#but i think there's sth else happening bts
metabolizemotions · 14 days
They only fetishize queer people. Especially our pain. We are not real, entire human beings to them. The celebrate the straight couples - their relationship, intimacy n all; fetishize the bodies of queer men; n fetishize the idea of queer women.
The extent to which they tolerate our sexuality is the short snippets in promo clips. They only want to exploit our online engagement. Ironically our viewership might be bringing in the ad buyers who r trying to erase us.
They try to erase the specificity of the "queer" part, but only use the pain, the convenient stereotypes, the virtue-signaling part to gain brownie points n for good drama. They joke about cultural appropriation n did exactly that during the pride episode with the straight couple's proposal. Same-sex marriage. What are you talking about? It's about queer hate n straight allyship.
They capitalize on the "women" part, to further fetishize our biology. So if it's 2 women in a relationship - it's double the drama about making babies, bad genes, n jokes about hormones n our body parts. But it's 2 women, how can they possibly manage w/o "big, strong, sensitive", straight men with good genes to contribute n overflowing empathy to deal with them being emotional n hormonal?
It's 5b, it's pride, it's the burning man all over again. First they elevate Jack, now Beckett. Pride was about cheating queer men n high queer woman. An intimate scene of Marina must be minimized n hidden among the others' or edited to death in a montage. It's as scary as a man burning to death.
The fact that they haven't even shared a proper kiss this season through any joyful or emotional moment... They just come up with more ways to obscure the kiss, if any. Bad lighting, bad angles n bad editing are prerequisites. They r also written into the script.
Of course they make an important life decision in the NICU, n it's completely inappropriate for a married w|w to share a quick kiss - which we saw via the back of their heads. Unlike a gay man having sex with an ex at the funeral of the ex's dad - while cheating on his partner - twice. Perfectly lit with no obstructions of course.
Even in their ugly kitchen they're assigned, with a perfectly good scene setup, nope. Too brightly lit for queer woman - save it for a long morning kiss b/w gay men in their nice kitchen.
Emotional scene about Carina's fertility issues and reciprocal IVF - okay a kiss allowed grudgingly - but just 0.5 sec. Their lips touched. You get the idea. Why are you fans so demanding? Time is reserved for the 101th proposal of the straight couple n their extended kisses. A proper Marina love scene? You perverts. More explicit sex scenes b/w straight couples are needed.
I don't want to rehash about Jack. I've said plenty about Beckett. Just that men's mistakes are dismissed and minimized. It is not enough to show every painful step of Maya apologizing and making amends. Maya and Carina must also be used to make the audience sympathize with Jack and Beckett. It is a deliberate yet thoughtless choice to use Carina's SA trauma to sympathize with Jack. Just as it is to use Maya's family trauma to sympathize with Beckett. Esp the context of the shot. It is esp violating. They might as well just get Jack to show up for this. They never really got it, did they?
However one chooses to justify these choices, it's not only unnec but wrong to include the men. Esp not Beckett - the man who bullied her for months till her breakdown. Even if he never apologized and they insist on using Maya's pain to make him look good in his redemption arc, idc at this point, but this is just not the time.
If it must be a man, get Travis. Make it a conversation b/w queer people, about queer hate, about their families. Travis sympathizing with Maya, about a journey he wouldn't know about. Way better than jokes on hormones with the guys. A cheap way to get a laugh at an arduous process. I thought we left 5b n mocking queer women behind.
It could have been one beautiful scene with Andy and Vic. They haven't had a proper one since s1 & 2. They would have understood about Mason, if not for their long friendship, there's 703. It could have been about the pain women go thru - Andy and Vic about their abortions or Maya about experiencing what Carina underwent... The show really isn't big on female camaraderie.
But it should really be Carina. Among all the scenes of Carina in the station bathroom - which have been a lot - this is probably the most appropriate if they must set it there. Definitely more so that her own insemination, which was ridiculous.
These are moments that they should only share with each other, privately n intimately. These precious moments that are dwindling - few n short to begin with. It's not irl, it's one scene in an ensemble show. They sure could have romanticized this. It doesn't even have to be half as dramatic as a regular scene of their golden couple. D & S will create magic.
Esp in this episode, there's so much to unpack. With everything they've been thru on their own, the ending could have been about them at home, checking in n sharing their day. Talking about the lawsuit, the hate on queers, their brothers, the boundaries they had to set with their families... Doing the trigger shot together - esp after their emotional scene in 705 n to cap off the morning scene. A perfect setup for their emotional n physical intimacy.
But of course it didn't happen. Other important moments in their lives about their new home n new baby were also short parts of wordless montages. They are even less important than scenes of the others having drinks n sex.
Queer women just don't matter.
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gayravi · 2 years
this is gonna be kinda long and incomprehensible but hear me out: sth is really weird with buck, he is acting super ooc this season. first his relationship with taylor that seemed super weird in 5a but i brushed it off attributing it to me being negative abt it bc i don't like BT. but then with each passing episode he was acting weirder. he was once again focused on his own pain and making it abt himself. he tried to leave bc he felt unwanted. 1/3
2/2 then maddie left. and back in that episode when chim punched him and buck spent the entire episode telling chim how maddie just needs time and she's fine i didn't think much of it either. but now after boston, now that we know more? like buck is the caretaker. he loves his family. and maddie came to him, told him abt almost drowning jee and that she is leaving, she didn't tell him where and he just LET HER? he never would have before. 2/3
3/3 the buck we always knew would NEVER let maddie go if he suspected that it was THIS BAD. did he not even realize??? and then there is the cheating storyline. this was super ooc for the buck we know. and then the eddie thing? sth bad is happening to buck. i don't mean ooc in a 'this is bad writing' way. i think it's excellent writing. i think they're giving us subtle hints about how he is heading for sth Bad. i think once everyone else is "fixed" he is gonna go down. hard.
OKAY sorry i’ve been holding on to this since you sent it last night and i wanted to wait until i was off work so i could properly digest it and respond because i think you are actually the smartest anon that’s ever been in my inbox.
so my thing with buck is this: eddie hit the nail on the fucking head when he said in 504 “you’re the guy who likes to fix things”. he wasn’t just walking about buck’s relationship with maddie; he was stripping buck down to his very bones, the very root of his character -- beneath all of buck’s bravado, his flirting, his jokes and fun facts, he’s just a guy who wants to help, who wants to do the right thing, and most importantly, who wants to fix other people’s problems. it is of my personal opinion (but i’m right, actually) that buck wants to fix other people’s problems so he doesn’t have to fix his own. i could go on a mile long tangent about how buck compartmentalizes himself and his own issues (hello buck 1.0/2.0/3.0), and how everything we know about buck in canon goes to prove that he avoids dealing with his own problems by dealing with other people’s. he loves to be able to fix things, he hates when he can’t.
which brings us to season 5, and i think you’re literally so right, that buck is acting ooc, and it’s for a very good reason. as the audience, we’re SUPPOSED to be thinking, as my father said during 511, “what the fuck, buckley?”. we’re supposed to be wondering what’s going on in his head. and where with say, eddie, we very clearly know why he’s heading into the direction of a major breakdown, we don’t necessarily have that with buck. like obviously, we know he’s Been Through Shit (daniel, the shooting, the ladder truck, the tsunami, the blood clots, the lawsuit, jesus christ man), but we’ve also been made to believe that those things are things we’ve dealt with. personally i believe this is why dr. copeland was introduced in 4A -- to give viewers the impression that buck was dealing with his shit. but we very clearly see in season 5 that he hasn’t dealt with it, and with the huge fucking elephant in the room that is the shooting and the will, buck can’t deal with it.
so, he acts out of character. this is SO fucking pertinent to buck’s character, imo. he quite literally has a track record of making the wrong decision when he’s backed into a corner and doesn’t know what else to do; the lawsuit is a perfect example of this. so now, in season 5, we have a buck who has absolutely no direction as to how to move forward to healing, so he does what he does when he’s afraid -- he makes Decisions that aren’t necessarily the best for him in the long run. take taylor, for example -- he makes it clear that he’s tired of running after people, and yet he gets with taylor (not to MENTION everything that happens in past is prologue) anyway. he’s constantly making ooc decisions, and it isn’t bad writing. it’s fan-fucking-tastic writing, actually, because we’re slowly seeing buck break down in real time. this isn’t eddie clutching a back (with buck In The Room) because all of his trauma is hitting him at once; this is buck slowly but surely digging himself into a hole he won’t be able to get out of without serious help
and you’re right -- especially after everything that happened with doug, i don’t think buck normally would have let maddie go off by herself, especially if he feared she was in danger to herself. but this isn’t a buck who’s acting rationally; this isn’t a buck who’s head is on straight. this is a buck who’s grasping at the edge of a cliff, trying to hang on. this is a buck who can’t fix someone else’s problems, because his own are becoming suffocating.
so yeah, you’re right on the nose -- buck is going to put it away (hah) and help other people; he’s going to be there for maddie and chim, be there for eddie and chris, be there for bobby and may, and he’s not going to worry about himself. but as soon as he doesn’t have anything to fix, anything to focus on, the weight of everything is going to hit him at once, and he’s going to fucking break.
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alyblacklist · 3 years
I am new to your tumblr but I read your fics all the time (and reread them more often than I should admit lol)
I think you’re really amazing!
I’m so relieved that you answer asks and discuss speculation because I really need someone to talk this through.
So, I have watched a couple of other thriller series along the same lines where the makers don’t have any issues killing off major characters off the show.
There are a couple of things that are happening in this show which I think (and I honest to god hope I’m wrong) are building up to them killing off Ressler.
They get together, they partially admit their feelings (which we’ve been waiting for too Damn long) - so they get closure. Ressler is in the hospital, they show him deteriorating, he goes into v-fib.
And all of this is not that much of a game changer but hear me out. The task force is being dismantled and they need to give the viewers sth that they won’t expect. And bring some new spice in s9. With Liz going full time into crime, it seems a lot easier for them to kill off Ressler.
My only counter debate to my point is that they would have killed him off the moment he got shot (like they did with Meera) rather than show him being treated.
I really need to know what you think. Please tell me he’s not gonna die cause honestly who on earth will watch the show then?
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Hi there! I have to say a special thank you to you, @alrightygirl, and to my anon (above) who I have lumped in, for the shoutouts on my stories. I came to Tumblr in the first place during the hiatus between S2/S3 in part because I realized some of my fav fanfic authors (@aussieokie !) were here so I am especially happy to read this.
I'm not sure people realize how much we fanfic writers thrive on feedback, and especially on the multi chapter works we invested so much time into. So thank you, and I have to say I really am looking forward to the end of the season so I can step away from the BTS hunt and my inbox and get back to just creating. Hopefully the writers will leave things in a good place in 8.22 so there's plenty to work with. Ok, on to the substance of your ask and I'll put in a jump because I can already tell this is getting long.
I really do NOT think Ressler will die. I didn't think so before 8x19 and I still don't think so after the "medical drama" of 8x20. Because that's what I think they're doing - they're creating drama because it's the end of the season and they want people freaking out and guessing over who will survive. Call it the curse of cable, or thrillers or whatever, but we as audiences have been conditioned to believe that major characters have to die every year, even if it's pointless.
The thing is, The Blacklist has never been that show. They have killed three "main characters" in the life of the show. Meera in S1 (and I later read Parminder only had a one-year deal), Tom in S5 (with huge fanfare and foreshadowing and an entire "hero" arc following a failed spinoff with a new series eagerly awaiting him at NBC), and Samar in S6 after the actress specifically requested to be released from her contract after S5 and gave them time to write her character an appropriate conclusion arc which also had huge foreshadowing.
Could they go a different route this year? Sure. We're late in the life of the show and twists and cliffhangers and budgets all come into play but the thing is - I just still really don't see it when it comes to Ressler.
For me, the characters' perspective is always paramount. What purpose would Ressler's death serve? It would make Liz more upset (because, you know, Sam, Tom, Katarina, her sister, her whole team weren't enough?). And other than that......?
The audience already knows the gravity of the stakes. So does Liz. So does every other character. The only purpose Ressler's death would serve that I see (and to be clear, I am focusing only on the characters in the show not the irrational fandom hate for his character) is to "punish" Liz more, to make her feel worse about what she's done, to deal another body blow on top of all that she's suffered already.
I don't think Liz needs that. (I'm positive nearly all of Reddit disagrees).
She turned herself in to Cooper because she recognized the bloodshed needed to end after she FEARED losing him. She stayed by Ressler's side and spoke her entire speech in the hearse and by his unconscious side because she can't handle losing him too. This is exactly the scenario the writers teased when Eisendrath teased all those months ago that maybe he would use her feelings for him to get her to come back.
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Source (X)
He didn't overtly "use" her feelings in the end because that is not Ressler. He is not that guy. But in the end, her feelings for him were EXACTLY why she turned herself in.
I don't think Liz doesn't need to be punished further or suffer more in anyone's eyes except those who still can't come to terms with her war against Red. I don't think the writers feel that way about her character. To the contrary, they introduced a hallucinated Kaplan to try to give her a pass and also had her give lengthy explanations to both Ressler and Aram defending her behavior. I think from all I have read and seen that the writers view Liz as a victim of circumstances caused by Red - something Cooper has also articulated to Panabaker along the way in defending why Liz has done what she's done under extraordinary circumstances. We can all agree or disagree on the why and the method and the extremes but the bottom line is that I think the writers still view Liz as more "victim" or "forced criminal" than diabolical villain so killing Ressler, on top of everyone else Liz has lost, is just another deep blow on top of all the blows that have turned her into who she is. I think we're past the point that that is necessary and we'll be even further past that point after 8.21/8.22 when Liz learns some truths.
This has gotten crazy long so I'll just add these final thoughts which I have also articulated in prior posts:
- I think if the writers were going to write out Ressler - an original character from the Pilot - they would do so with more hype and fanfare and story than what he's gotten this season. Sure he was present in 8x19 a lot but it was really Liz's story. She was the heroine saving him and moving them from place to place while he suffered. I think the writers have enough respect for Diego to give him at least as much substantial story as Tom and Samar got in their sendoffs if this was really the end. He's a good guy and a good character and he deserves more than for his final moments to be a quiet fade to black in Vfib in a hospital with only Park present (or even Liz present for a final, vague, goodbye). A show that can't do that isn't a show I'm interested in watching, you know?
- his agents congratulated him on the S9 renewal back when it was announced. Hardly an indicator that a major character is getting jettisoned.
-You'd also think, if he was leaving this season, that he'd be doing more to elevate his profile on social media like he did at the end of Homeland to gear up for a new gig. He's done NOTHING.
-Finally, there has been literally nothing in JB's recent interview with The Blacklist Exposed, any of the BTS, the press, the episode descriptions, the crew photos, or anything else to date to indicate that a major actor/character is leaving. I know people can hide the ball but usually in this show, something slips through. So far - nothing. (No, I don't take Megan's thank you's or wrap party photos that way).
Anyway, hopefully we'll all be here at this time next year (or a few weeks earlier if things are back to normal), analyzing S9 and all that has happened. Thanks for the ask!
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just an anon's dream(?)
Totally nothing to do with the previous topic of dreams but LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT "THE" DREAM OF MY LIFE!
I'm still trying to find out an exact definition for what i experienced because it's something between dreaming and sleep paralysis.
It was during the time when i was just discovering smut and particularly bts smut and discovering that world had me in a trap so tight that i was thinking of sex almost all the damn time and specifically, sex and BTS. ( Please don't bash me for that, i respect them as people and artists and i am aware all of my dreams are and will always be only dreams).
I remember a time when i was able to just lay in bed all day and imagine different things. Literally not do anything else, just think, imagine, etc.
So that "dream" happened one sunny afternoon, during another day of daydreaming. I was on the verge of falling asleep and after a blink i felt as if a body was over me, like in a missionary position, and grinding on me. The reason i'm second guessing if it was a dream or sleep paralysis, is because i could feel and see the body, and i was also hugging it. And i knew in my mind it was Jimin, although i couldn't see his face. He was grinding on me and i was feeling EVERYTHING. Every part of his body over mine, the strenght of his muscles, his breath on my neck, his elbows propped up near my head, my legs around his waist and his jeans rubbong on me down there..... just E V E R Y T H I N G! I was also in my room and the reason i thought it was a dream was because i was in such a euphoric state it felt as if i was high on dr*gs or sth, but now i guess it was just arousal.
But it was so so real, i'm telling you..... It's been years now and i still remember it so vivdly.
I'm not saying I would let Jimin be my sleep paralysis demon but... you know...
*shifts eyes*
if I had to have one, I wouldn't pick long Furby
This sounds fun. I would like to experience that. :D Maybe in a parallel universe or in one of the branched off multiverses, it happened ;) Good job, variant you!
(MCU jokes, my nerd is showing, oop)
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
what did you think of namjoon&tae in the grammys bangtan bomb saying something along the lines of “maybe it’s better if we didn’t win, we might have gotten arrogant / would not have worked as hard anymore”??? and then jungkook looking at the camera and specifying “that’s their opinion”? like idk what joon n tae said just rubbed me the wrong way... like are yall really already that tired of your job or supposed “passion” that the grammy would be your “final destination” and after that you can slack? i feel like it would’ve been different if they said they would’ve like rested more or sth, which they deserve, but imo it just sounded kind of “done with it” if they had won. not too read into it too much assdfgjkkl .... and in that moment i really felt like a fucking solo stan bc i was like man free jungkook ....
no I haven't seen that and don't plan to bc I don't care about the grammys thing but I can imagine what they said. it's funny cause I saw a clip of hobi being so excited he kept going "let's get that award" "and the grammy goes to bts" but I truly think he was just doing that to boost the morale.
I think namjoon taehyung and hobi are the ones that care the least about the grammy shit or any american measurement of success for that matter. I think they're done and over this shit and hybe are so obsessed with it they probably got fed up at some point (?) which is understandable. it's not just the grammy it's the whole fucking american circus, the fake laughs in interviews, the pretending they love these songs, etc. it's just a show parading their mediocrity - and bts are actual artists that take their craft very seriously. ofc this would feel disingenuous and hypocritical to them. instead of writing their own songs in korean and putting out stuff they like they have to recite a pr approved answer about how Ed sheeran really "understood the bts sound"
it's not really weird or bad to think that by getting that grammy they could get even more complacent or comfortable. it already happened to their music. armys get any song they release to the top of the charts and now the music sucks. because no matter how shitty a song is they can put out WHATEVER and the fans WILL chart and stream and buy. so you have no real feedback of how good a song actually is. and now their legacy is fucking dynabutterptd which are the worst songs in their entire discography but the numbers don't reflect that. the numbers say that bts has never been more successful than when they release bubblegum pop shit written by white people. is that an accurate representation? no, but it's what happens when your public is an echo chamber
so by winning a grammy they didn't deserve it probably would've led to a certain sense of inflation of their image - whether they admit it or not achieving grand scale success WILL inflate your own perception of yourself, that's just human psychology. and beyond that, it would've definitely gotten hybe off their case. hybe has been pushing them for two years now to GET that grammy at all costs and if they got it I certainly think they would change their strategy. maybe slack isn't the word but I can bet anything that bts would get allowed to go back to their own business and write songs they like - mess around the studio without having to worry so much about charting and selling.
but if jungkook feels different or somebody else doesn't share that point of view that's also completely valid. if jungkook wants a grammy so bad he should be able to make that a priority! he's too competitive and needs the public reassurance too much so I get why his position would be opposite of that, instead of seeing the grammy chasing as something that limits them he probably sees it as a motivation to grow even more and surpass their own limits. maybe when he goes solo he could get one on his own which would be awesome
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eternal-bangtan · 4 years
BTS game
hello i was tagged by @fictionbunny @kimsouthjoon @hobis-glasses @kookie-off-his-kookie to do this one of the most complicated tags to me cuz i really dont like to choose amongst these things -_- just wanna say that i appreciate every era every hair colour they pull them off like crazy every song every mv every moment etc so i wanna punch the air and eat my fist rn but lets try im gonna break every rule i can tho dont fucking @ me fuck this shit  expect a lot of words     keep reading fucked up all the mentions im sorry ;( just scroll to the bottom
1. First BTS song? DNA but yo when i was in my active yt phase (2015-) i think i watched fine bros ent and they showed kpop mvs to random ppl and i think (i only realized it months later) they showed bst mv and at those times i was wow those kpop dudes r so extra with mvs like this dlfsjkljkfdhf also i think somewhere on 9gag i saw a lil clip of fire mv and i remembered joons verse just visuals and the rythm or melody or idk this is how i didnt know who r bts but i remembered that dudes (joon) face so yeah idk how to feel
2. First bias? as i just whined in the tags in previous posts it was taehyung
3. Current bias? ot7 biased i had sth clicking in me with every member but ofc sometimes i have moods related to a certain member :)
4. Put the members in order of your bias list: nO idk how am i supposed to choose 
5. Favorite BTS song? well fuck u too let me know rain serendipity pied piper dimple gogo trivia love singularity fake love tear anpanman love maze so what  black swan ugh jamais vu interlude shadow my time louder than bombs on 00:00 home mikrokosmos intro the most beautiful moment in life hold me tight autumn leaves run silver spoon save me epilogue young forever butterfly house of cards love is not over converse high outro propose where you from intro skool luv affair blood swear and tears lie mama awake lost begin cypher 4 intro boy meets evil spring day outro wings we are bulletproof pt 2 like outro circle room cypher dream glow who feat lauv no more dream ddaeng chicken noodle soup sea should i continue???????
6. Favorite underrated BTS song? i dont even know overrated songs?? if u can put it like this 
7. Favorite song of Wings? ................. no one is going to read all of this anyway but i mentioned some in 5th question fhahaha
8. Favorite songs of each LY Her, Tear, Answer? same here lmao yes im doing this on purpose who cares
9. Favorite music video?  ON Kinetic Manifesto Film : Come Prima i think cuz bruh the choreo this is what i love the most about mvs sdfhsdlkhsf 
10. Favorite dancer? out of dance line? uh THEY ALL DANCE IN SUCH DIFFERENT STYLES WTF ok so im a fan of hip hop so i really love hobis style but oh my god the way jungkook moves or does whatever??? im losing my shit?? jimin hello he made me love contemporary with black swan even tho i wasnt a fan of it taehyung BITCH SHOULD I EVEN START HE APPEARS ON STAGE AND U FEEL IT RIGHT AFTER
11. Favorite vocalist? should i reply like i did previously :/ ngl tho i prefer lower voices irl cuz they make me feels things but bro nah no way i can reply to this properly i keep listening to them i feeling their voices differently even in some new ways and im blown away fuck u 
12. Favorite rapper? f u c k  u  one thing im gonna say tho idk how but a lot of times whenever i hear hobis verses in majority of songs im like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :OOOOOOOOOOOO IM LOVING THIS NOT NORMAL AMOUNT but should i start about their different flows or how much they experiment with it and how cool is that??? and how they feel themselves and how good they r at this??? nah fr fuck u -_- metaphorical ‘u’ 
13. Favorite hair color on each member? uh plz dont forget about my disclaimer namjoon-grape peachy platinum blonde, jin-blonde purple pink, yoongi-mint black blonde fake love era hair, hoseok-blonde fake love era hair chicken noodle soup hair longish hair esp during tear performances -_-, jimin-blonde black silver pink blue and honesly all those colours he had during lys tour????, taehyung-dna hair perm he has rn mint red peachy blue and also all that ly tour hair, jungkook-long hair blonde cherry all kinds of ombre he has rn dna era hair too and fake love hair and bst hair and i think there r more but i dont remember ;(
14. Favorite choreography? on black swan fake love bst boy with luv dionysus save me etc shOULD I MENTION THOSE DANCE BREAKS THEY HAD DURING AWARD SHOWS LOL
15. Favorite (bromance) ship? GOD I LOVE ALL THEIR BONDS SO MUCH ITS SO PRECIOUS AND SPECIAL my ults tho r taekook yoonminseok and namjin cuz i prefer it this way in fanfics but irl or how do i say it from all the content we get i love every bromance thingy they have tho????? LIKEEEE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND CARE FOR EACH OTHER SO MUCH I CAN TALK ABOUT IT FOR HOURS HOW MUCH ALL OF THEM MEAN TO EACH OTHER AND HOW MANY TAEJINYOONKOOKMINJOONVHOPEYOONSEOKJIHOPENAMGI2SEOKEVRYTHINGEVERPOSSIBLEETC THREADS I RETWEETED they melt my heart they really show how u r supposed to treat ur closest ppl u kno? they accepted each other and all those personal traits that seemed so weird and unfamiliar at first and they know each other so well and r so caring and loving and supportive but how do we do shit irl? bitch u piss me off real bad u better fuckk off or else- ofc im exaggerating but shit like this happens and its really time to rethink some shit and well i really learnt a lot 
thank u for u patience 
im tagging @darlingjoon @starry-tae @stargazingjin @crytaeby @cyphertaehyungie @brightlytae @vjimin @monojoons @jungkpop @jungkooksmoon @itseokjins @flowerbangtann @lucid-jjin @yoonshadow @agu5td @hosnack @jjkguk @hwagaemkt @utopiajeon @nemjyoon @sunshineggukie @mapofugh or whoever else wants or well sorry if u were tagged or did this already also u may read its pointless anyways so  yeah i hope u r having a good time day night week mood etc or if u dont plz do 
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daechwitamv · 3 years
I think the desire to separate BTS from the word "kpop", at least when it comes to their western achievements, is that kpop isn't really a genre, it's an industry of artists who are idols but work in several different genres, and boxing them into "kpop" has led so many people to stereotype them into the typical noise, cutesy music that people stereotype kpop as being entirely comprised of? Like I get that that's a xenophobia/racism problem more than anything but that's typically (1/2)
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no I get you but I think the point was sth else - kpop is korean pop music and idol groups and soloist are what make up that genre. pop music is a genre! but kpop is special in that it takes a lot of inspiration and influences from different genres and combines it under the pop umbrella. I mean pop just means popular and idol music IS popular I guess that's just how I understand it lmao yes there's a negativ connotation to it, on one hand coming from xenophobia and on the other hand coming from dislike for pop music from fans of other genres, as you can see it happen literally everywhere else in the world. but bts are a kpop group, they are idols and they themselves consider themselves kpop. what btspoppers (fans of bts who don't stan any other kpop group) are often doing is trying to say that bts are completely separate from the kpop industry, that they're somehow better than that which is ridiculous bc yes! they're super fucking popular and worldwide famous buttt they're still making korean pop music as idols of that industry. thats the thing and its rly simple. kpop is pop music but in korean and thats literally what bts are doing.
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man2saeipromiseyou · 7 years
I was gonna type ur name and expose u to the whole wide world but then i realized that was probably not the best idea. But yeah, I keep saying it’s the thought that counts not the cost so here is my gift of thought :))))
I finally finished that fan fic you requested like 80 years ago and i thought i was never going to actually finish. During camp nanowrimo too so feel blessed and happy that you were worth the headache and losing sleep over.
ALSO this was kinda written in a rush so maybe it sucks but i did my best. I hope you like it and HAPPY 20s UR OLD NOW
        “…see him? Yeah, Taehyung…”
    Jungkook’s ears perked up at those words. Usually he wasn’t one to keep up with the gossip around the school, but it was a new school year and even he had been hearing that name a little too much.
    So he peered over the corner the girls had just turned, curious about the man behind all this fuss.
    It wasn’t difficult to tell who the girls had been whispering about. The boy had a natural confidence that set him apart from the crowd immediately. On top of that, there was a circle of people around him, many of them famous enough around the school that even Jungkook recognized them. He wasn’t that good-looking, as far as Jungkook could tell. Soft brown hair with bangs that fell just shy of his eyes, which turned into crescents as he laughed; a curved jawline, all the angles of his face curated into something a little smoother, softer; simple clothes that fit his body so well they still managed to look stylish… Judging from the way he rose above the crowd of girls around him, he was probably as tall as Jungkook.
    Okay, maybe he was a little cute, Jungkook thought as he studied the boy.
    But then the boy started gesturing and doing a weird dance with one of the other boys there, making an ugly face as everyone else cheered and laughed, their voices booming across the halls, louder than anyone else. Jungkook clicked his tongue. He’d judged too soon.
    He was about to turn away when the boy called Taehyung looked up and caught his eye. There was a brief moment as their eyes met when Taehyung stopped what he was doing and smiled shyly, half-embarrassed, half inviting Jungkook to join them. There was an even briefer moment when Jungkook considered it.
    But they were not his type of people. So he turned and walked away without a second glance, thoughts about the boy already being wiped away by his plans for the day. What he needed to do for his classes; the homework and responsibilities that were already starting to pile up; how much he was looking forward to leading the math team this year, now that the seniors had left the position open… He was determined that this would be a good year.
    Jungkook hadn’t been expecting to see the boy again. Not so soon, not in this context.
    But there Taehyung was, sitting at the front of the classroom for the first math club meeting, a pair of black-rimmed glasses on, a pencil in his hands and scratch paper laid out in front of him.  He glanced over as Jungkook entered the room and grinned widely. “Hi!”
    For half a second Jungkook couldn’t quite speak. Taehyung looked so eager to be here that it stirred up something bright and enthusiastic within him as well. He’d been a little nervous coming here, wondering if he would get chosen as the leader this year, but now he was excited.
    “Hi!” He replied, hearing Taehyung’s eagerness mirrored back in his own voice, and slightly embarrassed by it. “I’m Jungkook.”
    “Taehyung! I saw you this morning, but you looked busy, so I asked around and they told me I would find you here.”
    Jungkook’s heart jumped all the way up to his throat, blocking his airway. He couldn’t speak.
    Until the boy smiled, tilting his head up as his nose scrunched together cutely. “Heh heh. Just kidding. I love math, and I’m pretty good at it. You were just a pleasant surprise.”
    Okay, so the popular kid wasn’t following him around school. That was a relief. But Jungkook still wasn’t sure what to say, so he just smiled and ducked his head politely before taking a seat two rows down. He could feel Taehyung’s gaze on him as he sat down, and he did his best to avoid eye contact.
    God, he was so damn awkward.
    But all thoughts of his awkwardness dissipated when the teacher entered the classroom. “Okay, guys, today is the big day. We’re choosing our team leader for this year. I trust you’ve all been gearing up for this moment?” He glanced up at them through his glasses, looking anything but geared up.
    Jungkook, on the other hand, was coursing with adrenaline. He’d been eyeing the position since the day he joined, and he was sure he would get it this time. It wasn’t really a big deal to anyone else, but this was the one thing he was good at. And now was the time to prove it.
    The 3 pages of problems were passed down. And…start!
    Jungkook’s eyes flew across the page, the solution already half-formed in his head before he finished reading the first question. He felt the usual sense of satisfaction as the numbers and equations blossomed under his pencil, neat and balanced and beautiful.
    He finished all the questions with 10 minutes to spare, and he spent all of that time checking back on every detail, re-verifying every question. They were all correct; he was sure of it.
    When he finally looked up from the paper, Jungkook was unnerved to find a languid pair of eyes staring straight into his. Taehyung.
    Jungkook glanced quickly away, scowling. Taehyung’s paper was flung carelessly to the side, as if he hadn’t even bothered to look at it. Perhaps he’d had a little too much faith in the boy’s claim that he loved math. Of course it wasn’t true. How could someone like him care about something as academic as this? He was just here to make a show of himself, as if that would impress anyone.
    Even if his gaze made Jungkook feel like part of him had just fell down Alice’s rabbit hole.
    Time was up. The teacher collected their papers.
    He laid them out side by side, eyes flitting across the table as he marked each answer with a circle or a cross. Then he looked up. Smiled.
    “As expected.” He sighed, seeming almost disappointed at the lack of surprise. Jungkook closed his hands into fists to stop them from shaking. He was so close. The teacher knew he was the best in the club. It had never been a question. He just had to hear his name—
    “The team leader this year will be Kim Taehyung!”
    Jungkook didn’t hear any of the students’ clapping or Taehyung’s ridiculous cheers. He didn’t see him jump to the front and do a little victory dance as everyone else laughed and shouted back in excitement. He didn’t remember what happened during the rest of that meeting before it all ended and everyone stood up to leave, and then somehow he and Taehyung were the only ones left in the room.
    He just remembered the smirk on Taehyung’s face and his low chuckle—the way his eyes narrowed into half moons as he broke into a smile—right before Jungkook pushed him up against the wall.
    Taehyung’s eyes widened in shock, but his protest was surprisingly weak. There wasn’t much resolve in the way he grasped on to Jungkook’s arm, and he all but melted against the wall. “What’s wrong?”
    There was a pause, in which Jungkook registered, only in retrospect, what he had done. Every muscle in Jungkook’s body stiffened as he realized how close they were. He’d expected more resistance. But he didn’t know why he had done it. He didn’t know what he wanted to say.
    “How did…how did you get team leader?”
    That wasn’t the right question. In fact, it was a really stupid question. Taehyung got team leader because he’d earned it, and Jungkook didn’t. Was Jungkook just doing this because he was jealous?
    “I’m a scholarship student from SM.” Taehyung said, eyes wide and unguarded. “I think everyone pretty much expected me to take the role when I got here.”
    SM was one of the most academically selective high schools there was in the state. No wonder Taehyung had looked so bored during the test. The questions were probably way too easy for him. But if he was so good at studying, then why had he transferred here? Jungkook knew he should back down at this point, but some innate pride compelled him onwards.
    “I will take the position from you.” He stated as if it were fact instead of fantasy. “I don’t know why you came here or how you were blessed with both brains and looks and a winning personality, but trust me, if there is one thing I always win at, it’s stubbornness. And competitiveness. And you’ve triggered it at the worst time.”
    He hadn’t expected Taehyung to smile, and was so caught off guard when he did that he stumbled back, letting go of his hold on Taehyung. But Taehyung stayed where he was, leaning against the wall leisurely with a pleased expression on his face.
    “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you just complimented me on all the most defining qualities of a human being. Does this mean you would be willing to go out with me?”
    Jungkook blinked and flushed bright red at this outrageous turn of events. A high-pitched “What?!” was all he managed to splutter out in his alarm.
    Taehyung nodded with satisfaction. “Looks like that’s a yes.” And then he pushed himself off the wall, collecting his things with a small wave at Jungkook before he left the room. “I’ll text you.” He said, without looking back to see Jungkook slowly sit himself down on one of the chairs and nearly miss it by a whole inch. Fortunately, Jungkook caught himself before he fell flat on the floor. “I already got your number from the teacher. He was pretty excited to see the two top students hitting it off right away.”
Unknown number:
Guy I Need to Beat:
-I don’t need you to tutor me in math.
Guy I Need to Beat:
-Because I don’t want your help.
Guy I Need to Beat:
-Omg stop asking that
-Also please stop typing in caps.
Guy I Need to Beat:
-okay let’s just eat dinner then :D
-how do u feel about pizza and chicken
-i’ve been craving pizza and chicken
-ever since i ate it last night
-okay it’s a date
-cya in school tmr!
-meet me at the front gate at 5
-✧・゚: *✧・゚:* \(◕ヮ◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
-Wait, I have work to do tomorrow.
-Can we do this some other time?
    Jungkook arrived at school the next day with a headache. What was he going to do about Taehyung? He didn’t know what to say to him or how to get himself out of this situation. The entire day he kept seeing Taehyung in the hallways, always surrounded by people, always at the center of everyone’s attention. He couldn’t comprehend why someone like Taehyung would be interested in someone like him. It just didn’t make any sense.
    But the layers of people around Taehyung didn’t help Jungkook with his dilemma. There was no opportunity to talk to Taehyung before the school day ended. Jungkook considered texting him, but thought better of it. Texting was how he’d got himself into this mess in the first place.
    He wasn’t even supposed to be wasting so much effort on something as ridiculous as this. There were so many more important things he still wanted to do. The science fair was coming up. The first school debate. He had orchestra practice tomorrow and he hadn’t touched his violin in ages. It was also his junior year, and he had college to think about. This wasn’t the time to get himself involved in something as time-consuming as a relationship.
    Incidentally, despite all his worrying, it never occurred to Jungkook to protest Taehyung himself. There was no issue of whether or not he wanted to go, only whether or not he should.
    And then it was 5, and Jungkook had no way to get out of the dinner date. So he waited quietly by the gate as students began to file out, excited that they had gotten through another day of school. Again, it never occurred to him to simply ignore Taehyung’s proposal and leave.
    When Taehyung appeared, he was blessedly—finally—alone. His face lit up when he saw Jungkook, and he did a little hop as he waved.
    “I haven’t seen you all day,” was the first thing he said when they were close enough to talk. There was a flush of red along his cheekbones, as if this were slightly embarrassing to admit. “I kept looking for you but you weren’t there.”
    Obviously, that was a lie. Jungkook thought to himself, he’d been loitering around Taehyung and his crowd all day, trying to find a break to tell him…what was it again?
    “I never agreed to this dinner.” But even this objection didn’t sound very confident. What was he doing?
    Taehyung swung an arm over Jungkook’s shoulders, chuckling in the shameless way that he did. “You didn’t say no either. Besides, I already prepared a bunch of math questions for us to do.”
    “Math questions?! I thought I told you I didn’t want you to tutor me!”
    “I won’t tutor you! We’ll just do math together. You know, it’ll be fun.”
    Jungkook was surprised to find that he had no words to disagree. So he kept quiet.
    And that was about how it went for the rest of the night. Taehyung bright and happy with his non-stop chattering, Jungkook shy and reserved but also, somehow, happy. The chicken and pizza were delicious, and Jungkook actually learned a lot just going through the problems with Taehyung. 
    And it was fun. Endlessly amusing when Taehyung kept forgetting the same given condition in the question itself, when one of them miscalculated or did something equally as stupid, when they got through a question at twice their usual speed because their ideas matched and built on each other like puzzle pieces, and it was so much easier to see the whole picture when they put their heads together.
    Jungkook had never even imagined that such a solitary quest as a math problem could be a shared experience between to people. It was so easy to work with Taehyung because he could understand what Jungkook was saying before he even worked out how to say it himself. It was like sparks of electricity flowing between them, so powerful that he didn’t even notice how close they had been sitting until he turned his head and found himself nose to nose with Taehyung. Who was smirking. Who had one hand resting on his knee and the other grabbing his shoulder, holding him there. Whose breath smelled like the same chicken Jungkook had been eating when he spoke.
    “Can we do this again? It’s a lot more fun than I expected. I actually just invited you over because you’re cute and I kind of enjoy messing with you. But…of course, if you’re busy…” Taehyung trailed off, biting his lip in uncertainty.
    It was that moment, the first time Taehyung had shown hesitation in front of him, probably even in front of anyone at their school, that drove every single strain of conscious thought out of  Jungkook’s mind. He leaned in closer—found the space between them smaller than he had anticipated—and felt one pair of lips press against the other.
    They were definitely going to do this again.
Guy I Need to Beat:
-i’m picking you up for school tmr!
-don’t leave ur house until i get there
-i’m serious
-Omg please do not
-Why are you picking me up for school?
-My house is in the opposite direction.
-It’s completely unnecessary.
Taehyung ♡:
-wait actually?
-IT’S 1AM    
-omg ur not replying
-Please don’t tell me that’s you knocking on the door.
    Jungkook ran down the stairs in horror to find his very confused and very sleepy father opening the door to the grinning idiot who actually did come knocking at his door in the middle of the night. After their first date. After they just met.
    But Jungkook couldn’t help the smile climbing onto his face. He’d been right. This was going to be a great year.
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peachblossomsofair · 5 years
Realistically, how much longer do you think BTS will be a thing? Do you think that they'll start subunits/solo careers as soon as Jin enlists (which is pretty soon), or do you think that they'll continue as ot6?
Depends if bts can still keep up the upward trend globally … imo, if the company and the boys think they can go even bigger after 2019, they’d try ot6… I think proper sub unit and solo debuts happen when the group reaches the top of its potentials, so if they think they can go higher, then they won’t divide the time for members to do permanent sub units or solo debuts… they’ll spend all their time and effort to push the Bts brand higher.
It’s surprising that they are going this far up. It’s unprecedented, so it’s hard to say what will happen, and when the group will reach its full potential.
Though I do think that it’s likely when jin goes to military, they will start going sub units and solos.
1. Bts are already near the top… they are only lacking bbma (main music category) and Grammy awards (preferably for music), not much else to achieve. Which means the group is near it’s top potential…
2. This might be unpleasant to hear, but I think new fans coming in since 2017 are mostly here for the hype, so when other bg that are more accessible comes along, they’d jump the wagon and follow that younger group.
3.Also Bh and Bts seems a lot more “safe” and unwilling to take risks, so I expect more generic stuff and less innovation from now on… so after a while, fans will be attracted to groups that do bring sth new to the table…
So, i’d expect growth to stabilise, and Bts to try solos and sub units with jin’s joining military service (in 2020).
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Let's meet.
Hi! My name is Precious-Treasure.D . This year i'm 16 years old and finished my junior year of my high school. I can speak in 3 languages. (But my level isn't like natives.) Japanese , English and sth. Third one is my first language. For a while i will keep it secret. Because i should hide my future writings from my parents and friends.
I've been dreaming to become a journalist since i was in kindergarden. I remember that my sister used to take a camera for recording my video. I used to pretend like a host , journalist and announcer. It was very nice to dreaming to be a journalist. But now it's really difficult. Because my parents want to see me as a lawyer or engineer. I am really not interested in it. I ve been fighting with my parents for 2 years. But they still don't support me. But it's okay. No matter what happens i will follow my own dream, not them. Maybe one day they will know that they were nurturing a world-wide journalist.( Its a joke 😜)
So what should i do for my future career????
-You should develop your writing skills.
- You need to read a lot of magazines, newspapers
- You have to speak in at least 4 language.
ETC..... So i thought that starting a tumbler is a new way to develop my writing skill. Soon i will translate this note in Japanese.
I dont know. What should i write first. Okay lets start.
1. BTS aka Bangtan sonyeondan aka Beyond the scene aka 방단소년단 ( oh i forgot. i can read in Korean too) Worldwide super star. Most beautiful part of my life. 100%sure.
I think im a extraordinary Army. Because everystep i do is with them. It sounds little bit crazy. But they are the only ones who taught me to follow my own dream . They are the reason why i am still single . They started from the bottom . Now they own the world. They motivated me more than anyone else. I love them the most. If i become a journalist successfully, maybe i can meet them. (But its impossible)
2. Caucasian cute girl.. ( this is a crazy describtion of me 🤣)
Not including a eye surgery!!! I am a one hundred persent Asian girl. You know that most of Asians have eyes like a scratch. But my eyes are like Europeans. People who surround me always say that its imposibble to born with a double-eyed. "Thanks god". "Thanks my mother's DNA".
But sometimes people say this to me is really annoying. Because my eyes are normal like others. Why do they think that caucasian eyes are better than their eyes. ??? Maybe you might be think that im a chinese. But no. Im not a chinese.
3. My disadvantages.
Im a fat.
My height is 163 .
i have a big trouble on my right hand.
These 3 things were my problem. But my 7 boys (BTS) taught me love yourself.
So these 3 problems are not problems anymore. I love myself
•I give them as much as i can give.
•i believe them as much as i can.
Literally these 2 are my disadventages. I promise that i will write why these 2 became my disadvantages.
4. Family
Parents, 2 siblings, many friends , grandpareants, aunties, nieces , nephews ..... I have all of them.
5. Problem
-animals. I have a fear to touch them. I think its a sth named phobia. I dont know.
-allergy ( milk, plants , friuts , dusk, nuts, trees, wormwood)
6. Favorite foods
Spicy chicken with rice. Done .
So bye for now. Thank you for notice me. I will keep going.
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bowieisworried · 2 years
Good very late morning and a happy sunday i hope you can relax today!
Ah it's always sad when you stop keeping up with a group you really like(d) but then you find a new one to get excited about and that's always a great boost of serotonin so i guess that's just the circle of life .. or kpop or sth haha
My very professional google form tells me 44.8% of my biases are still rappers and 37.9% are vocals i wasn't expecting it to be so close lmao
The hand prints!!! i always love broken wing imagery and that one Really did it for me
good storytelling is always the thing that draws me in the quickest. That's the biggest reason i got into kpop starting with bts because back then they still had these overarching plot lines in their mvs and they were so well done and it was so much fun coming up with theories... i miss that a lot tbh
but at least txt is doing an epic magical story! and i can always go back and watch old mvs...
oh have you ever watched monsta x All In mv? it's an absolute masterpiece and the storytelling is amazing!
watching rtk i didn't think i'd ever get into tbz but then i also watched kingdom (legendary war blabla) this year and now i know all their names idk what happened i blacked out for a month or two i think lmao
As for my favourite rtk performance you Know i have to say come back home bUT that's too easy so i'll say LIT simply because they gave seoho a rap part and i started screaming when i saw it for the first time
i'm a simple rap stan as we have established, it's very easy to get me excited
how about you?
That gifset!!!! yEs i know how he got u haha gosh that mv is so Powerful and the choreography is insaneee
i shall debut was A Lot i'm not gonna lie but i always use variety/reality shows to get into the groups and learn their names so it was okay. tbh it had nothing on the confusion of watching Going Seventeen when i only knew like 6/13 members dhdjhh it's fun also always gives me an excuse to watch the same stuff again later because i know i didn't understand all the inside jokes and stuff yknow
do you have a favourite way of getting to know group members?
I think you'll be happy to know i spent yesterday on the couch showing a friend Every oneus mv and she absolutely loved it.
We Got One Folks!!! i started with tbontb and come back home (obviously) and she was Hooked from the first 10 seconds it was so much fun!
Have a lovely day <33
~ santa
Hello! It's evening for me now because I've spent all day packing for a move lol
Yeah, I don't really know why it happened either. I liked the two comebacks since I got into them, but I just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh that is actually pretty high for the rappers!
Ah, I know someone else who got into kpop for BTS as well. Same as you, they miss the quality plot and whatnot. I'd never seen (or even heard) All In, but I just watched it, it was great! Monsta X actually had one of the first kpop MV's that left an impression on me when my mate was sending a bunch of stuff to me. The 'Find You' MV. It was brilliant.
Oh my god xD The Boyz really rocked it on RTK, shame they couldn't keep the momentum on Kingdom. I have no idea how you've managed to get all their names down though, there's too many of them for me lol.
Ooooh LIT, yes! Loved that Seoho got his rap part, honestly he needs more, he's so good at it. My favourite... either Be Mine or the collab stage they did (cannot remember the name). I'm a massive Shakespeare nerd so Be Mine hooked me, and then their collab stage was just really touching.
Hahaha, they really can be a lot in the beginning but they are good for getting to know folk, especially their personalities and stuff. Seventeen are another group that I 100% will never get down. I can point out Scoups and... the American dude. Vernon? Apart from that though, nope. I think the second a group goes above 8 my brain just says "Nah man, leave them be." lmao
Hmm... sometimes I'll watch one or two of the silly "guide" videos on YouTube, they're a decent starting point when trying to get to know them. After that though, I tend to just pick up what YouTube recommends like variety show stuff, behind videos and things like that.
Yass!! Can't wait until they land up digging themselves deeper into the black hole that is Oneus content lol
Oh, just thought, do you have any Oneus (or kpop in general) albums? Would be cool to know who you pulled!
Have a good one :D
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alottamoney · 3 years
this company's now promoting y/n & fluff fics between members on Wattpad and will start to work with NFTs and scamm websites while their biggest band is the face of green planet and hope for the next generation!
They're setting bts up or did I miss sth???
Who is paying attention? Most people know that being the face of something is more lip-service than anything else, I think, or maybe some people know and most people see it and move on with their lives without thinking too deeply about it. At best BTS would be called hypocrites. No one is going to seriously hold them accountable and no one understands that better than BH.
I guess I can see both sides: it's very much possible that BTS don't completely understand what is happening and are following BH orders because of contractual obligations, on the other hand they are grown men who are part of the biggest pop act in the world and should theoretically have some leverage. All I'm saying is that anyone supporting and letting BH make money off this cringe-fest don't have the moral standing to be talking down to shippers or any other type of fans after this.
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aliceyinh · 3 years
Life Goes On
Hi uhh.. I know this might seem kinda random and all bc it’s not bts related but I just wanted to share a little sth I wrote last year after a very rough period in my life just came to a close and I know how it feels like to think you’re alone in your struggles. So this is for anyone struggling, especially if you have a mentally ill parent. But also anyone else. You’re not alone. You’re never alone. And reading this again after almost 9 months I can tell you: It does get better. <3
[TW: mental illness/ psychosis/ depression/ bleeding(mental wounds)]
I think I want to talk about something today. I don't know if I'm ready but I wasn't ready when I packed my bags back then and moved to Canada. I just wanted to do it. And so I did.
I've been feeling lots of ways in the past couple of months, with multiple changing moods in one day. You might be asking yourself where I want to go with this but honestly I don't quite know myself. I thought many times about if I even should or not but there will always be points for and against it so.. screw it.
I think this year and all it's events resurfaced some things I had stuffed and buried somewhere deep down because I was tired of living with them - but never really healed from them. Which is probably why I ended up being crushed by them and in the state I am right now when they were presented to me again.
My mother suffers from a mental illness, in more detail the exact diagnosis states the words "Paranoid schizophrenic psychosis". As many mental illnesses it's something that can be treated, but never cured. My mom has lived with this illness for many many years, in fact, she lived without needing any therapy or medication for almost 10 years between her first and second psychosis and then again for around 3, completely stable and what others would label as "normal". This year, after being in the house for almost 2 months because of Covid she fell back into another psychosis after hearing she'd loose her job due to the pandemic. Because of this she was unable to work and fell deeper into a hole she couldn't get out of - and a hole I couldn't even find to get her out of because the way the psychosis affected her brain often made it impossible for me to reach her. The pandemic hadn't been friendly to me either. I think we can all agree that the amount of stress and pressure each and everyone of us has been under is beyond anything any of us could have ever imagined. Although I was still lucky enough to have a job, work had been more than a handful, conventions to have some carefree time were canceled and traveling was off the table. And then on top of that I suddenly was faced again with the weight of knowing that if I collapsed, if I quit my job to escape the stress, if I moved out to have some freedom, my mother would not be able to survive in the state she was in. There were no financial cushions, no one to look after her, no one to react if things went south. Coming home was always both, daunting and nerve wrecking. There were a lot of reasons I'm not going to go into why I didn't immediately react or call in family members. Let's just say the arguments against these options were just as big as the option of getting help. So in between 50 hour weeks, very little sleep, health issues, the stress of an ongoing pandemic and exhausting conversations to try to get my mother to see her neurologist and get back on her medication I just kept going - because I was the only one still able to. Everything just kept going wrong left and right and I heard my body screaming for a break and for me to get out of this because I hadn't realized until now how traumatized her last psychosis (I was too little to really know what was happening with her first one and she had her second one when I was in 11th grade - that's where it really hit) left me. I was always on edge. The way she spoke, her tone, her body language.. she didn't even have to say anything for my body to go into full on panic and fight or flight mode. A lot of time I felt like I didn't even have a mother anymore... there was just nothing left of the person I used to know. I do not blame her by the way. It was never her fault. She's probably suffered from this more than I can ever imagine. After all the stigma of mental illness was a lot worse when she had her first Psychosis back in the 90s. If anything, I admire her for the fact that she just keeps getting back up, being able to go back to a "normal" life - because many don't ever really get back out of it. But with everything going on it was just too much.
And I think I'm paying the price for not allowing myself to slow down. Because after she finally agreed to taking her meds again and her thinking going back to the way it used to be within like two weeks I kept feeling worse and worse. Don't get me wrong. The health problems were there before. Probably because of stress, not eating too well and just some weaknesses I've been dealing with. And the fact that for months and months I had one little thing after another and everything just getting a tiny bit worse each day despite me stripping myself down to the very last bit of energy I had left made something crack - in my body and soul. And now that I'm finally starting to process it and heal from them I have a hard time accepting that I am not the super energetic, positive, stress resistant can do person I used to be. Which again, makes it harder to heal in the first place.
It's funny how sometimes, healing from something feels more like being cut open again. Watching the cut bleed and then very slowly close is even worse. It burns. It itches. You get impatient. And you really want to scratch off the crust but you know it's going to take even longer to heal then. And it's already taking too long. It's agony, it's feeling better. And ever so often, even though you gave yourself all the time to heal, a scar stays where you used to bleed. And although you don't feel the itch and the pain anymore it's at times hard to look at. And to come to terms with the fact that some part of you will forever be a little different.
To be brutally honest. I'm scared of a scar staying. I'm scared I exhausted my mind and body so much that neither will be able to ever fully recover. And I am beating myself up about it. Yesterday a friend reminded me to be patient and give myself more time - give my body more time, give doctors and medicine more time. That I am healing and healing... is a long process. And it's gotta start somewhere so I decided to write.. and if you see this, share it with you. So you might understand the why and how and to let you know what happened and in the hopes that it might be a lesson to others to listen when their body is asking for a break.
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tatlmaslany · 7 years
ob 5x05 analysis/theories
well, i don’t do that a lot so i’m sorry for the shitty english in advance and my theories are probably wrong, as usual, and this is embarrassing auisjak but i hope you can see something new or tell me sth else i haven’t seen or thought yet :) 
i’ll talk mainly about cosima since it’s her episode, okay? otherwise this post is gonna get really long haha okay so i believe it’ll start with her examining the tooth charlotte found in the woods
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meanwhile, creepy ogre man, mud’s friend (or is it brother or sth?) attacks a man in the woods
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cosima is following the crazy science and then, in the 60s vid, we see the flashback (1x10) already and tbh before watching alison’s ep i thought it was cosima thinking about that night? or they show us what cosima is feeling about their relationship at that point? but after 5x03 i’m not so sure anymore, it can be totally random, right?! 
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at first we see that cosima still doesn’t trust delphine blablabla and she’s all angry at her
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and puppy delphine is really sad BUT i think she’s about to say something important to cosima, about her work and leekie, who’s side she’s on now and try to explain/prove it somehow? because she looks sad but she also looks like someone who had either just said something to cosima or heard something painful? maybe she’s angry too? i don’t know bUT
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we’ve also seen that cosima is sad/angry because of what they had just found out about the patent and she says “they own me, delphine”
update: someone said that delphine says “you have me” and then cosima says she was paid to lie to her so i think the chron. order is: they own me delphine > you have me > you were paid to lie to me > and then sth important, kisses cosima’s hand etc
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and then, well
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last gif cred & thanks to @musefulstranger for realizing that cosima is/was probably crying here in the last gif :) 
anyway yes, we die a bit. then we see cosima again back in the lab/clinic on the island and i think she finds something important about the tooth.
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next morning she probably sees that something’s going on in the village while she’s going to talk to aisha and her mom.
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i hope aisha can say something important to her, give her any info. she also goes to the clinic so maybe she brings something to aisha, exames her. when she goes back outside she asks mud what’s going on/talks to her (bts) and then she sees that delphine is back and going to PT’s.
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rachel is there too and PT says it’s about cosima and delphine asks what he needs to know. i believe that’s when they talk to her about the dinner and maybe ask delphine to convince cosima to go there or just to bring her somehow.
she’s so tired of all that, poor thing.
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rachel tortures susan, etc. then cophine finally reunites again. cosima tells delphine what she found about the tooth.
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then they go to the lab/clinic. analysis. data. science. who knows.
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meanwhile, mud’s scared. apparently trying to avoid something. maybe they found that man’s body and now they’re hunting mud’s friend aka the ogre? then we see cophine in the lab/clinic again and they disagree on something, for a change. i think delphine is gonna tell cosima about the dinner.
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then the messanger arrives and they go to PT’s house. they have to dress up for the dinner and cosima’s like the fuck? and delphine says it’s better if they play along. 
then this! auijsaks i love cosima so much.
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they see that susan and ira are there too and everything is weird lol
meanwhile, mud is in the woods, probably looking for her friend so she can find him first and save him.
then idk if rachel arrives or says something and delphine leaves the table. she looks umcorfortable in every cap tbh. i think they’re making some kind of offer. maybe about kira?
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cosima goes after her and again she’s seems all the fuck is happening? (cause same tbh aijskas)
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and one of my theories is that delphine’s going to do something because she’s not in the next scenes with cosima. she promises to protect cosima so my other theory is that cosima needs to go somewhere but she says she’s going instead, or she’s doing what cosima should do? and maybe that’s why cosima looks concern about what’s gonna happen. (i don’t think this theory is right though but can. you. imagine.)
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i have no idea what they’re talking about here and i don’t wanna think of any theory or anything because i’m so looking forward to seeing this scene! especially because while/after they talk and apparently figure things out, the vid goes back to The flashback (and then we die. the end.)
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it looks like mud’s friend attacks her? or someone. cosima comes back to talk to susan. i believe that it’s when cosima asks susan “how are you gonna exploit kira’s mutation?” and susan says “what do you think” and at some point cosima screams that “she’s a little girl!” (but in the trailer this last part is when they show cophine in the lab/clinic, so it’s possible that she screams at delphine before delphine says “hey! you’re pushing too hard” and they’re talking about aisha? but i don’t think so) then ira makes this face and i don’t think it’s a good sign 
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because a few caps later we see this and to me it looks like PT’s the one with the gun but idk who’s hand is the other one bc i think there are two ppl here? apparently this happens while cosima is talking with susan. 
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everyone looks sad/concern though
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then cosima finds mud in the house when she’s done talking to susan
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i think PT sees cosima and Bad Things Happen because it looks like he’s walking down the stairs in his house and at some point in the trailer we see that cosima says “you can’t take away my humanity!”. the place where she is looks like the basement where she found all those photos and blood etc. and we see that she’s crying. like. a lot.
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A LOT happens with sarah/kira/mrs s too but i literally have no idea? well, kira and her rat and mrs s is with her rifle in the ep trailer so... who knows really lol
and i think that’s all? iuahsjkas oh my god, if you actually read all this post, i’m sorry and bless you. i really had to make this one because i don’t have anyone to talk about it rn. i’m sorry if it looks like i’m “talking” as fast as i can but yea, i didn’t want to waste your time haha 
give me your opinion! am i wrong? am i right? did i miss anything? i suck at theories but anyway. thanks ily bye
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boo1a4 · 7 years
11 (22) questions tag
Sooo I was tagged by the lovely Claudia @s-lay-ing and my annoying sister @yooncheoly who just wanted me to have to answer double the questions (that is what she said to me) in the 11 questions tag! so here goes. Thanks for tagging me CLAUDIA! fu Kelby. Also sorry this took so long I'm so behind on so many tags its insane!
Their Questions:(For me)
1_recommend me a song/songs you’ve recently really really liked
It doesn't need to be said but all of Al1 tbh, also I'm always listening to Shinee’s Odd!
2_ put your music player/iTunes on shuffle, the first 22 songs are the songs you’d perform in a concert, how is it? (Again, no need to list all the songs if you don’t want to but 👀👀👀) I love it - Dean For life - Exo Gold Dust Woman - Fleetwood Mac 365 Fresh - Triple H You Gave Your Love To Me Softly - Weezer Wild - Troye Sivan Man in a Movie - Day6 Falling for You - Exo I Dont Like You Anymore - The Last Shadow Puppets Platonic Love - Snuper Your Algebra - The Shins Gone For Good - The Shins Shining Diamond - Seventeen No Way Down - The Shins (canyoutellthisismyfavoritegroup??) U Need Me - Shinee She Just Won’t Believe Me - Tame Impala Reckless Serenade - Arctic Monkeys Miracle Aligner- The Last Shadow Puppets Beautiful - Monsta x Box of Rain - The Grateful Dead Who Loves the Sun - The Velvet Underground This Charming Man - The Smiths
Honesty it would be lit but strange af which is ideal sooo
3_ selfies or photos taken by someone else? (Not going to lie, I don’t like taking selfies so I’d rather someone take a pic of me 😂) 
Selfies I guess, I end up looking like beef jerky in pictures other people take of me tbh
4_ recommend me a movie I haven't see a whole lot as far as movies go lately! but I always recommend any Studio Ghibli Film! 
5_ the idea of thinking that in order to be successful in music you must get the approval from the west (specifically the us and europe): against or in favor of? (I’m not even talking kpop wise it’s just there’s a south american singer who has been on the business for YEARS yet just now she got some recognition due that she was nominated to a grammy or sth like ??????)
??? who thinks this??? not in favor at all! people need to realize that there are other music markets in the world besides the American one??? LIkeee ???
6_ would you open your own store? If so, what would you sell? 
tbh probably no but if I did it would 100% be art related
7_ food you just cannot eat Ooo I agree with the no bones thing ewwwwwwww, also any kind of dressing such as ranch or Caesar or mayo no no no, also horseradish, I also eat very little meat, its gross texture makes me want to cry!
8_ pre 2000 music or past 2000 music? (Pre 2000, I can almost count with my fingers how many artists from this millennium I like, legit) Both! Im a firm believer that no matter the time there is always good music! you just have to find it! I do listen to more pre 2000′s but thats just preference!
9_ you have the opportunity to create your own Just Dance kpop song list, which songs (based on the choreo) would you add? (No need to create the whole list but like, which songs must be on the game?) gonna also have to go with seventeen on this one, cause family friendly fun!
10_  if you were offered the chance to live the life of a kpop star during their comeback for two weeks (week prior the cb and the week after, with rehearsals, going to interviews, music shows, variety programs [obvi you wouldn’t participate on them but you must go with the rest wherever they go] etc) and all that jazz…would you go through the experience? Yeah that would be interesting! Interesting to see the other side of things!
11_ you can create your own ‘best of’ album with your 15 favorite kpop songs, which songs would you add on it? THIS IS NOT IN ORDER BECAUSE I WOULD DIE
Exo - Unfair (I have this thing for exo holiday songs)(also dean wrote this and that hurts me) Exo cbx - Rhythm After Summer Gfriend - Rough Got7 - If You Do Monsta X - Interstellar Nct 127 - Angel Seventeen - Highlight Seventeen -  20 (this song hurts me) Shinee - 1 of 1 Vixx - Fantasy Winner - Sentimental Blackpink - Playing With Fire Bts - Awake (this song is a masterpiece) Bts - Save Me Astro - Again
this is evil
1~When did you first get into Kpop?And what was the first MV / Song that got you hooked? 
December of last year! Exo’s call me baby it was an experience!
 2~Who are your Bias Wreckers for the groups that you love?   I dont really have them I can just never choose one member lol
3~If you had the chance to go to ONLY 1 concert and go backstage and hang out and meet everyone who would you choose and why? Seventeen cause you know why lol
4~Have you ever met one of your idols?How was it if you have?And if you haven’t, who would you want to meet and why?  Nope I haven't!
5~What’s the coolest thing that you have bought(Merchandise wise)From the groups that you love? SEVENTEEN IZE PHOTOBOOK I CRY IWANTDIE
6~Can you recommend some of your favorite MV’s to watch? ANY DAY6 THEY NEED LOVE
7~Favorite Video games(If you play them)? Portal series, Dragon age series!
8~Favorite picture of your ultimate bias?
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9~What’s your favorite choreo? I really like all of seventeens newest choreos, basically anything kwon soonyoung has touched
10~Favorite era? Seventeen Pretty u/going seventeen, or shinee view/odd
11~How do the people in your life react when you tell them that you listen to kpop?Are they supportive or just against it? Girl you know your always there when it happens lol
So that was all! Im too tired to tag anyone or write my own questions because I suck at it! If you see this and want to do this do these lovelies questions because they are far superior to me in the art of question asking! bye! 
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jeonjikookie-blog · 7 years
Hey, I really love your blog! I was wondering, when do you think that Jikook dynamics changed? When did Jungkook stop rejecting Jimin and why?Do you have any theories? Oh and do you know any fics that describe that transition they had from, let's say a love-hate relationship to the pure love relationship? I was a Jihope shipper first, then a Yoonmin shipper, but after getting into BTS more, I can't help but feel that Jikook is the only ship that might be real. It's been a wild ride ever since :D
1) Jikook dynamics changed/Jungkook stopped rejecting Jimin is when Jimin stopped chasing Jungkook (the late 2015), Jungkook said he was shy, but as u can see, he’s still a little shy now, it’s just that he knew if he kept pushing Jimin, he might lose Jimin for real, so he changed. (The other reason is that when Jimin stopped chasing Jungkook, he ignored Kookie and started playing more with other members, OK that’s definitely made Mr. Jeon annoyed a lot:))))))
2) My theory? I’m a lazy girl so I decide to post this: my reply to another Jikook shipper^^
If u’re not sure about the word “jealous”, how about “possessive” Jeon Jungkookie? That word suits him a lot tbh, he wants Jimin’s attention so much that he always hover around Jimin, tell jokes then check Jimin’s expression (so happy for him that Jimin always laugh at his jokes whether it’s funny or not haha…), I don’t know he’s addicted to Jimin’s laugh or not but as u can see, he loves to tease Jimin a lot (and Jimin does love being teased by Kookie too😅😅) For example about the hair flipping, let’s notice that JHope usually does that too, but Kook just teases Jimin the most. It’s kinda like this: Kookie teases Jimin, Jimin laughs so hard (+smiles shyly/happily), Kookie teases other hyungs, Jimin’s also the one who laughs the hardest. In short we can say that whatever Jungkook does, Jimin all finds it cute (this is really a big problem cuz Kook also knows it, he knows that Jimin loves him -> in Jeon Jungkook’s mind: Jimin belongs to him -> he does all the things to make Jimin laugh -> when other guys make Jimin laugh so hard [when he doesn’t find it funny], he feels uncomfortable [on the other hands, if both of them finds it supper funny, 100% they always look at each other, this is really obvious tbh), that’s why when Jimin not pay attention to him, he feels not good, both Jimin and Jungkook are the possessive type, the only difference is that Jimin hides it well, he’s more reserve than in the past a lot, while Jungkook shows it subtly but still can be seen (the mouth thing [really just happens when Jimin interacts with other guys], his gaze his death stare,…)
Tbh I stan Kookie and I thought that he was straight, but now I do not. U know in the world there’s also the type of people who are ‘normal’ (it means they are not LGBT), it’s just that the one they love has the same gender as well, I think Jungkook is that type of person… He’s not gay (cuz if you’re gay, u don’t love this guy u still love another guys), but here he only loves his Jimin, not anyone else, just Jimin - a guy aka his hyung, same gender,… Maybe that’s why he makes some of u confused whether he’s gay or not. And trust me, this type of person can’t and won’t change his love, he’s in deep love with his one and only Jimin, no one can replace his Jimin, forever. (I won’t talk about Jimin cuz he’s g*y [sorry a lot if u don’t like this word] but yes, my gay friends all agree that he’s g*y…and i see it too, he’s sensual (tks anon) and sexy and hot and blah blah but he doesn’t grow affection towards girls, only boys tbh, that’s why Jeonlous just happens when Jimin be with guys. 😅😅😅)
Is it relevant to ur ask? Haha sorry if u expect sth more:))))))
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