#but now I have to notify everyone any time I reply to a thread????
byanyan · 9 months
honestly I think that part of the reason (outside of Bad mental health) that I've been struggling with my drafts lately is this stupid gd reblog notif bug
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pancakeke · 17 days
you KNOW what I'm bitching about under the cut
today at work my boss emailed our development team with me on CC and asked if they had updated something that altered system lead times for components. our department (procurement) was called out as the source of delays but she believed our scheduling program wasn't factoring in extra time for us to request quotes. this isn't something the scheduler has ever done, I don't know where she got that idea.
I had zero prior knowledge of any issue until reading this email btw.
anyway she cited a component part number in the subject of the email only and said an order using it was slated to ship from our facility before the component was received. she did not bother providing the order number, or any other links. the body of the email ended with a number that didn't resemble the component PN or order number and when I looked it up there weren't any results.
a developer replied saying nothing had been changed and asked her to provide concrete evidence by giving him an order number. he did not bother looking up the component number (though I guess it was in a stupid place, and there wasn't a link to hand hold). if he used that he would have seen that it was only used by one order. it takes 2 clicks to reach an order from a part page.
I checked the order and saw that our sales team (who decides the reasons for order fulfillment delays) edited this order yesterday to remove one component and add the component my boss mentioned. they did not, however, update the order's ship date or notify my team via either email or ticket. the new component had a longer lead time than the original, so this was a problem. this change and the creation of a delay was not my dept's fault though, so blaming us for it is total bullshit.
now if you're keeping track: of the 3 parties involved here, all 3 have failed to do their due diligence, 1 has provided insufficient details, and 1 has entered false information and failed to communicate any details entirely. the developer is not off the hook yet though.
I checked out the math that determines the date this order ships from our facility. all steps from procurement to shipment are laid out with the amount of time each should consume, and then at the bottom the number of days for all steps are added together and stacked on the order entry date to get a ship date.
except there are two of these sections, one that shows everything as it was the moment the order was first entered and one that shows everything for the order's current form. the current form had one accounting processing day included (standard for all orders) but the this was listed as 0 days for the original form section.
this means the order's original form, which sets the ship date for an order, is always 1 day sooner than current (and real) ship date calculation. sales has to manually adjust set ship dates or they will not update. so development did break something after all. the guy in this email thread was either unaware yet confident enough to make a statement claiming otherwise or made a knee jerk response saying they didn't do anything.
no one looks. no one reads. no one communicates. everyone makes judgements despite all those things. I'm going to start throwing bricks.
edit: btw I replied to the email with all the info I found including numbers, links, and screenshots. I am responsible when it matters.
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mysticmyths · 5 months
. 🧚‍♀️
Hey beloveds!
I’m searching for all those fantasy loving people out there. At the moment, I’ve barely gotten past the plotting stage and I’m far too enthused to start some fantasy threads, specifically medieval / historical fantasy threads. I’m overly keen on modern fantasy, I apologise if that is what you were looking for. Now, if that got your attention — a little about me.
My name is Jade, I’m a twenty one year older woman — pronouns are she / her. I’ve been writing for an exceptional ten years, thus leaving me quite experienced. My writing style varies between advantaged literate and novella. I ask my writing partners to be the same, considering I live longer replies. I typically send at least two full discord messages, so I’m on the hunt for somebody who can keep up with that. The more the better, honestly. I’m big on things like Pinterest boards, playlists, art, out of character communication, world building, plotting together, matching energy / being enthusiastic. That is to name just a few. I’m hoping to find a writing partner who’s the same about those things because I truly need it to keep the inspiration flowing. If I don’t have the same energy returned to me, I unfortunately lose muse because I hate one sided enthusiasm. I only write with those eighteen and above. Not under, even if we choose not to include smut. I love smut, but it isn’t required. I’m willing to fade to black too. As for pairings, I am mostly looking for mxf at the moment. I can play both female or male muses, I ask though, please don’t use me for my male muses. As much as I love playing them, it’s gone to a point where it’s just purely expected. I currently have no female muses at this time. I’m happy to play either gender, just don’t be specifically using me for them. Speaking of muses, I use realistic face claims or AI art. I don’t use anime or drawn, they make me uncomfortable for some reason. I require the same for my writing partners. Overall, I’m looking for a friend as well as a writing partner. I’m really hoping to bond and create a really beautiful friendship, it makes writing together all the more fun. If for any reason you are no longer interested then please tell me! I won’t take offence. I’d just rather know! I am fine with darker topics and tropes. Moving on to tropes —
I love the following tropes, but as much as I try to include all of them, there will be some I miss so please bring them all to me if you have one you love that isn’t included because chances are, I adore it too. •. — Enemies to lovers, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, fated mates, villain gets the girl, anti hero’s, morally grey characters, found family, forbidden lovers, star crossed lovers, human x fantasy creature, human turned fantasy creature, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, rivals to lovers, kingdoms at war, any war themed plots, one bed, teaching one to fight, strong female characters, dark male muses, dark powers, hates everyone but them trope, stabby women, intense sexual tension, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, height differences, sun x moon, spicy female muses. There are so many more but I feel like I’ll be listing forever, please note I’m completely okay with darker themes too!! Onto fantasy creatures I enjoy but not limited too •. — Elves, Fae, Dragons, Vampires, Gods, Deities, Witches, Demons. Those are the only ones I can think of, my brain is going blank. Honestly, I like them all. Except, I don’t enjoy playing werewolf muses myself but that isn’t to say you can’t!!
We can double up or leave it as a 1x1 and I’ll be happy either way! I enjoy creating rich lore for our world and I love kingdoms and courts and realms and all those good things. You can either message me yourself or you can interact and I will reach out! I write on discord only, with that; I hope to hear from you soon.
Also a quick PSA, if we plotted before and have yet to actually further it, please reach out. My notifications and messages are all jumbled and messy because of my lack of internet and full use of data! Promise I’m not ignoring <3
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grandmcff · 2 months
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mutuals    only    &    selective    roleplay    blog    for     𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙵 𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙺𝙸𝙽    from     𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒 . this    blog    will    contain    mature    content    (    violence,    gore,    etc.    )    so    please    only    interact    if    you    are    over    the    age    of    21 .
BLOGROLL . @wasteturns ( the ghoul from fallout ) , @twilekd ( twi'lek oc )
001. No drama whatsoever. I'm too old for it and quite tired. I am here to write my character in my silly sci-fi show. Curate your own experiences and do not police mine. I hardblock if I break a mutual if only due to Tumblr and it's glitch where it likes to make blogs think they accidentally unfollowed each other. It saves the awkwardness of any refollowing!
General dni criteria applies. No racism, anti-lgbtqia+, bigotry. I won't write rape, incest nor underage scenarios either. Basically if you're a creep leave me and my blog the fuck alone, lol. Mun =/= Muse and do not godmod mine.
002. Shipping happens rarely and with chemistry. For NSFW it's strictly beneath a readmore and written with those I trust. Despite that smut is not what I'm here for at all, and is at the bottom of my priorities in regards to this blog. Please respect that.
003. This blog is low-activity and slow replies. I run other blogs and tumblr itself is not my main priority. I have a life outside tumblr. Know I rarely drop threads, and if I do I will promptly notify you. I do not care about reblog karma. Just send something in every now & then and we'll be fine!!
As for follow backs they may take some time as I am mobile bound and prefer to read everyone's rules thoroughly as well as check out your blog. Assume if I do not follow back within a week I am not interested!
Anon is on but know that any hate I get is deleted and said anon blocked. If you have an issue with me please come to me privately so we can discuss it like adults, or use the block button. I promise I won't ever be upset if you need to block my blog!
004. My name is Werner and I am 26. I use they/them pronouns and like long walks in the woods. Please know my DMs are open to any who may need them, and my discord is available to mutuals upon request! Tysm for reading my rules and I hope we can write soon!!
** I also feel I should stress my Tarkin is trans (ftm) and while he won't really express it due to the views the Empire has, please know that is a part of my portrayal of him. I plan to touch on this more in a future post. This comes from my original Tarkin blog of the same url!
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quickdeaths · 7 months
name — Bryn
pronouns — She/Her.
preferred comms — Discord for sure! I'm on Discord basically all the time and I try to be pretty responsive to things. If you unlock the secret friendship tier, I will also bother you with memes/ship inspo/random conversation/etc. but even if you don't want that, it's got a big window and a search bar so it is infinitely better for plotting than anything else. That said, I do tumblr IMs too, if necessary.
name of muse — quickdeaths.tumblr.com/muses there's a lot of them take your pick
experience in RP — I started out 17-18 years ago on the forums for a D&D webcomic. Eventually I checked out of that scene, bounced around LiveJournal, had a cup of coffee in Gaia Online, and then came to Tumblr around 2012ish. Was pretty off-and-on here until 2015, and I've been part of the furniture here ever since. I've done a few things on Discord and through Google Docs since, but I think for better or worse, I'm just Here Now.
best experiences — Meeting my girlfriend will always be #1! We met here on tumblr and even though she doesn't RP as much anymore, I'm always going to be thankful for the things we wrote, and how RPing together helped us become friends, and then girlfriends. After that, all the things I've done with people that were long-term and plotted, with mutual investment. I've been doing this long enough now that even people who've left or who I fell out with, I still have a lot of fondness for those stories, as well as the long-term stories I'm doing now.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — The number one ultimate pet peeve for me is people dropping threads without personally notifying their partners. Not everyone lurks on dash, and it's easy to miss posts, and when people say things like 'gonna drop some of my drafts,' it's easy to feel like you've been put in a limbo state. Hiatuses are one thing but dropped threads like that just drive me crazy. Super long wait times on replies (I'm talking like, consistently 2-3 months or more) are rough for me too. Lack of communication as well, especially when it comes to choosing a muse(s) to write with.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Angst > fluff > smut for me. I'm an angsty bitch and I love the drama. I like drilling down into character flaws and weaknesses and forcing them to Go Through It and confront things they don't super want to confront, so I'll probably never get tired of writing angsty stuff. I like fluffy stuff too, but a bit more sparingly just because sometimes I think it can get a little circular. Smut... to be honest, I'm not against writing it if a plot calls for it and it makes sense for characters but I've had a handful of rough experiences in the past with people, and it's an area where I'm not very confident as a writer. You will never see a spicy sideblog from me though, I will simply put it on dash like a shameless heathen.
plot or memes — plots plots plots. Honestly, I would never do memes at all if it weren't The Culture here on tumblr. I never know who to send for, or from, when it comes to multimuses, I worry that the ideas aren't interesting and can't sustain long replies, and they don't usually inspire me. Plotting is great because you can figure out a dynamic, whether there's any preexisting knowledge, maybe a general direction you want things to go, etc. Almost everything I've loved doing has come from plots, but I'll still be offering both forever.
long or short replies — have you seen my blog i should be locked up and the key thrown away. I have lost the ability to write a reply under 5 paragraphs and with Certain People Who Know Who They Are I get up to like 8, 10, 12, occasionally some deeply unhinged 33 paragraph drabbles. I don't even have a good excuse really, it's just what feels comfortable for me to write. It lets me do all the inner world stuff that I use to round out my characters in a scene and contextualize them, while still (hopefully) having enough action and dialogue to respond to.
best time to write — It depends. Late afternoon/early evening is probably best, but later evening is fine too. Sometimes I will start a Particularly Ambitious Reply late late late and get too tired to finish it, and then finish it when I get up in the morning, and that seems to work for me too.
are you like your muse — Not really, I don't think? Although I guess that's for other people to judge. I try to give all my muses traits that I can relate to on some level, or at least one thing that feels connective between us, but I honestly think I'm too boring to be a very good RP character. I think Rio is probably the character I'm most similar to, but even then, I think it's more superficial similarities like hobbies than much else.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess Tagging: i will fill this in later, if you are seeing this post then i forgot to fill it in and that means it is a runabout, you can steal it, no one will ever know
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badassxbirdy · 10 months
Edit: Mobile nav is here. Blog maintenance may have temporarily broken the link in the description box. 😅
August Activity Update (Pinned Post)
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of July, as well as the first three days of August as I’m a little late. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping
@innerwar has just released a book! Check out the deets here for Amazon, or here if you prefer google books!
I’m giving the blog a clean and tidy. That includes clearing out the likes, so ignore it if you get any random likes on older posts. I occasionally double click by mistake.
Apologies for the huge dip in quality lately. Ditto the quantity! I’m beginning to feel a little more like myself than I have for quite a while, so hopefully this will improve things! 😅
Thank you for the kind words regarding the loss of the oldest pooch. People have been lovely, and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support. ❤️
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel. (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Azzy proves a point. 👀 (drafted, and I am screaming over this whole interaction!) - @demcnsinmymind
Drunk!Ty being her silly self. (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Taking Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (buried somewhere in the depths of the queue. I’ll find it and yeet it to the top asap! ❤️) - @demcnsinmymind
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The idiots reconcile. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty encounters Vampire!Damon. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The children are bickering again. 😂 (link) - @derschwarzeengel
“She’s a ghost AND a bitch!” (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Judging 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Ken in France means… (link) - @derschwarzeengel
“This isn’t what it looks like.” (drafted) - @discipulusmaleficus
“Tell me— What is your day job?” (link) - @first-born-to-his-name
Ty is about to die of embarrassment. ☠️ RIP. (link) - @heavenguided
Meeting the captain. (link) - @hvbris
Ty is massively confused by Wednesday. 😂 (link) - @hvbris
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (buried somewhere in the depths of the queue, I’ll find it and yeet it to the top asap! ❤️) - @imprvdente
Mischief at the fair (drafted) - @indyflanery
Bad jokes with Charm (link) - @innerwar
Monster encounter (drafted) - @lcbcshcart
Demon problems (link) - @magaprima
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (drafted) - @magaprima
“I totally didn’t do what you think I did.” (link) - @pantslessoptimism
Leaving the compound. (link) - @razorfst
Drafts: 11
Memes/Asks: 13
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Tyler needs everyone to know what “kenning” means. (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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yxtes · 6 months
hello! i'm whiskers.  white, 30, nonbinary (she/they).  formerly bun & bunny.  i also have a full-time job, so expect mostly low to medium activity here. 
quick note - i recently changed my pen name because there is a person in the RPC with the name "bunny" that has hurt people, and i do not want to be associated with them, even accidentally. 
this blog is for tom yates of house of cards.  (literally also fuck kevin spacey, you will never see that piece of trash on this blog.)  canon-wise, i focus mostly on him in season 3 and 4, because i don't like where the writing took him in season 5.  otherwise, he's canon divergent.  i have plenty of au universes for him, including mr. robot, cyberpunk 2077, hannibal, and much more.  
because of the mature themes of this blog, this will be an 21+ environment only.  no exceptions. please have your age in your rules. no hard feelings; this is curating a safe space for us both.
i will do my best to tag every trigger with trigger cw to help with blacklist.  please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything tagged that i have missed.  unfortunately, it's hard to keep up with everyone's triggers, and i may make a mistake -- please reach out to correct me; i will be more than happy to fix it.
i will roleplay smut on the dash, but preference for smut is on discord.  any nsfw will be appropriately tagged nsft.  let's build some chemistry first!
i will only roleplay with mutuals, no exceptions. if you wish to break mutuals with me, please block me so that i do not accidentally try to follow you again.
this will be a multi-verse and multi-ship blog. i do love shipping, but of course it's not my only reason for roleplaying. to reiterate - let's build some chemistry!
as for formatting, i will use the new text posts, small font, and xkit rewritten to cut down posts.  this will be an iconless blog.
please feel free to send me memes. i love memes. plotting goes to IMs or discord, which i am happy to give out to mutuals upon request.
length does not matter -- i am happy to write anything from one-liners to one paragraph to novellas. i am also happy to rewrite replies if it is hard to write a response.
please no god-modding or powerplay. in the event of a fighting thread, feel free to wound my character, but please don't do any mortal wounds or disfigurement without consulting me first.
i will not tolerate any ooc drama.  i don't like vagueblogging.  communication is so important, so i encourage you to reach out if there is something you need to discuss with me.  i may not reblog callouts myself, but i pay attention to those who have hurt people and block accordingly.  it literally is so easy to be kind.  choose kindness.  don't be shitty.  
these rules are subject to change, and i will notify the dash if any changes or additions have occurred. thank you for getting this far down. now for the most important rule: have fun!
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inkyembers · 7 months
rules .
hello! i'm whiskers (she/they)! formerly bun, bunny, bunward, bunster. i’m 30 years young (my neck, my back. . .), nonbinary, white, and have a full-time job, so expect medium to slow activity here. this is a blog for baldur's gate 3 muses, including gale of waterdeep, enver gortash, my tavs & durges, and perhaps more if the mood strikes.
update 11/16/23: before we get to the rest of the rules — i am aware that there is another “bunny” in the fandom. i am not them nor do i associate with them. we just unfortunately shared the same pen name.
update 11/25/23: pen name updated to whiskers so i no longer share a pen name with bun / celestieu.
because of the mature themes of baldur's gate 3, this will be an 18+ environment only. no exceptions. please have your age in your rules. no hard feelings; this is curating a safe space for us both.
speaking of which, you will also experience mature themes on this blog. i will do my best to tag every trigger with trigger cw to help with blacklist. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything tagged that i have missed. unfortunately, it's hard to keep up with everyone's triggers, and i may make a mistake -- please reach out to correct me; i will be more than happy to fix it.
updated 11/5/23: i will roleplay smut on the dash, but preference for smut is on discord. any nsfw will be appropriately tagged nsft. let's build some chemistry first!
i will only roleplay with mutuals, no exceptions. if you wish to break mutuals with me, please block me so that i do not accidentally try to follow you again.
this will be a multi-verse and multi-ship blog.
as for formatting, i will use the new text posts, small font, and xkit rewritten to cut down posts. this will be an iconless blog.
please feel free to send me memes. i love memes. plotting goes to IMs or discord, which i am happy to give out to mutuals upon request.
length does not matter -- i am happy to write anything from one-liners to one paragraph to novellas. i am also happy to rewrite replies if it is hard to write a response.
please no god-modding or powerplay. in the event of a fighting thread, feel free to wound my character, but please don't do any mortal wounds or disfigurement without consulting me first.
i will not tolerate any ooc drama. i will also not be posting about real world scenarios on this blog. the world is on fire, and i do what i can on my personal social accounts. i use this blog as escapism. thank you. i don’t mind if others do it, because everyone is allowed to use their spaces as they see fit. i just won’t be posting it myself, but that doesn’t mean i don’t care.
these rules are subject to change, and i will notify the dash if any changes or additions have occurred. thank you for getting this far down. now for the most important rule: have fun!
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coltjaw4 · 2 years
Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo For Chest Inventory Vector
To add this item to your bag, please take away previously added items. Cleared fee cleared cost - opens in a brand new window or tab. The merchandise you've chosen was not added to your cart.
The koi fish arrived from China in Japan within the early 1600’s as prized pets of the rich aristocrats. Considered ‘living flowers’ bred for the weird shapes and colour. Now almost everyone has some in their pond in japan.
Business Seller Information
International cargo of items could additionally be subject to customs processing and extra costs. I gave the injection slightly off the mid line and above pelvic fin. I'll purpose lower tomorrow as depicted in koivalley's thread.
Tumblr media
Absolutely no guarantee is made for any worth information. Due to delivery weight restrictions, this item can't be shipped to a PO Box. With the loopy climate these final couple of weeks, I felt that qt would not buffer it properly and will ended up killing the koi.
Promote Value
Upgrade your attire with custom embroidery for a look that youll like to wear, day in and day trip. This box is filled with liquid and encrusted by barnacles. As you pry off the final barnacle the water rushes out, forsaking the contents of the chest... Once the fish have been completely blended and dried, JustRestore flippantly outlined them using undiluted Primer Red to provide definition. Sign in or Create an Account to avoid wasting your favourite items across all units. Card prices and promotional provides symbolize daily estimates and/or market values supplied by our associates.
Now virtually everyone has some in their pond in japan.
Sellers declare the item's customs value and must adjust to customs declaration legal guidelines.
Pairs of kois symbolise joyful marriage and lengthy life, koi additionally means ‘love’.
First, JustRestore totally cleaned the chest of drawers after which painted her base.
You might choose one other retailer or continue together with your order and we'll notify you when the merchandise is ready for decide up. While we try to have all gadgets available at your most popular store pick-up location, due to high demands this isn't always possible. You should proceed with your order AS IS and a separate pickup-confirmation e-mail shall be despatched when the other merchandise is/are able to be picked up. We’re sorry, you may have too many items in your shopping bag.
Koi Medium Chest
Once her base was dry, she used a small piece of sponge dipped Chalk Paint™ in Oxford Navy to color water. If you might have an account, sign up together with your e mail tackle. With https://www.etsy.com/shop/DearestAris than 30 shops throughout Quebec, Ontario and Maritimes, store safely and securely in your most well-liked retailer. Sellers declare the merchandise's customs worth and should comply with customs declaration laws. It could also be time to try a special antibiotic. Not all micro organism reply to all antibiotics.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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your palms were sweaty as you adjusted your slacks, making sure the pleats were where they should be with not a wrinkle in sight. you wanted to look professional and put together, at least on the outside, because you knew you were actually about .2 seconds away from falling apart.
your palms were sweaty as you adjusted your slacks, making sure the pleats were where they should be with not a wrinkle in sight. you wanted to look professional and put together, at least on the outside, because you knew you were actually about .2 seconds away from falling apart.
a quick glance to the boys at your sides notified you that they weren’t faring much better. atsumu kept fidgeting with his cufflinks, sakusa was so stiff you could knock him over with your pinky, kenma looked like he was about to pass out, bokuto was debating on squeezing under the table in front of you, kuroo was tapping a pattern on his pants (akeelah and the bee style), and akaashi kept reciting ominous poems under his breath.
the only people in the room who looked even remotely fine were osamu, oikawa, sugawara, daichi, and, surprisingly, yachi. osamu was munching on some peanuts that he pulled from... somewhere, while oikawa and sugawara were holding their own conversation by the window. daichi seemed to be minding his own business but you could never really get a proper read on him anyway.
well, you supposed yachi was okay because she knew what to expect. i mean, you were meeting her boss.
after you and kenma had posted your “exposing the hype(r) house” youtube video, an email had come to the both of you, inviting you to visit the “big boss” along with the rest of the crew.
you weren’t necessarily afraid of losing your job; the hype(r) house was already being dissolved and you were (finally!!!) getting to move in with makki and mattsun until you found your own place. you were genuinely excited to put the drama and literal hell behind you and begin to live your life again but...
that didn’t mean meeting the Man™ wasn’t terrifying. it was like being called into the principal’s office, complete with the existential dread and occasional bouts of gassiness.
the door opening made you flinch as you quickly moved out of the way to let the newcomers enter. while they walked past you, you couldn’t contain the shock that overtook your face, your jaw practically on the floor.
the man was massive.
built like a brick wall, the man who you assumed to be the “big boss,” had a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, and massive fucking pecs, his white button up barely closing around them.
beside him stood a tall, lanky man who was dressed suspiciously un-office-like with a red buzz cut and wild eyes that seemed to cut into you as he took his place at the table.
the final man seemed a bit awkward in comparison to the other two, but he was trying to seem unaffected, his purple bowlcut, despite being rather juvenile, fitting perfectly with his slim but toned build and bright complexion.
yachi hurried to greet them, giving all three a blinding smile before motioning for everyone else to take a seat. you ended up between the redhead and atsumu, the former being way too entertained by just your general being. his eyes rarely, if ever, left your face sending shivers down your spine. the remaining members all hesitantly took their seats and “big boss” began.
“it is an honor to meet you all. i am ushijima wakatoshi but you can call me ushijima or wakatoshi or ushiwaka or toshijima or just ushi or just jima or just waka or just toshi.” for a moment you thought he was joking but his face never moved, not even with the awkward silence that followed. redhead seemed rather amused by the whole display and bowl cut looked like he was on the verge of spontaneously combusting.
it took an uncomfortably long moment for ushijima to proceed but he did as though nothing had happened. “these are my associates, satori—” redhead gave you a mischievous grin “—and tsutomu.”
“goshiki,” bowl cut interrupted, his voice wavering but his eyes gleaming with righteous indignation as though he was challenging wakatoshi to say something in defiance. instead, ushijima just gave him a nod and he visibly deflated back into his seat.
“goshiki is the social media manager for imla and satori is... satori,” big boss continued, not a hint of emotion on his face. the rest of the table perked up at his comment but atsumu was the only one who apparently had the balls to say anything.
“so yer the one who wrote that shitty among us tweet?” goshiki flushed horribly and sunk further into his plush leather chair, his body language showing he must’ve already gotten an earful about it. “thought it was a good idea,” he muttered while averting his eyes, completely ignoring satori’s cackle from across the wood.
ushijima put up a (massive???) hand to calm the both of them and it instantly worked. satori quieted down though he never lost the mirth in his expression and goshiki straightened up, a new wave of determination crossing his features.
you sat up as well, feeling the shift of energy in the room but you were startled to realize the boss had decided to focus his energy on you, his deep baritone voice calling your full name. “i am extremely sorry. we have failed you as a management team and as men. i have failed you.”
he sounded remarkably remorseful, his brown irises conveying heavy emotion and guilt. you had no idea what to say but he wasn’t done.
“although i do not have full control of the decisions that have been made here, i should have fought harder for what i believed was right and for that, i will forever be sorry.” you shifted uncomfortably under his weighty gaze, not that he noticed because his attention was swiftly taken by kenma at the opposite end of the room.
“who is in charge then? aren’t you like the ceo or whatever?” he asked. ushijima took a moment before nodding very slowly, his attention clearly on something in his head.
thankfully, satori rapidly took over the thread of conversation before the room could fall in tense silence yet again. “there’s a board of old, stuffy guys who basically kicked miracle boy wakatoshi to the curb and make all their decisions without him.”
...miracle boy? what did he have to do to earn that kind of nickname? you shook your head and tuned back in, just as the ceo spoke up once again.
“because i have not succeeded in doing my job properly, i have something to give to you,” ushijima deadpanned, sliding a thick envelope towards you. you carefully grabbed it and opened it up to reveal a thick, thick, wad of cash.
a gasp caught in your throat, words not coming to you as you thumbed through the money. there had to be at least $60k in there, your eyes filling with tears while you took in his generosity. “thank you,” you whispered, not trusting your voice to speak any louder.
wakatoshi nodded at you before addressing the rest of the table about something but you weren’t even listening.
you were so overwhelmed. for the longest time, you’d hated whoever management was for ignoring your pleas for help and trying to placate you with nice dresses and fancy dinners so meeting ushijima was quite the welcomed surprise.
despite everything that occurred, you could tell he felt horrible for letting things slide even though it was technically out of his hands and you couldn’t even articulate how much that meant to you.
the fact that he had gone out of his way to pay you extra, assumingly without the permission of the board, was heartwarming, confusing, shocking, and staggering all at once.
i mean, you could probably describe the past few months as exactly that. so much had happened, so much had changed, and while you could do without some of the life adjustments (the nightmares, spare trauma, and fear of public bathrooms to start), you felt blessed with new friends and the experiences that helped shape you to the person you were now.
the boys didn’t hate you anymore (well, not all of them at least and none were actively antagonizing you), you were seeing dr yamada again, you were getting to move in with your two best friends, you were just given enough money to expand your channel drastically, and you were finally feeling good. better than good.
meiko was behind you and though you missed the person she once was, you were so glad she was out of your life in a way where she couldn’t harm you or the boys any longer.
a grin spread across your face, your cheeks nearly burning from the intensity of it. things were definitely looking up.
a soft call of your name jolted you from your thoughts, your eyes landing on all the boys already standing as they got ready to leave the room. you could sense their worry and you shot them a genuine, reassuring smile before standing yourself.
you waved goodbye to the three men at the table, thanking ushijima profusely for his kindness but he shook you off, insisting that he had just been doing what he should’ve done a long time ago.
what a nice guy.
as you followed the boys out of the building, you took a moment to observe them together with fondness written all over your expression. they were laughing and joking around, the happiest and most carefree you had ever seen any of them. bokuto was begging yachi to get them ice cream, the rest of them piling on until she gave in with a playful roll of her eyes, giggling at the cheer that went up from the group.
atsumu seemed to notice you lagging behind, falling back to join you. “ya okay angel?” he asked, eyes focused on your feet as he slowed down to match your pace.
you didn’t answer for a while, instead focusing on the sun warming your cheeks, the cool breeze messing up your hair, and the sounds of pure joy swirling above you.
“i’m absolutely perfect.” you replied and you actually meant it. “race you to the van?” you sent him an impish grin before taking off, his yells of indignation making you laugh freely as the rest of the boys joined in, right on your heels.
this is it, you thought. no matter what, i’ll have this moment and i’ll be okay.
you’d been through hell and back and you’d survived. you’d been cursed at, choked out, hospitalized, and been beaten at mario kart more times than you could count and you had still made it through. you were resilient and strong and you’d never given up, despite how badly you’d wanted to, multiple times over.
things weren’t perfect, they rarely are, but you knew that if you could make it through all that, you could get through practically anything, especially with the boys by your side.
yeah. i’ll be just fine.
“told you it sounded stupid as hell.”
“gah, stop talking about it!!”
“you sounded sooooo old ‘shiki, what are you, 92?”
“what’s up miracle boy?”
“...what is ‘sus’?”
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℗ poker face
i’ll be just fine
series masterlist
an - AND THATS A WRAP FOLKS 🥳 wowowow did the ending give me trouble but that’s ok SISJSK the endings will be coming shortly but they might not be daily just cs they may take more time, who knows lmfao i’ll let y’all know :3 AAAA ANYWAYS ILY I HOPE U GUYS LIKED KITH KITH don’t forget to feed me <3
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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needcake · 3 years
I am here to provide PG to M rated drabble prompts (as long as it’s not E, right?)
Doctor au, a patient gets violent, any characters/pairing
Cop au, dirty cop!port and partner of ur choice busting mafia boss!England
These are so good, thank you so much!!
I do still wanna get my hands on the second one, but for now here's my fill for the first prompt:
On my way back
eng+port (side nedport and fruk), PG-13, 800 words
“What are you doing this weekend?”
Gabriel sipped his coffee, looked at the ceiling trying to remember. The moment stretched for long enough that Arthur chuckled and smiled to himself, clutching his own coffee like a lifeline.
“Abel and I booked a room in Nîmes,” he said at last, downing the rest of his cup, aiming it at the bin on the other side of the break room and missing it by a lot.
“France?” he asked and Gabriel nodded. “What’s in Nîmes?”
Gabriel shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. I’m not planning on leaving the room until Sunday night for the drive home.” Arthur made a crude blowjob sound and Gabriel grinned sheepishly, shoving at his arm to make him stop.
“Why Nîmes?”
Gabriel shrugged again. “Abe picked it, said it was cheap.”
Arthur laughed and sipped his coffee
“Why do you ask? Do you have plans?” he asked, and Arthur watched his friend get up to collect his discarded plastic cup.
“Yeah, Francis is having his friends over for dinner on Saturday, but you know how they are. So I thought to ask you and Abel over too to feel less alone.”
Gabriel smiled, but his cell phone went off before he could reply. He pulled it out of his pocket, the smile melting from his lips as he read the incoming message.
Arthur drank from his cup and peered at his worried expression. “Did someone lose their fingers?”
It was a recurring joke between them ever since Gabriel had gone into orthopedics, one that never failed to make him roll his eyes, laugh, tell Arthur to go back to his gallstones. This time, though, he did none of that. Just flicked his eyes in his direction with his lips pressed together into a thin line, then back at his phone, his eyebrows knitting further together.
“A guy showed up at the ER and it seems bad. Sorry about Saturday, I’ll, ah,” he said distractedly, tossing his cup in the bin, never taking his eyes away from his phone. “I’ll buy you guys some fridge magnets on my way back.”
Arthur didn’t have time to tell him that if he ever showed up at their door with cheap tourist fridge magnets for their fancy double door fridge Francis would make him eat them. By the time he opened his mouth, Gabriel was already out the door.
Arthur was in surgery when it happened, looking at the screen above his patient to locate and remove their gallbladder with practiced ease, chatting with the anesthesiologist. They were talking about the Champions game the night before.
He only heard about it later, much later, when he worried Gabriel was taking too long to meet him in the parking lot. And since they had carpooled to the hospital that morning in his car, Arthur had sighed heavily in the empty parking lot, thinking he must have gotten caught up.
“Oh,” said the hospital employee he had asked about Dr. da Costa’s schedule after checking his phone and seeing no texts from him to let him know he would be running late and no gruesome pictures of mangled appendages either. “You haven’t heard,” her voice turning suddenly quiet, serious, and Arthur’s heart skipped a beat.
Every step Arthur took back into the hospital was heavy, purposeful. He had been in surgery; he had not heard the gossip that had spread throughout the hospital like wildfire. He pushed doors open, flashed his identification card to everyone in his path, walked faster. What’s in Nîmes, he had asked and Gabriel had shrugged, tense lines on his shoulders and neck, bags under his eyes, I don’t care, Gabriel had said, looking elsewhere, his hair tied up messily behind his neck, his eyes distant, distracted, I don’t plan on leaving the room, he had joked.
He stopped in front of the ICU’s glass window and looked at his friend lying on the bed with tubes and lines hooked up to his body, his chest stitched together with black thread, a machine beeping at every one of his slow shallow breaths.
You haven’t heard, the receptionist had said, a man came into the emergency room with a crushed leg. He reacted badly when Dr. da Costa told him they’d have to amputate.
Arthur had nodded, still, steady, numb, and had remembered to ask if Dr. da Costa’s partner had been notified. The receptionist had given him a look of pure pity. Of course, she had said, he’s already here.
Abel was sitting on the stiff, uncomfortable chairs in the corridor when he finally forced himself to tear away from the image of Gabriel’s pale, bruised body. Abel was still wearing his suit, still carrying his briefcase. He must have run there from the courthouse as soon as he heard.
Arthur sat heavily by his side, sent Francis a quick text saying he would be late for dinner, stared at the ceiling.
“He was looking forward to Nîmes,” he whispered, and it was all it took for that mountain of a man to crumble by his side, crying into his hands, hunched over his knees.
His own eyes watered. Sorry, Gabriel had said, I’ll buy you guys some fridge magnets on my way back.
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literaticat · 2 years
Hypothetical. If you received an offer of publication (that was good enough to interest an agent) and you let the agents you've queried know, and then you start receiving offers of representation, do you also have to let the agents know this too even though you just messaged them about the offer of publication - or is just notifying them about the first thing enough?
The point of notifying an agent about other offers of rep or publication is to make them hurry / give them a deadline. How much more hurried can they get? :-) So, the latter.
If they ask, you can tell them by all means, but they will already assume that you are getting multiple agent offers, and they already have a deadline, so really no need to keep peppering them with updates.
THE LONG VERSION -- what do you DO if you get an offer of publication while you are querying agents?
OK so in this scenario, you have queried agents and publishers at the same time? (pls don't)
Scratch that - you queried agents, obviously NOT submitting to publishers at the same time, but it just so happens that your college roommate works at Random House and told somebody about your amazing book and so coincidentally at the same time, they approached you and were like "we would like to make you an offer"
Amazing! Congrats!
Now, for the LOVE OF GOD, do not accept that offer.
Say "thank you so much! I'm actually in the midst of querying agents right now, I'll get back to you as soon as I have secured representation!"
Write to the agents you still have queries or fulls out with. If your correspondence is via query manager, there's a way to alert them you have an offer of publication. If it was by email, reply to the thread and but change the subject line to "OFFER OF PUBLICATION FROM RANDOM HOUSE"
In the email or message or whatever - explain the situation and say, "I have not accepted but I have let them know that I'm in the midst of looking for an agent, but of course I'd like to get back to them as soon as possible! If you are interested, can you let me know by (a week from now)? Happy to answer any questions you may have!"
Obviously if they are truly NOT available or whatever - they won't even see this missive. Everyone else will drop what they are doing and respond to you quickly. You already said you were reaching out to multiple agents, so they will expect that you probably will get some offers of rep -- and it doesn't matter, actually, because the reason to alert agents to an offer is to make them decide quickly -- they are already deciding quickly!
(Of course, if they ask, you can tell them where you are at, how many folks you have talked to, or whatever -- and if they are interested you should DEFINITELY share the terms of the offer you were given -- but they are probs expecting that you have multiple agent offers and that would not be a factor in their decision-making.)
At this point it's like - - a very quick game of "INTEREST OR NO" -- whoever is a yes you have a call with, then you pick, the end.
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galarianace · 3 years
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⟡♛ Be a decent human being?? It’s not hard I promise Basically means : be respectful to each other, don’t waste your time on spreading hate, don’t Godmod, yadda yadda yadda.
⟡♛ Please don’t follow me if you’re a minor. It’s nothing personal, but I’m an adult and as such will handle adult themes on this blog if they come up : so it’s honestly just very awkward if minors are around to see.
⟡♛ The main focus of this blog is now art / Kira’s story But this blog is also secondarily used to answer asks, and to roleplay. So it can be a bit of a mess at times. However, I try to tag everything appropriately so that the things you want to see are easily accessed.
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⟡♛ You are allowed to reblog the canon related art on this blog But please don't reblog the RP posts / headcanons and whatnot!
⟡♛ While I draw her with SwSh characters a lot, the main focos of most art pieces is still Kira So there are a lot of solo pieces of her, and sometimes of some of my other OCs as well.
⟡♛ I draw Kira in a romantic sense with Leon There is also plenty platonic art, but there WILL be romantic art of the two. If you do not enjoy seeing canon x oc art, then this is definitely not the blog for you.
⟡♛ I don't take requests and I don’t currently do art trades However, you may commission me over at @golden-hourglass​
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⟡♛ If you’re here for RPs, please give [ this ] a like ! ♛⟡ That way I’ll know to check you out and to interact with you!
⟡♛ Don’t hound me for replies. I’m fine with gentle reminders, or you simply checking to see if I got it ( especially because tumblr’s notif system– well, it’s not very good. ). But please keep in mind that muse may come and go, as does real life.
⟡♛ I’m fine with multiple threads with the same person. I’m fine if we got one thread, I’m fine if we got five : I don’t really have a limit tbh! So feel free to throw random starters or to thread asks and whatnot, any time you want!
⟡♛ If it’s been too long, I’m likely to consider a thread dropped NOT GOING TO LIE– I’m not all that fast myself, but if it’s been like a month or two, I think it’s safe to say that a thread is dropped. In some cases I’ll still reply even after this ( mostly pre-plotted things ). Of course! Hit me up to continue an old thread, that’s absolutely NO problem! I’ll just have to uh, re-read to refresh my memory. … Because YEAH, sometimes it’s not a lack of interest causing the massive delay, but a lack of tumblr actually notifying people–
⟡♛ Multi-Ship and Multi-Verse Interactions all take care in their own verses, as do the ships. When it comes to ships with canon characters : just because Kira is shipped with someone’s version of the character, doesn’t mean she’ll be auto-shipped with yours! Everyone’s interpretation is different and, as such, so are her interactions. She might be madly in love with one person’s intepretation of the character, and break the nose of someone else’s. You’re all different from each other, and that’s great! So it’s only right for everyone to be treated as such, too!
⟡♛ I only ship chemistry, and platonic / familial ships are just as important as romantic ones. Before we check if our characters are romantically compatible, let’s see if they can tolerate being in the same room first.
⟡♛ I don’t enjoy writing out battle scenes So I don’t write them out. Considering she’s rather OP in a Pokémon fight, Kira tends to win battles fairly fast anyway, and I’m no longer nerfing her to make others feel better about themselves, especially since most of the time I was the only one who had to do this. She is an undefeated battling genius - and she’ll stay that way. If your character is also undefeated or something along those lines? Then that’s perfectly fine! We’ll simply not put them in a position where they’ll battle so that neither side will have to lessen their character.
⟡♛ I have a hard time writing with muses belonging to fan games etc I haven’t played a whole lot of fangames, and while I truly do appreciate all the time and effort that people put into their fanregions as well ( omfg, some of u guys are a LOT better at coming up with things than gamefreak dkfsjhdksjfhsd ) there’s just a whole lack of information on my part that makes me a bit anxious about interacting with fanregions and stuff ( since, I don’t really want to get things wrong?? I really like knowing what I’m typing about most of the time omg ).
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cottagefaeries · 4 years
💛 Cottagefaeries’s 25k Cottagecore Masks (PART 1)💛
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hello friends! for a while now, i’ve been wanting to do a g!veaway to show my appreciation for all of you! I just hit 25k followers a few days ago, and my mom (@yournewmum) had the most wonderful idea to do a mask g!veaway due to the COVID-19 pandemic that is impacting the entire world. Therefore, we will be giving away a mask with cottagecore themed fabric to 50 people who enter this g!vaway!
Why Does This Say “Part 1”?
💛 This is a 5 part g!vaway, with 10 winners chosen every part! For a total of 50 winners!
💛 Each week I will post another version of this post, the only thing different will be what part number, and the deadline!
💛 There will be no repeat winners!
How Do I Enter?
💛 TO ENTER: either on this post or your own post (using the hashtag “#cottagefaeries 25k”), show me something you do! drawing, poetry, singing, baking, ceramics, photography, dancing, anything! teach me how to say something in another language, show me what you’ve made in a video game, tell me a bit of folklore, share a recipe, i mean anything! note: you will NOT be judged or chosen based on how “good” your skill is! what you have to share with the world is valuable no matter how it looks/sounds/etc.
💛 this g!veaway is open worldwide! Anyone from anywhere can enter! (apologies for this only being in english, it’s the only language i know fluently)
What Will I Get If I Win?
💛 winners will recieve a random mask with a cottagecore themed fabric (similar to the ones picture above), as well as a 3-D printed behind-the-neck connector to eliminate strain on the ears!
💛 the masks are made of two inner layers of 100% cotton with either a cotton or poly/cotton cover layer, 1/4 inch braided elastic loops, and 100% cotton thread
💛 although the mask selection will be random, i will message winners when they are chosen and you can specify if you’d prefer a more simple one, flashy one, a specific color, pattern, etc. (for example, you could say “i really want a blue gingham if that’s available” or “no animal fabrics please!”)
(the masks pictured at the top are NOT included in the g!veaway, but the same fabrics may be used in some of the masks that get sent to winners!)
Is There Anything Else I Need To Know?
💛 you do not need to follow me, or reblog/like this post to participate, although any & all of those are appreciated!
💛 This Part closes Friday April 24, 2020 at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be messaged on Saturday April 25. (please make sure your messages are open!)
💛 after the winners are notified, packages will be mailed within 5 days of recieving the winner’s address in a reply. Winners do not need to pay shipping fees, no matter where you live!
💛 disclaimer: please do your research about cloth masks! they are NOT substitutes for n95 or other more effective masks! regardless, it is important to wear a mask of some sort in public if possible! i cannot guarantee that these will prevent illness, but it is also important to save the more important masks for healthcare workers and those who are at higher risk. if you show symptoms of COVID-19, PLEASE stay home.
💛 please DO NOT tag this post or your entry as “g*veaway” because tumblr will shadowban it! i want the opportunity to get one of these lovely masks to be available to everyone!
thank you for taking the time to read this post, and i hope you consider participating! Try to stay safe and healthy, and take care of yourself while we all get through this together 💛
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lgcmanager · 3 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: Cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise
on JULY 26, HEO AECHA has summoned all the CURRENT ACTORS, old and new. it’s early in the morning, yet the woman seems fully present and watches on her grown assembly with motherly warmth. “if this isn’t my beautiful bunch!” she says, amused. “some of you are new here, so let me introduce myself properly; i am the head manager of LGC AGENCY, i oversee the careers of not only the company’s actors but also other talents. which implies that i’m a busy woman and we won’t meet all too often, unfortunately. i know in the past we typically have certain managers take over to take care of the main and lead actors, but this won’t be the case for this trimester, especially that we are now smaller than before. we have other plans in store so for now all of you will be looked over by the usual managers; one for the girls and one for the boys.” she stares at each of them one by one. “i have lots of subjects to touch up, so let’s get to it!”
“as per usual, we’ve already sorted out the dorms, so for those of you moving in, you may move in to your new dorms today or if you’re moving out, you can also do that starting from today. as i remind everyone though, just because you’re moving out does not mean that you aren’t under watch 24/7. if i hear of any poor behavior from any of you, you will be immediately sent back to the dorms. just because you have your own space doesn’t mean you can just fool around with your friends or hide your relationships from us. please keep that in mind,” she notes sternly.
“sns is important for exposure for our actors. however, it’s not absolutely imperative, so the rules haven’t changed. you’ll be permitted a PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT after meeting certain conditions. first, you must have completed a full trimester in this path and second, you must have at least 6 posts on the legacy entertainment account already. this just gives us comfort that you know what is or isn’t appropriate. for those of you who are eligible for an account, the information will be provided to you shortly. again, as with the dorms, this privilege can be taken away if you decide to do some funny business.”
“for those of you who are new or who just transferred paths, your acting debut is right around the corner … well, some of you might have had some smaller roles in other projects, but never mind that. anyway, there are new legal grounds to cover and so please review your new contract that will need to be signed and returned as soon as possible. i’ll let you read over them on your own.”
( this is just an ic note, there is no need to submit this ooc )
“actors need to be versatile in different genres so for this period, we will be focusing on comedy. for some people, this should be an easy topic while others might struggle a bit, which is why everyone will be attending COMEDY AND IMPROVISATION WORKSHOPS. these workshops are hosted by some of our acting coaches and will be held 5 days a week until AUGUST 20. for the individuals participating in LGC GIRLS SUMMER, you will only be able to attend 3 days a week while everyone else is encouraged to attend all 5 days. from AUGUST 23-27, all of you will be auditioning in front of three important judges. have you heard of GAG CONCERT? if you have, now you know that the ones judging you are the staff members from that popular show.  practice diligently and your hard work will pay off!”
for the workshops, actors will be joining with the people from the modeling path. these lessons consist of lectures with a mix of improvisation exercises. on the day of the audition, each actor will be working with one other person (whether it’s another muse in the acting path or npc is up to you) and they will be asked to randomly pick their scenario from a box. for ooc purposes, we’ve listed the possible scenarios that were in the box, so just choose one.
muse a enters the salon and is about to get their hair done and muse b is the hairstylist.
muses c has just finished decorating the house when muse d comes home and doesn’t like the color.
muse e confronts muse f about their barking dog.
muse g accidentally spills their drink to muse h, who is their boss.
once they find out their scene, the actors have 10 minutes to act out the scene and humor the judges. when the time is up, the judges will give their thanks and dismiss the actors. evaluations of the performances will be discussed at a later time.
afterwards, aecha notifies everyone about the lgc girls summer and modeling opportunities that the actors can participate in if they wish to do so. there are requirements for both of those opportunities so please read through them and make sure that your muse meets those requirements if they want to join!
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:actingmission for everything related to this event. you have until AUGUST 28, 2021 11:59 EST, to complete the following requirements
IMPROVISATION WORKSHOPS: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another actor or model about the workshops or practice sessions for +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE ! ** you may claim this requirement two times. characters participating in lgc girls summer can only claim this once.**
COMEDY AUDITION: write a 300+ words solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with your partner about your audition for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE + 3 NOTORIETY !
to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before AUGUST 28, 2021 11:59EST.
IMPROVISATION WORKSHOPS: +8 ( skill points distribution ) [ LINK ] ( ** can be claimed twice for everyone else except the ones participating in lgc girls summer ** )
COMEDY AUDITION: +5 ( skill points distribution ) + 3 notoriety [ LINK ] 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Secret Love Song (ten x you)
here we go!
ps. Ten is a WayV and SuperM idol here, while Yuta, Jaehyun, and Johnny are not idols! Thanks
Song : Secret Love Song from little mix and Jason Durelo lol Derulo xD
warning : tiny bit of insecurities, lots of fluff, happy end.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You make your way slowly back to your small studio apartment. You rush from the nearest bus stop, walk through the cold winter night, reach the front door and then take the lift to your room. Today has been tiring, your neck and lower back are aching from sitting on stools for hours and reaching your clients body as you inject safe permanent inks into their skin. Yes, you are a tattoo artist, working in a superior tattoo parlor, where hygiene levels are guaranteed safe and the drawings are not regrettable. Well, your clients paid a hundreds of dollars to have a 4 inch tattoo! You have to admit, being a tattoo artist in a high-class studio gave a fair amount to pay your rents, eat decent foods, and spend some money for your happiness. You sigh when you remember that the flat fee for this month has been raised, and you know you will need to either find a new living space or work extra hours to pay for the extra cost.
You stretch your neck for a while as your fingers type in a six digit combination to open the door to your heaven: the bed. Once you close the door behind you, you take off your coat, carelessly toss your bag to the sofa, and free yourself from your boots. You make a quick attempt to untangle your scarf and dive belly first to your soft mattress. A sigh of great relieve escapes your mouth and you find your eyelids super heavy. You would totally fall  asleep within five seconds if your bizarre phone did not disturb you.
Your hand blindly searches for the rectangular noisy object and when you find it, the ring has ended. You groan in frustration, but your fatigue drowns you back to slumber. This time there was a short beep five times in a row, and you know that is your boyfriend messaging you. Your mind fights over waking up to call him back, or just drive your tired eyes to sleep and deal with him later when you're fresh. You decided to do the latter, but today must not be your day. Your phone rings again and your finger slides to pick up his call.
"What?!" You snapped.
"Woah, easy... Did I call the wrong number?" the man on the other hand takes his phone away from his ear to check the caller ID. He shakes his head when he ensures this is the right number.
"Sorry... I-"you yawn and he stays silence until you continue, "I just got home, and your calls postpone my -so needed- sleep..."
He smiles to himself when he heard your yawns and slurs.
"Okay, I'll just tell you I'm busy for the next three days. I'll call you back, I need to do my make up now. Bye!"
You did not reply him, your brain didn't actually understand anything he said, you've lost yourself into the dreamland after finishing your sentence. You sleep through your dinner time, only to snore deeper as the night darkens.
One man sits stiffly on his chair in the powder room. He is waiting for his stylist to come and do his make up before he steps into the stage filled with a crowd dedicating their life, money, and time to support him and his group. He shakes his shoulder a bit to throw the pressure away, why did he feel like he committed a great sin for calling his girl just to disturb  her from sleeping.
"Who is that Ten hyung?" Yang-yang who happens to catch a few of Ten's surprised action earlier asked.
Ten turns his head to face the youngest boy, he's about to open his mouth before the tallest and loudest man cuts his answer "It's (y/n) of course," Lucas offers his big smile while slapping Ten's shoulder.
"Stop it Lucas, I might poke his eye because of your sudden slap when I am drawing this eyeliner." The stylist who has been working hard to polish this pretty eyes of Ten, scowls at Lucas.
"Sorry, but it's true right?? It's (Y/n)???" Lucas takes a seat on one of the free chairs in the powder room. He's ready to go on stage already.
Ten shakes his head in disbelief and nods, "Yes it's her. Happy?"
Yang-yang smiles and drags his chair closer, "So... what happened? Spill the tea!"
Lucas also has his eyes bigger twice as much in size and his back is straightened, he is ready for the gossip!
Ten smacks his lips when the last stroke of light lipstick was applied; he checks himself on the mirror and nods an approval for the stylist to go. "Thank you!"
Now when nobody else is in the room, Ten finally opens his mouth.
"I called her at the wrong time I think... She snapped at me because she said I disturb her sleep?"
The two younger men pretend to understand though really they don't have a single idea why Ten must look this nervous just because his girlfriend snapped. Hey, every person has a bad day right?
Ten stares into the two soul across him and he face palms himself mentally when he realize there was no way Lucas nor Yang-yang understands his worry.
"Forget it, both of you are not helping." Ten pushes himself from the chair to put on his golden jacket.
"We're putting on mikes and in 7 minutes, you're going Live." The stage director opens the door right in time and a swarm of crew help the members put on their mikes.
Ten glances at his phone for the last time, there his smile rises when one notification pops from none other than you.
From: mon petit cœur
"Burn the stage,love! Bad Alive deserves the spotlight. <3"
Ten knows he doesn't have to reply that message, but the heavy weight in his heart is gone as he takes a deep breath and joins his other brothers to the side of the stage. They chant their group cheers and soon take over the stage.
You're awakened by your alarm clock around seven at night. Your head feels dizzy and you know that's probably because you skipped dinner. You force yourself to open your eyes. Your fingers expertly open the messenger application and through your squinting eyes, you type a short message to your boyfriend. Well, you promised him you won't miss their first stage of Bad Alive, and so here you are! seated on your worn-off sofa, an apple on one hand and the small TV provides you music and pictures. You focus yourself on the screen when you can see your boy and his team already shown for the interview at the screen. You fix your position, increase the volume, and you're totally awake when the stage shows your favorite group of all time.
The three minutes performance was over. You get up from your position, walk to throw the apple core away, and you grab your phone back.
To : Ten
"Amazing job you did there, my body's burning,
Guess I can save money from not using any more heaters.
Going home? <3"
You want to meet Ten so bad, it's already one month since you two didn't see each other. He has intensive practices for the comeback. Not that you're not understanding or selfish; You just wish he can make some time to come tonight, because you need someone to listen to you.
Your phone bleeped after an hour. Ten must've finished all of his works and probably already seated in the van, ready to leave the venue.
From: Ten
"Glad the song kept you warm. Sadly I've told you earlier in the call I cannot make it home these three days. Next week I also have another stage performance. I'll let you know when we can meet. How's today?"
Your shoulder slumped, you ghost you finger over the call button. You want to call him right now, but dating an idol is not that simple. If some manager or stylist caught you in the act, they might tell this to the director board and you know how this will end. Yes forced break up!
You left him on read. You glance at the clock on the dining room. It's already nine, you have some place to go. You dress yourself in a warm jacket and you leave the empty room. You hail a cab and direct an address. Your phone vibrated and you picked up a call.
"Hey! Where are you now?" Ten asks
"I'm going out for a while, why?"
"Oh, where are you headed to?"
"Ummm Johnny's, I forgot he invited me over for wine and cheese. Wanna join?"
"Is this Saturday Night already?"
You chuckled, "Yes Mr. busy, this is a Saturday Night."
"I'll see how the meeting with SuperM goes, til then have fun and be safe, Love you!"
"He's a nice brother, don't worry I'll be okay. Wait I have to get off the bus."
Ten waited for you on the other side of the line. He likes to make sure you're okay on the road. He busies himself with a strand of loose thread on his jacket and holds the phone close to his ear. His smile returns when your breathy voice greets him back.
"Woah, sorry there were several people going down too.
I'm only 3 minutes away! Are you in the office yet?"
"I'm entering the lobby, need to rush to the lift and see if everyone's there already."
"Okay, guess I'll end the call here. I can see his house already."
"No, I'll wait until you are in his house. Besides my notification just notifies me Taemin hyung is late."
"Well, I'm here already. Johnny's by my side."
"Alright, trust you. Tell him I miss him! Okay then, enjoy your night.
Call me whenever you need my help. Love you!"
You smile at his small attention, "Thanks Ten, Love you too! Good luck with the meeting."
The phone call ended
You enter the kitchen of the small house your brother and his fiancée bought. Johnny is five years older than you, and that's why he has been able to take care of you ever since the two of you were young. Johnny's wife happened to be staying in her mother's house because she had to look after her younger cousins. Johnny cannot join her because he needs to supervise his office. So here you are, the two of you meet one another for a siblings quality time.
"Tonight's special is Cabernet Franc," Johnny said after examining the bottle and taking the cork off.
I push him my empty glass and he fills in both glasses with the red liquid.
"Cheers," You both chime and clank the glass.
Moving on to sit on the comfortable L-sofa, you make yourself comfortable before finally starting to chat and talk about life. A soft music was played on the background, some classics because both of you felt like it.
"So, how is your day?" asked Johnny.
You gulp down the rest of the wine and roll your eyes, "Bad. Worst!"
Johnny straightens his back, "Ten? Or Work?"
You run your eyes right and left, taking a moment to think which one of them is bothering your mind. You smile when you know the answer, "Both!"
Johnny only raises his brow and you know the queue to spill everything out. Your mind went back to earlier this morning, where you woke up late and missed the bus to your office. You had to take the cab, since Ten was busy with his performance schedule today. You had to spend a good $20 to make it on time. You did arrive on schedule; the shop was opening as per usual. You greeted your co-workers, Yuta and Jaehyun.
The three of you have been working together since this parlor opened, there were no other worker here because we don't need that much! The people who step through the door were usually a regular or have made an appointment. However, today was totally irregular!
You remember the horror of Jaehyun's face when he entered the employee room with terror. Yuta was working on a customer's drawing and you were washing and cleaning the pen.
"We sorta have a problem here, there were three girls wanting to get a tattoo done without any appointments."
Yuta raised his brow, there must be something next that will surprise them both.
"They're minors. I've told them to come back when they're older, but they insisted."
"Let me talk," You place your pen down on a table and take the queue to talk to the girls. Well, Jaehyun is a softie, he cannot be strict especially to high-school girls.
You caught the three girls giggling over a picture on their phone, and you quickly snatched it away from her hand. They gasped and protested on your action, but you were taller than them.
"Sorry, but it was not appropriate for you to secretly take pictures of another person. This, I'm sure you took them secretly earlier. You're violating someone's privacy." You said as you deleted the pictures of a candid Jaehyun.
"If you're here only to take inappropriate pictures of my co-worker, leave immediately and don't ever come back. And you're clearly not 18 yet, the law stated you must be 18 to have a tattoo. Til then, let's wait patiently. Come back only when you are 18 and permitted to have ink on your body. Good bye." You returned the phone and shrugged your shoulder to the exit door.
The three girls have fires in their eyes and they were clearly killing you in their heads, but you're not afraid of babies like them.
"You're mean! Just wait for our revenge!" One of the girl stomped her feet in anger and ordered the other two to follow her and they left the parlor.
You let go a breath you held back earlier, then you decided to take the welcome desk for a while.
Just when you thought nothing else will go wrong, that's where you were fucked. Across you stood your nightmare. The enormous man across you smiled secretly when he found you greeting him.
"Well, welcome back Sir Dimitry, I believe you're here for a touch up?" You ran your eyes through today's schedule. Sadly his name was not there, but he was a regular and he's the Russian gang leader here, who roamed around Incheon at night. You knew better not to mess up with him, but that was not what bothers you.
He Is big and scary, the first time you saw him was when Yuta has to do a big dragon on his well built arm. That day you were occupied with another client, but although you were focused on doing your work, you can't help but feel his gaze on your body. Yuta and Jaehyun were aware of this, and since then they always try their best to take his project and they always lied you're busy or occupied. You're thankful for them. The two men were not so pleased to work on his skin too, for his drawings were always big, disturbing, and scary. However, he was the most generous tipper, and that made them close their mouth and ears (because he used to answer calls and believe me your ears won't stay cold listening to his choices of bad words).
"I haven't made an appointment yet, and I came here for a new drawing. I've had one in my mind and I believe you can finish tracing it in a couple of minute." The big guy leaned forward on the table.
There were two other people coming in and Yuta happened to pass by. You threw him a "help" sign and Yuta bit his lips, "My client is here already... I'm sorry, try Jaehyun."
Yuta took his customer to the studio and Jaehyun appeared beside you.
Jaehyun glanced at the clock, then looked into the Russian man's blue eyes "I'm sorry sir, but today we're a bit tight. You can come back here tomorrow say around one? I'll take your order, do you want a new drawing or retouch?"
The man hit the table, "I believe this lady over here is free right now, I don't see any client waiting for her. That guy is clearly your job Jae, I saw his tattoos those were definitely yours."He smiled winningly.
You cursed in your heart, well today you happened to have no appointments, you're only making templates. You closed your eyes, inhaled, and looked at Jaehyun. You nodded your head to tell him you'll be okay and you'll take him. Jae could lost his eyes from the shock when you sighed and told the big man, "Alright, I am free for two hours. Before that let me remind you I cannot do strong and big inks."
The Russian man smirked like a cat who won a fish, you took him to the processing room and he explained you what he want. You went to your professional mode and focused clearly on making his dream comes true. You were bargaining with him to make the designs smaller and less bold, he finally gave in. You worked your drawing quickly and after he agreed, you prepared your tools.
To make it short, it was the longest two hours in your life. He was clearly stealing views of you concentrating, and he was throwing so many offensive and disturbing flirts. You almost lost your cool when he joked about how hot you would look like on bed. You promised you held yourself from not forcing the word "bastard" to his neck and you clearly knew Yuta and Jaehyun were both busy keeping eyes on you. You're focused on making a word out of Russian alphabet you didn't know.
"I am attached, so please stop. You're going over the line already." You exhaled when he tried to touch your lap. You quickly pushed his hand away and you rushed your work.
"I said stop! You're harassing me!" You tossed the pen to your metal tray, and you pushed your chair back. He was not totally harassing you physically, but he was mentally fucking you. You saw his tent and you decided you'll stop your work. Well you finished it right on time though.
"I can file a report and you can be trialed." You stood up from your stool, but he held you back faster.
"Let go off her," Yuta threw him a deadly gaze and swatted the man's hand.
"You won't, they wouldn't care. Look this tattoo's amazing. I'm leaving you 500! Take the change." He forced the bills in my hand and made his way out.
You stood there surprised and petrified. You're ashamed of yourself, but what would your boss say if he found out a client was not satisfied because the girl artist did not want to work on his body. You'll lose your favorite job, and no you don't want that to happen yet.
Yuta and Jaehyun comforted you and ensured that you were not assaulted physically or even harmed. You shook your head and a tear fell on your cheeks. "I am embarrassed of myself, I feel bad for Ten... and Fuck I blew up my relationship."
Yuta ensured nobody will know, or you hope so. The day continued and after some more picky madams with boring gossips, you went home with....well an extra $300. You actually hated the money, but 300 is a big number, you can either put it on donation or pay your rent. You decided to put it in the cashier box though, let your boss decide. Usually a 100 bucks is already a big tip, this is triple! But thinking back of his actions, you hate everything.
"You sure you're okay?" Johnny reaches for your hand and takes a good look on your body.
You giggle, "It's fine, he almost reached for my lap but I was faster! But his mind, I can't control that..."
Johnny nods, "Just avoid him okay, or tell your boss you cannot take him. Moving on, tell me about Ten!"
"About Ten, I just hope dating an idol can be more public." You swirl your wine that had been refilled.
Your mind one again brought you into a daze, you remembered two years ago when Ten knew you from his tattoo appointment. You were responsible for his temporary tattoo for a comeback. He knew you from Taeyong, fellow SuperM member who made the 'UNDER STAND' tattoo with your help. Ten likes the result and he asked Taeyong where he got it done.
To make it short, you frequently see one another from discussion, drawing, and planning. Ten and you learned about one another quickly while he was on his ink bed, and you're focused on drawing his perfect sketch on his arm. The meeting became frequent after three months where he needed another tattoo for a comeback.
After returning about ten times to have a retouch or a new design, Ten finally earned your number. From there, everything was so fast and you're suddenly on your third year of dating an international famous idol! You thought you were ready for everything, not going public, staying home most of the time for dates, wearing masks and keep being undercover, even having sleepless nights while waiting for his message when he's away on a world tour. You can go on with the list, but you decided to focus on the good things more.
You were okay with Ten being away from his phone most of the time. He always did his best to send you an update about him, be it one emoji, a selfie, or a whole long ass paragraph of how his day went. He couldn't call you that much because someone might eavesdrop.
So far, no one thought Ten is having a secret love relationship. There were small fights, but both of you can talk it out together with cool heads and bonded stronger after the fight. Ten could see you and him being a family in the future, he even boldly told you his parents can't wait to meet you.
You were okay with all of the relationship, you were okay with his fans, you supported him on concerts and voting, you basically love him too with all your heart. Only one thing actually made you sad.
"What is that one thing? Not posting it in social media?" your brother teases you.
You lean on the soft cushions; your finger carelessly fiddles with the tassels hanging around the blanket Johnny had wrapped around you. You toss your look to his curious face.
"I want to walk under the cold winter air beneath the romantic lights, hand in hand, warmth shared from I don't know his heat pack in his pocket maybe... Then imagine the Christmas Carols are softly whispering in the night, mistletoe is everywhere. It doesn't have to wait until Christmas... I just want it whenever we can." You plop a cheese into your mouth. Your eyes were glassy when they look into Johnny's
Johnny pulls you closer and you instinctively lean in and let him caresses your back.
"You're tipsy, can you still walk?"
You shot your eyes open, the hell did your brother just kicked you out? Hey it's night already! Shouldn't he let you sleep in??
"I am not going home! It's dangerous! What kind of brother are you? Telling your little sister to go home at this time." You hit him repeatedly.
Johnny rolls his eyes, you clearly had too much!
"WALK TO THE BED SIS, WALK TO MY ROOM AND SLEEP PROPERLY." Johnny stresses each of the word in case my ears did not caught them.
You look at him blankly and Johnny knew you're gone already. He swiftly picks you up and carries you to the bed. Nicely he tucks you in and he cleans up the mess in the living room.
He notices his phone vibrating; noticing it was Ten, he picks up the call.
"She's sleeping in tonight, you're on the dorm right?" Johnny asks.
Ten answers him his schedule for the week and how he's not going home. He also told Johnny what happened earlier this afternoon. Johnny smirks as he whispers a code to Ten.
Two weeks passed by, you already forgot your grudges to Ten. You try to be considerate to his hectic schedules. One cold afternoon, just after you finished working on your last client for today, you take your time cleaning the tools and sterilizing them. While humming to Love Talk, your favorite song, Jaehyun peeks from the curtain door.
"(Y/n), someone's looking for you." Jaehyun drags the curtain open. You pause your activity, for a moment; your eye brows quirked. You focus your mind to see if you missed an appointment, but no you're positive no one called you for a session this afternoon.
"Hmm, we still have time before closing time, so okay I'll take it."
You leave the room to see your client and you're surprised to see your boyfriend sitting on the waiting room.
"Ten!" You squeal out of surprise and joy. You run to hug him, well it has been three weeks since you last saw him in tangible state. Three weeks of video-calls and texts were quite satisfying, nevertheless.
Your boyfriend hugs you back and engulfs your smaller figure. He inhales the sweet scent of your shampoo he missed and how he wished the time can stop here right now.
"You're here for a new tat?" You ask after breaking the hug.
Ten shakes his head, "No, I got dismissed earlier and I want to pick you up!"
You blushed, hey that's so sweet of him. Unlike other boyfriends, having Ten walking in the sidewalk without his manager and body guards is a rare occurrence. Ten was always in the van or swarmed by fans! This afternoon however, here he is standing with a long winter coat, face hidden under a cap and a mask. He did not wear anything eye catching to avoid the media and saesangs. He did it! He made it here in your office without any missing piece or a trending twitter hashtag!
"Well we have another 20 minutes before my shift ends; do you need any help for a tattoo?" You smile at him. Hey planning a tattoo with Ten is always wonderful.
"You know we can always draw them together at home." He smirks and brushes my hair away from my face.
"Okay then, wait for a moment as we're tidying up." A big smile erupts from your lips and your heart is full of flowers!
"Good bye Jae, Yuta!" You wave your hand as the two men let you leave first while they close the doors.
Ten is already waiting for you on the front porch with his hidden face. You place your mask over your face too. You stick yourself next to Ten to hug his arm, his heart softens at the sight, how a soft girl like you can work as a tattoo artist with Yuta and Jaehyun (who both have enormous prints on their bodies).
Without any warning, Ten takes one of your hand into his, he holds yours tightly and slips them to his jacket pocket."It's a bit cold right? Now where should we go?"
Your eyes widen, usually he always brings you home directly since he cannot be in public for too long.
"Shall we just go home? I can cook dinner." You sound confused by his offer tonight.
Ten shakes his head, and drags you without any clue where are we headed.
You are so stunned when you find yourself finishing a nice dinner course at a new restaurant. Luckily it was not crowded yet and no one seems to notice Ten, but dinner was not the end of the surprise.
You stand frozen under the dazzling disco ball, beneath your feet are colorful light up tiles, surrounding you are the moving body of half-conscious people, and your ears are slowly aching from the loud music.
"Ten, can we go somewhere quiet, I can't talk." You lean in closer to scream into his ear and your boyfriend pulls you out of the crowded space.He brings you to the bar and helps you sit on one of the stool.
"One bourbon for me, and a vodka for this pretty lady." Ten smiles to the bartender.
After he takes his sit next to you, you raise your brow. He knows that code and he quickly reaches for your hands.
"You don't like dancing in the club? It's a Sunday Night, I thought some drinks won't hurt right?" Ten knows you're not new to these kinds of places.
You let out a free laugh, "I do love dancing in the club, I'm just surprised why you're suddenly doing this. Plus if you told me, I could have prepared for better attire!" You hit him playfully.
Ten takes your hand into his, "Well, you look great already, plus we must not catch attention right." He leans in closer to you.
Your eyes slowly move down over his nose and finally on his lips. Maybe it was the way they glistened under the dim light, or the tenderness you miss, or just simply his lip bites he always did when he's nervous! You feel gravity pulling you closer just to taste a tiny bit of it, but Ten moves back quickly when the bartender returns with two glasses of our drinks.
"Thank you!" Ten hands over the cash and offers you your glass. You found yourself stupid for almost kissing him in public. Rule number one of dating an idol is to never kiss on public.
"Sorry," You look everywhere but his eyes and gulp down your shot.
Ten just nods beside you and there was a bit of a tension between you and him. Maybe you're still embarrassed of your action, but Ten is actually enjoying your braver side.
"Let's hit the floor. I really miss dancing together." Ten easily picks you out of your stool and lands you gently on the floor. One shot of vodka won't make you drunk yet, but you spent your youth dancing on the dance floor, so this is nothing for you.
The DJ was wonderful tonight; his choices of songs are perfect and as the two of you are getting more and more heated up under the throbbing lights. The dance floor was crowded and there was not much space left. You share his body heat, you can feel his breath tickles your neck, and you can once again see his plump cherries. You drive your mind elsewhere, and move your body to the rhythm. You smile at him and he smiles back at you, with one deep glance the two of you inches closer and closer.
Your eyes grew heavy, vision dark, you let your other senses work, and you feel that warm plump lips touching yours. You caught your breath and after some time, he pulls back. The loud sound blasting through the speaker slowly disturbs your hearing again. You open your eyes slowly and stare into his deep eyes. He places his hands over your waist, pulls you into his arms, and the two of you sway to the loud slow music the DJ offers.
You're no longer thinking straight. You bury your face into his chest, you trust yourself into his lead and a single tear fell down.
When you hold me in the street
And you kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that we could be like that
Why can't we be like that, Cause I'm yours.
You know this is everything you need to face when dating an idol, and you cannot hate him for this. It was your decision to say yes to him. Your head spins, your ears deafened, your vision darkens, and you no longer feel your feet.
You lost your conscious; all of a sudden you're already lying down on your bed. Turning your head to the side, you see Ten sleeping by your side hugging you loosely while taking in calm and relaxed breath. You grit your teeth as you try your best to softly turn your body to face him.
In his warm embrace you snake your hand to ghost over his godly face to brush away the golden locks away from his eyes. You stare at his innocent face, you're overwhelmed. It's been a while since the last time you has Ten by your side when you sleep. He was always busy and thousands of miles away from you in a different time zone. You touch his cheeks and wipe a tear running down from your eye.
We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you, I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough
Just the sound of his relaxed breathing and the slight touch of his arms over your waist, you finally found the missing warmth and peace you've always craved for bedtime. Having Ten lying next to you tonight sparked a small fire in your chest. You feel safe and you're so emotional. You snuggle closer to him, Ten stirs in his sleep but did not wake up, instead he naturally finds your body and fixes his posture to a comfortable position. You face his chest, right where you can see the tattoo you nicely did on his left chest (where he worked so hard to get his mom's permission) you smile when you remember how happy he was when he sneaked out to meet you to deliver the happy news.
Your heart flutters, he did not need to wake up to fit you into his embrace. Your relationship fits like a puzzle where each pieces were so different that you won't make mistakes. You want to believe that Ten is the one destined for you and so are you to him!
It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you just fits so perfectly on me
Your mind plays thousands of silly scenarios. Most of them were happy, but you cannot lie that the darkest corner in your brain still repeatedly tricks you with nightmares. It was not the first time you have dreams about his fans finding out your relationship, you cannot imagine their faces and you cannot imagine living with the constant fear that one of those fans might kill you out of obsession!
Your insecurities also snatch your confidence away whenever you see Ten standing on a stage with another "oh so perfect" girl idols or models or hell actresses! Not to mention the flirty look those back up dancers always toss to your man. Well, they might be throwing flirts on him because they did not know Ten is attached already; however, even when they know 90% will fight harder and the rest 10% will let go. You're living in fear, in terror that one day when you wake up Ten can no longer be beside you.
You break your own promise about always telling one another your fears and struggles. You hide them behind your cheerful smile, you blame yourself for over thinking, and you make sure Ten will never know that. You are learning every day to put the negative thoughts away and focus on the good ones. Ten needs your support, Ten loves you, and you believe that. You can sleep a bit after convincing your heart that the man hugging you here is an angel made for you!
Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face
Your eyes flung open when you feel the sudden drop of temperature. Your hand reaches to your side in panic and you peek to see that it's no longer occupied. You stretch yourself to wake up, Ten might be away already for his schedule. You take your phone to see any message he probably left, but there were none. You glance to the door, it was closed. There are no traces of Ten, not his shirt, not even his phone.
Once the room door was opened, your nose is filled with a fresh smell of bacon and eggs. Your smile returns when you see Ten only in his boxer and apron. You can hear your washing machine working and when you look at the door, you smile when you see a pile of your laundry and his outfits are there.
"Morning princess, I'm sorry I have to run the laundry for my clothes...since someone happened to spill a drink over me yesterday and I'm not going back to the dorm with a smelly outfit." Ten explains while flipping an egg over. He sets the fire to a lower heat and turns his body to see you.
You can only smile like a dumb love-struck girl (which is not wrong). You make your way to jump and hug him. Ten automatically receives you in his arms and you dip your head down to greet your lover with a sweet morning kiss. In between the sweet kiss, you can see Ten smiling like he enjoys these kinds of cheesy morning things.
"You better stop kissing me," Ten speaks up on our short breaks, he kisses you one more time, "Or I will burn the eggs."
You laugh and toss your head back, you take your queue to jump off him and Ten quickly saves his egg from burning. "Just right in time," He smirks when he plates the last egg on the dish.
"Please take your seat miss, breakfast by your hottest man is ready." He sits down across you with one plate of the same menu. From your request, Ten did not take off his apron. No you do not need a distraction this early!
Your mind records every single moment Ten giggles and laughs, his wake up state is already so lovely and you cannot imagine how perfect your mornings will be if the two of you finally tie the knot and live together. You can only keep that in your small heart, a really simple dream you wish you can achieve. Living with Ten for the rest of your life, why? Because you know he is the man made for you. But are you the woman made for him?
You finish your breakfast and as the washing machine finished its job in drying the clothes too, you hear his phone rings. Ten glances at the buzzing noise. You toss him a small smile before leaning in to kiss him and walking away to take the laundries. You pick up his shirt, Ten does his duty to wash the dishes and pan he used.
"Let me iron this quickly," You disappear to at least send him off to work in a nice attire.
Ten places the last dish on the drying rack and he starts to pack all of his stuffs, he brushes his hair and teeth, puts his cap back on and his eyes soften when he sees you coming back with a neat shirt.
He finally takes off his apron and with your help, put on his tidy sweet smelled shirt. Secretly Ten loves your laundry soap and that's one reason why he used your washing machine. He wants to smell like you!
"So, when can I see you again?" You ask as you fix his collar. You're facing him and only inches away from his nose.
Ten smiles and puts his hands over your waist, he leans in to stare deeper into your eyes, "Whenever you want miss! I'm only one call away," he winks.
Both of your face are slowly erasing the gap between you two and just as you close your eyes his phone abruptly kills the mood. You pull your face back and you can see Ten cussing at the caller.
"Damn Lucas! Such a mood breaker! I told him I am coming in 10 minutes," Ten presses the red button and pockets his phone. You burst out laughing, of course it must be Lucas!
"Well, guess you will want to go before Kun calls you! Thanks for yesterday and today and everything!" You hug him and bury your face on his chest. "I wish you can come often and do my dishes!" You taunt your tongue.
Ten ruffles your hair and kisses your forehead for the last time, "Okay, I need to go now. You also need to prepare yourself for work."
You nod and note the time, it's an hour to the store opening hours, you need to get ready.
"Bye love, take care! I love you." Ten walks to the exit after putting on his coat and shoes.
"Love you more!" You stand by his side facing by the exit door.
"Love you most," he winks and finally pulls his cap to cover his face and puts his mask on. He finally turns around and walks to the lift.
You return to your room, taking a bath and getting ready for another long week. You believe if you can get through this, your dream of living with Ten will be clearer and brighter.
Your day goes on and you cannot lie whenever you see him on social media, a website, a magazine, or a music show, even from the talks from your customers, you cannot throw the disturbing insecurities away from your mind.
Is our love hopeless?
Will the world accepts me as his significant other?
Will his family love me?
Will he even stay by my side, or will he found someone new who is better than me?
Those are the things you cannot spill to him that haunt you every time he is away.
You play with the promise ring Ten gave you on your two years anniversary. The dark minds foreshadowing your mind suddenly disappear just as you remember the same words Ten always recites, "You're the puzzle that fits into me, why would I let you go? Trust me and wait for me, I love you more than anything!"
With that, your smile erupts back into your face and the rainbow in your heart plus mind is back. You know you just have to trust Ten the same way he trusts you! Life will bring you two together if it is meant to be, and fate will also play a part.
Because Trust is everything you need for an everlasting love story right?
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