#but no it's late and i couldn't think of what else to write tonight. still sick.
iobartach · 7 months
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pov; a 6' 9'' mess of angry spider is clawing his way up the side of a building. what do you do?
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justporo · 5 months
Astarion sees you're almost falling asleep and will drag you to bed now!
I would need this on like a daily basis. And I guess so do many of you - so let the vampire drag you to bed and GO! GET! SOME! SLEEP!
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It was so late it could have been called early. Outside you could already hear the birds chirping, cheerfully greeting a new day. Which meant that it was more than high time to crawl into bed. And doubly so because you lived with a vampire who fared even worse with sunlight than you.
But you were still crouched over your desk and the papers there.
Your eyes were tired. You barely saw what you were working on anymore. And you knew you could get this done when you were fully rested and it would only take a matter of minutes. But you were so desperate to finish this.
Unfortunately, you had a tendency to be very determined (someone else usually called it stubborn but you always pretended you had gone deaf all of a sudden when that happened). But this tendency had brought you this far and probably saved your life more than once. And you wouldn't be bested by this piece of work!
But your head was slowly falling, your eyelids growing as heavy as lead.
And you only jumped back up when you heard that certain someone enter the room, being purposefully noisy to make you aware of it. You were grateful for that because if the vampire had snuck up on you, like he was fully capable of, it might have not ended well with you being this exhausted.
“Slacking off on the job, are we?” you heard his familiar teasing voice as he came closer. You felt his presence as he leaned on the table around you - basically caging you with his arms, sleeves rolled up to his elbows as usual. His lips were awfully close to your ear and the hairs on your neck stood on end as you didn't dare rip your eyes from your work.
“Don't you think this can wait, love?” he whispered now directly into your ear causing a hot and cold shiver to run down your spine.
But with this he had pushed the wrong button. Almost involuntarily you felt one of your eyebrows rise up and your lips forming a pout: “No, Astarion, I don't think it can wait.”
You turned your head around to face him and saw him smirk, making you even more annoyed at him. He leaned in closer, causing his chest to brush against your head now, his hands moved to cover yours.
“Do you really think a stack of papers can't wait more than your caring lover craving your calming touch?” he murmured with a pout that mirrored yours while his deft fingers freed your writing quill out of your angrily clenching fingers. You couldn't resist him long. His hands were used to open up more difficult things than your desperate grip on your writing utensils. Also his absolutely instrumentalized big red eyes he looked at you with were absolutely working their usual enchanting magic on you.
Not enough though for you to not make a snide remark about what was happening.
“Well, for starters the stack of papers doesn't talk back.”
“You think I'm funny, my love.”
“It also isn't as full of itself.”
A mockingly offended gasp while Astarion’s hands moved the papers out of your reach.
“My heart, you hurt me.”
“Ah see, it also doesn't guilt trip me.”
The vampire's hands wandered up over your arms to your shoulders. “I can't do right by you tonight, can I?”
“You could just let me keep working on my thing.”
A dramatic sigh and Astarion let his head fall forward and onto your shoulder. Then he let go of you and took a step back.
“Do you really want to keep working, dear?” he sounded sincere now and you suddenly felt true guilt as you looked at him. He stood there, arms crossed over his chest, eyes still awfully wide and shining.
But the urge to not keep business unfinished still had you in its claws.
After a few heartbeats you opened your lips to answer, but-
“Too bad, you're coming with me now, my love.” Astarion exclaimed and with rogue quickness grabbed your chair by the armrests to drag it away from the desk and turn it around to him. “You need your beauty sleep, I can't be seen walking around with a walking corpse!”
You squealed when you felt your body get yanked around so quickly while your tired brain was almost incapable of catching up. Thus you were almost confused when you had ended up on Astarion’s shoulder a moment later.
There was no energy left in your body to resist this infuriating man any longer so you just played the part of dead weight draped over his shoulder - since he had already coined you as such - and couldn't stop yourself from giggling.
“See, darling, I told you: you think I’m funny.”
“It's just sleep deprivation talking.”
“Ah, so you agree with that too.”
You resisted to answer him with something he would only twist around again to fit his agenda. Instead you just slapped his butt you had quite the delectable view of at the moment.
Astarion hissed and just slapped your behind in return. You only giggled more.
“I should have left you at your godsdamned desk, let you fall asleep right there to drool on the papers,” he murmured under his breath and ended it with something about how ungrateful you were while he threw open the bedroom door; your favourite drama queen.
Then he made quick work to get you off his shoulders with an exaggerated groan which you were sure wasn't fully acted.
As soon as your body hit your soft bed the last of your energy decided to evaporate into the aether. You were almost falling over if not for the vampire's quick reflexes catching your wrists.
With quick fingers and more snarky remarks you had no power to reply to anymore he undressed you to your underwear.
And with more overly dramatic groaning and a roll of his eyes since you provided absolutely no help did he turn you to lay down. He carefully placed your head on the pillows which you thanked him for with a dreamy sigh. Your eyes closed on your own. The blanket was thrown over you and more rustling told you that Astarion was quickly undressing as well.
When the mattress shifted under the vampire's weight as he got into bed next to you you barely even noticed it anymore.
With final efforts Astarion dragged you onto his chest. Your arms slung around him and your legs tangled with his automatically - you had done so hundreds if not thousands of times already.
“All this work just to get you where you belong,” Astarion whispered to you and clicked his tongue disapprovingly as he began rubbing lazy circles on your back. You only hummed contentedly as you felt your body relax fully into him and his touch.
Your last half-coherent thought as you drifted off to sleep was that, indeed, you had to agree with him on this one: you were right where you were supposed to be.
Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon @hereliesblackdragon @ayselluna @ajokeformur-ray @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @rikuyrk06
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forever-rogue · 2 years
It’s fine if you don’t have time but can you do a doc with Eddie and reader where they are in their mid 20s but nobody has ever showed any romantic interest in reader. Let alone kissed them. And Eddie starts to like her but she thinks it’s a joke?
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AN | This is such a good concept! Eddie really would be the sweetest 🥺🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Meeting Eddie Munson had been a happy accident. You’d run into him, quite literally, during a late night grocery run. You’d had a busy week at work and hadn’t had time for much else, but realized there was almost no food in the house. So, despite it being late, you went to get some groceries, imagining that almost no one else would be here. Thus you hadn’t been paying much attention, and therefore you’d walked right into him as you were both looking at ice cream.
You’d been embarrassed, he’d been sweet, and one thing had led to another and before you knew it you’d gone out on a few dates with Eddie.
And you liked him a lot. He was kind, funny, smart, and had a heart of gold. But there was something about all of it that caused an odd feeling to make a home in the pit of your stomach. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Eddie or think he was genuine in his interest in you, it was just…different.
The truth was, and you’d yet to admit this to Eddie, that you had almost no experience when it came to dating and relationships. You’d gone on a few dates here and there, usually first dates and they never led to anything more. You had yet to experience your first kiss even, not to mention everything else. It never bothered you or embarrassed you, but you didn’t want Eddie to find out and lose interest. You just didn’t know how or when to tell him.
Whatever you did, you knew you had to do it soon. There was only so long you could avoid Eddie’s affections before he became suspicious. You’d managed to swerve his kisses and leave everything at hugs for now…but you could tell he was slowly pushing for more. You couldn't even blame him. And it wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You really did. He was everything you could have ever dreamed of in so many ways, and you just…didn’t know what to do.
But that decision was made for you one evening after a dinner and movie date with Eddie.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your heart beat rapidly against your chest as he looked at you with those big, soft bambi eyes. He’d parked and walked you to your apartment, ever the gentlemen, even offering to carry your purse and the flowers he'd surprised you with. Once you’d unlocked the door you’d turned around to bid him a good night, but found yourself speechless when you saw how he was looking at you.
“I had fun tonight,” you managed to stammer out as he stepped closer, leaving just enough of a comfortable distance between your bodies. His smile was soft and saccharine and might easily have been one of your favorite sights in the entire world. He reached his hand up, tentatively at first before touching your face and brushing his thumb across your cheek, “Eddie…”
“You’re really pretty,” he confessed, almost as if he was scared to anticipate your response, a rosy flush coloring his cheeks, “really fuckin’ pretty.”
Before you could say or do anything else, he’d leaned in to kiss you. You knew this had been coming, that it was basically inevitable, but it still surprised you. Out of instinct and habit, you turned your head and he was able to barely kiss your cheek. You heard him sigh heavily, before pulling back with a groan.
“Eddie,” you were silently pleading with him but the frustration was writing all over his face, “‘m sorry.”
“Is there a reason you won’t let me kiss you? Do you not want me to?” he took a step back and created a noticeable distance between your bodies, "do you even want to see me anymore?"
“N-no,” you shook your head fervently, “I do! It’s just that…”
“Just what?” his voice turned soft as you trailed off, unable to find the right words to convey what you were feeling. You shrugged it off and you could see him nod to himself, “look, I really fucking like you, But I can’t do this if you’re going to keep shutting me out. I just hope you know you could tell me anything.”
“I do-”
“But you’re not,” he ran a hand through his hair, “if you want to take things slow, that’s okay. Really. But I need you to tell me. I won’t know what’s going on in that pretty head if you don’t tell me. We gotta learn to communicate."
You took in his words and only nodded, unable to figure out just how to convey everything that was going through your head.
“I’m going to go,” he said as he slowly took a step back, “but if you want to talk and we can figure this out - together - give me a call, yeah? Or if you want to call it quits after tonight, that’s up to you. Have a good night, sweetheart."
Eddie offered you a last little parting smile before turning to walk back to his car. You blinked back the tears that had welled up and sighed heavily. You might have just let one of the best things that had ever happened to you walk away. Fuck. You really weren’t ready to say goodbye to him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Almost a week had passed since you’d seen or heard from Eddie. Part of you had hoped that he would call to check in on you, but you knew that the choice was up to you. The other part of you went back and forth on whether to call him. Some parts of you were ready to call it quits and give up on him, but the other part of you wasn’t ready to do that at all. You really liked Eddie…and you really wanted to try and make things work with him. Eddie was special; he was worth it.
That’s how you found yourself out of Eddie’s shop, pacing around as you waited for him to emerge. You hadn’t called him like he had suggested, opting instead to surprise him in person. You weren’t sure if you’d have been able to say any of what you wanted over the phone.
You were so lost in your own head that you didn’t hear the door open and close or even when he said your name. His hand going to your shoulder was what pulled you back to reality. You found the pretty boy looking at you with a hopeful little smile, “Eddie.”
“Hey sweetheart,” it was like some sort of weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he visibly relaxed, “what are you doing here?”
“I-I came to see you,” you confessed, nervous under his curious expression as your entire face flushed with warmth, “I don’t think I would have the courage over the phone. Plus, I really wanted to see you. Is it weird to say I’ve missed you?”
“Not at all,” he was beaming, “to be honest, I’ve missed you too. I thought about calling you every day…but didn’t want to scare you off.”
“You wouldn’t have,” you promised softly, “I thought about it everyday too.”
“Yeah?” he nodded happily, “do you want to come to mine? I can make dinner and we can have a beer or something. If you want - I don’t want to make you feel obligated or uncomfortable.”
“I’d love to,” you put your arm on his bicep and gave it a gentle squeeze, “really.”
“Okay,” he agreed happily, “let’s go.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie’s trailer was small, but it was warm and cozy, and made you feel at home. You’d offered to help with dinner but he insisted that he could handle making some pasta and garlic bread.
Instead you’d sat on the other side of the counter and watched him, nursing a beer as the two of you made conversation. This felt so natural, so easy, like you both had been doing this forever. That was one of the many things you enjoyed about Eddie - the two of you could talk about anything and everything without a dull moment.
Dinner, while simple, was delicious and it felt right to be there with him in his home. After dinner, he’d asked if you wanted him to take you home or if you wanted to stay and watch a movie. The question had caused you to experience a moment of pause, but weren’t ready to go. Not yet.
So instead you sat on his couch, cuddled up into his side, half paying attention to whatever movie he’d put on. You’d been more focused on the fact that his arm was around you, his smell was overwhelming your senses, and all you could think about was him touching you.
“Hey,” you heard him whisper quietly as you moved to look at him, “you alright?”
“Yeah,” you promised as you looked up at him, “‘m alright.”
He kept his gaze trained on you and turned his face closer to yours, and this time you were prepared for it. But you still ducked your head so he was forced to kiss your cheek. He could practically feel his groan vibrating in his chest.
“Hold on,” you whispered softly, “I-I know what it looks like, but I want to explain.”
His eyebrows shot up in curiosity, but he didn’t interrupt, and instead motioned for you to go on. You exhaled softly, before nodding to yourself, putting a hand on top of his.
“Listen, Eddie, I…I’ve never really dated anyone before,” you confessed, looking away and not seeing the surprised look on his face, “never had a relationship before. So this is all new to me. I didn’t want you to find out and be turned off by it. You just seem…ugh, not like you’d judge me but like you’d want someone with experience. Someone that wasn't…me."
“Sweetheart - that's what this has been about? I would never judge you for that,” he promised and you could tell by the look on his face that he meant it. He tenderly brushed his knuckles along your jaw, “I don’t have the most experience either. But it doesn’t matter - we can figure it out together. I-if you want to anyway.”
“Eddie, I…I’ve never even been kissed before,” your face felt hot enough to fry an egg on as you tried to keep composed, “let alone had sex or anything else. I just didn’t want you…not like me anymore. ‘Cause I dunno…it’s a turn off for a lot of people. Some people get so weird about it."
“I don’t think it’s a turn off at all,” he promised softly, “it’s okay; it’s nothing to be ashamed of. But I meant what I said last time - we can take it slowly. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to or aren’t ready for. If you don’t want me to kiss you for another six months that’s okay, but I just wanted you to tell me that. That’s all I cared about, sweetheart, communication.”
“Are you sure?” your voice sounded so small but he nodded happily, “you’re okay with the fact that I’m…a virgin in all aspects?”
“It doesn’t matter to me,” he insisted, hand at the base of your neck as his thumb brushed along your jaw, “what matters to me is your happiness, and that you’re comfortable. One step at a time.”
“I really like you, Eddie,” you confessed sheepishly and his smile just grew, “and I want to try this, all of it, with you.”
“Good,” he whispered, leaning in again so his lips were almost brushing against yours, “because I really, really like you, sweetheart.”
“Will you kiss me, Eddie?” it was barely above a whisper but you could feel him smiling in response, “please.”
“Yes,” he brushed his lips against yours, “I’d love to.”
“I…wait,” you panicked for a moment, “be gentle, please? I don’t want to mess this up.”
“I will,” he nodded, “but you couldn’t. Never. You’re perfect, sweetheart.”
“Eddie,” it was a soft, wistful sigh.
“I’m going to kiss you now, okay?”
“Okay,” and this time you meant it. This time you were ready for it. This time you wanted it - you wanted him.
You never wanted to let him go.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
Pretty Cute
group : ateez
pairing : yunho × reader
genre : smut
word count : 3.4 k
warning : mdni, explicit smut, yunho and (y/n)'s kind of a perv, mutual pining, cnc ((y/n)'s a horny drunk), somnophilia, sex (not piv; fingering), slight hint of size kink?
a/n : happy late LATE yuyu day <3 i wrote this impulsively and i was gonna post it on yunho's birthday but things got in the way and suddenly it felt weird writing smut in my state. but hey, i hope this makes up for my absence!
buy me coffee ?
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Both you and Yunho came home giggling through the door, courtesy of the alcohol you both drank earlier. Your steps were wobbly and staggered as you tried walking into your apartment with your best friend in tow, trying to catch up with you. Seeing this, Yunho giggled and pulled you by your shoulders so you could lean on him slightly as you both managed to take your shoes off sagely and proceed further into the apartment. "Okay, we gotta be careful because you're stumbling, mumbling, grumbling, tumbling, schcumbling..." Yunho's giggle made you giggle as well, thinking that he sounded both ridiculous and absolutely hilarious for some reason. But you just let him stick by you because you love his presence and even more so when you were drunk.
It had been a custom for Yunho to be very touchy with you both in public and in private as he was your teddy retriever and you were his... (y/n). Even earlier at the bar, you enjoyed the feeling of him with a hand behind you resting on the bar as his body towered over you, covering you from most of the people at the club. You sipped your vodka cranberry happily which gave you warmth from the inside while he provided you with warmth from the outside, your exposed legs didn't feel as exposed even after Wooyoung made a vaguely inappropriate comment about them. He might be one of your best friends but he was still a boneheaded idiot that you love so much.
People thought that it was weird how touchy and open you were to each other, some even thinking that you both had dated. Fact is, you wouldn't deny him if he asked you out, but you didn't know if he felt that way about you. Sure, he was nice to you, but so was he to everyone else. What makes you so special? Other than the occasional (very freaking often) compliments and remarks about how he would be so lucky if he was able to call you his wherever you show him your outfits or your accomplishments, you were doubtful that he would see you in a romantic way.
Plopping onto the couch, you both rested at each end with your legs propped on his lap and his hands resting on your shin. "God, we over did it tonight," the moan you let out turned into a soft hum when you felt his hands slowly caressing the skin under his touch as he chuckled, "Speak for yourself, I can still take a couple more beers in me," he teased. You narrowed your eyes at him in mock judgment, "Sure, Giggly Giggleson, you DEFINITELY didn't drink too much even when you started flirting with me." Yunho bit his bottom lip at the mention of him flirting with you earlier, giddy that you actually noticed that he was indeed flirting and wasn't just being friendly as he intended. "How can I not when you were sitting there looking so devastatingly beautiful and delicious," his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip and your eyes couldn't help but focus on its movement, sure that his bottom lip was not the only wet lip at that moment in time. But you shook your head slightly to prevent yourself from saying something stupid like blurting out how much you want his tongue shoved down your throat. To mask your inner turmoil, you rolled your eyes and snap your leg at him in mock annoyance to which he just chuckled.
The movement you made shifted the position of your mini skirt, not realizing that it had ridden up slightly. Thankfully, Yunho was gentlemanly enough to pull it back to its original position and length, of course after battling his inner urge to just pull it further up and expose your panties to him that he know for sure would be very adorable. "You're wearing a short skirt, (y/n), you gotta be careful," he pointed out, putting his hands back to where they were so his mind wouldn't focus on what was under the skirt. You rolled your eyes and moved to straddle his lap, surprising Yunho but his hands somehow found purchase on your hips in a secured grip. "There's no one here but you, Yunnie," when you draped your hands on his shoulders, Yunho was sure that you could feel his erection forming and was just screwing with him. But in case you didn't, he wanted to play it safe. "Which is even more reason why you need to be careful," Yunho leaned to peck you on the nose which caused warmth to bloom in your chest and a rosy tint to spread to your cheeks from the spot where Yunho planted his lips on. "And why is that?" You asked, eyes glimmering with slight hope, "Because you're my best friend and you're so irresistable in this skirt. If you shake your cute lil' butt at me one more time I might not be able to hold myself back from seeing what's under your slutty little skirt."
Hearing Yunho said that made you automatically wet and you had to feign rolling your eyes and pushing Yunho's face away as you got off him to excuse yourself to the bathroom. While you tried to calm yourself in the bathroom, Yunho defeatedly covered his eyes with his arms, totally embarrassed and slightly regretting that he said that in the first place. But he was right, though, he had sported a boner as a result from you sitting on top of him, knowing full well that your cunt was separated from his cock by a couple layer of clothing items. Fuck, he was so close to feeling you. With a groan, Yunho depleted into the couch, with his eyes closed, he thought of what he was going to say to you.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, you were screaming into your bunched up towel, absolutely wrecked by Yunho's words. Sure, you wore it because you remembered Yunho being so absolutely transfixed with the item when you both went shopping merely a couple days ago. Your plan was in motion and you don't know how to feel about that as you were sure your chances of success was no bigger than 32%. The occassional ass glancing was normal, but a full blown confession that Yunho wanted to devour your cunt made your arousal leak out of you like a broken faucet. So before you throw caution out the window, you thought it would be best to calm yourself down a bit.
Your inebriated state dulled your sense of time because when you finally got out of the bathroom, you saw Yunho on the couch, sleeping with his arms above his head. Pouting from disappointment, you walked over to him and stood by his side, thinking about what you're supposed to do now. Should you wake him up? Should you tuck him in? What if he thought what happened was just a dream and he forgot about it? But he looked so peaceful and calm and so so pretty, how could you even consider waking him up?
Yunho truly looked beautiful when he slept; his long lashes that you're so jealous of, his fair complexity, his plump lips. You had to remind yourself that Yunho was asleep and despite his confession earlier, you should try to hold yourself back from mauling him. No matter how hard it was for you. Though as your eyes trailed from his face to his neck, then his chest, then his shoulders and arms, and finally landed on his fingers, you swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. It was long, pretty, and you know how some men have a severe case of man hands that made their fingers look stumpy and unappealing, but not Yunho. His fingers are just like his body, dainty and flexible yet they oddly enhances his masculinity. And for the life of you, you really do want to know how he would use them on you. Phantom feelings of Yunho's grip on your ass from earlier resurfaced and you shuddered at the memory, remembering how they were firm and possessive yet gentle and careful, it made you feel dangerous but provided a sense of safety as if telling you that you could trust him. And you do.
Without realizing, you had taken steps closer to his outstretched hand, standing so close to it that he was barely grazing you. For some reason, you could feel the warmth radiating from him even just from his digits. Your mind started wondering how exactly he would grab you and where. Your legs? Your knees? Your ankles? Or is he the type to spread you open by pinning your legs on the sides using his body? His wide shoulders would've definitely spread you open easily and it's not like you wouldn't open your legs for him. How can you not? It's Yunho for fuck's sake, your hot as fuck best friend who you sometimes (a lot of times) thought of whilst touching yourself.
As if he knew, Yunho stirred in his sleep which made you freeze in your spot, not wanting him to see what you were doing. He moved whilst still in his unconscious state and his hands moved slightly which unfortunately for you, pressed into your inner thigh with his soft palm making contact with the suddenly sensitive skin. Your body coiled from the touch and you couldn't help but let out a whimper. Everything felt so close yet so far all of a sudden and you wanted more. Though, you were fully aware that you shouldn't because Yunho was dead to the world and it would be wrong. But it felt so. so right and when else will you be getting a chance like this? Though, it didn't feel right as you weren't sure if he was okay with it or not. But he was just... Right there. Despite your better judgement, with your alcohol-soaked brain, your body seemed to move on its own before you could even make a coherent decision. The moment you realized what you were doing, you were already grinding against Yunho's arm with a lump forming in your throat. The guilt was making your stomach churn but you just couldn't stop what you were already doing. Even more so, you even moved down a bit so you could feel Yunho's long fingers directly on your covered slit. You had to cover your mouth with both your hands to suppress your moans because you didn't want him to wake up seeing you like that. Or you just didn't want any irrefutable reason to stop.
Unfortunately for you, your plans didn't go accordingly. Too busy with your ministration, you didn't realize Yunho slowly woke up with fluttering eyes and head slightly clearer than before. Ironically, the first thing that popped into his head was what you were doing as he had yet to realize that you were pleasuring yourself (or testing how you think he would pleasure you) on him. So when his consciousness finally came back wholly, the first thing he realized was something warm on his hand and something soft on his skin. "What the," Yunho craned his head slightly to see you with one hand covering your mouth and the other lifting your skirt as you ground yourself on his hand like a bitch in heat. A bitch with the neediest moans and the cutest pair of panties. God, was this a dream? Was this an imagination? Should he call on you and see if either you disappeared or he woke up in his bed with a raging boner? Or should he test the reality out himself?
Once again, your body froze when you felt something probing your cunt over the pathetic, flimsy excuse of a material. Your head snapped forward to see Yunho with his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes zeroed in on your crotch as if it was the most entertaining show ever. Or as if it was Fluffy, the three-headed dog as per his interest. "Yunho," the call made Yunho's eyes flit up to your eyes but his hand never stopped its movements on your, now that you took notice of it, sensitive pussy. You realized that you should have added something after calling him and you were sure you had the words at the tip of your tongue but when his damn middle finger slipped into your panties and started probing in your hole, you could actually feel your brain stalled and your tongue rolled into your throat.
It seemed like it would go on forever, the gaze you shared with Yunho, which made the fire that was starting in your chest grew considerably in a short span of time. From your perspective, you couldn't help but look at how lust-filled his eyes were, how he seemed hungry for you. He looked absolutely hot and maybe it was because you had never seen him look like that or look at you like that. It was a good thing though because even from just seeing it once, you know you couldn't get enough. From Yunho's side, he was taking his damn sweet time enjoying the way you look falling apart with only his fingers. Not that you knew about it, but he had a fair amount of experience imagining you under him, being used by and for him. He had even imagined you riding him like a cowboy making all sorts of noises from how good he felt inside you and also from the praises that he was giving you. Sure, he would like to praise you right then and there but by God, he was just so awestruck at how you looked and sounded. It was even better than his imagination, it was more than what he imagined. And he needed more.
Snapping you out of your pleasure-induced state, Yunho ripped your panties off easily and pulled you into his lap with a single gasp that escaped your lips. You barely registered the pieces of flimsy panties on the floor when Yunho pulled you so close that your noses were touching. "Don't worry, I'll buy cuter, frillier, and sexier panties for you," a chill ran up your spine when Yunho licked your bottom lip with a smug smirk on his face, "And you're going to do a little runway show for me then." With better positioning, Yunho was able to fully slip two of his thick and long fingers inside you with one swift move all thanks to your slick cunt. "Shi- fuck," you whimpered out as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, you felt your thighs tense up at how good Yunho's fingers were filling you and it was ridiculous because it was just his damn fingers. The sight of you on top of him was like a valuable renaissance art because it's dirty yet classy and he truly loved the physical proof of how he affected you so. Yunho used his free hand to flip your cute tiny skirt up to reveal the sight of your pussy absolutely devouring his digits. He loved it, he loved it so much, and he loved you so much. But that confession is for another time when his fingers are not up in you and he didn't want to make your arousal drip out of your cunt and drench his arm.
"I want to see you fuck yourself on my finger baby, make a show for me," Yunho felt his dick twitch in his pants when you let out a breathy whimper and your bottom lip quivered so adorably. "Show Yunnie how much he can make a mess of you," he demanded. Your heart dropped to your stomach when he used the nickname you used on him in a sexual way. Hearing that automatically made your hands move to his shoulders, anchoring your position as you began fucking yourself on his fingers. You were glad that he started with two because you didn't know how you were supposed to do it with three or more without your legs giving out. But you wanted to do your best to show him what you were capable of doing. Or maybe what he was capable of doing to you.
"Fuck I love your fingers Yunnie," you moaned out as your head dropped back, exposing your neck to Yunho which he utilized to plant his lips on your neck to begin marking you. Your grip on his shoulders tightened considerably when he delivered a particular suck and your mind immediately raced to imagine how that same suck would feel on your clit. Better yet, how he would look with his chin wet with your arousal between your legs. Just the thoughts made your pussy clench and your mouth drooled slightly, something Yunho didn't miss for even a second. With a chuckle sent through the skin of your neck, your body shuddered with the vibration that felt like electricity in your body. Along with your bouncing, as you fucked yourself on his fingers, your hips rolled forward when he pressed the heel of his palm on your clit, furthering your pleasure to the point that it was almost unbearable. "I- I wanna cum," you mumbled, biting your bottom lip to suppress a squeal when Yunho curled his fingers in you, accidentally grazing your g-spot. "Come on then baby, cum on my fingers and show me how much you're a good girl you are," he made a show of biting your upper chest through your sweater, dulling any pain but making your skin tingle. "You are, a good girl, right? A good, good girl in the tiniest skirt that you wear to tease any and all men that look in your way," he teased so smugly, loving how you seem to shrink under his words and he just loved it. He loves your tiny self (though metaphorically) in your tiny clothes that accentuate your everything and just drove him absolutely nuts. Your head shook quickly as you fucked yourself quicker and harder on his fingers with his palm still stimulating your clit, "No, no, no, Yunnie, just you. Only you. I wear this tiny, slutty skirt just for you," you spoke but your voice sounded small and breathy, exasperation beyond obvious to you and him. "Fuck, you'll be the death of me," Yunho grunted, thinking how much he was going to ravage you after this.
With a single push, Yunho managed to reposition you to be on your back with your head against the other armrest, legs spread open for him on his lap to provide easy access. "You better cum now, okay?" was all the warning you got before he fucked your hole even quicker than you were fucking yourself before. The slick you produced lubricated his movements effectively as well as letting out obnoxious, sloppy, sloshing sounds that told him just how wet you were. Yunho was definitely going to find a day (or night) soon enough just dedicated to eating you out.
You were reduced to a mess with your messy hair and trembling lips. Not to mention the pornographic moans you let out that may or may not cause you to receive complaints from the tenants on your floor or any other floors or even the next buildings. But you don't care, not at all, and especially not when Yunho made you cum so hard your hips were suspended mid-air, asscheeks clenched, and pussy leaking more of your juice onto Yunho's fingers. Though embarrassed at your situation, you found yourself incapable of moving whatsoever which was a contrast to Yunho who was looking at you with pure wonder and amazement, affection mixed with hunger. It was only when your hips rested back on the couch that Yunho took his fingers out of your cunt slowly, catching your attention. You couldn't deny that you almost drooled at the sight of Yunho sticking the fingers that were just in you into his mouth and sucking on them as if they were candy.
Distracted, you didn't realize that Yunho had begun unbuckling his pants and taking out his dick until you felt something heavy and hot slapping your cunt a couple times. It was only when you looked down that you saw his cock which was by far the biggest you have ever seen that you let out a soft squeak as your eyes widened. When you looked back up, Yunho was eyeing you hungrily like a predator.
"My turn."
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kairiscorner · 9 months
omds i luvvvvvvv your writing so much 🤭🤭 could i req a earth 42 miles or a hobie brown fic where reader gets bullied for dating miles/hobie (whichever one u pick 🖤) because people think she’s “not good enough for him” because she’s like one of the quiet kids she doesn’t go to like parties and stuff like that she’s always studying and that kinda stuff and miles/hobie finds out when one of his friends confronts him ab it (you can write this however u like!!!!) and he talks w reader and stuff just a bunch of htc!! 🖤 thank you sooooo much
OH DAMN, sure thing anon !! i am just like y/n fr it's just that i don't have bitches 😭😭😭 but i hope u like this rahhh !!!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
they're more than worthy of me. – miles 42 x reader
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nobody ever has a perfect life, let alone a perfect love life, but when you were with miles, everything felt just right. he loved you with a love that wasn't overbearing or possessive, he gave you your space when you needed it and supported you from the sidelines in every endeavor you dared to try. you didn't stand out much though, really, you blended in quite well into the background. you were used to not being recognized or acknowledged immediately, and you were fine with it—though you were confused why recently, a few of your classmates were acting a little mean to you.
you never harbored any ill will towards these people—as far as you were concerned, you doubt that more than half of these kids would even remember your name. every time you approached a classmate of yours for a question, they'd immediately walk away the minute you walked over to them, others would ask you in sarcastic voices if you couldn't even do something so simple with a smile that tried to get you thinking they meant no harm when in reality, they wanted you away from them. you couldn't even pretend and think that they were just busy or being realistic—that you should be able to do something as simple as the question to an activity that you were stumped on, but you couldn't—this was because a lot of those classmates of yours adored miles.
they liked miles and having his attention on them, angry if anyone else were to get his attention away from them. before you entered the picture, they were all over him—devoted and loved him like a friend, some had loved him in more than just a friendly way, but none of his friends and admirers in your class took it very kindly when they noticed you and miles getting along a bit too well back then; when you two became a thing, everything just got worse. miles still hangs out with some of these people, though he doesn't consider them his friends—tonight, he'd be attending a party of theirs with ganke, with you opting to stay behind and catch up on school works.
late at night, as you were finishing up your studying session, you got a text from miles, asking you to come down and meet him by your front door. you got up from your chair and walked down to your front door, and there he was, battered and bruised in the face—looking into your eyes with hurting in them. you asked him in worried stammers about what happened to him, who did this to him, if he was even okay. you checked his face all over, and when you saw the backs of his hands, they were reddened and scarred, you couldn't tell if the blood was his or someone else's, because you knew this was no accident that happened to him—he got into a fight, a serious one.
"miles, what happened?" you asked him in a shuddering voice, with miles bringing his red, bloody knuckled hands to your shoulders and wrapped you in his arms. he didn't answer you quite yet as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, holding you tightly as his initial response. "how could they not accept that i love you?" he murmured as you gently placed your hands on his back, reciprocating his hug despite your confusion. "i... miles, what?" "ganke told me he heard a bunch of the guys at the party talking shit about you behind my back. i... i confronted them, asked them why they said what they said, but the last thing they wanted to do was cooperate and be honest. so i... i did some things i wasn't proud of. i'm sorry, i'm just so sick of people hurting you all for my sake–you deserve better, mi cielo..." he whispered as you pulled away from him, watching the tears form in his eyes as he frowned up at you amidst the cuts and bruises on his face.
you brought him into your house and sat him down on the couch, hurriedly getting him a first aid kit to treat his wounds. you wrapped his knuckles up in gauze, with him mindlessly following your hands with his gaze–him taking in all the gentle and softness of your touch. "i'm sorry, again, mi vida. i shouldn't... i should've handled it better." miles apologized to you again as you were tying up the gauze on his hand. "love..." you called out to him, placing your hand on top of his with concern and love filling your gaze. "i'm just glad you're alive and well. i wish you didn't have to get hurt or hurt anyone, but... i'm glad you love me enough to defend me like you did even though i wasn't there." you said in a quiet voice, smiling up at him with tears in your own eyes, matching the tears in his as he looked back at you and nodded, his lower lip quivering.
"i'd do it all again, and more, for you–mi cielo. i swear, you... you won't ever shed another tear... because of another person being an asshole to you–i can't not love you, cielo, i can't..." miles murmured with a cracking voice as he got more vulnerable. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him close as he sobbed, muttering to you how he'd love you forever, that much would never change–no matter if the multiverse demanded you two cannot be, he'd make a world for just the two of you, even if everyone else would disagree.
tags !! @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @solecitoszn @onginlove @euphovlq @meowmoraless
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quaintii · 1 year
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A/N: the strip club scene from the movie, "Alice" and my dirty fantasies made me write this. I stood up for 4 hours revising this over and over so if there's mistakes, pls comment 😭 Hella long too 😭 word count is prob 4k?
Contents and warnings: breeding kink, hair pulling, choking, spanking, blackmail, remote-controlled vibrator, workplace setting, very very filthy smut <3
HEADER CREDITS ARE @mmadeinheavenn
Summary: You worked as a secretary to your CEO for a couple of months now and he was very cold to you and everyone else. You have a secret: you work as a stripper in a prestigious strip club.
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You work at Alchemax main building, you're a main secretary for Miguel O'Hara, the CEO in charge. You always greet him with a happy energy every morning, though he doesn't bother to return it back. You find him very cold. You try refusing that you didn't want to take a bite out of him or for him to break you because of his tone and stern glare whenever his eyes would meet yours. The tension between you two was thick. But you ignored it. You still kept your composure whatsoever whenever you would glance at him being furious, he would lash out his anger back at you whenever a meeting didn't go through. Deep down, you enjoyed the degradation, rushing hot blood to your cunt, pulsing."Ms. L/N, seriously you have to keep up with the latest specific studies, you can't keep coming in here turning in reports that were beyond due! Are you sure you're staying focused on this job, Ms? I will have to fire you if you dare make me lose another opportunity for growth of this company." He said with an angry sigh. "Sorry, Mr. O'Hara, I've just been busy with personal issues lately and I don't mean to push aside my work, ever! I'll make sure to meet your expectations next time." You say with confidence. "Okay, one last try. Or you're fired. Get out of my office."
He said while keeping his eyes on his computer. You nod and excuse yourself, walking towards the door, he turns his eyes to your body. Eyeing you up and down. He once again sighed angrily. He wanted you badly even since you first walked through that door. He would jerk himself in the middle of the night, wanting to thrust inside your pretty cunt til you were cock-drunk. Wanting to feel your hot walls wrapping around his cock, sucking him in like a vacuum. Begging for more. He couldn't stop thinking of you. On the other hand, you still push through his grumpy side, just for the money. Besides working this job, you have a small side hustle to gain more money. You wouldn't say you're greedy, you're just meeting your own needs. You thought to yourself if you possibly had an exhibitionism kink…probably.
At midnight, you work at a high prestige strip club, teasing men with your lascivious body. You wore almost nude outfits, begging to be ripped off your brown skin. Tonight you were by far exhausted from the calculations from work, and working as a stripper helped you ease down. You would keep your identity hidden with a wig and do your makeup a different way. You placed on your blonde wig in the dressing room, you wore some black and red lingerie that was decorated with soft silky satin finishes. It was completely exposing, besides your nipples - which had nipple covers on them, hearts to be exact. One of your companions on stage came up to you, "Hey girl, guess who we have today?" "What? Those musty middle-aged men again?" You laugh off. "No..we have a vip here. He seems really hot." She giggled. "Penny, you know that VIPs wear masks right? How could one be hot while wearing a masquerade mask? I'm pretty sure you're just bluffing, don't be a tease, babe." You said while sighing. "Whatever you say, just giving a heads up that I'm going to take him tonight." She said with a squeal.
You were waiting in line for your turn to perform, though things changed as your boss said you had a pole stage all to yourself. "You're one of my favorites and I think you'll lure in the VIP, this is very big for this company, so do well." He said and walked off. Only the best could perform on this stage, as a teen you practiced a lot of flexibility and dancing. Who would've known it'd taken you here, at this moment. As you walk past the curtains, you lean by the walls, posing yourself. You walk slowly to the spotlight by the pole and do some spins and a split, opening your legs to your clothed cunt towards the audience.
Lots of woahs echo in your ears, afterall you were the best one here. You tried to remember what the chick from earlier said, you kept trying to find a man with a masquerade mask but you couldn't. Until you faced your eyes towards the low, lighted bar. He was focusing on your body and face. You sneakily changed your position to face him, swaying your hips to the song, seductively going lower and lower. You raise yourself by your legs hanging on the pole, doing some twists. The man takes a sip of some alcohol then signaling you to come towards where he was. You finished off your show and a lot of groans were heard. As you approached the man in the mask, everyone's eyes were on you. You finally see this man's figure and he was towering. You almost stumbled back because he seemed so frightening. He grabbed your wrist harshly and headed towards the vip lounge rooms. To the last row at the very end is where you were taken. "Quítate la ropa," he said with a grating tone. (Take off your clothes.)
You disobeyed him as it did seem too fast for you, so you did a little teasing. You faced your ass upfront to his crotch. Straddling him slowly with your hips. You heard light groans but nothing more than that. You figured out a way for him to get more pleased. You started giving him a lap dance. Moving your ass upfront to his face. Arching your back on the table that you laid on top. You would move your hips to the side, still teasing, but you stopped as soon as you heard a rough voice whispering in your ear, "No me hagas eso muñeca, yo no la haría si era tu. Quiero ver tu coño." (Don't do that to me doll, I wouldn't do that if I were you. I want to see your cunt.) He said while nibbling your ear. Shivers were sent down to your spine, doing so, you removed your panties and spread your legs at him. "Feliz?" (Happy?) You said in a low tone. "No, quiero que volteretas tu coño y culo a mi, corazón." (No, I want you to turn around and face your pussy and ass towards me, love.) He said with a grinning smile.
Those nicknames drove you wet to your core a bit, so you decided to push his limit. "Y que me pasó si no lo hago casó?" (And what will happen if I don't listen?) You said giggling. You suddenly gasp as you keep his bodyweight laying down on yours onto the satin sofa, feeling his crotch, a huge bulge against your ass. "No te va gustar mucho, amor." He rubbed his hips against yourself, you pushing your ass to his hips, hoping to relieve some friction on your cunt. He moved himself and slapped your ass harshly. You yelp out a moan. "¿Quién te dijo que puedes hacer eso? Yo soy quien mando, cariño. Te gusta eso?" (Who said you could do that? I'm the one in charge here, love. You like that?) He said while snickering softly.
You turn your head around and nod slowly. You bite your swollen lip, your cunt now dripping in slicked wetness. The mysterious man then placed a finger, moving them to your clit. You moan in relief. "F-fuck, please fuck me sir, please…" "Look how wet you are for me..you're such a dirty slut." He said while landing another slap on your ass, making you jerk forward and whimper. "Turn around for me." You do as he said, biting your lips, hoping for something exciting. That is until you notice his mask is off, and your blood runs cold. Your face burns up with embarrassment and you covered your cunt with your hands. "Mr.O'Hara, I didn't know it was you, how did you even find me here, I-i." He placed a finger on your lips, quickly shutting you up. "I know everything about you. Here, take this and wear it tomorrow for the presentation. If you don't, I'll have to fire you for moral turpitude. Looking like dirty, fucking, slut at night and working at my office in day like a good girl." He said, whispering into your ears.
His hot breath and voice once again sparked fire down your core. He quickly left you alone in the lounge room, leaving you to your own rapid thoughts. You couldn't stop hyperventilating from what just happened, you can't afford to get fired! Your whole record would be ruined for doing something so indecent. You couldn't hate yourself more than right now. Round the corner, a red box catches your eyes. You proceed to open it and it's a remote controlled vibrator, though the remote, you assumed, he had. You placed the pieces together and realized you had to wear this to the next presentation meeting. You couldn't let your record get ruined, let alone knowing your boss telling others of what you do at night. You had to face it and put up with it.
The next day, you kept staring at the vibrator. You were nervous, sweat droplets spreading across your face. What if it falls off during the presentation? What if someone could hear the vibrations? You kept wondering about so many endless scenarios about the 'What if.' You took a deep sigh and placed it in your cunt. It was cold against your warm pussy. It felt quite uncomfortable. As you walked to Mr. O'Hara's office, you couldn't gather the courage to even knock on his door nor look at his face after last night. But you did so anyway. "Here are the reports for today, Mr. O'Hara. I made sure they're all good for the presentation soon." You said timidly. "Perfect, thank you Ms. L/N, I hope you remember what I told you last night. Let's see how well you do today, if you fail I'll just have to fire you." He said with a cold tone but with a hint of amusement. You audibly gasped and faced him. His eyes already magnetized onto yours, eyeing you up and down.
You felt yourself getting aroused again, his sculpted features drew you in further. Your mind brings back how his crotch felt against your hips, he was rock hard and it felt heavenly. "I-I made s-sure of that, Mr. O'Hara." You kept stumbling over your words, causing you to scream inside. "Great, you can head out now." He said while grinning. Still eyeing you. You excuse yourself and quickly get out of there, you felt like there was no air in your lungs, you placed your palms on your face wondering how bad this could possibly go. You cursed under your breath.
The presentation was starting, Mr. O'Hara was doing the first couple of slides then you had the rest to yourself. Unfortunately, the presentation was 10 slides long. Many prestigious men entered the room, greeting one another. You sit by Mr. O'Hara's chair, his chair being right in the middle in the very back, facing the board. About 20 minutes pass, and it's your turn to present. "Welcome to Alchemax, I would like to provide you guys with an amazing proposal that would benefit both sides of our companies." You said while switching your eyes with the representatives and Miguel. You see something shift in his suit, and you jolt as you feel the vibrations on. You almost stumble on the floor by the unexpected vibrations. "Sorry about that, probably something I ate this morning. Stomach ache!" You say trying to brush off your jolting. You start with your first slide, glaring at Miguel whenever he would turn on and off the vibrating.
Your cunt was dripping wet. You wanted more vibrations even if you were to embarrass yourself right now and risk your job. You tried your best to pay no attention to how Miguel's eyes would light up dark red, giving you an erotic stare. As if he was unclothing you with his eyes. Watching you break all over something small, he wondered how badly you'd break around his cock, using your body like a a slut you are. As you kept speaking, the vibrations kept increasing which caused you to stutter multiple times. "Excuse me miss, is something ok?" Asked a representative. "Oh I'm sure it's just nothing, don't worry." You smile softly. You then glare at Miguel, for embarrassing you during your big project. But deep down, you enjoyed it. You coughed and continued your presentation. The vibrator started fastening more, your clit becoming sensitive as time went by. It felt like the slided wouldn't come to an end, you felt wobbly to your knees.
You tried your best to not fall and keep your professional composure. Small tears streaked down your cheeks, you had hoped they were unnoticed. You felt like coming until it finally stopped. You let out a small growl, staring at Miguel in dissatisfaction. You were finally done with your presentation which felt like ages. The moment you sat down, Miguel increased it to it's highest speed. You jolted, your nerves and blood rushing through your system. You let out a stifled moan, and proceeded to play it out as a cough. Now that you're sitting, the vibrator is hitting your clit even harder. You felt like the pleasure was going to leave you unconscious because it just felt so good. You had half-lidded eyes looking at Miguel, begging for him to stop but he just smirked at you. You bit the inside of your cheeks, drawing out blood, you kept holding in your moans and breathing heavily.
You felt like your eyes were rolling back to your head. You just rested your head on the chair's head support. Your throat felt like it was about to let out a loud moan and you choked on your saliva. You couldn't hold it in anymore, so you hurriedly left the room and ran to the bathroom. Miguel still kept the vibrator on it's highest setting which made you stumble on the way onto the floor the moment you made it to the bathroom. You placed your arms on the sink, holding yourself up as you felt your cunt pulsing and spasming around the device, finally letting out your moans. Your legs were wobbly and you finally came.
Your breathing became unstable-like, you tried your best to regulate it back. You started at yourself in the mirror, how could you do something so foolish and be caught up in this situation? You pulled off the device and flushed it down the toilet. You finally thought it was over and you could keep your job. That is until you open the door, Miguel immediately barging in and grabbing your waist towards his chest. He closed the door behind him. "God you should've seen how you looked squirming, princess. You looked adorable, you're such a good girl y'know? You should be rewarded." "Miguel, please let this be over…" You gave out more moans as he massaged your breasts. "Todavía no, cariño. Te quiero conmigo, quiero usar tu cuerpo y saber tu precioso coño.." (Not yet love, I want to be with you, use your body and taste your pretty pussy.)
He gruffed as he sucked onto your neck. "Mhmmf.. M-miguel, please…" You whimpered out. "Be a good slut for me, do that for me." He grabbed a hold of your throat, lifting towards his face. His eyes lit up with lust. Your brain was starting to fog up. "Si..Miguel..mmhgfm fuck, please fuck me Miguel." You say with a strained voice as his fingers grip your throat tighter. "Tenga cuidado con lo que pides, amor. Porque ya no puedo detenerme más." (Be careful with what you ask for, love. Because I would be able to hold myself back anymore.) You jumped and wrapped you legs around his waist and hips, his arms holding you up as you wrap your hands around his neck.
The both of you kiss hungrily each other, as if your life depended on it. Both of your lips finally left go to breathe. You stare at his lips and eyes with your lust filled, low lidded eyes. "Miguel, put your cock inside of me, p-please.." You whimper and suck on his neck. He leans his head back and he groans which makes your cunt pulse. "Sé una buena chica para mí, cariño. Quiero que me la chupes. Dios, tengo tantas ganas de cogerte ahora mismo. Mira lo que me haces muñeca.." (Be a good girl for me, baby. I want you to blow me. God, I want to fuck you so bad right now. Look what you do to me doll…) You obey and go on your knees. You lower his zipper and his boxers.
His cock springs out, the base is dark brown while his tip is a pinkish brown. It was leaking with pre-cum, begging to be sucked on. You kitten-licked the tip - teasingly by giving it small kisses on the head. Miguel looks down at you, he could barely control himself to the point he wants to throat fuck you til you can't breathe. You then take half of him in your warm mouth, swirling your tongue around his length. He grabs ahold of your head and leans back on a wall, keeping himself standing. "Mierda.. tu boca.." (Fuck.. your mouth.) He cursed under his breath. You hollow your cheeks and you take more of him as your throat relaxes. He reluctantly bucked his hips, causing you to choke. You loved how his cock tasted, how it felt full in your mouth. You started fastening and Miguel lost full control.
He grabbed your hair and bucked his hips harshly. Hid hips spasming."F-fuck your mouth feels like heaven, amor. Fuck you're taking me so well…such a dirty slut." He moaned. You looked up at him with teary eyes, the sound of sucking echoed. You were squirming and pressuring your thighs together. When you moaned, he loved how tight your throat would get. You felt that he was about to come so you hollow your cheeks even more. He looked down at you, and he finally pumped his semen down your throat, it felt hot and bittersweet. You finally detach your mouth from his dick but licking all of him clean.
It caused something in Miguel to completely break. He grabbed you up and removed your skirt and panties. He bent your back, you arched it even further as he slapped your ass harshly, making you jerk forward. He placed you In Front of a tall mirror. "I want you to look how I fuck you..how good I fucking make you feel. No one will ever make you feel this good. Your pussy is fucking mine." He says while biting on your shoulders with his fangs. He removed all of his clothes and removed your top. "Look at your fucking tits, all of me. Mierda..." He drew out blood and sucked it dry. He lines up his dick In Front of your cunt, teasing it. You couldn't wait anymore, you were too desperate for him to pound you without mercy. Making a complete mess of you til you couldn't walk.
He pinched your perked nipples, making you shiver and bite down on your swollen lip. You look at the mirror, he keeps eyeing you, he would never remove his eyes off of your body. He slapped your ass and moved his mouth to your breasts. Sucked them like it was the last time with you. You let out loud moans."M-miguel please, I want your fucking cock inside of me..please I want you inside of me so bad. P-please..f-fuck." You whimper. He smirked devilishly. "Where do you want me, cariño.." He huffed out. "Inside of my fucking pu-." You were interrupted as he slams his cock inside of you, keeping a steady pace, your throat chokes continuously on your moans, it felt so fucking good. All of the air in your lungs left, you felt him touching your insides. Your cunt pulsing and squeezing him while he pulled out and thrusted into you even harder. You placed your hands onto the mirror, gasping and moaning.
Chanting Miguel's name incoherently like a prayer. You wanted him to ruin you, you wanted to be his cum dumpster. "F-fuck mmhfm m-miguel please stop..s'too much. Fuck..aughmmhffm…" You moaned out in gasps. "Look how slutty you look, taking in my cock so good like a good slut. Such a good girl, your pussy keeps sucking me in princessa..f-fuck.." He moans. He grabs your throat, making you face yourself In Front of the mirror. Your mouth was agape, eyes rolled back to your skull, making erotic sounds that caused Miguel's cock to harden even more. Both of your bodies were sweating and heaving, making the room atmosphere thicken. You were so cock-drunk, your brain couldn't form coherent thoughts, let alone words.
The only thing you could think was his dick inside of you, deep. You arched your back even more, allowing him to dig deeper inside of your warm pussy. You felt like you were going to fucking collapse by the amazing pleasure. That was until he pulled out. "F-fuck.. I want everyone to see what a dirty slut you are." He huffed and kissed you hard. "M-miguel, what if someone sees us." You said with a worried tone. "Don't you like that? Don't you like to be seen being fucked by me, all inside your pussy, amor?" You nod and whimper. "Y-yes Miguel.." He opens the bathroom door and heads to his office, gathering all the clothes and placing them on his couch. Fortunately, no one was on the floor. He grabs you by the throat, gripping it harder. He slammed your body onto the desk, causing paperwork to fall but you couldn't care less now. Your face and tits were planted on the cold desk, sending shivers down your spine.
Miguel pulled your hips upward, making you arch. He used his fingers to separate your lips and see your glistening cunt. He inserted his fingers inside your pussy and you moaned. He took them out to taste them and he almost came from it alone. You tasted so sweet, like a forbidden fruit. Your pussy pulsated and clenched around nothing, begging for some attention. "Miguel I want your cock inside of me again, please.." You whimpered. "Be a good girl and wait." He licked your pussy up and down and rubbed your clit. You stretch your neck, feeling so good and moaning that your voice was so strained. He slaps your pussy, making you jolt forward. He then grabs you by the waist and pushed your body against the sky high windows. "I want everyone to see how good I'm fucking you..you like that don't you?" He said while smirking. "Y-yes Miguel please fuck my dirty pussy already. Fuck me til I can't breathe." You groaned.
He slammed into your cunt once again, suddenly making you let out a loud strained moan. You kept cursing and yelling his name. Your moans would only get louder as he rubbed his thumbs up and down on your clit, pressing on it hard. His other hand pinched your nipples while his mouth landed on your neck. Your back arched back to his chest, causing him to reach your soft, squishy walls that you thought were unreachable. You could barely control your body's weight. Miguel grabbed both of your hips and bent your back even more. Your face against the window causes it to fog up. His cock slammed harder inside of you, deeper. His claws deepened on your hips. He slammed up into you at a much faster pace than before, hitting all the places he knew you loved. “Eres mia... Mia y mia solo,” (You're mine, mine and mine only.) Miguel whispered into your ear before kissing the skin below it.
His voice had lost its cold underlining, whining out as his hips stuttered. Miguel's hips rocked still before he let out a soft sigh, his cum painted your walls perfectly. You writhed under his large body, riding your own orgasm as he continued to rub your clit. Coming down to a stop you sighed as your body shook at the intensity. "You're my little cum slut, aren't you? Yeah you like it when I fill your pussy up with my cum don't you?" Miguel slowly pulled out, shoving his fingers into me immediately, making my back arch. He pumped his cum back inside of my pussy. You collapse from overstimulation. You wake up a few hours later on a soft bed. An arm wraps around you. You felt warm and cared for. You look up and see Miguel sleeping. He looked beautiful. You want something to happen between the two of you and hopefully become a couple. You moved closer to him and placed a kiss on his cheek and he suddenly placed one on your forehead.
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kyokutsu-sama · 3 months
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The captain's sword
A/n: I've been writing about this man on ao3, I've already posted two works there and I'll post this one there later. This captain makes me feel things🤭(Seriously bro, there's something about men with tough personalities that attracts me...)
Tw: NSFW content
You wondered how you had managed to get to the base without falling along the way due to exhaustion. Your mana was extinct as was your energy, all you wanted to do at that moment was pass out on your soft mattress and sleep for the whole week but it seems that you had other plans before going to sleep.
You saw Yami at the counter and wanted to kill him after he sent you on a mission that almost cost you your life.
"There you are, you scoundrel !" You said, approaching the counter. "You were drinking and smoking while I was there dying, weren't you?"
"Who do you think you're talking to?" He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and an unfriendly expression on his face, as if he wanted to intimidate you but you were too mad to be afraid
"With my stupid captain, Yami Sukehiro" You said, sitting next to him and he looked at you for a long moment in silence, the cigarette smoke leaving his lips after he took a long sigh. He undoubtedly liked your defiant air when you dared to speak like that, strong women were his type and he was definitely going to play that game.
"Your tongue is very sharp tonight, I see" He slightly curved his lips upwards
"I thought you liked tough girls with sharp tongues. What's the problem now? Can't you handle them?" You teased and he closed his eyes with another long sigh
"Here, drink" He said, extending the large mug of beer to you
"You didn’t answer my question"
"Drink" He insisted and since you knew he was stubborn, you decided to do what he said
There was no one else there, you thought it was strange since they would also like to be there drinking or breaking everything but maybe they were already asleep. It was late and you were supposed to be sleeping too but since your dear captain was there, you weren't just going to turn your back on him. He enjoyed your company even if you were mad at him and you also couldn't ignore him when he was offering you drinks and company too.
Anyone who didn't know him at that moment would think he was a calm person, with half-closed eyes, a lit cigarette in the corner of his mouth, some strands of his black hair falling over his face making him even more attractive and an expressionless face. However, he was not someone to mess with and everyone there knew it. You also knew and that's why you pushed his buttons until he lost his patience, which was little and led him to do crazy things. He also did the same to you, teasing you every day until you went crazy. Deep down you knew he has a tender heart when it comes to you, even if he teases you twenty-four hours, even if he gives you more difficult training because he believes in you and your abilities and that you can surpass your limits, even though he was a stubborn and short-tempered at times, you loved him with all his flaws. You knew that inside his little heart was you and he himself admitted that to you a lot of times.
You placed the empty mug on the table and looked at him, who still seemed focused on a random corner of the room.
"I finished drinking, are you going to answer me now?" You said, looking at him
"Drink another one"He replied, taking a drag on his cigarette, still without looking at you
"Yami, are you testing my patience ?" You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head slightly to the side
"You're the one testing my patience, princess. Did the mission go well or do I need to go in there and take out the other guy for you?”
"No, I already did what had to be done, I even broke the sword you gave me last week"
"You broke what?" He looked at you as you placed the remaining part of the sword on the table. "Honey, I hadn't even finished paying, in fact, I didn't even pay mine, let alone yours"
“Well, Yami, it looks like you're going to have to start saving more money instead of betting everything on gambling like you always do, even with your clothes” You looked away in the last words, remembering when he came back from long nights completely naked after having bet them on gambling
“So what? My nudity is nothing new to others... and not to you either" He gave a little smile and you felt a slight blush on your cheeks."Now, regarding the sword, leave it to me. I'll see if I can find some money to pay this shit for the next hundred years"
"And see if the next one is of quality"
"It's not about quality when you don't know how to wield it"
"What did you say, Yami?" You looked at him with a threatening look
"Nothing" He said, raising hands in a kind of surrender
"See? You don't even have the balls to repeat what you said to my face, it just proves that you can't handle a strong woman like me" You teased and got up from the bench but he grabbed your arm turning you towards him
"Princess, you're making me lose my mind with all that tough personality. Come here" He picked you up and put you on his shoulder so easily and quickly that you make you scream at his sudden movement
"Yami, what are you doin--" He slapped your butt as he carried you to his room."Are you punishing me now?”
“And it’s just the beginning, baby" He laughed and entered the bedroom
He threw you on the bed and closed the door, you looked at him as he put out his cigarette and looked you up and down, wondering where he would start.
"Why are you looking at me? I thought you were a man of action"
"Be quiet brat, I'm concentrating" He said as he took off his tattered black cape and shirt.
"Brat? What happened to ‘princess’?"
"They will evolve for worse if you keep talking" He said climbing onto the bed and holding your face in his hand
Yes, it would, you knew it would. The beautiful nicknames he gave in the beginning would be the future dirty talk. It was only making the heat in the room rise as well as the heat building up between your thighs. However, he also had to be punished for the mission he had given you and you would take care of it.
"What’s wrong? Why aren't you laughing now?" He asked with a low voice close to your face and you blushed
He would tease you until the end, until you couldn't handle it anymore, take you to the limits and even beyond that. That was his type.
He pushed you onto the mattress and got on top of you, removing your clothes and you helped him, his strong and hurried hands roaming your body. He leaned towards you and kissed your lips, taking your breath away with heat and strength, you hugged him close to you, taking your hands to run down his back. His hand slid between your thighs and stroked the wetness that increased the more he touched you, he pulled your lip between his teeth before settling on your neck and sucking the skin there. You could already feel your sweaty skin and slight goosebumps, you whimpered when he placed his fingers in you and you tight them inside you. The ability that man had to make you forget that you were mad at him moments ago was impressive. You arched your back and both bodies touched, there was no distance between the two and you were delirious with so much proximity. You put a hand to the back of his head, he was still marking your skin and tasting every bit of it.
The fingers moving in and out and scissoring, opening more space inside you as you writhed and moaned beneath his huge body covering yours. His thumb brushing against the sensitive bud and sending shivers throughout your body, making your legs tremble. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure just at the feeling of his lips kissing your neck. You were close but you held yourself back so you didn't have to come before you could take control of the situation and play with him a little too. You grabbed his forearm and removed his fingers from you and turned him around, sitting on top of him, resting your hands on his chest while he looked at you, intrigued that you had changed roles.
"You're feeling very confident today" He joked, placing his hands on your waist
"My turn to punish you for giving me such a troublesome mission today" You said taking the belt off his pants to tie his wrists above his head, to prevent him from touching you
"You don't think this will last long, do you?" He chuckled, looking at you and you smiled
"No, but I just need some time for what I'm going to do. Don't worry dear, I'll be gentle with you" You leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips
You knew that he would go along with it because deep down he liked having you on top showing your strength, that turned him on.
You held the waistband of his pants and removed them. You had the beautiful vision of him all naked and with his arms tied above his head and that only made things heat up more. You brought a hand to his dick, stroking it while you looked at him and saw his hands start to fight to free himself, he just wanted you to continue what you were doing because it felt too good.
You spat into the palm of your hand to make back and forth movements as you felt your insides tighten with emptiness and the desire to take him right there but you liked the idea of just watching him suffer a little. Not that he was suffering from your touch but rather the fact that he wanted to grab your hips and bury himself inside you.
"What's wrong, Yami? I can't see your smile right now" You teased, using his words and he bit his lip, seeing the way you were teasing him
"You're a teaser"He said with a hoarse voice and his eyes half-open
Your hand moved faster around him, his hands fought to free themselves again, you weren't sure if he was closer to coming or letting go from the belt and making you pay for it.
He was right when he said that it wouldn't last long, and besides, he wouldn't need to try very hard to get out of that knot.
And it was when you least expected it that one of his hands was already on your wrist, preventing you from doing anything else, you looked at him after being taken by surprise.
He turned you around and placed you under him on the mattress and pinning your wrists above your head with one hand, looking at your panting and flushed face.
It seems like you would have to leave your revenge for another day.
"You found a way to surpass your limits again, did you?" You smiled and he chuckled
"You make me surpass them"
"Good to kno---" You barely finished your sentence and he turned your back to him and lifted your hips up. All that desire of his was making him impatient and with little time for conversation.
"You talk too much" His hand rested on the red skin after slapping your butt. "Just watch me surpass my limits again"
He was quick to place himself inside you and fill your insides to the deepest point, your fingers grabbed the sheets in front of you and your moans were muffled against it.
“You're so tight right now, Y/n”He sighed heavily."Don't tell me you were thinking about me while you were there fighting?"
He placed one hand on the back of your head, keeping your head against the mattress and the other hand on the headboard as he sped up his thrusts. You could barely breathe at that moment, even if you wanted to lean your head back, his strong hand was pressing you and the only thing you could do was feel your legs tremble and whimper every time his body collided against yours. The others would probably hear all those dirty sounds coming from the room but you wouldn't believe that any of them would be stupid enough to complain about it out loud, unless they wanted to move up the date of their death. He removed one hand from the back of your neck and brought it to your clit to make circular movements that made you tighten more and more around him. You felt the butterflies in your stomach intensifying when you came, your legs weakened and your fingers were still holding the sheets with some strength as he filled you with his cum, until you felt it running down your thighs. He withdrew from you and pulled your body back so that you were leaning against his chest, he bent down and kissed your neck while his arms hugged your body from behind making you feel protected from everything.
He could have all that size and be a brute, but he always seemed so clingy and careful with you. It was as if you changed his personality for something different, not very different but at least it softened this man's little heart a little.
"I'm sorry Y/n, I won't let you go on a mission like that alone again." He said kissing the top of your head and tightening his arms around you
"And I think I should also apologize for breaking the sword.”
"Don't worry about it, I'll find another one. Even if it means not seeing my paycheck for months or probably years." He said, laughing
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cherriesformatt · 2 months
make you mine || matt sturniolo
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: you got insecure on a party so you take Matt home and show him he is yours
warnings: smut, insecure reader, p in v, after care
word count: 2,4k
a/n: idk I do not know if I like it cant remember last time I did write smut also I did not proof read it yet. Kinda based on the request but I changed it up a little. ALSO REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN
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I was having a conversation with some girl I just met. I did not remember her name and it was too loud for me to have a proper conversation anyways.
I nodded at whatever she said to me and told her I need to go to use a restroom which wasn’t necessarily true. I just wanted to find my boyfriend because I lost him in the crowd.
I was scanning the club with my eyes but the light and the music just weren't making it easy for me.
Tara invited us for that party and I was happy to be here but in the same time I just wish I was somewhere else. Like empty beach or my bed. I wasn't feeling myself lately and being surrounded by lots of girls in those little tops and dresses made me feel worst about myself even if I knew comparing myself to others was bad.
I just wish I could wear that and feel great in it. I was always more top and jeans girl over a dress.
I fixed my bag on my shoulder and squeezed myself into the crowd even more.
"Finally" I sighed when I saw the triplets talking to Colby and some other people far from the dance floor.
Of course.
"y/n! Long time no see" Colby brought me to a hug and I smiled a little and patted his back.
"Literally 24h!" I laughed and everyone did too.
"You're okay?" Matt placed his hand on my lower back and he gently stroked my bare skin.
"I'm great" I smiled at him and he did too and went back to a conversation he was having with Tara's cousin that we met on her dinner last night.
She was smiling at him and laughing at whatever he was saying but I couldn't hear. The only thing I was noticing is her hand stroking his arm sometimes and the way he just wasn't doing anything about it.
"If looks could kill, blondie would drop dead on the floor, kid" I heard Chris's voice from my other side and I looked at him.
"I do not know what are you talking about. I'm going to the bathroom" I exhaled rolling my eyes at him and just walked away.
I went into the bathroom and just washed my hands trying to calm myself down. I didn't want to be this jealous girlfriend. But today wasn't working out for me. I trusted Matt with all of my heart.
He looked so good tonight. His hair was perfect, he's eyes were shining from the lights and his god dammit rings. Don't get me started. I clenched my tights just thinking about his hands.
So of course there were other girls wanting what was already mine.
God, I just wanted to take him home and string him down.
I turned around and walked out of the bathroom and as the door were closing I was met with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
"Matt?" I I frowned looking at him.
"I asked if you're okay and you clearly wasn't... and you just walked away from us" He said.
"Oh I am sorry I didn't know I have to report every move to you" I said crossing my arms.
"Oh please, don't start that shit" He said and leaned on the wall.
"Maybe Tilly won't start anything go back talking to her" I said and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled my body to his.
"What are you trying to proof here?" He rested his hands on my sides and squeezed them lightly.
"You dropped your hand from my back but still didn't take her hand from your arm when she was stupidly laughing at whatever you said" I told him and he just shook his head at me.
"Y/n do not make a Taylor Swift moment from it, okay? I didn't even notice that because the only thing I could think of was your ass in those jeans, baby" He said and his hands wondered from my sides to my bum and he squeezed it.
"Take me home Matt, now" I told him and pushed on his chest to break free from his touch.
I walked to the exit and just hoped he would follow me.
Everyone is too drunk to think it is rude to leave without saying bye. And Chris and Nick can get an uber home, they are not babies.
I felt his hand on my back as he caught up with me and walked beside me without a word.
The car ride home was quiet. The only sounds were the music and my nervous breathing. He didn't say anything. I am pretty sure he thought I was still mad at him and he just didn't want to make it worse.
On the other hand I was nervous from the scenarios forming in my brain.
Matt underneath me, begging for my touch.
It made me nervous because I was usually the one under his control. But today I needed to show him that I can also be in control. I knew it would make my insecurities feel better.
When he parked the car in the garage of his house he looked at my eyes clearly wanting the answers.
I gently put my hand on his chest and grabbed him by his shirt to pull him closer. I rested my forehead on his and our lips were nearly touching.
"I wanna make you mine..." I said and put my other hand in the back of his neck.
"I am already yours..." He answered and connected our lips.
I broke from the kiss and exited the car.
"In your room, Matthew" I said looking deeply into his eyes.
He slowly licked his lips. To slowly, it made the heat building in my core nearly boil. He unbuckle himself and also exited the car.
He opened the door and let me in first. I took his hand in mine and walked into his room. As soon as he closed the doors behind us I turned around and pull him back into the kiss. My hands travel into his hair and pulled on them gently.
He hissed into my lips and I felt his hands traveled down my back. I pulled away from his lips and started to kiss down his throat. I gently bit his neck. I felt his hands squeezing my ass as I kissed his sweet spot and lightly sucked on it.
"Fuck...." he sighed and made me turned so my back hit the wall.
"No...Matt let me...let me be in control" I said and pushed on his chest lightly.
"Strip and lay on your back" I said firmly and he smiled a little.
"Yes ma'am" He said and I walked into his bathroom slightly relieved that he didn’t turn down my wish.
"I can do it" I whispered to myself while I was taking piece of satin from my rope.
I walked back into the room and seeing him laying on his back, just in his boxer made me bit the inside of my cheek.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I put the piece of material into my back pocket and took my shoes off.
I climbed on the bed and straddle him.
"What's in your pretty head today, baby?" He asked and I just leaned down to kiss him again.
Out tongues found each other as his hands traveled to take my top off but I took them in mine and rested them above his head. Not breaking a kiss I deftly tied his wrist together with the satin rope I had in the back of my jeans.
"Baby..." He breath out.
I only smiled at him shyly and started to kiss his neck again taking my time as I grazed my nails down his bare chest.
I could feel him getting hard so I gently palmed his clothed bulge through his boxers.
He exhaled deeply as I slid down his legs so my face was right in front of his crotch.
I looked at his face when I gently pulled down the only thing that was on the way.
He moaned when the cold air hit his dick as I took him in my hand and stoked him. I gently kissed his tip before I took him into my mouth.
He wanted to garb my hair but he couldn’t with his wrists being tied together so he growled and trusted his hips forward making me choke on his dick a little. I pulled out and looked at him.
“Do that again and I’ll stop” I said wiping my mouth on the back of my hand.
“I’m sorry… I won’t…” he said breathing heavily.
I took a breath in and wrapped my lips back around him and took what didn’t fit in my mouth in my hand.
I tried my best to make him feel good until I pulled back feeling that he was on the edge. I knew that from the way his dick twitched in my mouth.
“Fuck… why did you stop?” He moaned and tried to touch me but he couldn’t.
“Watch your words…” I told him.
“Because I want you to finish inside me while I ride you” I added as I stood up from the bed.
He looked at me with poor surprise as I stared taking my own clothes off.
“You’re going to be the death of me, women” He closed his eyes.
His chests rapidly going up and down as I climbed back on top of him. I didn’t even need for play for myself. Him being like this made me dripping down my legs.
I took him in my hand and lined myself with him.
I moaned as I lower myself on him. The feeling of him stretching me out made my eyes roll.
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me right now…. You’re so hot” He’s shaky voice made me open my eyes.
My body stayed on top of him so I had a second to adjust. I started to move my hips when I was ready and I made both of us moan.
“Talk to me baby….fuck I wanna touch you so bad”He breathed out.
“You’re mine Matt… Only mine” I sad clenching around him just to make him crazy.
“Don’t do that if you want me to last….” He hissed.
“Of course I’m only yours…..never ever want to be anyone else’s but yours” He said looking at me.
I started moving faster to give us even more pleasure. My legs started to shake slightly and he felt that.
“Take this shit off I can’t take it anymore… I need to help you” He whined.
I leaned down to connect our lips and I untied his hands.
His hands found a way to my waist right away. He started to trusting his hips up holding me still. His name slipped from my mouth and my head dropped to his neck form the pleasure.
I pulled back to sit on him and he also brought himself up and his hand fixed my hair from my face.
“I love you’re you’re the most beautiful and amazing girl on this planet, you know that right?” He’s other hand travel between our bodies and he started rubbing circles on my clit.
“I asked you a question” he said and starting to trust his hips even harder.
“Fuck…Yes” I said.
I felt blissful. I knew I was close but from his movements I knew he was too.
“Matt… I’m going to… holy shit…” I cried out resting my forehead on his.
Our movement slowing down. It was killing me. It was slow but every time he was so deep that I felt him in my whole body.
“I love you” He said and made me look up at him.
“to the moon and back…” I finished and connected our lips as we made love.
“Come with me pretty girl… please” He said into my lips.
I came undone scratching his back. I felt him come inside me and I moan.
He gently pulled out and I didn’t want to be far from him so before he could lay me down I just wrapped myself around him.
“Oh… what’s that for?” He laughed and hugged me back and kissed my shoulder few times.
“I’m sorry for how I was behaving… I was feeling pretty insecure and I let it into my head too much” I whispered.
“Oh honey…” he said and rubbed my back.
“That’s why you wanted to be in control?” He asked.
“Yes… but half way through I was like fuck i don’t even know if I like it so thanks god you got so desperate and wanted me to untie you” I laughed.
“Baby… I know it’s hard sometimes but I need you to know that you’re so beautiful and smart and just my favorite human on this planet” he made me move away a little so he could looked at me.
He kissed my nose and I smiled.
“I love you Matt, thank you” I said.
“You don’t have to thank me… it’s the truth. And u liked you being in control…We could do that again sometimes…Now.. let’s get you clean…” He smiled at me and helped me stand up.
It made me feel good that he said he liked it. Because I was really unsure about what I was doing but seeing him and now hearing that he liked it have me a lot of confidence back.
He cleaned us both, made sure I pee and he removed my make up too. We took a quick shower and brushed our teeth together. As we did we heard Chris and Nick walking into the house.
I smiled because that means I could fall asleep without worrying about them.
“Good night love…” he kissed my head.
We were already in bed in our pj’s on, my head on his chest and one of my legs in between his. I just needed him extra close tonight.
“Good night” I whispered.
“Remember that you can always talk to me about how you feel…” He reassured me once again.
I smiled.
“I know Matty… I know” I said as I was almost out.
Next to him I felt like I could everything and he made me feel beautiful and wanted. He was my escape, my everything. And he was all mine.
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makuzume · 10 days
The Last Time You Talked to Him
🔅Yuta Okkotsu
🔅Content: Inspired by the recent spread on the events happening in JJK 261🥲; MEGA spoilers; gn! reader; Word Count: 1k
🔅a/n: I was genuinely sobbing with hot streams of tears falling down my eyes while writing this at 4 AM I am DEVASTATED I had to express it somehow,, Didn't expect to have such attachment to this boy.
[JJK Masterlist]
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The silence was loud, deafening even.
The weather tonight was pleasant and had a clear sky: the moon was high, the stars were out, the breeze was calm...
You could say it would've been a perfect evening to have another lovely date by the usual spot: under the big tree, behind the school, sitting on the soft grass...
However, despite the scenic atmosphere that surrounded you, the look on both of your faces were low-spirited, displaying a sorrowful expression.
"...Yuta..." Slowly, you lowered your head, staring at the ground in front of you as you hugged your knees closer to your chest.
"...Please...." You whisper, almost pleaded as a few droplets began to form at the corners of your glistening eyes.
As you did your best to remain composed, you couldn't help but feel your facade begin to slowly break, like a dam of overwhelming emotion threathening to burst at any moment, bit by bit-
A dam that's ready to release all sorts of feelings: pain, sadness, fear, worry, hatred, and love.
Your breathing slowly began to turn uneven, your quiet voice shaking slightly.
"....Don't go... please..."
That was it for you.
Those words were enough to completely break your self-control, cracking the dam open.
Your face immediately hid in between your arms as you tightly gripped on your knees, releasing all of the emotions that had built up inside of you, unable to contain them any longer.
It hurt, it really hurt, knowing what will happen to him after tonight.
"....." Yuta was silent, dead slient, unable to think of any proper response to say to you.
I mean, what was he supposed to do in this situation? Should he hug you? Hold your hand? Lie Reassure you and say he'll come back safely??
If the one you loved comes to you and suddenly announces that he'll be stitched into another person's dead body to battle against the most notorious curse in history within in the next hour, what else are you left to follow up with??
The person you loved the most... now using your dead teacher's body, whom you both respected so much, as a vessle, a puppet, nothing more than a weapon... isn't that a little too messed up?
Why him?
As sickening it is to use Gojo's body to the very end, you're just as disgusted at the situation where it came to a point that a young man, such as Yuta, needed to be the one to step up and tackle the situation.
For his friends, for Gojo, for all sorcerers, all civilians, and even for you. Your peace.
And everyone agreed to this, even Gojo, which made you sick to the stomach. Seeing how even your late teacher accepted the dehumanization of his own being for the sake of becoming a mere shell of a weapon, further being pushed even agter his death; turning himself into the monster everybody needed him to be.
'I will be the monster.' He just had to say it.
Your growing disappointment in the reality of the sorcerer world only continued to grow more.
But you knew it was something he has to do... he wants to do... for everyone. It would be selfish- incredibly selfish for you to beg him to stay with you, endangering the world because of it.
But you couldnt help it. Every fiber in your being was screaming for him to not do it, it's gone too far, all of it, even though that the plan was already set in motion when you found out.
It was hard to hate him for doing that, but at the same time, you hated the fact for still loving that strong sense of morals he clings onto so much.
With your head still hidden deep within your knees, you sob "...Please.... please don't go... pleas, Yu...." You tried your best to speak in between your desperate cries, your words getting more and more inaudible as you weakly shaking your head in denial.
You couldnt help but still try to plea desperately, as void as your attempts would be.
You knew your words were uselses, you knew he would push through anyway, you knew he was the one who wanted to do this, for the sake of humanity- but still.
All you could do was plea, as if asking the Gods for a miracle. A miracle that somehow all of this this: the deaths, the curses, Shibuya, Sukuna, sorcery as a whole... was just some big screwed up dream.
Yuta slowly scoots closer to you, his hand ever so gently resting on the top of your trembling body. His hand gently caresses your back, comforting your shaking figure that hitched out quiet, miserable cries.
"My angel...." he spoke, calling out to you gently as you let yourself cry for a little more before trying to calm down.
Your heart ached for a moment upon hearing his affectionate and caring tone once more, and perhaps for the final time. It was already impossible for you to cry any more intensely. It hurts you like hell and you were already crying as if you had already lost him.
He knew nothing could ease the situation and trying to lighten it would only do nothing. All the both of you, and everyone else, could do is just accept the fate this world has to offer him; Accept the gamble of a lifetime Yuta will be risking.
Risk if never coming back as himself, risk of death, risk of defeat and the triumph of curses...
He wanted to say so many things he could never say in an hours worth of time. Yuta still wanted to tell you how much he loved spending time with you, how much he admried you, how happy he is everytime he made you smile; how happy he is just even thinking about you...
He ended up saying none of it, hoping you would have already known all the things he wouldve wanted to tell you.
The sad part is: you would know. You understand him better than anyone else- and you knew every single word of affection, fear, regret, guilt, and love he wanted to tell you. And imagining hearing him say those things would only end up hurting you even more.
Will it be the same? Will he come back? Will he survive.
No one's certain, yet, you remain clinging on to hope.
But fate is cruel, in reality. Fate is painful. Fate is uncertain. No one knows what will make of him after this
After taking a while to collect yourself, finally, you look up at him, your hand clenching so hard to your chest, your lungs so empty of air, and your cheeks stained with the warm stream of tears falling from your eyes.
"...I love you most....don't ever forget."
Yuta said, almost like a promise, like a goodbye.
He loves you, more than anything, even his own life itself- he loved you more.
Which is why he is willing to risk it in order to create a peaceful world for you to live in, and only he was ready.
As difficult as it may be, you knew it was a hard slap to the face by reality for you to accept fate. It was imposisble, but inevitable.
The world of sorcerers was never a place of clear blue skies and joyful songs. Its a dark place.
It's hard to blame anyone, because this is where fate had let you afterall, a tragic end to a supposed-to-be love story that could've ended with a better ending.
"....Let's meet here again... once everything is over." In the most gentle tone, he spoke. His eyes looking at you filled with so much love as if you were the only thing that mattered that moment.
Against all opposing forces, you somehow convinced yourself to force a smile: it was weak... filled with sorrow and affection mixed together, and you did your best to show your pretty little smile he loved so much, knowing it might have been something he needed the most right now.
He only regrets he may not be with you after everything has finished; not be able to train with you and get stronger together- not be able to spend the rest of his days with you anymore, like he promised, like he hoped.
....That, and the fact that this would perhaps the last time he would be able to see your smile ever again.
I'll see you again soon...
[Back to JJK Masterlist] [Overall Masterlist]
a/n: It took me a while to edit this before posting cause of the amount of typos I had to deal with as I sobbed while making this but at least I captured the heart of my emotions during a vulnerable time lol I guess
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
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plan3tjuniper · 10 months
"Insatiable" Leon S. Kennedy~
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INCLUDES: fluff, friends(barely) to lovers, smut, jealous Leon, oral (m receiving), confessions, angry fucking?(close enuf), P in V, cream-pie, unprotected sex
Leon never thought of himself as possessive or even very monogamous til he saw you sucking another guy off..
Authors note: ok wow I'm finally back in the fanfic writing game after a long hiatus, hope you guys like this one. He's literally all i think about (this is gonna be a long one) also GOD HES SO MMPH UGWHDGSUJBUHSHIW
Leon Kennedy was an odd man romantically. He had had his fair share of sexual and romantic relationships, but he could never find himself to care too much for it. Did he enjoy a good romance movie here and there? sure! Does he enjoy sex? yeah who doesn't. And he has a pretty decent ratio. (its about a 3:50 for every girl who flirts with him which is pretty good seeing as most every woman who sees him gets a girl boner) He always wanted to settle down one day and be normal, cute wife, cute dog, cute little white picket fence life. But in reality, he only wanted that because what else would be do? His life was so far from normal that even to imagine it any different was insanity so he settled on the default, he had no idea how he would feel going from chaos and action to comfort and boringness. He had grown accustomed to the lifestyle in one way or another.
You on the other hand weren't in a relationship solely because you didn't want to be. And you were proud of it. You are young and just enjoying sex and fun while you still can. Kids and marriage were never in the picture for you and at the most you could see yourself raising a sweet little boy you adopted. But you'd never met anyone that made you want to settle down or that you could see a future with. You were a self-proclaimed slut. Your friends say you'd fuck anything in a 5 foot radius which isn't true but your body count is in the late 20s (ignoring blowjobs which don't realllyy count) And you enjoyed it, couldn't get enough.
You and Leon worked together, acquaintances but if someone asked you'd call him your friend. You had been on a few smaller missions together, you were hot for him and he was such a flirt. You could've sworn you threw out at least 3 pairs of panties just from just making eye contact with the man. But you were a professional woman and couldn't do anymore than glance and flirt with him on the job. Which is why you're thanking god and the heavens above that Chris and Jill and a few other people from the office invited you out clubbing tonight. They made sure to tell you Leon was coming because you are not an inconspicuous woman.
You'd finished your hair and makeup and slid on your little black dress, it may be basic but fuck you looked good it hugged you in all the right places(god you have a great ass). You put on your lipstick afterwards because you didn't want smears on the inside of the dress. and then put a bracelet and some earrings on, basic but you didn't want to get tangled up while dancing. You grabbed your little matching black purse and strapped your heels on and went and sat on your couch, eager. You had started getting ready 3 hours early, but who could blame you? It had been all you were thinking about all day. Your stomach churned in excitement as you tried to pull your attention to the TV to pass the 30 minutes you had to waste before they swung by to pick you up. You grabbed a piece of bread and nibbled on it to the incoherent talking it was hard to eat with your gut constricting in excitement. Really all you were thinking about was how to talk to Leon.
They finally arrived a minute late, a polite knock on your door followed by Chris banging on it and yelling "POLICE OPEN UP!" you giggled and opened the door to jill punching him in the arm. You were stunned for a second by the presence of Leon behind them just staring at you. He was like a sexy ghost. You regained your thoughts and said "you're two minutes late this is unacceptable" crossing your arms feigning anger. Jill gets on her knees and pleads "I'm so so sorry we had car troubles, whatever could i do to make it up to you" faking a cry. You put your hand to her face and say "you should've walked." You two make eye contact after your statement and cant hold it in any longer erupting in laugher. They start to walk to the car parked in the parking lot of your apartment building. You wait a second to lock the door and Leon stays by your side while the others start a conversation of their own. "You're quiet" you say pulling the key out and putting it in your bag. "I know, I honestly just don't know what to say" you share an awkward chuckle "you look nice" he said making eye contact with you. You look up at him nudging his shoulder with your own "thank you, I think this is my first time seeing you dressed like a normal person. Like if you ever wore sweatpants I think my head might explode." He laughs at that not a lot but it's genuine. You get to the car and climb into the back seat with Leon, he holds the door open "your seat madam" "why thank you sir" you say with a smile. You hear Chris say "knew itt" before jill hits him again.
The car was fun, listening fun trashy white girl music to get in the mood and singing along, cracking stupid jokes and doing bits with your friends in the front. Leon was making fun of the music the most but even he started humming along eventually, you're never letting him live it down. During the parts he was silent he would just stare at you talking and having fun, you were too caught up to notice the way he was studying your features, the curve of your nose, how you look when you laughed, the little moles and freckles on your skin, he was soaking it all in like a sickly victorian child seeing the sun. You sat back for a second to see him biting at dead skin on his lip when he brought his focus back to the conversation. You reached in your bag and pulled out some chapstick and handed it to him, he looked a little stunned (and a little turned on at your thoughtfulness) he put it on around and on his lips because they really needed it. You looked at him when his hand pulled away you noticed a sheer pink color outlining his mouth. You let out a giggle and he looked at you confused "what?." "I forgot it was tinted" you said hand covering your mouth in shock and interest. "I bet i look fabulous" he said with a flat tone and then puckering his lips at you. "yeah the smeared lipstick look is really in right now" you say giggling at his accidentally over-lined lips before leaning over and grabbing his face to wipe around his lips so he doesn't look insane. His breath hitched feeling your thumb swiping under his lips. "You know you could've just asked to kiss me, didn't have to make me look stupid" he said almost mumbling cause he didn't want to move him mouth too much and mess you up. "As if!! kissing you would be like kissing sandpaper! You are one cold morning away from a mouthful of blood from those cracks on your lips" you say pulling away from his face.
You knew what you were doing, and you knew that he liked you. You weren't dumb and you weren't gonna play it. You saw how he looked at you and god he had to know to some capacity how much you wanted him.
He was all you could get off to when you were alone now, sneaking a hand down to your panties and wishing it was his. Pumping your finger in and out of yourself almost antagonistically, you had assumed he'd be teasing and mean in your fantasies about him. And you would be lying if you said you said you hadn't been sleeping with more blonde guys as of recent to pretend that they're him. But none of them fucked you like Leon did in your head.
You guys pulled up the club finally, "The Alley Cat" stupid name but a dance floor and booze is a dance floor and booze. Starting to walk towards the door you notice that what you assumed was a busy sidewalk was a line around the block to get in. "This place is brand new how'd they find it so fast" jill said with a look of defeat. "Clubbers are menaces. Just give me a second I can get us in" you said adjusting your bra and arching your back very slightly.
You sauntered towards the bouncer, a man who looked to be in his late 30s, grown out buzz cut, brown mean eyes and a pair of sunglasses adorning his head. He was strong, not as strong as the men you worked with but you knew he could throw you around like you weighed as much as a napkin. He was tall too, too tall but that seemed to be good when your occupation is to be a human brick wall. His arms were crossed as he watched you strut up to him, squeezing your cleavage together and pouting. "Hello sir, i was wondering if you'd let me and my friends in" touching his chest "we were just sooo excited" you say slowly lips still in a pout looking up at him with half lidded eyes. "mmm.. I'll let you guys in if you make it worth my while" he said with a disgusting grin, you were such a hypocrite for being grossed out by the man when you knew that thats exactly what you were trying to get him to agree to. Just comes with the territory of being a woman I guess. You turn around with a wide smile on your face and wave your friends over. Jill squeals and trots over in her heels to hug you.
Leon had watched the whole ordeal go down, he had no idea what the two of you were saying but he could tell whatever you were doing was working. He had no right to be jealous so why was he, you two were barely friends he had no claim on you. Is what he tried to tell himself but his stomach was bubbling with jealousy and a little bit of anger. Anger that continued to grow when he saw the bouncer walk the group in and sweep you off to god knows where to do god knows what.
"She needs to stop doing this I would've been fine with waiting an hour or two" jill said with a sigh sitting down at the bar she ran her fingers through her short hair and looked around getting a scope of the place. "Doing what?" He said barely loud enough to hear over the music. Leon knew the answer to the question but he still asked anyways praying silently she wouldn't say it. "The last 5 times we've went to clubs she's pulled the whole seduce the bouncer thing and then suck him off in a backroom or closet. It's her choice at the end of the day but that must be really degrading mentally overtime for her. She may say she loves being a whore now but I don't think it's good for her to be treated like an object so often." Leon listened sympathetically but he was gritting his teeth internally at the idea of you sleeping with someone who wasn't him.
Leon didn't understand why he was feeling this way, you're gorgeous and he knew that, everyone knew that. But he enjoyed being around you. Every time he sees you he gets a little flustered thinking about how to talk to you and 'accidentally' eavesdropping when you'd talk about something you were passionate about, or recent news, or a mission or just something you enjoyed. He'd listen and wish he was the person you were talking to. He was absolutely infatuated with you. And he realized recently that the reason for it is because you're so interesting. He could never keep a girlfriend or fling before because he'd get bored so fast, he was addicted to the chaos in his life. It was his normal. And he wanted you to be that one constant in his life who he wakes up to every morning and wonders "what is she doing today?." because he knows it'll be a different answer every time. He wanted you to be his inconstant constant. By now the simmer of jealousy in his stomach had turned to a boil and it was spilling out. It should be him thats you're on your knees in front of not some loser who works at a club. He shivers at the thought.
The bouncer leads you to a storage closet about the size of a small bedroom, he starts nipping at your neck and groping your tits through your dress before pushing you to your knees in-front of him. his back against the cold concrete wall. You unzip his black pants music blaring through the door although the bass is louder than anything else. You pull his dick out, half hard and pump it a few times. "Just fucking suck it you little club slut." You knew it was his idea of dirty talk but it still didn't stop you from rolling your eyes. But maybe thats just because he's not Leon.
You take the tip into your mouth licking and sucking on it and finding his sensitive spot on the underside of his dick, you play with it for a little before he grabs a hold of your hair and starts throat fucking you. Drool pooling around your mouth and dribbling down your chin. Your eyes started to water as you relaxed your throat and just took him. That went straight to your panties, something inside you loved being manhandled. You were insatiable. Your makeup was probably fucked right now but you were too busy to care, and it was too dark in the club for anyone to notice. You started to move along with him as you could feel him getting closer squeezing your hair and his moans heightening in pitch, mouth falling into an 'O'. Or rather he was getting closer because before you could think Leon had busted through the door.
The mans whose name you still don't know's hand went limp on the back of your head as his whole body stilled. You pulled off of him a string of spit connecting you and his dick. Leon looked furious, jaw clenched and hands balled up into tight little fists definitely leaving little crescent-shaped marks in his palms. "Leon?" you said confused, barely able to think to ask why he's here before he punches the man straight in the nose. His head flies back holding his face, before he lunges on Leon. Theres a short lived battle of arms and legs before Leon is pinned down and cuffed. "You both are fucking out. now."
The man escorts you both out, Leons hands cuffed behind his back being held and you walking freely alongside, not wanting to embarrass yourself even more. He throws you two out on the curb and you hear a few people in the front of the line snicker. You make a quick call to Jill to say Leon got you two kicked out and that you'd update her later and you wanted her to enjoy her night, and to tell the people who haven't shown up yet that they can just say they're with her.
"Yeah, Yeah I'm sorry.. I know!! It's terrible, but he's probably just drunk. Yeah i'll get him home safe. Yeah. Okay, love you bye bye"
Thats all Leon hears as you're on the phone pacing back towards him, it was an odd habit you picked up. Needing to be doing something while talking to someone.
You look up at him with a mix of pity and annoyance and run your hands through your hair with a sigh. "C'mon, I'm walking you home. gotta make sure you don't beat anyone else up." You pat his back and start walking.
"I'm not drunk.."
"Sure Leon."
The two of you walk in silence for what feels like an eternity, the sounds of honks and angry drivers keeping you two sane. You take a sharp breath and contemplate your words before spitting them out.
"Why'd you do that Leon?" You say softly, looking over at him.
He refuses to look you in the eye, focusing on the sidewalk ahead of you. He responds with barely a mumble. "Jealous"
He finally looks you in the eyes and sighs "I was jealous.. can we just pretend like this never happened?"
You ignore his question. "Why were you jealous Leon.."
He groans and looks up to the sky, massaging his neck.
"Why do you think"
You smile at him, small. He doesn't notice though.
"Youuu like meee"
"You're making me wish I didn't right now"
"Shut up" You push his arm slightly, he stumbles over his feet to the side.
"I mean I guess you're kinda cute" You say sarcastically, smile widening.
"Kinda?" He leers at you with that smirk on his face
you wanted to fuck it off of him
After a few more minutes of walking and bantering you arrive at his apartment, you climb up the stairs with him and he unlocks the door with ease. You follow him inside.
He takes his jacket off, revealing his toned back covered by a thin layer of cloth, if you weren't wet before you were now. He turns around to ask you a question but before he could even finish the first word you practically pounced on him.
Lips pressing against his, hands gripping onto his shirt desperately, like if you let go he'd disappear. He was shocked at first before letting out a low chuckle into your mouth, that went straight to your panties.
One of his hands grip your waist and the other grips your ass, pulling your body even closer to his. He slides his tongue into your mouth, making you melt at his touch. Letting out a whine into the kiss, the hand that was holding your ass moves up to your scalp and pulls your head back. Gripping your hair tight, a string of saliva connecting your wet lips as he pulls you away from him.
This time a whine leaves your mouth but its more of a beg and less of a moan. "Awww so needy" He says mocking you. "Leon please.."
His grip on your scalp stays strong as he forces you to your knees, he lets go and moves his hand to caress your face. Using a thumb to part your lips, you just look up at him dumbly. He puts his thumb in your mouth and you start sucking it mindlessly. "good girl.."
You look up at him and nod your head with a "mhm."
"Take off your dress" he says sternly.
You unzip your small, revealing dress to reveal a matching set of black lace panties and bra. He hums in approval.
"You were planning on getting fucked tonight.. probably by some stranger that couldn't treat you half as good as me"
You just continue to look up at him.
"C'mon baby, I want you to show me exactly what you would've done to that bouncer."
You nod at him again and work quickly at his belt and button.
"Someones experienced."
You pull his pants and boxers down to his knees and kiss around his dick, biting his thigh.
You take his fully erect penis into your hand, stroking it a few times. He looks like he's in complete bliss just from that. Eyelashes fluttering and looking down at you like you're the most precious thing in the world.
You lick his tip, flicking your tongue on his frenulum. His hand grips tighter on the back of your head and he lets out a small gasp. You put his tip in your mouth, and he lets out a groan at that.
"Quit teasing" he says lowly almost in a growl.
"Thought you wanted me to do exactly what id do to him" you tease him.
And with that you put him in your mouth in an instant, deep throating him. You pull away for a moment, looking up at him "feel free to fuck my mouth."
You put him back in your mouth and with that he grips your hair and starts fucking into your mouth, you gag slightly, tears pooling in your eyes and drool leaking down your chin again.
He turns your bodies around so now you're pressed against the wall, still sitting. And now instead of moving your mouth back and forth he's thrusting his hips into your mouth, losing himself and moaning. Your fingers are now digging into his clothed thighs, leaving crescent shaped marks on his meaty thighs.
You were sopping wet by this point, trying to hump the ground or your heel for some friction. Your heel was now rubbing against your clit and you let out a moan around him.
"fuckfuckfuckfuck such a good girl, just a little throat for men to use aren't you?"
He grips your hair again and with another long moan he releases into your throat. Coating the inside of your mouth completely, pulling out slightly too soon and spurting a little onto your cheek. You swallow all of it and then open your mouth to show him.
"God you're such a slut"
He uses one hand to grab your face, pointer finger and thumb squishing each side of your face. Pulling you to stand up.
He takes you to his bedroom and you fall back onto his bed with a giggle.
He undoes your heels slowly, a more sensual and tender moment compared to what you guys were doing just minutes ago. He takes both of them off and takes off his shirt leaving him nude and you wearing your bra and panties.
He crawls over your body and plants soft kisses to your collar bones and chest, before unhooking your bra. you arch your back slightly so he can do it easier. He slides it off of your arms and continues trailing soft kisses all over your chest before licking around one of your nipples.
It was gentle and made you feel safe in an odd sense, he looks up at you with blown out eyes. Hair slightly messy and him looking sexier than ever.
"Gonna treat you so much better than any of those assholes, gonna make you cum til your sobbing happy tears"
You caress his face with a soft smile, your smaller hand giving him comfort. You pull his face closer to your own and pull him into a kiss, wrapping your leg around his waist. He brings a hand down to squeeze your ass.
"Was thinking about doing this when I saw you in that slutty little dress."
He leans back for a moment, to grab your panties and slide them off of you, throwing them somewhere in his room. Doesn't matter, you're not getting them back.
He moves back into you, grabbing inside of your knee and putting it back around his waist, lining his dick up with your pleading hole. Barely putting his tip in and watching himself just disappear into you.
"Quit teasing Leon, please.. need you" You look up at him with a pleading look, he snickers at your desperateness before pushing into you completely. Your soft walls hugging and squeezing him just right, you felt like heaven. He would stay right here forever if he could.
He lets out a groan and starts moving, you moan along with him. He filled you up so perfectly.
"Fuck, could get used to this cunt. Sucking me in so good, made for me"
He continues to fuck into you at an increasingly fast pace, your pussy making wet squelching sounds as he pounds into you. Abusing your g-spot.
"Say it sweetheart, no one could fuck you as good as me" he says smirking at you, your hips slamming together to make a harmony of moans and wet sounds.
"No one could fuck me as good as you Leon, feel s'good. Making me feel so gooomph" you choke out a sob as he picks up the pace even more.
"Clit.. Leon please" you manage to squeak out while he pounds into you. He brings a hand down to rub small circles on you, you're so close to breaking. This man knew how to press all of your buttons just right, you knew it was just sex talk but maybe he was onto something.. maybe he was made for you.
You could feel yourself reaching your high, you felt the pressure building in your abdomen as you tried not to clench around Leon but you couldn't help it. He let out a moan when you did, bringing you even closer to the ledge. "its okay baby.. just come for me, c'mon sweetheart"
He starts fucking you at an even more relentless pace, and with a scream you finish around him, walls of your cunt fluttering around his still moving cock. You can only whimper and say his name as he continues his assault on your pussy, chasing his own release.
He starts to pepper kisses onto your neck as he starts to quicken his pace "can I cum inside?, please baby. Need to, been thinking about filling this little pussy up since we met"
You let out a whine and nod your head, as he starts to whimper himself in your ear.
"So good, so good for me, gonna breed you. And you're gonna love it aren't you? Yeah you are, little fucking slut."
Biting down on your shoulder and he starts to spurt inside of you, seed filling you up to the brim as he thrusts a few more times, riding out his orgasm as he kisses around the bite mark he left on your neck. His trusts slow down and his hips eventually still inside of you.
He looks up from your neck at your face in a haze before pecking you on the lips. "Wanna be the only person who gets to fuck you, and kiss you and hold you like this. Let me take you out on a date okay? Be your little boyfriend"
You smile at him and wrap your arms around his neck and roll over so now you're on top of him "yeah.. I think id like that Leon"
You kiss him on the lips again, this one much more gentle and soft than the hungry kisses you two shared earlier. You lift your hips off of him, pulling his dick out of you with a wince. He watches in awe as his cum drips out of you onto his torso.
"I'm never letting you go now"
This took so fucking long to write and its pretty proofread but if there are any mistakes just tell me. Proud of this!!!!
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princessmaybank · 4 months
Not A Quitter
Pairings: stepbro!JJ x stepsis!reader
Warnings: MDNI, unsolicited dick pic, stepcest, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (both receive), slight dark JJ at the end, etc.
Summary: stepbro JJ accidentally sends you a dick pic meant for someone else
Authors Note: Hi! Another Random Dick Pic! Please don't click unless you are 18+!!! Proceed at your own risk! Unedited, sorry if it's terrible, this was a quick finish up from my drafts.
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You were just trying to study in your room peacefully. The lyrics to 18 by One Direction filled your ears as you were writing down notes for your exam in history class tomorrow.
As your favorite part was coming up, you paused so you could sing along to it. You were waiting to hear Niall's 'we took a chonce' but it never came. A notification had interrupted it. You received a snap from your step-brother JJ. He probably wanted to know what you were going to make for dinner since your mom and his dad were out.
You clicked on the picture not expecting what you saw next.
(Authors Note: MDNI!!! This is a RANDOM dick pic I found online. Please proceed at your own risk.)
"Whatcha doin tonight baby?"
I knew it was meant for someone else but he really turned me on. I figured he didn't even notice yet. This was probably so bad of me but it felt really good to do this.
I took my top off and snapped him back with a picture of my tits. Next thing I know I hear a few slams and what I assume is JJ running to my room. "What the fuck??" He said exploding into my room like I did something wrong. I was still sitting topless at my desk. "Why did you send me a picture of your tits??" He questioned but it looked like he was starting to blush. "Why did you send me a picture of your dick??" I yelled back at him. His face went pale. "What do you mean?!" JJ seemed very anxious at this point. "You sent me a picture of your big cock and asked what I was doing." I gave him doe eyes after my statement, but I could tell he couldn't keep his eyes on anything but my 38DD's.
"I-I didn't mean to send that to you I'm sorry." JJ looked softly at me bending down to his knees when he realized I was a little upset. "I'm not saying I didn't enjoy what I saw, or what I'm still seeing, it was just, my picture was meant to go to Kiara." I still hung my head low. "Hey you're gorgeous, and I love your tits, they are so perky and fucking perfect." He said reaching out his hands to touch them and I let him. "So...fucking...perfect." I looked into his eyes. I could tell something was bugging him.
"What's wrong?" I begged, wanting to know what was clouding that beautiful head of his. "I just- I'm getting nowhere with Kie and I still sent that shit anyway, knowing I'd be alone in my room, playing with myself." He tried to look down but I wouldn't let him. I tilted his head back up with my pointer finger. "I can help you Jayj." I say almost too fast. "But wouldn't that be wrong? We are step siblings now." He had a point but so did I. "True, but we aren't blood related, and you break the rules 24/7. Plus are you really going to turn down getting your dick sucked, and possibly more?" His eyes widened as I continued my statement. "And, you just fondled my tits, I think it's a little too late to worry about being step siblings." I let out a small chuckle.
He let an awkward pause sit between my last speech and what he did next. JJ put his hands on both sides of my face pulling me into the deepest kiss I've ever had. His lips never left mine as he started pulling my shorts and panties off. Before I could say anything his hand snaked between my legs and his fingers started toying with my clit. He pulled our lips apart and rested his forehead on mine while I moaned for him.
"You're already so wet for me baby." My eyes were closed but I could see his dumbass smirk in my head. He slipped his finger between my folds, but never went further. This bitch was teasing me. My eyes were pinched shut, hoping for more contact. Next thing I know, I feel his warm, wet tongue slowly lap at my clit. I couldn't help but lightly hump his tongue. "More...Jayj-" I moaned out. He reached up and grabbed my right boob which caused me to look down at him. I was greeted with the darkest, sexiest, hungriest, pair of eyes I have ever seen, and they were between my thighs. Without taking his eyes off mine he licked my clit back and forth painfully slowly. I went to shut my eyes again when I felt a sting on my pussy, he had just slapped it which of course got my attention. "Eyes on me princess." That was almost enough to send me over the edge. He went back to my clit, sucking on it this time and actually inserting a finger. I was a moaning mess for him. He loved every minute of it. He also loved hearing his name or his nickname slip from my lips. "Jayj- I'm-Im close."
I shouldn't have said a word. He stopped everything he was doing immediately after I said that. I frowned and whined at the lack of contact.
Without saying anything he got up and tossed me over his shoulder, taking me to my bed and playfully throwing me onto it. Before he got on the bed with me he undressed himself which was very pleasant to watch. I know I just saw his dick over Snapchat, but damn it was even better in person. He was on his knees on the bed in front of me. His hand found the back of my head and lightly nudged me forward. "Come here princess, help me out a little."
My lips met his tip, giving a few small pecks before slowly taking him in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around which resulted in JJ throwing his head back. He gripped my hair and began pushing down so I would go up and down.
(A/N: A little background information, if you wanna skip go to the next A/N.)
I did whatever this man wanted me to do. I had always liked JJ, even before our parents met. We were actually the reason they met. JJ and I have been best friends since middle school and with all the trouble we used to get into, our parents met several times. We grew a bit apart because of them deciding to marry each other. JJ and I had a weird..thing going on before our parents became a couple. Sometimes when we were curious we would go to each other and see what would happen. Nothing ever really came from it other than lots of kissing and sometimes some heavy petting. We called all of that off two years ago though. When he had come to the conclusion that he couldn't have me anymore, he ran to Kiara, and she was ready for that immediately. Everything was going great for them I guess, other than now, she's not even really responding to his messages.
(A/N: End of Information.)
When he was near his breaking point, I released my mouth and laid on my back. He crawled on top of me, starting a little make out session. I couldn't help my hand from finding his cock and rubbing him as we kissed. "Here baby, let's get you in a nice position." He flipped me over into doggystyle. This man was not wasting time anymore. He stuck his cock inside me as soon as I flipped over. We gasped in unison as he slipped himself into my tight pussy. "Are you trying to make me bust right now?" He let out a little chuckle which made my response a giggle. "Didn't take you for a one minute quitter Maybank." I had to tease him, I knew it would stir him up and in turn I would get dicked down harder.
And I did.
Without saying a word he began pulling my hips back to meet his. He was defending his honor, no one insulted him in such a way. He grabbed my hair and tied it around his hand, pulling me back far enough to feel some strain. He pounded harder making sure I would remember every detail from this moment. I couldn't stop my moan from exploding out of my mouth. "What was that baby? Is this too much for you? You wanna quit, slut?" I knew what he was fucking doing. He's not slick, I mean he is but not like that. "I'm not a quitter, unlike you." This riled him up even more. He went harder, spanking me until my ass was nearly bleeding. My vision was foggy and I knew nothing but pleasure. He only went harder and faster with every thrust. "Fuck I'm g-gonna cum." I barely got out. Before he could even react, I came all over his dick. Damn it. He didn't finish yet. I was tossed onto my back, into missionary, without his dick ever exiting me.
I felt a hot sting on my cheek. "Did I say you could cum, slut?!" It was almost difficult to take JJ so seriously while calling me that. He continued fucking my tight hole, I was already very sensitive so tears began to prick at my eyes. "N-no.." He lightly tapped my sensitive nub, repeatedly. "Then why did you?" JJ asked with a stern voice, keeping his quick pace. "I don't know, I'm sorry." "You're gonna be sorry slut, cause we aren't done yet." His thrusts were getting sloppy so I knew he was close. Eventually he came inside me, making sure he shoved all the cum that slipped out, right back in.
I started breathing and getting comfortable in bed. "What do you think you're doing princess?" He asked with that same harsh tone. "Getting ready for bed." I was a little confused. "I said, we. aren't. done. yet." He settled behind me reaching his arms out in front of me. "But you-u" "Oh, are you quitting?" He smirked. This bitch. "Game on." We went all night long. Needless to say, I think we are both very competitive.
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hellfiremunsonn · 11 months
Behave. Joseph Quinn x Reader
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Summary: bratting at your dom boyfriend at a public event... How do you think that’s going to end?
Warnings: fem!reader, sub/brat!reader, dom!Joseph, dom and sub relationship, established relationship, swearing, dirty talk I guess? suggestive. (IF THERES ANYTHING I MISSED LET ME KNOW)
AN: thank u to @eddieschains for reading this through for me to make sure it wasn’t booty (ily and am kissing u on the mouth)
Wordcount: 1k
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It's a fancy dinner party neither of you wanted to be at. Last minute, outside on a lovely patio and all though the view was beautiful you couldn't help but groan at the heat and humidity that clung to your skin, but Joseph promised he'd be there and he absolutely was not going to go without you. With his abrupt rise in the industry you'd gotten used to the events, and appearances, but you were still human, and sometimes you had to be a brat to get the attention you wanted from your boyfriend.
Joe loved it just as much as it drove him up the wall, but he'd never want anyone else. He loved seeing you go from that ridged and wound up bratty little shit to his soft, and pliable good girl who'd sit at his feet if he asked.
"Do we have to stay long?" You ask, not even ten minutes after arriving.
"Not too late, just a couple hours" he said while leading you to one of the small tables where Wes had waved him over.
You groan and roll your eyes, leaning into Joesphs hand on the small of your back, letting him basically push you forward to keep walking.
"Don't start with the attitude my love, I thought you were gunna be good for me tonight huh?" he said quietly as you approached the table. His side glance to you made your stomach flip, you did tell him you were going to be good... But you never said for how long.
You were good for most of the party, but after a few fruity cocktails you started to get a bit more bold, and a lot more whiney. After a fourth trip to the bar you returned to Josephs side, his arm instantly coming to wrap around your waist, pulling you into him.
"Where'd you run off to pretty girl?" he said into the skin of your temple, placing a small kiss there. You hummed, leaning up to give him a lazy smile, the alcohol making you feel warm and fuzzy, light with electricity.
Instead of verbally answering him you just hold up your cup to him with a smile, before setting it down onto the table. Except you didn't set it down, you placed it just on the edge, not enough to keep it balanced and it fell onto the floor with a splash and a crash. You flinch at the noise, along with the people around you, who look you up and down and then at who you're with before returning to their own conversations.
You pout looking down at your feet and huff your strappy heels no longer a good idea as the beverage now coats your feet. "My feet are going to get all sticky" You look up to see Joseph staring at you, the vein in his neck is bulging and you know you've started to get on his nerves. You felt a slight sense of accomplishment because thats exactly what you wanted but not how you wanted to get it.
"M'sorry Joe, I'll go fine someone to clean it up" you said turning to go find the first serve you could find, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Don't" he said with a firm grip on your arm while he pulled you back to him.
You furrowed your brows. "there's glass everywhere Joey someone could get hurt-"
"Should have thought about that before you decided to drink too much, breaking a rule like that when you told me you'd be good?" he tuts staring down at you.
It wasn't a hard rule, but a rule nonetheless. To not over drink, in fear of doing anything to jeopardizes your career, let alone Josephs. You didn't want some tabloid spewing lies about you or Joseph all because you drank a little too much.
"Joseph I'm fine" You roll your eyes. "I misjudged the distance of the table and I dropped the cup, I'm sorry, now let go of me so I can find a server"
"Behave" he warned again, letting you go.
"Yeah, yeah I heard you the first time" You rolled your eyes again before searching to find someone to take care of the glass. You heard Wes come back to the table and snicker at your response while you walked away.
Instead of returning to Joseph right away like you knew you should have, you went out front of the fancy venue, opting for a calm moment away from the party to have a smoke. You pulled out the packet of cigarettes from your small red purse, holding it between your lips before lighting it with the engraved metal lighter Joseph had gifted to you. You smiled fondly looking down at it in the palm of your hand, swiping your thumb across the embedded words.
"You supposed to wander off on your own?" Josephs voice was low in your ear making you jump and sputter on the smoke in your lungs. You go to turn but he holds you too him tightly by your hips, keeping your back to to his chest.
"Don't sneak up on me like that!" you exclaimed, attempting to bring your cigarette back to your mouth when Josephs quick hand snatched it out of yours and into his own. Placing it between his lips and inhaling deeply, cheeks hollowing and his stomach concaving, instantly making you miss its warmth against your back.
"If you didn't keep on breaking my rules maybe I wouldn't have to" He exhaled, dropping the cigarette onto the ground next to you and crushing it under his shoe.
"I've not broken a single rule tonight and you know it" you said squirming slightly.
"No? Not a single rule?" He laughed, but it was humourless. "How many times have you rolled your eyes at me tonight hm? How many times did you talk back? How many drinks did we agree on you having?"
"Shit" you muttered. You really didn't think you had broken that many rules tonight, maybe a little bit excessive on the eye rolls, but you were needy and he couldn't give you the attention you wanted.
"I should bring you back in there, bend you over the nearest table and spank you in front of all those people" His hands slide up and down the sides of your body, causing goosebumps to cascade across every inch of your skin. "Show everyone how much of a bad girl you are, and how good you get for me" he snickered.
"Bet you'd like that though wouldn't you? Having everyone see who you belong to, who you let control you like this?"
You shuddered when his hand reached your jaw, tilting it sideways to catch a glimpse at your glassy eyes, just how he knew they'd be.
"You want your punishment here or do you want to wait till we're home?" he asked softly. As mean as he could be when you wanted him to it never stopped him from checking in.
"H-home please, wanna be good for you, only you, no one else, they don't get to see me like that, only you. Please?" You were begging, begging for a punishment in your shared home. Begging to prove to him that you were still his good girl, because that's all you wanted to be.
"Please can we go home now daddy?"
When your voice wobbled all soft and sickly sweet, he grabbed your hand and lead you to the car that was already waiting for you out front.
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they-call-me-emmy · 6 months
The Past is The Past 3
Part 1 and 2 on my account <3
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tara was faced with her 3 ghostface, and this time got so seriously injured she was in a coma. When she wakes up, she has no memory of the past 3 years...including you, her girlfriend.
Notes: Imagine this as our gals scream 7...since Jenna apparently quit and left me fucking DYING
Warnings: Uh, injury, violence, blood, our boy ghostyface with knives. Coma and memory loss if thats even a warning. Swearing. Uhm. Shitty 7th grade writing.
Tara pushed the food around her plate using her fork. She'd barely eaten a bite all dinner, busy glaring at Sam and avoiding any sort of eye contact with Y/N.
"So." Sam began, putting a hand to her mouth and pausing, to finish chewing. "Y/N. How's life been treating you? I haven't seen you around in a while."
There was a second of silence as Y/N finished her food.
"Fine." She stated, setting her fork down on her napkin. "Work's been rough, but nothing besides that."
Sam nodded. "You work at that bookstore, right? The one with the bunny in the window? I drive by it on my way to the grocery store."
Tara had no idea what they were talking about. She hadn't gone shopping since she'd come home. What bookstore? What bunny? It was like listening to people speaking nonsense.
"Yeah. That's the one. Shifts have been longer recently, we're low on staff."
Sam nodded, continuing to eat. Y/N cleared her throat.
"Tara," Tara startled from her daze at the sound of her name, in Y/N's voice no less. "Sam's been telling me your getting back into horror? Is that true?"
Tara glared at Sam.
"I've always been into horror."
Y/N nodded, pursing her lips, sensing the tension in the room. The need to just...not talk.
"I was-" Y/N cleared her throat and took a sip of water. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch some of your favorites...y'know, the few we watched in the last year you really enjoyed? I wouldn't mind re-watching them with you."
Tara couldn't help but feel weird. She's watched movies with this girl. She'd watched horror movies. She'd watched horror movies and enjoyed them. With this girl? This girl she hardly knew now?
Y/N nodded.
"I've been busy lately." Tara pushed a cooked carrot into her napkin. She didn't like those.
Sam rolled her eyes. "Tara, you've been sitting on your ass for the past week-"
Tara suddenly stood up. "I'm finished. I'm going to go wash the dishes." She took Sam and Y/N's plates and left without another word.
Tara knew they'd talk the moment she left. She hovered at the door, running the sink in the background so they'd think she was cleaning. Maybe they'd mention the big thing tonight. Maybe they'd say something that would finally help her understand her past.
"I'm sorry she's being an ass." Sam's voice was muffled through the kitchen door.
"It's fine. I wasn't expecting a heartwarming welcome. I mean, come on, I'm practically a stranger to her. And it's hard on her too, Sam. Remember she's struggling too."
Tara would have felt mad if anyone else had said this, as if they pitied her and felt sorry for her state of mind. But hearing those words, those words in Y/N's sweet voice...felt like reassurance that someone understand how she'd been struggling.
"I know...I'm trying to get her to...connect. Y'know? Re-enforce those bonds...god, you two were like peas in a pod. I can't imagine how long it'll take for that to be back, especially with her new...attitude." Sam sounded empathetic, but there was still a twinge of annoyance in her voice.
"I'm not expecting it to just click again...but I can wait. I'm assuming you haven't told her?" Y/N asked.
Tara could feel her heart beat a little faster. Was this it? Was she about to learn what this secret was that everyone seemed so desperate to avoid?
"No. I don't feel like it's the right time. I mean, you see the way she is. Putting that much more pressure on her is bound to do no good."
"You have to tell her at some point." Y/N said. "You and her would both prefer you telling her rather then her randomly learning one day, or even worse, getting a flash of memory from it. The doctor did say those happen, especially with traumatic experiences, at least in her case."
"I don't feel like now is the right time."
"Soon, Sam. Please. The girl deserves to know. This is important."
I'm a slut for comments people.
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talkbycolor · 6 months
let me hold your hand forever.
A/N; i almost threw up writing this because its not the usual "omg i love this cute yandere boy, so silly!" shit i do
Pairing; "Rendacted" x GN!reader
CW; Ren/[REDACTED] having unhealthy, obsessive and possesive behavior, wow, who would have told / TW; mutilations, romanticizing mutilation by Ren side but MC is really terrified / this is an AU where MC rejected Ren's advances and he lost his infinite patience / character with extremely questionable ethics / wow another nsfw in this blog? / you’re lucky this isn’t visual / i know in canon Rendacted would never hurt MC BUT HEY god gave me the ability to write and im making that everyone else's problem / surreal strength for the sake of the plot, IMPORTANT POINT
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It was quite comfortable, having a friend like Ren could even be strange, he looked like cotton candy and it was very nice to spend time together. But then again, you were just friends, it was a little strange that he mentioned being in a relationship with you.
But things have taken a bit of a drastic turn, Ren has spent his days trying to hang out with you, having lunch together, spending nights watching anime and horror movies, that would be nice if it didn't feel so overwhelming.
So it's time to confront him.
"Ren, hey, I know you like me a lot but we can't go out every day, I'm not always up for that so… I'll let you know when we can go out, okay?"
And there was only silence from the pink-haired boy, he seemed to be trying to smile unsuccessfully, just looking at you.
"Of course, angel, don't forget to call me!" He spoke nervously trying to hold back the storm in his throat.
Just when you were about to leave a hand grabbed your forearm, Ren was still looking at you with a smile, a sad smile.
"You're going to call me, right?" He asks, his eyes widening in desperation, Ren didn't want to lose you, he couldn't stand it, not again, what if you're thinking about slowly walking away?
"Sure, later" was the only thing you mentioned before pulling your arm to leave, it's not like you had an avoidant attachment pfff!
The days passed and life could be considered calm, you went out with your friends, you greeted your strange neighbor who loved to walk to her floors, work was not unpleasant and you even bought yourself a small dessert for dinner tonight.
You and Moth talked late into the night about the new episodes and since Haruko was so adorable, life felt peaceful once again. It's not that Ren was a problem, he was attractive and if you had enough self-esteem you would think you had a chance with him but…
I suppose not.
Speaking of Ren, what is he doing now? Visiting him would be a good idea, it's been days since they last spoke.
Once morning arrived you headed towards his large apartment and knocked on the door, not long after it was opened by Ren, who looked just like an abandoned puppy, you could almost see his eyes shine and his breath was lost just by seeing you in front of him. him.
"Angel, you're here! oh god, I-I'm so sorry for the mess, I didn't expect you to come… to my apartment…" It sounded a little strange, but it was just Ren being shy.
"Yeah uh… I'm sorry, are you busy? I can go, yes, maybe I should have let you know I was coming."
"No! NO! it's okay, you just surprised me, do you want a drink? I have your fav-… many options! I have many drink options" He corrected himself immediately with a smile, his face was almost the color of his hair and I was dying to say that I miss you so much.
"Or we can go out, do you want to visit the new cafe? Maybe we can-…"
“No” You interrupted, it sounded a little rude so you cleared your throat. "Now I'm not sure, I was just passing by to say hello, plus I don't have money to buy something…"
"I can buy it for you," he said almost immediately, his eyes fixed on you, almost sweating from having you close.
"That's very generous, Ren, but…"
"Please! It's your day off, right? We could go out and…"
"Ren, I'm not-…"
"Please, angel!" He begged, his hand had climbed to your arm and you didn't even notice, he was now gently squeezing your shoulder, wanting closeness, wanting to date, wanting you and you kept pushing him away.
The atmosphere was a little awkward now, you didn't know whether to be flattered that he thought you were interesting enough for Ren to want to spend time with you or scared by how desperate he looked about it.
"No thanks, I think I better go back to my apartment" You mentioned as you pushed his hand from your arm, you didn't even have time to turn to the door when Ren grabbed your arm tightly, a painful grip.
"Can we be together, please? I-I'll make you feel special, I want you to be okay and I want you to…" his expression seemed so… surprised, to see you, embarrassed to act like that? scared of being abandoned? overstimulated? "all I want is to be with you!"
He almost roared out, his grip on your arm becoming more and more painful, he was pulling you away from the exit door.
"Ren, that hurts! REN! REN!"
"JUST LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND FOREVER!" He begged between screams, only a beeping sound existed in his head as he watched you fall to the ground in a pool of blood.
Now you were on the ground, screaming and crying out loud, it was agony, Ren had hurt you.
For fuck's sake, not only did he hurt you, he tore your fucking arm off and now you were writhing in your blood as you slowly lost consciousness.
Wake up.
Your body was still shaking, you were still terrified, and you had to escape, where was your arm? As soon as you woke up you found a sweaty Ren who was looking at you with a desperate and nervous smile.
It was a deranged look, almost immediately you started crying out of panic, your arm was gone, your arm, he tore it off, you were hyperventilating as you watched his left arm missing.
"REN! REN!!" You were sobbing in despair, the pool of blood was still on the floor, how long were you unconscious? not much because apparently Ren had tried to stop the bleeding and close the wound, seeing bandages full of blood made you vomit immediately, but that didn't stop you from crying in agony.
"Angel, please! s-stop crying, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me! FORGIVE ME, I DIDN'T WANT TO! IT WAS NOT MY INTENTION!" He begged you as he sobbed himself, he had hurt you and that was something he never thought of doing, that he never wanted to do. "l-look, now we are equal, can you forgive me?"
What did he say ..?
Your throat had closed and the screams stopped, that guy was fucking deranged.
He ripped his left arm off of him.
For you.
He came up to hug you, wanting to be comforting, to make you feel accompanied in this, to give you love in such a dark time.
No no no no.
"NO! NO! NOOO! PLEASE, NO!" You screamed in panic as the tears came out, that couldn't be happening, disgust and terror filled your poor mind as you were caressed with so much love, Ren was going to take care of you and promised to never hurt you again.
"We'll be fine angel, just trust me, I'll take care of you." He spoke so lovingly, smiling as he held you, genuinely happy to be so close, to be able to touch you. "Now we match, right?"
He was joking at a moment like that, as if it were nothing, the sobs no longer came out, you could barely breathe while the tears didn't stop and he lulled you into your chest with the help of his only arm.
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cellophaine · 22 days
Sad Girl (Part III)
Read Part I, Part II
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Sappy confession. Happy ending.
Author's Note: I'm alive.
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GIF Credit
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As you joined the street-level crowd from the subway, you pulled your scarf higher as the bitter wind swept over your face. You quickened your pace in the hope of getting out of the cold sooner as if you could catch up with the darkening sky. The interview had taken longer than you anticipated, and you still had to write up the report and have it on your boss' desk by 9 AM the next morning. He had been a thorn in your side, consistently pushing your buttons. He always insisted on having paper copies of every report. "It makes your report more meaningful," he said, "otherwise you're just repeating someone else's words." It took all the professionalism in you not to reach across his cluttered desk and slap him then.
By the time you reached the office, the sky had dulled into a dark grey, and the lamp posts cast their warm glow onto the street. You said goodnight to the exiting coworkers and rushed through the doors to see that Gwen, the receptionist, was leaving, too. She called out to you as you walked past the reception.
"Hey! There's something for you on your desk."
You nodded.
"Thank you."
"Doesn't say who it's from though."
You thought for a moment; a small smile crept onto the corner of your lips.
"I think I might have an idea."
Gwen gave you an understanding look and headed out. You approached your cubby in anticipation and were greeted with a sweet floral smell emanating from the bouquet that sat next to your keyboard. You took it in your hand and marvelled. It was a peculiar combination, one you couldn't really find at flower shops, held together by a simple ribbon of blue cloth. No crinkly wrapping paper. The light shade of blue hyacinth went so well with the bluebells, coupled with orange peonies and a single olive branch, which created a harmony pleasing to the eyes and nose. The piece of paper nestled in the bouquet only indicated your name in a neat font, but other than that, nothing. Still, it brought a smile to your face, a speck of joy on an arduous day. You pulled out your phone and typed out a quick text before sending it off.
Thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful.
You still had a soft smile on your face by the time you got ready to write the report. Your phone vibrated, signaling a text message.
What flowers?
Your brows scrunched together in puzzlement. You took a photo and sent it off. Not a minute later, you got a response.
Wasn't from me.
A slight hollowness carved itself into your throat. You texted back.
Oh. Are you sure?
The response came quickly.
Dead serious. You might have a secret admirer ;)
Never mind then.
You set your phone down only to have the phone vibrate again.
Wannna go out tonight? Me and my buddies are going to this new club on Fifth Ave.
You sighed, dreading the idea of having to stay at work late. But you didn't like the sound of going out either.
I'm alright. Just a little tired tonight. Have fun though!
The read receipt and a heart popped up on your last message. That was it. You turned your phone to silent mode before opening a new document; your recorder and notepad were ready by your side.
By the time your report was put on your boss' desk, it was already 9:30. You exhaled heavily, feeling the weight on your shoulders chip away. You took the flowers with you and nodded to the security guard on your way out. It was late, and you didn't feel like cooking, so you made a detour to the soup and sandwich shop around the corner and placed an order. You sat down on the bench by the window, allowing the gush of heat from the radiator to warm your legs. There was music coming from across the narrow street; its volume changed as people filtered in and out. People were smoking outside, chatting animatedly with one another. It stirred something in you. You worked late on a Thursday night, getting takeout by yourself because you couldn't even fathom the thought of whipping up a simple meal. You opened your last message with Andy, wondering if it was too late to change your mind.
You met Andy through Mindy when her workplace went out for happy hour. It was just shy of two weeks after you cut things off with Matt. He was a nice, easy-going guy who tried to include you in conversations throughout the night. Mindy's forms of suggestion came in the subtle look of her eyes, the slight inclines of her head, and often, a jab of her elbow. It annoyed you how much she tried to look out for you even though you didn't need her help, but at the end of the night, the triumphant was hers. Andy asked for your number, and you agreed out of an obligation you felt for Mindy's relentless effort for you to move on. It had been two months since the first date, with many dates between then and now, and all you could say about it could be summed up in one word: fine. You didn't feel a spark. Andy could be charming at times, funny, and generous. You liked him, but your heart didn't beat wildly for him. He wasn't anything like Matt. Andy was the one you should want.
So why did you still feel a sense of hesitation?
You looked at the bouquet, your curiosity piqued. Taking out your phone, you typed in the flower combination laid on the narrow counter. Scrolling through the array of articles, you noticed the keywords they shared in common.
Apology. Ask for forgiveness. Wrongdoings.
You read and read, and the realization seeped in. The clarification didn't give you any relief, only mild irritation. Matt fucking Murdock. Who gave him the right to remind you of his presence when it still lingered around? It was an undeniable indication of how much you were still so helplessly captivated by your history with him, thinking about him like he was an old wound that ached every now and then to remind you that you had always had it and that you could never be rid of it. Memories of Matt, just like the pain, were a part of you now, and you couldn't bury them or try to forget them. You had to live with them, and hopefully, when it was finally enough time had passed, you could look back at the memories with fondness, a sweet bitterness over someone you couldn't have, but you had long accepted the fact.
For the moment, the fondness was replaced by irritation. With dinner in your hand, you walked out of the door, leaving the bouquet in the trash can of the quaint restaurant.
Over the next six months, so much changed, but the one constant thing that did not was Matt's attempts to reach you and still give you the distance you needed. Once a week, on the same day, a bouquet of flowers was delivered to your desk. They never included the sender, only the recipient, and always had the same connotation.
I'm sorry.
You had to admit it was sweet. It also earned you looks of admiration and teasing from your coworkers, who were cooing over the fact that your boyfriend was such a sweetheart. For the few times someone mentioned it, you had to clarify. Andy wasn't your boyfriend anymore, and he hadn't been for the last two months.
When you broke up with Andy, it came as a surprise to him. He thought everything was going well, but your perception of the relationship was the opposite. You weren't into him; you were into the idea of having him as a placeholder for Matt. It was the cruel truth. Being with Andy didn't make you happy, and you doubted it would be any different if you were with someone else. You wanted more. You wanted the thing that you couldn't have with Matt, and at this point, you had settled for the fact that it would never be yours. But for now, you were okay with being by yourself. You wanted to be alone in your own existence and accepted the fact that when the right time came, it would come with the right person. For the first time in a long time, you felt the burden that clouded your head fall away like a crumbling infrastructure.
You quit your job despite your boss's pathetic attempts to stop you from leaving, promising you a promotion that would make you his right-hand woman. It was more work for just a little more money, and it wasn't worth it. To your luck, shortly after leaving the newspaper, you got hired as a junior staff writer for an independent publishing house. You still got to enjoy parts of the work you liked before, with better pay and a more relaxed schedule. You had more time to enjoy what you couldn't before.
Gwen still kept in touch with you, telling you about the bouquet of flowers showing up a few days after you left. And then, after that week, none at all. You figured Matt had a way of finding out about your new workplace since, shortly after the change, new bouquets were delivered to your desk promptly as if nothing had changed only except for the fact that you stopped throwing them away. You had started to enjoy them. Who knew there were so many ways to apologize to someone with flowers?
You thought you would cross paths with him eventually, but you didn't know it would be a peculiar chance encounter like this.
The gloomy sky haunted the skyline of New York City all day, teasing with little drops here and there. The air was heavy, as if it was holding itself in anticipation of a great storm. You prayed it wouldn't rain before you got home, but as you were halfway there, the sky parted, and the downpour was vicious. You couldn't see too far in front of you, and out of desperation, you ran up the stairs of the nearest shelter. You stood awkwardly on the small porch of the building as heavy droplets railed on the pavement in a frantic rhythm. You leaned a shoulder on the wall, exhausted and drenched, looking helplessly out into the downpour that showed no sign of stopping soon. Water dripped from your lashes, and with each blink, you saw a moving silhouette formed in the misty veil. Your heart beat faster and faster as the silhouette approached until he became someone you knew too well. Emerged from the rain was Matt, his breathing heavy, but you doubted it was from running from the rain, for his footsteps slowed, hesitant as he sensed that the porch he was approaching wasn't vacant. And the space was occupied by none other than the woman that haunted his fitful sleep and waking daydreams.
For a long moment, you could only stare. The water clung to him like how every piece of your existence that used to long for his approval and touch did. And Matt seemed to do the same thing. You couldn't bring yourself to break the silence. Your eyes were wide open as if you were afraid his presence was only something your mind made up. That he wasn't real. And just like that, you were starstruck again. Just like the first time you saw him after you realized that you loved him. In the gradual slip of the initial shock, you took in the newness in his familiar appearance. His hair was a little longer than when you saw him last, prompting the little curls at the nape of his neck. His dripping briefcase did its best to shield his face from the rain, but you could see the strays followed the slopes and rises of his handsome features. His lips parted, pulling in a deep, slow inhale. He looked like a man who was in disbelief, and truth be told, you felt the same way. Only now did you realize how much you'd missed him.
"What are you doing here?"
You croaked and cleared your throat when you realized your voice was barely a notch above a whisper. Matt shook himself out of the trance, clearing his throat.
"This is, uhm– my office."
In a fit of panic, you didn't realize that it was the Nelson, Murdock and Page office. What kind of cruelty had fate forced upon you? You sighed, an apology on your lips as you put your bag above your head.
"I'm so sorry, I will go–"
Before you could launch yourself into the pouring rain, Matt stopped you with a hand on your elbow.
"No, please. Stay."
And because he knew you so well, he could sense your hesitation.
"You can get warm upstairs and wait until it's better out there."
You watched the way the tips of his ears had turned into a darker shade of pink. This anticipation reminded you of the time when, with just a look, you knew you had fallen for him. You swallowed and managed to croak a soft "okay." Matt nodded, a little breathless himself, as if he was relieved that you agreed to stay. He pulled out the key and unlocked the door before holding it open for you to step inside. You walked the stairs, remembering the last time you were here. Your heart was in fragments, barely held together by your nerves, by the time you reached the final steps.
You roamed your eyes around the office as Matt turned on the old heater along the wall. It looked about the same, but now there was a monstera adding a touch of green to the space. You shrugged off your damp coat, and Matt took it out of your hands. The gesture felt so natural, you thought to yourself as you watched him hang the coat next to his by the door. He had stripped down to a simple white dress shirt and black slack, and you averted your eyes at the sight of his torso visible under the wet shirt as if you hadn't seen him naked before. He threw his tie on the desk and came out of his office with a throw blanket. He held it out until you took it. It looked handmade and felt soft to the touch. Matt pulled a chair out for you in front of the heater. You thanked him and put your bag by your feet after taking the seat. A brief moment of silence followed, and Matt immediately assumed his position as the gracious host.
"Do you want some tea? We have the kind that … that you like."
A shiver ran through you. A cup of tea didn't sound too bad.
"Please. If you don't mind."
He waved his hand dismissively and walked towards the kitchen. You listened to the sound of him rummaging around in the small room. Feeling awkward just sitting there and not being useful, you called out.
"Do you need some help?"
"I got it. You stay warm."
You settled against the chair, wrapping yourself in the blanket. Feeling the gentle and warm brush of the radiator on your legs, you shivered slightly. Your heart was hammering in your chest, and you tried to calm yourself down by focusing on the monstera leaves instead of the presence of the man who once broke your heart.
Matt came back to the room with a steaming mug, and you took it gratefully. It looked like he didn't make any for himself. You took a sip, allowing the tea to burn your tongue.
"How have you been?"
His question knocked at the mutual understanding of your situation. You weren't exactly friends, and you were long past the point of lovers. But it didn't have to be awkward. With so much history between you, all the memories twisted and turned and took off, swirling furiously like the storm outside. But there was a blessing in it. The storm was out of your reach, and right here, right now, you were safe. The person who lapped up crumbs of attention from the man who never explicitly gave them was a part of you. But not anymore. You could start fresh.
"I'm fine. I figured you knew about my new job?"
Matt dipped his head sheepishly as if to hide his expression of being caught.
"I did. Are you enjoying it?"
"I am. It's a lot less stressful when I don't have to answer my boss' unreasonable demands. I get more freedom in what I do. The pay is much better, too."
A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"I'm glad. It seemed like you had a bad time at the newspaper."
"Yeah, I did."
You nodded, feeling a brief wash of melancholy at the mention of your old job.
"I know the flowers come from you."
There was no point in avoiding the subject. Your heart was on the verge of exploding, but you had to. You both knew it was coming.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for overstepping. Just say the word, and I'll stop any kind of contact with you."
When you didn't respond, he continued with his face angled towards you. The window behind him cast sharp shadows on his face, and from this point of view, you could see the agony on his face.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just … I had to try to show how sorry I was. How sorry I still am."
"I know."
You sighed.
"As much as I would like to blame it all on you, it was on me as well."
At that, Matt sat up straighter and protested.
"That's not true–"
Your hand sprung out to hold his hand, keeping him there. Matt stilled as if your touch had paralyzed him.
"Please, listen to me."
You went on despite the slight shake in your voice.
"I let my expectations run wild even though we were clear from the start. It was a mutual benefit arrangement."
His other hand came to rest on top of yours. Warmth seeped from the palms of his hands, and you wished you were enveloped in his embrace instead.
"I stepped over the line myself. I wanted to show you how much you mean to me. I gave you mixed signals and lied to you about my own feelings."
You inhaled deeply. 
"What feelings?"
"I really thought it was better to keep you at arm's length and not let myself … feel things for you, but I did anyway. I should have been honest with you. But I thought I wasn't deserving of someone like you."
Your heart rattled in the cage that was your chest.
"What are you saying, Matt?"
A sorrowful relief caressed his face.
"I love you. I regret not saying that to you every day we were apart."
You felt as if all the air was pulled out of your lungs.
"Don't lie to me, please. I don't want you to just– just say what I want to hear. I'd rather never have you than to have you unwillingly."
Matt placed your hand on his heart, letting you feel the rhythm underneath your palm. Erratic, wild and uncontrollable, just like yours.
"I only want you. I think about you all the time. I'm miserable when you're not around."
"I don't know what to say …"
He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it with a tenderness you had missed dearly.
"That's okay. Take your time. I'll wait for you as long as you need."
He paused briefly, then continued as if it took great strength for him to utter the words.
"Even if you no longer feel the same, it's okay, too."
You couldn't conceal the wide smile in your voice.
"I mean, telling a girl that you love her before going on a first date with her? Mindy wouldn't like that."
Matt chuckled, the sound warm like the honey he put in your tea.
"Was Mindy the one …?"
"Yup. She doesn't like you at all."
"I deserve that."
You caressed his face, feeling the stubble along his jawline. There was a feeling you thought you would never get again, but now, you were basking in its glow.
"Can we … can we take it slow?"
His lips found the palm of your hand, kissing it tenderly.
"Of course. Anything you want."
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Man of My Dreams
(Alfie Solomons x female reader)
Summary: Y/N is one of the newest secretaries at the Shelby Company and she's always eager to make her bosses proud. But one night, when Tommy give her the order to watch one of his business partners.... maybe she took the order "by any way you can" a bit to literally....
A/N: Hi y'all! There's nothing graphic, but this fic does contain a short mention of forced prostitution by some aweful bosses over their secretaries, but nothing happens here. And aside from usual Peaky Language and sexual innuendos I don't think there are any other TW's for this story! I was gonna post this later but I'm pretty please with how it turned out so here it is now 😂 I just wanted to write a nervous reader meeting cheeky Alfie! Enjoy!❤️
WC- 3.2k
Main Masterlist
"WAIT! Don't go! You can't!"
"And why is that Treacle?"
".....because I love you?"
(A little while earlier)
Mr. Shelby had given you one job. Only one job left today and he said it was vey important that you complete it at all costs and by any means necessary. If you failed there maybe be a lot of trouble and not just for you. But what was that job?
Keep Alfred Solomons inside the office...
It was after closing time at the betting shop and while almost everyone else had gone home you were still working on a few papers Mr. Shelby wanted done by tomorrow. And while they wouldn't take too long, you were still a newer secretary at the company and rather eager to please your bosses. You were also one of the younger secretaries and this was one of your first jobs that consisted of more than stocking shelves or sweet talking rude customers in the bakery. And while everything had gone smoothly so far, you still found yourself accepting the extra work from time to time in order to get in your boss's good graces. He still paid for the time of course, very well actually. But as you'd learn today, late office hours often came with unexpected surprises too. 
One of these began when Mr. Shelby suddenly walked through the main floor towards his office. Only he wasn't alone. Walking a few paces behind him was another man. You'd recognized him as Alfie Solomons, an imposing man who owned the "Bakery" that Arthur Shelby was always grumbling about. You hadn't actually spoken to him or even met him yet. The most you'd gotten was rumors from the other women in the shop about all the terrible things he'd done. Even worse than some of the rumours about your boss. But tonight it appeared that would change. You didn't miss the quick glance made towards you by the Camden Town man when Mr. Shelby passed your desk with a quick acknowledgment, before heading straight to his office.
Only six minutes into the important meeting, Mr. Shelby had been called to the Garrison to deal with a fight started by his brothers. He had been annoyed to no end at having to fix yet another one of his brothers' impulsive decisions, but seeing as Polly was helping Esme with her new baby, he was the only one left to go. Well, the only one Arthur and John would listen to if they were half as drunk as Finn said. And Finn himself was also being dragged back to the bar by Tommy to help control his brothers too, so he couldn't watch the other gangster either. Even if he lacked his brother's stomachs for fighting, Finn still had almost a head over each of them and could hold them back well enough if needed. 
So Tommy brought him along too, leaving you behind with the order to keep the other gangster company until he returned. It didn't matter that Alfie had already agreed to waiting until Tommy came back. Or in his words "graciously relented more of his precious time" in the name of "proof of his good will." Tommy still didn't want him snooping around the office while he was gone. So he'd given you strict instructions to keep the gruff man in his office until he got back. You were also to make sure he didn't mess with much in there either. 
You'd never anticipate just how astray that one plan would take you...
"Hi. I'm Y/N, one of the secretaries. I hope you don't mind, Mr. Shelby wanted me to look at his typewriter and clean up the office a bit before I left. One of the keys has been a bit sticky lately. So don't let me both you, and if you need anything let me know and I can get it for you."
You'd figured that had been a pretty decent thing to open with. It was a good excuse for staying in the office, and Tommy had wanted you to fix the key for a while now. But you started to rethink your opener, as all you got in return was a brief nod from Mr. Solomons who continued to read over the paper in his hands. Pursing your lips in a line and feeling slightly awkward now, you just nodded to yourself moving to Mr. Shelby's typewriter. You did get a questioning stare after that when you picked up the device and moved it to the table in the middle of the room. That was the table between Mr. Solomon's desk and the door. It meant you had a better chance of stopping him should he try to bolt. Didn't mean it was a big chance though. No, you didn't doubt this man could easily pin you if he tried, and you hoped in the back of your mind that he really did plan to stay as agreed. And so, glancing at the unchanging position of your charge every few minutes, you set to work on pulling apart the typewriter...
Pure uncomfortable silence had descended upon the small office nearly half an hour after Mr. Shelby left. Well, you found it uncomfortable, but Alfred seemed to have no issue with the quiet that settled over the room. By this point he'd moved from the chair he was originally sitting on to the one behind him, closer to the bookshelf. Which happened to be directly across from your own seat. 
He sat, unbothered, still reading the same contract he had when you came in. He must of gone through it twelve times by now. Occasionally, he'd mumble under his breath, causing your head to shoot up, waiting for something to happen with bated breath. One of these times, to slight humiliation, your head had shot up expecting to see him still looking down at the papers...only to be met with his own piercing eyes. Neither of you spoke at that moment, you just stared eyes wide with surprise while his remained unreadable. The moment was broken by the sound of a siren out of the window causing you to look over. You didn't notice the slight smile the briefly passed the man's face.
It had been fifteen minutes since that moment and you were finally starting to relax, thinking that maybe this really wouldn't be as bad as you thought. Keeping him here didn't seem too bad.
Until, without warning Alfie stood up and quickly walked towards the desk. Thinking he was trying to look at Mr. Shelby's private papers you also shot up. But when he turned back around you saw he was only grabbing a new pen, leaving you standing there... once again staring. He must really be starting to believe you're a creep of some sorts, you thought. Trying to save face you'd headed towards the desk yourself, under the guise of grabbing a piece of paper for the now fixed typewriter. You didn't expect him to, but you were glad the your company didn't point out the stack of paper sitting right next to the machine in the table. And with that, you went back to your seat, trying to calculate how many drinks you'd need after this. 
You couldn't explain it, but for some reason you felt like you were doing this wrong. There was some source of nerves buzzing in the back of your head that just wouldn't settle. You chalked it up to this being the "most important" job you'd been given yet, aside from when Polly had you watch the empty shop for an hour one night after locking up so she could chew one of her nephews out for their latest mess. You had been so nervous about someone trying to break in, you'd almost concussed poor Arthur with his own stapler when he'd come in the back door. The only thing that saved him was the fact he actually fell back on his ass, terrified, because you'd popped out so closely to him. You were also lucky he happened to be sober and registered it was you before fighting back. Neither of you mentioned that night to the others.... and neither of you ever would.
The silence continued for a few endless minutes longer before it was finally broken. Alfie groaned lightly as he got to his feet. Luckily you hadn't stood up this time and were able to slow the rise of your head, looking up at him slightly concerned. Even if you didn't know the man, you'd noticed the slight wince he'd made when he stood up, using the couch arm to stabilise his ascent as he reached for his cane by the table.
"Right. Now that's enough of that poppet. You said if I wanted anything you'd give it to me correct? And now I know what I want so you're gonna help me?"
Eyes wide in shock, both from the fact your burly companion spoke, and of what he spoke, you shot up once again in slight panic. Shit Shit Shit. Not only had his sudden actions threw you off your axis, but now he was also looking at you with a stare that reminded you of how John looked at Esme many times before they'd disappeared to the back rooms for half an hour or so. Esme usually came out looking brilliant as usual, but John wasn't one to hide his messy clothes or the marks on his neck. And now Alfred Solomons seemed to be giving you the same look as his eyes roved your body. He tilted his head and took another step forward, indicating that you still hadn't answered his question.
"I...I did say that yes. What do you need Mr. Solomons?"
"Well let's not dance around anymore. Call me Alfie or Alfred if you'd like treacle. I've seen you starting at me," Alfie moved around the table until he was only a few steps away, "I think you know exactly what I want. I think you know exactly how this is suppose to play out. Your boss leaving you here as 'company' for little ole me? You know what happens now right?"  
The last words were spoken so closely you could feel his breath against your face. Your breath hitched realising what he meant. No. It couldn't be that. You knew Mr. Shelby wanted you to keep his business partner company, but surely he didn't mean that kind of company. Your boss wouldn't do that right? You'd never even met the man before today and he wanted you to....
"Show me where the bathroom is why don't you? I've been needing a piss since the trip up."
Your entire body seemed to relax hearing those words. Yes, Alfred Solomons was a very handsome man, the kind you often fantasised with your friends about meeting one day. But that didn't mean you had any desire to sleep with the man for your boss's benefit. You'd heard about monsters who forced that from their poor secretaries. 'A sweeter part of the business deals' is what some of them wanted. Men like that disgusted you, and you were relieved your boss wasn't that way. If he was though, you believed you'd actually have shot him yourself for such a suggestion. Yes, you had a habit of being quiet and were often anxious about if you were correctly doing your job, but you'd be damned if any man thought he could treat you that way. Your father had taught you how a man should respect a woman and your mother gave you a gun if he didn't. A gun that was currently locked in your nightstand, but nonetheless you figured you'd have time to grab the stapler on Tommy's desk if you needed to. Though now that Solomons had brought it up, the idea wouldn't leave your mind. After all, it was just you and Mr. Solomons in the office. Mr. Shelby wasn't back yet and there was no telling how long he'd be. What if he got to you before you reached the stapler?
"It's alright dove, I'm not gonna hurt ya," Alfie's words broke through your thoughts once again, and you'd nodded this time hearing the truth in his words. He'd noticed you'd relaxed upon his last demand, only to tense up a bit in thought moments later. Based on your quick glance towards the stapler on Tommy's desk, he could tell you were now thinking of another request he'd might have made. One that honestly he wouldn't have minded indulging in he thought, taking another quick look at the woman before him. But he didn't because of the uncertain look in your eye and the scolding voice of his late mother telling him off for what he'd just done. 
He knew it was wrong of him to imply such a thing, especially when he'd only just met you and when you seemed nervous as it was. And for a man who rarely regrets his actions, he did feel a slight hint of guilt for scaring you. His mother would have tore him a whole new asshole if she'd heard him make such a comment, implying what the young woman practically had no choice to do. Given, he certainly had made many comments like those before and they were often eagerly accepted and lead to quite a few passionate nights while Cyril was sent home with Ollie... But that didn't mean now was the time for them. Not when it was late at night alone in Tommy Shelby's office the his secretary he'd met forty five minutes ago. Wouldn't that be a story to hold over the shorter gangster though? The time he bent Tommy's new secretary over the man's own desk in under an hour. Alfie felt the seat of his pants tighten slightly at that idea, but tried to push it off because it still wasn't the time for that. 
"The bathroom is this way."
Your words broke him out of his thoughts and Alfie looked over to see you standing by the office door you'd been guarding so "intensely" the whole time. Like your time in the office, the way to the bathroom was also silent. You walked Alfie all the way up to the door, and he was half surprised you didn't accompany him to actual toilet seat. 
After a few moments standing awkwardly outside the door, feeling like you sister waiting for her five year old son, Alfie finally came out again. He didn't even wait for you as he made his way back through the main floor. But instead of cutting a straight path through the other desks like before, he was weaving his way around and between the tables. Sometimes he'd pause and look at the papers on a seat even though they were likely just blank log pages, everything else having been put away for the night. Then he'd straighten up again and travel a completely different direction than before. And because you wanted to make sure he wouldn't take anything off the other desks, you followed him. 
Up and down and around. If someone were to walk into the company just now, they'd have seen what looked like a two person game of tag....One you seemed to be loosing. Finally he reached the door of Tommy's office again, stopping so suddenly, you almost ran into him. 
"Well that was a rush wasn't it poppet? Had to get me daily exercise in didn't I?"
The intimidation you felt from this man was finally starting to wear off. All of the sudden the mood of environment changed again. Alfie sighed and shrugged his shoulders like he'd made a final decision. 
"Right. That's really enough of that poppet. Seems your Boss is a no show and I'm a busy man," Alfie stated as he gathered up the papers he's been looking at. You froze, watching him stand up and make his way to the door. Shit shit shit. He was joking again right? He was suppose to stay put. But now he's moving towards the door and doing the very thing he wasn't suppose to do. Why was he leaving now? He said he'd stay. Shoot. You wanted to go back to the uncomfortable silence from before.
You looked around the room for a reason to keep him there. But aside from Tommy's stapler, you didn't see any means of holding him back. Besides it wasn't like the stapler would be of much use. Tommy always forgot to refill it when the staples were gone and had a bad habit of stealing yours and never giving it back. Sure, he technically owned every stapler in the building, but you were still very proud of your own little tool. It hardly ever got jammed. But now it was no where in sight and Tommy's stapler was as usual, empty, meaning unless you wanted to beat Alfie over the head with it, you were out of luck. Sure, you could probably toss it at him as a distraction and then roll the desk chair into his bad hip, but that just felt mean. Arthur would absolutely love it and might have given you a raise for doing it even, but there was a larger part of you that spoke against hitting a man in his war wound. That just felt like a special type of cruel. But it meant you were left with no other option but to witness Alfie walk out the door. As you watched, Mr. Shelby's words flew through your head, talking about how important it was for Alfie to stay until he returned and how you need to keep Alfie there at all costs. Suddenly, an idea hit you.
"WAIT! Don't go! You can't!"
"And why is that Treacle?" The words came out absentmindedly, Alfie already focused on what he'd do when he got home.
".....because I love you?"
Alfie's hand was on the door when he froze, hearing your almost desperate plea. Spinning around as much as he could with his hip, he faced you again. Confusion covered his face, quickly replaced by an almost cocky amusement.
"You love me?"
"Yes," you nodded somewhat confidently," I've loved you since the moment I first met you."
Alfie, tilted his head and took a step closer, raising and eyebrow.
"Well poppet, considering moment I met ya was an hour ago, I'd say it's a love that won't take long to get over."
He turned again but this time you shoved yourself infront of the door before he could grab it.
"No it's not!"
"It's not?"
Now Alfie was confused. He'd have remembered meeting a pretty face like yours before, especially it it accompanied your rather memorable personality, you'd shown today. On the other hand, you were cursing yourself out internally, berating yourself for the impulsive lie. Why didn't you just grab the stapler? Scrambling to cover yourself now, you delved deeper into your story.
"It's not. The first time we met was... it was... at.... no by.... It was by..... in .in in.... IN MY DREAMS!! The first time we met was in my dreams and I've been in love with you since then!! Yes that's it!"
You nodded vigorously, smiling, hoping he'd believe you. He didn't obviously, he knew you were still trying to follow your boss's orders.... but damn was this fun to watch. Alfie raised an eyebrow moving a step closer again.
"Are you saying I'm the man of your dreams poppet?"
"Yes! Absolutely. I think about you every night."
"You do?" Alfie was only a step away now. "What exactly about me do you think dove?"
You thought for a moment, scanning his body for things to talk about, not that it would be hard, but you felt a little pressured here. If Alfie moved any closer his beard would brush you chin.
"Beard.... Your beard is fluffy, and looks soft," you started," and your stance is...like a sturdy man's stance..you have pretty eyes too...and you have arms... I like arms. You look like you'd give good hugs... or could like make my bed," Alfie bit his lip, trying not to laugh. "Also legs, you have legs, and a cane for your hip. You could like do stuff with the cane ... maybe I don't know. Some people may like that. I know people into that." You had no clue what your were saying at this point, just rambling and Alfie didn't know if it was embarrassing or enduring. But before you could delve deeper into your hole, he stopped you.
"Alright poppet. I get it don't I? You're madly in love with me and the idea of me leaving just breaks your heart, don't it?"
"Yes?...." You nodded, not believing that he was believing it. Maybe?... "It breaks my heart and that's why you can't leave. You have to stay with me. In here. In this office....So you can't leave. Because I absolutely love you with all my heart and if you were to go I wouldn't know what to do. I'm just lost without you Alfred Solomons. You are the man of my dreams an..."
"Y/N, What the fuck?"
Startled by Finn's voice you cursed, turning around to see not only the youngest Shelby, but Tommy, Arthur, John, and Michael staring at the scene before them. Evidently during your "heartfelt" speech you hadn't noticed them arrive back to the office. Nor had you seen them opening Tommy's door, only to hear the last bit of you professing your "love" for the man who'd screwed them over more times than John had kids....which was to say a lot. Tommy's eyes met yours in confusion and slight concern as your mouth opened and closed like a fish, unable to provide an explanation. When he said keep Alfie under control he meant, just make sure the man didn't piss in the whiskey decanters or draw horns on Arthur's picture. He wasn't sure why that involved professing your love. In the back of his mind, it passed that you could be a spy, and Tommy honestly hoped that wasn't the case. He liked you, Lizzie never let him take her stapler. A drunken John just smiled in amusement, pleased with the free entertainment. Meanwhile, Finn and Michael were silently making faces at each other, arguing over who'd grab Arthur's legs, and who'd get arms if he decided to act on the dangerous glare he was giving Alfie. He wasn't actually drunk, but Arthur saw you like another Ada, and he didn't like the idea of Alfie romancing you. Arthur also had a deep seated despise for Alfie in general, but everyone knew that. Now they were all looking at your for an explanation.
Looking over your shoulder, the stapler was still empty.
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