#but it would be hella funny
yourlowkeyidiot3 · 8 months
I want Rouxls Kaard to appear in every chapter with an even worse and less understandable accent try and stop you, fail miserably, scream "GOD DAMNIT" and return to your team and then in ch7 to appear at the very end after you've defeated the knight and all try to fight you again but he explodes before the fight even begins, then drop the whole accent bullshit
And speak in windings
And then melt to Gaster
And then the game closes and everything is back to normal like nothing happened
I think that would be hilarious
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how in god's name did I not notice the cat before....
I mean Blade and Silverwolf are in her splash art, so fuck it. Until I'm proven otherwise Elio is a cat.
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stealingyourbones · 3 months
Working on the twitch streamer Tucker animatic and I decided to cave and switch from animating in Photoshop to Adobe Animate and oh bOY are the controls confusing
Oh and update on it all, I have completed the script, storyboard, and Tucker’s emotes. Next is voice acting and animation.
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lunian · 4 months
oh Gale
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Gale, you are too sweet to her, oh no
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ragnarssons · 21 days
so... i wanted to be done with this watcher stuff. but then i saw on reddit that one of their eXCluSivE nEw CoNtEnT got leaked, you know "road files" which is basically a behind the scenes video for ghost files. which is a nice idea. ...................... but the video lasts 8 minutes. you pay, 6 dollars a month, the first video you get is an 8 minutes video. opening with ryan saying "well this could be the only time we do that". so. huh, not new exclusive content, then? - since they want to be compared to tv, let's compare that to a behind the scenes video/film some tv shows make, for example the star wars ones, on disney+, that are minimum at least 20 minutes long if not more, way more, like 45+ minutes. and then you have the bts elements of a ghost files. so now, i can truly say: i do not get how their ghost files' seasons cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. like there's nothing in the video that warrants this video not costing them... like 20k at most. (and i mean that without counting paying the employees/crew, because i'd argue they do that with their general revenues, and not just their revenues out of the ghost files seasons). and that's without even delving into everything that's weird about how much money they're spending by making dumb shit like sending a "scouting crew" (of no less than 5 or 6 people, I don't remember, cuz that ain't too much at all) before them... you're ghost hunting, like what's the point of that?? and as i suspected when they switched to watcher, this video just proved how scripted, over-prepared the whole concept of "ghost hunting" became when they switched from buzzfeed unsolved to watcher. so you gotta tell me that the "unscripted, 100% natural" episode of ghost files, is actually made with like 10 other people in the room, behind the camera, the guys having entered and toured the "haunted building" like 10 times before the cameras start rolling, producers, crews and all and all having scouted the building (here, a small house) dozens of times already. legit. h u h ????? then they went to see dune 2, hung around in their hotel rooms, ate burgers, and the whole thing lasted two days out of their schedule... and then credits roll with no less than like 20 people credited for a behind the scenes video, where most of the footage is from ryan's phone. huh??? and that costs y'all hundreds of thousands of dollars??? and this is the "tv quality" exclusive new content we get if we pay the 6 dollars a month?? 🙃
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codacheetah · 2 months
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wolvesandshine · 1 month
When they first heard “we’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss” Sirius had joked that it would be his broom and that was that. They all had a laugh over it and James didn’t really give it much thought.
When Regulus didn’t show up the morning before - he assumed that Reg got caught up in a book. When Regulus wasn’t at his usual place in the stands - he felt a sense of wrong wrong wrong. When Dumbledore confirmed that they’d taken someone they’d sorely miss - that was when James saw red.
He didn’t sign up for this. The agreement was to put himself at risk - not someone he fucking loved.
James wanted to hex Dumbledore. Hell, a good old punch would even work.
They don’t get to fucking hurt his boyfriend.
He saves the anger for later - now he had to focus on the second task - he had to get Reg out in less than an hour.
Then he could fucking destroy Dumbledore and everyone else who put Regulus in danger.
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torra-and-the-toons · 2 months
I just had a thought that woke me in a cold sweat from a nap...
Since EEnE and KND technically exist in the same world, what if the adults from EEnE are always gone because they're busy terrorizing the KND?
This is not at all a serious headcanon, but it's funny to think about.
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man-o-lore · 2 months
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I've been playing World of Horror a lot lately
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As I rewatch bits of the first three Volumes (due to reasons), the more I think about Blake, her motivations, etc, the less I understand why they thought it was a good idea to give her two functioning, alive, good-natured, influential/royalty parents.
Like, I REALLY doubt they had wanted Blake to be some rich faux-activist girl whose whole worldview gets disproven and whose most notable dialogue lines end up retroactively sounding outright nonsensical.
Like, what was the train of thought on flipping her entire character upside down like this beyond "Oh, all other RWBY members have messed up parent issues, so let's give her happy, healthy parents"? Was there even a train of thought?
Or did they just invent her parents on the spot because they had no idea where Blake would have gone after V3 ended and had to make up an entire unimportant-side-journey she could be stashed away in for a while (and also wanted to throw her into a subplot with Sun to counter-balance all the Yang stuff because the show was still hellbent on queerbaiting so they had to find a way to place Sun into a situation where he gets hurt for Blake so it's not just Yang as her motivation)?
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aethenus · 10 months
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Look who came out to play!
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thoughtspresso · 10 months
But what if Kana will save Kamiki? (I’m only half joking)
Wouldn’t it just be extremely funny if after the wrap party for The 15-Year Lie, Miki-san just encounters Kana-chan “drinking” (juice) with the intention of killing her at first.
And then Miki-san offers her liquor, and she says, “sorry I may be an adult but I’m still not legal to drink. This is actually just juice.”
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And then he tries to seduce her, and she goes, “You look exactly like the boy I like but you’re not him, and I can’t.”
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And then she starts to mock-drunkenly uglycry about being abused as a child actress, having to exit the scene when pedophiles started counting down her birthday to 18 and she couldn’t handle images of her body being peddled on social media like that, and how because of her sense of responsibility towards her career, her team, and her fans, she couldn’t realistically be with the only boy she’s ever truly loved. And she keeps talking about how she doesn’t feel she deserves the love of her fans because she’s not as innocent as they think she is and she just wants to do her best in her work.
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And then Miki-san just starts crying, like he’s never seen that kind of honesty before, and nobody’s ever understood the way he was also abused as a child actor, or the way his body was used by adults in the industry, or the way his honest and simple love was never reciprocated by the woman he had feelings for and sired children with.
And then Kindaichi just comes into the scene drunk and barking and pulling him by the collar and calling for the guards, and Kana’s like, “Wait, what’s going on!” And Miki-san just goes like, “No, just let it happen, I think I deserve it.”
And then Aqua just rushes in and hugs Kana and is sobbing thinking she could have died. And Kana-chan just going like wtf are you people talking about WE WERE JUST TRAUMABONDING.
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beesbeesdragons · 10 months
crack au where roy mustang and trisha elric are related (somehow) and roy gets landed with custody of two small children after trisha dies so he just. yknow. improvises. forget being a womaniser, he will gossip with the other parents at mother's group. he WILL be a gossipy housewife. he will overthrow the government with the power of angry housewives.
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polteergeistt · 1 month
Petition to have Vessel sing in another language
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oni-tengu · 1 year
(Art request) What about a Jake meeting Grandpa Harley for the first time?
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he cant wait to be old
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okok so if we’re going on like the fact that the Fears are differently “organized” in this new world what if it was based more in the feelings that come with the fears??
as in: fears of the mind (kind of fits w “something wrong” im just workshoppinh tbh), fears of the body (like the second ep), fears of something wrong (something foreign/bad in one’s body, something indescribably off about a situation, maybe even something missing), fear of the unknown (things in the shadows, something that looks empty but actually isnt).
or the feelings that, in context feel bad, but can also be associated with a sort of euphoria. control, hunger, calm (perhaps unnervingly so?), understanding (slash paranoia), being part of something (feeling whole/complete?). the things that you feel when fear is combined with obsession
bc honestly these things are also lines that connected the Big Fourteen. The statement giver in Lost John’s Cave describes her feelings of being in a pitch black cave prior to the experience as true peace. obsession and hunger are pretty much all of them in a way. jane prentiss felt in control and loved by her worms and wasps in a way
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