during a brief reading with him that he'll kick my ass. We NEED more Phil centric fics, it's half the reason I said fuck it we ball and started AMFMN to begin with. That goblin of a deity is INVESTED in the story. I think I'd get sunburn for eternity if I left it incomplete.
And I have a perhaps therapeutic idea to write Phil coming home to the Hardcore World via Rose after departing with the kids. I think I'm gonna go for it, even if it hurts to write and I cry during doing so. :p
I'm not sure what'll become of that QSMP AU I was cooking on but I don't think I'll discontinue that before it even begins either. Additionally, I've played with the idea of just. Continuing some kind of AU storyline post-AMFMN. Like writing stuff (headcanons or short story(s)) after the events of the fic. We'll see.
I've been miserable at worst and palpably sad at best the last 2 days, and we'll see what happens during and after Phil's stream today, but.. at least for now at this good hour of 10am, I'm feeling,, better-ish. Cautiously optimistic. I don't want to leave (and I especially don't want to lose the amazing mutuals and friends I've made 😭). I'm not going anywhere.
But if you're curious, here's some other interests you'll see here besides QSMP:
I'm a Phil main first and foremost. Even if he's done on QSMP, I watch every minute of EVERY stream. Hardcore my fucking beloved. I won't hesitate to start cooking up more hardcore Phil headcanons or a fic or AU.
After Phil, I watch Sneeg second most. I also watch Hermits/Lifers & friends, Ranboo (yes hello I love Genloss), Tubbo & a bunch of others. Like I said, Death Family's end on QSMP isn't my end in QSMP, nor MCYT. :)
I barely post abt it anymore bc it's more bitter than sweet for me, but DSMP will always hold a place in my heart. I'm always down to talk about it if asked.
D&D/Critical Role/Candela Obscura (I've been dual-wielding hyperfixations on Phil & CR this whole time, you'd be getting Phil & CR primarily if I fell out of QSMP for some reason)
Related, I plan on getting into Dimension 20 sometime and I also want to watch LA/NY By Night. TTRPG enjoyers that follow me will be getting FED.
Anime!! Bungo Stray Dogs, JJK, Soul Eater, Apothecary Diaries, Frieren, and a bunch of others are my faves/current faves :)
I'm actually primarily an OC and roleplay person, it's my biggest special interest and I've been doing it for 12+ years. It's why I love mcrp so much. I'd probably post this stuff on @isas-oc-asylum and then reblog here if anyone was interested, idk. But I have an entire original world + country full of lore and characters I could talk about for eternity
I FUCKING LOVE HORROR PODCASTS. Magnus Archives & Protocol, Welcome to Night Vale, Old Gods of Appalachia!!
Veteran followers of me know I was originally a Jacksepticeye & Markiplier ego theorist blog before 2020! I have so many AUs of them and I love them still even though new content with them is slow. (I like Sanders Sides a decent amount too!)
I love talking about witchcraft!! I'm always down to infodump, answer questions, or gush about my goofy ass deity circle!! <3
Controversial (/s) but I love the Hazbin & Helluva series. I also love other indie series like Murder Drones, TADC and Lackadaisy!
I'm also slowly watching The Dragon Prince with friends!!
I've reblogged stuff plenty of times but I fucking love The Owl House & Gravity Falls
When will Arcane return from the war,,,, 😔 (soon)
I won't hesitate to plunge into the Monster Prom series deeper. Milo Belladonna and Damien LaVey my lomls I will get monsterfuckery on main I s2g
Basically... I'm a fuckin charcuterie board of interests!! Realistically, I'll still mainly be Phil/Sneeg/CR. But I'm always down to be abnormal about all that 👆🏻 and more.
If any of that interests anyone reading this, feel free to stick around. Or keep beating me with QSMP & Phil stuff in my asks. I'll still always be down to write headcanons and talk about fic stuff. I love qPhil too much to shut up forever.
And if it doesn't? Congrats, I'm also a massive shitposter. I have like 3 different tags for it. Feast your eyes upon how funny I am. It's like the one thing I'm confident in about myself, I'm fucking hilarious.
Honest Opinion Anon Asks
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femme-malewife · 1 month
Hii again!!
I'm the anon from last night (afternoon?), and thankyouthankyou so much for answering my ask haha. It made me excited when I saw that you needed two times to read it (when I read your answer I also needed some time to reread, I got up and even read while walking, couldn't stay put 😅)
And I wanna say, thank you for sharing them (your fics), and I mean sharing them, not just writing them bc I still think it's wonderful that you enjoy them, but sharing them is a lot other deal where you gotta be at the expense of hateful criticism and such, which I know can be ignored but it's still there, and is scary to open about you, about something that you made and people just being people don't understanding what a big deal is that, bc that way we got to read them and enjoy them and feel in general something whathever that is joy or sadness.
I specially enjoy those
I specially enjoy those fics of yours that are just for the lols haha, I get a good laugh without the urge of finishing a long one, bc once I start reading one I won't stop (except to attend the necesities that haha) though I also like your long ones, like Ikigai haha man that was a ride, I remember being at the edge of my seat just looking for their first signs of falling in love, and being exasperated at Yuujirou but also sad with him running away, I also loved Ken in that fic, even though I think he should have been there more for Aizou, just like in the canon but I understand that it was a lot to take and not anybody can do it, I also liked them being Prince x comoner, haha the change of peace was great bc Yuujirou is usually more prince like with his arrogant cute little attitudes and Aizou being like his loyal lovable idiot haha, right now I don't remember the name of the fic, but there was this one where Yuujirou and Aizou being both princes and Yuujirou is in this arranged marriage and Aizou is devastated about it and then true love (the kiss) saving the day, and the fic where Yuujirou is kidnapped, though I can't talk much about this one bc I don't wanna spoil anyone but the turn at the end was great haha 😆 Aizou is incredible, though poor Hiyori, suffering no matter the universe with those two around, though in a way still getting paid haha.
And there are a lot other great fics I've read, though I must confess I haven't read all of them, I got those ones that I haven't read saved in a big group (in Chorme). And I'm just not deleting them for my life haha, though my Ram is mad at me😅.
And ohhhh your origin story in writing 😍 it's cool, I'm sure I would have just wrote the definitions haha, writing a short story is still being pretty creative, specially when you have to use some words in specific and not something in my opinion anyone can do
I still think you're pretty cool and amazing, (yeah I always read the tags), and it's cool being mean and antisocial (I mean, strangers are usually soo fake friendly, I've got people that are like this that I just have known them like less than two hours and bc I give the vibe that I'm smart?? I dunno 😑 try to take advantage of that, whan I'm usually more lost than them haha, but if I don't return the "gesture" of being friendly I got the "looks" of being strange and I guess antisocial?? I just want to being left alone to read in peace man, but it's imposible so I have just resigned to that destiny), in my book people will always suck, they lie, they brush others off, they seem perfect in a way I don't understand bc they are accepted with their peers even when it seems fake to me, and I will never understand that, and even some of them are infiurating being so much at their element (that element being great at socialicing, where I struggle) but the world is like that and if we (you and me, my dear author LStar-sensei, or femme-malewife-sensei??) ever where to be in the same place I think it would be nice to just being the both of us in our mental space?? (Dunno if this makes sense hhahaha) but being just there is nice (I guess in a way we are right now, interacting like this. Being antisocial and mean is fine, bc if you're being mean to someone, they must've likely did something deserved to be treated mean, no matter if that something is minuscule in theirs or other peoples points of view, only you know how you're feeling and getting others to get it is hard enough to explain, so in a way being respectful is enough for me)
And I wanna say that even though it makes me sad (to the point of crying a little sometimes) when an author delets or abandonds their works for wathever reason they have, I will always respect it. Bc it's something you shared with us, and you have all the right to feel how you feel towards something you wrote and act however you seem the best, and it's also fine to not finish everything you write, I'm not a writer, so is hard for me to get it, but I swear to you it's fine if you ever move on to other things or lost interest or motivation to continue writing soemthing (maybe we will cross paths in another fandom, one never knows) I just hope you continue with joy doing wathever makes you happy (though as a reader it really makes me sad when authors delete their works, and as a reader that has read some beautiful pieces of art unfinished, I still keep rereading them sometimes, even though they are not finished I still get the joy of the journey of the characteres no matter how short or long or even how crack it is haha, bc I remember them, those great stories that help me get through another day, week, month and even though I'm still hopeful I could get the joy of getting even just one chapter someday, I will always respect the author and hope they're doing well with their lives, even if it's short the time that we conected in a great story, I just hope that they're well and yeah I will feel that way towards you one day if it ever happens, bc you're great and don't let anyone let you the oposite, though it's also fine if you just ignore them hihihi )
And yeahhhh, origin stories of you getting into lipxlip and yuumori. 😆 I think I share with you almost how I got into yuumori, bc let's be sincere, it's hard to get that almost instantaneous click with every story one sees, the diference with me is that I got into it again bc you wrote a fic of them 😊 which I must confess haven't read it yet, but I will definetly do it when I have time, I just want to reread some parts of the manga (to get into the mood if you get what I mean haha😅)
And yeahsss, I think you answered everything of that ask of mine and even more, thank you so much!! And sorry if I extended more that neccesary My mind is rambling and doesn't know when to stop (or summarize) sometimes haha
- Saludos 🤗
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Ahahahaha thank you! I'm glad you like them! Yeah out of all of my multichaps for lxl, I'd say Ikigai is my fav. Or The BL Experience, which focuses on new jobs for lxl to expand on...and my fic that focuses moreso on the mystery rather than the ship In The Pursuit of Happiness. I had fun with that one too. I'm quite proud of these ones, even if I still cringe @ some of the chapters on all of them lmao.
I hope you're reading my current wip Dream Faded !! I'm really excited for this one and I'm looking forward to being able to update it!
But thank you for your kind words! I'll do my best to be a decent role model 😭
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OH-MY-GOD! It's unbelievable and insane! I've written almost 40 Rylan One Shots (they aren't short, really) and it's still ongoing!!!!!!! 😱😱😱 I still have plenty of ideas, bc I friggin love these two so damn much! 🖤🤍 What started out as "just a nice little opportunity to overcome the summer months" grew fastly bigger and bigger. I never expected it to take on such proportions. I really never expected or planned this one shot collection to be this huge - the biggest I've ever written. I just thought I'd write some few little OS to a quite nice couple, but then... I fell madly in love with them. I fastly realized that I totally fell in love with Dylan and Ryan (and the game itself as well as the other counselors). I love this ship/fandom so much and I truly enjoy writing about them very much! 🥰🥰🥰 They have such great potential! That's why I'm still sitting here writing about them - even in 2023 and even though it seems most of the people already left/abandoned this amazing ship/fandom, which is very sad - but I don't fuckin care, because I will stick with them forever! They freakin deserve it! Hahaha they really hold me in a very tight chokhold and won't let got, won't ya? 😂 So this is a huge special thanks to everyone supporting and keep loving this ship/fandom and hasn't already abandondet it like most of the others whose hype is already over. So keep spreading your love about Rylan and The Quarry! 😚 If you're such a crazy fool like me, feel always free to write me if you like to or by any interest follow me on my Wattpad (user is AngelNi5) to support me there 😊 As said I'll keep updating my Rylan One Shot Collection there. AND I also still thinking about a english translation 🤔 But I'm not sure. Is there any interest about a translation out there? Bc it would be a lot of work (as said the One Shots aren't very short 😅) and my english isn't perfect. So please let me know if I should give it a try to at least tranlate some of those One Shots so that maybe more people can enjoy them more easily - can enjoy more Rylan Content. (or if you wanna help translating or with editing also let me know) So don't hesitate to write me and tell me your thoughts on any of this. It just makes me happy if I can make others happy with my writings or meet other people who enjoy the same ships/fandoms~ Alright! Probably nobody will read this, but I had this feeling that I just had to get those words out of my head. So now I spat it out :D
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jamesunderwater · 9 months
But now I need to know your Yellowjackets thoughts.
Oh nooo oh noooo the yellowjackets can of worms I've been stuffing into an old box in my mind 😆 are you wanting my thoughts on anything in particular??
I actually still have 6 episodes left in season 2 so my thoughts aren't fully formed yet, but I just found out Van survived 😭 and I'm so happy 😭 also I was fucking SHOCKED when Jackie died, I was just staring at the screen with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open, goosebumps down both my arms. The actress for young Shauna performed that so incredibly, I felt her shock and pain and desperation.
Other than that....agh I dunno! It's really interesting to me the way they're telling both the past and present stories at once, because at least for me it can be hard to connect the adults to their teenage selves since it's just been SO long. I'm fucking dying to understand what is happening in the present day, too. And to understand if what happened in the woods was actually supernatural shit or just literally a result of trauma and them trying to make meaning of and have a sense of control over what they were going through. Bc if it really is just that, then what's happening in the present with Taissa and Travis and Lottie? I mean...eh yeah it could also just be the trauma. Yeah. I'm hooked and curious.
As for opinions on the characters........ probably Natalie is my favorite in both time periods. When they lost the moose in the frozen lake and she sobs "we need it! We need it!" 💔💔💔 and her heartbreak over Travis. Fuck man. I just think she loves so hard and never gets it in return and that makes me really sad. I love that Shauna's so unhinged in the present, tbh. I'm frankly kinda terrified of Misty and want everyone to just......stay AWAY from her. I love Taissa so much but I'm so frustrated with her older self because girlfriend GET HELP you're a grown woman, a mother, wtf dude go see a psychiatrist why do you think you can handle this with some fucking espresso. Oh and I loooove her friendship with Shauna. It's just sweet how they've trusted each other with their most vulnerable things and even all those years later Tai still felt safe showing up at Shauna's house when she didn't know where else to go. Oh and and. I fucking love Ben and he's currently really losing it and I'm gonna be so gd depressed when he dies (cause.....I don't see how he won't)
Lol sorry it really did turn into a can of worms. 😅 I'll be even more excited to go on and on about it when I finish the season, I'm sure. What are your thoughts???
Omg and I didn't even address the cannibalism 🤦 uhhh well I literally couldn't watch. And it was so freaky how they all sort of hive mind converged. Thought the way the writers had Ben not participate and be so digusted by it was a great way to force the audience to feel that. And. Tbh. I can't blame them. I don't know if I could have done it but like...I can understand how...in some ways...it could have felt like a waste of meat? Idk like if you're capable of separating it mentally then honestly good for you. What was Jackie gonna do with it? She's already dead. So. That said it was obviously the moment that tilted them over the edge into eventually creating traps and actively killing and eating people. So. Not great.
Okay I really am done now 😅
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demonsfate · 7 months
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT JIN'S EMAIL TO HER IN TEK 4 LMAO orz I'm sorry. But yeah I agree with you. I also think he didn't tell her all the details likely for those reasons. But he told her enough to warn her and give her an idea of what kind of person Heihachi was. Which makes her attitude in Tekken 5 all the more confusing. I'm guessing Jin was so confused because he swore he had told her Heihachi was a pos, still does and yet here she is trying to go back in time lol. I think that's the game where things start to get worse with the writing. Granted Tekken has never had top writing but still. It actually makes me a bit sad because I was introduced to the games with 5 and I'm very fond of it (bc nostalgia but anyway)
A lot of shit happens in the Tekken series, and it makes it easier to forget it when the game's plagued with inconsistent writing. Hell, there are many things forgotten or straight up misconceptions within the fandom. (Many people still believe Kazuya made a deal with the devil to not die as a kid, but that only happened in the OVA) HELL, even I sometimes forget certain things, and I end up making headcanon posts that don't comply to canon just because I forgot about something. 😅
I looked it up for more info regarding the "email" Jin sent, according to some sources (such as the PAL version of the manual) Jin told her he suspected Heihachi was gonna have her assassinated...? Whiiich unsure if that's just a mistranslation from the PAL edition or not because I don't see why Heihachi would do that. He did it to Jin because Jin was no longer of use, he never cared about Jin, and Jin has the devil gene. But Xiao hasn't really done anything to warrant an assassination, unless Heihachi feared she'll uncover the truth regarding Jin's disappearance, and turn on him. But again, I'm unsure if this is true, or if the PAL version just added more because they thought "dangers" was too vague, or assumed that's what it meant when talking about the dangers. But who knows, we all also know how wonky the official translations of the series can be.
There's also a lot of issues with time travel. Such as, even if Xiao had succeeded, it'd be a possibility that Jin would've never been born. (After all, Jun only met Kaz due to his shady treatment of wildlife animals). But I won't delve too much into this just because it's just a silly story that means little. I don't even know how canon it is, considering that Xiao's ending in general isn't canon I don't think. Time travel, I'm pretty sure, is still not something that can canonically be done in the lore LOL.
Oh, Tekken 5 may be my favorite Tek game. (It's in the top three along with Tek3 and Tag 2) But I also very much enjoy Tekken 6 and we all know how I feel regarding its story. Basically, Tekken games can be very fun but not have the story that matches their quality of gameplay LOL. And I belieeeeve I wrote here very recently that 5 was the start of the atrocious writing. Although Jin was still relatively in character in 5, it did set up his villain arc with the ending. Xiao was flanderized to hell as we've discussed. Characters that didn't have joke endings before now have them (see Heihachi and Lei, probs more that I'm not thinking about rn) which set up the premise of not taking most of the cast seriously. (Tek7 DEFINITELY had an issue with most endings being pointless and comedic) So yeah, whilst Tek5 wasn't as bad as Tek6 in terms of story, it was suffering symptoms of it. Like a pre-illness or something LOL.
Tek3 was actually the first I was introduced to. My brothers CLAIMED we played Tek5 as kids because we rented it before when it was new...? But oddly I have like ZERO memories of it. I only remember playing Tek3, Tag 1, and Tek4. Which I played Tek4 very little because as a kid, I saw the limited amount of characters and thought "why would I play this when I can play Tag 1 with LOTS of characters...?" xD
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18. THE MOON: FEAR (What worries you most about your future writing career? What are you anticipating?) 
32. PAGE OF CUPS: A PLEASANT SURPRISE (What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?) 
48. QUEEN OF SWORDS: THICK SKIN (Have you ever received a stabbing critique of your work? Did you handle it well?)
Elli! <3 Thanks for the ask :) From this ask game.
18. THE MOON: FEAR (What worries you most about your future writing career? What are you anticipating?) 
Everything. Everything worries me. Self-publishing is a nightmare. I worry that I will never be able to force myself to do it bc of that (or if I do, I won't do it right). I worry what people will think/say about what I write. I worry that no one will have anything to say about my writing bc they won't read it. I worry that writing won't be fun anymore if I try to monetize it. I worry about being judged for what I write. I worry about being in even the semi-public eye. Yeah... everything :')
32. PAGE OF CUPS: A PLEASANT SURPRISE (What was your most recent writing-related pleasant surprise?) 
o.o Finding friends <33 I say recent bc I'm still shocked every day 🥺💜
48. QUEEN OF SWORDS: THICK SKIN (Have you ever received a stabbing critique of your work? Did you handle it well?)
Hahaha 😅 Yes. Umm, x2.
Does being deeply depressingly sad for a few days count as handling it well? lol. I can look at the critiques more objectively now, but at the time, they hurt. It's also pretty amazing how just one or two negative critiques casts doubts on any other GOOD ones, no matter how many there are. But, that's a me problem. *grits teeth* I'm glad they were honest, even if that honesty was very harsh.
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sebyplays2 · 1 year
/ polyamorous-elevenv2 here! so u did have a bad time, so I decided to try to work something for u. like part of the collab. I didn't start it, bc I asked if u have any idea for the prompt for that collab but u never responded. but well, anyway, let's start.
It wasn't anything unusual. Max was spending a lot of time lately with Lucas and El. It was normal. El was her best friend, and Lucas was her boyfriend. It was okay. They hang out a lot as a trio, they went to the movies, on ice creams, they even taught El the beautiful art of judging people together!
But today, well, today was different.
Last night, the trio of them decided to go to Lucas' house because it was still bright outside, even though rain was raining like crazy. They ended up on his couch, choosing one of the videotapes Lucas had in his home, and decided to watch it. It started with comedy movie, then they switched to horror one, and at the end they have chosen... romance, yeah. But it was funny. Characters were straight up dumb, but El was loving it, looking at the screen with bright eyes, making both Max and Lucas smile.
And Max didn't want to think about it then, but... it wasn't an 'El is such a silly friend' smile. No. It was a 'she's so cute, isn't she?' smile, that smile that usually is directed at people you love. Not friends. And she knew that Lucas loves her, stars know that she knows it, but-
No. Nope, not now. That's not a problem right now.
Max's problem right now is that she is in need of peeing.
Why won't she just go?
Because the night before, after watching a romance movie, they switched to some boring drama and,,, well,,, next thing Max know is waking up squished between El and Lucas' torsos.
The fuck is she supposed to do right now, and why her cheeks are so hot!?
/ your turn <3
woah… thats unexpected… i thought we will do lumax finds out about El bad habits (the one i message you) but nvm that i mean this one is sooo GOOD… idk umh okay. sorry here is my part😅
max is now stuck with this idiots who she love… like- her mind is saying get up you need to go and pee but her brain say stay because can you survive the guilt leaving them or waking them up? fv*k no right.
she ended up sitting there and hot faced while getting squish by her boyfriend and her gurl bestfriend who she think is more than that.
While shes like that trying to hold her gladbladder, the two moved to their left side making Max have some space and go to the bathroom… Max got confused and kinda sad because they moved she wanted to stay but she couldnt hold it anymore so she rushed to bathroom and after that she go back to the couch we're her two idiots sleeping.
its morning and she woke up having all the couch by herself with soft pillows in her head and a blanket on top of her. she wonder where Lucas and El, she than smell something heavinly coming from the kitchen she got up and goes to the kitchen, finding Lucas cooking and El helping him.
El and Lucas notice Max standing quietly at the corner, El called Max and greet her good morning while smilling cutely, Max feel her heartbeat getting faster, she smiled and also greet El. Lucas also greeted her and Max also greet him to, she sat next El and they start to chat, after 5 minutes the food is ready Lucas already handing them their food for El she have; chicken and waffle and a milk, for Max she have a pancakes,bacons and a coffee and for him he have ham and chess omelete and orange juice.
while he handle their plates he kissed Max forehead and said morning my love. Max blush and look like red as a tomato. The three sat and eat their breakfast that Lucas made.
Max never felt so loved in her life not until she met this two sunshine in her life... she will do anything just to see their cute and heavenly smile.
your turn @polyamorous-elevenv2 😊
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patchworkgargoyle · 1 year
Tagged by @crowtrobotx!
Three Ships: Steddie. This is no surprise to anyone, and trust me I feel bad for the constant flood of them on your dashes from my brainrot. I need my grumpy bitchy jock and sarcastic nerdy metalhead fix so bad it's embarrassing.
Dreamling. While the rot was shifted back to Steddie, I still love these two immensely and have so much fic to catch up on for them. I love the sad wet cat "man" and his immortal.
Buffy/Faith. This one doesn't come up much at all but boy do I think about them a lot. Maybe I'm due for a rewatch...
First Ever Ship: Honestly I think it's Remus Lupin/Sirius Black. I despise HP and Rowling so fucking much now, but it is where my fandom indoctrination began, so.
Last Song: Stumpie by Natalie MacMaster
Last Movie: I genuinely don't remember. My memory is terrible.
Currently Reading: Uhh... too much fanfic. 😅 Please nag me to pick up an actual book, I have so many waiting, unread, on my nightstand.
Currently Watching: The Crown, season 5. The royals are an awful train wreck and the metaphors are so heavy-handed. I'm honestly only watching it because I'm so bored lately but jave no brain for anything else. 😮‍💨
Currently Consuming: A very tasty milk chocolate star. It's like, soft mousse-like chocolate inside a harder shell, it's so good.
Currently Craving: getting fucked- I mean. Uh. New tattoos. I really want my bat sternum tattoo.
And the picrew!
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I really need more tattoos and a septum piercing so I can actually look this cool.
I won't tag anyone just bc I'm lazy but genuinely, if you're interested, please do and tag me so I can see!
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
Hi! I love your question bc I love talking about my blorbos 💖
I won't rank it from 10 to 1 bc it will take forever lol, but I'm going from "least favorite" to "neutral favorite" to "absolute unchangeable favorite"
I tried to make it as spoiled-free as possible but I couldn't contain myself 😅
Least favorites
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
I didn't actually finish Inuyasha but I know the gist of it. I love his design and I find his journey as a character interesting. Sesshomaru is a villain that eventually becomes a reluctant ally, I watched Inuyasha as a teen and at that time media kept bombarding us with villains that kept getting redeemed at the end so watching Sesshomaru never actually getting redeemed was a breath of fresh air. Boy, it's so funny to see the struggle of the main characters in trusting him bc he never showed that he could be trusted and most of the times he helped it was bc it was convenient for him to do so.
Starfire (Teen Titans cartoon)
Listen. The soft girl archetype is not my thing but I?? love her sm??? For the soft girl of the group, she never becomes the go-to-damsel in distress (everyone gets to be saved one way or the other by their teammates at some point) and the show never makes her kindness into a weakness but rather into a strength which is highly appreciated. I guess my only issue is the design they went for her, I wished her hair was wavy or curly like in the comics for ex.
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania Netflix)
Pretty boy? Check. Long hair? Check. Vampire (dhampir actually)? Check. Queer? Check. Daddy issues? Check. Traumatized? Check. Craves for love but is stoic himself? Check. Alucard basically checks all the boxes to be my favorite and yet his writing and development makes him be in this section. I hope the spin off does him justice.
Neutral favorites
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Not much of a fan of the movies, but I grew up with him as my favorite superhero with cartoons like The Spectacular Spiderman (kinda sad it got cancelled), I also enjoyed him on Ultimate Spiderman (bc he acts like a total lunatic and I love it) and I love Peter B. Parker from Into the Spider verse, he becomes a reluctant father figure to Miles and it's amazing. Overall I think he's biggest charm is how relatable he is to us kids who grew up marginalized by our peers.
Mikaela Hyakuya (Seraph of the End)
I'm too biased towards him, okay? He's my little baby, literally the only reason I haven't dropped the manga yet. Is he well written? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely. Same reasons as Alucard but with a few more layers to it.
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Look, this is the only version I've been exposed to of the character, saying this bc I'm aware of people saying that mcu Wanda pales in comparison to comics Wanda. But I love her, ok? I would die for her. "But what if you were in-universe and she killed you?" Bro, I'll die in happiness if she was the one who killed me. I love her, I'm too much of a simp for her. The only issue I have is that she's not well written, I look at her and all I see is wasted potential, but oh well, Marvel Studios never cared about quality.
Absolute unchangeable favorites
Lapis lazuli (Steven Universe)
Steven Universe will always have a special place in my heart and Lapis lazuli has been my favorite character through the whole show. I related to her and her journey a lot. The writing uses her character to show PTSD; trauma and how the same traumatic event doesn't have the same effect on people; how the abuser/victim dynamic is not always the case on toxic relationships, sometimes the roles interchange constantly and they're both the abuser and the victim at the same time; how overcoming trauma isn't (always) lineal, most of the time is taking a step forward and two steps backwards. She had it bad but she persevered until she finally came on good terms with her situation and started to heal and I love her for it.
Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
It's been like 15 years and I still love this guy, even more so as an adult. Yu Yu Hakusho is basically THE comfort show for me, seriously I have since watched the anime in spanish, english and japanese. I'm love with his background and journey, all main guys have great development but Kurama's development is the most subtle but still powerful. The thing about him is that he struggles between trying to be what his loved ones expect him to be and accept that he can't erase who he used to be and what he has done on his previous life. He has an identity crisis (not in the way most fans make it out to be though, it's not a personality issue) about who he used to be, who he is now and who he really wants to be.
Jason Todd (DC/Batman comics)
I love him, your honor. He's a walking tragedy and I love him for that. He's representations for those who grew up on poverty and resorted to stealing to survive, for those who are suffering in the shadow and people, who have the means to help, look away from and act like if they don't look at them they don't exist. He's character is cathartic for those victims that wished they could've stand up and fight back, for those who wished for justice to protect them but failed. I have my issues with his character and how is used, but since most DC characters are ruined from time to time bc of the writing I kinda look past it lol.
Soooo, this is it!! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, I wanted to give a mostly thoughtful answer
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