#but like I will defend austin w MY LIFE
weizhiyuan · 1 year
skam austin was ahead of its time…….
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♥ a ghost of him . oneshot ♥
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. pairing : austin!elvis x fem!reader
. summary / request : after too much mistreatment, you leave the love of your life, despite him begging for you to stay.
. notes / warning : angst, cheating (allusions to and mentions of), divorce/breakup, allusions/mentions of sex, swearing, reader is quite the pushover for a while. read this w/ sad music if you can cuz it makes the whole thing so much better lol.
. word count : 2.5k
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It was easy to pretend, at first. All the late nights he spent out, never coming home until it was most certainly past midnight.
In the beginning, you could tolerate it. A string of apologies was always followed when he'd come home late, and Elvis would pepper you with affection and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you two would lay together. He always did have a special way of convincing you that everything was going to be just fine– that everything was fine, and, at the time, you had no cause to disbelieve him. Though his staying out late was a cause for concern, the only thing you were truly worried about was his sleep schedule.
But, as it was mentioned, that was only just the beginning.
Gradually, Elvis would come home later, both tired and intoxicated. He would barley utter a word before he'd collapse on the bed. You were lucky if you heard a simple "goodnight" or "I love you" escape his lips, and you'd resorted to pretending to be asleep at night as you didn't want him to feel guilty in the morning, like he commonly would. Sometimes he never did come home, opting to sleep somewhere else, may it be a friend's house or a hotel– he never did specify exactly where. And, although it did hurt you, you knew how hard Elvis worked. You didn't want to be yet another source of stress for him to bear on his already burdened shoulders. Though you had to admit, the lack of intimacy or affection was getting to you.
Most mornings Elvis would make breakfast for the two of you, that was, before his career had taken off. When he wasn't yet in the public eye, you could remember waking up to always finding him frying some sort of breakfast goodie. And so, one morning, you decided that, as a kind gesture, you'd make Elvis some eggs and bacon before he left for work.
Stretching your arms out and letting out a yawn, you rolled over to admire Elvis's sleeping features, only to notice several lipstick stains littered along his skin.
And you, being the understanding person you were, made the mistake to completely ignore it. And when Elvis had came out of bed and greeted you with a tired "good morning" and no evidence of the marks on him whatsoever, you found it easy to convince yourself that what you had seen was just a hallucination-- a projection of you deepest fears. After all, Elvis Presley, your loving husband and closest confident, could never, in his heart, do something like that, right?
And yet, as time passed on, it only seemed more plausible. Elvis hadn't even had a full conversation with you since a few weeks ago, and the late nights kept getting later, and the drinking became more and more heavy, and yet, as time went on, you found yourself defending Elvis in your own mind.
He's drunk, he'd never do this is he were sober all the time, you'd think to yourself. Plus, he's so tired, maybe he deserves it. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe I'm not a good enough wife. Maybe the women he sleeps with are simply better than me.
It never occurred to you that he was the one in the wrong for the longest of times.
For a while, your relationship with your husband went on like this-- a time too long for you to want to admit. But, between one excuse for him and another, you came to the horrific realization that he truly was the one in the wrong, that you were no longer married to Elvis Presley, rather, you were married to his ghost-- someone you never quite knew the location of, but always knew was there in one way or another.
And so, on the night of your two's own anniversary-- think of that, the very same day you both got married, the happiest day of your life-- you sat on the patio at 11:59, awaiting his presence. And, staring at your watch, you couldn't help but dread the moment you knew was bound to come.
The moments following the clock striking twelve were the most painful of your life.
You let out a shaky sigh as you closed you eyes for a moment. You tried to let in a steady intake of breath but the threat of tears falling from your eyes prohibited you from doing so. It took everything in you to stand up and walk into your bedroom, and even more so to start packing your clothing with your essentials. You tried not to pay mind to the fact that Elvis had, indeed, bought almost if not everything in your wardrobe.
Your mind was in some kind of panicked frenzy as you attempted to grab everything of yours as quickly as possible. You hadn't even registered the sound of a car entering the driveway and Elvis opening the door before you heard a confused voice behind you say,
"What is all o' this for?"
Startled, your back whirled around to face no other than your husband, Elvis Presley. His eyes were narrowed on your form, and you couldn't help but feel a little guilty, noticing the worried puzzlement that adorned his features. But, despite his asking, you hesitantly returned to your packing, not offering up any information. You didn't trust yourself around that man, not when he still had such a tight grip on your heart. In a mere sentence he could have you running back to him with open arms.
Elvis stood there for a couple of moments, eyes boring holes into your back, before asking again, "Baby, what the hell are you doing'?" The anger is his voice wasn't suppressed whatsoever, and you couldn't help yourself as you felt your eyes grow wet with tears. So many years you'd spent with this man, all thrown away in a single day. So much time wasted with someone who was never truly yours. You knew fame corrupts, but you could never imagine that it would be this drastic.
"Y/n, what on the goddamn Earth do you think you're--"
"I'm leaving you, Elvis."
So much for not speaking.
A dreadful silence followed. You froze, awaiting Elvis's response.
And then, came a nervous chuckle. "You're quite the comedian, I have to admit. Very, very funny."
You wished you were joking.
You let out a shaky breath as your trembling hands, though with much difficulty, closed the zipper of your suitcase.
And, with everything you had left, you turned to face Elvis. His face was plastered with an oblivious smile.
"I'm not joking, Elvis. I- I'm leaving. I'm leaving you. I'm leaving you for good." You repeated the phrase, finding it almost impossible to process.
I'm leaving you, the love of my life, the one I've given my heart to. I'm leaving you, my husband, the one who I'd sacrifice anything I have for.
I'm leaving you, my lover, the one who no longer feels the same. I'm leaving you, my closest friend, who has betrayed me over, and over, and over.
I'm leaving you.
"Y/n, are you alright?"
You stared at him incredulously, your fury mixing with the sadness that you had shoved deep into the confines of your heart. "Am I alright?" you echoed in disbelief. "Am I alright? Are you seriously asking me that, Elvis?"
Elvis let out a sigh, pinched the bridge of his nose, and closed his eyes.
"Y/n, if this is about the nights spent out blowing steam off with my friends--"
"This is not about that, Elvis." You wished you could have hid the slight tremble in your voice when you spoke, but it was pointless. Your eyes flit to the door that Elvis stood in front of, almost as if he was guarding it.
"Now, please move so that I can leave?"
Something in Elvis seemed to snap.
"Oh, you don't get to leave until I get an explanation for any o' this. I'm not going to just let my own wife walk out on me when I don' even know what nothin' about what I've done wrong-- which would be nothing, by the way, so you're going to tell me exactly why in God's name you'd be standin' out here with your suitcase packed and trying to leave me. I ain't done nothing wrong."
It was pathetic, really, to see him acting as if he was innocent. He hadn't even tried to hide it before, but now? He was trying to act like a good guy. And perhaps, in some way, you'd let him. Perhaps you'd save him from having to hear it come from your lips. Perhaps you'd be able to save your self from crumbling in front of the very man you'd been a fool for for so very long.
"We both know what it is, Elvis. Now, can you please save the both of us and just let me leave? Please, I just want to leave. That's all I ask. I don't want to make this any harder for you or myself..." Elvis could see it-- could see how much it hurt you, how much your heart broke as you spoke, but he still pressed on, "Goddamnit, Y/n, just fucking tell me what the hell I did!"
You felt a sob wrack through your body at the sudden loud tone of his voice. "Elvis, you--" Another sob. It felt so surreal to say it. It was so simple-- Elvis, you cheated on me-- but the words simply refused to come out.
Though, eventually, reluctantly, they did. In the softest, quietest tone Elvis had ever heard you speak in, you whispered, "Elvis, you had sex with another woman. Or maybe women. I don't know. I never can tell with you."
Here it was at last. Catharsis. No longer could you play the role of the oblivious wife. And to that, you felt freedom-- a certain freedom that you hadn't felt in so long. But you also felt so goddamn lonely, because you were. You were alone, completely and utterly alone.
And Elvis seemed to finally notice you, because, as he took one look at his wife, one truly good look at you, he could see the anger, and the fear, and the heartbreak, and the sadness. And all he could think was, how had I never seen any of that before? And only in this moment did he truly realize the weight of what he'd done.
He'd lost you.
The love of his life. His rock.
His own wife.
So, with a trembling voice and a trembling hand, he lifted your chin and said, "Now, darlin', why would you every think I'd do something like that?"
You'd hoped that Elvis would have finally admitted to what he'd done, but he was proud. Too proud. Your eyes flickered shamefully to the floor, for you almost felt as if you were the one at fault, and you let out another sob.
"Please, Elvis, just let me go," you whimpered, because you were sad, and tired, and heartbroken, and betrayed, and this was the last place you wanted to be.
Elvis's grip remained strong on your chin, but i became obvious that he was crumbling as easily as you were.
"No, Y/n, I can't- I can't just let you go. I can't... you can't leave me, baby. I love-- you can't... I love you, Y/n. I love you more than anyone else. You're my bestest girl, Y/n, my bestest girl. I can't live without you. Please. You have to stay..."
If your heart had been broken before, Elvis may as well just shattered the pieces of your heart and scattered them around the Earth, because he was finally saying all the things you had wanted him to say for so, so long, but it was too late. He said it all the very moment it was too late. But you couldn't give in. You had to be strong.
"Elvis, this isn't love," you said, pulling back from his grip on your chin. You couldn't stand to look at him.
"It is, Y/n. I love you-- I love you with everything I have in me. I slipped up while I was drunk, and I am so, so sorry, but I'll make it up to you, because I love you. I always have, baby."
"No, Elvis. You don't. You don't love me. Love are your actions, not your feelings. If you loved me, Elvis, you wouldn't have gotten drunk every goddamn night. If you loved me, Elvis, you wouldn't have gone out and cheated on me, again, and again, and again. "
Your chin quivered more and more with every single word.
"But when I look at you, I don't see love. I see regret. You regret your actions, Elvis, but you don' love me. You may have loved me, once, but that time has passed a long, long time ago. It's too late now Elvis."
"C'mon, baby, you can't mean it..."
"I can't? When was the last time we ate together, Elvis? When's the last time you kissed me-- really kissed me? When's the last time we had a conversation lasting as long as this one? You're a ghost, Elvis. You come home, and you go to sleep with cherry red lipstick stains on your neck every goddamn night, and when I wake up, you're gone. And now you're here, saying all these things that I wish you would have said so long ago, but it's already too late."
Your eyes snap closed scornfully. "You know it's too late."
Your husband stared at your in complete and utter disbelief, his eyes wide and brimming with tears as you spoke every word. Regret was the only thing that now filled his hollow heart, and he could only stand in shock as he listened to you.
"I'd say I'll miss you, Elvis, but I already have missed you. I am missing you." You open your eyes and stare at your husband.
"I miss the old Elvis. Where could he have gone?" Elvis was speechless. All he could do was stare at you guiltily.
Locking eyes with your now heartbroken husband, you let out a shaky sigh as you walked up to him and kissed him-- really kissed him-- for the very last time. And you couldn't help but feel that, despite the wetness or both of your lips, and your trembling hands, and his quavering jaw, it felt almost just as good as the first time he kissed you, and Elvis couldn't help but regret every action that lead to this moment when you pulled away and stared at him with an endearingly heartbroken smile, before walking over and gabbing your bag, and opening the front door to your house-- or rather, Elvis's house.
But when you felt something grip onto your wrist, time froze as your head turned in Elvis's direction. "When you're forty and I'm fifty..." He didn't stare at you. He couldn't stare at you. "We'll get back together. You'll see." And you couldn't help the sad yet hopeful smile that adorned your face for a fleeting moment, and Elvis knew he'd never forget it, when you closed the door and he never saw you again.
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
Priscilla Presley is attaching her name to this movie though she’s an executive producer on it and I’m sure she’s been involved since they first approached her to adapt her book into a screenplay so she’s gonna be on the red carpet w this cast for the premieres/she has a say behind the scenes. She’s been helping Cailee (?) out according to Sofia. I actually think she had a say in casting/wouldn’t have kept being signed on if she was against any of the actors or didn’t believe in them to do a good, respectful job? I also think Austin wouldn’t have signed on to play Elvis again, he went through a real identity crisis, he loves Elvis & will always be thankful but he seems the type of actor to want to branch out and be known for different things I don’t see him wanting to be labelled as a certain type of actor
while i will say i think jacob looks goofy in the set photos we got yesterday…i agree with everything you said 1000%. people need to bare in my mind how long film pre production takes. it’s literally *impossible* that priscilla only jumped onto this project after elvis (2022) came out. she got involved years ago and at that point, given that she does not have magic powers, had no idea how much she was going like austin/baz’s film/etc.
this movie isn’t even about elvis anyways, it’s about her and i would honestly be surprised if jacob even sings in it. and to that- yes priscilla has a right to her story as well. her life got turned upside down forever when she was *14*. not to mention that she didn’t like the mini series adaption. if she wants a more faithful execution of her book she’s entitled to that imo.
i also think elvis fans (i am one FWIW) are worrying a bit too much. priscilla adores e. she’s a member of his estate and i honestly think it’s delusional to look at everything she’s done for his legacy and think she’s going to sign off on a movie that’ll tear him to bits. and saying things like “it’s not fair when he isn’t here to defend himself” re: telling her story at all is equally ridiculous, to me. like do y’all really think if he was here he’d be going around dragging her??? i think elvis was smart enough and loved priscilla enough to know that aspects of their relationship were unhealthy and that he was not a perfect husband.
i do not think he would be blowing a fuse over her acknowledging that. and personally i think he’d be more upset with people bashing the mother of his child in his name. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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pop-punklouis · 2 months
same anon as just now, different topic entirely. as an austin butler stan do you ever go back and watch his celebrated works on kids and teen tv shows? if you ever get the desire to, may i recommend life unexpected. that cw show was massively underrated. fell off the rails a bit w some teacher/student in season 2 (it was right around the time pll was coming out and i think was trying to match that energy) but they at least were like "this is wrong and illegal" and austin was always sweet and nice in it and it was a very good show that i loved (but havent watched in its entirety since it aired so maybe i cant defend it) but yea austin was in it as the main love interest and he was a cutie pie
yessss i do. the other week, i was watching his season of zoey 101 and giggling at him. i did forget about life unexpected omg i'll definitely have to go back and watch that. what a blast from the past. the carrie diaries and switched at birth i believe were the series where i was like. okay who is this man whew
and then shannara chronicles was the shit that did it for me. little elf boy in the forest with elf ears and long hair? sign me up. sign me alllll the way up. when i had a bad day in college, i would go into my room in my dorm and just binge that show. i actually just finished rewatching it and being upset that it was cancelled without a real conclusion it was such a fun show rip
then.... i forgot about his existence until...... elvis............... and we all know the hell ive been in since lmao
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Hi guys! As promised to that Anon, I wrote the timelines. I decided to write only the key points though because these are things we already know, and then, I’m sure there are more than a thousand proofs around and people who have already spoken about it. Enjoy.
Drum roll, please 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Let’s start with the first competitor: Tyrone William Griffin, aka Typical Dish Snacked Ty Dolla $ign 04/13/1982, the man who liked to tweet things like “I’m the curator of lesbians”.
PRen Tyren: As I already mentioned in the post “There is a light at the end of the tunnel”, it all started on the evening of November 15, 2016, when 5H went to the Epic party. Due to Laucy’s picture of the wedding and the ‘official’ coming out then occurred a few days later, on November 18, 2016, Lauren needed a boyfriend. That same night at the party, Typecast accepted the management’s proposal.
Typo tweeted “LMJ” on January 4, 2017, and then immediately deleted it. First move to create speculation since, presumably, Lauren ‘was’ still with Ludicrous. Shortly thereafter, a blind item about L who was having an affair with a married man came out. On January 10, 2017, Nicole Cartolano posted that picture of Laucy in the snow with a piñata. After wishing her a happy birthday, as we already know, luBYE. On February 13, 2017, there were the first PRren pictures at the Grammy after-party, so that people would start believing the blind item, BUT, making it clear that he wasn’t a married man, but a taken one, and yes, MAN, since Tyred is 14 years older than her, and therefore inculcating the idea that L was really cheating on Luggage. On March 9, 2017, Tymbal posted a picture of them together, coincidentally, the day after he advertised his upcoming album ‘Beach House 3’.
On March 22, 2017, we had ‘Bare With Me’ and Nicole Cartolano’s interview with MTV News. On the 23rd, we had, still very coincidentally and totally unplanned, “no I hate it because it’s invasive, scary, delusional, disrespectful to us both and was never real…Ever”, because, because, SHE DECIDES. NOT US. PERIOD. (sorry, I had to 😂. This is another of L’s tweets dating back to July 2, 2017: “I decide. Not you. Period.”) Joking apart, because she was single and she certainly couldn’t let the fans have hope for her and C, so she tried to kill the Camren ship for the umpteenth time. “Hey, hey, Lo, how’d it go? That bad, eh?” “Let me try again in 2020.” “Laur, babe, I’ll tell you what. I’m from the future, okay? It didn’t work, honey. And I don’t think it’s gonna work either in, I don’t know, in 2030.”
Back to the program.
The day before Nicole’s MTV article and eight days later, Twix posted a series of tweets (21: “Lo” - 30: “You look better on me 👀”, Cuban flag, and “I think she like me 😍”) [👈🏼 ‘Great grammar’ said in Lauren’s voice] which he then of course deleted to make everything more and more mysterious, and thus making people connect and figure out who was that ‘LMJ’ tweeted in January. On April 14, 2017, we had a picture of L with TyPod and his family dating back the night before when they celebrated Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’s birthday, followed by the blurred picture of the 15th of them together at Coachella. On April 18, 2017, Alycia Bella, Tinky Winky’s ex, tweeted “when you get cheated on w a 5th harmony member & all you can do is laugh.”, and then immediately deleted it, thus giving even more confirmation to people that both had cheated, despite Teletubbies denied and defended himself: “been moved on :) no cheating. Keep it Taylor’d. gang gang 🤘🏽🤘🏽”. The same Alycia who complained of being cheated on by Telly for ‘another girl’ during the reality show ‘The Platinum Life’ which aired on October 15, 2017 and that was recorded MONTHS BEFORE.
There were other tweets that Tyronic continued to tweet and then delete (April 1: “I think about you all the time” - April 3: “You my favorite” and “I don’t know what I did to deserve you” - April 7: “Really like what you’ve done to me”), Insta-stories and posts by both, and other public appearances together to increase the public’s curiosity. Such as: 1) Mani’s birthday. 2) August 16, 2017, when 5H did that famous and messy phone interview with The Sun for Dan Wooton’s podcast, one of Salmoned Cow’s well-known puppies friends, during which Dan asked Lauren about his relationship with Twinkly and she replied that they were just vibing. 3) Lauren’s birthday. 4) On September 11, 2017, Lauren posted pictures about the FentyxPuma party, and in one of those posts with pictures of her and Troglodyte, she put the caption with three hearts emojis, thus confirming to people that she and Tipsy were together.
February 2017 was the chosen month for Pukeren to ‘become’ official, confirmed by Typed in an interview at the Power 105.1 FM morning show The Breakfast Club on October 31, 2017, though, so a long time later and when the waters had already calmed down. By saying February, Tyring confirmed the cheatings exactly as it was planned. In another interview with BigBoyTV made on November 2, 2017, Typology showed the interviewees how even the background of his phone was a picture of Lauren. Picture that, by the way, Lauren herself posted 21 days before that by wearing Tijuana’s merchandise sweatshirt, so not even a personal picture that you’d normally expect to see from a real boyfriend.
Blah blah blah, Lauren never needed to defend a person so much in her life, blah blah blah, weed and booze and parties, blah blah blah, dogs (and fake allergies when convenient), blah blah blah, #Laurenthegroupie, blah blah blah, Tara and social media don’t get along very well, blah blah blah, #freepoorTweed ⛓️👮🏼 who was just having some fun with his friends, blah blah blah. We know the rest of the farce, and moving on to two years later, and therefore at the end of the PR, on April 15, 2019, Tic Tac tweeted a broken heart before zeroing his social media and Lauren a post on her social media, both implying the end of their oh so real ‘relationship’.
Let’s move on to competitor number two: Maturely Hushed Matthew Hussey, 06/19/1987. The scammer par excellence (since 2012). The salesman who pretends to be a life coach/dating advice expert by deluding poor women who fall into his bullshit. The charlatan who has an infinity of fraud charges and even a restraining order for stalking and harassment by a woman named Samantha C. of San Diego. [this woman continually talked about the situation on her Instagram account, cheating_matthewhussey. Even Chelsea Briggs liked a picture.]
Ewmila Mattmila: The skit was supposed to start a lot sooner in reality. They ‘met’ for the first time on September 29, 2017, on the set of NBC’s Today show (performance that C dedicated to the Dreamers), but nobody has heard much about it, right? There was only a single Billboard article that did that. Following that meeting, it was supposed to start in October 2017, when they also started to follow each other on IG, but everything was postponed because C’s album was postponed. The album was released on the 12th, and by pure coincidence, on January 11th, 2018, during the interview with Elvis Duran, and COMPLETELY OUT OF THE BLUE, C mentioned Matilda for the first time by saying she was a fan of his. The same Mattress (10 years older than her) who coincidentally was there that day, so a setup for the public to make believe that they’d met that day.
The next day, at the release of the album ‘Camila’, C performed at Good Morning America, and Macaque, again by pure coincidence, had a small slot in the same program. On January 15, 2018, during the interview with Zane Lowe, when he asked if she had someone special in her life at that time, she replied with “maybe”, which was a big yes when she read “I can’t say your name without smiling” just before from her phone notes. On January 22, 2018, on Zach Sang Show, C said that she’s a private person and that she doesn’t like the ‘public thing’ since the Austin fiasco. Another bullshit said to make the public believe that it was the truth and take advantage of the events that would happen shortly thereafter, since, literally 18 days later, on February 9, E! News exclusively posted the first Burpmila pictures on vacation on a beach in Cabo, Mexico.
Blah blah blah, we know, blah blah blah, they lived in airports to get papped, blah blah blah, they even paid fans to do it, blah blah blah, “He’s great”, blah blah blah, “She’s great”, blah blah blah, #They'reGREAT!, blah blah blah, let’s kiss in a children’s playground #Sinu #needyCamila #someonepleaseteachStMatteohowtoholdagirl #SofiwasdecidingwhethertoreturntotheSagradaFamiliaorgoontheswingratherthanwitnessthatugliness, blah blah blah, let’s get to the first oh so real oh so important obstacle in their story.
On August 12, 2019, a Dutch singer named Elieve did an interview in which she confessed that she and Camila were dating the same guy (Matchbox) at the same time. Elieve was in London from the beginning of January to the beginning of February 2018 and Matzo was in London from January 14 to 19, so they met on one of those days.
Blah blah blah, let’s pretend we’ve overcome this obstacle, blah blah blah, let’s pretend we’re a super happy couple, blah blah blah, Disneyworld, blah blah blah, let’s go skiing, blah blah blah, trip to Italy, blah blah blah, Shawn’s entry, blah bl- wait… Oh yeah, it’s the second PR’s turn. Goodbye Ew! ‘Thank you very much for nothing. Bye-bye!!’ said in Lauren’s voice. End of ‘story’ on May 11, 2019, that is, the last time they were photographed together, news confirmed on June 25, 2019, only 4 days after the release of Señorita.
Even if it wasn’t part of the request, this is a bonus of mine just because.
Señorita + Shitmila Showmila Shawmila: On January 27, 2018, Camila, Shaky, and Andrew, Shavable’s manager, were papped in a restaurant eating pizza before the Pre-Grammy Gala in New York City. That meeting took place to propose the idea of ​​the PR to C to help increase both Shallow’s music sales and his image. Camila was uncertain. 2017 had been a great year for her as a first time as a solo artist, and she knew that she would’ve to play her cards even better during 2018; plus, the PR with Matryoshka hadn’t even officially started and had already been postponed for a few months because the release of her album ‘Camila’ had been postponed.
Andrew explained to her that the PR with Chauffeur wasn’t going to be done right away at all, also because as C would have her PR relationship with EatchEW, Shanty would have that kind of PR relationship/not relationship with Hailey Baldwin (now Bieber) that only served to make people speculate and maintain the idea that Shazam wasn’t gay. Andrew also explained to her that their future PR relationship would benefit both of their careers because there would be a collaboration, a number 1 hit, which they would look for and use as a launchpad for the narrative. #friendswhothenfallinlove #RomeoandJulietbullshit
This perfect duet, went first to knock on Camila’s door, and then to Shuttle’s one in April 2018 in the form of Andrew Watt who already knew everything about the charade. Watt (he also worked on Havana and 7 songs for Romance including Señorita) co-wrote the song in April 2018, shortly before contacting Shitto, along with Jack Patterson, Ali Tamposi (she also worked on Havana, Consequences, and 6 songs for Romance including Señorita), and Charli XCX. [The same Charli who did an interview on October 21, 2019, in which she gave the true version of the story without even remotely mentioning Scab: “This Latin Pop flare just wasn’t right for who I am because I am not a part of that culture, I’m not from there. Whereas Camila has that in her blood, so when we wrote the song we thought about her and sent it to her.”]
Now that they had found the perfect song, and with the addition of Benny Blanco and Cashmere Cat in the production, all they had to do was convince Camila and her team. Charli XCX and C were the opening acts for Taylor Swift’s Reputation Tour from May 8 to October 6, 2018, during which Charli tried to persuade her to do the song by explaining how perfect it was for her. And who knows, maybe even since then they started working on it together since Camila, as she used to do, rewrote almost completely the lyrics to make it more her own. Ask that also to ‘Care About Me’ who turned into ‘The Boy’.
On August 4, still during the Reputation Tour, Shampoo went to the concert date in Toronto, and Taylor posted an Insta-story in which she put make-up and glitter on Shank’s eyelids. Sweaty regretted giving Taylor permission to post the video because people have always thought he was gay for years, and on November 26, 2018, the RollingStone interview was released in which he admitted that he felt the need to be photographed and seen with a girl to prove he isn’t gay. This was a great leverage they used with Camila since she could understand and help a friend in need. The work of persuasion lasted for about 9/10 months, from January 27, 2018, to the end of November/beginning of December 2018. Indeed, on December 5, 2018, both posted a picture taken on the 4th in the backstage of KISS 108’s Jingle Ball 2018 in Boston. Thanks to those pictures and C’s comment, word of their possible future collaboration began to spread. The plan was by then in place.
P.S. remember what happens to Romeo and Juliet, don’t you? Yeah. They die. And like Romeo and Juliet, they’re gonna (metaphorically speaking, of course) die too. Be patient, my babies, be patient.
I want comments now, guys. Which of these competitors you can’t stand the most and why, I’m curious. Put this 🐙 for Tissue, this 🐽 for Matte, and this 🐔 for Shrunken accompanied by the motivation. Let’s have some fun. 🥂
🖕🏼 this is mine for all of them, by the way.
As always, thanks, Mari. 🥰 Bye guys, I love you. Always with love, F. ❤️
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arcticdementor · 3 years
I am in Italy at a private international conference where a number of the people here are involved directly in the plight of persecuted Christians around the world. During a Catholic mass this afternoon, word came about the suicide bombings in Kabul. This was not, alas, a surprise; my best source on Afghanistan events has been telling me for some while that it’s just a matter of time. But it is nevertheless a horrible shock.
Under the rules of the conference, I am not allowed to repeat anything said here, or even to say who is here. I think it is fine, though, to say that the people here — Christians from all over the world — are shocked and dismayed by what has happened to America. People can’t believe the utter incompetence of the US administration. As far as I know, nobody yet knows about this story, broken by Politico:
At what point does incompetence become evil? We are there. The United States government gave these savage cutthroats a list of our people to kill! Who did it? Who? Name names. Fire people. Salt the earth of their reputations forever! I don’t know that I’ve ever been more ashamed of who we are as a nation. The Biden administration trusted the Taliban, and because of that, people who trusted America will die.
People, listen to me: the answer here is not “vote Republican”. It is not to tolerate this appalling level of stupidity, incompetence, and corruption at the highest levels of our military. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was overwhelmingly confirmed to lead the Pentagon. Is he going to fire anyone for this debacle? Will Gen. Mark Milley, the Trajan of the Woke, keep his job as Joint Chiefs head?
I know a lot of Republicans are going to want to blame this entirely on the Biden Administration. I will not lift a finger to defend it, but I insist that we not let the Pentagon and State Department brass off the hook. This is a failure across the board of our leadership class.
You know what’s going to happen now, don’t you? There is going to be a mass exodus of Afghans, mostly men, to Europe. Europe will be swamped with these migrants. Germany, led by the retiring Christian Democrat Angela Merkel, opened its doors to a million refugees from the Syrian war. Merkel is retiring, and her Christian Democratic party is now behind the Social Democrats and the Greens in polls. It is likely at this point that Germany will be governed by a Social Democrat-Green coalition. That means open doors, and a likely civilizational catastrophe for Europe.
The West is falling. It’s a suicide. And America’s hands are guiding the dagger into the West’s soft belly.
This is George W. Bush. This is Barack Obama. This is Donald Trump. This is Joe Biden. This is the leadership of the Pentagon. This is the State Department. This is all of us American voters, who kept electing these people. This is you, and this is me.
Mene, mene, tekel upharsin.  Numbered, numbered, weighed, divided.
But look, in Britain, they have their priorities straight: arresting an elderly preacher for having spoken in defense of the Bible’s teaching on marriage:
I spoke this week with a Catholic priest friend from the UK. He is gutted by what he sees as the institutional church’s failure in the face of Covid. He said the bishops have been silent about the meaning of life, of suffering, and of what the Gospel has to say about any of it. His contempt for the leadership class in the Catholic Church in his country is intense. I have been in touch recently with an Anglican priest friend who feels the same way about his church leaders.
You might think it’s a stretch to compare the disaster in Afghanistan to the spiritual and cultural collapse on the home front. You’re wrong. This is about a total failure of confidence and competence. This is about the revelation of a leadership class that has no reason to expect the trust of the people. We are in a time of apocalypse, a time of unveiling. It is also a time of choosing. Choose well. And prepare for bad times ahead.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
The remakes w the most diverse casts seem to have the least international support: NL, AUS and Druck. Ik druck might seem like a strange inclusion, but it actually lags quite far behind wtfock and skam it (not including skam fr bc it easily has the largest pool of int'l fans and no skam IT bc there were calls to boycott it) by way of fan engagement. Even when wtfock and skam fr are at the their lowest, their int'l support is bigger. Is diversity not wanted? or do u think there's another reason?
This is a long rant.... just an fyi.
Ok so lets talk about the economy mill that is the SKAMverse and why some SKAMS do better and others do not. I don't know if you have ever read @dagcutie post about skamfr and how it sorta of ushered in youth targeted web series into french culture but yea it had some pretty interesting impact within french culture. Also before the Netflix purchase of Italia which now makes it the biggest money maker remake SkamFR was the first to have an original season so I think skamfr just ushered in a lot of change into the skamverse and sorta of blew up. Skam Italia probably has the best underdog story. Not only was it the first remake and houses the best Jonas remake in Gio they really fought intensely hard to get the Netflix deal through and for that they gained a ton of support from the skamverse. I don’t know if you know this but their cast was willing to work on s4 for free just to get it out. Ludo went on full rants defending his cast and crew from Timvision. Also I know this is personal taste but they are Skams that just have insane direction and Italia’s shots are mind-blowing my god I still gasp at the hot bath scene in s4 it was stunning. SkamNL was up there as well. Wtfock has pretty scenes but SkamIT is a whole other level concerning cinematography. So diversity is weird because every country is different culturally. First lets discuss Skam Austin since am American. So this is a tricky one because facebook watch buying it was probably one of the worst thing that could have happened to Skam Austin as it became tied to the release of a new web product for Facebook. So even if Skam Austin did well if the product didn't do well it would get cut. 
Concerning viewership I have spoke about this before I think sometimes the international viewership says they want raw Americana but then they get surprised by how mundane non-metro city life can be for an American teen. Austin is a pretty small city, its liberal but still culturally Texan. Also generally speaking its really hard to get American viewers to connect to shows not set in one of the big US cities and lastly I dont think Austin got cancelled because of diversity because another fun fact that most non-American Skam fans dont know is that we sorta of already made a skamesque teen show based in Texas and its called Friday Night Lights and its basically considered a masterpiece and any teen show out of Texas will always be measured by that show. Its not a web series format but it was shot in a very raw gritty realistic way too. It touches on some of the same issues as Skam too and race is a huge part of the story too. Also I said this before the USA will remake Skam again so don’t worry about it. We love remaking remakes of a remake. Its like our thing but I think the biggest issue wasn't the cast for Austin but the location and also that it was tied to a web product release. SkamNL is simple they cancelled it because the network wanted to use the money for Eurovision. Druck wise, so..... let me tell you druck is HUGE the issue as why people don't hype it isnt because of Druck itself but some fandom political issues. There was a point in time that the Druckies sorta of went on a rampage just dragging other remakes they still do it now but they have def chilled out. They even said things like they hope Skam IT wouldn't be saved by Netflix. Like dude wtf..... It really alienated a ton of people from being part of the fandom that genuinely loves druck but has no interest in participating in the fandom. I am def one of those people I love druck. Matteo still haunts me and will go down as one of my fav isak and Nora so far and cash queens are incredible but i dont really want to participate in the fandom because it actually ruins druck for me and I know a ton of people that feel the same.
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bombardthehq · 3 years
Convention and Meaning: Derrida and Austin Jonathan Culler, 2008 / read July 20
for Saussure things got their meaning by differnetation, contrasts
but this cant give a complete account: if you say 'Could you lift that box?' it might be a request, an abstract question of capability, or a rhetorical question about how hopelessly heavy it is
so where does it get the meaning?
we risk going back to saying that the meaning resides in the consciousness of the speaker
but a structuralist would ask: what makes it possible for them to mean these several things at once?
so we account for the meaning of 'utterances', different from sentences, by analyzing a different system: that of Speech Acts
so Austin is thus repeating Saussure's move: describing the system that makes 'signifying events' (parole) possible
Austin wont let us locate meaning in the speaker's mind - there isnt an 'inner act of meaning' which goes on when you mean something
it gets its meaning through certain conventions -- if I say 'I promise to return this to you', indicating an item I will borrow, you understand that I am making a promise, but when I just wrote it you understood that this is not a promise bc it lacks the context
so Austin offers a structural explanation of meaning which avoids 'logocentric premesis' -- but in his discussion of it he reintroduces the problems he just overcomes. This is what Derrida tries to deal with in Signature, Event, Context
in How To Do Things With Words, Austun wants to get over some narrow views of language his milieu had; to have a theory adequate to statements which had been discarded as meaningless or 'psuedo-statements' for not fitting their critera [which were: either a description, or a statement of fact - and could be either true or false]
he distinguishes two types: constitutive statments (descriptions of statements of fact), and performative statements (which enact what they say)
there is a surprising conclusion here: if I say, 'I affirm that the cat is on the matt', I'm performing my affirmation. But a crucial aspect of performatives is that they can have the explicitly performative part removed: 'I will pay you tomorrow' is still a promise. But removing the 'I affirm...' gives us, 'the cat is on the mat' - I still affirm it, performatively - but the statement I make is also an emblematic constitutive statement
Culler notes that Austin's argument here is a 'splendid' instance of the deconstructionist 'supplementarism' here, in its inversion of the old formula: what had been seen as merely secondary or inessential becomes the most primary -- rather than performatives being secondary to constitutives, the constitutives are a special case of the performative
"The conclusion that a constative is a performative from which one of various performative verbs has been deleted has since been adopted by numerous linguists." [how used is this in linguistics?]
this allows us to solve the problem of a single statement having multiple meanings: its actually a performative statment from which the performative has been deleted. 'I ask you to lift the box', 'I inquire if you could lift the box', 'I despair at the box's weight'
Austin doesnt argue this and would be skeptical of it; he argues that illocuctionary force (meaning) does not necessarily derive from  grammatical structure
he instead proposes a distinction between locutionary and illocuntionary acts
so when I say 'the chair is broken' I perform the 'locutionary' act of making an utterance, and the 'illocutionary' act of 'stating, warning, complaining...', whatever performance
linguistics accounts for the meaning of the locutionary act; speech act theory accunts for the meaning (or 'illocutionary force') of an utterance
explaining illocutionary force means explaining the conventions that make it possible
we might find out what these conventions are by looking at how these performatives can go wrong, might not actually enact the promised performance [I think eg. a bigamous marriage would prevent the 'I pronounce you man and wife' from really marrying the couple]
so Austin doesnt treat failure as something alterior to performatives, accidental, not part of how they really work, but an integral part of them - performances can go wrong -- something cannot BE a performative unless it CAN go wrong [continental philosophers like him for this reason: he really grasps the 'negative' (Culler puts it in these terms later)]
this accords with semiotics: a statement couldn't signify if it couldnt be said falsely
Austin argues that performing acts - like marrying or betting - must be described as something like 'saying certain words' rather than performing some inward action which the words reflect
...enter Derrida
Derrida argues that despite saying this, Austin reintroduces this inward action as the force of the performance
Austin, worrying about jokes etc., perhaps because it would involve a description of an inward act of meaning, says that only 'serious' speech acts can be analyzed, but doesnt argue for it. He actually puts 'serious' in scare quotes, as if the argument itself was a joke [Deconstructionists love that stuff...]
so after remarking that philosophers wrongly excluded utterances which werent true or false, he excludes utterances which aren't serious. Instead of arguing for it as a 'rigorous move within philosophy', its a customary exclusion 'on which philosophy relies'
later on he describes these 'unserious' uses as 'parasitic on' the normal use; so Austin introduces a new constitutive & supplementary distinction, after getting away from one
Searle defended this to Derrida saying that we ought not *start* our investigation by considering these parasitic discourses [we feel, and have perhaps been primed to feel by Culler, that this misses the point that Austin makes his intervention by uncovering the way these 'supplementary' excess cases are core to the working logic of speech acts, and this might be another such case - although we might not feel it to be necessarily the case that *all* supplementary things are likewise constitutive, although perhaps Derrida 1. argues that *this* supplement is constituive, but also 2. that all supplements are constitutve of what they are supplemental to, as a matter of a thing being a thing, elsewhere]
actually Derrida's case is moreso that setting aside these uses as secondary from the beginning is begging the question; the theory has to be able to account for them -- Austin deals with an 'ideal language' here, not the one really used (which includes uses by actors on a stage, in jokes... Derrida here appears as an ordinary language philosopher!)
So Searle argues that its parasitic because its not possible for an actor to make a promise in a play if we didnt make promises in real life; but Culler says, why see it this way around? Perhaps it is only possible to make a promise in real life if it could be made in a play. For Austin, an utterance is only possible because there are formuals and procedures that we can follow to do so - so for me to do it irl, there have to be iterable procedures that could be acted out...
so Derrida asks: could my performance succeed if it didn't conform to an iterable model? -- for it to succeed there needs to be a model, a representation, and the actors representation of it is just such a thing
~footnote: some commentary on Searle's disagreement... he brings up a use/mention distinction - performatives use utterances, while actors just mention them. Derrida argues that this distinction requires us to go back to making use of intentionality & the inner act that meaning depends on, what we were trying to get away from: if I mention something instead of use it, it can only be because I intend to mention it...
Culler gives an example that is very ambiguous w/r/t use/mention - "His colleagues have said his work was 'boring' and 'pointless' " -- have I merely mentioned the words boring and pointless (since I'm just quoting others who have said it) or have I used them (since I do imply that his work is really boring and pointless)? To tell you would have to decide which one I intended to express.~
so, to repeat Austin's move on the core/marginal distinction that Austin reintroduces: the so-called serious performance is actually a special case of the parasitic - its an instance or reenactment of this iterable representation
so imitation is a condition of possibility of signification
eg., for there to be a recognizable original 'Hemmingway style', there must be some style which can be imitated, repeated, etc. [This seems very convincing to me]
so, the performative is from the outset structured by this possibility for iterability, citation, performance-of...
the reason that Austin reintroduces this flawed core/supplementary model is to solve a problem for speech act theory:
if you explicate all the conditions that make a particular performative possible (which is the goal of speech act theory), say-- 'I pronounce you married' is perforative only if there is a marriage license, a licensed officiary, etc. - one can *always* imagine a further scenario that would cause the performative to fail (say, they're all actors in a play...)
Austin tries to resolve this by ruling out instances where the speaker is 'not serious' - but this requires us to appeal to the intentions, etc...
so to make performatives and 'performance' coextensive is to maintain a version of the theory that can really discard intention etc., but at the cost of being unable to explicate the conditions of possibility of a given performative - because it gets its meaning only via context, and the number of contexts is infinite
... [skipping a nice section that we dont really need to note]
for Austin, a signature is the equivalent in writing of a performative utterance, 'I hereby...'
on this idea, Derrida ends Signature, Event, Context, by writing his name twice, and indicating one is a counterfeit of the other. The joke being: is this counterfit, citational second signature not a signature, because he wasnt being serious? or does it function as a signature, because a signature is signing your name?
the other implication: which of the two signatures is the 'real' one? you cant tell in writing -- 'the effects of the signature depend on iterability'
so contrary to Austin, who holds that the signature is an indication of some inner intention (assent to an agreement, etc), the signature can only funtion if it is repeatable, iterable... "The condition of possibility of [its] effects is simaultaneously ... its condition of impossibility, or the impossibility of their rigorous function." [ie. to be possible, it must also be imitable, repeatable... theres a bit of what 'difference & repetition' is engaging w/ here --
interesting to comapre w/ Deleuze here - for Derrida, something has to be repeatable in order to be at all because its just a repeatable expression of conditions of possibility. This means its negative is prefactored into its conditions of possibility -- the price of having a signature is that the signature can be counterfeited.
Deleuze is somewhat allergic to 'conditions of possibility', and also wants to find a system where the negative doesn't exist. I'm not sure how he might argue w/ Derrida here. Perhaps he would feel that it is the difference between each signature which makes it repeatable... but that doesnt really make sense to me & is probably an overly literal reading. It's possible the two only disagree in terminology here - what Derrida would call the negative is just another form of difference for Deleuze. I'm not sure.]
Culler talks about how signatures can be made without the signatory's presence, in the case of machines signing checks automatically, so that wages are paid without being physically cashed in
he identifies 'logocentrism' as seeing these sorts of things as secondary to or parasitic on direct speech where the speaker's intentions are carried out
really, such cases could not occur if they didnt belong to the structure of the signing (etc.) already
so Derrida says that intention will not disappear from a good analysis, but it will no longer govern the entire 'system of utterance'... so while I intend to mean something and thats why I speak, the act of speaking itself introduces a gap between my intention and my words. My attention is the reason I structure things the way I do, why I make use of certain conventions, etc., but my intention is not accessible in the words I use (just as we might say, if I make a necklace, my intention for the necklace to be a gift for my niece is not a property of the necklace itself; the meaning/illocutionary force of a speech act is the necklace here - a speech act is given its meaning by the conventions it uses to generate a meaning, and I employ those conventions to try and say what I intend to say)
Culler introduces the unconscious here - often we say things and do things for reasons we are unconcious of, so intention is even a little more deflated. My reasons for saying something are not entirely conscious intentions which are transparent and accessible to reflection, but a 'structuring intentionality' that includes implications that never "entered my mind"
"Intentions are not a delimited content but open sets of discursive possibilities-what one will say in response to questions about an act." [nice idea]
"The example of the signature thus presents us with the same structure we encountered in the case of other speech acts: (1) the dependence of meaning on conventional and contextual factors, but (2) the impossibility of exhausting contextual possibilities so as to specify the limits of illocutionary force, and thus (3) the impossibility of controlling effects of signification or the force of discourse by a theory, whether it appeal to intentions of subjects or to codes and contexts." [a summary of the whole argument]
what this means is that meaning can never be *exhaustively* determined, but we are still left with tools to examine speech acts and how they work, etc.
Culler gives a nice defense that meaning being indeterminable (or not precisely, finally, exhaustively determinable) does not mean that no analysis can or should be done by comparing it with Godel's incompleteness theorem in mathematics: "the impossibility of constructing a theoretical system within which all true statements of number theory are theorems does not lead mathematicians to abandon their work"
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thatgothlibrarian · 5 years
Mind sharing some of your favorite m/m romance novels pal?
My BIG THREE authors where basically everything they write is literal chef kiss are:
1. K.J. Motherfucking Charles
2. Jordan L. Motherfucking Hawk @jordanlhawk
3. Cat Motherfucking Sebastian
The tl;dr: Think of England or Band Sinister (or any of her series it’s all fucking great) by KJ Charles, the Whyborne & Griffin series by Jordan L. Hawk, and the Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat even though I technically don’t consider that one a true romance, just a series with romance elements. For trans specific, Peter Darling by Austin Chant. The sex isn’t really explicit in that one, so if you, like me, want to see your trans body being loved and appreciated in a sexy sexy way, The Burnt Toast B&B by Heidi Belleau.
There are more than what I’ve listed here, but those authors are my mains. If you want me to go in-depth about any of their books, just lemme know and I’ll be happy to do so.
K.J. specializes in queer historicals, with some of those also being fantasy. With KJ, you will get SMOKING HOT SMUT AND ROMANCE as well as PLOT. She’s also very good at racial diversity and defends to the death people of color in historicals without making it tragic. In fact, I would say that the romance isn’t ever the main plot! It’s more character development. Also most of the time someone dies, but you are guaranteed a Happily Ever After. Most of her stuff is series, but she has some standalones if you wanna dip in your toe.
The standalones of KJ that I would recommend are:
1. Think of England. It’s Edwardian. There’s a disabled character. There’s a Jewish character (I think he’s Portuguese? Maybe Spanish. It’s been a while). There’s some good Voyeurism/”We Know We’re Being Watched” sex. Big Strongk Viking Manly Man who is very soft and sensitive as well.
2. Band Sinister. Regency. VIRGIN CLASSICIST. RAKE. HELLFIRE CLUB. SEDUCTION VIA CATULLUS. NEED I FUCKING SAY MORE. “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. Be merry with me?” BOY.
In her fantasy Charm of Magpies series, Jackdaw is my favorite. The main character Jonah even goes by Jay in bed and I’m. Cry. It’s so beautiful it made me believe in love again. If you’re into Holmes/Watson dynamics, Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal is VERY HOT and good and has another book in the same universe where it’s like, Green Man themed.
Sins of the Cities is Victorian Sensationalist Homage! There’s a nonbinary character!
You can’t go wrong with KJ. Sometimes her shorter stories feel rushed, but they still are In Love Every Time. Seriously. Even if you like rougher stuff, even BDSM, they are STILL IN LOVE WHILE IT’S HAPPENING. SO ROMANCE. SO GOOD.
Jordan L. Hawk is a nonbinary author! Their main series is Whyborne & Griffin which is TEN EVENTUALLY ELEVEN BOOKS LONG. It’s a fantasy historical set in America during the Victorian era, whatever it was called in America. Very Lovecraftian. Good good wizard boy and his dandy PI husband (YES HUSBAND THEY GET MARRIED BITCHES). The sex scenes in the first book are SO FUCKING ROMANCE BOY I DIE. As the series progress, they are Together so we get less scenes and more Plot. I mean, like KJ, the whole thing is Plot and romance is part of Plot, but yeah. They get dark too. Also there’s Dr. Christine Putnam who is the greatest character ever written. And a fish lesbian.
They don’t really have standalones? But if W&G is too big of an undertaking to begin, try Spirits or Hexworld. Spirits is mediums and all that jazz. Hexworld is witch/familiar dynamic that’s basically soulmate trope and also super interesting political climate. I didn’t think I’d be into the familiars being shapeshifters but it was good!
Cat Sebastian is my least favorite of the three because she has no External Plot Only Romance. But the Romance is always good! She only has series, but they don’t necessarily need to be read in order. Ruin of a Rake has an opera box handjob that is SWOON and It Takes Two to Tumble is basically Gay Sound of Music and has A SCENE WHERE A MAN OF THE CLOTH MASTURBATES AS ONE OF THE SEX SCENES. IT’S. HOT.
I read Coffee Boy by him and the sex was good but meh.
The Burnt Toast B&B by Heidi Belleau is THE good contemporary on this list because I can’t fucking STAND when authors use twink unironically and the rest of this book is so good I can ignore that it does that too. The trans sex is so good, I almost cried thinking that someone could view my body that way and them be excited by it. Seriously. The cis guy in it is like “oh huh I never liked deep throating or swallowing semen so blowing a trans guy dick is like, fucking perfect? Also two holes I am the luckiest fucking man alive??????? ALSO HE CAN PICK HOW BIG HIS DICK IS???????????????????” And she pulls all that off without it being like, fetishizing and gross! The dude is just like, oh hey, this is awesome!
There’s also EE Ottoman! I’ve only read Doctor’s Discretion by him, and the sex was SUUUUUUUUUUUPER good.
So, I don’t actually consider the Captive Prince series to be True Romance. Yes, there are Romance Elements, as it basically reads like a tropey fanfic. But it’s more like, a fantasy historical political thriller? It’s like, if Risk was gay and sexy.
I read romance novels all last year, and Captive Prince was the first one that made me realize that I have dated multiple people, and just had multiple people in my life in general, give me the impression that I am hard to love, that I have a difficult personality, that I’m Too Much somehow. And like, seeing how Damen, this beautiful, kind, lawful to a fault, beefcake of a man loves Laurent just the way he is and is like SO FUCKING INTO HIM AND THINKS HE HUNG THE STARS IN THE SKY AND LIKE CAN’T KEEP HIS HANDS OFF HIM AND SUPPORTS HIM AND SHOWS HIM LOVE AND CARE THAT LAURENT HAD BEEN DENIED HIS WHOLE LIFE.
(Warning with Captive Prince: pedophilia and incest are a major plot point but I feel like it’s handled as well as that could be. Also the first book is basically just Slave Kink: The Novel, but no sex really happens and you’re supposed to hate everyone and be uncomfortable even though you’re a bit turned on. Damen and Laurent invented love literally so it all works out.)
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 // the inn/the storm
honestly i dont even know the time frame for these eps until the seance ep but im making assumptions i believe to be correct unless proven otherwise (dont prove me otherwise i dont actually want to know)
-"how am i supposed to believe that?" then why did u fucking ask??????? lmaooooooooo
-"if you ever want there to be trust between us" oh the ironyyyyyy (of course this only works 1 way lmfao)
-"sneaking around in trash cans" -miss scarlet voice- "communism was only a red herring"
-"we've met, haven't we?" 😩😩😩
-lucy's 'footsteps' in the house lead ryan to nancy's room / sounding like heartbeats on an ultrasound 😌💔
-"no traces of poison" O RLY KAREN. RLY. WONDER WHY THAT IS.
-karen is really eager to throw nick under the bus to protect herself/draw focus off of nancy as a two for one deal; interesting that it seems her focus on revenge and friendship with lucy appears to be more important than nick's trauma and her/his friendship with kate esp given her "i know the system favors the privileged" moments. karen is historically cutthroat but its interesting to see all her relationships are with white people/like shes willing to bend the rules sometimes, but strictly upholding them on others (like she steals nancys journal to throw carson under the bus but steals evidence to help nancy like the hat)
-given what we know of nancy's stringent morals, is nancy more or less strict in comparison to that?
-karen is trying SO hard to love this girl that she would have loved just as much if not more if she knew she was lucy's daughter
-💙my three peas in a pod in that booth gettin' goss
-"tiffany loved her hidden treasures" and in future eps laura seems to agree. tiffany seems really smart. why on earth would she marry ryan? same social circle sure but that is definitely not the reason. she must have been trying to take the hudsons down from day 1 of entertaining ryan (thus the natural causes clause) she gets that ryan is stupid and honestly not capable of much of anything himself/writes him off - his father is def the true goal here
-"he took a life once" okay sis. -sigh- UNPOPULAR OPINION: "like it was my job to ease her guilt for testifying against me" then later admits that he killed someone? nah. NAH sis. because listen. that Man made up his mind when he decided to rape someone. yes. Man. nick himself was a minor but rape is not a minor offense. that Man decided he was going to rape someone and nothing was going to stop him. and nick thinks HE'S a murderer?? when he had no intent to kill? i think we all know what happened there but what on EARTH do you think that friend he protected feels?? this kid went to PRISON FOR YEARS. because he chose to protect her. like imagine if she had tried to fight him off herself? imagine SHE was the one who pushed him thru a glass window and they told her, well, it wasn't worth his life...like she should have just let herself be raped rather than have him die?? like her lifelong trauma was not worth a Man's life. no. no honey. nick, you didn't do anything wrong. that Man decided he wanted to have sex with an unwilling person and wouldnt leave until he did. he decided to be a rapist. do NOT tell that girl that her rape would have been less worse than his death. he didn't even come at austin w the intent to kill. not a murderer. dont call yourself that ever again. don't take responsibility for his actions. because it wasn't just self defense. it was defending a fellow woman. and don't fuckin ask "what happened to dolores barrett" when you know what would have happened to your friend at that party if you weren't there. you. did. nothing. wrong.
-"but my real treasure are the rays of intelligence you have elicited from my brain, the languages you have implanted in my memory." 👌🏻
-anyone wanna discourse on what "a bargain has two sides, its not a gift, you gotta meet in the middle" means to you?
-nancy's smirk at tricking karen lmfaoooo
-wonder if lucy is also haunting carson/has been for years and he's just lying about not hearing footsteps etc. is she upset that they never told nancy the truth? is she trying to protect him from ryan? why did lucy pick now to start haunting nancy? bc tiffany? josh? kate died so she doesn't feel like she's overstepping now? (wouldn't it be funny as fuck if lucy's techno-touch made nancy's phone go to voicemail when carson called to keep her out of trouble 😂)
-"get your coat" sweet jesus, carson is such a bitch lmfao
-nancy makes the bookclub comment in the funeral ep but she clearly doesn't read the same kind of books as nick & tiffany did. "how did she reach you?" - this is honestly so telling. bc nancy doesn't know. she has no IDEA how to reach him. she knows none of these books, she recognizes ISBNs and inns around town but none of what nick is made of. this ep is what made me know for fact that nick and nancy wouldn't last.
-"turn back time" okay cher lmfaoooo
-checking "visitation logs" foreshadowing w gomber
-"my mother made salt circles around my high chair" in the seance ep bess comments how she does not envy victoria for seeing what she does. given george's proclivity to the supernatural, wonder what victoria's solo years being a single parent w george as her only child were like. if she was seeing shit like her newborn surrounded by darkness...
-"i'm gonna take my break" LMFAOOO BITCH U AINT BEEN HERE ALL DAY!!
-"how are you so calm??" its that emotional irregulation babey
and lastly:
-i do love how ace calls nancy to handle bess tho ☺️💙
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xtruss · 3 years
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Why We Are Still Living in Ronald Reagan's America
— By H.W. Brands | Newsweek | July 28, 2021
Ronald Reagan liked to tell stories. As president he told one to a convention of Protestant ministers, about a preacher and a politician who died on the same day and were greeted by St. Peter at the gates of heaven. Peter explained heaven's rules and escorted the newcomers to the homes they would occupy for all eternity. The preacher's proved to be a single room with a bed, table and chair. The politician's was a huge mansion with handsome furnishings. The politician was grateful but puzzled. "How do I deserve this grand place while that good man of the cloth has to live in a single room?" he asked. Peter replied, "Here in heaven we have plenty of preachers. You're the first politician to get in.”
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It was Ronald Reagan's catchphrase first: Let's Make America Great Again. Michael Evans/The White House/Getty
The humor was vintage Reagan, not side-splitting but good for a chuckle. It flattered his listeners while deprecating himself, the only politician in the room. It caused people to think he was a friendly fellow, one they could get along with. People liked Reagan, even when they didn't like his policies.
Humor and amiability weren't the only reasons Reagan was the most successful president of the last half-century, in terms of putting his ideas into practice. His good timing helped, too. Reagan became president in 1981, when Americans had grown weary of a government that had been expanding incessantly since Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal of the 1930s. Reagan announced, in his first inaugural address, that "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem," and his words summarized what millions of Americans were thinking. They applauded his tax cuts and efforts at deregulation, and they reelected him overwhelmingly in 1984.
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Reagan writing his 1981 inaugural speech at his home in California. Dirck Halstead/Getty
Reagan's timing was right in another sense, as well. Until the 1960s, the Republican and Democratic parties had each been a coalition of conservatives and liberals. Liberal Rockefeller Republicans coexisted with conservative Goldwater Republicans; conservative Southern Democrats shared their party with big-city liberals. Things changed when Lyndon Johnson made civil rights a Democratic cause; those conservative Southerners began to leave the party for the Republicans. As they arrived, they pushed out the liberal Republicans, who found their way to the Democrats. The process took a full generation, culminating in the 1990s, after which liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats were essentially nonexistent.
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LBJ’s civil rights initiatives led conservatives to flee to the GOP, which helped Reagan win election. Photo12/Universal Images Group/Getty
Reagan became president midway in the transformation. This was crucial to the success of his administration. Reagan was a conservative but a pragmatic one. James Baker, Reagan's chief of staff and then-Treasury secretary, recalled, "If Reagan told me once, he told me fifteen thousand times, 'I'd rather get 80 percent of what I want than go over the cliff with my flags flying.'"
Reagan believed that the purpose of getting elected was to govern, not to score political points. He met regularly with Tip O'Neill, the Democratic Speaker of the House, and the two thrashed out com- promise after compromise: on taxes, on welfare, on Social Security, on immigration, on defense. Bolstered by defections from O'Neill's own party—conservative Democrats who hadn't completed their long march to the Republicans—Reagan usually got his 80 percent.
Timing helped in foreign policy, too. Reagan had been an ardent anticommunist from his days in Hollywood, when as head of the Screen Actors Guild he struggled to keep communists out of film-industry labor unions. He rejected the containment policy of his White House predecessors in favor of a strategy designed to win the Cold War. He built up America's defenses and threatened to take the arms race into outer space with the Strategic Defense Initiative. He dramatically stood at the Berlin Wall and challenged the Kremlin: "Tear down this wall!"
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Reagan in Berlin, famously imploring the Kremlin, “Tear down this wall!”. Thierlein/Ullstein Bild/Getty
Yet Reagan's actions had scant effect until changes in the Soviet Union produced a reformist leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, willing to deal with the U.S. Reagan met with Gorbachev, developed a personal relationship, and proceeded to negotiate historic arms control agreements. The Cold War didn't end until after Reagan left office, and its peaceful conclusion required adept diplomacy by George H. W. Bush.
But Reagan rightly received much of the credit, for his adroit combination of threat and accommodation. Reagan left behind a different world than he had inherited. Some of the changes were positive; others were not. Reagan's critique of big government caught on until even Democrat Bill Clinton felt obligated to announce that "the era of big government is over." Deregulation facilitated dramatic changes in the economy, including democratization of air travel, globalization of production and supply chains, and the digital revolution that continues today.
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Reagan toasting his partner in Cold War reform, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at a meeting in New York City. Corbis/Getty
Yet the post-Reagan economy favored the few a great deal more than the many, producing inequality not seen in America since the Gilded Age. Globalization aggravated the deindustrialization of America and made supply chains sensitive to unforeseen disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. The digital revolution spawned corporate giants with unprecedented reach and influence.
Reagan was a decent and temperate man, who chose his words carefully. Those who came after him were not always so circumspect. Combative Republicans dropped the qualifying clause—"in this present crisis"—from Reagan's assertion that government was the problem, and mounted an unrelenting attack on Washington D.C., treating defenders of government programs as the enemy of the American people. Donald Trump rode the rhetoric of attack into office; in Trump's last days as president, the attack on government turned physically violent.
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A crowd of supporters at a re-election campaign for President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush. Dirck Halstead/Getty
The Republican party of Donald Trump is not the Republican party of Ronald Reagan, but there is a recognizable lineage. Reagan was not a racist, but by invoking "states' rights" as justification for his conservative policies, he let Southerners who were racists know they'd find a home in the Republican party, where Trump has done little to make them feel unwelcome.
Republicans have been slow to criticize Trump, even when he has egregiously overstepped what many of those Republicans once considered the bounds of decency and presidential decorum. To some degree their reticence reflects the partisanship produced by the elimination of liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats. But it also follows the example of Reagan, who articulated what he called the Republican Eleventh Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." (Trump himself flouted that rule.)
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The Republican party of Donald Trump is not the Republican party of Ronald Reagan, the author says, but there is a recognizable lineage. Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty
Trump took one page directly from the Reagan playbook. Reagan was called the "great communicator" for his mastery of the dominant medium of his day, television, which allowed him to speak directly to the American people without the filter of reporters and editors. Trump adapted the idea to the age of social media. His millions of Twitter followers got their daily dose of Trump undiluted, unchecked, and unrefuted—until the company pulled the plug on his account. In perhaps the most important respect, though, Reagan's core values were strikingly at odds with those common in his party— and often in America at large—today. Reagan lived through some of the most trying periods in American history: the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the turbulent Sixties, the unsettled Seventies. Yet he never lost his faith in the country's future. Reagan was the eternal optimist on everything essential about America.
He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease a few years after he left the presidency. But still his faith held firm. "I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life," he wrote in a farewell letter to the American people. "I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead."
— H.W. Brands, a history professor at the University of Texas-Austin, is the author of Reagan: The Life and other books on American history. He writes "A User's Guide to History" at Substack.
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newsmanmdgn · 3 years
ABORTION: Illegal in Texas
I thought the right to an abortion was settled law?
Apparently not. The GQP wants to do get in women's pants and do what they want (abortions aren't legal in Texas even if the pregnancy was the result of a RAPE).
Abortion: Texas teen attacks new law in high school graduation speech
When Paxton Smith got up to deliver her high school graduation speech, it was supposed to be about TV and the media.
But the teenager ditched the script that had been approved by her school, and spoke about abortions instead.
In her home state of Texas, a law banning abortion from as early as six weeks has recently been signed.
“I cannot give up this platform to promote complacency and peace when there is a war on my body,” Paxton said in the speech that's since gone viral.
The law bans abortions after the detection of what anti-abortion campaigners call a foetal heartbeat, something medical authorities like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists say is misleading. Many women would not know they are pregnant that early on.
The law does allow abortions in the case of a medical emergency, but not for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest.
Watch the video here. Ms. Smith is NOT wrong. She's a smart & tough young woman who knows what's best for her body.
Just immerse yourself in her passion.
Lara Trump rebuts idea that her father-in-law plans to be reinstalled in the White House soon
Lara Trump on Thursday appeared to deny reports that former President Donald Trump has been telling allies he expects to be reinstalled in the White House in a matter of months, as her father-in-law continues to promote his false election fraud claims and former administration officials have mused publicly about a coup attempt.
“As far as I know, there are no plans for Donald Trump to be in the White House in August. Maybe there’s something I don’t know,” Lara Trump told “Fox & Friends” in an interview.
Hey, a Trump with a semblance of a brain. But she's not genetically related to them, so it makes sense. She just married one of them (the really really REALLY dumb one).
State Seeks 30 Years For George Floyd's Murderer. His Defense Wants Time Served
MINNEAPOLIS — Prosecutors are seeking a 30-year sentence for the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murder in George Floyd's death, but a defense attorney is asking that Derek Chauvin be sentenced to probation and time already served, according to court documents filed Wednesday.
Chauvin is scheduled to be sentenced June 25 following his conviction on murder and manslaughter charges. Judge Peter Cahill previously ruled there were aggravating factors in Floyd's death. That gives him the discretion to sentence Chauvin above the range recommended by state guidelines, which top out at 15 years.
Prosecutors said Chauvin's actions were egregious and a sentence of 30 years would “properly account for the profound impact of Defendant's conduct on the victim, the victim's family, and the community.” They said that Chauvin's actions “shocked the Nation's conscience.”
Chauvin's attorney also said this:
Chauvin's age weighs in his favor when determining a sentence,” the attorney, Eric Nelson, wrote. “The life expectancy of police officers is generally shorter, and police officers have a significantly higher average probability of death from specific diseases than did males in the general population. He has been preliminary diagnosed with heart damage and may likely die at a younger age like many ex-law enforcement officers.
Yahoo News
WOMP WOMP. I think this is where we all chant: If he can't do the time, he shouldn't have done the crime!
Feds investigating obstruction as part of Gaetz probe, sources say
The Justice Department is investigating potential obstruction of justice connected to the ongoing probe of Rep. Matt Gaetz and his alleged sexual relationship with a minor.
According to two people familiar with the matter, federal investigators' concerns over efforts to obstruct the probe date back to at least last fall, when the examination of the Florida Republican was not yet public knowledge.
One of the people said investigators have been told about Gaetz and an associate discussing a plan to talk with Gaetz's ex-girlfriend in October 2020 about the ongoing sex crimes investigation. Investigators have also been provided material about the alleged discussion, the person said.
LOL. Gaetz is in deep. I bet his literal girl friends never said those words.
George P. Bush launches run for Texas attorney general
Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush announced Wednesday night that he's running for attorney general in Texas, setting up a GOP showdown with one of the most high-profile Republican attorneys general in the country, Ken Paxton.
“I am proud to announce I am a Republican candidate to be the next Texas attorney general,” he said before supporters in Austin.
Bush came out swinging in his campaign announcement, taking shots at Paxton, who is currently under indictment for securities fraud and, separately, facing an FBI investigation for abuse of office.
“Enough is enough, Ken. You've brought way too much scandal and too little integrity to this office,” Bush said. “It's time to go.”
Bush — the son of former two-term Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the nephew of former President George W. Bush and the grandson of the late former President George H.W. Bush — is running as a supporter of former President Donald Trump, despite the at-times blistering feud between Trump and the Bush family.
At a campaign kickoff event at Backyard Beer Garden in downtown Austin, supporters praised Bush as the future of the Republican Party in Texas and highlighted his support of Trump as a key credential.
Just how many George Bushes can this country tolerate?
From the Department of “OH MY FUCKING GOD”
Italian Artist Salvatore Garau Has Just Sold an Invisible Sculpture for $18,000 USD
Italian artist Salvatore Garau has just sold an invisible sculpture for $18,000 USD. The Io Sono (I am) sculpture, as the artist explains, exists but just not in material form, and is actually more like a “vacuum.”
The 67-year-old went on to elaborate that, “the vacuum is nothing more than a space full of energy, and even if we empty it and there is nothing left, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that ‘nothing’ has a weight. Therefore, it has energy that is condensed and transformed into particles, that is, into us.” Much like how we “shape a god we’ve never seen.”
The “sculpture” is intended to be displayed in a 5×5-foot square and must be displayed in a private space free from obstructions where lighting and climate control are not required. Reiterating that even if you can’t see it, it does exist, Garau included a certificate of authentication to the purchaser.
Nothing surprises me any more. But nearly everything pisses me off nowadays. WTAF is this nonsense?
By the way, here's a picture of the sculpture.
Do you like it? Can you feel its energy?
The article was originally published here! ABORTION: Illegal in Texas
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Stossel Defending Capitalism, Designer Babies, The Best and Worst Ideas, Hilarious Remy Raps on Dems Debate and Bernie.
Stossel Defending Capitalism, Designer Babies, The Best and Worst Ideas, Hilarious Remy Raps on Dems Debate and Bernie.
This ACU Show consists of 5 segments from ReasonTV. Subscribe for free today!
Stossel: In Defense of Capitalism.
Stossel: Don't Be Scared of Designer Babies
Stossel: 2020 Candidates’ Worst and Best Ideas.
Remy: Democratic Debate (The Rap)
Why Bernie Sanders' Communist Misadventures Still Matter
  Stossel: In Defense of Capitalism.
Published on Jun 18, 2019
People acting in their own self-interest created modern prosperity, says Ayn Rand Institute's Yaron Brook.
Progressives claim capitalism is "immoral" because some people become rich while others stay poor. Yaron Brook, chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, says the opposite is true. "We have basically made about $2 a day for 100,000 years," Brook told John Stossel. "In other words…we could eat what we farmed and that was it." "And then something amazing happened." About 250 years ago, a few countries tried capitalism. For the first time, people were allowed to profit from private property. "Two-hundred and fifty years ago we suddenly discovered the value of individual freedom," says Brook. "We suddenly discovered the value of leaving individuals free to think, to innovate, to produce without asking for permission, without getting the state to sign off." As a result, humans "doubled our life expectancy," says Brook. "We have dramatically increased the quality of our life and we are wealthier than anybody could have imagined." Brook, who's an objectivist, says that "doing for others is fine—but only if that's what you want." "The key is that somebody else's need is not a moral claim against your life," he adds. "Your life is yours." Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Subscribe to our podcast at iTunes. The views expressed in this video are solely those of John Stossel; his independent production company, Stossel Productions; and the people he interviews. The claims and opinions set forth in the video and accompanying text are not necessarily those of Reason.
  Stossel: Don't Be Scared of Designer Babies.
Published on Jun 11, 2019
Gene-editing technology will eventually allow parents to alter their future offspring's intelligence, height, eye color, and more. And that's worth celebrating.
Have you heard of "designer babies?" Parents who use in vitro fertilization can already select an embryo by gender and screen for diseases. Gene-editing technology will eventually allow them to alter their future offspring's intelligence, height, eye color, and more. This scares some people. Eighty-three percent of Americans say editing human genes to improve intelligence goes too far. "Of course they say that," says Georgetown University Professor Jason Brennan in an interview with John Stossel. "When you have any kind of intervention into the body that's new, people think it's icky. And they take that feeling of 'ickiness' and they moralize, and think it's a moral objection." Jenna Bush Hager, who's the daughter of former President George W. Bush, recently said that "there should be things that we leave up to God." "I'm not really sure I'm going to take her word for it," says Brennan. "If God appears before me and says 'don't do this,' I'll stop." "We already give our kids music lessons, braces, tutoring, karate lessons," Stossel says. "Any advantage we can—why not also give them the best genes?" In the future, he notes, humans could be much smarter—perhaps possessing the wisdom enough to avoid wars and travel to other planets. Sheldon Krimsky, a professor of urban planning and environmental policy at Tufts, argues that it'll "be a new way to create disparities in wealth." "Every bit of technology that we enjoy today follows the same pattern," says Brennan. "You look in your automobile, and you have a CD player or an MP3 player, and a GPS. All of these things, when they first became available, were incredibly expensive," he says. When asked if he was simply opposed to technological progress, Krimsky responded, "I love change…But I think there are some boundaries." Will there be social pressure for everyone to have "designer babies"? "It's not so clear why that's a problem," Brennan says. "If everyone is making their kids healthier and stronger and smarter, and less prone to disease, and you feel social pressure to go along with that, good. Shouldn't you do that as a parent for your child?" Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Subscribe to our podcast at iTunes. The views expressed in this video are solely those of John Stossel; his independent production company, Stossel Productions; and the people he interviews. The claims and opinions set forth in the video and accompanying text are not necessarily those of Reason.
  Stossel: 2020 Candidates’ Worst and Best Ideas.
Published on Jun 25, 2019
Stossel reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly of the 2020 campaigns.
The 2020 campaign season is getting started. John Stossel says he's "repulsed by most politicians" because "not only are they mad for power, they push bad ideas." Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) has proposed that the post office go into the banking business, so that poor people can access banking. Sanders says the "Postal Service could make billions of dollars a year by establishing basic banking services." Stossel wonders: "Really? The people who mishandle mail?" The post office loses billions every year. "Now they're going to manage our money?" he asks. Sanders doesn't stop there. He wants "a ban on for-profit charter schools" and a moratorium even on nonprofit charters. He wants that even though the vast majority of studies show charters increase learning. The bad ideas keep coming. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D–N.Y.) wants to force everyone to buy fertility treatment insurance. Sen. Cory Booker (D–N.J.) wants government to guarantee everyone a job and to pay many people's rent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) would cancel student loan debt of up to $50,000. Former Vice President Joe Biden would make college free. Sen. Kamala Harris (D–Calif.) would force companies to prove they pay men and women equally for the same work. And she'd "hold social media platforms accountable" for "hate." "That sounds nice," Stossel points out, "but if politicians get to decide what is 'hate,' they will censor any idea they don't like." President Trump also has bad ideas. For example, Stossel says, he misunderstands the trade deficit. That's led him to start trade wars around the world. Fortunately, many of the candidates also have good ideas—from Trump's regulation cutting to Biden's support for free speech, to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's (D–Hawaii) steadfast opposition to war. "All the candidates have bad ideas," Stossel says. "But some are a bigger danger to our liberty than others." The views expressed in this video are solely those of John Stossel; his independent production company, Stossel Productions; and the people he interviews. The claims and opinions set forth in the video and accompanying text are not necessarily those of Reason.
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  Remy: Democratic Debate (The Rap)
Published on Jun 28, 2019
Remy joins the debate stage to out-Democrat the Democrats. Apparently they'll let anybody up there. Written and performed by Remy. Mastered by Ben Karlstrom. Video by Austin Bragg.
LYRICS: Free contraception! That's right, that's my mission Yeah I'm stopping more wangs than Harvard admissions They say they'd fund Planned Parenthood? Well that's not enough Not only would I fund it, son I'd start a loyalty club You think they would spend more than me? You'll change your mind in a hurry I'm dropping more Jacksons Than Conrad Murray I'm dominating this debate Spartacus is impaired How do I know all the answers? Let's just say I prepared… They say they got plans They'd do a lot for the nation But unlike some people on this stage I got reservations Para el climate change-o Despacito Cinco de Mayo Burrito There's people locked up in cages We gotta act fast Not at the border, mind you Amy Klobuchar's staff I'll comb through the laws See which ones are valid Beam me to the next debate Here, use this for your salad I don't know half of these people Y'all ain't go no chances Got more write-offs on this stage Than Bernie Sanders' taxes Joe straight up killed busing You know it was gory Axed it like NBC News On a Weinstein story It's the economy, stupid It's like no one is hearing me I'd be the best thing for business since Russia conspiracies Reminds me of an accident I encountered today Not that kind of accident, Beto Why you running away? I got a plan to beat ISIS Install a puppet leader who'd lead them into insolvency Hmm…who could we choose… And North Korea is evil I just honestly learned it By checking that foolproof resource Bernie's Travelocity searches Guns are bad Of that I'm the most cognizant I'd get rid of arms so fast You'd think you're at the Saudi consulate
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  Why Bernie Sanders' Communist Misadventures Still Matter.
Published on Jun 3, 2019
Sanders no longer favors government takeover of "the major means of production." But his four-decade quest for political revolution continues.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.) has spent his entire career explaining away the inevitable downsides of massively increasing the power of the state over the individual. Sanders once identified as a socialist who, with reservations, admired the economic achievements of Cuba under Fidel Castro, of Nicaragua under the Sandinistas, and of the Soviet Union right up to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Running for office as a candidate for the Liberty Union Party in Vermont in the 1970s, Sanders sought a top tax rate of 100%, saying "nobody should earn more than $1 million." Sanders wanted to stop businesses from moving out of their original communities, arguing that the ultimate solution to protect workers was national legislation that would "bring about the public ownership of the major means of production." He favored the government seizure of "utilities, banks, and major industries," without compensation to investors or stockholders. Shortly after he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont, in 1981, Sanders told a room full of charity workers, "I don't believe in charities," because only the government should provide social services to the needy. He traveled to Nicaragua in 1985 to meet Sandinista leaders, who had installed a socialist government after overthrowing an American-backed dictator. Sanders attended the sixth-anniversary celebration of the Sandinistas' revolution and praised Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega. In 1988, he visited the USSR, three years before it collapsed. After his trip, Sanders praised the Soviets' social and cultural programs, saying American leaders had much to learn from the communist system. In 1989, Sanders traveled to Cuba to seek a meeting with Fidel Castro—though he ended up settling for the mayor of Havana. Today, Sanders calls himself a "democratic socialist" and has become a millionaire. He favors single-payer health care, free public college for all, and a $15 minimum wage. And he has distanced himself from some of his former positions in support of the Sandinistas and Castro, pointing instead to Nordic countries as examples to follow. But one thing has remained constant as Sanders has shifted his focus from Nicaragua, Cuba, and the USSR to Denmark, Finland, and Sweden: In all of these countries, he's misled his followers about the political and economic realities on the ground. Produced and edited by Justin Monticello. Graphics by Joshua Swain. Audio production by Ian Keyser. Music by Silent Partner; Jingle Punks; Topher Mohr and Alex Elena; Jimmy Fontanez, Doug Maxwell & Media Right Productions; The 129ers; Sir Cubworth; MK2; and Riot. For full text, links, and credits, go to https://reason.com/video/why-bernie-s...
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dwdelaney-blog · 5 years
My name is Dennis.
I have been writing about a large group of people making my life miserable. It is the worst kept secret in america. I have paper notes written from about 15 yrs ago and the google site itself is around 10 yrs old. it is thousands of pages in text and includes audio notes and images as well as some video which is listed on youtube. there are slightly more than 400 or so different sites and the most recent sites are at monthly site addresses, ie may2019. the specific site of the most recent site is at https://sites.google.com/site/dwdelaneymay2019 and the first site is at https://sites.google.com/site/dwdelaney/ . I ve tried to get peoples attention with the site and had hoped it might make the people that are doing this to me to stop, it hasnt. lots of other sites, wordpress, flickr, tumblr, google photos, instagram.
I had mistakenly thought i could shame them into stopping. I cannot. please help me.
Ive tried everything i can think of. I cant get an acct on twitter or snapchat or some of the other sites because i dont have a phone. I dont have a phone because i dont have any money. Ive been as clear and loud as i can possibly be. What ive been saying, ive been saying for along time. From what i understand, the defs are using the addiction frame as an excuse to make me live like this. They know it isnt true. I know it isnt true. The defs believe it doesnt need to be true in order to justify doing this to me. Ive written on this a lot, and for along time. I dont have anything to add here thats new. Some things have changed, perhaps. Regardless i will say what ive been saying. The po - . they busted hard. They knew theyd lose all along. Car talk - theyre on tape - on they radio. Talking about hitting me with chem. Not therapy. Not medicine. They arent fooling anyone with that nonsense. The evidence was cringeworthy good. Now the defs wont abide by the judgement. Po wont enforce because they are a named party. They are on the front page of the court documents. On the defendant side. They cant even pretend to be impartial. They dont have to. You cant police the police if theres no one to enforce the judgement. Wheres those handcuffs nancy. This thing has been going way too long. Before the legal complaint, 15 yrs ago. Before the page was started 10 yrs ago. The doj has changed administrations and tried to sabotage my case by influencing my individual actions and my thought process itself. I am subject to involuntary communication, i believe, while i sleep. I think this is i am kept, not just homeless, but outdoors homeless. I have reason to believe these communications have been used to attempt to weaken my case and used in combination with other strategies i encounter in my waking hour. The cocaine on the trash bags, back when i was led to believe that buying my food would risk forfeiting my case. This was itself used to bolster the addiction frame. Its worth pointing out im not addicted to anything, including cocaine, when maybe i should be. The fact that im not is the strongest possible evidence against the defs - and their bogus addiction. I ought to be suing the rouge partisans at doj for trying to get me addicted. Like those people making money off the opioid addicts. The people doing this to are not average people. They are experts in psychology and pain. That means chemistry, pest control, medicine and chemical warfare. It is particularly troubling that i believe dod, po, dod po which is mp are involved. Note esp rel b/t pols and dod - in ing - 33rd - esp il adj gen - and links to cl&e. Note esp austin is adj gen and ierc and scrp - politically this works w/ caths as well - as a social net that means kcs - and karl kemme - karlihker - etc. the link between the po and ing/scrp is strong - keen - gillette - all the evidence on spddefendants, scsodefendants, scrping, good example is sideshow bob, the knight mgr - social nets - get aux police status - chem - boesdorfer - steil was 3d shift - when he was pulled it gives a good window into the timeline. Note how things happen in sangamon county. All the names match up. Bob is russes brother - or his kid or something. Steil is irvs boy. The arson frame lets him mobilize ffs to hit me with chem as fire prevention. The shifts are 24 hrs - so they have lots fof time - xa clutzo - pest control - chem - note esp steil goes to iema - sticfusion - xa fema and iema - extraordinary powers - and note po and addiction frame - mrt and dirt - stone in derd - nix alums - team nix - chigop - rummy as rep - h/k - huizenga - note timeline on isp addiction - mrt - starts when i get into town - blago - gnuteck - cl&e sandbags jbt - roth dragoo - teaparty - the teaparty are way into the dwdelaney fun. And they have used gov as an excuse to have me as their entertainment. Thats why i argued 1983 - due process. Equal protection. The po is in the thing big. And they wojcocki at sheriffs. That doesnt know anything about law enforcement. Hes never spent a day of his life as a cop. He edited the spfld dio newsletter - and ringeisen created a job for hin uis lobbyist. Because he knows people. Hes got clout, power that he holds personally. Note esp wojcocki is ilsen, the woman from lg. And the woj fam link to albx - albanese - who, himself is linked to mgraw the mcds mgr in town. Mgraw owned the stores where certain inds worked - sixth st - macarthur/lg - several other. Mrt and dirt was po - and note caths are specifically involved in addiction frame from spk. And that followed me to spfld - they hit me really bad in spk with chem. They also physically hit me. Some guy ive never seen before just punched me in the nose twice, broke my nose, got the xrays and everything, and a car pulls up, a door opens, he walks up to the car and gets in. i got the plate, filed a report. I cant remeber how many i have filed reports and nothing ever happens. Dont know what to think of the inginspk stuff. I think they called me a pow and did sere pychology in order to justify hitting me with dod product chem. Chemical warfare materials and tactics. For fun, how to train your dragon. And i got to put up with pictures of groundhog day on the natl rev instagram page. FU. they know the addiction frame is bogus, but i guess the wh believes it is within the power of executive branch to make up some excuse in order to keep me living like this. I can have my life back when i give up my case. Shave and a hair cut . i have been thinking about this thing all wrong. Its all one big misunderstanding, they were really just trying to help me out. What with me being an addict and all.
First, the defs watch everything i do, every footstep, listen to every word. I write the page. They read. I filed a lawsuit against exactly what they are doing, with them as named defendants. How can they possibly say i consent. And they lost. Right. Also, note that the theres an element of txgop prank here. The jail - the charge b & e. Tx fam johnson. Designated as a pow - enemy combatant - lone wolf terr - spfld radio kelm - chatham package - lon chainey - chi football - monsters of the midway - romney from bain capital - bain is chigop - wolf bane - rabbit - bunny - bunny bread - bct - bread truck drivers - lfmc - sixth st - scb - pambianco - spfld roadrunners - sjh - hic - centaurs - shs - ackerman - terry nelson - duane gibson - -brooks bros - irv - stone - suncruz - palm - charlotte - ann colder - stuck in galv - halliburton - longies - ororke - obscen phone calls - gwb admin - agag - perry homicidal threats frame - xa rice arroz - night owls - smu - american graffitti - ron howard - happy daze - 123 oclock - 4 more years - haley barber - nicky haley - mark few - mark denzler - thers also shark smear linked to dads fam. Grandma remarries someone that has an adult son that works at the post. Never met the guy. Thats what the glasses thing is about. All this was supposed to be unearthed by the counterintel inv. But that was just cover for the fact they busted so hard. They got nothing. They had to find a reason to stall. The po wont enforce. The caths run it. Note usccb and h/k - esp the time period i leave ftl for spk  - and note what happens when i get back to spfld. The thing  with them putting me in jail. The cocaine on the floors and walls. Thats also the psych frame. Thats why the dude from efe - sc wants to use mental illness as an excuse for “treatment”. Its chem. Designed as poison and used to make me hurt and keep me from getting sleep - lincoln era gop - jeffe ron - whigs - ipi - peeps - humint - social network - fraternal orgs - shriners - fop - unions - sports - shgfootball - esp kcs - but see also - roa - ngaoi - teaparty - note esp link b/t - ilfop and ilroa - ilfop and ngaoi - xa ilfop pence link - gregorian chant - trumpence - baiseboll - kingmakers - mel sembler - rauner - paprocki - sembler seed - ftl - principles bldg next to apt in ftl - carlyle - bush - cia - clockwork orange - vala - guards - 233mp - 33 hq guards - jeepsters - crep - airport guards - and fd - xa scso - swat - tru - cit - and see names of people linked to dirt and mrt - esp eric hall - auburn - boesdorfer - boes link to mta - jasmon - nifong - trucks - coal trucks - tx ata - tex mex - job at shim factory - ed smith is tx liuna - furman milburn - furman schuh - txgop - mighty muffler - galv usarec - deps used to do ops - wal emps - note esp dunks spkr at conv for trademark - takes opportunity to spk to state that their largest competitor is political. Unsolicited on the topic, former bain emp says be happy. That has a very specific meaning for some readers - xa wal - omnimedia - terry nelson - duane gibson - bc04 - kjell - swift - blessing - ilgop - xa carlyle - txgop - dutton - bonilla - charles s dutton - the cover of the  natl rev features - duane - the rock - johnson - txgop prank - not treatment - trick - xa aches - hh’s - jc - chamber - bob has a gavel collection - chamber ic - xa chamber trucks - mta - the addiction thing is like all the other stuff - all whisper campaign. No one says anything to me. I wrote up a website on wordpress - 953 - just on consent - they know i dont consent. Theyre not trying to listen. They dont have to. It doesnt matter. There is nothing i can say or do thats going to make them stop. Its not about addiction. They needed time to stall. Time too marginalize me. They can claim they killed my grandparents. They can claim im a ntional security threat. The fact is they dont have to prove any of this stuff. They knew theyd lose. And after they lost, they knew they would keep me living exactly the same way for as long as they wanted. It never made any difference. They joke about the whole thing - which is exactly what put them in this spot from the beginning. They cant admit what they did in sangamon county. To me. Then they followed me to florida, washington state, tx, and ive been in lots of different states now. They cant admit that they have been wrong. And as long as they dont have to - they wont. What they are doing to me is wrong. They know it. Or they should know it. They cant stop. Who is going to be the first person to blow this story up - because its coming - this is the worst kept secret in america. Its coming
cartalk – po is busted – radio communications show that po not trying to “treat” some sort of medical problem. that evidence was one of the things that made the defendants lose as badly as they did. if that ev was to leak, then the doj is wrong for it getting out. the po is wanting to have it both ways.
they wont enforce the judgment, against themselves. they have instead, decided to protect their political patrons and themselves and openly have defied the rule of law. rather than doing the job that everyone in america thinks they are doing, “law enforcement”, they have a more enlightened view of what their job is. look out for number 1.
note the pants and the position of abes hand - about as subtle as a steam caliope - caci - semper vigilans - perv - expo - pedophile frame - springfield consulting - wide awakes - whigs - lincoln era gop - ierc - airc onditioning - 404 chem batt - celletti - ilroa - adj genl - xa austin - big red - fox - boris johnson - bor i bor - bors - arriba - johnson - xa txgop - note rel b/t gop & brit conservatives - 10 downing - x - 33rd - lincoln silhouette - 4s - cross hairs - reticle - target practice - batting practice - precinct - nabors - glyphosate - riggleman - farm chem - farm bro - comer - comida -
Text for cartalk - veritas - havent taken site because - runs into 1a issues - and cant arg civil defam - because what im saying is true - theyd have to arg on the merits - they dont want that - they lost - in court - but the wits cant speak in public - thats what the defs are betting on - thats why the po isnt enforcing - and they knew theyd lose all along - they cant even pretend to be impartial - they are named parties in the litigation. 1983 - due process - equal protection - and see esp - dod - mp - color - vigilantism - aux police - kcs - deps - usarec - note esp 233 - gillette - keen - fuel specialists - but see also corp - mcds - abe lincoln cab - wal - etc.
po is involved in mental illness frame - and addiction frame - they lost at trial - trying to argue that - based at least in part - upon recorderd communications between dispatch and squads - as well as comms b/t squads/ offcrs - and inds - phone convs in squads - as well as ind testimony - wits - addiction frame is - bo - gus - ive tried a lot of different social media sites. Google sites - dwdelaney - google photo - flickr - wordpress - medium - instagram - imgur - tumblr - youtube - I cant access the sites that require a phone like twitter, facebook etc. I cant even get an “obamaphone” because im homeless and my id wont register when i try to apply. I have try to say that i dont consent as loudly and as often as i can. They know its bogus. But you see the new statue in front of the alplm and the cover on the natl rev and you hear wh flacks say they think the pres can continue doing whats hes doing under article 2 exec power. It has been suggested that the doj picked up my case as a civil rts case and they won. Then i guess a new admin comes in and wants to blow up my case as its being appealed. Defs lose all appeals. Po and gop wont stop. They want to stall out and force me to concede consent. Schaive and a haircut - they might have some legal authority to do this to me. I dont understand how thats possible. I dont understand how i can be forced to live like this. It should stop. Ive been trying to say that. Someones not trying to hear me.
6/1 they messed with my myspace page. they inserted a photo of me that I didn't post to that account. they are messing with my pages. xa psychological elements of pain - theyre trying to fancy it up. they want to change the way I think about the pain. xa Stockholm syndrome. im supposed to be thankful when they don't hit me that hard. they could be hitting me harder. sometimes they hit me hard. they should stop. ive been trying to tell them that this is the list of sites as of jun/2019 - note that ive tried to use others but I cant because I don't have a phone.
Google sites - monthly - ie. https://sites.google.com/site/dwdelaneyjun2019/
Google photos -  https://photos.google.com/?tab=oq&pageId=none
Flickr site - flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/151524170@N03/
Medium  https://medium.com/@dwdelaney/
Wordpress site at -https://www.dwdelaney.wordpress.com
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dwdelaney/
Tumblr - site - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dwdelaney
Imgur - https://imgur.com/user/dwdelaney
Youtube -
Agricolae - farm bro - glyphosate - h/k - dept agr - cbot - commodities - sonny perdue - ga - wh cos before mulvaney - il agr is state fair - smarjesse - “marketing” xa sportstalksmans - ssc - caths peoria - 182 airlift - jsoc - downing - ovp ran ops out of jsoc - erik prince - bw - ctc - cofer black - badgers - atl - koch bros - baise - greco baise vala - dr pepper - loft as radicalization frame - oc links - clarridge - bunn in oc - geo w bunn - mel sembler - augie busch - college of cardinals - xa camp and blankenship at ipi - liquor and tobacco lobby - and koch bros - paprocki links to ipi - lincoln era gop - wide awakes - service master - brandt - fsb - farm chem - henkel - pain and sleep - king of the hill - hillen chip guy - trucks - wal vendors - city mapping guy - terr tracking - “treatment” for my mental problem - addiction - was right about the hoff - and sunday school girl - though she left early - and may not have even known they were using her as an excuse - tileman - mak denzler- mark few - burtt and hefferon - top gun cunningham - albo - fibromyalgia - pain that is invisible - and doesnt leave marks - the perfect crime - usarec - prospects - under the radar - recruiters used the lure of extremely well paying jobs in order to get kids to do ops - 4 more years - happy days - 123 oclock - haley barber - niki haley - team nix - team mack - mckinnon is a tri - swimmers - ronda sentis - y coach sharmin - illini sharktopus - topaz gunderson - wal mgmt link to crs - uis - xa yrs - scrp - ierc - chao - fudd - james elmer mitchell - it just gets funnier every day dennis - doncha get it - youll figure it out dennis - they knew i wasnt a terrorist - or a pedophile or an arsonist - georgia - able cravens - breck girl - airborne chem - celletti is adj gen - like austin - note roth dragoo - teaparty links - romculsoc - libri - pecori - palazzolo - sleep - get it dennis - pecori was ierc - libri is dod civaff - xa ilroa - phone tree - who else can ask someone to do something so obviously illegal - what does that conversation sound like - you have to tell theother person that they are in no danger of being held accountable - by the police - by the courts - dist atty - usatty - doj - if someone asked me to put something in my gas tank - and drive upwind of some dot on my phone - id say hell no - do it yourself - that sounds illegal - and the defs haveavoided any consequences this entire time - how many years has it been - long enough to conceaal and destroy as much as evidence as they could possibly hope to - long enough for the people that were behind it - to quietly fade into the background - thats what this is about - there is no pain left for the defs - they got what they wanted - time - the mcds guys are gone - and now people have retired - moved - gotten different jobs - they had lots of time - the po is still backing them up - its just the po now - not doing their job - is all i can point to - that and the dod people - id say the original pols are gone but the arent - trump was elected on a fudd platform - as well as ldrshp in cong - and ilgop - they have demonized me and kept me wandering the country - from one town to another - in abject poverty - relying only on handouts - in pain all day long - sleeping on sidewalks - talking into my little voicerecorder
6/3/19 - ilroa - roa - i think this is it - xa libri - scrp - reticle - cross hairs - terr frame - bene & the jets - 33 hq - ing - ilfopngaoi - etc. cambone - ovp/jsoc -
6/2 - defensetv - logo - for 33rd hq - civaff - reticle - cross hairs - 90′s - 10 lines - 2 fives -
look what i found
- xa libri - scrp - civaff - bitcoin - cryptocurrency - ierc - pecori - romculsoc - greco baise vala -
33rd - ing - hq civaff - libri - four f - f2 - fu - the - the - l&e - Le - fu l&e - fuel specialists - 404th chem batt - celletti - adj gen - austin - adj gen and ierc - chosen by cellinis wife - (cellini) - note celetti - c el & “i” - kcs - karl kemme - vala is gk - sabado gigante - they knew i wasnt a terrorist - they put me in jail - they werent trying to “help” me - they own the po - sheriffs - wojcicki - rauner - paprocki - mel sembler - saw that bbar used the word bogus in the paper today - car talk guys say bogus
Update 2019
Basis of the claim - the original complaint mentioned the 1983 - due process and equal protection claims. I also plead a rico charge under a civil liability theory. In order to make this thing happen, the defs have recruited participants with the promise of a job, a promotion, overtime hours, or other such inducements. Conversely, those refusing to participate, or those that had been involved, but had decided to stop or speak out against the defs, have faced penalties in wages, hours etc. In particular, in order for this to continue, defs have directed these specific retaliatory measures toward witnesses for the government, the plaintiff, me, as well as those that might even consider such a position. The evidence for this is without question. These individuals have faced tangible losses in income, threatened with long term unemployment in their chosen field and have also endured significant social and peer pressure as well. Those defs that are employed in intelligence, either as analysts or within collection or any number of different technical specialties, were pressured to participate in, what was knowingly illegal activity, fucking with me, ie. identity theft, aggravated battery etc. They were forced to use gov authority to fuck with me. The defs witheld hiring people that wouldnt participate. This could itself form another rico type allegation under a theft of services legal theory. Its not all fun and games. Its misuse of gov legal authority. It specifically benefits the defs in that it is also a demonstration of power. As such, it can be used to recruit in the future and prevent opposition on any number of different fronts. The misuse of authority, in my case, gets them more power. The baines thing and the nixon thing both are directed by elements within the group of defendants that are in direct political opposition to themselves. Txgop, would benefit, in a very real way from destroying my life, under some bogus claim linking me to a prominent figure within the txdems. Similarly, the nixon smear, or the wp smear, demonizes me and mobilizes forces that are politically opposed to their real or perceived agenda. Im trying to figure out why this thing wont stop. I guess there was a case, the defs lost. Po wont enforce. I cant tell whats true. I have a lot of people tell me a lot of different things. In order for this to happen, some things have to be true.a large group of very powerful people is behind this. This is the worst kept secret in america. I shouldnt have to live like this.
6/5 - google sites list of sites as monthlys - in pdf form
Rose long is chair - long elevator - lord vader - dark side - team lift -
Roth - ing - 33rd legal - roth dragoo - penny marshall - big dragoo -
Air cond - american cons union - we accomodate - caci - ierc - skinner box - carlyle - principals and agents - bah - alco frame - booze alien - reeses - re & re - ren re - reineke - usmc - glyphosate - comer - comida - abraham maslows pyramid of needs - hierarchy - abraham - brauer - ippa - pence - 2p - topaz - lincoln era gop - red eyes - addiction frame in spk - wpp - dennispmoore - urinary tract infection in fla - box office job - 90’s - reticle - cross hairs - james elmer mitchell - sharktopus - panther - hart - scb - cl&e - inb - van meter - how to train your dragon - lincoln cab - deployment - robert urich - ierc - wideawakes - haley barber - 123 oclock - baines - bennis elaine - bainc apital - pope bene - they put me in jail on a trumped up charge - entirely fabricated - breaking and entering - burglary - bene - 2m - slugger - spfld sliders - football - sportstalksmans - peoria - xa wojcicki - sheriffs - usccb - h/k - chigop - thompson alums - nix alums - baise - springfield consulting - was right about the hoff and link to shs - skreech - thats the only name on that show ive heard - xa bell imagery - consent - ecole - hammertime - bigfoot exterminators - poison - king of the hill - dang ol dale patterson - henkel - kindred - mu - roddavis - yrs - spfldconsulting - carlyle - bush fam - geo w bunn - ima - mark denzler - ideas il - security guards - off duty po - 33rd hq guards all have to leave - thats important for timeline - when they kicked out the priv guards - from camp lincoln - xa carlucci wackenhutt - bush at cia - cofer black - demonstration of power - bunn - money - chase - ache - chevy chase maryland - laffers - bethesda - va hosp - emps do ops - cofer - sleep deprivation - 247 creates fibro - weakens immunity - xa physical trauma - the nose - the car - dennsipmoore - scrp does cryptocurrency to reward ops - under libri as gop chair - how it happens in spfld is about the jobs - thats the irv mantra - only people that will do ops - me - will ever get jobs - fd - pd - politics - even corp - mcds - mgraw albanese - wal schweska - be happy - no hurry - whos extorting who - the jobs go to the mil side - bell - recruiters - meps for the area is stl - xa caths - slu - spitzer - mark few - usccb ldrshp follows me to spk - when i get there - and the addiction frame follows me back to spfld - xa trophies frame - note esp link here b/t hic - peoria dio - cat ima - and sjh - spfld roadrunners - team mack - samuel charles - mark mckinnon - 2m - mu - bene - antifa - jacob engels - andrew jackson - rachel - ache - ftl brooks bros riot - duane gibson - terry nelson - ackermann senterfitt - mckinnon - huizenga - servus - wm - mace paolino - chem lon - team mack - precinct 10 - 33rd - gu - winston - civaff - 4F - llcc - workforce development - gingrich - physics - vaq209 - rape frame - rufies - eroll in sd - and see watson is mi - and at pendleton when im there - nuclear power plant frame - terr frame - loft was radicalization frame - eastern philosophy - sufi poet - rumi - dod - rummy - nix alums - copeland - vala - usss - homicidal threats frame mobilizes po - and dod - thats why when i went into the hpd in person - to make a compaint - because the pain was really bad - they sent me to the homicide dept - and then they just gave me a scrap of paper with the addr of the epa - other mi - spfld - kingtech 4 wheeler - kingtech was mi - background checks - note esp shgfootball for links - thats why this is still going on - shgfootball and wojcicki at sheriffs - mckenna in chi - paprocki and rauner is mel sembler - kingmakers - baise - xa wojcicki at albx - mgraw albanese - albo - hot tub tom - top gun - 123 oclock - cifa - burtt - hefferon - agag - laffers - usattys - carol lam - clutzo - netznik - fd poison - arson frame - dmh - who used to work at the bldg next to dor - in the same bldg - on my walk as guard - xa shs and simpsons - roger ailes - no fooling - note esp farm policy - and see boris johnson - duane the rock - johnson - bene and the jets - 183 fw - mm - mike meyer - fuel specialists - timm and lopian - link b/t scso - and 233 - keen - gillette - xa sd - wilkinson - liuna schaive - blagoliuna - hardy pisano - isea2002 - hardy reps sang co in excessive force case - he asks me questions about dennispmoore hit - had to sit for deposition - nobody has to answer my questions - furman milburn - furman schuh - schuh is ilsen - links to rauner - rauner tries to hold dems hostage on my lawsuit - shuts down gov until gov gives up case - they dont - rauner appears foolish - people leave and he picks up lots of people from ipi - trump tries the same thing - it fails - thats why the shutdown - maybe - maybe not - ive been thinking that - xa sanctuary cities - attack on due process - maybe just my imagination - i undersatnd it makes me look bad to say that - but ive been thinking that - where do we go now - the defs dont want to admit they did something bad - for all the talk of being religious - and the backing of the church - you cant shame them into doing the right thing - roger stones - im not trying to pretend to be something im not - 33rd - we acc - caci - pedophile frame - minors - investigators - clearance - gina larkin - perv - expo - alplm - semper vig - always vigilant always present - vala is gk - steil is knight mgr - karliker is knight mgr - karl kemme - rivkcs - sd malta - karcher - sembler - addiction frame - principles - breck girl - 2p -  muffler goes out in cape - charlotte rousse - ann colder - roger stone - irv in ftl - porter goss - house gop - hic - bush cia - carlyle - gosslings - gwb - longies - obscene phone calls - gal vest on - james baker III - hou meps - hou civaff - ed smith is spfld and tx - thompson has labor links - chi liuna - medieval recreation - kurtz - ambulance - dan tanna - spencers gag gifts - kurtz is usccb - mcconnell is slugger - vegas takes place in a garage - xa basketball - highschool - jim scott - rocky wirtz - george orwell - shs -
update 2019/scrp
In bigfoot exterminators - barone calls riggleman - den -
Simpsons - ned flanders - and fox - beavis and butthead - simpsons - is flanders - kids - two kids - rod & tod - line from flanders kid in “flaming moes” - smells like tinkle” - chuck tingle -
Note esp - first page of - bigfoot - lists gps as - 2311 - not emergency - xa tracking - deet - mosquito abatement - poison - colorless and odorless - hypersensitivity with chronic exposure
Skimming the “tome” - this stuff gets riggleman - the nom - and the seat - dist leans r - not going to waste time reading this stuff - lots of references to me - xa joke between him and his dod buddies - hes an anthroplogist -
Unite the right - scrp hq addr -
 The Sangamon County Republican Central Committee (SCRCC)1132 E Sangamon Ave, Springfield, IL 62702
SCSO DIRT - pages - links to larger docs - update2019
Fits timeline - july 2004 - exactly when i get into town - complaint in galv was - july 2004
I leave tx because they wont take my complaint in tx - i drive back to spfld - i get there in aug - car breaks down - i need to make money for gas - xa cape - charlotte -
Isp - mrt timeline - and see dirt timeline - gen - 2004 - 2007 - note esp bressan -
The original site and doc are from 2011 - the mrt update places the start of the program at just about the time i get into town and stops right about the time i think a legal case may have been taken up by the feds - lots of other “retirements” - moves - take place around this time - note esp steil move - 2006 spd retirees - and see also us pols - usattys -
Isp mrt timeline -
Dirt site -
Big picture is boes - auburn - county board - eric hall - roddavis - curtright - mu - kindred - henkel - hvac - forced air - dare - baise ball - facio - ace - ache - rove nickname - xa ipi - tileman - and see ibt - coli - choline - mta - jasmon - gop - rummy - nifong - aiw - #10 - ab - garbage trucks - wm - huizenga - mcds - gidwitz - kinzinger - boesdorfer - shriners - jeepsters - social network - caths and shriners - xa kcs - xa christian county - gop in christian county - taylorville - pana - job at mai - poison ivy - rostoff - animal drugs - jurkanin - isp - xa timeline for mrt - kornfeld - hoff - sjh - roadrunners - swimmers - team mack - bulldog - winston - thompson - rondesantis - james elmer mitchell - i talked about davis before the election - im still talking about him - links to rove - crossroads - organ grinder - uncertain - sacco goes to dpr - they have guys w clearance - investigators -
From dwdelaney - dirt -
Sheriff disbanding DIRT, warrant teams
By JAYETTE BOLINSKI ([email protected])
Posted Jul 08, 2009 @ 11:30 PM
Last update Jul 09, 2009 @ 06:40 AM
Sangamon County deputies whose primary roles involve rooting out drugs and searching for fugitives are being reassigned to patrol duty as the sheriff’s office struggles to plug a budget shortfall.
Sheriff Neil Williamson said Wednesday that, while he hopes the teams can be reformed in the future, it is unclear when that might happen. Next year’s budget already “is looking grim also,” he said.
Five deputies are affected by the change.
*Lt. Brian Bressan and deputies
*Jason Boesdorfer and
Kenny Karhliker
make up the sheriff’s Drug Investigative Response Team,
while deputies
Matt Lorton and
Jim Tapscott,
the sheriff’s warrant team, are on loan to the U.S.
Marshals’ fugitive task force.
All five will be back on the street effective July 20.
The sheriff’s office previously disbanded its crime prevention unit as part of its budget-cutting efforts. Williamson said he was asked to trim $850,000 from his budget because of the county’s “severe financial constraints.”
He called the warrant and drug teams “two of the most successful units we’ve had” and said disbanding them was one of the hardest decisions he’s had to make in his 15 years as sheriff. However, Williamson said, he is doing everything possible to avoid layoffs.
He also expressed concern that crime could escalate as a result of the cuts. The office will have to react more to crime now, rather than being able to take preventive steps.
“We are getting back to the basics of what a sheriff’s department is supposed to do,” he said.
The sheriff’s warrant team was formed in July 2000 and supplied two deputies to the U.S. Marshals’ fugitive task force. Since the warrant team was formed, more than 4,900 fugitives have been captured, Williamson said.
The team’s disbanding means the sheriff’s office no longer will have representatives on the fugitive task force.
The DIRT team was formed in July 2004 in response to what was at the time a growing methamphetamine problem in Sangamon County. The team made numerous meth-related arrests in its first two years, which Williamson said drastically curbed the local meth industry.
The DIRT team has made about 1,700 drug-related arrests since its inception.
This is an email -
with a copy of the site written in 2010 - dirt - link is above - some links as intro - are on the page -
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 Updated Mar 8, 2010, 12:57 PM
- See also "timeline" – big picture
(Drug frame as excuse for harassment)
First, note hall rumor of cocaine use. I’ve Never done cocaine in my life. Second, I was set up in san diego to make it look like I was involved in my brother’s drug use and sales. Afl-cio internship puts me in san diego, where only person I know is Delong. He is staying in an apartment where, I find out later, although not living there and rarely seen, the leaseholder is Pennell. I’m in san diego and Johnny comes out to san diego, where I find out he’s buying and selling cocaine. I tell him to stop and he ignores me. He gets busted. He goes to jail. I’ve been staying at kennedy house and working day labor after the last election when Johnny says he getting out on probation but he needs a California address before they let him out on probation. I don’t have near enough to get my own place and Johnny says I can use his account, which had, I think, a little less than two thousand dollars in it. I find the place on broadway, in the gaslamp, very cheap. By the time I pay first and last months rent and security deposit, I’ve taken out all but a couple hundred dollars. He’s pretty upset about this at the time. Anyway, I think the whole putting me in san diego with Johnny thing and then him getting busted in san diego while I’m there and then me needing a place for him was pre-planned. Somebody knew I would have to use johnny’s account to get a place and that this could be used to justify harassment by scso back in springfield. Even with that as an excuse, the officers on the DIRT squad still went way beyond the scope of their authority in using vehicle exhaust to prevent sleep and cause pain and were involved in getting pedophilia frame arranged.
The background of the officers illustrates why they were chosen.
Drug frame – ob – pennell – irv smith – scrp – johnny’s probation - apartment  –
note also – hall cocaine rumor
and see also madonia pubdef’s – frame-up
Dirt run by sacco – Those involved:
Bressan, boesdorfer, karhliker, Lorton, tapscott –
Bressan – demarco – long fam – north end r’s – evening r’s – timm/clatfelter – 183 fuel specialist – chatham legion w/ lopian and rackets - professional courtesy guy – taser guy – ran dirt team
Bressan at:
boesdorfer – aimee gray – mta w/ jasmon – trucking – renfrow at mta – (renfrow – davlin)
Loren boesdorfer was auburn mayor, scrp  – pd, fd
boesdorfer at:
Karhliker – shg coaches – leonard – IC – “scso defendants” and “timeline” site, prez at fop
karhliker – leonard background at dwdelaney and at:
dirt/warrants disbands (see also sacco bails) – timeline:
other scso defendants:
see new links: Tapscott – terry moore – timm – timm/lopian – long fam – tapscott/moore
(Brian long’s wife employed at pccc – coffey/Saputo)
and see new boesdorfer links to sommer and timm
links - 6/6
Hayes goes to ursuline - he runs tru w/ tapscott - tapscott info at scsodefendants
When I lived in a storage unit near nelsons they were involved in the chem - vehicles
Lindvall runs nelsons - and was ursuline basketball coach - in 2005 he goes to sci - im at storage around 2004 - 2005 or 6 shortly after I got to spfld I think
Sci is wharton xa eck noonan soccer - donley is linked to lindvall - xa coal trucks mta jasmon and see shriners trucks scso boes xa roddavis auburn eric hall mrt - scso dirt - nelsons has cafe gig at dept agr dnr and lrs -sci is torricelli - xa nelsons site - riggle - carnduff for stic - and see sticfusion - these guys at stic are terr frame - sleep deprivation and pain - stic has or had bw badgers - 233 and scso isp -
Riggle is the llcc ad - xa gray on bd - riggle is mike houston 79 co chair - houston is very jcs and chamber - claims to be a product of the jcs etc -
Riggle replaces dhabalt at llcc - dhabalt is fam spd  - xa crimestoppers koester - and stic aclu - scso acts on stic and intel to disproportionately enforce the law - claim crimestoppers but its oppo
Campo is yrs and scso - related to stl bommarito - thats where his juice comes from - xa cars - mi10 - caths - usccb - alton is spi dio - and see cars - xablankenship campo ipi -
Stic dir is soccer player - carnduff -
Boes - dragoo - steil - durr - karhliker -
Xa ing - gillette - ROyER - erve - ken - xa spd links to ing - celletti - cl&e - vala/gray - mrt - wal badgers - nsa - schweska - yrs - caths -
Scso -
Those guys that won’t work w/ koester - trouble - the po is not an uninterested party in this thing - they got busted talking about hitting me w/ chem - sleep deprivation - “wide awakes” - glyphosates - glu - they are not impartial - and they “disagree” w/ the court ? -
Linkage b/t pols - scso - ing - dod - recruiters -
Boes - auburn - eric hall - roddavis - mrt - shriners - xa hawrelak - denzler - chamber - lumber - mta - jasmon - boes -
Xa steil - sfd - iema - irve - busted for 3d shift sleep deprivation and still on the job -
Police unions - ron stone - pbpa - xa dia - foia request - 2006 retirees -
I think hayes is the pedophile frame
Manci - moriconi - gambling -
Boes -
Dinardo link - illini cc swimmers
Steil is at “steilextensions” page
OPERATIONS DIVISION Captain Cheryllynn Williams
In 2017, there were 41,344, incidents in Sangamon County where deputies either initiated a law enforcement service or were dispatched to a call.
There was a lot of movement in the operations division in 2017. In April, Will Brooks, Jordan Cox, and Ryan Kuntzi were hired as a Sangamon County Deputies. Deputy Brooks began the Field Training Program immediately due to prior law enforcement training, and Deputies Cox and Kuntzi began the Illinois State Police Recruit Class. Sergeant Andy Danes was transferred from second shift to the Investigations Division in August. Detective Nancy Finley was promoted to Sergeant and transferred to second shift. Deputy Travis Dalby was transferred from second shift to Crime Prevention in March. Deputy Andrew Brashear was transferred from first shift to the Investigations Division in November.
In June, Deputy Knox retired after 25 years of service. His humor and kindness will be missed.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (law enforcement motto)
Lt. E. Knowski
Sgt. J. Tapscott
Lt. R. Steil
Sgt. A. Mayfield Lt. W. Cearlock Sgt. W. Wooden
Sgt. N. Finley
Sgt. J. Boesdorfer
Sgt. D. Miller
S. Butterfield
D. Timm
D. Howse C. Law T. Koester B. Baughman
T. Roderick
A. Cline D. Dickason M. Garst A. Womack J. Bartello M. Long
S. Wieland
J. Budd B. Stapleton G. Harney B. Tweryon
D. Guernsey
B. Fleck A. Robinson Ja. Hayes M. Wilkin
N. Campo
J. Hanson A. Smith A. Jahns J. Smith E. Maulding S. Matli M. Powell M. Tudoreanu
T. Sommer
A. Henton A. Finigan
Deputies listed in bold text are Identification Technicians, and in italic are Accident Reconstructionist.
11/5 - Raperumor
was right about raperumor from docs - the guard lady - xa cra - newfrontier - Dirksen - boes - vono - when I was in kc - I drove to kc - when I was there someone loosened the lugnuts - chem on the road and in town - xa vono links - dale - esp herb Henkel - dangole - hank hill - dales dead bug - judge - agag - fox - tx22 - xa ibt916 - chamber - clear money - abf - dot - tracy - jasmon - boes shriners - donley - chem - water - lpw - dennispmoore - utils - trophies - shg - spk - Mitchell Jessen - clute - hecla - Cletus - celletti - callis - slu - gambling - vono - Henderson - sd - duraneb - neb charlotte - 29 palms - Huachuca - mi10 stl - the hill - red sauce - alton dio - spi - paprocki - lucas - ipi - gentleman - mus - ipi tileman - Blankenship - yrs - scso - aux po - chem - schweska - wal - smiley - 233 - scso - mrt - eric hall - roddavis - sites - 27 - Dirksen - carnduff - and see wm - landfill - durako - steil - hardy - paolino - fl - see esp boes - 916 Sullivan - scso - donley - coal trucks - Sherman pd - ibt grievances - radio dispatch - busted like po - that's why the judgment was high - busted so hard - not some sort of misunderstanding - they aren't fooling anyone w/ that nonsense - raperumor is true -
Vigilantism - guards - vono - duraneb - henderson - suhadolnik - icb - dale patterson - fox - henkel - fibro - chem - xa spk - caths - mitchell jessen - sleep deprivation - yrs - doj - gop attys - burkhardt - hecla - clute - cl&e - celletti - karl kemme - kcs - usccb - preston gates - riverside - broken nose - sere - sergei rachmaninoff - petraeus - troop surge - delay/stall - tx22 - gal veston - pompeo - sylva & us - note r - ecole - consent - green light - la showbiz - gop - op - chem - franchises - zito - ovp - ovp is jsoc - scooter - schaive - xa schaive links - liuna - blago - ipi - paprocki - spi dio - lucas - liuna - donley - aci - industrial chem - thompson - water - lpw - dennispmoore - flatop - spk
dirt - scso - this bressan ev is fn gold - note esp link to
Grandview - long - ierc - scercc - lord Vader - wide awakes - caci - semper vigilans - Lincoln era gop -
xa boes - auburn - Sommer - brandt - aux police - color of law - and see CIT - mental health frame - mhcci - pico fyans - romculsoc - suicidal - autistic - depressed - xa fertilizer - stimulants - sleep deprivation - glutamic acid - rondesantis - James Elmer Mitchell - usccb - hecla - dean Cletus - you ports cleat - obscene phone calls - homicidal threats frame - they knew I wasn't a terrorist - usarec - galv - veston - txgop - spfld - mike judge - king of the hill - albo - galv is Halliburton - longies - hot tub tom - sugar land - rove - bene & the jets - 183 fw - fuel specialists - timm - xa dirt - lopian - Dutton bonnilla - Charles s Dutton - the rock - Comcast - Carlyle - bush fam - cia - bunn - cofer black - demonstration of power - wide awakes - Henkel - crabtree the fiber guy - sere guy - Petraeus - rock man - troop sere g - optics - civaff - optempo - 123 o'clock - heffe Ron -  
Boes - davis - big picture - sportalk - cwlpdir - dwight chapin - chapin rose - h/k - rondesantis - shim - addiction frame is bogus - roddavis - yrs - rove - rga - crossroads - eric hall - DIRT
These sites have some of the same arts - dif links - comments -
docs linked to boes - davis - shim - yrs -
Sites with links to boes - davis - eric hall - dirt - mrt - addiction frame - roddavis
Davis - christian county gop -
Taylorville man launches run for state House seat
Herald & Review (Decatur, IL) - Tuesday, September 19, 1995
Author: SARAH ANTONACCI ; H&R Taylorville Bureau Chief
TAYLORVILLE -A 26-year-old Taylorville resident announced his bid for the state House of Representatives seat occupied by Democrat Rep. Gary Hannig of Benld. Rodney Davis , a Republican, is a Taylorville High School and Millikin University graduate. He said he wants to build careers in the 98th District -not just jobs. He plans on doing so by being a leader where there has been a “fundamental lack of leadership.” Davis noted that communities in the 98th District -which includes all or parts of Christian, Macoupin, Madison Montgomery and Shelby counties -have suffered economically. “I will work to put together a jobs and employment program: an economic development plan which will work to retain, as well as attract, businesses and economic growth, which our area needs to prosper,” he said. One of Davis’ top priorities, he said, is to advance Project 29. He said he is familiar with the death and destruction that has occurred on Illinois 29, a highway he drives every day to his job at the Secretary of State’s Office in Springfield. “I want to make sure the funding comes along for the next phases in a more timely manner,” he said. “I think there’s more bureaucracy going on than needs to be. “Being a part of the bureaucracy in Springfield has given me a bird’s eye view of what kinds of waste occur there,” Davis said. “We need leadership to fight it.” Davis has been a Republican precinct committeeman in Taylorville since 1991.
He served as regional director of the
Illinois Young Republicans
and now serves as the group’s statewide secretary.
His wife, Shannon, also is a longtime Taylorville resident.
Plummer link – lumber –
State Journal-Register, The (Springfield, IL) - Thursday, January 2, 1997
Soon-to-be U.S. Rep. JOHN SHIMKUS' office staff is getting much of its manpower from a couple of sources -- Secretary of State GEORGE RYAN's office and the recent legislative campaign of RODNEY DAVIS . Shimkus, R-Collinsville, who will be sworn in Tuesday to a two-year term representing the 20th Congressional District, earlier named two ex-Ryan staffers -- CRAIG ROBERTS and BRAD CARLSON -- to be his Washington, D.C.-based chief of staff and Springfield-based deputy chief of staff, respectively. Roberts was campaign chairman for DAVIS, a Taylorville resident who lost to Democrat GARY HANNIG, D-Litchfield, in the 98th House District in November.
Davis himself will become the Springfield-based personnel director for Shimkus. His job will also include handling the office budget and doing constituent work, Roberts said. Davis' campaign manager was MATT JOHNSON, 24, of Springfield, who is leaving his job on Ryan's program staff to become a junior legislative assistant in Shimkus' Washington office. He's also the son of
BARRY JOHNSON, lobbyist for the Illinois Lumber & Material Dealers Association. Shimkus' Illinois press aide will be STEVE TOMASZEWSKI of Nashville, the Washington County GOP chairman, who has been working as an auditor for Ryan. Tomaszewski generally oversaw Shimkus campaign operations in Washington, Marion, Jefferson and Clinton counties, Roberts said, and his family owns the Nashville Times newspaper. Davis, Johnson and Tomaszewski will all make salaries in the mid-$30,000s, Roberts said. The Springfield office should be open within days at Sixth and Madison streets, Roberts said. Also working there will be MARY ELLEN MADONIA, 26, who was finance director for the Shimkus campaign. She'll become as a $33,000 district aide. "I took a big risk in working for John, but I believed in him," said Madonia, who left a Sangamon County job to join the campaign. "I'm just fortunate that the voters felt the same way." Madonia is daughter of Springfield City Treasurer JUDY MADONIA. Among other Shimkus employees:
DORA ROHAN of Collinsville, who has been Shimkus' secretary in his six years as Madison County treasurer, will run his Collinsville office;
STEVE MADDEN, a recent law school graduate from Springfield who volunteered on the Shimkus campaign, will be a junior legislative assistant in Washington;
MARY BALLARD, formerly with Modern Mailing Systems Inc. of Springfield, who handled Shimkus mailings, will be constituent coordinator for offices in Springfield and Collinsville and a part-time office in Centralia;
CHERYL CRATE, who has worked in Washington for U.S. Rep. TOM COBURN, R-Okla., will be Shimkus' legislative director, bringing with her experience on the staff of the Commerce Committee, where Shimkus will serve; and
DAN BLANKENBURG, who has been a junior legislative assistant to U.S. Rep. TOM EWING, R-Pontiac, will be a senior legislative assistant for Shimkus. Shimkus, meanwhile, will no longer be Madison County treasurer after today, and he's feeling a bit nostalgic about his six years in county office. He said he was "pretty depressed" working in an almost empty office, and noted that six years was the longest he's ever stayed at the same job. "I'm excited about the opportunities ahead of me, but I've fought some good battles here," he said. He's hoping that Democratic Madison County Board Chairman RUDY PAPA, a Democrat, will appoint the chief deputy in the treasurer's office, WES TUCKER, to the post.
Moriconi police -
Boes - dragoo - steil - durr - karhliker -
Xa ing - gillette - ROyER - erve - ken - xa spd links to ing - celletti - cl&e - vala/gray - mrt - wal badgers - nsa - schweska - yrs - caths -
Scso -
Those guys that won’t work w/ koester - trouble - the po is not an uninterested party in this thing - they got busted talking about hitting me w/ chem - sleep deprivation - “wide awakes” - glyphosates - glu - they are not impartial - and they “disagree” w/ the court ? -
Linkage b/t pols - scso - ing - dod - recruiters -
Boes - auburn - eric hall - roddavis - mrt - shriners - xa hawrelak - denzler - chamber - lumber - mta - jasmon - boes -
Xa steil - sfd - iema - irve - busted for 3d shift sleep deprivation and still on the job -
Police unions - ron stone - pbpa - xa dia - foia request - 2006 retirees -
I think hayes is the pedophile frame
Manci - moriconi - gambling -
Boes -
Dinardo link - illini cc swimmers
Steil is at “steilextensions” page
OPERATIONS DIVISION Captain Cheryllynn Williams
In 2017, there were 41,344, incidents in Sangamon County where deputies either initiated a law enforcement service or were dispatched to a call.
There was a lot of movement in the operations division in 2017. In April, Will Brooks, Jordan Cox, and Ryan Kuntzi were hired as a Sangamon County Deputies. Deputy Brooks began the Field Training Program immediately due to prior law enforcement training, and Deputies Cox and Kuntzi began the Illinois State Police Recruit Class. Sergeant Andy Danes was transferred from second shift to the Investigations Division in August. Detective Nancy Finley was promoted to Sergeant and transferred to second shift. Deputy Travis Dalby was transferred from second shift to Crime Prevention in March. Deputy Andrew Brashear was transferred from first shift to the Investigations Division in November.
In June, Deputy Knox retired after 25 years of service. His humor and kindness will be missed.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (law enforcement motto)
Lt. E. Knowski
Sgt. J. Tapscott
Lt. R. Steil
Sgt. A. Mayfield Lt. W. Cearlock Sgt. W. Wooden
Sgt. N. Finley
Sgt. J. Boesdorfer
Sgt. D. Miller
S. Butterfield
D. Timm
D. Howse C. Law T. Koester B. Baughman
T. Roderick
A. Cline D. Dickason M. Garst A. Womack J. Bartello M. Long
S. Wieland
J. Budd B. Stapleton G. Harney B. Tweryon
D. Guernsey
B. Fleck A. Robinson Ja. Hayes M. Wilkin
N. Campo
J. Hanson A. Smith A. Jahns J. Smith E. Maulding S. Matli M. Powell M. Tudoreanu
T. Sommer
A. Henton A. Finigan
Deputies listed in bold text are Identification Technicians, and in italic are Accident Reconstructionist.
0 notes
torentialtribute · 5 years
It is time for Johanna Konta to put the boot in against Vondrousova to reach French Open final
It appears that the teenager who stood between Jo Konta and the French Open final on Friday
Marketa Vondrousova owns 200 pairs of shoes, gathering them as being the only distraction from the company to make itself the most important star of the ladies game.
She can play any recording in the manual and use every inch of the job. The question is whether she will be able to perform in this unknown area.
<img id = "i-71a53df05962a45a" src = "https://dailym.ai/31giktu image-m-83_1559854668751.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Johanna Konta was watching her on the ball when she was challenged in front of her nose "
<img id =" i-71a53df05962a45a "src =" https://dailym.ai/2KugUWi "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Johanna Konta
Johanna Konta kept her eye on the ball when she was referred her walk for her half
<img id = "i -2b4468f00d7b7954 "src =" https://dailym.ai/31dzwQA "height =" 430 "width =" 634 " alt = "Konta takes over world no. 38 Marketa Vondrousova for a place at the end of Saturday in the French Open" class = "blkBorder img-share"
Konta takes us reld no. 38 Marketa Vondrousova for a place in the French Open on Saturday take on world no. 38 Marketa Vondrousova for a place in the Final of Saturday Open
7] Beware of the mix : Under the Marketa viewer, Vondrousova is a head who can immediately program different strategies. She can draw on different photos by striking a flat backhand and heavier played forehand. Unlike many female players, approaching the net is no fear. In her last match, she played nearly a quarter of her points and won 68 percent of them.
Note the dropshot : She loves to taunt opponents by sweeping the ball over the ball. just. Billie Jean King suggested that Konta avoid hitting her backhand that way. Here, there and everywhere : Her victim in the quarterfinals, Petra Martic, described her as the best movement she had encountered.
on tour The way she flies over it makes it difficult for her.
Konta enjoys the advantage that he had been here before.
What is different is that neither of the two occasions was the most experienced player she should win, this is her third semifinal Grand Slam, after taking the same stage at Wimbledon 2017 and the 2016 Australian Open . .
But the British No 1 has promised to give a show on Friday.
& # 39; I definitely my role as an entertainer, & # 39; said Konta. & # 39; People come, they pay tickets to watch a show, to watch a match. I don't know what to do, but I don't know how to do it, but I'm not as good as that, so that doesn't always happen.
she cloust the first available ball in every rally.
During this tournament, almost three-quarters of the points in her games lasted four strokes or less and she won a comfortable majority of them.
That Konta is the only one of the last four to have gone so far in a large one, shows rather the almost total breakdown of power structures in the women's competition
Vondrousova, 19, can look for inspiration after the shock of the 2017 French champion Jelena Ostapenko, who started as a teenager with that tournament, but had turned 20 by the time she won.
<img id = "i-5e3afcd83e108942" src = "https://dailym.ai/2KtFTJq image-a-89_1559855008214.jpg "height =" 430 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-5e3afcd83e108942" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WgE5KP /06/22/14473928-7113543-image-a-89_1559855008214.jpg "height =" 430 "width =" 634 "alt =" Three-quarters of the points in Konta & # 39; s games so far have only four hits or less of the points in the Konta matches have so far only taken four strokes or less "
Three quarters of the points in Konta's matches so far have only taken four times
Vondrousova will seek inspiration to be picked up at Jelena Ostapenko who won the 2017 "class =" blkBorder img-share "/> tournament i 2017
& She did great and she was just as old as I & # 39 ;, said Th and Czech. & # 39; It's very hard to win all those games, seven in a row, so it's just like dreaming me now. & # 39;
Vondrousova comes from the town of Sokolov and moved away from home to Prague on tennis at the age of 15.
Rapidly rising like World No. 38, Vondrousova has a box of tricks that represents a serious danger to her.
In the other semi-final, it lists the nature of the ladies draw that the new favorite for the professional cricket title played barely three years.
Ashleigh Barty, Australia, who gave up tennis and a season had for Brisbane Heat in the Women & # 39; s Big Bash League, beating American Madison Keys 6-3, 7-5.
On Friday morning, she must face 17-year-old Amanda Anisimova, who played the game of her life-defending title defender Simona Halep 6-2, 6-4.
[19459] <img id = "i-b63c4e6960cf5ba8" src = "https://dailym.ai/31dzxE8 -image-a-91_1559855339642.jpg "height =" 446 "width =" 634 "alt ="
Ashleigh Barty, who left cricket for tennis three years ago, is in her first semifinal slam "Ashleigh Barty , who gave up cricket for tennis three years ago, is in her first semi-final slave "
Ashleigh Barty, who gives up cricket for tennis three years ago, is in her first Slam semifinal
Rain and strong winds have been predicted, so the tournament has taken the unusual step of putting the women's half over the second and third courts at 10 am, British time.
Steve Simon, chief executive of the women's tour, mentioned the & # 39; unfair and inappropriate & # 39; switch, but if the delayed schedule is further messed up, it will at least be the same for all involved. ] The result is that Konta does not play in the huge Philippe Chatrier stadium, but in the intimate setting of Court Simonne Mathieu with 5,000 seats, the new arena built in neighboring botanical gardens.
It is designed to look like a tropical greenhouse, but the conditions inside can be more like stormy days in Eastbourne. Since the British No 1 wants to try to reach one target that Jo Durie achieved 36 years ago, the Bristolian offers a warning story. Like Konta, Durie defeated a top American star, Tracy Austin, in the quarterfinals but then lost to a modestly ranked Eastern European, Mima Jausovec from former Yugoslavia
<img id = "i-ed7d6b46ea049d86" src = "https://dailym.ai/2WPmxkZ /2019/06/06/21/14473758-7113543-image-a-86_1559854782063.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Konta will take over Vondrousova in the intimate 5,000 seat Court Simonne Mathieu on Friday "
<img id = "i-ed7d6b46ea049d86" src = "https://dailym.ai/2KyLD4O. jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Konta takes on Vondrousova in the intimate 5000 place on Friday afternoon Court Simonne Mathieu "class =" blkBorder img-share "Konta takes on Vondrousova in the intimate 5.000- places Court Simonne Mathieu on Friday
Source link
0 notes
auburnfamilynews · 5 years
The morning after... It still stings. I feel terrible for our players. They earned an opportunity & for whatever the excuse they were not afforded it. Like so many others have said, this is life. They are Auburn men and thus I know they will have more opportunities. It's who we are. It does not make it right; it does not mean we should ignore it. It only means that we as Auburn men and women rise above it. We do not let any single person, group or event define us or limit us from reaching our goals.
This team was amazing. There is no other word for it. After a three game losing streak in February, of course the negative nanny’s were on fire on twitter. I have chosen not to go and pull those tweets as looking in the past at that type of brainless, easy, shallow rhetoric never matters much anyways. It only serves the person who tweets against our Auburn athletes, coaches and staff some type of false validation. The true Family, supports, believes, defends and loves Auburn.
This team chose to ignore the smoke and focus on what they knew they could do. They felt compelled to take care of some unfinished business after exiting the NCAA Tournament the year earlier suffering a blow out loss to Clemson and that drunk looking Tiger of theirs.
One team returned the next year and the other one didn't. Our Tigers had an epic run not matched before in history, for the simple fact no team in tournament history has beat Kansas, North Carolina and Kentucky in back to back to back games. None! Spreading that blue blood all over the NCAA tourney floor.
Our team; led by our seniors Malik Dunbar, Horace Grant and Bryce Brown followed by Jared Harper, Anfernee McLemore, Danjel Purifoy, Chuma Okeke, Austin Wiley, J’von McCormick and Samir Doughty got the bulk of the minutes over the end of February and an absolutely perfect March that had them practicing in April for a Final Four Semi-Final game!
Wow, just wow! I was a coach once or twice and I know that Bruce Pearl who deserves more credit then the rest of the college sports world is giving him has to be amazed and proud of what he guided these Auburn men to achieve. I said perfect March! Look at this schedule and all of these games are “W’s”!
Yeah, I threw UGA on their because that is where the streak started and I wanted to just reiterate the fact that we swept the Bammers, the UGaly’s and the Vols in the same season.
Typing this is bittersweet. I am so happy and proud of these Auburn men but I cannot lie as I sit here in the Minneapolis airport on Sunday my heart aches that I pass on attending a Championship game.  My Tigers mean to much and I support them first before I support anything or anyone else.
I will close with thank you for a season that defines Auburn Basketball and sets the bar for every Auburn player that takes the court wearing the Orange, Blue and White from now on, YOU did that! I can only hope next year’s team embraces what I know this team did embrace; If you don’t believe In yourself, who will? They did and we all got to come along for the ride. Now we all need to continue to believe and embrace the "valuable pain" - come back and finish it.... it is not how hard or how many times you get knocked down that matters... it is getting back up and what you do that matters. Make it three tourney's in a row! I BELIEVE!
War Eagle Family, much love and it is always great to be an Auburn Tiger. We love Auburn. So blessed.
AURob – just a pixel pusher!
from Auburn Tiger Bloggin https://tigerbloggin.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-morning-after.html
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