#but income is income
mokeonn 6 months
I think at some point in time we need to sit down and start explaining to artist who want to make a career out of art that there are FAR more options than just "living off of commissions" and "posting my art online and praying I get paid for it".
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ufolvr 9 months
Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
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ironinkpen 7 months
can't believe there are still people out here in the year 2023 that genuinely think aang should have killed ozai
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liberalsarecool 6 months
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UBI works. 88% success rate.
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left-reminders 5 months
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politijohn 5 months
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sevrinve 2 months
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Prince Zuko 馃敟
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animentality 6 months
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yuwuta 5 months
satoru puts his glasses on your face whenever he thinks you鈥檙e giving him bedroom eyes in public bc he really cannot stand to think about it or you for too long or he鈥檒l be walking around hard in his pants for the rest of the day. the thing is, you鈥檙e not even trying half the time, but that doesn鈥檛 stop him鈥攜ou flirt with him a bit too much, bat your lashes the wrong way, or even smile at him a little too long and he鈥檚 already feeling warm in the face and satoru knows he doesn鈥檛 have the self control to stop his thoughts so he has to stop you. he鈥檒l promptly stick his sunglasses on your face and turn away with a sigh like they鈥檙e some kind of last minute sexual deterrent.聽
it鈥檚 not because then, if satoru thinks too hard, he gets stuck on the image of you in his glasses, of you in his clothes, of you in anything that belongs to him and that鈥檚 way worse then you smiling prettily at him or saying his name or touching his arm. so, then he has to kiss you, and then take his glasses back, so he has something to hide the burning blush on his face.
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rapidhighway 4 months
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i've been beating myself up for not drawing any full illustrations but i was inspired by music yesterday :] (don't tag as ship 馃憤)
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maliciouscigarette 11 months
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The sack of Rome, August 24th 410 CE, colourised.
Art by Psicochurroz
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ceasarslegion 2 years
Being the only guy who works in a beauty store is fucking hilarious sometimes. Im the only one who can sell our shitty beard shampoo and a not insignificant amount of our customers think im untrustworthy. According to my coworkers i use every mens product we have so they can get dudes to buy a shaving cream. Trying to explain to people that theres no difference between "men's" and "women's" products is like talking to a brick wall. Ive had multiple women get angry with me for sampling them out one of our "men's" moisturizers when they specifically said they wanted a mattifying one to control oil and that's the best one we have for those two things. I still think about the guy who came in asking if we had "masks for men." I contemplate ending it all every time someone returns a completely unused product that they absolutely refuse to try just because it either says or doesnt say "for men" on it. 90% of the time its the perfect product for them. I had a lady who was willing to buy a worse product for her needs that was more expensive just so it wouldnt say it was for men. Are you ever tired? Are you ever exhausted? These are the same kinds of people who say that im the one whos obsessed with gendering everything because im trans.
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liberalsarecool 1 year
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Let's have the conversation about UBI.
Let the actual data and facts end the bad faith arguments.
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nightopianfoxgirl 9 months
welp . . . secured me a job OwO'
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politijohn 5 months
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bromantically 8 months
u seriously have to let go of the idea that "man" and "woman" are totally separate. u have to be comfortable w the idea that identities are way more complex than a binary. if u wanna break the binary u HAVE to accept that there are identities thatll blur and coexist in ways that are only truly contradictory if ur still adhering to the gender binary u claim to reject. sometimes women are gay men. sometimes men are lesbians. these are not impossible and theyre not contradictory, theyre just experiences that exist because man and woman are just 2 genders out of countless others, not opposites
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