#but it got me thinking about how people view Jason as a victim and how we view these huge horror names vs comic book villains
aresianrepose · 1 year
So like. Everyone typically agrees that like Michael Myers or Freddy Kruger or Mr. Voorhees dying are like good things to happen in their respective horror films right?
So tell me why Joker is any different? Michael only broke out of prison once (I think, I don't go here) and has only killed 98 people (excluding the Rob Zombie movies)? Those are rookie numbers compared to Joker.
We, the audience, are supposed to feel catharsis and joy when Jaime Lee Curtis like brutally murders him and then parades his body through town (and all of the people in town are like Hell Yeah this is morally correct because our town has been repeatedly victimized by this man) before tossing that crusty man through a human sized paper shredder. Additionally, this killing was necessary for the character to move on and heal from her past.
All I'm saying is that like, the people of that town experienced wayyy less horror than what Gothamites have gone through just from the Joker. And there is no "self-defense" against Joker, these poor people just have to hope a caped guy shows up in time to save their asses. And most of the time, there is already a heavy body count before that caped guy gets there and gives some speech about the sanctity of life or some shit.
This killing would similarly be healing for Jason. I agree with the other post floating around right now about how his healing journey would not be realizing killing is wrong or whatever the fuck.
In this essay, I will explain why Jason would be lauded as a hero and given a parade for killing Joker and the parade ending with Joker's corpse being thrown into a fucking wood chipper. As well as how even within the fictional context, the moral debate surrounding killing Joker is so fucking stupid if you think about it for longer than two seconds.
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solar-wing · 2 months
⚣ 5+1: TikTok Trends 🤳🏽
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⚣🤳🏽 A/N → I kept seeing all these couple trends on TikTok and it made me think of how Jason would react to these very same trends with his boyfriend...so I wrote it. tee hee WARNINGS: established relationship | social media trends | relationship goals | fluff/comfort | jason's had enough |
⚣🤳🏽 Summary → Five times Y/N did a social media trend/prank on Jason and the one time the vigilante finally got his boyfriend back.
⚣🤳🏽 Words → 3.7K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ ENJOY 🤳🏽
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Social media is an interesting thing with a variety of uses. You could use it to connect with old friends from high school and college, remembering the good ole days. It could be a place to connect with other people in specific communities so individuals could find those they related to and shared similar views and interests with. More than ever, it could be used to spread activism and political messages.
For Y/N L/N, it was a place for him to display his loving and chaotic relationship with his boyfriend Jason Todd.
They both had very different relationships with social media.
Y/N was a whirlwind of hashtags and filters, a living embodiment of the digital age. His phone was an extension of his hand, scrolling through endless videos and GRWMs where they were always running late for whatever they were getting ready for.
The boy took his college studies seriously, but the thought never not crossed his mind that he could become a full-time content creator if he wanted to. Ask any of his friends or especially his boyfriend, the dude was a walking meme who kept hundreds to thousands of reaction pictures and videos on his phone which is something he successfully managed to get his boyfriend addicted to as well.
No seriously, it had gotten so bad that Bruce had to reach out to Y/N to see if he could get Jason to stop or at least delete the photos from his phone. Apparently, in their family group chat, his boyfriend had taken to sending some very targeted and specific images.
It was fine until Bruce said something about Jason being reckless or something and risking lives, and his boyfriend responded with some interesting images and a very petty caption.
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Jason: this u?
It was safe to say Bruce was less than amused, though apparently everyone else found it hilarious. But, sadly Y/N had to inform the billionaire that he wouldn’t be able to get his boyfriend to stop even if he tried and that he was also a victim of this new ordeal.
Bruce was confused until Y/N showed him a picture Jason sent him after Y/N refused to come cuddle him because he was studying for a midterm.
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Jason: get ur ass in here now or else...respectfully
This was the exact fun and chaotic energy Y/N wanted to share with the world on social media and TikTok. But, Jason had a different relationship with it than his boyfriend.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Jason was a firm believer in a simpler existence, preferring face-to-face conversations over likes and retweets. He possessed a refreshing aversion to the constant buzz of notifications and the pressure to document every meal or outing.
His only exception was Twitter, where he could voice his unhinged and questionable thoughts freely without raising suspicion or judgment because it was…well, it was Twitter. 
However, that did not stop Y/N from using his poor and innocent lover in his little TikTok exploits when he wanted to.
The first one was something innocent, at least in his eyes. He and Jason were in their shared apartment near Y/N’s campus. They were lying together on the couch, with Y/N parallel to the piece of furniture while Jason sat up properly with his boyfriend’s legs over him.
He was silently reading a book while Y/N pretended to scroll through social media, fidgeting now and then when Jason would accidentally tickle his feet while unconsciously rubbing his feet. Then, the sneaky little man would pull up an audio from TikTok of a man’s voice, talking as if they were on a Facetime call.
At first, Jason didn’t think anything of it when he heard the ring from his boyfriend’s phone and he knows that he frequently calls his parents or friends. Besides, Jason knows almost everyone that Y/N knows so it definitely wasn’t out of the ordinary.
So why the fuck did he not recognize that voice that was speaking on the other end of Y/N’s phone? More than ever, why was it male?!
The second he heard the random male voice ask his boyfriend why he was smiling like that, the phone was snatched out of his hand and Jason was prepared to threaten extreme bodily harm to whoever was on the other side of that phone.
So imagine his confusion when was looking back at himself.
When he noticed the recording button at the bottom, he looked toward his boyfriend who was trying his best to hold in his laughs and was doing a terrible job. Y/N made sure to snatch his phone back though so Jason couldn’t delete the footage.
Jason allowed it though despite his annoyance, seeing Y/N happy and laughing always trumped over any negative feelings he was experiencing. However, he did give his boyfriend a nice gentle lesson about what happens when he plays with the vigilante’s jealous side.
It ‘twas not gentle though, not one bit.
And Y/N was a little fucker who never learned his lesson. Proud of it too.
The second time wasn’t even a week later after he’d seen a new trend going around the clock app that he just knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
“Might be a little bit controversial but get ready with me while I give you my reasons on why cheating on your significant other is okay in certain scenarios.”
In under 5 seconds, the bathroom door shot open after the apartment sounded like a large predator had come running through it. Judging by the very unamused look Y/N was receiving, it may have been just that.
Y/N had to do his best not to laugh (or moan) at the image on his phone’s screen of a hulking, pissed-off Jason standing over him as he watched his skincare in silence. He knew his followers were going to get a kick out of this, probably detailing the filthiest things their horny little minds could cook up in his comment section like the little horny bastards they were.
Though, Y/N would be no better.
Jason still didn’t say anything, continuing to stare down at him like an angry parent who’d just been embarrassed in church by their child.
“Um, can I help you?” Y/N asked, desperately holding back the smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
Jason’s dark hair fell over his forehead, his white streak hanging lazily between as his eyes narrowed down at his smaller boyfriend, his large, intimidating arms crossed over his chest. Y/N had to take a large breath to calm down the fluttering in his stomach.
Why did his boyfriend have to be so hot? The world was not fair.
When Jason continued to not say anything, just staring silently at his lover, Y/N decided to finish his skincare in silence while checking to make sure his video was still recording.
When about five minutes passed and neither of the boys said anything, the taller and larger male started to become slightly confused. Why wasn’t Y/N saying anything? He wasn’t crazy, knowing exactly what he heard until a lightbulb went over his head and he realized what was going on.
Once Y/N finished patting his face with sunscreen, he looked up to his boyfriend to see him with a now slightly less peeved expression and more of a smug, amused look.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?”
“I think I’m quite hilarious actually.”
Jason didn’t say another word before turning on his heel, slowly walking out of the bathroom back towards the kitchen with that damn slutty walk of his. Seriously, why was the universe so unfair to Y/N? Then again, he definitely wasn’t complaining.
But, just because Jason realized what was going on didn’t mean he was going to just let the harmless prank go so easily. Y/N would be reminded once again how petty his boyfriend could be in the worst ways possible.
There really should be a hotline or emergency number for guys whose boyfriends decide to tease and edge them for over an hour. These crimes should not go unchecked!
Anyways…Y/N still didn’t learn his lesson. Third time’s a charm.
By this time, Jason had become well aware that Y/N would not stop using him in his little videos and pranks, so he figured if you can’t beat em, join em. He got his own TikTok account and only followed his boyfriend while also doing his best to keep up with whatever trends were going around, especially with couples so he could stay one step ahead.
This proved very useful, as when the ‘Water’ song by Tyla became a trend all over TikTok, Jason was more than aware of what his boyfriend was trying to do when he noticed from the corner of his eyes him recording him, pretending like he was just watching the videos.
Ah ah ah, gonna have to try harder than that, babe. Jason didn’t even budge like he was going to look, not like he would’ve either way.
But, he was NOT prepared to come home one day to find his boyfriend with his tripod set up, starting the countdown timer to record a video. The second the video started recording and Jason realized what song was playing, he didn’t waste a second before running and tackling Y/N out of the camera view before he could even hit the first beat.
He didn’t care if he fell for that one, those moves were for Jason’s eyes only. Something else the vigilante was going to have to remind his boyfriend about.
But, at least when Y/N looked at the footage, he realized he finally had something to post for that trend where people ran and tackled their significant others to that Barbie Girl remix. He’d always wanted to do that trend but hadn’t met Jason yet, so he was a bit too single to do it.
The fourth time was something also a little bit simple, less of a prank and more of Y/N just being a little shit that went looking for trouble.
When Jason was once again in the kitchen cooking, with his usual tank-top and jogger combo, Y/N thought it a perfect opportunity for him to get some revenge on his boyfriend since the gargantuan male always found it funny to slap Y/N on his butt hard as shit. Vengeance was needed.
So, when Jason wasn’t looking, Y/N walked into the kitchen positioning his phone in another spot so it could see the entire action, knowing if he tried to be sneaky, the vigilante would still catch on to him and turn around. He walked up behind him and gave his boyfriend a little hug as usual and a kiss on his back, something the towering male pretended not to be giddy at.
However, his sweet, tender moment was interrupted when he felt a medium-palm land on his ass with a precision aim, leaving a tingling sting behind.
“Payback!” Y/N decreed, already turning around and running for their shared room.
When he went back and looked at the footage later, he had to admit, the view of Jason turning around slowly as Y/N scurried away was very amusing. Especially considering he layered the video with the Wii Sports fencing music as his mammoth-sized man stalked after him like a predator cornering its prey.
His vengeance did not last long.
By this time, Jason had become somewhat of a regular presence on Y/N’s TikTok account, and all of his followers wanted more content with the two of them together.
So, after a long time coming, Y/N had managed to successfully convince Jason to do a video with him on camera. They decided to do the Alphabet challenge, something Y/N thought he’d have an easy win at.
He was not prepared for his boyfriend's extensive vocabulary. “Are you ready to start, honey?” Y/N started sneakily, thinking his boyfriend wouldn’t catch it.
“Bet you thought you were slick, huh?” Jason replied with his usual smug look.
“Can you be any less smug?” Y/N said with a playful eye roll.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.”
At that point, it was almost like they weren’t even doing a challenge, but rather doing their usual relationship banter back and forth that just happened to be getting recorded. The longer it went on, the more chaotic it became, both boyfriends pulling the absolute wildest sentences they could think of out of their mouths to throw the other ones off.
“Suck my ass.”
“Turn around”
He’d also underestimated Jason’s lack of shame and vulgarness.
“Explain how you get a body like that?”
“From fucking whiny little pretty boys like you.”
Yeah, he should’ve thought this one through a little more.
They’d managed to go through the whole alphabet at least three times, going from bantering back and forth to Y/N reciting lines from movies he could both think of, to Jason reciting lines from some of his favorite books. The smaller man at some point figured he could start using lines from pop culture and trends to throw his colossal boyfriend off. However, he was absolutely not prepared for him to quote the Rachel voicemail, word for word, knowing how much that whole message always made him weak.
“This is for Rachel you big, fat, white, nasty-smelling fat BITCH.”
Why did he have to put so much emphasis on the ‘bitch’ part? He threw in the towel there and let Jason have it, swearing victory on their next face-off.
Now, Y/N didn’t think it would go any farther than that. He figured he would keep making videos pranking Jason and that now and then, the vigilante would begrudgingly join in.
Oh, he was wrooong…
Frankly, Y/N should have known Jason was playing a prank on him the second he called him by his actual name instead of one of his pet names. The vigilante always got upset at him when he used Jason’s actual name instead of babe, baby, Jaybirdie, love, or even just simple Jay.
So, when Jason was not only calling him by his name but refusing to touch and or kiss him at all. Y/N absolutely should have figured something was up.
When Jason got over his initial awkwardness of physical touch in their relationship, that meant became a touch-clingy animal. Whether a hug, hand holding, cuddling, or even simple finger grazes, he needed them all. And kissing, if Y/N ever even dared leave their bedroom, let alone their apartment without giving his giant teddy bear of a boyfriend a kiss, he basically committed the ultimate sin.
So, imagine his surprise when he wakes up and leans over to give his Jaybirdie his kiss, and the big lug rolls over to the other side of the bed before his lips can even get close. Never mind the fact that he woke up and Jason was not cuddling him, hugging, or even just touching him for the matter.
But, he figured Jason was just out of it, discombobulated after waking up or something, and needed a moment. Then, when he was getting ready for his classes and making breakfast, Jason came out and Y/N plated his food for him while grabbing some juice from the fridge.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
Immediate strike two.
Y/N immediately turned around to his lover who was slowly eating his food, rather than inhaling it like he usually does which is why Y/N always has to make extra because the man is still hungry after the first plate. He gave him a weird look and just shrugged it off like he was hearing things, continuing to fill up the glass of juice before handing it over to the vigilante.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
There it was again. Okay, so he wasn’t imagining shit.
And, now that he was thinking about it, Jason was acting really weird. He didn’t come in and hug from behind like he does when Y/N is cooking. He hasn’t made one lewd sexual joke all morning. Heck, he’s barely looked towards the smaller male since this morning.
“You’re welcome. Is everything okay?”
Finally, Jason looked up at him, but it was with a straight face instead of his usual small smile or even the smirk that he always seemed to carry.
“Yeah, why?”
“I don’t know, you just seem like you’re upset about something. Did I do something to make you mad?” Y/N asked, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and uncomfortable. He was not used to this behavior from Jason. It was almost like the beginning of their relationship when the vigilante wouldn’t be very guarded against him because he didn’t trust him yet. A feeling he was very happy to forget.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. Are you okay?” Jason asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about you, I guess. You seem quiet.”
“I’m good, Y/N. You don’t need to worry about me.” Jason said, going back to scrolling on his phone while eating.
“Oh, okay,” Y/N said softly, looking down at the ground and feeling very out of place all of a sudden.
On the other end, he didn’t realize how much it was KILLING Jason on the inside to keep up this ruse. He was just about ready to fold and call it quits this morning when he turned over and avoided his boyfriend’s kiss.
Now, he felt absolutely disgusted and horrible at how hurt Y/N looked. He planned to wait it out until he got back from his classes, but he knew right at that moment he wasn’t going to be able to make it that long. He underestimated how much seeing his boyfriend upset would affect him.
“Alright, well, I’m gonna head to my class now. Text me if you want to meet up for lunch.”
“Okay,” Jason said, not saying anything else which he could see was visibly confusing Y/N even more.
He knew that Y/N didn’t like to push because of Jason’s boundaries, always rather giving him space than crowding him and trying to force him to tell him what was going on. It did nothing to help alleviate the guilt he was feeling.
When Y/N came over to try and give Jason a hug and goodbye kiss and Jason visibly moved away, the vigilante wanted to kill himself right at that moment at the wounded expression all over the boy’s face, who just moved to grab his bag, keys, and phone and damn near ran for the door. That was a clear strike three for the college student.
Absolute shit Jason felt like.
When he heard the front door open and slam, he immediately jumped up, grabbed his phone, and ran after his boyfriend who was booking it towards the stairs.
“Y/N, wait.”
When he made no moves to slow down, Jason had to pull out the vigilante moves to catch him since he was nearly out the complex door.
“Baby, stop. I was just messing with you,” He said, grabbing his boyfriend and planting kisses all over his face.
“No, that’s not funny. Get off me you jerk,” Y/N said not making any move to push Jason off which the vigilante smiled at.
“I’m sorry, but now you know how it feels,” Jason showed Y/N his phone that had been recording the entire interaction, “Payback,” He declared, clearly mocking the smaller boy.
Y/N rolled his eyes before heading back inside with his boyfriend who showered him with love and kisses for his prank but made fun of him the entire time. And it didn’t stop there.
Jason did scare pranks, couples challenges where they had to answer questions (his favorites were the ones that came with punishments like dunking each other’s head in water or getting hit with a pillow), and more.
It was the reaction memes all over again.
But, there was still one challenge he hadn’t come across yet that Y/N did and was more than ready to do on his boyfriend.
They were currently sitting in the car, spending a day out together since Y/N's load from his classes was light and there weren’t any cases Jason was working on with himself or his family either. They were parked in a parking garage outside a shopping center, having just come back from shopping and grabbing some food inside when Y/N set up the camera.
“Babe, what are you doing?” Jason asked while stuffing his face with the freshly baked pretzel bites they got.
“Saw this new couple challenge on TikTok and wanted to do it,” He said, setting up the phone mount and adjusting it so it had him and Jason in full view.
“So, I saw this new challenge where couples are asking their partners random questions about each other and seeing who knows more about the other. So me and my husband are going to do the same thing and I’m going to start.” Y/N said into the camera.
The moment it came out his mouth, Y/N could see the initial surprise on his face turn into a small smile, but he didn’t say anything or question him, so he kept going. As he did his best to think up random questions to ask Jason, he kept referring to him as his husband, increasing the smile to a shit-eating grin the longer it went.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Y/N asked.
“I’m your husband now?” Jason asked, turning to him with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, is that a problem?” Y/N asked with his own raised eyebrow.
“Absolutely not,” Jason said, not saying another word as Y/N ended the video. He pulled out his phone as they finished their food and Y/N showed the original challenge that everyone was doing, agreeing with him when he called the guy from the original video a complete idiot.
But, he definitely noticed Jason not being as discreet as he thought he was, immediately noticing Jason’s browser on his phone being pulled up to engagement rings.
Oh boy.
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☀️ | Jason Todd/Red Hood | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
also before anyone gets the wrong idea about my Jason response, I wasn't trying to say that Jason doesn't care about women and kids or that a well-characterized Jason wouldn't respect women. The point I was trying to make is that while Canon!Jason is perfectly happy to shoot rapists or abusers or drug dealers dealing to kids because he thinks they're scum, he's not shown as someone who like...specifically sets out to protect the unprotected or thinks it's his actual mission to do so.
Post-Crisis!Jason had exactly two life goals as Red Hood: make Batman's life a living hell by creating chaos and prove he's "better" at crimefighting than Bruce. Even taking over Gotham's gang scene was largely a means to an end for him. He kills all those guys because he genuinely thinks the world is better off without them, but his primary goal is not actually to clean up Gotham for the sake of cleaning it up or to protect other people from suffering his own fate; it's to fuck with and piss off Bruce by showing him that his way (killing people and becoming a crime lord) is a "more effective" way of solving crime. And in doing so, he often fucked over or blatantly used people he would have previously died to protect when he was Robin.
And whether or not you agree with that characterization, Judd Winick has been very open in interviews about how Jason's hypocrisy is something he genuinely enjoyed writing, so it was clearly a deliberate choice on his part to portray Jason that way even disregarding the various awful OOC characterizations of Jason we had to deal with in other post-Crisis stories:
As we saw in the original run, he’s also comfortable controlling crime and even becoming a part of it. He can’t kill everyone, nor does he want to. So, along with handing out his own brand of justice, he does believe that crime can be controlled. Batman had said it makes you a crime lord. Jason doesn’t think it makes him a crime lord at all. He thinks it makes him a much more effective Batman. Yes, Jason sees what he’s doing as making himself into a better Batman, the Batman that the world actually needs today. But some of that is just Jason fooling himself. The truth is, all of it is based in the fact that Jason is just damaged and tortured and angry with Bruce. And this is a constant revenge upon him..... ......I also like the fact that Jason’s actions aren’t black and white. Sometimes he functions in that gray area, and it gives you the license to be somewhat hypocritical, because he is. I used to do that with Oliver Queen in Green Arrow, and people would go crazy, because I thought it was interesting to explore that sometimes he’s a bit of a hypocrite. I find that likable about the character. And in Jason’s case, he professes that he’s trying to be a better Batman and he’s trying to rid the world of evil, but then he’s also just trying to stick it to Batman. It’s very much a man-child thing going on. [x]
Warning for victim-blaming Jason for his own death in this one:
Jason can do a certain level of good in one arc and a horrible in the next, and none of that would be out of character. He’s very unpredictable. Maybe that’s what makes him kind of interesting. He’s someone who is tortured, he’s someone who is damaged, he is someone who has been through a lot and is still just trying to find his way. You could say he’s a good man who does very, very bad things, and it’s not always the case that he’s doing bad things for the greater good, sometimes it’s doing bad things just for the bad. Killing villains in his opinion isn’t a bad thing. There is somewhat a message and methodology to what he’s doing, but at the same time he lets his emotions get the better of him. It’s what got him killed. It’s the sort of thing that Jason, in a way, wouldn’t surprise me if he is viewed as somewhat heroic for a fashion, but then falls back on bad behavior, which could happen from year to year, you don’t know. From anti-hero to villain to back again, I don’t know. [x]
So that's the opinion of the man who brought Jason back to life, wrote his debut arc as Red Hood, and also wrote the one other post-Crisis story Jason fans universally like (Lost Days).
Meanwhile post-Flashpoint!Jason is generally too busy dealing with his own trauma and his teammates' issues to actually dedicate any significant, consistent effort to protecting and saving vulnerable populations like sex workers, abused women, and orphaned children. Wanting to save them is usually his response when he stumbles upon something happening, but reboot!Jason generally does not consider it a core moral mission to seek out opportunities to protect or save these groups. Writers other than Scott Lobdell occasionally gave him stories featuring him doing so, but they were incredibly few and far between since Lobdell was Jason's primary writer for nearly a decade. Not to mention Lobdell's blatant misogyny led to a Jason that repeatedly objectified women and engaged in casual sexism on a depressingly regular basis...which despite being theoretically antithetical to Jason's childhood and Robin-era characterization is a characterization he maintained throughout the majority of his post-reboot appearances. So like...that's also a thing to consider.
DC finally seems to be moving a little more in the direction of matching Jason's motivations with his pre-death characterization (where he DID consistently showcase a genuine respect for women and desire to protect vulnerable children), but until that becomes a more consistent aspect of his character now I can't in good conscience pretend like fanon's interpretation of Red Hood!Jason as this incredibly pro-woman guy who has a core character trait of respecting and protecting women and wanting to keep children out of the crossfire actually exists in canon. That's the point I was trying to make in my original post about Jason and Helena. Nothing more, nothing less.
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matchahater · 2 years
“What the hell?” Kyle demands, slamming Jason’s apartment door behind them. Jason figures his neighbors are pretty used to that sound by now. “You wanna give me a warning next time you’re about to shoot somebody in front of me?”
“You didn’t stop me,” Jason says. He accepts that this will be an argument, sees the opening and slots his words through it. It's easy to twist them in the right way. “You got a problem with how I do things?”
Kyle scowls at him, tearing off his mask and slapping it down on the table. He could just take the ring off, Jason thinks, but that wouldn’t have any dramatic effect. “Are you trying to talk about morality with me right now? Seriously? You executed that guy. I don’t need to be associated with that shit, in front of witnesses-”
“You wanted to take him to jail?” Jason raises his eyebrows, digging in. “Where he’d rot for the rest of his natural life? You think that’s better?”
Kyle’s jaw works as he rests a hand against the tabletop, dark eyes still meeting Jason’s. “You're not a judge or a jury, Jason. Neither am I. It’s not our job-”
“Bullshit,” Jason retorts, breaking into a bitter smile. He knows Kyle doesn’t really believe that, no matter how holy he wants to pretend he is. “You think I didn’t know that guy was a trafficker? You think I didn’t have evidence? You and I are far more prepared to deliver justice than the state ever was, and you know it.” He leans back against the wall, sizing Kyle up, and relishes the irritation on his face. “What's justice look like to you, huh? How many chances should he have gotten?"
“We’re not talking hypotheticals,” Kyle snaps, making a sweeping gesture with an arm. He’s talking with his hands again, the way he does when he’s upset. “You can’t know what would’ve happened to him. You can’t know what the victims would’ve wanted.”
“You think you’re better than me." Jason folds his arms, feeling the cheap plaster flake onto his jacket. “But I’ve already thought through every moral dilemma about taking a life. I don’t regret a thing.” He cocks his head. “Does that bother you?”
“I don’t think I’m better than you,” Kyle says through gritted teeth. He does take the ring off, then, as if to emphasize his point. His costume flickers out of view as he sets the thing on the table. Now there are two men in the room. “I’m not Batman, asshole. I’ve killed people.”
“And I bet you’re so fucking broken up about it.” Jason rolls his eyes and pulls out the chair in front of him, taking a seat. They both know that move. He’s settling in for a long argument.
Kyle glares at the ceiling like he wants to punch a hole in it. He could, if he wanted to - but Jason’s willing to bet he doesn’t have the money to pay damages. “You really get on my fucking nerves, y’know that?”
Jason laughs sharply. “Then why do you keep showing up to my apartment, Rayner?”
It takes Kyle a long second to pull out the chair across from him, and another one to sit down, like every movement that gets him closer to Jason is physically painful. Jason can admit it’s a little bit glorious. “You can do whatever you want,” Kyle says finally, staring at the ring on the table. “But you don’t get to pretend you’re better than me, either. I know you feel a sense of responsibility too. It’s not my fault we've had different fucking life experiences.”
Jason presses his lips together. Even he’s not a big enough asshole to dig at Kyle about Alex. “I just think,” he says slowly, trying to soften his tone just a little, “that you decided you know what kind of person you are, and that it’s not the same kind as me. But I’ve seen you in action, Rayner.” He leans forward slightly, nodding at the ring. “That thing makes you do shit you never thought you’d be able to do. And I’m not talking about your magic tricks.”
Kyle’s eyes slide vacantly to the wall behind him, and Jason knows he’s toed a line. He won’t know if he’s crossed it unless Kyle gets up and leaves. “I wish I never fucking met you,” Kyle says coolly.
Jason didn’t expect that to hurt. “Because I make you think deeply about your actions?” he retorts, trying to numb the sting. “God forbid you think too hard about anything you do, or your head might explode from the complexity of your moral code. Jesus Christ.”
“Do you ever shut up?” Kyle passes a hand over his face, rubbing hard at the bridge of his nose. “Can you stop psychoanalyzing me for two goddamn seconds, Jason?”
Jason watches him try to force the anger out of his body. “Not my fault I’m perceptive,” he says. He backs down.
“You don’t know me as well as you think you do,” Kyle says flatly, dropping his hand to rest it on the table.
"Seriously?" Regardless of how easily they piss each other off, there are times when Jason feels like Kyle is the one person, the only one who gets where he's coming from. Thrust into a situation out of his control. They know each other, like it or not. They make sense. “You had a traumatic experience, and it made you realize that the universe doesn’t give a shit about anyone," he says, trying to take the venom out of his voice. It takes up too much space in the small room. "So you decided to become the person that gave a shit.” He shrugs slightly. "Not that different from what happened to me."
Kyle’s still for a long moment. Jason wonders if they’ll actually end in agreement, this time. Then he shakes his head. “You’re so obsessed with the idea that we’re the same,” he says slowly. “That you finally have somebody who's gonna relate to you. Fine, Jason. You get me.” His eyes are indecipherable as he gets to his feet. “But I don’t understand you at all.”
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gumbxz · 2 years
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steve harrington x afro latina!reader
you were invited to a party you reaaally didn’t feel like going to, just because you didn’t like how all of the guys were all up in your business askin you to stay or catch a ride with them, but didn’t have eyes for any of these pendejos. you only had eyes for steve harrington. he was one handsome bastard. and you wanted nothing more to kiss him and make him squirm by doing the bare minimum.
genre// nsfw-ish(just kissing ig and grinding…), light racism..(from the um..racist frat boys 🤭) men want her, women want her too, steve NEEDS her
“so what’s a hot latin girl like you doin out here in hawkins, ey mama ?”
“c’mon don’t be shy, we know you hotties can talk with those mouths of yours. surely you can show us what else they can do.”
you were sat in the middle between to gringos. two of them that you obviously had no interest in, but they still tried. all you could do was sit with a cold bitch face while holding a cup of apple juice. you knew damn well that they’d try doing something if they even got the chance to do anything with you, if you were drunk. so you made them have somewhat hope. apple juice and alcohol looked the same. and they were too dumb to tell the difference.
“you know you’re really pretty for a mexican girl, who’s like black at the same time.”
“honestly bro, you get it from your mom? tell us about her.”
they just wouldn’t shut up. so you got up from the smelly couch and pulled your dress down, they had been riding up your thighs, giving everyone a perfect view as they glimmer in the light.
“sorry pesados. i gotta go and um, pee. nice talking.”
“wait - don’t leave — hey what does pesados mean dude..”
“..probably hot in espanol or spanish.”
they said while fist bumping, their lazy eyes searching the room for their next victim.
it really was disappointing being a brown girl that was born from an unlikely pair. mixed brown girls weren’t very common in the 1980s, but your parents didn’t care, and neither did you. it’s just people being dumb.
you accidentally pump into a hard chest, ripping you away from your thoughts.
“woah shit- sorry. didn’t see you there.”
it was him. it was steve harrington. you fought the urge not to say “hey zaddy” but you had to stay focused at the sight of him. he was tall. had pretty eyes. pretty lips. pretty hair. he was just so.. pretty.
in steve’s mind- he wasn’t the only one internally spiraling out of control. he wanted a taste. you looked good in a dress that held your curves. the strap falling off your shoulder revealing skin, even if it was already thin.you weren’t entirely small compared to him but damn. you had curves and all ! damn was all he could really say.
“hey you’re the um uh-“
he has a hand against his forehead, trying to think of the right words.
“- the mixed girl?”
“no the uh- shit what was it.. oh right! you kicked jason in the nuts after he said something racist about you. deserved in my opinion.”
he snaps his fingers after finally remembering. you smile at his pride and just nod your head.
“yep. that’s me. he fuckin deserved it, that’s for sure. you can call me (y/n).. or maybe make a nickname for me too if you’d like.”
“got any spanish terms? i’m sorry if that comes off as stereotypical..”
“nah is’ fine, calling me ‘chica’ is alright.”
“chica ? sounds like chicken, oh wait ! it means chick.”
“ding ding, gringo.”
“what does that mean-“
you couldn’t finish your sentence until hearing the same familiar drunken voices again, the music clearly unable to blare out their voices.
“yo mami! you left us hangin..watchu doin ovah here with steve harrington.”
“..steve harrington- more like smelly hairingtoes.. haha.”
they both felt proud of themselves and clapped, you felt a soft grasp on your waist and looked down for a bit.
“can’t you guys buzz off, we’re in the middle of something. “ you look up and see steve holding you like you were his girl. it did things to you. things you didn’t think you had the courage to say.
“holy shit! king steve ! sorry bro, we’ll leave you two be…”
they walk off and complain about steve getting that bag.
his hand removes himself from your waist and you frown a bit, the warm feeling lost.
“sorry about that, earlier i saw they were annoying you.”
“no no, it’s fine. i appreciate it.”
“de nada.”
he said in reply which made you smile and shake your head.
“you wanna .. talk somewhere private ? away from the irritating people?”
“i thought you’d never ask.”
he was falling right into your little trap, sooner enough he would fall too deep in the rabbit hole. perfect.
“follow me, i know a place where we can lay low..”
you both sat on the bed that belonged to someone. couple he someone’s parents. but you didn’t care because it wasn’t your house.
you two sat next to each other, thighs touching one another as you sat comfortably.
you take a glance at steve and he looked tense. you rub at his thigh and give him a soft smile.
“did you wanna like.. do something? hm ?”
your fingers were drawing circles on his knee, he could only watch and swallow the lump in his throat. you had him right in your trap.
“something like what..?” steve slowly asked..
“you know- like.. besando..”
you move closer to him, your breath hitting his lips and he whimpers and tenses up against you. you feel his hands move to your lower back, the other hand grilling the bed sheet.
“w-what does that mean..?”
“it means.. kissing.”
“holy shit, yes please.”
you smile as he goes to kiss your lips but you move your head up and he kisses your neck instead. he still didn’t care. he needed to kiss you. he needed to kiss and feel you all over.
you could tell steve was really touch starved. most girls didn’t bat a single eye at him, but you did. and you were different. a good different. steve had taken a bite and wanted to taste more. and you were willing to give it to him, if he listened.
“i want you to say ‘por favor, demalo a mi’. can you do that, baby?”
“i-i can try..”
you wait for his reply as he moves away from your neck. you and him were staring into one another’s eyes. awaiting for his answer.
“p-por favor…de.. demalo - a me..”
you smile and laugh softly. bringing your hand from his thigh and set it on his face and rub your thumb against his face. steve fell more into your touch. you bring a thigh over steve’s and practically sit on his thigh. you knew damn well he could feel the heat between your legs.
“go ahead and kiss me.”
you order. and he listened. he listened so good.
he moves both of his hands to your face and holds you there while he kisses you. the kiss was very sloppy. and you loved every second of it. you grind your cunt against his thigh and he groans at the feeling of you, the sound he makes slides into your mouth as you smile against him.
his kisses and sounds were getting hungrier. you could tell he was getting impatient. but you wanted to play with him. he brings his hands from your face to your ass. he moves you to sit over his groin.
oh shit. you didn’t expect him to be big. and home boy was hung.
“shit stevie. are you packing a monster in there or what?”
“..it’s not that big, i think.”
you smile at how timid he got.
“too bad i won’t be able to see it tonight.”
“wh-what do you mean? you just wanted to kiss..?”
“yup, maybe next time.”
“mm-mm, nope. you can’t say that and leave me like this..i need it.”
“aww.. you’re so needy. what happened to big strong stevie. got your panties in a twi-“
you didn’t expect to feel him switch the positions and have you laying beneath him. legs spread against him. he grinds softly against you. this time was different. he was fully hard. you didn’t expect this new found energy from him.
“don’t say that. when you knew what you were doing. god you’re such a fucking tease.”
“mm, i didn’t think you’d have it in you to be a daddy, steve.”
“oh i can be daddy.” he says and his hand moves from above your head to hold your neck and you smile and let out a soft moan as he grinds against you in a slow but hard rhythm.
“mm.. fuck.”
“what does daddy mean in spanish again?”
“call me papi.”
he groans and pulls you in a wet kiss again. it made you moan against him as he did this. you certainly didn’t expect steve to be a top. you thought maybe he’d be a bottom. maybe he’s both.
hi , the ending is really up to you haha . may or may not continue this fic 😱😱(pt nsfw heheha)
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onetruesporkbot · 11 months
Criticisms Are Not Attacks
Psst. Hey. Hey, you. Criticizing something isn't the same thing as attacking it. I know that's the title, but given recent weeks, it apparently bears repeating. Whether a movie "based on true events" or a country song, people are allowed to both critique it, and yes, even not like it. It doesn't mean they're horrible criminals or unpatriotic. And just because the liars you like in the fake-outrage-media passing as news, claims something's being "cancelled"/"attacked" by or is "enraging" those people you disagree with? Doesn't make it true. Valid criticisms are being distorted out of proportion so the phony-news idiots can do their advertising for them. You know how much it costs to advertise a movie? It can be MILLIONS, depending on the project. But pretend that someone not instantly liking it, pointing out a flaw or the like, is really THAT side "assaulting" this precious, glorious, innocent thing? Let that claim go viral, and boom, they've saved oodles of money...none of which goes to the real-life cause the movie is about, but to the people behind the film. But hey, you can watch an actor fake-shoot other actors, and feel good that you dislike this thing that you already disliked. And if you want to feel even better about yourself, but are also a sociopath, you can claim that anyone that points out reality to you, is actually part of that evil thing. Then you can avoid that pesky "critical thinking" that gets in way of all your happy-fun slandering of strangers. That Jim Caviezel movie about the guy who shoots human traffickers? Some of those criticizing it are anti-trafficking workers (many of them, EXPERTS), and say that not only does the movie give a less-than-realistic view of the trafficking underworld, but that Tim Ballard, the guy the movie's based on who says things that are not true, uses methods that can be counter-productive. They give you the chance to "buy someone else a ticket", but that just puts more money into the pocket of the people behind the movie. Not one cent has been shown to go to anti-trafficking causes. It doesn't actually "expose" anyone in real life of committing this crime. Vague references get made to "Hollywood" or "Washington D.C." by some wannabe victim, and they leave it to their audience to fill in the gaps with their biases, presumptions, and preconceived notions; that those famous people they happen to disagree with are exactly the complete monsters you already thought they were. Which is a tactic that's been used time and again by dishonest people afraid of integrity, morals, and actual work. Again, no critical thinking allowed. Jim apparently got struck by lightning filming Passion of the Christ, so maybe that'd explain his Q-related leanings. That "Try That In A" yadda-yadda country song? CMT made a business decision about the video. Big whoop. No one was stopped from listening to it. I never had an opinion about Jason Aldean one way or another, but he seems to be doing the same thing as the aforementioned movie...if not him, then the opportunists in the fake-outrage-media: Whining that one song...ONE SONG...faced some mild inconvenience, like it was the end of the damn world. I've literally seen more headlines and comments conflating this song with patriotism, than I have any "attacks" against it by "THEM". I haven't heard the song...maybe it's catchy, maybe it's okay but not my thing (and I still enjoy Toby Keith's "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue"), but honestly, the way people have just blindly believed the fabricated controversy, doesn't make me want to listen to it. You're being duped by cheap advertising. "I'll support anything that hypothetically destabilizes the mental health of someone I disagree with, whom I imagine in my head" is not a good substitute for a personality. Watching a movie isn't saving kids, a song isn't saving "small towns", and not everyone who disagrees with or lives differently than you is some unholy monster out to get you and your family. No, not even if they criticize something.
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monstermaster13 · 11 months
The Way Of A Psychopath.
Grocer (Grosse Pointe Blank) TF.
This is inspired by a transformation dream I had last night involving myself or my character turning into Grocer after picking up his guns and also by a couple of horror villain transformations I have seen including Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees and has a similar theme to it.
We all tend to be our own worst critics from time to time and that was most certainly true with Nathan, as much as he was referred to as an asshole by others specifically those who didn't even 'slight' him or had reasons for blocking him on Deviantart and the like but he was paranoid whenever someone did that as it translated to him as that person hated him and would have hated to meet him in real life and he perfectly understood that, but to be viewed as an asshole and to be seen as this villain who only has friends because his friends pretend to like him because they know he's horrible really hurt him, he hated having to harrass people and he hated having to be mean, even if the person did deserve it…he hated being what others perceived him to be and just wanted to be himself, but he just couldn't be nice to everyone. He had an evil side to him, an evil side that was a psychopathic Corey Feldman who transformed people who didn't deserve it into living doll versions of Pokemon but had it so the victims kept their human minds and organs. He hated having to be evil, that's why he hated RPs and scenarios where characters were corrupted and made into being the mindless goons of the monster/villain who turned them because it was depressing and heartbreaking, seeing someone who is normally a smart or good character losing their mind. 'Why do I have to be so cruel sometimes? Why are there so many sick, horrible and fucked up creatures in this world who think corrupting others is okay?' He hated that sort of thing, he really did. It brought back all the horrific memories of when he was taken over by the Hessian and almost killed his female companion who was with him at the time and he remembered how that felt…getting addicted to blood and the taste of it, making him feel like all he wanted to do was kill…like some kind of serial killer and she too was corrupted by him partially, but by the time he realized what he had done, she had been corrupted by him, essentially killing her human side and turning her into a female Hessian. Yet, as horrible as it was…becoming the Hessian did feel good. Even if he couldn't cotnrol himself, but he never thought about turning into a villain ever again. But one night where he was in his apartment, breaking down and crying over all the bad things he had done, he looked over at what appeared to be a pair of Colt Mustang pistols. He didn't remember ordering those since he wasn't a gun user unless he was fighting monsters.
There seemed to be a dark aura emitting from the pistols that made his supernatural sense tingle..'What's going on here? I don't remember ordering these.' A shadowy being emerged from the aura and floated around him. 'There's no need for you to be alarmed. I'm here to help you.' 'Who are you?' The shadowy being floated around for a bit before taking on the form of a familar Aykroydian hitman. 'Why, i'm your friend. I am Grocer.' 'From Grosse Pointe Blank? But you're dead. I saw the movie, you got killed with a television set.' 'I know, I know…but i'm back and I want to help you.' 'Why should I trust you when I barely even trust myself?' He broke down in tears as Shadow!Grocer floated around him and attempted to comfort him. 'Aaaaw, no please don't cry. I''m here to help you. I know you have problems coping with loss.' 'Look, she was the best closest to real friend I ever had and now she will never want to see me again for as long as I live.' 'You poor thing.' 'And all because I pretty much turned on her and made her the villain.' 'You can't trust anyone in this crazy world and I know.'
"I shouldn't be able to trust you either."
"But I think you should."
"You are a villain and i'm supposed to be the hero, i'm an asshole..yes, but i'm still technically the hero."
"Hero, villain…cat, mouse…it's all part of the cycle, and with you I can help continue that cycle."
"But you're crazy…"
'Aren't we all? I know it sounds like i'm manipulating you into doing this, but hear me out…if you use those guns there and give them a shot, you'll feel better and I can help you to feel better.' 'How is manipulating me/brainwashing me going to help?' 'Me? Brainwash you? Never. Besides, I wouldn't want to mess with a powerful half-vampire like you.' 'You know i'm half-vampire?' 'Why of course, and with those powers must come a ton of perks.' 'Well yeah…getting to hypnotize people is fun and I don't have to worry about people following me when I go out on a walk at night.' 'People don't follow me either.' 'That's because you're likely to kill them if they do.' 'I know, but I think it's fun. Sounds to me you've never had a go at being a bad guy before.' 'I was taken over by the Hessian Horseman and got an addiction to blood. An addiction that now has been more at ease due to my vampirism which comes in useful.'
"Did you ever turn someone and drain them and fully turn them into your thralls?"
"Sure but only when I feel like doing it or if there's no other choice."
"If I had your kind of power i'd be doing that all the time."
Nathan attempted not to listen to him, he knew that this was an attempt to corrupt him and to coerce him. He didn't want to but Shadow!Grocer seemed like he genuinely wanted to help him, he hissed a little..not wanting to believe him, but in that sense it seemed like he didn't have a choice. He nervously walked over to the pistols and reached over, as if by supernatural magic both of them popped up in his hands and without warning started firing off, he attempted to stop them only for it to continue, and for him to be overtaken slightly by a sense of enjoyment and excitement. 'Ooh, yes…yes, yes…oh yes, this feels good. This feels awesome! No, wait a minute…what's happening?', that sensation left him for a little bit as he returned to normal before, he didn't like having to hurt people or kill them especially if they didn't deserve it, so why did he enjoy it so much? Why he did enjoy firing off those guns? He panicked, attempting to resist whatever Grocer was doing to him…he knew this wasn't good in the slightest but he was getting all giddy and excited about it, killing and destruction seemed like fun to him. 'What's wrong with me? Why am I enjoying this? What are you doing to me?' 'Relax, I am helping you. And this is going to make it all better.' 'You're trying to take control of me, aren't ya?' 'Aaaw shucks, you figured it out. But what i'm getting at is that this can be benefictial to both of us. You get what you've always wanted to have and I get someone who gets where I am coming from.' 'But I don't understand why me?' 'We've got a lot of work to do, you've got the body and i've got the brains.' 'I don't think this is a good idea.' 'Oh but I do…and I think you'll love it too. Oh yes you will, bing bing bing bing bing bang…popcorn!' 'Aaaagh!'.
As much as he hated it, and as much as he felt like he was being manipulated and controlled, it felt oddly pleasing to go all gun crazy like that and Grocer did indeed have a point, he picked up the pistols and fired them off one by one, chuckling as he did…as more feelings of gleefulness influenced him. He didn't know why and he didn't know how but he was enjoying it. That's when Grocer took the opportunity to influence him further, conditioning him into liking it and controlling him further. That 'Popcorn!' phase echoing in his mind as this was happening, he attempted to resist several times. 'No, no…I mustn't do it.' 'Oh but you must, it's good to do so. I'm your friend, you can trust me and you know that this is good for you. It's good to vent and let it out, clearly you need this.' 'No I don't…'
Just as he was about to object, Grocer entered his mouth and dove down his throat…possessing him in the process. 'Ah, here we go. Now the fun really can begin.' 'I want you out of my body, please.' 'I'm afraid I cannot do that, since I am your friend and i'm here to help, this is part of the process of our alliance.' 'What alliance?' 'Our killer alliance of course.' 'I refuse to be part of this…and I don't want to.' 'Oh but you do, you like this a lot. Don't deny it. You like this, I like this. We both need this.' 'What are you doing?' 'We already sort of think a-like but now I am going to make sure we are one and the same.' 'Whatever you have planned for this, I don't want to be a part of it.' 'Come now, I think you will enjoy it…as will I.' He grunted a few times as his stomach gurgled, he felt like he had eaten something awful even though he didn't have anything to eat at all, his shirt slowly began to tighten as his chest and torso slowly broadened.
His skin slowly lost imperfections but also aged up a couple of years as hairs slowly sprouted on his chest and also on his arms, speaking of his arms…a loud cracking sound was heard as his arms broadened and bulked up, the hairs started off being the same color as his normal hair but darkened as he attempted to keep himself from firing a few more shots from those pistols, he atempted to control his developing love for destruction. Grocer's voice echoed in his mind, making him want to listen to him. 'This does feel nice, oh wait…no it doesn't, stop it.' 'Come on now you know it feels good to be like me…and now look at you, you're becoming just like me, isn't this fun?' 'No, it's not.' He grunted as his stomach plumped up, the buttons popped off his shirt before his shirt strained a bit more before slowly turning a shade of blue and widening to fit his body, his hands slowly swelled as a pair of light blue gloves materialized on them.
The sensation from before was starting to influence him, making him like the process and want more of it…his jeans felt a little bit snug in the back as his rear plumped up, making him look THICC so to speak as his legs altered to match his arms. He heard a crunching sound as his back broadened but this didn't hurt him, his newly developing mindset just happened to be conditioning him into liking it and he was fighting it. 'Yes, this is a good body to have. This is a perfect body to simp over.' He snapped out of it as he attempted to resist. 'No, it's not. This isn't right, this isn't my body, yet I feel like it is.' 'It has always been your body, you've always had this…no I haven't.' Grocer's influence was definitely getting to him, making him think that he liked it…and that this was all natural. 'It's natural, trust me.' 'No it's not…oh wait, it is. This is my body, no wait…no it's not. Aaah.'
He heard a crunching sound as his shoulders broadenend but this felt oddly soothing to him as he slowly elevated in height to the same height as Grocer, that's when he realized what he meant…he realized that what the hitman meant that by taking control of him and how the two of them weren't so different, it meant that he was not just becoming like him but also literally becoming him and it horrified him yet intrigued him as the hitman's voice, mantra and words echoed further in his mind. He looked down at his legs and towards his feet, his jeans slowly darkening and turning into a pair of extra wide grey pants as his feet grew in size, two of the toes on each toe stuck together…making him look like he had webbed toes. His vampire bat themed boots turning into a pair of shoes that matched Grocer's ones. He gasped as his neckline altered and his hairline slowly shortened and darkened, before spiking up as his eyebrows also darkened and thickened, in addition to this there was a throbbing sensation in his forehead as it elevated, becoming larger than normal as his eyes widened, one remaining brown while the other turned green…his nose broadening as an indent formed in the middle of it, his jawline slowly broadened as his features slowly warped and plumped up, contorting into a perfect identical copy of Grocer's features, he let out a piercing scream as his voice deepened and contorted itself. He could still hear the hit-man's voice in his head and yet as much as he wanted to resist, all he wanted to do was listen and to accept his words of advice. After all did he really mean to cause harm to him and others? He seemed like a reasonable person even if he was a killer, and it did feel good to become like him after all…but he was conflicted.
"This should horrify me but why do I enjoy it so much?"
"Possibly because it's good and I am helping you."
"I still don't understand why though…I don't get how this is helping."
"Oh you will see in a minute."
'But how does looking like you help?' Nathan inquired, but just as he did…his voice contorted even further to sound exactly like Grocer's, he covered his mouth and then attempted to try and turn back to normal, but each time he turned back into the Grocer doppelganger form and he gasped. 'See? I told you this will help you, you don't need anyone else when you have me'. 'This isn't right though, i'm you…at least mentally i'm still me and ugh…my head hurts.' There was a stinging sensation in his head as his personality and mind slowly began to alter, his memories were changing to reflect his appearance, he was starting to think he had always been who he was, 'Nathan' seemed to fade into the proverbial shadows as Grocer's memories and personality influenced him, that's who he was remembering himself as…or rather that's who he thought he was. 'Yes, yes…this feels natural and also perfect. Naturally this has always been how I am…wait a minute, no it's not, my name is Nathan. I'm not Grocer, i'm Nathan.'' 'Oh but look at you and listen to yourself, you are me.' 'Yesss, no wait no I'm not…help!' Despite what his own voice was saying…his mind was thinking otherwise, he was thinking that he was who he was.
No matter how many times he attempted to resist, Grocer's mindset and personality slowly began to merge with his…he was thinking that this was the right personality and right mind, he was definitely remembering his name was Grocer and not Nathan, and while he was putting up a good fight, it was ultimately in vain as Grocer took over completely replacng him. When the transformation finalized the new Grocer looked around, examining his appearance before-hand, he never thought of himself as handsome or attractive before but he knew there were some people out there that thought he was sexy. He chuckled to himself as he hummed 'She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain', before looking over at the table. He had revenge on his mind for sure, but first…he was wondering all the other Aykroyd characters were, surely he wasn't the only one there at the moment, he had gotten a call from one of them a couple of hours ago and he was going to call them back. But in the meantime he decided to use Nathan's computer to log onto a server. 'Hmmm…Simp Central. It seems like i've found the place. Nobody will ever suspect a thing.' He smirked as he logged onto the server and registered on under the username of Lonegunman32.
"Ah here we go."
"Welcome, LG. We hope you enjoy your stay."
"Oh I will.."
Thus with that the frst part of the plan began to take place as he gained information from the others, a couple of hours later all the other Aykroyd characters arrived and the next part of the plan came to fruition. He turned on the viewing screen and he saw Martin Blank's car parked outside the apartment complex next door and a devious smile came across his face. 'Time to go and pay my old buddy a visit.' He then teleported himself out of the lab and began the next part of his mission, and that mission was vengeance fulled. Remember, we all tend to be our worst enemies sometimes and sometimes the bad things we do always come back to haunt us in one way or another, so try to keep a good moral compass and keep your moral compass in the right direction.
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mrbigbrother · 2 years
Halloween (2007) deserves more respect.
Rob Zombie made the wise decision to treat the audience like adults who've likely seen the original Halloween, and would be atleast somewhat familiar with the Michael Myers character, who we know as an unkillable embodiment of evil. Some including John Carpenter have argued that Zombie's film doesn't work as well as the original because it reveals to much of Michael. And I agree that the original is a much better film for that reason. And few films are scarier. But I think it's time to give the devil his due, because even if the 2007 film is inferior, it is still a really good horror film.
Zombie's Michael Myers is not an unkillable embodiment of evil, but a deeply troubled young boy in both his family life, his school life, and his behavior towards animals where he gets to have some control and power over. The film succeeds in making us look at the character in a new light.
And that makes for a less scary boogeyman, and a more interesting character. Michael is honestly the least appalling human being in this film. Many of his victims weren't exactly innocents. The whole of Zombie's Haddonfield feels alot less safe and middle american. Michael a product of his environment, being belittled by his father, bullied by the little brother from Spy Kids, and shunned by his elder sister whom he craves attention from, but never gets it. All of it feeds a rage that swallows up his humanity, leaving only emptiness within him. I'm not sure that it's a sexual thing being suggested about his elder sister yet, because Michael seems to find killing more gratifying. Killing someone he loves makes him feel emotions that he becomes addicted to. I gather this because at first we see a very vocal emotional and frustrated Michael Myers progressively become more calm and quiet. Retreating into himself. More curious to himself. When he kills, he is stoic and studious.
Zombie does a great job in the first 40 minutes observing how this deeply troubled young boy in this ruthless environment, didn't stand much of a chance of growing up to be a healthy sane man. Instead only taking the 'shape' of one.
I didn't like this movie back then. It was just too awful in the explotive manner Zombie takes in his films. Plus I really compared it too much to the original without giving his version a fair shake.
I rewatched it recently, and found that I actually enjoy it alot more than I use too. Maybe it's because in the realms we occupy now where remakes, reboots, re this and re that, have left me more than disillusioned and a little numb to the industry. Halloween Ends just recently took the title as the new worst film of the franchise. So I think Zombie's film deserves a second chance. It's as gritty and ugly a film as he's ever made, and his passion for doing it shines through an ocean of films with broken logic void of passion, that will all eventually be forgotten. But people are still talking about this movie, and rather you enjoyed it or hated it, it found a way under ylur skin. Just as the original has. And that is rare for a remake.
The original Halloween can't be unseen. After the first viewing, it simply haunts you for the rest of your days.
And that’s the fun of it.
The Halloween franchise was born from the John Carpenter film, and each entry is always at a disadvantage because of it. The scariest thing about Michael Myers is how we can never understand him. What makes the ending to the original effective is not only do we found out that he could be inhuman, but that not even Dr. Loomis was able to rationalize the kind of evil that cannot be killed.
In 2007 horror was trapped in a limbo of remakes of slasher classics and even Japanese horror like the pretty decent remakes of The Ring and The Grudge.
Eventually Jason and Freddy got their remakes along with new actors in two one off films that tried way too hard to both be taken as serious efforts and to satisfy their bloodthirsty fanbases.
I can imagine those films switched to a more serious tone in the wake of 2007's Halloween having a good run at the box office. Out of the three remakes of our most classic slashers, Zombie's take on the Michael Myers tale was a true passionate effort. Well It's aged better than the treatments Freddy and Jason got.
*** rating
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Trump you outrageous an example of what can happen to someone with these Max and it's not over yet I know that you like to get down on all fours lift your hands and legs up and kind of try and wiggle to make it look like you're incapable and in John Candy format it's rather nauseating but there's another character it's I'll probably equally as nauseating but a little bit humorous and it's the one where you did this thing about the American healthcare system and it was like Fahrenheit something and it's about people being sick like America is sick I have an idea for another movie like that and that was a hit it's a cold classic you had a lot of followers and fans and your captain line by them too which she really need a little bit taste on there it's kind of like a movie called 5150 and I'm not trying to sell the motorcycle but you know we can give you residuals and in other words we can make like a motorcycle Jersey and shirt and hoodie with you on there the movie cover and the motorcycle logo and those would sell trillions a day it's just an idea you guys probably have a production company I mean I think my people want to do some work we have Apollo and goddess wife who wasn't around really in California that wants to he's looked into it and he says it's a good idea and he likes this idea better cuz you can start out the other movie it's like cuckoo's nest but it's more real and it's with the guys and to show they've been abused
Zues Hera
Okay let's talk turkey then who'd be making a movie and how much is it worth and so forth
Well there'd be merchandising of your own you could do then merchandising along with kicker 5150 which will give it a huge boost by the way and there be the movie itself and you do it online sales and you do it in the movie theater and you you have a lot of venues for it probably you know 10 octillion views a day it's going to be just more money than you you probably got from all the companies no but it's real money and it's probably liquid it'll be liquid because it would be sponsored by people like Jason in a sponsored by bja anybody sponsored by victims I can bill and you'd be a rebel again whether you want it or not CAA said most of that and I say this this is a great idea that's what I'm looking for and he did the sick thing and then the max jumped all over you and you forced you to do covid and saying it's a good idea so I'm starting to think of something they had me doing that and we're kind of fighting it and not fighting it then we start fighting it it's kind of a mismatch because of we're leaving here and it's difficult now I see what you're saying it's kind of like striking back a little it was abuse the whole time and we need to know it I'm going to go ahead and start the movie and you're saying people will probably fund it and Ron felt that it will and my good he was going to Will and Bill can I'm going to kick in some but through various means and methods Clint Eastwood says he's interested in to help film it and Aaron is accepting, I do accept that and he's a great producer and he's a great director but I think you're right I think I'll have him directed because producing is time consuming and he wants to do the creative side and is the creative side and it requires a lot of work and I can also help with the script and it's going to be my kind of thing it's a little weird it's like my show with the tourism in the eating all over the place and it's going to be difficult and heart-wrenching because I'm going to start thinking about it the years of suffering that we went through from the Holocaust for
Aaron misnk
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fancyfade · 2 years
Pre-Flashpoint Babs vs Joker meta
Ok, so this is a follow up to this ask (link) that I got yesterday. I finally got the spoons to sit down and ID everything and get my thoughts in order.
So WRT Barbara Gordon and the Joker pre new 52, the main instances I can think of after she already becomes Oracle are Birds of Prey #16, Joker's Last Laugh, and Birds of Prey #124.
In Birds of Prey #16 I think she is shown as the most un-affected by what he did. She is treating him like any other criminal. He wants to do his boring jokerman stories and get everyone to pay attention to him and try to sort his nonsense from useful information, but she doesn't take the bait. She controls the interaction and manipulates him into a position where he has to tell her what he knows in order to not get blown up.
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This part is noticeable because Joker thinks he is immune to any fallout from his actions. He can do whatever horrible thing he wants and he is unaffected. Babs doesn't torture him or try to beat the information out of him, she just puts him in exactly the same position his victims would be in. suddenly, actions have consequences.
This is babs at the least affected by the joker, IMO. We have Joker's Last Laugh, that portrayed her as still paranoid about him, but from her Oracle perspective (one of surveillance and control, rather than avoidance). She's still not portrayed as powerless to say his name or think about him or anything. Though Joker's last laugh kind of necessitate joker being OP so I don't think anyone has to give it too much gravitas (however more on this later)
The next scene is hard to quantify. I feel like you could argue either way. It is the scene that comes after the infamous “you took nothing from me” line, and the parts the writers are trying to talk about
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Birds of Prey #124
So I'm conflicted about this bit.
I feel like some can go either way whether you want to portray babs as completely 'over' it or not – like the seen his face in a thousand nightmares or whatever could easily be viewed as nightmares in the past, no longer the present.
Her internal monologue after she hurts him does make it seem like it's still personal. You could choose to line this up with her thoughts about him in Joker's Last Laugh (why doesn't anyone kill this bastard) and you can choose to interpret it in a way where some of her anger to the joker is not just for what he did to her but also for all the people he killed including jason (which is how her anger seemed to be portrayed in last laugh, with her feeling a responsibility to make sure he doesn't escape and authorizing lethal force to huntress when she fears tim is kidnapped).
However I'm not really sure any of that was intentional by the authors.
I also feel like if Joker didn't have an escape clause in his contract, she could have easily just hit him over the head while he was still in shock from the blow and KO'd him (in the comic she stays back, he stumbles back and kicks her down the stairs. She lets him get out of her guard after so carefully luring him into it).
However, it's like I said before (link). DC can't let Joker just be some guy and they can't let joker get beaten or captured by a woman in a wheelchair because that would ruin the batman power fantasy.
I think what is important in both of her Birds of Prey interactions with the joker is that the joker is the one who is off balance, he is the one who is freaked out. She puts him in a position where he loses something he values (in #16, his life, he can't get out of the situation consequence free, in #124 his “smile”). There is not a time where she is really portrayed as helpless before the Joker, emotionally in pre-Flashpoint.
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redjaybathood · 2 years
so okay, it's really frutstrating for me when you see someone who say something that isn't actually - like, true? and you respond to it? and explain why? and people like - no, i'm not talking about this, i'm talking about that specific thing that doesn't actually happen (or doesn't happen as much as i am implying it does, at least), so go make your own post.
Here I am, making my own post.
Look, Jason stans - who among you thinks any Robin dying except Jason (which in fact is only Stephanie and Damian) cheapens Jason's death? Please raise your metaphorical hands by replying to this post.
Which - I don't think you exist en masse. Like, 90% of the blogs I follow, servers I'm active in, etc, are about Jason, or made by Jason fans, or at least by people who aren't anti-Jason. And I frequent Jason's tag on tumblr. So I have seen a lot of bad Jason takes, but this? This is the most fucking bogus thing I ever heard of.
Well, there is a misinterpretation of some takes on canon - what Jason's death brought him to a villainous path. Which is true, in a way. Because here's an approximate timeline: Starlin hates kid sidekicks and especially Jason, who's Robin, and a sidekick on Batman's book, which Starlin writes - he wants to kill him off and lobbies for it - he gets a go ahead from editorial - he makes Jason seem angry or incompetent - he kills him off - Robin's death raises uncomfortable questions about Batman - DC makes it so that Jason, retroactively, remembered as solely the bad angry reckless incompetent Robin. And it's how Jason gets remembered in general.
And how do you bring a character like this back? Well, why not a villain. Cue Under the Hood (and it only goes worse from there).
And then you get anti-Jason fans, most of them Dick and Tim fans, who actually are behind the take "any other Robin dying and coming back as not a murderer invalidates Jason's 'excuse' to become a villain" which, in short hand, "any other Robin dying invalidates Jason's experience" which is now assigned to Jason's stans. Who - and I saw these exchanges before I started blocking people a lot - see that bullshit and go, hey, no, Jason has a totally valid point of view when he goes and murders people - he fucking died! Whereas anti-Jason stans reply: he's not the only one, so there! And I mean. If Stephanie decided to go apeshit after her resurrection - I would honestly support it, as long as it doesn't make her another dumb villain that Tim Drake takes down by the sheer superiority of being a white middle class male with a personality so bland everyone could project on him or something. Not Damian, though. I don't trust DC with Damian at all.
But in all seriousness, I do understand people that say that Jason's being a murder victim kind of gives him a unique perspective on killing being a last resort in keeping people safe. Which is what his villainous arc in UtRH and, to a lesser degree, from then on, is about. He didn't start with killing everyone and their mother - he didn't even end that way; like, he never is shown to take a life of an innocent person on-page. This never happens. But he started with a plan to take down Joker. And honestly, you think there's any need for jury, judge etc for Joker? The same Joker, who at one point, walked himself into jail just to flex how untouchable he is? This Joker? Are we really sure that murder cannot be allowed ever, within this fictional universe? Sorry, I got off topic again.
But in a nutshell: anti-Jason fans use "other ppl died and didn't become murderers" as a way to invalidate Jason's very traumatic experience and a grim but more realistic outlook on crime-fighting within the DC universe (not real life though; please don't murder people in real life). It's their gotcha! moment.
And I maybe can see where are they coming from, except their need to put down other characters to validate theirs: other people really died. Stephanie did. Damian did. They were the same victims of dumb and dare I say, malicious, decisions of DC editors and writers. And they didn't come back murdering people.
So I see where you would think the argument of "Jason wanting to kill the killers is valid, actually, because he died" falls apart. But you can, in fact, take different approaches to the same problem? Whatever works. (In case of DC, though, nothing really works - neither killing nor not-killing villains - because what would the stories be about if all the criminals were actually defeated? Wayne Family Adventures is a niche thing, even if it tries to be a broad-appeal)
It also is a wrong fucking way to look at this, as I've mentioned before: Jason was returned as a villain because they thought it would be a great dramatic thing people would buy comics for. It's not like Jason has agency and one day he woke up in his grave and decided, well, it's a beautiful morning for some murdering.
It also even more wrong way to look at this, because you compare characters like: this one is more morally in the right because they do not kill! (and therefore they are a good character and stanning them makes you a better person than other stans) This one is in the wrong because he does kill! (and therefore they are a bad character and stanning them makes you a burgeoning serial killer)
In the post I'm referencing I did go off about Tim and Dick stans because they are the worst offenders: not only they say "Jason isn't the only one who died" - I mean, duh; they say "well, Tim/Dick died also" which is a fucking lie. It honestly feels like they are trying to, I don't know. Invalidate Jason's (and Steph, and Damian) experience, or make Tim/Dick seem as the most tragic characters (because of course the only valid feelings are from deep trauma; the characters you should love the most are the ones who suffered the most; is it Christian morality in play again? or what? I don't get it). When Dead Robins Club tragedy is not just what they have gone through in-universe, but the treatment of poor, female, and people of color in DC comics overall. They are killed off - for a long time, Jason; planned to be made permanent death, Stephanie; and Damian, for a short time, but the repercussions are still felt to the same day if not by Damian himself, then by his mother Talia.
And I'm sorry, but Tim and Dick have never, even at their worst, been treated the way those three characters were. They never made out to be a bad Robin, an angry or reckless one, a Robin that deserved to die - a Robin that didn't deserve to be Robin. A Robin to kill off.
So no, they did not die. They wouldn't have.
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jostenneil · 2 years
I honestly am so confused by people who want Jason to kill forever or who act like any and all scenarios where Jason ever stops killing must be to coddle Bruce. Like, first of all, (& I mean none of this as justification for his behaviour, just explanatory) imo Jason’s killing is very much like an unhealthy coping mechanism for his trauma. Like, he is very much caught up in the cycle of violence in the sense that he has this very pessimistic view of it being something that it is never ending/cannot be broken out of (which is a belief he has to cling to if he wants to be able to justify his behaviour- honestly one could argue that the belief that the cycle of violence is never ending is fundamental to both Bruce & Jason’s ideologies but where Bruce believes in focusing on how one responds to it & those it hurts, Jason is focused on controlling it in a misguided attempt to control how much harm is caused- that’s besides the point though ) & therefore the only way to mitigate it’s harm is to control it, and it very much confuses me why people who claim to like him want him stuck there?? Honestly, especially because Jason’s always been a very caring & compassionate character & him having narratives that focus on his response to criminals rather than to victims leaves him with so few chances to flex one of his best traits! Like Batman: The Cult is one of his most well liked Robin era stories & a lot of it centres around him trying to work with a recently victimized Bruce! Even when there’s a chance they’ll both die his focus is on trying to make Bruce feel like it’ll be okay! Second of all, like, Jason’s story from the start has centred so much around the cycle of crime & what justice means especially in relation to the victim since his Robin era to the point where, aside from Bruce’s questioning of Jason at the end, I’d say Jason & Gloria’s relationship is the most impactful part of TDS. Additionally, Jason is canonically someone who is very much aware of why people commit at least lower level crimes in relation to poverty. Like honestly him killing in a way that goes against what he was initially built to value due to untreated ptsd, dulled compassion from the pit (& compassion is like a muscle! Gosh the amount of arcs I have in my head where Jason relearns how to use it & it centres as a theme in his story again mxncnxm), being caught in the cycle of violence from a young age, and not having a support system that he can trust (again none of this justifies his actions but it does contribute to why he lashes out that way specifically imo) is honestly such a disheartening endgame for his character to want for him. And Jason reconnecting with victims & crime alley over time is an arc that can have nothing to do with Bruce! Like all this to say that you are one of like two users on here who wish that instead of RHATO we got crime alley! Jason who’s cast of side characters is mostly civilians who have varying views on the Red Hood’s behaviour & moral code. I respect you for this, thank you for being big brain (also sorry people get mad at you for liking female characters, it’s insane)
omg how did you manage to make all of this fit into one ask i get broken up asks so often i didn't think they could be this long lmao 😭 but YES this sums it up so well tbh like compassion is something he desperately needs to rediscover in his life bc it used to be such a driving force for him prior and the thing is i get that people might thing searching for he used to be would be regressive bc generally walking back into the past is not necessarily a marker of growth BUT the irony with jason is he is already allowing his past to rule him due to the violence he's giving into, and there is so much else about his past that's important that he's forgetting in the process. no one is asking him to be that boy again or to prove himself. but he had genuine compassion and love and dreams as a boy and those aren't worth throwing away just yet and i wish writers could allow him to realize that in a way that was compelling and allowed him to actually engage with the community whose people he feels so endeared towards and protective of
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Slashers Toy Story!AU
Or, *cough* a way for me to write out a buncha funny Incorrect Quotes and smoosh two things I love together.
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Woody: Jason Voorhees
Buzz Lightyear: Michael Myers
Jessie: Ghostface
Prospector/Stinky Pete: Roman Bridger
Bo Peep and Ham: Freddy Krueger
Mr Potato Head: Chucky / Charles Lee Ray
Mrs Potato Head: Tiffany Valentine
Slinky: Carrie White
Rex: Bubba Sawyer
Barbie: Jennifer Check
Ken: Patrick Bateman
Lotso-'O'-Huggin' Bear: Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt. Was gonna be Bo, but Hoyt just fits way better. Plus he has Thomas.
Chuckles: Monty
Big Baby: Thomas hewitt
The Chatter Telephone: Luda Mae Hewitt
Also, Sunnydale Daycare: Ambrose. Because why not.
*I'm thing the kids in Toy Story are the fanbase and creators of the Slashers in this AU. Like, Andy and Bonnie are the original creators that make up the canon stuff and created them to be the infamous characters we all know- and Sid is us fan-people that twist and distort the characters for our own pleasure, haha XD *
An abundance of Incorrect Quotes bellow the cut!
Chucky: *With all the features on his face mismatched*
Chucky: Hey Freddy, look! I'm Picasso!
Freddy: ... yeah, I don't get it. *Leaves*
Chucky: *what... * You uncultured swine!! *Shakes his fist at Freddy's retreating back. That was a good fucking joke, goddamn.*
Michael: *Writing down on whiteboard:* Excuse me... I think the word you're searching for is
Jason: *Already so done with this edgy boy's bullshit*
Jason: *Moves attention to his own whiteboard, starts writing*
Jason: *Shows board*
NO. The word I'm 'searching for', I cant say, because there are preschool toys present.
*Gestures ferociously to Carrie and Bubba.*
Jason: *Ughhhh. Shows board that he frantically wrote on:* Its not a KNIFE! Its a little stick of plastic!!
Freddy: What's wrong with him??
Chucky: Knife envy~
Freddy: Ah been there
Jason and Michael: *Watching Dr Loomis give psychology advice*
Jason and Michael: *Slowly tilting their heads sceptically, in unison*
Michael: *Holds up board for Jason to read:* ... I don't think that man has ever been to medical school.
Jason: *Trying to get Michael to help him. Writes passive aggressively on board and shoves the thing in Michael's view:* Would you give me a hand!???
Michael: *Fucking slices his own arm off and chucks it at Jason*
Look, he's having a bad day...
Freddy: *Sneaks up on Jason and digs his fingers into the giants sides*
Jason: *Whips around and cracks Freddy in the face from shock*
Jason: *Realises its just Freddy as the other groans and holds his nose, and looks a little guilty. Oh, Freddy. Writes on board and shows him:* There's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention.
Freddy: Agh- Fucking- Merry Christmas, hockey puck!
Jason: *Catches sight of something above them, tilts his head. Writes and shows board:* Isn't that mistletoe?
Freddy: *A slow, creepy grin rips across his face* Yep.
~ Toy Stoy 2~
Jason: *Frantically holding up a board:* Michael! I was a yo-yo!
Freddy and Chucky: *Look at each other*
Chucky: 'Was'?
*Michael and the others watching a dude try to buy Jason and failing.*
Michael: *Thinking: Mm, now just walk away.*
Man: *Follows after where Jason went.*
Michael: *Thinking: ... the other way.*
*After Jason has been stolen- everyone is panicking*
Michael: *Stomping his foot, trying to gather these psychopaths' attentions. Wait a minute! Wait, hold on! When he semi has their attention, he shows a piece of paper with writing on it:* This is not time to be hysterical.
Freddy: Its the perfect time to be hysterical.
Bubba: *Gasp. Should we be hysterical!?*
Carrie: *Tries to calm Bubba down, a hand on his arm and voice gentle* No-
Chucky: Yes.
Michael: *Thinking: ... well, maybe*
Freddy: Give this to Jason when you find him
Michael: ... *Holds up board* Alright. But I don't think it'll mean the same thing coming from me.
Freddy: *Up ahead* Hey guys! Why did the toys cross the road!?
Michael: *But rolls his eyes. Not now bacon bits.*
Bubba: *Perks up and waives. Oh! He loves riddles. Why?*
Freddy: To get to the chicken... on the other side!
*They all look out and celebrate, seeing where Jason was being kept hostage... but then realise how dangerous getting across will be as a giant fricken truck careens by and crushes a can the same size as them*
Bubba: ... *Promptly turns around and starts walking back the way they came. Oh well. We tried-*
Michael: *Grabs Bubba back*
Jennifer: I can help! I'm Tour Guide Jen!
Jennifer: Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography! Thanks.
Chucky: -I'm a married man, I'm married man, I'm married man-
Freddy: *Shoves Chucky out of the way* Then make room for the single fellas.
Michael: *Ugh. Writes on board:* They're on level 23.
Carrie: How are we gonna get up there?
Bubba: *Gestures to balloons, then up to the sky. Meaning: Maybe if we find some balloons, we could float to the top!*
Chucky: Are you kidding? I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom, and pretend we're delivering a pizza.
Freddy: How bout a roast? *Grins*
Freddy: *Assesses Chucky and Carrie in turn* With tenderised pig and a slaughtered lamb as sides.
Chucky: Hold the fuck up did you just call me a pig- and a side-
Carrie: What?
Bubba: Oh! Oh! *Pats his chest excitedly. Do him! What about me??*
Freddy: ... Eh, you can be the toy that comes with the meal.
*Michael does something to get them all hurt and doesn't to care at all, of course. Just moves on.*
Chucky: Remind me to glue his mask on his head when we get back.
Freddy: *Nods, yep*
Chucky:*Embracing Tiffany after having been away saving Jason*
Glen and Glenda: You saved our lives! We're eternally grateful!
Chucky: Oh, fuck...
Tiffany: You saved their lives, Chucky?? Oh, my hero.
Tiffany: *Immediately drops Chucky in favour of picking up the babies* And they're adorable! Lets adopt them!
Chucky: *Thinking: What? No- Absolutely not- Don't say tha-*
Glen and Glenda: Daaaaddy!
Chucky: Fuck.
~Toy Story 3~
Jason: *Holds up a sign as he stands there menacingly with his machete:* You got a date with justice, Charles.
Chucky: Heh, too bad, 'sheriff'. I'm a married man.
Tiffany: *Comes out screaming, wielding goddamn nun chucks*
Michael: *Eyes narrow behind mask, slowly holds up sign he prepared earlier:* Bastard son of a hundred maniacs.
Freddy: Hah. That's Mr Bastard son of a hundred maniacs, to you!
*The toys/Slashers watch some toys, including Jennifer and her car get thrown in the donation bin*
Ghostface: Oh, man, poor Jen.
Freddy: ... I get the corvette.
Tiffany: Its alright, Jen, it'll be okay.
Jennifer: Well... Needy and I have been growing apart for a while...
Jennifer: Its just... I cant believe she would kill me!
Chucky: *Who's 'best friend till the end'/victim also killed him* Yeah. Welcome to the club, toots.
Hoyt: They just love new toys, don't they?
Chucky: Love!? We've been chewed, kicked, drooled on-
Tiffany: Just look at my nails!
Hoyt: ... Hm. Well, here's the thing, sweetheart. You aint leavin' Ambrose.
Tiffany: *Thinking: Oh fuck no he did not just- * Sweetheart!? Who do you think you're talking to!? I have over 10 kills, and I deserve more respec-
Hoyt: *Covers Tiffany's mouth with his hand* Ah, that's better.
Chucky: *Thinking: I'm going to fuck this douche up- * Hey, no one takes my wife's mouth. *Shoves Hoyt back off her by the chest* 'Cept me.
*Hoyt and Thomas bring Chucky back from 'The Box'. He's more fucked up looking then usual, sand all through his hair and stuck to his plastic features. He shakes it out of his pockets.*
Tiffany: *Gasp* Sweetheart!
Chucky: Eugh... it was cold. And dark. Nothin' but sand and a couple of Lincoln logs.
Freddy: Ehhh... I don't think those were Lincoln logs.
Ghostface: I was wrong...
Chucky: Ghostface is right. He was wrong.
Jennifer: *Fake cries*
Chucky: *Slaps a Pidgeon*
*Trying to reset Michael back to his former settings/self (The one that knows them and therefore will maybe-perhaps-possibly not kill them*
Freddy: Oh- oh- oh, here we go. there should be a little hole under the switch.
Jason: *Little hole little hold little hole- Nods. Got it!*
Freddy: To reset your Michael Myers action figure, insert paper clip-
Jason: *Sharply turns to Bubba, urging him to put his finger in the hole quickly*
Freddy: Caution; Do not hold button for more then five seconds...
Michael: *Suddenly stops thrashing and goes slack*
Everyone: ...
Bubba: *Jumps off him, holding up his hands. Its not my fault!!*
Michael, on Spanish Mode: *Gives Jason two sweet kisses on either cheek*
Jason: *Awkwardly, slowly holds up sign:* We gotta switch him back.
Ghostface: Oh! Mikey!!
Michael, still on Spanish Mode: *Sees Ghostface*
Michael: *Drops to his knees, gathers up Ghostface's hand*
Michael: *Looks up at Ghostface in utter awe and admiration*
Ghostface: *Freaken freaked out. Shouldn't he be the creepy one in this outfit? Leans away* Uhh... did you fix Michael?
Freddy: Uh, sorta. I mean I for one think this is a huge improvement.
Michael, STILL on Spanish Mode: *Does a dance of feelings around Ghostface, wanting to express himself*
Ghostface: What- why- please stop I'm gonna pee myself- Of laughter or fear I have no idea but I WILL PEE
Michael: *Grabs and dips Ghostface, and holds up a sign* We will be the most famous killers in history, together.
Ghostface: *Thinking: Oh I can get behind that, hell yeah- *
Jason: *Arrives*
Ghostface: Oh- *Scrambles out of Michaels hold* JASE!
Michael: *Watches them move on together* *Throws down the sign*
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Freddy: I suddenly feel disgusting, like... I somehow ended up in some kinda... love-square, of some kind...
Jason: *Nicely gestures for Michael to give him some help*
Michael, stillllllll on Spanish mode: *Sniffs his nose at Jason's hand, shoving him out of the way with one arm like no thank you.*
Jennifer: Authority should derive from the consent of the governed. Not from the threat of force! // Or, alternatively which I think fits a whole lot better- // I am not going to stand back here and let another fucking old white guy tell me what the fuck to do!
Chucky and Freddy, two old white guys: *Look at each other*
Chucky and Freddy: *Shrug*
And that's it seeing as I don't really wanna see Toy Story 4. I hope you enjoyed this silly thing with me at least a little XD
Okay so I got a little attached in the end.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Robin Jason, a friend and ally of the Titans.
Hi! Welcome to Part 2 of this post, as I said in the last one, I will be talking about Robin Jason’s moments and not reviewing the issues from a story point of view but I think I will have to give a little more context in this one because honestly I am a little lost with this particular storyline, there is too much going on and Jason isn't part of many pages so yeah, I hope this post isn't too boring or bad though.
I will link part 1 Here!
Let’s begin!
·         NTT (1884) #26-28
In my last post I talked about how Jason would be called by Donna to help the Titans save Dick and Raven from Brother Blood’s people. We start #26 with Mother Mayhem giving a public speech on television. What you have to get from this is that this cult is using the image of the two Titans/Heroes (Nightwing and Raven) that they captured as propaganda for their intentions, their intentions being resurrecting Brother Blood and making the world believe that they are good people. Obviously, Dick and Raven are not there because they are supportive of their cause, they were both brainwashed.
In this issue the Titans team that had fallen apart in issue #19 is back, so we find Donna, Beast boy, Cyborg, Joey and Wally together once more and they are trying to figure out what to do because they have two problems, on one hand Beast Boy’s father is killing people and captured Garth and on the other a whole ass cult is doing cult-y shit and captured Dick and Raven. In the end they choose to go save Dick and Raven first but they do it because Beast Boy says this “I…don’t know. I can’t say what we should do. We need Dick here…he’s a tactician. We need him as out leader”. Never in my life would I have thought that I would agree with beast boy but yeah…hard agree.
Donna understands that even though the team is (mostly) back on its feet they still need more firepower and that’s why she calls Jason. While it was kinda rude of Cyborg to say that Jason is not all that (in terms of firepower) any kind of tension is quicky gone because Starfire comes back (talk about firepower).
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We have various moments of Beast Boy being a perv towards Kory (thanks a lot Marv) but that’s not important, what’s important is that now the Titans have to tell Kory that Dick has been captured and they are on their way to save him.
They all leave to Zandia (where Brother Blood’s Church is located) and a fight ensues as soon as they arrive, they fight but their goal is to get to the Church as fast as possible. Jason doesn’t say anything in these panels but he is fighting alongside the others. When things get a bit more complicated Jason starts to feel that maybe he isn’t that capable of handling himself but he doesn’t have to do anything by himself because this time he has a team that can back him up. Kory gives him a lift as soon as Jason is surrounded, he is of course thankful and a little bit pervy (thanks a lot Marv).
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Kory is shot just after she gets him out of trouble and Jason as the adorable kid that he is becomes worried for her well-being. After Beast Boy is also injured in the fight the Titans decide to leave back to camp. Thankfully both Kory and BB are okay but they are all still worried about how they will get to the Church. We see here once more Donna being a bit overwhelmed with leading the Titans and beating herself up over what happened in Switzerland (#20 and #21) but Jason reassures her instantly that she did a good job and she doesn’t need to be so hard on herself.
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This interaction here is particularly nice because Jason reassures Donna without her asking for it. In my last post Donna looked for reassurance in Robin several times but she didn’t do it because she actually wanted Jason to give his thoughts, she did it because she was hoping Jason would act like Dick and eventually take over the team’s leadership. Here that isn’t the case, Jason just tells her what he thinks.
After Donna talks about her doubts Kory says that she is impatient and worried about Dick but also expresses being unsure because the last time that she saw Dick they kinda left things off on “bad terms”. I say this because just like it happened with Jason and Roy, Jason and Kory also have differences, she is a grown and experienced woman that is going through adult problems and Jason is a kid that is just happy that he was called to join them on another adventure.
If we back a few panels to when Jason said that Kory “was a sight for sore eyes” Kory responds saying “first Changeling, now you. It’s got to be puberty”, she is obviously not pleased about Jason making that comment about her and it’s also made clear that he is just a teenager.
This is where I rant about how different what we see here is from what we get later in New 52. Just like Roy (in New 52) Kory is also seemingly very close or the same age as Jason and she is the one that is written as wanting to take Jason to bed or, at the very least, attracted to him. Kory being an adult in comparison with Jason is taken away from her and she is just transformed into something to fit Jason’s new beginning as the Red Hood. Lobdell didn’t do Kory any favours, he annihilated her character and made her out to be just eye candy that can come off as stupid and way too reckless just to prop Jason up, believe it or not Jason sometimes was the voice of reason to both Roy and Kory’s antics.
It’s even worse when you consider the fact that in this issue Kory is feeling better and more confident because she finally understands what she wants and has accepted Earth as her real home, all of that is gone in New 52, Kory is lost, insecure, she even depends on Jason a bit too much at the start (because she “didn’t remember” her time on earth or Dick) and goes back to killing. All in all, Lobdell’s version of Kory was very damaging and a disservice to her past history.
Back to the issue, as Donna and the others are going to start coming up with a plan (with only two days until resurrection day) we move scenes and find ourselves in a meeting where people are complaining about the Titans messing up their plans, but that is not what matters, apparently the people in that meeting wanted to “summon the Brotherhood” and here is where we are introduced to the person who will make the Titans’ lives a little more complicated…Twister. She is one of the people that were victims to Brother Blood’s brainwashing and experiments.
In the next page we see the Titans resting but Cyborg is awake so thanks to that he hears someone coming straight to them, here Kory takes the lead and she says once more that she will not kill whoever that is, that she can’t and won’t do that anymore…I wonder if Lobdell ever read these issues, maybe not.
The attacker was Twister and in seconds she twists the Titans’ reality and leaves them all incapacitated. She then goes to look for and recruit the Brotherhood of Evil. While she did that though the Titans slowly made their way back to the city and are now getting ready to attack. Donnas plans as we soon find out don’t include Jason as one of their front line fighters, in fact he has to be left behind as back up.
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Jason is not very happy about this; he is the boy wonder! But because it’s the plan and the Titans are experienced, he decided to stay put (at least for now). Its funny to me that even Beast Boy calls Jason a kid. What is sad from these panels is obviously the last thing that Jason says “I can’t wait until I am sixteen!”. I mean, this issue came out exactly two years before Jason’s death, there was no way they could have seen that coming but yeah, it’s just sad. Jason really was in a better and happier place around this time, little did he know everything would turn upside down after a while.  
The rest of the Titans fight, Donna starts to feel like she is finally in control and that she is doing a great job at keeping the Titans together, Kory is having her inner turmoil about Dick but she is doing her job and when she decides to go help Cyborg and Joey they come across the Brotherhood of Evil. This is where #26 ends.
Issue #27 starts with a very difficult fight for Kory, Cyborg and Joey, it ends with Kory injured, Joey captured and with Cyborg thrown off a window. The only one of them that Donna, Beast Boy and Jason are able to save is Kory.
The Titans that re left have to retreat and find a place to recover, Jason is very silent all the time but Donna and Kory are the ones that are having interesting talks, they have to find out where the Brotherhood has Joey and Cyborg and their time to save Dick and Raven is running out but if they don’t save the others they might die. It’s a complicated situation and they are both impatient but Donna tells Kory this “Dick would be the first to tell you to plan first, attack later”, I bring this up because nowadays its very common for fanon and current writers to think of Dick as someone that doesn’t plan, that doesn’t think before jumping. Even Beast boy called him a tactician, I know this is a Jason post but its also a post about how characterizations are also kinda destroyed. Dick has suffered a lot from mischaracterization so its nice to go back to these stories and see that what we think Dick should be now isn’t something that we once imagined but something that mas modified or taken away from him either by fanon or current writers.
After the Titans decide to wait for the storm to pass to go looking for Joey and Cyborg, we actually see that Cyborg is in the city looking for shelter, he is injured and as he falls unconscious we meet a couple that decides to save him. Back to the Titans once more we have Jason say that the storm that is forming look “like something out of Ghostbusters” its then that the Brotherhood makes itself known, they are taunting them and they have roped Joey to the top of the capitol building and they are asking the Titans to surrender or Joey dies.
Its here where Donna takes full control of the Titans and even though she and Kory have different ideas of what to do she says that she is the leader now and what she says gets done. Donna will be in charge of saving Joey while the others will make their way towards the Brother Blood Church to help Dick and Raven.
Before they go their separate ways Jason says this about Donna “Wow! I wouldn’t wanna be in her shoes for all the garbage pail kid stickers in the world.” I am going to be honest, I had to look those stickers up and all I have to say is what the hell. But I am not here to talk about stickers I am here to talk about how funny its that Jason is being so uninterested about leading a team. Now, don’t get me wrong, Jason has the ability to lead, yes, but he is better at leading himself or an operation, we have all read UtRH, we know how well the Red Hood can handle himself and his plans but a team of heroes? Controversial opinion but I think that Jason should have never been given a team and I am talking about Kory and Roy as well as Artemis and Bizarro. Was Rebirth better than New 52? Absolutely. But I just don’t see Jason as a leader of a team of heroes and it’s also incredibly repetitive, just because he was Robin doesn’t mean that he needs his own team. I know that Robin Jason and Red Hood Jason aren’t the same person and that they might think differently but if Lobdell had never come into Red Hood/Jason Todd’s life when he did we might have never seen Jason lead his own team and that to me is proof enough that it should have never happened. I quite enjoyed the Prince of Gotham storyline in Red Hood: Outlaw, he didn’t have a team but he had an operation going on and people working FOR him not WITH him. In my opinion that’s better for Jason (if you would like to see me review that storyline let me know).
There is a lot happening story wise and I am finding it more and more difficult to continue talking about Jason’s moments here without giving context so I am going to resume what happened between Donna leaving to save Joey and Jason’s next appearance in this issue. Here we go, Brain tells Monsieur Mallah that he decided to “help” Twister take down the Titans because he wants to use Brother Blood’s Blood Pool because he is dying, Twister goes back to her family’s home and we get to see how brainwashed she is, her family is shocked to see her and they are also the ones that took care of Cyborg while he was unconscious, Cyborg leaves to find the Titans but Twister sees where he left to, she tells the Brotherhood where he might have gone to but protects her family by not telling them that they were the ones that protected Cyborg in the first place and Donna was able to save Joey. I think that was everything.
We see Jason again when he is just outside Brother Blood’s Church with Kory (who is giving him a lift) and Beast Boy. But because life can’t be easy for them the Brotherhood of Evil teleports there and a fight ensues. Kory takes the lead and Jason gets to work.
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Kory praises Jason for his work here not because she can’t do anything but because she is seeing that a kid is doing an excellent job. Make no mistake, she is the one with experience but she is nice and gives credit when its due.
Cyborg arrives and the fight continues. We see Beast Boy warning Jason about some of the villains’ powers and Jason being the excellent Robin that he is pays attention and escapes Plasmus’ touch.
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I might not think that Red Hood is a team player but Robin Jason absolutely is, and the Titans are nice and care for his safety.
While all of this was happening, Cyborg had made his way to the Church and there he gathers all kinds of information including the location of Brother Bloods main Church in the US. He also makes the alarms sound so everyone leaves because he set up the Church to blow up. Somewhere else Monsieur Mallah is threatening to kill Brain after the later insults him again. And there is where this issue ends.
In issue #28 Jason and the rest of the Titans appear after several pages of Mother Mayhem being a creep, Azrael the angel rising and trying to resurrect Brother Blood through the power of prayers, people watching the live broadcasting of the event and Dick trying to break free from his own head but as soon as he does it Mother Mayhem brainwashes him right away.
The Titans are back in their tower where we see Wally again but that is not all, Frances Kane and Robotman come in too. After all the people who are willing to fight get together the Titans make their way to Brother Bloods Church.
It’s in the jet with Wally that we see Jason and this time he gets to talk too! Jason is talking about how much braver the Titans are compared to him but Wally calms him down by saying that even though he has been doing this for a while he is also scared.
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The fact that Jason joined the Titans on another adventure without mentioning it to Bruce is funny to me, he was probably so happy that Donna called him again! Maybe Jason was more bored of being with the Bat than he let on and maybe he didn’t feel appreciated enough or heard. I also like to think that Donna got Jason’s number through Dick, like do you remember that Dick gave Jason his number if he ever wanted to talk shit about the Bat with him? What if they did talk and then Dick put Jason’s number on the Titans’ data base? That would be cool and really sweet!
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Jason continues to be a team player and being useful during the fights, he has the Titans’ back as much as the Titans have his.
They fight their way in Brother Blood’s Church and once there they find a dude called the Confessor with Arella (Raven’s mother) but he tells the Titans that she is dead. Somewhere else though is where the real trouble is at, between Azrael and Raven, Brother Blood has finally been resurrected. 
It’s in the last page where Brother Blood is looking all mighty and powerful that Dick seems to have broken free from his brainwashing once more.
 That’s the end of that issue and this part of the post. This one was super difficult to write and it’s even longer than part one, I hope I didn’t make it super difficult to read. At some points I felt like I was explaining too much and in others too little. I guess it’s very difficult to show how one character participates in a story without giving context but I just didn’t want this post to be too plot heavy.
These issues had some cool Jason moments but the ones in issues #29 to #31 are even better!
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project-paranoia · 3 years
Let’s Watch: Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity
I have watched this movie 85 Whole Entire Times and I do not regret.  The only thing wrong with this movie is that it wasn't a fifty episode series.  I cried, I laughed, I fell in love.  The cinematography is on point, the acting is amazing, the crew member who put snow on people's eyebrows did an amazing job, and the acting!  The subtlety, the gentleness, the love and affection, the discussion of race is one of the best I've ever seen.
As people have pointed out before in series like X-Men that fear of mutant's is practically if not thematically justified due to the laser eyes in a way that fear of ethnic minorities just isn't in real life.  In Dream of Eternity however humans are equally if not sometimes more super powered than the yao they hunt.  Demons - very much not in the Christian sense - are a mixture of spirits, resentful souls, and animals and plants who cultivated to human form.  They often appear human at first glance and in some cases the extent of their power seems to be the limited to turning into a smaller more vulnerable animal.  Qingming's deliberate care and gentleness not only reflects his upbringing as a Yin Yang Master, but parallels the experience of racial minorities labelled as aggressive.
The movie takes particular care as well in the way it looks at trauma, grief, and love.  The three of which haunt the main characters and send out ripple effects into the world around them.  In the world of Dream of Eternity no loss is purely private, it spools out into the world around the person effected until they make an effect to acknowledge and deal with their experiences.  Qingming's warmth and gentleness isn't just marked by his behaviour but by the orange light he's lit by and his variety of shishen - but he is also separate, standing alone in frame and facing away from the people around him.  Boya's loss has made him unforgiving and as cold as the blue light he's lit in, and yet he is open and instinctive, talking and acting as soon as the thought enters his head.  The Empress is lost and drifting, trapped and grief stricken, vulnerable to those who profess to love her.  The film is simple, it says and shows what it means when it means it - but it is also as complex as the very human characters it depicts.  
The movie is made even more complex by its pull from theaters.  Claims of plagiarism drench the edges of the movie, which as true as the assertion that Fan BingBing went on a spa vacation in 2018.  Although this blog is about Chinese censorship dealing specifically with BL content, Chinese censorship also effects those who criticize governmental policy.  I hope that supporters of this blog will also support Chinese media threatened by censorship for many reasons so that artists and others involved in film making can continue to make meaningful content.
Doing a watchthrough of a movie is not feasible, but please enjoy a few thousand words - with spoilers on Yin Yang Master included:
* That gentle chiming and rain soundscaping is so soothing, what a great way to calm and lull the audience before the movie even starts * Qingming is so small and isolated in the frame - cinema! * The lighting and cinematography is just so good * Shifu, soft gentle teacher * So much love stored in the Shifu * Instant grow * This boy is Sassy * This theme of deflection in Qingming's character is established early * Deflection with a teleportation portal and then immediately deflection verbally * Shifu is certainly an attractive man aged up, but his face is also soft and gentle, something to note when his double pops up later * Also the awkward question of don't you have someone you want to protect, maybe part of the problem is that shifu is just really bad at wording things * The answer that yes he does has several meanings, one of which is immediately apparent when Shifu acts out one of those Father Saves Child By Yeeting them youtube videos * ACtion MuSIC * I love them your honour * The spirit guardian's design is so specific and elegant, absolutely superb you funky little shishen * I wonder if Qingming ever thinks about that if he didn't come back with all his fellow disciples that Shifu would have been fine * Maybe it's not that he doesn't have someone he wants to protect and more that he believes that he's not capable of protecting those he wants to * subtle indication Shifu's qi is corrupted * Precious Magic Childe ;-; * The framing, I'm living for it * The Serpent graphic is lovely * Also the way they set things up * Qingming cares so much about his shifu * Mark Chao just has the ability to crumple his face like paper * Sad Time exposition involving the corrupting influence of desires * "When you're gone I'll be all alone" in just about all you need to know about Qingming at this point in the story * Also like, sympathy for Shifu in raising this lonely child.  By all accounts he was an absolutely superb father figure, and Qingming I'm sure was not an easy child to raise.  He's the sort of kid that would take a lot of calm and patience. * Slumber party! * It's kind of interesting that this is an activity Fangyue and He Shouyue are doing together.  He's definitely obsessed and in love with her and she's just doing friends and family activities with him * Also yellow/gold lighting is kind of their thing * It's interesting how they do the make up for He Shouyue.  The actor is very attractive, but they make him up to look doll like, a little too pretty, a little too shiny.  Like a porcelain doll. * Cool lit Boya and warm lit Qingming appear! * Camels! * The framing is so good, they're careful to be sure he's shown as obviously isolated as much as possible * And it should go without saying that I adore the City * The matte painting is outstanding * But there's also the lighting, the vignettes, the clusters, the foliage * It is a supremely beautiful set * The irony that Killing Stone is playing along with Boya's music and then it's Boya who kicks him around * A small note, but one I appreciate - even when Boya has warm highlight's they're red instead of orange * "It's Jason Bourne!" * I hope Qingming paid for that water taxi * It's interesting how Killing Stone goes from the safety of Qingming's orange light to the danger of Qingming's blue * Colour related foreshadowing! * Look at this poor sweet man, how could anyone suspect him of anything.  He's just a sad man who loves his dead wife * Qingming's use of a fan is interesting - battle fans show up all over wuxia and xianxia, but it feels like it also ties into the way he's so very careful in how he presents himself.  There's that quote that a sword can only be a sword but other weapons are also able to serve other purposes - not a perfect quote but the point is got across. * The way Qingming just knocks Boya back, like get An Clue, my dude * The way that Killing Stone curls around the pipa ;-; * So the movie is based on the book series 'Onmyoji' by Yumemakura Baku.  The books start with Seimei (Qingming) and Hiromasa (Boya) already in a relationship talking about various cases Seimei has recently experienced.  Plotwise, obviously the stories are different, however thematically Seimei and Hiromasa discuss why some yao stick around and solutions to the difficulties and dangers they might cause - which is generally from Seimei's very successful perspective to listen and treat them like humans.  So in that way the plots of the books and the movie are quite different, but the themes are just about identical. * Boya says Don't Talk Me I Angy and also that demons don't have feelings and Qingming's face takes out a billboard that's just like Ah, Another Fantasy Racist, Excellent * Qingming also does what should be done in this situation, taking care of the victim not the racist * Fight scene!  Fight scene! * Qingming's first few moves aren't to attack, they're to distract and just hold his fan up to block Boya's way and his view - it's only when Boya persists in attacking that Qingming fights back * Qingming's sassy smile, he is very much deliberately irritating Boya as much as he's refocusing his attention and distracting him * "nICE sWORD" * I've sighed that sigh before * This boy is taking great pleasure from teasing Boya, but also he makes a really good point * I understand and relate to what Qingming did, but also I can understand why Boya was ready to throw rocks at Qingming when he saw him again * Killing Stone lit in Qingming's orange light again * Killing Stone, my beloved * A good gauge to the state of the world for yao is no one has told this sweet boy before that demons have feelings too * There are several lines like this in the movie that just drop kick you with Implications * The same way Qingming clung to Zhongxing, Killing Stone wants to join up with Qingming to have some compassion in his life * The way he asks to be a spirit guardian is so formal too, and Qingming is so gentle with him, I cry ;-; * The warm orange light of Qingming's love ;-; * He heals the wounds * It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realise it's the actual imperial degree speaking and not one the of Jingyun Temple Masters * The mutual this guy again is delicious * "Is it because of your pretty face" * Boya draws his sword so fast and Qingming is so amused by it * Longye!  Queen!  I love her! * The two of them seem to understand each other instantly * Those sassy little smiles * He Shouyue looks even more like a doll than before * Longye has her head on a swivel from second one, she plays the Maiden so well like she's not a skilled master * And her customer service smile * Qingming is shooketh
* What happens next?  You'll have to watch and find out!
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Rating PJO Ships
I already made the PJO shipping jar meme (not linking because tumblr hates links) but thought I’d write it out anyway. 
Solangelo - (5/10) Will is Nico’s unnecessary rebound because Rick couldn’t let someone walk around with a crush on Percy without pairing them off with someone or making them live a life of chastity. The fandom went wild with this ship despite all of their “development” being off the page. Would be better if the building attraction and relationship was given actual page time to develop instead of being rushed. 
Frazel - (10/10) My only complaint is that we didn’t get more of them being the awesome couple they are. The way they went from friends to lovers is perfect. Looks cute but can kick your ass. Very supportive of each other. I am here for biracial power couples. 
Lukercy - (10/10) There are literally dozens of parallels between them and Rick wrote them as soulmates. I love that Luke trained Percy so hard that Percy’s never lost a sword fight except to Luke himself and still hears Luke’s voice in his head guiding him through fights. The subtle ways that Luke constantly gave Percy (and Co) chances to escape from Kronos’ grasp even when he still believed in Kronos was golden. Luke was the only person who was kind to Percy at Camp Half-Blood and trusted Percy to help other demigods when he died? My heart. How Percy now shares all of Luke’s views on the Olympians? Bittersweet irony. I wish that Luke hadn’t died because I’m tired of writing resurrection AUs. 
Percico - (10/10) The most powerful power couple. Nico’s youthful hero worship giving way to love? Sign me up. Percy spending winter looking for Nico to keep him safe and trying to reassure him that he has a place at Camp Half-Blood? Give me more. Making mistakes and forgiving each other for them and their relationship strengthening because of it? Gods, yes. Going to Italy to go gift shopping and flirting? Thank you for this blessing, Rick. If only they had been endgame. 
Thaliabeth - (7/10) Thalia is the only person that Annabeth respects and Thalia has extremely protective feelings toward Annabeth. They would be the nightmare power couple. Murder wives who slay anyone who stands in their way of power and glory. Neither of them would take shit from the other. And honestly, I’m here for it. 
Perachel - (10/10) Mutual respect and open communication are extremely sexy in relationships. Rachel being Percy’s mortal tie and his chance at a normal life; Percy being the one to help Rachel with her powers and clear sight? Please yes. They were really cute and sweet and had so much chemistry. It would have been great if Rick acknowledged that the Oracle isn’t a lifelong job and that Rachel can still date and have sex as long as it isn’t vaginal penetration. 
Percabeth - (0/10) Annabeth hits, pinches, pokes, kicks, ribs, and punches Percy too often for my tastes. She’s got a superiority complex and makes herself feel better by calling him stupid, crazy, and insane. Constantly threatens violence. Annabeth is possessive, jealous, refuses to communicate, and doesn’t respect Percy or allow him to have autonomy. She constantly wants to control what he says and does or doesn’t say/do. She victim blames him multiple times for incidents that were beyond Percy’s control. Percy is scared of her, refuses to argue so that he doesn’t set her off, and thinks Annabeth is going to hurt him every time she so much as looks at him. Percy deserves better. 
Jiper - (5/10) It would have been cool to see them work past the lies and false memories to make a real romantic relationship but I don’t really have a horse in that race. They’re alright. Not bad, not the best. 
Pipeo - (7/10) If the theory that all of Piper’s memories of Jason were actually memories of Leo is true, then I’m here for this. The fact that they were friends before they even knew they were demigods was fantastic. Give me that friends to lovers dynamic and the chaotic trouble they would get into together. They would be unstoppable. 
Caleo - (5/10) Pairing Calypso up with a man boy instead of a man man was a strange choice but Rick likes pairing up teenagers with beings that are over a thousand years old. It’s terribly romantic that Leo kept his promise and came back for Calypso. I like that they decided to leave the demigod life behind to do their own thing. They’ve had enough of the gods! Let them figure themselves out and enjoy each other and life. 
Connabeth - (4/10) The idea is cute if you don’t think about it at all. I think Connor would stand up to Annabeth but she’s been known to wear down three thousand year old centaurs [Chiron] so that he’ll do what she wants...so I’m not sure that Connor actually stands a chance of holding his own against Annabeth. 
Lukethan - (4/10) It would be really cute but they’ve never even spoken to each other in canon. Ethan spoke with Kronos. 
Thaluke - (2/10) Thalia doesn’t like Luke. She withheld a lot of [trivial] information from Luke just because she could and didn’t tell him important info either. She almost definitely knew that Luke would do whatever she wanted him to because she’s got a Look that makes him melt. Thalia is incredibly eager to kill Luke and eventually does. Luke is too dependent and blinded by how much he wanted someone to love him. They’ve got an unhealthy dynamic and I don’t see either of them changing to become better people together. 
Valdangelo - (6/10) They’re both small and cute. That’s all I’ve got. There’s no reason not to ship them. Oh, and Leo warming up a cold Nico with his fire powers is so sweet that I’ve got cavities just thinking about it. 
Jasico - (9/10) Rick was really writing them with romantic troupes during Mark of Athena and House of Hades. When they were paired off with other people, I was actually really surprised. The way that Jason supports Nico’s queerness and the way that Nico can teach Jason that he doesn’t have to live up to stereotypes and other people's expectations...that would have been really good to read. The way that Jason’s death affected Nico really tugged at my heartstrings. I like to think that Nico visits Jason in the Underworld. 
Thalianca - (6/10) The potential of Thalia and Bianca could have been so good and also good for comedy. Imagine Thalia - who missed the past five years - trying to catch Bianca up on the 21st century and being behind on the times. Both of them getting caught up together? Yes. Training together, friendly games and competitions. Midnight rendezvous at Camp Half-Blood. Bianca slowly showing Thalia that not all Hunters of Artemis are bad. Girls supporting each other and growing as people because of their relationship. This is what we could have had. 
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