#but overall the second idea is probably more interesting and more feasible
bbyboybucket · 29 days
So I’ve had an idea strike me for a fic ab female variant of Bucky, and right now it’s ab her ending up in the main timeline and interacting with OG Bucky and Sam
But idk if I wanna continue it that way, bc I’d have to write a plot around it, and I barely know what I’d do to make it into an actual story beyond just the characters all interacting and doing some multiverse talk
So my other option is to write a collection of mini variant!Bucky stories, where each chapter is how his (and her) life played out in different timelines
And idk what I like better
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pixelated-pancakes · 10 months
Here’s Why Things Are the Way They Are
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The Overall Layout
Let me start off by stating that one of the characters (read: Oliver Banks), in podcast, describes the Magnus Institute (TMI) as small. SMALL. 
Suffice it to say that I respectfully decline and offer you (what I deem) a medium sized building instead. Before you ask me, 'did you even try', I attempted to make two other layouts in the ‘small’ category that just. Did. Not. Work. So yeah. No small Magnus Institute for you.
The only reason I didn’t make it 'large' is because of a bit of research I did into probable locations of TMI, where none of the buildings were taller than four floors, or could be considered large by any stretch of the imagination. In terms of facade and size, I think TMI is kind of like a Starbucks on a college campus. It isn’t distractingly out of place, but you can find it easily enough.
Most of the more interesting shapes in the various floor layouts are the result of scouring Google maps and historical images for architecture typical of the 1800s. While it’s entirely possible for the building to have been gutted between now and then, I like to think of the Magnus Institute as being a preserved historical building, one that can’t be completely replaced without losing that status. Which is, unfortunately, why it doesn’t have an elevator/lift either.
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Ground Floor Rooms
On this floor lies the rooms that gave me the greatest trouble: the Boiler Room and Artefact Storage. 
The source of my difficulties? MAG 038-040, three episodes wherein the amount of setting descriptions provided is greater than the sum of the descriptions found in the other 197 episodes. The entire Prentiss scene is extremely difficult to justify in a building with a feasible layout that can be designated as ‘small’ or even ‘medium’. 
Here are the most important points I used making this floor, just for easy reference:
Elias and Sasha have to find the boiler room ‘a few floors down’ 
The worms are on the upper floor (possibly the ground floor, one floor above the basement)
Elias and Sasha have to ‘turn a corner’ to see a ‘tidal wave of filth’ rushing towards them
Elias has to 1) lose Sasha, who finds her way into Artefact Storage and 2) take a roundabout route that requires 10-15 minutes to reach the boiler room (with one close call)
There are multiple corridors, only one of which contains the filth mass
Artefact Storage does not have any windows.
I spent so much time considering whether the Artefact Storage and the Boiler Room were in the basement or not — and I have been working on an alternate layout somewhere to do just that, if anyone’s interested — but ended up settling on the first floor because a lot of the descriptions didn’t line up with the idea of either of those rooms being in the basement. Elias’ ‘alternate route’ and ‘corridors’ from MAG 040 were one such description.
I also couldn’t bring myself to justify lugging a table all the way down to the basement.
(The reception, break room, toilets, and an administrative office are all located on this floor largely due to convenience and/or logic.) 
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First Floor Rooms
This was the easiest floor to design. I didn’t want it to be too far from the research floor or Artefact Storage, and I knew that the library deserved its own floor. Simple, effective, and logical. I gave the head librarian an office, too. It’s what Diana deserves.
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Second Floor Rooms
So, as it turns out, to run a business you need more than just the spooky parts. This includes offices for workers that are essential to keeping the company running. Marketing, accounting, the like. I also read on the wiki that the Magnus Institute has approximately 80 workers and couldn’t justify not having this floor. 
If you’ll notice, the HR department has an office smaller than the toilets. This is because Jonah Magnus deems it nonessential. The janitorial staff, however, are both very important and very well stocked, so they get one of the larger rooms. 
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Third Floor Rooms
TMA explicitly states that researchers work on the third floor. Therefore, the research room is on the third floor. What is not explicitly stated is whether or not the floor levels are based on the British English floor system (which would make sense), where the ground floor is street level and the first floor is one level above, or the American English floor system (which would not make sense), where the first floor is on street level. I went for the obvious choice.
As for Elias’ office being on the third floor, in MAG 039 Elias states that there’s a manual release for the Archive’s fire suppression system “a few floors down”. Originally, I wanted his office to be on the second floor, or the first. In the end, I got a bit stuck on the idea of “a few”, which seems like it’s more than two, so all the way up to the top went Elias’ office. It stayed up there for character purposes — namely, the idea of Jonah Magnus being able to watch the city from his office.
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Basement Rooms
In the basement is, of course, the Archives. Surprisingly, despite how much of the podcast takes place in the Archives, the layout is just as nebulous as the rest of TMI. 
Here are a few notable details I used in planning, all from MAG 038-040:
In the Archives, there is an office (likely small and intended for statement recording)
There’s an entrance to the tunnels in the Archives
There’s a storeroom intended for statements/files that need more care
From the storeroom, the office is visible, as is the door to the Archives.
While the second break room and toilets are not mentioned in the podcast, I thought I’d include them because it makes sense to me that a spacious area with only one exit has options in case of an emergency.
I am almost absolutely certain that I misinterpreted the description of the Archives, but alas, I won’t be remaking it for a while. The new version can wait until I’ve regained my sanity.
About the Stairs
The odd positions for the stairs are the result of trying to reason my way through the descriptions provided in MAG 038-040. My idea was that he and Sasha would descend all the way to the ground floor using the stairs closest to his office, only to run back up after meeting with a wall of corruption. 
At first, I thought that Elias’ “roundabout” route to reach the Boiler Room (MAG 040) would have him dashing through the library and down the other set of stairs, so that particular set of stairs by the Boiler Room only went up to the library floor. 
Then I thought it would be hysterical if Elias didn’t even bother running through the library because he is genuinely terrified of the librarians. (He tries to justify his actions by stating he wanted to extend Jon’s exposure to the corruption and Sasha’s encounter with the table, but he’s lying.) So in went another set of stairs.
The Magnus Archives is a wonderful podcast with descriptions that are highly immersive while allowing for a lot of interpretation by fans, which is something I've always appreciated in storytelling. Although I’m certain those at the Rusty Quill have their own layout, unless they choose to release all the specific details, the Magnus Institute truly is what we make of it.
Also, Elias’ description of the Prentiss invasion can get burrowed into by worms :) 
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Me trying to explain the Magnus Institute layout according to the Prentiss Incident™
A Few Sources
Thoughts on layout and location of Magnus Institute
Robert Smirke (architect) - Wikipedia
Donald Insall Associates | Historic Buildings Research - Donald Insall Associates
Mostly Google Images of random 1800s buildings located in Britain and searches for reasonable building dimensions. (Never thought I'd Google, 'how big does a restroom need to be', but here we are.)
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
Three Houses 100% Completion: Refining Those Spreadsheets
To my utter surprise, @symsykins has expressed interest in trying out my long and convoluted idea for a 100% NG+ run of FE16. Far be it from me to stifle the ambitions of a fellow completionist, but as I've made a fair number of updates to the methodology of that post in the months since I wrote it I would be remiss if I didn't publish those changes for the benefit of him or anyone else who wants to try their hand at this absurdity. Sometimes playtesting this stuff can be more entertaining than actually carrying it out....
Additional Parameters
It occurred to me that for "true" 100% completion you also need to complete those things tied to your Switch account rather than individual files. This means filling out the support log, event gallery (Goddess Tower events), and music library. Fun fact: there are exactly 29 Goddess Tower events if the same-sex ones are counted twice as the game does, so provided you plan them out ahead of time you shouldn't have to save scum to get them all.
As mentioned in the earlier post most of this is trivial to complete. The easiest way to raise support points between an active unit and a classroom unit is to have the latter serve as an adjunct during battle. They don't need to have an equipped weapon or be in a class other than noble/commoner, but just having them there will rapidly build supports. Still, it's best to plan out and stagger the number of supports your units take on each run so they're not overloaded. Cross-house supports are one of only two reasons to ever do cross-house recruiting, and they should also be staggered accordingly.
There's also the matter of building up your battalion guild. There are 127 unique battalions to obtain, discounting the Essar Research Group which requires the game's online features and a Switch Online subscription to access. Your guild can fit 200 total battalions in it, so there's ample room to acquire and max out one of each battalion as well as duplicates for the better ones. This is also the only other reason to recruit across houses: to get the three Part 2 paralogues that require it (Ferdinand/Lysithea, Linhardt/Leonie, and Caspar/Mercedes) and so unlock their associated battalions. As with recruiting for cross-house supports, you should only bother doing these once.
One-Time Renown Purchases
You can and should buy all the Renown purchases in Abyss and most of the saint statue bonuses during your first run, using the 10000 Renown bonus from CS and all incidental Renown gained during the run to do so as you can't spend it on anything else. Note that the last bonus for each statue, a boost to units' max stats, is functionally useless for the purposes of this project and so can be left for the second run - a full 10000 Renown you won't have to worry about spending right away. At any rate, however, you'll have amassed enough Renown to complete the saint statues during your second run.
On Monastery Activities
Previously I'd discounted the greenhouse as an unnecessary time sink like fishing and tea time, only to be completed when a quest is involved. However, I find that in non-CF runs you'll quickly start running out of dining hall resources in Part 2 without planting crops, which forces you into the less efficient alternative of running around and throwing gifts at your active units to max out their motivation each week. Therefore I recommend planting vegetables and fruit in the greenhouse throughout Part 1, at which point you can stop because by then you should have accumulated enough resources to cover the rest of the game. Additionally, there are certain glowing blue spots along a typical exploration run route that are guaranteed to drop fish or edible crops - at the stall in front of the fishing pond and on the stalls in the corner of the marketplace where the special merchants gather, namely - which you should check out each month.
Byleth's Level
When Byleth is not an active unit don't bother raising their level higher than 15. This is good enough to recruit all the level-dependent characters (most of the church units), and the only meaningful benefit to going up to 20 is to attempt the proper conduct tournament. However, early on Byleth is unlikely to be able to win the tournament even at 20 without an appropriate class or abilities, and the Renown and brave weapon frankly are not worth the waste of time and space in having them be an adjunct for those five extra levels. Save the tournament for runs where you're actually using Byleth.
Classroom Unit Ranks
A quick correction here. I previously said that Authority should be every character's first priority as a classroom unit, but I no longer believe this is true. With standardized class sets (see further down) it's more important that characters look ahead to the runs they'll be doing in the near future and work on skills relevant to those runs. This especially holds true for banes; a classroom unit can easily take a bane skill as high as B or even A from base over the course of a run, which will help significantly with future certification requirements. Classroom units can work on Authority, but I'd save that for those that have free availability in most or all runs like Anna and the Wolves. The regular students and to a lesser extent non-student characters that join late will want to prioritize their problem skills and build Authority mostly during combat in their active runs.
Route Distribution
I had previously suggested that CF should have the most runs to compensate for Jeritza being awful...but screw that. My current 29 run setup:
6 runs of SS
10 runs of AM
9 runs of VW
4 runs of CF
Notably, this works out to 9 or 10 runs per house which is overall more significant given the advantages in-house units enjoy. The choice to give AM an extra run over VW came down to AM having more exclusive units; VW's one extra week isn't that much of an advantage, not when the Deer lack a Part 2 exclusive and also include Lysithea. But, you ask, can you get away with running CF that little?
Playtesting suggests yes, provided those runs follow some strict parameters: five units only, with three of them being the CF exclusives and the remaining two slots covered by a rotation of the other Eagles. SS runs should precede CF runs whenever possible, to give Edelgard, Hubert, and the rest of their house more classroom time to make up for having to share runs of the shortest route in the game with Jeritza. Jeritza should always hold one of the Knowledge Gems during Part 2, with Edelgard and Hubert sharing the other. The other Eagles can lean on their active use in SS runs to make up for the deficit, and even Edelgard and Hubert can prep for their active runs or finish up skill ranks in SS. Jeritza though....
Number-Crunching Jeritza
To illustrate why I complain about Jeritza as much as I do (from a unit perspective, that is - it's been well-established why I hate him as a character), let's take a particular trouble spot of his as an example. Jeritza has an Authority bane, which means that even with Mastermind and a Knowledge Gem equipped he'll gain no more than 3 points of it during each combat encounter, or 6 if he uses a gambit (not to be relied on given how limited in use per map gambits are). He doesn't have access to any classes that boost Authority, so this is the best it gets. Starting at B Authority means it'll take him 2920 total points to reach S+. Assuming no classroom instruction (because he's got ten other skills to work on, you know) and no gambit use, that works out to him needing about 974 total combat encounters or an average of 244 encounters in each of his four runs.
Is that feasible? If you follow my method of exploring on weekends before instruction weeks and battling on other weekends (and assuming your first run is not CF which...no) there are (3 battles per weekend x 5 calendar months) + 6 chapter maps = 21 battles that Jeritza will fight. Obviously those battles vary in length, but that comes to an average of 12 combat encounters per battle. That's admittedly a bit steep, especially earlier on when few of your other units will have maxed Authority and can be used as adjuncts, but remember that gambits count as two combat encounters and that, more significantly, the other units will eventually max out Authority and allow you to field only three frontline units at a time. It does help that both Edelgard and Hubert have Authority boons, so they should be backline-ready no later than their second active run.
Unfortunately there is one little hiccup to this. CF's first calendar month consists of just one free weekend and the chapter map. As annoying as it is the journal can only be accessed while exploring, which means that on each CF run after the first you'll have to choose between skipping three battles that month or updating Jeritza's skill ranks. You should always choose to battle, because it will help out your other units (who already end up screwed out of a few battles thanks to what choosing CF does to the end of Part 1) and also allow Jeritza to start working on ranks he hadn't touched in earlier runs. The wasted Authority growth is a shame, but at least Jeritza has the base ranks to certify for any beginner class right out the gate so he can pick up a sword/lance/axe/gauntlet/Thunder and still make use of the training time. CF Chapter 13 is also unusually short and will be finished in only a few turns, so it's not a great loss either.
And all that was just for one rank! Hopefully that proves my point about Jeritza sucking, even if mercifully his class masteries and other skill ranks are less of a pain. Even faith can be worked around with bishop and holy knight offering 6 points per combat encounter, although he'll probably want to save his monk run until he can be an adjunct so he's less hobbled by his tiny spell lists.
Standardized Class Sets
Probably the part of this update I'm most proud of, as I put a lot of thought into simplifying one of the more needlessly complex elements of my original setup. Crafting individualized class sets for each character may sound fun on paper, but it's a hassle to keep track of when actually playing the game and doesn't have any substantial benefit. Characters can patch up their banes through classroom training, and furthermore class certification requires nothing higher than A which is a major reason that mastering classes is more of a rote structural element of individual runs than something that requires intricate plotting.
As such, have some standardized sets. These come in male and female versions to account for genderlock and similar considerations, and they apply to all characters except Byleth and the house leaders who have to be handled a bit differently. Noble and commoner are not listed as they're trivial to master; just make sure that non-student characters go back and do so at some point, like when they're being used as adjuncts for supports.
Below each set is a list of the skills needed to guarantee certification in all of the set's classes. This was a useful metric for determining which classes went best where.
Dancer (if available)
Death Knight (Jeritza only)
Mortal Savant
A Swords C Axes C Bows B+ Reason B Faith
Dancer (if available)
War Cleric
Mortal Savant
A Swords B+ Brawling A Reason A Faith
There are a lot of sword-based classes, more so than any other weapon or magic type, and that combined with the rarity of sword banes - only Bernadetta and Mercedes - means that often even characters neutral in the skill will max out swords during the course of their myrmidon run.
This run has the distinction of being the only one to not require any of the movement type ranks, which is one reason why gremory is here. The other is that female characters have eight regular master classes as opposed to males' seven, so while when divided across four runs males get a free space here (which Jeritza takes advantage of), females do not. Unfortunately mortal savant is the only master class that proceeds naturally from all the earlier sword classes, but if you'll notice from the male set's requirements there are fairly high reason and faith requirements here even without gremory.
The other oddity is war cleric, which takes the place of assassin (see below) but stands awkwardly as female characters' only serious brawling class. The secondary faith requirement slots easily into a run that also includes trickster, but as I explained in the first post brawling is going to be a problem skill for female characters no matter what you do.
One more note: it's important to consider certain things when deciding which active units will go in which run. Myrmidon runs require the most scrutiny as this is where characters will be dancers, and of course you can only have one of those per run. These runs also require the limited availability Abyssian Exam Passes, one for males and two for females, so keep that in mind as well.
Armored Knight
Fortress Knight
Great Knight
Bow Knight
A Lances B+ Axes A Bows A Heavy Armor A Riding
Pegasus Knight
Falcon Knight
Bow Knight
B Swords A Lances A Bows A Riding B+ Flying
Here we see the major influence of genderlocked classes. Female characters have more obvious lance options thanks to the pegasus classes, whereas males have to take the heavy armor classes instead. This balances out in the fighter runs, but for now it's worth pointing out that characters will only be using lances and bows in these runs. Swords (females) or axes (males) will be trained entirely in the classroom, with females running assassin as a bow class and males running the heavy armor classes with lances. Hey, great knight does have Lancefaire, and more importantly all the classes mentioned also boost those weapon types.
Wyvern Rider
War Monk
Wyvern Lord
War Master
C Lances A Axes A Brawling C+ Faith A Flying
Armored Knight
Fortress Knight
Wyvern Rider
Wyvern Lord
Great Knight
C Lances A Axes A Heavy Armor B+ Riding A Flying
This is the inverse of soldier, with male characters taking a quartet of brawling classes while females go mono-axes with the heavy armor classes and others. The female set also has one fewer class than all the others here, a consequence of there being one fewer female-exclusive class than male. As with the master class free space in male myrmidon, keep that in mind for later. The singular axe focus and smaller number of classes compensate for female fighters needing to train all three movement types here, which is annoying but necessary. I tried numerous combinations of classes in the soldier and fighter runs, but incredibly this is the one that's least demanding on overall ranks. What can you do?
Male fighters require an Abyssian Exam Pass - just pointing that out.
Dark Mage
Dark Bishop
Dark Knight
Holy Knight
C Lances A Reason A Faith A Riding
Dark Flier
Dark Knight
Holy Knight
C Lances A Reason A Faith A Riding C Flying
With the understanding that gremory is covered in the myrmidon run, there's little to mention here. Rank requirements are almost identical with females only needing to work on flying a bit. These runs are the most demanding on limited seals though, with males needing two Dark Seals and females two Abyssian Exam Passes. Make sure you plan accordingly.
Also, these runs make it clear that if you're going to equip these characters with a weapon for when they run out of spells (as might well happen during earlygame), make it a lance.
From the standard sets:
Add lord to myrmidon
Add armored lord and emperor to fighter
Because female fighters are already one class short Edelgard can add two classes there and still come out as even as possible. She's the only character other than Byleth with more than eight master classes, meaning she'll have to do three of them in one run, but with her it's no trouble aside from emperor having the worst availability of any class in the game that is. Her unique classes slot well into fighter as it is.
Dimitri and Claude
From the standard sets:
Add lord to soldier
Move hero from myrmidon to fighter
Add high lord and great lord/wyvern master and barbarossa to myrmidon
The guys, meanwhile, don't fare as well. They take advantage of the same free space for a master class that Jeritza does, but to make the rest of this happen things have to get a bit messy. They'll have to have a certain sword rank for their soldier and fighter runs now, but as they both have sword boons that's not too tall of an order. They can also run hero as an axe class and lord as a lance class to match those runs' themes, which also helps each of them a bit in a different way - Dimitri with his axe bane, Claude with his lance bane. Dimitri's unique classes fit well with myrmidon as they also boost swords, but the best you could say about Claude's unique classes in myrmidon is that he won't have to train up bows for assassin when he can just switch to using them in wyvern master.
The Avatar’s special gender-variable self needs class sets built from the ground up to accommodate their ability to access all of the genderlocked classes. As follows:
Myrmidon (male)
Dark Mage
Dark Bishop
Enlightened One
Mortal Savant
Soldier (female)
Pegasus Knight
Wyvern Rider
Falcon Knight
Wyvern Lord
Bow Knight
Fighter (male)
Armored Knight
Fortress Knight
War Monk
Great Knight
War Master
Monk (female)
Dark Flier
Dark Knight
Holy Knight
Apart from the two female runs having three master classes apiece - unfortunate but necessary, as with Edelgard - the biggest surprise here should be dark mage/bishop in myrmidon. They need to be in a male run though, and there are more magical female-exclusive classes so that's not going to be monk. Alongside the standard mortal savant it's not much of a stretch in terms of skills (something Byleth never struggles with anyway because faculty training is a thing), but the required two Dark Seals should be considered.
I think that's just about everything for now? I could be really over the top and map out exact routes for exploration, efficient paralogue choices, and more nitpicky stuff, but even I've got my limit. Part of the fun of 100% is being able to adapt your strategies anyway, so I'm not sure that being that precise would be the best way to approach hypothetically helping someone else do something like this.
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muffinrecord · 4 years
Masara V Shizuku
Masara Kagami and Shizuku Hozumi are really similar and I wanna talk about them-- right now I’m focusing on their in-game stuff, but maybe one day I’ll look at their personalities too. Note, I’m not a game designer so my observations are just poorly researched thoughts-- they don’t necessarily represent reality. 
So let’s start off on ways they are similar. Both of them are:
Light Type
Attack Type
AABBC disks
Have Chase involved somewhere (whether it be their magia or connect)
Have Critical Hit involved somewhere (whether it be their magia or connect)
Furthermore, let’s look at their Spirit Enhancement. They have several traits in common with each other too:
Negate Evade Chance (35%)
Evade Chance (15%)
Critical Hit Chance (15%)
Charge Disk Damage Up (10%)
I’m not counting in stuff like “Magia Damage Up” because a lot of girls will have things like that, but these stand out especially to me. In a way, it feels like these two girls have the same niche. 
Now, characters having the same niche isn’t exactly a bad thing, because it can give a player more opportunities to get characters that might be difficult to get otherwise. For example, Kyoko is a Flame Blast gorilla, but so is Ranka-- yet Ranka is more feasible to get as a 3* while Kyoko may not be. It also goes across elements-- we’ve talked before about how Tsuruno and Kaede function as good units that are generalized enough to work well with most strategies. Lastly, two similar units can be a good idea for when working with a team. If you want to generate a ton of aqua doppels, then a team of just Rena and Ao might be a good idea since they’re both accele gorillas.
But what is weird to me is that Masara and Shizuku are both the same element, and  they’re both not 4*, and you probably don’t need both of them on one team? Their function is to be an assassin-esque class, with focus on them getting crits, high-single target damage, and having a chance of dodging pesky attacks. 
Let’s compare them to two of our aqua element’s blast gorillas-- Nanaka and Yachiyo are both blast gorillas who have connects that increase their party’s damage. They’re (kind of, it changes with SE but more on that in a bit) similar go-tos for when you need AOE aqua blast damage, just that Yachiyo feels like a less effective Nanaka. But... that’s okay, because having two of them on a team doesn’t feel like a detriment. Yachiyo and Nanaka’s connects work well together, and they can be great for Mirrors usage.
Going back to Shizuku and Masara: are you ever going to want to use them together on one team? It’s hard to say for sure, given that they aren’t uncapped yet, but it feels better to only use one. That way, you can trade more connects and you have more chances for puella combos, and using their high-damage attacks. With them both so fragile, even uncapped, you wouldn’t want both on a Mirrors team because that team would be super easy to kill if it went to round 2.
And then let’s look at SE again. Concerning our Aqua Blast Gorilla comparisons, Yachiyo became specialized more in Defense, while Nanaka became specialized more in Attack. Yachiyo is aimed more at lasting a long time-- she becomes more powerful when her teammates die, she has passive damage cut, and she has passive Defense Up-- making her a good off-tank. Nanaka meanwhile has all sorts of shit-- critical hit, charged damage up, ect. So they have the same element, and they have the same disk setup, and they have similar connects, but they can still be used very differently.
Meanwhile, as shown earlier, Masara and Shizuku have very similar nodes for their SE. Their SE doesn't’ do much to differentiate them from each other like Nanaka or Yachiyo’s does.
So... with that in mind, what do they do differently here?
Well, their connects are different. Shizuku gives Damage Up + Chase Chance, and Masara gives the highest Crit Chance in the game (85%). Masara’s magia is single target, while Shizuku’s is damage to random enemies, and Masara’s magia is also more “selfish” (gives only Masara buffs) while Shizuku’s is more helpful (gives the whole team a critical hit chance). They have different growth types too-- Masara’s growth is Attack, and Shizuku’s is Balance, and they have some differences in their SE as well.
Masara Kagami:
Defense Pierce Chance (15%)
Charged Attack Up (15%)
An active SE that gives her 35% Crit Chance for three rounds
Shizuku Hozumi:
Chase Chance (20%)
A second Charge Disk Damage Up
An active SE that gives her 100% Evade Chance for one round
So, looking at this, it feels like the biggest difference here is that Shizuku has more focus on overall balance with her more spread of stats, more of a balanced connect, helps her team with her magia; and Masara is very much a one-hit kill character who specializes in high attack, passive + active critical hit chances, and magia that makes her even more of an effective single-target killer. Their SE Actives also continue this trend, as Masara’s means you’ll want to use her disks more often to get the most out of the crit buff, while Shizuku’s can act as a defensive buff to keep her alive for another round. Lastly, Shizuku has a definite theme of chase being involved, letting her chip away at the enemy.
With all of this in mind, I have a hard time of not thinking that Masara is superior to Shizuku here. While Shizuku is more team player than Masara is, both units are still built up to be assassin types... and Masara just hits harder than Shizuku does. Chase chance is interesting, but I think I’d rather have the straight-up more powerful single-target attack than chipping away slowly with lower chase percentages. 
I think the biggest issues for me that holds Shizuku back is having the same disk set. I think she would be much better off if she has AABBC disks, or even ABBCC disks. Even something as small as that would make her feel less specialized into one area, and less emphasis on “single-attack” than hers currently is. Different disks would also give her a reason to be used other than Masara. Shizuku could become more generalized and used in a variety of situations, while Masara would be pulled out when you need very high single-target murder specifically.
Anyways, those are my thoughts and I’d love to know what you think, especially if you disagree/think I’ve missed something.
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echoeternally · 3 years
4, 13 (the second half of course,) and 19!
Bah, I’m late for this. But ok! Here we go.
4.) Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
...Why pick the hard one first? Why do this? (I’m always afraid of feeling pride for my work, lol.)
Ok, ok, let’s see...god, I can’t even decide...
Well, one that I like is the opening of Bowser’s letter for Eternally Never Yours, because that is one of the most impactful moments for the story to establish its tone and entice readers in. I’m sure you know the part:
Let's get this cleared up:
You're a moron.
I don't get how you've been missing it for so long. I'm not going to make it easy and spell it out for you. It's not your style and that's not how I want it. But I'm losing my patience, which has never been that high to begin with.
How could you not see that I'm doing this…all of it…for you?”
Like, that’s such a winning opener, and I have had so many readers go, “Omg, this perfect, and it drew me in.” I can’t deny it’s one that I was delighted to write immediately for what became my longest fanfic.
I have more scenes that I like, but I figured this one was optimal to share, lol.
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
13.) Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Heck to only the second part! Shameless self-promo, gooooo!
My AO3 is here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/EternallyEcho/pseuds/EternallyEcho/works
Annnd my FFN is over here: https://www.fanfiction.net/~echoeternal
I write lots of fluffy romances that belie the darker themes and periling adventures that I send my favorite characters through. But sometimes, just soft mushy stuff too. Enjoy!
Second half...goes below the cut! Along with the rest of the answers. 
Ok, so, yes and no about the projects that I’ve kept to myself. Like, I do have things, fanfics and original works, that I’ve written or made plans on. But, some of it emphasizes the “made plans” and basically is skeleton work that I’ve never followed up on.
For the fanfic portion, there are things that I’ve started that I might eventually post, like an Among Us one-shot, and scenes for the Pokémon fanfics.
There’s other stuff that I’ve abandoned, including a small heaping of Star Fox fanfic content from Nexus of Lylat.
And then I’ve got ideas that I just...I dunno, never got around to bringing forward. There’s some X-Men stuff I wanted to bring forward, but that came out as a jumbled mess, so I think I’m going to just not do that, lol.
And I wanted to write a Zelda story set in a time where Link isn’t around as the hero, like either during the Downfall timeline or during his BotW 100 year slumber. But, I haven’t the time to develop it nicely, so, away it’ll stay.
Original fanfic stuff, I make ideas very frequently, but I’ve written out almost none of it. I don’t think it’s very appealing overall, because it basically amounts to my personal Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
No, I don’t play DnD, so no, it’s not really meant to be inspired by that. In fact, I’d credit Fire Emblem faster because of the war themes.
Plus, I’ve noticed that interest for writing isn’t exactly high when it’s not about fanfics, at least not with me, so, I have little to no motivation.
(Furthermore, I lack a lot of personal support regarding some themes and topics that I want to put into it, because LGBTQ+ stuff and the people that know me irl totally not being into such, but nobody needs to hear about that, lol.)
Kind of a shame, because I had like a 4 story idea that would’ve eventually led to a crossover between them, but that wouldn’t be feasible for me at any rate. Maybe when I’m old and (hopefully) retired.
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
19.) Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
Do you really need me to call myself out? I don’t want to do this.
Ok, well...I was told once about how I write “clasping hands” too much. Like,  there were a number of scenes in my stories where the characters do that so often, and someone mentioned that and I was like, “NO, MY CRUTCH!”
I pulled back on it lately, but it’s definitely something you can probably see from my earlier works, and I probably haven’t eliminated that entirely.
Also, I focus on eyes a lot for romance stuff, and I want to stop myself, but colors are pretty and I love partners gazing longingly into one another’s eyes because I find that romantic, ok?! Uuuuugh.
Oh, and I probably make people “chuckle” way too much. Possibly “giggle” too. But I’m not going to swap those with “guffaw” because that sounds dumb or snobbish as hell, and I absolutely refuse.
“Mario smirked as he tenderly tickled Bowser’s stomach, eliciting a hearty guffaw from his lover.”
Like, get the hell out, no one wants to read that. 
... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
Anyway, thank you for sending in the ask! It was fun to look over my writing stuff and consider things.
Actually, now I’m curious: which lines of writing resonate with my audience?
I’ll be left to wonder, I suppose...
Ah well! Thanks again!
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axiomsofice · 3 years
Leafs 2021 Primer: G, Divion, and Long Term Outlook
In net, Andersen begins with the most trustworthy backup the Leafs have had during his tenure, and the hope is to keep the starter fresher than in years past. Maybe we’ll see a 35-20 game split? As a non goaltending expert with lots of goalie takes I’m a fan of Campbell, I would guess more than the normal “scout”. He looked really good in his limited time with the team last season, and given the history and trust with Dubas, and Campbell’s own attitude and pedigree it seems like a situation worth putting stock into. With the flat cap and the uncertainty of a post Seattle goalie market, not to mention certain doubts about Andersen’s ability in the playoffs (I get it but it’s bunk IMO), it’s safe to say we have no idea whether Frederick will be back after this season. I’d say there’s a chance that Campbell could even be a 1A if the leafs and Andersen can’t work a new contract out. Dell is a typecast backup who might actually be pretty good as well. He and Martin Jones were not good behind a weak Sharks team last season, but having more depth than normal is critical this year. Having Hutchinson back, this time as the fourth goalie is great. He was really well liked and is better than he showed in the overextended role. A lot of people might rag on him, but having depth that can clear waivers is useful to the team, Marincin seemingly finds his way into action every year. He’ll be around when you’re in a bind so you don’t have to throw Kaskisuo to the wolves (you deserve better than that Pittsburgh game). They'll be a good example, and you’ll help raise the bar for the Marlies. Yes they’re not superstars, but dammit they’re the loveable last line of defence in dark times. Division Outlook The North Division is anyone’s to gain, and on paper the Leafs are without a doubt in the top four, and IMO the team with the most boxes checked. Montreal and Calgary are both just as complete and well rounded, but don’t have as much star power. Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Vancouver have as much star power, but have more glaring issues, goaltending, defencemen, and scoring depth respectively. It’s impossible to know how the schedule will impact things, and really any order of the six (sorry Ottawa) teams is feasible, but I would say Toronto has the best chance to take a hold of the division. Avoiding the powerhouses of Tampa Bay and Boston, if only for a year, could prove to be a blessing in establishing post season success. Big Picture For the second year in a row Dubas has escaped from burdening contracts while providing an intriguing list of possible solutions to the club's issues, all while not sacrificing exorbitant amounts of draft capital (and drafting “objectively” well if there is such a thing). Sure, there’s a list of things I don’t think have gone well or agreed with, losing Kadri, Marner’s cap hit, Mattews’ and Tavares’ cap hits, not giving Reilly the C, not firing Babcock sooner, etc., but overall this organization is in a healthy state with an intriguing future. The Tyson Barrie and Cody Ceci experiments didn’t exactly pan out, and maybe it took too long to try to figure out the backup goalie situation, but without question there are new possible answers.
Going forward the success of the team will rely on the cap going up, drafting and development for inexpensive young players, and getting players to “buy-in” by taking less money to stay. Already we’re seeing the youth start to emerge, free agents from overseas, and hungry vets looking for a good situation start to do this, but it will be interesting to see if some bigger names join in, and if the COVID/cap situation impacts that. Specially Hyman, Reilly, and Andersen. All 3 are on expiring deals and are very much a part of this group as people, could probably get more money elsewhere, but I'd think that at least one of them takes a “team-friendly” deal to stay with the group/situation, even if it’s in the short term until the cap rises. Eventually like Detroit, or more recently Boston and Tampa, the goal will be to form a culture where everyone does.
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This Is Why Utilising A 3D Measurement Software Is A Good Idea
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Quality issues in the manufacturing process are among the things many organisations and businesses would want to eliminate. And for such reason, many are opting to use 3D measurement software to take care of quality problems as well as speed up their processes. Basically, such type of technology is helpful for taking a certain idea from the conceptualisation phase to the production stage.
If you are interested in knowing more about 3D measurement software and how it can assist you with your manufacturing operations, check out the sections below.
The wave of the future
One of the advantages of using 3D measurement technology is that 3D scanners are the wave of the future. It’s what companies today need to continue to use if they are going to be successful. It’s also what companies in the future will need, as it becomes more popular. While a company might be able to get away without using it at the moment, there will come a time when almost everyone will basically have to use it, or that company will no longer remain competitive. That’s important to realise that, since it greatly affects business planning and costs, it may have to incur as time moves along and customers demand more from their products and services, along with the companies that provide them.
Rapid measurement
The rapid speed of data capture, from a 3D measurement software, allows millions of data points to be recorded in seconds. This ensures that large environments can be surveyed in a short timescale, making 3D surveying ideal for work on particularly time-sensitive projects when a quick turnaround is vital. The rapid process involved in 3D measurement is beneficial in minimising man-hours necessary on-site. This innate speed and flexibility are of huge benefits to the measurement industry and is one of the reasons that 3D measurement is becoming more and more widely utilised.
Getting a new product to market
3D measurement or scanning is one thing that many companies are using right now to stay competitive and successful. Products that get to market too late aren’t going to do customers any good, and the company that comes out with something new first will generally be the one to see those customers flocking to what they have to offer. This provides similar products later will probably still pick up some market share, but they don’t have the advantage earned by the first company.
3D measurement and scanning can be applied at the design phase by starting with a physical object and using it to design a CAD model. Designers often have to work around and fit their layout to physical objects. These mating parts can also be scanned and incorporated into the design, resulting in parts that fit better consistently. The process of using an existing manufactured part to create a CAD model is often referred to as reverse engineering or reverse modelling. By utilising this, new designs can incorporate and improve upon engineering optimisation already inherent to the manufactured part.
3D scanning can be used to capture changes to tooling or parts that occur on the shop floor. Tooling is often “hand-tuned” to achieve the final desired look and finish of a part. By using 3D measurement technology, transferring hand modifications and optimisations from tool to tool is possible, ensuring every part fit together after production. Such technology can also be used to analyse and characterise tool wear during production. If used correctly, it can also predict or eliminate tool failure. In the event of tool failure, 3D scan data can be used to recreate the optimised part.
Quality control
3D measurement technologies are used to analyse the “as-built” condition of parts after they have been manufactured. Typically, non-contact technology is used to quickly inspect the overall shape and size of parts, quickly detecting issues such as part warpage or overall scale issues. Analysing bolt-hole locations, bosses, bores, and other prismatic features are feasible with contact inspections. 3D scanning is used in combination with statistical analysis software to maintain and predict quality in manufacturing.
Production defects and issues are sometimes inevitable for any kind of businesses. But by using 3D measurement software, significantly reducing inspection and troubleshooting time will be possible. From all of the benefits listed in this post, it can be perceived that such technology will allow you to speed up and improve the quality of your manufacturing operations without sacrificing accuracy. If you are now decided to acquire such software for your business, just make sure to deal with reputable providers who specialised in this technology and you’re good to go!
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1 Chapter 6
• It's YEEHAW time everyone!
• And also raise a middle finger to logic as we see the MC wear something that she should have probably lent to the Platinum MC for a country performance, rather than for farm work.
• There's also the bit where she randomly takes a pregnancy test coz she feels nauseous (yes I know. It's plot related and is probably done to show a false negative. But you need to time these things, MC! The best time to look for a double line is closer to the time you're supposed to be having your period, if your period is regular).
• Screenshot Credits:
Hana: @pixieferry
Drake: @thefirstcourtesan
Maxwell: The Abhirio YouTube channel.
• These are the tags you can block if you don't want to see these posts: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs.
• Drake has an AUNT? Please don't give me any more family members, I'm done dealing with the ones he already has.
• I'm wondering if Leona exists so that PB can do some serious retconning on Bianca's behalf. After all, when she appeared in the Drake playthroughs of Book 3, there wasn't much of a positive reception for her - with some players even saying that the MC should have a few choice words to say to her - and for good reason.
• Title: Home, Home on the Range
So whatever little knowledge I do have about a place like Texas is from films and pop culture, so this might not be new information to you but it is to me! 😁 So I'm probably going to be a gazillion times more excited about sharing it than you guys might be to read it! Bear with me for a sec.
From what I'm reading, "Home, Home on the Range" seems to a western folk song that's so popular it's considered an unofficial anthem in that region. Its origin was from a poem called "My Western Home" from a Kansas native called Dr Brewster M Highly, in 1872 (it was even made Kansas' state song in 1945?). The lyrics are very...Drake:
Where the air is so pure, and the zephyrs so free,
The breezes so balmy and light,
That I would not exchange my home on the range,
For all of the cities so bright.
Mostly a very idyllic, glorified portrait of country life. You find similar sentiments in Drake's diamond scene this chapter.
• Alternative Title: We Just Needed An Excuse to Use the BSC Soundtrack Twice.
• So we meet Bianca, Drake's mother, this chapter. If you married him this is the second time you're seeing her, and if you married anyone else this is the first time and you have no clue who she is until Drake introduces her to you. She also mentions in the Drake playthrough that this is not the kind of welcome she was hoping to give her son and daughter-in-law.
• We also meet Leona, Bianca's older sister and Drake's aunt. She's extremely unimpressed with this group of nobles and largely seems to blame the nobility in general for whisking away her younger sister, leaving her alone to manage the ranch?
• She pretends not to listen much to Cordonian news while talking to Liam, but seems to have the time to keep up with Cordonian gossip while talking to us - and luckily you can call her out on it too.
• She seems the type that likes a rebellious Duchess/Queen, going by her responses to the more sarcastic options from the MC.
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Hmm. This scene does two things: one, it establishes that the ranch is facing financial problems, in terms of money and staffing, and two, it possibly may build up to why Bianca had to return to the States. Both I think might become important points in the coming chapters.
• Bianca seems intent on not letting her children know anything about the fraught situation at her ranch, but Leona is having none of it. You either do your work and do it well, or she will put you through your paces. Which is exactly what is happening with Bertrand now.
• The whole theme of "we need to get pregnant, and fast" returns with the presence of Savannah, who greets us with a very excited, sociable Bartie in tow. You can choose to either pick him up and pay attention to him, ask Savannah to figure out what he wants, or ignore him completely. Whatever you choose, the topic of you becoming a mother will come up (either she comments on how you're a natural, or she will tell you that you'll eventually be able to read your own baby's signals). Savannah now joins a long, long line of people who will talk to us as if we're already pregnant (her fiancé will join this list in a couple minutes too, don't worry).
• Speaking of parents, the sole dad of the (extended) group - Bertrand - is nowhere to be found. Bianca is all praise, Leona is Unimpressed™, and Maxwell is shocked that the guy who swore never to touch fowl again after witnessing a flooded peacock enclosure is now chasing chickens. The group overall can't believe it.
• Bertrand is, in fact, chasing chickens.
• So here's the other issue that will come up. Having eventually convinced Savannah that he is serious about her and Bartie, he now wants to win the approval of the family. Bianca is more than ready to accept him, Leona is...Unimpressed™.
• This sets stage for Problem 3 of the Goings On at The Walker Ranch: Bertrand is desperate for approval and Leona seems pretty set on not giving him that. So I'm pretty sure getting her to realize that Savannah's fiancé means business and there is actually something for her to respect about him - if not love - is pretty much one of the loose ends we will have to tie up in the course of the Texas chapters.
• Savannah's laid out some clothes for everyone, so everyone gets a 'country' look and a cowboy hat.
• Like always, the outfit options come with different reactions based on the LI you're romancing:
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Liam's looks nice I think, Hana is pretty (I haven't the foggiest idea of what would on a ranch so I wouldn't know how feasible - or not - these two outfits would be), Maxwell looks like he's dressed for the ranch AND for winter and Drake looks okay (like...there's a theme or something with his outfits, like he needs to have a LOT of a particular colour. Denim on denim, brown shirt brown hat).
• While Liam and Esther collectively swoon over each other, Savannah is all shocked and like "you both know we're still here, right?". Uh huh, you had no problem fangirling over Bertrand's "stern but sexy eyebrows" in public but suddenly me flirting a little with my husband is too much for you 😑
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A little too much??? Listen, Esther has worn a hat that looked like it swallowed a hundred smaller hats on the way and cried in JOY at the sight. She has COMFORTED a widowed grieving Queen Mother and STARED DOWN Hana's awful parents, all with that honking big hat obscuring her face. How does a tiny puny cowboy hat with a bracelet thingy around it even compare??
• In the kitchen, Bertrand continues his woeful attempts to make conversation with Leona by revealing just how little he knows about running a ranch. Leona is Unimpressed™ (Betrand: How are the crops? Leona: We have cattle 😑. Bertrand: Who...ate the crops? Leona: 😑😑😑)
• Leona's like the adult version of the Unimpressed Sikh Child in Bollywood Hogwarts:
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• We get darkly roasted coffee to help us gear up for the day's work at the ranch, and it's quite...the mouthfull. If you succeed in drinking it, you get high on coffee, and if you react to the strong taste, Leona makes a smart-alec comment about how "her highness must have wanted a chilled latte" (I forget which drink she mentioned but something similar) or something. Wish there was an option to tell her "Bertrand didn't tell me about the stick up your ass" (callback! From which book? Guess!)
• You feel slightly nauseous on the way, which is a bit of a set up to the end of the chapter.
• We split up into teams. Liam and Maxwell help with getting the hay for the horses, Hana and Drake help with sorting the tack.
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Liam is a quick learner (and learns stuff just by observing), Maxwell is confused between the interests of horses and dogs, Drake is even more confused at Hana's speed, and PB has forgotten that Hana has actually ridden actual horses and would actually have at least a working idea of what actual tack with an actual horse would look like. Sure she may not have MADE tack for those horses, but you can miss me with that "imaginary horse friends" bullshit.
• See Team TRR, this is what happens when you focus on nothing else but Hana's skills. Even you fail to keep track.
• We feed the chickens (and I can see what I think are shades of Hana's upbringing in the way she says "wait your turn! one at a time!"...with chickens).
• ...there was a "no royal pets" policy in the palace that Liam waived?? No wonder we could get a corgi and Penelope could bring her poodles to court as soon as Liam became King!
• Re: Liam talking about having stuffed animals rather than pets and stating that he and Hana were on the same boat. Et tu, Liam? HOW MANY TIMES DOES HANA HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS SHE NEVER HAD TOYS.
• I'm imagining poor young Maxwell realizing that peacocks don't like hugs and now I'm sad ☹️
• So the set up to the group scene is that none of these characters have truly experienced the joy of cuddling cute pets. It's not much even by way of a group scene, just a cute scene where the MC can direct Tiny the little calf to cuddle all these sad sad people (pushed into embroidery lessons and diplomacy sessions as children!) and cure Bertrand of his cow-suspicion (cowspicion?). The more pets you have with you the cuter it is, coz the two corgis go about acquainting themselves with everyone - the cat, the cows, everybody.
• ROE REFERENCE! We see Jess and Blake spearheading a successful business as caterers and wedding planners (did Jess take coaching from Chaz's sister-in-law Carmen? 😁) and they leave it vague (as expected, since Jess' romantic relationship with Blake is determinant - as is the possibility that Liam and Jess could be related by marriage if the RoE MC chose Leo lol) whether they're romantically involved or not, but at least this way I know they're happy with their jobs!
• Apparently they'd catered at enough disaster weddings that they decided they could do a better job
• I have two questions:
1. Did Leo ever recommend Carmen? I'm guessing not since based on whether the RoE MC married him or not, he'd probably feel more comfortable recommending family/friends than someone who - in a different playthrough - probably never really met him.
2. Why is Liam helping Bertrand and Savannah with contacts for their wedding when we ended up doing most of the searching and finding ourselves?? 🧐
• BertVannah seem to want a mix of local and Cordonian traditions: Savannah wants to recapture her parents' wedding by riding a horse down the aisle, and Bertrand asks Liam to officiate, as a royal. Maxwell and Hana will be in charge of entertainment and decorations...and the MC should not move a muscle because Bertrand has already decreed us pregnant.
• Savannah's ex Chuck is a buff ginger, and an already insecure Bertrand is made even more insecure at the sight of him. Another on the list of things PB expects us to fix in the Walker Ranch. Drake owes me both in cash, fancy hats and a lifetime supply of free smoked BBQ ribs after all this. The kind of shit a pregnant royal is expected to do...
• Time for Drake diamond scene - which is a mostly fluffy scene that takes place close to a river nearby which has a great view of the sunrise and sunset, and a ride atop a kayak.
• Here's the important stuff you can get from this scene:
- Drake knows how to build stuff (we knew this already, but here Drake talks specifically about how he and Savannah would build rafts)
- Drake sucks at taking compliments, but Drake stans who saw their MC's intro to TRH already knew that 🤭
- You get to flex your paddling muscles. Drake is...Impressed™
- Lovely sunshine
- A cute story about how Drake and Savannah had a canonball contest at this river, and happy memories of his Dad being just their dad for once, not dad + King Guard
- Drake gets to talk about the mark his father left on him, and how carefree he used to be before Jackson's death
- You can revive the cannonball contest with Drake before you head back to the estate, and if you're married you share a passionate kiss. The writers went to great lengths to describe how passionate the kiss wasqqq
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If you're married to Drake, this spot is described as 'romantic' and 'private', the MC makes a joke about being the "First Mate" of Drake's heart, the usual variations. Drake also mentions that he hopes to emulate his father's way of parenting once he himself becomes a father. I'm also guessing the story of how his father and mother used to visit this lake before they had children would have an implied added importance to a married Drake trying for a child.
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Funny how the assassination attempt on Liam always ends up revolving more around what it did to Drake than what it did to Liam. Both in the original Book 2 Italian Restaurant Scene where it was first referenced, and here (Drake's restaurant scene is also the only scene that highlights how that particular attack affected Liam - if you don't buy this scene, the attacks are mentioned in a more offhand way by Constantine when we confront him, and Liam still doesn't have a word to say). Stop. What happened to Liam happened to him. Stop making it all about Drake.
• Also why does Drake keep insisting the MC helped him find Savannah? She didn't. He spotted the envelope. He saw the address. He deduced where in Paris it was and tried to check it out. The only help we could provide was convincing him to stay and listen to her, and even that was optional.
• The MC wakes up wondering if she's going to feel nauseous, which then leads to the realization that it could be morning sickness. That's the most random race to use a pregnancy test I've seen.
• The result is negative, and the LI wakes up to the MC telling them about the result of the pregnancy test. The reactions to the news are identical. They follow roughly this template:
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I can headcanon that Hana is actually feeling and understanding the MC's pain when she says "that's not silly at all", but I won't. I refuse to do the heavy work for the writers.
• In any case, there are some guests, and only Hana seems to know who they are.
• My face as it goes from seeing Kiara, Olivia, Penelope and Madeleine (yes, in that order):
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• Sooo it looks like this week we're going to have a clash of the country and the courtly. Uh oh. I don't see this ending very well...unless there's a deus ex machina coming our way.
• General Thoughts:
- This chapter is filler, as expected, but it's the kind of filler meant to set up the major problems in that place. And there's plenty hinted at in this chapter alone: solving the financial troubles of the ranch, the clash of cultures that will come with the court ladies being guests, winning over Leona, learning about Drake's and also Bianca's past, Bertrand's insecurities. It's going to take a couple chapters to untangle all that!
- My guess is that the MC is possibly pregnant, but got a false negative (esp if she's nowhere near her expected time for her period), and will probably find out during Bertrand and Savannah's wedding? IDK. Most people I know will wait to see if they get their periods first (I did that too, waited a couple days after the expected day just to be sure), because that's when your hCG levels are high enough to show in your urine sample. That was a waste of a perfectly good pregnancy test, MC!
- The variations are very few, besides the scene where they all get new outfits and references to the MC and her spouse by different people including Blake and Jess. Perhaps there may be an LI scene coming soon.
- I mentioned earlier that Leona may be there as a way for the writing team to retcon Bianca's departure, since in the original series all we are told us was that she "was...struggling" after Jackson's death and left for the States at some point, leaving her children behind. Not a lot of people were very happy about this and though she was portrayed as a positive character in Book 3 (Drake's playthrough), it wasn't convincing enough. Leona is possibly there as a way to soften the audience to Bianca, and perhaps to get us a plausible reason for her leaving without her children. I'm not sure what could justify not taking them along, but okay.
- So Drake in his scene tells us that they came to the ranch as kids, but there is that matter of Savannah having been there long enough at some point to have had a boyfriend. I'm wondering if she spent some time on the ranch while Drake had gone to college.
- Also...if that's what happened, why was France even an option for her to bring up Bartie if she'd been in touch with her mother. Why did France, a place where she had very few contacts or living experience, win out over a place she was familiar with and where she had family?
- Leona's very Drake-like...but with an actual job that she's probably good at.
- Leona's also going to be Unimpressed™ for the most of her time in this book, with her probably becoming a little more impressed towards the end. Told you she'd be The Unimpressed Sikh Child (if you still have trouble with this meme, it's a character from a Bollywood film about a magical school called Aabra Ka Dabra. Here's some additional context from desi comedians and former Pretentious Movie Reviewers Kanan Gill and Biswa Kalyan Rath to illustrate why Unimpressed Sikh Child is so awesome:)
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"Stop trying to impress people. Impress people with how unimpressed you are." If that isn't what Leona is doing. One wry expression and that's all it takes for all of Cordonia's royalty and nobility to fall over each other to prove themselves to her.
- Leona is an ass but you've got to respect the way she plays that game.
- I hope the writers don't forget that Kiara and Savannah were...yknow...good friends. Given how badly she was treated in Book 3 (and the narrative treated her really, really badly. Like I'm pretty sure some of you might have no idea just how badly she's been treated), I have serious doubts.
- Will we get a Hana or Maxwell diamond scene next? A good one or mostly just fluff? Let's see.
- Will we get another flashback scene? Maybe. It's possible. Bianca would remember something.
- One thing I do know for sure is that there is going to be more of Perfect Angel Savannah and Bumbling Bertrand. I'm not looking forward to it.
• Next: I'll be doing TRR Book 1's QT for Chapter 6 as well! Hopefully it will be ready by Friday. As for this series...until next week, folks!
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falneou17 · 4 years
BanG Dream! Favorite List
So... people have been requesting I made this for quite some time now, and I decided that I might as well. It might be a nice thing to look back on the past three years and see how I have formed and changed my opinion on the various characters.
The main reason why I held back with it for so long, aside from wanting to avoid giving off the wrong idea with who my least fave is, is because I was playing on the JP server while conversing with people who were only playing on EN. I stopped playing JP about a year ago now (the last event I remember playing on the JP server was Babyglow, actually), so the EN server has more or less caught up to what I remembered from the JP side of the franchise; which means that there is still a decent chance that my preferences might change from this point onwards. Not to mention that the third season will air next month, too.
I want to do these regularly-ish, but with how “fixed” the rankings have been ever since RAS’ introduction I wonder how often that can be done.
Icons are taken from the bandorisorter tumblr.
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1. Yamabuki Saaya Same old song and dance, she has been my favorite BanG Dream! girl since day one. She radiates an aura similar to Saten Ruiko from the Raildex franchise (who also happens to be my all-time favorite character), and this, coupled with her supportive, sacrificial, helpful nature really helped Saaya in solidifying a spot in the #1 spot. The only way I can feasibly see her drop from this spot is if she doesn’t receive any character growth and development because she has been, admittedly, rather static in this department.
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2. Aoba Moca A name people still think is my fave of the franchise, she might really become it soon depending on how much Saaya grows in the future. A “simple” character at face value, I really started finding out just how deep her character is when I started getting more into her design and learned more about her. She is overall a really fun character to work with and nothing says that more than the fact that she has been the centerpiece of all my multi-chapter fanfics for this fandom at the time of writing this.
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3. Mitake Ran Ran goes almost hand-in-hand with Moca, but where Moca had the element of surprise and curiosity to keep her high on the list, Ran felt like this mixture of two characters of a different franchise I really enjoyed, combining both their strong points into who we now know is Mitake Ran. And I am sure you all already know how much I like Ran considering the BlueFlora works I have done since April of 2017.
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4. Hazawa Tsugumi Tsugumi is probably the easiest character, at least among the Afterglow girls, for people outside the BanG Dream! fandom to relate to, and for good reason. She’s a hard worker, remains positive, and you know things will go south when Tsugumi isn’t being optimistic and charging forward like no tomorrow.
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5. Imai Lisa Lisa shares a lot of similarities with Saaya, or at least how I described Saaya. Nevertheless, there are still a handful of factors that would explain the gap between them. The first is that I saw Saaya on the screen first, so Lisa was doomed to become “similar to Saaya” as a result (the way the first season animated both girls didn’t really help). The second is the way Lisa is shipped by the general fandom that makes me feel a lot more restricted in using her freely. The final point is not Lisa’s fault, but while Nakashima Yuki has done an amazing job at taking over the role... she is not Endō Yurika.
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6. Uehara Himari I make fun of Himari a lot, but she is still an amazing character and a great gear in the Afterglow machine. And while I personally feel like the English translation of Himari’s catchphrase is not doing it justice, I am very much aware of how important Himari is to the chemistry of Afterglow. She is the leader of Afterglow, after all.
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7. Shirokane Rinko What started out as just a playful headcanon has really gotten traction and popularity amongst my readers and helped Rinko rise up to this spot, managing to even beat out the fifth member of Afterglow in the process. Although very different from the characters I usually wrote for, Rinko manages to be this breath of fresh air to allow for a different pace than what I usually work with. The only reason that is holding Rinko back is not even her own fault: Akesaka Satomi made Rinko into the character that I’ve come to know and love; she was Rinko, so losing her was and always will be a big blow to me. Shizaki Kanon is doing her best, and I respect her as a seiyuu in her own right, but... she’s never going to replace Akesaka Satomi as Rinko in my eyes.
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8. Udagawa Tomoe Tomoe is a weird one. On the one hand, she’s very fun, energetic, and is tunnel-visioned enough to be fairly predictable in a fun way. On the other hand, she is the most static character in her band and one of the most static of the entire franchise, so... she’s still really high up thanks to the Afterglow bias in me, but who knows for how long that can last?
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9. Maruyama Aya I really am unable to talk about Aya without bringing up her seiyuu, Maeshima Ami, because the phrase “the seiyuu is the character” rings very true when it comes to this one. And she is a very fun character, too! I am not really good with stumbly fumbly characters, but watching Aya on the screen has never been a bad thing. It also helps that her singing voice matches Misawa Sachika’s so much, reminding me of Misawa Sachika’s Polaris mini-album and even convincing me for a short period that Misawa Sachika was Aya’s seiyuu.
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10. Okusawa Misaki/Michelle I am not really breaking the mold here, having Misaki be my favorite Hello, Happy World! character, so I don’t think I need to add much to it. In a nutshell, Misaki is to Moca as Lisa is to Saaya. But instead of being put in a band I like overall, Misaki was put in what is arguably my least fave band of the franchise (mostly because the style of music does not fit me, personally, and I like the other five bands more)... which really limits how much Misaki can rise in my list.
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11. Wakamiya Eve I only have one thing to say about her: BUSHIDO. In all seriousness, Eve is adorable and her fascination with Japan can really act as a parallel to how some fans adore the culture. In short, much like the vocalist of her band, there is never a dull moment when Eve is around.
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12. Asahi Rokka Rokka is a really fun addition to the cast through the second season that aired earlier this year. And what is really interesting about her is that, while the other four RAS girls have been a hit or a miss in the fandom, Rokka seems to be almost universally liked. She is just an adorable bundle of cute, what’s more to say about her?
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13. Tamade “CHU2″ Chiyu So remember how I said in Rokka’s entry that RAS’ characters tend to be a hit or a miss? Well, CHU2 is, in my experience, the most polarizing of the RAS girls; people either love her or hate her. I personally really like her, because while she may appear as a brat at first there is obviously a lot more going on beneath the surface. And I enjoy watching those characters develop, so here’s to hoping that season 3 is nice to CHU2.
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14. Nyubara “PAREO” Reona Now unlike CHU2, I can’t really pinpoint what it is exactly about PAREO that makes me like her. But I do, she is enjoyable, her dedication to RAS and CHU2, while bordering something else entirely, is still... quite admirable to see, in its unique way.
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15. Ichigaya Arisa Arisa is a weird one. I enjoy watching the subtle actions she does in the background to show that she cares for and supports her friends, but at the same time... she’s competing with Himari for the title of “who can be the butt of all jokes”... which is a bit of a shame, but oh well. Another thing that is kind of holding her back is the fact that one of her defining qualities, being a tsun, is... not the most unique personality trait in the anime world, to put it lightly.
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16. Tsurumaki Kokoro Kokoro is... an interesting case. I think I mentioned earlier that I am not really good with eccentric characters, and Kokoro is exactly that with a capital E, but on the other hand... the few times when we do get to see through that bubble of energy we get treated to a surprisingly deep character. It also helps to share birthdays with me, I suppose.
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17. Hikawa Sayo Another really weird one to place, and one that will probably define the rest of the list. Sayo, by far, has received the absolute most character growth of any of the other girls. That is normally a good thing, but in Sayo’s case it kind of acts like a double-edged sword; while she grew to be a better person and a better sister, above all else, she... lost things that really defined who she was in my eyes. And because of that, I don’t quite know where to place her... I do enjoy her and still like her, but... I dunno...
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18. Hanazono Tae Tae has always been a fan favorite ever since she first appeared in the anime, but... she faces a problem I have mentioned before: she’s pretty static. She’s still fun and the fact that I am kind of looking forward to the way her seiyuu continues to grow will probably keep Tae up, but not too high.
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19. Udagawa Ako All right, so Ako being here should already tell its own story, but... generally speaking, when a character is “created” with its whole purpose being to surpass another specific character, they will never come close to that character on my list simply because I end up thinking of Ako relative to Tomoe (in Ako’s case). Ako is fun to see and her chuunibyou side makes for some cute interactions, but aside from that... with the fall of Rosela came the fall of its members...
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20. Satou “MASKING” Masuki At this point in time, we don’t really know that much about her. She had like... what? Five lines in the entirety of season two? From what I have seen of her so far, however... she catches my interest, but depending on how well her character and backstory are handled she can rise or fall accordingly.
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21. Minato Yukina So remember the whole “fall of Roselia” I mentioned? It is not really their fault, losing Endou Yurika and Akesaka Satomi was a big blow, but the effects it had on both the characters and their respective seiyuus are still... there. Yukina in particular also suffers from the whole notion that she is introduced as this super professional singer with more talent than she knows what to do with, but... in part due to the seiyuu shift of Lisa and Rinko, Roselia’s songs have taken a hit in how much I enjoy them (to emphasize this point: I haven’t really enjoyed a new Roselia original song ever since Akesaka Satomi left Roselia). The only two things keeping Yukina in this “tier” is that she is still somewhat interesting to work with and her rivalry with Ran can provide... quite the amusement.
Above Neutral
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22. Shirasagi Chisato Once we’re in this tier, it... really is a bit of a blur as to who is placed where relative to each other. I can say that Chisato is probably at the upper end of it by the process of tiebreakers: BanG Dream! Livestream and events involving their seiyuus. Uesaka Sumire is always fun to watch on the screen and has made me warm up to Chisato in the process.
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23. Matsubara Kanon Pretty much exact same reasoning as above, with Kanon being slightly lower simply because I tend to like serious characters more than those that fumble around. I will say, though, that the few times when we get to see a confident and determined Kanon on the screen, it was a lot of fun to see.
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24. Hikawa Hina So remember my point with Ako about characters who are focused on their relationship and interactions with one specific character? Hina serves as this unreachable goal for Sayo to reach, and with a lot of the scenes that are being shown use Sayo’s perspective to do so... Hina’s innate genius is also somewhat of a double-edged sword for her ranking here, because while scenes involving Hina are anything but dull, I... prefer characters who work hard to get where they are above someone who is “born” with the ability to stand out.
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25. Wakana “LAYER” Rei I feel kind of bad putting LAYER all the way down here, but as a character, she is rather... static and uninspiring, at least at this point in time. As a vocalist, however, LAYER is probably my second favorite in terms of the singing voice, so I am hoping that the third season can catapult LAYER up a couple places.
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26. Toyama Kasumi The “face” of BanG Dream!, so to say. I will say that, for a typical happy-go-lucky energetic female lead, Kasumi has a lot more depth to her than others. Unfortunately, being the character we see the world through, I’ve never managed to really relate to her. So while she is almost in the next tier, she barely misses it.
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27. Yamato Maya Maya is, actually, a really interesting character with a lot of room to grow and become her own person. Unfortunately for Maya, she did not catch my eye early enough so by the time I got used to characters like Moca and Ran running around, Maya... kind of faded into the background.
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28. Ushigome Rimi I don’t know how to say this without being too mean to Rimi, but... Rimi has been really static. Rimi interactions and scenes, more often than not, either consist of her love for Choco Cornets and/or her relationship with her older sister. A lot of potential, a lot of possibilities, but none that have really been taken advantage of...
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29. Kitazawa Hagumi Hagumi suffers a really horrible fate, and I think that she would have been a lot higher on the list if she wasn’t in Hello, Happy World. Hagumi’s character and personality traits overlap with Kokoro’s a lot, and with Kokoro being the vocalist of the band Hagumi has really been living in her shadow... which isn’t doing her a lot of favors.
So, that’s my list. Oh, I missed somebody? Right right, let’s fix that~
Unsalvageable/Very Bottom
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30. Seta Kaoru Where do I begin to properly explain how I feel about this character? For starters, Bang Dream is a gacha game where we grind up resources, save for weeks, sometimes even months, for that one card we want (unless we’re spending money on the game i.e. whaling). So what do you think will happen to the character who keeps dropping in a banner she is not even a rate-up in while you really wanted a limited card you have saved eight months for? Or if she keeps arriving as the guaranteed 3* in like 80% of all your pulls for over a year? For reference, I managed to get the skill level of her Phantom Thief 3* to level 5 by using duplicate copies of her Initial 3*. And vice versa.
The gacha side of my reasonings aside, the actual reason why she is and always will be at the bottom is for a reason that cannot be removed without changing who she is. Her over-the-top, flirtatious attitude really, there is no going around this, annoys me, and even if it is just a front... I’ve already associated at least three people I know irl to her, and since I despise those three for how they behave irl... I can never see myself saying that Kaoru is not my least favorite of the franchise.
The only way for Kaoru to no longer be at the bottom is for BanG Dream! to introduce a character I despise more. Which, to be fair, is a possibility with Argonavis, but not only am I just not interested enough to properly invest time in checking them out, they are also in an alternate universe or something if I remember correctly... so comparing the girls to the boys in Argonavis is like comparing... Railgun characters to Index characters, in a way, which isn’t really “fair”. I probably will if I decide to check out Argonavis, but don’t be surprised to see this one at the bottom still.
2 notes · View notes
dcarevu · 5 years
Batman TAS: Mad as a Hatter
“Why don’t you go do something useful like… Oh, go jump in the river.”
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Episode: 27 Robin: No Writer: Paul Dini Director: Frank Paur Animator: Akom Airdate: October 12, 1992 Grade: B
I was in high school when Tim Burton’s version of Alice in Wonderland showed up in theaters, and like almost everyone I knew, I could not have been more excited. I really loved the Disney version, and considering that the man involved with Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman, and more would be giving us his take on it right as I was starting to move toward my emo-scene phase, it was a dream come true. Even now, on paper, this seems like the perfect recipe, doesn’t it? But I think most of us can agree that it just didn’t meet expectations. The first time I watched it, I wouldn’t admit to myself that I wasn’t a fan. It was dark, and strange, and Tim Burton + Alice in Wonderland. Everything I wanted! As a developing emo kid, I was supposed to like it! The reason I bring this up is because Batman the Animated Series being fused with Alice in Wonderland seems like another fantasy-combination that would have no way to turn out subpar. Mad as a Hatter is an episode that, for the most part, actually gets a lot of praise. Alas (or, for the sake of the pun, Alice), maybe the idea seemed a little bit too easy, making it easier to over-shoot, missing the mark. This is another episode featuring a crazy set-piece at the end, but it is also another episode that was handed to Akom. Christ, why. Of all the episodes. All the episodes. Why is it some of the ones with the highest reliance on visuals? This episode involved not just complicated, creative visuals, but incredibly weird ones as well that needed to be animated just right to not look like subjects from one’s fever dreams. You wanna know how that turned out? Well, I heard an, “Oh my god!” from Char as the walrus and the carpenter made their appearances. While that did make me laugh quite hard, and Akom definitely got the weirdness down, it should have looked like intentional weirdness. Beyond the animation, the story is actually decent. It is Paul Dini, so what can you really expect. But even here, I would not call it A-level material. Some strange dialogue/delivery choices, and other leaps of logic/strains on the suspension of disbelief take away from it and leave me feeling extremely neutral.
Okay, so after that paragraph above was written, I went and took the screenshots from my DVD. I was surprised. The DVD looks so much better than the Blu Ray here. This was the case with The Clock King too, and I fear it is starting to seem like a pattern. I think it all comes down to the Blu Ray release looking too clean, and way too bright at times. Because of course, the DVD is in lower definition. Shadows are lightened so that we can see all of the imperfections of Akom’s drawings. Smudges and dirt are removed, giving the people a plastic look at times. It’s not the way the show was meant to be watched (as I said, probably VHS would be my preferred way of viewing if that were feasible). This puts me in an interesting spot, because I paid near $100 for the set, and also, some episodes look absolutely phenomenal. But is it worth it when some look like absolute crap? The great-looking shows look godly. The mediocre-looking ones look horrible. I was ready to tear into how Mad as a Hatter looked and rip it a new one, but now I do not think that would be fair. No, the animation here isn’t perfect. But it’s passable. And I think that’s worth something given the frequency at which I complain about Akom. At this point, I have watched up to Robin’s Reckoning. From here, I honestly might start using the ol’ dvd’s again. It’s unfortunate, but if I go back to specific episodes that I love later on, then I’ll use the Blu Ray. Remember, I am watching these with Char who has never seen the DCAU before. I want the series to make the best possible impression, and even with the best plot ever, a bad-looking episode can make a disappointing episode. Merely getting the episodes at a higher definition, but leaving them dirty and dark would have been my preferred solution. Anyway, back to talking about the episode itself (and yes, this does slightly affect how I see the episode. At first I was giving it a C. But I think I’ll have to bump it up to B territory).
We start with episode with some cute-ass mice, only to then be introduced to a face that a mother would have a hard time loving. Jervis Tetch, aka The Mad Hatter, is a character-design, alright. I think I know what they were going for, though. He has this kooky look that makes him stand out from every other character. He certainly looks like he could play someone from Wonderland. But the problem I think comes from Akom (ironic given that last paragraph, huh?). This design could probably work, but he has such an odd model, so I think they had a tough time animating him. Or maybe he simply does not translate to movement very well in general, and there was a problem the moment his model sheet was created. Regardless, he can be pretty tough to look at sometimes. Other times, though, he does have that level of whacky which I would hope would be in an episode based on Alice in Wonderland. But we see that Jervis is working on some mind-control technology while also being smitten for a girl that works in his office named Alice. Unfortunately, Alice has a boyfriend, and like many sociopaths in real life, Jervis is not okay with this, taking matters into his own hands. First of all, her name being Alice is kinda stupid, and Char agrees. It takes parallels a little bit too far, and Char noted that it would have been more subtle if her name were something like Alycia. Alice is one of the only people that Jervis feels is nice to him, so if we follow the most sound of incel-logic, she owes him her heart, mind, and body. Not only is she nice to him, but, again, her name is Alice. And it would not surprise me if this were a main factor of why Jervis is into her. He has an Alice in Wonderland poster in his office, he takes her to a theme park of sorts that has a section which is themed after the book, he owns a Mad Hatter costume (or perhaps he obtained this from the park), he quotes the book regularly, etc. He is clearly obsessed. When we reach the point where he mentions that it is one of his favorite stories, it’s like, “Wow! No kidding!” He is not quite wired into reality, likely developing this obsession at an early age to escape from life’s burdens. But Wonderland has burdens of its own.
Jervis ends up using these mind-control cards that he created (another Alice in Wonderland-related thing) to make people basically do his bidding. He first uses them on two thugs attempting to rob him and Alice, forcing them to climb up on top of a bridge and jump into the river. Batman catches notice of this through a police broadcast, and to my surprise, the show mentions a possible suicide in progress. How often do you hear a family cartoon like this use the word “suicide”? I think this is the only time I have ever heard it, despite references occasionally popping up in shows like Spongebob. He then uses more cards on his coworkers, Alice’s fiancé, and Alice herself, creating an army of Alice in Wonderland-themed warriors to defend him from Batman when Batman finds out what’s going on and sets after him. He wants Alice all to himself, and is willing to do whatever possible to obtain her. The final battle takes place in the theme park, the big set-piece of the episode. It’s got some great looking background paintings that 100% capture the tone of the book. It is a shame that the animation done by Akom couldn’t hold up to Radomski’s work. We have moments such as Batman balancing on top of the walls of a playing card maze that I wish stressed me out a little bit more. But because of how stilted the movement is, Batman never really seems like he is having a tough time keeping balance, even though we clearly see him struggling. The fight scenes could also be much better, with more impact felt. The odd costumes that most everyone is wearing makes for some really distorted-looking characters, and it’s clear that not a lot of time was spent making them look quite right. At the same time, though, between the subject material, the gimmicks, the overall surreal nature, and the background art, it is still a lot of fun to watch, even if it is in a more campy way. It is not an episode to be taken extremely seriously. This can be a problem with Batman. The tone can fluctuate greatly from episode to episode. At the beginning, it did not matter as much. Right away we had varying quality and seriousness. I mean, we went from On Leather Wings to Christmas With the Joker. But now we are getting gothic masterpieces like Two-Face, so episodes like Mad as a Hatter feel jarring as hell. It is an episode I enjoyed more on second watch as I gathered screenshots. I loosened up and let myself have fun with it.
The Mad Hatter fails to be a sympathetic villain like I feel they might have been going for, but I do enjoy him being so delusional and sociopathic. When Alice mentions her boyfriend, he gets this scary scowl, and you know at that moment that this is no character you want to root for. When Alice’s boyfriend temporarily breaks up with her, rather than attempting to comfort her and being upset over her sorrow, he jumps for joy because he has a chance to finally swoop in (the epitome of an Internet “nice guy”). When she gets back together with her boyfriend, turned fiancé, he squeezes a bouquet of roses in frustration so hard that he bleeds. I think they were able to get away with this portion because maybe the blood could have passed off as liquid from the flowers? Which doesn’t really make a lot of sense, but for the sake of the blood being included, um, sure. It was definitely rose-goo, guys. Not blood at all… And he also blames Batman for why things ended up the way they did, even though Batman had virtually nothing to do with anything until the very end. He decided to mind-control everyone because he was being a spoiled little piss-baby who could not let the girl he supposedly loves be happy. Char did not care for the character, and jokingly mentioned that he was appropriating the Mad Hatter, doing things that he would never do. Like some batshit crazy super-fan who feels sooo connected with a character, but actually doesn’t understand them at all.
Not a perfect episode, but a grower.
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See? Cute-ass mice!
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Wow, I didn’t realize that we were watching Attack on Titan. (Joke inspired by Char).
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The poster on the wall matches the title card/an actual illustration from the book. It’s actually a pretty dope poster.
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A variety of shots showing Jervis’ face. See how inconsistent it is? It is a little similar to the Pokémon Drilbur, where it only works 2D. Adding an element of 3D illusion (such as movement) causes it to fall apart.
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Oh, sure, go and rob them right after you see Batman drive by. That’s always smart.
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“Please, Mr. Hat. Go easy on us.” The delivery here was wicked funny. It was so monotone, and sounded like he was faking.
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I quite like this facial expression. His smile reminds me of the Cheshire Cat.
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Batman + Taco Bell
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I love the panic in Batman’s voice as he tries to stop them from jumping off of the bridge. It shows how concerned he is with keeping them safe.
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They were able to animate this shimmer pretty damn well. Then again, how hard could it be?
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A very subtle recreation of the illustration/title card.
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I don’t think the background here quite comes together, the composition is off. Still neat to look at.
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A close-up of the illustration.
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Now this is an ugly facial expression. Gross! And it’s not like this was a quick frame. It was there long enough to notice.
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This shot has a lovely glow to it. It looks quite nice. 
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One of the only times they were able to get away with blood. Um. Oops. I meant flower-goo! It’s flower-goo, guys! The blood drips right onto Billy’s face. As if a hit were put on him. Awesome detail.
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“Oh, do be quiet!”
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Bruce whispers “Congratulations.” in such a goobery way. I love it. 
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The shadow of the plants shifted in some wonky-looking ways. Also, when the Mad Hatter and Batman both arrive on the scene, she says, “This is getting too weird.” But she says it so nonchalantly. Not the best delivery.
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Very sloppy-looking drawings of their faces. These costumes, though. 
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Cool impact here. He just decimates that wood. I’m not sure if Storybook Land has the safest costumes. 
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This is some enjoyable stuff right here. I had a lot of fun with this portion.
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“Off with his head!” I should have counted how many times this line was said.
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Perfect example if how cool the painted visuals are paired with some mediocre animation. Hell, I’m pretty sure Batman’s run was recycled for two of these stills.
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Gee, I wonder which cards are going to move. Great Mad Hatter, pose, though. This is what I wish he looked like all the time!
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The looming Jabberwock ends up falling on him, ending the adventure through Wonderland. 
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There’s no reversing the damage, Jervis. You’ll never talk with her again. Was it worth it? Also, his hair totally changed color at one point. Um... Maybe he dyed it?
Char’s grade: D Next time: Dreams in Darkness
Full episode list here!
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Strategies for Selecting a Good SurgeonHow to Pick Your Ideal Surgeon
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Your buddy can inform you whether they had been adequately prepared for the operation and when they obtained the information required to make a educated choice. Do not neglect to inquire how they felt in the center where the operation has been completed. Should they offer you a glowing inspection, you've got yet another surgeon to think about. To Discover a Good Surgeon, Find a Service Team
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Should you require a operation that's quite specialized, do not be shocked if the surgeon who's advocated is in a different region of the nation. If your operation is rare, you might not have the choice to stay close to your house for treatment if you don't stay near a significant city.
Just make sure you worry about bedside manner and also much more about the last outcome. In case you need to pick between a wonderful surgeon and an extremely skilled surgeon, the most skilled surgeon would be your better bet. Hopefully, it is possible to find somebody who is equally compassionate and extremely skilled. Together With Your Insurance Business to Discover a Surgeon
Contact or email your insurance carrier and ask a listing of those surgeons who take your insurance . These records are usually available on the internet in the insurer's website. If your family doctor suggests a professional, make sure you ask this listing.
If you're in a place which has a small people, the listing of surgeons could possibly be brief. If your choices are too restricted, think about asking a listing for the closest large town and see whether the amount of possible surgeons develops.
As soon as you receive the listing, compare the titles you have gotten from the family physician, friends, loved ones, and other sources contrary to the insurance provider list. If some of those surgeons which were recommended look in your insurance policy list, take note of this. If you're experiencing an optional procedure that insurance doesn't cover, such as cosmetic surgery, you might still wish to ask your insurer's list, because it can allow you to create a listing of surgeons to operate out of. Assess the Surgeon's Credentials Before Creating a Decision
Every state has a health history which enables doctors and participates in disciplinary actions for surgeons that suffer from their clinic. Simply take some opportunity to look up advocated surgeons around the web site for your state medical history. Can they have a permit to practice from the country in which you intend to get surgery? When they don't, you are able to cross off the name of your record of feasible surgeons. Is your surgeon"in system" in your insurance program? If they're not, then the quantity that will may need to pay out of pocket might be considerably greater.
Many states incorporate a listing of disciplinary actions together with licensure info. If your condition makes this information accessible, make sure you pay careful attention. If your physician has experienced serious issues that needed corrective action, you could cross off that name of your listing.
Information can be obtained 24 hours every day in http://www.abms.org or by telephone in 1-866-ASK-ABMS (275-2267).
As soon as you've narrowed down your list of possible surgeons, then it's the right time to schedule an appointment. In case you've got a rather urgent requirement for operation, you might need to cross surgeons from your list only due to the await a trip. Otherwise, plan to meet up with two surgeons and discuss your prospective operation.
As soon as you can observe the physician, ask questions. Is it true that the surgeon response questions in a means which is not difficult to comprehend? Can they hurry through the appointment, or provide you the time that you want? Bedside manner is not necessarily a symptom of surgical ability, but it's a sign of whether the surgeon will provide you the answers and time you want to feel safe in your pick.
If it comes to surgical ability, questions such as"how often have you completed this process?" Are useful. A surgeon must have completed your process sufficient to be achieved and assured in their capacity to perform it perfectly.
If you're paying for your operation yourself, figure out the doctor's fees. Is it true that the surgeon supply a crystal clear idea of the charges or do they all have an overall notion that may or might not be true? The cost of your operation, such as operating room expenses, laboratory work, anesthesia, and the rest of the fees ought to be apparent. Program Surgery or some Consultation With An Individual Surgeon
You could possibly be expected to program a operation in the conclusion of the appointment. If you aren't confident you have found your perfect surgeon, don't schedule the operation. In any event, ask for a day to think about what the physician has stated prior to making the operation official.
In the event the physician you consulted is not your perfect surgeon, then schedule an appointment with another surgeon. Even in the event that you believe the very first surgeon is the very best alternative, then a second view from a different surgeon could be invaluable. Many kinds of insurance allows for a couple of consultations. If you think you've found your perfect surgeon you're able to schedule your operation, certain in your choice. A Word By Verywell
A fantastic surgeon has completed the surgery that you require several occasions and has been doing this on a normal basis. In brief, you're searching for the surgeon who has completed the process a lot of occasions they are incredibly familiar with this, and also the team which surrounds them can also be confident in their capacity to look after patients before, during and following the operation. A fantastic surgeon can also be free of lawsuit, does not have any disciplinary difficulties with the medical history, and it is board certified in the specialty which you need.
Interested in know about your plastic surgery options?  Whether you are thinking about having cosmetic surgery, a non-surgical procedure or have had prior surgery and are seeking additional touch-ups, it is critical to work with a skilled plastic surgeon that specializes in facial procedures. Dr. Robert Sheffield is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics offering services to those in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Oxnard and Ventura, CA, and the surrounding communities.  Dr. Sheffield offers patients a customized treatment plan and is available to answer your questions. To schedule a consultation, call 805.318.3280 today.
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diamondoffice · 2 years
Things to consider while buying used office furniture in the UK
Setting up an office for your new business endeavour is an undertaking with an endless list of difficulties. Even if you're starting from scratch when remodelling an office, keep in mind that there are other aspects to consider, such as purchasing used office furniture.
Investing in used office furniture for sale in the United Kingdom is absolutely in your best interest, whether you are relocating sites, expanding, or beginning from scratch. While you're at it, here are some recommendations to think about while purchasing used office furniture:
1. Examine Furniture: Online shopping is a trend, and it's all too easy to make a decision based simply on what you see on your computer. Before closing a contract, it is always a good idea to set aside some time to view, touch, and check the furniture.
2. Stick to your Spending Plan: While buying used office furniture is a less expensive choice, the risk of amassing a large bill cannot be overlooked. Before scribbling down a comprehensive budget and sticking to it, it's usually a good idea to ask yourself how much you're willing to spend on the project. Any shopping excursion can lead to impulse purchases, and it's easy to get carried away.
3. Seek Advice of an Interior Designer: Before signing up for anything, it's a good idea to seek advice from an experienced "friend." Sure, at the end of the day, it's your decision, but an expert may be really helpful, particularly in determining the overall design and types of furniture to consider. If at all feasible, take advantage of the complimentary consultations offered by most speciality experts.
4. Spacing the Furniture: When all is said and done, the quantity of space available in your office is the deciding factor in which furniture to purchase. Larger co-sharing desks, for example, can be great for companies with limited space.
Large open plan spaces, on the other hand, allow for more experimentation with concepts as well as greater flexibility. In a word, when purchasing second-hand office furniture, always base your decision on the quantity of space available.
5. Convenience & Comfort: As previously said, the sort of furniture you purchase has a huge impact on staff productivity. Comfortable chairs, tables, and desks are required for your staff to be productive. While the looks of used office furniture are important, comfort should be your top priority. After all, what good is attractive furniture if no one wants to sit on it? Consider that for a moment.
6. Aesthetics: When it comes to aesthetics, you certainly want eye-catching furnishings to impress your customers right away. Not to contradict the preceding point, but when it comes to office furniture, style is just as important as comfort. To create a relaxing atmosphere, coordinate your colours and work with a certain theme of used office furniture.
7. Confidentiality: Most individuals work best in secluded, quiet locations, and if you're like most people, your workplace privacy is probably a top priority. Choosing utilised, sound-proof office dividers as your best choice for increasing staff productivity is a safe bet.
8. Storage: Every employee has some personal clutter, such as a framed portrait of a loved one or an autographed baseball, and in some cases, both. If you're not careful, this paired with office filing systems and documents can quickly get cluttered. When looking for used office furniture, it's usually a good idea to look for pieces that have plenty of storage space, especially desks.
9. Purchase from a Trusted Vendor: The quality of old office furniture varies depending on where you get it. In summary, respectable and well-established second-hand sellers will always have excellent furniture on hand.
If you are interested in buying used office furniture for sale in the United Kingdom, you must visit Diamond Office Furniture. They are one of the best 2nd hand furniture joints in the UK, offering the best quality and wide variety of office equipment.
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outourfrontdoor · 3 years
How to play baccarat 메이저바카라 games at a casino
Baccarat is a popular card game in which there are only three 메이저바카라 사이트추천 possible outcomes. Either the player or the banker will win, or the game will end in a draw. Around the year 1400, the game is said to have arrived in France from Italy. Baccarat Banque, baccarat Dans la rue de Fer, and punto banco are the three kinds of games. While the first two enable players to make a decision, baccarat requires skill and strategy, and punto banco is entirely a game of chance.
This game has a lot of buzz about it, but it’s rather simple to grasp. Baccarat is no longer just for high rollers and the super-elite, thanks to the creators of online casinos who somehow grasped it and offered it to the general people, dispelling the idea that it is just for high rollers and the super-elite.
A player can chat with the dealer and other players in a live baccarat game. They may also observe the shuffle of the cards by the dealer. The dealer merely shuffles the cards and keeps an eye on the betting in land casinos. In live baccarat, however, the dealer also serves as the banker, which is normally performed by the players in turn. If someone does not want to play the game, he or she might put 메이저바카라 놀이터모음 bets on it. 바카라검증
They can bet on the players to win, the banker to win, or the game to end in a draw. The dealer takes bets at the start of the game. When the dealer says, “No more bets,” the game is over. The dealer deals two cards face up to begin the game. The player receives the first and third cards, while the dealer receives the second and fourth cards. The majority of casinos utilize eight decks for the game, while some also employ six and one cards.
The goal of baccarat is to obtain a hand with a total of 9 or as near to it as feasible. Cards 10 and higher, i.e. image 메이저바카라 놀이터 cards, are all treated as 0. The remainder of the cards are valued at face value, but the Ace is valued at one. The sum of the values of all the cards given to a player is calculated, and if it exceeds 9, just the second value of the sum is considered. As an example, if a player holds cards 2 and 6, the total value is 8. If a player has 5 and 9, the overall value is 14, which is greater than 9. As a result, only 4 are taken into account for the game. If the total value of the first two cards is less than 5, or a ten, a player might request a third card. If a player asks for a third card, the dealer can take it.
Baccarat is notably shown in James Bond’s Casino Royale, in which the famed spy plays the game with a gang of villains. Dr. No, Thunderball, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, and GoldenEye all featured James Bond playing the game. It is a royal game that, due to internet live casinos, has spread from the upper crust to the lower crust.
Baccarat Progressive allows 메이저바카라 주소 you to win even more money.
Play progressive baccarat online if you wish to make an interesting game lucrative. Playing baccarat online allows you to experience the thrill of the game without having to pay as much as you would in a traditional casino (in the form of minimum bets). Because of the progressive feature, you may enhance your winnings and perhaps win large depending on how high the jackpot rises.
Playing progressive games can be a lot of fun, whether you want to add another element of excitement to your gameplay or you want to win the big jackpot. However, if you’ve never heard of a progressive jackpot, it’s probably worth explaining.
In Baccarat or Other Games, what is a Progressive Jackpot?
A progressive jackpot becomes larger as the game progresses. This can be accomplished by 메이저바카라 추천토복이 connecting numerous games inside a single online casino or by linking multiple casinos games. Those with larger jackpots are usually linked to numerous casinos (to increase the amount of money paid to the jackpot) or haven’t been won in a long time (many players believe that these progressive games are the ones that will be paying out quite soon).
baccarat 바카라사이트 understanding: strategy and rules
These jackpots rise like a little portion of every bet placed on each of the connected games goes towards the jackpot. This provides an additional incentive to play because the jackpot might result in large payouts. If the progressive jackpot is a goal you want to achieve, make sure you grasp the facts and are aware of any minimum bid restrictions. But, let’s be honest, who isn’t when they’re playing fantastic online games like progressive baccarat?
What Attracts You to 메이저바카라 가입방법 Progressive Baccarat?
If you love baccarat as a game, or if you are a fan of James Bond and are intrigued about baccarat because he appears to enjoy it so much, progressive jackpots provided by baccarat games online may appeal to you. It’s always a wonderful thing when you can boost your winnings without raising your dangers. You may accomplish just that with this sort of baccarat game.
Why Would You Want to Play Baccarat Online?
Why would you choose to play baccarat online rather than at a live-action casino game in a brick-and-mortar casino? This is an excellent question to which only you can respond. Many individuals enjoy the privacy of playing online while others are learning the game and love the fact that they can learn as they go without having to deal with a nosy throng of spectators. Others appreciate the freedom to play in their environment, which includes wearing comfortable clothes, not smoking stinky cigars, and not having to deal with big groups of people.
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mixxxfeelings-blog · 6 years
Destiny 2: Out with the New..In with the Old?
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So I’ve been a hardcore Destiny fan since its release and I will be the first to tell you it works best in bursts.
Throughout the entire franchise Bungie had always done a poor job at the simpler aspects of communication. They promised things, that depending on your interpretation of their words, were very feasible or too ambitious. At best their words came across as nebulous to much of the diehard and casual community.
In D1, The Taken King brought new life into the game when it needed it most. Now in D2 it looks like we’ve hit the same point.
A lot of players, myself included, have been running on empty trying to care about the expansions D2 delivered in the first year. Curse of Osiris had much to be desired and I’ll finish Warmind when I have the time. But after spending so much time maxing 3 characters on 2 systems I really needed a reason to do so.
So let’s talk about FORSAKEN.
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                          THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN.
Quite literally we are going backwards and that’s a great thing. When D2 came out and the most devoted players had run out of content to actively do, the critiques and complaints started pouring in. If you lurked on the DestinytheGame subreddit you could see that most of the comments made comparisons to between D1 and D2 in regards to features, activities, and general quality of life changes to the franchise. Many players felt that D2 offered a more simplistic and streamlined experience in relation to D1, which left the hardcore players with little to do week after week. With Forsaken, Bungie is trying to take that criticism and run with it.
So what’s coming back? Over the course of the summer Bungie will be updating the game to reintroduce older modes and pother changes that all players (not just those who purchase Forsaken) will be able to take advantage of.
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In general we can see that they will be tweaking some of the D2 systems to make them work better for players, while the roadmap doesn’t give us all the exact details. As of now the first two columns are already live, modifying players options in the Crucible, adding space to the Vault, and expanding the Masterwork system are probably the most notable changes there. 
Between now and then with update 1.2.3, we will be getting 6v6 Quickplay and Permanent Rumble, two Crucible options that players have been asking for since the first couple months of the game. In addition to that we’ll be rounding out Year 1 with Prestige Raids and Triumphs, both returning systems from D1 and an event called Solstice of Heroes, which will probably be further detailed during Bungie’s E3 event.
In the final column we have a list of the smaller additions Forsaken will be bringing. Some of these changes we examined a little more deeply than others during Bungie’s ViDoc, so for now we are gonna stay focused on those.
The first guy on the list is Gear Collections. Separate from the Vault and the Tower Kiosks, the game will now allow you to track what Weapons, Armor, and Items you have obtained during your D2 tenure.
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The categories tell you how many of the items you have collected, how many there are in total, and what you need to do in order to get the ones you’re missing.
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Then with Exotics (maybe more but we’ll have to wait and see) you can purchase exotic items you have unlocked, but may have dismantled during your gameplay. With the exotics and you haven’t discovered the Collection will let you know if you have top complete a particular quest or objective in order to discover it.
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Other additions that weren’t individually pictured, but are interesting nonetheless are Weapon Slot Changes, Weapon Randomization, and an update to the Mod System.
With the weapon slots, Bungie is looking to bridge the gap between new and old players.
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D1′s weapon setup had 3 slots, Primary (Assault Rifles, Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles, Pulse Rifles), Secondary (Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Fusion Rifles, Sidearms), and Heavy (Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Swords).
D2′s set was a tad different with their slots being Kinetic and Energy which shared all weapon types, with the exception of Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers, Swords, Trace Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Linear Fusion Rifles. whew
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Players felt that D2′s changes made players weaker all around, by sticking the game’s more powerful and situational weapon types into the weapon slot that would have the least amount of ammo drops and overall use.
With Forsaken, you can move weapons to any of the 3 slots you want, which means things are gonna get a whole lot crazier, but its gonna be a great ride for both PvE and PvP environments.
To add to that insanity, we’re getting back Radmon Rolls (Weapon Randomization), meaning that not every gun of the same make and model is identical. Bringing more of the Borderlands style of gun drops to the game. Some gun/perk combinations will work really well, some will be useless and do nothing, and others will (this is may personal favorite), will cause players to janky, different things with their loadouts
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So what do we have on the way?
So considering this is our first look at all this content, there may not be too much to say at this point, but the visuals give us enough to be excited about.
So it’s no surprise that we’re getting new weapons, I mean that happens all the time right? But new weapon types? Not so much. But Bungie’s taking us back to 2013, when Bows were dominating the video game ecosystem.
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So Bungie didn’t go into the specs of the Bow weapon type, but this is what we know or can infer right now:
Different Bows are designed for different types of engagements, most likely close range, midrange, and long distance.
Some bows have energy related abilities.
Time-to-Kill is balanced to make up for the act of drawing the bow.
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Now Enemies. Because Bungie will be exploring more of the story during their E3 slot, we only know a bit about who were are gonna be fighting in Forsaken.
But if you guessed Fallen
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I bet you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here today.
So what they have said so far is that there has been a jail break at the Prison of Elders in The Reef, so it stands to reason that all the enemies we’ll be fighting are some topnotch Fallen.
We will be getting new Fallen enemy types and a sizeable number of Baron boss fights.
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The major Barons are said to each operate in their own way, providing different types of engagements, instead of just a simply Kill List.
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So where is all this going down? So obviously we’re going back to The Reef, the section of the Solar System that has appropriated the asteroid belt in Jovians (the Jupiter/Saturn area).
More specifically we have a new area to explore!
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The Tangled Shore is a network of terrestrial platforms floating in the Reef, that are linked together through cables and wires. The idea itself is reminiscent of Fallen architecture, but I think it’s safe to assume the Awoken are responsible for its creation.
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I would appear to be very open from the shots delivered in the ViDoc, but these could be imagine captured from cutscenes or early builds of the game that haven’t been populated. So there’s definitely more questions than answers here.
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There is definitely an overwhelming Western theme in play here so maybe it just empty???
With the new Raid Bungie confirmed that there will be a new location that will house the Raid itself, which is slightly different than the previous raids, which were typically connected to the general overworld. How exactly they plan to section all that out has not been discussed, but I’m sure we’ll get more information on that moving forward.
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The new raid is takes place in the Dreaming City. This is the birthplace of the Awoken, who are descendants of humans that escaped Earth’s orbit during the Collapse. As it stands we don’t have a real sense of the general timeline of those events, but it seem reasonable that the Dreaming City may provide some answers.
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Bungie has said that the new raid with offer new puzzles to solve and mysteries to uncover. But that’s nothing new. What’s new: The raid will CHANGE. Bungie says that as people continue to play the raid, the environments will change so that over the course of weeks and months the raid will not be the same as it was when it premieres.
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Definitely gets points for being pretty.
Time will tell what the scope of these alterations and changes will be. Players at least remember that the Infinite Garden from the Curse of Osiris expansion didn’t live up to the hype. Hopefully, the Dreaming City can.
So we’ve hit some PvE content, some PvP content, so now let’s talk about some content for PvEvP???
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So at first glance this takes me back to Archon’s Forge from D1′s Rise of Iron expansion. Not surprisingly considering some of Bungie staff have looked to RoI for some inspiration, but we’ll get to that in a second.
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For starters, Gambit is a mode for some PvE arena goodness. You kill enemies for motes of light which your team collects to deposit in your bank.
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When you do that you end up sending a stronger enemy over to the opposing team’s arena. While that enemy is alive the other team will be unable to deposit motes, so you can gain a lead. After that you can fill up your bank, which summons an enemy for you and your team to take down, called a Primeval. Once you defeat it, you win the the round. Simple right?
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You can also use motes to jump over to the other teams arena to kill their guardians or just generally prevent them from advancing. Bungie didn’t say what limitations there are in doing this, but I’d bet there’s a once per round limit.
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Hmmmm? Is that everything? I felt like there was something I was really excited about, but after getting this far Ican’t seem to remember what...it...was...
But now I’m sad because I just remembered. Bungie didn’t show us too much on this front. But what they did say give us enough to work with I think.
So, first thing, these are not really new classes. Big difference there. And I really think what they’re doing here is more reasonable. They are creating new perk paths.
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In D1, each class at a suite where you could choose what perks you wanted to pair together, but you were limited to one perk from each column (i.e. you couldn’t use two grenade type perks at the same time). The downside to that system was that you typically wouldn’t alter your perks much. At best you found the right combination for your playstyle and kinda left it at that. You couldn’t go full RPG and style your perks for different engagements as much as you might’ve wanted.
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But in D2, the classes were steamlined as well. You choose from a jump type, grenade type, and melee type. Then you chose your path, which contained perks that would affect your playstyle. With a new super getting added to check class, it would be unreasonable for them to not introduce new perks, or a new path to augment it.
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From what we’ve seen older supers look like they could have new abilities and new supers may be lifting parts from the super we lost going into D2. Gunslinger seems to be pairing its Throwing Knife mechanic with the old melee Super Bladedancer.
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Warlocks seem to have a flashier teleport during Stormtrance and beam super not unlike what Moira from Overwatch has. And Titans get a Warhammer, which seems to blend together abilities from the new and old Sunbreaker.
GEEZ, that was more stuff than I thought to have before E3. But we got through it and I’m definitely excited to get back into one of my favorite game addictions!
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stargazer1682 · 3 years
Buffy Season 6 was terrible
Season 6 is a dumpster fire and far from anything I'd describe as "well planned," let alone immaculately written.
The plot is heavily contrived, starting pretty much with the Scoobies plans to bring Buffy back. Why are they bringing her back? Because.
Don't get me wrong, the argument that Buffy's soul MIGHT be in a hell dimension isn't wholly without merit, given that they saw all number of hell dimensions open up before their eyes and Buffy had to sacrifice herself to close a rift between these dimensions in much the same way Angel did, for essentially the same purpose. Knowing the lives they lead, everything they’ve experienced and how cruel they know their universe to be, there would be a very distinct probability that Buffy was in hell. In fact the only reason she wasn't was arguably because being in heaven and pulled out by her friends is the only worse possible fate.
But, Buffy's body was barely cold when they started hatching plans to bring her back; they didn't really even try to move on without her. And as it turns out, bringing someone back isn't actually all that difficult.  I maintain that they should have done a time jump; like 5 years, which would have at least established that they TRIED to move on without her before bring her back. And the effort could have been said to have taken more time than a summer vacation.  Plus it would have better aligned the majority of characters with their real world ages, while create an added facet for why Buffy might feel disconnected from her friends if they’ve literally moved on with their lives. Even Dawn, who be closer to Buffy’s age, would be a practical stranger to her at that point; adding to the isolation.
But this is a minor criticism in the grand scheme of the season though, because the show always cut to the chase; and for the most part I can appreciate that. So let's do the same and really get down to the less excusable contrivances.
Practically everyone’s livin’ in casa de Summers, yet is anyone apparently contributing anything to the expenses?  Not by any indication.  Buffy’s back barely a minute, doesn’t even take time to readjust before going patrolling, and soon after that they say, “welcome back, you’re drowning in debt. Get a job, deadbeat.”
And this leads to a couple of ridiculous plots.  The first of which is Giles’ sudden and inexplicable inability to tell Buffy “no” and establish clear boundaries between them; you know, one of the key essential traits of his character five years running.  And yes, I know, Tony Head wanted to move back to England and that’s fair, but the excuse they gave his character for his absence was, simple put, stupid.  Lots of parental figures have to deal with the transition of a so-called child that they’ve looked after and been responsible for and help usher them into independent adulthood; and they’ve done that, remarkably enough, without moving clear across the flippin’ planet.  This is to say nothing of the conventional dynamics of a Slayer and her support system; which we don’t know enough about, in terms of how previous Slayers that lived into their early 20s managed to get by financially.  There’s been a lot of speculation and the consensus typically leans towards an informal understand that their Watcher supports them.  This arrangement may not be fair and Giles may want Buffy to lead a less restrictive life than the average Slayer had before her, but there are certain practical realities that Giles of all people should understand in this regard.  The first and foremost of which is that, as Slayer, Buffy must put those responsibilities ahead of all others and it’s simply not feasible to expect her to burn the candle at both ends, working a full time job during the day and be a full time Slayer at night.  On top of that is this inane idea he develops that Buffy was somehow shirking her responsibilities, when, again, she doesn’t miss a beat after coming back from the dead before going on patrol.  The thing she struggles with, apart from how she’s going to support herself financially without it interfering with her Slaying duties, is being and adult in her VERY early 20s with a mortgage and single mother to a nearly fully grown teenager; all while dealing with the trauma of coming back to from the dead. This goes beyond the pale of the normal responsibilities of someone going through Buffy’s stage of life in season 6; and any adult going through anything even remotely comparable should not be expected to do that single handedly on their own.  Giles even admits later that being an adult means knowing when to ask for help, which just goes to show that his reason for leaving in the first place is complete and utter BS.
Giles demonstrated greater understanding for what Buffy was going through in season 3 when she merely had to send the man she loved to hell, after being thrown out of her house by her mother; yet here he seems to be utterly clueless.  There are countless ways that Giles could have helped Buffy find her footing, without her being dependant on him, while still explaining Tony’s departure.  But they wanted to set up a story that perpetuated Buffy’s hardship and isolation – hence the reason the writers felt the need to undermine the most obvious and practical solution for her need for a job, working at the magic store.
Then there’s a crux of the season’s conflicts.  And yeah, I guess “life” as a big bad is… something… but decidedly not as effectively well done as the earlier seasons did with the allegorical struggles about adolescence and coming of age during the high school seasons.  
Buffy is isolated from her friends, depressed, emotionally abused by a man taking advantage of her state of mind, drowning in debt (and not taking any of the realistic steps to address it, like dumping the house she can’t afford in favor of a small apartment for her and Dawn.)  Eventually it ceases to be a story arc and just crap on Buffy day.  There’s no joy here; and that’s one of the quixotic things about life and depression, it’s ability to make you think for a second that if you’re able to laugh in this moment, maybe things aren’t all that bad, right before they go back to being terrible.
After Tabula Rasa, once Giles leaves, the quality of the episodes takes a sharp downturn; and subsequently improves upon his return.  There isn’t necessarily a correlation, especially since I’d say opposite is true with Giles’ presence with season 7.  But right off the bat we’ve got Smashed and Wrecked, two incredibly stupid episodes, with equally terrible plot points that redefine the direction of the season.
Buffy starts screwing Spike, and… Amy’s suddenly a creep who could give her mom a run for her money? Oh, and now apparently Willow’s problem with magic is that she’s actually addicted to it, like a drug, and not the abuse of power and lack of moral forethought that they’ve been making it out to be ALL THIS TIME.  No, now she’s suddenly doing ambiguous “magics” in back alleys that have no other apparent purpose than to make her trip.
Now, don’t worry, I didn’t forget about Xander… like the writers seemed to do after season 4…  He’s still there and he’s going to marry Anya; which is going to be is sole defining arc the rest of this season and probably the next; even when the wedding doesn’t happen.  The wedding episode was ALMOST interesting, but the fact is, while I’ve come to not like Xander overall, in the course of multiple re-watches of the series; he was put through a seriously traumatic ordeal in Hells Bells that they just gloss right over by the end of it; and expect him to still get married.  And when he’s not in the right frame of mind to do that, they decide that he’s the AH for it…..  Worse still, he accepts that title, deserved though it may be for a variety of other reasons from over the years; this instance is not one of them.  But Joss has to Joss, which means everyone and everything sucks.
And then there’s the “Trio”…. (sigh)
I mean, they even went to the trouble of acknowledging how pathetic a “challenge” they were in contrast to previous big bads, with a doctor commenting on it during Normal Again. (Augh… Normal Again….)
Warren bordered on a comparatively compelling antagonist, by virtue of him being a complete bastard, but they had to blunt his arc with the nerd shtick; and I’m not sure why I hate it so much, because with the likes of Dick Wilkens’ “gee golly, I just want to be a big snake” attitude or Glory’s valley girl god demeanor, this shouldn’t have felt at odds for a big bad, yet it just doesn’t work.
The bigger problem I think I have with it all is that, ultimately, Warren’s not even the big bad; Willow is – which would be fine too, if her arc leading up to that break wasn’t so terrible.  And here’s the thing, they had all of the pieces to make it work; it was all there. Willow’s story of where she was at in her life and the things she was doing and why she was doing them, closely parallel Warren’s story.  Both characters had the smarts, the power and ambition to do whatever they set their minds to; and neither of them were stopping to ask themselves, “just because I can, should I?” and as a result were seriously abusing the power they had. Both of them undermined the free will of the women they loved, without consideration of the ramifications.  Willow KINDA got it and tried to change, whereas Warren didn’t.  But by trying shoehorn a drug analogy into Willow’s story, while just making Warren an AH, they undermined that parallel and the collision of wills they were ultimately on.
Don’t even get me started on killing off Tara.  That was the wrong decision, full stop.
It should have been Xander. It would arguably have set off Willow at least as much as Tara’s death, and Xander’s spirit could have still appeared to Willow on the cliff to talk her down.  
Then bring Nicky Brendon back for season 7 as the primary embodiment of the First.
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