#but i did it and I'm happy and proud and can't wait to add the books back into my collection
jedi-bird · 9 months
Home from day one of @legendsconsortium. It was a great day and an great convention.
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Saw some awesome panels, took a writing workshop with Michael Stackpole, bought some prints and a set of Rogue One figures, and managed to get five of the books I took signed (and even bought two more to be signed while I was there because why would I not?).
Looking forward to day two tomorrow and an attempt at one more sighing.
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slashers x child!reader who likes to take apart their toys to make little inventions/new toys
*dies* I didn't add Billy and stu because I'm so tired and have no inspiration
Slashers x child! Reader who rips other toys to built new ones.
You probably got old dolls from a few decades ago from Judith's old toys she had when she was a child or his.
Michael didn't care that much that you were destroying the toys until he saw you either only ripped a limb or a head.
He then came and saw you with a toy he never saw before when he recognised some parts and realised you built a new toy out of different toys.
He'll admire it like how he'll admire his "art works" after killing someone. The more weirder and creepier the more he'll like it. although he'll like any kind of invention you make.
When you ran out of toys he broke in a toy shop once and got as many as he could and gave them to you.
You got a whole shelf of your little inventions and he stares at it whenever you're gone and he has nothing to do.
Sinclair brothers
They got you either old toys of theirs (I hv no idea if they had toys as children) or toys around the town.
Bo was like 'why??' when you took apart your toys parts but when he saw you building a new one he thought 'wait that's kinda cool actually' he thinks of it like repairing or building a car so when he actually is repairing a car he'd like it if you were also building something so that you can both look like father and daughter doing similar things. When you finished a piece and showed it to him he probably petted your head and said "good job", what he really wanted to say was 'oh my god, oh my god holy shit it's beautiful you built something in so proud of you'. Got one or two of yours as a gift to him and he keeps it extra safe.
Vincent was ecstatic when you showed him your new toy and told him your little hobby, now you both can make art! He could be painting or wax sculpturing and you could be building with him. He's so proud of you whenever you managed to fully make a toy he howls a bit in delight and gives you two thumbs up and he probably sketches your toys because he thinks they're so interesting. He'll be a bit sad when he sees his childhood toys broken though he thinks your new ones are totally worth it. He sometimes likes you watch you do your thing and helps you if you can't figure out what to make.
Lester was also whying when he saw you taking apart the toys, did you hate it that much? But he went wowing when he saw what you were actually doing and totally watches you make your new toys. He will say so many praises when you finish it, will talk about it to his brothers and bo acts annoyed but he secretly wants to hear all about it too. Wants to learn how to build too, it gets boring having nothing to do driving around all day you know. except when tourists are here but scratch that the twins will sometimes find you both together on Lester's trunk on a challenge to see who can build faster and better, its a tie everytime. Jonesy would be there to watch you two (everyone's watching) if you run out of toys then he'll bring you abandoned cheaper ones.
I think it all started when he brought you expensive nice ones and you took one look at it and then ripped it. He almost choked on air when he saw that.
"y/n.. Why did you do that if you didn't like it you could've just told me..."
When you told him about your intentions he replied with,
"I wish you could've told me that sooner, I could've brought cheaper ones." he pinches the bridge of his nose.
And he did. And he watches with great interest on how your little invention will turn out and smiles and praises you when you show him your art piece. Also like Michael he had shelf/shelves full of your works. Informs Will about this too this is how it goes.
Will, Will look what y/n made.
Hannibal it's 2 am.
He's a happy little cat when you talk to him about your toys and he's just glad he adopted you. Like Vincent you both can do your little art things.
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leosxrealm · 5 months
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pairings: your driver of choice x gn! reader
warning(s): fwb to lover, a lil angsty, suggestive! but no actual smut, happy ending (all characters are 18+)
a/n: inspired by the song k by cigarettes after sex. i originally wrote this with lando in mind but it can be read for any driver!!
!not proofread!
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I remember when I first noticed that you liked me back We were sitting down in a restaurant waiting for the check We had made love earlier that day with no strings attached But I could tell that something had changed how you looked at me then
he remembers it was the day after he had gotten his first win. things had gotten a bit out of hand at the after-party the previous night.
he remembers waking up next to you. it wasn't the first time something like that had happened, neither was it the last.
he knew that sleeping with his friend would bring nothing good to either of you. but he didn't care, not when the sex was this good, and you two were still friends later. he didn't care about the future when you made his present feel like heaven.
he would promise you, every single time, that there would be no strings attached. a lie, every single time. but he didn't know it yet, that what he felt for you, was way greater than lust.
he, however, did notice the love that you started harboring for him. it was the morning after, and you two had decided to get breakfast together. after all, getting breakfast with your best friend was normal right?
he had never seen you look at someone the way you were looking at him. it made him feel good, almost proud, that the look was for him. only him.
but, a small part of him wonders, it can't be good for your friendship, right? he should stop. he should stop this friends-with-benefits relationship before it's too late. but he can't.
Kristen, come right back I've been waiting for you To slip back in bed When you light the candle
it's late; there's a knock on his door. he opens it to find you standing there. you look stressed as if something's bothering you, he notes.
you say nothing, as you push him against the door before sealing his lips with yours.
it's too hot for him. his knees feel weak. his world starts spinning.
you've got him wrapped around your fingers. he's addicted, to the taste of you, to your body and how perfectly it fits with his.
almost like you were made for him, the same way he was for you.
And on the Lower East Side, you're dancing with me now And I'm taking pictures of you with flowers on the wall Think I like you best when you're dressed in black from head to toe Think I like you best when you're just with me And no one else
it's race week, and you're there with him. he's free from all his media duties for the day. you take this as a chance to drag him to explore the city with you.
you're looking at the unfamiliar city, taking in the scene in front of you. and he's looking at you. how could he look somewhere else when your smile alone was outshining the beauty of the city?
you asked him to take a picture in front of a wall covered in mural art. to post it on your socials, you had said, handing him your phone. but he insists on taking it with his instead.
you don't question it, and he's glad. how could he have told you that he just wanted to add more pictures to the collection he already has of you. some taken in secret, some not. you don't know about this. he doesn't plan on telling you.
it's late, you both should be asleep, but you're not. instead, walking around the neighborhood. couldn't sleep, you had said, when you had knocked on his door earlier.
he doesn't complain when you tug at his hand, dragging him to the middle of the park.
it's quiet. it seems the whole world is asleep. except you and him.
you guide his hands to your waist, before putting yours around him. he gets the memo, swaying you both.
he can't explain, if anyone were to ask, but he likes it when it's just you and him, lost in a world of your own.
you look up at him, showing your biggest smile. it makes him wanna kiss you. right then and there. claim you as his. one and for all.
but he doesn't.
Kristen, come right back I've been waiting for you To slip back in bed When you light the candle
he's alone in his room, staring up at the ceiling. mind clouded with the thoughts of you.
you're not there, yet, all he could think about was you. he saw you a few hours ago, yet, he still misses you.
he hopes you will knock at his door, like you've done countless times before.
he hopes you'll slip back into his bed, and light up his world with your smile, like you've done countless times before.
but you don't.
And I'm kissing you lying in my room Holding you until you fall asleep And it's just as good as I knew it would be Stay with me, I don't want you to leave
he once again finds himself in bed with you. you're asleep. sleeping soundly with your head on his chest.
he wonders if you ever dream of him like he does of you. countless nights that he had spent thinking of you. both asleep and awake.
he knows what he's feeling. he has never felt so about anyone else. and it makes him scared. scared of what will happen if he ever opens his heart to you.
his heart's fragile. and already at your mercy. and he doesn't even know that yet. it would be so easy for you to break it, break him. it scares him. even though he knows you wouldn't do anything of such sort.
he holds you closer, his grip tightening around you, not enough to hurt you. how could he ever knowingly hurt you? he looks at you all lovingly.
and if you were awake right now, you'd tease him, that he was in love with you. and he'd probably laugh it off, teasing you back, that you are the one in love with him.
two idiots. in love. both scared to tell the other how they feel.
Kristen, come right back I've been waiting for you To slip back in bed When you light the candle
next time you see him, he finally has the courage to tell you. he's rambling, expressing his love for you.
you shut him up with a kiss, calling him an idiot with a playful smile. he smiles back. because he knows you two are going to be fine.
the next morning, you don't leave his room, instead, you stay there lying there with him. basking in his warmth.
he wakes up a few minutes after you, greeted by your face on the pillow opposite of his, looking at him. a lazy smile adorning your face.
and, he thinks he could get used to this.
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onlyonetifosi · 1 year
Dancing to win
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It was a chilly evening in Monte Carlo as Y/N Leclerc, the youngest Leclerc sibling, prepared for the biggest performance of her dancing career. At just 18 years old, Y/N had already become a professional dancer, known for her graceful moves and captivating stage presence. Tonight, she would be competing in the prestigious Grand Prix Dance Championship, and her family and friends were there to support her. Standing backstage, her heart pounding with excitement and nerves. She was about to perform in the most prestigious dance competition of her career, and her family was there to support her.
In the front row of the elegant theater, Y/N's brothers, Lorenzo, Charles, and Arthur, sat anxiously, waiting for the performance to begin. The Leclerc matriarch, Pacale Leclerc, sat between Lorenzo and Charles, clutching their hands tightly.
While she's preparing backstage, unaware of what's happening outside, the three Leclerc brothers talk.
"I can't believe our little sister is all grown up and about to perform on such a grand stage" The oldest one, Lorenzo says proudly.
"She's always had a flair for the dramatic, just like me. But dancing? That's her own unique talent" Arthur jokes
As the curtains parted, Y/N stepped onto the stage, her elegant form gliding gracefully across the floor. The audience held their breath, mesmerized by her every move. The music swelled, and Y/N poured her heart and soul into her performance, weaving a captivating story through her choreography.
As the music played, Charles recognizes one of his piano compositions and get tears on his eyes because of the proud he feels that her sister chose that song for her special day.
"Vous saviez, n'est-ce pas ? Charles demande à sa mère "Elle me l'a dit parce qu'elle voulait te soutenir à sa manière", dit Pascale en souriant devant l'excitation de son deuxième fils (You knew didn't you? he asked her mother. "She told me because she wanted to support you in her own way," Pascale said, smiling at her middle son's excitement")
Y/N gracefully took the stage, her body moving in perfect sync with the rhythm. Her performance was a symphony of elegance and athleticism, capturing the hearts of everyone in the audience.
Lorenzo leaned over to Charles, whispering, "Isn't she incredible? She's like a swan on that stage."
"She sure is" Charles adds
Meanwhile, Arthur sat on the edge of his seat, his hands clasped together, silently rooting for Y/N's success. He had always been her biggest supporter, attending every performance he could.
Pierre Gasly, Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz who had become close friends with YN during her numerous visits to the races, watched in awe.
Pierre whispers to Max" Look at her go! She's like a swan on the dance floor"
"YN's always had that natural grace. It's incredible to see her talent come to life like this" points out Max while grinning "You remember her in visiting Charles in karting? She had always knew what she did"
After an enthralling display of skill and emotion, the music faded, and the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she took a bow, feeling a rush of gratitude for the support surrounding her.
Backstage, her brothers rushed to embrace her, their smiles wide and their voices filled with excitement.
The first she realised is that she was enveloped in a warm embrace from Arthur, who held her tightly. "You did it, Y/N! You were incredible!"
Y/N grinned, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Thank you, Tur Tur. Your support means the world to me."
Charles and Lorenzo approached them, their smiles stretching from ear to ear. "Y/N, that was extraordinary!" Lorenzo exclaimed.
Charles nodded, his eyes fixed on his sister. "I'm lost of words, je t'aime beacoup"
"Je t'aime beacoup aussi Charlie" She hugs him happy that he liked the surprise.
Y/N blushed, feeling overwhelmed by their praise. "I couldn't have done it without your constant encouragement and belief in me. You're the best brothers a girl could ask for"
Kelly and her young daughter, Penelope, watched with wide eyes. Penelope tugged on Kelly's sleeve.
Penelope whispers to her mum "Mommy, YN dances like a princess! I want to be just like her when I grow up!"
Kelly laughs and smiles "She truly is amazing, isn't she? Maybe one day, you'll be a wonderful dancer too. Why don´t you go to tell her"
Penelope tugged at YN's hand, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "YN, you dance so beautifully! I want to learn how to dance like you!"
YN's heart melted at the innocence in Penelope's voice. She knelt down to her level, gently ruffling her hair. "Thank you, Penelope. You're such a sweet little girl. I'd be honored to teach you how to dance, and Kelly you can join us too if you both want, even Max" she says laughing at the dutchmans face
"For you to know I'm a fantastic dancer" he points out fake ofended
Kelly smiled warmly. "That would be wonderful, YN. Penelope has always admired your talent. She would love to learn from you."
Carlos Sainz, who had been observing the interaction, joined the conversation. "YN, you've always had an incredible passion for dance. It's inspiring to see you excel in your field."
YN beamed, grateful for the support of her racing family. "Thank you, Carlos. Your words mean a lot to me."
As the night wore on, the Leclerc family and their racing family celebrated Y/N's triumph. Amidst the laughter and joy, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the unwavering support of her brothers, her maman, and her extended racing family.
This was a night she would cherish forever—a night where speed and grace, racing and dance, came together in perfect harmony.
In the following days, YN kept her promise and organized a special dance session for Penelope and Kelly. They gathered in a dance studio, where YN led them through graceful movements and joyful expressions.
"Remember, dancing is about feeling the music and expressing yourself freely. Let it bring you joy." YN says to start.
As the music played, Penelope and Kelly followed YN's lead, their smiles growing wider with each step. The room filled with laughter and the sound of little feet twirling across the floor.
Kelly watched with joy as her daughter blossomed under YN's guidance. Soon after the little girl started competing in competitions of her age range under YN's gaze.
Later, while reflecting on the beautiful day, YN realized how fortunate she was to have such supportive brothers, friends, and a loving family. Their presence in her life had always pushed her to chase her dreams.
As she prepared for her next performance, YN couldn't help but feel a newfound confidence and determination. With her loved ones by her side, she knew she could conquer any stage, just as she had conquered their hearts.
And so, the Leclerc family continued to cheer on YN's journey, celebrating every step she took toward her dreams, knowing that she would always shine bright, both on and off the stage.
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theviridianbunny · 2 months
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For fem v Friday this week I am showing off a wip for an updated Amrin... I updated her face texture and I really can't wait to show y'all more when it's all done... Still have a few more bits to add to her face texture [probably going to add more texture to her neck if I can figure out how the PNG wraps around]
I'm really proud of myself. After months of being like "one day I'll update her scar - I finally got myself in gear and did it !!!
Not to big myself up- but I really like how I put my own spin on making face textures. Using mark making similarly to how I would draw when I make art - my burn textures for her and her ex husband [Rasmus] may not look like traditional burn scars - but they give my babes a flare. [Visual and physical story telling my beloved]
Amrin is feeling a lot more like "her" - she feels closer to her canon age of 46 !!! [This is because I used '77 rogue's face texture as a springboard/ base] !!!
More of her to come soon !!! Also maybe more happy rants like this !!!! I'm so excited to be able to share her with you all!!! Aghhhaaa aaa a a !!! ❤️😭👋💕✨️
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snakeeyesdraws · 10 months
can you do more Mario scenes? I really enjoyed your first post xD
Yes of course! I'm so glad you did, and I'd be more than happy to do some more posts about Mario game scenes!
Now, originally I had thought to keep it to more obscure games, or at least games that aren't talked about as much, like Super Mario 3d world. But I'm very stressed and exhausted at the moment, and I'm indulging with one of my favourite Mario games, so perhaps....
Overly Analyzing Luigi's Mansion 3; Mario Rescue cutscene
All screenshots taken from this video (hence the watermark, sorry, I cant record it myself)
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So, in order to rescue Mario, the player has to defeat the hotel owner, Hellen Gravely in her office. Each boss ghost has their own unique animation before being sucked into the Poltergust G-00, and hers is to demand Luigi pause long enough for her to apply her make up. Queen moment, if I'm to be honest.
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Luigi also has a celebration animation after he defeats ghosts and bosses, and here he tosses his hat off in celebration. It's such a cute moment; he's been constantly terrified in this haunted hotel, but he's so proud of himself for conquering this particularly scary obstacle!
Now, the main reason I'm looking at this scene today. Luigi uses the Dark-Light feature of the Poltergust to rescue Mario from the portrait he was trapped in. Said portrait was hanging up in Hellen's office, and she used it to taunt Luigi to come fight her to save his brother, I should add.
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Mario falls from the painting and is seemingly dazed and confused at first. Unlike in the first game, the portraits here are frozen, unmoving images, so it takes Mario a moment of checking out his body and arms to realize he's free.
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The second he looks up at Luigi, though, he instantly lights up. I recommend you check out the scene for yourself, because the way he bounces up and stretches his arms out as he goes "OH YEAH!" is so cute and expressive. They really outdid themselves with the cutscenes in this game.
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Mario runs over to Luigi, exclaiming "Way to go, Luigi!" and his joyful energy is immediately returned by Luigi. Luigi spreads his arm, happily exclaiming "Mario!" while Mario jumps into his arms and just. Look at them.
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Look at them.
(I had to find a gif of this specific moment because screenshots would not do it justice)
I can't even begin to describe how happy this makes me. Mario jumping right into Luigi's arms like it's so natural and common for them to do, Luigi's leg lifting up as he catches Mario, Luigi holding Mario up for a split second, Luigi's loud "MARIO, hey bro!" it's so tender and wholesome. This is the kinda sibling energy I wanna see with them!
There's so much display and affection and trust on display here in just a few seconds of animation. And there's just something about Luigi being the one to do the hug lifting that's just, so cute. Chefs kiss, no notes, perfect scene.
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Luigi sets Mario back down on his feet, and I love that this shot allows us to see Mario's perspective. While this is overall a very joyful and upbeat scene, I think it's nice to also show Mario getting some much needed comfort after his third time being rescued from a portrait in the Luigi's Mansion series, poor guy.
Very briefly, before they step back, Luigi is also shown patting Mario's back with his hand. Again, even though Luigi has navigated this hotel scared out of his mind, the fact that he's shown to be consciously giving his brother some show of comfort is adorable.
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Luigi steps back and they both laugh, Mario placing his hand on Luigi's shoulder. They're both equally happy to be reunited! Smaller note, but Luigi appears to be ever so slightly bending his knees, probably to be closer to Mario. Yes the height difference between them really isn't that noticeable, but I'll take what I can get, okay?
For a second, the scene lingers as they simply stare at each other in relief. Then Luigi seems to snap back to it, having a small "wait a minute-" moment as he looks at the camera.
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Immediately, Mario's smile drops too, and his hand drops off Luigi's shoulder as he straightens up. You can tell Luigi kinda forget where they were for a moment, probably because of how relieved he was to see Mario again, and now he's remembering that oh yeah, they're kinda stuck in a haunted hotel with a giant Boo that specifically has it out for them.
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Luigi grabs Mario by the shoulder and exclaims, "Come on! This way!" clearly referring to Professor E Gadd's lab.
A bit of context for those who haven't played the game; before rescuing Mario, the player rescues the three Toads who also accompanied them on the vacation trip to the hotel, and every time Luigi escorts them to the elevator so they can stay in E Gadd's lab, safe and sound from the ghosts. So we can infer Luigi's immediate thought was to also get Mario there, so he wouldn't be in danger anymore :'3
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He keeps his arm on Mario's shoulder, and grabs his other hand to literally start leading him in the direction of the elevator. Which is just.... so precious. Literally "I just got you back and you are not leaving my side until I know you're safe" energy. They care so much about each other guys. I love protective big bro Mario with all my heart, but protective Luigi fretting and worrying over Mario's wellbeing is so special too.
However, unlike the Toads who were more than happy to stay in the safer lab, Mario has other plans.
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While wiggling out of Luigi's gripe, Mario corrects him with "Ah ah, ah ah, this way!" and pulls him back into the office. Luigi's confused, and his hand reflexively almost reaches for the Poltergust since they're heading back in the direct of danger (or it could just be his arm swinging back from Mario's pull, but again, over analyzing.)
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The camera pans over to reveal the wall with the portrait Mario was trapped in on it.
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Mario turns back to Luigi, clearly gung-ho and ready to go. We don't see much of Luigi's face, but I like to think he had an "oh no, not this again-" expression, because he knows exactly what Mario is about to do.
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Mario gestures over his shoulder with a "Come on!" and takes off, leaving Luigi to startle and raise his hand. Here we get their classic dynamic; Mario, head strong and determined, running recklessly right into the action, and Luigi, timid and cautious, taking a moment to really sit and think about the situation.
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Mario throws himself at the sliding wall and pushes it aside, demonstrating some serious physical strength. That's a pretty thick wall, with a portrait and tv screen on it to boot, but he manages to throw it open fairly easy.
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Once past that, we see Mario stumble a bit from the momentum of pushing the wall. He immediately sets himself upright, gesturing again for Luigi to "Come on!" without much of a pause. Again, so much character on display here; Mario is flinging himself right into the action, and while he isn't particularly clumsy, he's practically stumbling from how fast he's pushing himself.
You can read this as that's simply in Mario's heroic nature - to run right into danger without so much as a second thought - but you can also read it as him being ecstatic to be out of that portrait. Even though he knows at this point that King Boo is waiting for them and Princess Peach still needs saving, he's still smiling and urging Luigi to follow him, like they're on an adventure. This is much more his speed, as opposed to being the one needing a rescue.
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So Mario opens the door, not bothering to actually wait for Luigi, and continues on ahead. I read it as a bit of his impulsiveness with charging ahead, and also as trust that Luigi will follow him anywhere - albeit at his own pace.
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For a split second, Luigi hesitates with a confuse "Mario?". Even though he knows his brother, he probably wasn't expecting Mario to bounce back so quickly. But hey, if his brother is still willing to forge on ahead even though he just escaped a trapped portrait, Luigi can't hold himself back either, can he?
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He grabs his flashlight and exclaims a energized "Okay!". Again, keep in mind that this whole game, Luigi has been terrified out of his wits and scared of every obstacle in his way. But now having his brother back has him grinning and ready to face the challenges up ahead. The way they inspire courage in each other can actually be so personal-
Even though Luigi's Mansion 3 came out first, and the two don't really have a lot of connections outside of being based on the same property, I can't help but connect the new movie's "Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together!" theme to this scene here.
Such a good scene, great animation and personality on display. Literally my only complaint is that I want more of well thought out cutscenes in Super Mario games in general.
Oh, and more bro hugs. Definitely more bro hugs.
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stuckwthem · 2 years
hii could you do joseph quinn comforting you after watching the finale pls😭😭😭😭
hell yeah!!! i'm so happy with this request but makes me wanna cry so bad 😭 hope you like, love xx
joseph comforting you after watching the finale | fluff
t/w: SPOILERS AHEAD. eddie's d word.
summary: joe trying to cheer you up after watching the finale.
authors note: really hope you like it! requests are open! i'm so sorry if is trashy :/
p.s: english isn't my first language.
i felt the need to put this fucking photo and bless y'all eyes. god i'm so in love.
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you never thought that you could cry so much over fictional characters until stranger things 4 came out. you were having one of the biggest breakdowns in your life while eddie was dying and just couldn't stop crying until the end of the episode. you finished it absolutely sobbing, mumbling some words about how unfair all of that was. 
you could see some tears running on joseph face too, but by the fourth time you were replaying eddies and max's deaths he started to chuckle. his hands were on your hair as your head is laying on his leg, stroking slowly the whole time. you turned your head to look at him, offended with how much he started to laugh. he stared you back in absolut awe, thinking how cute you looked with a red nose.
"i can't believe they did this." you exclaimed, lifting up your body and sitting by his side on the sofa. a hiccup left your mouth and you felt more ridiculous as he smiled.
"oh hun, i can't believe you are crying this bad!" he says with a soft tone, hiding a smile, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. 
”did you watched it? of course i'm devasted! i mean, they're just kids! eddie didn't deserve it!” you whined, looking at him with disbelief. 
he also had a sad expression and tears in his face all the time while watching it, you could see how much this role had affect him. it was possible to see how proud he was by the glow in his eyes. you felt like your chest could explode with so much pride.
"plus, it was almost to like…watch you die." you almost whisper, a bit ashamed with how emotional you could get towards him. he looked at you worried, frowning, not wasting any time to hug you. 
joe has big arms, a soft chest and loving hands so when he cuddles you against his body everything seems to calm down inside you. you rest your head on his neck curve, sniffing. 
"wait, no, darling, are you kidding me? i'm right here, see? blood and flesh and i ain't going nowhere. it's okay, we're good" his british accent gets so heavy when he is caught by surprise and right now you just wanna melt with the vibration his voice makes as you're laying in his chest. "and don't worry, i'll make sure eddie has metal and d&d wherever he are"
joseph grabs your hands when you lift your head to look at him with a pouty face. he is trying to not laugh, so the upside down smile he gives makes you smile with him. joe brings your hands up to his lips, kissing the back of both of them, looking into your eyes with most careful gaze. he just keeps there, holding you for at least thirty minutes as you don't stop rambling about how good actors those kids are and discussing all theories that came into your mind. joe just nods and add comments between your monologue, slowly starting to rant with you.
"but the kas theory is the best one" he says, with widening eyes, totally deluded as he happily talks non-stop about eddie, with passion in his eyes. "c'mon, that kid as a vampire? would be mental!"
"hm mrs. quinn, you're getting too excited with this idea, got something to share with the class?" you murmur, suspiciously. he smirks at you, denying with his head.
"hey, i'm just saying" the curly-head shrugs, raising hands in surrender. you squint your eyes at him and joe laughs at your distrust "you know, i kinda like the ideia of being a vampire" 
his tongue walks through inside his cheek, holding a teasing smile. you breathe in heavily, feeling a little dizzy and euphoric with only the ideia. 
"oh yeah?" your shoulders push him playfully, and for a moment is possible to see the unknown glimpse that passes through his eyes.
"you know what?" joseph asks, leaning towards you. a strong scent of soap and a after bath lotion entering your nostrils, intoxicating your sistem. "you would be my first victim"
you don't even have time to protest when he attacks your neck, kissing the sensitive area frantically. his lips move up to your jaw and then your face, leaving a kiss on every speck on your cheeks. your chuckles mixed with his echoes on his apartment, just like the sweet nothings both of y'all say between the burst of laughter.
"feel better, gorgeous?" he asks, pulling his face a bit back from yours when he stops, just to have a better look of your tearful and red face, analysing every aspect of it. 
you nod with a soft grin and he smiles back, hugging you again before cupping the sides of your face in his big hands, squeezing gently your cheeks.
"i'll make us a cup of tea" and then he presses a delicate kiss on the top of your nose, leaving you in absolutely awe.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 9 months
I don't know about the other requests and your ideias about the "love of my life" storyline, but I can't stop think about marrying young tony and spend the rest of my life with him 🥺 I would like to ask you to add a proposal and wedding (honeymoon sex included 🤤) in your plans (in case you haven't thought about it yet) with bruce and natasha as their best man and maid of honor and very proud parents 🥺
''Hell yeah, I do!''
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Female!Reader
Word count | 6.3K
Summary | Life has been good to all of you the last few years, but Tony is preparing to take the next step in your relationship. He decides to propose on a beautiful vacation, and the wedding is an absolute dream, too. It's a perfect beginning to the rest of your lives together.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut (unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), shower sex, slight breeding kink, slow, lazy lovemaking, oral (F&M receiving), face riding, fingering, dirty talk, aftercare).
A/n | Thank you so much for this sweet request, Nonnie! This ended up to be way longer than I anticipated, but I enjoyed every second of this, and I hope you will too! 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | GIF-credit goes to @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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A few years have passed, and you both have successfully gotten your Bachelor's degree in Dramatic Acting, though you have decided to go onto another path after graduation.
Tony has found his luck in acting and has been in a few small movies and commercials, but you've decided to become a real estate agent to care for your two little miracle kids.
''Hudson! Orion! Are you ready for dinner?'' you yell from the bottom of the stairs, and it doesn't take long to hear their footsteps upstairs and on the way down.
''Coming, Mommy!'' Orion says, and you wait at the bottom of the stairs to ensure nothing goes wrong, even though they're old enough to take the stairs by themselves.
''What will we be having for dinner tonight?'' Hudson asks, and he looks up at you expectingly for your answer.
''I've made your favorite today if that's okay with you,'' you say as you bend down to kiss him on his head. The two of them happily get ready for dinner when you receive a text from Tony.
< My Love 🩵 > Can we have our FaceTime call a little earlier tonight? I'm having dinner at 7:30 p.m. I'm sorry!
&lt; Sunshine 💛 > No problem, the kids and I are just sitting down for dinner; we'll call you at 7 p.m.!
Tony was happy with your answer, albeit quite nervous. After all, he's having dinner with your Mom tonight because he must ask her something important.
Hudson and Orion sit in their own chairs, and you bring their dinner to them. Tonight is mac and cheese night with dino nuggets and a sweet treat for dessert.
You've also made some extra for yourself since you're used to eating dinner at the same time as them instead of later like you usually did before having them.
They both babble away happily about their day and what they were playing until Orion suddenly lets out a soft sniffle, and your attention is immediately on her.
''What's going on, Babygirl?'' you say as you walk over to her seat and get her out, hopping her softly up and down to calm her down.
''I miss Daddy,'' she says between more sniffles, and your heart breaks for her because you miss him too. He will be back in a few days, but it's always a little more difficult for all of you whenever he is away for extended periods.
''We're going to call Daddy a little earlier today. How does that sound? And after that, we can read a book together before bed,'' you say, but she doesn't want to eat anymore.
Her head falls against your shoulder, and her thumb is in her mouth to soothe herself, so you sit down with her in your lap while you eat your dinner, and it doesn't take long for her to fall asleep.
''Mommy? We talk to Daddy?'' Hudson asks, and you nod.
''Yes, Baby. We'll still talk to Daddy,'' you say reassuringly, but Hudson is also getting tired, so by the time it's 6:30 p.m., you have both of them in your lap, half awake for the FaceTime call.
You call him, and Tony is still getting ready for your call at 7 p.m., so his hair is still messy, and he can't find his glasses anywhere, but he picks up regardless.
''Hi Daddy!'' the twins say with small waves, and after a few short answers, they've both wholly fallen asleep in your arms.
''I'll call you right back, okay? I need to put these two to bed real quick,'' you say, and 20 minutes later, you're back, a cup of tea in hand. Tony is looking more decent, too, now that his hair is done and he's wearing his glasses.
''Can't believe you'll be back in 3 more days,'' you sigh with a smile, cradling the cup of tea in your hands as you look at the man you love.
''I know, I miss all three of you, but I know they've been the best babies for my best girl,'' he says, and you try to hide your flushed face behind your mug, but it's not working.
''There's no hiding from me, Sunshine! I'll always find you again, no matter what happens or where we are; I will find you,'' he says, and you get slight tears in your eyes from his words.
''I know, My Love. I love you,'' you say before wiping away tears, and the rest of the time is spent talking about the movie he's working on until he has to go and meet your Mom, though you don't know that.
''I'll talk to you later, Sunshine, and I'm gonna miss all three of you immensely until I'm back!'' he says before you say your last goodbyes, and you get situated on the couch to enjoy your evening with a good book.
Hudson and Orion are usually excellent sleepers, even without Tony being home, so you take full advantage of these hours alone, finally getting through your pile of books you still need to read.
~ Meanwhile, on the other side of the country ~
''Tony, hi!'' your Mom says as she opens the door for him, and he greets her with a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers because he has something important to discuss.
''Hi, Virginia, how are you today?'' he asks, stepping inside and taking off his shoes before walking into her small apartment. Since the divorce, she's been living much smaller, but she didn't want the house and opted to live in a small apartment in California instead.
''I'm doing good, even better now that you're here though. Dinner's almost ready, so please have a seat on the couch while I finish,'' she says, and the smell of cauliflower casserole is spreading, and Tony is getting increasingly hungry.
''How's filming going? You're working on a movie not far from here, right?'' Virginia asks, and Tony tells her about the movie; even though he has a relatively minor role, this could be his chance for something bigger.
''Even though I'm more than happy to be filming something like this, I still miss Y/N, Orion, and Hudson. I call them every night, but it's not the same, so I'll be happy to see them again,'' Tony says, and Virginia walks back into the living room with two plates, handing one to Tony.
She doesn't have a dining room, so eating on the couch is the only option, but Tony doesn't mind; he quite likes how cozy it is.
''Virginia, as you may have suspected, I came here for a reason, which is why I came by alone instead of with all four of us,'' he starts as he plays with his food, unsure how to continue as his heart starts beating against his ribcage.
''I did suspect something, yes. And before you ask whatever you want, please know that you can tell and ask me anything, okay?'' she says, and Tony nods before putting his plate down and grabbing something out of his backpack.
''I- uhm, I'm here to... well- I would like to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter,'' he stumbles, a deep red color spreading over his cheeks and throat. He opens a small box and shows her the ring he plans to propose to you if he has your Mom's blessing.
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The day of Tony's proposal has arrived, and he's planned an entire week of vacation just for this moment. You're on a trip to Florida with the whole family, including Howard, Maria, and Virginia, to complete the entire family.
You're all having a beach day today and you are under the impression that you will all be having dinner together later, but nothing could be further from the truth.
All three grandparents are taking the kids for dinner in the hotel - a buffet with many different kinds of food - while you and Tony are going to a fancier restaurant with an ocean view for your proposal.
But that's all still far in the future because you're trying to find Orion's shoes, which seems impossible.
''Love? Have you seen Orion's slippers anywhere? I swear she just had them, and now they're gone!'' you say as you sit on your knees, looking under the bed.
''No, but I'm gonna ask my Mom if she's seen them, Sunshine,'' he says, and with that, he makes his way to his parents' hotel room, where he has 'hidden' her shoes as a cover.
''Is everything still on track for tonight?'' he asks his parents, and they let him know everything is ready for tonight, and you two will have the entire evening and night to yourselves because the kids will sleep in Viriginia's room tonight.
''Thank you so much, you're both real lifesavers,'' he sighs.
''No, Tony, we're just doing this because you deserve nothing but the best, and Y/N deserves to be treated like an absolute queen, especially after everything the last few years,'' Howard says, and Tony nods in agreement.
When he returns to your shared hotel room, he hears Orion crying, and you're soothing her.
''What happened here, Lovebug?'' Tony asks Orion as he runs into the room; she immediately makes grabby hands at her Dad, who gladly takes her into his arms.
''She stumbled over the small ledge from the bathroom to her, and she hit her knees pretty badly on the floor,'' you say. Tony hugs and soothes her tightly, allowing you to get Hudson ready for the beach.
When Orion has calmed down, and everyone is ready, you all make your way to the beach, ready for a day of playing and fun, but most of all, a day full of relaxation. For you, not Tony. The closer dinner gets, the more on edge he gets.
The afternoon flew by, and Hudson and Orion built many sandcastles and swam countless times in the ocean; you've read your book, and when all the others were in the water, you and Tony had a bit of alone time which was well spent with a small make-out session until your kids came running back.
''Alright, let's get ready to go back to the hotel for dinner!'' you say, and you start packing everything up with the help of your Mom while Tony and his parents get the kids ready.
''How are you enjoying your vacation so far, Buttercup?'' Virginia asks, and you let out a small sigh.
''I love it, but I also miss when it was just me and Tony, you know? It's not a nice thing to say because I love all of you dearly, but I need just some Tony time,'' you say with a small smile, and she nods.
''There's nothing wrong with wanting some alone time. I never had any, and you see where that got me, although I'm delighted I'm here with all of you because if I hadn't divorced your Dad, I wouldn't be here with all of you,'' she says, trying not to cry.
''Oh, Mom, c'mere,'' you say as you pull her in for a big hug, unable to keep your tears back this time.
''Don't cry, Mommy!'' your twins say in unison as they run over to you and your Mom. They wrap their arms around both of you simultaneously, and you can't help but laugh.
After that, everyone returns to the hotel, but Howard and Maria take the twins to their room so you two can get ready together.
''I asked them to take Orion and Hudson for now because I was hoping we could get ready together, maybe have an extra steamy shower together?'' Tony whispers in your ear as you close the door behind you, and you feel his arms wrap around your waist.
''Sounds perfect,'' you say, and before you know it, you are both naked and standing in the shower, kissing each other with nothing but pure lust and hands wandering everywhere.
''Tony, please, fuck me,'' you beg as his fingers make you fall apart, your arms wrapped around his neck, his lips giving sloppy kisses on your jaw and throat as he pulls one more orgasm for you.
''One more, Sunshine. After this, I'll fuck you so good you'll have trouble walking for the rest of the day,'' he says, and with those words, you're being pulled over the edge into your second orgasm of this shower.
With many loud moans and muffled screams, you let go, and Tony holds you up as he works through your orgasm; he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he pushes you against the wall.
''You wanted to get fucked so badly by me; you better be prepared to be split open on my cock. Begging like the fucking cumslut you are for me,'' he groans as he thrusts into you smoothly, making you moan loudly.
You can't bring out a single word as he keeps thrusting into you relentlessly; all you can get out is whimpers and moans as he once more reduces you to a fuckdumb hole for him to use, just the way you like it.
''Hmm, going to fuck another baby into you; you want that? Want me to knock you up again?'' he says, and you nod, letting Tony use you for his pleasure.
After a few more well-angled thrusts, you cum again, and Tony doesn't wait any longer either as he shoots his white ropes of cum deep inside you and captures your lips in a few soft kisses.
''Did so perfect for me, Sunshine. Always such a good girl for me,'' he whispers among other sweet nothings while you come down from your high, and once you're back, he carefully washes you as he keeps showering you with love and praise.
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''Are you almost ready to get the rest for dinner?'' you ask Tony as you put on your white floral maxi dress you got for this vacation. He's wearing light shorts and a dark shirt, which suits him well.
''Well, tonight will be just about me and you. I have arranged a dinner for the both of us because I thought we could use a night alone too, and it's a little thank you for taking care of our miracles the way you have the last few years,'' he says as you get up.
You're wearing a pair of white wedges that make you almost as tall as Tony, though he's still a few inches taller.
''A-are you- I mean- what? But I thought-'' and Tony cuts off your train of thought by capturing your lips in a soft kiss, catching you off-guard.
When he pulls away, he places his hands on your cheeks, and yours finds their place on his waist.
''Sunshine, these last few years have been nothing short of perfect, but it's also been hectic, and we've barely had any time alone since the twins were born. I love them to death, but tonight is just about you and me, okay? Our parents have them under control, and we can enjoy this evening without worrying for even a second,'' he says, and a tear escapes your eye, rolling slowly down your cheek.
''Okay,'' you whisper softly, and even though it's hard to leave without your two angels, you still do. Tony takes you to a small restaurant by the beach, and you two are seated outside at a table with a perfect ocean view.
Tony pulls out your chair so you can sit down, and after lifting your dress slightly, you sit down, and he places a small kiss on the crown of your head that has you smiling uncontrollably.
''I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything, but it feels good to be eating somewhere without the kids, even if it's just for one evening,'' you say, but you immediately regret it as soon as you say it.
''Sunshine, you're not ungrateful at all. I feel the same way; they are absolutely perfect, but it is important to have a date night with just the two of us for once, as well,'' he says as he holds your hands, and you nod in agreement.
''I love you and thank you for tonight. I really appreciate it,'' you say as you give Tony a big smile, and when he smiles back, it's almost like you're teleported back in time to when you were just partners in acting class, and neither of you knew anything about the other person.
''It's still unbelievable how far we've come, huh? From partners in acting class to a beautiful vacation in Florida with our family,'' you say, and Tony can't help but let out a little chuckle.
''Tell me about it. I still can't believe I didn't ask you out earlier,'' he says, and a waiter makes their way to your table just as you're about to respond.
''Welcome to the Beach Side Eatery. Can we get you started with a glass of champagne and a menu?'' the man asks, and his stare lingers on you a little too long for Tony's liking.
''Yes, that would be appreciated, thank you,'' Tony says with a sharp edge to his tone, and the waiter immediately takes his gaze off of you and towards Tony.
You can't help but chuckle as he walks away, though Tony doesn't share that sentiment with you as he keeps staring the waiter down on his way back inside the restaurant.
''I'm glad I'm still good-looking enough to get stared at by waiters,'' you joke, and Tony just shakes his head with a small smirk.
''I'd rather be the only person who will look at you like that for the rest of our lives, but it does feel good to know I have such a beautiful wife by my side,'' he says, but he seemingly doesn't notice the slip of his tongue, though you definitely do.
A light pink dusting creeps onto your cheeks at his words, but you decide not to mention it, although you like the way it sounds. Tony's wife. The thought has you smiling widely, and Tony notices.
''What's on your mind, Sunshine?'' Tony asks as he grabs your hand. You feel your stomach do a few flips, and a jolt of electricity pulses through your body at this touch. Everything feels meant to be.
''I was just thinking about us, about our future, more specifically,'' you say, and Tony gives a small smile in response, knowing he's sitting here with the ring in his pocket right now.
''Here's your champagne, ma'am,'' the waiter says just as Tony is about to respond, and he's getting increasingly more annoyed with his bad timing.
''And your champagne too, sir. I'll go and get your menus and be right back,'' he says before walking off again, leaving you two to your conversation.
''Hey, let's enjoy this night together. We don't get too many of these nowadays, although I wouldn't be opposed to a night out together more often,'' you confess, and Tony agrees.
Your menus are dropped off, and that's when you both grab your glass of champagne, toasting a beautiful evening together; you take a small sip, and it tastes divine.
''Oh, this is the best champagne I've ever had!'' you say, and Tony smirks as he already knew it would be since he decided to splurge a little on this evening and get you the best of the best.
''Everything looks so good on this menu... I can't decide what I want to get,'' you say as you tap your index finger against your lips, which is a habit you've picked up somewhere along the way, and Tony thinks it's one of the cutest things ever.
''Well, how about a seafood dish? We won't find anything fresher than right here,'' he says, and your eyes glide to the seafood section of the menu.
''Hmm, you might be right, My Love. I might go with shrimp pasta since we don't eat it at home anymore,'' you say, thinking back to the time you had to rush Hudson to the hospital and finding out he's highly allergic to every type of seafood.
''Oh, that sounds delicious, Sunshine. I'm going to get the same,'' Tony says, and you both put your menus down to notify them you're ready to order.
When the waiter arrives, he takes up both your orders and refills your champagne glasses, after which you happily take another sip.
The rest of dinner goes by smoothly, apart from a few too many glances from your waiter, but it only boosts your ego, so you don't say anything about it, though Tony does make it clear he doesn't appreciate it.
''Shall we ask for a menu for dessert?'' you offer, but Tony shakes his head and instead starts off a small speech when the music changes. You immediately recognize your song, and a small thought creeps into your brain, though you push it away for now.
''Sunshine, from the moment I met you, I knew you were special. You're kind, you're funny, you're beautiful. You're everything I've ever wanted in a woman and more. I love spending time with you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I promise to always make you laugh, to always be there for you when you need me, and to never take you for granted,'' Tony says, and your feeling was completely right.
It isn't until Tony gets up and pulls you up as well that the reality of the situation officially sinks in, and you can't stop the tears from flowing as Tony sinks down on one knee and opens the small velvet box with an engagement ring in it.
''Thank you for being by my side and sharing your life with me because I can't imagine my life without you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?'' he says with tears in his eyes.
''Of course, I will!'' you shriek out from excitement and Tony quickly gets up before crashing his lips onto yours, pulling you flush with his body as your tongues dance together in a dance of love.
When you pull away, you rest your head on his shoulder, and you pull him as close to you as you can, and that's when you suddenly hear people clapping all around you.
''I love you so much, My Love,'' you whisper to Tony as he pulls away this time, ready to slip the ring on your finger.
''I love you more, Sunshine. Or I should say future Mrs. Stark,'' Tony says with a big smirk, and you couldn't be any happier.
After you two sat down, you got an amazing dessert that said ''congratulations,'' and you two fed each other bits of it, and you couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the evening.
When the two of you got back to the hotel room, you didn't waste any time being apart, and the two of you made love for almost the entire evening and night until the sun rose back up.
It was perfect and everything you could have wished for, but you were also very happy to see Hudson and Orion the next morning as they flew into your arms.
''Daddy and I have some amazing news for all of you,'' you say, and you show everyone the ring Tony got you.
''He asked me to marry him!'' you shriek out, and even though all the parents knew already, they're still very excited to see your reaction.
You give Tony one more big kiss as a thank you before you're caught up in a big mess of hugs and congratulations, ready to enjoy the rest of your vacation, but now, as the future Mrs. Stark.
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You're ready to walk down the aisle in your white wedding dress. Not with your Dad by your side, because he doesn't even know you're getting married to being with.
Instead, Howard walks you down the aisle after you've explained everything to him, and he feels honored to do this for you. He's like the Dad you never had, and you are incredibly thankful for him.
''Are you ready to walk to the start of your new life?'' Howard asks, and you must try your hardest not to cry right now.
''I am,'' you say, and as if on cue, the music starts, and the doors in front of you open to show a beautiful aisle, all your guests seated on either side, the pathway adorned with white flower petals.
In the front is your Mom to officiate the wedding, and Tony is standing next to her in a beige tuxedo, and of course, his glasses that reflect beautifully in the sun.
Behind Tony is his best man, Bruce, and two other groomsmen; on the other side of your Mom is Natasha and two bridesmaids, ready to burst into tears at any second, just like you.
Maria, Hudson, and Orion are seated in the front row and are now standing up to get a good look at you. Maria is the one who walked Tony down the aisle after your twins made their debut first, and now all they have to do is wait for you.
''Wow,'' Tony blurts out at the sight of you, and you slowly stride your way forward, over the white flower petals, between your guests, and on your way to your future husband.
Tony has to wipe away a few tears as he sees you slowly walking over to him, and you have to try your hardest not to cry yourself. You two haven't seen each other since yesterday afternoon, and it has been the most challenging 24 hours without him.
The closer you get, the more butterflies you're getting, and it's hard not to fly around Tony's neck and kiss him senseless right here and right now.
When you reach the front of the aisle, Howard gives your hand to Tony with a promise.
''Promise me always to take care of her and your children. I know they are already your everything, but this will only grow with the years. Love them unconditionally, and you will receive it right back,'' Howard says, and with those words, he lets you go, and Tony guides you to your spot after you give your bouquet to Nat.
Your Mom has written an original speech, and you almost peed yourself from laughter, but now it's time for the ring exchange.
''Do you, Tony, take Y/N to be your wife, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor her, to love her faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with her this day?''
''I absolutely do.''
''Do you, Y/N, take Tony to be your husband, to cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live, to trust and honor him, to love him faithfully, through the best and the worst, whatever may come, and if you should ever doubt, to remember your love for each other and the reason why you came together with him this day?'' 
''Hell yeah, I do!''
The entire crowd bursts out in laughter at your exclamation, and when your Mom officially pronounces you two married, you lock lips in a sweet, tender kiss that knocks the air out of your lungs despite it being a slow and loving one.
For the rest of the evening, you're constantly surrounded by everyone you know, and Orion hasn't stopped telling you how beautiful your dress is.
''Mommy! I love your dress, and I can't wait to wear one just like it once I get married,'' she says, but you don't want to think about that yet.
''May I have this dance?'' Howard asks after you've calmed down a little from all the excitement.
''Of course, Howard,'' you say, and you get up, letting him lead the way to the middle of the dance floor as a bit of a slower song starts to play.
''Tony told me you were disappointed not to have a father-daughter dance at your wedding, so I'm fulfilling your wish. I see you as my daughter, after all, so I'd be more than happy to take that place,'' he says, and you hug him in the middle of your dance as a thank you and to hide your tears.
You look over to Tony and shoot him a kiss through the air, and he smiles in appreciation as you continue dancing.
''Thank you, Howard, for everything you and Maria have done all these years, not just for me and Tony but also for the twins. They love you and Maria so much, and I love you both deeply, too,'' you say, and Howard places a kiss on your temple in appreciation.
''Welcome to the family, Y/N,'' Howard says as the song ends and you're reunited with your husband.
''Thank you for telling him, Tony. It really means a lot to me, and I will be forever grateful,'' you say before pulling him in for a hug, and his lips find your forehead, as he's unable to talk right now.
When the evening is over, you and Tony get to the bridal suite of the hotel you're staying at, and you two have a passionate first night of lovemaking as husband and wife.
Tony can't stop telling you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you while you're unable to say anything, as he's reduced you to a moaning, whining mess underneath him for most of the night.
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A few days later, you find yourself in a beautiful beachside hotel in Fiji, next to your husband, as you both just woke up. You've gotten out of bed and opened the big doors leading to your rooftop terrace, and a slight breeze blows through the room.
''Good morning, Sunshine,'' Tony says in a gruff voice as he turns over and pulls you into his side, wanting to have you as close as possible for every second.
This first week, you'll be here with just the two of you and the second week, your family will join you for a nice week-long vacation, after which life will return to normal again.
''Mornin', My Love,'' you say as you put your leg over Tony's thigh and scoot even closer. His hand ghosts over your back until it finds your ass, and without warning, he lands a spanking on it, making you squeal from surprise.
''Tony!'' you scold him as you sit up, but he doesn't give you much chance as he pulls you onto his chest, his member already poking at your entrance.
''Somebody's excited this morning, huh?'' you say, and your lips find each other, tongues immediately slipping in and fighting for dominance. You're both taking in every single second of this week while you're alone, having sex as much as you can.
This morning isn't any different, and as Tony pulls away from your kisses, he orders you to sit on his face so he can eat you out just the way you like.
You obey immediately, and as soon as his tongue licks a stripe from your entrance to your clit you're a complete goner on top of him.
Moans of his name fall off your lips as you rut against his face, his arms wrapped around your thighs as he keeps your legs apart for the best access.
''P-please, need to cum!'' you beg, and Tony listens to your pleas, making you cum on his face without much effort, and you grab the headboard to steady yourself as he works you through your orgasm.
''Tony, fuck! Feels good,'' you whimper as he's bordering on overstimulation, but he stops at the right moment and guides you back down, cradling you until you're coming down from your high with lots of praise.
Suddenly you reach out for his cock, and you stroke it leisurely a couple of times, and you whisper in his ear how badly you want to make him feel so good.
''Let me suck your cock until you cum down my throat, and after, I'll let you fuck another baby in me,'' you whisper, and Tony turns bright red at the idea.
You settle between his legs and start by licking a stripe from the base to the tip before taking it in your mouth and suckling softly.
''Oh, fuck, that's it, Sunshine,'' Tony breathes out, and you take more of him into your mouth with every bob of your head, one of your hands massaging his balls, the other interlaced with his.
''You like sucking this dick, huh? Such a good cockslut for me, sucking me like that, letting me use all your holes like a little fucktoy,'' Tony says, and his back arches and you take all of him in your mouth, gagging around his length, which only spurs him on.
''Fuck, that's it, choke on this dick until I cum,'' he grits out, and you do just that until he shoots it down your throat, forcing you to swallow every last drop, his free hand keeping your head down as it's fisted into your hair.
When you finally let up, you take in a couple of deep breaths as the oxygen rushes back into your lungs, but you would be lying if you said you aren't turned on beyond belief right now.
You crawl back up to Tony and let him taste himself on your tongue before he gently guides you onto your back, spreads your legs for him to fit right in between them, and lines up with your entrance.
''Hm, you're nice and wet for me, Sunshine. Might fuck a baby into you this time, would you like that? Want to be nice and round again for me?'' he asks, and you nod slowly; you would love nothing more than for him to give you another baby.
After sliding through your folds a couple of times, he slides into your soaking cunt, and the groans he lets out are beyond this world, and your moans are so delicious he has to try his hardest not to cum right away.
''So perfect for me, such a glorious pussy to fuck. It always feels so good when I slide home,'' and your nails leave red marks on his back as he slides in, the pleasure feeling so good.
''Oh, yes!'' you say as he starts moving.
''Fuck a baby into me, Tony, please,'' you say, but he keeps a nice, slow pace that makes you go crazy. You keep bucking up your hips for more friction, but you're stopped each time.
''Want to make love to you first, Sunshine. Want to make love to my gorgeous wife, and when you've cum a couple of times, I'll use you as my perfect fucktoy and pump you so full of my cum it'll be dripping out, and then I have to fuck it right back into you,'' Tony whispers in your ear, and that's all you need to cum for the first time.
Your moans are getting louder and louder, but neither of you cares; the entire world is allowed to know how good your husband makes you feel.
He keeps this pace until his thumb swipes over your sensitive clit a couple of times, and you squeeze his cock so good he almost cums right with you, but he manages to hold out long enough for now.
''Doing so perfect for me, Sunshine,'' he says as he slips out and puts you on your hands and knees, lining up behind you and thrusting in again with a sharp thrust, and it has you whining loudly as the pleasure courses through your veins.
''Such a gorgeous fucktoy for me right now, letting me fuck this pussy until it's wrecked and overflowing with my cum,'' Tony says as his hips thrust against your ass relentlessly, fucking you into the mattress.
This time it doesn't take long for him to cum, and he shoots it deep inside you with a loud groan before pulling out, and he falls beside you, quickly pulling you onto his chest as you both come down from it.
He keeps whispering endless praise as he rubs slow figures onto your back, letting you enjoy his warmth as you lie on his chest.
''Shall we take a bath together, Sunshine? You can relax those sore muscles a little bit there,'' he says, and you nod, so he leaves you in the bed as he prepares the bath with your favorite scented oil you got here in Fiji.
''Ready?'' he asks, and when you confirm, he picks you up and steps carefully into the bath, sitting down and placing you onto his lap, letting you lean into him.
He softly rubs every inch of your skin from your thighs to your hips, waist, and chest, paying a little more attention to your nipples before moving onto your shoulders and arms.
''I love you so much, Sunshine. And I can't wait to see our beautiful babies again in a few days,'' he says, to which you wholeheartedly agree. This week alone with Tony is absolute heaven, but having Hudson and Orion with you will make it perfect.
''I love you too, My Love,'' you say, and you turn your head to capture his lips in a soft, sweet kiss before snuggling into him again while he feeds you some strawberries and pieces of exotic fruit.
Life is perfect right now, and you can't wait to see how the rest of your life will turn out. Though it will be a lot more fun with Tony as your husband, that's for sure.
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cherryredstars · 5 months
hi hii cherry !! i love love love ur shit fr 😩
i saw this jjk's gojo fanfic the other day by @hannzai (shoutout bc also a cool writer !!) in passing where reader was his son's ex n they got revenge on him by sleeping w his dad (can't add link :/) n my mind couldn't help but end up thinking abt how the concept would be so fun to apply to miggy
i was thinking non-spider au, billionaire-ceo!single-dad!miguel who had his son, gabe (the second gabriel o'hara bc miggy loves his baby brother but has to give his kid a nickname for a distinction), young (i specifically thought of 20-22 but u could always change it to younger for a teen pregnancy thing, i just wanted him in his forties 💀). with a baby mama that walked out. miguel was a big family man nonetheless and had always made time for gabe n his family, made sure to raise him good. but somehow, his kid turned out a womanizing brat who had zero respect for others—the complete opposite of what miguel had taught n raised him to be. n it frustrates him to no end bc he doesn't know where he went wrong.
one day, gabe randomly tells him over dinner that he met someone (reader, ofc) a little older (i'm thinking four years older, so gabe is 22 n reader is 26 bc it's a good age gap for her n mig) n started dating them seriously n miguel was so surprised but he was so proud n so happy for his son, miggy himself didn't care too much for romance bc even after a little over two decades, he still thinks of how his baby mama left him n w his line of work, trust issues were necessary. but he was so happy n proud of his son !! he met reader very few times, once over dinner and a few times as his son's date to an event/ gala they were invited to n he was so glad that his boy was settling for someone so good n mature n intelligent n elegant n pretty and—
but then he realized it was all for naught be his son slept around anyw, regardless of the fact that he was supposed to be committing to someone, miggy questions his life decisions pt. ii.
reader ofc knows she's totally being cheated on, but she persevered. not be she's in love w gabe or anything, she doesn't even really like him, she was just lonely bc she only moved to nueva york recently for her job n she hadn't made any good friends yet so she's clinging :((
then it's gabe's 23rd birthday bash, they're like two months into dating, reader was hoping to get his attention that night. she wore a new dress that showed her off, shaved, spent hours on hours getting ready to look pretty so that her so-called ‘boyfriend’ would acknowledge her, only to be stumped at the party when gabe was alr sucking face with some other girl, surrounded by other women dressed skimpier than her n didn't even glance at her once. so she just ends up trying not to cry at some balcony, trying to still feel pretty bc she really did like her dress, she's regretting sm bc y did she even decide to go for someone younger, anyw, that was stupid n desperate—she always liked older guys anyw.
n guess who ends up seeing her?? her bf's hot dad!!!!!!
he approached her bc he preferred a familiar face n was never one for parties, but then he sees her crying n he immediately knew why. n for some reason, he wanted to comfort her, she was too pretty to be crying over his stupid manwhore son, anyway. he was too young to understand. miguel was older, he had the experience. he could treat her better—wait, y was he thinking that?? that's still his boy's gf.
but he just feels so so bad for her :(( maybe he should just show her exactly how she should be treated :(( starting by how to properly receive an o'hara dick ;(( (yes nsfw pls if u don't mind)
(she immediately ran off to yell at gabe from a distance n tell him she's breaking up w him ((bc she's not a cheater but which he hardly cared anyw)) before running back to pounce on papi o'hara and kiss him silly.)
optional but i think it would be funny for the next morning to happen n gabe either finds his dad n (ex) gf cuddling naked beneath the sheets in bed or seeing her in his kitchen making coffee (reader does not like coffee she made it for someone else ;)) while trying to nurse his hangover, not remembering that she was there n asking why she was, only for her to say that she was w his dad now n gabe pretty much fell out of his chair.
(preferably afab!reader pls !! also, i thought of reader being slightly more innocent ((doesn't partake in vices; drinking n smoking n all)) n kind of a good girl so do w that as u will <3 I'm so so sozzy this is so long i had to shrink it so it's not that long but i use too many words to summarize things that it's still so long anyw i'm hoping u like it enough to pick it up tho if there aren't roo many requests :D this idea has been stuck in my head for days since i read that oneshot i'm so stupid for this AGH)
Here you go!!!
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fakesimp · 2 years
"Thank you for being here.. I Love You.."
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Warning !
Fluff ; Self Indulgence ; Confession ; Established Relationship
A/n : 4th December ! It's My birthday today ! Happy birthday to me.. (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)💜
Also happy birthday for those who have their birthday on December! 💜 (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
It's another normal day, at least you thought it is. Until you felt an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to them. "Good morning babe.." they said as they snuggle their face on your nape, "morning to you too" you replied as you slowly try to turn your body facing them.
"Babe-" before you could finish your sentence, they gently placed their lips on top of yours. "Happy Birthday Darling." They whispered as they slowly move closer to you, "What do you want to do today, hm? It's your day today." They asked as they placed their hand on your cheek. Gently rubbing their thumb along your cheek, staring at you, expecting an answer from you. "Well?" They asked you again as they softly smiled at you,
"I, maybe, making cakes?.." "making cakes? Sure let's go get the ingredients and make you a birthday cake." They said as they slowly go out from the bed, also extending their hand to you. "Come on, let's go shower together-" "Huh-" "Hahah, I'm just kidding, get up now, I'll prepare you the bath, so make sure when I go out from the bathroom you're ready to go take a bath, okay?" They said as they dropped a kiss on your forehead before leaving to the bathroom.
After awhile, they walked out from the bathroom and see you still on the bed. "You really want me to pick you up and take you to the bathroom?" They teased and chuckled at your flustered state, "Stop teasing me already, god." You said as you look away trying to calm yourself down. And then you felt the bed dip next to you, and then you feel a hot breath on your ear. "Or.. perhaps.. do you want me to bathe with you, hm?" They whispered and their words made you felt hot and made you wanna melt on that exact moment. "I- S-Stop it-!" You stuttered, making them lowly chuckled at your reaction and proceeds to kiss your cheek as an apology. "Haha sorry sorry, now go take a bath babe."
. . .
After a good few minutes, you finally finished taking a bath. You waited for your lover to finish their bath too, so you sat down on the couch. As you wait, you scroll through your phone, looking through fanarts and other stuff you like to see.
"Hi baby, miss me?" They suddenly whispered on your ear, "GAH!?! YOU- Gosh!.. Hi, and no, I don't miss you-" you replied sulking. "Aw.." they softly whined and start kissing your neck, earlobe, anything they could reach with their lips. "Sorry.. we still have a cake to make, babe.." they said as they mutter an apology, "Mhm.." you replied with a hum. "Come onn.. forgive me?" They softly asked as they mindlessly drawing shapes on your upper arm, "Okay okay, fine. I can't stay mad at you.. Let's go make the cake." "Hehe.. thank you for accepting my apology.. let's go shall we?"
. . .
Hours have passed, the mess you both make on making a single cake. Is a bit, concerning. But you both did had your fun, and here it is the cake you both made in front of you. Actually looking good, both of you lowkey kind of proud of what you both created. Your Lover then decided to add some candles on them and lit them up, they stood across from you and look up to you expectantly. "Come on, make a wish.." they said and smiled at you, you blinked multiple times before decided to close your eyes, making a wish.
. . .
You blow the candle and smiled sheepishly at it, you felt childish doing that. But you like it either way. Your Lover clapped their hands and walk up to you, kissing you all over your face. "Happy. Chu Birthday. Chu To. Chu My beloved. Chu Darling. Chu-" They said as they drop a kiss each time.
"Thank You for being here with me.. I Love You.."
"I Love You too, babe.. Thank You too, for choosing me to stay by your side."
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A/n : Hopefully everyone have a great December ! A month away from reaching 2023 ! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Also Christmas is coming-- E-
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lastoneout · 6 months
you absolutely do not need to respond if you don't want to but how does the "everything feels worse because i'm finally healing" differ from "everything feels worse because things really are that bad currently"? i always wonder if there's a way to tell them apart. glad you're getting recovering!
Imo the difference so far, is that back when I was still in an unsafe place that was making my trauma worse, between the hysterical sobbing meltdowns I just felt so....normal. I would freak out and break sometimes, but after that I would feel weirdly fine. Or even at times like I didn't have emotions at all? It was like my brain was going "there is no war in ba sing se" to protect me and keep me from freaking out too bad, and like it kinda was! My major coping mechanism has always been ignoring my emotions and shoving them all in a box until they aren't bothering me anymore. And when I was in those shitty situations that was helpful, because I needed to keep myself alive and I wasn't going to be able to do that if I was a sobbing mess all the time.
Also, the one time it got really, really bad, like I was so deep in a traumatic situation it was clearly just completely destroying me, I really did feel like that part in Inside Out where Riley's console just goes dark and none of her emotions can press any buttons. There was this overwhelming sense of dread and misery, and I could barely take care of myself at all. I stopped going to school and showering and I barely ate anything, I didn't talk to my friends, and tbh I did some stuff that I am SUPER not proud of, bcs my brain legit wasn't working at all, and it wasn't until I got out that I started feeling like a person again.
The pain of healing never feels like that. Yes, I am in a bad mental space a lot of the time, I'm depressed and I have nightmares that make me legit so depressed I spend the whole day crying, but there's like...idk this undercurrent of function and focus that wasn't there before. I can keep doing things WHILE being sad(for the most part), instead of only being able to function when I am repressing everything. And tbh it really does feel like I don't have a choice in the matter, which sounds bad but it's kinda nice? Like my brain is done repressing things and isn't going to let me do it anymore. Every time I try it's almost like there's a firm but kind voice in my head saying "no, we can't do that anymore, you have to face this, it's okay".
It's kinda weird too bcs the deeper into healing I get the less my old coping mechanisms help. Hell most of them don't even work anymore. As an example my mom got into a car wreck recently and she was in the hospital for a while, and when I found out I tried to go into my "no feelings no nonsense we have to be strong now" mode, but it didn't work?? I spent the whole time I was there crying, and like!! I actually was happy I was crying!! Because I've never been able to do that!! It's such a weird thing to be happy I'm upset but like, it means I'm making progress.
And that makes every single moment of misery bearable because I know I need this. I've needed this my entire life, and it hurts and is scary, and sometimes I do have to just zone out and play video games or spend a day in bed being sad, but I just...know it's the right thing. Idk how else to explain it, I just know.
It also helps that now I know what a happy, safe life looks like and I know it's there waiting for me. I know this work is worthwhile because I don't want to live my life the way I used to. And I am in a happy, supportive relationship that actively inspires me to work on myself and be a better person. I know not everyone has that, but framing it in a way where I am trying to be better not just for myself but for the people I love helps give me that extra bit of strength I need to keep going.
Anyway this is kinda rambly, sorry, but I did want to answer. If anyone else has any advice for anon feel free to add it on!! I have to go to therapy now lmao but when I'm done if I think of anything else I'll add it!
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gryficowa · 2 months
We'll laugh, he tries to push me, but it fails
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My grandmother was born a few years after the end of the war, and the second one wasn't even Polish, but French, so yes, I'm trying to push, but it doesn't work very well
Plus I'm Kashubian, so even better
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The Kashubian griffin is waiting to show off his knowledge of Poland
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Yes, yes, because being pro-Israel and saying that Palestinians are not called terrorists, and yet insisting that Israel should stay, even though the country was created in such a way that the US put people of Jewish origin in this place, and they started attacking Palestinians and gradually depriving them of any rights because they are Jews and they can, because if you criticize, you are an anti-Semite
I'll probably be an anti-Semite because I criticize a Jew, it's a pity that he showed his xenophobic side, because I'm sorry, but your origin doesn't change anything, if you're trash, you're trash, isn't that what equality should look like? On not justifying evil just because of its origin? And yes, we have reached such absurdity, that if Israel or the Christian church commits genocides, should we seriously accept it because they are discriminated against? Well, this is no longer a fight against discrimination, it is a fight to ensure that those discriminated against can go unpunished in such situations
Do you know who is from the discriminated group? Me, I have ASD, I'm aroace (Queer) and I'm a fucking national minority in my country because I'm fucking Kashubian
In addition, I have fucking social anxiety, but I have to endure a lot, in 2020 my country created a campaign against queer people, and on top of that, the church took part in signing the "Stop-LGBT" petition and pro-life people with vans were driving and tearing all kinds of disgusting things on the topic of queer people (Fuck, I mentioned that my country did this, but no, I'm probably too privileged because yes)
I live with my mother, my sister and her daughter, because they don't want to hire me, because fuck "They don't have accommodations for people like me", but I still hear them calling me a freeloader on the Internet
And now the Palestinians, who don't even have anything to survive because Israel is fucking taking it from them, and are victims of terrorist attacks (But they're Jews, so don't say anything, or you'll be an anti-Semite, classic, right?), they don't even have work, because Israel loves to take away their freedom to move, because there has never been fucking segregation in history, and if they rebel, they are terrorists, a lot of people there are fucking starving because Israel is stingy
People from Palestine are treated like shit, but go on and say that they persecute Jews because they support Palestine and despise what fucking Israel is, and then write that Hitler would be proud that you criticize Jews for what they write (And yes, a lot I have mentioned many times that there are a lot of Jews behind Palestine and I will say one thing: You are fucking great, you have courage and you stand on the side of the weaker, unfortunately, I see how other Jews laugh at you in the comments, which is sad, but don't give up, because remember, there is strength in the masses)
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(Mabel for those who fight for Palestine despite being attacked in the comments by other Jews)
Unfortunately, many such wonderful people are lost among Israelis who are happy about the deaths of children and attack everyone for anti-Semitism
So yes, I could write mainly about myself, but I can't think only about myself (Unfortunately, communication problems are difficult, especially when you try to describe your thoughts), but I have to add this, simply one Jew being pro-Israel will not hide other Jews who are for Palestine, one xenophobe Jew will not cover those who have a lot of empathy, if we criticize Jews, it is those from Israel, people outside Israel are not to blame for all this, all we can hope is that somewhere in Israel there is an Israeli who is not happy with what his country is doing and is fed up with other Israelis using anti-Semitism as a defensive shield every time someone talks about Israel's crimes, Unfortunately, I haven't met such a person yet and I'm starting to doubt whether this hope is false, because none of us wants to believe that the world is black and white, that there are no people in a specific place who are the only ones who don't like what they do. their country
Seriously, I saw Jews who are for Palestine, but many of them were from outside Israel, so I'm afraid this hope is false
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hollyhomburg · 3 months
LI!‼️‼️ OMG
This chapter has made me gobsmacked!!!!
Like it was so well written!! And idk,, but the way your write the shower part just makes it so easy to imagine. Like the whole thing is so easy to picture and understand.
AND POOR MC FINDING THAT IN HER /EAR/ !! I would've thrown up just like tae tbh. I also thought she was partially deaf in that ear when she was saying she couldn't hear properly-
The whole part from mc in the closet calling moonbyul wasn't that shocking to me? tbh I was kind of expecting it? Because when she shushed Namjoon in the bathroom I know she didnt do it because he believed what he was saying. Maybe it's because I have a slightly similar mindset to the mc when it comes to things like this (taking responsibility when things go wrong) but I just knew she was gonna try and do something.
And just because I'm a dumb bunny😓 I did NOT see hobi's secret coming AT ALL so I am more shocked now than ever before. Idk why but hobi's secret out of everyones is the most shocking to me for some reason. Maybe it's coz I was like already shocked and like thinking about everything else in the chapter? But it really has shocked me beyond anything else.
BUT NOW i'm just questioning moonbyul!! Like?? I thought she was an alpha?? or am I just stupid and remember wrong?? Or did hobi not realise? Or did she hide it from him?? Like I'm so confused!! Even when describing the scents ,, didn't the mc describe them once?? and didn't she describe them like really putrid or something?? or was it just because she was in a situation she didn't want to be in? OR AM I REMEMBERING WRONG AGAIN?! if i am i apologise 😓
but this whole chapter really was an EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER!! It literally had me going 'what the heck??' and 'hold on- wait?!' like over and over and over!! You did so well Li!! Good job and thanks for writing such an amazing chapter!! Can't wait for the next one!!
Stay safe and healthy 🫶
(also I asked to be an anon before but forgot which one so can I please be ☁️ anon?)
Ahhhh thank you for sending such a cute ask <3 I’ve been so distracted the last few days I haven’t even gotten to all of these!!
I think one of the reasons why it’s easy for people to picture bily is because I also see it super cinematically- and most of the writing process for me is just continually asking “what could I add to make this feel more real? What am I pictureing that I’m not saying?” there was this tictok trend talking about the minds eye and how some people see nothing when they imagine and other people see everything…I’m pretty sure I’m one of the very few 4k, smell, touch, sound, level imaginers out there lol
Yes! You’re right in assuming that this is the m/c trying to take responsibility for the situation! Because it was her reliance on Moonbyul in the past that made the pack get into this situation in the first place! It’s character growth and I’m very proud of her 🥰
You’re not a dumb bunny! I was trying to toe the line between it being a complete surprise and having people figure it out! The fact that it seems to be a dead even split of people who didn’t know and did means I’m learning! And that I did it alright!
As for your questions- I did a little breakdown post of a it a while back but! Basically Moonbyul didn’t have to hide anything from Hobi at the time- because she wasn’t taking the drugs to turn her scent into an alpha’s scent. The scene you’re thinking of with the m/c- she describes their scents that way because Moonbyul is on the edge of needing another dose and her omegan scent it starting to peak through. It’s all chemically because of the drugs which is why the m/c doesn’t like it.
I’m so happy you enjoyed it!! I’m already about 3.5k into the next chapter- I know it will need tons of editing but I feel like this is the first chapter that’s come easy to me in a good long while <3
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fatuismooches · 7 months
greetings, miss smooches ~
hello hi dearest!! i hope all has been well for you today <3 if not, i hope this lengthy and i mean lengthy ask can manage to bring at least a smile to your face.
on the ninth of june this year, i discovered your blog again through your very first installment of your kabukimono series. i never had the courage to send an ask until recently, and my dumbass realized i never followed your blog.
it's a little surreal to believe that it's been so long, i remember being a wee seventeen year old back in 2022 gushing over every kuni piece you published, then i read your masterlist on my birthday, and was swoon since then. it's a shame that i never had the courage to reblog your works at least, but i suppose it's better late than never ~
i saw your post today morning regarding your kabukimono series and i would like to present mindful:
first of all, your last two chapters i did read and HAH! I WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABOUT WANDERER'S BEING BITTERSWEET — cough. excuse me.
but absolutely yes omg. a lesson in forgiveness had my heart reeling because the sweetness of kuni still remembering both little and big things about his dearest beloved almost made me shed a tear which is natural because they were lovers but fuck me sideways that combined with the bitter reality that reader isn't able to remember neither do they remember the past the two shared. i can just about imagine him, after the encounter he had with reader in the cafe, he wonders if he'll be able to make things right, wonders of he deserves a second chance to love you like he used to and... ugh. i hate him. i hope he gets microwaved. ( lies aya loves him way too much )
the bonus lesson, a lesson in the heart — shut up because getting MARRIED to kabukimono is literally fucking everything. that lesson had me giggling and kicking my feet and smiling from ear to ear like come on?? kabuki is literally the husband of all time and i just wanna lay down in the puddle of tears i metaphorically shed reading that lesson :( the way he was just kissing reader so lovingly and talking about how grateful he is for you, how much his life has changed thanks to your wonderful presence like .. fuck. i need a moment
there is so much more that i could honestly say about the last two installments to your series, your series as a whole is something i will never shut up about. such a hauntingly beautiful piece of work and i adore everything it tackled; from the delightful to the depressing and everything in-between if you hyper analyze it like i do — it's surreal to see it come to an end, but it makes me all the more proud to be one of the people who discovered it early, stuck around to read it because it was that enthralling to me.
you rarely ever find a kabukimono fic or any kuni fic in general that's set in a more fluffy and domestic atmosphere ( until shit goes down hill ) and i think that's what adds to the haunting nature of it, something so beautiful and simple can at times be taken away too soon by the hands of fate.
i am so happy for you, smooches. so happy and so proud to see you come this far, and i cannot wait for not only future installments for the other harbingers, but just in general a lot more to come from you <3
if you do start on that dot series, make sure to take your time and write it at your own pace! you are a busy individual, and i hope you get the much needed break you deserve now that the kabuki series has come to a close.
take care lovely, remember to stay hydrated and treat yourself to whatever you crave! be safe, and i will see you when i see you <3
— signed, ayame.
AHHH HI AYAME!! <3 This ask is SO SO SO SWEET ahhh thank you so much it really did put a smile on my face!! Damn i can't believe you've been around for so long 😭😭 I'm really glad you were able to make your way back to me. It's super sweet to hear how much you like my Scara works ❤️ BUT YEAHHH YOU WERE RIGHT I just felt like it being bittersweet for Wanderer would be the perfect ending. Yup the sad things happened and there's nothing he can do about the past, but the future is always waiting for him. Especially when you're there with him now. AND OMG THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THE STUFF KUNI REMEMBERS WITH YOU 😭 I was literally going back to the previous lessons to try and find the best memories to incorporate with Wanderer. And yeahhh he definitely wonders if he's worthy of another chance with you :( He already blew the first one and turned into this kind of person so does he really deserve you? I imagine he's a bit stiff and perhaps even a bit quiet around you which is really strange? I mean he's silent around a lot of people except he always has a few scoffs and mean things to say but around you, he doesn't do much of that. It takes a lot of nudging from Nahida to get him back to normal.
I'm glad you feel the same way about marrying Kabukimono 😭 It's literally the SWEETEST thing ever omg he'd be over the moon every single day even though the wedding is months away. He's like. beyond excited to marry you. I just know he tries to be the perfect fiance for you in every way possible. He has a little notebook with tips from the villagers and Niwa. *gives you a tissue and a hug*
AHHH EJDEDENDJW shit you're hyping me up too much Ayame 😭❤️❤️🥺 I don't know what else to say beside thank youuuu I'm beyond overjoyed that this series means that much to you 😭😭 It does make me really sad to see it end because i truly enjoyed writing it but. I'm satisfied and I'm glad i gave reader and Wanderer a happy ending :))
AND YEAHHH i think fluff for Kabukimono is in limited quantity so I'm glad i could add to it!! i think adding fluff before angst is a really good way to build up the sadness. Because you see how lovely and simple life was before things changed and it just hits harder since you now know things will never be the same again... </3 once you know how good things used to be, it's hard to accept the opposite.
Once again thank you so so much Ayame <33 I hope you continue to enjoy my future works. Whenever i write Scara I'm going to be thinking of you now. Please make sure to take care of yourself as well okay? ❤️💗💗💗🫶
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shockwave-princess · 2 years
South Park Concert Spoilers and Long Post About My Experience
It was an absolute fucking dream come true - I am so happy with my experience and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow
We got great seats about 6 rows from the front - Boogie and Betty were directly in front of us in the first row
We were there for a while when they were setting up. Betty and a friend (possibly Matt's daughter?) were walking around and waving to the audience. It was very cute.
They showed a Casa Bonita update video - very funny and it got me even more excited for the documentary. I'll upload the video ASAP. It makes me want a Matt and Trey reality show
Ween opened with a couple songs, then Primus came out. Instead of doing separate sets, they sort of took turns/played together throughout the night with south park songs interspersed.
Trey was wearing pretty much what I expected, but Matt's blue tracksuit caught me off guard lmao
We were so CLOSE to them - and we were in their line of sight pretty often. My energy level was at a 10 anytime Matt or Trey did anything, and in my heart and imagination, they looked at me a few times.
From my perspective, a large portion of the audience was much more familiar with Primus/Ween/mainstream SP songs (which is to be expected). At one point they played "Man Up" from BOM and I swear to god, after they finished Matt turned to Trey and said "they don't know that one" and laughed.
TREY PLAYED WHEN I WAS ON TOP OF YOU I was so fucking happy. Again, not something I think a lot of people knew unfortunately
When they weren't playing - and Primus or Ween were on, Matt and Trey sat in chairs on stage. They kept looking out into the audience and smiling - it was very cute.
Each of them totally killed it - Matt on ukelele, guitar, bass, and drums - he was so good and I love seeing him smile. TREY ON PIANO WAS A FUCKING DREAM - I can't remember which song it was, but he did some fancy shit it was crazy. Les Claypool is a god, Bruce Howell killed it, and Dean Ween was awesome - and I'm also certain I made eye contact with Les and Dean a ton, but again, that's probably my imagination lol it was a big crowd
Several mics on stage were set to different pitches so they could do the boys' voices as they needed. For one song, Matt was singing as Butters but also playing guitar - he explained that they tried a lot of things, but if their voices are pitched up while they are playing an instrument, it will be in the wrong key. So for that song, he played guitar while doing Butters' voice, but the pitch was his normal voice.
There were hat changes that I enjoyed very much. Matt in a cowboy hat 10/10
They did the ballad of lemmiwinks - everyone on stage was in these funny costumes, and throughout the song the different characters were supposed to come out. I think the people in the costumes kept missing their cue and Trey was trying to wave people on and off lol. He recognized it wasn't going as planned and said "the animals are fucking it up you guys!" It was very camp.
They had these awesome backup singers - a very talented group of girls and they killed it.
They did the DVDA version of Brain Boitano - I was jumping up and down the whole time
The America Fuck Yeah encore was awesome - they kept faking us out that the show was over and then coming back
I might add more as I process everything - but they guys seemed so happy and I am so proud of them. Matt and Trey did such a good job
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thevampsworld96 · 2 months
A Chance Encounter - BWS
Hey, everyone. I hope you're doing well. I've been working this all morning and I hope that you enjoy it.
Nerves were hitting you like a lightning strike, but you did your best not to worry about them. You stood in front of the mirror, shuffling and dusting off the lint that was on your black dress as you had a date tonight. You loved the way it hugged your curves it was just perfect.
Tonight was the night where Brad, who was a friend but a couple of nights before he had declared his feelings towards you. The pair of you went to a party as it was a friend and of you asked Brad to come and he never really hesitated to yes but when he you squealed with joy.
Moving back to the present, you spent hours getting ready cause you know the time you take, so you thought to get ready early even though Brad was the one who was going to pick you up.
The one last thing left to do was add some lipstick to finish off the look. You searched for the perfect shade, which diskt took long, finally agreed on a cherry red shade while finishing off your phone, which sat on the dressing table, began to buzz it was Bradley.
"Hey, just to let you know, I'm on my way. Can't wait to see you!"
You couldn't stop smiling after reading that instantly. You started to feel butterflies. You grabbed your phone and keys and put them in your bag, and hurried downstairs as you heard a knock on the door, and you didn't want to keep him waiting.
Running to the door, you opened it, and you found him standing there leaning against your frame of the door. He looked very effortless and handsome waiting for you, which he did patiently.
"Hey wow well don't you look bloody gorgeous tonight
Bradley says with a warm smile on his face, and then shortly afterwards, you give him one back. Your cheeks were flushed as complimented you.
"Thanka, you clean up nicely yourself too"
You said to him, and while chuckling nervously but you found it cute.
"Shall we go?"
He asked you.
"Yes, let's go"
You say to him while closing the door behind you, and he offers his arm for you to hold, and you never hesitated to take it.
"Now the restaurant isn't far from here, so I decided to walk it if that's OK with you. Y/N"
He asked politely. He looked at you with the same charming smile that you always loved.
"That's OK with me, Bradley"
You said to him with a smile once, and you both strolled along the pavement. It was a cool, crisp evening but wasn't too cold or too it was just perfect.
While walking, it gave you both a chance to have a conversation, which made you laugh as Bradley was telling something that had happened in the studio while he was working, and the pair of you laughed and just like that you reached the restaurant. You felt a feeling of surprisingly at ease while being in his presence, but this wasn’t new. You always felt that with him, but tonight, it was a different way.
At the restaurant, the staff placed you both on a cosy corner table and clearly knew you were on a date. You both ordered some drinks and food. Once they arrived, you both had started some random conversations.
"So how's the writing coming along"
You asked him while sipping your drink and eating the food you ordered.
"It's going fantastically well. I've been a studio rat, actually"
You laughed.
"A studio rat, oh, that is just hilarious"
You said to him he then chuckled to himself as he knew it was true.
"It's true Y/N"
He added.
"Tell how's work going for you"
He asked.
"It's going great. I'm getting a promotion"
You say to him. Bradley's lit up excitement and happiness for you and your accomplishment.
"No way you kept that quiet, Y/N that is bloody amazing you deserve it"
He said to you while giving you an applause that he was so happy and proud of you as he knew you were great at your job. The pair of you spent the whole night talking sharing stories and thoughts and opinions on certain things and before you knew it. It then came to closing time, and you made your way to the exit while thanking the staff who have served you.
The pair of you stood outside the restaurant, and my hands started to touch as your eyes locked on to each other's and started to burst out laughing once more, remembering the last conversation.
Bradley walked you back to your flat. You leaned against your door, hands still interwined. The pair of you realised they had to say goodbye reluctantly, though you didn't want this night to end.
"I really don't want this night to end Brad"
You say to him.
"Neither do I," He said, hesitating just slightly before he carried on. "I honestly had the best time tonight. we should do it again some other time. Can we do it all again"
He asked you.
Your heart soared with happiness hearing the words that he had said.
"I would love that more than anything. Thank you for a lovely night. " You were unable to contain her smile, and then you wrapped your arms around him, and instead of him doing back, he kissed your lips, which you didn't really deny or pull away it felt right on this perfect night..
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